A Curse For True Love. Once Upon A Broken Heart 3 - Stephanie Garber

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dlBdvS ilNvltlrs
OJ-tr rel
Jo tno 8urgl,(ue ot dn pauedo releu'dpzs'goul;oop eq1
'ur8ag ppo,i\A. alet{.te7 rer.{ pue p]ro^\
rar{}oue ol dn uedo pporw }}(roop rq8r.r agr o} tr peqlp}}B er{s
Jr ]Br{t pef,urnuor surrt eurle8uu^g':r8eu eI[ ]q8q eqt uI pepl
-rzds puz ueer8 pele,rtaI elrsrnbxe uE se^\ qou{ eql'epISUr qoDI
-Joop e lpo qlr^{ a}Brf, snoruroue uE uoeg per{ eJer{} oJUO
idszluzy e oJUr rer{ }snrr{} ppo.,v\ tzqr tcalqo eqt eq sqt pinoC
e/!. aq s!.W plnop'11asrcr1>ls? pu? eprsur urell r{f,u a eulluexa pFo..tl
eqs 'selerl eq] ot qsn.r llaterperurul p1no.&\ eurle8uu,rg 'doqs
s(Jer{}EJ rer{ olur eruoJ plno,t\ ser}rsorJnf,;o lueudrqs
,l\eu E releuar{^\'1.rr8 Sunol z sy lzp auo apfrreJ e Jo
aprsur Jlasreq pug p,oqs pa^erleg s,(z,r,t1u xog aurla8ue,t
ou !1o8ue^3

the ordinary. But Evangeline never gave up hope that someday too. She didnt imagin
she'd find herself elsewhere. he didnt feel as conl
Hoping and imagining and believing in magic had always there is nothing I wor
been like breathing to Evangeline. And yet it was suddenly "But I dont reme:
very difficult to breathe as she finally found herself elserthere, luctant to pu1l Lwa;y-
wrapped in the arms of a handsilme young man who said he overwhelming.
was her husband. A deep line form
Husband. The word made her head spin. Hozo? Hou? Hoas? pulled back But he re
She was too overwhelmed to ask more than that one word.In as he said, "My name
fact, she couldnt even manage to speak it aloud. Evangeline waite<i
If she wasnt being held, Evangeline might have crumpled just a tiny sparlc She
back onto the floor. It was too much to take in and too much hold on to that woul<
to lose all at once. ground, and Apollo lc
One of the last things she remembered was sitting with her one had ever looked a

father as he died at home. But even that memory was ragged He made her thinl
around the edges. As if his death were part of a faded portrait, dered with a strongl
only it wasnt just faded-pieces of it had also been ruthlessly that spoke of t:e , -
ripped awly. She couldnt clearly remember the months before -ure CheSt: .ILt,'-.:t-
her father's death or anything that had happened afterward. She u ith rich go.; =::' :

didnt even recall how he'd caught the fever that had killed him. Benerth ir rr'.,: : - -

All she knewwas that,like her mother, her father was gone- u-a. $'htl i: '.i.., - .-,
and he had been for some time. i+------'..

"I know this must be frightening.I imagine you feel alone, Bur.-c::.'..:.-.-
but youte not, Evangeline." The stranger who'd said he was her I nplr \r_ 1'_-

husband held her tighter. "H'.,:::I---.

He was tall, the sort of tall that raade Evangeline feel small
as he held her close enough for her to feel that he was shaking, I -::t---:t '--
8uil+ uoeq s(orl 4. euoeruos r(g ualols eJa.&\ serJorueru Jno,1 'Strurzrls sEAr aq Ep
'pe>lsz ags,,inod roqueruer I Iprus peg eqp&rzeg
lpop 196 tlearu err& plp iltoH tarel{ eg o} eluor I plp 1t{oH,,
'r{snJ ? ur }no eruof, spJol\4. Jer{ opuur
lzgl cruudyo alz,tt./v\eu E req s?/n eg PFs PgF
lq8norg rg8nogr aq1'erourfue erel{} },usum egs'l1rza1c tng 'euo1u pay no( il&
dpuaragrp alrnb
ur eluoq ]E ueru eqL'PelIEr sBil\ ]r ]3I{A s"1$. s?arrerqIq
PesseJP sPueIuA
rzgr rg8noqt eqs ]suol ]"-]elqnopJo uos eruos se,la ]r qleeueg P{lq PEqEP
'sreplnoqs aq] puz Wnr er{} Surrerr.oc dreprorqura plo8 qllr L{}I/$. eqs 'prE uaryP prce
tzor per Iftp pere[oc-q81q B erorr eH 'sal]suf, pue stserlr erns eroJsq rF.r
-ee:+Jo se8uurr pernfuor ]Er{} rltlze^4.;o uob eq}Jo exods tzgl dlssalpru u€q cIE
Surglolc puu 'sala Surreplours >lrzp 'rvrzl Suorts B l{}r.,rn, perap ']ruruod pepql r
-1nor{s puorg 'e1r.+l.xz1B ruory orerl EJo
IuF{} req epuur eH pa38er szrn {rouu:
'dlrsuetur r1Jnru os qtp\ Jeq ]E pa>lool JeAe per{ euo rag rpraa8ugrs scr,[
oN']Brll eq o] peluzl$. eI{Jr sB raII }E pe>lool olody pue'punor8
eq] oluo lczg Sursdullof, ruo5 reg dee>1p1no,ra' ]ErI] o] uo ploq I{f,nru oot PrrB
ol Surglaruos'rzrpruz3:Surglatuos pepeeu agg >1ruds lurl r lsnl paldurruc aaeq
uele Jo 'uopruSooal Jo oJEU e rc1 uw?e pe]rcm eurle8uuzrg
(('uzrpurv olody sr eruzu 1tr41,,'pres ag su
Surgloos puu /$,oI errol srr{'dpuerrud pelder eq }ng'{ruq pepd
er{s sE s,r org s,re8uer}s eqt uee,lrteg peruroJ auq deep y
'Suruleqrruerro eq pres oqaa uzru 8u
'atar(ot as1a
sel.z. aH'Sururlegrur.relo os IIE su1'a. t| ]ng ',(e,vv 1nd o1 tuulf,nl flesJaq pur
-eJ ellry E sz,la er{S 'prus ags,,'nol Jagtueruer }pop I }ng,, ,,(luappns szr,r tr ra,t
' slzrnp pzq or8eu ur
,,'rro.t roJ op ]pplnofir.
l Surglou sr erarl]
PUE-eru eAEr{ no ,,'Pe{ool er{ s3 }uaPuuor sE IeeJ }pPP eq
llrealc lnqrsuu. egs sE pegrrret w s? { eg eur8etul }pp1p eqs'ool depetuos lerp adoq d
sAoT snuJ uoc ssunc v C-:

to tear us apart." Something flickered in Apollo's brown eyes, curled up against. Or

although if it was anger or pain, she couldnt tell. angels made of stone
Evangeline wished she could remember him. But the harder stone carvings u/ere sl
she tried, the worse she felt. Her head hurt and her chest felt and spattered in drie
hollowed out, as if she'd lost more than just her memories. For pang in her chest, as i
a second the agony was so deep and so brutal, she clutched her mind had forgott,
her heart, half expecting to find a jagged hole. But there was "Do you knowwh
no wound. Her heart was still there; she could feel it beating. For a split second s
Yet for a devastating moment, Evangeline imagined that it looked like guilt,but i
shouldnt have been, that her heart was supposed to be as I'll answer every quesr
broken as she felt. of here. We need to lt
Then it hit her, not a feeling but a thought-a sharp, frag- "Who is /te?"
mented one. "The villain who e
She had something important to tell someone. Evangeline's hand, h
Evangeline couldnt remember what it was, but she felt as from the room with t
if her entire world depended on this one thing she needed to Grainy late-morni
share. Just thinking about it made her blood rush. She tried to with ribbons and tass
remember what this sometlting was that she needed to say and btary,although thebor
who it was she needed to tell-could it be this Apollo person? Floors changed fn
Could this be why her memories had been stolen? ings grew taller, the l:
"Why is someone trying to tear us apart?" Evangeline asked. into leather-bound r
She might have thrown out even more questions. She might search for somettring
have asked once more how they'd met and how long they'd been thitg that might me
married, but Apollo suddenly looked neryous. now,but nothingwas
He shot a furtive glance over Evangeline's shoulder before She was trulv elst
quiedy saying, "It's complicated." long enough to meet
She followed his gaze to the strange wooden door she'd been a battle betrreen der
'(uaqt ueellt]eg epwq E ueeq P,eqs rooP urPo
urflesreq pug or puz'surulprr pue seoreq ]eetu o] gtnoue 3uo1
roJ ueeq pzr{ eqs petuaes tI puz'aragrvresle dprl serrr agg eroJaq rePlnogs s{errq
'JBr[ru?J suru. Surglou 1ng'rr,r,ou 'snnt
rerself, sE,/'^, pBer{ reH 'requreueJ rar{ elulu rgSrur lzgr Sugr
-euos r'a.o13 Sururoru-e]?I eq] uI -rBIIIrug Sutqlatuos roJ I{lftes
o] perJ] ure8e ef,uo euqa8ueag 'serunlol punoq-Jol{}zol o}ur
paurn] sldrrcsnuuur 'redrzqs etuuJeg rq31 egr're1;utlraor8 s8ur
-pac'alqrzur 3uruze13 ot euols lrsnp ruor; paBuBI{r sroolg
'perrr}ua,rderp req}JEJ eq] re pe>lool qooq erp g8norpp 'lsetg
-I ]uerf,u? trc ur eJa.^a derlr pe.rzaddz r1 'slesst] puu suoqgrJ lp1,t,l.
dn pap sldrrosnuuurJo se leqs rq lg8g Sururour-ere1duru-rg
'sle8uz rorrJzlr eq] puz roop eqt qtl^{ ruooJ aII} urou
rar{ pel dplcrnb eI{ sB dprrg req Surplotl'puzr{ s,eu[e8uzr'g
>1oor olody(('serrorueru rnodSo IIE pasuJe ollt. uTBIII.A etLL,,
,,iar s\ or{44,, -3213'dregs z-rq8nr
*.>Ir3g seruof, 0q eroJoq e^sel o] Peeu eAUereI{Jo
lno ]eB o] peeu e.Ar/yrou lng'e EI{ nol uor}senb dre,re Je tsuz 1J(I su og o1 pesoddns
'esrurord L,'sseupts uaeq lsnfe,reg rg8yu rl ]nq'rgn8 a1g pDIooI lI rEIp pau8urrr aq
tsorup ]Brp alEJ s,olody pessorf, Surqlauros puof,es lgds u rog '8u4zag r1 IasJ plno
'pe>ls? aqs (ierar{ paueddeq }Br#\ .oDI nol oq,, s3,1il. ererp ]ng'elog
'ueno8rog p?rl purur rar{ per{r}nll aqs'prruq
g8nogr ue e peraquraruar llrls dpoq regyr sz']sego rag ur Suud roc'serJorueu Jeg ls
rarllouz lq8norg rl go rg8rs eql 'poolq pelrp ur perallzds puz ]IeJ ]sellr rer{ PrrE }r
paqllaDslno eJe./vr sSurrlt Jrer{L'o} pesoddns arara, sSurrr-ruJ euots reP&q erptng'umlx
uur{} e{IIeJrl erou pe>lool lagr g8noq{B (euo}s Jo ep?ur qe8uz Tle]1.u[
rorrrz.&r oml erena roop eqtJo eprs rerllra ug ']surz8z dn pepnc 'salo u,ttorg s,o11ody
sAoT snuJ, uoc ssunc v ti f :l

"Who was he?" she pressed. "The one who stole my memoriesl"
Apollo's steps faltered. Then they picked up faster than be-
fore. "I promise I will tell you everything, but we shor-rld get out
"Oh my!" someone exclaimed.
Evangeline turned to see a woman in white robes standing
between the shelves of books. The woman-some kind of a

librarian, Evangeline supposed-brought a hand to her mouth

as she stared. Her expression was one of awe, eyes wide and
unwavering as they latched on to Apollo.
Another librarian strode into the hall. This one gasped, then
promptly fainted, dropping a stack of books as the first librarian
yelled, "It's a miracle!"
Nlore librarians and scholars came forward, all crying out
similar exclamations.
Evangeline curled toward Apollo as they were quickly sur-
rounded. First by the librarians, then by servants and courtiers.
Finally, by wide-chested guards in shining armor who rushed
in, no doubt drawn by allof the clamor.
The room they were in was at least four stories tall, but sud-
denly it felt small and suffocating as more and more unfamiliar
people closed in on them.
"Het alive..."
"It's a miracle!" they all repeated, voices turning reverent as

tears began to glisten down cheeks.

Evangeline didnt know what was happening. She felt as if
'urqs ueurT slq lq pe./rrofloJ'lelgnop ]eAIe Jr w {eJ aqg'Sumad
slq -Uo loor l1ryrms puz pu?rl s(aurle8uu,rg peseoler eg 'e1ods
o11ody su uoos se tsorul? roJ-tl qlr^,r aruur rzgr Surqrdreaa s? ]uaJeAeJ Surumr s
pue pro egt ssacord ot erun prg llereq auqa8uzirg 'nuud
(('ereq louq ra3 ot fleq qSnorqr ]ue { ueqt Pu? PerP
o11ody ef,urJd ]?r{} ees nod auo.,{.rale 11e]'tuooJ srgl erruel nol
ueq1A'olrlz ru(I 'FaJ sr Surees ar,nol wql ]ng 'sala rnol 3ur r?TIrurgrm eJoru F":
-Ae{eq etuD }lnJgrp z Sur,rzq a.rz nol;o euros teqt eos uEJ L, -pns ]nq'J1a segos.
.sPuer{ rrer{l
JeAo ]no 8uu.r acron s,o11ody sE er{}Eerq o} ruees uana tuprp degl parlsn: ogat rourz ft
os tarnb 1ug aldoed duuru os ees ot luuecun sE^\ ]I 'sJeflmof,
Prr? slrrta.Er
'saerr>l rrer{t o} paddo.rp -ms dplcmb ann Ia
uele eruos 'qsnq E otur lag llarzrperuurr pe-raqre8 esoql
'4atnb lueeut llusrerrrun ]Er{} eJnlse8 e ur lno 8urrftt gz lrearr
p.,v\orr Surlqurn.r eq] prz^\o] pueq eer; sr{ pasrzr o11ody ueql
'spro^\ ar{} preor{ra,to ieql se paqSrs e1doed.,{q.rreu "^AeJ uErrErqII tsr5 eql su s
usgr'pedsu8 euo sntr
]el Je^au II,&\ oq,&\ euo sLIl uE L, ,. ,r::j;t;rffH.i;
.raq o] ssr>1 E passard puz sdq slg ot prrEq rer{ lriSnorq o11ody puu epr/rA sade 'aatz
'pa.radsrq,tt aurla8uz,rg E
.inol er" or{A\,, qlnotu rerl ol Pusg
'sJorrr us^e s?,\\ eL{Jr sE rurrl }E pe>lool p.&\oJl aLI} }ng 3 Jo PUD{ eruo-nEu
'o.raq;o puDI etuos szl\ eq paur8zurr paqs 'urrq Surlaaur uodn Surpuzls seqor err-qa,'
'serrols ere.&\ ereq] ,{1-rea1c }nq'uerpzcy o11ody ur lnoqz l;o1s
a1Surs E llzrar ],uppol orls'rarl plo] p,eq tuq,ills?.,!\ teyt'uutTtaty
'eruuurns srrl Joqureural o] perl] aqs'o11ody tz dn 8uryoo1 ]no ]eB pForls ad\rnq
itures E porr.reru pur.{ aqs elqrssod tr s?,lu1'r{f,rnqo B -aq uuqt relsuJ d. p
ur eceld >1oor llensn tzr{} Surqr 3o uos eq} 8ursseu1r,vr. eJeI\ or{s (iseuorueru r(tu alors o

Several of those gathered gasped, including Evangeline.

Apollo's chest was flawless, smooth and carved in muscles,
and over his heart was a vibrant tattoo of two swords in the
shape of a heart with a name in the center: Eoangeline.
Until that moment, everything had felt a bit like a fever
dream she might have woken up from. But her name on his
chest felt permanent in a.way that Apollo's words had not. He
wasrt't a stranger. He knew her intimately enough'to mark her
name across his heart.
He turned around then, showing off another sight that
stunned not only her, but the entire crorrd. Apollo's beautiful,
proud, straight back was covered in a web of violent scars.
"These marks are the price I paid to return!"he cried. "When
I say I went through hell,I mean it. But I had to come back.
I had to right the wrongs done in my absence. I know many otce! aa:,:.
believe that it was my brother, Tiberius, who killed me, but it :ii:-' -: :.

was not."
Shocked whispers moved through the crowd. polished courtiers anr
"I was poisoned by a man I thought to be a friend,"Apollo showers of arrows.
roared. "LordJacks is the man who killed me.Then he stole the' oHow
long have ru
memories of my bride, Evangeline. I will not rest until Jacks is "How did vou renr:
found and he pays for his crimes with his life!" 'Why did Lord Ja
from an older courtier
ated h,r' a narrow--sred
"Enough,"-{pollo c

mv wife has gone tbrl

guestions she has no i&

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