Harris L. Coulter - Homoespathic Medicine

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TRX #8252
76 Coulter, Harris L«
^83 Homoeopathic medicine / Harris
1975 Coulter. St Louis : Formur,' elfq
iii, 73 p. ; 1R cm,
Includes bibli ORraphlcal referer
#P252 Gif t:Whitmyer S1.6F.

1« Fotneopathy. I» Title

01 AUG 89 2P00456 NEWCxc 74-1

(416) 626-1694
Library of Congress
Catalogue Card Number

Copyright 1972 by

American Foundation for Homoeopathy

Copyright 1975 by

American Foundation for

Homoeopathy and Formur, Inc.

Fourth printing since 1975

Published under license by FORMUR, INC.

PUBLISHERS, 4200 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis,
Missouri 63108 in conjunction with the National
Center for Homoeopathy, 6231 Leesburg Pike,
Falls Church, Virginia 22044

ISBN 0-89378-072-3






The Physician's Knowledge of the Organism

and the Effects of Medicines.


1. The Law of Similars

2. The Minimum Dose
3. The Single Remedy
4. The Theory of Chronic Disease




1. The Role of "Art" in Medical Practice
2. The Modern Orthodox Definition of
"Scientific Medicine"
3. The Homoeopathic View of "Scientific



Homoeopathy is a system of drug therapy, a set of

rules governing the administration of drugs to sick people.
These rules enable the physician to understand the
patient's illness and to prescribe the drug which will
act curatively.
The homoeopathic rules were developed by following
the procedures of scientific method, and homoeopathy is,
therefore, a scientific form of drug therapeutics. Since a
scientific truth is universal, homoeopathy claims univer-
sality for its rules of drug use and, except in compara-
tively few instances, does not view the prescribing of
drugs on other principles as beneficial to the patient.
This essay sets forth the homoeopathic rules and indi-
cates why they are scientific, why homoeopathic medicine
is "scientific medicine." An exposition of these rules
necessarily involves reference to the prevailing orthodox
system of medical practice (which in the homoeopathic
literature called "allopathy"), and we will proceed

essentially by way of a contrast between the homoeo-

pathic rules and principles and those accepted in the allo-
pathic practice of medicine.

Any system of medical practice takes its origin in a

set of assumptions about health and disease. Sometimes

these assumptions are conscious and explicit. More often

they are unconscious; the practitioner is unaware of them.
The homoeopathic and allopathic approaches to thera-
peutics are based on sets of assumptions about disease,
health, and the curative process. Furthermore, these two
sets of assumptions are opposed to one another in many
important respects. The different therapeutic procedures
employed by homoeopathy and allopathy originate in dif-
ferent interpretations of observed physiological and
pathological processes.
From Hahnemann onwards,1
the homoeopathic physi-
cians have characterized the processes of health and dis-
ease in vitalisticterms. They have talked of a "vital
force", "power of recovery", or "natural force" in the

body a force which reacts to external stimuli. This reac-
tive power is manifested in the symptoms of disease, just

as it also makes its presence felt in the rhythmic altera-

tions of the body's functions in health; the alternation of

'Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), the founder of the homoeopathic system

of medicine.
sleepand wakefulness, the menstrual function in women,
etc. symptoms represent the form taken by this
power when reacting to a morbific stimulus in the internal
or external environment.
The vitalistic assumption is of primordial importance
for homoeopathic therapeutics, since it imposes a par-
ticular interpretation of the symptom. Regardless of how
disagreeable or even painful it may be, the symptom is

still the visible manifestation of the organism's reactive

power. And since this reactive power always strives for
cure, for harmony in the functioning of the organism, and
always strives to adjust the balance between the body and
its environment, the symptoms are not the signs of a mor-

bific, but of a curative, process. They point out to the

physician the route taken by the body in coping with some
particular stress; hence they are the best guides to treat-
ment. Since the body's reactive force endeavors to cope
with a given stress by producing a particular set of symp-
toms, the physician's duty is to promote the development
of this very set of symptoms. The curative medicine is
the one which supports and stimulates the organism's
incipient and inchoate healing effort.
Experience has shown that symptoms appear and dis-
appear in a definite order when the sick person is treated
in accordance with the homoeopathic rules.

In the first place, they disappear in the reverse order

of their appearance, the chronologically most recent being
replaced by those of the earlier stages of the disease. A
corollary is that some phase of a disease which has been
suppressed by incorrect treatment at an earlier stage of
the patient's life will reappear when the correct medicine
is administered and can then be "cured". 2

-We are compelled to use the words, "cure" and "recovery", beeause there
are no convenient substitutes. I he reader will be aware that even in homoeo-
pathie practice the concepts are ambiguous, involving the complexities of
tiering'* I aw and <>! Hahnemann's thcorv ot ehronie disease
In the second place, the symptoms will move from the
more vital organs to the less vital and from the interior
of the body toward the skin.
In the third place, the symptoms will move from the
top of the body —
downward disappearing first from the
head, then from the torso, and then from the extremities,
proceeding from the shoulders to the elbow, wrist, and
hand, or from the thigh to the knee, ankle, and foot.
These rules are known in homoeopathy as Hering's
Law, in honor of Constantine Hering (1800-1880), the
Father of American Homoeopathy, who discerned them
and thus made the only major addition to Hahnemann's
initial system. Hering's Law can be illustrated as follows:

(l)an arthritis which started in the right hip, and then

moved to the left, should disappear first from the left hip
and then from the right; (2) when a case of arthritis com-
plicated with endocarditis is treated correctly, the heart
symptoms are the first to disappear, being followed by the
symptoms of the upper joints and finally by those of the
lower joints; (3) correct treatment of a female patient with
uterine complaints caused these symptoms to be replaced
by symptoms of a scarlet fever which had been suppressed
by incorrect treatment thirty years before; cure was com-
plete when the appropriate remedy was administered for
the newly appearing scarlet-fever symptoms.
Homoeopathy stresses importance of the body's
natural discharges —
urine, stool, menses, and especially
skin eruptions. The organism's natural tendency in health
is to rid itself of waste substances through these natural

outlets, and a similar process is at work in disease. The

suppression of natural secretions and eruptions can give
rise to serious systemic disorders. Skin eruptions are the
manifestation of nature's effort to throw off some internal
toxin or waste matter. The suppression of eczema by local
applications has been known to produce colitis, asthma,
and bronchitis. The suppression of syphilitic and gon-
norrhoeal skin symptoms can give rise to a myriad of
chronic manifestations. Medicines must strengthen and
intensify the processes adopted by the organism to cope
with morbific stimuli and must never counteract these
Another corollary of Hering's Law is homoeopathy's
stress on the significance of mental symptoms for treat-
ment. All somatic diseases manifest mental symptoms in
addition to the physical ones, and the homoeopathic prac-
titioner views these symptoms as profoundly important.
Why? Because they are at the same time the symptoms
of a vital organ, of the interior of the body, and of the
highest part of the body. In treatment these should be
the first to disappear, and if the symptoms do move from
the mind to the less vital parts, the physician knows that
he is employing the correct medicine.
homoeopathy denies any inherent dis-
In other words,
tinction between physical and mental illness. Physical
illnesses have a mental aspect, and mental illnesses have
a physical aspect. The physician should understand the
significance of both physical and mental symptoms, and
of their interaction. The prescription of drugs in homoe-
opathy is based upon a consideration of both types of
symptoms, and these physicians were treating some men-
tal illnesses successfully with drugs 150 years ago.

If we now attempt to elucidate the assumptions about

health and disease current in orthodox practice, we find

ourselves in a quandary, because modern allopathic
medicine does not admit to any explicit set of assump-
tions in this area. A writer has observed that modern
medicine shies away from any general theory of the orga-
nism, of health, and of disease. 3 A little thought, however,

Man Stevenson, M.D., "Why Medicine Is Not A Science". Harpers, April,

1949, pp. 36-39.
will disclose two important modern allopathic
tenets of
medicine. One relates to the —
symptom allopathic medi-
cine does not generally regard the symptom as a sign of
the body's reaction to morbific environmental stimuli,
but rather as a wound the body by mor-
inflicted upon
Far from considering that the body reacts
bific stimuli.

dynamically to external stimuli, allopathic medicine tends

to view the body as the passive recipient of blows de-
livered from the outside.
The other major tenet of allopathic medicine is the
"disease entity" or "clinical entity." Knud Faber has
written that the physician "cannot live, cannot speak,
cannot act, without [it]." 4 What
meaning of theis the
disease entity? It means that the symptoms the "wounds —
which the environment inflicts upon the body" can be —
grouped into typical patterns and viewed as discrete dis-
eases. Thus allopathic medicine operates with a relatively
static group of discrete "diseases." This is to be con-
trasted with the dynamic doctrine of disease categories
employed in homoeopathy. 5
While, in allopathic medicine, the persons within each
disease category will differ from one another in certain
respects, for purposes of diagnosis and treatment the com-
mon elements are considered to be of greater significance
than the points of difference. The physician bases his
treatment upon the elements which the patients within
each category possess in common.
These common elements may be bacterial, symptom-
atic, morphological, or other. What interests us is the

logical idea that these common elements are the phe-

nomena of primary interest to the physician.
This idea, which has an ancient lineage and is found in

Knud Faber. "Nosography In
Modern Internal Medicine". Annals of Medi-
cal History IV (1922). p. 63.
^Discussed on pages 20. 25. 30-32. 38.
several of the Hippocratic writings, has at times given
rise to the extreme position that the disease is a meta-
physical entity. As Sir Clifford Allbutt has written: "It
was born to signify that reality of substance which was
once supposed to underlie abstract names, and in these
ontological circles it has moved ever since." 6 Since his
time, about 70 years ago, all prominent spokesmen for
allopathic medicine have rejected this understanding of
the disease entity. But no attempt has since been made
to create a precise theoretical definition of the disease
entity. Furthermore, physicians often seem to adhere to
the idea that the disease is, in fact, an entity in the on-
tological sense denounced by Allbutt. The very word,
"entity", is used in medical writing. This aberration is, of
course, favored by the absence of an accepted theory of
the disease entity.
There is a psychological connection between the dis-
ease-entity concept and the view that the symptom is a
lesion inflicted by a morbific stimulus. The entity is built
up from the prominent or striking symptoms; attention is
directed to these symptoms, and it is thus natural to re-
gard them as harmful manifestations. Fever is a good
example. While the homoeopathic physician will regard
fever as a benign symptom, reflecting the body's effort
to overcome the morbific influence at work on the body,
the orthodox physician will take the contrary view and
administer medicines which lower the fever. (It is fair to
note that the contrary interpretation of fever is also oc-
casionally given in the allopathic medical writings, but
then how is the physician to distinguish the benign fever
from the one which is harmful?) Many of the medicines
used in allopathic practice aim to oppose or counteract
one or several prominent disease symptoms.
Quoted in Otto Guttentag, M.D., "On The Clinical Entity", Annals of In-
ternal Medicine XXXI (1949), p. 488.
We may carry the analysis a step further and note that
the allopathic physician's attitude toward the symptom
determines his toward the "vital force." He
cannot admit the existence of such a force in the body and
at the same time administer medicines which counteract
or suppress the symptoms which are the very manifesta-
tions of this force. Hence he instinctively rejects the
vital-force doctrine.
Thus the homoeopath and the regular physician start
off with divergent interpretations of the symptom. The
concept of the vital force is of considerable moment for
the day-to-day practice of medicine in the homoeopathic
school, and its rejection by medical orthodoxy has a
similarly pronounced effect on the practice of allopathic
This concept is significant in yet another way. Its ac-
ceptance by homoeopathy symbolizes the deeply held
conviction of this school that the internal processes of
the organism are (1) extremely complex and not to be

wholly comprehended by the physician so that therapy
may not be based upon this assumed knowledge, and
(2) linked to one another in such a way as to make all
parts of the organism interdependent — so that any at-
tempt treatment must be treatment of the whole pa-
tient, treatment which is proportioned to all parts and

systems of the body and not merely treatment of one

organ or part of the body.
Thus the reader should not be misled by the homoeo-
pathic use of the expression, "vital force." It in no way
implies a "mystical", "eighteenth-century", or "unscien-
tific" approach to medicine.It does not imply any par-

ticular view of the essential nature of the organism but

has a practical meaning in compelling the physician:
(1) to take a humble view of his own ability to penetrate
intellectually into the human body, and (2) to bear in
mind at all times that any treatment must be treatment
of the whole body, the whole man.
In thus stressing the ultimate unknowability of the
body's physiological and psychological processes, homoe-
opathy is agreement with the most recent standpoint
of theoretical physics and of Jungian analytical psychol-
ogy, both of which accept the ultimate indeterminacy of
the phenomena investigated and call for a symbolic, "as
if, approach to their understanding.
That the holism of the homoeopathic view of the orga-
nism is not without relevance for modern medicine is
clear to anyone who has followed the discussion during —
the last twenty years or so —
of the typical defect of
modern orthodox medical practice, which is precisely
that the physician fails to pay sufficient attention to the
wholeness of the patient, fails to adjust his treatment to
the whole man. There is even a "crisis in medical educa-
tion" —meaning that the medical student fails to acquire
a feeling for the wholeness of the patient —
and programs
are elaborated for adjusting the medical school curriculum
in such a way as to impart this feeling to the student.
Such efforts cannot be successful, however, in the ab-
sence of an integrated theory of the whole man. The
mere reorganization of the curriculum, exhortations to the
medical student to pay more attention to the psycho-
logical, sociological, or epidemiological background of
his patients, can have no effect unless integrated into a
therapeutic theory whose point of departure is a theory of
the whole organism.
Allopathic medicine, however, does not possess such a
theory and manifests no interest in acquiring one. The
closest it comes to a basic theoretical tenet is its con-
cept of the disease entity.
In contrast, homoeopathy does possess a precise theory
of the organism — one which enables its practitioners to

comprehend the significance of individual symptoms as
well as the dynamic interaction among symptoms in

health and disease. When asked how he can be sure that

this theory is valid, the homoeopathic physician will re-

spond that it has served for 150 years as the basis for
the successful homoeopathic treatment of disease and
the preservation of health. And if the homoeopathic phy-
sician can cure his patients consistently and methodically
on the basis of this theory, this set of assumptions, who is

to say that it wrong? Practice is the only test. No one


is justified in attacking the assumption of the vital force,

and its theoretical and practical corollaries, unless he can

produce a better theory one which yields better practical


The Physician's Knowledge of the Organism

and the Effects of Medicines

The physician's first task is to know what his patient is

suffering from. His second task is to cure this patient.

Thus he first needs a key to understanding the organism
and. secondly, a key to the effects of medicines.
Let us first take up the problem of ascertaining what
ails the patient. The physician has two sources of knowl-
edge. The first is sense-perception, defined as including
(1) that which is perceivable by the physician and (2) that
which perceivable by the patient and which can be

elicited from him by careful questioning. The second

source of knowledge —
defined, in allopathic medicine,
as "objective" —
includes the various tests which have been
devised for measuring the chemical composition of the
blood and the other bodily fluids, for examining and
analyzing the structure of the tissues, for measuring blood
pressure, for recording brain waves, and the like. Gener-
ally speaking, these data are not directly sense-percep-
and this knowledge is not symptomatic knowledge.

It knowledge of the physiological and pathological


changes occurring in the body during disease.

The homoeopathic and orthodox physicians take op-
posed views of the nature and importance of these two
kinds of knowledge. The former attribute prime impor-
tance to sensory knowledge of the patient's symptoms
and secondary importance to the so-called "objective"
disease parameters. With the latter, this emphasis is re-
versed. Allopathic physicians attribute greater impor-
tance to the "objective" information and less to the "sub-
jective" symptoms.
The from homoeopathy's orientation
difference stems
toward the dynamic and changeable vital force, as op-
posed to allopathic medicine's concentration on the static
disease entity. This initial difference in approach leads
to different views of the relative importance of the symp-
toms and the "objective" pathological or physiological
Homoeopathy holds that the disease process first af-
fects the vital force, where its presence is manifested by
a change in the patient's general well-being — before any
"objective" changes can be noted in the patient's fluids
or tissues. These pathological changes are the result of
the alteration in the vital principle and not its cause. The
initial morbid changes in the state of the vital force are,
therefore, expressed only as symptoms. Symptoms are
chronologically prior to pathology. For this reason they
are also prior in importance. The ongoing pathological
changes are, at all stages, preceded by symptomatic
changes. Attention to these symptomatic changes will
enable the physician to forestall the pathological deteri-
The homoeopathic physician of today will conduct the
same chemical, microscopic, and other tests of the pa-
tient's tissues and fluids as are done by the allopathic

physician, but he is always aware that they yield knowl-

edge of the consequences of pathological alterations in

the vital force. Tissue and fluid changes are chrono-
logically posterior to the alterations in the vital force it-

self, and knowledge of these changes must therefore be of

secondary importance for treatment.
The alterations in the vital force are to be perceived
only by a most careful and exhaustive analysis of symp-
toms. Hahnemann exhorted the physician to observe with
extreme care everything that was to be seen with the eyes
or perceived in any way by the other senses. Above all,
the physician was to question the patient minutely about
his perceptions and sensations. If the physician's in-
terrogation and observation of the patient were suffi-
ciently thorough, as Hahnemann thought, he would have
allthe information needed to effect a cure in those cases
where cure is possible.

"The internal essential nature of every malady, of every indi-

vidual case of disease, as far as it is necessary for us to know it,

for the purpose of curing it, expresses itself by the symptoms,

as they present themselves to the investigations of the true ob-
server in their whole extent, connection, and succession.
When the physician has discovered all the observable symp-
toms of the disease that exist, he has discovered the disease it-

self, he has attained the complete conception of it requisite to

enable him to effect a cure." 7

Hahnemann had strong objections to the cursory and

way in which most physicians examined their
patients and proposed a far more comprehensive tech-
nique for observing and registering these all-important
indicators of disease.

"For example, what is the character of his stools? How does he

pass his water? How is it with his day and night sleep? What is

the state of his disposition, his humor, his memory? How about

Samuel Hahnemann. Lesser Writings, New York: William Radde, 1852,
p. 443.

the thirst? What sort of taste has he in his mouth? What kinds
of food and drink are most relished? What are most repugnant
to him? Has each its full natural taste, or some other unusual
taste? How feel after eating or drinking? Has he any-
does he
thing to about the head, the limbs, or the abdomen?
tell . . .

What did the patient vomit? Is the bad taste in his mouth
putrid or bitter or sour, or what? Before or after eating or during
the repast? At what period of the day was it worst? What is the
taste of what iseructated? Does the urine only become turbid
on standing, or is it turbid when first discharged? . . . Does he
start during sleep? Does he lie only on his back, or on which
side? Does he cover himself well up, or can he not bear the
clothes on him? Does he easily awake, or does he sleep too
soundly? How does he feel immediately after waking from
sleep? How often does this or that symptom occur? What is the
cause that produces it each time it occurs? Does it come on
whilst sitting, lying, standing, or when in motion? Only when
fasting? . . . how the patient behaved during the visit — whether
he was morose, quarrelsome, hasty, lachrymose, anxious, des-
pairing, or sad, or hopeful, calm, etc. Whether he was in a
drowsy state or in any way dull of comprehension; whether he
spoke hoarsely or in a low tone or incoherently, or how other-
wise did he talk? What was the color of his face and eyes, and
of his skin generally? What degree of liveliness and power was
there in his expression and eyes? What was the state of his
tongue, his breathing, the smell from his mouth, and his
hearing? Were his pupils dilated or contracted? How rapidly
and to what extent did they alter in the dark and in the light?
What was the character of the pulse? What the condition of the
abdomen? How moist or hot, how cold or dry to the touch, was
the skin of this or that part, or generally? Whether he lay with
head thrown back with mouth half or fully open, with the arms
placed above the head, on his back, or in what other position?
What effort did he make to raise himself? And anything else in

him that may strike the physician as being remarkable." 8

Thus the homoeopath must record a long list of symp-

toms, including many which would be ignored by the
Samuel Hahnemann, The Organon of Medicine, Sixth Edition. Translated
with Preface by William Boericke, M.D., and Introduction by James Krauss,
M.D. Calcutta: Roysingh and Co., 1962. Notes to Sections 88-90.

orthodox physician. He must pay special attention to the
"modalities": Is the particular symptom aggravated or

relieved by heat, cold, motion, rest, noise, quiet, wetness,

dryness, and changes in the weather? In the homoeo-
pathic view all these symptoms are important in giving the
detailed knowledge of the patient's state which the
physician must have if he is to effect a cure. These
changes in the symptoms produced by different environ-
mental conditions are often the key to the correct
Hahnemann categorically denied the value of patho-
logical theory for the cure of disease. This was his natural
reaction to the overweening speculation practised in the
orthodox medicine of his day. Being a religious man,
Hahnemann decided that God must have given the physi-
cian some better alternative than theorizing, and this
alternative was reliance on the data presented to the
senses. Hence he exhorted the physician to ignore internal
pathology and rely entirely on sense-perceptible
Today pathological theory has made considerable ad-
vances, and its measurement techniques are more varied
and precise than in Hahnemann's times. The homoeo-
pathic physician is entitled to depart from Hahnemann's
strict rejection of pathology and to rely somewhat on this

knowledge. But pathological knowledge still remains

unstable — as is seen from the continuing flux and change
in pathological theories — while the symptom-patterns of
disease are essentially the same today as in Hahne-
mann's times. Where they have changed, these changes
can be noted accurately by the observant physician.
Symptomatic knowledge, therefore, remains more reliable
than pathological knowledge, and homoeopathy still in-
sists on the priority of the symptoms over "objective"
pathological parameters.

After all, there is no a priori reason to assume that
diseases are not capable of being accurately measured in
terms of their symptoms. While only a highly skilled
physician can elicit and complete disease descrip-
a true
tion by this method, the method itself is intrinsically
accurate. To seek a greater degree of precision in the
measurement of vital phenomena would be an error.
Aristotle has noted that the educated man does not seek
greater precision than is inherent in the subject-matter.
The homoeopaths feel that the so-called objective mea-
surement techniques of orthodox medicine all too often
yield a spurious precision —
highly refined data which
have no precise meaning, no precise therapeutic applica-
The allopathic physician takes the contrary view,
feeling that these parameters are more reliable guides
to treatment precisely because they are "objective",
while the "subjective" symptoms are too ephemeral and
unstable to be reliable. While he does note the symptoms
generally, he does not go into them in the exhaustive way
urged by Hahnemann, and the diagnosis will always rely
more heavily upon the "objective" parameters than upon
the "unstable" or "evanescent" symptoms.
The attempt to balance symptoms and "objective"
findings places this physician in a dilemma. Symptoms
are very numerous, as homoeopathic experience indicates.
But the orthodox physician is not interested in all the
patient's symptoms, only in the "important" ones, the
ones which characterize unambiguously the presence
of some typical disease process. But the "importance" of
a given symptom is, of course, related to the diagnosis
which is ultimately accepted. The physician may simply
discard all the symptoms which do not fit the diagnosis,
ascribing them to the patient's tendency to neurosis or
hypochondria. Or he may retain some of them on the

ground that the case is "atypical". What is important is

that he does not base the diagnosis on all possible obser-

vable symptoms but arbitrarily accepts some of them and
discards others. Hahnemann remarked in this connection:

" 'What do we care,' say the medical teachers and their books,
'what do we care about the presence of many other diverse
symptoms that are observable in the case of disease before us,
or the absence of those that are wanting? The physician should
pay no attention to such empirical trifles; his practical tact, the
penetrating glance of his mental eye into the hidden nature of
the malady, enables him to determine at the very first sight of
the patient what is the matter with him, what pathological form
of the disease he has to do with, and what name he has to give
it .'
. .

Hahnemann felt that therapy should not be based upon a

conclusion about the internal state of the organism, be-
cause this knowledge is unstable and arbitrary reflecting —
an arbitrary selection among the symptoms. The allo-
pathic physician cannot take into account all the symp-
toms presented by the patient because he would not know
what to do with them anyway. Many cannot be referred
to some accepted pathological process. But these may be
the very ones which best define the illness from which the
patient is suffering. Who is to say that they are unim-
For the time being, we may note that allopathic medi-
cineis ambiguous in its attitude toward the symptoms.

This question will be discussed further below. 10

Here it may only be suggested that an important reason
for allopathic medicine's insistence upon "objective" data
as the basis for diagnosis is that reliance upon sense-
perception alone — upon the symptoms — leads to a tre-

'Hahnemann, Lesser Writings, p. 714.

See pages 27, 30, 58.

mcndous proliferation of possible disease states. Any
physician knows that the variety among patients is inex-
haustible. If symptoms alone are to be the guide, where is

the physician to find a principle for grouping the indi-

vidual cases into recognizable categories?
Homoeopathy was confronted with this same problem.
Hahnemann refused to group patients according to their
pathological indications. In his view this blurred the small
among patients. He maintained
but significant differences
that each case unique and that the physician's task is

not to ignore this uniqueness but to find some methodi-

cal way of adapting treatment to the specific needs of
each patient.
The solution was found through a complete reorienta-
tion of medical thought. Hahnemann decided that dis-
eased states must be classified — not in terms of their
prominent symptoms — but in terms of the medicines
which cure (hem.
This introduces our discussion of the physician's
second task, as defined above — how to find a reliable
guide to the operations of medicines.
Here the same contrast between the homoeopathic and
allopathic approaches may be noted as held for their dif-
fering approaches to diagnosis. Homoeopathy maintains
that, for evaluating the mode of action of a medicinal
drug, sensory perception of the symptoms is a more reli-

able guide than the "objective" measurement of physio-

logical parameters. The methodological differences to
which this leads will best be understood by first exam-
ining the techniques used today by orthodox medicine
to ascertain the therapeutic powers of medicines.
These techniques are numerous, but their underlying
principleis the same: given the existence of a such-and-

such a disease entity, find a medicine whose mode of

action will oppose or counteract the fundamental pro-
cesses at work in the disease.
Allopathic medicine aims to develop a theory of drug
action which it combines with a theory of the disease
It is contemporary allopathic medicine
quite difficult in
to determine which new medicine will be effective in a
given "disease". There is a body of knowledge known as
pharmacological theory, but theory is still too crude
to give a priori information about the action of drugs.
"There does not exist any sound theoretical basis on
which to build a rational approach to the search for really
new types of drugs." 11 "There are few drugs, if any, for
which we know the basic mechanism of action." 12 "To
date, the subject of biochemorphology has advanced to
the point where intelligent guesses may be made as to the
influence of alteration in structure on the activity of a
given molecule. However, prediction of usefulness and
safety on this basis is impossible." 13 The dependence of
biological performance on chemical and molecular struc-
ture is, in fact, so erratic that even changes in the manu-
facturing process will sometimes alter therapeutic action
in an unacceptable way and compel withdrawal of the
medicine from the market.
Consequently, pharmacological theory only offers sug-
gested lines of research, and these suggestions must be
tested through trials on animals and ultimately on
humans. Medicines are tested for their toxicological
effect and their gross physiological effect on some organ

"Rene Dubos, in Paul Talalay. ed.. Drugs in our Society, Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins, 1964, p. 37.
Louis S. Goodman, in ibid., p. 54.

Victor A. Drill, Ph.D.. M.D., Pharmacology in Medicine,

l3 New York: Mc-
Graw-Hill, 1954, p. 1 16.

or organ system in animals. For the actual therapeutic
trial, it is necessary to gather together a group of persons
suffering from the "same disease" and administer the
medicine to them (following the accepted procedures for
ensuring statistical validity of the results, eliminating ob-
server bias, etc.), then subject the results to appropriate
statistical analysis. If the patients in the group receiving
the medicine seem to benefit from it, by comparison with
those under traditional treatment or those receiving a
placebo, and this benefit falls within the area of statistical
significance, the medicine is viewed as possessing some
therapeutic potential.
The methodological defects in this procedure will be
discussed in more detail below. Here let us merely note
that the procedure is subject to two major criticisms from
the homoeopathic standpoint. The first is that the medi-
cines are usually evaluated in terms of some "objectively"
measurable parameter. But these "objective" phenomena
are the effects of the changes which the drug has made in

the pattern of the vital force. Hence it would be far better

to measure the changes in the vital force rather than the
mere consequences of such changes. The second is that
this procedure is based upon the assumed existence of a
disease entity —
upon the assumed possibility of grouping
cases in terms of their striking or common characteristics
and ignoring the points of dissimilarity.
In his day, Hahnemann was confronted with the same
problem, as the testing of medicines by his contemporaries
was also premised upon the existence of the disease en-
tity. The physician tried out new medicines on those of

his patients whom he suspected of suffering from the dis-

ease for which the medicine was supposed to be bene-
ficial. He reported the results, other physicians tried out
the remedy, and was subsequently either accepted or

rejected by the profession as a whole.

Although vaunted on all sides as thoroughly "empiri-
procedure was an unstable mixture
cal", this drug-testing
of sensory symptomatic data and the measurements of
pathological parameters. Hahnemann thought that this
was imprecise and speculative. He objected, as homoeo-
pathic physicians object today, that the disease descrip-
tions were too imprecise and that the "disease entity"
contains many quite dissimilar diseased states which
should perhaps be treated by a number of different
As proof of his argument, he pointed out that the most
acclaimed medicines often have a very short life expec-
tancy, being denounced as regularly — after the profession
has accumulated some years of experience with them
as they were praised upon their introduction.

Hahnemann was then faced with the problem of de-

vising a substitute procedure for ascertaining the curative
powers of medicines, one which would meet all the cri-
teria which he had set himself:

1) The procedure must avoid recourse to the disease


2) The procedure must be based primarily upon sensory

data; just as physiological processes are best de-
scribed by their sense-perceptible manifestations,
the alterations in these processes caused by medi-
cines are also best described in sensory terms.

Hahnemann's solution to this problem was his adop-

tion of the Law of Similars as the foundation-stone of
homoeopathic therapeutics. The Law of Similars has
figured in medical history since -the time of Hippocrates.
While it has had different meanings at different times,
in Hahnemann's formulation it meant that each medi-
cinal substance will cure the patient whose total set of
symptoms corresponds precisely to the set of symptoms

produced by the same substance when administered to
a healthy person.
Hence the name, homoeopathy, from the Greek:
homoion pathos, meaning "similar disease."
If a healthy person takes any drug or medicinal sub-
stance on a regular basis for several days or weeks, he
will come to manifest a set of symptoms which are pecu-
liar to the particular drug or substance. 14 In homoeopathic
philosophy, this procedure is known as "proving" the
medicine (from the German: Pruefung, meaning "test"
or "trial"). Calomel by its physiological action produces
diarrhoea, frequent bloody and mucous stools, increased
secretion of bile, and salivation. When a case of disease
is characterized by these symptoms, very small doses of
calomel {Mercurius dulcis) will be curative. Belladonna
is indicated homoeopathically when the patient presents
dilated pupils, violent congestion of blood to the head
with throbbing headache, high fever with hot red skin,
cerebral excitement, dryness of mouth and throat, muscu-
lar twitchings (the symptoms frequently encountered in
scarlet fever).Any physician will recognize these symp-
toms as the well-known toxic effects of Belladonna.
Thus, when the homoeopathic physician has a complete
and exhaustive listing of the patient's symptoms, he com-
pares this with the listings of symptoms in the homoeo-
pathic books of provings. When there is precise corres-
pondence between the patient's symptoms and the symp-
toms of some particular medicine, as listed in the books
of provings, this medicine will act curatively.
It will be seen that Hahnemann's assumption that the
symptom is a benign manifestation is perfectly adapted
to therapy based upon the Law of Similars. If the symp-

Persons who are particularly sensitive to a given drug will manifest the
drug's symptomatology to amore marked degree. Those who are less sensitive
will yield a less striking symptom picture.

torn is recognized as the expression of the organism's
effort to counteract morbific stimuli and to rid itself of
disease, the medicine which stimulates the organism in
precisely this direction is the one which will act cura-
tively. Thus in homoeopathy the symptoms, which are
the sense-perceptible evidence of the disease process,
are at the same time sufficient to characterize the ef-
fects of medicines upon the organism. The disease pro-
cess and the operations of medicines are described by
sensory phenomena.
By the same token it is seen that the Law of Similars
yields the basis for the homoeopathic classification of
diseases. The traditional disease categories are largely
rejected, and these physicians, if pressed, will only say
that the patient has a Sulphur disease, Belladonna dis-
ease, Cantharis disease, or the like. 15
From the thera-
peutic viewpoint, what more useful criterion of disease
classification could be desired than the medicine which
acts curatively?

James Tyler Kent, the foremost American homoeopath of an earlier gen-
an Irishman who came into the clinic one day, gave
eration, tells the story of
his symptoms, and then wanted to know what he had. "The physician answered,
'Why you have Nux Vomica' that being his remedy. Whereupon the old man
said, 'Well, did think
1 had some wonderful disease or other' ..." (Kent,

Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy, Indian Edition, Calcutta: Sett Day &

Co., 1961.)


Hahnemann aimed to elaborate a therapeutic method

which would enable the physician to account for the
minute distinctions among patients and among remedies.
The thrust of this system was to be contrary to that of

orthodox medicine which often classifies patients under
the same diagnosis despite quite significant symptomatic
differences and which also fails to distinguish among
medicines with approximately similar modes of action.
Hahnemann presented his system in the form of the
three rules: 1) prescription of the drug according to the
Law of Similars, 2) the minimum dose, and 3) the single
I.) The Law of
Similars. The homoeopathic physician
must remedy on the basis of the totality of the
select his
patient's symptoms. This leads to a further distinction
between the homoeopathic and the allopathic views of the
relative importance of symptoms. While orthodox medi-
cine stresses the obvious and striking symptoms, those
which cause the patient the greatest unease, homo-
eopathy views these as of importance than the
symptoms —
the ones which
peculiar to the given patient
he manifests and which another patient would not mani-

fest under the same circumstances. As Hahnemann wrote,
"the more common and undefined symptoms: loss of
appetite, headache, debility, restless sleep,
and so forth, demand but little attention when of
vague and undefined character, if they cannot
be more
accurately described, as symptoms of such
a common
nature are observed in almost every disease
and from
almost every drug."'" "The most singular, most
mon signs furnish the characteristic, distinctive, and
peculiar features."' 7 "The more striking, singular,
uncommon, and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symp-
toms of the case of disease are chiefly and most
to be kept in view." 18
The medicine which resembles the patient's syndrome
in only its more common features will have little
or no
curative effect. The highly similar remedy,
the sim-
ilimurn, derives its curative power from its
close resem-
blance to the fleeting but strongly characteristic
toms of the patient. Hahnemann, whose father wrote
treatise on portrait-painting, used the
artist's language
to express his idea of
how the picture of the disease should
be matched to the picture of the remedy:

"No portrait-painterwas ever so careless as to pay no attention

to the marked peculiarity in the features of the person he wished
to make a likeness of. or to consider it sufficient to make any
sort ot a pair of round holes below the forehead by way of eyes,
between them to draw a long-shaped thing directed
always of the same shape, by way of a nose, and
beneath this to
put a slit going across the face, and should
stand for the mouth
of this or of any other person;
no painter, say. ever went about

delineating human faces in such a rude and slovenly manner; no

naturalist ever went to work in this fashion in describing any

'"Hahnemann. Organon, Section 153.

''Hahnemann. / *sser Writings, pp. 1X1. 444
'"Hahnemann. Organon. Section 153.

natural production; such was never the way
in which any zoolo-

gist, botanist, or mineralogist acted. Itwas only the semeiology

of ordinary medicine that went to work in such a manner, when
describing morbid phenomena." 1

The key to the remedy is furnished by the small differences

which distinguish one patient from another, one case of
"pneumonia" or "scarlet fever" from another. These are
the details which "individualize" the case, which reveal
the peculiar features, the wholeness, of the disease and of
the remedy. To ensure that these details were preserved in
all their freshness and purity, Hahnemann urged the phy-
sician to take down symptoms in the patient's
the patient's
own words whenever possible. Homoeopathic experience
has shown that the patient's own novel way of expressing
his sensations is often paralleled precisely in the records
of the provings. and these rare and peculiar symptoms are
often of the greatest value to the physician.
Homoeopathic physicians Hahnemann's time have
made symptoms
further study of the different grades of
and of their relative importance. They have found that
mental symptoms, when well defined, are usually the most
useful. Then come the general symptoms: the patient's
overall reaction to heat, cold, movement, foods, wet or
dry weather, etc. Finally come the particular symptoms:
those relating to a part of the body. In all three of these
categories the symptoms which dominant are absolutely
are the and peculiar" symptoms which
"strange, rare,
qualify the given patient and distinguish him from all
others with similar mental, general, or particular symp-
The homoeopathic gradation of symptoms is a complex
doctrine which cannot be elaborated in any detail here.

"Hahnemann, Lesser Writings, p. 727.

The reader is referred to the competent discussion of the
M.D. 20
subject by Margaret Tyler,
The homoeopathic analysis of symptoms provides a
sound method for "treating the patient and not the dis-
ease." This is an oft-mentioned desideratum in orthodox

medicine but one which is difficult, if not impossible,

to attain with a method based upon the concept of the
disease entity. The disease entity, of necessity, directs
the physician's attention away from the rare and peculiar
symptoms (since they cannot usually be associated with
any pathology) and toward the common symptoms of the
various cases subsumed under a single disease name.
This attention to the common symptoms of disease is

what makes orthodox medicine "scientific" in its own

estimation. These physicians endeavor to treat the fever,
the inflammation, the severe headache, the thirst, the
restlessness, etc. which are striking features of very many
different diseases. The homoeopath, on the contrary,
denies the utility of these common symptoms precisely
because they are common to so many and so
many cases of the same disease: he maintains that the
scientific method is the one which enables the physician
to take into account the minute but significant differences
between one patient and another.
If patients are to be distinguished minutely from one

another, it must also be possible to distinguish remedies

in the same way. And just as the unusual symptoms are
the key to the uniqueness of the particular patient, so
these same symptoms in the provings are the key to the
uniqueness of the particular remedy. Hahnemann's com-
ments about the relative valuelessness of such common
symptoms as headache, nausea, diarrhoea, and the like
when manifested by the sick patient are equally appli-—
In James Tyler Kent, Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica,
First Indian Edition, Calcutta: Hahnemann Publishing Co. Private Ltd., 1961.

cable to these symptoms when manifested in the provings
of remedies. Nearly every proving will yield a group of
these common symptoms, and for that reason they are of
little value for treatment. What is significant are the
"modalities": which conditions relieve the headache or
the nausea, which aggravate them, etc. It is found that
remedies can be distinguished from one another on the
basis of the modalities and that these are often the key
to correct prescribing.
The remedy prescribed according to the Law of Similars
is "specific" to a particular syndrome, a par-
ticular conglomeration of symptoms, and homoeopathy
thus provides an answer to the time-honored dispute in
medical history over the meaning of the "specific medi-
cine." In the orthodox tradition the "specific" has meant
the medicine which was of use in a particular disease even
though no explanation of its action was forthcoming, the
best examples being quinine (Cinchona) in malaria
(intermittent fever) and mercurial compounds in syphilis.
Hahnemann's provings of these two substances revealed
them to be homoeopathic to certain instances of their
respective "diseases," and he rightly observed that their
popularity over the centuries stemmed from the fact that
they were truly curative in these cases because homoeo-
pathic to their symptoms. In the light of the homoeopathic
experience, therefore, "specific" means homoeopathic to
a particular set of symptoms. Every medicine or substance
used as a medicine is the specific remedy for the group
of symptoms which it develops when proved on healthy
persons. Quinine is specific to certain cases of malaria,
and mercury is specific to certain syphilis syndromes.
Neither is specific to all cases of disease lumped by some
physicians under the headings, "malaria", or "syphilis".
The specificity is not to the disease name but to certain
symptom-syndromes which, in the case of malaria and

syphilis, happen to be syndromes often encountered in

persons suffering from these diseases.

orthodox tradition, on the other hand, where
In the
medicines are grouped together in terms of their general
effect on some organ or system of the body, there is
method for making precise distinctions among them. The
homoeopathic physician is trained to spot the one medi-
cine, or the group of complementary medicines, out of
the 2000-odd substances in the homoeopathic pharma-
copoeia, which the patient before him needs. He will make
regular use of perhaps 800 different medicines in his day-
to-day practice. The orthodox physician today, on the
contrary, lacksmethod for distinguishing minutely
among the many thousands of medicines on the market
and will be found to make regular use of not more, than
30 to 40 medicines in his day-to-day practice, applying

them in a more indiscriminate way than the homoeopathic

This ability to make small distinctions among patients

and among superficially similar disease processes is the

natural corollary of the concern for the whole man which

is homoeopathy. The homoeopathic physiologi-
central to
cal assumptions imply the conviction that the
must be viewed as an integrated whole, and the Law of
Similars gives the physician a technique for distinguish-
ing the whole state of one patient from the whole
state of

another. Thus homoeopathy is holistic (i.e., synthesizing),

as contrasted with the analytical approach of orthodox
medicine. The latter bases treatment on what appear to be
the common elements in a series of slightly different

cases. Homoeopathy largely ignores these common ele-

ments, the prominent symptoms, and bases treatment on

the small differences between one patient and another.
The holism of homoeopathy applies to the medicine as
well as to the patient. The provings, in principle, yield

all the symptoms of the remedy, and the indicated remedy
is the one whose symptoms match all the symptoms of
the patient.
Another important difference between the homoeo-
pathic and the allopathic approaches to therapeutics
stems from the homoeopathic awareness of the existence
of "primary" and "secondary" symptoms of drugs. Hahne-
mann discovered in 1796 that any drug administered to a
healthy person gives rise to two consecutive sets of symp-
toms, the second set being in a sense the "opposite" of
the first. Hahnemann
wrote, with respect to the primary
and secondary symptoms of Opium: "A fearless elevation
of spirit, a sensation of strength and high courage, an
imaginative gaity, are part of the direct primary action of
a moderate dose on the system: But after the lapse of eight
or twelve hours an opposite state sets in, the indirect
secondary action; there ensue relaxation, dejection,
diffidence, peevishness, loss of memory, discomfort,
fear ." 2I Initially he felt that both sets of symptoms
. .

were symptoms of the drug, but he later concluded that the

"secondary" symptoms expressed the reaction of the
organism to the drug. Thus it seems that the primary
symptoms represent the actual effect of the drug on the
organism, and the "secondary" symptoms represent the
vital reaction of the organism to the drug.
The "secondary" symptoms are merely another mani-
festation of the reactivepower of the vital force and of
its ability to overcome morbific stimuli impinging upon

the body from the external environment.

Hahnemann and his followers have held that the pri-
mary symptoms are the ones to be recorded in the
provings. When the medicine is given whose primary
symptoms are identical with the symptoms of the disease,

Hahnemann, Lesser Writings, pp. 266-267.

the organism's reaction to the drug (expressed in the form
of the secondary symptoms) will be the "opposite" of
the disease symptoms and will thus neutralize or annihi-
late the "disorder of the vital force" which is the disease.
Hence the frequently observed "aggravation" of the
disease after administration of the indicated remedy.
Since the primary symptoms of the remedy are identical
with the symptoms of the disease, these latter are at first

intensified; this, in turn, stimulates the reactive power of

the organism (the "secondary symptoms" of the provings)
which overcomes and nullifies the primary symptoms (the
"disease" symptoms), thus removing the disease.
2.) The Minimum Dose. Hahnemann's second rule
was the result of his experience with the phenomenon
of disease aggravation. Finding that the administration
of medicines in substantial doses according to the Law of
Similars led to aggravation of the symptoms,
he reduced his doses drastically. In the process he found
that the strength of the "primary" symptoms was lessened
while that of the "secondary" symptoms remained un-
impaired. Since the curative effect of the remedy is a func-
tion of the "secondary" symptoms, this discovery per-
mitted a continuing reduction in dose size.

As early as 1800 Hahnemann referred in a writing to

a dose of arsenic "one ten-millionth the usual size," and
after this time he made general (although not exclusive)
use of the so-called ultra-molecular dose.
Since this ultra-molecular dose has become the hallmark
of homoeopathy, some explanation of it must be made.
Medicines are prepared for homoeopathic use by diluting
one part of the original substance (if a solid) or tincture
(if a liquid) in nine parts of milk sugar or of an 87% solu-

tion of alcohol and distilled water. The mixture is tri-

turated in a mortar or succussed in a bottle for some time
until the medicinal substance is uniformly distributed

throughout the diluent, and it is then known as the 1 X
The mixture can also be made
dilution. in the proportion 1

to 99 and is then known as the C dilution. 1

The process can be repeated as many times as is

desired, and the remedies are prepared and used in all
dilutions from X or C up to 30 X, 200 X, and beyond,
1 1

the former being known as "low" and the latter as

"high" dilutions.
According to the Avogadro Law, however, the number
of molecules in one gram/ mole of any substance is ap-
proximately 1 x 10 24 Therefore, when medicines are di-

luted beyond the 12 C or 24 X levels, it is statistically im-

probable that a single molecule of the original medicinal
substance will remain in the milk-sugar or alcohol used
as the diluent (assuming that a homogeneous solution
has been achieved at each stage). And since homoeopathy
makes frequent use of medicines diluted well beyond the
Avogadro limit, these physicians are often accused of
employing pure placebos.
A more controversial aspect of the dilution of remedies
is the belief that the succussion and trituration of these
remedies at the various stages of their preparation actually
increase the power of the remedy, so that the "high dilu-
tions" provoke a more powerful response, by the organ-
ism, than the "low dilutions."
A corollary is that some substances which are quite inert
in their natural state —
such as certain metals, silica,
charcoal, and others —
develop medicinal powers when
prepared according to the above procedures. Hahnemann,
for example, recommends dilutions of metallic gold as
the antidote for suicidal tendencies. 22 It is felt that
most mineral remedies, and those derived from the animal
kingdom, act more powerfully in the higher dilutions.

"Hahnemann, Lesser Writings, p. 695.

Several comments may be made on homoeopathic the
been proven
dilutions. In the first place, their value has
by much clinical experience. Thousands of homoeopaths
have used them and are using them today. These dilu-
tions have been found highly effective when used ac-
cording to the correct indications. In the second place,
a series of biological, chemical, and physical experiments
have uniformly demonstrated the existence of some
physico-chemical, or other, force in the ultra-molecular
dilutions. In 1928, H. Junker added various substances,
in dilutions up to 10 -27
to bacterial cultures and found

growth of the bacteria. J. Patterson

that they affected the
and W. Boyd in Scotland found that the Schick test for
diptheria was changed from positive to negative by oral
administration of alum-precipitated toxoid in a dilution of
10-60 or of Diphtherinum (a homoeopathic preparation of
throat swabs from diphtheria patients) in a dilution of
1(H° 2 . W. Persson in Leningrad investigated the effects of
dilutions up to 1CH 20 on the rate of fermentation of starch
by ptyalin and on the lysis of fibrin by pepsin and trypsin;
in 1954 W. Boyd announced positive results from a retest
of Persson's findings with respect to the effect of dilutions
of mercuric chloride up to 10- 61 on the rate of hydrolysis
of starch by diastase. 23 These findings appear to be strong
evidence against any suggestion that the homoeopathic
infinitesimal doses are mere placebos. 24
Furthermore, it is worth noting that orthodox medicine
has never made an effort to test this aspect of homoe-
opathy under controlled conditions. Criticism of the ultra-

See James Stephenson, M.D., "A Review of Investigations into the Action
of Substances in Dilutions Greater than 1 x 10- :4 (Microdilutions)," Journal
oj the American Institute of Homoeopathy XLVIII ( 1955), 327-355.
Some on the physical basis of the action of microdilu-
results of research
tions are reported in James Stephenson, M.D. and G. P. Barnard, "Fresh
Evidence for a Biophysical Field," Journal of the American Institute of
Homoeopathy LX1I (1969). 73-85.

molecular dose has been strictly a priori — with vague
references to common sense which is a notoriously un-
guide in medical matters.
Use of the ultra-molecular dose, in any case, is not an
essential principle ofhomoeopathy. Hahnemann insisted
on the "minimum dose", which is an ambiguous concept in
view of the associated doctrine that increased dilution of
the substance actually enhances its power. Homoeopathic
physicians, like Hahnemann himself, make use of the
whole range of dilutions, from the lowest to the highest.
3.) The Single Remedy. Hahnemann's third rule re-
quires the physician to administer one remedy at a time.
Here again his rule contrasts with orthodox practice
which permits the use of several drugs at once or in
The homoeopathic principle is not arbitrary but stems
logically from the other elements of the homoeopathic
system. The physician may give only one drug at a time
because the provings are only of a single substance. The
physician may not give two remedies at once (i.e., on the

ground that their combined symptoms match all of the

symptoms of the patient) because, when two remedies are
administered at the same time, they yield additional
symptoms which are neither those of substance A nor of
substance B, but of A
and B combined. Administration of
two remedies at the same time introduces an unknown
into the picture, and the purpose of Hahnemann's new
method was to eliminate just such speculative and un-
reliable procedures from medicine.
Homoeopathy is in no way averse to the use of chemi-
cal compounds provided they have been proved as such.
Thus, Ferrum metallicum yields one set of symptoms,
and Phosphorus yields another set. Phosphate of iron
{Ferrum phosphoricum) yields symptoms of both Ferrum
metallicum and Phosphorus, but, in addition, has a

distinctive action not found in either of its components.
The characteristic symptoms produced by Ferrum phos-
phoricum mark it as a distinctive single remedy, and it
must be prescribed on the basis of the symptoms from
its own proving, not on the basis of a mixture of Ferrum

metallicum and Phosphorus symptoms.

The homoeopathic materia medica contains provings of
numerous such chemical compounds: potassium sulphate,
protoiodide of mercury, sodium carbonate, to mention
only a few.
In orthodox practice, the use of medicinal mixtures is

justifiedon the ground that each medicine has a specific

function inside the body and is directed "against" some
specific aspect of the disease in question. Homoeopaths
disapprove of this practice not only because the medicines
are not given in accordance with the Law of Similars, but
also because such mixtures yield new and unpredictable
combined effects which may be harmful to the patient.
Here, as elsewhere, the homoeopathic approach is con-
sistently holistic — demanding the matching of the whole
symptomatology of the patient with the symptomatology
of a single remedy.
4.) The Theory of Chronic Diseases. A final aspect of
the homoeopathic system is Hahnemann's theory of
chronic diseases. After practicing his new system for
nearly two decades, Hahnemann found that in many cases
the symptoms of acute diseases disappeared only tem-
porarily and subsequently either recurred or were re-
placed by a new pattern of symptoms. The patient was
not permanently cured, and his health was not perma-
nently improved. This led him to the conclusion that
underlying these acute diseases were a number of chronic
"miasms" or chronic diseases which had to be cured
first — before a lasting cure of the supervening acute
disease could be effected.

In 1828 he published a work which hypothesized the
existence of three basic chronic diseases; psora, syphilis,
and sycosis (gonorrhoea). These three chronic diseases,
which assume the most protean forms (Hahnemann wrote
five volumes of their symptoms), were to be cured by
Sulphur, Mercurius, and Thuja (Arbor vitae) respectively.
Hahnemann's theory of chronic diseases is a departure
from his principle of the uniqueness of each individual
case and a step in the direction of reliance on the disease
entity. For this and other reasons it provoked fierce con-
troversy in homoeopathic ranks which lasted for decades.
Today, however, a consensus has been reached on this
point, which can be summarized as follows.
While it is felt that Hahnemann's symptomatic descrip-
tion of these three chronic diseases, and the remedies he
selected for them, are correct, there is less agreement on
the causal relationship between these miasms and their
respective acute forms, that is, the acute forms of psora
(the "itch"), syphilis, and gonorrhoea. 25 Therefore, at
the present time, Hahnemann's chronic-disease theory has
been converted into a principle of homoeopathic practice.
When the indicated remedy fails to cure, or effects a cure
which is not permanent, one of the chronic-disease
remedies is probably indicated, and when this remedy has
run its course, the indicated remedies for the acute disease
are seen to be once again effective. Thus, a contemporary
homoeopathic materia medica states, with respect to
sulphur: "When carefully selected remedies fail to act,
especially in acute diseases, it frequently arouses the
reactionary powers of the organism . . . prescribed for
complaints that relapse." 26

"Dhawale, Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy, Volume I, Bombay,

1967, pp. 443 ff.

26 W. Boericke, Materia Medica With Repertory, Ninth Edition, Philadelphia,

1927, p. 520.

In conclusion, it should be stressed that the rationale
for prescribing the remedy in homoeopathic practice is

very different from its rationale in orthodox practice. The

homoeopath views disease as a derangement or dis-
turbance of the body's economy, of the vital force. Since
this disturbance cannot be known directly by the phy-
sician, because of the complexity of the internal processes
involved, it must be cognized indirectly by means of the

patient's symptoms. The symptoms reveal the course

taken by the vital force in counteracting the morbific
environmental stimulus. The remedy is administered with
the aim of helping the organism to react along these lines.
The only remedy which can produce this effect is the
single substance, administered in the minimum dose, and
conformity with the Law of Similars.
in strict
Thus, the homoeopathic refusal to base remedy selec-
tion on bacteriological factors has a logical basis. While
no homoeopath denies the indisputable fact that germs,
bacteria, viruses, etc., can cause or aggravate diseases
in various ways, 27 this does not mean that the most
appropriate mode of therapy is one which attempts to
"kill" the germ or bacterium or virus within the organism.
Germs are merely another type of morbific external force.
Once inside the body, they promote a reaction just like any
other such stimulus. In bacterial diseases, as in all others,
the homoeopath attempts to further the reaction of the
organism, and experience shows well that this procedure is
as successful in this class of diseases as in others.
Thus, the homoeopath disapproves of the use of bacteri-
cidal medicines, feeling that killing the assumed bacterial
or viral disease "cause" within the body does not lead to a

In 1832, Hahnemann suggested that the cause of the Asiatic cholera epi-
demic of that year was probably "an enormous brood of excessively
. . .

minute, invisible, living creatures" (lesser Writings, p. 758). He still called

for remedies prescribed on a symptomatic basis. Many of these remedies were
taken over by allopathic medicine.

true or permanent cure, since it in no way strengthens the
organism. In fact, this type of medication may well weaken
the organism and affect adversely its inherent recuperative
powers, leaving the patient prone to a relapse or to infec-
tion with another disease. It is well-known that antibiotics
can at times upset the balance of microorganisms within
the body and thus permit the ingress of pathogenic
Similarly, in the homoeopathic view, the other typical
medicines used in orthodox practice — substances which
stimulate or depress some physiological function, deal
only with particular manifestations of the disease process
and fail to reach the root.
Killing the germ inside the body does not eliminate the
disease cause. The "cause" is not the germ but the pre-
existing state of the organism which permits the germ to
exist and multiply there. Enhancing or blocking some
physiological function does not remove the disease cause
but only diverts the vital force into different channels.
The "cause" is the preexisting state of the organism
which in time gives rise to an observable pathological
process. It is non-material and cannot be cognized di-

rectly.Knowledge of it is obtained only through the

minute homoeopathic analysis of the patient's symptoms.
This cause can be removed only through administration
of the similar remedy.
It is even possible that the antibacterial and antiviral
medicines, metabolic inhibitors, and other medicines
commonly employed in today's allopathic practice
actually predispose the patient to such degenerative
diseases as arthritis, heart trouble, and cancer. The
increasing frequency of these complaints, in the homoeo-
pathic view, partly the consequence of the use of power-

ful allopathicremedies which affect the body in an incor-

rect and ultimately harmful way.


We have been stressing the homoeopathic rejection of

pathological diagnosis as a guide to selection of the
remedy, but that does not mean that the modern homoeo-
pathic physician denies any value to pathology. Here we
will attempt to clarify the much controverted issue of
the relationship between pathology and homoeopathic
In the first place, the homoeopathic physician does
refuse to base his prescription of the remedy, in diseases
which are curable through the use of drugs, on patho-
logical diagnosis.The progress from symptoms to patho-
logical entity to the curative medicine is an allopathic
procedure which is not employed in homoeopathy and
whose value is denied by the homoeopathic physician.
His method moves from the totality of the symptoms
directly to the remedy, largely bypassing the patho-
logical stage with its uncertainties.
Over the years this procedure has given rise to much
criticism from orthodox practitioners who state that
homoeopathic treatment is "symptomatic" i.e., not —
directed against the "disease" but only against the

A careful analysis of this argument, however, reveals
it to be merely a remnant of the disease-entity way of
thinking. It reflects the belief that the "disease itself
issomehow in existence within, and independent of, the
body. The presence of this entity is thought to produce
certain symptoms, and the "mere" removal of these symp-
toms is not viewed as equivalent to curing the "disease."
Homoeopathy, however, regards disease as a distortion,
disharmony, or misdirection of the body's vital force. If
a medicine is administered which covers the totality of
the patient's symptoms and thus removes all of these

symptoms so that the patient feels entirely well after-
wards and appears in excellent health, who is to say that
the "disease" has not been removed, that the patient has
not been cured?
Hahnemann answered this criticism in the following
words: "It is not conceivable nor can it be proved by
any experience in the world, that, after removal of all the
symptoms of the disease, and the entire collection of the
perceptible phenomena, there should or could remain
anything else besides health, or that the morbid alteration
in the interior could remain unaltered." 28 "In the cure
effected by the removal of the whole of the perceptible
signs and symptoms of the disease, the internal alteration
of the vital principle to which the disease is due — conse-
quently the whole of the disease — is at the same time
removed." 29 As a later commentator has put it, "Cessat
efjectus, cessat causa. 30
Of fundamental importance to Hahnemann's dictum is
the idea that the totality of the symptoms must be re-

Hahnemann, Organon, Section 8.

»/&/</., Section 17.

i0 Ibid, Introduction by James Krauss, M.D. ("When the effect ceases, so

does the cause").

moved by the single remedy. 3I The idea that the symp-
tomatology of the disease must match that of the remedy
to the last detail is a far cry from what is called symp-
tomatic prescribing in orthodox practice, where several
different medicines are administered because of their
presumed action "against" several of the patient's
The next problem is the role of pathology in the total
management of the patient. It must be admitted that this
question has not always been properly understood in the
past by the homoeopaths themselves, as they have often
confused the purely pharmaceutical side of medicine with
the whole of medical practice. A more balanced view
prevails at present, however, and it can be summarized
as follows:
1) Pathological knowledge has the important function
of demarcating the cases which are, in principle, amenable
to drug treatment from those where some other type of
treatment, such as surgery, dietary adjustment, or manipu-
lative therapy, may be indicated. Diseases caused by
defective diet are best treated by improving the diet, and
it may be found that no medicine at all is needed there-
after. Deficiency diseases can often be spotted by symp-
toms alone, but in many cases pathological investigations
are also needed. The same is true for diseases requiring
surgery. While homoeopaths have always held that
surgery is less used in homoeopathic practice than in
orthodox practice, there is no theoretical objection to it.
Often is revealed through pathological in-
its necessity
and it may be employed whenever needed.
Homoeopathy, furthermore, is fully compatible with the

lbid., Section 70. It is understood that the development of the disease will
usually require different remedies— matching the changing symptom-pattern.
But two medicines are never to be given simultaneously.

various forms of manipulative therapy, and homoeopaths,
more than other physicians, have recognized the value of
these types of treatment.
2) Just as pathological knowledge helps to demarcate
the diseases curable by drug therapy from those which are
not, it also helps to distinguish the symptoms of the
patient's altered vital force from those symptoms which
may be the secondary consequences of some gross patho-
logical alteration. An authority notes: "frequency of
micturition, with a morbid growth impacted in the pelvis,
would not help you in the choice of a remedy. It would be
asymptom secondary to gross pathological change; not a
symptom expressing the patient herself, but a symptom
merely dependent on mechanical pressure; promptly
relieved by the removal of the tumor." 32
3) Another important use of pathological knowledge is
in demarcating cases with favorable prognosis from those
in which the prognosis is unfavorable. When the patho-
logical changes are far advanced, and the vital organs have
been seriously affected, use of a powerful and deep-
acting homoeopathic remedy may so disturb the economy
as to lead to death. The homoeopathic literature contains
a number of instances of this. Thus, when the prognosis
is unfavorable, the homoeopath is often best advised to
employ superficial and palliative remedies which do not
attempt to provoke a far-reaching restorative process,
since the patient's recuperative powers may not be equal
to the task of cure. This state of the organism is often
to be discovered through use of the common diagnostic
4) A final use of pathology, mentioned in one of the
leading contemporary homoeopathic texts, is the follow-

J. T. Kent, Repertory of the Homoeopathy Materia Medica, Introduction
by Margaret Tyler, M.D., p. viii.

ing: When treating such epidemic diseases as typhoid or
cholera, in which the same group of homoeopathic rem-
edies is may benefit from
usually indicated, the physician
a knowledge of the pathological changes which indicate
the particular epidemic process. Then the correct remedy
can be administered at an early stage when the symp-
tomatology is still diffuse and unclear, i.e., before the
typical symptoms characterizing the particular epidemic
process have had time to develop.
This latter procedure is still, in principle, identical
with prescribing on a symptomatic basis. The pathological
indications enable the physician to resolve which of the
patient's unclear symptoms are of significance for
Practitioners are agreed, however, that this procedure
carries a serious risk of abuse, for its apparent short-
cutting of the laborious stage of symptom analysis. The
general rule remains, as always, that remedies are to be
selected on the basis of the symptoms.
Pathological knowledge is imprecise. It does not permit
of individualization. That is why it is rejected as a
guide to remedy selection. A modern authority has

"Supposing many drugs had been pushed so far as to produce

Pneumonia, for instance, each would produce not only a Pneu-
monia with symptoms peculiar to itself, but would also elicit
symptoms peculiar to individual provers, so that you would
still need to individualize, in order to cure. Pathologists know
that drugs produce Pneumonia or Sciatica; what they do not
know is that they produce a modified Sciatica or Pneumonia." 33

Furthermore, there is no way in which this could be

changed. While remedies could, in principle, be proved for

J. T. Kent, Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Introduction

by Margaret Tyler, M.D., p. viii.

pathological indications, this would be extremely labori-
ous, and a thorough pathological picture of the remedy's
effectwould demand an autopsy of the prover! And what
would be the point? The symptoms already provide more
subtle and differentiated pictures of drug effects than
could ever be obtained from pathological investigations.


The fundamental problem of medicine is how to estab-

lish therapeutics on a scientific basis. The argument be-
tween the homoeopaths and the orthodox physicians is,
inter alia, a dispute over the meaning of scientific method
in therapeutics. At present, both groups of physicians
claim their method to be scientific. Since the methods
are in many respects opposed to one another, they clearly
cannot both be scientific. Our problem now is to ascer-
tain whether homoeopathy or orthodox medicine is more
entitled to claim the honor of being a "scientific" form of
The Role of "Art" in Medical Practice. A prelim-

inary issue is the proper importance of the "artistic" com-

ponent of medicine. Physicians are fond of insisting that

therapeutics must always be ultimately an "artistic"
endeavor. Disease parameters are too indefinite and
changeable, and there are too many imponderabilia, it is
said, for precise and rigid scientific standards to apply.
We sympathize with this view to the extent that it is not
designed to cover up incompetence. Too often the claim
for artistic freedom is merely a claim for maximum lati-
tude in medical practice. But such freedom, while grati-

fying to the practitioner, always entails a risk to the
patient. While we admit that therapeutics contains an
"artistic" dimension, we also feel that its magnitude
should be diminished to the utmost.
Art should be a supplement to scientific knowledge,
not a substitute for it. It would be odd if engineers were

to pontificate about the role of art in bridge-building, as

if were to take the place of the requisite knowledge
of strength of materials. Engineers are inhibitedfrom so
doing because, in their profession, when art encroaches
too much on science, the bridges fall down.
Unfortunately, the same is not so clearly true for medi-
cine. Patients may live despite their physician's best
efforts or die because of them, but the cause-and-effect
relationship is more obscure when the workman's mate-
rials are not steeland concrete but the living, vital,
reactive human organism.
In any case, the existence of an artistic dimension in
therapeutics should not preclude us from attempting a
rational analysis of the principles and procedures which
might make this discipline scientific.

2.) The Modern Allopathic Definition of "Scientific

Medicine". Discussion of this issue is complicated, as is
any discussion of medical questions, by the general con-
fusion over terms and definitions and by the lack of
agreement on the meaning of "scientific method" in

Spokesmen for orthodox medicine will generally claim
that their procedures are scientific to the extent that they
embody measurements. Thus the various diag-
nostic tests employed, which are based upon
and other
recognized chemical and physical principles, are supposed
to be scientific and to make the practice of medicine
scientific. But the unreliability and ambiguity of diag-

nostic procedures are well-known and admitted on all

sides, and these procedures could thus not be "scientific"
in any ordinary sense of the word. At this point the phy-
sician usually falls back upon the concept of the phy-
sician's "tact" or artistic sense: "Judgment is the es-
sence of the clinical method in its fullness," 34 diagnosis
is "the product not of guessing but of a sifted experience
by which the significant is recognized with such rapidity
that the steps of reasoning are not discernible to the
uninitiated." 35
If diagnosis is not a scientific procedure, the next
step — the selection of treatment — can hardly be scien-
tific either. Allopathic diagnosis never points unam-
biguously to a single no necessary
medicine; there is

or immediate relationship between the diagnosis and the

remedy. The physician's judgment is always called into
Confronted with these arguments the orthodox phy-
sician will respond that while medicine is not scientific
with respect to any individual case, it compensates for this
by proceeding on the basis of the statistical averages of
cases. Statistical techniques are supposed to be especially
valuable in providing evidence of the efficacy of drugs.
Both approaches to establishing medicine on a scien-
tific basis are thus premised upon acceptance of the con-
cept of the disease entity. In the first case, accurate
measurement of the disease parameters is supposed to be
sufficient to determine whether or not a particular patient
is suffering from a particular "disease". In the second
case, the statistical procedure can be valid only if all the
patients investigated are indeed suffering from the same
u Sir James Spence. "The Methodology The Lancet,
of Clinical Science".
September 26. 1953. p. 629.
F. M. R. Walshe. "On Clinical Medicine". The lancet. December 16.

1950. p. 784.

The disease entity plays as pivotal a role in today's
orthodox therapeutics as it did for Galen. This concept
was refined with Pierre Louis' introduction of statistics in-
to medicine in the early nineteenth century and immedi-
ately encountered the most serious methodological and
philosophical objections. The essence of these objections
has always been that finding a statistical mean or average
between unlike things does not make them like. An aver-
age could be found between six oranges and six apples,
but it would have no physical meaning; nothing cor-
responds to it in the physical world, especially in a field
such as medicine where the ultimate reality is always a
single individual person. These ideas have been presented
in their most trenchant form by Claude Bernard:

Another very frequent application of mathematics to biology is

the use of averages which, in medicineand physiology, leads, so
to speak, necessarily, to error. There are doubtless several
reasons for this: But the greatest obstacle to applying calculation
to physiological phenomena is still, at bottom, the excessive com-
plexity which prevents their being definite and comparable one
with another. By destroying the biological character of phenom-
ena, the use of averages in physiology and medicine usually
gives apparent accuracy to the results
only Aside from . . .

physicaland chemical, there are physiological averages, or what

we might call average descriptions of phenomena, which are even
more false. Let me assume that a physician collects a
great many individual observations of a disease and that he
makes an average description of symptoms observed in the indi-
vidual cases; he will thus have a description that will never be
matched in nature. So in physiology we must never make average
descriptions of experiments, because the true relations of phe-
nomena disappear in the average . . . averages must therefore be
rejected, because they confuse, while aiming to unify, and dis-
tort, while aiming to simplify . . .

Claude Bernard, An Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine,
New York: Dover, 1957, pp. 134-135.

It is odd indeed French physiologist, who
that the great
is usually foremost philosopher of con-
cited as the
temporary orthodox therapeutic method, should in fact
have rejected the fundamental concept upon which this
method is founded. But the nineteenth-century contro-
versy over the use of statistics in medicine is presumed
to have been settled, and Claude Bernard's spiritual
descendants have until recently been content to leave it

Interest in the significance of the statistical average for

medicine was reawakened with the 1962 Kefauver-Harris
amendments to the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The
1962 law for the first time compelled drug manufacturers
to develop statistical evidence for the effectiveness of
the medicines which they wanted to produce and sell.

Prior to this time the clinical testing of medicines had

been fairly haphazard; afterwards it became a large-
scale affair and has been discussed much more compre-
hensively in the medical literature.
The upshot has been a new attack on the disease-entity
concept. The theoretically simple procedure of gathering
together a group of people with the "same" disease and
evaluating their response to a drug has been found to
encounter unexpected obstacles. Ensuring "group homo-
geneity" or "group comparability" turns out to be far
more difficult than had been supposed. A professional
medical statistician comments:

One of the basic limitations under which clinical research

often has to be performed is the relatively small number of
patients available for a given study, particularly with respect
to the large number of variables which may, at least in theory,
affect behavior or symptomatology . . . It is . . . quite difficult to
obtain strictly comparable groups of patients for use in an
extensive model. Manifest or hidden differences in patient

characteristics, in view of the necessarily small sample sizes,

can play havoc with significance levels in either direction. 37

The problem is especially acute in the chemotherapy of

mental diseases:

Most syndromes have neither generally accepted

causes nor treatments whose efficacy is unchal-
lenged. Consequently, patients used in drug trials can only be
defined by diagnostic categories or by the presence or absence
of particular signs and symptoms. For example, doctors in one
hospitalmay diagnose as schizophrenic only those patients who
have been in the hospital two or more years. Other doctors in
hospital might consider that some of the patients should have
been diagnosed differently, e.g., as having depressions, psycho-
and even brain damage and epilepsy. If the
pathic personalities,
sample of schizophrenia patients being studied consists of those
who have been ill under one year, the discrepancies in diagnosis
will be even greater. 38

Sometimes the difficulty is expressed in terms of "defining

the disease" or "defining the pathological process":

We can cite other kinds of sampling problems which can confuse

the investigator. There is, for example, evidence that therapeutic
trials on the management of atypical pneumonia have disagreed
in their conclusions at least partly because of difficulties in

defining the disease. It now appears fairly definite that the

Eaton agent, when it is involved in causing primary atypical
pneumonia, is quite susceptible to broad-spectrum antibiotics.
It seems likely that other varieties of atypical pneumonia caused

by true viruses do not respond to such antibiotics. It has been

pointed out that rheumatic fever covers a broad spectrum of
disease, and that one can affect the results of a therapeutic
trial dramatically by failing to take into account factors known

J. B. Chassan, "Statistical Inference and the Single Case in Clinical De-
sign", Psychiatry, XXI 11 (1960). pp. 173. 184.
W A. Hoffer and H. Osmond. "Double-Blind Clinical Trials", Journal of
Neuropsychiatry,, II (I960 1961). p. 222.

to affect prognosis in this disease Coronary artery disease
. . .

and cancer are other miscellaneous labels for a variety of

ills, and it behooves us ... to be circumspect in our classifi-
cation of disease, so that we may sharpen the precision of our
results and the ability to extrapolate from them. 39

Problems are encountered also in the second stage of

the experiment — evaluation of the patient's response to
the drug. The biological effect of a drug can never be
determined a priori from a theoretical analysis of its
molecular structure. 40 Hence, one primordial assumption
of the allopathic method in therapeutics — that the mech-
anism of action of the medicine can be known — thus far

Consequently, the allopathic physician must attempt
to measure the drug effect empirically and generalize
these results over the whole patient population. But this
gives rise to the same procedural difficulty as in the case
of diagnosis, for patients react very differently to the same
drug. The modern literature emphasizes that drug effects
"are never identical in all patients or even in a given
patient on different occasions." 41 "An occasional in-
dividual responds to a drug in a fashion qualitatively
different from the usual response . . . Such a response is
" 42
called 'idiosyncrasy' . . .

The patient's personality and emotional state have a

considerable influence on his sensitivity to the medica-
tion (mental and emotional symptoms are, of course, very
important for homoeopathic prescribing):

w Louis Lasagna in Paul Talalay. ed.. Drugs in Our Society. Baltimore:

Johns Hopkins. 1964. p. 100.
^See notes 11. 12. and 13. above.
L. S.Goodman and Alfred Gilman. The Pharmacological Basis of Thera-
peutics, Third Edition. New York: Macmillanand Co.. 1965. p. 21.
Victor A. Drill. Pharmacology in Medicine, p. 1/ 19.

The emotional state of the individual is crucial in evaluation of
nitrites. Patients with angina pectoris, not all of them, but many
of them, tend to be somewhat dependent upon their physician as
a bulwark between them and the sudden death that they fear.
The placebo effect is strong in suggestible individuals with
angina pectoris, and relief of angina may be effected by a reduc-
tion in anxiety due to the personality of the physician rather
than to the nitrites administered. 41

In much the same way that some species of laboratory animals

are superior to others for particular experiments in the labora-
tory, the choice of a suitable subject is often a critical matter
for an investigation in man. Thus, while the best subject will tend
to make the method more sensitive, unsuitable subjects may
dilute the response to drugs and make the method so insensitive
that it is unable to detect the particular drug reaction under in-
vestigation and, therefore, regardless of the activity of the drug
or effectiveness of the controls, provides only a negative
answer ... In studies involving subjective criteria, excessively
phlegmatic subjects tend to desensitize the method by failure to
react with normal sensitivity while and
exceedingly neurotic
overreactive or highly suggestible patients tend to compromise
the sensitivity of the method through wide swings of mood and
attitude as the result both of placebo and of active medication.
In general, unusual and abnormal, as well as hypersensitive
and resistant subjects desensitize evaluations. 44

All of this criticism stems from the elementary proposi-

tion first voiced by Claude Bernard, that unlike things can-
not be made like by any amount of statistical manipula-
tion. The British geneticist, Lancelot Hogben, has pointed

It is not enough to show that drug A is better than drug B on

the average. One is invited to ask, 'For which people (and why)

^Proceedings of the Institute on Drug Literature Evaluation, Philadelphia.

Pennsylvania,March 11-15, 1968. Washington, DC, 1968, p. 95.
44 Walter
Modell, "The Sensitivity and Validity of Drug Evaluations in Man,"
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, (1960). p. 769.

is drug A better than drug B and vice-versa? If drug A cures 40%

and drug B cures 60%, perhaps the right choice of drug for each
person would result in 100% cures'. 45

That much of the criticism is finding its mark can be

seen from the emotional reaction of Louis Lasagna, who

We are, to be sure, all from one another, and it is

probably true that one could hundreds of lungs during
listen to

the pneumonia season and not find two that sounded exactly
alike. But this is not the same as saying that there are no common

features in such patients or that therapeutically one starts from

scratch every time one faces a patient with pneumonia. If this
were so, medical teaching would be impossible, and the prac-
tice of medicine chaos, or at least anarchy. The problem of in-

dividual differences is indeed a challenging one but it is no

. . .

reason for paralytic despair. 46

The author's use of such hyperbolic expressions as "para-

lytic despair", "chaos", and "anarchy" reflect an un-

conscious concern lest the whole method break down lest —

someone come forward and point out that the emperor
does not have any clothes on after all.
And the concern is entirely justified, as all contemporary
discussion of therapeutic method in the orthodox school
emphasizes the weaknesses, both theoretical and practical,
of the disease-entity concept. And if this cornerstone
of the allopathic therapeutic edifice does indeed rest on
sand, the whole structure must be shaky.
Let us examine allopathic therapeutic method from a
more theoretical angle. What is called "scientific method"
is only a technique for testing hypotheses against the facts
of experience. The application of scientific method to

Paraphrased in Annual Review of Medicine IX (1958), p. 349.
In Paul Talalay, ed.. Drugs in Our Society, pp. 93-94.

therapeutics would be as follows: It would be hypothe-
sized, on whatever grounds seem sufficient, that disease
X is cured or alleviated by medicine Y. Whatever scientific
input behind it, the outcome
lies is a proposition in the
above form. The physician's task is to verify the truth of
this proposition.

This is done by translating the hypothesis into facts or

data which are commensurable with the data of medical
experience. At this crucial point, however, allopathic
procedure is defective, since can only
its hypothesis
take the form: "Persons suffering from disease entity
X are cured by medicine Y." But, as we have seen, there
exists no precise relationship between the hypothesized
disease entity and the ultimate facts of experience the —
sick patients. The results anticipated from application
of the hypothesis cannot be defined in terms of the phy-
sician's day-to-day reality, the patients who come into
his office, but only in terms of an abstraction. The indi-
vidual case cannot be adequately described in itself but
has meaning only as the representative of some hypo-
thetical entity.
result is that one hypothesis can be verified only
in terms of another hypothesis. Proof of the hypothesis
that "Disease X is cured by medicine Y" is dependent
upon the further hypothesis that "Such-and-such
patient-population manifesting such-and-such symptoms
and pathology form disease entity X." The circularity
of the reasoning iscomplete when it is realized that the
second hypothesis sometimes demonstrated in
is terms of
the first: The fact that such-and-such a patient is suffering
from disease X is proved by the effectiveness of medicine
Y in treating this patient.
Whatever the above procedures may be, they are not
Orthodox medicine has no way of testing its

hypotheses against unambiguous sensory data. The dis-

ease entity is a statistical mean or average of a number
of different cases, and its description may not match
the description of a single one of the observed cases. The
outcome is a methodological morass in which one defec-
tive hypothesis is temporarily propped up by others

equally defective, and it is hardly surprising that orthodox

pathological and therapeutic theory pass through the
bewildering changes and gyrations which are apparent to
any student of medical history.
Defenders of modern allopathic therapeutics often
maintain that it must be accepted despite its methodo-
logical defects because there is no alternative. However,
homoeopathy does offer an alternative which eliminates
the principal methodological insufficiencies noted above.
3) The Homoeopathic View of "Scientific Medicine".
Hahnemann's aim was to introduce a rational order and
method into the therapeutic use of drugs. It only remains
to determine whether or not this method is "scientific",
i.e., meets the requirements of scientific method.

It has already been noted that homoeopathy offers a

different principle for classifying diseases, namely, in
terms of the medicines which cure them. It would be more
correct, however, to state that homoeopathy offers a tech-
nique for distinguishing disease conditions on a sympto-
matic basis, since the symptoms which point to the remedy
at the same time indicate to the physician the disease from
which the patient is suffering. This idea is understood
with difficulty by persons trained in orthodox medicine,
who immediately think of homoeopathy as effecting
nothing more than superficial symptomatic cures. But the
homoeopathic use of symptoms differs greatly from the
use of symptoms in orthodox practice; it is never one
symptom, or even several symptoms, which are taken by
the physician as his guide, but the whole dynamic pattern
of the symptoms. No single symptom has significance by

itself. Only in the context of the patient's whole syn-
drome — which is at the same time the symptom-syndrome
of the curative medicine — does the individual symptom
take on meaning. The patients are not shunted into
speculative pathological categories but are classified
in terms of the meaningful symptoms. And the symptoms
which are meaningful are the ones which at the same time
point to the curative medicine. 47
Thus, the homoeopathic method has solved the problem
of establishing an unambiguous definition of the primary
data — the individual cases of disease, the individual
patients. Each is described in the minutest way, and the
proof that these descriptions are valid and accurate is

that they have withstood the test of more than 150 years.
What is often seen as a weakness of homoeopathy — that
it is unchanged in its essentials — is actually an advan-
tage. A well-observed symptom is an unchanging datum.
Careful physicians for generations have found that the
homoeopathic characterizations of disease processes are
as true for them as for their predecessors. The homoeo-
pathic system is a sturdy and stable edifice because it
rests on this firm methodological foundation.
In this way homoeopathy reduces to a minimum the
artistic component in medical practice. To quote James
Tyler Kent:

"The records of confirmed and verified provings stand as so

many recorded facts.

The idea of distinguishing diseased states in terms of the medicines which
cure them has recently been proposed in an allopathic medical journal. Com-
plaining that the emphasis on disease categories has caused the production
of medicines with undesirable side-effects, Drs. A. Hoffer and H. Osmond
have proposed that a search be made for more specific drugs. They call for a
focus on the drug and not on the disease -"the essence of this method is to find
the clinical situation which will respond to a known chemical. This should not
frighten clinicians, for it is one of the standard methods in medicine. ..."
(A. Hoffer and H. Osmond, "Double-Blind Clinical Trials," Journal of Neuro-
psychiatry II (1961), p. 222).

The symptoms of the sick man are recorded as so many facts.
The similarity between the two is the only variable quantity,
and this is a matter of art: and art is always a variable
quantity." 41 *

And not only are the homoeopathic descriptions of dis-

eases and medicines precise and accurate, they are also
systematic. The primordial difficulty of medicine is the
welter of subtly differentiated diseased states, the huge
volume of information offered to the physician, whose
interpretation demands some methodological guide. These
careful and precise homoeopathic disease descriptions
would be of little value in the absence of a generalizing
principle enabling the physician to establish some order
among the masses of conflicting and contradictory symp-
toms and cases. Physicians of ancient and modern times
have sought this pattern, this guide to practice, in the
prominent symptoms, the striking pathological processes.
The homoeopaths reject this approach as unreliable and
scientifically invalid and propose another one which is
that the myriad cases of disease be ordered in terms of the
medicines which cure them, or, as we have observed
above, that cases be distinguished from one another on
the basis of their
The symptomatic descriptions of disease em-
ployed in homoeopathic practice are not the work of mere
artistry but are a disciplined scientific approach to the
problem of disease characterization because, by virtue
of the Law of Similars, such descriptions at the same
time characterize the curative medicine. The Law of
Similars establishes a precise relationship between
the symptoms of and the symptomatology of
the disease
the curative medicine. The more precise the description
of the patient's symptoms, the more precise are the in-
dications of the curative remedy.

'Kent, Lesser Writings, p. 206.

The next step follows naturally. Giving the patient the
indicated medicine is equivalent to applying the hypo-
thesis that this particular case is cured by the similar
remedy. It is a scientific test of the Law of Similars,
and if the patient recovers, the truth of this doctrine
can be provisionally accepted. Of course, a single recovery
proves nothing in particular. But when the physician has
treated hundreds and thousands of patients and has found
that: 1)most of them recover, 2) recovery is in accordance
with Hering's Law, and 3) the recovered patients remain
healthy and are comparatively free from chronic physical
and mental disease later in life, he is justified in con-
cluding that the Law of Similars is a scientific guide to
medical practice.
Further support for the scientific status of homoeopathy
is found in the realization that its knowledge is stable and
cumulative, as opposed to allopathic medical knowledge
which is unstable and non-cumulative. Carrol Dunham in

1885 defined a scientific medicine as one possessing the

"capability of infiniteprogress in each of its elements
without detriment to its integrity as a whole." 49 Homo-
eopathy has remained unchanged in its essentials for
nearly 200 years. Its practitioners find that many of the
19th-century books are still valuable and that the ex-
perience of the forefathers is still valid. New pharma-
cological knowledge can be integrated into the existing
framework of doctrine without this making obsolete what
has gone before.
This contrasts with allopathic medicine whose disease
categories shift with changes in pathological fashions.
Signs and symptoms which are considered significant at
one period in history lose their meaning in another period
and are replaced by new and different indications.

"'Carrol Dunham, Homoeopathy. The Science of Therapeutics, Philadelphia:

F. E. Boericke, 1885, p. 13.

Spokesmen for allopathic medicine extol this as the
veriest proof that their doctrines are scientific, but one
may rightly wonder if the continued instability of funda-
mental pathological doctrines does not rather reflect a
methodological weakness. One often overlooked conse-
quence is the impossibility of constructing a medical
doctrine which will remain stable over time. Any sta-
tistical analysis based on disease entities is invalidated
when these entities disappear and are replaced by new
In medicine, as in so many other areas of life, unceasing
change has long been regarded as evidence of progress,
but in the latter part of the twentieth century people have
come to realize that change in and for itself is not an
unalloyed good. The practice of medicine could only
benefit if, instead of meekly accepting every supposedly
world-shaking discovery destined to revolutionize the
healing art, physicians sought the permanent and un-
changing in the phenomena of health and disease.


Homoeopathic medicine flourished in the United States

after 1830 and by 1900 had more than 15,000
practitioners — one-sixth of the entire medical profession.
It was temporarily pushed into the background, however,
in the age of Pasteur and Koch when bacteriology domi-
nated all of medical thought. During these years every
disease was thought to be of bacterial origin, and the new
science seemed to promise a "magic bullet" against
each germ.
Dietary aspects of treatment were neglected, as was
consideration of the patient's natural resistance to disease.
It was entirely forgotten that the disease germ needs a
congenial environment in which to grow and that the
homoeopathic method of fortifying this internal environ-
ment, of stimulating the patient's natural reactive power,
was still the best approach to the therapeutics of bacterial
Since the earliest years of homoeopathy's introduction
into this country the spokesmen for medical orthodoxy
had opposed it. Physicians who adopted this mode of
practice were expelled from their medical societies, and
consultation with homoeopathic practitioners was spe-

cifically prohibited by the AMA's Code of Ethics. 50 In
the early 20th century this inherent prejudice of orthodox
medicine against homoeopathy seemed to be legitimized
by the findings of science. The homoeopathic approach

appeared to be outdated superseded by the new activist
orientation offered by bacteriology. For several decades
the principles embodied in the homoeopathic system have
been under a cloud.
Today, however, the pendulum is swinging back. Not
only has modern medicine failed to provide the promised
cures for all of man's ills but it has itself become a

major source of sickness. The powerful drugs used in

orthodox practice are causing a true epidemic of iatro-
genic disease. As early as 1966 the American College of
Physicians estimated that about 5% of hospital admissions
were for drug-induced diseases, and the incidence has
been rising steadily. 51 Later surveys at university hospitals
have found that more than 15% of the patients had iatro-
genic illnesses. 52
The of the Atomic Scientists has observed in
this if only 0.1% of all hospital admissions
connection that
were to die of drug reactions, the deaths would approach
29,000 a year, and iatrogenic death would constitute a
"major public health problem, comparable in importance
to infectious disease, cancer of the breast, and nephritis
as a cause of mortality." 53
While these figures are disagreeable in themselves,
they fail to take into account all possible consequences

50 On the nineteenth-century relations between homoeopathic and orthodox

physicians, see the author's 1969 doctoral dissertation atColumbia University:
Political and Social Aspects of Nineteenth-Century Medicine in the United
States: The Formation of the American Medical Association and Its Struggle
With the Homoeopathic and Eclectic Physicians.
"Newsweek, May 2, 1966. p. 66.

*- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, January, 1969, p. 11.

"Loc. cit.

of the abuse of drugs in contemporary orthodox practice.
Some patients react instantaneously to improper medica-
tion, but what of the patient whose reaction takes weeks,
months, or perhaps years to manifest itself? The sta-
tisticswill indicate that he was "cured" of his first

ailment and then second time with some new

fell ill a
disorder; but if was only apparent, being a
the "cure"
mere suppression of some of the prominent symptoms, the
patient actually remained ill the whole time.
The homoeopathic theory of chronic disease suggests
that this is precisely what is happening — that the rising
incidence of chronic disease is, in part, the consequence
of the improper use of drugs by allopathic physicians.
Cancer in young children, once comparatively rare, be-
comes increasingly common. A recent investigation even
found a connection between a medicine (diethylstilbestrol)
given pregnant women and the onset of cancer, twenty
years later, in their daughters. 54
Cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and others are steadily
increasing their toll of the nation's health, replacing the
infectious disease which were formerly the major killers.
This development was foretold decades ago by the
homoeopathic physicians who warned against overindul-
gence in the vaunted new medicines which were flooding
the market. They warned that these substances of in-
creasingly powerful effect, and which were being used
with less and less discrimination, were only suppressive in
their action and would inevitably cause an increase in
chronic disease conditions.
The homoeopathic warnings were ignored, and many
physicians to this day remain unaware of the relation-

Arthur L. Herbst. Howard Ulfelder, and Da\id Poskan/er. "Adenocarcino-

ma of the Vagina: Association of Maternal Stilbestrol Therapy with Tumor
Appearance in Young Women." New England Journal of Medicine 284 (April
22. 1971). 878-881.

ship between prior medication and the onset of chronic
Another aspect of this problem, to which orthodox
medicine is equally inattentive, is the connection between

therapeutic procedures and the incidence of mental dis-

ease. At present, about one third of the hospital beds in
the United States are filled by mental patients. 55 Ho-
moeopathic theory indicates that many of these illnesses
are due to powerful drugs administered on incorrect prin-
ciples; these suppress the physical symptoms and thereby
transfer the pathology to the brain.
A statistical investigation of the relationship between
prior medicationand chronic physical and mental illness
would be difficult to conduct, and its results would
hardly be free from ambiguity, but facts remain facts
even when they cannot be proved to the satisfaction of
the medical community (which would have the most to
lose from any public recognition of such facts). The
least thatcan be said is that the existence of such a causal
relationship is highly probable on theoretical grounds.
It follows logically that the process can only be re-
versed by altering the whole trend of allopathic pharma-
cological thought. Medicines must be found which are
more specific, more in their effect, and some
way must be devised measure this specific or selective
effect. In other words, the homoeopathic alternative must
be investigated, since experience has shown that the
highly specific needed can only be the in-
dividualized symptomatic indications used in homoe-
opathy. Support for this view can be found in the writings
of no less an authority than Rene Dubos, who stated not
long ago:

"Hospitals XLV (August 1, 1971), Guide Issue, Part II. p. 447.

Most biological, physiological, and biochemical research
has been focused so far on the study of the phenomena which
are common to all living things. From the point of view of sci-
entific philosophy, the largest achievement of modern bio-
chemistry has been the demonstration of the fundamental unity
of the chemical processes associated with life. Bacteria, yeasts,
liver cells, pigeon muscle, squid nerve fibers, etc., have been
selected as objects for biological research not because of their
own specific peculiarities but merely for reasons of convenience.
The investigator uses these materials for the discovery of general
biochemical and physiological laws, not for the identification of
components which are peculiar to the organism or the function.
While this so-called fundamental approach has been im-
mensely fruitful for the discovery of the structures and reac-
tions which are common to all forms of life, it has almost com-
pletely failed to provide information concerning the structures
and reactions which determine the peculiarities of each organ
and function. As a result, the search for metabolic inhibitors
has been limited to attempts at interfering with processes ubi-
quitous in all living beings, for the simple reason that these are
the only ones which are known. Powerful metabolic inhibitors
have been synthesized on the basis of this knowledge, but in

general they lack selectivity. Being directed against fundamental

processes, they affect many different biological functions and are
therefore likely to exhibit various forms of toxicity which
sharply limit their usefulness.
It is obvious that the sharper the selectivity of a biologically
active substance, the greater the probability that it will be
innocuous for cells and functions other than the one for which it

has been designed. In other words, a substance is more likely

to be therapeutically useful if it acts almost uniquely against a
structure or an activity peculiar to the organism or function to be
affected. Unfortunately, the physiological or chemical definition
of these specific features and activities is an aspect of biology
which is grossly neglected at the present time. 56

Without being aware of it, Dubos is calling for a ho-

moeopathic approach to the selection of medicines.

ln Paul Talalay, ed., Drugs in Our Society, pp. 38-39.

Pathological indications are by their very nature too
crude to be the basis for a specific therapy, and as long
as they continue to be used, the incidence of iatrogenic
disease is bound to rise.

The time is ripe for those familiar with homoeopathic

therapeutic principles to press for their more general
acceptance. The and some elements of the medical
profession, will welcome an assault on the indiscri-
minate use of broad-spectrum violent medication. They
will readily understand and appreciate the homoeopathic
stress on constitutional treatment, reinforcement of the
patient's inherent recuperative powers, the long-term
follow-up of disease, and the prevention of future acute
and chronic disease by use of the appropriate procedures
when the patient is in health.
There are a number of hurdles, however, in the way of
the widespread adoption of this approach to therapeutics.
The first, already discussed above, is the inherent
opposition between homoeopathic and allopathic prin-
ciples. This can be surmounted by publishing and dis-
seminating materials which clarify and explain the ho-
moeopathic medical discipline and demonstrate its basis
in scientific method.
Behind this theoretical antagonism, however, is a more
serious motive for allopathic hostility to homoeopathy.
The accusation that homoeopathy is "unscientific" has
frequently served only as a cover for this more funda-
mental factor of hostility.
A homoeo-
sophisticated view of the relations between
pathic and allopathic medicine would recognize that the
theoretical dispute has economic roots and that doctrinal
arguments serve to justify behavior which is in the phy-

sician'seconomic interest. The basic reason for allopathic
rejection of homoeopathic principles is that these prin-
ciples hold the physician to a standard of performance
which is intellectually more demanding, and sometimes
less economically rewarding, than the ordinary mode of
allopathic practice.
Wehave already shown that the homoeopathic phy-
sicianmust have an intimate knowledge of many hundreds
of different drugs, only one of which will suit the par-
ticular patient before him. The precise differentiation
among diseased states and among medicines is arduous
and time-consuming work.
Homoeopathy has always been plagued by the funda-
mental requirement that the physician devote substantial
time to diagnosis of his patient and selection of the
remedy. No technique has yet been devised for bypassing
symptom elucidation and repertori-
the difficult stages of
zation.Thus homoeopathy could not use the time-saving
procedures developed by orthodox medicine, the "broad-
spectrum" drugs which in many cases obviate the need for
diagnosis, the farming out of certain procedures to
para-medical personnel. Homoeopathy cannot be prac-
tised on an assembly-line.
the other hand, all who have had experience with
homoeopathy view it as far more effective therapeutically
than the method used in orthodox medicine. The time-
saving techniques which enhance the physician's income
only too often have a deleterious effect on the patient's
Today's homoeopathic physician is in a dilemma. He
knows that his system of practice is therapeutically sound.
At the same time, he finds that he may have to take a
reduced income if he is really to be an effective phy-
sician. Thus homoeopathy does not appeal to everyone.
It is simply too difficult for the ordinary practitioner,

too demanding for all but those who, for whatever reason,
are willing to make a certain material and personal sacri-
fice to practice a truly scientific medicine. One of today's
foremost homoeopathic physicians has stated the problem

Homoeopathy refuses to reveal its secrets to a casual enquirer.

The study of an individual in his illness, though fascinating,
is sufficiently time-consuming. It caters essentially to the
idealistic type of mind which craves for the satisfaction that
comes from 'a job well done', and which considers material gains
as only incidental. It will suit the hard-working conscientious
physician with a philosophical bent of mind which takes readily
to the study of the emotional and intellectual sides of man. It
will suit a physician who has an individual bent of mind and

strong convictions that enable him to swim against the current

and even isolate himself from the medical fraternity, if need be.
Homoeopathy demands full adherence to its principles if con-
sistent results are to be obtained.
Thus, it will hardly appeal to a physician with a mechanical
bent of mind which is so essential for the making of a good
surgeon. Persons hankering after 'mass treatments' and 'spe-
cifics' will be disillusioned. Physicians who look forward to a
life of ease and comfort and who are 'constitutionally averse to
work' will abhor the practice of homoeopathy and, if at all they
take to it, they will bring little credit either to the Science or
to themselves. Although homoeopathy never lets down badly its
faithful follower and assures him a reasonable living and
standing in the community, the material gains are not such as to
satisfy the more ambitious! 57

Homoeopathy will thus appeal to the idealist who is not

in the practice of medicine primarily to earn the highest
income in the community, but rather to be of service to
his fellow man.

Dhawale, Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy, Vol. I, pp. 23-24.

At the same time, there are many other positive aspects.
The physician knows that his patients are receiving the
best care possible. They will probably be sick less fre-
quently, will recover more rapidly, and will lead longer
lives. Many will realize that this is due to the efforts

of their physician and will reward him with the loyalty

and affection which is the hallmark of the relationship
between homoeopathic physicians and their patients. At
a time when the press and public opinion are increasingly
critical of the ordinary practice of orthodox medicine,

the homoeopaths continue to retain the full trust and

affection of their patients. Once a person has experienced
the benefits of homoeopathic treatment, he will usually
remain with it throughout his life and will often take
extraordinary pains to ensure that he and his family retain
access to homoeopathy at a time when the supply of these
physicians is still restricted.
Another positive feature of homoeopathy is the intel-
lectual thrill of practising a precise form of medicine.
Every case is a new challenge, and every successful pre-
scription vindicates the physician's intellectual and moral
qualities. This can be a rare form of satisfaction.
These positive features, however, become evident only
after the physician has been in practice for several years.
The negative aspects loom most prominently at the outset
and undoubtedly discourage many students who would be
willing to engage in this form of practice if only it ap-
peared more advantageous economically. Those who per-
severe through the initial stage of trials and discourage-
ment, until the necessary experience in prescribing is

acquired, must necessarily be persons who stand out in

the crowd for their qualities of mind and heart and for
their willingness to make the extra effort which a scien-
tific form of therapeutics demands.

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book list


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are a short materia medica, a handy in the precise right way to raise children
reference to the combinations and a This book tries to help the parent under-
therapeutic index. Useful information stand human growth and development so
for both the physician and layman. An that he can better apply his own wisdom
excellent companion to Luyties Homeo- and common sense to the job of child
pathic Practice and The Biochemic raising. .95
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osophy upon which it is based. An
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Among the cases where the author dem
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Include 50 c handling charge for orders under $10. Enclose check or

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his you have the patience to seek this
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HARRIS L. COULTER graduated t

Yale in 1954 and received the Ph.D.

from Columbia in 1969 writing his

dissertation on homoeopathy's relati

with the American Medical As

m ^*^»-- ^ e nas ^ a(* P ersona contact and


\ !^BP I
hand experience with homoeopathic
physicians in the United States, I ngland,
France, and Russia, and has lectured on medical history at lead-

ing universities and medical schools. He has published several

articles on homoeopathy and is at present writing a four-volume
history of medical thought in the West.

Dr. Coulter is also the co-founder of Consumer Action lor Im-

proved Food and Drugs- a citizens' medical lobby Washm
in Washn

ton, D.C., where he lives with his wife and four childu


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