Computer Science Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur was the first Institute in India to start Computer
Science education. The initial "computer-related" courses were started at IIT Kanpur in
August 1963 on an IBM 1620 system installed in the nation's first "computer classroom,"
a novelty then even in many North American and European universities. Gradually, the
Institute drew upon some of the brightest young Indians in Computer Science to serve
on its faculty and initiated an independent academic program in 1971, leading to Ph.D.
and M. Tech. degrees. The undergraduate program started later, with the first batch
graduating in 1983. The department was formally established in 1984.
It attracts top quality BTech, MTech, MS, and PhD students to the respective degree
programs. The department also has an MS program, which is mainly focused in
research in various domains of Computer Science. The MTech, MS, and PhD programs
require the students to conduct research leading to a thesis. Every year the research
activities in the department lead to scientific publications in top-tier conferences and
journals in all areas of Computer Science and Engineering. Our faculty members are
also engaged in a large number of sponsored research and consultancy projects funded
by the Government as well as the industry. Several engineers and post-doctoral fellows
are relentlessly working to lead the department with cutting-edge technologies.
Over the years, our faculty have been honored with several prestigious national and
international awards and fellowships. They are also actively participating in the editorial
boards of top-quality journals and transactions. Moreover, both the undergraduate and
postgraduate students have grabbed best paper awards on several occasions,
whereas the PhD students have been awarded with Prime Minister Research
Fellowships, Intel, Google, TCS and Qualcomm Innovation Fellowships. The
department also has a very strong alumni network including many of the nation's leading
experts, educationists and consultants in computer science today.
M.Tech. Program
The M.Tech. program is oriented towards research and advanced training in Computer
Science. It is designed for students who have a B.Tech./B.E. degree in computer
science or equivalent degrees. A student needs to do at least seven courses with at least
one course each from the theory, systems, and data science/application areas. There
are no compulsory courses except a seminar course in the second semester of the
program. Thesis work forms a major component of the program and begins after the first
two semesters of the program. Admission to the M.Tech. program is open to candidates
holding a B.Tech./B.E. in any discipline or MSc. degree in science and who have
qualified GATE in CS stream. Applicants with GATE in EE, EC, and MATHS streams are
also considered provided they have adequate CS background. Sponsored/Q.I.P.
candidates need not qualify GATE, but must possess a good CS background.
Eligible candidates may have to go through a test and/or interview conducted by the
department for admission to the M.Tech. Program.
This programme is meant for students who wish to pursue a masters degree while
working on a project in the institute. The following are eligibility criteria.
Ÿ B.Tech/BE/BS(4yrs)(CS or IT)/MCA/MSc(CS) with CPI>= 6.00 or >=60%,
valid GATE CS score.
Ÿ B.Tech/BE/BS(4yrs)(any discipline) with CPI>= 7.5 or >=75%, valid GATE CS
Ÿ B.Tech/BE/BS(4yrs)/MSc in EC/EE/Electronics/Math, GATE score in
EE/EC/Math should be in top 1.0% and CPI>= 7.5 or >=75% in eligibility
Applications for admission under the M.S. by Research programme will be invited
independent of those for the M.Tech. programme and thus those interested to apply in
both programmes will need to make separate applications. The merit list for admission
in the proposed M.S. by Research programme will be prepared following the same
process as that for the MTechprogramme, but the cut-off GATE scores (used for short-
listing for the purpose of interview/written test) for the two programmes will be
independent of each other.
MTech and MS by research in Cyber Security program will accept students through
GATE and industry sponsorship and students from Defense, and Government
agencies. BT-MT dual program is only open to the IIT Kanpur Computer Science &
Engineering BTech students who want to opt for a BTech-MTech dual degree by
completing additional credits to earn a master's degree in Cyber Security along with
their bachelor's in technology degree in Computer Science & Engineering. T
Ph.D. program
The Ph.D. program is designed for students with a strong motivation for doing research
in computer science. Admission to the Ph.D. program is open to candidates holding
M.Tech./M.E. or equivalent degrees. Outstanding candidates with a strong CS
background and having a B.Tech/B.E. or equivalent degree in any discipline or an M.Sc
degree in Maths, Statistics, Physics with a valid GATE/JRF score are also admitted to
Ph.D. Normally, a Ph.D. student has to complete four courses. Students choose these
courses depending on their interests and upon the suggestions of their mentor.
Students must also pass a comprehensive examination that tests the breadth of their
knowledge as well as the ability to do research.
All Ph. D. students are provided with a personal computer, personal office spaces and a
shared telephone when they join. They also get office support for photocopying, laser
printing, mailing, stationery, etc. Ph.D. students also get generous travel support to
present their papers at conferences inside the country and abroad. A number of
industry-supported fellowships are also available to Ph.D. Students.
Eligible candidates may have to go through a test and/or interview conducted by the
department for admission to the Ph.D. program.
Mtech and MS by research in Cyber Security program will accept students through
GATE and industry sponsorship and students from Defense, and Government
agencies. BT-MT dual program is only open to the IIT Kanpur Computer Science &
Engineering BTech students who want to opt for a BTech-MTech dual degree by
completing additional credits to earn a master's degree in Cyber Security along with
their bachelor's in technology degree in Computer Science & Engineering.
Ph.D. program
The Ph.D. program is designed for students with a strong motivation for doing research
in computer science. Admission to the Ph.D. program is open to candidates holding
M.Tech./M.E. or equivalent degrees. Outstanding candidates with a strong CS
background and having a B.Tech/B.E. or equivalent degree in any discipline or an M.Sc
degree in Maths, Statistics, Physics are also admitted to Ph.D. Normally, a Ph.D.
student has to complete four courses. Students choose these courses depending on
their interests and upon the suggestions of their mentor. Students must also pass a
comprehensive examination that tests the breadth of their knowledge as well as the
ability to do research.
All Ph. D. students are provided with a personal computer, personal office spaces and a
shared telephone when they join. They also get office support for photocopying, laser
printing, mailing, stationery, etc. Ph.D. students also get generous travel support to
present their papers at conferences inside the country and abroad. A number of
industry-supported fellowships are also available to Ph.D. Students.
Eligible candidates may have to go through a test and/or interview conducted by the
department for admission to the Ph.D. program.
IIT Kanpur has one of the largest campus-wide networks among educa onal organiza ons in
the na on with a 3Gbps connec vity to the Internet. All students of the ins tute get email,
browsing, and other Internet facili es. Apart from a state-of-art Computer Center that is a
central facility, the CSE department has its own well-equipped laboratories.
Research Centers
The CSE department is a leading center for research in cyber-security, cryptography, and cyber-
physical systems research. The department is home to two research centers in this area, the
Interdisciplinary Center for Cyber Security and Cyber Defense of Cri cal Infrastructures (C3I)
( h p s : / / s e c u r i t y. c s e . i i t k . a c . i n ) a n d t h e N a o n a l B l o c k c h a i n P r o j e c t
(h ps://
Special Interest Groups (SIG): The CSE department is home to several reading groups in theory,
data sciences and systems research. These are largely student-led ac vi es and offer a unique
pla orm to discuss not only one's own research but cu ng-edge developments in the area as
Associa on for Compu ng Ac vi es (ACA): ACA is a student body of the CSE department and
aims to make the student experience more enjoyable and well-rounded. This is achieved
through various events, designed to increase interac on between students and faculty. The
body organizes welcome and farewell events for various batches, summer schools for non-IITK
UG students on various topics like machine learning, algorithm design, and cybersecurity,
weekend programming contests and happy hours that include games, sports, and trivia quizzes,
basically free food and fun.
Counseling Ini a ves: The department has a student well-being commi ee and arranges for
student mentors to offer guidance and help students overcome difficul es in course and thesis
work. The department counsellor offers help and advice to students on a variety of issues
including but not restricted to academics.
Ÿ AmeyKarkare, PhD (IIT Bombay): Compilers, Program Analysis and
Optimizations, Functional Programming, Intelligent Tutoring Systems.
Ÿ Amitangshu Pal, PhD (University of North Carolina Charlotte): Wireless and
Sensor Networks, Sensing and Communication for Internet of Things (IoTs),
Building IoT Solutions for Smart Cities.
Ÿ AngshumanKarmakar, PhD (KU Leuven): Post Quantum Cryptography, Side-
Channel Attacks, Computation on Encrypted Data (Homomorphic encryption,
Functional encryption and multi-party computation), and Cryptology
Ÿ Anil Seth, PhD (TIFR Mumbai): Logic in computer science, Automata theory and
Ÿ Arnab Bhattacharya, PhD (University of California, Santa Barbara):
Databases, Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing.
Ÿ Ashutosh Modi, PhD (Saarland University, Germany): Natural Language
Processing, Machine Learning, Affective Computing
Ÿ Debadatta Mishra, PhD (IIT Bombay): Operating Systems, Virtualization and
Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, System Security, Technology in
Ÿ DebapriyaBasu Roy, PhD (IIT Kharagpur): Hardware Security, VLSI for
Cryptography, Post Quantum Cryptography
Ÿ Hamim Zafar, PhD (Rice University): Computational Genomics, Machine
Learning, Bioinformatics.
Ÿ IndranilSaha, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles): Application of
formal methods to embedded and cyber-physical systems and Robotics.
Ÿ Mainak Chaudhuri, PhD (Cornell University): Computer architecture.
Ÿ Manindra Agarwal, PhD (IIT Kanpur): Computational complexity theory,
randomized algorithms, cryptography, computational number theory.
Ÿ Nisheeth Srivastava, PhD (University of Minnesota): Cognitive science,
cognitive computing, human-computer interaction.
Ÿ Nitin Saxena, PhD (IIT Kanpur): Computational Complexity Theory, Algebra,
Number theory, Algebraic-Geometry.
Ÿ Piyush Rai, PhD (University of Utah): Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics,
Statistical NLP and Artificial Intelligence.
Ÿ PreetiMalakar, PhD (IISc, Bangalore): High-performance computing, Scalable
parallel computing, Workflow optimization
Ÿ Priyanka Bagade, PhD (Arizona State University): Internet of things (IoT),
Sensors, Mobile computing, cyber-physical systems, deep learning
Ÿ PurushottamKar, PhD (IIT Kanpur): Optimization, Statistical Learning Theory,
Machine Learning Algorithms.
Ÿ RaghunathTewari, PhD (University of Nebraska): Computational complexity
theory, graph theory.
Ÿ Rajat Mittal, PhD (Rutgers University): Quantum computing, Complexity
Ÿ RajatMoona, PhD (IISc, Bangalore): Computer architecture, embedded
computing hardware, operating systems, VLSI design and CAD for VLSI (on
Ÿ Sandeep Shukla, PhD (State University of New York at Albany): Cyber
Security, Blockchain, Machine Learning for Intrusion/Anomaly Detection, Formal
Methods for Cyber Physical Systems.
Ÿ Sanjeev Saxena, PhD (IIT Delhi): Parallel processing, algorithms and data
structures, heuristics, computational geometry, graph theory, VLSI and
Ÿ SatyadevNandakumar, PhD (Iowa State University): Algorithmic information
theory, computable real and complex analysis
Ÿ Soumya Dutta, PhD (Ohio State University): Big Data Science and
Visualization, Machine Learning for Visual Computing, Statistical Techniques for
Big Data, High Performance Computing and Visualization, In-situ Analysis and
Human-Computer Interaction.
Ÿ SrutiSrinivasaRagavan, PhD (Oregon State University): Human Factor in
Computing, Software Engineering and End-User Computing
Ÿ Subhajit Roy, PhD (IISc, Bangalore): Compilers, program analysis and
Ÿ SumitGanguly, PhD (University of Texas, Austin): Data Streaming,
Dimensionality Reduction for Big Data Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra.
Ÿ Sunil Simon, PhD (IMSc, Chennai): Algorithmic aspects of game theory, Logic,
automata and games, theory of distributed systems.
Ÿ SurenderBaswana, PhD (IIT Delhi): Graph algorithms, dynamic algorithms,
and randomized algorithms.
Ÿ SutanuGayen, PhD (University of Nebraska‐Lincoln): Foundation of Machine
Learning and Probabilistic Algorithms
Ÿ Swarnendu Biswas, PhD (Ohio State University): Programming languages,
program analysis, compilers and runtime systems, parallel computing,
approximate computing.
Ÿ Urbi Chatterjee (PhD, IIT Kharagpur): Hardware security, Physically
unclonable functions, Secure authentication protocol design, Internet of things
The CSE department faculty are actively involved in research in various fields of
Computer Science. The department provides an excellent research platform and
nurtures and challenges students to solve real-world research problems. The research
in the department can be broadly classified into the following areas.
Hardware Security: side-channel (power, EM, and timing) and fault attacks and
countermeasures, secure hardware design for novel cryptographic algorithms in FPGA/
ASIC, physically unclonable functions, hardware trojan detection, IP protection, FPGA
based hardware accelerator for ML/AI, secure protocol design, unmanned air vehicle
security, hardware implementation of post-quantum cryptography.
Databases, Big Data and Data Mining: Data analytics, data processing, indexing,
querying, searching, data mining, data provenance, graph mining
Mr. Akash
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0512-259-7590