School Holiday Activity - Creating A 3D Virtual Metro Station With Minecraft

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School holiday activity

Creating a
virtual 3D
station using
A step-by-step guide for students to use Minecraft to explore mathematical
concepts, as well as problem-solving skills to design a virtual 3D station.
This activity is suitable for students 7 to 12 years old with access to Minecraft
software. If you do not have Minecraft on your computer or smart device, parents
must provide permission to download as charges may apply.

Did you know: If you don’t have access to Minecraft, there’s other 3D software that is available
on the web such as, Google Sketchup8 or Lego Digital Designer. Otherwise, why not try creating
your own mini 3D metro station out of craft items such as cardboard, paper, boxes, pop-sticks,
plasticine, Lego, blocks, or other recyclable materials? Use this guide as an inspiration and then
make your own station!

Getting started
• Desktop computer, laptop or iPad/Android device
• Download app “Minecraft” onto your device
(charges apply – get permission from your parent/guardian)
Make sure you have at least two or three hours (or more!).

Your mission
Imagine you are a Sydney Metro architect. You have been given the task of designing a new
metro station for your local community. You must consider features of your new station that
meet your future customers’ needs and your local environment. This should include, safety,
pedestrian walkways, interchange for cars, buses and taxis, accessibility for customers with prams,
wheelchairs and limited mobility as well as other customer facilities including bicycle storage.

© Sydney Metro 2020. 20067-CS 04.20 1

A step-by-step guide

1  et up your
S 2 Get inspired 3  hat does your future
Minecraft account customer want?
Get permission from a parent/guardian Get permission from a parent/ Consider the future customers that
to download the “Minecraft app” on guardian to do some online research at will use your station. Think about their
your desktop, laptop or iPad/Android customer journey, how will they get to
device (charges may apply) the station? What do they want at the
Using the Sydney Metro website
conduct an investigation to learn more
Quick tips about station design.. Write down at least three features of
your own metro station that doesn’t
If you already have the Minecraft Extension work:
exist in any metro station. It could be
program or another 3D modelling • Watch an introduction to Sydney something fun like a chocolate fountain
software then you do not need to do Metro video or jumping castle.
this step. • Check out the interactive map and
click on each of the stations
• Watch the video on station design.

Quick tips
Write down at least five ideas that you
could add to your station inspired by
current metro stations.

4  earn how to
L 5  et up your
S 6  oll up your sleeves
use Minecraft Minecraft world and get creative

If you aren’t familiar with using Open your Minecraft program: Start with the basics. Pick a flat place to
Minecraft, get permission from a parent/ • Select single player start building your station.
guardian to watch these Minecraft
• Name your world “Sydney Metro”
creative mode tutorials. Quick tips
• Change game mode to ‘creative
For desktop or laptop mode’ The new Metro North West Line includes three types of station design:
• Select ‘create world’
For iPad/Android device • Open cut stations (Tallawong, Bella Vista and Cherrybrook stations)
• Above ground / elevated stations
(Rouse Hill and Kellyville stations)
• Underground stations (Norwest, Hills
Showground and Castle Hill stations)

© Sydney Metro 2020. 20067-CS 04.20 2

7 What’s in a station? 8 Extension 9  ave and share
your stations

At Sydney Metro, our stations are If you have finished building your metro Make sure you save your work so you
designed for our customers. Features to station and still feeling creative why not can go back and add more to your
consider when designing your station: build a rail network? Create some train stations or network. Once you’ve
• Easy access for all customers tracks, build another station or two (this finished, show your parents and family
including those with specific time build a different type of station your handy work!
accessibility needs (wheelchair design) and run your Minecart along the
For more advanced users, you can also
users, those with restricted mobility, network.
save and share your world with your
reduced vision and hearing, friends. This is different for PC, Mac and
customers with prams) Quick tips iPad users, so please refer to this on your
• A safe environment program for the best way to share.
Get permission from a parent/guardian
• A comfortable environment to watch this video on making a railway Screenshot some of your station
(protected from weather, good in Minecraft designs with a short description of
ventilation, daylight) what you have created and email us at
• Customer facilities (e.g. toilets, seats, [email protected]
ticket facilities, bicycle storage).
• Public areas (unpaid concourse, paid
concourse and platforms).
• Staff areas
• Station systems (platform screen
doors, video help points)

© Sydney Metro 2020. 20067-CS 04.20 3

My 3D Metro Station

Station design ideas

Customers will want to use my metro station because…

My station is different from all other metro station because…

My station checklist
Station entry and exits
Opal card readers
Safety screen doors
Video help points
Weather protection
Customer facilities (seats, bicycle storage)
Accessibility features (lifts, stairs)
Sustainability features

© Sydney Metro 2020. 20067-CS 04.20 4

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