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Sustainable Tourism Development: International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences

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International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences

Available online at https://sloap.org/journals/index.php/irjmis/

Vol. 5 No. 2, March 2018, pages: 248~254
ISSN: 2395-7492

Sustainable Tourism Development

I Made Suniastha Amerta a

I Made Sara b
Kompiang Bagiada c

Article history: Abstract

As a global phenomenon, tourism sector plays a very significant role in the

Received: 10 September 2017
global economic development for the last three decades. This sector has given
Revised: 25 February 2018
a very fundamental endorsement of income to many countries all over the
Approved: 15 March 2018
world. This article tries to explain the concepts of sustainable development in
Published: 28 March 2018
the tourism sector which were taken from some sources and how tourism as
an essential industry can be developed sustainably. It is expected that the
Keywords: development of sustainable tourism should be able to handle the three basic
principles of ecological sustainability, social and cultural sustainability, and
Tourism Sector;
economic sustainability for both present and future generations. In other
Tourism Stakeholders;
words, sustainable tourism development should always beneficial and give a
Sustainable Tourism
good effect to the local communities, governments, and investors as tourism
stakeholders at present days as well as in the future time.

2395-7492© Copyright 2018. The Author.

This is an open-access article under the CC BY-SA license
All rights reserved.
Author correspondence:
I Made Suniastha Amerta,
Senior Lecturer in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University,
Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
Email address: jrokadek@yahoo.co.id

1. Introduction
The tourism sector has performed consistently well all over the world for the last three decades [2]. It was begun
when its hidden potential was recognized and steps were taken to develop it. Since then, this marvelous industry
globally has able to provide job opportunities for a huge number of job seekers all over the globe. This attractive
industry is not something new in the world. [8] It has existed since the beginning of human civilization itself which
was first characterized by the movement of people who made a pilgrimage and other religious journeys.
As a social phenomenon, tourism concerns with the sum of phenomena and relationships arising from the
interaction of tourists, businesses, host governments, and host communities, in the process of attracting and hosting
these tourists and other visitors [8]. The sector will never end and will be always needed by people all over the

a Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia

b Economic Development Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
c Economic Development Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia

IRJMIS ISSN: 2395-7492  249
Nowadays, tourism is a major industry or as a leading sector for many countries and becomes the fastest growing
industry in the world [7]. Tourism development is an integral part of the development of other sectors that are
always implemented in a sustainable manner that always synergize with various components and other supporting
sectors. Meanwhile, the rapid economic growth in the Asia Pacific region suggests a wide opportunity for the
development of tourism markets for tourism development in the South East Asian countries such as Thailand,
Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. The potential of tourism in Indonesia, for instance, is rich among others. Indonesia has a
large tourism potential of cultural heritage and nature as a capital for its tourism development.
In Indonesia, the tourism sector is the very encouraging economic growth of the nation and its people. This
amazing industry had been developed since the 1970s and has rapidly developed since 1990s. This sector, however,
has already given positive effects on the economic development of the country and also has contributed some
negative impacts dealing with social, cultural, and the environment of the country. However, a sustainable
development approach is a must do to keep tourism on and beneficial for tourism stakeholders in the country.

2. Research Methods
This article is written trough compiling the relevant concepts or theories, data, and facts using library method.
All of the concepts or theories, data, and facts used, were taken from some related sources and those can be seen
in the references.

2.1 The concept of Sustainable Tourism

The development of the tourism in the world today is concerned in the sustainable aspects of preservation of
cultural heritage and conservation of the natural environment. Many destinations have begun to minimize the
social-cultural impacts and the impact on the environment due to tourism. Tourism development nowadays tends
to no longer adapt the massed tourism development but more in the form of special interest tourism development
or considered as an alternative tourism development.
The stage of development of this tourism is more as a stimulus to the concern for the carrying capacity of the
natural and cultural environment as well as the welfare of local communities. From the motivation, awareness and
growing maturity among these special interest travelers, destinations are required to assess the carrying capacity of
the natural and cultural environments in order to accommodate the expectations of tourists not limited to the
physical products offered, more than that, experience and understanding outstanding (the real experiences) and
quality innovative services. An example is the authenticity of the cultural appeal (authenticity)that information can
relate to the interpretation of the environment.
WTO (1993) stated that sustainable development should embrace the three basic principles of ecological
sustainability, social and cultural sustainability, and economic sustainability for both present and future generations
which will come. In addition to the sustainability of natural and economic resources, cultural sustainability is a
very important resource in the development of tourism. Sustainable tourism will be achieved if there is a continuous
use of natural resources, cultural resources, and human resources in addition to economic sustainability fairly and
Sustainable tourism development can be achieved if the level of utilization of various resources does not go
beyond the regeneration ability of those resources. Furthermore, it is said that the principles of sustainable tourism
development are (1) maintaining the quality of the environment, (2) providing benefits to local communities and
tourists; (3) maintaining the links between tourism and the environment; (4) maintaining harmony among local
people, and environment, (5) create dynamic conditions tailored to carrying capacity, and (6) all stakeholders must
work together on the same mission to realize sustainable development [2].
Conceptually, sustainable tourism is managed in improving the welfare, economy, and public health. The
escalation of quality of life can be achieved by minimizing the negative impact of non-renewable natural resources.
The effort to develop alternative tourism should be sustainable and maintainable in the future time. Tourism
sustainability should not be a lip service discourse only without the existence of a commitment from some related
parties to maintain the natural, socio-economic, and cultural sustainability of society as the basic capital of tourism.
In other words, a sustainable tourism development can be seen from three dimensions, namely environmental,
economic, and social.
These three dimensions must receive serious attention from various components of society. In terms of the
environment that includes the natural environment, the farmed environment, the wildlife, the built environment,
and the natural resources of sustainability must be maintained and preserved. However, if it is seen from the
economic and socio-cultural point of view, tourism should be able to give contribution the local people, improve
Amerta, I. M. S., Sara, I. M., & Bagiada, K. (2018). Sustainable tourism development. International Research
Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 5(2), 248-254.
250  ISSN: 2395-7492

their living standards, and preserve the culture of society so that the people have a strong reason to maintain the
sustainability of the tourism.

2.2 Characteristics of Sustainable Tourism

The mission of sustainable tourism development among others is to raise awareness and active role of local
community in tourism activity. The cultural quality and attractiveness of tourism remain the values of keeping the
personality traits of the nation, as well as the prestige and dignity of the nation increasing the participation of local
communities in the development of tourism areas (GBHN, 2000). The characteristics of sustainable tourism are as
1. Reduce excessive use of natural resources
2. Using sustainable natural, cultural and socio-cultural resources
3. Involve local communities in the development of tourist areas
4. Provide economic benefits to local communities
5. Maintain biodiversity
6. Do not damage the natural environment
7. Enabling natural resources for future generations
8. Coordinate with relevant stakeholders in tourism object development
9. Train local people to be skilled and professional
10. Provide accurate, efficient and effective information
11. Integrating a holistic planning
12. Doing marketing responsibly.

In addition, the sustainable tourism development should pay attention to the development of the following tourism
1. Tourism development should be able to build an appreciation of indigenous peoples to their culture and
2. Har development based on careful planning attempted to strengthen the existing local potential.
3. Tourism development is based on preservation and future-oriented.
4. Alignment between local people, tourists, and the environment.
5. Emphasis on greater benefits to local communities.
6. It is not to damage natural resources.
7. Monitoring changes that occur due to tourism development.

2.3 The Community Roles in Tourism Development

Community involvement aims at informing the public about what will happen and dialogue with them,
respecting and involving the community in decision making, awareness raising and understanding of tourism and
tourism industry and its impact on regional areas, encouraging links between tourists and local people, and
community activities from the abundance of tourism activities[8]. In other words, in creating such tourism
developments, the local community should take apart and directly or indirectly.
The policies which are made related to tourism development should be addressed to serve the interests of local
communities, although as a tourism-oriented business activity must also generate high value for tourists as well as
the benefits of economics for the organizers of tourism activities. The local community, however, should be put as
the subject as well as the object of such tourism development in certain places [9].

3. Results and Analysis

Sustainable tourism development guidelines and management practices are applicable to all forms of tourism
in all types of destinations, including mass tourism and the various niche tourism segments. Here, it can be stated
that sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism
development, and a suitable balance must be established between three dimensions to guarantee its long-term
Thus, three dimensions of sustainable tourism should be as follows:
1) Make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development,
maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity.
2) Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve their built and living cultural heritage

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and traditional values, and contribute to inter-cultural understanding and tolerance.
3) Ensure viable, long-term economic operations, providing socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders that
are fairly distributed, including stable employment and income-earning opportunities and social services to
host communities, and contributing to poverty alleviation.

Furthermore, sustainable tourism development can be achieved if the utilization level of resources does not exceed
the ability of regeneration of resources. In addition, it is said that the principles of sustainable tourism development
are (1) maintaining the quality of the environment, (2) creating benefits for local people and tourists, (3)
maintaining the relationship between tourism and the environment, (4) maintaining harmony between local
communities, the needs of tourists, and the environment, (5) creating dynamic conditions that are adjusted to
carrying capacity, and (6) all stakeholders should work together based on the same mission to realize sustainable
development [3].
Sustainable tourism development requires the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders, as well as
strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and consensus building. Achieving sustainable tourism is
a continuous process and it requires constant monitoring of impacts, introducing the necessary preventive and/or
corrective measures whenever necessary. Sustainable tourism should also maintain a high level of tourist
satisfaction and ensure a meaningful experience to the tourists, raising their awareness about sustainability issues
and promoting sustainable tourism practices amongst them [6].

3.1 Cultural Empowerment in Sustainable Tourism Development

Tourism speeds up the process of cultural change because of tourism led to the direct connection between two
societies with different cultures. Since the development of tourism has done in certain places, various types of
traditional art returned and displayed to tourists as attractions for tourists. Tourism acts as an intermediary of change
that leads to direct interaction between the culture of the international community and the culture of the local
community [5].
The use of culture in the development of tourism, on one side of culture, is presented as an attraction that has a
fascination for tourists. On the other hand, there is a variety of cultural art that experienced a shift in value, which
was originally performed only for ritual ceremonies but is now exhibited as performing arts for tourists. The
phenomenon of commercialization of art and culture in tourism activities led to changes in cultural values. All
types of traditional art are very attractive to foreign tourists and domestic, especially the regional arts containing
sacral or mystical value [10].
The motivation of cultural tourism development has pushed the tourism stakeholder to pay attention to the
sustainability of tourism development as a part of community’s way of life. Cultural Tourism, defined as a model
of tourism development that makes local community could introduce their culture to tourists while maintaining it
on the other side.

3.2 The community-based tourism Development

Discussing sustainable based development, it can not be separated with the community-based development.
The community-based tourism is synonymous with sustainable tourism development and is often associated with
alternative tourism. However, it desires to balance between natural resources, social and community values, thus
positively beneficial for local people or local community and tourists. “Forms of tourism that are consistent with
natural, social, and community values and the which allow both hosts and guests to enjoy the positive and
worthwhile interaction and shared experience”[4]. In the development of community-based tourism, local people
are considered as the main actors. This is because the local community knows more the potential of the area or the
character and ability of the elements that exist in the village, including indigenous knowledge possessed by the
people. So, the construction of which is planned as desired by and for the local communities[1].
World Tourism organization, discovering the principles of sustainable tourism development among others [8].
1) Tourists, tourism actors must respect the culture, perspective, and behavior of local communities.
2) Planning, development, and operation of tourism must be cross-sectoral, integrated involving the
government and local communities and provide benefits for the wider community.
3) Tourism should be done fairly and fairly in the distribution of benefits for both industry players and local
4) Careful monitoring and assessment of all stages of development and implementation of tourism.

Amerta, I. M. S., Sara, I. M., & Bagiada, K. (2018). Sustainable tourism development. International Research
Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 5(2), 248-254.
252  ISSN: 2395-7492

4. Conclusion
Sustainable development should embrace the three basic principles of ecological sustainability, social and
cultural sustainability, and economic sustainability for both present and future generations which will come. In
addition to the sustainability of natural and economic resources, cultural sustainability is a very important resource
in the development of tourism. Sustainable tourism will be achieved if there is a continuous use of natural resources,
cultural resources, and human resources in addition to economic sustainability fairly and equitably.
Sustainable tourism development can give the opportunity for all tourism stakeholders to make sure that the
tourism sector should be long-term oriented and beneficial for the local community at the present time and still can
keep the quality of life for future generations. Sustainable tourism development should always beneficial and give
a good effect on the local communities, governments, and investors as tourism stakeholders at present days as well
as in the future time.
Based on the conclusion above, it can be suggested that all tourism stakeholders should pay their attention to
the principal of tourism sustainable development. The certain resources which are used to supply tourism demand
should also consider their sustainability in the future time.

Conflict of interest statement and funding sources

The authors declared that they have no competing interest. The study was financed by personal funding.

Statement of authorship
The authors have a responsibility for the conception and design of the study. The authors have approved the final

The author would like to thank and deliver a high appreciation to the Rector of Warmadewa University and the
Dean of Faculty of Economics of Warmadewa University. Thanks are also referred to the Head of Management
Study Program Warmadewa University for any facility that has been given to the author.

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Amerta, I. M. S., Sara, I. M., & Bagiada, K. (2018). Sustainable tourism development. International Research
Journal of Management, IT and Social Sciences, 5(2), 248-254.
254  ISSN: 2395-7492

Biography of Authors

I Made Suniastha Amerta is a senior lecturer at the Management Study Program, Faculty
of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar. E-mail address:
jrokadek@yahoo.co.id and phone number 081805533605; The last education is the
Doctorate of Cultural Studies Program, Udayana University Denpasar. He has completed
his bachelor academic at English Department Study Program, Faculty of Letters
Warmadewa University in 1998 and Master of Tourism in Tourism Studies Program,
Udayana university in 2005. He is now interested in doing the research on the cultural
tourism and management field.

I Made Sara is a senior lecturer at the Economic Development Study Program, Faculty
of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar. E-mail address:
made.sara@gmail.com and phone number 081238374727; The last education is the
Doctorate of Economics Studies Program, Brawijaya University Malang in 2014. He has
completed his bachelor academic at Economic Development Study Program, Faculty of
Economics Udayana University in 1984 and Master of Social Economic Studies
Program, Udayana University in 1998. He is now interested in doing the research on the
Economy Development, Monetary, and Banking field.

Kompiang Bagiada is a senior lecturer at the Economic Development Study Program,

Faculty of Economics, Warmadewa University, Denpasar. E-mail address:
kompiangbagiada126@gmail.com and phone number 082147540911; The last
education is the Master of Monetary and Banking Studies Program, Udayana University
Denpasar in 2012. He has completed his bachelor academic at Economic Development
Study Program, Faculty of Economic, Udayana University in 1990. He is now interested
in doing the research on the Monetary & Banking field.

IRJMIS Vol. 5 No. 2, March 2018, pages: 248~254

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