Jee Advanced Previous Year Paper Class 12 Physics 2022 Paper 2 Doubtnut English Medium

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2022 - Paper 2


1. A particle of mass 1 kg is subjected to a force

which depends on the position as

F = − k(x î + y ĵ) kg m s
with k =
kg s
.At time t = 0 the particle's position

m and its velocity

r = ( î + √2 ĵ)

. Let
→ −1
v = ( − √2 î + √2 ĵ + k̂)ms

vx and vy denote the x and the y components

of the particle's velocity respectively . Ignore

gravity . When z = 0.5 m , the value of

(xvy − yvx ) is ____ m 2


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2. In a radioactive chain reaction , .


nucleus decays into . 214

Po nucleus . The ratio
of the number of α to number of β −

emitted in this process is ____.

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3. Two resistances R 1 = XΩ and R 2 = 1Ω

are connected to a wire AB of uniform

resistivity , as shown in the figure , The radius

of the wire linearly along its axis from 2.2 mm

at A to 1 mm at B . A galvanometer (G)

connected to the center of the wire , 50 cm

from each and along its axis shows zero

deflection when A and B are connected to a

battery . The value of X is ______.

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4. In a particular system of units , a physical

quantity can be expressed in terms of the

electic charge e , electron mass me , Planck's

constant h , and Coulomb's constant

k = , where ε0 is the permittivity of

vacumm . In terms of these physical constants

, the dimension of the magnetic field is

. The value of
α β γ δ
[B] = [e] [m e ] [h] [k]

α + β + γ + δ is _________.

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5. Consider a configuration of n identical units

, each consisting of three layers . The first layer

is a column of air of height h = cm , and

the second and third layers are of equal

√3 − 1
thickness d = cm , and the refractive

indices μ1 = √ and μ2 = √3 , respectively

. A light source O is placed on the top of the

first unit , as shown in the figure .A ray of light

from O is incident on the second layer of the

first unit at an angle of θ = 60

to the normal

. For a specific value of n , the ray of light

emerges from the bottom of the configuration

at a distance l = cm , as shown in the
figure . The values of n is ___.

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6. A charge q is surrounded by a closed surface

consisting of an inverted cone of height h and

base radius R , and a hemisphere of radius R

as shown in the figure . The electric flux
n q
through the conical surface is ( in SI

units ). The value of n is ______.

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7. On a frictionless horizontal plane , a bob of

mass m = 0.1 kg is attached to a spring with

natural length l0 = 0.1 m . The spring

constant is k 1 = 0.009N m
when the

length of the spring l > l0 and is

k 2 = 0.016N m
when l < l0 .Initially the

bob is released from l = 0.15 m .Assume that

Hooke's law remains valid throughout the

motion . If the time period of the full

oscillation is T =(nπ) s, then the integer

closest to n is _____.
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8. An object and a concave mirror of focal

length f = 10 cm both move along the principal

axis of the mirror with constant speeds . The

object moves with speed V0 = 15cms


towards the mirror with respect to a

laboratory frame . The distance between the

object and the mirror at a given moment is

denoted by u . When u = 30 cm , the speed of

the mirror Vm is such that the image is

instaneously at rest with respect to the

laboratory frame , and the object forms a real

image .The magnitude of V is _______ cm s


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9. In the figure , the inner (shaded ) region .A

represents a sphere of radius rA = 1 , within

which the electrostatic charge density varies

with the radial distance r from the center as

ρ A = kr , where k is positive . In the spherical

shell B of outer radius rB , the electrostatic

charge density varies as ρβ = . Assume

that dimensions are taken care of .All physical

quantities are in their SI units .

Which of the following statements (s) is (are )

correct ?

A. If rB = √ ,then the electric field is

zero everywhere outside B.

B. If rB = ,then the electric potential

just outside B is .

C. If rB = 2 , then the total charge of the

configuration is 15πk

D. Ifr B
= , then the magnitude of the

electric field just outside B is .

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10. In Circuit-1 and Circuit-2 shown in the


R 1 = 1Ω, R 2 = 2Ω and R 3 = 3ΩP1 and P2

are the power dissipations in Circuit-1 and

Circuit-2 when the switches S1 and S2 are in

open conditions, respectively . Q1

and Q2 are

the power dissipations in Circuit-1 and Circuit-

2 when the switches S1 and S2 are in closed

conditions, respectively.
Which of the following (s) is (are ) correct ?

A. When a voltage source of 6 ? is

connected across A and B in both

circuits P 1
< P2 s

B. When a constant current source of 2 ???

is connected across A and B in both

circuits,P 1
> P2

C. When a voltage source of 6 ? is

connected across A and B in Circuit-1

Q1 > P1

D. When a constant current source of 2 ???

is connected across A and B in both

circuits,Q 2
< Q1

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11. A bubble has surface tension S. The ideal

gas inside the bubble has ratio of specific

heats γ = .The bubble is exposed to the

atmosphere and it always retains its spherical

shape. When the atmospheric pressure is Pa1

the radius of the bubble is found to ber and 1

the temperature of the enclosed gas is T1 .

When the atmospheric pressure is Pa2 ,the

radius of the bubble and the temperature of

the enclosed gas are r 2

and T2 ,respectively .

Which of the following statement(s) is(are)

A. If the surface of the bubble is a perfect

heat insulator, then

Pa2 +
( ) =
Pa1 +

B. If the surface of the bubble is a perfect

heat insulator, then the total internal

energy of the bubble including its

surface energy does not change with the

external atmospheric pressure

C. If the surface of the bubble is a perfect

heat conductor and the change in

atmospheric temperature is negligible,
Pa2 +
then (
) =
Pa1 +

D. ) If the surface of the bubble is a perfect

heat insulator, then

5 4S
2 Pa2 +
T2 r2
( ) =
Pa1 +

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12. A disk of radius R with uniform positive

charge density σ is placed on the xy plane with

its center at the origin. The Coulomb potential

along the z-axis is

V (z) =
2 2
(√R + z − z) .

A particle of positive charge ? is placed initially

at rest at a point on the z axis with ?

z = z0 and z0 > 0 . In addition to the

Coulomb force, the particle experiences a

vertical force F = − ck̂ with c > 0 . Let
β = Which of the following

statement(s) is(are) correct?

1 25
A. For β = and z0 = , the particle
4 7

reaches the origin

1 3
B. For β = and z0 = R , the particle
4 7

reaches the origin.

1 R
C. For β = and z0 = the particle
4 √3

returns back to z = z0

D. For β > 1 and z0 > 0 ,the particle

always reaches the origin.

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13. A double slit setup is shown in the figure.

One of the slits is in medium 2 of refractive

index?n . The other slit is at the interface of


this medium with another medium 1 of

refractive indexn1
( ≠ n2 ) . The line joining the

slits is perpendicular to the interface and the

distance between the slits is ?. The slit widths

are much smaller than d. A monochromatic

parallel beam of light is incident on the slits

from medium 1. A detector is placed in

medium 2 at a large distance from the slits,

and at an angleθ ? from the line joining them,

so that ?θ equals the angle of refraction of the

beam. Consider two approximately parallel

rays from the slits received by the detector.

Which of the following statement(s) is(are)

A. The phase difference between the two

rays is independent of ?.

B. The two rays interfere constructively at

the detector

C. The phase difference between the two

rays depends on n1 but is independent

of n .

D. The phase difference between the two

rays vanishes only for certain values of ?

and the angle of incidence of the beam,

with θ being the corresponding angle of


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14. In the given P-V diagram, a monoatomic

gas (γ = ) is is first compressed

adiabatically from state A to state B. Then it

expands isothermally from state B to state C. [

Given ( ) ≅ 0.5, In2 ≅ 0.7 ]
Which of the following statement(s) is(are)


A. The magnitude of the total work done in

the process A → BC is 144 kJ.

B. The magnitude of the work done in the

process B → C is 84 kJ .
C. The magnitude of the work done in the

process A → B is 60 kJ .

D. The magnitude of the work done in the

process C → A is zero .

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15. A flat surface of a thin uniform disk A of

radius R is glued to a horizontal table. Another

thinuniform disk B of mass M and with the

same radius R rolls without slipping on the

circumference of A, as shown in the figure. A

flat surface of B also lies on the plane of the

table. The center of mass of B has fixed

angular speed ω about the vertical axis

passing through the center of A. The angular

momentum of B is nM ωR
with respect to

the center of A. Which of the following is the

value of n?

A. 2

B. 5


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16. When light of a given wavelength is

incident on a metallic surface, the minimum

potential needed to stop the emitted

photoelectrons is 6.0 V. This potential drops to

0.6 V if another source with wavelength four

times that of the first one and intensity half of

the first one is used. What are the wavelength

of the first source and the work function of

the metal, respectively?

hc −6 −1
[ Take = 1.24 × 10 J m C ]

A. 1.72 × 10 −7
m, 1.20eV

B. 1.72 × 10 −7
m, 5.60eV

C. 3.78 × 10 −7
m, 5.60eV

D. 3.78 × 10 −7
m, 1.20eV

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17. Area of the cross-section of a wire is

measured using a screw gauge. The pitch of

the main scale is0.5 mm. The circular scale has

100 divisions and for one full rotation of the

circular scale, the mainscale shifts by two

divisions. The measured readings are listed


What are the diameter and cross-sectional

area of the wire measured using the screw

A. 2.22 ± 0.02 mm, π(1.23 ± 0.02)mm 2

B. 2.22 ± 0.01mm, π(1.23 ± 0.01) mm


C. 2.14 ± 0.02 mm, π(1.14 ± 0.02) mm


D. 2.14 ± 0.01 mm, π(1.14 ± 0.01) mm


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18. Which one of the following options

represents the magnetic field B at O due to

the current flowing in the given wire segments

lying on the xy plane?

→ − μ0 I 3 1
A. B = ( + )k̂
L 2 4√2π

→ μ0 l 3 1
B. B = − ( + )k̂
L 2

→ − μ0 I 1
C. B = (1 + )k̂
L 4√2π

→ − μ0 I 1
D. B = (1 + )k̂
L 4π
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