Fire Containment Brochure LR

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Life Safety Components and Systems
Codes and Compliance



A Brief History of Perimeter Fire Containment.................................................................................4

Life Safety.......................................................................................................................................6

Fire Testing Standards.....................................................................................................................7

ASTM E119............................................................................................................................................................7
ASTM E2307.........................................................................................................................................................8
ASTM E2874 ........................................................................................................................................................9

International Building Codes and Compliance................................................................................10

Critical Components of a Listed Perimeter Fire Containment Assembly.........................................12

Aluminum-Framed Curtain Wall System..................................................................................................... 12

Steel-Framed Curtain Wall System............................................................................................................... 14

Our Most Common Perimeter Fire Containment Systems..............................................................16

Smoke Sealants............................................................................................................................18

Spandrel Requirements.................................................................................................................19

Special Conditions.........................................................................................................................20

Short or Zero Spandrel Conditions................................................................................................................ 20

Wide Spandrel Conditions............................................................................................................................... 20
Steel Back Pans................................................................................................................................................ 21
Curved Spandrel Walls..................................................................................................................................... 23
Angled Spandrel Walls..................................................................................................................................... 24
Exposed Curtain Wall Anchors at the Floor Line........................................................................................ 25

Combustible Building Materials Used in Perimeter Fire Containment Systems...............................25

NFPA 285............................................................................................................................................................ 26

Engineering Judgments.................................................................................................................27

Pioneers in Improving Building Safety...........................................................................................28

Project Spotlight............................................................................................................................29

New York, NY

A Component of Life Safety, Designed Property Protection Through Innovation and Science

Each year in the U.S., fire is responsible for about 3,000

deaths and over $12 billion in property loss.1 In non- Thermafiber, Inc. is the pioneer of today’s
residential buildings alone, losses in 2019 were nearly $3 perimeter fire containment systems using
billion.2 mineral wool insulation.4

While these statistics are sobering, fire losses — both in life and
Today, Thermafiber is committed to helping
property — have been decreasing over the past decade,3 thanks in
architects and builders improve the safety of
part to better fire containment strategies.
their structures. We’ve prepared this guide to
fire containment standards and installation,
Even when lives are spared, fire losses can be devastating. A
for easy-to-reference information to help
proper fire containment system helps save buildings, intellectual
maximize the fire safety of your next project.
property, and business capital, along with allowing the people
inside the structure more time to escape in the event of a fire.

Thermafiber Insolutions ®

The Thermafiber Insolutions team provides perimeter fire containment solutions to fit the unique design needs of

today’s innovative commercial buildings. This five-step approach saves time and budget on projects, while delivering
outstanding performance that meets demanding building standards.

Our 5-pronged approach to improving building safety5

All-phase Engineering judgments, accurate and detailed CAD drawings, and a knowledge
base of building codes and insulation application techniques focused on
and technical perimeter fire containment solutions without sacrificing design. We are the only
expertise mineral wool manufacturer that develops engineering judgments on PFC systems
and is uniquely suited to evaluate conditions where NFPA 285 is a consideration.

High- Thermafiber ® FireSpan® and Thermafiber ® Safing products have been

performing extensively evaluated per ASTM E2307 to provide a barrier to fire and hot gases
products and at temperatures above 2,000°F (1,093°C) in tested and listed perimeter fire
systems containment systems with UL® and Intertek®.

Cost-saving Patented Thermafiber® Impasse® Hangers lock the perimeter fire containment

3 insulation system in place for faster, more accurate, and safe insulation positioning with less
hanger hangers needed than traditional installation methods and less costly components in
systems the PFC system.

Labor-saving Patented Thermafiber® Impasse® Perimeter Fire Containment Systems using

systems Thermafiber® Impasse® Hangers streamline the installation of curtain wall insulation
by changing the order of traditional installation steps to fit a more logical progression.

Contributing Thermafiber® mineral wool insulation that helps earn your building LEED® and

5 to green
other green building program credits with a minimum of 70% recycled content, and
available in formaldehyde-free formulations.
Architects and curtain wall designers have long recognized that the void created between the floor slab and exterior wall, if left
unprotected, would allow fire and smoke to propagate to the floor above. The logical fix seemed to be to fill the void with fire-
resistant material. However, if the void is simply filled with mineral wool and a portion of the spandrel area is left unprotected, the
curtain wall will fail, causing the mineral wool to fall out of the void. Once the mineral wool at the joint is lost, fire will propagate
through the opening, allowing fire to engage combustibles in the floor above. This effect was demonstrated in a 1999 study by the
Loss Prevention Council in the UK.

While the UK was drawing its conclusions, Thermafiber, Inc. was also conducting fire testing. In fact, Thermafiber, Inc. pioneered
the perimeter fire containment system and helped Underwriters Laboratories (UL®) develop a test standard so that these systems
could be evaluated by their lab and listed in their fire resistance directory. The first UL® tested and listed assembly was conducted
in 1997.

As the cross-section drawing illustrates, a test in 1999 by the Loss Prevention Council in the United Kingdom installed mineral
wool between the glass and face of the floor slab (Fig. 1).

Fig.1 — Typical curtain wall system panel

Within the first 10 minutes of the fire, the glass broke out and the safing fell out of the void, allowing fire to propagate to the
next floor. In-depth testing conducted in collaboration between Thermafiber, Inc. and Underwriters Laboratories (UL®) led to the
development of a test standard that ultimately became ASTM E2307, the test standard for evaluating perimeter fire containment
systems (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 UL's First Published Curtain Wall Assembly: CW-S-2001 Issued: 4/14/97

Following more than 20 years of various code requirements for the floor-to-floor fire containment in the curtain wall condition,
ASTM E2307 was published as the definitive test method for evaluating the performance of perimeter fire containment
assemblies and quickly adopted into the 2006 edition of the International Building Code (IBC).

Paths of Fire Propagation
There are two paths of fire propagation:

1. Fire can spread through the interior joint between the rated floor assembly and unrated curtain wall.

2. Fire can also propagate via the exterior of the building, an effect known as “leap frog,” in conditions where there is zero,
or very short, spandrel protection. Leap frog fire spread occurs when the fire breaks out the vision glass on the floor
where the fire originated, allowing flame and hot gases to escape to the outside of the building. The fire then breaks out
the vision glass on the floor above and enters into the interior space, engaging combustibles and continuing to cause
fire spread vertically, via the exterior of the building. Fire can also spread via the interior cavity of an unprotected or
improperly protected spandrel area.

Vertical fire spread in an unprotected curtain wall Vertical fire spread when curtain wall is
protected by a mineral wool perimeter fire
containment system

This illustration shows how This photo shows the Here, both the curtain wall spandrel and
fire can spread vertically results of “leap frog” interior joint are protected by a mineral
when a curtain wall is left fire propagation. Note wool perimeter fire containment system,
unprotected. how the fire has spread preventing the spread of fire.
vertically along the
outside of the high rise.

The Balanced Approach to Life Safety
There are three elements to address life safety that are used by the building community and required by code:

1 Detection 2 Suppression (active systems) 3 Compartmentation (passive systems)

We’ve learned from history not to rely solely on any one of these elements in our buildings, but to include all three. This is known
as the balanced approach to life safety. These three elements are required to increase the probability of successfully maximizing
life safety in high-rise buildings. Life safety can be defined as the preservation of human life in the event of a catastrophic event,
such as a fire.

Balancing the Three Elements of Life Safety

Detection Suppression Compartmentation

(active systems) (passive systems)

1 2 3
• Detection includes alarm • Installation of sprinkler systems is the • Once installed, passive systems do not
systems, such as smoke and most common method of suppression. require activation for operation.
heat detectors, that notify the
occupants that there is a safety • A system is considered “active” if it • If properly installed, passive systems
requires some form of activation to will work.
hazard. switch the system to the “on” position.
• Passive systems, such as a perimeter
• The system must turn on in order for it fire containment system, contain the fire
to work. to the room of origin, allowing occupants
time to evacuate the building and
allowing fire personnel time to enter the
building to extinguish the fire.

Elements That Contribute to Life Safety in High-Rise Construction:

1. Fire containment utilizing fire-rated construction to minimize occupant exposure to fire and smoke

2. Ability to suppress and limit fire spread

3. Helping to maintain structural integrity of the building during a fire

4. Incorporating all three elements for added safety layers. If one element fails, there is a backup plan in place.

ASTM E1196

In this test method, various types of building elements are exposed to fire for a predetermined time to measure which
materials contain a fire and/or retain their structural integrity. The test exposes a material to a standard controlled fire to
achieve specified temperatures throughout a specified time period. This follows a curve known as the ASTM E119 Time-
Temperature Curve, seen below.

ASTM E119 is an important test for evaluating building elements. However, ASTM E119 only tests fire exposure on one
side of the assembly. For perimeter fire containment systems, the correct ASTM standard to reference is ASTM E2307.
See International Building Code on page 10 (715.4 explanation) for more details.

This illustrates why mineral wool is utilized in perimeter fire containment systems as it is the only material tested and
proven to perform at temperatures above 2,000°F (1,093°C) after five hours of fire exposure.

Thermafiber® Time-Temp Curve

ASTM E119 Time Temperature Curve At 5 hours and temperatures
of 2,080°F, mineral wool
insulation remains fully
2,080°F At 5 hr. Thermafiber
Insulation (¹) is still intact.
Test terminated without
After 25 minutes, test
1,980°F Copper melts 2,000°F
1093°C temperatures reach 1,510°F,
melting plate glass.

1,510°F Plate glass melts 1,600°F



1,220°F Aluminum melts

760°C Temperatures reach 1,220°F
at 9 minutes. Aluminum
framing and curtain wall
1,050°F Glass-fiber
insulation melts
anchors begin to melt.

790°F Zinc melts 800°F

6 minutes into the test,
600°F temperatures reach 1,050°F,
450°F Cellulose pyrolyzes
316°C melting any type of spray
392°F Spray foam flash point foam, zinc, and glass fiber
204°C insulation.
300°F Rigid foam melts

93°C Exposure at the beginning
Hours -18°F
of the test takes place
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 quickly, with temperatures
(1) Not for service operation at this temperature. Refer to the appropriate Thermafiber Insulation literature
which states recommended maximum service temperature limits of individual products.
growing very rapidly, as the
Time-temperature curve from “Standard of Methods of Fire Tests of Building Constructions and Materials.”
(ASTM E119-81)
red line shows. This quick
temperature rise is typical of a
real fire condition.

After five hours, the test was terminated, with mineral wool insulation still fully intact.

! No other building element outlasts mineral wool insulation in these simulated fire conditions,
making it the ideal choice for fire containment assemblies.

ASTM E23077
ASTM E2307 measures the ability of perimeter fire
containment systems to maintain a barrier and helps
prevent interior fire spread as the exterior wall assembly
deflects/deforms during fire exposure. ASTM E2307
determines the period of time that the perimeter fire
containment system will limit flame penetration through
the opening between the exterior wall assembly and the
floor assembly.

The ASTM E2307 test exposes the joint to fire from the
room of fire origin. The exterior wall is also exposed to fire
from both the interior and exterior, as the fire plume exits
the room of origin through a window opening.

After the first 30 minutes of the test, the ASTM E2307

test essentially parallels the ASTM E119 time-temperature
in the test room for the remainder of the test. However,
perimeter fire containment systems must be compliant to
ASTM E2307 to effectively provide a barrier to flame and
hot gases at the perimeter joint.

These are photos of an actual test per ASTM E2307:

View of the assembly as the Approximately five minutes into

fire begins with ignition of the the fire, to simulate vision glass
room burner. breakage, the window burner
is ignited.

The aftermath of the fire shows the destruction caused by

the flame and hot gases. Note the loss of the vertical and
horizontal framing members.

ASTM E2874

Standard Test Method for Determining the Fire-Test Response Characteristics of a Building
Spandrel-Panel Assembly Due to External Spread of Fire

This test method was developed by ASTM Subcommittee E05.11 and was recently introduced. This new test
method provides for measurements and evaluations as outlined below:

• The ability of the spandrel-panel assembly to resist the passage of flames or hot gases sufficient to ignite a cotton
pad or be visible to an observer.
• Transmission of heat through, and above, the spandrel-panel assembly using heat flux and unexposed surface
temperature measurements.
• The testing method’s “scope” section describes new standard to evaluate the fire-test response of a spandrel-
panel assembly spanning the intersection of a floor assembly. The testing method assesses the spandrel-panel
assembly’s ability to impede the spread of fire to a room’s interior or the floor immediately above it via fire spread
from the exterior of a building. ASTM E2874-19 evaluates areas of the exterior wall between vertically adjacent
window openings in multi-story buildings and addresses the potential for fire spread to a floor above the room of
fire origin. The testing method simulates a fire in a post-flashover condition in a compartment vented to the
exterior via a window opening. This testing method does not provide quantitative information about the spandrel-
panel assembly’s performance relative to smoke or gas leakage. Nor does it evaluate the fire-test response
characteristics of perimeter joint protection between the floor assembly and the building assembly’s exterior wall,
which is evaluated by test method ASTM E2307.
• ASTM E2874 is currently not a code requirement; however, perimeter fire containment assemblies tested to this
standard, along with ASTM E2307, provide a design option for buildings seeking a total perimeter fire
containment system.

There are several sections of the code that relate to the protection of the exterior curtain wall condition. It is easy to
misunderstand which code section to follow as it pertains to code-compliant perimeter fire containment systems.

International Building Codes 2021

Section 705.8.5 Vertical Separation of Openings

Openings in exterior walls in adjacent stories shall be separated vertically to help protect against fire spread on the exterior of the
buildings where the openings are within 5 feet (1524 mm) of each other horizontally and the opening in the lower story is not a protected
opening with a fire protection rating of not less than ¾ hour. Such openings shall be separated vertically not less than 3 feet (914
mm) by spandrel girders, exterior walls, or other similar assemblies that have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour, rated for
exposure to fire from both sides, or by flame barriers that extend horizontally not less than 30 inches (762 mm) beyond the exterior wall.
Flame barriers shall have a fire-resistance rating of not less than 1 hour. The unexposed surface temperature limitations specified in
ASTM E119 or UL263 shall not apply to the flame barriers unless otherwise required by the provisions of this code.

1. This section shall not apply to buildings that are three stories or less above grade plane.
2. This section shall not apply to buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section
903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.
3. Open parking garages.

Explanation of Section 705.8.5

Section 705.8.5 references the rated 3-foot spandrel requirement. However, it allows for this section to be disregarded when one of
the three above exceptions are met. Most often, Exception 2 is applicable to tall structures, as most are equipped throughout with
automatic sprinkler systems. Therefore, it is often misunderstood, that if a project meets Exception 2, designing and installing a
perimeter fire containment system is not required, or that installing safing only in the interior joint opening will suffice. This is simply
not true. Section 715.4 clearly states that a perimeter fire containment system must be incorporated when a fire-resistance-rated floor
assembly intersects with a non-fire-rated exterior curtain wall.

Section 715.4 Exterior Curtain Wall/Fire-Resistance-Rated Floor Intersections

Voids created at the intersection of exterior curtain wall assemblies and fire-resistance-rated floor or floor/ceiling assemblies shall be
protected with an approved perimeter fire containment system to prevent the interior spread of fire. Such systems shall provide an
F rating for a time period not less than the fire-resistance rating of the floor or floor/ceiling assembly.

Section 715.4.1 Fire Test Criteria

Perimeter fire containment systems shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of ASTM E2307.
ASTM E119 Exception:
Voids created at the intersection of the exterior curtain wall assemblies and floor assemblies where the vision glass extends to the
finished floor level shall be permitted to be protected with an approved material to prevent the interior spread of fire. Such material
shall be securely installed and capable of preventing the passage of flame spread and hot gases sufficient to ignite cotton waste where
subjected to ASTM E119 time-temperature fire conditions under a minimum positive pressure differential of 0.01 inch (0.254 mm) of
water column (2.5 Pa) for the time period not less than the fire-resistance rating of the floor assembly.

Explanation of Section 715.4

Section 715.4 states that the void created between the slab edge and the curtain wall must be protected with a perimeter fire
containment system tested per ASTM E2307 that provides an F rating of not less than the fire-resistance rating of the floor assembly.

The exception in the 2021 code for assemblies with vision glass extending to the finished floor level permits the safe-off void to be
protected with an approved material to prevent the interior spread of fire. According to the exception, the material must be tested
to ASTM E119 to show it is capable of staying in place and not allowing fire to spread through the safe-off area. This exception was
adopted in the code during the time when there were no available ASTM E2307-tested designs with vision glass to top-of-floor slab
systems or with very short or zero spandrel conditions.

Today, there are several tested and listed systems that satisfy this condition; for example, TFI/BPF 180-07 (reference page 16 for more
information). Thermafiber, Inc. recommends utilizing systems tested to ASTM E2307 since it is difficult to evaluate exterior curtain
wall conditions to the ASTM E119 test methodology and to provide the maximum level of protection for building occupants. It should
also be noted that there is no reference in this section of the code, or any other sections, that allows the requirements of 715.4 to be
omitted. Section 715.4 addresses protection against interior fire spread only. Leap frog, the condition where fire spreads via the exterior
of the building, is currently not addressed by the codes.

Section 715.5 Exterior Curtain Wall/NonFire-Resistance-Rated Floor Assembly Intersections

Voids created at the intersection of exterior curtain wall assemblies and nonfire-resistance-rated floor or floor/ceiling assemblies shall
be filled with an approved material or system to retard the interior spread of fire and hot gases between stories.

Explanation of Section 715.5

It was recognized that conditions where an interior joint occurred between a nonrated exterior curtain wall assembly and nonfire-
resistance-rated floor assembly that protection was needed in this area as well. Although such joints are often small (2 to 3 inches
wide), consider then, for a building with a footprint of 200 feet x 200 feet (800 lineal feet), an unprotected joint of a 3-inch size creates
200 square feet of open area along the perimeter that will allow for smoke and hot gases to flow freely from floor to floor.

Section 715.6 Exterior Curtain Wall/Vertical Fire Barrier Intersections

Voids created at the intersection of nonfire-resistance-rated exterior curtain wall assemblies and vertical fire barriers shall be filled with
an approved material or system to retard the interior spread of fire and hot gases.

Section 715.7 Curtain Wall Spandrels

Height and fire-resistance requirements for curtain wall spandrels shall comply with Section 705.8.5. Where Section 705.8.5 does not
require fire-resistance-rated curtain wall spandrels, the requirements of Sections 715.4 and 715.5 shall still apply to the intersection
between the curtain wall spandrels and the floor.

Section 715.8 Joints and Voids in Smoke Barriers

Fire-resistant joint systems protecting joints in smoke barriers, and perimeter fire containment systems protecting voids at the
intersection of a horizontal smoke barrier and an exterior curtain wall, shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of UL 2079
for air leakage. The L rating of the joint system shall not exceed 5 cubic feet per minute per linear foot (0.00775 m³/s m) of joint at 0.30
inch (74.7 Pa) of water for both the ambient temperature and elevated temperature tests.

2020 Edition of Canadian National Building Code, General Requirement

Any wall, partition or floor assembly required to be a fire separation shall:
a)… be constructed as a continuous element
b)… have a fire resistance rating when specified
c)… have openings protected with closures

Currently, the National Building Code of Canada does not address the issue of firestopping perimeter joint systems between a rated
floor assembly and a nonrated exterior wall. The only thing that really addresses the joint is stated in the general continuity language for
the requirement of the integrity of fire separation to be maintained at the perimeter joint. There have been changes to CAN/ULC-S115
with the edition of Section 9 on Perimeter Joint Firestop Systems, and this section now states that perimeter joint firestop
systems must be tested to ASTM E2307.
For a perimeter fire containment assembly to work properly and meet code requirements, certain critical design elements
must be included.

Aluminum-Framed Curtain Wall System




Thermafiber® FireSpan® 90 or 40 mineral wool Compression-fit Thermafiber® Safing mineral
1 insulation at the specified thickness 4 wool insulation
• Mineral wool insulation is mechanically • This forms a tight seal in the interior void — the
attached within the spandrel opening. area that is required by code to be sealed so
• Mineral wool is the only insulation material that that flame and hot gases cannot pass through
has been tested and proven to protect spandrel the joint.
wall components (5 hours of fire exposure at • It is important to install Thermafiber® Safing
temperatures over 2,000°F). insulation at the proper depth and compression
• Mineral wool insulation must be tested and to keep this tight seal.
approved in UL® or Intertek® designs per • Tested and listed assemblies provide direction
ASTM E2307. on the amount of compression and in which
• See specific UL® or Intertek® listing for specific direction the Thermafiber® Safing insulation is
FireSpan® product to be used. to be installed.
• Mineral wool insulation must be tested and
Mechanical attachment of insulation to approved in UL® or Intertek® designs per ASTM
2 the spandrel framing with Thermafiber® E2307.
Impasse® Hanger
• During a fire, there is a lot of turbulence, Thermafiber® FireSpan® 90 Mullion Covers to
movement, and gravitational pull.
5 protect exposed vertical mullions
• Without mechanical fasteners, the insulation • Aluminum will melt at 1,220°F, or as early as
will become dislodged, allowing fire to 9 minutes into a fire.
propagate to the next floor. • If left exposed, aluminum framework will melt
• See specific UL® or Intertek® listing for specific and cause an early failure in the system.
fasteners and spacings to be used. • Protect vertical mullions with Thermafiber®
FireSpan® 90 Mullion Cover insulation.
Backer/reinforcement member • Thermafiber® Mullion Cover Insulation attached
3 • A backer bar reinforcement member, which with either Thermafiber® Spiral Anchors every
can be a lightweight steel angle, T-bar, or hat 12 inches o.c. or with patented Thermafiber®
channel, is placed behind the curtain wall Mullion Cover Brackets.
insulation in line with the floor slab. See UL® or
Intertek® listings for details.
6 Smoke barrier
• These support members are required to be • Smoke inhalation is responsible for the majority
a minimum 20 ga. galvanized steel (unless of fire-related deaths.
listing calls for a specific gauge).
• To impede the passage of smoke, apply an
• The backer/reinforcement member keeps the approved smoke barrier over the top of the
curtain wall insulation from bowing due to the safing mineral wool insulation.
compression-fit of the safing insulation.
• See specific UL® or Intertek® listing for
• There are a few listings that do not require a approved smoke sealants.
backer/reinforcement member, but another
reinforcement method is required in these
assemblies. Reference the tested and listed
system for specifics on providing the proper
reinforcement at the safing line.

For a perimeter fire containment assembly to work properly and meet code requirements, certain critical design elements
must be included.

Steel-Framed Curtain Wall System



7 2

Thermafiber FireSpan 90 Mineral wool 4 Approved smoke sealant (Requirement of a
® ®

1 insulation (Requirement of a PFC System) PFC System)

• Thermafiber FireSpan 90 Mineral Wool is • Applied to the top of the safing insulation to
® ®

friction-fit for full-cavity depth between impede the passage of smoke.

steel framing. • The smoke sealant is commonly spray-applied
• Mineral wool insulation must be tested and to the top of the safing insulation.
approved in UL or Intertek designs per
® ®

ASTM E2307. • A ½-inch overspray is usually specified to

extend the smoke seal onto the floor slab on
Installation of Thermafiber Safing insulation by
one side and the gypsum board surface on the
2 compression-fit (Requirement of a PFC System) other, creating a continuous seal that impedes
passage of smoke.
• The steel struts, in conjunction with the angled
steel strut, also reinforces the studs against • See Specific UL or Intertek design for
® ®

bowing during fire exposure and ensures the approved smoke sealants.
compression of the mineral wool safing will
be secure. Min 3 5/8", 20 gauge steel studs (Requirement
5 of a PFC System)
• A minimum 25% compression fit is
recommended to create a tight seal that
maintains integrity, preventing flames and
hot gases from breaching through to the 6 Steel struts attaching exterior wall to
floor above. floor assembly (Requirement of a PFC System)
• Mineral wool insulation must be tested and Optional Components for Continuous
approved in UL or Intertek designs per
® ®

Insulation System:
ASTM E2307.
7 Air and Water Barrier
3 Exterior grade gypsum wall board
(Requirement of a PFC System)
8 Continuous Insulation: Thermafiber ®

• Exterior gypsum wall board is screw-attached

RainBarrier 45, RainBarrier HD, or RainBarrier
® ® ®

to the exterior face of steel studs.

ci High Compressive insulation
Interior grade gypsum wall board (Requirement
of a PFC System)
• Interior gypsum wall board is screw-attached to 9 Mortar dropping collection device
interior face of steel studs.
• See specific UL or Intertek design for
® ®

approved gypsum wall board. Approved

smoke sealant.

Thermafiber, Inc. has identified trends in perimeter exterior wall designs, and has developed and tested perimeter
fire containment solutions for these popular designs. These fire containment solutions are engineered to be code-
compliant without compromising design.

TFI/BPF 180-07
Thermafiber Impasse Zero Spandrel Perimeter Fire Containment System
® ®

• Patent-pending design that revolutionizes the way zero spandrel systems

are built with sturdier Thermafiber FireSpan 120 mineral wool insulation
® ®

and heavy-duty Thermafiber Impasse 2.0 Hanger technology.

® ®

• 3-hour F rating.
• This robust system eliminates the need for costly and bulky back
pans, accommodates various curtain wall anchors, allows for less
penetrations in the curtain wall framing, and offers flexibility for various
shadowbox designs.5
• Easier installation for both field and shop installed curtain walls over
current available zero spandrel systems.5
• For system-specific documentation and resources, visit the TFI/BPF
180-07 Perimeter Fire Containment System Enclosure Solution.
This Perimeter Fire Containment System is available in formaldehyde-
free mineral wool formulation. For system-specific documentation and
resources, visit the TFI/BPF 180-07 Formaldehyde-Free Perimeter Fire
Containment System Enclosure Solution.

CW-D-1014 THROUGH 1017

Thermafiber Impasse No Backer Bar™ Aluminum-Framed Curtain Wall Perimeter Fire Containment System
® ®

• This patented Impasse® system offers a no backer bar design with the
extension of the vision glass down to the top of the floor.

• 2-hour F rating.
• Fewer mechanical fasteners required vs. traditional systems.
• Provides significant labor savings.
• No backer/reinforced member required when window sill transom is
inline or spaced a maximum of 3 inches above the top of floor slab.
• For system-specific documentation and resources, visit the CW-D-1014
Through 1017 Perimeter Fire Containment System Enclosure Solution.
This Perimeter Fire Containment System is available in formaldehyde-
free mineral wool formulation. For system-specific documentation and
resources, visit the CW-D-1014 Through 1017 Formaldehyde-Free
Perimeter Fire Containment System Enclosure Solution.

Thermafiber Aluminum-Framed Curtain Wall Perimeter Fire Containment System with Galvanized Steel Back Pan

• This system offers interior back pan protection without the need for
additional insulation shelf below the safing.
• 2-hour F and Integrity rating.
• Does not require stitch-welding the T-bar to the steel back pan.
• No mullion covers required above the floor slab.
• For system-specific documentation and resources, visit the CW-D-
1037 Perimeter Fire Containment System Enclosure Solution.

Thermafiber Impasse Aluminum-Framed Curtain Wall Perimeter Fire Containment System
® ®

• This patented Impasse system offers a


solution for providing necessary backer

reinforcement in assemblies where the floor
slab is located mid-spandrel height.
• 2-hour F rating and Integrity Rating.
• Fewer mechanical fasteners required vs.
traditional systems.
• For system-specific documentation and
resources, visit the CW-D-2039
Perimeter Fire Containment System
Enclosure Solution.

CW-D-1012 THROUGH 1013

Thermafiber Impasse No Backer Bar™ with FireLedge Aluminum-Framed Curtain Wall Perimeter
® ® ®

Fire Containment System

• This patented Impasse system eliminates the


labor-intensive installation of a mechanical

backer reinforcement member by utilizing a rigid
mineral wool Thermafiber FireLedge component
® ®

to support the compressed Thermafiber Safing


insulation and provide a secure fire containment

at the interior joint.

• 2-hour F rating and 3-hour F rating.

• For system-specific documentation and
resources, visit the CW-D-1012 Through 1013
Perimeter Fire Containment System Enclosure

Thermafiber Steel-Framed Curtain Wall Perimeter Fire Containment System

• This system offers a solution for a steel stud

exterior wall that bypasses the rated floor

• 2-hour F and Integrity rating.

• For system-specific documentation and
resources, visit the CW-S-1016 Perimeter Fire
Containment System Enclosure Solution.


Since smoke inhalation is responsible for the majority of fire-related deaths8, most perimeter fire containment
systems tested at UL® and Intertek® evaluate the air leakage rate through the interior joint. The air leakage is rated
in CFM per square foot at both ambient and at 400°F.

To help control smoke passage through the interior joint, an approved smoke sealant is applied over top of the
safing insulation. The function of a smoke sealant is to impede the passage of toxic smoke. It is always applied
on the non-fire-exposed side of the perimeter fire containment system.

Smoke sealants are typically an elastometric, spray-applied material that extends onto the curtain wall insulation
and floor assembly to form a barrier against the leakage of smoke through the safe-off joint.

Approved smoke sealant manufacturers are specifically listed in the UL® or Intertek® perimeter fire containment
system listings.


The perimeter fire containment system must address the particular spandrel material. A system designed
for one type of spandrel material can’t be utilized for addressing the fire protection of another type of
spandrel material.

Additional Requirements to Know:

• A specific amount of spandrel protection is required below the safe-off area. This detail is required to
preserve a portion of the exterior wall so that safing remains securely in place.

• Additional reinforcement and mechanical attachment is required for shorter spandrels.

• Composite panels and spandrel material used must be evaluated per ASTM E2307 or NFPA 285 for non-
combustibility. Untested components of the spandrel assembly could cause a potential failure during a
fire event.

• Safing insulation must be installed up to a steel back pan with reinforcement. If a steel back pan is used,
proper reinforcement and mechanical attachment of the curtain wall insulation is required.

• A 1-inch air space is required between the curtain wall insulation and the interior face of the spandrel glass.

• Additional curtain wall insulation can be added to the spandrel area to improve the overall thermal
performance of the assembly. If this is the case, re-evaluation by Thermafiber Insolutions® of the
mechanical attachment and support of the spandrel insulation that serves as the primary fire containment
is required.


We recognize there are situations where there are special conditions to consider while designing and installing
perimeter fire containment systems. The following considerations have to be incorporated in the design in order for the
perimeter fire containment system to perform to the stated hourly fire rating.

Wider Spandrel Conditions

• There is no current method of evaluating this condition since there is a limitation with the test apparatus in ASTM

• Anything wider than 72 inch on curtain wall center requires further evaluation since there are manufacturing
limitations on width of insulation.

• Most systems do not allow for vertical seam; of the few assemblies that allow for it, additional considerations are
– 4 inches thick or greater Thermafiber FireSpan 90 or 40 curtain wall insulation
® ®

– All are hat channel designs with multiple horizontal steel structural members

• Considerations for a vertical seam:

– Unsupported vertical seams in the curtain wall insulation can open up during a fire, where insulation
shrinkage can occur
– Since seams continue to open up through the interior joint behind the safing insulation, this allows for fire to
pass through the safing line
– No framing member for mechanical attachment

• Wider spandrel conditions are evaluated with recommendations provided by the Thermafiber Insolutions team on a

project-by-project basis.

• UL®-approved solutions are available from Thermafiber, Inc.

Steel Back Pans

Steel back pans are becoming quite common because of the popularity of unitized systems. The steel back pan is
installed as the vapor barrier to the system, but these systems can have issues if not properly protected. Even though
steel does not melt when exposed to heat, the pan will “oil can” (buckle), creating peaks and valleys due to the expansion
and contraction of the panel when exposed to high temperatures during a fire. Unfortunately, the safing insulation
cannot conform to the panel's peaks and valleys. Small seams form at the safing line, which allows flames and hot
gases to propagate to the next floor. There are specific UL® or Intertek® systems that address the protection of these
systems. These can be found in the UL® or Intertek® Fire Resistance Directory. Intertek® or UL®-approved mineral
wool must be used in these back pans to show that they meet ASTM E2307. Not just any mineral wool insulation will
do. Look for the UL® or Intertek® classification marking.

This depiction shows how improperly installed steel back pan

assemblies perform when exposed to the fire conditions of
ASTM E2307.

Basic steel back pan with spandrel insulation on the inside of the back pan
This is an example of a shadowbox assembly where the pan is on the front (glass) side of the assembly and is
purely cosmetic.

Curtain wall insulation covers

and protects steel back pan to
Steel back pan/ minimize oil canning

Safing insulation installed

between the curtain wall
insulation and slab edge.
This system shows mineral wool
covering and protecting the steel
back pan to keep it from warping.
Steel reinforcement

Steel back pan with spandrel insulation to the outside of the back pan with safing shelf
reinforcement Thermafiber FireSpan
® ®

member 90 spandrel insulation

mechanically attached to
Steel back pan steel back pan every 12" o.c.

This system shows a Thermafiber FireSpan 90 safing

® ®

shelf installed to steel back pan. The safing shelf

moves with the steel back pan to cover and protect any
seams forming between interface of steel back pan
and Thermafiber Safing insulation. This shelf covers

the seam between the interior face of the back pan and
the Thermafiber Safing. If peaks and valleys occur, the

seam is covered by the safing shelf.

Thermafiber FireSpan
® ®

90 safing shelf

Steel back pan with spandrel insulation to the outside of the back pan without safing shelf

Thermafiber FireSpan 90
® ®

Steel back pan

This system shows Thermafiber® FireSpan® 90

mechanically attached to the outboard side of the
steel panel. The patented Thermafiber® Mullion
Cover Bracket is mechanically secured to the face
Steel of the mullion above and below the floor slab. The
reinforcement Thermafiber® Mullion Cover Bracket eliminates

Mullion Cover penetrations into the back pan which could
Bracket compromise the vapor barrier.

This assembly does not require stitch-welding the T-bar

to the steel back pan, and no mullion cover is required
above the floor slab.

Curved Spandrel Walls

• There is no tested or listed assembly for curved curtain walls.

• Conformance of spandrel insulation to the arc depends on degree of radius

• Limited mechanical attachment options are available

• High-cost custom mechanical fasteners are typically required

• Custom support members:

• Radius backer reinforcement is required in front of the spandrel insulation with same arc as the slab
• Accommodations are required where there are varied joint widths between slab and spandrel insulation

• Curved spandrel conditions are evaluated with recommendations provided by the Thermafiber Insolutions team on a

project-by-project basis.

Curtain spandrel wall


FireSpan 90

Mullion Cover Thermafiber


protection FireSpan 90

Curtain Wall
Spandrel insulation

Angled Spandrel Walls

• Limited systems are available and very specific to a particular condition.

• Limited mechanical attachment options are available.

• High-cost custom mechanical fasteners required

• Custom support members are often required.

• Considerations include:
• Securing the safing insulation in the linear joint

• Flame impingement: more fire exposure to spandrel when angling out

• Varying linear joint widths create difficulty in achieving safing compression requirements

— May require mechanical attachment to keep the safing insulation from dislodging over lifetime of the building

• Angled spandrel conditions are evaluated with recommendations provided by the Thermafiber Insolutions team on a

project-by-project basis.

Mechanical fasteners
Thermafiber® FireSpan® 90
Mullion Cover insulation

Thermafiber Safing insulation


Thermafiber® Safing Z Clips to support

Thermafiber® Safing insulation

mechanical support

Back/reinforcement Thermafiber®
member FireSpan® 90 Curtain
Wall insulation

Exposed Curtain Wall Anchors at the Floor Line

• There is currently no method of evaluating load-bearing curtain

wall anchors in ASTM E2307 testing.

• The UL Fire Resistance Directory states: “Curtain wall spandrel

panel dead load anchors located below the concrete floor should
be protected from direct fire exposure.”
Curtain wall
• Unprotected curtain wall anchors exposed below the floor line insulation
create a higher probability of complete system failure.
Safing shelf
• Curtain wall anchors exposed to 400° to 500°F heat will lose
close to half of their structural strength.

• UL has created a new category (XHDI) for perimeter fire

containment accessories, which includes an anchor
protection component. Exposed curtain wall anchors at the floor
line protected by mineral wool insulation.
• Recommended protection of curtain wall anchors is provided by Thermafiber, Inc. recommends a minimum
Thermafiber Insolutions Team on a project-by-project basis.
4-inch thickness of Firespan 90, 40, or Safing

insulation be mechanically attached to cover

and protect exposed curtain wall anchors and
attachment points at vertical mullions.


Requirements for exterior walls containing combustible materials in the IBC


Foam plastic insulation 2603.5

Metal composite materials (MCM) 1407.10

Fiber-reinforced polymers 2612.6

High-pressure laminates (HPL) 1409.10

Water-resistive barrier 1403.5


• Provide additional fuel load under fire conditions

• Untested exterior facade panels

• Unknown panel performance when exposed to ASTM E2307 conditions should be NFPA 285 compliant, at the very
• Should be attached independent from the perimeter fire containment system
• Should not rely on structural support of the perimeter fire containment system

• May require Engineering Judgment addressing both ASTM E2307 and NFPA 285 compliance
• Other untested building materials
• Materials with known fuel sources should not be installed in perimeter fire containment assemblies to achieve targeted
thermal values

NFPA 285

The NFPA 285 fire test was developed to measure what happens during a fire when a non-combustible building
is wrapped in combustible materials. For example, NFPA 285 compliance is triggered when the IBC requires non-
combustible wall construction; however, the energy code requires:

• Air/water-resistive barriers, often combustible, and/or

• Continuous insulation, often combustible, or

• Perhaps a combustible exterior cladding is specified.

According to the IBC, NFPA 285 compliant wall assemblies are usually required when combustible elements are
incorporated into Types I, II, III, and IV construction, which are intended to feature non-combustible walls.

• Types I and II: All building elements are of non-combustible materials.

• Type III: Exterior walls of non-combustible materials and the interior elements are of any material permitted by
the code.

• Type IV: Heavy timber, exterior walls of non-combustible materials, and the interior elements are of solid or
laminated wood without concealed spaces.

• Type V: Exterior walls and interior building elements are of any material permitted by the code.

Conducting an NFPA 285 Fire Test

NFPA 285 is an intermediate scale fire test. It’s conducted in a rig roughly 14 feet wide, 18 feet high, and two stories tall.
Thermocouples are located throughout the assembly, and a fixed gas burner is in the center of the lower room. After
the test gets underway, a portable gas burner is ignited in the window opening. The assumption is that a fire starts in
a lower room unrelated to the exterior wall. There’s no window in the opening during the test because the test seeks to
demonstrate the point in a fire after the window is compromised. The test monitors temperature flame propagation on the
exterior, within the core, and over the interior surface from one floor to the next.

To pass an NFPA 285 Fire Test, the wall assembly must limit fire spread vertically and horizontally away from the window.
The extent of fire spread is determined visually, measured in feet, and by temperature measured with thermocouples
placed throughout the wall assembly.

International Firestop Council (IFC)




Thermafiber, Inc. has identified the following critical components when providing a quality engineering
judgment for perimeter fire containment systems:
In addition to the critical components of engineering judgments
1. The engineering judgment must be project-specific and highlighted above, Thermafiber strongly abides by the
represent the project conditions being evaluated. International Firestop Council (IFC)-provided recommendations
on writing engineering judgments, titled “Recommended IFC
2. At least one third-party tested system (evaluated to ASTM
E2307 or appropriate standard based on requirement of Guidelines for Evaluating Firestop Systems in Engineering
the applicable jurisdiction) that most closely represents the Judgments.” Below is an outline of several of the requirements
project construction details must be referenced as the basis (not all included here) for engineering judgments:
of design in order to properly evaluate the hourly F rating.
• All elements of a tested and rated firestop system, including the
3. Engineering judgments must provide a complete description assembly into which the system is installed, constitute a specific
of the critical elements of the system and must include the and inseparable engineered unit that must be utilized as such.
tested and listed system's design criteria that are required to
Firestop system designs are tested and listed by independent
make the system work.
testing agencies such as UL and Intertek. The specific elements

The engineering judgment must be based on interpolation

of previously tested perimeter fire containment systems of each design become integral to the listing.
that are similar to the conditions upon which the judgment
is given. • According to the IFC, engineering judgments should be based
upon interpolation of previously tested firestop systems that
4. An engineering judgment should not be used as a way are either sufficiently similar in nature or clearly bracket the
to circumvent testing new fire containment assemblies. conditions upon which the judgment is to be given.
Engineering judgments that do not have data to interpolate
and/or extrapolate, within the boundaries of good design • Engineering judgments should be limited only to specific
practices of the condition in question, should initiate the conditions and configurations upon which the engineering
need for fire testing. judgment was rendered and should be based upon reasonable
performance expectations for the recommended firestop
5. An engineering judgment must state that, it is such and not
a tested and listed system. system under those conditions.

6. It is important to understand that although it is the void

between the slab edge and curtain wall that is evaluated For more information, reference the IFC's guidelines.
during testing, the surrounding construction components
and insulation of the system is also important in ensuring
acceptable void performance.

In 2017, several Thermafiber® and Owens Corning® insulating materials and services became the first building products to earn the
U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s SAFETY Act Designation, providing architects and related parties with protection against
liability related to acts of terrorism.

What is SAFETY Act Designation?

• In 2002, Congress enacted the Support Anti-Terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies (SAFETY)
Act to encourage deployment of security technologies and services in civilian settings.

• The SAFETY Act limits liability for claims resulting from an act of terrorism where Qualified
Anti-Terrorism Technologies (QATTs) are deployed.

• The Act applies to a broad range of technologies, including products, services, and software,
alone or in combination.

Thermafiber® SAFETY Act Designated products and services

Perimeter Fire Containment Systems Construction Joint Fire

and Components Containment Systems
• Thermafiber® FireSpan® 40 & 90 • Thermafiber® Safing

• Thermafiber® Safing • Thermafiber® TopStop®

• Thermafiber® Impasse® PFC System Penetration Fire
Containment Systems
• Thermafiber Insolutions® Design and • Thermafiber® Safing
Installation Services

Interior Wall/Floor/Ceiling Systems

• Thermafiber® SAFB™
(Sound Attenuation Fire Blankets)

How does choosing Thermafiber® SAFETY Act Designated products

and services help protect your building and reduce liability?

Building owners
When your building is constructed with SAFETY Act Designated Thermafiber products and services, you get

peace of mind knowing your building contains insulation with the highest ratings for perimeter fire containment.

Architects • Firestop Contractors • Curtain Wall OEMs

Specifying and properly installing a Thermafiber product that carries the SAFETY Act Designation limits your

liability in the event of an act of terrorism.

Tenants and occupants

Buildings constructed with SAFETY Act Designated Thermafiber® products have an enhanced life safety system.

Already used a Thermafiber SAFETY Act Designated product in a previous project?


Your liability protection applies to projects dating back to 2006.


Thermafiber Perimeter Fire Containment Systems components and Thermafiber

® ®

Insolutions Design and Installation Services have been awarded SAFETY Act

Designation by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Under the SAFETY
Act, commercial building professionals — including architects, engineers, contractors
(both general and firestopping), smoke sealant manufacturers, curtain wall OEMs,
as well as building owners — who use the the Thermafiber SAFETY Act Desginated
® ®

solutions in their structures will receive powerful liability protection in the event of a
foreign or domestic terrorist attack on that building. Visit for more info.

SALESFORCE TOWER | San Francisco, California 181 FREMONT | San Francisco, California
At 1,070 feet tall, the 61-story obelisk Salesforce Tower located in San Designed by Heller Manus Architects, 181 Fremont is a mixed-use
Francisco’s Financial District is now considered the tallest building in skyscraper located in San Francisco’s Financial District. Standing more
California. Completed in early 2018, the $1.1 billion Salesforce Tower is a than 800 feet tall and 70 stories, 181 Fremont is now considered the tallest
visually stunning achievement in sustainable design strategy. The Pelli residential building on the West Coast and third-tallest building in San
Clarke Pelli Architects design team incorporated the easy-to-install Francisco. Targeted to achieve a LEED Platinum certification, the 181
Thermafiber Impasse Curtain Wall Perimeter Fire Containment System to
® ®

Fremont design incorporates innovative design strategies for sustainability

streamline the installation of curtain wall insulation and take full advantage and energy efficiency. The customized Thermafiber Impasse solution
® ®

of the fire-resistive, enhanced acoustical performance, and vapor barrier incorporated Thermafiber FireSpan 90 insulation and Thermafiber
® ® ®

properties of Thermafiber FireSpan 90 insulation and Safing insulation.

® ®

Safing insulation for enhanced fire protection in curtain wall and perimeter
The Impasse system is tested and rated with UL laboratories and
® ®

fire containment.
provides up to 3* hours of fire containment.

VIA 57 WEST | New York, New York WILSHIRE GRAND | Los Angeles, California
Completed in 2016, VIA 57 West has earned multiple awards, including Located in downtown Los Angeles’ Financial District, the 73-story Wilshire
2016 Best Tall Building, Americas by the Council on Tall Buildings and Grand tower soars to a height of 1,100 feet, making it LA’s tallest
Urban Habitat (CTBUH), 2015 Progressive Architecture Citation Award, and skyscraper. Architecture firm AC Martin designed the $1.2 billion structure
2012 NY AIA Merit Award. The 830,000 sq. ft. high rise residential building that earned LEED Gold certification after opening in 2017. The
features a lush 22,000 sq. ft. European-inspired courtyard at the heart of Thermafiber Impasse System solution was selected to help streamline
® ®

the building. This unique building was designed by Bjarke Ingels Group the installation of curtain wall insulation and take full advantage of the
(BIG) architectural firm and includes multiple Thermafiber solutions,
fire-resistive, enhanced acoustical performance, and vapor barrier
including FireSpan 90 insulation, Safing insulation, RainBarrier 45 properties of Thermafiber FireSpan 90 insulation and Safing insulation.
® ® ® ®

insulation, and SAFB ™ (Sound Attenuation Fire Blanket) insulation.

380 MADISON AVE. | New York City, New York THE STEINWAY TOWER | New York City, New York
The 380 Madison office building, located in the heart of New York City’s Designed by SHoP Architects, the 1,400-foot, 82-floor residential tower in
Midtown, used Thermafiber Mineral Wool insulation, including New York City has the distinction of being the world’s skinniest skyscraper.

Thermafiber FireSpan 90 and Thermafiber Safing solutions in the Completed in 2018, the project incorporated Thermafiber FireSpan 90
® ® ® ® ®

construction of the 25-story, 859,000 square-foot building. Architects insulation to provide enhanced fire protection in curtain wall and perimeter
Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF) dramatically transformed the fire containment systems. With 70% recycled content, Thermafiber

existing tower that was previously known as 380 Madison into a Mineral Wool insulation also contributed to the project's overall
modernized tower with new energy-efficient curtain walls. The redesign sustainable goals of earning LEED CS Gold certification.
earned a Merit Award from the AIA New York 2016 awards and received
LEED Gold Certification.

7 BRYANT PARK | New York City, New York 1 WORLD TRADE CENTER | New York City, New York
Located in Midtown Manhattan, the sleek 30-story glass-and-stainless- The 1 World Trade Center architectural firm, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill,
steel building was designed by architect Henry N. Cobb of the firm Pei selected Thermafiber FireSpan 90 insulation for use in conjunction with
® ®

Cobb Freed & Partners. The $150 million 7 Bryant Park project Thermafiber Safing insulation to achieve outstanding fire protection in

incorporates a unique curtain wall that utilized the Thermafiber Impasse

® ®
curtain wall and perimeter fire containment systems. Additionally, a custom
System, including Thermafiber FireSpan 90 and Thermafiber Safing, to designed Thermafiber Impasse Insulation Hanger System was utilized to
® ® ® ® ®

help save time and money over traditional job site installation methods make installation simple, accurate, and fast. This collection of products with
and deliver enhanced fire protection performance in the curtain wall and a minimum of 70% recycled content contributed to project's overall
perimeter fire containment. Due to the minimum of 70% recycled content, sustainable goals and helped earn the building LEED Gold Certification.
the Thermafiber Impasse System also helped the project achieve LEED
® ®

certification at the Gold level upon its completion

in 2016.


To learn more about Thermafiber® perimeter fire
containment products and systems, visit

888-TFIBER1 [834-2371]
Pub. No. 10022722-B. Printed in U.S.A. May 2023.
© 2023 Owens Corning. All Rights Reserved.
© 2023 Thermafiber, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning.

UL® and the UL® logo are trademarks of UL LLC.
INTERTEK and the Intertek logo are registered trademarks of Intertek Group plc.

1 “About the U.S. Fire Administration.”
2 “USFA Nonresidential Build Fire Trends (2010-2019).”
3 "USFA Trends in fires, deaths, injuries, and dollar loss (2010-2019)."
4 Thermafiber, Inc. was a division of United States Gypsum Company (USG) from 1959-1996.
5 Based on comparison done with available competitive perimeter fire containment systems.
6 ASTM E119-12a, Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials;
ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959.
7 ASTM E2307, Standard Test Method for Determining Fire Resistance of Perimeter Fire containment Systems
Using Intermediate-Scale, Multi-story Test Apparatus; ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West
Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959.
8 Reporters Guide: NFPA The Consequences of Fire.

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