Certificate In: Data Analytics

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E&ICT Academy

IIT Guwahati

Certificate in
Data Analytics
3 Months | Online Instructor Led
Improve your career prospects by gaining expertise in
Data Analysis, Data Visualization and EDA.
Why Certificate in Data Analytics by E&ICT
IIT Guwahati


Get certified from Ranked among India’s
Top Tier-1 Institution Best

Top 3 1 Million
trending careers in 2022 Data Analytics
(#3 Data Analytics) opportunities globally
Who should Enroll in this Program

• Engineers
• Project Managers
• Consultants
• Software Engineers
• Teachers

• Associates
• Operations Professionals
• Sales & Marketing Professionals
• Non IT/Non Tech professionals
• Professionals on a career break
Program Highlights

Certification 3 Months
Get Certified by E&ICT
Weekend Classes
Academy, IIT Guwahati

Faculty 20+
Learn from the top industry
professionals Real business use cases

LIVE Placements
100% career assistance
Instructor led Training

Master 5+ Data Analytics Tools...

Program Syllabus

Term 1: Data Analysis with Python

Module 1 - Data Science Funda- Module 2 - Recap: Python for Data

mentals Science
• Thought Experiment: Data Science • In-class quiz for Python Basics
from a layman’s perspective • Common Python concepts and sam-
• Brief intro to Data Science ple questions
• How companies use Data Science • Variable, Inbuilt datatypes, functions,
• Overview of Data Science project modules and Packages
lifecycle • File operations and error handling
• Walkthrough of data types and data

Module 3 - Recap: Statistics for Module 4 - Data Operations with

Data Science Numpy
• In-class quiz for Descriptive Statistics • Introduction to Numpy Arrays
• Common charts used • How to apply mathematical opera-
• In-class quiz for Inferential Statistics tions in Numpy
• Probability, Central Limit Theorem, • Array manipulation using Numpy
Normal Distribution & Hypothesis • Broadcast values across Arrays using
testing Numpy

Module 5 - Data Manipulation with

• Types of Data Structures in Pandas
• Clean data using Pandas
• Manipulating data in Pandas
• How to deal with missing values
• Hands-on: Implement Numpy arrays
and Pandas Dataframes
Program Syllabus Cont.
Term 2: Data Visualization Techniques

Module 6 - Introduction to Data Module 7 - Data Visualization us-

Visualization ing Matplotlib
• Brief introduction to Data Visualization • Introduction to Python’s Data Visual-
• Advantages and Applications of Data ization library - Matplotlib
Visualization. • Basic usage of Matplotlib
• Univariate statistical charts • Using matplotlib to plot statistical
• Bivariate statistical charts charts
• Multivariate statistical charts • Labelling the plots using matplotlib

Module 8 - Hands-on Pandas for Module 9 - Seaborn for Data Visu-

Rapid Visualization alization
• Understanding role of product man- • Seaborn Data Visualization library -
agement Introduction
• Defining product vision & strategy • Importing and setting up seaborn
• Identifying key stakeholders & man- • Using seaborn to plot different statis-
aging expectations tical charts
• Adding details to seaborn charts us-
ing matplotlib

Real World Business Use Cases

Program Syllabus Cont.
Term 3: EDA & Data Storytelling

Module 10 - Introduction to Explor- Module 11 - EDA Framework Deep

atory Data Analysis Dive

• Introduction to Exploratory Data Anal- • Framework for Scientific Exploration

ysis (EDA) steps • Case study: Perform EDA to explore
• Purpose of EDA survival using the Titanic dataset
• Advantages of EDA • Apply the EDA framework on a re-
• Applications of EDA al-world dataset.
• Generate insights and create a story
around them.

Module 12 -Scientific Explora- Module 13 - Student Presentations

tion of Industry Data - I & II & Insight Delivery

• Case study: Perform EDA to ex- • Student hosted project delivery ses-
plore Online Retail dataset sions.
• Implement the EDA steps and • Sessions coordinated by the instruc-
framework in the retail domain. tor.
• Case study: Analyze mental health • Storytelling using generated insights.
of IT professionals • Best-practices for Data Visualization
• Implement the EDA steps and and Insight Delivery.
framework on healthcare in indus-

Minor Capstone Project

In a simulated environment, you get to work with a major Telecom company
that seeks help from your team of Data Scientists to resolve a major marketing
hurdle. Get a near real world exposure of working on industry problems within
data science teams.
World Class Learning Experience

Experience a dynamic and engaging environment that inspires and chal-

lenges you to think critically. Become a worldclass Data Analytics through
hands-on learning, collaboration, and interaction with experts in the field.

Live Classes Top Faculty Lifetime

Online Interactive Industry Experts access to study material

PowerBI SQL Leadership

Data Empowered Insights Unleash Data Potential Talks with experts
Career Support with
8 Powerful Sessions

Upon enrolling in the program, you will have access to INSAID Career Sup-
port module. This module includes comprehensive career development
sessions aimed at enhancing your job profile and helping you excel in your


We’ll help you build a
sharp Data Analytics Re- Get a dedicated career
sume. coach for you!

Get access to 2023 Data
Participate in mock inter-
Analytics interview re-
views and be prepared.

The Career Services provided by INSAID are intended to empower you to actively manage your career
and are not a promise of employment.
Key Statistics

3 months 45+ 12+

Comprehensive Hours of Live Modules
Learning Classes

5+ 8
Tools & Frameworks Career Assistance

Get Certified from India’s Premier Institution

Learn from India’s Top Data Science
Industry Experts

Principal Investigator Sr. Faculty Sr. Faculty Sr. Faculty

E & ICT Academy
IIT Guwahati

Data Science Data & Analytics Associate Director -

Lead Data Scientist
Consultant Engagement Manager Data Science
Success Stories

I would like to thank INSAID team for helping me

develop discipline needed to become a Data Sci-

- Anirudh Acharya, Data Scientist, DXC Technology

I would like to thank INSAID for wonderful support

and beautiful journey. Learnt a lot and intend to
use the same in my work.
- Sohamjeet Ganguly, Data Scientist, TCS

INSAID helps you through real-world applications

of Data Science in your actual business or work.
- Foram Salva, Data Scientist, MYGLAMM

I found INSAID as the best when compared to oth-

er online programs. INSAID’s curriculum is way
ahead of other institutes.

- Siboli Mukherjee, Data Analyst, Vodafone Idea

Read more on blog.insaid.co

Program Snapshot
START DATE Check website for latest batch start dates



ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Total Years of Experience: 1+ Years

Education: Graduate (more than 50% score)

WEEKLY SCHEDULE Online classes on weekends

Self practice/assignments on weekdays

PROGRAM FEE ` 50,000 + GST

Attractive EMI options available

Talk to your Learning Advisor +91 96258 11095

in association with

[email protected]


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