Estabaya Virgilio Jr. Chapter 12 Thesis

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A Research Presented to the Research Review Committee

of Faculty of Criminology Program
Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences and Technology
Maniki, Kapalong, Davao del Norte

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Criminology


October 2023

Chapter 1


This chapter presents the rationale of the study, research objectives.

Research hypothesis, review of related literature of the study, theoretical and

conceptual framework, significance of the study, and definition of terms.


Parenting styles refer to the approaches and techniques parents use to raise

and discipline their children. In India, parenting styles are influenced by cultural,

social, and economic factors. Traditional Indian parenting styles tend to be

authoritarian, with parents using punishment and strict discipline to control their

children’s behavior. In contrast, modern parenting styles tend to be more permissive.

With parents giving children more freedom and independence. (Imran & Sharma,


In India, juvenile delinquency has been increasing in capital city Delhi at an

alarming rate, especially by those in 16-18 years’ age group. National Crime Records

Bureau reported in 2016 that the number of juveniles has increased from 18,939 to

31,396 in the year of 2005-2015. The involvement of minors in serious offences such

as robbery, burglary, criminal trespass, rape, murder. Attempted murder, kidnapping,

and abduction have raised concerns in the nation. The wrong doings submitted by

adolescents emerged because of the weakening social ties at community, peer and

family level, lack of finances, lack of education, and poverty. (Kparihar, 2020).

Minors’ membership in gangs and engagement in potentially harmful and

illegal acts, prompted the researchers to look into the perceptions of barangay

officials and residents on the implications of parenting styles to juvenile delinquency

at Pook Pag-asa Barangay Batasan Hills, Quezon City. (Boquil et. al., 2019).

Juvenile delinquency is a growing problem in India, and it poses a significant

challenge for policymakers, educators, parents, and communities. Juvenile

delinquency refers to criminal or antisocial behavior by children or adolescents, which


is typically associated with various risk factors such as poverty, parental neglect, and

exposure to violence. The problem of juvenile delinquency in India has been linked to

various factors such as poverty, social inequality, lack of education, and family

dysfunction. Compared to their peers from morcaffluent homes, children from poor

backgrounds are more prone to participate in delinquent behavior. The lack of access

to education, healthcare, and necessities can also contribute to delinquent behavior.

Additionally, it has been discovered that parenting styles play a substantial role in the

emergence of delinquent behavior in Indian children. Authoritarian, Neglectful, and

permissive parenting styles have been linked to a higher risk of delinquent behavior,

according to research positive parenting style such as authoritative parenting, on the

other hand, have been associated with lower rates of juvenile delinquency. Juvenile

delinquency is a complicated issue that needs to be approached from a variety of

angles. While there are various factors that contribute to the problem. Parenting

styles have been identified as a critical factor that can be modified to reduce the risk

of delinquent behavior among children. Therefore, in order to prevent juvenile

delinquency among children, it is crucial to comprehend the influence of parenting

style and juvenile delinquency among middle adolescence of Tagum City National

Comprehensive High School and to develop best practices for parents and other


In connection, the researchers have not come across with the study of

Influence of Juvenile Delinquency in the local setting. There had been studies

conducted such as the study of Gupta & Thakur (2020), Sharma & Singh (2020),

and Tyagi (2020) which is focused on examining the relationship between parenting

style and juvenile delinquency among urban and rural adolescent in India but not on

the influence of parenting style and juvenile delinquency , the respondents were from

India and not from middle adolescence aged 15-18years old of Tagum City National

Comprehensive High School.


Research Objectives

The study will be conducted to look into the influence of parenting style on

juvenile delinquency among Middle Adolescence of Tagum City National

Comprehensive High School.

Specifically, it will address the following:

1.To assess the level of parenting style in terms of:

1.1 authoritative parenting style;

1.2 authoritarian parenting style; and

1.3 permissive parenting style.

2.To determine the significant influence parenting style on juvenile delinquency

among middle adolescence of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School.

3.To find out which domain of parenting style best influences juvenile delinquency

among middle adolescence of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School .

Research Hypotheses

The following null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance:

1.There is no significant influence of parenting style on juvenile delinquency.

2.There is no domain of parenting style that best influences on juvenile delinquency.


Review Related Literature

The various readings and research from different books, internet website and

scholarly work of authors are presented in this section to give further reading and

elaboration of the focus of the study. The literatures on influence of parenting style on

juvenile delinquency among middle adolescence of Tagum City National

Comprehensive High School.

Parenting Style

Parenting style is a concept related to the rearing of children by their parents.

Parents have an essential role in a person’s life, especially at childhood, at least up

to the time they are fully grown. Parental control and discipline are essential for

building the healthy personality of a child. More so when the structure of a family is

changing from extended to nuclear and further to single-parent family. Parents try to

understand their child's personality or the abnormalities their child has to handle the

situations amicably and twist or turn the unwanted behavioral aspects of their child.

The practices that parents follow while taking care of their child include the warmth

and control they provide to their child such that the responsiveness and

demandingness of their child are curbed to a desired level.(Patil & Vaishnav, 2021).

Parenting is seen as a crucial function in the transition of adolescent

into adulthood; it is accepted to become an important tool for socializing the

child (Lowe & Dotterer, 2018).

Parenting styles have a major effect on a child’s decision to participate in

delinquent behaviors. A sense of family is most important for the development of

socialization for children, teenagers, and young adults. Parents play an important role

in that process of socialization for their children. The way in which a parent behaves

to their child, emotionally or physically, is expressed to the child, which in turn allows

for the child to interpret those behaviors and act out in a certain way. This goes to

show that parents are a major influence over their children and are responsible for

shaping them into an adult; therefore, the discipline style that parents choose to use

ends up having a substantial impact on their child’s actions. (Edubirdie, 2021).

Parents play an essential role in a child’s life, especially in childhood, till they

become self- sufficient. Discipline and control imposed by parents help develop a

healthy personality of a child. Research-based evidence supports that parenting style

substantially affects children’s development. (Patil & Vaishnav, 2021).

When it comes to parenting, there is a great deal of diversity among families.

Cultural backgrounds have a major impact on how the family unit exists and how

children are reared. In the last several years, the population of the United States of

America has had a makeup. Changes driven by immigration (with different cultural,

ethnic, and spiritual ideologies), socioeconomic status, and single-parent families are

some of the factors that determine a variety of parenting styles among families. As

per the 2014 U.S. Census Bureau data, ¼ of children lived in single-parent families,

and three-fourths lived in households with two married parents. These patterns differ

when race and ethnicity are considered. Although children can thrive in all types of

family environments, data suggest that, on average, children living in single-parent

families fare less well than their counterparts. (Mendez, 2022).

Family involvement refers to parents active participation in a variety of

activities and behaviors that encourage their children’s early learning and

development. A good example is Head Start school (Kook and Greenfield, 2021).

Given the importance of parental involvement in boosting children’s

outcomes, it’s not unexpected that there’s been a lot of curiosity about what factors

influence the kind and frequency of parents’ involvement in activities with their

children. Reduced cognitive stimulation in the home has also been linked to single

parenthood and insecure employment (Martin et al., 2022)

Every parent wishes best for their children, especially when it comes to their

intellectual abilities, moral values, and character development. Many parents, on the

other hand, are unaware that educating and caring for their children in an overly

restricted or overly permissive manner might cause them to lose confidence and

ambition to succeed. According to several researchers, the family environment,

particularly parenting behavior, influences interpersonal competence and changes in

development, including social academic achievement, in teenagers (Whittaker et. al.,


Your parenting style can affect everything from your child's self-esteem and

physical health to how they relate to others. It’s important to ensure your parenting

style is supporting healthy growth and development because the way you interact

with your child and how you discipline them will influence them for the rest of their

life. (Morin, 2022).

Authoritative Parenting Style. Authoritative Parenting Style is a balance

between regulations and support. In this style, parents set clear expectations for their

children’s behavior, but they also provide them with support and understanding.

Parents who are authoritative encourage their kids to think independently and make

their own decisions, but they also provide support and advice when necessary. It is

commonly believed to help to lower juvenile criminality. Parents who practice this

parenting approach are responsive, supportive, and maintain acceptable degrees of

control while still establishing clear expectations for their kids. (Imran & Sharma,


Authoritative parenting is often considered the ideal style for its combination

of warmth and flexibility while still making it clear that the parents are in charge. (3)

Children of authoritative parents know what is expected of them. Their parents

explain reasons for the rules and consequences for breaking them. Parents also

listen to their child’s opinions, but the parent remains the ultimate decision maker.

(Nelson, 2023)

Authoritative parents develop close, nurturing relationships with their children.

Children with authoritative parents tend to grow up confident, responsible and


capable of managing their emotions. They are also friendly, curious and

achievement-oriented. (Nelson, 2023).

Authoritative parenting, which presupposes strict control over children’s

activities. This style requires parents to constantly intervene in the lives of their

children. The freedom to conduct any activity is limited by the parental view of the

appropriateness of certain behaviors. Even though such a style may seem overly

strict, statistically, it is more likely to deter children from perpetrating. (Xiong & Xia,


Authoritarian Parenting Style. Authoritarian Parenting Style involves strict

guidelines, high standards, and consequences for disobedience. In this style, parents

have complete control over their children’s behavior and decisions Children raised in

authoritarian households are expected to obey their parents without questioning their

authority. Failure to comply with their parents’ demands often results in harsh

punishment, such as physical discipline, verbal abuse, or withdrawal of affection. It is

associated with higher rates of juvenile delinquency in India. Children raised in

authoritarian households may become rebellious and engage in delinquent behavior

as a way to assert their independence and autonomy. Lack of emotional support and

the stringent regulations can cause sentiments of resentment and rebellion, which

can culminate in delinquent actions like drug use, aggressiveness, and missing class.

(Imran & Sharma, 2023).

Children of authoritarian parents are good at following instructions and

behave well. However, these children might grow up with a fear of punishment and

lack experience making their own decisions. As a result, some might become

aggressively rebellious, lack social skills and may have difficulty making sound

decisions on their own. (Nelson 2023).

Permissive Parenting Style. Permissive Parenting Style has a lack of rules

and discipline. In this style, parents give their children a lot of freedom and

independence, and they do not impose strict rules or punishment for disobedience.

The lack of self-control and entitlement feelings that can emerge from permissive

parenting can make kids act in delinquent ways. It can lead to the development of

emotional and behavioral problems including impulsivity, aggression, and substance

abuse. Children may engage in delinquent behavior as a way to seek excitement and

attention, without considering the consequences of their actions. (Imran & Sharma,


Permissive parents might pride themselves on being their child’s best friend.

These parents are warm and nurturing with open communication. They are actively

involved in their children’s emotional well-being. They also have low expectations

and use discipline sparingly. Permissive parents let children make their own choices,

but also bail them out if it doesn’t go well. Children of permissive parents have the

freedom to make decisions like what to eat, when to go to bed and whether to do

their homework. These children tend to have good self-esteem and social skills. But

they can be impulsive, demanding and lack the ability to self-regulate. (1) Permissive

parents often try to control their child’s environment, so the child doesn’t have to

experience rejection or failure. This means the child might enter adulthood

unprepared. (Nelson, 2023).

Juvenile Delinquency

The term juvenile delinquency refers to a large variety of behavior of children

and adolescents which the society does not approve and for which some kind of

admonishment, punishment, or preventive and corrective measures are justified in

the public interest. Juvenile delinquency refers to the failure of children and youth to

meet certain obligations expected of them by the society in which they live. The term

juvenile delinquency applies to the violation of criminal code and pursuit of certain

patterns of behavior disapproved off or children and young adolescents (More, 2020).

Juvenile Delinquency is a major problem in the United States. Many of our

youth are participating in illicit activities to gain something, whether it is money,

popularity, etc. (Edubirdie, 2021).


In India, juvenile delinquency has been increasing in capital city Delhi at an

alarming rate, especially by those in 16-18 years’ age group. National Crime Records

Bureau reported in 2016 that the number of juveniles has increased from 18,939 to

31,396 in the year of 2005-2015. The involvement of minors in serious offences such

as robbery, burglary, criminal trespass, rape, murder, attempted murder, kidnapping,

and abduction have raised concerns in the nation. The wrongdoings submitted by

adolescents emerged because of the weakening social ties at community, peer and

family level, lack of finances, lack of education, and poverty (Kparihar, 2020).

In Japan, since 1980’s juvenile crime was started more active. The delinquent

rate was highest during 14-16 years old, and common delinquent acts include rape,

theft, burglary, assault and extortion. Out of 30,939 juvenile delinquents convicted,

0.1% are charged with homicide in 2018. The reasons why youngsters committed

such acts were due to their parents’ attitude, such as neglectful, harshness, spoiling

or overprotected. In 2018, statistics that 48.2% were classified as neglectful, followed

by harshness at 30.3% and spoiling or overprotection at 17.3%. The analysis of

juvenile offenders in Japan further disclosed that 70% of them has two living parents

which 90% was from families which were financially stable or affluent (Money, 2019).

Influence of Parenting Style on Juvenile Delinquency

Parents are the biggest influence on juveniles and should be included in

prevention programs. Because parents are the most important element in reducing

risk factors, community- based programs that emphasize family interactions are the

most successful programs. Having successful prevention programs positively affects

not only the juvenile, but society as a whole. With success comes a rise in education,

an increase in income, an increase in labor participation. And the improvement of

physical and mental health in general. (Radic, 2019).

Parenting practices are one of the best predictors of juvenile delinquency.

Two factors have been identified as being important for a child to develop morality

(prosocial behavior): parental warmth and demandingness. Parental warmth is

described as the degree of support offered to a child by the parent. ( Johnson, 2019).

The parent has been seen to be a critical element for child development and

as a determining factor for children’s subsequent involvement in crime. This paper

seeks to explore the relationship between various family-related factors and crime. It

also attempts to ascertain whether these factors can act as causative agents for

“juvenile delinquency” or whether this is caused by the interaction between the family

and other external factors. Proper nurturing of children is the primary responsibility of

parents, because the values given to children and the type of training they receive

from their parents seem to largely determine their future life-style. Parents help their

children establish certain behavioral attitudes, and once established these attitudes

are difficult to change or suppress. Parents who instill antisocial attitudes and

behaviors in their children encourage such attitudes to persist into adulthood.

(Mwangangi, R. 2019).

Theoretical Framework

This study will be initially anchored to Albert J. Reiss (1951) Social Control

Theory (SCT) and Travis Hirschi (1969) Social Bond Theory (SBT).

Social Control Theory (SCT)

Albert J. Reiss (1951) was one of the first researchers to introduce the

concept of social control. He was interested in whether personal (ie., the ability to

resist the temptation to meet ones needs by breaking the law) or social controls (ie..

primary social groups or institutions in society) could predict recidivism in juvenile

delinquents. He found that “adequacy of personal controls of the individual and

his/her relation to social controls in terms of acceptance of or submission to social

control” was the best predictor of recidivism in juveniles Furthermore. Reiss (1951)

distinguished between two forms of social control, formal and informal. Informal

social controls are those controls exercised by parents and other individuals with

whom a person may have close personal contact. Formal social controls are those

controls exercised by institutions in the community, such as schools and criminal

justice agencies.

A few years later, Jackson Toby (1957) introduced the concept of stakes in

conformity – “how much a person has to loose when he or she breaks the law” (Void.

Bernard & Snipes, 2002 ). Toby (1957) argued that all youth have the potential to

break the law, but they “vary in the extent to which they feel a stake in American

society”. According to Toby (1957), education is essential to “social ascent” because

it provides opportunities for individuals to have more of a possibility for advancement.

Therefore, youth whose academic performance is acceptable may risk punishment or

jeopardize their careers if they participate in deviant activity. It could result in their not

only being suspended or expelled from school, but being labeled as a difficult


Hence, their stakes in conformity are high. Conversely, youth whose

academic performance is below average have lower stakes in conformity. These

youths are aware that their current state has placed limitations on future endeavors.

Toby (1957) argued that parents are vital to the educational process of youth. If they

encourage their child to do well in school, then their attitude toward school would be

more positive. This would consequently affect school performance. The following

year, F. Ivan Nye (1958) published a study that directed attention to the family as an

important source of informal social control for adolescents. Nye (1958) took Reiss’

(1951) theory a step further and introduced three types of informal controls – direct.

Indirect and internal. Direct control is usually exercised by parents and involves

regulation and monitoring of behavior as well as punishment. Indirect controls take

into account the affection or attachment an adolescent may have toward a significant

other and the adolescent’s consideration of how their behavior will impact these

individuals. Internal control applies to how the adolescent’s guilt prevents him/her

from participating in delinquent activities. Nye (1958) also acknowledged there were

gender differences in how direct controls were utilized. He argued that more rigid

social controls were applied with girls compared to boys.

In 1961, Walter Reckless introduced containment theory, which is composed

of two categories: inner and outer containment. Inner containment is a form of self-

regulation based on an individual’s having internalized norms and values of society.

Outer containment moves beyond the individual to those primary socializing agents

that provide expectations and boundaries for behavior in hopes of preventing

deviance. Despite these predecessors, it was Travis Hirschi’s explanation of social

control published in Causes of Delinquency (1969) that emerged as the prominent

statement of control theory.

Travis Hirschi (1969)-Social Bond Theory (SBT)

The most influential variation of control theory, which Hirschi called social

bond theory. Focuses on how an individual’s bond to society influences decisions to

break the law. There are four elements of a social bond or points of control:

attachment, commitment, involvement and belief. According to Hirschi (1969),

“control theories have described the elements of the bond to society in many ways,

and they have focused on a variety of units as the point of control”.

For this study, I am interested in highlighting only the attachment element as

it relates to parenting practices and delinquency. This is important to note because

Hirschi (1969) himself suggested that each element of the bond can be linked to

certain institutions in society: "...control theory has remained decidedly eclectic, partly

because each element of the bond directs attention to different institutions. For these

reasons, I shall treat specifications of the units of attachment as a problem in the

empirical interpretation of control theory, and not attempt at this point to say which

should be more or less important". Furthermore, Simons, Simons and Wallace (2004)

have since pointed out that a child's attachment to his or her parent was more

influential to the child's behavior than "all relationships within a child's social network"

that served as a source of social control.


Conceptual Framework

The researcher intended to analyze the influence of parenting style as the

independent variable using indicator based on a study that has been undertaken to

investigate the impact of different parenting style namely authoritarian, authoritative,

neglectful and permissive, influence the occurrence of juvenile delinquency based on

Imran & Sharma ( 2023).Parenting styles are constructs used to describe the

different strategies parents tend to utilize when raising children means that parenting

styles is the approaches and techniques parents use to raise and discipline their


The researcher also intended to analyze juvenile delinquency as the

dependent variable based on a study which provided a systematic review of

research on the relationship between parenting styles and juvenile delinquency. The

authors analyzed 26 articles published between 2011 and2019, with a focus on

studies conducted in India. The authors conclude that interventions to improve

parenting practices can help to prevent juvenile delinquency based on Singh &

Sasha (2021). The term juvenile delinquency refers to a large variety of behavior of

children and adolescents which the society does not approve and for which some

kind of admonishment, punishment, or preventive and corrective measures are

justified in the public interest means juvenile delinquency applies to the violation of

criminal code and pursuit of certain patterns of behavior disapproved off or children

and young adolescents.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Parenting Style

Authoritive Parenting
Juvenile Delinquency
Authoritarian Parenting

Neglectful Parenting

Permissive Parenting

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

Significance of the study

The findings of the study will be used as valuable information that would give

new perspective in influence of parenting style on juvenile delinquency among middle

adolescence. Hence, this study would be benefited the following involved agencies

and people.

Students (adolescent). This study will help students (adolescent) to make

proper use of their time in productive thing and to educate them on the wrongs of

juvenile delinquency.

Parents. It will help educate Parents on the importance of proper parenting

style which leads to the reduction of juvenile delinquency.

Community. It will help research community to know the different parenting

styles and how to reduce juvenile delinquency.

Government. It will help the government to keep up to date with parent and

encourage the use of psychologists to solve problem of juvenile delinquency.

Definition of Terms

The terms below are defined conceptually and operationally to establish a

common frame of reference.


Parenting Style. Parenting styles refer to the approaches and techniques

parents use to raise and discipline their children. In India, parenting styles are

influenced by cultural, social, and economic factors. Traditional Indian parenting

styles tend to be authoritarian, with parents using punishment and strict discipline to

control their children’s behavior. In contrast, modern parenting styles tend to be more

permissive. With parents giving children more freedom and independence. (Imran &

Sharma, 2023).

Juvenile. Juvenile refers to child and young person under the age 18, more

specifically, a child under the age of 14 and a young person up 14 but less than 18.

( Enokela, 2022).

Delinquency. Delinquency, criminal behavior, especially that carried out by a

juvenile. Depending on the nation of origin, a juvenile becomes an adult anywhere

between the ages of 15 to 18, although the age is sometimes lowered for murder and

other serious crimes. Delinquency implies conduct that does not conform to the legal

or moral standards of society; it usually applies only to acts that, if performed by an

adult, would be termed criminal. It is thus distinguished from a status offense, a term

applied in the United States and other national legal systems to acts considered

wrongful when committed by a juvenile but not when committed by an adult.

(Britannica, 2023).

Juvenile Delinquency. The term juvenile delinquency refers to a large

variety of behavior of children and adolescents which the society does not approve

and for which some kind of admonishment, punishment, or preventive and corrective

measures are justified in the public interest. Juvenile delinquency refers to the failure

of children and youth to meet certain obligations expected of them by the society in

which they live. The term juvenile delinquency applies to the violation of criminal

code and pursuit of certain patterns of behavior disapproved off or children and

young adolescents. (More, 2020).

Middle Adolescence. Refers (Ages 14 to 18).


Chapter 2


This section covers the methods used to address the objectives of the study.

The section discusses the research design, locale, respondents, sampling technique,

and data gathering procedures employed in this study.

Research Design

This study will be utilizing a quantitative descriptive-correlational research

design. This design will look if influence of parenting style has significant influence in

juvenile delinquency of middle adolescence from Tagum City National

Comprehensive High School. As mentioned by Creswell (2014), quantitative

research is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship

among variables. These variables, in turn can be measured, typically on instruments,

so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures, structured

techniques such as questionnaires. Statistical data is usually in form of tabulations,

findings are conclusive and usually descriptive in nature used to recommend a final

course of action.

This study is quantitative since it will quantify variables or test varying

interventions through descriptive- correlational method.


A descriptive-correlational type of research creates a snapshot of the current

state of the variable or phenomenon studied. This is done by gathering information

about the present existing condition and the prediction of relativity and influence

between variables. Stangor (2011).

The correlation type of research is used to assess the relationship between

two or more variables. The method is prospective and cross-sectional in nature and

it aims to identify the extent and nature of cause-and-effect relationships between

variables. Furthermore, we have also observed the variation in the variables

assumed to cause the change in other variables and measure the other variables’

changes. Moreover, this employed a mathematical model for determining the

influence of parenting style on juvenile delinquency.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted at Tagum City National Comprehensive High

School (TCNCHS), which is a large educational institution located in Mankilam,

Tagum City, Davao Del Norte. It is a public school that offers junior high school

education for grades 7 to 10, as well as senior high school education for grades 11

and 12. The school provides Academic Track, Arts and Design, Technical Vocational

Education, and an Alternative Learning System.

Tagum City National Comprehensive High School lies within the twelve

hectare DavNor Sports Complex at the sprawling capitol site in Mankilam, Tagum

City. The area is approximately three kilometers away from the busy center of the city

and lies at the heart of the provincial government site. Tagum City is the first

component city of Davao del Norte together with the Island City of Samal. Davao del

Norte is the biggest province in Region XI and the 9 th biggest in the country with an

area of 8,129 sq. km.

The TCNCHS school served as the basis for the analysis. The research is

focused on the participants, where the participants are Grade 9 and Grade 10 with a

total of 163. By ensuring that students from different levels are included, the scope of

the study is broadened and the results obtained and shown become more accurate.

Figure 2. Davao del Norte Map Highlighting the Research Locale

(Tagum City National Comprehensive High School)

Population and Sample

The participants in the study will be the grade 9 and 10 students from the

Tagum City National Comprehensive High School. The researchers will have

complete enumeration for the identification of the number of respondents. As

mentioned by Geneva (2000), complete enumeration survey method or also called as

a census method is a method wherein each and every item in the population or

universe is selected for the data collection. The population might constitute a

particular place, a group of people or any specific locality which is the complete set of

items which are of interest in any particular situation.

Distribution of Respondents

Grade Level Population Sample Percentage

Grade 9- Hope 40

Grade 9-Love 41

Grade 10- 40


Grade 10- 42


Research Instrument

Parenting styles were evaluated using the Parental Authority Questionnaire

(Buri, 1991). The Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) is composed of 30

questions geared to identify the parenting styles used in the home. It includes a five-

point scale (1=strongly disagree to 5-strongly agree) and the individual gives an

opinion for each statement. Results of several studies (Buri, 1991) have supported

the PAQ as a psychometrically sound and valid measure of Baumrind’s parental

authority prototypes. Both the parent and the student completed the PAQ

The Adolescent Delinquency Scale (ADS) is a tool used to assess the

seriousness of juvenile delinquent behavior. The 45- item scale assesses a range of

criminal activity, including vandalism, theft, drug usage, and violence. Each item is

rated on a five- point scale, ranging from “never” to “often.” The scale is intended to

gauge an adolescent’s level of delinquent behavior over time. Higher score indicates

a greater level of delinquency.

The Likert Scale, a method of quantitative value to make it amenable to

statistical analysis, will be utilized for the mentioned questionnaires wherein a

numerical value assigned to each potential choice and a mean figure for all the

responses is computed at the end of evaluation or survey. The final average score

represents overall level of perceptions as manifested (Term, 2004).

To measure the level of parenting style, the following parameter limits:


Rage of Means Descriptive Equivalent Description

4.30-5.00 Very High The measure describe in

parenting style is always


3.50-4.20 High The measure of describe

in parenting style is most

of the time observed.

2.70-3.40 Moderate The measure describe in

parenting style is

occasionally observed.

1.90-2.60 Low The measure describe in

parenting style is seldom


1.00-1.80 Very low The measure describe in

parenting style is rarely


To measure the level of juvenile delinquency, the following parameter limits:

Range of Means Descriptive Equivalent Description

4.30-5.00 Very High The measure described in

juvenile delinquency is

always observed.

3.50-4.20 High The measure described in

juvenile delinquency is

most of the time


2.70-3.40 Moderate The measure describe in

juvenile delinquency is

occasionally observed.

1.90-2.60 Low The measure described in

juvenile delinquency is

seldom observed.

1.00-1.80 Very low The measure described in

juvenile delinquency is

rarely observed.

Data Collection

In gathering the results, it was organized using the following methods to

ensure the protection of the rights of each individual who participated in this

conducted research. The process of obtaining information and data is also outlined to

address the research questions intended by the study.

Creating a Permission Letter. The researcher is writing a letter to the

Principal of Tagum City National Comprehensive High School to request permission

to conduct research.

Submission of questionnaires. The drafted questionnaires were submitted

by the researcher to their adviser for further scrutiny. Subsequently, these were

referred to the panel of assessors to ensure the relevance of each item in the

conducted study.

Distribution and collection of questionnaires. Once the Principal approves

the permission to conduct the study, the researchers personally distribute the

research instrument. With the assistance of the Principal, the questionnaires are

efficiently distributed to the students.

Collection and Tabulation of Data. At this point, the research instrument is

used to gather and record the data. Afterwards, it will be handed over to the

statistician to compute the questionnaire results.


Statistical Treatment of Data

The responses to the questionnaire from Middle Adolescent students at

TCNCHS were analyzed using statistics with the necessary study data. The

respondents were thoroughly examined based on the research instrument used in

the study. Descriptive statistics such as Statistical Tool, Pearson r, Mean, and

Standard Deviation were considered. To determine if there is a significant

relationship between the Independent and Dependent variables, a significance level

of 0.05 was utilized.

Statistical Tool. The following statistical procedures were utilized to compute

the data, such as hypothesis testing at a significance level of 0.05.

Mean. This method was used in the study to indicate the average, which is

the total of a set of data divided by the number of data points. It can be an effective

method when comparing different sets of data and to obtain the overall result of the

research instrument.

Pearson-r Correlation. This method was used for the research purpose of

determining the significant correlation between the influence of parenting style and

juvenile delinquency.

Standard Deviation. This was used in the study as a measure of the

variability of the obtained results from the respondents.

Multiple Regression. This will be used to determine the parenting style that

significantly influence juvenile delinquency among middle adolescence of Tagum

City National Comprehensive High School.

Arranging the research results. At this point, the researcher organizes all

the data obtained from the respondents’ answers.

Ethical Considerations

The researchers obtained informed consent from each participant prior to

conducting the interview, allowing them to easily decline participation in the interview

if they so desired. The researchers explain to each participant the purpose of

addition, the study and why it we always follow 1s being conducted. The safety In

protocols. Participants were asked to answer the questions honestly and were

assured that their identities and responses would be kept confidential.

Risk-Benefit Assessment

To ensure that research risk are minimized and benefits are maximized, the

study observed the following major potential benefits to participants (a) improved

knowledge about themselves and their current conditions at work through personal

reflections or through direct interaction with researcher, (b) comfort in being able to

discuss their situation or problem at work with responsive, objective person, (c)

opportunity to participate in the research (d) pleasure that information provided may

be help others within the organization with similar predicament or problem, €

satisfaction that information provided may help the organization under the study

improve. Moreover, the following potential research risk will be eliminated: (a)

physical discomfort, boredom, and fatigue: (b) social harms such as alienation, loss

of status and loss of personal relationship; (c) psychological harm such as fear of

loss of privacy, eventual ramification, discomfort and reluctance to answer some

questions being asked, and (d) loss of time.

Content, Comprehension and Documentation of Informed Consent

Prior to the actual participation to the study, the prospective respondent was

notified about the purpose, procedures and the anticipated potential benefits of the

study, the right to voluntary participation, the right to withdraw and terminate from

participation at any time, the right to withhold information and the confidential nature

of the information and provided full consent to participate. The research did not apply

any form of inducement and pressure to encourage participation in the study. The

researcher will provide consent form to the respondents.


Authorization to Access Private Information

All information necessary to the study to be included in the research

instrument, thus, no authorization to access private information will be needed.

Confidentiality Procedures

All information directly identifiable to the participant will be hold strictly

confidential. It will be protected from unauthorized access, use, alteration, theft or

loss, Information gather will be securely lock in the researchers’ personal cabinet

store in a password protected computer. The participant may or may not disclose

information such as name in the informed consent form and research instrument. The

researcher assigned numeric code to protect participant who opted to disclose such

information from data collection to presentation and/or publication of results. The

research information will be reported in aggregate.

The researchers included statement of confidentiality in the informed consent

form to assure that participants’ indent is duly protected during the research. All

information gathered as well as the research instruments will be shredded and

computer files will be deleted completely by the researchers themselves.

Debriefing, Communication and Referrals

All information about the research will fully disclose and discuss with the

participant, there is no debriefing and referrals except for communication discussing

the content of the informed consent from to ensure clarity and understanding of the

nature of the research and commitment expected from the participants.

Incentives or Compensation

There were no monetary and non-monetary compensation except for the

researcher’s personal expression of gratitude for participating in the research as well

as a promise to draw credible program that will benefit both the institution and its


Conflict of Interest

To deter potential compromise in the conduct of the study, the respondents

will strictly choose base on the inclusion and exclusion criteria which will ensure to be

understand prior to the actual participation in the study. All respondents are legal of

age and are capable to decide and give consent. The researcher has no financial

conflicts of interest in the conduct of the study. The study is personally funded by the

researcher as an academic requirement in the Bachelor of Science in Criminology

studies which information gather and results will be objectively use for research

purposes only.


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