04 Rotation

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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte – 4600, Philippines

Subject Instructor: Engr. Noli M. Esperas Jr.
Module No. & Title: 4. Kinematics of Rotation
4. Kinematics of Rotation
Outline of Topics
1. Rotational and Angular Displacement
2. Angular Velocity and Acceleration
3. Motion Equation of Rotation
4. Linear and Angular Kinematics

Specific Intended Learning Outcome/s (SILOs)

At the end of this topic, the student should be able to:
 Determine angular displacement of a rotation
 Derive angular velocity and angular acceleration
 Apply motion equation of rotation in a situational problem
 Relate linear and angular kinematics of rotation
What do the motions of a compact disc, a Ferris wheel, a circular saw blasé, and a ceiling fan have in
common? None of these can be represented adequately as a moving point; each involves a body that
rotates about an axis that is stationary in some inertial frame of reference.

Rotation occurs at all scales, from the motions of electrons in atoms to the motions of entire galaxies. We
need to develop some general methods for analyzing the motion of a rotating body. In this chapter and the
next we consider bodies that have definite size and definite shape, and that in general can have rotational
as ell as translated motion.

Real world bodies can be very complicated; the forces that act on them can deform them – stretching,
twisting, and squeezing them. We’ll neglect these deformation for now and assume that the body has a
perfectly definite and unchanging shape and size. We call this idealized model a rigid body.

We begin with kinematic language for describing rotational motion. Next, we look at the dynamic of rotation,
the key to using energy methods for rotational motion.

Lesson 1: Rotational Motion and Angular Displacement

In the simplest kind of rotation, points on a rigid object move in circular paths around an axis of rotation.
The angle through which a rigid object rotates about a fixed axis is called the angular displacement.

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Angular displacement – when a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, the angular displacement is the
angle swept out by a line passing through any point on the body and intersecting the axis of rotation
perpendicularly. By convention, the angular displacement is positive if it is counterclockwise and negative if
it is clockwise. SI unit for angular displacement is radian (rad).

The angular coordinate θ of a rigid body rotating around a fixed axis can be positive or negative. If we
choose positive angle to be measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis, then θ in the figure below
is positive. . If we instead choose the positive rotation direction to be clockwise, then θ is negative.

To describe rotational motion, the most natural way to measure the angle θ is not in degrees, but in
radians. One radian (1 rad) is the angle subtended at the center of a circle by an arc with a length equal to
the radius of the circle.

An angle is subtended by an arc of length s on a circle of radius

r. the value of θ (in radians) is equal to s divided by r.

arc length(s ) s
θ ( ¿ radians ) = =
radius (r ) r
To convert between degrees and radians, it is only necessary to
remember that the arc length of an entire circle of radius r is the
circumference 2πr. Therefore, the number of radians that
corresponds to 360o, or one revolution, is

360 degrees ( o ) = 2π radian (rad) = 1 revolution (rev)

Example Problem
Synchronous satellites are put into an orbit whose radius is
4.23x107 m. if the angular separation of the two satellites is 2.00
degrees, find the arc length that separate them.


θ=2.00 degrees ( 360 degrees )
2 π radians
=0.0349 rad

s=rθ=( 4.23 ×1 07 m ) ( 0.0349 rad )

s=1.48× 10 m∨920 miles

Practice Problem:
The angle between two radii of a circle with radius 1.50 m is 40 o. What length of arc is intercepted on the
circumference of the circle by the two radii?

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Answer: 1.05m

Lesson 2: Angular Velocity and Acceleration

Average Angular Velocity
In kinematics, we instroduced the idea of linear velocity to describe how fasr an object moves and the
direction of its motion. The average linear velocity was defined as the linear discplacement of the object
divided by the time required for the displacement to occur.

Now we instroduce the analogous idea of angular velocity to describe te motion of a rigid object rotating
about a fixed axis. The average angular velocity is defined as:

angular displacement
average angular velocity=
elapsed time

θ −θo ∆ θ
ω= =
t −t o ∆ t

The SI unit for angular velocity I the radian per second (rad/s), although other units such as revolutions per
minute are also used. In agreement with the sign convention adopted for angular displacement, angular
velocity is positive when the rotation is counterclockwise and negative when it is clockwise.

Example Problem
A gymnast on a high bar swings through two revolutions in a time
of 1.90 s. Find the average angular velocity of the gymnast.


∆ θ=−2.00 rev ( 21πrad

rev )
=−12.6 rad

−12.6 rad
ω= =− 6.63 rad /s
1.90 s

Practice Problem:
A pitcher throws a curveball that reaches the catcher in 0.60 s. the ball curves because it is spinning at an
average angular velocity of 3.30 rev/min (assumed constant) on its way to the catcher’s mitt. What is the
angular displacement of the baseball (in radians) as it travels from the pitcher to the catcher?

Answer: 20.73 rad

Instantaneous Angular Velocity

The instantaneous angular velocity ω is the angular velocity that exists at any given instant. To measure it,
we follow the same procesude used in linear kinematics. Thus,

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ω= lim ω=
∆ t →0 dt

The magnitude of the instantaneous angular velocity, without reference to whether it is a positive or
negative quantity, is called the instanteous angular speed. If a rotating object has a consant angular
velocity, the instantaneous value and the average value are the same.

Example Problem
The angular position of θ of a 0.36m damter flywheel is given by

(a) Find θ, in radians and in degrees, at t1 = 2.0 s and t2 = 5.0 s.

(b) Find the distance that a particle on the flywheel rim moves over the time interval from t 1 and t2
(c) Find the average angular velocity in rad/s and rev/min, over that interval.
(d) Find the instantaneous angular velocities at t1 and t2.

a. c.



Practice Problem
The angular velocity of a flywheel obeys the equation ω(t) = A + Bt2, where t is in seconds and A and B are
constant having numerical values 2.75 rad/s and 1.50 rad/s 3, respectively. (a) What is the angular velocity
at t1 = 0s and t2 = 5s? (b) What is the angular displacement at t 2 = 5s, if at t1 = 0s the flywheel start at zero

Answer: 2.75 rad/s, 40.25 rad/s, 76.25 rad

Average Angular Acceeration

In linear motion, a changing velocity means that an acceleration in occuring. Such is also the case in
rotational motion; a changing angular velocity means that an angular acceleration is occuring. There are
many examles of angular acceleration. For instance, as a compact disc recording is played, the disc turns
with an angular velocity that s contuanlly decreasing. And when the push buttons of an electric blender are
changed from a lower setting t a higher setting, the angular velocity of the blades increases.

We will define average angular acceleration as:

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change ∈angular velocity
average angular acceleration=
elapsed time

ω − ωo ∆ ω
α= =
t −t o ∆t

The SI unit for average angular acceleration is the rad/s2.

Instantaneous Angular Acceleration

The instantaneous angular acceleration at a given instant is

α = lim α =
∆ t →0 dt

Example Problem
As seen from the front of the engine, the fan blades are rotating with an angular speed of -110 rad/s. as the
plane takes off, the angular velocity of the blades reaches -330 rad/s in a time of 14 s. Find the angular
acceleration, assuming it to be constant.


( − 330
s ) − (− 110
s )
14 s s

Practice Problem
The angular velocity of a flywheel obeys the equation ω(t) = A + Bt2, where t is in seconds and A and B are
constant having numerical values 2.75 rad/s and 1.50 rad/s 3, respectively. (a) What is the angular
acceleration at t1 = 0s and t2 = 5s? (b) At what acceleration will the angular velocity be maximum?

Answer: 0 rad/s2, 15 rad/s2, 0 rad/s2

Lesson 1: Motion Equation of Rotation

Straight line motion is particularly simple when the acceleration is constant. This is also true of rotational
motion about a fixed axis. When the angular acceleration is constant, we can derive equations for angular
velocity and angular position using exactly the same procedure that we used for straight line motion.

Example Problem 3: the blades of an electric blender are whirling with an angular
velocity of 375 rad/s when the “puree” button is pushed. When the “blend” button is pushed. The blades
accelerate and reach a greater angular velocity after the blades have rotated through an angular

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displacement of 44 rad. The angular acceleration has a constant value of 1740 rad/s 2. Find the final angular
velocity of the blades.

2 2
ω =ω +2 αθ
ω=√ ω o2+ 2αθ= √ ¿ ¿
Practice Problem
You have finished watching a movie on Bu-ray and the disc is slowing to
a stop. The disc’s angular velocity at t = 0s is 27.5 rad/s, and its angular
acceleration is a constant -10 rad/s2. A line PR on the disc’s surface lies
along the +x-axis at t = 0s. (a) What is the disc’s angular velocity at t =
0.30s? (b) How many revolution does the line PQ make with the +x-axis
at this time?

Answer: 24.5 rad/s; 1.24 revolution

Lesson 1: Linear and Angular Kinematics

Linear Speed in Rigid Body Rotation
When a rigid body rotates about a fixed axis, every particle in the
body moves in a circular path. The circle lies in a plane
perpendicular to the axis and is centered on the axis. The speed
of a particle is directly proportional to the body’s angular velocity;
the faster the body rotates, the greater the speed of each particle

In the figure, point P is a constant distance r from the axis of

rotation, so it moves in a circle of radius r. At any time, the angle θ
and the arc length s are related by

We take the time derivative of this:

Linear Acceleration in Rigid Body Rotation

We can represent the acceleration of a particle moving in a circle
in terms of its centripetal and tangential components, αrad and αtan.

Tangential component of acceleration acts to change the

magnitude of the particle’s velocity and is equal to the rate of
change of speed.

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Centripetal component of acceleration is associated with the change of direction of the particle’s velocity.

Example Problem
An athlete whirls a discuss in a circle of radius 80.0 cm. at a certain instant, the athlete is rotating at 10.0
rad/s and the angular speed is increasing at 50.0 rad/s 2. AT this instant, find the tangential and centripetal
components of the acceleration of the discuss and the magnitude of the acceleration.


Practice Problem
A helicopter blade has an angular speed of ω = 6.50 rev/s and has an
angular acceleration of α = 1.30 rev/s2. For point 1 ans 2 on the blade
in the figure, find the magnitude of tangential speed ands and the
tangential acceleration.

Answer: 122.52 m/s, 273.63 m/s, 24.50 m/s2, 54.73 m/s2


Physics 9th Edition by Cutnell, et. al.

Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics Technology Update 13th Edition by Young, et. al.

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EN PHYS 1 – PHYSICS FOR ENGINEERS Period: ___________________
Name of Student: ____________________________________________Course and Year: __________
Schedule (Time and Day): _____________________________________Final Rating: ______________
4. Rotation
Assessment Task:
Direction: Accomplished and submit only the assessment task on the next delivery of learning materials.
Rotational Motion, Angular Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration
1. An airplane propeller is rotating at 1900 rpm. (a) Compute the propeller’s angular velocity in rad/s.
(b) How many seconds does it tale for the propeller to turn through 35o?

2. The earth spins on its axis once a day and orbits the sun once a year (365 ¼ days). Determine the
average velocity (in rad/s) of the earth as it (a) spins on its axis and (b) orbits the sun. In each case,
take the positive direction for the angular displacement to be the direction of the earth’s motion.

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3. At t = 0 the current to a dc electric motor is reversed, resulting in an angular displacement of the

motor shaft given by θ(t) = (250 rad/s)t – (20.0 rad/s 2)t2 – (1.50 rad/s3)t3. (a) At what time is the
angular velocity of the motor shaft zero? (b) Calculate the angular acceleration at the instant that
the motor shaft has zero angular velocity. (c) How many revolutions does the motor shaft turn
through between the time when the current is reversed and the instant when the angular velocity is
zero? (d) How fast was the motor shaft rotating at t= 0, when the current was reversed? € Calculate
the average angular velocity for the time period from t – 0 to the time calculated in part (a).

4. A space station consists of two donut-shaped living chambers. A and B, that have the radii shown in
the figure. As the station rotates, an astronaut in chamber A is moved 2.40 x 10 2 m along a circular
arc. How far along a circular arc is an astronaut in chamber moved during the same time?

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Motion Equation of Rotation

5. A figure skater is spinning with an angular velocity of +15 rad/s. She then comes to a stop over a
brief period of time. During this time, her angular displacement is +5.1 rad. Determine (a) her
average angular acceleration and (b) the time during which she comes to rest.

6. The wheels of bicycle have an angular velocity of +20.0 rad/s. Then, the brakes are applied. In
coming to rest, each wheel makes an angular displacement 0f +15.92 revolutions. (a) How much
time does it take for the bike to come to rest? (b) What is the angular acceleration (in rad/s 2) of each

7. At the local swimming hole, a favourite trick is to run horizontally off a cliff that s 8.3 m above the
water. One diver runs off the edge of the cliff, tucks into a “ball”, and rotates on the way down with
an average angular speed of 1.6 rev/s. Ignoring air resistance, determine the number of revolutions
she makes while on the way down.

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Linear and Angular Kinematics

8. An auto race takes place on a circular track. A car completes one lap in a time of 18.9s, with an
average tangential speed of 42.6 m/s. Find (a) the average angular speed and (b) the radius of the

9. A racing car travels with a constant tangential speed of 75.0 m/s around a circular track of radius
625m. Find (a) the magnitude of the car’s total acceleration and (b) the direction of its total
acceleration relative to the radial direction.

10. An electric drill starts from rest and rotates with a constant angular acceleration. After the drill has
rotated through a certain angle, the magnitude of the centripetal acceleration of a point on the drill is
twice the magnitude of the tangential acceleration. What is the angle?

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