LG 24M35H LM14B

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P/NO : MFL67715246 (1311-REV00) Printed in China


CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 2


SERVICING PRECAUTIONS.....................................................................4


TIMING CHART .......................................................................................11

ADJUSTMENT .........................................................................................14

BLOCK DIAGRAM...................................................................................18

TROUBLE SHOOTING ............................................................................19

EXPLODED VIEW .................................................................................. 22

SVC. SHEET ...............................................................................................

Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.

Only for training and service purposes
-2- LGE Internal Use Only

• There are some special components used in LCD monitor that BE CAREFUL ELECTRIC SHOCK !
are important for safety. These parts are marked on the
• If you want to replace with the new backlight (CCFL) or LIPS
schematic diagram and the Exploded View. It is essential
part, must disconnect the AC power because high voltage
that these critical parts should be replaced with the
appears at inverter circuit about 650Vrms.
manufacturer’s specified parts to prevent electric shock, fire or
other hazard.
• Handle with care wires or connectors of the inverter circuit. If
• Do not modify original design without obtaining written the wires are pressed cause short and may burn or take fire.
permission from manufacturer or you will void the original parts
Leakage Current Hot Check Circuit
and labor guarantee.
AC Volt-meter


Good Earth Ground
To Instrument's CONDUIT etc.
exposed 0.15uF
• Must mount the module using mounting holes arranged in four METALLIC PARTS
1.5 Kohm/10W
• Do not press on the panel, edge of the frame strongly or electric
shock as this will result in damage to the screen.
When 25A is impressed between Earth and 2nd Ground
for 1 second, Resistance must be less than 0.1 Ω
• Do not scratch or press on the panel with any sharp objects,
*Base on Adjustment standard
such as pencil or pen as this may result in damage to the panel.

• Protect the module from the ESD as it may damage the

electronic circuit (C-MOS).

• Make certain that treatment person’s body are grounded

through wrist band.

• Do not leave the module in high temperature and in areas of

high humidity for a long time.

• The module not be exposed to the direct sunlight.

• Avoid contact with water as it may a short circuit within the


• If the surface of panel become dirty, please wipe it off with a

softmaterial. (Cleaning with a dirty or rough cloth may damage
the panel.)

Please use only a plastic screwdriver to protect yourself
from shock hazard during service operation.

Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.

Only for training and service purposes
-3- LGE Internal Use Only
CAUTION: Before servicing receivers covered by this service 2. After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ES
manual and its supplements and addenda, read and follow the devices, place the assembly on a conductive surface such as
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS on page 3 of this publication. aluminum foil, to prevent electrostatic charge buildup or
exposure of the assembly.
NOTE: If unforeseen circumstances create conflict between the 3. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolder ES
following servicing precautions and any of the safety precautions on devices.
page 3 of this publication, always follow the safety precautions. 4. Use only an anti-static type solder removal device. Some solder
Remember: Safety First. removal devices not classified as "anti-static" can generate
electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
General Servicing Precautions 5. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generate
1. Always unplug the receiver AC power cord from the AC power electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
source before; 6. Do not remove a replacement ES device from its protective
a. Removing or reinstalling any component, circuit board package until immediately before you are ready to install it.
module or any other receiver assembly. (Most replacement ES devices are packaged with leads
b. Disconnecting or re-connecting any receiver electrical plug or electrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminum foil
other electrical connection. or comparable conductive material).
c. Connecting a test substitute in parallel with an electrolytic 7. Immediately before removing the protective material from the
capacitor in the receiver. leads of a replacement ES device, touch the protective material
CAUTION: A wrong part substitution or incorrect polarity to the chassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be
installation of electrolytic capacitors may result in an installed.
explosion hazard. CAUTION: Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit,
and observe all other safety precautions.
2. Test high voltage only by measuring it with an appropriate high 8. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged
voltage meter or other voltage measuring device (DVM, replacement ES devices. (Otherwise harmless motion such as
FETVOM, etc) equipped with a suitable high voltage probe. the brushing together of your clothes fabric or the lifting of your
Do not test high voltage by "drawing an arc". foot from a carpeted floor can generate static electricity
3. Do not spray chemicals on or near this receiver or any of its sufficient to damage an ES device.)
4. Unless specified otherwise in this service manual, clean General Soldering Guidelines
electrical contacts only by applying the following mixture to the 1. Use a grounded-tip, low-wattage soldering iron and appropriate
contacts with a pipe cleaner, cotton-tipped stick or comparable tip size and shape that will maintain tip temperature within the
non-abrasive applicator; 10% (by volume) Acetone and 90% (by range or 500ºF to 600ºF.
volume) is opropyl alcohol (90%-99% strength) 2. Use an appropriate gauge of RMA resin-core solder composed
CAUTION: This is a flammable mixture. of 60 parts tin/40 parts lead.
Unless specified otherwise in this service manual, lubrication of 3. Keep the soldering iron tip clean and well tinned.
contacts in not required. 4. Thoroughly clean the surfaces to be soldered. Use a mall wire-
5. Do not defeat any plug/socket B+ voltage interlocks with which bristle (0.5 inch, or 1.25cm) brush with a metal handle.
receivers covered by this service manual might be equipped. Do not use freon-propelled spray-on cleaners.
6. Do not apply AC power to this instrument and/or any of its 5. Use the following unsoldering technique
electrical assemblies unless all solid-state device heat sinks are a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach normal temperature.
correctly installed. (500ºF to 600ºF)
7. Always connect the test receiver ground lead to the receiver b. Heat the component lead until the solder melts.
chassis ground before connecting the test receiver positive c. Quickly draw the melted solder with an anti-static, suction-
lead. type solder removal device or with solder braid.
Always remove the test receiver ground lead last. CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the circuit
8. Use with this receiver only the test fixtures specified in this board printed foil.
service manual. 6. Use the following soldering technique.
CAUTION: Do not connect the test fixture ground strap to any a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach a normal temperature
heat sink in this receiver. (500ºF to 600ºF)
b. First, hold the soldering iron tip and solder the strand against
Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices the component lead until the solder melts.
Some semiconductor (solid-state) devices can be damaged easily c. Quickly move the soldering iron tip to the junction of the
by static electricity. Such components commonly are called component lead and the printed circuit foil, and hold it there
Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices. Examples of typical ES only until the solder flows onto and around both the
devices are integrated circuits and some field-effect transistors and component lead and the foil.
semiconductor "chip" components. The following techniques CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the circuit
should be used to help reduce the incidence of component board printed foil.
damage caused by static by static electricity. d. Closely inspect the solder area and remove any excess or
splashed solder with a small wire-bristle brush.
1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor component or
semiconductor-equipped assembly, drain off any electrostatic
charge on your body by touching a known earth ground.
Alternatively, obtain and wear a commercially available
discharging wrist strap device, which should be removed to
prevent potential shock reasons prior to applying power to the
unit under test.
Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
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-4- LGE Internal Use Only
IC Remove/Replacement Circuit Board Foil Repair
Some chassis circuit boards have slotted holes (oblong) through Excessive heat applied to the copper foil of any printed circuit
which the IC leads are inserted and then bent flat against the board will weaken the adhesive that bonds the foil to the circuit
circuit foil. When holes are the slotted type, the following technique board causing the foil to separate from or "lift-off" the board. The
should be used to remove and replace the IC. When working with following guidelines and procedures should be followed whenever
boards using the familiar round hole, use the standard technique this condition is encountered.
as outlined in paragraphs 5 and 6 above.
At IC Connections
Removal To repair a defective copper pattern at IC connections use the
1. Desolder and straighten each IC lead in one operation by gently following procedure to install a jumper wire on the copper pattern
prying up on the lead with the soldering iron tip as the solder side of the circuit board. (Use this technique only on IC
melts. connections).
2. Draw away the melted solder with an anti-static suction-type
solder removal device (or with solder braid) before removing the 1. Carefully remove the damaged copper pattern with a sharp
IC. knife. (Remove only as much copper as absolutely necessary).
Replacement 2. carefully scratch away the solder resist and acrylic coating (if
1. Carefully insert the replacement IC in the circuit board. used) from the end of the remaining copper pattern.
2. Carefully bend each IC lead against the circuit foil pad and 3. Bend a small "U" in one end of a small gauge jumper wire and
solder it. carefully crimp it around the IC pin. Solder the IC connection.
3. Clean the soldered areas with a small wire-bristle brush. 4. Route the jumper wire along the path of the out-away copper
(It is not necessary to reapply acrylic coating to the areas). pattern and let it overlap the previously scraped end of the good
copper pattern. Solder the overlapped area and clip off any
"Small-Signal" Discrete TransistorRemoval/Replacement excess jumper wire.
1. Remove the defective transistor by clipping its leads as close as
possible to the component body. At Other Connections
2. Bend into a "U" shape the end of each of three leads remaining Use the following technique to repair the defective copper pattern
on the circuit board. at connections other than IC Pins. This technique involves the
3. Bend into a "U" shape the replacement transistor leads. installation of a jumper wire on the component side of the circuit
4. Connect the replacement transistor leads to the corresponding board.
leads extending from the circuit board and crimp the "U" with
long nose pliers to insure metal to metal contact then solder 1. Remove the defective copper pattern with a sharp knife.
each connection. Remove at least 1/4 inch of copper, to ensure that a hazardous
condition will not exist if the jumper wire opens.
Power Output, Transistor Device 2. Trace along the copper pattern from both sides of the pattern
Removal/Replacement break and locate the nearest component that is directly
1. Heat and remove all solder from around the transistor leads. connected to the affected copper pattern.
2. Remove the heat sink mounting screw (if so equipped). 3. Connect insulated 20-gauge jumper wire from the lead of the
3. Carefully remove the transistor from the heat sink of the circuit nearest component on one side of the pattern break to the lead
board. of the nearest component on the other side.
4. Insert new transistor in the circuit board. Carefully crimp and solder the connections.
5. Solder each transistor lead, and clip off excess lead. CAUTION: Be sure the insulated jumper wire is dressed so the
6. Replace heat sink. it does not touch components or sharp edges.

Diode Removal/Replacement
1. Remove defective diode by clipping its leads as close as
possible to diode body.
2. Bend the two remaining leads perpendicular y to the circuit
3. Observing diode polarity, wrap each lead of the new diode
around the corresponding lead on the circuit board.
4. Securely crimp each connection and solder it.
5. Inspect (on the circuit board copper side) the solder joints of
the two "original" leads. If they are not shiny, reheat them and if
necessary, apply additional solder.

Fuse and Conventional Resistor

1. Clip each fuse or resistor lead at top of the circuit board hollow
2. Securely crimp the leads of replacement component around
notch at stake top.
3. Solder the connections.
CAUTION: Maintain original spacing between the replaced
component and adjacent components and the circuit board to
prevent excessive component temperatures.

Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved. -5- LGE Internal Use Only
Only for training and service purposes
1. General Specification

No Item Content Remark

1 Customer BRAND
2 User Model Name 24M35
3 Sale region Refer to Suffix standard
4 Feature 23.6” Wide LCD MONITOR
5 Chassis Name LM14B
General External SW
Scope &Adj.
6 Function OSD,DDC2B,DDC2AB, HDCP, Control Lock,
Original Ratio / Wid
e, black level, Super Energy Saving, Picture mode

Power Cord Length : 1.5±0.05 M Refer to Suffix

7 Shape : Wall-out standard and power
Color : Black cord table

Length : 1.5m
Signal Cable Shape : Detachable Type
Refer to BOM
(D-SUB) Color : Black
Pin : Triple Row, 15 Pin D-Sub

Length : 1.5m
Shape : Detachable Type
DVI Do not Support
Color : Black
8 Cable Pin : Triple Row, 18-Position DVI-D

Audio Length : ,Shape : ,Color: ,Pin Do not Support

TV Length : ,Shape : ,Color: ,Pin Do not Support

9 Power Refer to BOM
- Wall Mount Type
P/No Specification

CMI:EAJ62131901 M236HGE-P02
Applying BLU:EBV60978023 LM23030023B
module list
Panel biz

Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.

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-6- LGE Internal Use Only
2. Mechanical specification

Item Content Remark

Width (W) Length (D) Height (H)
Product Before Packing 55.6 21.5 43.8 With stand
Dimension 55.6 9.8 34.1 Without stand
After Packing 62.5 41.4 14.5
3.0kg With stand
Product Only SET
2 2.7kg Without stand
With BOX 4.24kg
3 20ft 40ft
Individual or Individua Palletizi Individu Palletizin
Palletizing l ng al g
816 630 1664 1400
4 Stand Type Base detachable
Assy Size (W x D x H) 25.0*21.5*3.1
Tilt Degree -3°(+/-3°)~ +20°(+5°/-0°)

Tilt force 0.8~1.3kgf

Folding Degree None
5 Appearance General Refer to Standard of LG(56)G2-1011

** C/A + B/C GAP: 0.5mm (Design gap)

3. Optical Character
3.1 Normal Mode
No Item Criteria Remark
1 Luminance(휘도) Average
120 (min)
Luminance Medium
(Full white pattern, 0.7V)
Average Warm
150(min),200 (Typ.)
Luminance Brightness:100
(Full white pattern, 0.7V)
(cd/m2) Contrast:100

Luminance Cool
(Full white pattern, 0.7V)

2 Light Leakage Condition: Do not visible at 300 Lux

3.2 Reader Mode

Pattern Coordinate Minimum Normal Maximum

Wx 0.365
Typ-0.030 Typ+0.030 Reader 1
Wy 0.360
Wx 0.353
Typ-0.030 Typ+0.030 Reader 2
Wy 0.367

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4. Engineering Specification

1 Supported Sync. Type Separate Sync.Digital

Horizontal 30 ∼ 83kHz
Vertical 56 ∼ 75 Hz
2 Operating Frequency
Horizontal 30 ∼ 83kHz
Vertical 56~61HZ
Analog Max. 1920×1080 @ 60Hz
3 Resolution
HDMI Recommend 1920×1080 @ 60Hz
Input :100 – 240 Vac, 50 or 60Hz, 1.0A
4 Power Voltage
Output:19V 1.2A
5 Inrush Current Cold Start : 50 A Hot : 120 A
6 Sync
Operating Condition Video LED Wattage
Test condition
On Mode
EPA6.0 Metho
(ENERGY STAR On/On Active White 19W(Max)
Refer to P51
Test condition
1. 1920x1080
25W (typ) 2. burst patter
On Mode On/On Active White
29W(max) n
3. 100~240V
4. After aging
Sleep Mode On/Off Off < 0.3W
Off Mode
- - Off < 0.3W
(Power switch off)
Efficiency up to: -Test Condition
Super Energys Saving Low/High/Off On White Low:15%±5%(≥2W) (1)
7 MTBF 30,000 HRS with 90% Lamp Life : 30,000 Hours(Min)
Confidence level
8 Using Altitude 5,000 m (for Reliability) 3,000m(for FOS)

Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.

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9 Environme 0perating Temperature 10 °C ~ 35 °C
nt Humidity 10% ~ 80%
Condition Storage Temperature -20 °C ~ 60 °C
Humidity 5% ~ 90% non-condensing




(Monitor b
L e at HDMI input


English, Germanic, F
rench, Spanish, Italia
OSD n, Swedish, Finnish,
MENU Portuguese Brazilian
Portuguese, Polish,
Russian, Greek, Chi
nese, Japanese, Kor
FACTORY RE ean, Ukrainian
▶ NO( /YES )
SET Hindi

2~69(AIR) / 1 ~ 125(CABLE)
CHANNEL No Support:
FINE TUNE 0 ~ 100
(AV/TV bl
ock) BRIGHTNESS 0~100
COLOR 0~100
TINT 0~100
VOLUME 0~100
AUDIO No Support:
BASS 0~100


LANGUAGE▶ English/German/French/Espe
SETUP No Support:
Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.
Only for training and service purposes
-9- LGE Internal Use Only
5. Applying module Character

Maker BOE
Type TFT
Active Display Area 521.28 (H)x293.22(V)
Pixel Pitch [mm] 0.2715(H)mm x 0.2715(V)mm.
Electrical Interface 2ch-LVDS
LCD Module
1 Color Depth 16.7M colors
Size (Outline) [mm] 545.1 (W) x 320.5(H) x7.1(T) (Typ.)
Surface Treatment Haze 25%,3H hard coating
Operating Mode TN mode, normally White
Back light Unit White LED
Viewing Angle Horizontal(R/L) : +45º/-45º ( (Typ.)
<CR≥10> Vertical(Top/Bottom) : +20º/-45º (Typ.)
3 Contrast Ratio(명암 비) 700(MIN), 1000(TYP), DFC->5,000,000:1(Typ.)
4 Response Time On/off:5ms(TYP),
Minimum Normal Maximum
WX 0.313 Warm
White Typ-0.030 Typ+0.030
WY 0.329 (6500K)
WX 0.302
White WY Typ-0.030 0.311 Typ+0.030
CIE Color WX 0.283
5 Coordinates Cool
White WY Typ-0.030 0.298 Typ+0.030
(색 좌표) (9300K)
RX 0.643
RY 0.342
GX 0.317 Warm
Green Typ-0.03 Typ-0.03
GY 0.628 (6500K)
BX 0.148
BY 0.064

5.1 Display Area

1) Active Display Area of the LCD Monitor Should be within Cabinet’s Bezel.
2) Distance Difference between Active Area and Bezel C
| A-B|<1.0 mm , | C-D|<1.0 mm
A: The Distance from The Left of Active Area to the Bezel Active area
B: The Distance from The Right of Active Area to the Bezel
C: The Distance from The Top of Active Area to the Bezel
D: The Distance from The Bottom of Active Area to the Bezel


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6.1 24M35H

No Item Content 16진 Data

1 Manufacturer ID GSM 1E 6D
(Analog) 23118 5A4E
2 Product ID
(HDMI) 23120 5A50
3 Year 2013 17
4 Version 1 01

5 Revision Analog : 03 03

6 Serial Number * *
7 Week ** **
8 Model Name 24M35 --
9 Check Sum **** ****
10 Special Item Need to Input Serial Number

* Protocol : DDC 2AB

Data ( 128 Bytes ) --Æ24M35H

EDID Ver. 1.3 FOR ANALOG ( 128Byte)

EDID Ver. 1.3 FOR HDMI ( 256Byte)

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(1) Signal(Video & Sync)

V id e o

S yn c


(2) H/V Timing

DOT Frequency Total Front Back

CLASSIF Polar Display Sync. Resolut
MODE CLOCK [kHz]/ Period Porch Porch
ICATION ity (A) (C) ion
[MHz] [Hz] (E) (D) (B)
H(Pixels) - 31.468 900 720 18 108 54 720 X
1 28.321
V(Lines) + 70.08 449 400 12 2 35 400
H(Pixels) - 31.469 800 640 16 96 48 640 x
2 25.175
V(Lines) - 59.94 525 480 10 2 33 480
H(Pixels) - 37.5 840 640 16 64 120 640 x
3 31.5
V(Lines) - 75 500 480 1 3 16 480
H(Pixels) + 37.879 1056 800 40 128 88 800 x
4 40.0
V(Lines) + 60.317 628 600 1 4 23 600
H(Pixels) + 46.875 1056 800 16 80 160 800 x
5 49.5
V(Lines) + 75.0 625 600 1 3 21 600
H(Pixels) - 48.363 1344 1024 24 136 160 1024 x
6 65.0
V(Lines) - 60.0 806 768 3 6 29 768
H(Pixels) + 60.023 1312 1024 16 96 176 1024 x
7 78.75
V(Lines) + 75.029 800 768 1 3 28 768
H(Pixels) + 108.0 67.500 1600 1152 64 128 256 1152 x
V(Lines) + 75.000 900 864 1 3 32 864
H(Pixels) + 63.981 1688 1280 48 112 248 1280 x
9 108.0
V(Lines) + 60.02 1066 1024 1 3 38 1024
H(Pixels) + 79.976 1688 1280 16 144 248 1280 x
10 135.0
V(Lines) + 75.035 1066 1024 1 3 38 1024
H(Pixels) - 65.290 2240 1680 104 176 280 1680 x
11 146.25
V(Lines) + 59.954 1089 1050 3 6 30 1050

H(Pixels) + 67.50 2200 1920 88 44 148 1920 x

12 148.50
V(Lines) + 60 1125 1080 4 5 36 1080

z D-SUB/DVI DTV Mode is not supported (interlace mode)

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Factory support Horizontal Vertical
mode frequency frequency HDMI
(Preset Mode) (KHz) (Hz)
1 480P 31.5 60 O
2 576P 31.25 50 O
3 720P 37.5 50 O
4 720P 45 60 O
5 1080i 28.12 50 O
6 1080i 33.75 60 O
7 1080P 56.25 50 O
8 1080P 67.5 60
(Recommend Mode)

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1. Coverage PC audio volume : MAX

Apply to 58.4 cm (23 inch) Wide monitor made in Monitor Factory * LAN cable
Gumi Korea) or made in accordance with the standard of Gumi * Router
Factory process. * PC: vSpace S/W for N+ ( Ver 4.5.xx.xx ) --- Caution: Ver
4.4.xx.xx for N1742L family

2. Appointment 3.2.2 Total Assembly Line

· Ready : Heat-run during5 minutes in the state with signal
2.1 Adjustment must be done as fixed sequence, and adjustment · Connect input signal to D-sub.
sequence can be modified after agreement withthe responsible · Default value before adjustment : Contrast “70” , Brightness
R&D engineer considering mass-production condition. ‘100(Max)”
2.2 Power : AC 100 - 240 Voltage (Free)
2.3 Input signal: 3.2.3 Adjustment of Horizontal/Verticality screen
2.3.1 RGB Input: As Product Standard (Signal ROM : LB800K position, Clock and Clock Phase at each Mode.
Ver1.6) · There is no special factory mode adjustment. Writing initial value
2.3.2 RJ-45 input : As Product Standard (Ethernet connection of EEPROM in Board Assembly line is adjusting Preset Mode
through network from Host PC) and Reset mode. (EEPROM is initialized when AC Power is
* PC spec for MK(Minikey) Loader (TBD): CPU - Dual core 2.0 ON first.)
GHzD, Memory - 2 GByteD · If the change of FOS data is needed after M.P, it is possible by
*PC spec for Host PC (TBD): CPU - Dual core 2.0 GHzD, writing Mode Data with EEPROM write command or modifying
Memory - 2 GByteD the Mode Data in MICOM itself.
2.4 Warm-up Time: Over than 30 minutes
2.5 Adjustment equipment : White balance equipment (CA-110), 3.2.4 Color coordinates adjustment and Luminance
Display adjust equipment, VG-813(or VG819), Oscilloscope, adjustment.
PC (More than 486 computer ) & White balance adjust Color coordinates adjustment
program. · Monitor Contrast / Brightness
- Contrast : 70
- Brightness : 100(Max)
3. Adjustment · CA-110: Set “channel 9”
· Signal Generator : At cut-off and drive --> 16 step pattern for
3.1 Overview ADC (Program No.: 31)
Use factory automation equipment and adjust automatic - Output Voltage : 700 mVp-p
movement. But, do via passivity adjust in erroroccurrence. - Output Mode : Mode 12 (SXGA 60 Hz)mode Setting.

3.2 Adjustment order : Board Assembly Line

(refer to the Adjustment standard and adjustment command table) · Select RGB mode
· Input 16 step pattern for ADC (Program No.31 (Mode 12,Pattern
3.2.1 Board Assembly Line 11)). (Video level : 700 mVp-p) 15pin D-sub (RGB) · Adjust by commanding AUTO_COLOR_ADJUST
· Connect input signal to 15pin D-sub. · Confirm “Success” message in Screen or Check the data of
· Check the firmware version & model name. And write the 0xFE, 0xFF address of EEPROM(0XA6) is 0xAA after waiting 5
firmware code to the serial Flash ROM by ISP. seconds.
· Ready for adjustment : check whether adjustment command · If there is “FAULT” message or the data of 0xFE, 0XFF address
works normally or not and the operating state of each mode. of EEPROM(0xA6) is not 0xAA, do adjust again.
· Check the display state of gray color when 256 gray scale · If all Adjustment is completed, the values of 6500K, User Color
patterns is embodied. and 9300K are saved automatically.
· Read by EEPROM Read Command to check whether initial · Select RGB mode
value is correct or not. · Input 16 step pattern for ADC (Program No.31 (Mode 12,Pattern MK( Minikey ) Loading 11)). (Video level : 700mVp-p)
· Open MK Loader Tool on MK Loader PC. · Adjust by commanding AUTO_COLOR_ADJUST
( * MK Loader PC should be connected Internet) · Confirm “Success” message in Screen or Check the data of
· Connect input signal to RJ-45 input with LAN cable connected 0xFE,0xFF address of EEPROM(0xA6) is 0xAA after waiting 5
network devices such as routers. seconds.
· Turn on the Monitor set.
· Click the box when the °∞empty port °∞box is changed to “write Confirm at Total Assembly Line: adjustment
mini-key” in MK Loader Tool. · Check the data of 0xFE, 0xFF address of EEPROM(0xA6) is
0xAA. RJ-45 input · If the data of 0XFE, FF address of EEPROM(0xA6) is not
· Connect input signal to RJ-45 input with LAN cable connected 0xAA, do adjust again by
network devices such as routers.
· Check USB 1.1 Port (Keyboard/ Mouse) : @RJ-45 input
· Check USB 2.0 Port (USB Memory Stick 2port) : @RJ-45 input
· Check Audio (Ear-phone out/ Mic in/ Speaker) : @RJ-45 input,

Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.

Only for training and service purposes
- 14 - LGE Internal Use Only Confirm PRESET 6500K Color coordinates and Adjust when there is Process change or Adjustment setting change.
PRESET 9300K Color coordinates .
· Set as Aging mode ON, by commanding AGING_ON/OFF OSD & Adjustment device Confirmation : Confirm
command code. operation mentioned as product spec.
· Select Module that is being used in present production by · Vary Brightness and Contrast and confirm the variation of
commanding MODULE SELECT. ( It is not needed so far. Luminance and display status.
However, it will be needed to apply other modules) · Operate the f-engine function and confirm variation of Luminance.
· Send SYSTEM RESET command to set Module data. · Make sure to do FACTORY RESET after confirmation of OSD
· Input Full White Pattern (Video level : 700 mVp-p) function.
· Set as 9300K by commanding COLOR_MODE_CHANGE
Command code. Confirm the display state by inputting 8 color Bar Pattern &
· Check to meet x = 0.283 ± 0.03, y=0.298 ± 0.03, and confirm. 256 Gray Scale pattern.
· Only if it does not meet, adjust as below steps.
· Adjust to meet x = 0.283 ± 0.01, y=0.298 ± 0.01 in 5 minutes. and DPM operation confirmation : Check if Power LED Color
confirm. and Power Consumption operates as standard.
· Save 9300K Color by commanding COLOR SAVE Command · Measurement Condition : 230 V@ 50 Hz (Analog)
code. · Confirm DPM operation at the state of screen without Video
· Set as 6500K by commanding COLOR_MODE_CHANGE Signal.
Command code.
· Check to meet x = 0.313 ± 0.03, y=0.329 ± 0.03, and confirm. RJ-45 input
· Only if it does not meet, adjust as below steps. · Connect input signal to RJ-45 input with LAN cable connected
· Adjust to meet x = 0.313 ± 0.01, y =0.329 ± 0.01, and confirm. network devices such as routers.
· Save 6500K Color by commanding COLOR SAVE Command · Check USB 1.1 Port (Keyboard/ Mouse) : @RJ-45 input
code. · Check USB 2.0 Port (USB Memory Stick 2port) : @RJ-45 input
· Set as sRGB by commanding COLOR_MODE_CHANGE · Check Audio (Ear-phone out/Mic in/Speaker) : @RJ-45 input, PC
Command code. audio volume : MAX
· Adjust to meet Y = 150 ± 50, and confirm. * LAN cable
· Save sRGB Color by commanding COLOR SAVE Command * Router
code. * PC: vSpace S/W for N+ ( Ver 4.5.xx.xx ) --- Caution: Ver Confirm User color coordinates . 4.4.xx.xx for N1742L family
· Confirm Whether User color is saved same as 6500K.
· After confirming Color coordinates, Must return to 6500K DDC EDID Write
( Set as Aging mode ON, by commanding AGING_ON/OFF
3.2.5 Confirm Operation state. command code. ) Operation mode : Confirm whether each appointed mode 1) SUFFIX: xxxxxPN
operate correctly or not. · Connect analog Signal Cable to D-sub wafer. Confirmation of Adjustment condition and operation : · Write EDID DATA to EEPROM(24C08) by using DDC2AB
Confirm whether it meet Auto/Manual equipment Adjustment protocol.
standard or not. · Check whether written EDID data is correct or not.
· Confirm Analog screen state : Confirm screen state at below (refer to Product spec).
mode. --> After writing EDID, send Elapsed Time Clear command.
Appointment mode (RGB input): (Elapsed time should not be displayed, after EDID writing)
640*480 @60Hz (Mode 1), : Confirm periodically (in the first set of new lot, process change)
800*600@75Hz(Mode 5), whether module name and aging time disappeared on the self-
1024*768@60Hz(Mode 8), diagnostics OSD with signal cable disconnected.
1280*1024@60Hz(Mode 12), --> If Elapsed Time Clear command isn°Øt executed, module
SMPTE pattern(Check 0%,5%,95%,100%) name, aging time and TCO word appear on the self-diagnostics
–Mode can be added. OSD.(Module name and aging time should not appear after
writing EDID) Confirm Auto adjustment operation. --> Make sure to do FACTORY RESET at the final process.
· Input Analog 1 Dot on/off & Rectangle Pattern at Mode
12(1280x1024@60 Hz) Shipping condition
· Confirm adjustment operation by changing Clock, Phase, H/V · Contrast : 70
Position. · Power Switch : Off
· Check Clock, Phase by pressing AUTO Key. · Brightness : “100(Max)”
· Confirm first set of new lot by periods · Color Select : Preset ( 6500K )
· Language Select : Refer to product spec. Other quality · OSD Position : Center
· Confirm that each items satisfy under standard condition that was · Power indicator : ON
written product spec. · Flatron f-engine : Normal
· Confirm Applying Module & MICOM Setting --> Confirm with
Service OSD
- Confirm at Service OSD by “Menu + Power key” on .(from
Power off)
- Confirm first set of new lot by periods, and confirm periodically
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4.Standard of Auto/Manual equipment adjustment

No Item Adjustment & measurement Operation Operation Measurement

. standard mode Pattern Position
1 Voltage(V) 12 V ± 0.6 V MODE 13 Pattern4
TP of
5V± 0.3V / 3.3V± 0.25V
Each power
2.5V± 0.2V
2 Color Black Auto Adjustment MODE 12 Pattern 0
Level Center
of Screen
3 Color DRIVE1 MODE 12 Pattern1
coordinates u uí= 0.198 ± 0.00 5
(6500K) v ví=0.468± 0.005 Center
Color DRIVE2 of Screen
X 0.283± 0.004
Y 0.298± 0.004

Luminance 6500K More than MODE 12 Pattern1

220 cd/m2 (700 mVp-p)
of Screen

4 Screen H MODE
FULL SIZE Pattern4 Full Screen
Position V 1 - 13

5 Screen CLOCK FULL SIZE MODE Pattern 4

Full screen
Compensation PHASE 12-13
Full screen
6 DPM Normal Mode 40 W(Typ) MODE 12 Pattern 4 Blue
Confirmation Stand By Mode 1W/ - Pattern 6 Flicker
(RGB/LAN) Suspend Mode 1W/ - Pattern 7 Flicker
DPMS Off 1W/15W Pattern 8 Flicker
Power Switch 1W
Gray scale Confirmation Linear gray Scale MODE 12 Pattern 9 Full screen

8 Withstanding Voltage When 1500Vac or 2121Vdc is

confirmation impressed between the first of
power (Live/Neutral) and
ground (Earth) for 1 second,
check whether something
wrong happens or not.
When 25A is impressed
between Earth and 2 Ground
9 Ground Confirmation
for 1 second, Resistance must
be less than 0.1
16 step pattern for ADC
10 Cutoff /ADC Adjustment Pattern MODE 12 Pattern11
1280*1024@60Hz (700mVp-p)
CPU : Dual core 2.0 GHz ,
Memory : 2 GByte ,
11 Network Test with PC 1280 * 1024
Teradiciís PCoIP Host Card
LAN cable

*Check items No. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 at RGB input.

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5. Pattern for Adjustment
Pattern 0 : FULL BLACK (State of without video signal )
Pattern 1 : FULL WHITE (Don’t display other Character except for White Pattern)
Pattern 3 : FULL WHITE
Pattern 4 : Cross hatch pattern (Horizontal 10Line, Vertcial 8Line) & Rectangle Pattern
Pattern 5 : 1 Dot on, 1 Dot off & Rectangle Pattern
Pattern 6 : Vertical Sync only input (Use signal cable of which Pin #5 is GND)
Pattern 7 : Horizontal Sync only input (Use signal cable of which Pin #5 is GND)
Pattern 8 : State of without Vertical/Horizontal Sync and Video Signal. (Use signal cable of which Pin #5 is GND)
Pattern 9 : 8 Color Bar Pattern + 16 Gray Level Pattern
Pattern 10 : SMPTE Pattern
Pattern 11 : 16 Gray Step Pattern (700mV)

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From Adapter



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21.5” 23.8”



Copyright © 2010 LG Electronics. Inc. All right reserved.

19-to-5V DC/DC

T-Con 5V Embedded
LED Driver

- 15 -
RGB IIC (Novatek)


System 3.3V
System 1.2V Key 0/1
SERIAL 6 Keys : Power/MENU/MY KEY/

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IC 102

IC 102

IC 102

IC 201

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