Lesson Plan For Seminar, 9th Grade

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LESSON 4 School: Boltay batyr

Date: Teacher name: Shabdenova A.

Grade: 9 Number present:
Theme of the The 15-minute reading challenge

Learning understand the main points in extended texts on a

objectives range of
unfamiliar general and curricular topics; read a range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts
on familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics; recognise the attitude or opinion of the writer in
extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to express their opinions, read and
identify the main idea of the text;
Most learners will be able to create a story and explain
their opinions, make notes;
Some learners will be able to summarize the text, learn
some techniques to improve reading through different
Criteria reading the text
exercises related to text
evaluates and proves his mind
Previous learning Describing a decade

Planned Planned activities Learners Evaluatio Resource
timings ’ n s
Beginni activities
Org. moment: Greeting learners Learners Board
ng Warm-up: The teacher will write greet the
5 min a quote on the board that reflects teacher.
the essence of the text, and ask Then they
learners their opinions about what should
the text will be. express
“Reading is not a hobby, it’s a their
lifestyle!” opinions
D: about
- Guesses what the text will what the
be about text will
- Expresses opinions be.
Middle Task 1. Pre-reading Learners Team Pictures
30 min The teacher prepares several should evaluation
pictures, each of which reflects look at
separate aspects of the text, while the
the pictures are not clearly pictures
related. Then the teacher attaches and come
the pictures to the board and asks up with a
the learners in teams to come up story that
with a story that connects all of connects
these pictures. all these
D: pictures.
- Analyzes photos
- Creates a story that
connects pictures Individual

Task 2. While-reading Learners Text

The teacher will ask the learners will read Sheets of
to read the text. the text. paper
"Diary of two different While
explanations." Students are reading
asked to divide a page of a the text,
notebook (or handout) with a they
vertical line in the middle. Then should
the teacher asks students to write make
on the right side of the paper the notes and
points of the text that strongly write
influenced them, and on the left comment
side to write passages. The s.
teacher also asks students to write
comments on the passages that
affected them (what they
remember, what are the causes
and consequences, what
questions, etc.).

Text: The 15-minute reading

My challenge for you is this: to
read a book for 15 minutes every
single day for a month.

Let me explain a bit, by telling

you where the challenge came
from. I have many things in
common with my dad, like music
taste and sense of humour, but
sadly reading isn't one of them. I
can happily spend a whole day
curled up with a book, but my
dad can't read a book for longer
than about 5 minutes. He reads
emails, websites and documents
for work, but not books. He is a
busy person, with a short
attention span, so I think that
sitting down to read for just 15
minutes a day is a good way to
relax and to introduce him to
reading. Giving yourself a goal or
challenge is a good way to
change a habit or achieve
something, so why not try to
create a new habit of reading?

My dad is by no means the only

person who avoids books. I know
lots of people would rather relax
on their computers or in front of
the TV. Everyone is different and
has their own interests, but I think
there are lots of benefits to
reading, which screen-based
activities (games, films, TV) don't

Firstly, it's better for your eyes.

Looking at screens can be very
stressful for your eye muscles,
and apparently you should avoid
looking at screens for an hour
before bed, to get a good night's
One thing I personally love about
reading, is being transported to
another world - I often forget the
time or things that are going on
around me! Reading is a great
way to switch off before you go
to bed, because you think more
about the world of the book,
rather than the real world and the
problems you have during the
day, so you can truly relax. I
know you can be transported to a
different world in a film or a TV
show, but I think books do it
better. While watching a film, I
often talk to my flatmates, send
texts, or paint my nails. A book,
on the other hand, commands
your full attention.
I also love people. I am nosy,
enjoy hearing what people are
doing, and finding out what
people think. Reading gives me
the chance to get to know
hundreds of new people! It also
teaches you to see things from
other people's point of view, and
understand other people's
decisions or opinions. With a
book, you can hear everything a
character is thinking or feeling -
you really can be inside someone
else's head!
So give it a go! Take 15 minutes
when you're waking up, going to
bed, eating lunch, or having a
coffee. If you read a lot, why not
try 15 minutes of an English
book, or pass the challenge on to
someone else? Good luck, and Group “Fishbone
happy reading! Learners evaluation ” picture
D: take a
- Reads the text picture
- Makes notes and find
- Writes comments out
Task 3. Post-reading the cause
"Fishbone" or "Fish Skeleton". and
After reading the text, the teacher evidence
gives a photo of the skeleton of a of the
fish. On the head of the skeleton problem.
is written the problem for which Writes on
the text is considered. The upper fish
bones are marked with the cause skeleton,
of the problem, the lower "bones" discuss
are marked with evidence that with
clarifies the cause during the group and
study. The conclusion is written present to
on the "tail" of the fish. Each class.
group discusses their work.
- Finds out problem
- Notes on fish skeleton
- Presents to class
End REFLECTION Learners Self- Sheets of
5 min To reflect on the lesson, the will assessmen paper
teacher asks each student to write reflect on t
the name of an inanimate object learning
in the room. The teacher collects
the papers and tells each student
to take a piece of paper. And on
behalf of that thing, offer to talk
about today's lesson. For
example: “I am at the table.
Today I have no peace. First, he
grabs me by the ears and drags
me to the group. Then he spread
paper on me and drew a poster.”

Saying goodbye
Additional information
Differentiation –
Assessment –
how do you plan to give
how are you planning Critical thinking
more support? How do
to check learners’
you plan to challenge
the more able learners?
Differentiation can be Observe learners when Students think critically,
achieved by task participating in use of exploring, developing,
(selection of learning English activities. evaluating and making
materials and resources Record what they choices about their own
based on student considered they had and others’ ideas.
strengths). learned from the lesson.
By support. Less able Could they express what
learners will be supported they had learned about
through step-by-step content and language?
instructions, graphic Could they express
organizers, sentence which skills they had
frames, glossaries, developed?
thinking time. Small Formative assessment is
group learning. held through
By outcome providing observation/monitoring.
challenge, variety and

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