Os Efeitos Do Treinamento Aeróbico e de Força Simultâneos No Músculo
Os Efeitos Do Treinamento Aeróbico e de Força Simultâneos No Músculo
Os Efeitos Do Treinamento Aeróbico e de Força Simultâneos No Músculo
Background Whole muscle hypertrophy does not appear to be negatively affected by concurrent aerobic and strength training
compared to strength training alone. However, there are contradictions in the literature regarding the effects of concurrent
training on hypertrophy at the myofiber level.
Objective The current study aimed to systematically examine the extent to which concurrent aerobic and strength training,
compared with strength training alone, influences type I and type II muscle fiber size adaptations. We also conducted sub-
group analyses to examine the effects of the type of aerobic training, training modality, exercise order, training frequency,
age, and training status.
Design A systematic literature search was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) [PROSPERO: CRD42020203777]. The registered protocol was modified to include only
muscle fiber hypertrophy as an outcome.
Data Sources PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, Embase, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, and Scopus were systematically
searched on 12 August, 2020, and updated on 15 March, 2021.
Eligibility Criteria Population: healthy adults of any sex and age; intervention: supervised, concurrent aerobic and strength
training of at least 4 weeks; comparison: identical strength training prescription, with no aerobic training; and outcome:
muscle fiber hypertrophy.
Results A total of 15 studies were included. The estimated standardized mean difference based on the random-effects model
was − 0.23 (95% confidence interval [CI] − 0.46 to − 0.00, p = 0.050) for overall muscle fiber hypertrophy. The standardized
mean differences were − 0.34 (95% CI − 0.72 to 0.04, p = 0.078) and − 0.13 (95% CI − 0.39 to 0.12, p = 0.315) for type I and
type II fiber hypertrophy, respectively. A negative effect of concurrent training was observed for type I fibers when aerobic
training was performed by running but not cycling (standardized mean difference − 0.81, 95% CI − 1.26 to − 0.36). None
of the other subgroup analyses (i.e., based on concurrent training frequency, training status, training modality, and training
order of same-session training) revealed any differences between groups.
Conclusions In contrast to previous findings on whole muscle hypertrophy, the present results suggest that concurrent
aerobic and strength training may have a small negative effect on fiber hypertrophy compared with strength training alone.
Preliminary evidence suggests that this interference effect may be more pronounced when aerobic training is performed by
running compared with cycling, at least for type I fibers.
1 Introduction
* Moritz Schumann
Concurrent training refers to the combination of aerobic
[email protected]
and strength training to simultaneously develop aerobic
Division of Clinical Physiology, Department of Laboratory capacity and muscle strength and/or hypertrophy. Current
Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden physical activity guidelines recommend that all children,
Unit of Clinical Physiology, Karolinska University Hospital, adolescents, and adults engage in concurrent training to
Stockholm, Sweden promote significant health benefits [1]. Concurrent train-
Institute of Cardiovascular Research and Sports Medicine, ing is also typically recommended for individuals who need
Department of Molecular and Cellular Sports Medicine, effective countermeasures against physical deconditioning,
German Sport University, Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6,
e.g., because of aging, disease, or injury. Apart from the
50933 Cologne, Germany
2392 T. R. Lundberg et al.
for each database (Table S1 of the Electronic Supplementary fitted to the effect sizes and 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
Material [ESM]). were calculated around the mean. This model was selected
The search was conducted on 12 August, 2020, and because variance was expected owing to the heterogeneity
updated on 15 March, 2021. The literature search was per- in study designs. Additionally, log variability ratios were
formed independently by two researchers and included calculated. Meta-analyses were performed using R (3.6.2),
saving the online search, removing duplicates, and screen- RStudio (1.2.5033), and the metafor package (version 2.4.0)
ing titles, abstracts, and full texts. Potential conflicts were [18]. Effect sizes were calculated for pre-test post-test con-
resolved by consulting with a third author. In addition, a gray trol group designs using raw score standardization as previ-
literature search was performed by screening Google Scholar ously recommended [19, 20] and the exact sampling vari-
and the reference lists of previously identified eligible full ance of effect sizes was calculated as recommended [19].
texts. A flowchart of the search process and study selection Heterogeneity (i.e., τ2), was estimated using the restricted
is shown in Fig. 1. maximum-likelihood estimator [21]. To complete the hetero-
geneity analyses, the Q test for heterogeneity [22] and the
2.2 Eligibility Criteria I2 statistic [23] were also calculated, with values of 20%,
50%, and 75% indicating low, moderate, and high heteroge-
Inclusion criteria were defined based on the Population, neity, respectively [24]. Studentized residuals and Cook’s
Intervention, Control and Outcomes (PICO) criteria [16]. distances were examined to assess whether studies might be
The population included healthy adults with no sex or age outliers and/or overly influential [25]. A trim-and-fill funnel
restrictions. The intervention had to consist of supervised plot was created to estimate the number of studies that might
combined aerobic and strength training of at least 4 weeks. be missing from the meta-analysis (Fig. S1 of the ESM).
For a comparison, eligible studies had to include a group The rank correlation test [26] and regression test [27] using
performing strength training alone with an identical strength the standard error of the observed outcomes as the predictor
training prescription. Outcomes of interest were defined as were used to examine the SMDs for funnel plot asymmetry.
hypertrophy of type I and type II fibers. Exclusion crite- Effect sizes from studies with more than two intervention
ria included languages other than English and German, or control groups were combined in accordance with the rec-
abstracts and dissertations, cross-sectional studies assess- ommendations of the Cochrane Handbook by recalculating
ing only acute exercise responses, and observational studies. the mean and pooling the standard deviation of each inter-
vention group [28], except for a subgroup analysis where
2.3 Data Extraction different interventions from individual studies were included
in separate subgroups. Similarly, pre-data and post-data from
Data extraction was performed independently by two studies that assessed variances of type II fibers (e.g., type
authors. The following data were extracted from each IIa and IIb/IIx fibers) were combined for an interindividual
included study: (1) the general characteristics (e.g., comparison.
author(s), year of publication, and aim of the study); (2) par- Subgroup analyses were conducted for aerobic train-
ticipant information (e.g., sample size, training status, and ing type (i.e., cycling vs running), concurrent training fre-
age); (3) intervention data for all groups (e.g., intervention quency (i.e., low frequency of 4.5 ± 0.8 vs high frequency of
duration, type of interventions); and (4) specific outcomes 6.3 ± 0.8 weekly sessions, equating to 2.2 ± 0.3 vs 3.2 ± 0.4
(changes in both type I and II muscle fiber hypertrophy). weekly sessions in the strength training-only group), training
If the mean and standard deviation of each group were not status (i.e. untrained vs active), and training modality (i.e.
provided, authors of the primary studies were contacted to concurrent training on different days vs concurrent train-
request the data at baseline and post-intervention. If data ing on the same day vs concurrent training in the same ses-
were presented in a graph and no additional data were sion). The thresholds for training frequency were determined
provided upon request, mean and standard deviation were with the aim of comparing two balanced groups. Because
extracted using WebPlotDigitizer version 4.4 (Pacifica, CA, of inconsistent reporting in the original articles, no further
USA) [17]. distinctions in terms of training status were made. For stud-
ies comparing concurrent training in the same session, we
2.4 Data Synthesis and Analyses also compared the training order (i.e., aerobic training before
strength training vs strength training before aerobic train-
Standardized mean differences (SMD) for each group were ing) if a sufficient number of studies was available. Stud-
calculated using the mean difference divided by the pre- ies were placed into subgroups based on the description
test standard deviation for each group separately, whereby provided in the manuscript. This was particularly true for
the difference between these effects is considered the SMD. training status: studies were classified as “untrained” if par-
An inverse variance-weighted random-effects model was ticipants were clearly described as “sedentary,” “previously
2394 T. R. Lundberg et al.
untrained,” or “inactive”. Conversely, all other studies were 2.5 Assessment of Methodological Quality
classified as “active” (i.e., “recreationally active,” “trained,”
and “well-trained”). Risk of bias for the included studies was assessed using
the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale
Concurrent Training and Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy 2395
independently by two authors. The PEDro scale has previ- revealed no statistically significant differences between
ously been assessed as a valid measure of the methodologi- groups (Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Figs. S2–S6 of the ESM).
cal quality of randomized trials [29]. Studies with scores > 6
were considered to be of “high quality,” studies with scores 3.4 Type II Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy
of 4–5 were considered to be of “medium quality,” and stud-
ies with scores < 4 were considered to be of “low quality”. The SMD for type II fiber hypertrophy ranged from − 1.49
The following sources of bias were considered: selection to 1.13. The estimated SMD based on the random-effects
(sequence generation and allocation concealment), perfor- model was − 0.13 (95% CI − 0.39 to 0.12, p = 0.315). The
mance (blinding of participants/personnel), detection (blind- Q test for heterogeneity was not significant (Q(14) = 22.04,
ing outcome assessors), attrition (incomplete outcome data), p = 0.078, τ2 = 0.08, I2 = 29.7%). Subgroup analyses revealed
reporting (selective reporting), and other potential bias (e.g., no statistically significant differences between groups
recall bias). The risk of bias scores for the included stud- (Figs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; Figs. S7–S11 of the ESM). Furthermore,
ies are shown in Table S2 of the ESM. The mean score for between-group analyses comparing type I and II fiber hyper-
criteria 2–11 of the PEDro-scale was 4.3 ± 0.8, indicating a trophy within each subgroup revealed no statistically signifi-
medium quality. cant differences (p ≥ 0.05).
3 Results 4 Discussion
3.1 Study Characteristics The aim of this study was to evaluate the compatibility
of concurrent aerobic and strength training in relation to
The final analysis included 15 studies that examined both muscle fiber hypertrophy adaptations. Concurrent training
type I and II fiber hypertrophy. A total of 300 participants resulted in a small (SMD − 0.2, p = 0.05) attenuation of mus-
were included, of which 153 participants performed super- cle fiber hypertrophy when both type I and type II fibers
vised combined aerobic and strength training and 147 par- were combined. The observed heterogeneity was significant
ticipants performed strength training alone. Among the only for type I fibers and this was partially explained by the
included studies, cycling was the most common type of aero- overall training frequency and the type of aerobic training.
bic training (12 studies), followed by running (three studies). Indeed, a significant interference effect was observed for
type I fibers when aerobic training was performed by run-
3.2 Overall Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy ning but not cycling. None of the other subgroup analyses
(i.e., based on concurrent training frequency, training status,
A total of 15 studies [6, 30–43] were included in the quan- training modality, and training order of same-session train-
titative analysis. The SMDs ranged from − 1.71 to 1.13, ing) revealed a statistically significant interference effect for
and the estimated SMD based on the random-effects model fiber hypertrophy.
was − 0.23 (95% CI − 0.46 to − 0.00, p = 0.050). The forest Considering that our previous analysis showed no inter-
plot showing the observed outcomes and the estimate based ference effect on whole muscle hypertrophy [4], our finding
on the random-effects model is shown in Fig. 2. The Q test of interference in muscle fiber size adaptation is intrigu-
revealed that the true outcomes appear to be heterogeneous ing. Because the gold standard measures of muscle size,
(Q(29) = 68.42, p < 0.001, τ2 = 0.24, I2 = 58.6%). The esti- i.e., MRI and CT, measure the anatomical cross-sectional
mated average log variability ratio based on the random- area of the whole muscle, it is possible that early changes in
effects model was − 0.12 (95% CI − 0.26 to 0.02, p = 0.097). fiber size are associated with changes in muscle architecture,
such as increased pennation angle, mask early hypertrophic
3.3 Type I Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy effects that are not detected on MRI or CT. Although both
aerobic and strength training affect pennation angle [44],
The SMD for type I fiber hypertrophy ranged from − 1.71 few studies have examined the effects of concurrent train-
to 1.03. The estimated SMD for the random-effects model ing on muscle architecture. While Shamim et al. found no
was − 0.34 (95% CI − 0.72 to 0.04, p = 0.078). The Q test differences in the change in pennation angle with concur-
revealed that the true outcomes appear to be heterogene- rent training compared to strength training alone [44], others
ous (Q(14) = 44.96, p < 0.001, τ2 = 0.40, I2 = 70.4%). Of all found a significant increase after concurrent, but not sole,
selected predictors, the number of concurrent training ses- strength training [43]. Thus, while it is still unclear whether
sions accounted for 34.6% of the observed heterogeneity, architectural changes actually contribute to explaining the
while the type of aerobic training (i.e., cycling, running) discrepancy between fiber and whole muscle hypertrophy,
accounted for 7.3% of the heterogeneity. Subgroup analyses a preferential increase in pennation angle with concurrent
2396 T. R. Lundberg et al.
Fig. 2 Forest plot comparing differences in hypertrophy of type I and type II fibers. CI confidence interval, SMD standardized mean difference,
RE random effects model
training could result in an increased physiological cross- least during short-term training periods. This could also
sectional area that is not detected when an anatomical cross- explain why the observed heterogeneity was lower in type
sectional area is assessed on MRI or CT. II fibers compared with type I fibers. Considering that type
Another possibility could relate to the recruitment pattern I fibers typically account for a relatively smaller total area
of each fiber type. This is partly supported by the results of muscle compared with type II fibers in the thigh [46], this
of the current study, as the interference effect seems to be supports the idea that it may take longer to detect interfer-
mainly owing to the less significant adaptations in type I ence effects at the whole muscle level compared with the
fibers compared with type II fibers (SMD − 0.3 vs − 0.1), fiber level. In this regard, it should be noted that in the study
as was also shown by a larger heterogeneity in type I fibers. by de Souza et al. that examined both fiber size and whole
On the basis of the size principle of motor unit recruitment, muscle adaptations, interference in muscle fiber hypertrophy
endurance training at low-to-moderate intensity recruits was not confirmed at the whole muscle level [6].
mainly type I fibers, whereas at greater intensity (or higher Another interesting finding was that running seemed to
effort level) the recruitment of type II fibers may succes- exacerbate the interference effect in type I fibers compared
sively increase [45]. Thus, it is possible that interference with cycling. This could be attributed to the different nature
induced by aerobic training mainly affects type I fibers, at of running compared to cycling, as running is associated
Concurrent Training and Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy 2397
Fig. 3 Forest plot comparing differences in hypertrophy of type I and II fibers between low and high training frequency. CI confidence interval,
SMD standardized mean difference
with repetitive eccentric loading and stretch–shortening present meta-analysis, the effects of running were based on
activities, whereas cycling provokes a higher emphasis only three studies. Although caution should be exercised
on concentric work and a longer time under tension. This when interpreting these findings, it can be recommended
may, in turn, be associated with greater inflammatory stress that athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking to increase mus-
induced by running as compared with cycling [47], possibly cle mass should consider cycling rather than running as an
increasing redox and metabolic stress that may blunt the aerobic training modality.
responsiveness to strength exercise. A direct comparison of We also note that many of the studies included in this
muscle hypertrophy induced by aerobic training confirms analysis were small and that the reliability of muscle fiber
that cycling can indeed elicit increased muscle size, whereas size measurements is rather low. A recent study examined
the effect of running is negligible [48, 49]. However, in the the variability of histochemical measurements of muscle
2398 T. R. Lundberg et al.
Fig. 4 Forest plot comparing differences in hypertrophy of type I and II fibers separated by type of aerobic training. CI confidence interval, SMD
standardized mean difference
Fig. 5 Forest plot comparing differences in hypertrophy of type I and II fibers between active and untrained participants. CI confidence interval,
SMD standardized mean difference
2400 T. R. Lundberg et al.
Fig. 6 Forest plot comparing differences in hypertrophy of type I and II fibers between different day training, same day training, and same ses-
sion training. CI confidence interval, SMD standardized mean difference
Concurrent Training and Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy 2401
Fig. 7 Forest plot comparing differences in hypertrophy of type I and II fibers between different exercise orders during same-session training. CI
confidence interval, SMD standardized mean difference
2402 T. R. Lundberg et al.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary meta-analysis. Sports Med. 2022;52(3):601–612. https://doi.org/
material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s40279-022-01688-x. 10.1007/s40279-021-01587-7
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