Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Jimmy Donaghey, Alexander J.S. Colvin - The Routledge Companion To Employment Relations-Routledge (2018)
Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Jimmy Donaghey, Alexander J.S. Colvin - The Routledge Companion To Employment Relations-Routledge (2018)
Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Jimmy Donaghey, Alexander J.S. Colvin - The Routledge Companion To Employment Relations-Routledge (2018)
Comprising five thematic sections, this volume provides a critical, international and interdiscip-
linary exploration of employment relations. It examines the major subjects and emerging areas
within the field, including essays on institutional theory, voice, new actors, precarious work and
employment. Led by a well-respected team of editors, the contributors examine current know-
ledge and debates within each topic, offering cutting-edge analysis and reflection.
The Routledge Companion to Employment Relations is an extensive reference work that offers
students and researchers an introduction to current scholarship in the longstanding discipline
of employment relations. It will be an essential addition to library collections in business and
management, law, economics, sociology and political economy.
Adrian Wilkinson is Professor and Director of the Centre for Work, Organisation and
Wellbeing at Griffith University, Australia.
Alexander J.S. Colvin is the Martin F. Scheinman Professor of Conflict Resolution and
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Diversity, and Faculty Development at the ILR School,
Cornell University, USA.
Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting are prestige reference works pro-
viding an overview of a whole subject area or sub-discipline.These books survey the state of the discip-
line including emerging and cutting-edge areas. Providing a comprehensive, up-to-date, definitive work
of reference, Routledge Companions can be cited as an authoritative source on the subject.
A key aspect of these Routledge Companions is their international scope and relevance. Edited by
an array of highly regarded scholars, these volumes also benefit from teams of contributors that reflect
an international range of perspectives.
Individually, Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting provide an impactful
one-stop-shop resource for each theme covered. Collectively, they represent a comprehensive learning
and research resource for researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners.
General introduction 1
Perspectives on employment relations 21
Actors in employment relations 155
12 Unions 175
Paul F. Clark
Core employment relations processes and issues 233
Broadening employment relations 305
Contemporary reflections and future challenges 463
Index 480
List of figures
3.1 The net effect of union activity 49
12.1 Union membership: private sector, public sector and total,
1973–2014 180
12.2 As union membership rates decrease, middle class incomes shrink 193
12.3 Per cent change in real income: 1980–2012 194
15.1 A conceptual framework for understanding collective bargaining 237
18.1 Willingness to strike in 13 OECD countries 289
18.2 Employment tribunal claims in the UK, 1988–2014 291
18.3 Trend in the number of cases of civil individual labour disputes
in Japan 291
18.4 Volume of tweets relative to Fight for $15 293
18.5 Spider-net analytical model for traditional and emerging forms
of labour conflict 297
19.1 Temporary employment in selected OECD countries (1985–2014) 308
19.2 Union density of temporary and permanent workers (2012) 313
20.1 Global income growth, 1988–2008 323
20.2 Ratio of trade in goods and commercial services to GDP,
1995–2014 324
20.3 FDI inflows, global and by group of economies, 1995–2014
(US$ billions) 325
22.1 Typology of employment relations systems by the proportion of
employment relations permeated by informality 358
22.2 Informal employment as share of non-agricultural employment 360
22.3 A typology of the repertoire of employment relations in
contemporary societies 362
22.4 A typology of the diverse repertoire of work relations in
contemporary societies 367
List of figures/tables
List of tables
10.1 Nature of papers published in main IR/ER journals, 2015 145
10.2 Type of data and methods of analysis used, 2015 147
10.3 Change in the nature of papers published, 1967–2015 148
12.1 Membership of leading industrial unions, 1973 and 2015 181
14.1 Lukesian conceptualisation of power and some implications for
ER practices 218
16.1 Employee voice: theory, focus and philosophy 259
20.1 Average GDP growth rates for selected developed and developing
countries, 1990–2000 and 2000–2014 323
20.2 Average unemployment rate by gender, selected regions, 1990–1992
and 2011–2014 333
20.3 Secondary household income Gini index of inequality by selected
developed and developing countries 335
22.1 Informal employment as percentage of total non-agricultural
employment (unweighted and weighted): by global region 359
22.2 Classification of the nature of informality in countries 364
22.3 Nature of the informal sector in the EU-27: by type of informal work 365
24.1 Collective bargaining coverage and level of bargaining 397
26.1 African countries: population and levels of human development 420
26.2 Trade union density rates in selected countries in Africa 423
Adrian Wilkinson is Professor and Director of the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing
at Griffith University, Australia and Visiting Professor at Loughborough University in the UK.
Adrian has authored, co-authored and edited 30 books and more than 160 articles in refereed
journals. His books include Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial Relations in Transition
(Oxford University Press, 2003); The Sage Handbook of Human Resource Management (Sage,
2009); The Oxford Handbook of Organisational Participation (OUP, 2010); The Handbook of Work
and Employment Relations (Elgar, 2011); New Directions in Employment Relations (Palgrave, 2011);
The Handbook of Comparative Employment Relations (Elgar, 2011); The International Handbook of
Labour Unions (Elgar, 2011); HRM at Work: People Management and Development, 5th edition (CIPD,
2012); and The Oxford Handbook of Employment Relations (2014). He is a Fellow and Accredited
Examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development in the UK and a Fellow
of the Australian Human Resource Institute. Adrian was appointed as a British Academy of
Management Fellow in 2010. In 2011 he was elected as an Academician (now Fellow) of the
Academy of Social Sciences in recognition of his contribution to the field. In 2012 he was
shortlisted by HR Magazine for the award of HR’s Most Influential International Thinker.
his PhD, and the University of Ulster. His research focuses on social partnership and employee
voice, alongside an emerging interest in the governance of labour in global supply chains.
His most recent project is a British Academy/Society for the Advancement of Management
Studies-funded project examining the response to the Rana Plaza disaster in apparel supply
chains. He has published in journals such as the British Journal of Industrial Relations, Human
Resource Management, Human Relations, Work, Employment and Society and Economic and Industrial
Democracy. He is an Academic Fellow of the CIPD in the UK, member of the editorial board
of the British Journal of Management and member of the Economic and Social Research Council
Peer Review College.
Alexander J.S. Colvin is the Martin F. Scheinman Professor of Conflict Resolution at the
ILR School, Cornell University. He is also the Associate Director of the Scheinman Institute on
Conflict Resolution and Associate Editor of the ILR Review. His research and teaching focuses
on employment dispute resolution, with a particular emphasis on procedures in non-union
workplaces and the impact of the legal environment on organisations. His current research
projects include an empirical investigation of the outcomes of employment arbitration and a
cross-national study of labour and employment law change in the Anglo-American countries.
Alex has published articles in journals such as Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Industrial
Relations, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology,
Relations Industrielles, the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, the Ohio State Journal on Dispute
Resolution and the Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy. His books include An Introduction to
Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations; the Oxford Handbook of Conflict Management, Labor
Relations in a Global World: An Introduction Focus on Emerging Countries and Arbitration Law.
Matthew M.C. Allen: Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies, The University of Manchester
Mark Anner: Associate Professor of Labor and Employment Relations, and Political Science,
Penn State University
Ariel C. Avgar: Associate Professor at the Industrial and Labor Relations School at Cornell
Rose Batt: Alice Hanson Cook Professor of Women and Work, Industrial and Labor Relations
School, Cornell University
Chiara Benassi, Lecturer in HRM, King’s Business School, King’s College London
Paul F. Clark: Director and Professor of the School of Labor and Employment Relations, Penn
State University
Alexander J.S. Colvin: Martin F. Scheinman Professor of Conflict Resolution at the Industrial
and Labor Relations School, Cornell University
Michael Doherty: Professor of Law and Head of Law Department, Maynooth University,
The contributors
Katiuscia Galhera: PhD in Political Science at Campinas State University, Brazil; Professor,
Federal University of Dourados Metropolitan Region (UFGD)
Bill Harley: Professor, University of Melbourne. James Riady Chair of Asian Business
Brian Harney: Associate Professor in Strategic HRM at Dublin City University Business School
Sung-Chul Noh: Assistant Professor of HRM and Employment Relations, Saitama University,
Greg Patmore: Emeritus Professor of Business and Labour History, The University of
The contributors
Peter Sheldon: Professor, School of Management and Industrial Relations Research Centre,
University of New South Wales
Keith Whitfield: Professor of Human Resource Management and Economics, Cardiff University
Suhaer Yunus: Research Associate,Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and
Methods, Cardiff University
General introduction
Older reflections and new horizons
Almost everyone has an employment relationship of sorts, from the employed, traditional
employee to the (so-called) independent contractor engaged in the ‘gig economy’. The extent to
which the study of work and employment remains central and relevant to the functioning of a
modern economy is well established (Ackers and Wilkinson, 2003; BUIRA, 2008; Kaufman, 2004;
Meardi; 2014, Wilkinson, Wood and Deeg, 2014). However, of equal importance is the scope and
variability of the broader environmental and contextual changes to the nature of paid work and
employment relations (ER) as a field of study.This volume seeks to produce an overview of these
key trends to understand the nature and governance of work relations in the modern economy.
We outline examples of both change and continuity within the area of employment relations.
Most people have an instinctive understanding of what they think employment relations is
about. After all, most people have to work to earn a living. Almost every adult has had some
direct and immediate experience of employment, which is shaped by the relations they have
with others at their workplace, whether in a small or large firm, in a private or public sector
organisation, or as a skilled or unskilled employee. However, employment contexts are also
highly variable and so instinctive perceptions are changeable and can become biased: work
may be secure or insecure, highly gendered or precarious and subject to different influences
that change over time and space. A lot can depend on where you work and live, how you are
managed and by whom, or the immediacy of the personal and social relations with those around
you. The subject matter is thus not so instinctive or straightforward: sources of influence can be
wide and varied, and evaluating human behaviours and people’s intentions in a work setting can
be extremely uneven and complicated.
Drawing on a long history of literature (Budd, 2004; Clegg, 1975; Commons, 1959; Dunlop,
1958; Edwards, 1986; Kaufman, 1993; Kelly, 1998), ‘employment relations’ is defined here as
a field of study in the regulation and governance of rules, rule-making processes, institutions, attendant
behaviours of actors, and relevant outcomes such as co-operation, equity, performance and conflict in employ-
ment. Two key underpinning concepts underlie this approach. First, at the heart of employment
relations is understanding how such parties with different –sometimes competing, sometimes
complementary –interests interact with each other and how wider societal context shapes this
interaction. Central to this are the places of the owner, manager and the managed in relation
to production: with industrialisation, to use Marxist terminology, capital owns the means of
production (land, plant, machinery etc.) and uses labour to increase profits from those means
of production, with managers directing labour in this pursuit. Thus, the interests of the various
parties in the relationship may differ.
A second key issue building on this is the idea of the ‘indeterminacy’ of labour and the regu-
latory power of labour market institutions (Fox, 1974): both employers and employees have an
enduring dependency on each other, yet at the same time also have divergent (even opposing)
interests and objectives. Edwards (1986), in developing his concept of “structured antagonism”,
alludes to the dilemma that on the one hand managers need to control and regulate the work
effort of employees, yet on the other hand, they also want to engender co-operative compli-
ance, if not active engagement. In turn, employees have a vested interest in seeking higher
wages, which would distribute private profit away from the employer, while also preferring
to co-operate with employers for stable earnings and job security. The indeterminacy is thus
a constant dynamic because the detailed capacity of employees to fulfil their work obligations
and moderate earnings and effort has an element of uncertainty (Smith, 2006). Edwards (1990)
explained such a dynamic as the degree of ‘relative autonomy’ of labour in terms of executing
work tasks. This dynamic is heavily influenced by the institutional context in which it is set.
Thus, a key theme of ER is the necessity of understanding the disciplinary perspectives and
methodological influences upon which the study is based; these are covered in the first section
of the book. Section Two includes a set of chapters that discuss actors, followed in Section Three
by chapters reviewing how core ER processes are regulated. The final sections cover new and
emerging issues within the field, along with a chapter considering the future of work and ER.
The remainder of this chapter situates the contributions in this volume against the broad nature
of the field.
promote the ‘institution of liberal democracy’ were misplaced. In subsequent decades, particu-
larly in the Anglo-American world from the 1980s, a globalised neo-liberal paradigm weakened
organised labour, witnessed a vast decline in manufacturing, elevated unregulated markets and
espoused the financialisation of international capitalism (Crouch, 2000).
A key starting point in understanding the employment relationship is naturally the field
of economics. The employment relationship is essentially one of exchange: workers sell their
labour to employers through the labour market. However, this market as understood is signifi-
cantly different from other markets due to the nature of the social relations contained within it.
As such, economics is typically heterodox in the ER field, as economists seek to explain the role
of labour market institutions and other external agencies on employment outcomes (Grimshaw
and Rubery, 2008).Willman (Chapter 3, this volume) charts the historical turn from neoclassical
to broader and heterodox interest among economists about employment and labour market
institutions. Arguably, the neoclassical approach is founded on flawed assumptions because
labour is viewed as a commodity in the same sense as other goods or services in competitive
markets.This has been problematic for two reasons, as outlined by John Commons (1911, 1931,
see also, Kaufman, 2006). First, there is no satisfactory theory of the firm that is capable of
considering the indeterminacy of work relations, job tasks and interpersonal relations. In short,
far too much is assumed to be ceteris paribus. Second, the hiring and firing of labour is viewed as
a simplified transaction, rather than a human idiosyncratic dynamic. Neoclassical interpretations
assume hiring contracts are final and definitive, with the parties having full market information
and equal power when making transactions, whereas more political and heterodox interpret-
ations recognise agency and hierarchy in shaping labour market functionality. A further twist is
‘institutional economics’ as an approach to capturing contracting transactions, such as voice and
bargaining (Freeman and Medoff, 1984). The distinctive contribution here is that economics
views efficiency and performance, not processes or power relations, as driving outcomes (see
Willman, Chapter 3, this volume). To this end, institutional economics predicts that outcomes
such as voice, collective organisation or conflict meditation have to produce efficiency gains
specifically for the firm, not necessarily for employees, whereas other academic disciplines
approach power and authority in very different ways.
While acknowledging that labour is a market-based transaction, though substantially
different, a key institution supporting the maintenance of markets is that of law. For many
legal scholars it is the contract of employment that is typically considered the alpha and
omega of employment regulation. However, there are a number of flawed assumptions in
treating the employment contract as the single or key central institution. For example the
assumption that the actors enter a contract as equally powerful bargaining agents is problem-
atic (Fox, 1966). Employees do not possess the same resources or power base as corporations
when negotiating a contract, whether for pay or other work rules. Arguably, the nature of
a wider regulatory dynamic is such that more complex, multiple sources of influence exist
alongside or in addition to the law, such as institutional policy, collective agreements or even
unilateral employer power (Inversi et al., 2017; Kochan, Katz and MacKersie, 1986; Streeck,
1992). Indeed, one doyen of legal ER scholarship argued that the contract of employment is
little more than a ‘figment’ conceived only in the legal mind (Kahn-Freund, 1967), to which
an independent trade union would be a more realistic and equitable force in redressing the
imbalance of power in ER (Kahn-Freund, 1977, p. 10). Doherty (Chapter 4, this volume)
charts the changing way the law and legal regulation has shifted over time, from, on the one
hand, statute to a more reflexive and soft regulatory approach in many jurisdictions and, on
the other hand, from collective to individual rights, which coincides with a decline in col-
lective bargaining and unionisation.
Richard Hyman (2004) famously described the study of the employment relationship as
being “ethnocentric” and embedded in the national system within which it was based. As such,
employment relations are often heavily path dependant, with the development of mutually
reinforcing institutions needing to be examined in historical context (Hall and Soskice, 2001).
Patmore argues (Chapter 5, this volume) that historical perspectives in ER allow a deeper
and more temporal understanding of change, theory and practice, which by default cannot be
unravelled through the short-term studies found in, for example, economics or psychology.
Measuring cause and effect between discrete variables (X,Y or Z), or among conflicting actors
or complementary institutions, cannot assess futuristic change and it is historical analysis that
shows so-called modern management practices (e.g. employee voice) have been tried many
times under different guises (e.g. affective commitment, industrial democracy or worker partici-
pation (see Wilkinson and Fay, 2011; Wilkinson, Wood and Deeg, 2014).
The study of work and labour has a long tradition in sociology, going back to the works
of Marx and Durkheim. In particular, the focus of both of these was understanding the rela-
tionship of work to wider societal issues but with vastly different prescriptions. In recent times,
the sociological strain within employment relations has utilised critical forms of analysis about
management and wider societal forces, typically from the labour process school of thought,
building on the seminal work of Braverman (1974). In Chapter 6 Harley advances Wright-
Mills’ (1959) ‘sociological imagination’ lens as a particularly fruitful perspective. Sociology draws
attention to various critical intersections: between organisational structures and processes (pay,
voice, co-operation), history (changes over time, place and context), institutional behaviours
(bargaining, the church, community, unions, employer agencies) and lived experiences of indi-
viduals (including identities as workers, as women, etc.). In many ways, sociological perspectives
draw attention to multiple ‘levels’ of analysis in ER, from the individual to the type of society in
which employment is commodified and organised (Burawoy, 2008). In contrast to many other
perspectives and approaches, sociological scholars have often had an ‘activist’ role in seeking to
contribute to public policy and improve practice for the good of society as a whole, not neces-
sarily just for the good of the firm or shareholders.
Economics, history, legal analysis and sociology all have a strong imprint on gender analysis
of employment and the labour market. Gender has brought a unique perspective to the analysis
of the employment relationship that unpacks key issues beyond a narrow gender focus. Hebson
and Rubery (Chapter 7, this volume) highlight that as a perspective gender has made four
distinctive contributions: it has broadened the analysis of the relationship to include a wider
array of societal interaction; it has been at the forefront of the study of inequality at work; it has
focused on how issues around the regulation of the workplace reproduces hierarchies; and it
has brought a focus onto “doing gender” in the workplace. A key observation is that the gender
perspective has opened up new areas of study, such as aesthetic labour, which go beyond a more
narrow interpretation of gender.
One of the closest perspectives to employment relations is that of human resource man-
agement (HRM). Arguably, the nomenclature distinctions drawn between HRM, personnel
management and employee relations is the result of the gap left by the diminished interest in
‘industrial’ relations as a separate or distinct field of academic study (Storey and Sisson, 1993).
For some, the HRM perspective is connected to, or is an extension of, employment relations,
seeing the field as evolving to incorporate the regulation and management of employment
drawing on multiple perspectives such as economics, psychology, the law or sociology (Boxall
and Purcell, 2011; Wilkinson et al., 2017). Indeed, many HRM professors and scholars, espe-
cially in the UK, started life as employment (or industrial) relations academics (see Ackers
and Wilkinson, 2003). Harney et al. (Chapter 8, this volume) draw out some key points of
As outlined above,the role of interests has been central to the study of the employment relationships.
As such, the role of actors –the parties who make up the employment relationship –has long
occupied analytical focus in the field. Indeed, one of the key debates in many of the discip-
linary paradigms summarised above is to what degree agency deals with and modifies substan-
tive issues in the employment relationship, or whether institutions and structural arrangements
for rule-making remain more dominant in shaping employment relations outcomes. The main
actors typically include: the state and related government agencies, including the judiciary;
owners and managers, and their respective collective organisations such as employer associations
and professional institutes; and employees and their representative institutions such as trade
unions and collective professional associations. Given the decline in trade union membership
since the mid-1980s, interest in other non-government organisations (NGOs) has occupied a
role in ER (Heery et al., 2012).These actor groups include the likes of citizens advice advocacy,
local community coalitions and mobilisations for ethnic minority workers outside the bound-
aries of the workplace (Heery et al., 2014; Holgate, 2009)
Of all the actors associated with employment relations, the state is undoubtedly the most
powerful in singular resource and mobilisation terms (Crouch, 1993). Despite many predicting
its decline in the context of neo-liberalism, the state maintains the ability to shape ER both
directly and indirectly (Howell, 2005; Meardi et al., 2016). Indeed, it is the state that occupies
a forceful role in being the only party that can directly change the ‘rules of the game’ through
statutory legislation, whether that legislation is in support of worker rights or to weaken unions,
or to promote a more business-friendly economic environment. Nonetheless, as Martínez Lucio
and McKenzie note (Chapter 11, this volume), the politicisation of the state and its unique
agencies (e.g. the police, military) can be more complex. Over time different political trajectories
of the state have changed according to the shifting influences of vested-interest parties: unitarist
ideologies underpinning employer or market interests, while alternative pluralist (or Marxist)
state ideologies may promote a regulatory focus towards collective bargaining or union legitim-
isation.While much neoliberal discourse focuses on “de-regulation”, a key point made has been
that what has been re-experienced is actually re-regulation, with states shifting their attention
onto curbing the ability of parties, particularly labour, to act (Jessop, 1995; Standing, 1997).
This shift in the focus of the state has had profound implications for all actors, but particu-
larly for trade unions. The environment for unions has changed significantly since Freeman
and Medoff (1984) put forward their two faces of unionism: monopoly power and voice.
Marginson (2015) highlights that state support for the decentralisation of pay bargaining played
an important role in the decline of collective bargaining and unions in the UK. In Chapter 12
(this volume), Clark charts the rise and decline of trade unions through an Anglo-American
lens. Of note is how ER approaches the study of trade unionism, with interest in union
government and formation, strategy and decision-making, external regulation and economic
influence. Clark reviews several theories to explain the changing landscape for unionisation,
including global economic shifts and displacement of domestic manufacturing with multi-
national supply chains and cheaper sources of labour. Ultimately, Clark finishes on an upbeat
note that despite decline, unions are needed but that new forms and strategies may be required.
Clark’s analysis also connects with the politicisation of the state considered by Martínez-Lucio
and McKenzie (Chapter 11, this volume), showing how political motivations of government
can exert coercive change: for example President Ronald Reagan’s sacking of 17,000 striking
US federal air traffic controllers in 1981 and replacement of them with a strike-busting work
force, or Margaret Thatcher’s defeat of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in the
UK in 1984–1985.
The issues related to managerial prerogative, power and the role of multinational enterprises
are taken up in the next two chapters (Sheldon about managers as actors in Chapter 13, and in
Chapter 14 multinational employers are considered by Belizón). Offe and Wiesenthal (1980)
presented a rather simplified approach to employers by arguing that the interests of employers
are relatively easily united as they are all seeking to increase profit. Sheldon highlights that such
an approach is overly simplistic in the context of intensified competition resulting from global-
isation/internationalisation and changed technology. He highlights that these pressures have led
to myriad responses, including individualisation and high road HRM strategies. Recent research
(Barry and Wilkinson, 2011a; Gooberman et al., 2017) highlights that despite the decline in
union power, collective employer associations have maintained, if not actually increased, their
importance. In particular, Sheldon highlights that employer associations provide both collective
and also selective goods for members.
A growing sub-set of employers who are particularly interesting and important actors in con-
temporary employment relations is multinational corporations (MNCs). MNCs as employers
intersect with the state and political influence, institutional and regulatory agencies, and of
course the relationship managers and employers develop with trade unions as counterpoised
bargaining agents. Analysis about how MNCs diffuse practice highlights “forward diffusion”,
that is where MNCs bring practices from their home countries to foreign subsidiaries, but also
that MNCs engage in “reverse diffusion”, that is where lessons are drawn from new sites to
inform corporate policy (Edwards et al., 2010; Edwards et al., 2013). Belizón (Chapter 14, this
volume) highlights that MNCs often adopt a Janus-like role as an ER actor: on the one hand
they act as a “rule-taker” with practices shaped by home and host countries to varying extents;
on the other hand, they act as a “rule-maker” in both influencing public policy and in setting
standards and practices for their subsidiaries to follow. MNCs are also active agents shaping
regulations, laws and policy objectives of the national state around employment relations
outcomes (see Cullinane et al., 2014; Dundon et al., 2014). These all make for fruitful insights
about agency and the capacity of actors, as groups of individuals as well as collective associations,
to shape the contours of work and employment rules and regulations.
the contract of employment.The Webbs began this process and the Oxford School carried for-
ward this tradition of accumulating historical details about trade unions, collective bargaining
and employers’ associations as the core feature of industrial relations in regulating work rules
and pay, for example (Kaufman, 2012). Employment relations has been criticised for its obses-
sion with a highly limited range of social institutions, such as a narrow definition of contract,
trade unions and collective bargaining, of which the latter are becoming less central to the
sociology of contemporary society. But while the prominence of collective bargaining has
declined markedly, it is still an integral part of the ER landscape across much of mainland
Europe, the UK, the USA and Commonwealth countries like Australia, New Zealand and
Moreover, while the institutions of collective bargaining, the law or trade unionism have
changed in various ways in many developed countries (Pohler, this volume), it is important to
note that these are not the only mechanisms with which to regulate ER (Doellgast and Benassi,
2014; Wilkinson and Wood, 2012). Individual managers vary in their willingness to accept a
curbing of managerial rights, depending on the subject matter under consideration. Most insti-
tutional ER work looks at regulatory and normative institutions, but cognitive institutions can
also affect worker treatment due to their “taken-for-g rantedness” (Scott, 2001) and negligible
cost of implementation (Pohler, this volume).
After collective bargaining, employee voice has been a primary concern of employment
relations, including informal and NER (non-union employee representation) channels for
social dialogue (Wilkinson et al., 2014). In their classic formulation, the other face of trade
unionism for Freeman and Medoff (1984) was that of voice. They regarded voice not just as
a mechanism to raise grievances but also as something that could be associated with higher
worker productivity and lower exit. “Voice” is a term which, as Barry et al. (Chapter 16, this
volume) highlight, has been interpreted quite differently across disciplines such as ER, HRM,
organisational behaviour and the sociology of work. Much early work on voice in ER focused
on non-union workplaces and looked at systems designed to keep unions out (Gollan et al.,
2014), but more recent work suggesting looking at non-union workplaces only through the
lens of how they compare to union workplaces may not make sense, with the term “non-
unionism’ being limiting, in that firms are only analysed in relation to unionisation. Equally of
interest are alternative mechanisms to regulate the workplace, including voice systems, although
these are not always stable and rely on managers taking the system seriously and being prepared
to devote time and effort to keep it going. Models of high commitment work practices include
voice to challenge management decisions regarding discipline and some other matters because
it enhances employees’ perceptions of procedural justice, which may positively impact employee
motivation and commitment (Mowbray et al., 2014). There is considerable literature on how
employers should build a better dialogue with their workforce by considering alternative voice
methods of engagement, including forms of dialogue to resolve possible disagreements (Barry
et al., Chapter 16, this volume).
Colvin and Avgar (Chapter 17, this volume) highlight the trend towards the use of dis-
pute resolution mechanism in workplaces. Growing attention to alternative dispute reso-
lution (ADR) procedures illustrates how the field of ER is evolving by continuing to focus
on institutions and regulatory processes in areas beyond its previous emphasis on unions and
collective bargaining. ER research on ADR is investigating the use of traditional processes of
mediation and arbitration in new domains, such as non-union workplaces, and the resolution of
individual employment rights claims (Colvin and Avgar, this volume). Central to this endeavour
is the traditional emphasis on understanding the conflicts and institutions of regulation of the
employment relationship.
Interest in conflict has been a key part of employment relations, with conflict seen not as
pathological but rather normal because managers and workers can have very divergent interests
and competing priorities (Frangi et al., Chapter 18, this volume). As individual employees tend
to be powerless in contrast to the resources available to an employer, conflicts are commonly
pursued as collective forms of action (Dundon and Rollinson, 2011). While strike action has
diminished in many countries, some argue that conflict has taken other forms, manifesting itself
as ‘flight’ rather than ‘fight’. In other words, workers may engage in unofficial, unorganised and
even individualised forms of conflictual behaviours. Thus, Franghi et al. (2017) argue that a
fundamental transformation of labour conflict is taking place due to the effects of globalisation
on labour and work, which requires us to rethink our mental maps, where labour conflict was
seen as collective employee mobilisation in the form of strikes (Kelly, 1998). But they suggest
that labour conflict has not disappeared and employers have not transformed the ‘recalcitrant
worker’ into the supine, docile and biddable worker (Franghi et al., 2017) and indeed employees are
resilient and determined to find new ways of resisting following the notion of labour conflict as
a balloon, where constraints reduce pressure on one part but cause expansion in another and the
balloon assumes a new configuration (Sapsford and Turnbull, 1994). Frangi et al. (Chapter 18,
this volume) point to new actors (not just unions) and new loci (less likely to be at the plant
gate): tribunals for individual claims; squares for social protest; and in the cybersphere too, so
ER is played out on a much wider stage.
of new questions and reframed old issues has emerged in relation to developments such as
these, including: how do we define an employee and hence an employment relationship; do
developments such as these provide people with access to extra income with low barriers to
entry or do they mark a further fragmentation in the direction of precarity; and how should
governments respond to these developments in terms of taxation, social security and the likes?
Globalisation and changes in technology have increased the mobility of capital, work and
workers, thereby weakening the influence of national laws, institutions and norms in shaping
employment relationships and outcomes (Kochan and Bamber, 2009, p. 318), reflecting not so
much the international mobility of labour, but rather a clearer international division of labour,
including more offshoring of manufacturing (e.g. to China) and services (e.g. to India). With
drivers of change such as globalisation and technological developments, the employment rela-
tionship has changed but continues to be a central feature of economic and social life (Frenkel,
Chapter 20, this volume). Debates about work and its regulation in the context of globalisation
played a central part in most major political debates in recent years. Take the 2016 Brexit refer-
endum in the UK. A significant consequence arising from the decision to leave the European
Union (EU) project is how ER will be regulated outside of the EU Directives and European
Social Chapter (see also Doherty, Chapter 4, this volume). The Brexit issue further raises issues
and debates around migration and the implications for labour market regulation (Hyman and
Gumbrell-McCormick, 2017). Similarly, centre-left Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi faced
major opposition to his ‘Jobs Act’, which sought to introduce greater flexibilities within the
Italian labour market. This opposition set in train a series of opposition movements that ultim-
ately led to his downfall. Thus, while industrial conflict is at an all-time low in many developed
economies, the regulation of work and the political contestation of employment issues is still
an important feature of economic and social life, though the parameters of the issues may shift.
An interesting recent change has been what appears to have been a political shift in terms
of defenders and opponents of globalisation. Harvard political economist Dani Rodrik has
highlighted that globalisation has seen a trilemma emerge where democratic governance loses
out to corporate interests. Rodrik (2011) argues that pressures for a combination of open
markets, democratic participation and regulation at the nation state level are incompatible, with
at least one of these three principles being unsustainable in the presence of the other two.
However, with phenomena such as the emergence of Trumpism and Brexit, an attack on glo-
balisation has been launched by elements of the political right along nationalist lines. Some
social democratic politicians and unions have defended moves towards cosmopolitanism from
a cultural perspective but have argued that what is needed is greater capacity for transnational
regulation. Consistent with this argument, Frenkel (Chapter 20, this volume) highlights that
rather than seeking national responses to these pressures of globalisation, rethinking regulation
to the international level is a better endeavour as globalisation has, in net terms, been beneficial,
though it has had highly disruptive effects on workers in developed economies.
Globalisation has led to the emergence of new forms of work organisation and seen insti-
tutional responses in terms of its regulation. With the fall of technological and political barriers
to trade, many large organisations have outsourced their production functions through the
development of supply chains. These destinations are often chosen because of their low cost
and low labour standards. Donaghey and Reinecke (Chapter 21, this volume) highlight that
western MNCs have developed their own systems of “private labour governance” (Hassel, 2008)
to regulate employment in these supply chains. However, to date much of the analysis has
been based around exploring interfirm power relations, the activities of MNCs and/or “cor-
porate social responsibility” (Donaghey and Reinecke, 2017) and the role of understanding the
employment relationship can be seen as secondary. While the analysis of workplace issues has
moved to the forefront in recent years (see Taylor et al., 2013), Donaghey and Reinecke high-
light that more attention needs to be focused on the role of actors and how new and old actors
are emerging across diverse supply chain networks within emerging developing economies.
One often overlooked factor has been that within this globalised economy, informal workers
are important drivers within many economies in the developing world (Williams, Chapter 22,
this volume). Without doubt, the field of ER has often had at its focus formal employment,
whether it be secure, full-time and permanent or insecure and part-time. Williams highlights
that in the context of internationalisation, ER scholars must expand their lenses and recognise
that this dominant form of employment in much of the world requires much more attention
from scholars and policy-makers in terms of the regulation of labour issues globally. This dom-
inance of the informal model is seen as being the key feature within emerging economies.
Picking up on these themes, Gunawardana (Chapter 23, this volume) highlights that within
emerging economies the position of women workers is an issue of key concern. As outlined
earlier in this chapter, labour markets do not operate as perfectly competitive: markets are
highly segmented and create insiders and outsiders with winners and losers (Rubery, 1978).
The effects of extreme segmentation is visible in emerging economies, where a combination
of multiple factors including gender, ethnic origin, social class and migrant status can bring
together multiple forms of disadvantage. In addition, as Gunawardana discusses, peak union
leaders and corporate audits may further disempower female workers in attempts to overcome
this disadvantage.
There remains widespread diversity in employment relations practices both within and
between countries (Wilkinson et al., 2014b). But while the politics of the employment rela-
tionship has thrown up unexpected patterns in recent times, the embedded nature of national
institutions also provides for significant political continuity. Hyman (2004) has highlighted the
dominance of the “ethnocentric” nature of ER: actors embedded within national institutional
frameworks. Supportive of this approach, Allen and Wood (Chapter 9, this volume) highlight
that a key lesson from institutional accounts of ER is that convergence is not an inevitable con-
sequence of institutional change.This resonates with the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) approach,
often criticised for its overly deterministic institutionalism, which makes an important point
for scholars of employment relationships in highlighting the role of path dependency: national
institutional configurations play key roles in differentiating the form, processes and outputs of
the employment relationship (Barry and Wilkinson, 2011b; Gould et al., 2015).
The VoC approach has some strengths but also a number of weaknesses. A key strength
has been its ability to help to explain the dynamics of policy choices within the arena of ER.
Michel Lallement (2011) highlighted that political choices within Europe in response to the
2008 crisis were inherently linked to the national trajectory of institutions and political contin-
gencies: France and Spain saw policies developed that protected insiders and increased labour
market segmentation; Germany and Denmark saw adjustment through decreased working
hours; while the UK and Ireland saw the growth of underemployment. The point here is that
even in the context of globalisation, national political institutions still play a key role in shaping
policy responses to issues of ER. However, a key critique of the VoC approach has been that it
can overgeneralise similarities between economies by viewing them as falling within a narrow
number of alternative models (Allen, 2004).
While much of the volume draws on research from developed economies, particularly
North American and European, three chapters demonstrate the need to broaden our horizons
as more economies emerge as industrialised. In response to the criticism of the VoC approach
for overgeneralisation, Anner and Galhera (Chapter 24, this volume) highlight the “hierarchical
market economy” nature of many Latin American economies: rather than disputing particular
categories of economies, they utilise the general approach of VoC to argue for this new HME
cluster, based in many Latin American economies. These economies differ significantly from
the more commonly discussed “liberal” and “co-ordinated” market economies in terms of their
shared colonial legacies, informality and segmentation, and political context.
Chan and Yunbing (Chapter 25, this volume) highlight the changes in the Chinese model as
industrialisation has progressed. In particular, they note the complexities and contradictions that
have emerged as China has sought to develop economically through a market-based strategy
while maintaining its socialist governance system.The last decade has seen an increase in bottom-
up pressure for the development of a less state-controlled model of collective bargaining. The
theme of transition is also picked up by Dibben and Wood (Chapter 26, this volume), who pro-
vide an overview of the development of ER in African countries in the context of their rela-
tively recent independence. This transition has seen the development of multinational sectors
alongside indigenous industry with significantly different models of ER.
While global supply chains have seen the emergence of new institutional forms to regu-
late ER, the increased intensification of globalisation has seen a greater role for pre-existing
supranational structures in the governance of employment relations.These institutional changes
have generally been in addition to, rather than instead of, the pre-existing national frameworks
(Marginson, 2015). Goyer and Valdivielso del Real (Chapter 27, this volume) use the examples
of the EU and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to demonstrate their disruptive
effects and the extent to which these supranational institutions can adapt to environmental
changes in the regulation of ER. The development and effectiveness of supranational bodies in
the governance of work is a particularly uneven terrain but one of increasing importance: Goyer
and Valdivielso del Real highlight that the growth of such transnational institutions is far from
being predictable and in generating solutions to some problems of globalisation, other unantici-
pated spillover effects may emerge.
A discourse that has developed in recent years has been that of business ethics. Business ethics
in itself is based upon an assumption that business can provide a positive social function, and
this runs contrary to the basic underpinnings of the radical approach to ER that the employ-
ment relationship is inherently exploitative in nature. Timming and Mansell (Chapter 28, this
volume) argue that the imbalance of power between employers and employees is the source of
all ethical problems in the field of ER and that employees are important stakeholders that could
potentially have a moral right to participation in organisational decisions that affect them. They
suggest taking up ideas of employee voice as a human right so we can then examine the inter-
section of ER, stakeholder theory and business ethics. This echoes earlier arguments advanced
by neo-pluralists like Ackers and Payne (1998), who highlight that voice through partnership is
a central part of an ethical approach to the employment relationship.
of the economies of northern Europe; in many continental European countries, the main-
stay of the economy remains more orthodox sectors of industry, and, in key competitive areas,
high labour standards with regulated rights (Wood and Wilkinson, 2014). Batt, in looking to
the future, highlights that the emergence of new technologies alongside the emphasis of firms
shifting from managerial structures of rule-making to financialised forms of capitalism has been
a key factor in the regulatory dynamic of human agency, with workers being increasingly
treated like any other resource within firms. The ramifications of these changes for ER are just
beginning to emerge in research terms and this is certainly an issue that will be of increased
importance in future years.
In a field where the study of institutions has always been central (Wilkinson and Wood,
2012), failures in market regulation and the global economic crisis have led both to pressures
for a reduction of governmental capabilities for regulation and a renewed interest in the possi-
bilities for meaningful institutional redesign. Many of the processes and institutions to regulate
ER rules (eg among others, pay, working time, collective bargaining, voice, mediation, equality,
supply chain networks or institutional forms) have become disconnected and at times fractured.
Yet at other times and under other contexts, ER has displayed remarkable continuity and order.
Institutions have a double social science value: as the place where social problems or issues are
identified and analysed and providing the practical means whereby these can be solved (Ackers
and Wilkinson, 2008).
In these times when so many of our problems appear intractable to the growing inequal-
ities of contemporary economics, an understanding of employment relationships and the
actors, institutions, contexts and processes reveals many of the outcomes and sources of con-
sent and dissent shaping many present day social ills and the way organisations affect people’s
lives. We have seen how the big issues of our day –austerity, financialisation, workplace
relationships, conflict, participation, feminisation of work, low pay and long hours –are all
deeply connected to the study of work and employment with all its various forms and mul-
tiple perspectives. As a field of study ER is rich, dynamic and exciting. It can, as we have
shown, make a call for the better management of people at work and help support a more
informed individual (student) who can question the rhetorical claims of prescriptive best prac-
tice models. So while the employment relationship may be embedded in various constraints
and ongoing tensions, there can be policy choices that can support a fairer, alternative equit-
able workplace while still meeting efficiency demands (Wilkinson et al., 2017). A study of ER
helps us appreciate how organisations can meet the various competing demands of different
actors and institutions to produce better outcomes for all, not just for one vested or corporate
group. As Kochan (2015, xi) has suggested ‘we are not just pawns controlled by globalisa-
tion, technological changes, or any other force totally out of our control. If we take the right
actions and work together, we can shape the future of work in ways that work for all’. Indeed,
the work of ER scholars has for decades positively engaged with and shaped government
policy and organisational practice aimed at improving employee well-being, social justice and
economic equality
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Perspectives on employment
A review
Niall Cullinane
It is frequently observed that Employment Relations (ER) as a field of study is marked by a
diversity of disciplinary and research traditions. Labour economics, sociology, political science,
law, psychology and even geography all claim some authority over the study of work and
employment.To do justice to such variety of interests in one chapter would be overly ambitious
and confounded by the national-specific traditions of research characterising the field (Frege,
2007). Consequently, this chapter takes a more selective approach to its review. It begins by pro-
viding an account of dominant analytical traditions in the Anglophone literature, which have
focused on the institutional regulation of the employment relationship, albeit with different
degrees of emphasis. The chapter then turns to a particularly contemporary focus, reviewing
the effects of the Great Recession on the institutional regulation of ER. The chapter concludes
by returning to a concern that weighed heavily on earlier traditions in the field: the apparent
‘problem’ of labour and the associated ‘problem of order’.With the withering away of the strike
in developed economies and the modest levels of industrial contestation in the recent period of
economic disruption, this chapter considers whether the resolution of ER injustices has been
supplanted to the political sphere.
of liberal capitalism are vulnerable to the fortunes of changing market tides. One of the
lessons of the 1970s was that free collective bargaining at the point of production was ill-
suited to ensuring stable macro-economic conditions (see Clegg, 1976a, p. 504–505). The
insertion of the corporatist state as a coordinator between capital and labour was in some
quarters deemed highly probable (Schmitter, 1974), though it was recognised that not all
societies were endowed with a capacity to move in this direction (Goldthorpe, 1984). As
the effects of product market competition, capital mobility and declining unionisation have
taken hold, collective bargaining is no longer the defining regulatory mode in Anglophone
ER. As detailed below, the retreat of this regulatory form has prompted a search for alterna-
tive modes of regulation to plug the gap in workers’ representative capacities and restore a
measure of power to labour.
If (re)investing workers with power is a prerequisite for the radical tradition in reconfig-
uring society in a non-capitalist direction (Atzeni, 2014), pluralist motivations remain different.
For a start, the pluralist sympathy for ameliorating labour’s position of weakness should not be
taken to indicate a preference for workers’ interests to override those of the employer. A mutu-
ally beneficial accommodation between conflicting interests is favoured, reflected in Budd’s
(2004) triptych of efficiency, equity and voice. Workers should have voice, but not so much that
it disrupts ‘economic performance’. ‘Rights’ in the pluralist tradition come with ‘obligations’.
As workers depend on the unit of capital that employs them for their livelihood, the pluralist
tradition has sought to build co-operative employment relations that are not destructive of firm
performance. Such sentiments prevail in the contemporary literature on state-led conflict reso-
lution, for example (cf. Saundry and Dix, 2014). State employment tribunals provide workers
with voice and a measure of equity in aiding remedial action against workplace wrongs.Yet ‘too
many’ cases, in the face of scarce resources, is interpreted as a burden on ‘efficiency’, requiring
the moderating effects of institutional reform.
Accommodating these different interests of capital, labour and society has been a long-
running theme in the field. The classic literature pointed to high-trust informal reciprocity
between management and sophisticated leader stewards as one route to moderating con-
flictual interests at workplace level (Batstone et al., 1978). Shop stewards were the ‘lubricants’
in managing workers’ discontent and minimising disruptions to production (activities which,
in radical quarters, could be portrayed as a union elite collaborating with employers at the
expense of the membership). For pluralism, the management of discontent was the added value
of trade unionism and collective bargaining in reinforcing ‘order’ and enabling management to
secure control by sharing it. More contemporaneously, what might be termed the ‘economic
effects’ literature is deployed by pluralists to argue positive spin offs from unionised workplaces
in the form of higher productivity gains (the classic study in this regard being Freeman and
Medoff, 1984; cf. Doucouliagos and Laroche, 2003). Applebaum et al. (2000) have argued that
unions are compatible with new forms of flexible accumulation, helping to embed ‘innovative’
practices associated with ‘high performance work systems’. In some accounts, the develop-
ment of joint regulation with trade unions is said to promote sustained competitive advantage
through generating inimitable firm-level characteristics like those articulated in resource-
based views of the firm (Teague, 2005). Alternatively, work councils, ethical labour standards
and/or state regulation are advanced as balancing competing interests. While such regulatory
mechanisms may appear to employers as an encroachment on their prerogative, the pluralist
tradition conceptualises these as ‘beneficial constraints’ (Streeck, 1997). Sources that circum-
scribe employer discretion push firms in the direction of ‘high-road’ employment practices
that offer ‘mutual gains’ to capital and labour. Radical analysis, however, has countered that
in a society with different class interests the optimal point of beneficial constraint varies for
different classes, and that capitalist interests can be satisfactorily secured in ways that operate at
the expense of other societal groups (Wright, 2004). The pluralist in response typically seeks
to counter that such may be the case, but this is the best of all possible worlds in an otherwise
imperfect world (Ackers, 2014).
Whatever differences remain between alternative traditions of pluralist and radical analysis,
there is agreement regarding the desirability of constraint over the power of the employer. This
consensus reflects a key demarcation between the field and alternative disciplinary traditions of
work and employment found in neoclassical labour economics, human resource management
(HRM) and organisational behaviour. These latter disciplines, in contrast, are comfortable with
unilateral employer decision-making. Indeed, positive economic returns are seen to flow from
such circumstances.The ER field is less sanguine.Take, for example, the HRM approach, which
implicitly assumes that employer unilateralism is an unproblematic exercise in the strategic
management of the firm’s employees. Employment relations scholars have remained uncon-
vinced by such claims, not only because it often fails to work on its own terms, but because it
reduces labour to a subordinate or purely economic ‘resource’ (see critiques by Edwards, 2008;
Kaufman, 2010; Thompson, 2011).
This aside, the ascendancy of employer choice has shaped much of the field’s pre-
occupations in recent decades. While the power of employers waxes and that of labour
wanes, existential questions have been presented to trade unionism. How unions may turn
the tide and revitalise has been a pressing problem for many scholars in the field (cf.
Frege and Kelly, 2004). In the radical tradition, scholarship has turned to long wave and
global patterns in labour mobilisation to assess trends and prospects (Silver, 2003). The
implications of such analysis suggest that treatments of union decline should avoid ‘end of
history’ style, Western-centric assessments. If once Detroit and the UK’s West Midlands lay
at the heart of trade union mobilisation and growth, the new seedbeds, given capital flows,
are likely to be Guangdong and Zhongzhan (Silver, 2014). The argument is not exclu-
sively structural for much depends on whether unions can generate growth momentum by
giving collective expression to workers’ grievances and perceptions of injustice (Kelly, 1998;
Lévesque and Murray, 2010). A closely affiliated offshoot of such analysis is an emphasis on
‘organising’ as a vehicle for revitalisation, which revolves around unions placing emphasis
on the differences of interests between employers and workers to demonstrate the rele-
vance of mobilising collectively (Milkman and Voss, 2004). Union-community alliances,
new social movements and civil society organisations are part of these still largely experi-
mental tools of workplace organising. In some cases, organising has taken on a trans-
national character through international union networks in recognition of the limits of
national-specific action in a globalised economy (Brofenbrenner, 2007). In the pluralist
tradition, concerns are shared with the radicals that new modes of production and harsher
competitive environments challenge union security, but lines of enquiry often shy away
from the adversarialism espoused by mobilisation advocates. With the spectre of marginal-
isation looming large, unions are counselled to offer positive collaboration with employers
in the form of workplace partnership. Such productivity coalitions may ensure firm survival
and job security in harsh economic conditions and stabilise the institutional presence of
unions at the workplace level (Johnstone and Wilkinson, 2016). For the pluralist, adver-
sarial mobilisation may provoke a militant backlash from employers, resulting in further
union marginalisation.
New forms of regulation to plug the growing gap in workers’ representative capaci-
ties increasingly feature in the field’s analysis. One approach has been to examine statutory
employment rights and case law, as mediated through formal systems of HRM (Lipsky and
Avgar, 2004; Roche et al., 2014). In some circles, there is greater receptivity to employer-
sponsored, non- union forms of representation (Kaufman, 2015), whilst legal initiatives,
labour standards and new actors like non-governmental organisations all feature as part of the
continued search for new regulatory forms (Locke et al., 2013). One obvious candidate for the
institutional regulation of employment is of course the law. However, the law is not undiffer-
entiated in its effects. Uneven mixtures of conformance and non-compliance are usually the
norm and this is particularly so in common law systems. These are vulnerable to the discre-
tionary behaviour of powerful actors because legal regulation is not closely allied to structures
of social regulation, and there are often ample opportunities to challenge and overturn the
law’s provisions (Colling, 2010).
Rather than favouring one mode of regulation over others, a body of opinion increas-
ingly leans towards a ‘hybrid’ approach: individual regulatory mechanisms work best when
they are combined with others in an interlocking and complementary fashion (Freeman et al.,
2007). An awareness that different forms of institutional regulation can combine and effectively
reinforce each other has also directed attention to the macro-institutional form of capitalist
economies. The Varieties of Capitalism literature, associated with Hall and Soskice (2001), has
been influential in shaping analysis in the field over the last decade and a half (see Doellgast,
2009; Hamann and Kelly, 2008). The main contribution of this framework has been in the way
it directs attention to how the structure, processes and outcomes of ER in any given economy,
on matters like pay or skill formation, are influenced by the presence or absence of wider sup-
portive institutional arrangements. If once ER tended to prioritise the structure of collective
bargaining in thinking about national institutional variation (Clegg, 1976b), scholarship is now
more accustomed to the influence of investment patterns and corporate governance structures
(Gospel and Pendleton, 2006).
Allied to this trend is literature influenced by historical institutionalism. Although the field
long recognised the importance of history and heritage, historical institutionalism has elevated
the concept of path dependency as a corrective to notions that globalisation homogenises the
experience of ER across countries (Thelen, 2004). Institutions are seen to mediate and refract
globalisation in diverse ways, acclimatising with the history, politics and ideology of relevant
nationally based actors (Hauptmeier, 2012). The German model is often the favoured stereo-
type of this explanatory dynamic in the Anglophone literature, with scholarship pointing to
the collaborative tendencies of the country’s institutional arrangement for sectoral bargaining
and workplace councils. Studies have shown how the more coordinated German economy
has been less prone to financialisation in comparison to liberalised economies, because inter-
national investors balk at the imposition of greater institutional constraints on managerial
autonomy (Goyer, 2011). None of this is to say that institutions act in some unchanging
or static way or that actors’ behaviour in ER is exclusively path dependent. The case of
Germany, for example, continues to find evidence of a drift from the traditional national
model (Behrens, 2013). Studies of multinational corporations in national employment systems
have indicated that while some actors have interests in isomorphic conformity for reasons of
legitimacy (Ferner, 2010), others break from or marginalise institutional arrangements (Meardi
et al., 2009). The debate on this matter remains unsettled, as scholarship has interpreted and
reinterpreted developments in ER patterns at various levels, both across countries and within
countries, to determine whether the evidence points towards convergence in the direction of
market liberalisation or a divergent set of trajectories informed by national and sectoral specific
traditions (Katz and Wailes, 2014). With the arrival of the Global Financial Crisis, subsequent
Great Recession and ensuing low growth trajectory in developed capitalist economies, the
response of capital, labour and the state to such events and the seeking out of new paths to
economic growth are likely to further enhance the need for enquiry into the nature and fate of
ER institutions going forward. To this end, a consideration of the global economic downturn’s
consequences for the field is appropriate.
through further labour market deregulation. There are social and political limits to such
responses of course, increasingly evident in an emerging consensus around the problems of
low-wage, insecure work as well as a growing debate on the merits and viability of universal
basic incomes (Standing, 2017). To date the global crisis has had a heavy bearing on ER
processes and outcomes, like pay and working time, across many countries, though national
responses have been shaped by pre-existing institutional traditions (Glassner et al., 2011). In
the USA and UK, the crisis has encouraged new legislative restrictions on unionisation in
the public sector as part of an effort to weaken labour’s opposition to austerity. In the USA
newly adopted right to work laws in a number of Midwestern states now limit or elim-
inate public sector collective bargaining (Cantin, 2012). Legislation enacted by the British
Conservative administration imposes further constraints on the balloting of union members
for strike action, with an eye to weakening public sector unionism’s opposition to austerity
(Darlington and Dobson, 2015). Across a number of European states, government austerity
programmes have reconfigured public sector ER in the form of pay freezes, deteriorating
pensions and widespread redundancies (Bach and Bordogna, 2013), although with relative
and patchy recovery in prospect clawbacks may now emerge. In some countries, radical
reform has been forced through by governments without reference to existing systems of
collective bargaining, a dynamic often provoked by explicit pressures from international,
non-state institutions (Hyman, 2015). This is blatantly clear in the economies of southern
Europe, where the crisis has been most severe. In these countries, the sovereign debt crisis
led the European Commission, European Central Bank and International Monetary Fund
to insist on radical reform of ER in exchange for financial support (Ioannou, 2013). The
consequences are the dismantling of national and sectoral agreements and the introduction
of local-level company derogation clauses.
In the northern European countries, a comparable but ultimately less austere trajectory
is underway. A retreat from multi-employer bargaining and transference of pay determin-
ation to the company level is occurring, but the difference lies in how the process is managed
(Marginson, 2015). The trend is for collective ER institutions at a national and industry level
to shape a path-dependent form of organised decentralisation. Negotiated adjustments are seen
to temper the worst features of the crisis relative to the often adversarial patterns evident in
southern European states. Yet some counsel against overstating the nature and persistence of
variance in institutional responses across countries. Rather, scholarship has pointed to conver-
gence in the direction of market liberalisation and employer flexibility in the determination
of pay and conditions (Howell and Kolins-Givan, 2011). In this argument, even where col-
lective institutions designed to balance the interest of capital and labour formally persist, they
are subject to ‘plasticity’ that reconfigures them in a fashion subservient to employer demands.
Bolstering this position are findings that show how the inhibiting effect of collective bargaining
institutions on income inequality in Europe has eroded in recent decades (Avdagic and Baccaro,
2014). Such institutions, while still present, are unable to secure outcomes different from those
prevailing under market arrangements.
The endurance of collective institutions in many European countries, although in weakened
forms with fewer redistributive powers, is partly a product of state strategy. In countries where
organised labour has traditionally held a role in public policy or where unions’ capacity to wield
clout remains viable, the state is likely to leave existing institutions as they are to dodge polit-
ical unrest; substantively, however, a creeping agenda of liberalisation is pursued (Baccaro and
Howell, 2011). Unions face substantial tests in these circumstances (see Gumbrell-McCormick
and Hyman, 2013 for a European-wide review). Where union strength weakens, the state may
tighten the screw by further weakening unions politically and legally. Alternatively, the state
may leave existing collective regulatory arrangements in place and allow their powers to be
corroded by wider liberalisation. Where unions are not a potent force amongst the electorate,
the state may opt for political and legal assaults, as in the USA and UK. In those countries
where unions retain influence amongst the populace, the state may hold its fire. This second
action seems to characterise state approaches in many parts of western Europe. Aside from
weakening effects driven by economic liberalisation, this trajectory may be corrosive of unions’
legitimacy, for under these circumstances they risk becoming detached from a burgeoning class
of non-union ‘outsiders’.The latter may come to perceive unions as protecting ‘insiders’ at their
expense. In countries where union power is confined to the public sector, unions risk being
branded as featherbedding a rent-seeking workforce from the discipline of ‘market efficiency’.
In countries where unions participate in the determination of terms and conditions for sectors
and associated extension clauses, they end up negotiating conditions for large proportions of
workers they do not formally represent. Force of circumstance may prod unions in the dir-
ection of privileging those groups they do represent at the expense of workers outside their
control, or the outcomes they do negotiate may seem so limited to select groups as to weaken
their wider credibility. The combination of economic weakness driven by exposure to the
forces of liberalisation and political weakness driven by a lack of social legitimacy may produce
a vicious cycle of decline and marginalisation.
in surveys of this sort, particularly when accompanied by reports of increased stress as in the BSA
data, the findings have interesting implications –has labour increasingly modest expectations over
what is achievable at work and has it adjusted to declining standards of employment quality as its
power has declined?
It is conceivable that the collective manifestation of industrial conflict has been ‘displaced’
into alternative forms. Strike ballots in the UK, for example, might be seen as a form of
leverage that has partially replaced, at a much lower scale, strike action. Industrial conflicts
may have metamorphosed into individual actions at work, reflected by the rise in individual
claims registered at dispute resolution bodies (Dix et al., 2009), even if these reflect specific
complaints over legal entitlements rather than the kinds of non-legal injustices pervading
wage-effort bargains. More subterranean forms of individual protest may also exist, although
documenting the prevalence of these is difficult, even if a range of interesting case studies
provide insight (Cushen and Thompson, 2012). More speculatively, potential deprivations
in employment may be compensated by life outside work through consumerism and other
forms of escapism or expressed in various social problems. Godard (2011) for example iden-
tifies alcohol and drug abuse, depression and low levels of civic and political participation
as consequences of what he calls the “deinstitutionalisation of conflict”. Yet such behaviours
were readily evident in working class communities in periods when organised industrial
conflict was high (Green, 1980) –although it is conceivable that ‘anomic’ behaviour has
since deepened or become more widespread as levels of inequality surge (Wilkinson and
Pickett, 2009). Alternatively, it could be that deprivations experienced at the point of pro-
duction migrate in some repackaged form to the political sphere. Again this is not neces-
sarily a new phenomenon for worker dissatisfactions have readily transferred to the political
arena in the past. What may be novel is that such grievances are being articulated in new and
different ways in different countries. For example, in European countries where collective
bargaining remains relatively robust, the migration of conflict to the political sphere might be
found in the increase in the number of general strikes against government reforms since the
1980s (Hamann et al., 2013). In Anglophone countries where collective bargaining coverage
has declined, these options are less prevalent or prohibited by law. Nevertheless, governments
can be influenced in other ways. With workers increasingly willing to switch party allegiances
from one election to another or abstain altogether (Drummond, 2006), politicians pay more
attention to voter preferences in order to appeal to a volatile and unpredictable popula-
tion. Given that labour lacks leverage over mobile capital, western governments become a
more useful target for they are after all geographically fixed and cannot escape the ire of the
The migration of workplace deprivations of, say, poor wage prospects, deteriorating
pension values and labour market precariousness into the political arena may occur, as
Standing (2011) has argued, in one of two ways: the ‘politics of inferno’ or the ‘politics
of paradise’. The latter revolves around a leftist programme of redistribution and income
security. Its politics has risen in profile in the contemporary environment (Iglesias, 2015;
Labour Party (UK), 2017; Sanders, 2016) but presently remains outside the corridors of
power or, once inside, disciplined by international finance (Muddle, 2016). Rather, contem-
porary political trends increasingly replicate that of the ‘inferno’. Dislocations in income
inequality, deindustrialisation and changing demographics are sponsoring anti-establishment
tendencies across the USA and the European continent, but these often take on nationalistic
or even xenophobic characteristics. In many countries the prospects of stagnant growth, a
downwardly mobile precariat, a reserve army of lumpen social elements and an increasingly
visible migrant population offers a combustible mixture. If the forecasting of a new wave
of automation and mass labour displacement comes to fruition (Brynjolfsson and McAfee,
2014), the combined effects, suggests the consolidation of a more harsh, vengeful and
embittered society than we have known for a long time.
This review addressed three different facets of the field of ER. First it revisited analytical
traditions in the field, focusing on the institutional regulation of the employment relationship.
Historically trade unionism and collective bargaining have been the favoured means of insti-
tutional regulation, although experimentation with new modes is now de rigueur as the former
weakens and declines. Second, the chapter considered the effects of the global economic crisis
on the existing state of institutional regulation, with reference to international trends in the
field. In the main, the outcomes for labour suggest, in the absence of any major policy shifts,
a greater exposure to employer power and further weakening. Third, the chapter concluded
with an assessment of labour opposition to this trajectory in the wider context of declining
industrial action. It revisited ideas that labour acquiescence in the industrial sphere may have
migrated to the political sphere, producing outcomes that increasingly reflect the ‘politics of
inferno’. Although the three areas are treated fairly distinctly they are of course related. As
scholars maintain their preoccupation with the regulation of the employment relationship in
a way that protects labour from the excesses of employer power, then the trends produced by
the current crisis and how these are resolved will remain important areas of concern. Many of
the conditions fostering contemporary social tensions originate from within the dynamic of
employment relations, particularly in terms of how the rewards from production are distributed
and the way in which work is organised. With such problems increasingly intruding on the
political discourse of contemporary society, the relevance of ER as a field of study would seem
well assured in the years ahead.
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Paul Willman
As other chapters in this thematic unit illustrate, the field of employment relations touches on
a number of different intellectual traditions, but arguably economics is the largest and most
imperialistic discipline to influence the field; indeed, the founding father of personnel eco-
nomics claims as much (Lazear, 2000). The interchange between discipline and field1 has a
long history, which must be summarised here in the broadest terms, and with a bias towards
the most fruitful forms of interchange. This bias leads to a sampling of the discipline in favour
of economists who are interested in institutions and specifically those who would accept the
proposition that there is a difference between employment contracts and other forms of con-
tract. The second bias is geographical: economics has tended to be more influential for US ER
academics than for those elsewhere; one author has even suggested institutional economics is
‘home turf ’ for the US ER tradition (Kaufman, 2010, p. 75).
The structure of this chapter is as follows. Section 2 uses a broad historical summary of the
discipline’s encounter with the field to try to explain the nature of the emerging relationship.
The next three sections use arguably the three most influential concepts imported from eco-
nomics to ER to illustrate the most fruitful elements of dialogue; these are, in order: incom-
plete contracts, collective action and voice. I will argue that all have been important to the
ER field and have in turn been influential in developing economic ideas about what goes on
within firms. The conclusion examines where the relationship might be going, and looks at the
most proximate parts of the huge discipline of economics –personnel and organisational eco-
nomics –to assess the possibility of further dialogue.
As other chapters in this thematic unit illustrate, the field of employment relations (ER) touches
on a number of different intellectual traditions, but arguably economics is the largest and most
imperialistic discipline to influence the field; indeed, the founding father of personnel eco-
nomics claims as much (Lazear, 2000). The interchange between discipline and field2 has a
long history, which must be summarised here in the broadest terms, and with a bias towards
the most fruitful forms of interchange. This bias leads to a sampling of the discipline in favour
of economists who are interested in institutions, and specifically those who would accept the
proposition that there is a difference between employment contracts and other forms of con-
tract. The second bias is geographical: economics has tended to be more influential for US ER
academics than for those elsewhere; one author has even suggested institutional economics is
‘home turf ’ for the US ER tradition (Kaufman, 2010, p. 75).
A history of dialogue?
Classical political economy was much concerned with employment relationships. Adam Smith
famously discussed both the division of labour and the generation and distribution of economic
surpluses; the Wealth of Nations also contains succinct descriptions of what later came to be called
the ‘principal–agent problem’ in modern economics (Willman, 2014, pp. 37–48). For others,
particularly Ricardo, the ‘machinery question’ was a central concern; this ‘question’ concerned
the displacement or deskilling of employees by the introduction of new technology, particularly
in the textile industries, and what ought to be done about it (Berg, 1980). For Marx, the cen-
trality of the labour theory of value to his intellectual edifice places the employment contract
and its dynamics centre stage (see, e.g. Giddens, 1971). All were profoundly influenced by the
emergence of employment contracts within firms as a defining property of industrialisation.
It has become something of a cliché to remark on the disappearance of such concerns with
the marginalist revolution in economics in the second half of the nineteenth century, so perhaps
it is best here to focus on those components of the neoclassical approach that ensure its distan-
cing from the ER field.Two stand out. First, beyond the production function, there is no theory
of the firm in neoclassical economics within which to consider the dynamics of employment
contracts. Second, employment contracts are not seen as distinctive; they have the same kinds
of demand and supply curves as any other form of transaction; whereas the classical political
economists saw the employment relationship in hierarchical terms, for the neoclassicist it does
not matter much whether employers hire employees or vice versa (Alchian and Demsetz, 1972).
It is axiomatic that, as Kaufman (2010, p. 76) puts it, labour is treated as a commodity in com-
petitive markets.
The more general issue –which does not only affect the ER field –is that just at the time
when the largest economies in the world were becoming dominated by vertically integrated
large firms full of employees, economics goes missing; in Kay’s (2004) terms, economists
turned from concern about developments in the economy to an attempt to become physicists.
Incidentally, this absence created an intellectual vacuum in which most of the current discip-
lines of the business school, such as accounting, operations management, marketing and strategy,
developed to analyse (and prescribe best practice about) events within firms (Willman, 2014).
For ER, with the exception of labour economists studying wage setting, differentials and trade
union wage policy –all external to the firm –this absence lasts, as Piore (2011) has noted, from
the late nineteenth through to the latter part of the twentieth century.
Although academic economics became estranged from the ER field, it would be an exag-
geration to argue that the field of ER developed in isolation from a concern with economics,
however. If we look at two Anglo-Saxon countries –the USA and UK –we can find in the
work of the core founding figures of the academic field not only a concern with economic
matters but the borrowing of economic ideas. For illustration, I examine here the work of
John Commons in the USA and the Webbs in the UK. In both, there is clear evidence of the
influence of three key economic ideas that have become central to the more modern ana-
lysis of ER. First, the conception of an employment contract as incomplete and distinctive,
thus subject to conflict of interest; second, a concern with the ubiquity of collective action
by employees; and third, the idea of voice as a mechanism for managing the dynamics of the
employment relationship.3
In the neoclassical approach to labour contracts, wage and employment levels are set by the
interaction of supply and demand; labour contracts are by implication complete. The dominant
trend in ER is to see the employment contract as involving a hierarchical authority relationship,
with an inequality of bargaining power between employer and employee, and as incomplete,
that is with the opportunity, indeed necessity, for adaptation to changing circumstances. For
the Webbs, this inequality was part of a more general pattern of social inequality that Fabian
socialism sought to address, but for both the Webbs and Commons, the key deficiency of the
neoclassical view of contracts is the omission of consideration of ownership and property rights.
Consider the typical neoclassical production function, combining capital, land and labour.These
are undifferentiated factors to combine, but typically (at the time) employers would own land
and capital but rent labour, which thus became a more disposable factor of production (see
also Kaufman, 2010, p. 88). For Commons in particular, the incompleteness of employment
contracts was important because completion (i.e. agreement of precise terms in an ongoing
relationship) entailed transaction costs; it followed that some forms of employment contract
might be more efficient than others if they entailed lower transaction costs of completion.
Although this insight was not fully followed up until the work of Williamson (see below) it
pointed to the importance of the contractual governance mechanisms that might minimise
transaction costs. For Commons, this pointed to the ‘humanisation’ of the workplace, ensuring
the emergence of a win-win game in contract negotiations, as opposed to the then highly
prevalent outcome of industrial conflict.
This divergence between field and discipline has proved enduring and it is worth exploring
in some detail. To put it very simply, economics for many years had something to say about
how wage rates might be struck but very little to say about how employees would subsequently
be managed, and this followed from the absence of a theory of the firm. The most influential
theory, that of Coase (1937), on which much subsequent work on the economics of the firm
is based, has two characteristics relevant for the relationship between field and discipline. First,
it generated very little interest within economics at the time; Coase spends much of his art-
icle justifying to a Marshallian audience why he is even asking why firms form, and his Nobel
prize did not come until 1991. Second, it is a theory of market failure, not a theory of the firm.
Specifically, firms arise when certain types of transaction in markets involve such costs of price
discovery and enforcement that it becomes more efficient for an ‘entrepreneur’ to use ‘authority’
to direct resources to efficient ends. Strong boundaries emerge where the transaction costs of
authority and market as allocative mechanisms are equal. Where ‘entrepreneurs’ come from,
and what might be the basis of their ‘authority’, or the mechanisms through which it might be
asserted, are not considered; they are assumptions.
This approach had little to say to academics trying to understand what was going on in firms
like Ford, GM, DuPont and Sears that were dominating the US economy at the time; looking
back, there must have been an awful lot of market failure around, if that were indeed the prime
generator of firm formation and growth (Chandler, 1962). Assuming ‘authority’ involves zero or
low transaction costs in turn assumes away most of the issues that Commons was trying to raise.
As Bromiley (2005, p. 13) much later noted, the difference between a theory that explains why
firms exist and one that explains what they do is similar to the difference between a theory of
how fish evolved and one explaining how they swim. Coase had much more to say about the
former than the latter.
This is an enduring rather than an historical point of interest. The intellectual heirs of
the Coaseian approach are those who use the principal–agent theory to model how the
‘entrepreneur’ uses ‘authority’ to control intractable ‘agents’. They regard the large public cor-
poration as an ‘aberration’ and as inherently inferior to markets (Jensen and Meckling, 1976;
Jensen, 1989). Those in the ER field who sought, like many other students of modern business,
to understand how employment contracts were managed needed to develop their own the-
ories and approaches, either to explain the nature of the contract itself or the system of con-
tractual relationships that constituted the firm (e.g. Doeringer and Piore, 1971; Marsden, 1999;
Osterman, 1987). For the modern economist, the Apple or Nike supply chains reveal the effi-
ciencies of renting all of the factors of the production function, particularly for the advantage of
shareholders. Many in the ER field retain a concern about what goes on in the factories within
these supply chains that would have been familiar to Commons.
The second ER concern to feature in the work of both Commons and the Webbs is collective
action by employees, primarily to address the structural power imbalances in the employment
contract. Arguably, this was the central contribution of the Webbs to the UK ER field, covering
the history of development of trade unions in Britain, their functions in workplace governance
and their operation and administration. Commons similarly covered the union role in influ-
encing the operation of the firm, and, most notably in his 1909 analysis of the Philadelphia
shoemakers’ union, the dynamics of union development as markets expanded and the division
of labour progressed. As Kaufman (2010, pp. 76–78; see also Kaufman and Gall, 2015) has
noted, in both cases there was a strong political dimension to this, since there was in the early
twentieth century a widespread perception of a ‘labour problem’ in both the UK and USA, the
outward sign of which was a high level of industrial conflict in both countries, the agents of
which were trade unions. However, again the ER field entered an intellectual vacuum left by
economics. High levels of collective action to raise wage rates should not occur for two, rather
contradictory, reasons from a neoclassical perspective. First, it should not, given the benefits of
free riding by individual employees, be possible, since employees can gain from union activity
by enjoying the public goods it produces without paying the subscriptions it needs; this idea was
much later formalised by Olson (see below). Second, it should be self-defeating, since raising
the supply price of labour should reduce the overall level of labour demand, and thus employ-
ment levels would fall. Without collective action, under Say’s law, the outcome will be full
employment at equilibrium without government involvement. Needless to say, both the Webbs
and Commons were in favour of government intervention in labour markets, as part of Fabian
socialism on the one hand and the New Deal on the other.
One may tell another ‘economics catch up story’ here too. As ER writers stepped in to dis-
cuss the emergence of new institutions, economics arguably badly needed an efficiency argu-
ment. After all, something that is empirically very common in the economy needs an efficiency
argument from an economics point of view –otherwise why would it exist? Firms should have
a strong motivation to improve efficiency by getting rid of unions and employees should have
a strong motivation to quit union membership and free ride. As we will see below, economists
were to come up with influential work explaining why both need not happen (though they
were better at explaining the first than the second) but there remains the curious fact that, for
much of the period during which in advanced economies trade unions were powerful actors,
economics struggled to explain why they were there. They did come up with influential the-
ories about the objective functions of union organisations –i.e. the wage/employment trade-
offs they pursued (e.g. Dunlop, 1944; Ross, 1948) –so we have in this instance the reverse
position from that of the firm discussed above; in the case of trade unions, we have a theory
about how fish swim but none about how they got there.
The final economic idea in the ER field we discuss that traces its lineage back this far is
that of voice, although admittedly this more modern term is not used by either the Webbs
or Commons. The central concern of both was the imbalance in authority and power in
the employment relationship. The authority issue for the Webbs was that embedded in the
law covering employment contracts in the UK, which was explicitly inherited from ‘master
and servant’ acts going back several centuries. The core of the issue was the employer’s gen-
eric right to give instructions and the employee’s more limited right to disobey only if the
instruction was unlawful or unreasonable (Wedderburn, 1971).The power issue was the imbal-
ance of bargaining power in the employment relationship between the employer and the
individual employee. In their treatise on industrial democracy, the Webbs were concerned
to establish checks and balances on employer power and authority both by the introduc-
tion of counterweights to employer power (primarily the role of unions) and constraints on
employer authority (primarily legislative proposals). Although the Webbs clearly thought such
measures would be socially beneficial, they do not develop the efficiency arguments. By con-
trast, Commons did. ‘Constitutional’ government of contractual relations in industry would,
he argued, lead to lower transaction costs in filling the ‘silences’ in employment contracts in
firms and thus to greater efficiency. Where employees felt engagement in the terms of their
contractual relationship, more co-operative relations were likely. In Commons, we find one of
the earliest recognitions of the mantra that the management of people can generate competi-
tive advantage.
Let us summarise the argument so far. Classical political economy was deeply concerned
with ER because it saw the emergence of employment contracting and firms as a crucial part
of the industrial revolution. Neoclassical economics shed this concern in an attempt to produce
generalisable mathematical propositions which, inter alia, failed to recognise the idiosyncratic
nature of employment contracts. Other academics and policy-makers –we have used the Webbs
and Commons as exemplars –stepped into the vacuum economics left in order to analyse
what was going on within the firms and institutions that neoclassical economics excised from
its agenda as noise. They developed ways of analysing three key areas –employment contracts,
collective action and contractual governance arrangements –which have remained influential
within the ER field to date.
The final part of this argument concerns the return of the prodigal son. Although economics
was not a source of core concepts for those concerned with employment contracts in the period
we have discussed, it has become so. In the next three sections, we will argue that developments
in institutional economics have become extremely influential in understanding how these three
areas of activity central to the ER field operate. Simon and Williamson have developed the ana-
lysis of employment contracts, Hirschman and Olsen have developed the analysis of collective
action, and Freeman and Medoff have contributed to the modern understanding of voice. We
look at each in turn.
The answer to the first question is simple: the employee is paid a premium for this conces-
sion; it is implicit in the argument that the more the employee cedes in terms of the range of this
authority, the higher the wage premium will be. Simon specifies a range (xi…….xn) of decision
items across which the employee will in effect delegate decision-making to the employer in
return for a premium in the employment contract over the sales contract price. The employer,
by assumption, will in turn wish to have an employment contract as a way of purchasing dis-
cretion in decision-making. If they cannot predict which (xi…….xn) will be needed at which
time, then paying a premium for the right to choose may make sense.
This approach has influenced a range of subsequent developments in the analysis of employ-
ment contracts in economics, both for institutional economists such as Williamson and also for
those who developed principal–agent theory into a formal model of the employment rela-
tionship (Jensen and Meckling, 1976), so it is worth making a number of general points. First,
employment contracts are ubiquitous when Simon is writing, so they must have efficiency
properties, otherwise all employment would be under sales contracts. These efficiency proper-
ties fundamentally lie in the absence of transaction costs and the management of uncertainty.
Simon does not use the term transaction costs, but he is aware that the employment contract
cannot be both continuously renegotiated and efficient. Uncertainty for the employer about
the future demand for labour services carries a premium wage, and the greater the uncertainty,
the greater the premium. So it is but a short step to the argument that authority is efficient. Its
origins thus become unproblematic. Second, actors are presumed to be rational and would only
enter employment contracts where it was in their own interests. Simon explicitly refers to the
idea that an employment contract can be seen as a repeated game (1951, p. 294). They may be
boundedly rational, being unable to predict how the future (xi…… .xn) will develop, but non-
rational elements in employment contracts are not part of the model. The construction of an
employment contract is thus from the employer’s point of view similar to that of taking out an
option on a trade; since they do not know when labour service xj will be required, they pur-
chase a call option. The employee takes the present value of this option as their wage.
This approach was developed by Simon’s pupil, Williamson, who noted that some employ-
ment contracts look more like sales contracts than others. Before outlining his approach to
employment contracts, it is important to be clear about the assumptions and core concept in
his approach. Williamson is primarily concerned with two related issues: the Coaseian problem
of the comparative efficiency of firms (‘hierarchies’ in his terms) on the one hand and markets
on the other, and the efficiency properties of different types of hierarchy (Williamson, 1975,
1985).The step forward from Coase is precisely in his concern to theorise the dynamics of hier-
archy; hierarchies may themselves differ in efficiency depending on the choice and mix of con-
tractual forms with different levels of transaction costs. He assumes that firms will arise where
assets are specific to a transaction –i.e. they have lower values outside the firm than inside (this
follows from Coase).
Two further key assumptions about economic actors are important. He assumes individuals
are boundedly rational and that complete contracts are difficult to write (this too follows from
Simon). More controversially, he extends the conventional economic assumption that individ-
uals pursue self-interest to the idea that they are ‘opportunistic’ in that they pursue ‘self-interest
seeking with guile’ (1985, p. 47).
The scope of his work goes beyond employment contracts, but here we restrict our focus
to employment. He distinguishes three broad contract types. Sequential spot contracting is a
market-type transaction where employer and employee sustain no long-term commitments;
they simply exchange cash for services as the need arises. A simple example might be that
of a casually employed gardener or window cleaner paid by the householder as need arises.
A more modern example would be the use of such contracts in the ‘gig economy’, typified by
app-driven employment in firms such as Uber (Habans, 2016). However, more complex insti-
tutional structures may emerge to govern sets of spot transactions. Longshore work in a variety
of countries based on casual labour or, historically, the printing of newspapers appear to be
institutionalised forms of spot contracting (Edwards, 1990; Sisson, 1975; Willman, 1986). Day
hiring of labour in industries such as construction would be another example, as would the use
of zero hours contracts.
Williamson identifies the strengths and weaknesses of this contractual type. From the
employer perspective it has the advantage that labour does not become a fixed cost, but the
disadvantage is that the employer cannot easily develop firm-specific skills. For the employee
it allows choice of employment opportunities but has the disadvantage that all of the con-
tractual risk falls on them. It is clear that the balance of advantage depends crucially on the
supply/demand relationship. Spot contracts work well for employees where labour is, or can
be made, scarce and a key strategy of unions (or other forms of collective action) in all of the
industries above is to restrict the supply of labour and to maximise the number of bargaining
Williamson’s second type of employment contract is the contingent claims contract. In this
arrangement the parties try to write a comprehensive contract itemising every employee task
and setting a price for it. Again, there are historical examples. The making of shoes in the UK
and USA was for many years based on extensive price lists for components such as soles and
heels in which the cost of labour was included (Commons, 1909; Willman, 1986). The advan-
tage for both employer and employee is reduction in uncertainty, and the problem for both is
bounded rationality.Where events arise not covered in the comprehensive contract the haggling
and thus transaction costs will emerge.
Williamson thus falls back on Simon’s original idea (see also Simon 1991) of an authority
relationship as having the most robust efficiency properties, and the example he relies heavily
upon is Doeringer and Piore’s (1971) ‘enterprise market’ –i.e. an internal labour market.
Williamson (1975) describes it as an authority relationship with many contingencies spelt out.
He emphasises several characteristics with efficiency properties: internal promotion ladders
encourage the development of firm-specific skills; pay rates attached to jobs and a regularised
promotion system lower the requirement to monitor employees intensively; job security
encourages employee co-operation; and agreed procedures reduce haggling. In this contractual
form, labour becomes a fixed cost and the employer bears much of the contractual risk (upside
and downside) in return for a reduction in transaction costs.
One might find it ironic that such institutionalised forms of labour management arguably
began to disappear in the USA just about the time Williamson wrote about their efficiency
properties. However, there are two features of his analysis of ER that have enduring interest, not
least because they embody major differences between economic approaches to employment
relationships and those grounded in sociology or politics. They concern the outcome variables
of efficient employment contracts, i.e. the avoidance of opportunism and the generation of con-
summate co-operation.
Opportunism –‘self-interest seeking with guile’ –is an assumption about individual behav-
iour in contract negotiations, but in the analysis of employment contracts it emerges as a prop-
erty exclusively of seller (i.e. employee) behaviour. The institutions of contractual governance
are efficient to the extent that they control employee opportunistic behaviour such as deliberate
underperformance or fraud. Employers (buyers) are assumed to be immune to opportunism
(Willman, 1982). Consummate co-operation is defined as ‘an affirmative job attitude –to
include the use of judgement, filling gaps and taking initiative’, contrasted with perfunctory
1. Authority of the employer is an assumption, not a variable. The Coaseian roots of the idea
of authority in hierarchy as a source of efficiency means that its legitimacy is not questioned
and its objectives are unexamined. Challenges to employer authority show up as transaction
costs and thus efficiency losses. Most ER scholars regard power and authority as central
to the analysis of employment contracts, and thus see economic approaches that sideline
them as incomplete at best and biased towards the employer at worst (e.g. Edwards, 1990;
Nolan 2012).
2. Efficiency is defined in terms of the appropriation of all economic rent by the employer.
Appropriation of such rents by the employee is opportunism, and opportunism is seen as
a property only of seller (employee) not buyer (employer) behaviour (Willman, 1982). The
subsequent use of such rents is exogenous to the model of the employment contract.
3. The central problem of employment contracts is thus employee behaviour, specifically the
avoidance of opportunism and perfunctory co-operation, and elimination of these undesir-
able outcomes, is a function of contract design.
It should be noted that developments in principal–agent theory share these features. Principals
are risk-neutral and rational; agents are risk-averse and prone to generating information asym-
metries. Those selecting agents must beware moral hazard and adverse selection. Management
of agents involves a mix of monitoring and incentives and the design of this mix generates
the desirable employee (agent) behaviours. As I have argued elsewhere, principal–agent theory
is essentially a Taylorist approach to ER based on close monitoring and financial rewards
(Willman, 2014, pp. 37–48).
of doing so exceed the costs. The costs may be monetary (e.g. union subscriptions) and non-
monetary (e.g. time involved). The central problem here is that for Olson, where collective
action only produces public goods, free riding is more profitable than collective action. This is
because a public good is one whose benefits are available to all, regardless of whether they have
incurred the associated costs.Therefore, for Olson, private goods –restricted to those who have
incurred costs –are essential if we are to avoid having a situation where everyone would benefit
from the provision of public goods but there is no individual incentive for co-operation. He
uses the term selective incentive to refer to private goods, and the term special condition to refer to
forms of coercion or compulsion to compel individuals to engage in collective action.
Let us put all this into the language of ER. In this view, unions cannot only engage in col-
lective bargaining, since typically the benefits of collective bargaining are a public good; non-
members usually get the union-negotiated wage increase. They must provide private goods,
typically individual benefits such as insurance or representation for individuals in disciplinary
and grievance procedures. Where possible they will seek to make union membership compul-
sory by collective agreement, or encourage employers to advocate or facilitate union mem-
bership (for example by offering to deduct union subscriptions from salary). Much evidence
indicates that unions, in the UK at least, do all of these things (e.g. Pencavel, 1971; Willman
et al., 1993). Olson’s analysis indicates how unions try to solve first-and second-order collective
action problems; the first-order problem is how to overcome free riding to encourage member-
ship growth, and the second is how to run collective action organisations so that the benefits to
members are greater than the costs incurred (Willman, 2004; Willman et al., 2016).
There are two major problems with the Olson approach that have attracted the attention of
ER researchers, however; the first is logical, the second empirical. As Elster (1989, p. 64) initially
noted, the logical problem is that the union has to already exist in order to apply the selective
incentives and special conditions that cause it to exist. The empirical objection (see Crouch,
1982; Kelly, 1998) is that there appears to be no good fit between historically observed bouts
of union membership growth and the existence of special conditions. Partly as a result of these
criticisms, the ER field has been influenced rather more by an approach to collective action that
emphasises its efficiency consequences.
Hirschman (1970) was not initially setting out to solve an ER problem, and his approach is
largely couched in terms of consumers rather than employees. Assume an organisation produces
a good or service for consumers. Assume further that these customers experience a decline in
quality of the good or service in question. The standard economic approach would say that
consumers would then switch to the outputs of another organisation, until managers of the
first organisation remedy the problem, when they might switch back. This is termed exit by
Hirschman and he argues that it may be inefficient for all parties. For the organisation, exit is
informationally inefficient; you know you are losing consumers, but it may take a long time
to find out why and even longer to get them back. For the consumers, there may be substan-
tial switching costs; in his words, consumers have loyalty – this is not irrational or affective, it
simply refers to the costs of exit versus the alternative, which he terms voice. Voice involves con-
sumers complaining directly to management about the quality decline, and doing so collectively.
Managers get information and the consumer avoids the costs of switching.The reader may wish
to think about what happens when an Apple product has a defect in order to assess how useful
this approach is in understanding product market behaviour; switching away from your new
iPhone means switching other products and services as well.
The approach has been applied successfully in the ER field, however, notably by Freeman
and Medoff (1984) to explain aspects of unionisation and, particularly, voice. We discuss this in
detail in the next section, but here we focus on the fact that Hirschman has, without particularly
focusing on it, solved a number of the ‘Olson’ problems about collective action, and we close
this section by summarising them.
Olson asserts that setting up collective action organisations is difficult and costly. Hirschman
deals with this in three broad ways. First, he introduces the idea of switching costs. Where sunk
costs of collective action are high, it may nonetheless be the case that switching costs are higher.
To fall back on Williamson’s language, the assets of both employer and employee may be so
specific to the employment contract that both can bear the costs of employee collective action
in order to sustain the contract. This leads to the second point, that the calculation of the costs
and benefits of collective action is not put simply from the point of view of the individual
considering union membership. The avoidance of costly employee exit may be worth invest-
ment by employers, shareholders and even consumers in voice mechanisms that would prevent
it. Third, he sidesteps the free rider problem central to Olson’s analysis simply by allowing
that individuals have different utility functions in considering collective action. Specifically, he
assumes that there exists a subset of consumers (and by extension, employees) for whom the
benefits of collective action are not the financial returns minus the costs but the sum of the two.
These individuals are the activists who promote collective action for returns calculated in terms
of both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.
Hirschman’s approach has been influential in the ER field but it is not without its critics.
Several point to the difference between the consumer market roots of the approach and the
hierarchical realities of employment contracts (e.g. Allen, 2014), suggesting that there are such
fundamental differences that the model is inapplicable. Others have suggested that the exit,
voice and loyalty categories are too simple, adding others, notably the idea of employee delib-
erate ‘neglect’ as a response to any deteriorating employment situation (e.g. Farrell, 1983). But
the main issues concern the scope of the term ‘voice’, which has a restrictive and remedial effi-
ciency function for Hirschman, but a much broader set of interpretations in the ER field. We
turn to it next.
One of the most influential books of the past 30 years in employment relations is by two labour
economists, Freeman and Medoff (1984). It is remarkable in a number of ways. First, it is deriva-
tive, in that it simply applies Hirschman’s insights to the labour market. Second, it uses only a
US data set but makes veridical claims about general relationships. Third, it assumes, without
explicit justification, that unions are the most effective form of collective voice. However, it is
highly cited and highly influential (Blanchflower and Bryson, 2004) and has defined the eco-
nomic approach to voice within ER. In the book’s title, the authors ask the question What Do
Unions Do? However, they are not concerned with union activity itself but with its impact, on
wages and the general performance of the economy. So the focus is not on unions per se, but on
the impact of their presence in the firm on two key dependent variables, wages and productivity.
In their transaction costs approach, the net effect of unionisation is an empirical question
that essentially consists of netting off the benefits of unionisation from the known costs. The
known costs are monopoly wage gains and restrictive work rules. The key benefit is voice,
which has simple Hirschman qualities of reduced exit and reduced information asymmetry. Let
us look at each in turn. The conventional economic assumption underlying monopoly wage
gains is that they should lead to reduced employment levels through the incentive to substitute
capital for labour.The higher rates should also attract better quality labour (unless everyone else
is doing the same). The approach does not deal directly with variation between firms in the
extent to which capital might effectively displace labour nor the variable cost of capital. Unions
naturally respond to this substitution effect either by opposing technical changes or by retaining
prior employment levels in the face of technical change (Willman, 1986). The model contains
no variables that might estimate the ability of unions to do so; supply/demand considerations
do not really enter into it. The voice variable is in fact an interaction. It depends on the ability
of employees to organise voice and the receptiveness of management to the information voice
produces. For both of these reasons, it is probably not best conceptualised purely in terms of
union activity. Since its effectiveness depends on management reception of its outputs, any form
of voice that does not have to offset the imposition of restrictive work rules is likely to be more
efficient in Hirschman terms.
However, from a field perspective, the approach has undoubted benefits.The list below is not
intended to be exhaustive:
1. It stresses that the impact of unions on the dependent variable, productivity, is an empirical
question –not an assumption. The unit of analysis for consideration of this question is the
firm or the establishment.
2. The balance between pursuit of wage gains and restrictive work rules puts emphasis on the
objective function of unions by focusing on the wage/employment trade off. Unions may
seek to maximise the level of employment, or seek higher wages for a smaller number of
employee members (Dunlop, 1944; Ross, 1948).
3. The balance between voice benefits and other costs depends on the extent of managerial
responsiveness to voice. This is thus a more sophisticated version of the ‘you get the union
you deserve’ argument, placing emphasis squarely on the effective management of the trade-
offs in the model.
4. By extension, it defines the set of firms in which the net impact of unions on productivity
can be positive. Where there are few opportunities for capital investment, where unions can
impose restrictive work rules and where management ‘quality’ (as they define it) is poor, the
impact of unions on the dependent variable will be negative (Willman, 2014, pp. 55–56).
What this approach does not do is examine the different mechanisms of voice in terms of
their effects on productivity. This is more fully dealt with elsewhere in Chapter 16. The key
point to make here is that because Freeman and Medoff assume that effective collective voice
equates to union activity, two important issues are under-investigated. The first is the employer
interest in voice promotion; there is substantial UK evidence that as union coverage declined
employers invested substantially in other voice mechanisms (Budd et al., 2010; Gomez et al.,
2010).The second is that there is evidence from the same data sets that employer-initiated voice
mechanisms have efficiency advantages over unionised ones (Bryson et al., 2013).
The significance of employer investment in voice for an economist is that it emphasises the
efficiency properties of voice for organisational performance. Many ER academics might look
at employer-sponsored voice in terms of power and legitimacy. It might be seen as offering
lower levels of representation and protection for employees than independent trade unionism.
The Hirschman approach, as we have seen, sees its efficiency properties in terms of its ability to
address an information asymmetry problem that adversely affects firm performance.The signifi-
cance of any performance advantages of non-union voice is that it simply reflects the trade-offs
in a make or buy decision. Firms may make voice mechanisms themselves in order to reap their
benefits (non-union voice) or they may buy them (from a union).
A final point to make is that the idea of ‘voice’ within the ER field has developed beyond the
economic view of it as an efficient alternative to exit as a reducer of information asymmetry. In
the field, employee voice is studied for its effects inter alia on employee affective states such as
job satisfaction and organisational commitment, and thus engages with debates within organ-
isational psychology, and it is also related to issues concerning statutory rights within the work-
place, and thus engages with the concerns of legal scholars. The impact of voice mechanisms
on managerial behaviour represents only a fragment of these broader debates (see Wilkinson
et al., 2014).
This chapter has tried to show the interplay between the field of employment relations and the
discipline of economics. Neither is homogeneous; we have tried to proceed by showing how
the two address problems that are seen as interesting from both perspectives, which has naturally
led to a rather selective view of the concerns of both discipline and field. In ER, there are many
who would see economics as secondary to sociology, politics and law, and in economics there
are still those in denial about the existence of firms. So, in conclusion, we focus on differences
between those in the field who think economics is relevant and those in economics who think
the employment contract is distinctive.
The key distinction is, in fact, quite fundamental and conceptual. Even those in economics
who acknowledge the distinctiveness of employment contracts feel that efficiency drives organ-
isational outcomes and they do not focus on power. There is of course not space here to
discuss how power might be conceptualised, but there are no mainstream economic models
that deal with this, however defined. In Simon, Williamson, and agency theory the Coaseian
assumption that the exercise of what they term authority rests with the employer is an unexam-
ined assumption, not an empirically investigated variable, except in the very limited sense that
it generates information asymmetry problems that need to be resolved.
This impacts on how economists deal with the silences in the employment contract, and
again the base assumption is that the most efficient conflict resolution mechanism should pre-
vail. Collective action and voice work to the extent that they improve firm performance. If they
do not or, more realistically, more parsimonious collective action or voice mechanisms emerge,
they will outcompete existing rivals. At the risk of labouring the point, it is worth emphasising
the institutional agnosticism of economic approaches. Effective voice is whatever generates the
best efficiency (productivity) outcome, normally measured as some return to the firm, rather
than employees. This leads to a further point, which is that economic models make employee
behaviour endemically problematic, but employer behaviour operates by assumption.
In closure, we focus on likely future relations between discipline and field. As readers will
see from the dating of many economic references in this chapter, the high point of institu-
tional economics appears to have passed and developments in personnel and organisational
economics that focus on the same subject matter as ER operate with very different methods
and assumptions. Their tendency to regard an organisation as an inferior substitute to a market,
existing only where a market cannot work, tends to two inclinations. The first is to view the
organisation as a nexus of constrained contracts that should operate as much like a market as
possible. The second is to work out how the constraints on market operation can be removed
to make the organisation dissolve into a market.
The growing field of personnel economics in particular is one that analyses some of the
core activities of ER but uses economic and mathematical approaches to model outcomes.
Lazear and Oyer (2013, pp. 479–481) for example, identify the scope of personnel economics as
“focused on five aspects of employment relationships –incentives, matching firms to workers,
compensation, skill development and the organisation of work”. This set of issues is clearly part
of the ER field, but they also identify its objective as “to describe how human resource practices
More Capital
Per Labor Hour
Wage Gains
Beer Quality Labor
“Featherbedding” (-)
Restricve (Higher
Unionism Producvity
Work Rules Employment
Than Needed)
Lower Quit Rates
Voice/Response More Raonal,
Interacon Professional
can best address employers’ goals”. Collective action, power and authority relationships, conflict
and bargaining take second stage where one seeks to optimise firm performance without a more
pluralist analysis of the interests of other stakeholders. This pluralism has been a feature of the
ER field since its origins, and it has only effectively engaged with economists who share it. An
optimist might anticipate a return by economists to the classical concerns of political economy,
in which employment contracts and their governance were central to an understanding of
economic performance. A pessimist might point to the current contents of economic journals.
1 We use the two terms consistently throughout. ‘Discipline’ refers to economics; ‘field’ refers to employ-
ment relations. These terms are simply categorical, with no intended implications about the relative
2 We use the two terms consistently throughout. ‘Discipline’ refers to economics; ‘field’ refers to employ-
ment relations. These terms are simply categorical, with no intended implications about the relative
3 The references for the following paragraphs on the Webbs and Commons are listed in the reference list.
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Michael Doherty1
For many lawyers, the only perspective on employment relations (ER) that really matters is that
gleaned through focusing on laws and legal mechanisms, the means by which rules and direct-
ives are made, by some authority, to direct behaviour and sanction deviance from established
norms. Of course, as will be evident from other chapters in this section, and throughout the
volume, it is clearly not only by looking at traditional legal instruments (such as constitu-
tional provisions, presidential decrees, court decisions or acts of parliament) that we can under-
stand the complexity of the employment relationship and how it is organised and controlled.
Nonetheless, the law and the legal lens remain crucial to understanding employment regulation,
and this chapter discusses how the law frames and interacts with other regulatory aspects of ER.
There are, of course, significant variations in laws, and legal systems, throughout the world. The
purpose of the chapter, therefore, is not to focus on specific laws themselves, but rather on the
issues and challenges of the legal regulation of ER that appear, albeit to varying extents, in all
First, the chapter looks at the role, and purpose, of the law in ER, tracing changing
conceptions of these over time. Secondly, the chapter looks at the sources from which
legal regulation of ER derives, considering the role of both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ laws. The next
section looks at one of the most controversial aspects of the legal regulation of ER: the scope
and coverage of labour laws. At whom are such laws directed, who is excluded from their
scope and what is the rationale for the legal regulation of particular actors, notably workers’
representatives? The penultimate section considers the critical issue of compliance with, and
enforcement of, labour laws. Here, the notion of the ‘autonomous nature’ of labour law is
considered. The concluding section looks at some current and future challenges for the legal
regulation of the employment relationship.
For Kahn-Freund, these characteristics were particularly true of the world of work, leading him
to proclaim that:
[t]he main object of labour law has always been, and we venture to say, will always be,
to be a countervailing force to counteract the inequality of bargaining power which is
inherent and must be inherent in the employment relationship.
(Kahn-Freund, 1977, p. 17)
In a similar vein, Davis wrote that labour law’s fundamental premise is “that it provides a frame-
work within which workers can build a countervailing power to that of management” (Davis,
2002, p. 160). For much of the twentieth century, this perspective, that labour law should be
defined by reference to its protective function, was the dominant one amongst labour law scholars
(Creighton and Stewart, 2016; Wedderburn, 1965). Therefore, laws regulating ER should focus
on protecting workers from unjust, unfair or exploitative treatment by employers. This could
be by means of creating individual labour rights for workers, or permitting and/or encour-
aging collective representation of workers’ interests, generally via trade unions, which would
redress some or all of the power imbalances involved in negotiating terms and conditions of
By the late twentieth century, however, the dominance of the protective perspective came to
be questioned. Across most of the globe, trade union density and collective bargaining coverage
has been dropping over the past 30 years, accompanied by a corresponding decline in industrial
action, prompting some to identify a new ‘individualism’ amongst workers, which encompasses
an ideological rejection of collective organisation and action (Beck, 2000; cf. Kelly, 1998).
A range of social theorists have argued that work plays a much-diminished role in the contem-
porary life experience (Bauman, 1998; Beck, 2000, 1992; Sennett, 1998), with the emergence of
a ‘consumer society’ in which work has lost its “privileged position as an axis around which all
other efforts at self-constitution and identity-building rotate” (Bauman, 1998, p. 32). Moreover,
it has been argued, the old ‘top-down’ logic of Taylorist management control has been turned
on its head, with an increasingly well-educated workforce afforded a level of autonomy at work
unthinkable in the era of the ‘Fordist’ model (Castells, 2004).
In terms of labour law, scholars have argued that the changed political landscape, and:
in particular, the acceptance across party political divides of a market logic forcefully
resistant to regulatory “interference” appeared to render futile any attempt to remain
tied to old notions of labour law as state intervention to guarantee fair terms and
conditions of employment.
(Dukes, 2014, p. 2)
Attention has, therefore, focused increasingly on the interaction between labour law and labour
markets, and the impact of legal regulation on competitiveness, flexibility and labour market
access (Davies and Freedland, 2007; Deakin and Wilkinson, 2005). For Deakin and Wilkinson,
the key question to be addressed is “what kind of normative or regulatory framework is needed
in order for labour markets to function in the interests of a range of societal goals, of which
efficiency is one?” (2005, p. 277). This approach requires labour law to extend beyond its trad-
itional protective function, and become the “means for providing the institutional framework
and mechanisms for redressing the deficiencies of markets for labour, and for promoting goals
of flexibility and competitiveness in a socially sustainable way” (Frazer, 2008, p. 23; see also,
Collins, 2001).
Of course, it is important to point out that for most scholars the protective function of labour
law has never become irrelevant. For Dickens, worker protection was not to be promoted only as
a good thing in itself, but could be “re-conceptualised as being about citizenship and individual
rights in the workplace, and as a way of combating social exclusion” (2004, p. 607). Similarly,
much literature focuses on the role of law in protecting workers from systematic market failures,
such as asymmetric information and the problem of negative externalities (Deakin, 2001).
Guy Davidov (2016), in reviewing labour law literature and legislation in Israel, the UK and
the USA, has outlined a number of the ‘goals’ of labour law. These include:
• D emocracy, which can be understood as encompassing both ‘voice’ at work, and the fact that
organisational decisions can be reached on the basis of compromise (via collective bargaining,
for example); see Chapters 14 and 15 of this volume
• Redistribution of power, resources and risk, for example, via minimum wage laws or laws
protecting against unjust dismissal
• Dignity, respect for which is crucial, given the economic, social and psychological import-
ance of work; and social inclusion/citizenship, given that the workplace is a major forum of
civil society
• Stability and security, which are not related only to job security, but also to all other
arrangements that might render working life insecure or unstable (e.g. certain types of con-
tractual arrangements or organisation of working time); this goal applies at the level of the
individual, but also at the macro-economic level (the ability of economic systems to weather
shocks and downturns)
• Efficiency: as noted above, labour law can contribute to the correction of market failures,
and to improving both the competitiveness of organisations and national economies
• Social equality, which encompasses many of the ideas inherent in conceptions of workplace
dignity and social inclusion, but also focuses on inequalities outside of the workplace and
on the breaking of hierarchies between social classes; employment standards relating to free
speech, privacy and whistleblowing operate to illustrate this argument.
Davidov is clear that these different goals have no claim to exclusivity: “in most cases different
goals (or articulations) can live side by side with each other” (2016, p. 55).2 Which goals are
prioritised in a given place and time will depend, of course, on a range of normative, political,
economic and social factors. It is also important to recognise the possibility of conflict between
different areas of law in the pursuit of particular goals. A good illustration of this is the potential
conflict between the efficiency goal of labour law and that of competition/antitrust law. Laws
promoting collective bargaining, for example, might be justified by the need to remedy the
structural imbalance and asymmetries of labour markets, as most workers do not have any alter-
native to earning their main income on the labour market; if wages fall below a certain level,
they simply expand supply (e.g. by taking up another occupation or working overtime). A col-
lective bargaining process is based on combining employees in order to alleviate the pressure
to undercut the price of each other’s labour (Novitz, 2015). However, competition/antitrust
rules, at their core, prohibit cartels or agreements between undertakings that distort compe-
tition. These rules clearly conflict with the right to conclude binding collective agreements
(often referred to as ‘wage cartels’), the purpose of which is to set prices (wages). Therefore,
courts and legislatures must grapple with ways of resolving such a conflict. Some solutions are
to exclude collective agreements from the scope of competition/antitrust laws altogether; to
exclude such agreements only if they fulfil certain objectives (e.g. directly contribute to the
improvement of working conditions); or to restrict or prohibit binding collective agreements
(see, for discussion, De Stefano, 2016). Other similar issues of conflict might arise, for example,
between laws relating to corporate governance and laws promoting voice (e.g. board-level
representation for employees).
2012, p. 658). However, below the level of constitutional principles, national legal systems vary
significantly in how they regulate labour rights. Botero et al. (2004) point to the legal origins
(common or civil law) of a given country’s legal system as being a major factor in its approach
to regulating the economy: “countries in different legal traditions utilise different institutional
technologies for social control of business … common law countries tend to rely more on
markets and contracts, and civil law (and socialist) countries on regulation (and state owner-
ship)” (2004, p. 1345).4
In the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ systems (e.g. the UK, USA, Australia), labour legislation generally
provides a minimum ‘floor of rights’; the adversarial common law system places a significant
emphasis on judicial decision-making, and collective agreements tend not to be legally binding
(but, rather, morally binding only on the parties to such agreements). By contrast, in the rela-
tively highly regulated civil law systems of continental Europe (e.g. France, Germany) and some
parts of Latin America (e.g. Argentina), and in ‘mixed systems’ such as the Chinese or Japanese
legal systems, there tend to be more all-encompassing labour codes and statutory texts; com-
paratively less weight, in civil law systems, is accorded to court decisions as a source of law,
and extensive mechanisms exist for the erga omnes extension of sectoral collective agreements
to cover all employers and workers in that sector (including those not directly party to the
agreements).The ‘Nordic’ civil law model of Sweden and Denmark tends to fall somewhere in-
between; there is comprehensive regulation of the labour market, but much of this is based on
voluntary co-operation and the conclusion of collective agreements between strong associations
of employers and trade unions (Teague, 2001). Lastly, in mixed systems where religious law is
prominent, labour rights will be heavily influenced by the tenets of the faith in question (e.g.
Muslim law in countries like Pakistan and Sudan, or Jewish and Muslim Law in Israel).
Outside of the common/civil/mixed legal system classification, judicial decision-making is
often analysed with a view to describing whether a given court can be described as ‘activist’.
There is no universally accepted definition of ‘judicial activism’ (Sherry, 2014), but aspects gen-
erally involve the extent to which courts are prepared to strike down laws passed by elected
representatives, and/or the extent to which they are willing to develop, or expand, the bare text
of legal instruments. The CJEU, for example, is often described as ‘activist’ for the expansive
manner in which it has interpreted some key employment rights, such as the right to equal pay
between men and women (Case 149/77 Defrenne [1978] ECR 136) and paid annual leave (Case
C-350/06 Schultz-Hoff ECLI:EU:C:2009:18; for a contrary view, however, see Grimmel, 2014).
This account is necessarily somewhat stylised, and legal systems are constantly evolving (for
a criticism of the ‘legal origins’ approach, see Deakin et al., 2007). Nonetheless, we can still
conclude that significant national variations in the legal regulation of ER persist, and manifest
most significantly in terms of the scope and nature of labour rights legislation, the role of the
judiciary and the legal effects of collective agreements. However, it remains the case that in vir-
tually all jurisdictions states regulate individual ER on the basis of an obligatory contract, the
employment contract. We will return to this issue below.
by statutory bodies (for example, in the UK, the Advisory Conciliation and Advisory Service,
ACAS) or by tax or social security authorities, which are not legally binding in themselves,
can become quasi-legal sources if they are utilised in aiding courts and tribunals to come to
decisions in cases before them.
Some labour scholars have focused in relatively recent times on the idea of ‘reflexive’ labour
law (Rogowski, 2013; Rogowski and Wilthagen, 1994). Ashiogbor (2015, p. 125) refers to the
‘reflexive turn’ in labour law as the move from formal law (the exclusion of non-legal consid-
erations from law-making and adjudication), to substantive law (the use of law as an instrument
for purposive, goal-oriented intervention), to procedural law (where the focus is not on spe-
cifying concrete outcomes to be realised, but on laying down a procedural framework within
which substantive outcomes can be determined, autonomously, via deliberative processes).
Reflexive labour law, therefore, marks a shift away from state-centred, top-down, rule-based,
‘command and control’ regulation of the workplace. Instead, national or international standard-
setters (these could be national governments or organisations such as the ILO or EU) focus on
the provision of expertise, incentives, bench-marking and learning and the co-ordination of
best practices (ibid, pp. 125–126). It is for ‘decentred’ actors (the social partners, corporations,
regional and local authorities, civil society actors, etc.) to negotiate the optimal substantive
The advantages of reflexive law are said to be that it sidesteps the failings of traditional ‘hard’
regulation by focusing on self-regulation, participatory decision-making and local problem-
solving, leading to regulatory solutions that are more likely to be internalised and observed by
the subjects of the regulation (Rogowski, 2013). Furthermore, reflexive law is sometimes seen as
a more viable solution to the problem of regulation in the context of the variety of legal systems
outlined above. This can be easily illustrated by reference to the EU, where laws must bind 28
(at the time of writing) Member States, with their varying legal and ER traditions. However,
equally, even within states with federal political structures (e.g. the US, Canada and India), a ‘one
size fits all’ legal approach can be difficult to maintain.
Critics of the ‘reflexive turn’ in labour law have questioned whether reflexive regulation
can readily be distinguished from non-regulation or deregulation (see McCrudden, 2007,
writing in the context of the employment discrimination regime in the UK). Similarly, Streeck,
commenting on the use of reflexive regulation in EU law, notes the danger that the outcomes of
self-regulation could equate simply to market outcomes, or “results of a contingent distribution
of power” (1994, p. 171). Arthurs (2012) raises the question as to whether reflexive theorists
may unwittingly be furthering the interests of capital and the corporation, rather than those of
the worker. Davidov notes that “even the strongest supporters of reflexive law approaches would
not argue that ‘soft’ regulations should replace labour legislation setting basic standards” (2016,
p. 2; emphasis in the original); he contends that the contexts in which self-regulation can be
relied upon are bound to be relatively limited. Lastly, Ashiogbor (2015), in a sceptical account of
the ‘reflexive turn’ she outlines, reminds us that collective bargaining, hardly a product of ‘new
governance’ theories of reflexive law, itself can be understood as a form of reflexive regulation –
albeit one with long-established rules of the game and clearly delineated actors.
ways, it can be broadly stated that the “starting point for the analysis of legal obligations arising
in the context of working relations must always be the terms of any contractual arrangement”
(Collins et al., 2005, p. 70). Kahn-Freund (1977) described the contract of employment as
the cornerstone of the modern labour law system. Crucial are the questions, in law, of ‘who
is an employee?’ and ‘who is an employer?’ This is because, as Davidov et al. (2015) point out,
the approach to determining the coverage of labour law tends to be the same throughout the
world, in being defined by reference to ‘employee’ and ‘employer’ (or similar terms); being
categorised in these groups, therefore, carries important implications in terms of labour rights
and obligations. Access to a range of statutory protections (e.g. minimum wage laws, unjust dis-
missal laws, working time laws) will generally depend on an individual’s classification.
Moreover, ‘employee’ status has a range of other implications. In many legal systems, it will
set the boundaries to an individual’s access to social security systems (sick pay, unemployment
insurance, etc.) and determine their taxation status. In the common law, particular terms, not
set out explicitly in the contract, may be ‘implied’ by the courts into contracts of employment;
for example, obligations of mutual trust and confidence (Brodie, 2008). In the law of tort, the
contract of employment has been used to fix the scope of the vicarious liability of employers
for the negligent acts of employees done in the course of employment. In terms of commercial/
corporate law, employees are often granted particular rights (e.g. as ‘preferential creditors’) in the
event that their employer becomes insolvent. Finally, we have already seen possible difficulties in
the interface between collective bargaining and competition/antitrust laws. This is exacerbated
in the case of non-employees, who, as independent undertakings, will generally be forbidden
from coming to mutual arrangements over basic terms such as minimum payments as these will
likely contravene competition/antitrust laws (Daly and Doherty, 2010, p. 41–42).
Given these factors, courts and tribunals must always be alive to the possibility that it may be
in the interest of one, other or all of the parties to an employment relationship to seek to clas-
sify it as not involving a contract of employment. For example, the employer may try to evade
taking on legislative responsibilities in relation to notice or redundancy requirements, while
the worker might seek to maximise his/her tax or social security benefits. Employers may also
seek to reduce their exposure to business risks by shifting these onto the worker through, for
example, using a piece-work or performance-related remuneration system, or offering work on
a casual basis. The more risks the worker agrees to bear the less likely it will be that he/she will
be classed as an employee at all (Collins et al., 2005, p. 160).
The situation is complicated by the fact that labour legislation rarely includes guidance as
to the precise meaning of the terms ‘employee’ or ‘employer’, leaving it to courts to interpret
them and, thus, the scope of labour law. Courts around the world have essentially constructed
a standard model of rules based on a ‘binary divide’ (Deakin and Morris, 2012, chapter 3)
between employment and self-employment, between ‘subordinated labour’ (often to referred
to as ‘servants’ in the older case law) and ‘independent’ or ‘autonomous’ work relations (which
would include work done by what we might refer to nowadays as ‘independent contractors’
or ‘service providers’; Deakin, 2007). Those who fall within the former category can claim
to work under a contract of employment, while others, who work under a contract for services, fall
outside of the ‘employee’ categorisation. The historical basis for such a distinction (reflecting
the protective function of labour law) was that those in self-employment, those in business on
their own, needed less protection against unemployment, sickness and old age than those in a
‘master-servant’ relationship.
It is important to note that this ‘binary divide’ has come in for criticism in recent years,
given the increasingly differentiated organisation of contemporary working life (Deakin and
Wilkinson, 2005; Davidov, 2005; Doherty, 2009). Freedland, for example, has heavily criticised
the ‘strict legal dichotomy’ between the employed and self-employed (Freedland, 2003, p. 22).
He has powerfully advocated a conceptual shift away from the contract of employment model
to a model based on what he refers to as a “personal work nexus”. This refers to the
Thus, in relation to atypical work, laws will usually try and strike a balance between
protecting vulnerable atypical workers, and allowing –and, if necessary, promoting –flexible
work relations where this is to the benefit of the parties; we see again the interaction between
the ‘protective’ and ‘labour market’ functions of labour law.The approach the law takes, however,
generally focuses on ‘equal treatment’: that those in atypical working relationships should not
suffer less favourable terms and conditions of employment than comparable ‘standard’ workers.
Two difficulties with this approach present. First, it hinges on finding a suitable ‘comparator’,
and thus cannot address issues stemming from occupational segregation. If the entire workforce
is part-time, and has poor terms and conditions of employment, against whom can an indi-
vidual compare himself/herself? Secondly, of course, all that is required of the employer is equal
treatment; the employer is free (subject to minimum legal standards, such as minimum wage
laws, etc.) to treat all workers equally poorly, and the law will not intervene.
to potential adverse consequences of seeking representation. Again, this can take different forms,
from actively seeking to shape (or re-shape) worker preferences through information (or mis-
information!) campaigns to intimations of possible relocation, downsizing or even closure. For
workers conscious of employer hostility, the seeming unlikelihood of successfully achieving col-
lective representation rights, which is amplified where any campaign to do so is likely to take a not
inconsiderable period of time, will also be a powerful deterrent (Doherty, 2013).
Bogg (2012, drawing on the work of Thaler and Sunstein, 2008) considers the issue in terms
of ‘choice architectures’: the idea that regulatory structures can both frame the available options
for choice and shape those preferences and choices. As a result, where the regulatory structures in
place seem to indicate that a certain ‘default’ position (non-unionisation) will be unduly arduous
to move from (due to the factors outlined in the preceding paragraph), workers are more likely
to adapt their preferences to fit with the default position (the ‘status quo bias’). The non-union
default position then becomes ‘sticky’ and difficult to dislodge in the absence of ‘asymmetry-
correcting’ regulatory intervention (Sachs, 2010, p. 662). In other words, where the existing pos-
ition is that workers are well-disposed to union representation (or even neutral on the issue) but
feel that the law (or state labour market policy) makes this difficult to achieve, their disposition is
likely to change to accommodate the perceived ‘reality’ or ‘practicality’ of their situation.
In terms of collective action (which can take many forms, including strikes, work to rule,
overtime bans, etc.; see Chapter 17), Kahn-Freund and Hepple (1972, p. 12) have noted that
a strike (or a potential strike) is “an event which of necessity entails a waste of resources and
damage to the economy” yet remains by general consent an indispensable element of a demo-
cratic society. This latter statement is confirmed by the recognition of a right to strike in many
national constitutions and in international human rights treaties (Novitz, 2003), although, note
Collins et al., “its recognition is matched only by the failure of many countries to meet the full
extent of their obligations” (2012, p. 658).5 Justifications for the legal protection of the right to
strike include its character as a fundamental human right, linked with civil and political rights,
such as the right not to be subjected to forced labour (Davies, 2009). Another conception of the
right to strike is its status as an ‘industrial relations right’. In this conception, legal protection for
the right to strike is an integral aspect of the operation of an autonomous collective bargaining
system; workers must have some ‘muscle’ to back up their bargaining positions (Ewing, 2004).
Legal provisions regulating the right to strike, however, are almost universal; these generally
focus on the need for trade unions to conduct ballots of members in advance of strike action,
restrictions on the right to picket employers, and, in some jurisdictions, restrictions on the right
to strike in ‘essential services’, like health, transport or security and policing (Adell et al., 2001).
This description (which was broadly applicable to all Anglo-Saxon models) referred to a system
of employment relations essentially regulated by free collective bargaining between worker and
employer representative groups, with the role of the state confined primarily to providing a sup-
portive framework for collective bargaining, and where the “principal purpose of labour law is
to regulate, support and restrain the power of management and organised labour” (Kahn-Freund,
1977, p. 4). The implications of this were that employers and unions traditionally viewed with
disfavour labour legislation, so that collective bargaining was the key element in the functioning
of the ER system. The decline in both union density and collective bargaining coverage in
the Anglo-Saxon world, and legislative intervention, have undermined the idea of ‘collective
laissez-faire’, but collective bargaining continues (albeit generally at enterprise level), and unions
and employer groups remain relatively ‘privileged’ actors, in the sense that they are generally
consulted on the implementation, at least, of legislation affecting ER. For example, in the UK,
the domestic legislation implementing the EU Temporary Agency Workers Directive (Directive
2008/104) came into force following a social partner agreement between the Confederation of
British Industry (CBI) and the Trades Union Congress (TUC).
In other, civil law systems (see Section 3, above), of course, the social partners retain a
strongly institutionalised role in terms of collective bargaining and/or socio-economic govern-
ance at a sectoral and/or national level, whilst in ‘mixed’ systems the role of the social partners
tends to be heavily determined by the extent of state intervention in the labour market (exten-
sive in countries like China and Japan, comparatively less so in countries like South Africa, and
limited in countries like Malta or Cyprus).
At the level of the EU, the privileged status of the social partners is written into the EU
treaties. Under Article 153 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU),
Member States may entrust ‘management and labour’ at national level, with implementing EU
directives. Furthermore, before submitting proposals in the social policy field, the European
Commission (EC) must consult management and labour on the possible direction of EU
action. Under Article 155 TFEU, management and labour (at EU level) may inform the EC
of their wish to enter into dialogue, with a view to making agreements, on social policy issues.
Such agreements may then be passed into law by the EU institutions. Successfully concluded
agreements under this process, later translated into legally binding directives, have included
important measures on fixed-term work, part-time work and parental leave.
The privileged role accorded to the social partners in many legal systems is not uncon-
troversial. In some systems, where the state is the central labour market actor, social partner
organisations may be little more than extensions of the state itself (e.g. China). However, even
wholly independent social partner organisations at national, or especially regional (e.g. EU),
levels may be said to be too remote from their affiliates ‘on the ground’, and may be seen as
unable to adequately represent the inevitable diversity of interests that exist within national,
or even sectoral, organisations. Important questions of democratic legitimacy also arise when
social partners are given law-making responsibilities that are normally the preserve of elected
representatives. Key questions of which organisations and interests are to be deemed ‘represen-
tative’ (and by whom) arise; there is a danger of creating ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’, with only the
former having input into labour law regulation (see Welz, 2008, chapter 2).
some issues (e.g. contractual interpretation, or the award of compensation for personal injury)
can be approached according to general legal principles, other disputes will be more multifa-
ceted. As Collins et al. put it:
if the issue comes before a court for a legal determination of the rights and obligations
of the parties, the court is likely to become involved in complex issues of fairness and
the breakdown of informal and implicit understandings in working relations. Its inter-
vention in the dispute can easily become portrayed as a political issue, where the court
has the unappealing role of siding with either ‘the bosses’ or ‘the workers’.
2012, p. 25
The aim of dispute resolution systems in the employment sphere, therefore, is to solve disputes
as close to the workplace, and as quickly, informally and cheaply, as possible (Doherty, 2009a).
To achieve this, most legal systems tend to channel employment disputes away from the ‘regular’
courts, for example towards specialist tribunals, or tend to emphasise alternative dispute reso-
lution (ADR) methods (such as mediation, conciliation and arbitration; see Chapter 16).
The focus on ADR, in the context of individual labour disputes, is controversial. Whilst one
objective is to steer disputes away from the costs, delay and adversarial nature of a judicial, or
quasi-judicial, hearing (ibid.), concerns may arise around access to justice and power imbalances.
For example, in the USA, the Supreme Court has made clear that under the Federal Arbitration
Act an employee can be required, as a condition of employment, “to submit virtually all federal and
state statutory and common law claims to an arbitration system promulgated unilaterally by the
employer” (Finkin, 2002, p. 76; my emphasis). Furthermore, ADR systems at the workplace may
operate (or be designed) to exclude the actual, or potential, role of trade unions or other forms
of collective representation of worker interests (Dau-Schmidt, 2011).
In terms of specialist labour dispute resolution fora, Corby and Burgess (2014) undertook a
large-scale comparative study to look at how employment disputes are adjudicated across ten
countries (France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, South
Africa, Sweden and the USA). The study considers the interaction between the ‘regular’ courts,
specialised employment courts and tribunals and ADR practices, and touches on many of the
controversies that surround this area.
First, there is the issue of the extent to which non-professional judges (typically employer
and trade union nominees), which hear employment disputes in a number of jurisdictions,
can adequately grapple with complex legal concepts. A counterpoint, of course, is that such
judges can provide legitimacy (‘knowledge of the shop floor’) to employment dispute reso-
lution processes. The related issue of the role of the social partners (see above) arises here; to
what extent should employer groups and trade unions have a role in the formal adjudication of
labour law disputes?
A second issue relates to access to justice; should, for example, access to employment tribunals
be free (as in South Africa) or should a fee be imposed? Tribunal fees were introduced by the
UK Government in 2013.There followed a dramatic decline in the number of claims taken, but
whether this was due to the discouraging of ‘unmeritorious actions’ (the Government’s claim),
or simply to the fact that the cost to applicants was prohibitive, was a contested issue (Adams
and Prassl, 2017). In any case, in 2017, the UK Supreme Court ruled (in R (on the application of
UNISON) v Lord Chancellor [2017] UKSC 51) that the tribunal fees imposed were unlawful,
as they obstructed the right of access to justice in the employment sphere. Thus, again, we
see the interaction between various actors in the employment arena; the trade unions (who
pursued the court action), the state (whose policy decision to impose fees was overturned),
other ‘third-party’ actors (in this case, the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission made
submissions to the Court) and the law courts (engaged here to protect fundamental rights of
workers to access dispute resolution mechanisms).
Another key issue is the debate on to what extent procedures in labour courts or tribunals
should reflect those of the ‘regular’ courts, or to what extent should employment dispute reso-
lution fora be ‘informal’? Here, the rights of the employer to natural justice/fair procedures
(which might include taking evidence on oath, or cross-examination of witnesses) must
be balanced against the need to encourage speedy and inexpensive resolution of disputes
(Doherty, 2009a). This question is intimately bound up with the issue of access to legal
representation, and whether this might be funded by the state, and the closely related issue
of whether costs are awarded to litigants (as in Germany’s appellate Labour Court) or not (as
in Ireland).
In both areas, the role of the social partners and employment dispute resolution, the
‘autonomous’ nature of labour law is intimately bound up with the relative strength of labour
and capital. Again, the decline in trade union density in most countries means a corresponding
decline in the ability of trade unions to ‘police’ labour rights. Where trade union density
has deteriorated most significantly, a decline in collective disputes (for example, in days lost
to strike action) has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in the number of indi-
vidual employment claims being taken to labour courts and tribunals (O’Sullivan et al., 2015;
Pollert, 2005).
A decline in the social partner ‘policing’ role inevitably means more of a role for state
enforcement of labour rights, usually by labour inspectorates. Public funding for such enforce-
ment is heavily influenced by political and, especially, economic trends (Doherty, 2013, p. 381).
A key concern, also, lies in the possibility of what Ford (2016) refers to as increasing ‘collateral
attacks’ on workers’ rights. By this, Ford refers to a practice of granting workers entitlements
in law, but allowing “regulatory liberalism to triumph in fact” by placing so many financial
and procedural burdens in front of individuals seeking redress as to render the possibility of
obtaining a remedy in practice extremely unlikely (2016, p. 414).
denominator’ effect, and would be less efficient and effective than labour laws that selectively
target groups in need (see Fudge et al., 2012).
Relatedly, we may well see an increasing appeal to fundamental human rights arguments in
the context of labour law. This would move conceptions of labour law further away from their
‘autonomous’ roots (Bogg et al., 2015), and might involve Langille’s (2011) formulation envis-
aging labour law as a tool to be used to help achieve, ultimately, the “maximising of human
freedom” (2011, p. 114). At a very practical and local level, this might mean greater invocation
in labour disputes of human rights law concepts, such as the right to a fair trial in the context
of workplace disciplinary proceedings.This appeal to human rights has been questioned as, first,
being framed too abstractly (‘maximisation of human freedom’) to be of practical significance
to workers, and, secondly, as being a symptom of the labour movement’s weakness, rather than
a positive programme for the future (Doherty, 2013).
Finally, technological advances will continue to impact on the future of labour law. At least
two dimensions can be mentioned. First, the so-called gig or platform economy, whereby
service providers and end users are connected not by traditional ‘employers’ but app-based
‘platforms’, throw up significant challenges in terms of labour rights and obligations, particu-
larly where services are performed remotely. Who is the employer? Are the service providers
‘employees’? Does this model displace employment in the ‘real’ economy? Many of these issues
are not wholly novel (see debate above on the scope of the employment relationship), but may
require reconceptualising the employment relationship to ensure the protective and/or labour
market functions of labour law can be maintained (Prassl, 2017).
Secondly, the ‘digitalisation’ of the workplace creates more challenges in the management of
workers (Degryse, 2016). With the advent of smartphones, it is increasingly easy for employers
to maintain surveillance of workers, with possible implications for the latter’s private and family
life, and, indeed, for the employer’s potential vicarious liability. Equally, how valid is the regu-
lation of working hours, when workers can be ‘always on’? Again, the principles of regulation
involved here may not be new, but the approaches to dealing with technological change will
need to be carefully considered.
It is not time yet, to misquote Shakespeare, to kill all the (labour) lawyers.
1 I am very grateful to Sidar Yaylagül, University of Vienna, for her invaluable help in compiling this
2 Davidov is equally clear that the goals he identifies, and the proposals to achieve them he outlines,
cannot be equally relevant to every legal jurisdiction. He gives examples from civil law, common law
and mixed law jurisdictions, but devotes his attention to “relatively general questions –a level of gener-
alisation at which the similarities between legal systems are great, and the differences small” (2016, p. 5).
This is the approach also adopted in this chapter.
3 In an increasingly globalised world of work, transnational disputes arise more frequently, and are gen-
erally resolved by ‘conflicts of law’ rules, which establish which jurisdiction’s laws should apply to the
4 For an excellent overview of the different legal systems in the world, see the work of the JuriGlobe
research group, formed by professors from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa: www.
5 Note, too, that in countries such as Ireland and the UK, there is no ‘right’ to strike. Rather, the law
grants ‘immunities’ to those engaging in such action from being sued, or prosecuted, for the legal wrongs
that will inevitably accompany strikes (e.g. conspiracy, interference with contractual relations, etc.). The
granting of immunities is dependent upon compliance with legal formalities relating to the registration
of worker organisations, the conduct of ballots, and so on.
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Greg Patmore
There has been a long tradition of interest by industrial relations (IR), and later employment
relations (ER), scholars in history. This chapter examines what we mean by ‘history’ and aims
to indicate why historical methods are important for academics researching ER. It looks at the
early links between history and ER and concludes with a review of the extent of historical
research being undertaken by ER scholars.
What is history?
When dealing with issues in the world of work, we bring together perspectives based on the
past, present and future. There are three temporal frames of reference based on the past, pre-
sent and future: historicism, ‘presentism’ and futurism. At its worse historicism is antiquar-
ianism, which focuses on history for its own sake and denies any link to the present or future
concerns. Historians can also ignore the context in which events occur. At its best historicism
allows theory generation and testing; history helps academics understand why things happen.
For example, historians have tested and challenged Braverman’s deskilling hypothesis (Patmore,
2006b, p. 32). History also provides researchers with a long-term perspective, allowing them
to avoid the pitfalls of the snap shot. Gospel’s historical study of British employers highlighted
a long-term trend that may not necessarily have been picked up by a short-term study by
establishing that firms gradually took direct control of labour management and grew less reliant
on the internal labour market (Gospel, 1992, p. 10, 171).
History focuses on process and allows researchers to develop dynamic rather than static
theoretical frameworks. Underlying the historical approach is a critique of the static approach
taken to theorisation by the dominant social sciences such as economics and psychology.
Jacoby (1990, pp. 319–320) in his discussion of the new institutional economics notes that
orthodox economic theory is synchronic: an abstraction from reality that denies history or
place. Most theories are based on fairly simple assumptions that X influences Y and ignore the
temporal dimension. When did X occur and when did Y occur? What was the lag between
the two? X and Y could also change over time during this lag. What is the rate of change?
While X is impacting on Y, Y in the meantime could also impact on X. Mitchell and James
(2001, pp. 532–535) have suggested at least eight possible configurations of causality between
X and Y when one introduces four time periods and two other different variables that X may
have an impact on. Mitchell and James (2001, p. 537) also ask when does one measure X
or Y? If relationships are cyclical then when one measures X or Y could be crucial. You can
measure X at the peak of the season and measure Y at the trough. Theoretical perspectives
that fail to take account of a changing economic, political and social climate have limited
explanatory power.
‘Presentism’ denies the relevance of the past and claims that history, unlike the natural or social
sciences, is idiographic in that it explores details of unique and irreproducible events. It ignores
that historians can develop long-term theoretical perspectives (Mainzer, 2002, pp. 138–144).
Futurism also has its limitations. Despite sophisticated econometric models and supercomputers
it is difficult to predict the future. As physicists have noted in the world of quantum mechanics,
systems can become chaotic. There is also a ‘butterfly effect’, where the smallest local change
or event could have national and even international implications (Mainzer, 2002, p. 100). An
isolated incident of bullying at a workplace could unexpectedly cascade into a strike and gov-
ernment intervention into the workplace. Despite these divisions, however, the three temporal
frames of reference are linked.
The past and future are embedded in the present and the three fuse into a ‘flux’ in the human
mind (Jacques, 1990, p. 25). The present is traditionally represented on the time axis in which
the past and present come infinitely close. However, because time can vary due to differing psy-
chological perceptions of the passage of time, the present may flow sluggishly or elapse instant-
aneously. The past pre-conditions the present through memory, while the future is based in the
present in terms of expectations and hopes (Mainzer, 2002, pp. 127–128). Present concerns
can also shape how we see the past and the questions we can ask concerning it. Futurism can
become pure fantasy if it is not grounded in past or present experiences. As Bluedorn (2002,
p. 138) notes the past “served as metaphor for the future: deep-past metaphors for deep-future
Historical methodology can be defined in two ways. First, it can be viewed temporally.
Historical methodology is concerned with analysing the ‘past’ (Marshall and Rossman, 1989,
p. 95). It is not clear when the ‘past’ ends or the ‘present’ begins. The ‘past’ may terminate yes-
terday, five years ago or at the beginning of the last decade. Evidence drawn from the ‘past’ can
also help us understand the present.
Secondly, historical methodology has also been defined as a particular set of practices. The
traditional image of the historian is someone who visits archives and interviews elderly people.
There are claims that historical research is a craft, which involves the skills such as the ability to
weigh up evidence, compress a range of events into a single trend, hold evidence up to “a dark
Satanic light of evaluation”, fill in gaps with “innovative detective work” and critically evaluate
secondary sources (Markey, 1987, p. 7). However, these skills are not the exclusive domain of
historians, but characterise all innovative research in the social sciences. Further, defining a
distinctive historical methodology is a problem. For example, some researchers may view the
survey as a contemporary research tool. However, one innovative English historian undertook
a survey of Edwardian life by interviewing survivors of this period by the means of a quota
sample based on the 1911 UK Census (Thompson, 1975).
Although it may be difficult to distinguish between the skills and methods of the contem-
porary researcher and the historian, there are differences. Both researchers of the present and
the past use documents. However, the written word is not constant over time. Some words dis-
appear, new words are invented and other words change meaning. These problems are greater
for a historian studying the late nineteenth century than a researcher of current trade union
amalgamations. The passage of time creates particular problems for the historical researcher,
as crucial documents may be lost due to neglect or design or even faked, as in the case of
the infamous ‘Hitler diaries’. Further, while both contemporary and historical researchers use
interviews, the problem of memory is greater for historians given the longer passage of time as
well as the death of important participants (Patmore, 1998, p. 216). Consequently, the histor-
ical researcher has to weave together fragments of the ‘past’ to achieve understanding (Patmore,
1998, p. 215).
Sometimes contemporary research may not be possible on particular questions because of
the implications for an individual’s privacy and commercial considerations. Management may
be reluctant to admit its role in provoking industrial disputes or reveal divisions over important
issues. For historians passage of time may make these issues less sensitive. One particular issue
of management sensitivity is the question of labour espionage against workers and unions.
Jonathan Rees (2004), using previously confidential company records, found that Colorado
Fuel and Iron (CF&I) in the US used spies to observe union meetings and union activities
alongside its policies relating to encouraging worker voice through Employee Representation
Plans (ERP).
Historical research is not restricted to qualitative methods but can also use quantitative
methods such as regression analysis. Quantitative methods involve historians either using
databases provided by the state, companies, unions, universities and other sources or developing
new databases. Like social scientists, historians use quantitative methods in two ways. There
is formalised description, which involves tables and graphs that measure and count. A more
sophisticated approach is inferential statistics, where statistical methods such as multiple
regressions are used to test hypotheses. Historians use quantitative methods to examine issues
such as trade union growth, strikes, labour mobility and living standards.The advantage of quan-
tification is that it allows greater precision in making statements (Patmore, 1998, pp. 224–225).
There are problems, however, with developing historical databases. If the data are poor then
the outcomes of quantitative analysis will be useless. The definition of variables such as trade
union membership and strikes changes over time. Data collection procedures may also change.
Trade unions could submit their own returns concerning membership or a central statistical
agency may undertake a general survey of union membership. Whether historical researchers
rely on existing statistical data or construct their own, the problems of selectivity and bias still
apply. A focus on quantitative data also narrows our understanding of the past to the measurable
and may result in the rich detail of a particular period being ignored. There is also the problem
of quantifying concepts such as class, power and nationalism (Jarausch and Hardy, 1991, pp. 1–2;
Patmore, 1998, p. 225).
There can be different outcomes for those who rely on quantitative historical data, particu-
larly where proxies are involved, and qualitative historical data (Strauss and Whitfield, 2008,
p. 176). David Fairris (1995), in a reappraisal of US company unions using abstract industry
data, notes that company unions or ERPs were beneficial for both shopfloor safety and prod-
uctivity. Fairris (1995, p. 524) argues that these schemes “marked a definite improvement for
the worker as well as the firm” in the 1920s by reducing labour turnover, fostering worker
loyalty and allowing workers a voice in determining shopfloor conditions. Fairris’s findings,
however, clash with an unpublished internal management study of the CF&I ERP in 1924
which suggested that the economic benefits of the plan for management were disappointing.
It certainly increased ‘morale’, but did not necessarily reduce costs and increase productivity
(Patmore, 2016, p. 101). Ernest Burton (1926, p. 262) further argued in a major contem-
porary study of ERPs in the US that these schemes do not necessarily lead to greater output,
increased efficiency or improved morale. Impediments that reduced the willingness of employee
In the US and Canada academics interested in overcoming the representation gap have
explored their historical traditions, particularly in regard to ERPs prior to the outbreak of the
Second World War (Kaufman, 2000a; MacDowell, 2000). The plan formed the foundation of a
movement that spread throughout the US and covered 2,500,000 workers in various industries
by 1935. Critics condemned these plans as ‘sham organisations’ that impeded labour organ-
isation and they were outlawed in the 1935 National Labor Relations Act (Kaufman, 2000a,
pp. 22–29). Despite this, Kaufman (2000b, p. 55) claimed that ERPs were “net, a constructive
positive development for improved industrial relations”. While the willingness of these scholars
to undertake a historicist approach is welcome, one of the problems with these interpretations
is a reluctance to explore the full historical context of the ERPs, particularly at the workplace
level. At CF&I, for example, there was a long history of union avoidance activity at its Pueblo
steel plant before the adoption of the ERP (Patmore, 2007, p. 847).
continued the work of the Webbs. There was an emphasis on empirical detail and a reluctance
to incorporate unverifiable concepts –even the notion of a ‘labour movement’ (Campbell and
McIlroy, 2010, pp. 100–101; Patmore, 1990, p. 9). According to Campbell and McIlroy, many
union histories were commissioned, with some disclosing a “strong streak of antiquarianism”
and others verging “on hagiography”. One notable exception was Richard Hyman (1971),
who drew important theoretical conclusions about how unions operated from his study of
the developments of the Workers’ Union from 1898 to 1929 (Campbell and McIlroy, 2010,
pp. 100–101). According to Lyddon (2003, pp. 89–90, 113), who helped launch the journal
Historical Studies in Industrial Relations at Keele University in 1996, by the beginning of the
twenty-first century a continued tradition of problem solving among British IR academics,
which was linked to a declining role in public policy and a decline in externally provided union
education, led many industrial specialists to teach human resource management and adopt a
broader ER approach, reinforcing an ahistorical approach among British ER academics.
There was a different pattern in Australia with labour history and IR. Participants in the
Australian labour movement wrote celebratory histories of trade unions as early as 1888.
Like the USA and UK there was little interest in the labour movement in university history
departments until the 1950s. Labour historians formed the Australian Society for the Study of
Labour History in 1961 and launched the journal Labour History in 1962. Labour problems
arising from a full employment economy in the 1950s and the 1960s fuelled the growth of aca-
demic IR. Industrial relations courses commenced at the University of Sydney in 1953 and IR
academics and practitioners founded the Journal of Industrial Relations in 1959. Australian and
New Zealand IR academics formed an association in 1983, which has been holding regular
conferences on IR teaching and research since then (Patmore, 1990, p. 9).
The links between industrial relations and labour history continued in Australia (Patmore,
2010, pp. 247–248, 251), with university departments of IR developing a growing influence on
Australian labour historiography. Industrial relations in Australia was multidisciplinary, drawing
upon economics, sociology, law and history. Labour history courses were part of IR programmes.
As IR departments expanded during this period, they also employed labour historians who been
trained in history departments, for example Bradon Ellem, John Shields, Ray Markey and Lucy
Taksa. The main academic IR journals, Labour and Industry and The Journal of Industrial Relations,
published labour history. While there had been an emphasis on prescriptive policy-making, IR
scholars were increasingly interested in theoretical issues and even developing a radical political
economy of industrial relations. Industrial relations academics were to further strengthen the
interests of Australian labour history in areas such as history of the state, particularly compulsory
arbitration, employers’ associations, the labour process and comparative labour history. While IR
departments, as in other countries, have been absorbed into larger departments of management,
business and organisational studies and specific courses focusing on labour history have virtu-
ally disappeared, there are still strong links between labour history and IR, with both the major
Australian journals in these fields being edited recently in the discipline of Work and Organisational
Studies, the former Department of Industrial Relations, at the University of Sydney.
Despite the strong links between industrial relations and labour history in Australia, Lyddon
and Smith (1996) argued that since 1979 historical articles had rarely been published in the
UK IR journals or the two main US journals. A review of the Journal of Industrial Relations
(Australia), Industrial and Labor Relations Review (US) and the British Journal of Industrial Relations
(Patmore, 1998) published between 1990 and 1994 revealed that only 19 per cent used histor-
ical data –defined as pre-dating 1980. Industrial relations scholars engaged in historical research
prefer quantitative methods. Of these 19 per cent the overwhelming majority of the historical
articles in the Review and the BJIR employed quantitative data –90 per cent and 62 per cent
respectively. Examples include Boal’s (1990) study of unionism and productivity in West Virginia
coal mining during the 1920s and the study of British coal mining strikes by Church and his
colleagues (1990). This highlighted the influence of labour economists within IR and reflected
a general trend in IR towards quantitative methods, though this preference varied across coun-
tries: British and US industrial relations academics appeared reluctant to draw upon qualitative
historical methods. Exceptions include Cobble’s (1991) study of waitress unionism, which used
both documentary and oral sources. By contrast approximately 75 per cent of the historical
articles in the Australian journal employed qualitative techniques, a notable example being
Sheridan’s (1994) study of waterside workers.
What is the current situation? The three journals above are again reviewed for 2010–2014
with historical data redefined as pre-dating 2000 and a total of 543 articles. On the surface there
has been surge in the proportion of articles using historical data: 34 per cent. Of these articles
69 per cent used quantitative methods, with 92 per cent of the historical articles in the US
journal and 64 per cent in the UK journal using quantitative methods. The growth of quanti-
tative methods is fuelled by the increasing availability of published longitudinal data obtained
through various agencies, including the US Census, the US National Longitude Survey of
Youth, which commenced in 1979, and the British Household Panel Survey, which began in
1991. Other important sources of these data include AWIRS,WES and Workplace Employment
Relations in Australia, Canada and the UK respectively (Strauss and Whitfield, 2008, pp. 175–
176). Examples of this sort of approach include use of data from the British Household Panel
Survey from 1991 to 2010 to examine job satisfaction (Chongvilaivan and Powdthavee, 2014)
and the use of the 1968, 1981 and 2000 Swedish Level of Living Surveys to examine the evo-
lution of wage distribution in Sweden, comparing a period of centralised wage determination
with a more flexible period of wage determination.There are exceptions to the reliance on this
aggregate data, such as the study by Paul Deveraux and Robert Hart (2011), which examined
strike activity in British engineering from 1920 to 1970 and concluded that strike outcomes
for unions are more favourable when the strike rate is lower. They constructed a data set from
the strike records of the member companies of the Engineering Employers’ Federation in Great
Britain, which covered 10,870 company-level strike incidents within the engineering, metal
goods and automotive industries during the period examined.
By contrast the Australian journal, as in the previous period, favoured qualitative methods,
with a notable increase in the percentage of qualitative historical articles –from 75 to 97 per
cent of the total historical articles published. Examples of this approach include Cathy Brigden’s
(2012) innovative study of women leaders in the Female Confectioners’ Union in Australia
during the 1920s, which combines genealogical and archival sources and highlights women
workers’ collective strategies and the role of honorary union officials.This reflects the continued
influence of Australian labour history on Australian industrial relations, with Australian labour
historians preferring qualitative methods.
For ER scholars undertaking historical research, historical journals, particularly in the field of
labour history, remain important outlets for this research. Labor History, edited by Craig Phelan
at the University of Kingston (UK) and Gerald Friedman at the University of Massachusetts-
Amherst, has sought to return the journal to its industrial relations roots and strengthen the
links with ER scholars (Faue, 2010, p. 182). During 2013 and 2014 38 per cent of the articles
contributed to Labor History originated from academics in ER and related disciplines with a
primary focus on qualitative historical research methods. Ray Markey (2013) uses a diachronic
comparative methodology, which compares two separate historical sets of events, to examine the
Australian federal elections of 1929 and 2007, which resulted in both the defeat of the govern-
ment and the respective Prime Ministers losing their seats. Following radical labour reforms by
the respective governments, industrial relations were a major issue in both elections. Despite the
different historical contexts, he notes similarities in the drive for change in terms of product-
ivity and international competitiveness, and highlights a union pressure group style campaign
based on grassroots organising. Ralph Darlington (2014) examines the interplay between strike
waves, union growth and rank and file versus bureaucracy in Britain for the periods 1889–1890,
1910–1913 and 1919–1920. He uses a qualitative approach to reassess Gerald Friedman’s (2008)
Reigniting the Labour Movement argument for the restoration of past militant action to reignite
the contemporary labour movement, and concludes “the containment of workers and trade
unionism to capitalism is anything but a simple and automatic process, even in quiet times”.
There has been willingness by some labour history journals to broaden their focus and
examine management strategies in regard to labour that echo influences ranging from labour
process theory to human resource management (Wright, 2011). The recent decline of the trade
unions in a number of western countries has also highlighted the importance of examining the
historical experience of unorganised workplaces and forms of non-union employee representa-
tion. As noted previously Bruce Kaufman has reignited the debate in regard to non-union forms
of employee representation, particularly focusing on ERPs with several of his articles (2000b,
2015) appearing in Labor History, and similar articles (Markey and Patmore, 2009; Patmore,
2006a) on this question appearing in Labor (US) and Labour History (Australia).
The willingness of labour history journals to publish articles that focus on examining man-
agement labour strategies highlights the potential for ER academics to publish in business and
management history journals. Generally business historians in the United States have shown
little interest in labour management issues, focusing on issues such as technological change and
ownership structures (Boyce and Ville, 2002, p. 119). Alfred Chandler in The Visible Hand (1977,
p. 497) argued that “neither the labor unions or the government has taken part in carrying out
the basic functions of modern business enterprise”.While Sanford Jacoby (1985, p. 8) has argued
that Chandler’s claim is correct for essential functions of top management such as marketing or
production, he argues that this is not true for the employment sphere and that Chandler too
readily accepts the American manager’s bias that employment is a secondary corporate function.
Richard John (1997, pp. 190–191) further reinforced these concerns about The Visible Hand.
Workers made possible the economies of speed that assisted Chandler’s managerial revolution,
but also delayed productive reorganisation in order to retain control over the labour process.
They helped establish internal labour markets in large bureaucratic organisations, to increase job
security and restrict the power of foremen and subcontractors, and aided the extensive devel-
opment of corporate paternalism. In the USA the state played a role in limiting the ability of
workers to mobilise through the activities of anti-labour lawyers, judges and legislators.
Chandler (1990, p.13) later acknowledged the importance of labour management for the
industrial enterprise in Scale and Scope, his study of big business in the USA, Britain and
Germany, but excluded the discussion of it on the grounds of insufficient space in the book.
Jürgen Kokcha (1990, p. 711) also justified Chandler’s exclusion of “changing labor relations”
with the need to make the comparative study more manageable. For Germany particularly
this a significant omission given the role of works councils during the Weimar Republic in
allowing worker representatives a role in management decision-making and open access to
company information (Patmore, 2013, p. 533). Whatever the reasons for Chandler excluding
labour management, there is a current recognition within business history for the need for
greater co-operation with researchers who focus on the history of work. Lars Magnusson
(2014, p. 72) argues “it is necessary to treat both work and its processes in connection with
the historical organisation of business. To a large degree they are part of the same process of
change and transformation”.
Two examples of studies published by ER scholars in business history journals are Westcott
(2008) and Jhatial, Cornelius and Wallace (2014). Westcott provided a detailed qualitative his-
torical case study of Tooth’s & Co., a major Australian brewer, to examine how the product
market conditions faced by managers influence their labour management policies. Increasing
competition in the 1970s and poorer company performance led to a greater focus on returns,
a tightening up of labour management and removal of inconsistent practices by supervisors
in their relationships with workers. Jhatial, Cornelius and Wallace, using qualitative methods,
examine how colonial laws and administrative practices shaped the evolution of employment
management in Pakistan. They highlight how the legacies of important mechanisms established
in the period of the British Raj and the influence of clan and ethnicity in recruitment and
selection, for example, still shape ER in the country today.
Beyond journals books make an important contribution to understanding the history
of employment. Books have the advantage of providing historians, particularly qualitative
historians, with the length to explore issues over long periods and across a number of coun-
tries and to meet the elaborate archival referencing required by archives for documentary
sources. Sanford Jacoby (1985, 1997, 2005) has written several major books that allow ER
scholars to understand long-term trends such as the bureaucratisation of work and challenge
myths. Jacoby in Modern Manors reminds us of the persistence of welfare capitalism after the
Great Depression of the 1930s and that most workplaces in the USA were unorganised in
the immediate post-war period, when unions were at their peak, and that to some degree
non-union voice has always been an issue for most US workers. Howard Gospel (1992) and
Chris Wright (1995) provide important historical analyses of employer strategies for ER
over extensive periods for the UK and USA. Bruce Kaufman (2008, 2010) has re-examined
the early years of human resource management in the USA. Chris Howell (2005) challenges
the concept of voluntarism in British ER in the twentieth century by arguing that the state
played a prime role in developing the forms of ER, using “a narrative of crisis” to justify new
forms of ER.
Books on ER history do not only cover extensive periods of time but can also focus on
particular events that are ‘turning points’ in the development of ER. A good example of this is
Joseph McCartin’s study (2011) of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization strike in
1981, which he argues not only led to a long period of labour decline in the US but also was a
foretaste of the current campaigns against public sector workers in the US.
There are different temporal frames of reference based on the past, present and future. These
are historicism, presentism and futurism. Historical analysis enables one to subject ‘dominant
paradigms’ to closer scrutiny, develop dynamic as opposed to static theory and question claims
of ‘transformation’. Presentism can also be associated with historical ‘amnesia’, where ideas such
as employee participation are seen as new but have in fact been experimented with in the past.
Historicism allows us to ask the simple question of whether the conditions that led to failure in
the past are still present. As ideas such as the ‘butterfly effect’ highlight, it is extremely difficult
to predict the future. The past, present and future are linked and to deny the relevance of any
temporal dimension is problematic.
The link between historical research and employment relations established by the Webbs and
the Wisconsin School persists in ER through the growth of quantitative historical research, par-
ticularly in the USA, where the influence of labour economists and growing availability of his-
torical databases encourage this form of research. Quantitative historical research has limitations
in that it restricts researchers to the measurable and does not illuminate the processes by which
change occurs. There can also be problems with the use of proxies to cover factors that may
not be readily measurable. However, qualitative historical research persists in ER in Australia,
particularly with the continued influence of labour history there, and can be found in historical
journals such as Labor History. Business history and management history also provide another
potential area of further publication for qualitative historical study in industrial relations, with
the recognition of the need to link business history to the world of work.
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Bill Harley
Employment relations (ER) is a field that has been informed by a number of core disciplines,
each of which brings its own theoretical lens to bear on the employment relationship and
highlights particular aspects of it. The strength of sociological research on the employment
relationship is primarily that it locates its analysis of workplace issues within broader social and
economic frameworks, thereby providing a holistic model of the factors shaping, and being
shaped by, ER.
The discipline of sociology has been particularly important in informing critical analyses
of the employment relationship, which focus on power and control in capitalist production
systems. Within sociology, arguably the most significant body of work on ER is that done
within the labour process theory (LPT) tradition. This approach, based on the work of Marx
(1954) and initially developed by Braverman (1974), has come to occupy a central role, par-
ticularly in the Anglophone world, in critical understandings of work and employment. For this
reason, this chapter will focus primarily on the LPT tradition.
The first part of the chapter discusses what is distinctive about “the sociological imagin-
ation” (Mills, 1959) and why this makes the sociological lens a particularly appropriate one
through which to examine ER. Section 2 provides an overview of the LPT tradition, starting
with Braverman’s (1974) work and then considering subsequent developments. The discus-
sion is structured around key contributions of the tradition that are particularly significant for
understanding ER. In the third section, a brief discussion is provided on insights about gender
and ER that have emerged from sociological research. The final substantive section of the
chapter takes stock of the legacy that sociology has left to the field of ER.
of sociology –Durkheim, Marx and Weber –were all motivated to a significant extent by this
concern (Crompton, 2008; Grint, 1998; Thompson and Smith, 2009;Vallas, 2011). This in turn
makes it unsurprising that the field of ER has been shaped in important ways by insights from
Traces of the influence of Durkheim, Marx and Weber can be found in numerous
places in the broader literature on work and employment. For example, Durkheim’s argu-
ment that when social ties are replaced by economic ones dysfunctions arise can be seen
echoed in the work of the Human Relations School in the mid-twentieth century and
among the post-Fordists in the 1980s and 90s (Vallas, 2011, p. 420). Marx’s emphasis on
conflict has underpinned LPT and radical industrial relations scholarship more gener-
ally (e.g. Braverman, 1974; Hyman, 1975), as well as institutional analysis associated with
the French Regulation School (see Boyer, 1990). Weber’s work has also informed some
variants of LPT as well as neo-institutionalism in ER theory (Thompson and McHugh,
2003, pp. 370–374).
Employment relations as a field is multidisciplinary. It draws on a diverse range of discip-
lines, including sociology, economics, management, social psychology and law (Mueller-Jentsch,
2004). Different disciplines draw attention to different aspects of the employment relation-
ship, and it would be foolish to argue that sociology alone provides all the resources required
to understand ER, but nonetheless the sociological lens provides a way of understanding the
employment relationship that is particularly useful (see Watson and Korczynski, 2011 for a sys-
tematic discussion of the ways in which sociology has been applied to understanding work and
In The Sociological Imagination, C. Wright Mills argued that sociology was distinctive in its
ability to bring together understandings of social structures, history and the experiences of indi-
viduals within societies:
Whatever the specific problems of the classic social analysts, however limited or how-
ever broad the features of social reality they have examined, those who have been
imaginatively aware of the promise of their work have consistently asked three sorts of
(1) What is the structure of this particular society as a whole? What are its essential
components, and how are they related to one another? How does it differ from
other varieties of social order? Within it, what is the meaning of any particular fea-
ture for its continuance and for its change?
(2) Where does this society stand in human history? What are the mechanics by which
it is changing? What is its place within and its meaning for the development of
humanity as a whole? How does any particular feature we are examining affect, and
how is it affected by, the historical period in which it moves? And this period –what
are its essential features? How does it differ from other periods? What are its charac-
teristic ways of history-making?
(3) What varieties of men and women now prevail in this society and in this period?
And what varieties are coming to prevail? In what ways are they selected and
formed, liberated and repressed, made sensitive and blunted? What kinds of ‘human
nature’ are revealed in the conduct and character we observe in this society in this
period? And what is the meaning for ‘human nature’ of each and every feature of
the society we are examining?
(Mills, 1959, pp. 6–7)
Watson neatly sums up the implications of this Millsian view for what sociologists do:
This feature of sociological inquiry is what makes it so valuable for understanding ER. It allows
scholars to link levels of analysis and to explore how the daily experiences of workers are shaped
by social structures and processes that exist beyond any individual and which are more than the
aggregation of individual phenomena. At the same time, sociology apprehends the way that indi-
vidual actions can in turn shape these larger social structures and processes. It apprehends social
phenomena as being embedded in particular contexts, which shape and are shaped by them.
Thus, a sociological view of ER emphasises the interactions between human actors –not-
ably employers, managers and workers –and how these interactions are shaped by, and shape,
complex systems of institutions and social and economic forces. It recognises that the employ-
ment relationship is not just an economic one, although that is an important facet of it, but also
a social and political one (Vallas, 2011, p. 419). Moreover, it recognises that ER structures and
processes reflect the specific features of the social and economic frameworks in which they are
embedded, notably capitalism and its attendant structures, and that they change as capitalism
changes. Furthermore, changes in the structures of capitalism are influenced by workplace-level
struggles and their outcomes.This perspective allows sociologists to develop holistic accounts of
workplace relations, which include consideration of the mechanisms through which practices
emerge and operate in specific contexts.
A second important reason that sociology appears to have been influential in the field of
ER is that there is an ‘activist’ impulse in much of sociology (see Burawoy, 2004, 2008). That is,
many sociological scholars have followed the lead of Durkheim, Marx and Weber and seen their
role as being not just the analysis of society, but the attempt to intervene and improve it. This
kind of activist orientation appears to have been appealing to scholars and practitioners in ER.
This chapter does not pretend to consider all of the ways that sociology has influenced ER
(for a useful discussion of the role of different sociological schools in the field of ER during
the twentieth century, see Kaufman, 2004). Rather, the focus is on overtly critical approaches
informed by sociological theory and research. There is a particular focus on LPT, because this
is the approach that has had the most profound impact on the field, although attention is also
given to the contribution of feminist sociologists.
Historically, much of the activity of industrial relations scholars has focused on institutions,
particularly the institutions that regulate bargaining between employers and employees
(Cullinane, 2014), but also trade unions. A sociological analysis of institutions has been central
to a number of strands of research in ER. It should be noted, however, that a persistent criticism
of the labour process tradition has been that its focus on workplace phenomena, shaped by cap-
italist relations, has led scholars working within it to downplay the role of specific institutions
(Vidal and Hauptmeier, 2014). It is certainly the case that Braverman (1974) downplayed the
role of national institutional configurations and unions and assumed a certain uniformity of
outcomes of developments in the labour process. More recently, however, some scholars within
this tradition have given more attention to institutions (see Smith, 2015). Because of the relative
lack of focus on institutions in LPT and because institutions are dealt with elsewhere in this
volume (Chapters 9 and 11), they will not be a focus of the remainder of this chapter.
employment and presented a radical alternative to the utopianism of the work of contem-
porary scholars such as Daniel Bell (1973). Second, it is an exemplar of sociological analysis of
work and employment. This is because Braverman located changes in the experience of work
within a broader understanding of capitalism at a particular historical point, thus exemplifying
the Millsian view of the role of sociological analysis. Third, prior to Braverman, the study of
work and ER was fragmented and spread across different disciplines. Labor and Monopoly Capital
sought to put forward an integrated and holistic account of the nature of work under capit-
alism (see Littler and Salaman, 1982). Finally, Braverman identified two themes that continue
to be central to LPT: control and deskilling. While Braverman laid the foundations for the field
by identifying some enduring features of the capitalist labour process, his work was subject to
extensive critique and the field has shifted and become more complex and diverse over time.
Writing nearly 25 years ago, Brown observed that:
Whilst Braverman’s formulations remain important, and are likely to be referred to for
some time to come, a very much more complex and less deterministic picture of the
relations between capital and labour, and of industrial and employing organisations,
emerges from the many and diverse contributions to this debate.
(Brown, 1992, p. 188)
This statement remains true to this day, in the sense that while LPT has further developed since
the time Brown was writing, nonetheless it continues to build on the work of Braverman.While
Braverman’s work has been subjected to numerous critiques –some of which will be considered
below –there can be no doubt that his work was foundational. By arguing that the structures
of capitalism shaped the experience of work and by suggesting that control was a necessary
corollary of capitalist production, Braverman produced an insight that has profoundly shaped
LPT. Moreover, his approach had clear implications for the study of ER. From a Bravermanian
perspective, to understand the nature of the employment relationship and the institutions and
practices around it, it was necessary to understand the relationship as being inherently a con-
flictual one, in which managers sought to control and exploit labour. Further, it was necessary
to understand the employment relationship as embedded in social relations, which shaped both
its character and the need for its regulation.
this was a fundamental flaw in Braverman’s work.They suggested that, on the basis of his reading
of Marx, Braverman simply assumed that this conflictual character was a necessary and enduring
feature of the employment relationship (1982, p. 253). Others also challenged Braverman’s view
and argued that the employment relationship had a dualistic character. For example, Cressey and
McInnes (1980) argued that employers required the co-operation of workers and needed to
harness their creativity, while at the same time workers had an interest in the viability of enterprises
that paid their wages.Thus, it increasingly became accepted that the relationship between capital
and labour was not a purely conflictual one, but rather a contradictory relationship.
Perhaps the most useful and influential intervention in the debates around the nature of con-
flict was Paul Edwards’ (1990) chapter ‘Understanding Conflict in the Labour Process’. Edwards
argued that it was not enough to knock down the ‘straw man’ of Braverman’s overdeterministic
account and simply to observe that the reality was a mixture of conflict and co-operation in
which manager and workers reached accommodations with each other. Rather, it was necessary
to specify in theoretical terms the precise nature of the relationship and to explain how it was
played out in practice in the workplace. This led Edwards to characterise the employment rela-
tionship as one of ‘structured antagonism’. He summarised his argument as follows:
There is a basic conflict of interest (or, to use a more precise term…a structured
antagonism) between capital and labour. This antagonism does not determine what
happens at the level of day-to-day behaviour, but it exerts definite pressures. Workers
and employers respond to these pressures and in doing so develop traditions and
understandings that are used to interpret their relations.
(Edwards 1990, p. 126)
The significance of Edwards’ argument is that it recognised the fact that there was indeed
a necessary conflict at the heart of the employment relationship, which co-existed with the
potential for co-operation. This antagonism could not be removed, but it did not shape ER
in a deterministic way. The specific character of ER was, to this extent, autonomous, which
explained differences in ER that emerged in different times and places, in spite of the fact that
all employment relationships are at heart antagonistic.
This understanding of the employment relationship has profound implications for
understanding ER. It provides us with a way to make sense of the fact that while clearly the kind
of ‘win-win’ outcomes espoused by unitarism are nonsensical, nonetheless there are occasions
when mutual gains are possible. At the same time, this theorisation apprehends the fact that even
at the most harmonious moments in the employment relationship, there remains an inherent
conflict present. Further, this theorisation provides an understanding of the outcomes of the
employment relationship as shaped by capitalist social relations, but not determined by them.
Structured antagonism in the employment relationship is now so widely accepted among
labour process scholars that it constitutes one of the core assumptions underlying LPT
(Thompson and Harley, 2007, p. 150). It has informed numerous studies, including recent ones
that have investigated the ways in which managerial practices might simultaneously deliver
benefits to managers and employees (e.g. Belanger and Edwards, 2007; Edwards, Belanger and
Wright, 2006; Harley, Sargent and Allen, 2010).
(1982). Echoing themes from their critique of the Bravermanian conception of the employ-
ment relationship, these authors accuse him, inter alia, of assuming that control of the labour
process to extract surplus value is the only way for capitalists to generate profit, and ignoring
other factors –taxation regimes or pricing, for e xample –which are likely to influence the
performance of organisations.They argue that Braverman assumed, based on his “Marxist func-
tionalism” (Littler and Salaman, 1982, p. 256), that the focus on control which characterised
Taylorist production systems at a particular point in time was a necessary feature of all capitalist
This points to a second criticism of Braverman, which opened up very fruitful avenues for
research and theorising by subsequent labour process scholars. This was the assumption that
Taylorism was the dominant control mechanism. One line of criticism relates to deskilling.
Braverman’s deskilling thesis is a good corrective to the excessive optimism of ‘post-industrial’
and ‘post-Fordist’ scholars who predicted a generalised upskilling arising from technological
change (see Wood, 1989). Nonetheless, it suffers from shortcomings that have limited its utility
as an analytical tool. The most commonly identified limitation of the deskilling thesis is that it
is based on a simple binary distinction between pre-industrial craft production –characterised
by high levels of skill and autonomy and a unity of conception and execution –and deskilled
industrial production. Numerous critics have argued that this is simplistic and overlooks the
extent of variation in both pre-industrial and industrial eras, where patterns of work organisa-
tion and skill utilisation have varied a great deal (see Brown, 1992, p. 221).
Moreover, patterns of change in skills since Braverman’s time suggest a much more varied
set of changes than a simple trajectory towards deskilling (or upskilling, for that matter). For
example, Thompson and Harley (2007) argue that recent research has highlighted a number of
trends that confound Braverman’s predictions, with employers often requiring a wider range
of skills from employees, particularly ‘soft’ social skills, and work being intensified qualitatively
rather than quantitatively by mobilising employees’ problem-solving skills (Thompson and
McHugh, 2003, pp. 362–364).
The second line of critique relates to control mechanisms being more broadly defined.
Friedman’s (1977) work was particularly significant here. He argued that there were at least two
control strategies available to managers. The first was “direct control” of the kind discussed by
Braverman, while the second was what he called “responsible autonomy”. Put simply, he argued
that in some settings, where workers had relatively high levels of power, they would resist direct
control strategies, so a better way to harness their effort was to allow them a degree of discre-
tion and responsibility as a means to gain loyalty. Further, he argued that both strategies might
be used within the same organisation, for different groups of workers.
Others developed additional categorisations of control, notable among them being Richard
Edwards’ (1979) framework based on a historical study of control in US organisations. Edwards
proposed three forms of control. Simple control was characteristic of small, often entrepre-
neurial, firms and involved managers interacting directly and personally with staff, supervising
their work. In larger and more complex organisations, he argued, two systems could be iden-
tified: technical control involved the use of mechanised or computerised systems, with the
Fordist assembly line being a good example; bureaucratic control arose in response to the limits
of technical systems and the need for reward and disciplinary systems to control employees, and
involved the use of policies and procedures to regulate behaviour.
This is not by any means a full account of the critiques of, and alternatives to, Braverman’s
account of control. These two examples, however, are illustrative of an important point. Post-
Braverman LPT recognised that control was not the only preoccupation of managers and that
Taylorism was but one of the many possible ways in which control of labour was enacted.
Employee responses
A persistent theme in LPT has been employee responses to control strategies, most notably
employee resistance. Strangely, in spite of the amount of attention paid to employee resistance
subsequently, Braverman’s germinal work paid it scant attention. Brown observes:
…Braverman largely discounted the question of the varying willingness and ability of
workers to resist managerial control. Other writers, however, have given considerable
attention to such considerations, and it is clear that in this respect Braverman’s account
is seriously deficient.
(Brown 1992, p. 206)
This would seem to be a strange omission on Braverman’s part, given his assumptions about the
innately conflictual and exploitative nature of the employment relationship.
Later labour process scholars made resistance central to their accounts. Early contributors
include Edwards (1979) and Friedman (1977).The possibility of resistance introduces a dynamic
element into the employment relationship, in the sense that if employees resist control strategies,
then it is likely that alternative control strategies will be introduced to counter this resistance.
For example, Friedman proposed that responsible autonomy might be used in situations where
direct control led to resistance.This would suggest that specific patterns of control and resistance
are likely to develop within particular workplaces and industries through a dynamic interaction
between control and resistance.
Post-Braverman LPT, however, has pointed to the fact that resistance is not the only worker
response to control strategies. Burawoy’s (1979) germinal work on consent is particularly
noteworthy in this regard. Edwards (1986) and Edwards and Scullion (1982) pointed to the
way in which patterns of control and employee responses varied widely, with all manner of
accommodations being made on both sides, albeit within a relationship that inevitably had at
least a partial conflictual character. The work done since Braverman has led to a widespread
recognition that in fact “there is a continuum of possible, situationally driven, and overlapping
worker responses to relations of ownership and control in the workplace –from resistance to
accommodation, compliance and consent” (Thompson and Harley, 2007, p. 150).
Post-Braverman developments in theorisations of control and resistance have clear
implications for our understanding of ER. They suggest firstly that while control mechanisms
are likely to be pervasive features of workplace relations, there is likely to be variation in how
control is enacted. Second, these developments suggest that many practices aimed at eliciting
employee effort will not be simple or direct ones. Third, employee responses are likely to vary
considerably, depending on the nature of control mechanisms as well as other workplace features.
Overall, this suggests that in many settings a simple dynamic in which managers seek to exert
control and workers resist, with attendant patterns of industrial conflict, is unlikely.
field of employment relations. Sociological analysis in the LPT tradition has made distinctive
contributions, both methodological and theoretical (Thompson and Newsome, 2004).
First, critical sociologists in the labour process tradition have made a methodological con-
tribution, in the form of a focus on the workplace level of analysis and the use of qualitative
methods to explore processes and outcomes (Thompson and Newsome, 2004, p. 133). This is
not to say that there have not been quantitative studies informed by sociological theorising
(see for example: Harley, 1999; Harley, Sargent and Allen, 2010; Ramsay, Scholarios and Harley,
2000), but rather that sociologists demonstrated the value of qualitative studies as appropriate
to understand important phenomena at a workplace level. In particular, they demonstrated the
value of qualitative, often ethnographic, studies as a means to understand what goes on ‘beneath
the surface’ of institutional ER. Of course, this focus was not invented by labour process scholars
and indeed industrial sociology had a rather longer tradition of workplace studies, but nonethe-
less labour process scholars brought this approach to the centre of ER research (Thompson and
Smith, 2009, p. 916).
Second, and turning to theoretical issues, the focus of data collection at the workplace level
reflected the recognition that to understand the employment relationship and attendant phe-
nomena, it was necessary to go beyond institutions and look at what was going on in individual
workplaces. Moreover, labour process scholars brought issues of work organisation and technology
into their accounts, again going beyond institutional rules and processes (Deery, Plowman and
Walsh, 1997, p. 1.13).
Third, while focusing on workplace phenomena, labour process scholars recognised that these
phenomena could only be understood by locating them in wider social structures, most obvi-
ously capitalism, but also patriarchal societies. In this sense, sociologists sought to develop a hol-
istic theory of what happens in workplaces, embedded in social structures. This has particularly
profound implications for the field of ER. Edwards’ (1990) concept of structured antagonism
provides a powerful tool for understanding patterns of conflict and accommodation within
ER, without sliding into either the unitarist assumption that conflict can be removed from the
employment relationship or the view that there can never be any shared interests between capital
and labour.
Fourth, in seeing workplace phenomena as embedded in this way, post-Braverman LPT
appreciates that social structures shape the nature and outcome of the employment relation-
ship, but do not determine it. This characteristic of this body of theory allows it to apprehend
different patterns of relations in different contexts, without abandoning the insight that capitalist
social relations fundamentally shape them.
In taking stock of the influence of labour process theory, it would be fair to say that insights
from this tradition are now widely accepted in employment relations scholarship. In spite of
its profound and distinctive contributions, however, LPT has not displaced other disciplinary
influences in the field of ER. Much ER scholarship still focuses on institutions and formal
processes and much is informed by economics and law. Further, critical approaches in ER
are seen by some as under attack due to the growing influence of mainstream organisational
behaviour research, which is typically informed by social psychological theory and adopts a
more managerialist orientation (Barry and Wilkinson, 2016; Godard, 2014; Harley, 2015).
Looking to the future, it seems unlikely that the imprint of sociology will disappear from
the field of ER. It provides a lens that allows insights which simply are not accessible through
other disciplines. Ultimately, however, the continued influence of labour process theory will
depend on its ability to continue to evolve and to develop new insights that apprehend new
developments, while simultaneously retaining its distinctive core.
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Gail Hebson and Jill Rubery
Gender equality has increasingly become a central theme of employment relations (ER)
research.This is in itself an achievement. In 1995 one of the current authors pointed to the com-
plete absence of any reference to women or female in the indexes of core industrial relations
textbooks (Rubery and Fagan, 1995). The now commonplace inclusion of gender equality
within ER research and teaching reflects a number of developments, including, of course, the
rising number of women both in employment and as a share of trade union members. Growing
female trade union membership has partially compensated for declining male membership and
women now account for around 44 per cent of Europe’s trade union members (ETUC, 2014).
Gender equality has also emerged as a core theme and objective of trade union activity, particu-
larly in the public sector, although this varies across countries. In France equality bargaining is
now mandatory (Gregory and Milner, 2009) and UK trade unions have used European Union
(EU) law to establish or defend employment rights, with many of the key legal cases related to
women’s equality rights. Finally, but by no means least, important scholarship has contributed
to the understanding of gender within ER and the wider issue of work and employment. This
scholarship includes contributions that have primarily critiqued the lack of a gender lens, both
in industrial relations (Rubery and Fagan, 1995; Wajcman, 2000) and human resource manage-
ment (Dickens, 1998), alongside contributions that focus on how women and their interests are
being represented within trade unions and collective bargaining, through direct organisation
and representation of women (Briskin, 1999; Colgan and Ledwith, 2002; Kirton, 2015) or more
indirectly through organising on the margins or among non-standard employees (Heery and
Conley, 2007).
Notwithstanding the importance of these specific contributions, our purpose here is some-
what different again and that is to map the impact of the development of a gender lens on ER
on the fundamentals of the discipline or subject itself. Our contention is that a gender lens
has led to major changes in ER as a subject area or discipline. Four key impacts are identified.
First, a gender lens has expanded the scope of ER as a subject area; the tradition of embedding
workplace ER within product market, political and education and training institutions has been
extended to the family, welfare and gender institutional arrangements. Second, the integration
of a gender dimension has extended the traditional class-based focus on inequality and thereby
male breadwinner model women were more fully integrated into the wage labour market on
a continuing basis, supported by leave entitlements and high benefits that reduced dependency
on male partners. The outcome was not only an adult worker model where everyone was a
breadwinner but also a labour market with a high share of public sector jobs as public services
replaced some domestic unpaid labour. Wages in the Nordic systems could also be compressed
around a high minimum level, in part because state support, in the form of generous paid leave
and subsidised childcare, reduced reliance on male wages to cover wives and children’s repro-
duction costs. In contrast the German strong male breadwinner model reinforced the notion
of male breadwinner wages as women were treated primarily as dependants and disincentivised
from working as the tax system supported wives who stayed at home or worked in marginal
part-time jobs, called mini jobs, exempt from taxation. Just these two country examples illustrate
how wage systems, employment contracts and sectoral divisions between public and private
sectors, all topics at the heart of ER, cannot be understood without this expanded social repro-
duction lens. These interrelationships underline why bargaining over gender equality and issues
such as childcare or parental leave are not matters for ‘special interest groups’ (even if in this case
the group is half the population), but also address the major issues of labour market organisation.
Furthermore, while debates on varieties of welfare states and employment systems focused
on political origins and development paths, feminist contributions related historical patterns
of women’s inclusion or exclusion from wage employment to current diversities in employ-
ment arrangements. Pfau-Effinger’s (1998) comparative work on Finland, the Netherlands and
Germany thus sought to explain, inter alia, the tendency for women to work full-time in Finland
by the continuity of women’s involvement in wage activities in Finland, from agriculture to
industrial and service employment. In contrast women’s involvement in part-time work in the
other two countries reflected its use as a mechanism to draw women back into wage employ-
ment from housewife status. Likewise the high full-time employment rate of women in Portugal
is not accounted for by its welfare and family systems but by the mobilisation of women to
replace men –in employment and in family budgets –who left Portugal either on military
activities or as guest workers (Távora, 2012). These different historical contexts illuminate the
very marked differences in shares of part-time work among women across European countries
and suggest that women’s demand for part-time versus full-time work is linked to their history
of integration into or exclusion from the wage labour market. Although this work remains
largely focused on OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) coun-
tries, it has been applied to developing countries. For example, Abu Sharkh and Gough (2009)
have extended the advanced country welfare regime typologies by adding two types of family
regimes in developing countries, distinguishing between informal security regimes reliant on
community and family systems and insecurity regimes where even stable informal systems are
lacking. Where there are informal family and community-based security systems women’s inte-
gration into market work will be more conditioned by that family and community system, but
in insecurity systems women’s relationship to market work may be more individualised.
The interactions between labour demand and women’s labour supply have also been
considered through the application of Marx’s notion of women as a reserve army of labour.
This approach assumes both that women’s labour can be mobilised in times of high demand
and expelled at times of low demand, and that its availability as an alternative cheap labour
supply poses a potential threat to labour standards (Karamessini and Rubery, 2013; Rubery,
1988). This was the fear of trade unions after the two world wars and in part explains women’s
subsequent exclusion from the jobs into which they were mobilised. The extent and form of
women’s role as a reserve army of labour, however, is context-and time-specific and shaped
by patterns of gender segregation. Thus, although women may provide a flexible buffer of
employment in some contexts and sectors, gender segregation reduces the likelihood that
women would provide a flexible buffer across all segments and they may even be found in
protected segments, less affected by the downturn in demand. The balance between these two
effects varies as is illustrated by changes in the effects of the recessions of the 1970s and 1980s
and the 2008 economic crisis and subsequent austerity. Women in many European countries
had become more integrated permanently into employment and in the latter recession the
buffer role was taken on primarily by migrants and the young. Contrary to a simple reserve
army hypothesis, integration eventually becomes effectively non-reversible as the experience
of integration changes not only women’s aspirations but also consumption patterns, redu-
cing the scope for domestic labour to be an alternative to wages in family budgets, such
that integration eventually becomes effectively non-reversible (Humphries and Rubery, 1984).
Furthermore, while public sector work, which is dominated by women, protected women’s
employment in the earlier downturns and in the immediate period after the 2008 crisis, under
austerity it was public sector employment that became vulnerable to displacement or down-
grading of pay and conditions.
A third role that women may play is as a cheap labour substitute for male labour. Reskin and
Roos (1990) identified a range of sectors or occupations that in the United States moved rap-
idly from being male-to female-dominated under the influence of both changes in technology,
service or product delivery systems and the upgrading of women’s qualifications. In the pro-
cess occupations became downgraded or subdivided, with women concentrated in the bottom
rungs. Substitution is easier in the upturn when jobs are expanding even though downturns
may incentivise substitution to reduce costs. Beyond these employment effects there is also the
impact of women’s concentration in particular forms of work –such as part-time work –which
can have an impact on overall conditions in the labour market. A particular example is the pro-
vision of additional payments for working evenings or weekends. In the UK these premiums
in trades such as retail were first of all eroded through the deployment of part-time workers
who were excluded from such premiums. Eventually this led to premiums for many full-time
staff being reduced or cancelled on the grounds that they were no longer ‘competitive’ with
part-time staff (Rubery, 1998). The formation of part-time and effectively women-dominated
service sectors –for example in cleaning and catering –has also been used as a means of redu-
cing total labour costs.
These examples suggest that it is through the concentration of female labour in specific
employment forms that women’s employment can be used as a vehicle to exercise downward
competitive pressure on employment standards (ibid.). This is, therefore, less likely to occur
where women are fully integrated into wage work, have rights to retain their employment
positions over periods of childbirth through extended paid leave, and where comprehensive
collective bargaining and/or employment rights reduce the scope for undercutting employ-
ment standards. Thus the development of more inclusive and regulated labour markets may be
beneficial for both men and women and from both an ER and gender equality perspective.
These commonalities of interests need to be recognised by both feminists and ER actors. Nancy
Fraser has posited that feminists may have inadvertently fuelled the new spirit of neoliberalism,
by arguing against ‘restrictive practices’ in reproducing the male breadwinner model. However,
it is the case that trade unions have often been slow to pursue more inclusive and progressive
policies that promote the interests of women alongside those of men, such that, for example,
recent research on wages has revealed the continuing favouring of male wages in countries
such as Germany through collective agreements (Schäfer and Gottschall, 2015). It is to these
problems of how to address more than one dimension of inequality –that is both class and
gender –through the institutions and practices of ER that we now turn.
dominate black groups (Healy et al., 2004). This shift may be both a response to resource issues
and a reflection of a growing feminist preoccupation with intersectionality that is now shaping
both the subject discipline and the practices of trade unions. It remains to be seen whether such
a shift to generic equalities approaches will be able to reflect and integrate the interests of those
with multiple identities.
While debates around intersectionality have had less influence on ER research compared
with other disciplines (McBride et al., 2015), its influence is strongly evident in the debates
on gender and trade unions. Originating in the black feminist critique of white feminism,
intersectionality was a term originally used by Crenshaw (1991) to capture the distinct oppression
of black women who experienced the inequalities of both gender and ‘race’. This led the way
to an ‘intersectionally sensitive’ approach in feminist theorising that cautioned against treating
women as a homogenous group, recognised women’s heterogeneous and different interests
and considered key strands of inequality relating to gender, ethnicity, nationality, age, disability,
sexuality, religion, class and migration all to be legitimate areas of study. That said, there remains
much debate over what is intersecting, and how they intersect.
Indeed the additive approach, which is inherent in some descriptions of “double disadvan-
tage” and “multiple burdens”(Bradley, 2007), has been critiqued on the grounds that multiple
inequalities do not simply mean ‘more’ or ‘worse’ inequality but may actually change the nature
of how each inequality is experienced (Walby, Armstrong and Strid, 2012). A key problem of
‘doing intersectionality’ (Healy et al., 2011) is deciding which aspect of inequality to priori-
tise (Durbin and Conley, 2010) and which to leave out. Durbin and Conley highlight how
prioritising one strand over others is hard to avoid and show how some theorists openly pri-
oritise one form of inequality over another (for example they highlight Acker’s (2006) priori-
tisation of class in her inequality regimes approach while Collins (2000) prioritises race). This
issue of prioritisation is particularly pertinent in the ER context, where class has been openly
pursued as the most important strand of inequality to address in both research and practice.
Feminist scholars and women trade unionists are introducing competing priorities but research
shows these need not always be contentious. Healy and Kirton (2000), in their comparison of
US and UK women union leaders, found that while their class union identity was prioritised,
gender and class identities could coexist. Durbin and Conley’s (2010) realistic appraisal that
“perhaps intersectionality is not the panacea some thought it might be but it does represent a
key departure from analyses solely based on gender or class” (p. 198) is particularly relevant for
ER. A gender lens influenced by ‘intersectional sensitivity’ has paved the way for research on
multiple dimensions of inequality and included groups previously marginalised in ER research
and institutions. This can be seen clearly in research focused on ethnicity and ethnic women’s
union participation, which shows how community activism can shape union activism and how
family life and religious obligations are central to the working lives of both ethnic minority men
and women (Kirton, 2010). Intersectionality has also provided a way to explore social divisions
across the life course as age inequalities intersect with other inequalities to shape employment
opportunities (Moore, 2009). The recognition of these intersections has come from a gen-
dered lens and goes beyond Wacjman’s (2000) call for an analysis of the gendered character of
work and institutions for both men and women. Now, it is often the intersections with other
forms of inequalities that shape how ER scholars use a gender lens to analyse gendered work
and institutions.Yet in other regards ER as a discipline has failed to make progress, particularly
in relation to how a gendered analysis is useful for its study of men. Wacjman noted that “it is
women who are marked as ‘gendered’, the ones who are different” (p. 184) and Briskin (2006)
also notes men remain “ungendered” in ER. We will discuss this in more detail in the last
section, which looks at the informal and cultural ways women and men ‘do’ gender.
much satisfaction from their work that there is no need to pay them more than a minimum
rate (Hebson et al., 2015). This approach takes an essentialist position on gender differences
in orientations and regards women as inherently more altruistic than men. A fourth V is
value-added; this term refers to the tendency for women to be under-represented in sectors
with high value added, where the cost of labour is a relatively low proportion of all costs and
where employers have more discretion to pay higher wages without this damaging competi-
tiveness. In other words, women lose out in the distribution of economic rents. Finally the
fifth V is variance; this highlights the tendency for women to be paid less simply because they
are not able to fit in with the male breadwinner norms such as long working hours. Part-
time workers are paid less not because they are less productive per hour but because they are
expected to pay a penalty for working in a different way from the standard. Moreover, many
part-timers have to negotiate specific arrangements with their employers and as a conse-
quence have limited bargaining power.
These tendencies towards undervaluation are not just historical legacies but can reappear in
many formats. For example, the apparent high job satisfaction among social care assistants in the
UK is used to suggest that the outsourcing of social care work and subsequent decline in pay
for these staff is not a problem, even though shortages of social care staff persist (Hebson et al.,
2015). Likewise where women have entered previously male-dominated occupations, there is
evidence from the United States that these jobs tend to move down the pay hierarchy (Mandel,
2013; Reskin and Roos, 1990) or develop more pronounced subdivisions with women largely
confined to the lower rungs of a profession –for example in banking as retail, not corporate,
bankers (Crompton and Sanderson, 1990) or as salaried lawyers, not partners in the firm (Bolton
and Muzio, 2007).
This recognition of undervaluation has led to various policy responses from both
governments and trade unions and employers. Much hope was originally placed in both
Europe and the USA on the effectiveness of analytical job evaluation for addressing problems
of undervaluation. These expectations of progress have not been fully realised for a large
number of reasons (Rubery and Grimshaw, 2015), including the limited adoption of analytical
job evaluation, its limited effects due to the need to apply it company by company, particularly
when some companies have only a narrow range of jobs, the trends away from job-based to
performance-related pay and the problems that the implementation of new pay systems can
pose for ER. This is exemplified in Acker’s (1989) study of the implementation of comparable
worth in Oregon, where management went along with the plan but with motivations other
than gender equality in mind.
Despite these disappointments and the increasing recognition that wage setting is a political
process that prevents job evaluation offering a simple technical solution (Figart et al., 2002),
there are some positive outcomes, particularly in the public sector where because of the scale
of the employer the impacts can be greater on women’s pay. In the UK the opportunity to
use European Union gender equality law to promote new pay systems in the public sector
provided public sector trade unions with a new rationale that helped sustain public sector
unionism. However, the longer-term impacts have been less favourable, in part because of
disputes over how far trade unions prioritised protecting men’s pay against downgrading
versus maximising women’s access to pay arrears for underpayment (Deakin et al., 2015).
It is also the case that some improvements to women’s pay have been circumvented, first
by outsourcing and more recently by centralised wage freezes and caps on pay below infla-
tion. Recently the focus of campaigns for gender equality at the workplace has moved from
comparable worth or equal pay for work of equal value towards more general gender pay
audits. These are found to be more likely to have positive effects when trade unions have
a role in scrutinising the audits and in developing action plans, as for example in Quebec
(Chicha, 2006).
A gender lens is also challenging traditional systems of working time organisation. Without
the integration of women en masse into employment the current concern and debate about
work-life balance and flexible working times is unlikely to have developed, or not to the
same extent. The assumption that work should be undertaken on a full-time continuous basis
has clearly acted to exclude women from the labour market, and the current greater diver-
sity of working time arrangements may be reducing exclusion but not without dangers and
downsides, both for women and for employment standards more generally. These include first
the fact that regular hours may be more helpful than part-time hours for organising work and
family commitments, and in some countries women tend to favour regular full-time work over
part-time work (Távoro, 2012), which they associate with irregular hours and poor working
conditions. Where full-time hours are also irregular and long and childcare services inadequate
or expensive, part-time hours may be the only viable option. The best arrangements tend to
be found where there are opportunities to work flexibly –including on reduced hours –in a
job previously held as a full-time job or in jobs where all workers are enabled to work flexibly,
for example through compressed work weeks or combining working at home with office-
based work to reduce commuting time. In contrast jobs designed as part-time jobs may often
be low paid and lacking in career paths (Fagan et al., 2012). Another problem is that the move
towards diversity may allow employers to use working time to increase productivity through the
cutting out of less productive hours (Supiot, 2001), when for example customer demand is low,
thereby raising work intensity and creating more uncertainty and irregularity in shift patterns,
including split shifts or fragmented work arrangements. However, all these forms of work tend
to be labelled flexible working and presented as if beneficial for employees even when some
are driven by employer interest only (Rubery et al., 2015). Fleetwood (2007) has in fact argued
that the current concern with work-life balance provides a smokescreen for the trend towards
less family-or life-friendly working hours. Limited accommodation of employee preferences
is occurring alongside a general trend towards more employer-driven and family-unfriendly
working times.
What both these examples suggest is that there is a need to interrogate the impact of new
practices, even those apparently adopted under gender equality objectives, and to make new
policies as inclusive and comprehensive as possible to reduce opportunities for evasion. For
example, it may be desirable to extend equal pay comparisons along the supply chain to guard
against equal pay policies incentivising employers to seek new forms of low-cost outsour-
cing both at home and abroad. Likewise work-life balance policies need to address the overall
pattern of working times in the workplace, for only if all employees have rights to working
arrangements compatible with family life and care responsibilities is it likely that gender equality
can be achieved. Otherwise work-life balance policies may simply reinforce traditional gender
divisions of labour over care responsibilities.
Parkin, 2001). Studies continue to show that women managers and women in male-dominated
sectors are particularly vulnerable to this from male colleagues (McLaughlin et al., 2012).
Studies of the hospitality sector also show the ways women are at risk from male customers,
as they are expected to put up with abusive and sexual behaviour in the name of customer
service (Guerrier and Adib, 2000), and research has shown how customers’ sexualised stereo-
types of particular ethnicities (Kang, 2013) are central to ethnic minority women’s experiences
of work.
A sexualised workplace is based on a norm of heterosexuality, which also has implications
for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people at work. In research carried out with LGB workers,
Colgan et al. (2007) found that one in five LGB respondents experienced discrimination on the
grounds of sexuality in the past five years.This ‘heteronormativity’ creates particular tensions for
women who work in male-dominated workplaces. A study by Wright (2011) of the transport
and construction industries shows how women’s embodiment and sexuality are particularly
significant in strongly masculine workplaces. Wright shows that the discourse of ‘the lesbian’ is
present regardless of whether the women employed identify with this label. While this means
some women can avoid the unwanted advances from male colleagues, even those women who
don’t conform to ‘heteronormativity’ continue to be defined by their sexuality in these male
dominated industries.
This focus on identities and sexuality reflects the ‘cultural turn’ in gender research, which
is not only reflective of post-modern and post-structural thinking (Bradley, 2007) but also
reflects wider feminist theorising that tries to balance material and cultural dimensions of gen-
dered experiences and inequalities. For example, Acker’s (2006) inequalities regimes recognises
the gendered organisational processes that are more structural in nature, such as wage setting
and recruitment practices, rely on cultural assumptions about male and female bodies and how
these are mutually reinforced at the informal level of interactions in the workplace, and the
gender, race and class based assumptions that shape the ways people interact at work (op cit,
p. 451). Fraser’s (1997) distinction between a politics of redistribution and a politics of recog-
nition has also been highly influential, as it balances a material focus on the redistribution of
socio-economic resources (such as equal pay and equal access to paid work) with a focus on
the need to validate the cultural and symbolic values of marginal groups if equality is to be
Interestingly, a final way to explore this gender lens of balancing material and cultural
dimensions of inequalities can be seen in newer conceptualisations of body work (Wolkowitz
et al., 2013). Body work has been defined as the work involving a direct focus on the body
of a service recipient, which involves “assessing, diagnosing, handling, treating, manipulating,
and monitoring bodies, that thus become the object of the worker’s labour” (Twigg et al.,
2011, p. 177). Wolkowitz et al. (2013) argue the concept is a complement to emotional labour
(Hochschild, 1983) and that it extends the focus on bodies and sexuality from the informal
workplace relations we have discussed to the formal level; “it recognises the incorporation of
body work (and sex work) within market relationships, and emphasises the role of paid workers
in social reproduction” (op cit, p. 3). This area of study puts under the radar new occupations
for ER to look at, not just in terms of health and social care jobs, but also sex work, aesthetic
services such as beauty work and protective and security services (op cit, p. 3). To fully develop
our understanding of body work within ER and how and why it remains both low paid and
invisible requires a number of cultural processes to be theorised: these include how the clients
and producers negotiate the sexualisation and desexualisation of the work; how the client shapes
the employment relationship as well as the employer; and how racialised dynamics shape the
experience of this work (Wolkowitz et al., 2013).
What becomes clear is that this goes beyond exposing the gender-neutral depictions of work
experience; gendered experiences and ways of ‘doing gender’ that intersect with other forms of
inequalities have created new research agendas around identities, sexualities and embodiment
and provide exciting opportunities for ER, informed by a gender lens, to illuminate wider social
inequalities in the contemporary workplace.
The opening contention of this chapter was that the application of a gender lens to employment
relations has expanded and enriched the disciplinary field across a wide array of dimensions,
reflecting the innovative and challenging nature of feminist scholarship.We have argued that the
key outcomes have been embedding the disciplinary field within family and welfare state systems;
expanding theoretical and practical understandings of the complex problems of representing
diverse and potentially conflicting interests among the workforce; challenging the social con-
struction of key characteristics of work organisation and work values, notably the construction
of skill, working time and pay systems; and recognising that not only are experiences of work
gendered but also that work itself involves the constant ‘doing of gender’. The interactions
between gender and other dimensions of inequality call for the development of an intersec-
tional sensitivity to understand the complex world of work. New concepts such as emotional
labour, body work and aesthetic labour have been developed with a gendered perspective from
the outset and have been used to understand the ways in which social inequalities along sev-
eral dimensions are being reproduced in new forms of work and organisation. This success
story needs tempering by reference to two continuing issues. The first is the failure to develop
an equally gendered analysis for men at work. The second is a concern that there is often still
no systematic gender analysis in ER, except when either the subjects studied are women or
the topic has a specific gender label. The situation has undoubtedly improved from the mid
1990s, when key critiques of ER were launched based on the identification of the absence of
gender from textbooks and journal contributions. The extent of change is an empirical issue
and adopting a gendered lens is a continuing challenge for ER scholars and the discipline as a
whole; indeed the analysis of content within all the chapters in this handbook could itself be
one way to investigate whether the discipline is stepping up to the challenge.
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Brian Harney, Tony Dundon and Adrian Wilkinson
Employment relations (ER) has both informed and been influenced by key shifts in our
understanding about how people at work are managed. One significant development in the
field of ER concerns the prominence of human resource management (HRM). Since the mid
1980s HRM has been ‘contested’ yet also recognised as the ‘conventional’ academic perspective
for analysing the management of employment and all its associated relationship tensions and
ambiguities (Keenoy, 2007). HRM has equally been diffused widely into practice and many
see HR as a legitimate and professional career choice (Tamkin, Reilly and Hirsh, 2006). The
traction of HRM has been underpinned by a colonisation of business school content, with
dedicated undergraduate specialisms and postgraduate level qualifications in HRM replacing
more traditional ER provisions. Professional bodies, including the Chartered Institute of
Personnel Development (CIPD) and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM),
have created HRM norms and gold standards while promoting the beneficial impact of
HRM for individuals, organisations and society (Kochan, 2007). The current CIPD tag line of
“championing better work and working lives” is indicative of this broad ambition, even though
scholars point out that these claims may be indicative of rhetoric rather than reality (e.g. Legge,
2005; Thompson, 2011).
Proponents of HRM link its ascendancy to the performance benefits it can yield for firms in
enhancing competitiveness and realising strategic advantage. From this view HRM is very much
a relative of strategic management (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang, 2014), typically seeing matters
through the eyes of managers and shareholders (rather than workers and other stakeholders).
In some measure HRM filled the lacuna left by former industrial relations research, which
afforded limited attention to the role, impact and dynamics of management (Dundon and
Rollinson, 2011). Others have focused more vehemently on HRM as being distinct from per-
sonnel management (Storey, 1995), or as a natural extension of it (Torrington et al., 2014).These
fault lines of debate have been reflected in significant research efforts. Early HRM researchers
sought empirical evidence to explore the nature and diffusion of HR practices, before seeking
to demonstrate its viability and assessing its contribution to key organisational and employee
outcomes. This latter HRM performance agenda has dictated much of the recent terms of ref-
erence for HRM researchers.
The extent to which HRM can be differentiated from or subsumes ER will very much
depend on the definition of HRM. Explorations of HRM as an exclusive and distinct approach
to managing people are evidenced in literature focusing on high-commitment management,
high-involvement management, best practice HRM and High Performance Work Systems
(HPWS) (see Wall and Wood, 2005). A more inclusive understanding can be found from one
leading outlet for HRM, the Human Resource Management Journal, which highlights an all-
encompassing scope in seeking “to publish scholarly articles on any aspect of employment studies
but especially those focused on issues related to the management of people at work. Articles
should make a substantive contribution to contemporary issues… .” (our italics).1 There are how-
ever varying levels of emphasis in research and approach. A ten-year content analysis of the
leading US-based journal, Human Resource Management, finds a dominance of keywords such as
strategic HRM, selection, careers, leadership, turnover and firm performance. It is only beyond
the 40 most frequently used keywords where one finds evidence more aligned with ER, e.g. the
employment relationship, trade unions, conflict, bargaining power, politics and labour shortages
(Townsend and Wilkinson, 2014).
This chapter seeks to locate the emergence and significance of key intersections of HRM
and ER. In so doing the first section of the chapter traces the origins of HRM, highlighting the
importance of long-standing domain assumptions that formed the conceptual heritage of the
term.The second section of the chapter explores three waves of research that have characterised
the field since the mid 1980s, including an emphasis on strategy, HRM-performance linkages
and employee outcomes. The final section of the chapter draws on a 5C framework to provide
a critical evaluation of HRM. Overall, this serves to illuminate the value of more ER-g rounded
understanding and ongoing conversation between related modes of thinking about the man-
agement of people at work in contemporary society.
child labour in factories, while also calling for a more balanced work day via the slogan “Eight
hours labour, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest”. At this time these social and industrial welfare
programmes became a place of pilgrimage for statesmen and social reformers, whilst also illus-
trating to the governing classes that philanthropy could be reconciled with profit-making (Cole,
1930). These more progressive employers still provide a context for academic pilgrimage today,
representing an opportune basis for HRM researchers to highlight an employee well-being
orientated legacy.
If the industrial revolution provided the initial impetus for the specific consideration of
employment and management issues, this tendency was solidified via the scientific management
movement popularised by Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856–1917) and subsequently manifest as
Fordist production.Taylor is frequently termed the father of modern management theory for his
role in introducing practicable, replicable, standard and efficiency driven means to manage pro-
duction processes and employees therein. The imprinting logic of many HRM practices –from
sophisticated recruitment and selection to a division of labour job design system, pay for per-
formance and talent planning –can be found in the control rationality of scientific management.
Scientific management had the goal of eliminating uncertainty and reducing any variability in
the system. Employees were conceptualised as mere cogs in an industrial system. This not only
reflected the engineering mindset of Taylor, but also a derogatory attitude to the immigrant
labour that compromised much of the workforce at the time (Grey, 2009). Whilst scientific
management brought forward practices founded on transparency and formality, it also provided
a clear divide and ongoing justification for the separation of those tasked with policy formation
(management) and those responsible for implementation (employees). Overall, in many ways
scientific management serves as the ultimate prescriptive template for aligning desired organisa-
tional goals and objectives with the means of organising the workforce to realise these. It is per-
haps unsurprising therefore that in the 1920s the need to take a strategic approach to managing
people in the workplace was already articulated by many organisations (Kaufman, 2007).
With its foundation on rational efficiency and a means-end logic, it is perhaps inevitable
that scientific management would be subject to staunch critique. In a practical sense, employees
working under such conditions were subject to boredom, frustration, minimal autonomy and
alienation, which ultimately became manifest as forms of resistance and employee turnover
(Mowday, Porter and Steers, 1982). A solid stream of workplace research gradually emerged,
unpacking these dynamics and re-introducing human agency into the equation, including the
Human Relations movement. Building on its origins in Elton Mayo’s Hawthorne experiments,
human relations stressed the imperative of paying due attention, not simply to the physical
conditions of work, but equally to employee needs and motivation in the form of group
dynamics, informal recognition and individual expectations. HRM has a close allegiance to
the behavioural insights and modes of understanding associated with the human relations
movement. Indeed, HRM’s emergence and significance as a contrast to traditional personnel
management can be seen as echoing this earlier historical surge from scientific management
towards a more normative form of control (Barley and Kunda, 1992).
Domain assumptions
While often depicted as vastly contrasting modes of people management, in reality both sci-
entific management and human relations were founded on common domain assumptions that
would be readily assimilated into HRM. Both scientific management (with its rationality on
‘economic logic’) and human relations (with a focus on ‘social legitimacy’) were underpinned
by a fundamental desire to control the labour process in order to enhance productivity and
maximise private profit. As a basis for understanding how this may be achieved, both had a pen-
chant for a hard and positivistic science paradigm, with a belief that the tasks of employees could
be accurately defined, measured and assessed with specific predictability. Finally, an underlying
ideological imperative of both approaches was that organisations should operate without any
countervailing force or alternative voices, so that all employees were aligned to the objectives of
the organisation, i.e. a nascent form of unitarism. Thus although human relations is frequently
touted as being more humane in its treatment of employees owing to its social and psychological
antecedents, compared with the harder economic basis of scientific management, at its core was
a desire to “discover how psychology could be used to raise productivity, resist unionisation and
increase workers’ co-operation with management” (Kiechel, 2012, p. 66). Indeed, a deeper his-
torical inspection provides further insights into the managerial biased undertone, revealing that
both Taylor and Mayo had commercial vested interests that were intertwined with a nascent
business school agenda underpinning the ideology of leading industrialists Joseph Wharton and
John D. Rockefeller respectively (Bruce and Nyland, 2011). In his wonderful excavation of the
social and historical context framing the Hawthorne studies, Hassard (2012, p. 1434) suggests
that “the narrative developed by Mayo’s research group emerged as much from internal politics
at Harvard as scientific evidence from Hawthorne”. In surfacing domain assumptions related to
performance maximisation, faith in the scientific paradigms and a managerialist heritage, these
early schools of thought bare a forceful imprint in how mainstream (prescribed best practice)
HRM conceptualises work and work relations as something for the good of a pro-market
ideology (Godard, 2014; Harley, 2015; Thompson, 2011).
administrative and reactive stereotype, personnel management served as the perfect foil to
set out the virtues of the new HRM orthodoxy as it emerged with force in the early 1980s
(Wilkinson et al., 2009).
HRM was founded on a mantra that it represented a, if not the, means to generate competi-
tive sustainable advantage for firms.This strategic discourse emanated in the context of intensive
global competition, most notably from Japan, and the emergence of more people-intensive ser-
vice and knowledge-based industries. Academic models originating from the likes of Harvard
Business School (Beer et al., 1984) and Michigan (Fombrun, Tichy and Devanna, 1984) lent
credence and practitioner impetus to HRM. Overall, there was a consensus that organisations
were best served when employees “were given broader responsibilities, encouraged to con-
tribute, and helped to take satisfaction in their work” (Walton, 1985, p. 77). The focus shifted
from controlling workers to eliciting commitment and creating an infrastructure and environ-
ment whereby employees could flourish, ultimately yielding “tangible dividends for the indi-
viduals and the company” (ibid.). This commitment emphasis also served to fill some of the
analytical space left void by ER scholarship, which tended to privilege the conflict dimension
of the employment relationship to the neglect of more mutual or collaborative aspects (Ackers
and Wilkinson, 2003; Delbridge, 2007). HRM flipped the terms of reference forcefully to the
other extreme, privileging unitarism as the presumed basis and outcome of HRM prescriptions
(Geare et al., 2014).
It is perhaps unsurprising that early contributions examining the rise of the new HRM
were concerned to define it and specifically contrast it with a more traditional approach to per-
sonnel management (e.g. Guest, 1987). Beyond the US, HRM was (initially at least) received
with more scepticism. HRM was at once seen as a commitment-orientated approach to people
management (Storey, 1995), “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” (Keenoy, 1990) or as “old wine in
a new bottle” (Legge, 1995). Others highlighted an undercurrent of individualisation of the
employment relationship and purposeful marginalisation of trade unions (Nolan and Wood,
2003). Indeed HRM’s emphasis on management, strategy and enterprise coalesced neatly with
the prevailing economic and ideological consensus of the 1980s, born of Reagan in the US and
Thatcher in the UK. The theoretical significance of HRM was that it could serve as a substi-
tute for traditional employment regulatory approaches. Where an exclusive definition of HRM
was offered it was somewhat easier to differentiate HRM from its predecessors. Picking up the
emphasis on commitment and competitive advantage, Storey proffered a definition of HRM as
“a distinctive approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advan-
tage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an
integrated array of cultural, structural and personal techniques” (1995, p. 5).
While definitional debate continued and empirical evidence of HRM remained patchy at
best, there was some consensus on what normative HRM should look like. In addition to its
focus on employee commitment, a core argument was the necessity that the way people were
managed should support and align with organisational strategy. In terms of understanding the
connections with the management of employment relationships, HRM was inherently unitarist,
with policies and practices driven by business needs above all other interests (Wilkinson, Redman
and Dundon, 2017). Former ER traditions such as the rise in specialist bargaining expertise
were considered reactionary to issues arising from mass union growth, while the new HRM
targeted operational responsibilities at individual line managers who were often intolerant of dis-
tant personnel experts removed from the immediate demands of getting products out the door.
In business terms, HR was to be a strategic business partner advising on strategy, including via
board representation, while local managers who know best how to do a job become empowered
to implement change. However, clear lines of differentiation between old personnel and new
HRM were premised more on normative ideals rather than an empirical reality (Legge, 2005). In
strategic terms HRM has always been a lower order factor compared with corporate or business
objectives (Boxall and Purcell, 2008). In moving beyond the impasse, efforts to develop and legit-
imise HRM can be characterised by three waves of understanding and emphasis, all of which
formed part of an ongoing journey to formulate and refine the meanings of HRM and how it
connects with firm decisions as well as employee well-being concerns.
Matching models
Matching models of HRM represent a form of contingency theory, guided by the implicit
assumption that the most successful organisations are those that display a ‘Chinese box’ type
consistency between the external environment and internal organisation (Miles and Snow,
1984). Deciphering HRM’s linkage to strategy has been at the core of the HRM agenda
since the mid 1980s. An early and influential development was the Michigan model of ‘Hard
HRM’ developed by Fombrun et al. (1984). This model detailed a tight and calculative (hard)
fit between the business needs of organisations and the way people were managed to ensure
optimal alignment and maximum employee effort and performance. In this model the focus
was on Human Resource Management, with HRM operating via strict rules related to selection,
training and reward, and employees ultimately judged as factors of production to be assessed
on purely efficiency grounds. By contrast, a matching model developed at Harvard Business
School emphasised more ‘soft’ variants of HRM, whereby employees were treated as assets to be
nurtured and developed.This Human Resource Management approach pioneered by Beer et al.
(1984) included multiple stakeholder interests (including government and trade unions), multi-
faceted employee outcomes and also long-term implications for individuals and well-being.
While considered to be more analytically grounded, it was more difficult to specify this range
of descriptive elements and also evaluate softer dimensions and human attributes (Wilkinson,
Redman and Dundon, 2017). This is a problem that continuously haunts HRM, meaning that
much of this richer heritage has been neglected. A narrower conceptualisation of HRM, illu-
minating the direct linkages and desired role behaviours mandated of various organisational
strategies (frequently referred to as ‘best fit’), became the core focus of HRM by the late 1980s
(e.g. Schuler and Jackson, 1987)
Matching models were intuitively appealing to practitioners and enabled HRM researchers
to leverage the legitimacy of related fields such as strategic management. Critiques of matching
models claim that they overestimate the clarity and rationality of the process. Strategy may often
emerge retrospectively, while rigid ‘fit’ may actually hinder the innovativeness and flexibility
mandated for success. Assuming consensus on end objectives may be a flawed starting point
as this process is likely to be messy, contested and shaped by power relations. As long-standing
critiques of contingency theory note “politics cannot be simply left to the end as part of the
problem of application” (Wood, 1979, p. 342). Underpinning matching models is an implicit
determinism, leaving little room for the agency of HR managers (or workers and their repre-
sentative bodies), who are expected to choose and operate from a predetermined and narrow
palette of HR options. Rich qualitative case studies, even of leading-edge organisations, found
little of what matching models would predict, with commentators indicating that firms actu-
ally express a preference for more ‘flexible’ approaches (Tyson, 1997). While extensive research
claims to have demonstrated the mediating role of strategy in enhancing the HRM performance
linkage (Youndt et al., 1996), results have been subject to ambiguous definitions and varying
interpretations. Arthur’s (1992) study of steel minimills claims a significant association between
HRM systems and business strategy choices, yet 40 per cent of the mills in Arthur’s study with
a strategy of differentiation did not have a matching commitment-based HRM system (1992,
p. 502). In the meantime, authors have put forward accounts depicting fit as more multifaceted
and complex than a narrow strategy-HRM relationship would allow for (e.g. environmental fit
and legitimacy). Matching models clearly enhanced the business case for HRM, although rather
than being addressed, key conceptual and empirical concerns were ignored or overshadowed by
the HRM-performance wave of scholarship.
that financial performance is simply too distal to capture the impact of HRM interventions.
Attempts also tend to ignore the sector-specific nature of turnover and performance, while
also relegating discussion of intensified competition to something controllable; a rationale sup-
portive of the adoption of best practices rather than something that may actually militate against
them. HRM-performance arguments are largely founded on certain types of firms (large, pri-
vate sector) from certain regions (Anglo-Saxon) and so the significance of institutional con-
text is not given due acknowledgement. As Boselie et al. (2001) point out, high-commitment
practices that are discretionary under neoliberal regimes such as the USA and UK are often
part of the legislative framework elsewhere, such as in the Netherlands. In their review of low-
wage work across a number of high-income countries in Northern Europe, the UK and the
USA, Appelbaum and Schmitt (2009) argue that institutions including the legal framework and
the power of organised labour have a strong influence over the take-up of HRM. Thus high-
commitment HRM depends not just on employers but also corporate governance and actors at
the national as well as the organisation level (see Marchington et al., 2016, p. 70–71).
A long-standing debate is whether HRM leads to performance or whether the impetus
flows in the opposite direction, i.e. a firm’s success results in more sophisticated HRM. Equally
concerning is that recent re-examination of key contributions has found their original findings
severely wanting. Gerhart’s (2007) review of Ichniowski et al. (1997) finds nothing to support
a performance impact from HR bundles, while Porter and Siggelkow’s (2008) reassessment of
MacDuffie (1995) dismisses the notion of a universal impact of HR practices (with the one
exception of formal teams), suggesting that HR practices exhibit significant ‘contextuality’.This
is important as it has long been recognised that employers may purposefully deploy unique
employment practices as a distinctive means of product market competition (Brown, 2008).
A core criticism of HRM performance studies is that they represent the unitarist assumptions
of HRM scholarship, writ large. Until recently HRM-performance scholarship was exclusively
about management (HR practices) for management (various performance outcomes), with
limited appreciation of the dynamics of the employee side of relationship.
Employee-centric HRM
Early content analysis revealed HRM-performance studies paid scant attention to workers
(Wilkinson, Redman and Dundon, 2017). Employee perspectives have been gradually
incorporated into analyses, largely as part of efforts to provide more rigorous and robust
explanations of the HRM-performance relationship or “unlocking the black-box” (Jiang et al.,
2012).This wave of more employee-centric research has been buffered by a (renewed) emphasis
on a socio-psychological dynamic of the employment exchange relationship (Dundon and
Rollinson, 2011), with recognition of various collective and individual workforce orientations
at play that affect the ‘strength’ of the HR system (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004). Research has
pointed to the importance of line managers as key intermediaries in the delivery of HRM
(Harney and Jordan, 2008; Townsend and Dundon, 2015). In this regard the employee-centric
agenda may be seen as seeking to put workers back into the equation as active agents capable of
shaping their work experiences and the arrangements under which they are expected to gen-
erate value and performance (Grant and Shields, 2002; Heffernan and Dundon, 2016).
In contrast to the unitarist penchant in most HRM literatures, contemporary employee-
centric assessments tend to paint a more pluralist perspective of the divergent co-operative
and antagonistic basis of work relations (Boxall and Purcell, 2008). Research in this area has
countered the assumed mutual ‘win-win’ argument in much extant HRM and shown that
HPWS impacts could have been achieved through work intensification (Ramsay, Scholarios
and Harley, 2000). Analysis now supports the idea of competing hypotheses and a recognition
of key tensions and contradictions likely to characterise the HRM-performance relationship
(Ehrnrooth and Björkman, 2012). Moreover, beyond many surface-level prescriptions there is
evidence of empirical tensions. Research has shown that even where HR has achieved the status
of a fully integrated ‘strategic partner’, this may not necessarily be beneficial for employees;
indeed, it can lead to feelings of estrangement and frustration (Hope-Hailey, Farndale and Truss,
2005). Kochan (2007) bemoans the alignment of HR and business interests, arguing that this is
the root cause of the lost credibility and lack of trust in HR professionals. Marchington (2015)
adds that the problem lies in the HRM function losing sight of its principle welfare tradition
and instead becoming obsessed with ‘looking up’ to the boardroom to stress short-term per-
formance validity for the existence of HR. Further, it is posited that financialised neoliberal
modes of accumulation have meant that many managers fail to deliver on their side of the
bargain, owing to global economic pressures and demands out of their control (Thompson,
2013). Lepak and Snell’s reasoning is equally instructive: “managers do not have the necessary
resources to invest in developing knowledge-based employees. In particularly dynamic environ-
ments, firms may not believe they will be able to fully recoup human capital investments in even
their core workers” (Lepak and Snell, 2002, p. 537). Critical accounts have long stressed that
HRM operates as a pseudo-gemeinschaft, with arguments that perceived best practice HRM as
actually leading to work intensification and negative employee outcomes.
C1 Complexity
A common critique directed at HRM is that it provides a sterile account of HRM interventions.
Research into HR in some of the top performing firms has found an undercurrent of emer-
gence, highlighting an entangled nature of formal policy and informal dynamics on the shopfloor
(Gratton et al., 1999). Recognition of a disparity between intended and realised HRM practice
has fostered a dedicated line of research founded on the unitarist assumption that this gap can
be easily bridged or minimised, largely through more or better management, or via ready-made
solutions to ‘fix’ some managerial or organisational deficiency.
An alternative ER approach would suggest that such disparity leaves analysis open to the con-
cept of emergence, informality and complexity, not a defined problem to be fixed but reflective
of the diverging interests and structured antagonism at the heart of the employment relationship
(Dundon and Dobbins, 2015; Edwards, 1986). HRM decisions may not always be introduced
or enacted as a result of strategic foresight, as traditionally understood, but rather reflect tac-
tical optimums strived for by management, who often fumble or just “muddle-through” on a
day-to-day basis (Lindblom, 1959). A concern with complexity also allows for the informality
of practice that substitutes for, or fills, the silences of formal policy (Edwards, 1995). In reality,
managers in all organisations navigate between rationality, formality, personal preference and
idiosyncrasy as the occasion demands. A long heritage of workplace studies provides a wealth
of concepts related to the “leeway function of rules” (Gouldner, 1954) or the role of custom
and practice (Brown, 1972). Overall, the dimensions of complexity (emergence, informality and
conflicted collaboration) point to a nuanced world of HRM that cannot be collapsed neatly
into fixed practices, categories or outcomes (Marchington and Suter, 2013).
C2 Context
With its universalistic emphasis HRM offers scientific insights; however, these can also be inde-
pendent of both its mode of operation and place of application. There is a tendency to reify
and abstract features of organisations, imbuing them with formal characteristics in the pursuit
of rational, predetermined goals. Edwards (2005) argues for ‘context sensitive research’ meaning
that HRM cannot be dislocated from the totality of political and economic relations. These
form the enabling conditions for the dynamic fluidity of the employment relationship and a
means to conceptually enrich C1, the complexity issue, previously discussed. A focus on macro-
context enables an understanding of HRM as an ongoing process constantly being enacted and
re-enacted, as opposed to a one-off structural intervention. The imperative of this approach
is evidenced in an era of ‘financialisation’, previously noted, where financial transactions and
relationships external to the organisation (and independent of physical products or services), are
deemed to be defining the employment relationship (Applebaum, Batt and Clark, 2013; Cushen
and Harney, 2014).This context exposes the deficiency of imposing a biased preconceived ideal
of HRM.
The context in which HRM is enacted clearly matters. Normative prescriptions in HRM
(e.g. ‘business partner’ aspirations or ‘championing better working lives’) risk becoming de-
contextualised from the power relations required for them to be realised or constrained. Likewise,
employees are not passive recipients of HRM. Needs, demands and previous experiences of
employees, including gender and feminisation, are all important factors that will inform the
nature of HRM and the way it is applied under segmented labour contexts (Grimshaw and
Rubery, 2008). For instance, when examining employee voice in SMEs, Wilkinson, Dundon
and Grugulis (2007, p.1291) refer to the “paradox of organisational action”, whereby “social
actors inject their own interpretations, meanings and interests which results in a more complex
set of social interactions associated with managing human resources”. Contextual issues such
as the extent of pay dispersion, the size of a firm or the nature of ‘give and take’ on a shopfloor
may hold greater import in understanding employee experiences of work than (pre)judging
them on a narrow or predefined number of formal HR practices in place. This discussion of
context suggests that in order to give meaning to debates, HRM researchers might pay greater
attention to work rooted in the traditions of understanding the institutions and systems of work
and employment inequalities, while appreciating contextually grounded definitions that are
more sensitive to local interpretation and variance.
C3 Contingency
Except in the form of moderators or limited ‘control variables’ (e.g. age, sector, unionisation),
HRM has been slow to engage with the impact of key contingency variables. More traditional
research has long pointed to product market competition and labour market conditions as
C4 Causality
HRM has been dominated by a “big science” approach to empirical research (Wall and Wood,
2005). This is frequently based on counts of practices, a quest for event regularities and theoret-
ical exploration via mediation, moderation or structural equation modelling.This line of inquiry
offers a limited basis for understanding the various contexts and complexities under which
HRM is actually enacted. Moreover, correlation between variables is often falsely equated with
explanation and confirmation (Harney, 2009). By contrast, historical workplace studies exhibit
a richer form of analysis, involving in-depth case analysis founded on uncovering the processes
of “complex causality” (George and Bennett, 2004) and its project of explaining the observed
features of the “real world” by reference to the underlying mechanisms that are responsible for
them. Indeed, it has long been noted that a complete understanding of the employment rela-
tionship requires that we analyse the social relations that underpin them. Alternative modes
of understanding in HRM including more intensive and longitudinal research would ensure
that explanatory accounts are privileged, that processes of HRM in firms are adequately
contextualised and that complexity is accommodated. Ultimately HR practices and rules have
to be interpreted in action (Edwards, 2003). Greater analytical purchase may also help with the
incorporation of dimensions of well-being, employee voice, organisational democracy, justice
and other outcomes that do not sit well with the dominant HPWS quantitative paradigm.
C5 Critique
In addition to the 4Cs suggested by Delbridge and Whitfield (2007), the role of immanent
critique is a fifth ‘C’ that ought to be of concern for HRM researchers. In one respect this
may seem obvious; however, much of the normative HRM model, coupled with a prescriptive
and managerial bias in a lot (although not all) of its teaching in mainstream business schools,
mean a conversation about critical reflection is warranted (Dundon, Cullinane and Wilkinson,
2017). Immanent critique and the problematisation of extant HRM acts not only as a basis to
position research but also serves as a reflexive process to ensure HRM researchers do not auto-
matically perpetuate the status quo (e.g. Godard, 1994). Recognition of ‘complex’ structural
layers, ‘contextual’ diversity and ‘causal’ ambiguity mean there is scope for ongoing critical
dialogue, encouraging sensitivity to contingent processes and events rather than proffering imme-
diate, universal solutions (Edwards, 2005). Current debates in HRM are largely consumed
by technical issues, which may result in an ideological ‘immiseration’ of the field of study,
including its teaching and practical application across some (although not all) business school
programmes (Dundon, Cullinane and Wilkinson, 2017). With respect to performance there is
little recognition of the multiple outcomes initially proffered by Beer et al. (1984) and others.
Likewise, there is little cross fertilisation from related fields, such as the application of Budd’s
(2004) analytical prism for understanding the balance of “efficiency, equity and voice”, or the
intersectionality of Organisational Behaviour and Employment Relations disciplines to inform
“pro-social silence and voice” within the workplace (Barry and Wilkinson, 2016). In many
ways conceptual advancement in HRM is hindered by a “consensus orientation” (Keegan and
Boselie, 2006). As a consequence, HRM proponents neglect critical trends found in related
fields of ER and Organisational Analysis (e.g. outsourcing, trade unions, conflict management,
whistle-blowing, identity, top management fraud) that run counter to untiarist models and
frames of reference (Batt and Banerjee, 2012). Concepts such as engagement and well-being
also risk being interpreted in a narrow, managerialist fashion, at odds with their more holistic,
employee-centric origins. As Guest (2017) notes, while the dominant models within HRM
theory and research have focused largely on ways to improve performance, with employee
concerns regarded as a secondary consideration, pressures at work are creating an increasing
threat to employee well-being, and if these concerns are to be taken seriously a different analytic
framework for HRM is required.
Overall, many research efforts in HRM typically suffer from a failure to appreciate the key
attributes of the 5Cs; ‘complexity’ is downplayed or (deliberately) eroded by managerialism;
‘context’ is lacking or deemed homogenous; ‘contingencies’ are notably absent or superficially
controlled; prescriptions are derived from large-scale positivist research founded on a simplistic
Humean notion of ‘causality’; and a consensus orientation overshadows immanent ‘critique’,
all of which can engender the ideological immiseration of the field. Employment Relations,
on the other hand, affords greater contextual sensitivity with its understanding of reciprocity
surrounding an economic, social and psychological exchange relationship.
Grounded by these type of insights HRM may be better placed to appreciate the interaction
between the structural forces both inside and outside the immediate work milieu that shape
the management of those in employment. Of particular utility in this vein is the more inclu-
sive definition of ‘analytical HRM’ (Boxall and Purcell, 2008), treating the subject as “those
activities associated with the management of work and people in firms” (2008, p. 1). This is
accompanied by a commitment to explaining what happens in reality: “taking account for the
way that management actually behaves and therefore privileging understanding and explanation
over prediction” (Boxall, Purcell and Wright, 2007, p. 4, emphasis added). Important to stress
here is the necessity of the process and not to predetermine or dictate the form that any bundle
of HR practices will take. This avoids the common problem in much HRM analysis whereby
its meaning is exhausted by those who prescribe.Very much connected to this is the important
point that analytical HRM moves towards embracing the inevitability of tension and contra-
diction, and so steps away from a unitarist and exclusively normative managerialist agenda. The
power and politics inherent in the operation of the employment relationship are acknowledged
through the notion of ‘plurality’ of goals, interest and strategic tensions (Boxall and Purcell,
2008). While analytical HRM is seen to hold much promise, it should also be appreciated
that it is hardly novel, and some of its key principle lessons have an established pedigree in the
antecedents of earlier related literatures (Gospel, 2009; Gouldner, 1954; Jain and Murray, 1984;
Prandy, Stewart and Blackburn, 1983).
While HRM is often assumed to be ahistorical, this chapter has suggested that HRM is very
much informed by its conceptual and ideological heritage, including its connections to the
deeper social science anchor points of ER. Likewise, the challenges facing the HR practitioner
reflect long-standing dynamics and tensions inherent to all efforts of managing the employ-
ment relationship, however defined. Paradoxically, as much as HR might be criticised for its
managerialist focus, it has elevated and sustained the employment relationship as a key means of
understanding organisations, where other perspectives have fallen somewhat short. Moreover,
“tactical engagement with HRM” (Jacques, 1999, p. 216) as the conventional means for ana-
lysing the employment relationship provides the basis for informed insights and a balanced
assessment about the management of people at work. On the matter of more inclusive
definitions, there is scope for mutual influence and an analysis that is sensitive not just to the
needs and interests of shareholders (employers), but considers the interactions and obligations
of a range of stakeholders (workers and others) connected in a complex web of institutional
structures and process-driven informalities. This is one means to help avoid the trap of partial
understanding born of disciplinary myopia.
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Matthew M.C. Allen and Geoffrey Wood
Institutions matter. They help to shape the decisions that individual and collective actors, such
as managers, workers, unions and politicians, make (Hall and Soskice, 2001; Hollingsworth
and Boyer, 1997; Jessop, 1997; North, 1990; Steinmo and Thelen, 1992; Streeck, 2011a). As
institutions vary between different countries and regions within countries, the typical patterns
of interactions between managers, on the one hand, and workers and their representatives, on
the other, will also differ.This encompasses not just the formal mechanisms by which employees
and employee representatives engage with management in seeking to negotiate wages and
working conditions, and the social and technical organisation of work, but also the informal,
daily social interactions within and between firms that involve potential compromises and ad
hoc solutions. Fundamental institutional effects include the relative rights and responsibilities
accorded to employers, the degree of countervailing power enjoyed by employees and other
stakeholders, and the room available for compromise and mutually beneficial accommodations
(Hall and Soskice, 2001; La Porta, Lopez de Silanes and Shleifer, 1999). However, there is much
debate within the institutional camp as to the relative opportunities accorded for the latter, how
they may have diminished over time, and, indeed, whether they are desirable at all (Streeck,
2013; Whitley, 2010; Wright, 2004).
Institutional theory has a long and rich history, covering different aspects of how institutions
influence employment relations (Hall and Taylor, 1996; Katzenstein, 1985; Morgan and
Hauptmeier, 2014; Shonfeld, 1965; Steinmo and Thelen, 1992; Zysman, 1984). This chapter
focuses on three particularly influential approaches within the institutional literature; much
comparative work on ER draws on them (Wilkinson and Wood, 2012, 2014). They are: 1)
Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) and the broadly related business systems approaches (Hall and
Soskice, 2001; Whitley, 1994, 1999, 2007); 2) historical institutionalism (Streeck, 1997, 2011a;
Thelen, 2014); and 3) the régulation approach, which has led to the ‘social systems of innovation
and production’ sub-school of analysis (Amable, 2003; Hollingsworth and Boyer, 1997) and the
literature on ‘variegated capitalism’ (Jessop, 2012a).
The differences between these three approaches are not always as clear in practice, as we set
out here. Indeed, work by individual researchers does not necessarily fit coherently or consist-
ently into one of these three categories. Our classification does, though, enable us to highlight
key differences between the approaches and to demonstrate how those differences result in
contrasting analytical foci and explanations of variation in ER. The two factors that we focus
on to distinguish the different approaches are 1) explanations of institutional change, and 2) the
emphasis on, and conceptualisation of, internationalisation (Allen, 2013; Boyer and Juillard,
2002; Hall and Soskice, 2001; Jessop, 1997; Morgan, 2007b; Streeck, 1997; Whitley, 2007, 2010).
The three institutionalist approaches that we examine here contrast with rational, hierarch-
ical accounts within the mainstream economics and finance literatures (Djankov et al., 2003;
North, 1990). These perspectives and the three institutional theories that this chapter focuses
on share an emphasis on the role of formal and embedded ‘rules’ in governing long-term
national developmental trajectories; there are, however, clear differences. First, the former tend
to highlight the importance of formal rules rather than formal and informal ones. Second, the
rational, hierarchical approaches often adopt a ‘narrow’ view of institutions and their influences,
meaning that institutions either have a positive or negative link to important outcomes, such
as economic growth or firm innovation (Allen and Aldred, 2013; Boyer, 2011; Campbell, 2007;
Jackson and Deeg, 2008; Whitley, 2003). Indeed, some of the former approaches assume that
a single institutional feature, private property rights, overrides all other institutional features
and that the strength of this alone determines the prosperity of nations (Djankov et al., 2003;
Glaeser, et al., 2004).
Third, the rational, hierarchical approaches assume that institutions and actors can be
conceived as discrete, analytically distinct entities that are separate from one another. As North
(1990, p. 4) noted: “Conceptually, what must be clearly differentiated are the rules [of the
game] from the players [of it]”. Within rational, hierarchical frameworks, then, institutions pri-
marily serve as providers of incentives or disincentives to rational actors, encouraging them to
make optimal or sub-optimal choices. In contrast, the latter approaches that we focus on in this
chapter conceive institutions and actors to be a duality, meaning that actors and institutions are
mutually constitutive, inter-related entities (Allen, 2013). Fourth, as a corollary of the preceding
point, the rational, hierarchical approaches to institutions tend to downplay 1) the varying
nature of firms in different locations and 2) the possibility that institutions can enable particular
outcomes, but do not always lead to that outcome (Jackson and Deeg, 2008; Steinmo, 2008).
What is rational for actors will, therefore, depend upon their socio-economic context.
Finally, perhaps the most salient difference between rational hierarchical approaches and
socio-economic alternatives is that whilst the former continues to develop along a very dis-
tinct trajectory, encompassing deeply embedded –and at times fact-resistant –assumptions as
to the inherent and consistent superiority of liberal markets (Buccirossi et al., 2013), the latter
sub-schools of thought have increasingly found common ground between each other, even if
these commonalities are often not explicitly recognised by the proponents of each approach
(Kristensen and Morgan, 2012a; Streeck, 2010, 2011a; Thelen, 2014; Whitley, 2010).
The main difference is that the VoC approach draws quite extensively on rational choice
economics, with its assumptions that actors’ decision-making will be guided by their efforts
to maximise their distributional benefits (Wood, 2011). However, they depart from orthodox
economics in the assumption that in interacting with each other, actors are inevitably forced
into compromises that will contribute to institutional building and maintenance, and that such
compromises may leave the parties better off than if they had been able to pursue their interests
independently. In contrast, business system theory’s foundations lie in industrial sociology; it
draws on Weberian traditions to develop ideal types that are logically consistent and that do
not necessarily reflect empirical reality (Morgan, 2007a). In practical terms, whilst both claim
to be firm-centred accounts, the VoC approach places a stronger emphasis on the form and
scale of macro-societal accommodations between broadly based actors, and the business systems
approach highlights the distinct nature of both different state traditions and social relationships,
whether involving individuals or collectives, within the workplace (Allen, 2014).
Both accounts agree, however, that the influence of institutions on firm behaviour results
in companies that are located in some institutional settings being better able to compete in
particular industries than their rivals in other locations, and that the foundations for variations
in competitive abilities stem from the nature of regional and national institutional influences.
For instance, firms in Germany benefit from institutions that, inter alia, support intra-employer
co-operation, industry-level vocational training, patient investor behaviour and workplace co-
determination, making them competitive in incrementally innovative areas of activity, such
as mechanical engineering and automobiles. By contrast, the institutional framework in the
USA promotes the competitiveness of both breakthrough innovative industries, such as bio-
technology and IT, as well as low-end service sector work (Hall and Soskice, 2001; Whitley,
1999, 2010). Such firms appear to cope relatively well with adversarial competition, highly
mobile and speculative investors, and flexible labour markets. This enables innovative startups
to more easily secure funding. Weak security of job tenure and high levels of inter-job mobility
enable firms to cope with sudden fluctuations in demand. In particularly innovative sectors,
such mobility helps to transfer skills and knowledge between firms.
Hence, both approaches argue that institutions influence the ability of firms to pursue par-
ticular competition strategies successfully, as different strategies have implications for how firms
manage their employees and organise work (Casper, 2009; Goyer, 2011; Hotho, 2014; Whitley,
2000, 2010). As a result, institutions help to explain international patterns of comparative advan-
tage (Allen, Funk and Tüselmann, 2006; Hotho, 2014; Schneider and Paunescu, 2012; Witt and
Jackson, 2016). However, unlike the regulation approach, which not only critiques the inherent
contradictions and inequalities associated with contemporary capitalism, but also suggests that
the contexts with the weakest institutional mediation are the least desirable, these approaches
make no explicit assumptions as to the operational or moral superiority of a particular national
institutional regime (Dore, 2008; Hall and Soskice, 2001; Howell, Culpepper and Rueda, 2015;
Howell, 2003; Whitley, 1999, 2007).
Institutional change
As a result of the emphasis on the benefits that companies gain from their institutional settings,
both approaches have tended, at least until recently, to assume that institutions and patterns of
economic organisation are relatively stable (Campbell, 2010; Crouch and Farrell, 2004; Hall
and Thelen, 2009; Hancké, Rhodes and Thatcher, 2007; Howell et al., 2015; Jackson and Deeg,
2006; Jessop, 2012a; Morgan, 2007a). The VoC approach, in particular, assumes that companies
will adapt their competition strategies to take advantage of the institutional resources that are
available to them in their national economies (Allen, 2004; Crouch, 2005). Dominant firms, in
other words, derive competitive advantages from their institutional setting (Hall and Soskice,
2001; Whitley, 1999). This, in turn, implies that leading firms will not seek to fundamentally
alter the existing institutional frameworks (Howell et al., 2015; Wood and Frynas, 2006; Wood,
2001), as the benefits that these groups derive from existing institutions outweigh their costs
and the risks posed by embarking on unfamiliar trajectories.The VoC approach and the business
systems framework have not, until relatively recently, analysed in detail how and why institu-
tional change occurs.
This does not mean, however, that these approaches have ignored institutional change.When
they focus on institutional dynamics, they highlight factors ‘outside’ the institutional system. For
instance, the approaches have highlighted how exogenous shocks, such as the globalisation of
capital markets, the demise of state socialism in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s and
the increasing speed and functionality of information and communication technology, have,
in general, weakened ‘non-market’ forms of economic co-ordination (Hall and Soskice, 2001;
Lane, 2005; Morgan and Kubo, 2005;Whitley, 2010). Consistent, then, with the emphasis on the
benefits of institutions within these two approaches, institutional change does not result from
developments within institutional domains themselves.
However, the VoC literature has increasingly recognised that even more mature capitalist
archetypes may be subject to change, and that the predominant pressures will be for greater
liberalisation. Hall and Gingerich (2009) note that as actors forge accommodations to reconcile
competing demands whilst maximising their personal distributional benefits, they will natur-
ally seek to enhance the latter, and continuously push back on any constraints. In practice, this
means that given strong global pressures towards liberalisation, key players have an opportunity
to maximise their benefits, which they will seek to capitalise on; this has meant strong pressures
towards the greater marketisation of ER (see Hall and Gingerich, 2009; Whitley, 2010).
Such pressures entice companies, irrespective of their institutional setting, to focus to an even
greater extent on financial outcomes and increasing the requirement for more ‘flexibility’ in the
employment relationship between employers and wider groups of employees (Morgan, 2016).
The increasing international spread of activist short-termist investors capitalise on systemic
reforms to promote short-term shareholder returns at the expense of longer-term financial and
organisational objectives and co-ordinating capabilities (Whitley, 2010), potentially leading to a
use of agency workers or employees on short-term contracts (Allen et al., 2017).
As the VoC and business systems approaches tend to downplay institutional change, they
are both, in some respects, ahistorical (Jessop, 2012b). In focusing on linear developmental tra-
jectories (regardless of whether such trajectories are converging) the VoC and business systems
literature neglects the extent to which the mature capitalist archetypes as described represent
relatively recent phenomena (cf. Morgan, 2007a). Liberal markets were considerably less liberal,
and liberal market-based firms typically did not focus on financial returns to the same extent
that they do today up until the 1980s (Lazonick, 2010).
A further issue is, even if co-ordinated markets are quite durable, whether other types of
capitalism are converging to the liberal market model. As noted above, the early VoC literature
saw all other economies as being in a transitional phase prior to becoming more like one of the
mature models. However, it has been increasingly recognised that other types of capitalism may
be quite viable, and result in sufficient benefits for key players so as to persist (Hancké et al.,
2007; Wood and Frynas, 2006). This has led to much debate on what these other types of capit-
alism might be, with new archetypes including hierarchical market economies (Latin America),
segmented business systems (Africa), mixed market economies (the European Mediterranean
economies), dependent market economies (Eastern Europe), and the transitional periphery
(Central Asia, Caucasus and Ukraine) (Hancké et al., 2007; Nölke and Vliegenthart, 2009; Witt
and Jackson, 2016; Wood and Frynas, 2006).
As the business systems framework never accepted the two mature models thesis, this line
of thinking was always more open to such approaches (Whitley, 1999, 2007; Witt and Jackson,
2016). The growing emphasis on multi-archetype models reflects empirical reality, but raises
questions as to what really sets different types of capitalism apart, especially as the proliferation
of models leads to a loss of parsimony, which is the raison d’être of the theorising process.
As noted above, recent work on institutional change within the VoC and business systems
frameworks often focus on how internationalisation can decrease the institutional restrictions on
collective actors to be opportunistic, increase the heterogeneity of actors and hamstring actors’
attempts to engage in long-term, high-trust dealings with one another (Hall and Soskice, 2001;
Morgan, 2005; Whitley, 2010, 2012). As an example, the decreasing barriers to trade increase the
competitive pressures on domestic firms by foreign firms, especially in markets for commoditised
goods.This can reduce domestic firms’ abilities to restrict aggressive price competition and main-
tain working conditions, even in situations where a highly motivated workforce would benefit
companies in the long term (Hall and Soskice, 2001, pp. 56–60; Whitley, 2010).
Recently, the business systems framework, in particular, has highlighted the position of
multinational corporations (MNCs) as collective actors who are rooted in different and poten-
tially contrasting institutional settings and who are often significantly less committed to par-
ticular production facilities and modes of operation than their purely domestic counterparts. As
a result, they are more likely to question taken-for-granted assumptions and ways of organising
work in both home and host countries (Kristensen and Morgan, 2012b; Morgan and Kristensen,
2006; Morgan, 2012).This represents a significant shift from early VoC and business system work
that downplayed the importance of MNCs and assumed that social ties bound firms to a specific
institutional setting and that firms could not easily ignore these ties (Allen, 2004).
Historical institutionalism
Historical institutionalism focuses on 1) the circumstances under which institutional
arrangements are established or bedded down, and 2) the long-term processes that involve
internal and external forces and that lead to institutional change (Hall and Taylor, 1996; Hassel,
2014; Steinmo and Thelen, 1992; Steinmo, 2008; Streeck, 2009; Thelen, 2012). As is the case
with regulationist theory, historical institutionalism is strongly influenced by Polanyian notions
of double movements and pressures that impel nations towards greater statism or marketisation
(Streeck, 2009).
However, historical institutionalists emphasise that the forms that states and markets assume
will vary according to long-term historical processes; this is, of course, a point that is integral
to Polanyi’s writing (Polanyi, 2001 [1944]), but is somehow lost in optimistic strands of the
industrial relations literature, which assume that state mediation will be in the labour-friendly
form of the 1950s’ welfare state. However, statism is often not benign; for example, the role of
ostensibly neoliberal states in supporting an ecosystem of firms that, whilst unable to compete
on market terms, occupy oligopolistic positions in tendering for outsourced state functions and
that reap increased profits as a result (Wood and Wright, 2015).
Unlike early regulationist thinking, historical institutionalism has always accorded par-
ticular attention to issues of scale; in other words, it highlights national political traditions and
associated party politics, and the relative fortunes of different sections of workers in different
settings (Busemeyer, 2009; Steinmo, 2008; Streeck, 2013).
Institutional change
Historical institutionalism assumes that institutions change as a result of the different and some-
times competing interests of collective actors (Crouch and Farrell, 2004; Regini, 2003; Streeck,
2011a). This does not, however, mean that historical institutionalists predict when any specific
institutional framework will change (Streeck, 2012). It does, though, presuppose that specific
historical circumstances help to create particular institutional frameworks, leading to institutions
that are legitimate –whilst also being contested –within temporally specific limits (Steinmo and
Thelen, 1992; Streeck, 2012). For instance, institutional arrangements that reflect social demo-
cratic values in Europe came into being in the late 1940s and 1950s when certain collective
actors, including the occupying powers in West Germany, were able to impose institutions, such
as the extension of workers’ rights, in the coal and steel industries, influencing later national
legislation (Jackson, 2005).
A corollary of this approach is that economic and financial elites are not able to determine
which institutions will change in which ways. Instead, these collective actors must compromise
and seek to change existing institutional arrangements where they can. Institutions will, of course,
shape the interests of these elites and mediate how any institutional change will proceed. In gen-
eral, however, economic and financial elites are likely to encourage the greater use of market
relations within, as well as between, individual firms (Goyer, 2011; Regini, 2003; Thelen, 2012).
For example, the 2008 financial crisis has led some historical institutionalists to argue that national
institutions which impede deregulated labour markets are gradually being eroded in different
countries, resulting in labour markets in all countries being characterised by greater ‘flexibility’ and
the commodification of more types of employment and non-economic activities (Crouch, 2013;
Howell et al., 2015; Regini, 2003; Streeck and Thelen, 2005; Streeck, 2012, 2013, 2014).
Indeed, Streeck’s recent research argues that countries are in the early stages of a liberalisation
process rather than at the end of such a process (Streeck, 2011a, 2012, 2013, 2014).This suggests
that companies in various countries are likely to focus more on short-term financial objectives
and trying to make labour markets more flexible. Evidence from German employer associations
buttresses these claims: many of these associations lobbied aggressively for liberalisation in the
2000s (Kinderman, 2014 cf. Goerres and Höpner, 2014). Improvements in Germany’s economic
performance have lessened these claims to some extent (Kinderman, 2014); however, many
policy-makers still adhere to neoliberalism, despite the financial crisis (Crouch, 2013).
Indeed, crises in the global economy create opportunities for, as well as pressures on, different
collective actors, especially property owners, to seek to change existing institutional structures
(Crouch, 2013; Palier and Thelen, 2010; Streeck, 2013; Thelen, 2012). In contrast to both
the VoC framework and the business systems approach, therefore, historical institutionalism
emphasises the importance of endogenous institutional change (Streeck, 2012). Property owners
often create these changes as they seek to expand in scope and depth the areas dominated
by market relations (Crouch, 2016; Kinderman, 2014; Streeck, 2012). Consequently, historical
institutionalists often view institutional change as a contested, political process that is instigated
and led by those seeking to improve their position within the institutional framework. Those
with liquid assets, such as shareholders and financiers, are frequently within this group (Goyer,
2011; Schnyder, 2012; Wood and Wright, 2015; cf. Streeck, 2012). A further implication of the
assumptions that underpin institutional change within historical institutionalism is that the
government is the key actor in ensuring work relations (Rogers and Streeck, 1995; Streeck,
2012) and that governments of various hues in different countries will come under pressure
to liberalise existing economic activities and marketise other, non-economic areas of social life
(Crouch, 2011, 2016; Regini, 2014; Streeck, 2012, 2013).
However, some historical institutionalists argue that some companies in co-ordinated market
economies will attempt to protect existing institutions and their associated modes of operation.
For example, some German employers continue to support vocational training schemes, as they
help to create collaborative workplace environments (Thelen, 2014). In addition, the focus on
national-level regulations within much of the historical institutionalism literature can obscure
areas of continuity in firm-level policies and practices as well as in sectoral or local institutional
arrangements (Busemeyer, 2009; Hassel, 2014; Streeck, 2014; Thelen, 2009, 2014, cf. Sako and
Jackson, 2006).
The focus on politics and social outcomes within historical institutionalism results in inter-
nationalisation being conceptualised primarily as a process that is driven by international capital
markets and that puts pressures on national governments to cut deficits, increase taxes, decrease
welfare spending, de-regulate labour markets and curtail the role of collective bargaining
(Crouch, 2016; Streeck, 2011b, 2012).
In part as a result of these pressures on all democratic, capitalist countries, historical
institutionalists argue that research should focus to a greater extent on the commonalities across
different forms of capitalism rather than their differences (Streeck, 2010). As Streeck has written:
It is hard to see how a view as sanguine as this [that emphasises the persistence of dis-
tinct and autonomous national variants of capitalism] could survive the experience
of the global crisis and its proliferation along the transnational linkages created by
dynamically expanding international markets, in particular for finance.
(Streeck, 2010, p.38)
A further corollary of the emphasis on markets rather than firms is that historical institu-
tionalism tends to assume that increasing breadth and depth of markets will lead to less diver-
sity (Crouch, 2016; Streeck, 2010). By contrast, a focus on firms would reveal the importance
of institutional variation to firms, as it enables them to conduct different types of activities in
different locations that have diverse institutional settings (Allen, 2013; Kristensen and Morgan,
2012a; Lane, 2008). As a result, firms cannot be assumed to be homogeneous or to have the same
interests and preferences for deregulation at all times and in all locations.
Regulation theory
The interrelated elements of regulation theory (RT) are the industrial paradigm (how the
technical and social division of labour is governed), the mode of regulation (that examines
the influences on individuals’ behaviour), the accumulation or growth regime (how a national
economy grows as a result of the usual patterns of consumption and production) and the modes
of development (how the previous factors combine to ensure a relatively lengthy period of eco-
nomic growth) (Boyer, 2005, 2011; Jessop, 1990, 2001, xxvii; Lipietz, 1997). More specifically,
a mode of regulation is the “ensemble of norms, institutions, social networks and patterns of
conduct that can stabilise an accumulation regime”, and the latter in turn, “a complementary
pattern of production and consumption” (Jessop, 2001, p. 93). Both are spatially and temporarily
confined, and the former is of very much shorter duration and scale than the traditional Marxist
concept of a mode of production.
Institutional change
Regulation theory presupposes that all forms of capitalism are inherently dynamic; as a result
all forms of capitalism are likely to experience crises from time to time. In other words, crises
are a quintessential part of capitalism. Even if institutional frameworks appear to be stable, they
are only temporary, contingent, and spatially and temporally specific solutions to particular
challenges (Jessop, 2012b). For instance, Boyer (2011, p.67) has contended that “a capitalist
economy is never stuck in a stationary state since it is affected by the process of accumulation,
the recurrence of social conflicts, major crises and the impact of radical innovations.”
A corollary of such thinking is that institutional change is often the result of endogenous
processes (Boyer, 2005, 2011; Jessop, 2001, 2012a): the inherent dynamism of capitalist modes
of production largely explains institutional change rather than any outside or exogenous factors
(Boyer and Juillard, 2002; Coriat, 2002). Of course, this does not mean that exogenous and
endogenous change cannot occur at the same time or that the two can be easily identified
in practice (Bohle and Greskovits, 2007; Bruff and Horn, 2012; Vidal, 2013b). For example,
domestic firms that pursue ‘shareholder value’ may seek to extend the use of contingent, low-
paid workers as well as make use of such workers as a result of regulatory changes wrought by
international companies and the internationalisation of product markets.
Regulation theory is distinct from the VoC approach in another way: RT does not view
the firm as a simple venue in which formal and informal rules are ‘automatically’ enacted
or reproduced as the VoC tends to assume (Allen, 2004; Crouch, 2005), but emphasises
how different and sometimes competing interests around the production process make
the influence of institutions on actors’ behaviour contingent and contested (Jessop, 2012a;
Lipietz, 1993).
An initial focus in RT was, therefore, to explain how Fordist modes of production and con-
sumption provided stable growth over a relatively long period of time, but eventually declined
(Boyer, 2005; Jessop, 2001). Although RT demonstrated how the Fordist model was practised
differently in various countries, the approach also highlighted the similarities across those coun-
tries as well as the common challenges posed in finding viable alternative modes of production
and consumption when Fordism declined (Boyer, 2005; Jessop, 2001).
Initially, the RT approach did not preclude the possibility that new institutional arrangements
that would solve these challenges within capitalist systems would be based on collaboration
within workplaces (Bliek and Parguez, 2008; Jessop, 2001). This, in part, was a corollary of the
policy preferences of regulationists in France in the early 1980s as well as the optimistic outlook
of analysts in the UK who had been influenced by regulationist thinking and who examined
‘post-Fordist’ models of capitalism (Bliek and Parguez, 2008; Jessop, 2001, xvii).
However, writing within the regulationist tradition always stressed that modern capitalism is
inherently dysfunctional, albeit that the Althusserian radicalism of early RT has been tempered
over the years. Indeed, in many respects historical institutionalists and regulation theorists are as
pessimistic as one another about the ability of capitalism to deliver simultaneously rising profits
and increasing wages; both, moreover, focus on the declining quality of many jobs that have
limited autonomy, few opportunities for promotion or training, and have become increasingly
precarious (Beynon, 2016;Vidal, 2013a, 2013b).
Regulation theory examines internationalisation in two broad ways. The first focuses on the
implications of internationalisation for workers and their employment conditions. The second
assesses internationalisation at a conceptual rather than an empirical level, and highlights key
distinctions between RT and VoC, in particular.
Regulation theory acknowledged that many jobs within Fordist production and consump-
tion models did not offer high levels of discretion to employees; these jobs did, however, provide
relatively high wages. Internationalisation has changed this (Vidal, 2013a).The heightened com-
petitive pressures on companies that stem from the increasing internationalisation of product
and capital markets as well as the growing importance of the service sector have led many firms
to externalise as many jobs and activities as possible, resulting in reduced wages, lower-quality
jobs, fewer training opportunities for many workers and an increase in the precariousness of
some forms of employment (Vidal, 2013a). These trends have affected all countries, albeit to
varying degrees (Hauptmeier, 2010;Vidal, 2013b).
At a more abstract level, scholars who draw on RT have emphasised how internationalisa-
tion raises important theoretical questions about how different varieties of capitalism interact
with one another. In particular, RT focuses on the ‘compossibility’ of different forms of cap-
italism (Jessop, 2012b); in other words, whether one type of capitalism is able to co-exist with
another. In general, RT argues that as a result of increasing competitive pressures and political
decisions, market relations have gained in both breadth and depth, undermining the ability of
politicians and other collective actors to maintain institutional regimes that support higher-
quality jobs (Jessop, 2012b). This perspective contrasts with the VoC and business systems
approaches, which assume that different varieties of capitalism can co-exist with one another
as they can provide distinct benefits to companies within their borders, enabling them to
compete globally in particular markets, such as cars or pharmaceuticals. Within RT, the USA
occupies a dominant position, being able to shape the institutional settings in other countries
to a greater extent than any other country. This influence stems, in part, from the USA having
a currency that is used as a global reserve, enabling it to have a large and growing trade deficit
(Jessop, 2012b).
Empirical evidence
A growing body of research has sought to test the veracity of the predictions of the theories
against real-world evidence. This body of research can be divided into two broad categories.
The first seeks to compare national institutional archetypes against broad societal trends (Allen
et al., 2006; Boyer, 2004; Hotho, 2014; Schneider and Paunescu, 2012; Witt and Jackson, 2016).
In general terms, this work confirms the predictions of the literature on comparative capitalism,
but recognises that relatively slow systemic change may be taking place. Amable’s (2003) capit-
alist archetypes are themselves derived from a cluster analysis of societal and macro-economic
The second body of research looks at firm-level practices, paying particular attention to
work and employment relations. This includes a series of articles based on the Cranet compara-
tive surveys that examine HR practices at different points of time in a large number of countries
(Brewster et al., 2014, 2007; Brewster,Wood and Brookes, 2008; Farndale, Brewster and Poutsma,
2008). Research that has drawn on these data has explored the relative veracity of Whitley’s
(1999) original categorisations, Hall and Soskice’s (2001) dichotomous classification, Hancké
et al.’s (2007) taxonomy (which introduced the emerging market economy (Eastern Europe)
and mixed market economy (Mediterranean) types) and Amable’s (2003) framework that draws
on cluster analysis.The methodology adopted in the latter study means that it provides the most
accurate predictor of firm-level practices (Goergen et al., 2012).
The second strand of empirical evidence broadly confirms that 1) liberal market economies,
such as the USA and the UK, are very different to other types of capitalism, 2) many workers
are worse off in such contexts than in mature co-ordinated markets and 3) these differences
have endured over time, despite claims that a process of convergence is underway (Brewster
et al., 2014, 2007; Croucher et al., 2012; Harcourt and Wood, 2007). Challenges for future
research include a closer analysis of the bounded nature of diversity amongst firms and inter-
firm networks within national settings (existing work suggests that there is as much diversity
within national systems as there is between them) and a closer examination of whether some
liberal markets are more extreme than others (Brewster et al., 2014). Similarly, co-ordinated
markets have always encompassed considerable diversity, and many smaller firms follow practices
quite removed from the co-ordinated market ideal type (Allen, 2004; Brewster et al., 2014;
Crouch, 2005).
By the same measure, no particular broad set of institutional conditions is ever immutable, no
matter how much a limited range of key players may benefit from it; indeed, if, as is presently
the case with both the US and the UK, a system systematically worsens, a large component of
society and the existing social order will come under pressure. This does not necessarily signify
a progressive moment, as it may result in a drive to narrow identity-based politics; however,
by the same measure, such moves may challenge existing institutional arrangements (Skocpol
and Williamson, 2012). Again, the strain unification placed on the German model, and wilful
misunderstandings of the Japanese so-called lost decade, led to chronic misinterpretations of the
viability of the largest co-ordinated markets; since 2008, the inherent strengths of both countries
have become much more visible, and, by the same measure, forces for change may have been
easily over-estimated.
There is a tendency within all three of the institutional approaches reviewed here to assume
that national institutional frameworks are relatively closely coupled (Crouch, 2005; Crouch,
Schröder and Voelzkow, 2009; Hall and Soskice, 2001; Streeck, 2010; Whitley, 1999, 2007
cf. Allen, 2013). Recent evidence has highlighted the importance of institutional diversity
within national economies, even if that diversity is bounded by institutions (Lane and Wood,
2009; Walker, Brewster and Wood, 2014; Wood, 2013). This internal institutional diversity
stems from 1) the persistence of regional or sectoral production networks, 2) the vari-
able extent of institutional change and 3) local responses to reform pressures (Lane and
Wood, 2009).
Regional institutional systems that involve industrial policies by regional authorities and the
provision and maintenance of a highly skilled local workforce can facilitate the formation of
strong inter-firm ties that, in turn, support firms’ competition strategies (Crouch et al., 2009;
Kristensen and Morgan, 2012a). In addition, variation exists between sectors within countries.
For instance, within the US, certain sectors, such as defence, ICT and health, receive a large
amount of state funding that other sectors do not (Allen, 2013; Keller and Block, 2013), helping
to support the competition strategies of firms within those sectors and providing the basis for
some well-remunerated and rewarding jobs.
Institutional change does not affect all collective actors in the same way. As the development
of co-determination in Germany after the Second World War shows, institutional reform can be
piecemeal, and will affect firms in certain sectors, such as coal and steel, before it has an impact
on firms in other sectors (Jackson, 2005). Indeed, the number of employee representatives who
sit on supervisory boards depends upon the size of the firm.
The effects of institutional change at the national level will have uneven consequences and
result in new local variations while reinforcing old ones. For instance, financial market reforms
at the national level have benefited, in general, those in London and the south east of England,
increasing income inequality with the rest of the UK and helping to create stronger national
cleavages, in particular between England and Scotland. As a result, Scotland has developed
institutions that are distinct from those in England, with the aim of developing along more a
social-democratic trajectory (Scott and Wright, 2012). This has created variation in the extent
of privatisation of public-sector services between Scotland, where the role of the market is
relatively marginal, and England, where it is greater (ibid.). The employment terms of those
in private companies that provide some of the services to hospitals are likely to become
more precarious and less well paid than those of public-sector employees who performed the
same tasks.
A core tenet of the socio-economic literature on comparative capitalism is that there are many
viable national economic models –even if the emphasis on the distinctiveness of those models
varies within the three institutional perspectives examined here. A second key premise is that
it is possible for firms to prosper when workers’ legal rights are relatively strong. However, the
literature has increasingly found common ground around the view that all institutional medi-
ation is temporary and contingent, never closely coupled and that all institutional systems have
disadvantages, shortfalls and internal contradictions. In turn, this makes national institutional
orders inherently vulnerable to disruptions from both inside and outside the system.
As noted above, the three institutional approaches reviewed here tend, on the whole,
to highlight the negative consequences of institutional change for workers’ employment
conditions. However, the literature also highlights the possibility of new institutional fixes,
indicating that national employment regimes do not necessarily inevitably face deregulation
with a commensurate degradation in employment relations and working life. At the same time,
major institution building or redesign is a risky and complex process that in broad historic
terms is relatively unusual. This would explain why a very broad body of literature, from Marx
(1992 [1885]) to the reactionary writings of Calhoun (2012 [1837]), emphasises that almost
all societies are characterised by large-scale labour coercion. The challenge for employment
relations scholars is to avoid the trap of pessimism, through focusing on those alternatives that
have proved most resilient to crisis and exploring the conditions under which these proven
forms of institutional mediation may be replicated or extended (Wood and Lane, 2012; Wood
and Wright, 2015).
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Keith Whitfield and Suhaer Yunus
Building on previous work that has examined the use of research methods in industrial relations/
employment relations (IR/ER), particularly Whitfield and Strauss (2000), this chapter updates
its empirical work and re-examines its key postulates. IR/ER research continues to show a
wide range of research methods and approaches. It is highly empirical, with a large proportion
of papers published in its leading journals involving data collected by the author(s), and there
is still a significant level of research that has a policy orientation. A significant number of case
studies are undertaken by IR/ER researchers, but perhaps not as many as is generally thought.
There is little evidence of the development of multi-method research, despite a recognition that
such an approach could be beneficial for the development of the field. Instead, authors tend to
stick to their own preferred approach.This might change as researchers in the field take a greater
interest in epistemological/ontological issues, especially as this is leading to a greater interest in
critical realism.
Industrial relations/employment relations (IR/ER) research displays a wide range of research
methods. It is one of its hallmarks as a field of study. This is possibly to be expected in a subject
area that is multidisciplinary, with a very strong policy orientation and situated at the meeting
point of a range of very disparate disciplines and fields as diverse as economics, sociology, psych-
ology, politics, history and business/management studies, among others. It has also evolved its
own distinctive approaches to research, most notably detailed case study analysis (Brown and
Wright, 1994), as well as pioneering the undertaking of large workplace surveys in a number of
countries (Bryson and Frege, 2010).
Such heterogeneity in the range of methods used by IR/ER researchers can, on the one
hand, be seen as a major strength, yielding powerful empirical analysis and rich insights into
how the world of work works, and allowing the customisation of research to the specific needs
of the topic at hand. It could also potentially allow the field to free itself of the criticisms
directed towards allied fields and disciplines, for example labour economics and organisational
psychology, that they are too narrow in their research approach, too reliant on a narrow range
of methods and therefore potentially missing key insights (Godard, 2014; Spencer, 2013).Yet the
field has not prospered in recent years, and has been in decline in many areas of academia. It may
even be the case that the heterogeneity of research methods deployed in IR/ER is a curse for
the field, something that has hastened its decline as an area of academic enquiry.The wide range
of approaches could have given IR/ER the air of a field of study that has no central core to its
approach, perhaps one where there is profound disagreement as to ways of seeing and doing,
and thereby an area to be avoided at all costs.
For such heterogeneity to be a strength rather than a weakness, it is pivotal that it reflects
a carefully thought-through approach to research design that results from matching research
methods to the tasks at hand and involves the deployment of a mix of approaches that allows
the weaknesses of specific methods to be mitigated by the simultaneous use of methods that
are less prone to such weaknesses (even though they may have problems of their own that are
less prevalent in other methods used). In its most developed form, such a research programme
could be expected to evolve and yield ever-increasing insights into the core phenomena being
investigated, developing a body of knowledge that would not only suggest academic progress,
but also offer increasingly prescient advice to policy-makers and practitioners. Whether such a
world is evolving in IR/ER is therefore a key issue.
The aim of this chapter is to review the current state of research methods in the IR/ER
area, to consider the current state of its methodological mix and to suggest how its approach to
undertaking research might be developed to strengthen the standing of the field in academia
and beyond. It builds on similar conjectures developed by George Strauss and Keith Whitfield at
the end of the twentieth century (Whitfield and Strauss, 1998, 2000) and further considered in a
follow-up piece early in the new millennium (Whitfield and Strauss, 2008). It also builds on the
ideas of other authors who have considered methods and IR/ER, most notably Carola Frege’s
paper on how internationalisation has affected the nature of IR/ER research (Frege, 2005).
The chapter is focused around three key questions:
1) What is the current state of play in the use of research methods in IR/ER research?
2) What are the trends in the use of research in IR/ER?
3) Is the heterogeneity of methods used in IR/ER research a good or a bad thing for the devel-
opment of the field?
What’s in a name?
There has undoubtedly been a major set of changes taking place in the field of study traditionally
known as industrial relations (IR), and now more commonly known as employment relations
(ER). No longer is the focus principally on union-management relations; it has broadened to
include a number of key issues relating to the way in which the world of work operates. As the
core subject area of the field of IR, collective bargaining, has declined, so the subject matter of
the renamed field has expanded to take on board emerging interests in, inter alia, “high perform-
ance” human resource practices, equality and diversity, employee well-being and comparative
international employment systems. The consequence has been an inevitable broadening in the
range of methods used across the field.
This change has undoubtedly expanded the scope of the subject, but has simultaneously
reduced its distinctiveness as a field of study. Whereas traditional IR had a very clear core, albeit
one that its scholars built on in all manner of directions, the new ER is much more diffuse,
its core subjects typically going well beyond the IR/ER mainstream per se, into areas such
as the impact of human resource management (HRM) on organisational performance and
the business case for employer initiatives in areas of benefit to employees, such as well-being
and work-life balance. Increasingly, scholars who feel that their principal discipline or field is
not IR/ER are crossing swords with those who do so identify, but often with very different
approaches and methods. Most notably, there has been increasing cross-over between the sub-
ject area and labour economics (Spencer, 2013) and organisational psychology (Godard, 2014).
Neither of these cross-overs has been unproblematic and both have raised issues for IR/ER in
general, and in particular with regard to the deployment of research methods therein. The dis-
tinctiveness of the IR/ER approach to research has consequently eroded.
For many, the ‘golden age’ of IR research is seen to have exhibited a highly distinctive
approach to research methods –detailed case study research based on workplace-based field-
work, heavily focused on observation and semi-structured interviews with key participants
(Brown and Wright, 1994).The essence of this approach was that the researchers “talked to their
data”, and attempted to explain key aspects of the employment relationship by relating these,
“… to a broader structure of societal power” (ibid, p.154). The approach was highly inductive
and, at most (but not that often), attempted to develop some form of middle-level theory.
A contrast was often made with the more deductively-inclined approach of mainstream labour
economists, involving the use of increasingly powerful quantitative techniques and the sec-
ondary analysis of survey data, most notably the workplace IR surveys that developed, particu-
larly in the United Kingdom, in the last quarter of the twentieth century. This latter approach
has been seen to crowd out the more traditional case study approach, and thereby change
the nature of IR/ER research as its subject focus has shifted, as the more often quoted letter
changed from ‘I’ to ‘E’, and, possibly more crucially, the nature of the researchers undertaking
research in this subject area, and most notably their training, has changed.
Some have bemoaned many of the changes taking place in the field (Brown and Wright,
1994; Whitfield and Strauss, 1998); others have welcomed it, but the dominant mood has pos-
sibly been a desire for the various approaches to work in harmony to produce an understanding
of the complexities of the employment relationship that transcends simple methodological
approaches (Delbridge and Whitfield, 2007). That such a multifaceted programme of work has
not emerged is possibly a reason why IR/ER has experienced such a period of introspection
and concern about its academic status. Part of the problem is perhaps that while the range
of methods used in IR/ER has expanded, there has not been the development of a core of
researchers or research teams who are proficient across this range and who have become adept
at combining different methods into a coherent and far-reaching approach to research. In par-
ticular, there does not seem to have been an increase in the development of multi-method
research approaches, despite much rhetoric as to their importance.
Articles coded 32 21 40 28 28 31
Basic approach
Deductive 15 2 36 22 14 9
Inductive 16 19 3 6 14 22
Primary orientation
Discipline orientation 25 11 33 18 25 24
Policy orientation 7 10 7 10 3 7
Yes 31 21 40 28 28 31
Subject area
Union-management relations 6 6 8 2 6 6
Level of analysis
Individual/household 8 5 17 12 14 4
these two polar opposites are the critical realists, who typically adopt a mixed position and con-
siderable differences to one another in their attitudes towards different forms of analysis and the
degree to which hypothesis testing can be deemed in any way meaningful (see, for example, the
variety of approaches outlined in Edwards, O’Mahoney and Vincent, 2014).
Industrial/employment relations researchers take a wide range of ontological/epistemo-
logical stances, but typically they do not express an explicit position on such matters, though
sometimes echoes of a particular stance (or more than one) can be detected. This has led to the
frequent accusation that the ‘facts’ are allowed to speak for themselves or more critically that
the field “heaps facts on the plains of human ignorance”. Edwards (2006) has suggested that a
critical realist approach can be discerned in much IR/ER research, even though this is rarely
stated explicitly. However, it is also noted that such studies lack certain key factors that would
be required of a fully articulated critical realist analysis. In particular, IR/ER is seen to be overly
inductive in its approach, “… and it has not lent itself to more formal and rigorous approaches
that might speak to more conventional modes of analysis.” (ibid., p. 11).
An examination of the current IR/ER literature (see Table 10.1 above) suggests that the
inductive and deductive approaches to the subject are equally prevalent, with US research
favouring the latter and research elsewhere being more balanced between the two.
Changing times
The nature of IR/ER research has changed in a number of ways in the last half-century. Two
analyses of the contents of leading journals in the field (Frege, 2005; Whitfield and Strauss,
2000) charted these changes up to the advent of the new millennium, taking slightly different
stances in relation to their key dimensions. Whitfield and Strauss’s analysis focused on changes
in the papers published in six of the leading journals in the field in an attempt to see how much
change there had been in how research was undertaken between 1952 and 1997. Frege’s ana-
lysis focused on how the internationalisation of the global economy had affected IR research.
Whitfield and Strauss (2000) concluded that between the early 1950s and late 1990s:
1) There had been a shift away from research that is primarily inductive, qualitative and
concerned with policy, towards research that is quantitative, deductive and concerned with
theory-building and testing.
2) There were substantial and continuing differences in research style among the journals and
the countries in which they were published.
3) There was an increase in the proportion of papers using empirical data, especially quanti-
tative data, and a large increase in the proportion of papers using such data that involved a
multivariate analysis.
4) In 1997, in all but the two US journals analysed, the majority of papers were based on the
primary analysis of data collected by the researcher.
5) Only about one-fifth of papers involved case studies.
6) Few articles were based on multi-method research strategies.
7) The proportion of papers on union-management relations was fairly constant at just below
50 per cent.
8) The period witnessed an increased focus on the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and
In short, there had been a definite shift in the way in which research had been undertaken
during this period, away from what was regarded as the traditional IR approach towards an
approach that was already well established in sub-disciplines and fields with which IR/ER
overlapped, such as labour economics and organisational psychology. The shift seemed most
pronounced for the two leading US journals, reflecting a distinct difference in how research
was undertaken in the USA as opposed to Europe, especially continental Europe and, to some
extent, Canada. However, there was still evidence of some of the hallmarks of the traditional
approach in place –most notably the primary analysis of data collected by the researcher him/
herself, and a continued emphasis on union-management relations. By contrast, the analysis of
case studies was not, and had never been, the dominant approach to research in the subject area.
Frege’s findings were perhaps more chastening. Her analysis suggested that “… the ongoing
globalisation of the economy and of the research community has not yet translated itself into
a strong international research environment in the Anglo-Saxon countries, although it has to a
certain extent in Germany… .The prominent absence of international topics in the USA seems
to confirm the stereotype of US research as being parochial and ethnocentric.” (Frege, 2005,
p. 203). Her analysis also suggested that there were distinct patterns of IR research in the USA,
UK and Germany. Such differences were seen to be shaped by differences in the countries’
national IR systems.
Together, these two analyses suggest that the pressures promoting how research is undertaken
in IR/ER are by no means universal, and are strongly shaped by national imperatives. Moreover,
there is a definite tendency towards a form of research that departs from what might be called
the traditional IR way of detailed case study at the workplace level –though there might be
doubts about whether it was ever thus. This is much more marked in the US than elsewhere.
The move towards a more deductive orientation, with greater emphasis on multivariate ana-
lysis, is not necessarily a bad thing for the field. It could add a dimension to the more detailed
case-based analysis that allows the key insights of such research to be examined in a much
more general setting, and thereby to see how universal the insights of key cases are. There could
31 21 40 28 28 31
Type of data
Quantitative 15 3 36 21 13 9
Multivariate analysis 15 2 35 21 13 7
Data collected by
Author 13 14 13 12 20 24
Case study 14 14 6 4 9 16
Multi-method 9 11 3 1 3 8
develop an articulation between the two approaches that allows a more holistic perspective
to develop. On the other hand, it is possible that the advent of the workplace survey and its
analysis by ever more complex multivariate analysis could well be crowding out aspects of the
more detailed approach to research that has contributed so much to our understanding of the
key processes underlying behaviour in the subject area. The absence of meaningful interaction
between the two approaches in the research literature seems to suggest that maybe the latter has
been the dominant outcome.
An updating of the Whitfield and Strauss (2000) analysis for the new millennium (Whitfield
and Yunus, 2017) suggests that many of the trends highlighted in the earlier study have continued
in recent years. The results for 2015 for all six journals are shown in Tables 10.1 and 10.2, and
the changes in the four journals for which there is a continuous record over the period 1967 to
2015 (British Journal of Industrial Relations, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations,
Journal of Industrial Relations) are shown in Table 10.3.
The deductive approach has become even more dominant, with nearly two-thirds of papers
taking this stance in these four journals. This contrasts with just over one-half in 1982 and
1997, and just one-fifth in 1967. Even more striking is the move towards a discipline focus as
opposed to a policy focus, which now accounts for three-quarters of papers, in contrast to just
over two-fifths in 1967.
The key finding in the new analysis is the decline in research on union-management
relations, from nearly 50 per cent of all papers to just over one-quarter. This no doubt reflects
the decline in unionism around the world, but also a shift of focus among ER researchers both
towards studying non-union workplaces and issues that typically, or perhaps increasingly, do not
involve unions, even in unionised settings. The scale of the change is substantial and reflects a
major change in the nature of the field.
The decline in interest in union-management relations might have been expected to have
been associated with an increase in the number of papers on individuals and households, but
that does not seem to have occurred, with a significant decline in the proportion of papers
focused at this level. The key area of growth has undoubtedly been the study of workplace
HRM practices, particularly in relation to issues such as HRM and performance and the devel-
opment of high performance/commitment systems.
All but one paper published in the four journals in 2015 contained data of some form.
The field is heavily empirical. Multivariate analysis has also become even more dominant as
the analytical method of choice, and was used in three-fifths of 2015 papers, in contrast to
just seven per cent in 1967. It is, however, notable that there was a decline in the proportion
of papers that were based primarily on quantitative data, from 71 per cent in 1997 to 62 per
cent in 2015. There was also an increase in papers using data collected by the author/authors,
increasing from 38 per cent in 1997 to 48 per cent in 2015. An even larger increase was in
the undertaking of a case study, which increased from 15 per cent of papers in 1997 to 31 per
cent in 2015.
There was no increase in the proportion of papers that used a multi-method strategy. This
remained at just 16 per cent of papers. It therefore seems that single-method research is still
dominant in the field, despite a wide heterogeneity of methods in use, and much rhetoric about
the importance of using a range of methods either to triangulate research findings or broaden
the breadth and depth of research undertaken.
basis, but sometimes cross-nationally (e.g. Caroli and van Reenen, 2001; Mumford and Smith,
2003; Whitfield et al., 1994).
The workplace surveys have allowed researchers to uncover the magnitudes of key work-
place structures, map the distribution of structures between differing types of workplace and
contextualise case studies and more limited surveys. They have also been the basis of a wide
range of investigations of key behavioural relationships in the ER domain.
The development of the workplace surveys has been widely supported in the IR/ER
research community, though there have been some dissenting voices (e.g. McCarthy, 1994),
which have suggested that the existence of readily available survey data has crowded out more
appropriate data for the task at hand. Less widely accepted is the use of survey data to examine
behavioural relationships. Not only has the acceptability of the key proxy variables used in such
studies been questioned, but so has the ability of researchers to make causal inferences on the
back of cross-sectional data.
What has been notably absent is a programme of research that has workplace data at its heart,
but which complements it with data that is more detail-r ich and focused on a particular issue
(Delbridge and Whitfield, 2007). There has been something of a tendency to see workplace
survey data and more qualitative forms of information as ‘either/ors’ rather than as different
aspects of understanding a complex phenomenon. This is partly a resource issue, but also one
involving the respecting of anonymity and confidentiality.
Two interesting developments in relation to national workplace survey data that have both
emphasised the power and at the same time the limitations of the approach have been the ana-
lysis of successive surveys in the same country and the analysis of surveys between countries.
A prime example of the former is Brown et al. (2009), which analysed the first five of the
WIRS/WERS surveys (1980 to 2004). This allowed changes in key aspects of the British ER
system to be mapped over a quarter of a century. A strong advantage of the WIRS/WERS series
is that many variables were deliberately kept as they were in successive surveys and so a full
time-series could be built. However, many of the variables inevitably changed their structure
in successive surveys as the underlying world of work changed, meaning that time-series were
sometimes incomplete or not fully consistent across their range. Moreover, the nature of the
institutions themselves has evolved through time, and thus the same question may be tapping
different phenomena in one survey relative to another. A prime example concerns employee
participation in decision-making, which has evolved from a more pluralistic set of structures to
one that is much more managerial in its focus in recent years. Nonetheless, an interesting story
can be told of change in a system of industrial/employment relations that has undergone fun-
damental change in some areas but exhibited high levels of continuity in others.
The second example of innovative use of workplace surveys is in relation to compara-
tive international analysis. This area has been particularly powerful in relation to the British
workplace surveys and both the Australian and French surveys. Potentially these allow the
undertaking of nationally representative comparisons of key IR/ER structures and institutions,
involving lots of controls for key differences between the countries concerned. However, in
practice, the comparisons tend to be, at most, proximate, requiring the invocation of a plethora
of conditions that weaken the strength of the conclusions reached. The surveys tend to differ
in many respects –nature of sample (especially the lower size-band for workplaces), the precise
structures that are investigated, the dimensions of the structures that are examined, whether
employees are investigated too, and if so, which ones, and to whom the questions are asked.
In short, there are always grounds for the more sceptical reviewer to doubt the exactitude of
the match between seemingly similar national surveys, even those that are deliberately kept as
closely similar as possible.
A key issue for research in the IR/ER area is that institutional detail varies markedly across
both time and space, and that such detail is of crucial importance in understanding why phe-
nomena take the forms that they do and why they change in particular ways. This will always
result in a degree of disjuncture between theoretical concepts and empirical constructs and
thereby an imprecision in the testing of key hypotheses. There will always be grounds for scep-
ticism about the precision of analyses using workplace data, especially when the analyses involve
comparisons across time and across space.
though possibly not how they can best be used in tandem, as research complements. Perhaps
this is an area in which the subject, through its professional bodies, such as the International
Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA), Labor and Employment Relations
Association (LERA) and British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA), and
the various subject groups and departments in differing universities, can take a lead. Maybe
multi-method instruction can be introduced strongly into the doctoral streams at national
and international conferences, and the various bespoke doctoral conferences and related
events that regularly take place.
In conclusion, it can probably be said that the heterogeneity of research methods used
in IR/ER research is neither a curse nor a blessing, but a reflection of a field of study that
is itself heterogeneous in its objectives and in the perspectives that its researchers bring to
it. Few signs exist of the development of a distinctive and comprehensive programme of
IR/ER research that uses a range of methods in conjunction to build a body of know-
ledge that underpins strong academic progress and increasingly insightful policy and practi-
tioner advice. There is, though, scope for considerable development in terms of how research
methods are deployed within the field of study and, in particular, a need for researchers to
use a mix of methods in a complementary way to allow for greater depth in the nature of the
research they undertake.
Acknowledgements: Thanks are due to Ed Heery, Jimmy Donaghey and members of Cardiff
University’s Employment Research Unit for perceptive comments on an earlier draft of this
paper, and to George Strauss for the intellectual stimulation he has generated for the issues
covered in this paper.We are grateful to Wiley for allowing us to publish material from Whitfield
and Strauss (2000).
Basic approach
This was ‘deductive’ if the primary objective was to test a hypothesis or to establish the magni-
tude of a conceptual relationship, and ‘inductive’ if the aim was to uncover empirical regularities
to assist in conceptual development. Articles that are primarily descriptive are ‘unclassified’.
Primary orientation
This was ‘policy’ if the prime objective was to examine an organisational or governmental
policy-related question, and ‘discipline-oriented’ if the prime objective was to examine a con-
ceptual issue or present findings without immediate policy implications.
Subject area
‘Yes’ indicates that the focus was on the relationship between unions and employers and not
just one of these parties.
Level of analysis
This relates to the level of the entity that was the primary focus of the analysis. The analysis
focuses on the number of papers based on the individual or household.
Type of data
This was ‘quantitative’ if the paper included statistical material, and ‘qualitative’ if it focused on
data not presented in quantitative form (although quantitative data could be presented as back-
ground or in providing examples).
Multivariate analysis
It was ‘multivariate’ if based at least in part on the simultaneous analysis of at least three variables.
Data collection
‘Author’ indicates that the information was collected by the author; this includes the collation
of published information from a variety of sources as well as surveys and interviews (if the
collation was conducted or designed by the author). ‘Other’ indicates that the data were taken
from a single source or small number of sources, such as one of the Workplace Industrial
Relations Surveys or a small set of manuscripts.
Case study
‘Case study’ means that the approach involved the conduct of case studies, which are explicitly
designed to suggest, develop or test generalisations with broader application.
‘Multi-method’ means that more than one method is used, with the explicit aim of triangu-
lation or transcending the insights gleaned from a single method. The use of two or more
methods in conjunction, without either aim (such as the statistical analysis of survey data), was
not deemed multimethod.
N.B. Literature reviews were not classified.
Brown, W., Bryson, A., Forth, J. and Whitfield, K. (2009). The Evolution of the Modern Workplace. Cambridge
(UK): Cambridge University Press.
Brown, W. and Wright, M. (1994). ‘The Empirical Tradition in Workplace Bargaining Research’, British
Journal of Industrial Relations, 32(2), pp. 154–164.
Bryson, A. and Frege, C. (2010). ‘The Importance of Comparative Workplace Relations Studies’, British
Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(2), pp. 231–234.
Caroli, E. and van Reenan, J. (2001). ‘Skill-based Organizational Change? Evidence from a Panel of British
and French Establishments’, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(4), pp. 1449–1492.
Delbridge, R. and Whitfield, K. (2007). ‘More than Mere Fragments: The Use of Workplace Employment
Relations Survey Data in HRM Research’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(12),
pp. 2166–2182.
Edwards, P. (2006). Industrial Relations and Critical Realism: IR’s Tacit Contribution. Warwick Papers in
Industrial Relations, Number 80, May.
Edwards, P., O’Mahoney, J. and Vincent, S. (2014). Studying Organizations Using Critical Realism: A Practical
Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fleetwood, S. and Hesketh, A. (2006). ‘HRM-Performance Research: Under-Theorised and Lacking
Explanatory Power’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(11), pp. 1977–93.
Continuity and change in the politics of regulation
The question of the state is fundamental to employment relations1 or work and employment
issues more broadly. The state is in many ways the guarantor and coercive force ensuring the
establishment of the explicit rules and regulations that govern ER.The state is key to the public
regulation and control of the contractual basis of such relations. The importance of having a
clear understanding of what is commonly called the state is vital if we are to study the rules of
engagement and the spheres of influence that govern our work. The state is also, as we will dis-
cuss below, not a monolithic actor even when it appears to be so, but rather the conglomeration
of various institutions and agencies. At one level the state can be seen as a set of institutions
comprising, inter alia, mechanisms of public governance, social and economic management,
coercive forces, public enterprises and non-departmental public bodies; a varied and varying set
of institutions –some directly democratically accountable, in liberal democratic contexts, some
not.Yet the state is more than a set of institutions: it reflects the social relations of the capitalist
mode of production and in turn serves to reproduce these social relations, providing a logic to
the role of the state that abstracts from the potentially contradictory activities of state bodies
at the concrete level. At the concrete level, it cannot be assumed that all bodies of the state act
in concert. Sub-units of the state may have competing interests and divergent agendas causing
them to act in contrast to the interests of other sub-units, or even in contrast to the policy
agenda of elected governments. Even in the United Kingdom at the height of the Thatcher
government’s reassertion of a unitarist model of management’s right to manage, the non-
departmental public body ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) continued
to propagate a more pluralistic approach. However, the state may not function in the manner
in which it is intended or even in the manner it espouses. In reality, in terms of its reach and
efficacy, the state may not be as omnipotent as sometimes assumed. What is more, the state may
govern or regulate for a specific set of interests and enshrine or support the role and activities
of certain actors and organisations over the interests of others. Therefore understanding, con-
ceptually, the meaning of the state and ‘what it does’ has to coincide with an attempt to grasp
its problems and its limitations in the face of other interests. As Kelly (1998) highlighted, until
recently there has been a failure of the industrial relations (IR) tradition in terms of its theor-
etical endeavours to engage with the state: a failure of analysis, and even lack of interest. In IR,
and in the study of human resource management (HRM), there has been a general abdication
of debate on the state to the arena of law. The study of politics –i.e. the study of the distribu-
tion of power and related institutions –has been marginalised to a great extent as well. Business
schools especially have a variable record in terms of the way in which questions of regulation
and political context are studied.
This chapter aims to assist in the task of reviving the analysis of the state in various ways.
Firstly, it explores the way we formally understand the state in relation to ER, and how the state
plays a range of roles and executes various functions. We start with an outline of the tensions
between schools of thought in discussing these issues. Secondly, we locate this binary within a
discussion of what are often labelled as the three ‘perspectives’ within ER: the unitarist, plur-
alist and radical or Marxist approaches to ER.We add a new dimension to these perspectives by
dividing them into what could be labelled direct, state-oriented approaches and more indirect
approaches to the role of the state. This emphasis on direct and indirect approaches, broadly
speaking, allows us to appreciate that the state can vary in form and that its political object-
ives, viewed across such perspectives, can be achieved in different ways. The third section will
focus on the emergence of an approach that is focused on a broader understanding of the
state’s role –building on the insights from previous sections –and which attempts to synthe-
sise to some extent the different perspectives around a more nuanced interest in regulation
and coordination issues. In this respect, the impact of regulation theory and regulatory space
are important for the reshaping of a more nuanced approach, which addresses how the state
intervenes in a range of ways. This approach builds on the analysis of changes the state and the
economy faced in the 1970s and 1980s, in relation to the transformation of the Fordist economy
in developing countries, the emergence of privatisation and political questions about the role of
the modern state: it is concerned with the “the transformation of social relations, which creates
new forms –both economic and non-economic –organised in structures and reproducing a
determinate structure, the mode of reproduction” (Aglietta, 1982p. 14; as quoted in Boyer, 1990,
p. 17). The fourth section focuses explicitly on the rethinking of state roles in an age of greater
globalisation, neoliberalism and economic crisis. The aim here is to focus the vital question of
the current transformations of the role of the state as its capacity and resources –and roles –
are challenged by economic and political developments. We also note the way in which new
debates address the changing parameters of the state in a globalised and market-oriented con-
text. This section will also look at the tensions these changes create for – and within – the state,
as it grapples with questions of social responsibility and the support of long-term economic
development and stability.
Throughout the chapter we will focus on the way debates have emerged with new schools
of thought, allowing us to comprehend the role of the state in novel and more nuanced ways.
It will highlight key developments in our handling and understanding of the state in relation to
work and employment. In many ways the fundamental transformations of the economy and of
society call upon us not to abandon any traditional view or understanding of the state but to
underpin analysis with a more dynamic approach that allows us to appreciate its ongoing trans-
formation and its ongoing roles.
the various traditions within literature. The historically dominant pluralist view of ER presents
the state as one actor amongst others in the interplay that constitutes the regulation of employ-
ment: yet it was an actor that could assist in the redressing of the balance of power between
capital and labour, or workers and managers. The pluralist view (Clegg, 1976) sees the state as
an actor that in effect stands outside the employment process. The realm of pluralism within
ER is, of course, quite broad and with a range of internal tensions (see Poole, 1981, pp. 72–91).
Increasingly, however, the pluralist tradition within the field of ER became detached from the
pluralist view of the state within political science, which posits the state as a disaggregated plur-
ality of potentially competing power centres. Employment relations pluralists were concerned
with processes of regulation between the state and, more importantly, unions and employers’
bodies, in particular focusing on the role of collective bargaining as a vehicle for containing con-
flict (Clegg, 1976). Here the state played various roles as ‘honest broker’,‘negotiator’, as a guardian
and developer of rules, and perhaps ultimately as an arbiter. The assumption in this pluralist
approach was that the imbalances of the economic system could be rebalanced through the role
of the political sphere, which could develop public policies and state institutions to redress or tilt
the balance of power in one direction or another.Yet within the UK’s pluralist tradition there has
also been a strain of ethical concerns and a focus on the social role of regulation through a strong
social-democratic, progressive bias in the work of Clegg and others. More recently, this tradition
has been manifest in relation to how a relatively more radical sociology of work was fused with
IR (Ackers, 2011). It would be fair to say, however, that the state has not been systematically
analysed as an entity and actor but rather it has been approached in a more empirical manner.
Within developed economies, particularly in western Europe, interest in the macro-level,
political management role of the state led to the debate on the corporatist state. The develop-
ment of the corporatist debate in the 1970s –which can be seen to be linked to the pluralist
tradition within politics and sociology –saw the state as a quasi-autonomous, macro-level actor,
intermediating between the peak organisations of capital and labour. The state was a player
alongside these other actors in the regulation of the economy and labour market. The state
was an actor that sought consensus and concertation between capital and labour, and access to
their regulatory capacities, in order to provide a centralised and co-ordinated approach to eco-
nomic and social policy. This school of thought represented a second stream of debate on the
state within a broader pluralist paradigm, focusing on macro-level questions of regulation and
representation. For Schmitter (1974), societal corporatism was seen to be a “post-liberal form
of interest intermediation”. The post-Second World War era saw a process of intermediation
where the state attempted to include capital and labour organisations within decision-making
processes regarding public and economic matters: this agenda was driven as much by political
imperatives –the need to include, and so contain, subordinate classes –as economic ones (ibid).
This representation of corporatism reproduced pluralist assumptions in the way each actor
was autonomous, entering into tripartite relations due to economic necessity and political
imperatives; however, the theory of corporatism did recognise a counter point in cases where the
state forces social dialogue and relies upon a more authoritarian approach to controlling the social
actors (see the discussion on authoritarian unitarism below and critical views of the repressive
role of the state). Furthermore, as Hyman (1989) pointed out, the liberal or societal corporatist
view shared the pluralist perspective of the state being just another actor, a negotiator amongst
others. In effect, the theory of corporatist concertation was based on a vision of ‘bargained’ IR.
However, there has been a distinctly Marxist, and broadly critical, view of this type of cor-
poratist state, which saw it as conducting more than just a form of political bargaining. From this
perspective, corporatism represented the state’s encroachment into the details of joint regulation
and economic activity due to the failure of socio-economic actors to deliver stable, effective
and consistent economic results. Panitch (1981) and Jessop (1982) argued that the state was
attempting to create the basis for social cohesion through macro-level negotiated or managed
‘inclusion’ of trade unions and other social actors. However, Panitch (1981) argued that in the
long term all this did was further politicise labour conflict by bringing the state directly into
matters of IR, and matters of IR directly into the state. Marxist-corporatist theories of the state
were dominated therefore by concerns over its role as a vehicle for economic and coercive
action, or for undermining labour autonomy and action in the long term through the incorp-
oration of its leadership.
Building on these antecedents, Kelly (1998) attempts to reintroduce a political sensitivity
to the debate. Here the state is viewed as an actor in the process of mobilisation within civil
society, as a form of repressive intervention, which can be seen to politicise questions and
struggles regarding perceived injustices. Beyond the politicising of labour mobilisations in spe-
cific instances, Kelly sees the state as primarily providing a repressive dimension to the process of
IR.This position reflects a tradition in which the state is seen as a player with coherent interests,
directed from some pivotal elite within and around the state.The question of its autonomy, be it
total, relative or potential (see Jessop (1990) for a discussion on this topic, as well as Poulantzas
(1974) and Skocpol (1979)), was not really discussed within IR until the emergence of new
debates around regulation: the spaces and activities within which the state intervenes were
not seen as integral to any discussion of the state and its roles. The links between the different
elements of the state, the links between these elements of the state and other actors, and the
context of state action need to be considered more carefully. Even if we take the extreme
example highlighted by Kelly concerning the repressive role of the state, this has historically
not been conducted in a unitary and unilateral manner. As Darlington and Lyddon (2003)
point out, in the British strike wave of 1973 an array of intelligence and coercive state appar-
atus was mobilised in alliance with reactionary aspects of the media, private agencies dedicated
to blacklisting and particular employers. Thus, even this coercive feature of the state is part of
a process of co-ordination with actors within civil society. Kelly himself, in a discussion of the
1984–1985 Miners’ Strike in the UK, points to such developments:
The 1984–85 Miners’ Strike, however, witnessed radical changes in both the nature
and scale of police tactics as the forces of the state engaged with an unusually large
number of determined strikers. Regional police forces achieved an unprecedented degree
of co-ordination and centralisation in decision-making. Riot police, first pioneered in
1970s as a response to the strike wave of that period, were frequently deployed and
anti-strike tactics became markedly aggressive… In the midst of the strike, the courts
began to attach novel conditions to bail awards which prevented striking miners trav-
elling within a specified radius… A few years earlier (1980) the welfare benefit system
had been altered so that social security benefits were reduced by sixteen pounds per
week (the amount of union strike pay miners were deemed to receive whether they
did or not). And urgent needs payments to strikers and their families were abolished.
Finally, the intelligence services were allegedly involved in a variety of ways: surveillance,
telephone tapping, deployment of agent provocateurs and maintenance of at least one
secret agent in the upper reaches of the miner’s union… . Files were kept in the 1960s
and 1970s and probably since on senior trade union leaders and regularly passed to
government ministers who met them. … Until its demise, in the 1990s, and organisation
called the Economic League (founded 1919) have maintained files on thousands of trade
union activists…
(Kelly, 1998, p. 57) (Italics added.)
Whilst certain governments have used various agencies and organisations (public and private)
to pursue anti-union practices at specific times, this detailed direct quote reveals that the role
of the state, even when focusing on the repressive dimension, is complex. It involves an array
of policies and actors across a period of time. Whilst Kelly (1998) is advocating mobilisation
theory to show how the state’s responses politicise IR, the quote also alludes to the complex
nature of the state’s repressive character.The links between these policies and practices were also
the product of a set of alliances based on shared ideological predispositions (and, ultimately, class
interests) amongst a number of dominant elites and institutions. Therefore, we need to observe
the pattern of state intervention in terms of a wider time frame than is often the case, and with
sensitivity to the array of actors involved, within and beyond the state. This critical perspective
is important for stretching our understanding of the state and countering the more passive insti-
tutional views of it.
Within the various approaches reviewed above, the emphasis may be seen as less focused
on representation and more on a juridical role and formal type of intervention. However, we
need an approach to critical analysis that allows us to go beyond an obsession with the degree
of maturity or development in a country’s system of joint regulation and to focus on the way
various state agencies intervene –effectively or not –in the context of ER. Much depends
on the context in question and the extent of trade union and worker rights. However, we can
begin to map more broadly the way the state operates across representative and regulatory
mechanisms, as well as repressive and more coercive mechanisms, in terms of its relation to key
actors in ER. Such an approach also allows us to appreciate the impact of the level of national
resourcing of the state, within particular cases, and the extent of the legitimacy and capacity the
various actors called upon to bolster these resources may or may not have.
in Italy in the 1930s, Spain in the 1940s–1970s, or even Argentina in the 1980s –but by then
actively creating a system of ‘dialogue’ through systems of worker representation dominated by
the state. This approach links to the debate about the difference between state and societal cor-
poratism (Schmitter, 1974). The point is that there are different ways the state, employers and
workers engage around debates on social and economic issues. In the form that was prevalent
in authoritarian contexts such as the fascist dictatorships in Italy and Spain in the early-to-mid
twentieth century, we saw the state subverting organised labour and creating joint structures of
representation between workers and employers at various levels, which were in effect dominated
by the state and its key party. It could be argued this is similar in the case of China under the
ideologically contrasting communist context: labour representation was –and is to a great
extent –dominated by the one-party state, albeit with different social ends compared to the
previous two examples, which were located in capitalist contexts. In effect the unitary character
of ER is enforced and pushed in a specific political direction. By contrast, the societal approach
Schmitter refers to is built on that fact that dialogue at the national level is voluntary and based
on acceptance of difference. We return to the nature of the societal when discussing the plur-
alist approach, where it is less focused on unitary concerns. The point is, we need to understand
that the state supports ER in quite different ways even when the perspective appears essentially
The pluralist approach can also be seen to contain very different standpoints in terms of the
nature of the state. On the one hand, and following on from the emphasis on the micro-level
approach outlined above, the state can play a key role in ensuring that dialogue between actors
such as worker organisations and employers can be based on relatively more balanced power
relations. The emergence of a liberal democratic system of ER in various developed economy
contexts, and in a selection of developing economies in parts of West Africa, for example, has
been based on an acceptance of independent unions and systems of open collective bargaining
that are legally underpinned by the state, to a greater or lesser extent. In such a system, the role
of the state is to ensure the rules of engagement, systems of representation and generalisation of
agreements between actors such as trade unions and management, on the basis of the autono-
mous nature of each. In turn, the state can provide assurances, resources and obligations, such
as the requirement for trade unionists to have time to work on questions of ER issues in their
workplace (in the UK this is known as facility time). However, the state can also be proactive
on such matters and actually develop macro-level strategies that frame the indirect wage of
the workforce, in terms of social welfare and health benefits as well as educational and devel-
opmental services. This corresponds to some features of a societal approach to corporatism as
outlined above, in terms of elements of macro-level tripartite dialogue, but also links to broader
models of the welfare state (Esping-Andersen, 1990). It could be argued that this is the diffe-
rence between US approaches, historically, which largely correspond to the former, less inter-
ventionist approach, and the more social dialogue based model of the Nordic countries that
correspond to the latter, more proactive approach. So the state engages with ER in a pluralist
context again in a variety of ways, sometimes combining these approaches and sometimes sep-
arating them. Clearly these are generalisations but it is vital to acknowledge that these different
approaches have macro-and micro-level features. The problem is that the study of these social
and macro issues are usually the preserve of political scientists and social policy academics,
and have not been systematically incorporated into ER analysis until recently. Yet, as Meardi,
Donaghey and Dean (2016) point out, the role of welfare state studies and the focus on different
welfare regimes is an important reference point for comprehending the broader roles of the
state, thus allowing appreciation of the social wage, and the support and intervention of workers
as a whole and not just the prototypical male, stably employed individual.
This leads us to the third approach, variously called the critical approach (a term that
undermines its more positive identity and history) or the radical/Marxist perspective. The
argument here is that the state is normally viewed as working on behalf of employers –
capitalists in most cases –and in the interests of the incumbent socio-economic system: cap-
italism.Yet how it does this and through what forms are highly complex. The problem with
the general perspectives approach is that it fails to see how the state can be ambivalent in
relation to individual capitalists, and how it is not so much a case of supporting their every
whim but of ensuring the long-term interests of capital, more broadly conceived, and the
reproduction of the capitalist system. The state’s actions may indeed contradict the interests
of individual or groups of capitalists in pursuit of these ends, especially given the propen-
sity for capitalists to pursue short-term gain over long-term stability (Poulantzas, 1974), and
this is why some talk of the relative autonomy of the state. In effect it reflects a tension in
Marxist traditions between those who see the state as simply an arm of the dominant class
and those who see the state as a relatively autonomous set of institutions that clasp back onto
those classes to ensure they, and not just the workforce, behave and deliver specific outcomes
that ensure systemic sustainability. On the one hand, the state has to ensure the illusion of
there being a balance of interests between workers and their employers, through specific
types of rights to representation, for example, and legal redress (Hyman, 1975). The lan-
guage of fairness is deployed to ensure that aggressive or assertive behaviours are contained
(ibid). In effect, through specific legislation and an ideology that stigmatises certain ‘militant’
behaviour, the state can intervene to ensure ‘peace’ (MacKenzie and Martínez Lucio, 2014).
Additionally, the state can deploy more concerted roles, through the use of the types of wel-
fare and social strategies mentioned earlier (in relation to the macro-level policy approach
highlighted by pluralists), but which in this case can be seen as mechanisms to deter workers
from an antagonistic approach to their employers and to pacify class conflict. On the other
hand, there is the potential use of authoritarian means, which the state can deploy through
repressive forces (both overtly coercive and in the form of covert intelligence) to limit the
role of any one group: usually organised labour. This approach is very common, unfortu-
nately, in both authoritarian contexts and also liberal democratic ones, as seen through the
use of blacklists and laws that curtail worker rights. Hence the state can be more or less
autonomous of dominant class interests and can also deploy both micro-and macro-level
strategies to condition the development of ER.
Using the perspectives approach as an analytical tool and less as a set of normative views
allows us to provide a more nuanced insight into the diverse activities and forms of the
state in relation to ER: one which is valid beyond the common focus of developed econ-
omies. For example, the developmental state can be better understood when we see that
in terms of unitarist approaches the state can actually contribute to employer colonisa-
tion of worker representation at either the macro or micro level –or both (MacKenzie
and Martínez Lucio, 2005). The state can play a role in ensuring an employer-dominated
system of company-based ER, or through the state manufacturing or dominating the polit-
ical space of labour representation, as seen in China (although this is changing). Curiously,
whilst a unitarist approach may actually celebrate this outcome (showing that unitarism is
not to be seen simply as a liberal market approach, ironically), the ‘conflict-based’ approaches
would acknowledge such initiatives as being a reality of some developmental contexts. The
state pursues systemic interests through subverting organised labour –for example –at the
national and workplace level via coercive means or by mimicking it through state network-
controlled labour organisations. In this respect, the interest in revealing the coercive side is
important as is the way state-led proxies are developed. However, more recently in Malaysia
and Indonesia the role of the developmental state has been more significant in the way it
has actually attempted to ensure some semblance of pluralist-like dialogue at the micro
level. Such dialogue is sustained by a system of quasi-liberal labour law, but one that does
not develop a broader plurality and balance between capital and labour at the macro pol-
itical and welfare level, although it is increasingly under pressure to do so (see Kumar and
Martínez Lucio, 2014). Therefore, there is a need to look at different levels of dialogue and
mutual engagement across the actors, as this may reveal the emergence of pluralistic demo-
cratic dynamics, albeit limited.
The outline of the perspectives approach –and our variation on it above –are generalisations.
There are also overlaps, as in the case of a micro-level, unitarist approach overlapping with a
micro-level, pluralist-oriented context in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s, as the former was
being propagated under the Conservative governments of the time. However, what we are able
to see is how different narratives of class conflict and co-operation are structured across these
perspectives and in terms of different approaches within them. Broadly speaking, the macro
and micro levels and the consensual and coercive aspects of state policy and behaviour become
visible, which takes us beyond the blanket term of public policy. We can see how the state plays
a variety of roles and how it negotiates and attempts to frame the basic interactions within the
employment relationship. In this respect we can broaden the framework of the analysis of the
state and stretch across various aspects of institutional and organisational behaviour. It is to this
that we now turn, as we outline the ways in which regulation itself as a central feature of ER
is being conceptualised and reimagined in a set of contemporary debates regarding the diverse
roles of the state.
Mapping the state over time and across roles and institutions: an emergent
synthesis in understanding regulation, coordination and ideology
There have been attempts to try and balance the institutionalist approach of pluralism with a
more systematic attempt to look at the diverse roles of the state, and the workings of different
levels of the state in relation to ER and the political economic context in general. The work
of Clark (1995) sought to re-envision the state in terms of its transformation, and increasing
complexity, in the age of deregulated and flexible labour markets. Clark was far from alone in
depicting the state as having withdrawn –at one level –from the regulation of the employment
relationship and the economy through policies to free up market forces.The neoliberal rhetoric
of the state and its ideological ‘mobilisation’ against regulation and collectivism was a salient
feature of the latter decades of the twentieth century. In this approach, the state facilitates the
interests of capital through its rhetoric and the strategic nature of its withdrawal across various
fronts of engagement
The activities of the state and its role across a range of dimensions of the economy and
society are confronted in another set of debates, which have located the state within varieties
of capitalism (Hall and Soskice, 2001). The case of the UK, for example, is seen as being linked
to a liberal market economy where shareholder interests and a more short-term, less regulated
approach to ER has prevailed (ibid). This is in part due to the uneven nature of industrial and
Fordist developments in terms of work organisation, and a history of a libertarian, laissez faire
approach to regulation (Clark, 2000).
However, whilst the state is viewed in terms of its different roles within the Varieties
of Capitalism approach, these are discussed primarily in relation to questions of economic
context and the way the state links into different political agendas or traditions. The con-
clusion, applied with varying degrees of sophistication by exponents of this approach, is
that coordinated market economies have more proactive states in terms of regulation, wel-
fare and economic activity than their liberal market counterparts. This is a debate that has
allowed regulation and the state to enter more directly into questions of economic and social
context but which does not then problematise the state per se. Mechanisms of coordin-
ation occur in liberal market economies but the assumption is repeated that such marketised
arrangements reflect some sort of idealised laissez faire antithesis of state involvement. The
focus of such academic approaches is on the various functions of the state and their role in
different national contexts (see Hyman 2008, p. 263). In this respect, such regulation-based
understandings of the state are concerned with an overarching purpose and narrative. This
is reflected in Crouch’s interest in locating state action across various dimensions of contest-
ation, pluralism and corporatism (Crouch, 1993: see Hyman, ibid) and with the way weak
market-facing approaches undermine more concerted and coordinated alternatives, or more
regulated, worker-oriented approaches, within the state (Crouch, 1993). For Crouch, the
issue of coordination within IR systems is a key feature of the extent to which they are more
robust and more socially oriented, along with supportive political alliances and underpin-
ning ideologies such as social democracy.
This leads to a need to engage with the role of regulation theory and its contribution to the
debate on the state in ER.The IR discipline has addressed some of the issues, as we have outlined
above, but the informality and complexity of regulation has faded from the debate in the UK.
Given the Anglo-Saxon context, this has been in part due to the nature of regulatory develop-
ment during the twentieth century, where the state has not been as overt a player as in other
cases (Clark, 1995, 2000). Clark has argued for the need to embed any analysis in an approach
that is sensitive to the economic and industrial structures of a national context: the way Fordist
structures have or have not evolved generally, in terms of the structure of economic governance
and the dynamics of labour market policies. Clark was one of the first IR scholars to embed
regulation theory from a political economy perspective into IR analysis. Some contributions
have been implicitly or tangentially concerned with the internal dynamics and politics of regu-
lation: attention has been drawn to the questions of informal regulatory processes, actors and
relations more broadly and the way regulation is discretely constructed in different cases (see
the development of Hancher and Moran’s (1989) notion of regulatory space by MacKenzie and
Martínez Lucio, 2005, which in part builds on work done by Crouch, 1986).We, therefore, focus
on the lessons learnt from developments within the UK context because of the peculiar –though
not necessarily superior –characterisation of the state as the curious ‘other’, due to its uneven
and distinctive development as a regulatory actor. Within the UK, the apparatus of regulation
has been developed in quite formally ‘de-centred’ ways during the twentieth century: the extent
of ‘deregulation’ and withdrawal are formally extensive, but there are examples of new forms of
‘arm-length’ regulation that are suggestive of novel forms of intervention and political relations
between actors. Ironically, the UK context is held up as a paradigm of change and economic,
regulatory withdrawal within Europe, yet there are quite novel forms of re-regulation that raise
pertinent questions about how we view both regulation and the state (Howell, 2005).
The state must be understood in terms of a much broader comprehension of regulation,
one that recognises the processes by which the state manages, shares and in effect shifts the
locus of regulation between different sites. This is done through modes of representation, inter-
vention or even coercion. Jessop has sought to ensure that we understand that the capitalist
state is an ensemble of institutions of representation, intervention and administration (Jessop,
1982). The structuralist tradition has also demonstrated the importance of mechanisms that
support and underpin the role of the state in the economy, such as IR institutions like collective
bargaining or social relations as reflected in the family. This recognition has been transformed
within the regulation school generally into a less reductionist approach, which highlights the
need to understand the co-ordination of regulation within the state and between the state and
social actors as issues in their own right (Jessop, 1990, 1995; Théret, 1994). This conforms to
Baldwin, Scott and Hood’s (1998) third typology of theories of regulation, which views it as
“all mechanisms of social control –including unintentional and non-state processes…” (ibid,
p. 4)3: “… the state can be described as a relatively unified ensemble of socially embedded,
socially regularised, and strategically selective institutions, organisations, social forces, and activ-
ities organised around (or at least involved in) making collectively binding decisions for an
imagined political community…” (Jessop, 2002, p. 40).
The state can therefore be viewed, as far as Jessop is concerned, at six levels of activity: modes
of political representation; internal articulation of the state apparatus; modes of intervention
and their articulation; political projects articulated by different social forces; prevailing state
projects and discourses; and broad hegemonic projects that link and legitimise the state. Any
discussion of regulation in relation to current changes in employment must also be sensitive
to the meaning and function of regulation (Howell, 2005; MacKenzie and Martínez Lucio,
2005). Regulation theory facilitates an awareness of the contradictory and crisis-r idden nature
of state development, linked to different historical approaches to accumulation and the uneven
autonomy between the state and the economic context (Howell, 2005, pp. 31–33). For example,
Howell attempts to fuse regulation theory with IR approaches in his seminal UK-based study.
Such an approach allows the role of the state to be appreciated in its fuller and yet, ironically,
more limited sense. Within IR debates, Hyman (2008) has developed a parallel agenda, which
looks at the state across various dimensions: its role as an employer; establishing procedural
regulation; substantive employment rights; economic (including demand and supply side) roles;
and indirect wage/welfare intervention. Thus the state can be mapped across such competing
roles. On the basis of such mapping, the form and the spaces of regulatory intervention by the
state, internally and externally, can be understood.
On the other hand, it is also important to recognise the role of different sites, spheres and
actors that populate the regulatory landscape, and the relationship between them (MacKenzie
and Martínez Lucio, 2005). Interplay and tensions exist within a context in which the state is
one amongst many actors. Such an approach should be sensitive to a multidisciplinary, socio-
political understanding of regulation and regulatory change. It is important to chart the role of
the state in terms of both its relationships with other actors at the macro and micro levels, and
relationships within the state itself.To these ends, the notion of regulatory space, a term used by
Hancher and Moran (1989) and on which we have built is significant.
We would view the panoply of regulation through an analytical framework made up of a
variety of levels, spaces and sites that are adjacent and at times inter-locking, both mutually
supportive and potentially competing (MacKenzie and Martínez Lucio, 2014). This terrain is
populated by a range of regulatory actors, such as state bodies, trade unions or management
networks, to name some key examples. The site represents the point of interaction between
regulatory actors, where regulatory outcomes are arrived at through the interaction of actors,
and often reflected in institutional constructs. The site of regulation is circumscribed by a regu-
latory space, a recognised boundary of jurisdiction for the regulatory processes in question.
Various actors may intervene in the process within this space, and there may be an overlap
between the boundaries of regulatory spaces, but within these spaces each actor will also operate
within their own sphere of influence, or jurisdiction, within which they are the sole actor. For
example, trade unions and management interact within a given regulatory space, within which
each traditionally operates their own sphere of jurisdiction (the fact that the boundaries are
fluid and contested by extant and potential new entrant actors, who may even pose a threat to
the continued existence of these spheres of jurisdiction, is key to the processes of regulatory
transfer with which we are concerned). Regulatory actors may operate across a number of
levels, sites and spaces, and furthermore the actors that occupy given spaces of regulation may
vary by location. The regulation of certain social and economic relationships may in one loca-
tion be served by the local state, whilst in another this role may be played by capital, for example
through the dominance of local communities by monopolistic employers in so-called company
towns or corporate-centred welfare as seen in Japan. In other circumstances, key regulatory
roles may be played by social institutions such as religious bodies, local community groups or a
combination of these actors.
The regulation of workplace health and safety in the UK provides a further example, which
depending on context may vary between the involvement of employers, the state and trade
unions. Union involvement in the regulation of workplace health and safety depends on a
union presence in the workplace.Therefore actor entry or exclusion can turn on a recognition
agreement, or alternatively de-recognition, which would in effect represent the colonisation
of the regulatory space by management. In either case, these actors would continue to share
the regulatory space with the state, in the form of the Health and Safety Executive. With
antecedents in the nineteenth century Factory Acts, which saw the government enter the
regulatory space as a new actor, the Health and Safety Executive is itself a product of shifting
boundaries and the colonisation of regulatory space through its absorbing of historic regula-
tory bodies such as the Factories Inspectorate and the Railways Inspectorate. Hence, the space
is the broad arena around which different actors coalesce, within which economic and social
actors can act with relative confidence regarding the actions of others. The advantage of this
approach is that it allows for observance of the political interplay and contestation between
actors. In some cases, actors may compete with each other over the right to represent a spe-
cific constituency, as in the development of the living wage in the UK, especially in London,
in the past 20 years: the space may become increasingly contested with a greater amount of
political competition than co-operation. It is therefore important to distinguish between this
conceptualisation of regulatory space and its use within a pluralist discourse of negotiation and
accommodation: conflict and mobilisation, as well as problems of representation and voice, are
just as significant.
These spaces exist at various levels, from micro to macro, dealing with operational, stra-
tegic or policy issues. These levels are conceptually discrete but interlocking and mutually
informing. Relationships between actors within a regulatory space, for example manage-
ment and unions at the level of the workplace, may be informed by regulatory processes in
the form of regional and national bargaining structures, the policy processes of the nation
state and, increasingly, supranational mechanisms of regulation. In terms of supranational
developments, recent decades have seen unions and employers, alongside non-government
organisations, establish a series of agreements on employment practices within specific
contexts, albeit essentially ‘soft regulation’ (MacKenzie and Martínez Lucio, 2014). European
Union social and labour market regulation perhaps serves as a more significant example of
supranational influence. In turn, the implications of Brexit promise future examples of shifting
boundaries of regulatory space, new actor entry and the colonisation of regulatory roles.
The organisational, institutional and economic dimensions of the state are also supported by
discursive and ideological dimensions (Jessop, 1982), or what can be called narrative dimensions
(Howell, 2005, pp. 39–41). As previously noted, Hyman (1975) pointed to the importance of such
prevailing ideologies in framing and contextualising the nature of state intervention, such as in
the use of ‘fairness’ to curtail class conflict and politics.This discursive side to the role of the state
is rarely a point of discussion in the study of the state in IR analysis.The way the state can propagate
ideas and visions of future or preferable forms of management-union/worker relations through its
various agencies and political mechanisms can play an important part in establishing a narrative
that underpins the long-term perspective of work and employment change. For example, there
may be very explicit political discourses stigmatising the role and behaviour of certain actors,
as in the case of the UK in the 1980s and the impact of ‘New Right’ political discourse on the
legitimacy of trade unions (MacKenzie and Martínez Lucio, 2014). Furthermore, very specific
policies and support mechanisms on questions of good practice or preferred practice, such as the
use of consultancy and learning facilities through the state’s conciliation strategy, may also assist
transformations in the conduct of managers and worker representatives (Martínez Lucio and
Stuart, 2011). So such narratives may operate at a macro level or a micro level through a range
of political and ideological interventions.
Meardi, Donaghey and Dean (2016) try to underpin such growing sensitivities in terms of
an approach to the state by citing various academic sources and disciplinary based inputs. They
make a point of academics tending to ignore the role of gender studies in explanations of the
mechanisms of regulatory inclusion and exclusion, labour market structure, welfare support and
politics, and the general language of rights and regulation –as noted previously. To this extent
the growing interest in a more open and inclusive academic conceptualisation of regulation
allows for a socially more sensitive approach to the subject, not least when the nature of work
and workers is being fundamentally transformed.
In a curious way these debates on regulation have allowed academics to generate
instruments to study the role of the state –and ER more generally –across different national
contexts, which are more open to broader questions of regulation across time and space. We
can see how to understand the way certain issues are highlighted in different contexts in
different ways (Locke and Thelen, 1995), but also how different agencies and strategies of the
state mobilise in relation to them. These new approaches focus on, for example, institutional
regimes, the societal context and the pattern of rule-making. They point to the importance
of context in historical terms and how these can frame developments as logics of action;
these are created in specific moments of time but referenced in subsequent developments as
actors jostle for position and thus resurrect previous practices that may have been inactive.
Therefore, specific naratives, institutional practices and relations may find that they are used
in different contexts as part of this interplay. Increasingly, this dynamic and cross-referencing
analysis of the spaces and temporal contexts of ER has become important in how the state is
studied and understood.
new forms of management-worker collaboration. This has been a key feature of the state’s
growing role: the way it has facilitated the greater flexibility and deployment of workers across
and within workplaces in an attempt to move away from a traditional and crisis-r idden Fordist
model of production (Jessop, 2002). The state begins to play a more coercive role in part, not-
ably in the way welfare is organised, so as to compel workers into the labour market. Other
means include the use of training for new forms of qualifications and work-related skills devel-
opment, although in some cases this may involve a degree of social dialogue with trade unions
and employers (Heyes, 2007). Within the EU this shift has formed a key part of policy-making
and funding for sector-and firm-level flexibility and learning initiatives (Stuart, 2007). What
is more, the state continues to intervene in establishing minimum thresholds in relation to pay
and operational features of the employment relationship, although in some cases whether it is
developing this to achieve a model employer or fair employment relations is another point of
debate (Heyes and Clark, 2011). However, the state’s role is embedded in the very DNA of
the employment relationship. In fact, even during processes of deregulation and change, as in
the adoption of policies to decentralise collective bargaining and enhance managerial preroga-
tive, we see the state having to deal with a range of repercussions and new forms of conflict.
Koukiadaki, Tavora and Martínez Lucio (2016) studied deregulation and change within col-
lective bargaining systems during the period 2008–2015 in those parts of the EU most affected
by economic austerity measures and neoliberal policies.Their conclusions highlight the way the
state, through the courts and mediation services, has had to deal with the greater fragmentation
of regulation and the inconsistent outcomes that it brings in terms of wages and employment
(Koukiadaki et al., 2016).
Secondly, in some respects the state has had to underpin its role through the development
of new forms of ‘soft regulation’ through the establishment of labour standards and new forms
of labour rights (Martínez Lucio and MacKenzie, 2011). This has become an important fea-
ture of the role of the state at the national and transnational levels. These interventions are
called soft regulation because they do not have clear forms of implementation and sanctions
that are deployed when non-compliance occurs (Kuruvilla and Verma, 2006). They are, for
example, indicative frameworks and templates for companies to base their internal systems and
standards on, establishing a set of general expectations. However, it is not mandatory for actors
to comply with them, and hence can be categorised primarily at the first level of Baldwin
et al.’s (1998) schema, operating as a weak form of coercion. The state therefore ‘returns’ to the
establishment of standards through a range of practices. In some cases the state actually uses its
learning and mediation spheres to provide consultancy and training to social actors as a way
of endearing or orienting them towards specific types of organisational practices, such as part-
nership practices in the UK and the EU more generally (Martínez Lucio and Stuart, 2011). In
the UK, we have seen the state increasingly fascinated by a new language of fairness and justice
at work –noting the way the state uses campaigns and marketing increasingly –although this
may in part be a response to the limitations of its own direct role. At the international level we
see such an investment in the notion of new forms of soft regulation as forming the backdrop
for a more co-ordinated attempt at creating labour standards. Through initiatives from the ILO
and other international bodies such as the ISO 26000, there have been attempts to establish a
basis of corporate social responsibility, albeit in a voluntary form (Mueckenberger and Jastram,
2010).The effectiveness and consistent implementation of these standards are, however, arguably
Thirdly, the state continues to play a policing and coercive role –the extent of which is dependent on
the political situation and extent of freedoms in any given context. Even in developed economy
contexts, such as the UK, there has been an ongoing concern with the use of intelligence
services, informal blacklists and the way trade unions and trade unionists have been subject to
surveillance (Kelly, 1998).This is a much darker feature of the reality of ER. In the case of Spain,
the right wing government of 2011–2015 used laws that had precedence in the previous dicta-
torship to undermine the role of trade unionists during picketing and other forms of collective
action (Fernández Rodríguez, Ibáñez Rojo and Martínez Lucio, 2016). The manner in which
the state intervenes in overt and covert ways within ER has become a more pressing subject
of study, not least given the growing concern with labour rights in a context of globalisation.
As Gamble (1994) asserted when discussing the UK, the move to a greater market orienta-
tion leads to more direct and coercive state roles in the way it responds to the negative social
and economic outcomes of the marketisation process. Hence the state remains an important
albeit ethically ambivalent actor in what is a more brutal period of capitalism (Coates, 2014;
Streeck, 2011).
Fourth, we see the boundaries between the state and the market becoming slightly more porous,
which leads to new forms of alliances between the state and corporate capital around spe-
cific public goods. We also see the exposure of internal regulatory actors to external ‘market’
pressures, through processes of privatisation, subcontracting and shifts in organisational bound-
aries (MacKenzie, 2002).The representation of the ‘market’ within the state, and the imperatives
it is perceived to unleash, has been a vital ingredient of change in the past few decades. During
privatisation processes, references are made to what the new market requires, and what new
forms of organisational behaviour are now relevant to the state and its structures (Crouch, 2011).
The context of individualisation, capital internationalisation, greater labour mobility and
migration geographically (often involuntary), plus the impact of fiscal crisis and instability,
means that the state does not so much withdraw as rethink its roles: a process that also calls
on academics to draw on a wider set of approaches in relation to its study (MacKenzie and
Martínez Lucio, 2005; Meardi, Donaghey and Dean, 2016). The ambivalence of regulation and
its likely capturing by various other actors –and potential re-capturing by the state –is an
important issue we need to account for (Majone, 1994; Martínez Lucio and MacKenzie, 2004).
There are curious new roles for the supposedly ‘diminished’ state, in being brought back into
ever wider and more complex scenarios of engagement, which require a new language and set
of policies (Crouch, 2011, 2013; Rubery, 2011).
After a period of muted interest, the role of the state has returned as a point of discussion
within the areas of E R and HRM, albeit only in the past decade or so. Much of this interest
has been prompted by the fact that a period of crisis in capitalism has been changing the char-
acter and roles of the state within different contexts. The increasing privatisation of state ser-
vices and their reduction in some areas has been reconfigured into new roles and new types of
intervention. This chapter has therefore tried to outline the different ways in which the state
intervenes within ER and the new roles it is attempting to achieve in a more globalised and
competitive context: a context that is also bringing forth major social challenges and questions
of fairness and dignity within the language of ER. Just as unitarism has be newly problematised
(Budd and Zagelmayer, 2010), so pluralism and more critical approaches need to be set against
two sets of developments, irrespective of where the commitments and loyalties of the authors
may lie.
The first is the need to widen our approach to engaging with these traditional perspectives, in
terms of drawing on other academic disciplines.This approach can bring us to a point where we
look at the different perspectives in terms of how they relate to the role of the state at both the
micro and macro levels. The fact is that there are different spaces and levels within the way ER
are regulated and ‘managed’ by the state (MacKenzie and Martínez Lucio, 2005). We cannot
simply refer to one level without an awareness of the other –something that until recently has
been the negative contribution and handicap of Anglo-Saxon studies of the subject. The need
to emphasise the role of the macro within each perspective helps us to widen the lens by which
we study the state and the way it tries to steer the nature of ER.
This leads to a second development, which is outlined above: the focus on regulation
theory and regulatory space, and the synthesis of these developments. Whilst some observers
come from an avowedly Marxist tradition and others from a pluralist one, there seems to be
an engagement with this approach towards regulation: one that is much more attuned to a
historical, materialist and political engagement in terms of conceptualising the state. In some
respects, the irony will not be lost on many observers that it is a theoretical framework linked
to the notion of regulation that has helped salvage and rejuvenate the ER tradition on the
state –although the concept of regulation is utilised in a very different way to what the term
stood for in the past.
Finally, the paper ends with a discussion on the way the state plays a new set of roles, and
remains entangled in the question of work and employment, partly in a deliberate manner
and partly in an unintentional one. The state is having to return to the ‘field of play’ in a var-
iety of ways, in order to respond to the new challenges thrown up by a more globalised and
marketised system of work, employment and economy. In effect the state is having to resolve
new tensions and new problems, as employers continue to challenge the established patterns
of work and employment while simultaneously failing to provide a sustainable and innovative
system of social and economic regeneration. In conclusion, the chapter brings to the fore a
range of new debates on how we need to understand the more fractured and continuous role
of the state, within and beyond the limits of the current economic context, and the implications
that this holds.
1 We use the term employment relations in preference to industrial relations not simply as a more con-
temporary nomenclature but to signal a broadening of analysis beyond formal types of regulation and
organisational actors towards a more sociological and labour market-orientated approach. However the
terms employed will vary according to how they were used by authors we cite.
2 Although the egoist position as discussed by Budd and Zagelmeyer (2010) is relevant it does not
quite acknowledge the role of the state in having to construct and support mechanisms of employ-
ment relations as such: as noted, the egoist approach is based on an orthodox economic view of
labour market interaction, where the role of public policy is mainly focused on fixing market failures,
with a limited role for regulation. We are therefore liable to accusations of re-conflating egoism with
3 Baldwin et al. (1998, p. 4) suggest that contributions to the debate on regulation tend to fall into one
of three categories. The first views regulation in terms of ‘targeted rules’ “accompanied by some mech-
anism, typically a public agency, for monitoring and promoting compliance”. The second view is to be
found in the area of political economy, which conceptualises regulation as being the state and its attempt
to manage the economy. However, there is a third view that considers regulation to be “all mechanisms
of social control –including unintentional and non-state processes…” (Baldwin et al., 1998, p. 4).
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Paul F. Clark
Unions, also commonly referred to as labour unions or trade unions, are an important part of the
workplaces of most nations. The objectives and structures of these organisations vary widely in
response to the economic and political environment in which they function. However, the def-
inition of a union first proposed in 1920 by the scholars Sidney and Beatrice Webb is still widely
accepted as accurate. The Webbs defined unions as “continuous associations of wage earners for
the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their working lives” (1920).
The union movements of each country have their own distinct history, forms and structures,
but there are also common issues and challenges that labour movements around the world have
faced. The focus of this chapter will be the experience and role of labour unions in the United
States (US), but many of the issues discussed will also resonate with labour unions in other coun-
tries, while at the same time reflecting the often unique nature of American exceptionalism.
In addressing the role that unions play in the social and economic system of the US, the
chapter will identify and discuss the main developments in the evolution of these organisations
over the last 250 years, as well as the challenges they face today. These developments will be
analysed through a review of the scholarly literature, which has grown substantially over time.
Modern American unions had their origins in the European craft guilds of the Middle Ages,
although historians differ on the degree to which unions directly descend from these medi-
eval organisations. Guilds were basically mutual aid organisations that sought to protect groups
of skilled workers by controlling access to the occupation through apprenticeship training.
By limiting access, guilds protected the incomes of their members. Guilds also functioned as
benevolent societies, assisting members and their families in times of illness, injury or death
(Epstein, 1995).
Guilds, however, differed from today’s unions in that membership consisted of both
merchants/ masters and journeymen. As Western society transitioned from feudalism to
capitalism and the industrial revolution spread, merchants/masters became employers. It was
the inherent conflict between the interests of employers and the interests of their employees
that is built into the capitalist system that led to the rise of unions (Curl, 2012; Epstein, 1995).
This conflict plays out in the labour market, where employers, whose goal is to maximise
profit, attempt to do so by keeping their labour costs as low as possible. At the same time,
employees, who want to maximise what they receive for their labour, attempt to push labour
costs higher. Employers have almost always had the upper hand in this process, given the power
advantage they have over a single employee. The most effective way workers have found to
counter the power of employers is to band together and use their collective strength to balance
that of employers. In doing so, the organisations they formed came to be called unions.
These early unions were formed first in Great Britain and other parts of Europe, and then in
the US, by workers in skilled trades, such as printers, shoemakers and carpenters. They carried
over some of the functions of guilds, particularly apprenticeship training and benevolent ser-
vices. And like guilds, their power came from control over the supply of skilled labour, which
they exercised by limiting access to each of the occupations. These craft unions then used this
power to improve wages and working conditions (Curl, 2012).
replacing the capitalist system with workplace co-operatives where workers would share the
profits generated by the enterprise. However, a lack of effective leadership, combined with the
rise of another national labour organisation, the American Federation of Labor (AFL), during
the later 1880s, led the KOL to suffer a precipitous membership decline. By 1890, KOL mem-
bership had fallen to 100,000 members, and by 1900 it had basically withered away (Dubofsky
and Dulles, 2010; Hild, 2010).
The AFL was founded in 1886 by craft unions disenchanted with the lack of substantive
progress made by the KOL. Having witnessed the KOL accomplish little, the AFL took a fun-
damentally different approach to representing workers. Whereas the KOL offered membership
directly to workers, the AFL was a federation of unions. Workers became members of a union
and their union joined the AFL. And while the KOL was open to all workers, including women
and African-Americans, the AFL affiliates were craft unions that largely restricted membership
to workers in the skilled trades. As most of the skilled trades limited membership to white males
at this point in time (and for years to come), so did the AFL (Dubofsky and Dulles, 2010).
The AFL, and its member unions, was also significantly more conservative and pragmatic
than the KOL in terms of its goals and objectives. It largely accepted capitalism and the role of
employers, and opposed workers’ co-operatives. Its focus was primarily on making the lives of its
members better in tangible ways by winning higher wages, better working conditions and fewer
hours. Founding members of the AFL included the cigar makers, typographers, hat makers and
carpenters’ unions (ibid.).
overall and 37 per cent for all non-farm workers. When Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in
1932, he embarked on a plan to address the crisis and get the nation’s economy back on track.
This plan, known as the New Deal, created a much bigger role for the government in the
American economy. One of the parts of the New Deal that was a radical change from the past
was the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), also known as the Wagner Act (Dubofsky and
Dulles, 2010).
Since the earliest unions had arisen in the late 1700s, government at all levels had taken,
with just a few exceptions, one of two positions in the ongoing struggles between labour
and management. Most often government assumed a laissez faire position, standing by and
letting the conflict between the parties play out without intervening. Such a position almost
always favoured employers since they consistently had more power, more resources and more
organisation than the nascent unions. When the government did take a position regarding
labour-management disputes, it most often intervened on behalf of employers. This interven-
tion ranged from deputising private police forces hired and operated by companies (as in the
case of the iron and coal police), calling out state and national troops to break strikes, convincing
courts to issue injunctions banning actions by unions and persuading legislative bodies to pass
anti-union legislation (ibid.).
In light of this long history, the passage of the NLRA was radical by any definition as it
positioned the federal government to play a very different role in labour-management relations
than it had previously. This legislation granted most American private sector workers the legal
rights to organise unions, bargain collectively and engage in concerted activity (i.e. strikes,
boycotts, picketing, etc.) and gave the responsibility to protect those rights to the federal gov-
ernment.2 This meant that the government would now intervene on behalf of employees when
it believed employers were violating their rights. Not surprisingly, employers rejected the law
and vowed to ignore it, expecting that it would soon be ruled unconstitutional. Even when the
US Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of the law in the 1937 Jones and Laughlin
case, many employers still refused to abide by the provisions of the Act (Cooke, 1985).
Nonetheless, the passage of the NLRA signalled a new era for American labour. Workers
immediately began exercising their rights by flocking to join unions. In 1937, when the AFL’s
craft unions declined to organise the millions of American workers in the rapidly expanding
auto, steel, rubber and electrical manufacturing industries, a small number of unions, led by the
United Mine Workers (UMW) and its President John L. Lewis, broke with the Federation.They
then created a new labour federation –the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) (ibid.).
The CIO quickly began to form new unions to organise the major American industries.
By 1938, the CIO had spawned the United Steelworkers (USW), the United Auto Workers
(UAW), the United Rubber Workers (URW) and 35 other new unions, whose total member-
ship was approximately three million. At the same time, the AFL had grown to four million
members. Together, the two federations, along with some unions that did not belong to either
the AFL or the CIO, now represented a labour movement of eight to nine million members
(Olson, 2001).
Despite the success that both the AFL and CIO had in organising new members, the two
federations, and their unions, saw each other as rivals. This adversarial relationship continued
into the 1950s, when changing circumstances removed many of the reasons for the rivalry.
Merger talks took place over a number of years and in 1955 the two federations merged to form
the AFL-CIO (Dubofsky and Dulles, 2010).
The next significant event for the American union movement occurred during the 1960s
and 1970s. When the NLRA was passed, one of the groups of employees who were excluded
from the Act’s protections was public sector employees (i.e. anyone working for federal, state or
local government). Since the Act’s passage in 1935, the pay of private sector workers had been
increasing, while that of public sector employees had not. Over time, public employees began to
clamour for the same workplace rights their counterparts in the private sector enjoyed (ibid.).
The first step toward gaining those rights came in 1963 when President John F. Kennedy
issued Executive Order 10988. This Order granted all federal employees the right to organise
unions and engage in collective bargaining over a limited number of issues. They were not,
however, permitted to bargain over economic issues such as pay and benefits, nor were they
permitted to strike (limitations that continue to the present) (ibid.).
Kennedy’s Executive Order did not cover the millions of state and local government workers
whose legal status regarding unionisation is governed by state law. The fact that each state has
the authority to grant these employees the rights to unionise, bargain collectively and strike, or
to deny them those rights, has led to a “patchwork quilt” of different state laws.
Wisconsin was the first state to grant state and local employees union rights when it extended
the rights to form unions and bargain collectively (but not to strike) to teachers and local gov-
ernment employees in 1959 (IFEBP, 2011). Over the next several years, New York, New Jersey
and California passed similar laws. In 1970, Pennsylvania passed the first law giving public
employees the right to strike (police, firefighters and prison guards were excluded). Today, 41
states allow at least some of their public employees to organise and bargain. Eleven of these
allow some of their employees to strike. Nine states either have no law or prohibit their public
employees from engaging in collective bargaining (Budd, 2012).
A majority of state public sector bargaining laws were passed during the 1970s and 1980s.The
result was that membership in public sector unions grew rapidly, from 3.1 million in 1973 to a
high of 7.9 million in 2009. This infusion of members helped pushed total union membership
in the US from 18.1 million in 1973 to 21.0 million in 1979 (Hirsch and Macpherson, 2003).
Key Union membership: Total Private sector Public sector
Figure 12.1 Union membership: private sector, public sector and total, 1973–2014
Source: Hirsch and Macpherson, 2003
and nemesis of unions, who had been elected in 1980. In a press conference Reagan made
his position on the PATCO strike clear: “They [the members of PATCO] are in violation of
the law and if they do not report within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs, and will be
terminated” (ibid.).When they did not return to work, Reagan followed through on his threat.
The PATCO members were fired and strike replacements took their jobs. As a result, the strike
collapsed and the union was decertified (ibid.).
The PATCO strike took on great significance as it portrayed Reagan as a strong leader.
His decisive actions are credited with signalling to private sector employers that an aggressive
response to unions was the right, and the effective, course of action. In fact, the 1980s saw
employers taking a much harder line in bargaining with existing unions and in organising drives
by potential unions. This would be the hallmark of labour-management relations for decades
to come (ibid.).
The second major factor that contributed to the long-term diminution of the US labour
movement was the growing globalisation of the economy. The reasonably strong and stable
economy of the 1950s through the 1970s, and the growth of union membership during this
time frame, were both products of a halcyon period in industrial production. Basic industries
like steel, coal, rubber, copper and aluminium, and manufacturing industries like aircraft, paper
and textiles, boomed during this period. The unions that represented workers in these indus-
tries, and in the industries that supported them –rail, airlines, trucking, utilities, etc. –also grew
steadily (Baldwin, 2003).
However, as the world moved to an increasingly globalised economy in the 1980s, more
and more employers closed their mills, plants and factories in the US and moved them abroad.
This process of deindustrialisation fundamentally restructured the American economy and the
unions that represented workers in these industries were hit hard. While the heavily unionised
industrial and manufacturing sectors of the economy declined, the service sector grew. This
sector included banking and finance, wholesale and retail trade, and professional services,
including healthcare, communications and software. The result was that high-paying union jobs
in the industrial sector were replaced by low paying non-union jobs in the service sector (ibid.).
The events of the 1980s precipitated a crisis in the American labour movement that
threatened its continued relevance. Deepening the crisis was the fact that most unions were slow
to adapt and respond to the ‘new’ economy they faced. Eventually, unions began to focus on
organising and representing workers who were a part of the low-wage service industry. In many
cases, these workers were recent immigrants to the US from Latin America, Asia and other parts
of the world. Many did not speak English and were in the US illegally. Unions began adjusting
their organising strategies to better connect with these workers, including hiring organisers
who spoke Spanish and Russian, as well as Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean,Vietnamese, Ethiopian
and other languages (Kim, 2015).
Some unions made organising their top priority, while others took a more cautious, wait
and see, attitude. In 2005, several unions demanded that the AFL-CIO push its affiliates to make
organising a higher priority.The AFL-CIO’s reluctance to do so, as well as conflicts between the
AFL-CIO’s leadership and that of several unions, resulted in those unions breaking away from
the AFL-CIO to form a new labour federation called Change to Win (CTW). The affiliates of
CTW were the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Teamsters, the Union of
Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE), the United Food and Commercial
Workers (UFCW), the Laborers, the United Farm Workers (UFW), and, briefly, the Carpenters
Union. Within a few years, several of the founding unions left CTW and reaffiliated with the
AFL-CIO. As of 2015, only three unions –SEIU, the Teamsters and the UFW –remained
affiliates of CTW. Formed to lead the revitalisation of organising among American unions, the
evidence indicates that the breakaway federation was unsuccessful in this regard. During its
short time in existence, CTW failed to gain significant momentum and it ultimately had little
lasting impact (Aleks, 2015; Meyerson, 2013).
Globalisation and the increasingly aggressive approach of employers to labour-management
relations, combined with the inability of unions to effectively adjust to these and other
challenges, had a devastating impact on the US labour movement. Between 1980 and 2015,
overall union membership fell from 20,095,300 to 14,786,300 and union density declined from
23 per cent to 11 per cent. Private sector unions, particularly manufacturing/industrial unions,
were severely impacted. Between 1980 and 2015, union membership in the private sector fell in
27 out of 36 years (Hirsch and Macpherson, 2016). And from 1973, the membership of the four
leading industrial unions in the country fell dramatically, as illustrated in Table 12.1.
One of the consequences of the decline in membership was a decrease in the number of
national unions making up the American labour movement. In 1985 there were 178 national
unions with more than 1,000 members; by 2015 only 87 national unions remained. While in
some cases the membership of national unions dwindled to the point that they just quietly
expired, in most cases the reduction occurred as a result of mergers and consolidations.
The USW has been among the most active unions in absorbing smaller unions. Since the 1980s,
the USW has absorbed numerous unions, including the Paper, Allied-Industrial, Chemical and
Energy Workers International Union (250,000 members); the United Rubber Workers (98,000
members); the Aluminum, Brick, and Glass Workers International Union (40,000 members); the
1973 2015
United Auto Workers 1,500,000 409,000
United Steelworkers 1,200,000 591,000
International Association of Machinists 760,000 569,000
United Mine Workers 213,000 71,000
Source: Roper Center, 1994 and Center for Union Facts, 2016
American Flint Glass Workers Union (12,000 members); the Upholsterers International Union
(55,000 members); and the Industrial, Wood and Allied Workers (50,000 members). In 2005,
it officially changed its name to the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing,
Energy, Allied Industrial, and Service Workers International Union (although it still refers to
itself as the United Steelworkers) (USW, 2016).
The Teamsters have also been active in mergers. Since 2004, the union has absorbed
the Graphic Communications International Union (60,000 members), the Brotherhood of
Maintenance of Way Employees (40,000 members) and the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers (36,000 members), along with a number of smaller unions. The UAW, CWA,
UFCW and the Machinists unions have also engaged in significant mergers in recent years
(Teamsters, 2016).
These mergers were largely driven by the declining memberships of many mid-sized to
small unions. Dwindling memberships resulted in a lack of resources that made it difficult for
smaller unions to function effectively, or even to remain financially solvent, as independent
organisations. As a result, many of them were ‘absorbed’ by larger unions (Chaison, 1996;
Proper, 2013).
In 2015, union density in the private sector dropped to 6.7 per cent, the lowest rate since
records started being kept in 1973.This level of density indicated that private sector unions, as a
force in American society, were now a shadow of what they once were. However, the relatively
strong position of public sector unions (35.2 per cent density) meant that the labour movement
still had influence in the political arena, where public sector unions were particularly effective
(Hirsch and Macpherson, 2016).
There is a significant amount of evidence that in the 2000s, anti-union interest groups
like the American Legislative Exchange Council, the State Policy Network, Americans for
Prosperity, the National Right to Work Committee and the US Chamber of Commerce, having
seen unions in the private sector decimated, turned their attention to public sector unions.
Because public sector unions provide significant manpower and support for liberal causes in
general, and the Democratic Party’s election efforts in particular, weakening them, or putting
them out of business entirely, would give Republicans a big advantage in electoral politics at all
levels of government. And if public sector unions could be debilitated to the extent that private
sector unions had, the American labour movement would cease to have any meaningful influ-
ence in either the political or economic arenas (Hertel-Fernandez, 2015; Kroll, 2011).
These interest groups used a number of mechanisms to weaken public sector unions. These
assaults occurred on a state-by-state basis and tended to begin with narrow strategic attacks such
as the introduction of ‘paycheck protection’ legislation. This legislation would weaken unions
financially by limiting their ability to collect ‘fair share’ dues to cover the representation services
public sector unions are mandated by law to provide.The attacks would then escalate to include
more significant measures such as restricting, or completely eliminating, bargaining rights for
public employees (Hertel-Fernandez, 2015; Kroll, 2011).
The most successful of these efforts took place in Wisconsin. Using a budget crisis for justi-
fication, Governor Scott Walker pushed legislation through the Republican state legislature that
effectively stripped most state and local government employees in Wisconsin of their collective
bargaining rights. One estimate indicated that as a result, the National Education Association
affiliate in Wisconsin saw its membership drop by 33 per cent, the American Federation of
Teachers affiliate lost half of its membership and AFSCME’s membership fell by 70 per cent
(Samuels, 2015).
Following the passage of the public sector legislation in Wisconsin, laws restricting gov-
ernment employees’ bargaining rights or unions’ ability to collect ‘fair share’ dues through
payroll deductions were passed in 15 states, including Tennessee, Oklahoma, Michigan, Maine,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Minnesota and Ohio (Lafer, 2013). Other efforts are underway in
additional states.
In sum, as the American labour movement moves toward the third decade of the 2000s, it
finds itself trying to fend off multiple threats to its continued existence.
Hoxie then went on to construct a typology, or method for categorising, unions by both
structure and function. In terms of structure, Hoxie identified four types of unions and did so
in terms of the sequence in which they emerged. The first type was the simple craft union,
which he defined as an organisation of ‘wage-workers engaged in a single occupation’ (Hoxie,
1917). Examples of these, according to Hoxie, were the unions formed by glass bottle blowers,
horseshoers and locomotive engineers.
The second type of union identified by Hoxie was a federation formed by these early craft
unions. The craft unions in a geographic area joined these federations to promote their mutual
self-interest. In doing so, they also retained their own individual sovereignty. Hoxie pointed to
the Chicago Federation of Labor, the Illinois Federation of Labor and the American Federation
of Labor, all formed in the 1800s, as examples.
Industrial unions were the third type of union identified by Hoxie. These unions differed
from craft unions in that they organised all workers –skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled –in
a single industry or enterprise involved in putting out a product. Hoxie used as an example a
coal-mining company. The union in this workplace would include the skilled workers –the
shotfirers and engineers –as well as the semi-skilled –the miners, drivers and trackmen –and
the unskilled miners’ helpers and dumpmen (ibid.).
The fourth type of union identified by Hoxie was the general union. This type of union
transcended the first three by organising all workers in a geographic area, regardless of craft
or industry. These organisations might be based in local communities or in larger geographic
areas such as districts, states or even nationally. Hoxie cited the Knights of Labor as the best
example of this kind of union in the US around the beginning of the 1900s, when he was
As the labour movement continued to grow and evolve, Hoxie’s typology remained useful.
Craft unionism became the heart and soul of the American labour movement through the
1930s and continues to play a big role today. The AFL flourished, eventually merged with the
CIO and lives on as part of the AFL-CIO.The rise of the CIO and the formation of unions on
an industrial basis in the auto, steel, rubber, electrical and manufacturing industries validated
Hoxie’s industrial union category. And the IWW appeared soon after Hoxie published his
typology and fell clearly in the general union category given its “one big union” philosophy.
Hoxie also classified unions by function. Of the five types he cited, three most accurately
described the unions that developed in the US. The first functional type of union identified
was business unions. Business unions were narrowly focused on winning economic improve-
ment for their members –higher wages, shorter hours and better working conditions.This type
of union accepted capitalism and the wage system and strove to have their members prosper
within that system. Hoxie identified craft unions, as well as the early railroad unions, as examples
of this type of union.
Uplift unions, the second functional type, were characterised by Hoxie as idealistic in nature.
These unions worked to elevate:
the moral, intellectual, and social life of the worker, to improve the conditions under
which he works, to raise his material standards of living, give him a sense of personal
worth and dignity, secure for him the leisure for culture, and insure him and his family
against the loss of a decent livelihood by reason of unemployment, accident, disease,
or old age.
(Hoxie, 1917, p. 213)
One of the main mechanisms they employed in pursuit of these goals was mutual insurance.
The KOL is cited as the prime example of uplift unionism (Hoxie, 1917).
Hoxie identified the third type of union as revolutionary unions. Unions in this category
promoted class consciousness and worked to weaken and eventually eliminate capitalism and
the wage system. Ultimately, their goal was to have workers take over the means of produc-
tion and engage in class-based political action. Hoxie pointed to the WFM and the IWW as
examples of revolutionary unions (ibid.).
Other labour theorists focused on the goals of the unions that developed in the US over the
last 200 years. Two well-known American theorists, John R. Commons and Selig Perlman, saw
unions primarily as a mechanism for integrating American workers into the capitalist system.
The primary goal of these groups was to build bargaining power as a way of improving the lives
of their members in pragmatic ways –increasing wages, reducing hours and making workplaces
safer. This, of course, is consistent with the business unionism approach identified by Hoxie.
Two of the earliest theorists in the UK, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, believed that the ultimate
goal of unions was to promote industrial democracy. The democratisation of the workplace
would result, the Webbs believed, in increasing standards of living for workers, greater oppor-
tunities for education and skill development, and fairer treatment. The labour organisation that
most closely aligned with this goal was the KOL. Their approach to unionism, however, never
caught on with American workers (Webb and Webb, 1920).
Theorists who looked at unions through a Marxist lens argued that the goal of unions was
the revolutionary transformation of the capitalist system. Rather than focusing on incremental
gains in the workplace, their objective was to bring about fundamental change to society in a
way that would benefit workers. Certainly there were a small number of unions that advocated
this view and that captured the interest and imagination of hundreds of thousands of American
workers. The WFM and the IWW fell into this category and, in many ways, so did the KOL.
However, the societal change that these organisations promised their members, and American
workers in general, never materialised. And when they could not deliver, members left the
organisations as quickly as they had joined (Larson and Nissen, 1987).
Ultimately, revolutionary unionism never had a real foothold in the US. Why the US is one
of the few industrialised nations in the world never to have a significant socialist movement is
a question that has been much examined. Alexis de Tocqueville, one of the earliest observers
of American democracy, noted a number of significant characteristics of American society and
polity that he believed were unique to the US. Other writers have cited these traits as respon-
sible, in part, for the lack of a sustained American socialist movement. These characteristics
its relatively high levels of social egalitarianism, economic productivity, and social
mobility (particularly into elite strata), alongside the strength of religion, the weakness
of the central state, the earlier timing of electoral democracy, ethnic and racial diversity,
and the absence of feudal remnants, especially fixed social classes.
(Lipset and Marks, 2000)
De Tocqueville saw these characteristics as exceptional. In fact, many scholars attribute the
term and the concept “American exceptionalism” to him. American exceptionalism is the belief
that the US’ origin and history, and the system of government that developed as a result, is unique
among countries.The belief also includes the ideas that the US is special, even superior, compared
with other countries.The lack of a socialist movement is one of a number of factors explained by
American exceptionalism, according to those who subscribe to this belief (Lipset, 1996).
Whether a function of American exceptionalism or other factors, it is the case that a socialist/
revolutionary movement, and socialist/revolutionary unions, never gained traction in the US.
This has been a significant factor in shaping the American labour movement and in differenti-
ating it from most other labour movements around the world (ibid.).
While two of the functional types of unions that Hoxie identified –uplift and revolu-
tionary –did not gain a footing in the US, the third type, business unionism, has survived and
endured. Most modern building trade unions continue to exemplify this approach to unionism.
However, in the middle of the twentieth century another approach to unionism, not included
in Hoxie’s typology, appeared. Social unionism is generally understood to involve “both engage-
ment with social justice struggles beyond the workplace and methods of union activity beyond
collective bargaining” (York, 2007, p.16). Walter Reuther, and the union he led, the UAW, was
a leader in bringing social unionism to the fore.
Reuther’s view of the role of unions in society differed substantially from the business
unionism view. Reuther believed in “a labor movement whose philosophy demands that it
fight for the welfare of the public at large” (Featherstone, 2016). Consistent with this view,
Reuther and the UAW were active supporters of the civil rights and social justice movements
of the 1960s. At a time when many building trade unions either ignored, or actively opposed,
the civil rights movement, Reuther befriended Dr Martin Luther King Jr, marched with civil
rights activists in Mississippi and was one of the few non-African American speakers at the
1963 Freedom March on Washington.The UAW helped finance that march, as well as others in
Detroit and in the south. At the behest of Reuther, the UAW was one of the strongest backers,
financially and otherwise, of Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’ struggle to organise
agricultural workers in the southwestern US. Reuther was also one of the earliest American
labour leaders to recognise the need for labour to organise on an international basis if it was
to successfully confront multinational corporations. Toward that end, Reuther was a founding
member of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ibid.).
A small number of American unions shared Reuther’s commitment to social unionism as
far back as the 1940s. These included the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of
America (UE); the Retail, Wholesale, Department Store Union (RWDSU); and a handful of
other unions. However, in the 1970s and 1980s, a number of larger, more mainstream, unions
began to adopt many of the tenets of social unionism. The USW, under the leadership of Lynn
Williams, the Machinists under William Wimpisinger, and SEIU, under John Sweeney, broadened
the scope of their unions’ work beyond simply serving their members. And as globalisation and
more aggressive attacks on unions began to decimate American labour in the 1980s, 1990s and
2000s, other unions recognised the need to expand the narrow focus they had held for decades.
The last 25 years has seen another discussion in the American labour movement about a
fundamental principle related to unions. Partly as a result of the success of unions in the 1950s,
1960s and 1970s, many had adopted a way of operating referred to as the servicing model. In the
1980s and 1990s, labour activists and academics decried this approach to union representation
as a dated strategy that needed to change given the new circumstances unions faced at the turn
of the century (Hurd, 2004).
A union employing the servicing model is often compared to an insurance company. Instead
of paying premiums, union members purchase services from the union by paying dues. When a
member has a problem –they face discipline or are turned down for a promotion they believe
they deserve, for e xample –they go to their full-time union representative and the union rep-
resentative solves the problem. When it comes time to negotiate a new contract, a representa-
tive negotiates on behalf of the members and then presents them with a new contract. To most
members, ‘the union’ is the representatives who are paid to provide the services of the union.
The involvement with or contribution to the work of the union for most members begins
and ends with the payment of dues. The critique of this approach suggests that this ‘insurance
agency’ or ‘trade association’ form of unionism might have been well suited for an era in which
unions were growing and union density and power were relatively high, but it does not work
in the circumstances the labour movement finds itself in today (ibid.).
An alternative to the servicing model, the organising model is based on the premise that the
members are ‘the union’ and that every member has a responsibility to not only pay dues, but to
actively participate in and contribute to the work of the union. The central focus of this model
is member mobilisation and the goal is to have members accept greater responsibility for the
work of the union (ibid.).
When a local union faces negotiations, for example, the responsibility for negotiating a new
contract is not ceded to a full-time representative, rather members are involved as much as
possible in the process. Input from the members is sought to set the union’s bargaining prior-
ities, they participate in regular actions to communicate to the employer the degree to which
the members support their negotiating team, and they are kept informed at every step of the
negotiation process. A greater emphasis is also placed on members participating in the gov-
ernance and operation of the local union. This might mean creating an expanded committee
and steward structure, where a high percentage of members hold some formal position such
as committee members or chairs, stewards and assistant stewards. The benefits of such a system
are a much greater sense of engagement and a higher level of commitment to the union on the
part of the membership, which ultimately makes the union a stronger organisation that is better
positioned to deal with the challenges it faces (Fletcher and Hurd, 1988).
Supporters of the organising model also advocate expanding its focus from internal
‘organising’, i.e. the running of the local union, to external organising. They contend that
labour’s future can only be assured by organising new members and that the most effective way
to organise is through a grassroots, member to member strategy. And one additional benefit of
the organising model is that as members take more responsibility for representing themselves,
resources, money and staff, formerly devoted to representation, can be reallocated to external
organising (Booth, 2015).
Many in and out of the labour movement believe that the optimal type of union for the
twenty-first century are those that combine the ‘organising union’ model with the broad out-
look of social unionism. Such unions would be member-driven and democratic, with a high
level of member involvement and commitment. And they would focus on both the problems
and issues its own members face in their workplace and the larger problems and issues of both
unorganised and organised workers in other industries.
Ultimately, the theories of the labour movement shed significant light on the origins of
American unions, the variety of structures and functions they adopted, the goals they had and
the degree to which they accomplished these goals. Looking at labour history through the frame-
work of these theories provides significant insight into the current state of the labour movement.
Coalition building
One reaction of unions in the US to this crisis has been to reach out and form coalitions
with partners that share their values. The labour movement has recognised that it can be more
effective working in common cause with like-minded partners than going it alone. In recent
years individual unions and the AFL-CIO have formed alliances with religious, civil rights,
immigrant rights, human rights, community, environmental and womens’ groups, both at the
domestic and international levels (Kazin, 2013).
These alliances even extend to groups with whom the labour movement is not always in
agreement. For example, Leo Gerard, President of the United Steelworkers, co-chairs the Blue-
Green Alliance, an environmental coalition, with the Executive Director of the Sierra Club
(Blue-Green Alliance, 2016). This is significant because historically many unions have disagreed
with the Sierra Club’s agenda, contending that it costs their members jobs. Gerard and his union
support the coalition even though they disagree with the Sierra Club on the controversial
Keystone pipeline project (Efstathiou, 2013).Another example of the labour movement working
in coalition with other kinds of organisation is its involvement with the National Paid Sick Days
Coalition. This coalition brings together a dozen unions and hundreds of other national, state
and local women’s, civil rights, health, children and faith-based organisations committed to the
passage of national paid sick days legislation (National Paid Sick Days Coalition, 2016).
Constituency groups
One of the best examples of labour’s efforts to broaden its constituency by reaching out and
embracing new groups is in the area of immigrant rights. Prior to the 1980s, the AFL-CIO
and most unions’ views and policies in this area could be characterised as anti-immigrant.
During this period, many in the labour movement held the view that immigrants were a
threat to Americans’ jobs and that they were flooding the labour market and pushing down
wages. For this reason, most unions consistently supported legislation that restricted immi-
gration and promoted stronger enforcement of immigration laws. However, in the 1980s and
1990s, unions and union leaders’ position on immigration gradually changed. In 2000, the AFL-
CIO Executive Board officially reversed its position and adopted a pro-immigration agenda for
the labour movement, which included support for increased immigration, a call for a ‘blanket
amnesty’ for undocumented immigrants and more lenient enforcement of immigration laws in
general (AFL-CIO, 2001; Briggs, 2001; Kazin, 2013).
The change in the labour movement’s attitudes towards immigrants and immigration was
critically important. In subsequent years, as Latinos became the fastest-g rowing segment of the
American workforce, unions strengthened their pro-immigrant position and built increasingly
strong ties with the Latino community. The Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
(LCLAA) is the official constituency group for Latino union leaders and members. Within the
AFL-CIO, constituency groups like LCLAA serve as labour’s ‘bridge to diverse communities,
creating and strengthening partnerships’ with unions and the community. While LCLAA had
been around since 1972, it took on a bigger role after the AFL-CIO changed its immigration
stance in 1980. It is now involved in a wide range of activities, including immigration policy,
registering and mobilising Latino workers to vote, networking with other Latino advocacy
groups and working with interest groups within the Latino labour community such as young
workers, women, domestic workers and farm workers (LCLAA, 2016).
In recent years, the AFL-CIO and individual unions have extended their connection with
Latino workers by working with, and supporting, organisations independent of the AFL-CIO,
including the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the National Guestworker Alliance
and the National Domestic Workers Alliance (AFL-CIO, 2016).
Similar efforts are being made to develop stronger relationships with other immigrant com-
munities. The AFL-CIO also has an allied group that focuses on the Asian labour community.
The Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) was formed in 1982. Like LCLAA, it
serves to connect the labour movement with Asian union members and the larger Asian com-
munity and is involved in voter registration, political action on behalf of candidates it believes
are supportive of its issues, and organising low-wage Asian workers. Towards these ends it has
created its own organising programme, the Asian Pacific American Organizing Institute, as well
as a similar programme just for Asian women and its own Leadership School for developing
potential Asian-American leaders for the labour movement (APALA, 2016).
The efforts of the AFL-CIO and other unions to embrace immigrant workers and get them
more involved in the labour movement have taken a number of different forms. The most
direct way to bring immigrants into the labour movement is to make them union members.
Some American unions had already begun to focus their organising efforts on low-wage Latino
workers even prior to the AFL-CIO’s policy change on immigration. SEIU had actually begun
a large-scale organising campaign called Justice for Janitors in the mid-1980s that focused on
janitors in Denver and Los Angeles; it eventually expanded to Houston and Miami. By the early
2010s, the campaign had organised 225,000 janitors in 29 cities in the US and several cities in
Canada. A high percentage of these workers were Latino. This campaign gained a great deal of
attention nationally and began to change the perception among many in the immigrant com-
munity that unions were hostile to immigrant workers (Milkman, 2006; UCLA, 2016).
Another example of successful organising efforts that targeted low-wage sectors with a pre-
dominately immigrant workforce was the United Steelworkers effort to organise car wash
workers in California. These were mostly Central American immigrants who faced significant
problems, including below minimum wage pay; exposure to toxic chemicals; and the denial
of water, shade and rest breaks. After several years of effort, the first contract was signed with
a carwash in Santa Monica in 2011. Since then 23 car washes have agreed to union contracts
(Roosevelt, 2014).
These types of organising drives helped increase the number of Latino union members in
the American labour movement by 21 per cent between 2002 and 2012. Given that Latinos are
the fastest-g rowing, and most widely exploited, group in the US workforce, many in the labour
movement believe that when ‘the labor movement and the immigrant rights struggle unite,
both complement each other…’ (Lozano, 2011). And the organising of immigrant workers
clearly has the potential to slow, or even turn around, the steady decline in union membership
of the last 35 years (Elmer, 2013).
Alt-labour organisations
As unions have struggled to survive and adapt to the changing circumstances of the early
twenty-first century, they have begun to support alternative approaches to organising non-
traditional workers and the organisations they form. Many of these workers are not covered by
the NLRA or other labour laws and therefore the organisations that organise them have to use
innovative and creative approaches outside the traditional processes and protections of labour
law. These groups have come to be known as alt-labour, or alternative labour, organisations.
Traditional unions were slow to recognise these organisations since they fell outside the legal
definition of a union (although interestingly, they appear to fit under the definition of a union
as first suggested by the Webbs in 1920, see page 1). Over the years, the AFL-CIO and its affiliate
unions have come to recognise that while alt-labour groups may not be, strictly speaking,
‘unions’, they clearly are a part of the labour movement.These alt-labour organisations have the
advantage of being able to reach workers who have not been given the legal right to organise
under the NLRA or some other law, or, for some other reason, have not been included in past
organising efforts. They also lack some of the things that traditional unions have, such as steady
sources of revenue, as their members are usually low-wage workers who do not pay dues on a
regular basis (Edelson, 2013).
The alt-labour phenomenon is significant as it has the potential to expand what is thought
of as the labour movement in the US. In the past, the labour movement has largely been made
up of the different types of unions recognised by law. This would include craft unions in the
building trades; industrial unions; public sector unions; sectoral unions, such as those in the air-
line, rail, entertainment and professional sports sectors; and general unions, as well as the labour
federations to which they affiliate (the AFL-CIO and CTW). This widely accepted, and rela-
tively longstanding, definition of what constitutes the labour movement is one of the reasons it
has taken time for traditional unions to accept alt-labour groups.
Towards this end, the labour movement has invested in helping workers form non-traditional
organisations to bring immigrant workers together to address employment and work-related
problems. Many of these groups take the shape of ‘worker centres’. These are ‘community-based
and community-led organisations that engage in a combination of service, advocacy, and organising
to provide support to low-wage workers’ (Fine, 2005); they often serve immigrant workers.
While worker centres advocate for higher wages and better working conditions, help
workers integrate into the communities in which they work, assist with immigration matters,
and provide advice on housing, healthcare and schools, they are not subject to the provisions of
the NLRA (ibid.).
One way of looking at alt-labour groups is as minority unions.Worker centres and other alt-
labour groups normally have less than a majority of workers of any given workplace involved
in their organisation (if they had a majority, they could probably file for an NLRB election and
become a traditional union).
In a 2016 statement, the AFL-CIO articulated its position on alt-labour organisations:
The union movement works to improve the lives of all people who work –not just
those who have the benefits of union membership. In fact, the AFL-CIO has formed
partnerships with worker centers and other groups of working people who do not
have the legal right to collective bargaining… . All workers deserve fair treatment,
respect and a voice at work, regardless of how they are classified by employers or
regarded by labor law.
(AFL-CIO, 2016)
One count puts the overall number of these groups at 214. Many of these organisations,
including the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), the National Domestics
Workers Alliance (NDWA), Making Change at Wal-Mart and the Restaurant Opportunities
Center United (ROC United), have relationships or affiliations with the AFL-CIO or national
unions (Furchgott-Roth, 2013).
In 2012, SEIU, for example, gave $2.5 million to New York Communities for Change, a
worker centre that helps fast-food employees advocate for better wages and working conditions.
Among other unions that actively support worker centres are the UFCW, UNITE-HERE and
the USW (Maher, 2013; Marculewicz and Thomas, 2012).
Another type of alt- labour group involves workers who are considered independent
contractors, and are thus excluded from labour law protection. Among these workers are taxi
drivers. Despite their legal status, the National Taxi Workers Alliance (NTWA) has organised
chapters in New York City, Philadelphia and San Francisco.These chapters have been successful
in advocating for the needs of taxi drivers with the companies they work for and the taxi
commissions in their cities. In 2011, the NTWA became the first alternative worker organisa-
tion to be invited to be an affiliate of the AFL-CIO (Struckman, 2012).
One of the most successful alt-labour campaigns is the ‘Fight for $15’ movement. Fight for
$15 was started when a few hundred restaurant workers in New York City struck for a pay
raise to $15 an hour and the right to have a union. With significant financial and logistical
support from SEIU, the campaign has grown into a full-blown international movement, oper-
ating in more than 300 cities on six continents, which has expanded to include not only fast-
food workers, but other low-wage workers such as home health aides, retail employees, airport
workers and child care workers (Fight for $15, 2016). The campaign has won increases in the
minimum wage to $15 in cities such as Seattle, New York City and San Francisco, and more
recently in the states of California and New York (Scheiber and Lovett, 2016).
While traditional unions and union leaders increasingly accept alt-labour groups as a part
of the labour movement, differences remain as to the role they should, and will, play in labour’s
future. Some observers believe that they are the future of the labour movement, and that trad-
itional unions have outlived their usefulness. Others believe that traditional unions remain the
core of the American labour movement, but that alt-labour organisations play an important
function in broadening the ways that workers can be a part of this movement.
This debate extends to the manner in which unions advocate for, and represent, workers. In
this regard there are those who believe that the system of collective bargaining established by the
NLRA is irreparably broken, or that it is unsuitable for many of the new employer-employee
relationships that have developed in recent decades.They argue that given the structural changes
in the economy, there is simply “no way to rebuild exactly the models of unionism that won
such brilliant gains in the mid-twentieth century” (Dean, 2016). The logical conclusion of this
view is that the types of union that were formed to operate in this system are not the types of
union needed in a post-NLRA era and that worker centres and alt-labour organisations are the
way of the future.
People in and out of the labour movement who believe this to be the case often also suggest
that the labour movement should abandon, or at least de-emphasise, the NLRA’s approach
to organising unions (get 30 per cent of workers to sign cards, conduct a campaign, have an
election, win a majority and represent all members of the bargaining unit). Instead, some believe
that direct action and corporate and community campaigns designed to pressure employers to
recognise a union could be a more effective strategy (Voss and Sherman, 2003).
However, many others are not convinced that these alt-labour groups have the potential
to serve as the structural framework for the American labour movement, as unions have done
since its founding. One of things sceptics point to is the issue of sustainability. In most cases,
these organisations do not have the ability to generate revenue or funding on an ongoing
basis, as they do not receive dues. And few could operate without the significant funding that
unions provide. As Lance Compa, a labour scholar and former union official, points out “despite
many accomplishments, Alt-labor has not solved the test of creating stable, mass, dues-paying
organizations” (2015).
Compa argues that the labour movement should not be too quick “to ditch the NLRA, for-
sake traditional unions, and start the labor movement afresh”. While acknowledging that labour
currently faces significant challenges, he argues that this point in time is not unique. He points
out that throughout history unions have been organised “in the face of capital’s superior power”.
And as evidence that traditional unions are still serving the purpose they were created to serve,
he notes that today they win a high percentage of the organising drives they undertake. He also
calls attention to the fact that in recent years the labour movement has successfully organised
large groups of workers, including 12,000 dealers and other casino workers, 25,000 private
bus system workers and more than 10,000 adjunct faculty members, in addition to winning
elections with many smaller groups of employees in a range of industries (Compa, 2015).
Paul Booth, another veteran union organiser and leader, makes the case that unions still have
the capacity to organise and bring large numbers of workers into the labour movement. He
argues that the transition many unions have made over the last 25 years from a servicing to an
organising approach has made a significant difference. He points out that the labour movement
has organised millions of workers over the last 40 years; however, the offshoring of union jobs,
deindustrialisation and a number of other factors have resulted in unions losing more members
than they have organised. And while he does not believe that alt-labour groups are the answer
to labour’s dilemma, he does believe they have made significant contributions. Ultimately, he
argues that if these organisations can combine with traditional unions in a way that will allow
them to sustain, and even grow, the work they have been doing, the labour movement would
benefit (Booth, 2015).
because Congress and state legislatures can pass laws that can have beneficial or detrimental
impacts on workers.
Over the years the labour movement has been the driving force behind the passage of many
laws that have significantly benefited workers, including the NLRA, workers and unemploy-
ment compensation laws, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, various workplace discrim-
ination laws and state laws extending union rights to public employees. However, numerous
laws have also been passed that weaken unions, such as state right-to-work laws and laws that
limit or eliminate the collective bargaining rights of public employees.
In an effort to promote and defend their interests, unions engage in political action to
help elect candidates that share their values and priorities, and lobby legislatures at the state
and national levels. And they devote a great deal of time, effort and money to doing so. For
example, SEIU alone reportedly spent $60.7 million to help elect President Obama in 2008.
They also “knocked on 1.87 million doors, made 4.4 million phone calls and sent more than
2.5 million pieces of mail” to support him (Codevilla, 2009). Altogether American unions
spent $600 million on politics in 2012 (compared with $9.5 billion by the American business
community) (Blumenthal and Jamieson, 2014). In that same election cycle unions reportedly
mobilised three to four million members to work on behalf of their endorsed candidates
(Cooke, 2012).
Given the support they provided, many union leaders and activists were disappointed
with Obama’s efforts on labour issues during his two terms in office. In particular, there
was considerable anger that he failed to make the passage of the Employee Free Choice
Act, a bill that would have made it easier for unions to organise, a priority in his first two
years, when Democrats controlled both the US House and Senate. His stand on the Trans-
Pacific Partnership, a major trade agreement, further alienated many in the labour movement.
And while he was given credit for naming a union-friendly majority to the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB) that resulted in consistently pro-labour decisions over the latter years
of his presidency, many in the labour movement wondered if their investment in Obama had
been worth the price (Scheiber, 2015).
The disappointment in President Obama left many in the labour movement with a
feeling of déjà vu. Union supporters had similarly mixed emotions about his two Democratic
predecessors (Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter) and Democratic congressional leaders they had
supported in the past. This disappointment has caused some to wonder whether the resources
spent on supporting politicians could be better spent on organising. Others argued for a
‘Labor Party’, which would be more responsive to union priorities. A failed effort to form
such a party in the 1980s, however, convinced all but the most ardent advocates of the idea
that it was a pipedream (Archer, 2010). Ultimately, there appears to be a consensus in the
labour movement that in the face of conservative forces bent on dismantling unions, labour
has little choice but to defend itself by supporting ‘pro-labour’ (i.e. Democratic) candidates
for political office.
The future
What is the future of unions in the US? One opinion commonly espoused is that while unions
played an important and necessary role in the past, they have outlived their usefulness. In fact,
unions are sometimes referred to as dinosaurs, the implication being that their time has come
and gone. But is this true?
As discussed in this chapter, unions were formed in the US at the beginning of the nine-
teenth century. They were created in response to the inherent conflict between employers and
employees built into the capitalist system. That basic conflict still exists today and, as was the
case 200 years ago, employers still have the upper hand in that relationship. And, just as workers
then saw uniting together to use their collective strength as the most effective way to balance
the power of the employer in their workplace, so do many workers today.
Despite the presence of this conflict between employers and employees, predictions of the
demise of unions have been commonplace for decades. For example, “in 1932, the president of
the American Economic Association said the labor movement was dying and would disappear
in a decade” (Compa, 2015).This was before the rise of industrial unionism in the 1930s, before
the labour movement’s heyday in the 1950s and 1960s when it tripled its size relative to 1932,
and before millions of public sector workers flooded into unions in the 1960s and 1970s.
It can be argued that these predictions are off base because the need for unions actually
remains unchanged. Over the last several decades, as union membership has declined, middle class
incomes have steadily fallen and income inequality has increased dramatically (see Figures 12.1
and 12.2 below). The lives of the people who could benefit by having a collective voice in
their workplaces have steadily worsened. It seems clear that there is still a role for unions in the
modern American workplace.
Figure 12.2 As union membership rates decrease, middle class incomes shrink
Source: Union membership rate is from Hirsch, MacPherson and Vroman (2001), ‘Estimates of Union
Density by State’, Monthly Labor Review, 124(7), pp. 51–55; middle-class share of aggregate income is
from the Bureau of the Census (2015), Current Population Survey (Department of Commerce)
Unions exist because they serve a purpose that no other organisation serves –as a check and
balance on the power of employers by giving workers a collective voice in the workplace. But
as the circumstances that workers face change, the unions that represent them need to change
as well. This chapter has identified a number of ways in which the labour movement is, indeed,
changing. The most critical of these is the effort to involve the growing immigrant workforce
in the labour movement. And if it takes multiple types of organisations to do this –traditional
unions, constituency groups and worker centres –then involving these groups is what the
movement needs to do.
Another change the labour movement needs to be open to involves the strategies it employs
to gain a voice in the workplace.The view that, despite its imperfections, the traditional approach
of organising under the NLRA still works for many workers needs to be considered. At the
same time, it seems clear that the innovative strategies that have been developed to organise
outside of the framework of the NLRA present new opportunities for workers.
In earlier periods in American history, workers were presented with different forms of
unions, e.g. craft, uplift and revolutionary unionism.Workers tried each of these approaches, but
ultimately only craft unionism endured, because it delivered on its promise of making life better
for workers and their families. Later, factory workers in the mass production industries of auto,
steel, rubber and electrical manufacturing sought to organise and industrial unionism joined
craft unionism as forms of unionism that worked effectively for American workers. Over time,
some unions broadened the kinds of workers they sought to organise. Today, these unions are
best described as general unions.
Today’s labour movement is made up of craft, industrial and general unions, with alt-labour
groups bringing in a new generation of workers. All of these groups have the potential to con-
tribute to building a stronger labour movement.
Ultimately, given the fast-changing world in which workers and unions exist, having mul-
tiple approaches that fit the very different circumstances that workers face is most likely a
strength and not a weakness. It may, in fact, be this ability to adapt that provides the strongest
reason to expect that unions will endure in American society.
1 The KOL accepted almost all workers, but barred groups of people it considered “non-producers”,
including liquor dealers, professional gamblers, lawyers, bankers and stockbrokers (Hild, 2010).
2 The following types of workers were excluded from coverage by the NLRA: government workers,
supervisors, railway and airlines workers (who were covered by the Railway Labor Act of 1926),
domestic workers, agricultural workers and independent contractors (NLRA, 2016).
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Peter Sheldon
For an employer, the practice of employment relations (ER) starts with a contract of employ-
ment that establishes an individual employment relationship with an employee. At its simplest,
that employment relationship (and ER) then proceeds as the employer specifies the work the
employee is to do and those conditions, beyond the initial contract of employment, under
which the employee will perform it. Under time-based hiring, the employer offers the cer-
tainty of a pay rate and particular employment conditions in exchange for an expected level of
employee performance during the time paid for. The employer therefore buys that employee’s
potential performance during that time, not any specific level of output, service or even behav-
iour. This represents the core ambiguity within the employment relationship. Under output-
based payment systems, the performance-time-pay calculus works differently but employees can
still seek to manipulate production processes and measurement to their benefit.
Thus, the full terms of these wage-effort bargains are often unclear and they change over
time, particularly as an employer’s own production requirements may alter. As Fox (1974, p. 183)
puts it:
Overall too, the greater the number of employment relationships an employer has to manage,
the greater the organisational complexities they face with regard to ER.
Organising employment and work is a central task of ‘management’, an organisational
function and process directing the organisation for the employer. Management is variously
understood as, for example, a series of tasks –like Fayol’s planning, organising, command, coord-
ination and control –or managerial roles –such as Mintzberg’s ten roles grouped under three
categories: interpersonal; informational; and decisional (Mintzberg, 1973; Paucelle and Guthrie,
2013). More tangibly, management is the people carrying out those tasks or in those roles on
the employer’s behalf, with organisationally legitimated power through their formally delegated
positions. This provides them with substantial influence for achieving the managerial purpose
of getting work done through other people on behalf of the employer.
Larger and more complex organisations usually produce more managers and managerial
levels as well as more managerial ER specialists. Furthermore, with every new employee the
employer hires –perhaps through a manager –they encounter an existing ER context for
that employment relationship, including its own particular market forces, other actors and
institutions. All this occurs within a broader environment of labour, product and financial
markets and institutions, including those of the state.
As employees are both a cost and a source of potential earnings (or other contribution),
employers, in pursuing profits (or other performance markers), seek to manage ER to minimise
those costs and maximise those earnings/contributions. Nonetheless, a goal of cost minimisa-
tion may provoke very different managerial strategies and policies when directed, for example,
to short-run as against longer-run horizons. In one situation, high employee turnover may be
an acceptable consequence of a cost minimisation strategy if, overall, it costs less to lose those
employees than seek to retain them. However, the opposite may be the case where those leaving
take with them valuable organisational and/or technical knowledge; labour markets are tight
for those categories; the costs of recruiting and training replacements are high; and/or where
that turnover has other disruptive effects on the organisation’s internal operations –including
on workforce morale. In these cases, it may cost more to lose those employees than to seek to
retain them (see e.g. Sheldon and Li, 2013).
This chapter examines how employers seek to address this ambiguity inherent in the employ-
ment relationship, how organisational and ER contexts influence their choices, and how those
employers contribute, in turn, to shaping those contexts. Its focus ranges from employer man-
agement of the individual employment relationship to employer involvement in the functioning
of national labour markets.
In discussing ‘employment relations’, this chapter includes the overlapping fields of indus-
trial relations (IR) and human resource management (HRM). This helps bring together the
interacting individual and collective dimensions of ER and the formal and informal forces
shaping them. It allows practitioners and researchers to shift focus, as needed, to roles and
relationships within single organisations, among organisations and to their interactions with
other elements within their wider environments. Nevertheless, the world of ER is greater
than the sum of its IR and HRM parts (see also Gardner and Palmer, 1997). This is because
interactions among distinctively IR and HRM elements dynamically re-shape lived experiences
within organisations, particularly where there is a patchwork of regulation by statute, public
policy, collective bargaining and union activity, and employers’ own rules (for a recent Chinese
example, see Kim and Chung, 2016).
The breadth of this topic and its voluminous relevant literature necessitated severe authorial
choices. First, there is a vast literature on management, including HRM, but much less on
employer associations. Given this volume includes an entire chapter on HRM, this author
provides no separate section on HRM, despite its importance, but does include a section on
employer associations.As there are also entire chapters on multinationals and global supply chains,
this chapter largely ignores them despite their increasing importance to this topic. Furthermore,
to understand employer behaviour requires historical understanding. Yet, because this volume
also includes a historical chapter, this suggested severely limiting historical explanation.
Other decisions included balancing presentation of theory and concrete examples. The
approach chosen is to present a few key themes, theories, models and illustrative examples in
sufficient depth to help explain the chapter’s main arguments. Another important choice made
was to showcase contributions from different disciplines. In making these choices, the author
also sought to balance ‘classic’ (older) theories with more recent elaborations and to widen the
range of countries used as examples, including East Asian economies.
The next section briefly explores ways in which the ER literature examines employer
engagement in ER. It then proposes a well-known schema for making sense of this behaviour.
Radical approaches assume that in capitalist societies, employment is a central site for
broader class conflicts. A core conception is that the ownership of, control over and profits from
employing organisations remain in the hands of the few while the many, with little other source
of subsistence, are constrained to offer their labour –and therefore themselves –for wages. This
fundamental class divide is a perpetual source of potential conflicts, even if these only appear
sporadically (see Fox, 1974; Hyman, 1975).
As mentioned above, choices –including unconscious choices –of frames of reference also
condition how ER practitioners understand their situations and actions. Some authors have
used these frameworks to help construct typologies of employer IR ‘styles’ that focus largely
on whether, and if so on what terms, employers accept unionism and collective bargaining.
This question was at the core of Fox’s (1974) own six-category typology. With non-unionism
increasingly pervasive in many industries and countries, Fox’s emphasis on attitudes to unions
has become less relevant, in many cases, than other factors. Thus, attention has also shifted to
another dimension, owing more to HRM. It concerns the degree to which employers seek to
invest in the development of their employees (Bacon, 2008). We discuss this further below.
The next section expands discussion on how the management of employment relationships
represents a core ER challenge facing employers, particularly in contexts that constrain man-
agerial autonomy and power. Subsequent sections consecutively analyse employers’ managerial
strategies inside the organisation and then outside. Inside the organisation, there is first discus-
sion of management focused on the individual employee, and then on the wider organisational
processes and dynamics. In looking outside the workplace, it explains employer activity in the
wider labour market and public policy arena, particularly through employer associations.
You shall not abuse a needy and destitute labourer, whether a fellow countryman or
a stranger in one of the communities of your land. You must pay a worker’s wages
on the same day, before the sun sets, for he is needy and urgently depends on it.
Deuteronomy 24:14–15
(Plaut, 1981, pp. 1499–1500)
With industrialisation and modernity, employment relations have also gained a collective
dimension across developed and developing countries. The spread of unionism and collective
bargaining confronts employers with particular challenges. As Flanders (1975) pointed out, this
collective dimension, a ‘political’ process involving joint rule-making with unions, provides
individual employees with a protective, rights-based platform.The terms specified in their indi-
vidual contracts of employment, and the treatment they receive through the employment rela-
tionship, cannot fall below this platform.
Laws that support the rights of individual employees or their unionism have a similar effect,
reshaping the making, terms and administration of individual employment contracts and hence
relationships. In some countries, like the United States, Italy, Germany and Australia, col-
lective agreements have long had some form of legislative or judicial force (Bean, 1994). In an
important change facing employers in China, the Employment Contracts Law 2008 requires
them to provide employees with written employment contracts that specify reciprocal rights and
obligations (Wang et al., 2016). This reduces the sorts of unilateral discretion employers enjoy
when employment rests solely on verbal agreements. All these factors that reduce employers’
areas of unilateral discretion and (potential) coercive power produce further challenges to be
For employers then, management of the employment relationship, based as it is upon an
apparently simple contractual arrangement, can be very complex. This reflects the subjectivity
inherent in employing labour in a world of very unevenly distributed material resources and
power. The most apparent sign of this, as the radical frame of reference explains, is the employ-
ment relationship itself. An employee, in selling their time (and capabilities) to an employer as
a commodity (or ‘human capital’), cares about how that employer treats what they are selling –
essentially a lease of themselves. As most employment relationships (and jobs) in the modern
era are longstanding –often over years –employees continue to care. These factors combine to
intensify, for individual employees, the psychological elements of their employment relationships.
Employees can influence, through action and inaction, the quality and quantity of their own
performance. At an individual level, an employee can co-operate with management directions
enthusiastically or begrudgingly, mix co-operation with apathy or denial depending on the
issue, resist or sabotage aspects of their expected workload, protest or leave that employment
relationship. Collectively, employees may engage in all the above responses while also adding
collective ‘voice’ options like going on strike. As individuals or as collectives, employees may also
seek external regulatory intervention, particularly from state agencies.
Moreover, employment relationships develop within patterns of workgroup identity, custom,
practice and organisational cultures that condition how people perceive the employer’s treatment
of them. The work sociology literature provides examples of work groups, at times supported
by local cultural values from outside the workplace, creating and enforcing their own norms
that restrict employee effort, whether under time-or output-based pay systems (Burawoy, 1979;
Mulholland, 2004; van den Broek, 2002).
Thus, employers require strategies that force, persuade or inspire employees to produce and
sustain expected performance levels. During periods of early industrialisation, and particu-
larly under authoritarian regimes, employers have often been free to impose feudal styles of
coercive control. For example, in Britain in the first half of the nineteenth century, the oper-
ation of master and servant laws provided employers with a range of coercive powers over
their ‘servants’, including having them imprisoned for absconding during the term of their
employment contracts or for other disobedience (Deakin, 2001). During the 1970s and early
1980s, with (South) Korea under military dictatorships, high-level managers of Korea’s family-
controlled business groups (chaebols) enforced their authority over unskilled factory and con-
struction workers through militaristic cultures of labour management backed by the threat of
instant dismissal. Managers –some of them former army officers –demanded short haircuts,
call centres, have brought together simple and technological control mechanisms (Mulholland,
2004; van den Broek, 2002). Some labour process theorists have also developed a focus on
employer strategies to gain employee consent and commitment, not just compliance. Such strat-
egies include using more targeted recruitment/selection, training, and performance manage-
ment and rewards to have employees internalise official company norms and values. These can
work with policies that deliver greater employee autonomy –a high-road option –alongside
those of direct control (Burawoy, 1979; Thompson and McHugh, 2002).
Among criticisms of labour process theory is that it greatly overstates, for employers, the
importance of controlling labour relative to other employer concerns that need managing,
like financial controls, firm borrowings, marketing, product development, brand image and
sales. Increasingly, researchers are recognising the need to understand how these various other
challenges/roles interact with the management of employment (Bray et al., 2014).
Given this, core areas for management HPWS initiatives include autonomous teams (how-
ever defined), training for multi-skilling and communication skills. These require support via
employee participation and from employment practices like job security, internal promotion,
equal employment opportunities and performance-related pay. For Kalmi and Kauhanen (2008,
p. 431), this can be summarised as “participation, incentives and skills”. While the literature has
suggested that the best results come through combining all three elements, recent UK research
found that they operate separately (Wood et al., 2015). Despite the sustained popularity of these
ideas in recent decades, few employers have adopted them and most have implemented only
very few practices, and haphazardly (Boxall, 2012). Employers have typically neglected partici-
pation initiatives, particularly where this includes representation.
bargaining with ‘locals’ or branches of industry or occupational unions –as in the USA, Canada
and, more recently, the UK –most directly and potentially intrusively enmesh rule-making
with an employer’s workplace operations. Nonetheless, enterprise unions are open to employer
influence and capture, and enterprise bargaining avoids having to compromise with other –
potentially competitor –employers in managing union claims. Similarly, they offer the best
opportunities for employers to use ‘concession bargaining’ by threatening local employment, as
has been common in the USA since the 1990s. Finally, decentralised bargaining systems mostly
mean that smaller employers completely escape union attention and collective bargaining
(Bean, 1994).
On the other hand, it is much easier for an employer to restrict the scope of bargaining –and
thereby insulate the firm from union pressures –by combining in multi-employer bargaining.
Both processes encourage formalisation and standardisation of ER routines as the employer
hires specialist staff (or brings in consultants), develops policies and procedures, produces
manuals and provides relevant training. The next section discusses employers’ initiatives beyond
their organisations in response to wider ER challenges.
Employer associations
Employer associations are voluntary, membership-based business associations for whom labour
market matters are an important part of their vocation. Akin to ‘bosses’ unions’ they are highly
influential in much of Europe, southern and eastern Asia, Latin America and Australia. They
have also formed a series of international confederations for bargaining, lobbying and represen-
tation in supranational forums. Historically, the ‘Western’ literature on employer associations
suggests that employers have formed them to confront labour market challenges from unions
and state intervention, or from other employers who either pay wages too high or too low
for competitors to match. Lacking the necessary resources to confront, individually, these
communal challenges, employers associate to increase their power via resource-sharing, co-
ordination, solidarity and a more substantial political profile. These motivations subsequently
became associations’ principal sources of organisational purpose (Sheldon and Thornthwaite,
1999; Windmuller and Gladstone, 1984).
Organisational purposes generate strategic choices among activities that associations embrace
on behalf of employers. Thus in ‘Western’ employer association traditions, early association
activity focuses first on providing ‘collective goods’ (Olson, 1971).These are non-exclusive, non-
market solutions to employers’ needs: in particular leading or coordinating employers in multi-
employer collective bargaining; lobbying governments; and mounting public policy campaigns.
Such activities allow employers to express their collective ER preferences in the wider labour
market and policy arenas, for example over minimum wages, restrictions to working hours,
employment security, workplace health and safety regulation, or training policy. Over time, ori-
ginal purposes and strategic choices of activity generate associations’ core roles and contribute
to their organisational identities (Schmitter and Streeck, 1999).
Particularly where unions are strong, collective bargaining more centralised, and governments
more willing to regulate employer behaviour, an association’s collective goods serve as important
resources for employers’ own ER needs. As firms, both members and potential members, are a
major part of that association’s ‘product market’, it thus also depends, indirectly, on those labour
market conditions that make membership of it attractive (Sheldon et al., 2016). For much of
the second half of the twentieth century, in countries like Australia, Denmark, Sweden, (West)
Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Italy, those conditions provided associations with very
high profile roles and, in many cases, substantial power over their memberships (Sheldon and
Thornthwaite, 1999; Windmuller and Gladstone, 1984).
Nonetheless, reliance on collective goods leaves associations vulnerable to free-riding. As
association revenues traditionally depend heavily on membership subscriptions, widespread
free-r iding undermines those resources as well as its representativeness. Many associations there-
fore provide ‘selective goods’ (Olson, 1971): free and mostly standardised services directly to and
solely for members. These include information on industry trends, published advice on labour
regulations, guidelines for collective bargaining and call centre advisory services on individual
ER matters (Sheldon et al., 2016).
Selective goods are a crucial association response to challenges to its ‘associability’ and ‘gov-
ernability’ (Traxler, 1999). That is, associations must first attract and retain member firms; they
must then find a way to effectively represent member firms’ often differing interests in situations
where firms can often choose to act against association policy. How associations ‘structure’
themselves can assist with these challenges arising from membership heterogeneity by having
recruitment domains reflecting product (and/or labour) market characteristics of member
firms.Territorial associations recruit all firms within a geographical area, irrespective of industry.
Sectoral (or industry) associations recruit within one or a few related industries. National
federations of associations bring together sectoral and/or territorial bodies. Because one of the
major cleavages within associations is between the interests of small versus large firms, another
way for associations to reduce governability challenges is through adopting structures closely
mirroring firm size.
As multi-employer collective bargaining has long provided associations with central insti-
tutional roles, its recent decline in some countries brings associations severe associability, and
hence financial, challenges, like those that undercut US associations after the 1970s (Kochan,
Katz and McKersie, 1986; Sheldon and Thornthwaite, 1999). Some associations are responding
by marketing ‘elective goods’ –customised, commercially-priced products and services –to
members and non-members.This assists associations in developing new revenue streams but can
also act as a membership recruitment tool (Sheldon et al., 2016).
In some East Asian countries, the motivations for association formation and development
have differed greatly. In South Korea, when chaebols formed their Korea Employers’ Federation in
1970, its original purpose was to develop selective, not collective, goods.With South Korea under
a pro-business military dictatorship, those employers faced no collective threats from unions
or government regulation (Jun and Sheldon, 2006). In 1980, Singapore’s employers acceded
to activist pressure from Lee Kwan Yew’s government to merge two existing associations in
founding the Singapore National Employers’ Federation. Once again, the traditional collective
IR challenges were absent; the government’s motivation was to streamline its tripartite planning
and decision-making structures (Sheldon, Gan and Morgan, 2015). Finally, the recent history of
association development in China is very complex but includes instances of local associations of
foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) responding collectively to predatory employee poaching and
rising wage levels from more recently arrived FIEs (Lee, Sheldon and Li, 2011).
This chapter has examined employers, management and employment relations across three
levels: the individual employee; the organisation; and the wider labour market. It has used the-
ories from a number of disciplines and examples from different countries to help explain how
employers choose to manage ER and why they may choose some approaches over others. As
well, it has also very briefly explained how employers have been seeking to reshape ER in
recent years, both inside and outside their workplaces. In this they have strategically chosen, and
sometimes meshed, high-road and/or low-road approaches depending on their product and
labour market contexts, their technological profiles, the nature of institutional regulation they
face and their own frames of reference. The overall direction would seem to be in combining
some elements of high-commitment HRM –like training and teamwork –with a preference
for increasing managerial autonomy and flexibilities over the use of labour.
Nonetheless, it is difficult to predict broad trends. Despite claims for cross-national con-
vergence, there remains abundant diversity across countries and industries. Given this, it is not
clear what the limits are for employers’ low-road strategies beyond more vulnerable labour
market segments. Similarly, it is unclear whether individual employers will invest more or less in
ILMs, HPWS or other high-road organisational innovations aimed at employees’ psychological
contracts, which employees will receive more favoured treatment, and what this might entail.
Global competition, domestic politics and technological change will continue to strongly
influence employer decisions. However, there are reasons to believe that these will not all play
out in the same direction as previously. China appears to be approaching its low-wage produc-
tion frontier at a time when its party-state has legitimated unionism and collective bargaining
(albeit within constraints). With prices, costs and wages rising, many Chinese employers are
already having to engage in the sorts of strategic choices over ER that their western, Japanese
and South Korean competitors have been dealing with for decades.They too are having to think
more about psychological contracts and employee commitment, and/or labour flexibilities and
cost-minimising, atypical employment. Cost pressures on China’s employers may well give
employers in developed economies new opportunities. Linked to this are domestic political
factors. Over recent decades, employer strategies have increasingly developed under neoliberal
regimes that legitimate and reinforce managerial prerogatives; economic globalisation; and
weakened employee protections. Populist backlashes sweeping many countries during 2016
and 2017 suggest that employers may have to factor in this sentiment in managing employment
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María Jesús Belizón
Much has been written about employment relations (ER) actors since John T. Dunlop’s
seminal work, Industrial Relations Systems (1958). His simple, concise and neat categorisa-
tion –employers, trade unions and state –constituted the starting point and bedrock for the
systematisation of the study of ER across the globe. The differing and unique interlocking
relationships among these actors in different nations have been the focus of numerous inter-
national comparative studies, providing scholars, practitioners and policy-makers with a uni-
versal ‘convention’ with which to describe, analyse, criticise, modify and shape the employment
relationship (Bellemare, 2000, p. 383). Elaborating on this foundational convention, scholars
have reached out for new actors in their attempt to reconceptualise the industrial relations
(IR) system (Kochan, 2004), either by delving into the variety of these tripartite networks or
into new actors that were somewhat excluded. End users, governmental and private agencies,
educational entities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and even religious organisations
are somewhat active agents within the ER system of a given country and internationally.
However, current ER is not just defined as a simple system of economic actors but involves a
human face aimed at the protection of efficiency, equity and voice as they embody the object-
ives of the employment relationship (Budd, 2004; Edwards, 2003). This chapter is concerned
with one of the three primary actors, namely, a significant employer, the multinational corpor-
ation (MNC), and with how MNCs’ behaviours and interactions play out in relation to other
actors and their ER objectives more broadly.
MNCs are viewed as global employers due to their prominent and active role in the world-
wide economy (Lévesque et al., 2015). They are the movers and shakers of global economic
activity, but are by no means operating under free will. In this context, MNCs have been studied
through the lenses of institutional theory in an attempt to decipher to what extent they conform
to local legal, social or cultural requirements that ultimately grant them legitimacy within the
host country. The institutional leeway MNCs enjoy in certain locations confers them with the
possibility of exercising their strategic freedom and embrace best practices, which often entails a
replication of home country practices that headquarters deems essential to the successful running
of the business (Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016; Pudelko and Harzing, 2007). Concomitantly, MNCs
are seen as both ER actors and a contested or co-operative socio-political space where ER take
Multinationals as ER actors
place at the different levels at which the social actors interact with their respective counterparts.
Particular consideration has recently been given to the analysis of MNCs as drivers of change
in ER and as diffusers of new ER practices across borders. Thus, this chapter will situate the
MNC as an ER actor by considering its role in the global economy as well as the role of MNCs
as rule-takers and rule-makers. The myriad of political interplays and dynamics that occur within
the so-called regulatory space (Berg et al., 2005; Dundon et al., 2014) will be considered at the
macro and micro levels, where the different ER actors engage in their power struggles in an
attempt to occupy this regulatory space as much as they possibly can by gaining power resources
or optimising those already possessed. The overarching conceptualisation of power upon which
each of these forms of macro-and micro-politicking and their impact on ER is generally built
is the ‘Lukesian’ triple typology of power dimensions (Dundon et al., 2014; Ferner, Edwards and
Tempel, 2012; Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016; Lukes, 2005). Table 14.1 outlines how power can be
sourced from different reservoirs, namely, resources, processes and meaning along with some
examples of managerial implications within MNCs.
Table 14.1 Lukesian conceptualisation of power and some implications for ER practices
Power of resources Concerns the very essence and Is the MNC’s presence in the host
nature of the decisions that location and its impact on the local
are made, and the resources economy and employment levels a
needed to carry them out source of power within the social
dialogue instigated by trade unions?
Is the local subsidiary in an
advantageous position to negotiate
with headquarters due to the
possession of critical resources that
are key to the financial sustainability
of the entire MNC?
To what extent does the workers
involvement become key to these
negotiations between subsidiary and
Power of processes Refers to the latitude that What is the role of the workforce in
actors enjoy to influence managerial decision-making and
and recast the agenda, by what are the voice mechanisms
ignoring or incorporating available (i.e. to influence, facilitate
issues, and more specifically or block the transfer of parent ER
by formulating the rules of practices to a specific subsidiary)?
decision-making Is there any form of co-determination
as part of the decision-making in the
dispersed units?
Does the subsidiary partake of the
development and formulation of
ER practices globally, and to what
degree do local managers rely on the
workforce’s views?
Power of meaning Captures the ability by which Is the MNC involved in lobbying
some actors exercise activities within the local economy?
domination over others Is the MNC able to mobilise other ER
‘by influencing, shaping actors such as community groups,
or determining their very NGOs, etc. to its own advantage
wants’, oftentimes through directly or indirectly?
‘the control of information’, Do non-union practices such as
‘the mass media’ and ‘the double-breasting undermine the
process of socialisation’ power of trade unions within
(p. 27) MNCs? Do these practices have an
impact on the trade union agendas?
Do trade unions take an opportunistic
approach along with mass media
resources to obtain public support
and gain power in their negotiations
with MNCs?
Source: Dundon et al. (2014); Geary and Aguzzoli (2016); Luke (2005)
Multinationals as ER actors
MNCs as rule-takers
An extensive effort has been made on unearthing and comparing similarities and differences
around unique and distinctive IR systems worldwide and on patterning how smooth or
problematic it might become for MNCs to transfer their home employment practices to the
different host locations (Almond et al., 2005; Almond and Ferner, 2006; Belizón et al., 2014;
Fenton-O’Creevy, Gooderham and Nordhaug, 2008; Ferner et al., 2011; Pudelko and Harzing,
2007).This work constitutes a longstanding thread of contributions on several fronts. Ostensibly,
not only has research consistently demonstrated that institutional pressures mould management
practices but also that this is particularly prominent in IR. Studies of the MNC as rule-taker
in the home country and the country of operations have been commonplace. The so-called
home country effect refers to the impact of the country of origin’s institutional settings on the
employment practices pursued by the MNC overseas (Almond et al., 2005). National legis-
lation on IR and employee voice, minimum wages, vocational training systems and diversity
and equality matters have proven to have a particular impact on the international integration
of employment practices as some MNCs attempt to transfer their home practices on the basis
of fostering best practices in their foreign operations (Almond et al., 2005; Belizón, Gunnigle
and Morley, 2013; Ferner et al., 2011; Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016). This is indeed the case of
US MNCs operating in analogous liberal markets economies such as Ireland and the UK,
where union avoidance becomes a feasible alternative (Ferner et al. 2011; Gunnigle, Lavelle and
McDonnell, 2009; Lamare et al., 2013). In some cases, MNCs have opted for what has been
termed ‘double-breasting’, which entails the cohabitation of unionised and non-unionised sites
in the same host country (Lamare et al., 2013).This practice has been extensively adopted by US
MNCs operating in Ireland and particularly so in the case of geographical expansion through
green field investment.
These are examples of country-of-origin effects manifested in certain employment practices
MNCs are able to pursue overseas by engaging in what has been termed ‘institutional layering’
(Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016; Streeck and Thelen, 2005, pp. 14–19), whereby MNCs bypass
existing institutions in the host country, taking advantage of legal vacuums or ‘spaces of uncer-
tainty’ (Ferner, Edwards and Tempel, 2012; Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016). Consider, for example,
the union-free approaches to ER widely adopted by US MNCs (Dundon, 2002; Gunnigle,
Collings and Morley, 2005; Gunnigle, Lavelle and McDonnell, 2009; Logan, 2006; Marginson
et al., 2010). Union avoidance is possible in voluntarist IR systems where employers have con-
siderable latitude to recognise union representation (or not) through a statutory provision of
union recognition (Roche, 2001). In theory, at least, voluntarist IR systems allow employers
to have differing preferences over the union representation structures established in their
workplaces due to the management prerogative they enjoy. Examples of voluntarist IR systems
are the American, British, Irish and Canadian. Oftentimes in these contexts, when employees
have come together to engage in indirect representation union avoidance approaches on the
part of MNCs can be also manifested in many ways, such as intimidation of workers willing
to pursue union representation, substitution of unions with collective consultation channels,
development of sophisticated human relations practices or disincentives to unionisation among
others (Dundon, 2002). Country-of-origin effects of this sort can easily end up recasting the
institutional arrangements of the host country, propelling MNCs into the host country as rule-
takers and rule-makers concomitantly (Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016). Notorious has been the role
of US MNCs’ behaviour in reshaping public policy regulating union recognition in Ireland
(Geary and Roche, 2001; Gunnigle, Collings and Morley, 2005). Nonetheless, the influence
that MNCs can exert over institutional settings will most likely rely on the malleability of the
national business system or the host country’s institutional vulnerability to other economic
actors’ endeavours (Quintanilla, Susaeta and Sanchez-Mangas, 2008).
Multinationals as ER actors
objectives for growth or a deliberate strategy to create union-free spaces whereby an uni-
tarist ideology favouring individual human resources practices and working conditions prevails
(Dundon et al., 2015; Gunnigle, Lavelle and McDonnell, 2009; Roche, 2001). Non-unionist
approaches are ‘materialised’ in many ways, such as a persistent resistance to union recogni-
tion (Gall, 2004; Marginson et al., 2010); the emergence of union avoidance practices through
‘double-breasting’ (Dundon et al., 2015; Gunnigle, Lavelle and McDonnell, 2009; Lamare et al.,
2013) or the implementation of direct voice mechanisms aimed at the individual negotiation of
working conditions and a smoother micro-management of the psychological contract between
employer and employee (Dundon and Gollan, 2007).
operations located in permissive regimes than in more rigid host countries (Belizón et al., 2014;
Dundon, 2002; Gall and Dundon, 2013; Gunnigle, Lavelle and McDonnell, 2009).
Multinationals as ER actors
As Gumbrell-McCormick and Hyman (2006, p. 473) note “the notion of non-union employee
representation, as the term is usually understood in the English-speaking world, has little reson-
ance in most countries of continental western Europe”. In right-based IR systems, social actors
encounter a wide range of rights and responsibilities to which they have to respond (ibid.)
and in particular, employers do not benefit from management prerogative. In the majority of
western Europe, companies employing at least 50 workers are obliged to deal with employee
representation –union or non-union –by statutory provision. This is the case in Germany,
France, Italy, Spain and Portugal (Belizón et al., 2014; Gumbrell-McCormick and Hyman, 2006;
Molina, 2014). Offering better conditions than those created by collective agreements at the
sectoral, regional or national level that have been negotiated through the so-called social dia-
logue might potentially become the only means to bypass unions at the company level. Even in
this scenario, ‘absence of employee representation at company level’ in western Europe would
be a more suitable term than that of ‘union avoidance’, which is technically not possible due to
legal constraints.
transferred from the central office (Bélanger et al., 2013; Ferner, Edwards and Tempel, 2012).
Lamare et al. (2013) posit that higher levels of subsidiary autonomy will facilitate the presence of
unionised forms of employee representation, particularly in countries where employee represen-
tation practices prevail locally. Furthermore, individual-related HR practices have been linked
to union avoidance due to their potential capacity to provide benefits beyond those offered by
conventional employee representation (Roche, 2001). A handful of scholars have given recogni-
tion to the role of ‘soft’ individual-related HR practices in substituting or preventing unionised
representation. However, some others have emphasised that this might only be the case in
a minority of companies. As Roche (2001, p. 39) notes “the findings on the impact of ‘soft’
HRM practices on [union] recognition are inconclusive”. These ‘soft’ practices are categorised
into three areas where the practices are able to be individualised: pay, training and direct com-
munication. Individualised practices foster a direct relationship between the employer and the
employee, meaning the employee might not need the intervention of employee representation
Multinationals as ER actors
ER actors, has largely been neglected in “international business and management literature,
which sees power and politics in organisations as an exception, being nothing more than
‘dirty business’ preventing organisations from doing their normal work”. This work has been
complemented and subsequently reinforced by even more recent studies on the distribution
of power resources and capabilities and how different actors are able to mobilise themselves to
exert this power over others (Lévesque et al., 2015; Aguzzoli and Geary, 2014). This work has
focused more specifically on the micro-level explanatory factors determining MNC engage-
ment with trade unions at the company level. Some of the predictors of trade union engage-
ment in MNCs identified by this literature are the distribution of the subsidiary’s power and
capability of its local managers, and the structural power of workers or the workers’ associ-
ational power, among other factors.
Rapid changes in the external national settings in which the world of work takes place
are the source of straining pressures on MNCs, trade unions and states across the globe, and
they all need to evolve with the times, modifying their practices and policies (Kochan, 2004).
Seemingly, the roots of these changes are obvious: the globalisation of best practices; advances
in new technological equipment and processes; the demographic evolution of the population
in different countries; and the decreasing role of workers in the manufacturing sector as they
are overtaken by increasingly effective technology and digital devices. However, as Kochan
(2004, p. 1) notes “these changes pose several additional questions: can these actors regain
control over their destiny and over the destiny or performance of their industrial relations
systems in light of changes in these external contexts?” Research prior to the global financial
crises in 2008–2009 suggested that there are crucial moments in the history of economies,
generally triggered by substantial economic downturns that propel economic actors to exercise
their strategic freedom in order to seek survival in the complex and challenging aftermath of
a financial recession. This is often translated into changes of institutions and their subsequent
influence over the IR systems (ibid). This is also termed ‘institutional plasticity’ (Katz and
Wailes, 2014), which relies on the assumption that institutional arrangements are not static but
malleable to a certain extent.The emergence of new patterns of ER and their impact on social
dialogue have been explained by several factors (Lane and Wood, 2009). First, the increasing
implementation of neoliberalist and deregulation policies. Second, the escalating growth of
FDI inflows in national economies are a clear source of diversity, both in terms of nationality
and culture but also in management styles and different approaches to ER; new ideas and
novel modus operandi transferred by MNCs are often able to bypass national regulations. Finally,
the lack of political union among countries and their uneven pace of institutional changes
results in a higher degree of diversity in national capitalisms, to which MNCs need to react in
differing ways.
Against this backdrop, MNCs are also viewed as rule-makers. Some prominent scholars have
posed that MNCs have the potential capacity to transform the context wherein they operate.
Are MNCs able to inform macro-institutional settings? Do MNCs have the power to shape
their environment by changing institutional arrangements or neglecting trade unions, and
ultimately ignoring employee representation altogether? And if so, where do they source this
power from? Not so long ago Kochan (2004) rhetorically reflected on the MNCs and other
ER actors’ capacity and volition to respond to changes in the environment. However, other
authors are devoting their efforts to elucidating to what extent the environment is able to
change as a response to MNCs’ behaviour (Batt et al., 2009; Ferner, Edwards and Tempel, 2012;
Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016). Ferner et al. reveal some relevant aspects around this topic in their
attempt to complement the Kostovian, institutional approach. MNCs, key and active players in
the globalisation process, have a relevant role and voice in the world economic system (Ferner,
Edwards and Tempel, 2012, p. 168) –but what are the macro implications of this role? What
type of changes are MNCs able to instigate? Some scholars point to the capacity of MNCs to
modify the rules of the economic game and, as Ferner et al. (2012) observe, to exercise power
“at a systemic level through their ability to shape the decision-making rules governing inter-
national economic activity” (p. 168). For instance, Ireland is identified as a particular national
case where the scale and influence of US MNCs has helped reshape the industrial promotion
strategies to favour inward investment and to resist moves to strengthen regulations regarding
collective employee representation and, especially, trade union recognition (Gunnigle, Collings
and Morley, 2005). As Lévesque et al. (2015, p. 188) point out, “this shift in the balance of power
has reinforced the capacity of MNCs to shape labour relations according to their interests and
preferences, seemingly irrespective of institutional setting”.
Prior to the economic recession, ER at the national level seemed to vanish among the pol-
itical agendas and priorities of MNCs across the globe (Meardi, 2012). This is not precisely due
to a growing general belief in a decline of the relevance of ER, as if economic actors operated
on the assumption that ER are no longer needed as labour markets become flawless systems
where workers are always respected (Meardi, 2014). Indeed, this fallacy has been rooted in the
tenet that “work could be professionally managed, rather than socially negotiated” (Meardi,
2014, p. 2). Employment relations understood as the framework of social dialogue to solve
social problems in the workplace was jeopardised by an attempt to reduce IR to direct nego-
tiations between employers and employees by seeking common ground through the so-called
best practices, and ultimately through collective bargaining at company level (Lavelle, Gunnigle
and McDonnell, 2010). Many countries beheld low trade union memberships, while collective
bargaining at the national level has been at stake not only in countries with longstanding liberal
market economies but also in developing economies that were embracing neoliberal labour
approaches, such as Mexico, Argentina and the nascent market economies from the east of
Europe (Lévesque et al., 2015).
As Meardi (2012, p. 3) argues, “overall, multinational companies tend to comply with
national collective bargaining structures: their collective bargaining coverage is the same, or
even higher (in the case of the UK), than for the national average. However, MNCs do shift
the balance of collective bargaining by being more active in company-level bargaining, which
appears more pertinent to their product markets and organisation structures. In France and
Spain, where sectoral collective agreements mostly limit themselves to setting relatively low
minimum pay levels, MNCs can often easily afford higher pay levels and therefore find sec-
toral agreements, however binding, of little relevance –a point which undermines the political
argument that the collective bargaining structure of these countries would hamper foreign
direct investment.”
The most disturbing and illustrative case of an MNC forcing its influence on a national
IR system is that of Fiat in Italy in 2011, when the company closed two of its operations
through legal channels and re-opened the two sites ‘anew’ so that the negotiations about
their employment conditions were subsequently changed to suit its own interests. Trade
unions, employer associations and the government in Italy responded to this with an
agreement reforming the Italian IR systems to promote some forms of ‘flexicurity’, which
overall benefited MNCs more than other social partners. Over recent years developing
and developed economies have experienced a shift in trade union attitudes and approaches
to collective bargaining at all levels, as unions have made substantial concessions on the
conditions of employment, union rights inclusive, with a view to avoiding alternative detri-
mental consequences such as relocations or total site or division closures (Meardi, Strohmer
and Traxler, 2013).
Multinationals as ER actors
to make better use of this toolkit to offer resistance to corporate intentions, as has been the case
of MNCs operating in France and Finland. Additionally, workers’ involvement in local initiatives
might help leverage higher degrees of systemic power. Finally, one last determining factor enhan-
cing workers’ involvement in the power and political interplays in MNCs has been the presence
of regional employee representation bodies such as an European work councils, which generally
serve as a vehicle of support for transnational workers.
MNCs are active and powerful ER actors; they drive new patterns of employment relations
practices and the diffusion of new practices into the lives of workers as well as into the institu-
tional environments in which they operate in different locations (Geary and Aguzzoli, 2016).
Hence, MNCs have proven to be active ER actors, changing the course of history of other ER
across the globe, especially in the last few decades.
Changes driven and disseminated by MNCs are sometimes tempered by different national
regulatory frameworks. However, research has shown substantial evidence of the endogenous
power that MNCs are in fact exerting over national regulations in different business systems,
some of which have been reformed and redesigned in response to MNCs’ attempts (often
successeful) to avoid employee representation and their pressurising and lobbying activities.
As discussed in this chapter, this is illustrated by the cases of US MNCs following non-union
approaches, adopting ‘double-breasting’ practices and developing new individual HRM practices
aimed at bypassing trade union engagement (Roche, 2001).
Future research should delve more deeply into the relational nested nature of the different
levels of analysis of the MNC (Snape and Redman, 2010;Wilkinson,Wood and Deeg, 2014). An
over-emphasis on single-level conceptualisations has directed research towards a biased view of
the MNC as an ER actor, normally seen at the macro level. Research to date has been unable
to identify the relative explanatory power of subsidiary capabilities or of workers’ involvement
in relation to the ‘omnipotent’ power of MNC headquarters, which pursue their preferred
practices by bypassing and modifying legislation in different host locations. Revealing how
different combinations of power interplay at the different levels of analysis might shed some
more light on the actual role of MNCs in IR systems.
A potential line of enquiry also entails the study and theorisation of the interaction of MNCs
and new ER actors, such as end users, governmental and private agencies, educational entities,
NGOs, and community and religious organisations. As Cooke and Wood (2014, p. 11) argue,
“not all new actors’ involvement will lead to enhanced workers’ conditions. Instead, they may
weaken the regulatory capacity of host governments, and indeed lead to the dispossession of
peasants and the erosion of the bargaining power of workers.”The emergence of new interplays
between some of these new actors and MNCs might redirect the current role of MNCs as ER
actors. Future studies might concentrate on patterning how new ER actors are able to reshape
MNCs’ behaviour and employment practices.
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Dionne Pohler
Employment relations (ER) scholars have long recognised that fundamental conflicts of interest
exist between employers and employees (Barbash, 1984; Commons, 1935; Webb and Webb,
1902). Industrial relations (IR) scholars in particular assume there is a structural imbalance of
power in the employment relationship that favours the employer when individual employees
attempt to negotiate over wages and working conditions (Kaufman, 2008). Collective bargaining
can reduce this structural imbalance of power, but usually only when other institutional actors
(i.e. governments) create rules to legitimise, rather than obstruct, it.
Collective bargaining in the context of ER can be succinctly defined as a process through
which workers come together to negotiate with their employer(s) over terms and conditions
of employment and/or the rules that will govern the processes that decide these same terms
and conditions. Collective bargaining is a form of collective action among workers, though it
is generally more structured than other forms of worker collective action. It involves negoti-
ations, joint decision-making or joint regulation that results in formal and binding contracts, as
opposed to looser and more flexible forms of consultation or joint problem-solving between
employers and employees that are often employer-led (Doellgast and Benassi, 2014).
Collective bargaining takes place within a set of established rules and institutions; many
countries have legislation that shapes its form and function, such as the Wagner Act in the
USA or the legislative provisions in Germany supporting industry-level collective bargaining
and extension of collective agreements. Direct participation by employees and employers in
collective bargaining may occur, but the process is often undertaken by individuals or groups
chosen to represent the interests of the respective parties (e.g. union leaders, management,
employers’ associations, etc.). In some circumstances collective bargaining may also include
other parties to the employment relationship, such as tripartite arrangements involving govern-
ment agencies. Elected officials may intervene in the collective bargaining process when public
safety becomes a concern, though direct government intervention is often highly controversial.
Government plays a unique part in public sector collective bargaining due to its multiple and
sometimes conflicting roles as legislator and employer.
Collective bargaining has been recognised by the International Labour Organization (ILO)
as a fundamental human right; however, constitutional and/or human rights protections for
freedom of association among workers are notably absent, even in many developed countries.
Advocates of the position that ‘bargaining rights are human rights’ have argued that all ILO
member countries are required to ensure collective bargaining is not only recognised as a
human right, but also legislated as a minimum employment standard; however, there is a long
way to go to reach this goal (Adams, 2011). In practice, the standards, processes, structures and
outcomes of collective bargaining vary greatly across countries due to a variety of different his-
torical, legal, social, political and economic factors.
In this essay, I will develop a multi-level framework that identifies the critical variables
required to understand the collective bargaining processes, structures and outcomes across
different contexts, and discuss some of the research that has been done on the various aspects
of this framework. The intention of this essay is not to be comprehensive, but rather to high-
light the main developments and more recent research findings in an annotated and highly
interdisciplinary review of the literature. I will then discuss issues that have received relatively
short shrift, and in doing so have limited our understanding of collective bargaining across
Many countries lack rule of law and thus basic IR institutions, or they have minimal legisla-
tive protections for workers. In these countries, collective bargaining at best is either absent
or ad hoc, and at worst, results in deadly confrontations, often between workers and the state.
Collective bargaining
Bargaining Processes t
Efficiency (Performance)
Equity (Distribution)
Voice (Workplace Democracy)
In early 2014, police fired assault rifles at a crowd of striking garment workers in Phnom
Penh, Cambodia, killing at least four people and injuring more than 20 others. These types of
incidents are still quite common in countries at earlier stages of industrial development, and the
patterns closely mirror what happened in the past as workers fought to improve their wages
and working conditions in what are now fully industrialised countries. For instance, in 1919
in Canada, a general workers’ strike in Winnipeg, Manitoba led to police brutality, ultimately
resulting in the deaths of two people and over 40 injuries.
bargaining outcomes. The following patterns and differences across many country-
institutions can be broadly summarised by this excerpt:
According to the Varieties of Capitalism framework (Hall and Soskice, 2001), relative
to liberal market economies, coordinated market economies have been characterised
by greater legislative requirements for the employment relationship and government
policies generally supportive of monitoring and sanctions for non-compliance, greater
non-market arrangements, more strategic interaction between employers and different
institutional actors, including Works Councils, industry-level bargaining over employ-
ment, and high unionisation rates (Marginson et al., 2013; Hall and Soskice, 2001).
CMEs [coordinated market economies] have also been associated with greater norma-
tive expectations surrounding what is considered fair and responsible worker treatment
(Doellgast, 2012). LMEs [liberal market economies] are generally characterised by
highly decentralised labour markets and terms of employment agreed upon between
employers and employees at the workplace level with relatively little government
interference, subject to some minimum level of regulation (Colvin and Darbishire,
2013; Hall and Soskice, 2001)… .[employers] from liberal market economies may be
more accustomed to unilaterally determining employment practices than [employers]
from coordinated market economies.
Pohler and Riddell (2018)
Notwithstanding the similarities across countries categorised into broader archetypes, scholars
have cautioned against ignoring the variation that exists within these archetypes. For instance,
Colvin and Darbishire (2013) have documented varying patterns of convergence and diver-
gence across liberal market countries.
The Varieties of Capitalism framework is also limited for helping understand IR institutions
from emerging economies. Countries in earlier stages of industrial development such as
India, China and Taiwan are proposed to lack many basic employment laws and protections
for workers. A recent OECD report cites many Asian countries as having lower employment
regulations overall compared with developed countries (OECD, 2013). Notwithstanding these
similarities, comparative research has also documented variation in IR institutions in the polit-
ical economies of different Asian countries (Frenkel and Kuruvilla, 2002).
Cognitive institutions
Cognitive institutions are not as immediately visible as regulatory or normative institutions,
and as such they have received less attention in the collective bargaining literature to date.
However, cognitive institutions are no less important to understanding collective bargaining.
Cognitive views of institutions highlight that institutions are socially constructed, and empha-
sise that individuals do not seek only to maximise benefits or to conform to society’s normative
expectations. In many circumstances, compliance occurs “because other types of behaviour are
inconceivable; rules and routines are followed because they are taken for granted as ‘the way we
do these things’” (Scott, 2001, p. 57).
In practice, regulatory, normative and cognitive institutions are mutually reinforcing. Regulatory
institutions formalise a particular set of societal norms and/or ways of viewing the world when
they provide legal or other recourse for a particular set of rights (e.g. protection of private prop-
erty), and thus legitimise the corresponding efficiency and distributional consequences of a par-
ticular power allocation.The efficiency and distributional consequences of this power allocation
Collective bargaining
in turn influence future norms and ways of seeing the world, which may (or may not) lead to
changes in future regulatory institutions. These institutions ultimately shape stakeholder power,
incentives, identities and capacity for collective action.
Cognitive institutions also have an independent effect on governance of the employment
relationship. For example, Canada and the USA share a very similar legislative framework for
collective bargaining, yet the interpretation and practical application of the laws and regula-
tory framework are perceived through the lenses of vastly different world views that have been
shaped by different histories, geographies, political ideologies, cultures and values of the actors
in both countries (Colvin and Darbishire, 2013). Many Asian countries in earlier stages of devel-
opment exhibit weak employment protection norms compared with more developed countries
(Frenkel and Kuruvilla, 2002). Social norms greatly matter for how work is organised and how
workers are treated at the workplace level (Doellgast, 2012).
procedures, such as Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Portugal, have seen the greatest
decrease in bargaining coverage, while others countries such as Belgium, Austria, Spain and the
Netherlands have had bargaining coverage remain quite stable, or even increase (ibid.).
Single-versus multi- employer bargaining can be differentiated by whether individual
employers negotiate agreements with workers or their representatives at the company/work-
place level, or employers form associations to bargain with one or more unions and/or their
associations (Jackson, 2005, cf. Doellgast and Benassi, 2014). Multi-employer bargaining also
differs in the degree of centralisation (where national-, sectoral-or industry-level agreements
regulate employment) and the extent of coordination across stakeholder groups, each of which
is highlighted in turn.
At one time, IR scholars argued that a variety of economic, political and organisational
factors were leading to a long-term historical trend toward greater bargaining centralisation and
expansion of negotiating units (Kochan, 1980; Weber, 1967). While this trend has continued in
countries like Italy (Baccaro, 2002), for most countries, the trend toward centralisation appears
to have reversed (Doellgast and Benassi, 2014; Katz, 1993). Only a few OECD countries (e.g.
Belgium, France, Germany and Ireland) are characterised by widespread national-, sectoral-and/
or industry-level bargaining. Moreover, the tripartite social partnerships in Ireland collapsed in
2010 (Doellgast and Benassi, 2014) and German collective bargaining is only at the industry and
sectoral levels. France does have both national-level collective bargaining, as well as industry-
level agreements. In other continental European countries, as well as Australia and Israel, sectoral
bargaining has been dominant, though Australia has shifted to predominantly enterprise-level
bargaining in recent decades (Colvin and Darbishire, 2013). Local or company bargaining is the
dominant structure in almost all Anglo-American countries, Slovakia, Poland, Estonia, Mexico,
Chile, Japan and South Korea (Visser, 2011, cf. Doellgast and Benassi, 2014).
The degree of bargaining coordination generally refers to the extent to which company-level
actors adhere to agreements reached by peak employer and labour associations. This depends
on the levels of formal and/or informal control these associations are able to exert over other
players. However, even in countries with few or no peak associations, little state intervention
and greater decentralisation through company-or establishment-level bargaining, coordination
can still occur. Often this takes the form of pattern bargaining, whereby agreements set by
major bargaining agents from large firms or industries set the standard that other employers and
unions follow.
Government plays a variety of roles in collective bargaining –and sometimes these roles
can be in conflict. Government sets the labour policy, legislation and regulatory framework
within which collective bargaining occurs (or does not), and its agencies enforce (or do not)
these rules. Government may intervene in the collective bargaining process, such as when
it legislates wage freezes in certain sectors or industries (often the public sector) or forces
striking workers to return to work. Government agencies often oversee or play arbitration,
mediation and/or conciliation roles in resolving conflicts between employers and employees.
Government is also an employer, and negotiates over the terms and conditions of employ-
ment with public sector workers. It is in this role that government most often faces a direct
conflict of interest.
The extent and type of government involvement in bargaining takes different forms across
countries that exist on a continuum from voluntarism (very little state intervention in IR) to
a tripartite model of social partnership (Katz, Lee and Lee, 2004). In countries like Italy, and in
Ireland prior to 2010, government agencies were actively involved in the negotiation processes
with employers and employees through centralised and tripartite arrangements (i.e. social pacts)
to generate trade-offs between wage restraint, inflation and job creation. However, even in
Collective bargaining
Italy a substantial amount of variation still exists across industries and workplaces (Regalia and
Regini, 2004).
When taken together, the permutations and combinations of the dimensions previously
outlined result in almost as many different collective bargaining forms and structures as there
are countries to examine, and the variation in forms and structures that exists within countries
is likely as substantive as that which exists between countries.
There are also differences in the extent to which the different dimensions of collective
bargaining forms and structures are legislated in any given country, and the extent to which
various forms of collective bargaining and industrial action are encouraged or constrained by
legislation. For instance, in Canada and Australia, there are many non-union associations that
bargain collectively with employers over wages and working conditions (e.g. Kaufman and
Taras, 2010), yet in the USA, non-union employee representation groups are not allowed under
the Wagner Act, though they are under the Railway Labor Act (Kaufman, 2015). Some coun-
tries, such as Germany, have greater legislative requirements for worker co-determination –that
is, workers play a greater role in company management.
Whether and the extent to which different dimensions of collective bargaining and/or par-
ticular forms and structures are enforced or protected through legislation raises an interesting
question about whether legislative protections for collective bargaining are required for workers
to be able to engage in ‘meaningful’ collective bargaining. Directly relevant to this question is
the assumption about where the balance of power lies in the employment relationship –and
specifically, whether it favours the employer. If it does, for employees to engage in ‘meaningful’
collective bargaining, whether unionised or not, they must have recourse to some credible
threat mechanism (e.g. threat of unionisation, strike, substantial financial penalties imposed by
a state regulator, mandatory interest or final-offer arbitration) to force the employer to bargain
in good faith.
A recent Supreme Court judgement in Canada upheld this idea in principle, ruling that gov-
ernment legislation restricting public sector workers’ right to strike in one Canadian province
was in violation of public sector workers’ constitutional right to freedom of association. The
judgement stated that:
Where good faith negotiations break down, the ability to engage in the collective with-
drawal of services is a necessary component of the process through which workers can
continue to participate meaningfully in the pursuit of their collective workplace goals.
(Supreme Court of Canada, 2015)
Riddell and Slinn, 2007; Riddell, 2010). In the USA, state-level right-to-work laws have argu-
ably had a negative effect on union density in those states (Ellwood and Fine, 1987). Taken
together, this research suggests that even relatively minor differences between legislative and
regulatory provisions (and their enforcement) across jurisdictions can have a substantial impact
on collective bargaining forms and structures, and thus the distribution of power between
Central to this framework of collective bargaining is the distribution of power amongst
key stakeholders. Power manifests itself formally through the set of institutions at the state
and industry level that determine the authority and limits of different stakeholders to make
decisions about the existence, forms and structures of collective bargaining, as well as the terms
and conditions of the employment relationship. Power also manifests informally through: 1)
leverage arising from the current distribution of economic/political resources to different
stakeholders; 2) the broader economic context that determines the parties’ reservation points
and their best alternatives to a negotiated agreement; 3) the leverage that arises from the ability
of different stakeholders to effectively solve their collective action problem; and 4) the way the
bargaining process itself influences any of these sources of power. Formal sources of authority
and informal sources of power ultimately determine who has a say in the decisions about the
distribution of benefits, and through what processes –in other words, who gets to decide what
and how.
Collective bargaining
events make it virtually impossible to describe all options and accurately predict all associated
outcomes. Second, individuals and groups do not consistently act in a rational manner, and are
subject to a variety of decision-making biases that are extremely difficult to overcome. Finally,
both the preferences and the bargaining power of each side are not necessarily fixed, as they
ultimately depend on the strategies and bargaining power available to the other side, and how
these are employed.
Scholars have responded to these limitations in predicting or explaining the outcomes of
collective bargaining by examining how real people make decisions in real situations. Empirical
research has explored the outcomes and effectiveness of different bargaining strategies and tactics,
and pays detailed attention to the role played by communication and the characteristics of the
negotiators (for a review, see Bazerman et al., 2000). This research further modifies assumptions
about rationality by incorporating a wider range of theories from social psychology that better
explain the observed outcomes of negotiation processes (Thompson, 2012). Researchers have
also incorporated the role that emotion and affect play in negotiations (Kopelman, Rosette and
Thompson, 2006; Kumar, 1997), given the role emotions have been found to play in overall
judgement and decision-making (Bazerman and Moore, 2012).
Scholars have argued that collective bargaining works in reaching agreements through the
facilitation of trade-offs through negotiations and the threat of resorting to industrial action, which
predominantly comes from the parties’ relative economic power (Cox, 1958). Notwithstanding
this, institutional scholars have placed a great deal of importance on describing the role that his-
torical, political, economic and institutional factors play in influencing the negotiation process
and its associated outcomes. These factors directly influence the relative bargaining power of
each stakeholder, level of trust between the parties and the social norms that impact the extent
to which the parties perceive the need to engage in ‘good-faith bargaining’.
Finally, there is a substantive literature on the role of dispute resolution in the bargaining
process, such as the use of mediation, conciliation and arbitration, in attempting to come to an
agreement between the parties (see another chapter of this handbook). Requirements to engage
in these processes during negotiations and/or prior to, or in lieu of, industrial action (e.g. strikes
or lockouts) by either party vary substantially both across and within countries.
Efficiency is a standard of economic performance that seeks to minimise waste through the
most productive or effective allocation of scarce resources. Neoclassical economic theory
suggests that collective bargaining, especially through unions, will lead to inefficiencies at both
the firm and societal levels. Only firms in a monopoly position will be able to compete over the
long term as unions generate wages for workers above market rates, unless all employers in an
Equity in employment relations encompasses fairness in the distribution of material outcomes
as well as how workers are treated (Budd, 2004). With regard to the former, unions have been
linked to higher wage and benefit premiums in Anglo-American countries (Budd and Na,
Collective bargaining
2000; Hildreth, 2000) and reduced wage inequality (Jacobs and Myers, 2014; Koeniger, Leonardi
and Nunziata, 2007). Unions have also been linked to greater employee satisfaction and
working less unpaid overtime, particularly when employees have access to voice through mul-
tiple channels (Pohler and Luchak, 2014).
In many cases, minimum employment and labour standards have only been adhered to
because of the presence of a union. Indeed, there is research in economics and IR on compliance
with employment laws in the US that documents unionised workplaces exhibiting higher com-
pliance with regulatory provisions, including workers’ compensation (Hirsch, Macpherson and
DuMond, 1997), occupational health and safety (Weil, 1991) and employment/labour standards
(Pohler and Riddell, 2018; Trejo, 1993). Unions also reduce employees’ fear of speaking up due
to the potential for retribution (Freeman and Medoff, 1984; Kaufman, 2004).
However, collective bargaining also has its disadvantages. Striking workers and other
disruptions can pose health and safety concerns or major economic risks for the broader public
(Raskin, 1967), though governments will often intervene in these cases.As previously mentioned
unions have also been shown to increase inequality between unionised workers and other
workers by lowering overall employment and creating unequal wage distributions and lower
job security for non-unionised workers (Hayek, 1984; Lindbeck and Snower, 1986). However,
this can be reduced by the presence of other collective bargaining laws and institutions, such
as mandatory extension of collective agreements to non-unionised workers, more centralised
bargaining institutions, higher minimum wages, and/or norms around worker solidarity and
coordinated and inclusive bargaining (see Doellgast and Benassi, 2014 for a review).
Voice has been defined as the ability for employees to have meaningful input into decisions that
affect their working lives (Budd, 2004). If we value workplace democracy, collective bargaining
may be intrinsically valuable as a form of worker voice, whether or not it ultimately alters the
distribution of material rewards. However, for collective bargaining to be a legitimate form of
voice, it must also be accompanied by a mechanism that gives employees a credible threat, or a
legitimate source of power that could, theoretically, alter the distribution of rewards by forcing
the employer to make trade-offs to reach an agreement.
Collective bargaining matters as a form of ‘meaningful voice’ because it can actually change
how workers are being treated or the distribution of their outcomes by giving voice to their
concerns. In Nordic countries, where there are generally stronger participation rights and
more encompassing bargaining institutions than in Anglo-American countries (Doellgast and
Benassi, 2014), worker participation is greater, and workers have more autonomy and influ-
ence over their day-to-day work tasks (Esser and Olsen, 2012; Gallie, 2009). While collective
bargaining institutions and processes are not the only access workers have to voice mechanisms
(see Wilkinson et al., 2014 for a comprehensive review of voice mechanisms), it is the only
approach that relies on both worker collective action and self-determination.
Research on grievance filing, however, suggests that employees may face retribution for using
voice (Lewin, 1990). Moreover, even if employees make proactive suggestions, they will only
speak up if they think it will make any difference, and they feel it is psychologically safe to do so
(Morrison, 2011).While unions do not always eradicate management retribution for using voice
(Lewin 1999; Lewin and Peterson, 1999), the ability for employees to voice concerns through a
collective bargaining process may solve classic free rider and collective action problems. Recent
research shows that encouraging employee voice may be more effective for both organisations
and employees in the presence of a union (Pohler and Luchak, 2014).
There is an often implicit assumption in industrial relations research about the distribution of
power in the employment relationship –that is, a structural imbalance of power exists favouring
the employer when employees bargain individually over the terms and conditions of employ-
ment. Collective bargaining institutions may alter this structural imbalance of power, but only
if they are paired with institutions and mechanisms that force the employer, and/or other
parties to the employment relationship, to bargain in good faith. Thus, institutional actors (i.e.
governments) must be careful to create rules to level the playing field between employees and
employers by legitimising and encouraging collective bargaining and its associated mechanisms.
If society cares about the productive use of resources and macroeconomic performance (effi-
ciency considerations), fair and equitable distribution of the fruits of labour to workers (equity
considerations), and workers having some kind of meaningful input into decisions that affect
their working lives because labour is ultimately embodied in a human being (voice consider-
ations), then it is difficult to envision this society not ensuring a minimum level of protection
for collective bargaining.
There is a paucity of research on IR institutions in developing countries, arguably because
collective bargaining institutions are notably absent in many of these countries. However, col-
lective bargaining institutions are also breaking down in many developed countries: union
density is declining, tripartite arrangements are failing and bargaining is becoming increasingly
decentralised. IR scholars need to conduct explorations into the novel approaches that workers
are using in both developing and developed countries (if any) to address imbalances of power,
and the effectiveness and outcomes of these approaches.
Research on cultural differences in understandings about collective bargaining processes
would also be helpful in determining whether certain types of collective bargaining institutions
are more or less effective, and/or are understood differently across cultures. Related, the role
of cognitive institutions has not been explicitly incorporated into research on collective
bargaining –most institutional IR research to date has focused on regulatory and normative
institutions. However, cognitive institutions can be just as powerful in affecting worker treatment
(good or bad), and maybe even more so than regulatory institutions in certain contexts, due to
their “taken-for-grantedness” (Scott, 2001) and negligible cost of implementation.
Given the substantial variation that exists even within countries (i.e. within industries, sectors
and even organisations), more research needs to be conducted on how collective bargaining
plays out at the workplace level, and what types of variables complement and/or hinder effective
collective bargaining.
While I attempted to do so in this review chapter, adopting a more comprehensive systems
approach to understanding collective bargaining requires more detailed cross-level theorising
of the individual, workplace, organisational, industry, sector, national and societal level factors
that impact various components and processes of collective bargaining. This would be useful to
disentangle what can most effectively be done, and at what level, to improve specific outcomes.
Finally, almost all collective bargaining frameworks discuss power, but explicit incorporation
of power is generally lacking. Employment relations scholars should do more to theorise the
antecedents and consequences of power in the employment relationship, including the various
sources of power and the implications of different sources of power for the distribution of
both material and social outcomes to stakeholders of the employment relationship. The frame-
work developed here explicitly incorporates power into a dynamic process model of collective
bargaining. Given the potential for IR institutions and rules and collective bargaining forms
and structures to have a major impact on the distribution of power amongst stakeholders of the
Collective bargaining
employment relationship, it is no surprise that these institutions, rules, forms and structures are
sources of ongoing contestation and political struggles between stakeholders.
Scholars have recently proposed that the employment relationship is a major source of soci-
etal inequality, as this is where workers are allocated jobs and determinations are made about
the distribution of rewards (Bidwell et al., 2013; Cobb, 2016). If the employment relation-
ship is indeed where broader societal power struggles are played out, continuing to develop a
better understanding of collective bargaining in this context will also yield greater insights into
outcomes beyond the employment relationship.
1 Note that the t-1 variables are used in this model as initial conditions. Regulatory, normative, and cog-
nitive institutions and governance structures are relatively stable –or the process through which they
change takes a much longer period of time –and changes to these variables are directly tied both to the
processes and outcomes of collective bargaining, as well as other political and societal processes such as
changes in government or broader social movements. While the model is portrayed as fairly linear, in
reality many of these processes operate simultaneously and are endogenous. As a result, feedback loops
are employed in various places to capture some of the most important dynamics.
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Conceptualisations, meanings, limitations
and possible integration
In the concluding chapter of a volume on employee voice, John Budd (2014) noted that interest
in the subject matter has never been stronger.There are two points to make about this comment.
First it is apparent that there is a burgeoning literature on voice, and second, that interest in
voice is spread across a number of academic disciplinary areas.Voice research cuts across the aca-
demic discipline areas of industrial/employment relations (ER), labour process theory (LPT),
human resource management (HRM) and organisational behaviour (OB), and even beyond
these areas there is broader interest in voice in terms of workplace and political democracy
(Budd, 2004; Budd and Zagelmeyer, 2010; Foley, 2014). However, while it seems that everyone
has an interest in voice, research agendas and indeed core meanings and conceptualisations are
very different. Across disciplinary boundaries, views about what voice is and how it should be
examined diverge strongly. While there have been explicit efforts to draw research together in
what are said to be integrative reviews of the field (Klaas, Olson-Buchanan and Ward, 2012;
Morrison, 2011, 2014; Mowbray, Wilkinson and Tse, 2015), the research on voice remains stuck
in self-contained and self-referential silos (Kaufman, 2015; Pohler and Luchak, 2014). Thus, a
feature of voice studies is how little interest in or awareness there has been of developments in
other fields (Wilkinson and Barry, 2016).
A key aim of this chapter is to explain how voice is conceptualised across disciplinary divides,
and to highlight what can be gained from integrating different perspectives. In doing so the
chapter notes that much work remains to be done. Recent OB reviews on voice have had a
tendency to reinforce narrow disciplinary approaches to the study of the topic, based on looking
at individual pro-social motivations for voice (see Klaas, Olson-Buchanan and Ward, 2012;
Morrison, 2011, and critiques by Barry and Wilkinson, 2016; Mowbray et al., 2015). Equally,
ER studies on voice maintain a preoccupation with indirect forms of collective voice, and have
tended to exhibit a preference for voice through institutions such as union representation. The
latter focus runs counter to the decline in unionisation, which has created a representation
gap (Freeman and Rogers, 1999) and a need to explore alternative meanings of voice, through
both indirect and direct mechanisms as well as informal avenues in which workers articulate
a voice (Dundon et al., 2004; Marchington, 2015a; Wilkinson et al., 2004). This chapter will
attempt to point to some possible ways that the disparate views on voice can be integrated. It
concludes that the concept of stupidity management (Alvesson and Spicer, 2012) discourages
employees from expressing a dissenting voice, which in turn can lead to inferior managerial
communications and poor decision-making processes.
OB Voice
In OB research there is a unitarist assumption of an alignment between the interests of workers
and managers in voicing. It is assumed that workers want to speak up, to provide ideas and
suggestions to management, and that management would want to capture voice because of
its value to the firm. OB researchers focus on the micro-level ‘antecedents’ of voice by asking
what factors prompt an employee to voice for the benefit of the organisation. In mainstream
OB research voice is therefore portrayed as a ‘prosocial behaviour’, initiated by employees for
the benefit of the organisation as a whole or their work unit. The highly cited and generally
accepted OB definition of voice by Van Dyne and LePine (1998) sees voice as an extra role, dis-
cretionary, individual, communicative behaviour. Morrison (2011) has gone further in defining
Employee voice
voice by saying that it is not about complaining. To do so would presumably not be of benefit
to the organisation. That complaining is not voice is an interesting departure, given that OB
scholars (as well as other discipline researchers) cite Hirschman as the foundational study of
voice. For Hirschman, dissatisfaction was the trigger for voice. In Hirschman’s study it was
repeated consumer dissatisfaction that lowered customer loyalty, leading perhaps to exit (or to
suffer in silence until more favourable conditions emerge or are introduced).
In the OB world, voicing is presented as a choice on the part of employees (it is discretionary
behaviour), which occurs as an individual rather than collective action, and that generally takes
place through verbal communication by an employee speaking up to a supervisor or higher-
level leader. So voice is generally seen as informal rather than institutional. Of critical interest
to OB are the antecedents of voice, which might be understood as key factors that would make
employees favourably disposed to voicing, such as their own personal traits, as well as leadership
style and employee perceptions of managerial openness. Receptiveness to voice can be seen as
critical to the willingness of employees to speak up, by giving workers a sense that management
is really interested in acting on voice, and that employees will feel safe that voicing will not lead
to retribution (Pohler and Luchak, 2014).
While OB emphasises the antecedents of direct voice, there is little consideration of formal
voice structures –and this is a critical difference between OB and ER. Indeed, in her review of
the voice literature Morrison (2011) suggests that ER studies of voice should not be considered
voice studies at all, because ER looked at voice structures rather than discretionary individu-
alistic voicing behaviours. Accordingly, she excluded these studies because they did not match
“current [OB] conceptualisations” (Morrison, 2011, p. 381). It is arguable, therefore, that OB
interpretations about how to conceptualise voice create distinctive barriers with other academic
boundaries and further constrain knowledge generation and dissemination given the narrow
exclusivity of the OB academic space.
Within OB research there is also a small stream of work, labelled justice-oriented voice,
which examines employee efforts to voice as a response to organisational failure or wrong-
doing (Klaas, Olson- Buchanan and Ward, 2012). However, as Mowbray, Wilkinson and
Tse (2015) point out, this is not the central tendency of OB research, which is very much
dominated by the pro-social strand of voice. Moreover, it is important to note that the justice
stream of voice in OB is not seen as a vehicle for the expression of employee views and
interests, but more to do with exposing wrongdoing via actions such as whistleblowing.
There is also a pejorative inference about employee behaviour that is not pro-social within
this strand of OB. Thus in their review of the voice literature Klaas et al. (2012) referred to
the “dark side” of employee voice, where employees attempt to exact revenge when they feel
that management has violated the psychological contract. To some extent such approaches
reflect a positivistic ontology predicated on seeking employee inputs ‘for’ management (or
company) improvement, in which it is assumed that employee attitudes and behavioural traits
can be easily managed or even manipulated through policy design (Dundon, Cullinane and
Wilkinson, 2017).
HRM Voice
In HRM voice has a long history, with the notion that informing and allowing employees an
input into work and business decisions can help create better decisions and more understanding,
and hence commitment (Boxall and Purcell, 2003).This has been recently linked with efforts by
employers to introduce high-performance work practices and HR systems to garner employee
commitment (Wilkinson, Dundon and Marchington, 2013).
Since the mid 1990s high-performance work systems (HPWS) have come to prominence
in HRM research, and this has given voice greater recognition in HRM, although there is
earlier evidence of interest in voice with the employee involvement schemes of the 1980s
and 1990s (Marchington et al., 1992). The logic is clear in that if HPWS provide jobs that are
enriching for workers, then there is more likelihood that employees will want to participate in
all aspects of their work, including by voicing in ways that enhance performance. Harley (2014)
argues that the HPWS is now the dominant conceptual model for explaining the link between
HRM and organisational performance, and voice occupies a central place in HPWS research.
HPWS also have the potential to be seen as a means to benefit workers and even unions, and
proponents have used terms such as mutual gains and partnership to describe how workers and
their representatives can benefit from and play an active role in the adoption and implemen-
tation of these systems (Kochan and Osterman, 1994). Critics of HPWS might however argue
that the performance effects are not as marked as proponents suggest. For example, the costs of
adopting such systems can be much greater than is generally acknowledged (Godard, 2004), and
outcomes such as improved employee satisfaction and affective commitment have been found
wanting under HPWS regimes (Heffernan and Dundon, 2016).
HRM voice research shares a number of unitarist similarities with OB voice research. HRM
is interested in management-led voice, and how efforts by management promote voice to
enhance the bottom line. Employee input into decision-making is supported on the grounds
that it is good for organisational performance. This is not to say that HR voice offers nothing
for workers. The HPWS model incorporates a bundle of ER practices, such as employment
security, performance-based wages, some level of employee autonomy, involvement in decision-
making and skill development.
Consistent with OB, HRM research focuses primarily on direct rather than representative voice.
Harley (2014) identifies three main components of direct voice from a HR perspective. These are
firstly high-autonomy jobs, secondly the structuring of work into autonomous or semi-autonomous
teams and thirdly that employees have access to communication channels that allow them to input
into higher-level decision-making. Marchington (2008) provides a similar but somewhat broader
categorisation of direct voice, comprising task-based mechanisms and upward-problem solving
schemes (that support higher-level decisions), to which he adds complaints about fair treatment.
If these are the main mechanisms for HR voice, what is less clear is the extent of input
employees are granted and over which issues employee input is allowed. Does voice mean
that employees are simply informed about decisions that are taken by management, or is there
genuine consultation prior to decision-making? These questions raise issues related to the depth
of voice, which is defined as voice that occurs over a wide number of substantive employment
issues and on a regular basis. Importantly, depth also means that employee input is influential in
decision-making on matters that affect workers individually and collectively, for otherwise there
can be voice without muscle (Kaufman and Taras, 2010) or trickle up voice (Wilkinson, 2015).
The test of deep voice might be that there are a range of HR (and other) channels through
which issues can be raised by workers and that matters raised are dealt with by line managers in
a timely manner (Marchington, 2008).
ER Voice
The ER view of voice is very different from that found in OB, and similar to what has been
defined as the employee-centric strand of HRM (Wilkinson, Redman and Dundon, 2017; see
Harney et al., this volume). In part this reflects traditional differences of perspective between those
fields, with ER adopting a critical view about the efficacy of pro-social voice and some HR studies
Employee voice
A key distinguishing feature of the LPT perspective is its critical stance concerning the extent
to which employee voice can coalesce competing (even opposing) employer and employee
interests. Marks and Chillas (2014) suggest that it is because of such a critical starting point that
the LPT perspective offers a ‘robust counter’ to the OB and managerial HRM accounts of how
voice is conceptualised and interpreted. The contribution of LPT to voice is the connection
between workplace issues and the broader political economy in which corporations operate and
function. Notwithstanding debate as to whether LPT is a theory at all, or an approach to study
phenomena and issues (Jaros, 2000; Thompson and Vincent, 2010), as a disciplinary perspective
it is shaped by an understanding of the broader political and economic structures of accumula-
tion within a capitalist system.While Braverman’s (1974) Marxist analysis of Monopoly Capitalism
is a key intellectual anchor point for labour process contributions, much contemporary LPT
analysis of voice is linked to Ramsay’s (1977) ‘cycles of control’ thesis. In this, Ramsay argues
that industrial participation or worker voice, at a macro level, is shaped by historical contingen-
cies and power relations. In particular, when management’s position of power and legitimacy
is under threat from organised labour, employers offer more voice as a way to appease workers,
only to renege or pull back on participation schemes when the threat to management authority
has waned. However, Ramsay’s (ibid.) thesis explaining voice vis-à-vis changes in broad con-
flict trends has been questioned as the cycle theory failed to predict newer ‘waves of employee
involvement’ that emerged in the 1980s, along with more individualistic channels of voice and
communication (see Ackers, 1992; Marchington et al., 1992).
Subsequent LPT debates picked up on these more individualistic voice practices –such as
quality circles, team briefings and employee suggestions schemes –which emerged in tandem
with declining union density and diminution of collective representative channels. Some of the
later LPT contributions questioned the efficacy of newer voice development, in particular the
potential for HRM and OB type arrangements to disguise issues of work intensification, with
a shift in workforce responsibilities from management to the worker, adding to the latter’s stress
and work pressures (Thompson and Harley, 2007). Moreover, as Harley (this volume) articulates,
LPT has added a particularly strong intellectual contribution that shaped debates on voice,
engagement and worker participation with a unique critical flavour missing from other discip-
linary approaches, especially as a corrective to the often unquestioning positivistic psychology
of OB and some branches of HRM (Godard, 2014; Harley, 2015).
To summarise the key differences in disciplinary perspectives, we can safely say that in ER
there is a concentration on the formal, structural and collective (i.e. representative) aspects of
institutional voice. In LPT there is a critical realism that questions the upbeat and overly posi-
tive assumptions about alleged mutual gains or win-win outcomes for workers and employers
from voice and engagement (Marks and Chillas, 2014). LPT is also more macro in its orienta-
tion, connecting institutions and workplace practices with broader socio-political patterns of
capitalist accumulation that recognise struggle and contestation. Unlike OB research, there is
also a strong sense that complaining (or dissent) is a vital part of voice –a countervailing power
against managerial prerogative. For ER, voice is not firstly or primarily a pro-social behaviour.
However, a criticism of LPT and ER is that they focus too heavily on voice as a form of dis-
satisfaction, with formalised structures seen as a necessary mechanism for employees to raise
complaints and grievances (Barry and Wilkinson, 2016). Budd (2014) has pointed out this
weakness, arguing that looking at voice as a form of dissatisfaction or conflict orientation tends
to neglect the important role that voice plays in employee self-determination. For Budd (ibid.)
voice needs to be linked to basic conceptualisations of the meaning of work, such that the desire
for voice will be low if employees view work in negative or instrumental terms, and high where
employees see work as part of their identity.
Employee voice
and silence, which may unwittingly constrain our thinking”. Barry and Wilkinson (2016)
also pointed to a larger problem with the OB voice conception –that it was gaining traction
outside of OB, reaching into mainstream management journals, which meant that there was a
danger that the OB conception was becoming the conception of voice (and thus, in its own
way, being a form of integration).There seemed to be something perverse in the acceptance of
a conception of voice for employees on terms determined by management interests (Donaghey
et al., 2011).
If there is to be some integration it needs to be based on an acceptance that any conceptual-
isation of voice should incorporate the individual antecedents, relational attributes of actors and
the broader institutional factors that are promotive or inhibitive of voice across multiple levels
(e.g. transnational, national, intermediary, sectoral, organisational, work unit). As mentioned,
many OB studies of voice do not consider the context around the act of voicing. The struc-
tural and systemic aspects of workplaces that promote climates of voice (or silence) are not well
explored (Morrison and Milliken, 2000). The focus of OB studies is heavily weighted to the
relationship between leader and member, and leadership style itself. Key questions interrogated
in OB studies are how open to voice are leaders and do employees perceive leaders to be recep-
tive to voice or do they fear retribution? These may well be important internalised reasons
around a decision to voice or not, but too much is left to individual choice, without asking
whether the presence or absence of voice owes more to broader institutions and factors beyond
the organisational member. OB studies do not tend to identify wider contextual variables such
as unemployment levels, labour laws or political/public policy objectives to encourage or dis-
courage voice, and of course the presence or absence of workplace unions or other structures
of employee representation that can promote voice. By contrast, ER studies can be seen as
too heavily institutionalised and anchored in specific contextual settings. Here there has been
a tendency to assume that anything less than the presence of an independent union isn’t real
voice.We know unionisation is declining and there are alternatives forms of indirect non-union
employee representative (NER) voice as well as informal channels for workers to express con-
cern (Cullinane et al., 2014; Marchington and Suter, 2013), but ER appears to have had an
entrenched view of the superiority of union voice.
Studies that compare the effectiveness of voice systems in different institutional settings
could be valuable in taking us past simplistic notions that equate the effectiveness of voice with
individual attributes (as in OB) or the presence or absence of a particular structure of voice (as
with ER). Doellgast (2008) examined voice practices in call centres in Germany and the US,
comparing the institutional context of dual representation in Germany with unionised firms
in the US. Her study emphasised that German practices were more aligned with the high-
performance/high-involvement model, whereas US firms adopted management-led practices
of reorganisation. The key difference in outcomes between similar firms in these two countries
was the institutional support structures that gave workers, through works councils in Germany,
rights to participate in decision-making. By comparison unions in the US were limited to
enforcing job rules and so their influence did not extend to enabling worker participation
in decision-making. In a comparative study of the impact of worker representative structures
on voice outcomes in France and the UK, Marsden (2013) noted that the UK model tended
to collectivise individual voice because of the close links between shop stewards and unions,
whereas in France individual and collective voice more easily co-existed because of the insti-
tutional protection for works councils and the institutional separation of works councils and
trade unions. This effectively meant that individual grievances could more easily be supported
by management without the concern that they would necessarily spill over into matters of col-
lective grievance or pay bargaining.
Employee voice
to support and improve organisational decision-making. In the ER world there are workers
who want voice to gain or maintain some control over organisational decisions, which they
may well disagree with. As individuals, these employees are seen to either lack the power to
exert an effective voice, or not seek to voice for fear that individual voice will lead to personal
Given that ER sees employee voice as oppositional to management this raises issues of power
and control. As Kaufman (2015) puts it, ER looks at the pie-sharing as well as pie-g rowing
(which might be called the pro-social) aspects of voice. If pie-sharing starts to dominate the
voice agenda –in other words, if employees want increased voice to leverage higher wages and
better conditions –then this increases the cost of voice, and could provide a disincentive for
management to supply or encourage it. Other factors could be important in this regard as well.
Too much voice could lead to overload and thus complicate decision-making (Morrison and
Milliken, 2003). Freeman and Lazear (1995) use a sporting analogy to convey the same point
when they say that more time “huddling” (communicating) creates additional costs in that it
slows down decision-making or, worse, can prevent management making a decision at a critical
moment and lead to lost opportunities. In their analysis, for voice to be effective from a manage-
ment perspective, the benefits of management obtaining voice must exceed the costs involved
in the process and this would normally require workers to possess valuable information that
managers could not otherwise obtain. This could be seen in economic terms as the transaction
costs of voice (see Willman, this volume).
Another danger exists here for management. The provision of a limited voice could also give
workers a greater appetite for voice, and lead them to seek stronger forms of voice if they remain
unsatisfied with outcomes of voice that are delivered on management terms. A case study by
Timur, Taras and Ponak (2011) showed that firms that had non-union collective voice structures
became unionised in order to increase the power of workers so as to further their pre-existing
claims. On the other hand, there is some evidence that collective and representative voice can
improve performance compared with situations where collective voice is absent (Addison, 2005;
Black and Lynch, 2001). In reviewing this literature, Harley (2014, p. 94) remained cautious as he
noted that overall “there is a paucity of research on the role of collective voice, chiefly in the form
of unions, in facilitating the introduction of HPWS and their capacity to deliver mutual gains.”
In OB voice research there is less attention given to systematic issues of power. Hardy (1996)
reminds us that a common problem with power is its negative perception. Power is often seen
as that which ‘A’ holds over ‘B’, rather than the power to achieve something that comes when
individuals act collectively. In the OB view of voice there is little need to consider power –for
if A and B are both seeking to achieve the same goal then A does not need to use power to
compel B to do anything. The OB view is that employees naturally want to voice in ways that
benefit the organisation, and so power imbalance is not an issue. In their classic study of power,
Bachrach and Baratz (1970) observed that power is not just that which is observed in open con-
flict over scarce resources: power is also used in non-decision making.The second face of power
is the ability to keep issues (or voices) off the agenda. There are obvious implications for the
OB view of voice. If management determines that permissible voice is that which is of benefit
to the organisation, then issues that might bring workers into conflict with their supervisors
or the organisation as a whole might be kept off the agenda (Cullinane and Donaghey, 2014,
p. 403). If complaining is not deemed to be a legitimate form of voice, as per the Morrison
(2011) definition, then grievance concerns of workers are off the voice table. Bachrach and
Baratz (1970) discuss how decision-makers use power when they confine matters of debate to
“safe issues”. For example, managers may encourage speaking up if employees can suggest an
improvement to a current process, but workers can be constrained or denied a voice when it
Employee voice
comes to issues such as plant closure or redundancy. Royle’s (1998) study described how man-
agement at McDonalds in Germany successfully circumvented the application of the European
Works Council Directive so that voice would be confined to issues determined by the company.
In response to Bachrach and Baratz, Lukes (1974) advanced the notion that power relations
can shape actor thinking concerning possible conflicts of interest. The third face of power is
about the ability of a dominant hegemony to manipulate the preferences and interests of others,
so that they do not perceive any conflict with the interests of those who hold power, nor do
they see any alternative to the status quo. Hardy (1996, p. 8) identifies that system power “lies
in the unconscious acceptance of the values, traditions, cultures and structures of a given insti-
tution and it captures all organisational members in its web”.
The assumption that workers naturally want to voice in ways that benefit the organisa-
tion suggests a normative manipulation of employee interests and preferences consistent with
Lukes’(1974) reasoning.The ER perspective suggests that employee voicing is aimed at maintaining
or enhancing employee control over a work process, rather than improving the efficiency of that
process. If employees are accustomed to performing a task in a certain way that gives them control
over their work, or indeed gives their work greater meaning or dignity, then they would be highly
unlikely to speak up to suggest a change that management would see as an improvement that
streamlines the work process. Furthermore, if management suggested such a change it is likely that
workers would speak up against the change, and seek to resist it if management sought to imple-
ment the change. In Roy’s (1954) classic study of a machine shop the workers contrived to restrict
output because they knew that if they worked more efficiently management would restructure
pay rates so they would not be better off. Although the piece work payment system arguably
worked against the notion of a HPWS, the point remains that workers perceived their interests
to be opposed to those of management, which were to increase efficiency. The ER perspective
seeks to capture this dynamic of power and control in understanding voice. Dundon et al. (2004)
identified four manifestations of voice, one being collective representation, in which voice is a
countervailing power to management and often occurs in this way through the agency of labour,
whether unionised or not (Van den Broek and Dundon, 2012).Voice is a tool that employees can
use to redress an inherent imbalance in power in the employment relationship.Voice provides cap-
acity for involvement in and possible contestation of decision-making.
associated with voice as dissatisfaction and resistance, while some unitarist strands of HRM and
OB view voice as a means to improve communication between goal-aligned parties so as to
improve work processes and organisational performance. In their pure form all views provide
only partial conceptualisations of a multifaceted phenomenon. The implication of stupidity man-
agement is that organisations need to seek out critical or dissenting voices as well as to create
opportunities and find structures to support employees who wish to voice in ways that OB
defines as pro-social.To that end ER and LPT offer the avenues for structural dissent to challenge
a prevailing (managerial) status quo. Equally, there is good reason to suggest that assumptions that
employees use voice to resist need greater nuancing. Courpasson, Dany and Clegg (2012) urge
researchers to look at the effectiveness of resistance, and suggest that the ability to use resistance to
achieve change depends on the skilfulness of resisters in identifying “objects of resistance” around
which they can mobilise and influence management decision-making. These authors argue suc-
cinctly “that resistance can be better explained by what resisters do to achieve their ends rather
than by seeing resistance as a fixed opposition between irreconcilable adversaries” (ibid., p. 801).
While the siloed nature of discipline-based research on voice means that the parties are in
some ways poles apart, there is some evidence of interest in integration along the ER and LPT
perspectives, in part due to the more critical employee-centric aspects of pluralistic nuances
of HRM.
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Towards an expanded research agenda
Conflict is a pervasive and persistent feature of organisational life, with far-reaching implications
for employer outcomes and employee well-being. As such, there is a great deal of potential value
associated with institutionalised methods of dealing with workplace conflicts and disputes. The
workplace dispute resolution landscape includes a wide array of vastly different organisational
methods designed to deal with conflict. Dispute resolution scholars have provided a wealth of
conceptual frameworks and empirical evidence on approaches to the resolution of organisa-
tional conflict. Nevertheless, alongside the knowledge generated by scholars across different
disciplinary domains, there is much that is still unknown about workplace conflict resolution.
This chapter reviews central knowns and unknowns in the study of workplace conflict reso-
lution. In doing so, we acknowledge the many advances made in this area of study while also
pointing to research questions that, to date, have not been fully addressed or explored. With
regards to knowns, the chapter reviews insights and empirical evidence from the study of con-
flict resolution in the unionised and non-union settings. This review summarises key knowns
about unionised workplace grievance systems, the rise of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
and conflict management systems in the non-union setting, and the usage of and outcomes
associated with these practices.
Alongside these important knowns, we also propose four areas of research that are still in
need of conceptual and empirical development. First, we discuss the question of representation
in conflict resolution. In the face of declining union density and the rise of individual employ-
ment rights regimes, there is still much that is not known about new models of providing
employees with representation when making use of alternative methods to resolve conflict.
Second, we maintain that there is also a need for additional research examining the organisa-
tional and individual outcomes associated with different conflict resolution methods. Evidence
regarding the effects of different dispute resolution practices on a variety of firm and individual
level outcomes is still lacking. Third, much of what we know about workplace dispute reso-
lution is based on research conducted in the United States and Canada.We review the emerging
body of comparative scholarship and highlight the need for additional research on other coun-
tries. Finally, almost all of the existing workplace dispute resolution research has been conducted
in large organisations. We therefore call for additional conflict resolution research in small and
entrepreneurial firms. Taken together, this review identifies key components of an expanded
workplace dispute resolution research agenda.
War Labor Board encouraged unions and management to adopt labour arbitration provisions
as part of their collective agreements as an alternative to strikes. By the late 1940s, labour
arbitration procedures had been adopted in the vast majority of collective agreements as the
mechanism for resolving disputes during the term of the collective agreement. The result was
that in almost all cases, the strike weapon was confined to use in support of bargaining a new
contract. This arrangement received the blessing and support of the US Supreme Court in its
famous Steelworkers Trilogy of cases released on the same day in 1960. In these decisions, the court
indicated that it would enforce labour arbitration provisions in collective agreements as a key
component of industrial democracy in the workplace and the quid pro quo for the corresponding
lack of strikes during the term of the contract clause.
In Canada, labour legislation of this era was patterned on the US Wagner Act model and
unions and management similarly adopted labour arbitration as the mechanism for resolving
rights disputes in the vast majority of collective agreements. Indeed, the trade-off of labour
arbitration in return for the no-strike pledge became sufficiently entrenched in labour relations
practice that Canadian labour laws require a provision to this effect to be incorporated into col-
lective agreements (Taras and Walsworth, 2016).
If we look across union-represented workplaces in the United States and Canada today, we
see a near universal adoption of a standard approach to conflict resolution. Collective agreements
contain multi-step grievance procedures that provide for the resolution of rights disputes under
the contract. These procedures begin with relatively informal attempts to resolve the grievance
through discussion and negotiation, typically between a shop steward and a supervisor. In sub-
sequent steps of the grievance procedure, successively high levels of union and management
representatives review the grievance and attempt to negotiate a resolution to it. If these efforts
are unsuccessful, the grievance is resolved through final and binding arbitration by a neutral
labour arbitrator. There are some variations in the procedures. There may be three, four or five
different steps. The specific individuals involved in each step of the grievance procedure will
vary. Different time limits for each step will be used. But the striking feature is the similarity
across the workplaces of the basic structure of the grievance procedures and the universality of
labour arbitration as the final step of the procedure.
The stability of grievance procedures and labour arbitration in American workplaces is not-
able given the dramatic changes that have taken place in labour relations in recent decades.
Union representation rates have declined steadily since the 1970s, with only 10.7 per cent of
workers being members of unions in 2016 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017). Strike rates and
numbers of days lost due to industrial action have also declined dramatically over this same
period (Katz, Kochan and Colvin, 2007). The nature of collective bargaining has also been
transformed, with management increasingly taking the initiative to obtain concessions from
unions in areas such as work rules, layoff protections and benefits.Yet throughout this period of
major change in labour relations, workplace conflict resolution through grievance arbitration
procedures has remained remarkably stable. What accounts for this relative stability in work-
place conflict resolution? Although we do not have definitive research on this question, the best
explanation appears to be the relative success of grievance procedures and labour arbitration as
mechanisms for resolving workplace conflict and avoiding industrial action (Feuille, 1999). Both
management and unions benefit from this system and so neither has an incentive to disrupt it.
This is not to suggest that there are no problems or weaknesses in the current system. The
most commonly discussed problem is that of delay and cost in labour arbitration. It is common
for a year or more to elapse before an arbitration hearing and decision can be obtained (Katz,
Kochan and Colvin, 2007). Two major types of alternative procedures emerged as responses to
concerns about the slowness and cost of labour arbitration. Expedited arbitration procedures
attempt to speed up the process by establishing rules that include strict time limits, simplified
hearing procedures and limited or no written reasons from the arbitrator. Meanwhile, grievance
mediation is typically used as a step before labour arbitration and often involves a neutral body
trying to mediate multiple cases on a single hearing day that is scheduled in advance, avoiding
the scheduling complications that drive much of the delay in labour arbitration. Research on
grievance mediation suggests that it is highly effective in resolving grievances at lower cost
and with less delay than labour arbitration (Brett and Goldberg, 1983).Yet despite this success,
Feuille (1999) has noted a paradox in that grievance mediation is still rarely used in comparison
with the ubiquity of labour arbitration.The explanation he arrives at for this paradox is that des-
pite concerns about delays in labour arbitration, the process of arbitration remains very robust
in ensuring that the grievance will be resolved and the interests of the parties, particularly man-
agement, are protected. The result is that even as American labour relations in many respects
is in an era of crisis with the precipitous decline of union strength, in the area of workplace
conflict resolution, the grievance and labour arbitration procedures continue to be effective and
successful in meeting the needs of the parties.
neutral facilitates the parties’ negotiation of a resolution based on their interests, and rights-
based dispute resolution processes, like arbitration, where the neutral determines the merits
of the parties’ claims and demands (Avgar, 2015; Lipsky et al., 2003; Ury, Brett and Goldberg,
1988). Given these significant differences between processes, the adoption of different practices
is likely to have very different dispute resolution consequences (Avgar, 2015).
A second dominant focus of ADR research is the factors that explain the diffusion of these
practices in the non-union context. In particular, a great deal of attention has been given to the
question of ADR adoption drivers (Avgar, 2016; Colvin et al., 2006; Lipsky et al., 2003). Why
have a growing proportion of non-union firms decided to abandon their traditional approaches
to managing workplace conflict and replace them with institutionalised internal mechanisms?
What are the external and internal pressures that help to explain this workplace development?
While there is some debate within the dispute resolution literature regarding the centrality and
importance of different factors (Avgar, 2016), there is a broad agreement among scholars that
the adoption of ADR practices is the product of a myriad of factors and pressures affecting
different firms in different ways.
One of the ways scholars have conceptualised the factors that help to explain ADR adoption
patterns is by distinguishing between external and internal pressures (Colvin et al., 2006).
External pressures refers to forces operating outside the firm that increase the likelihood that the
organisation will turn to some form of ADR. Internal factors refers to changes occurring inside
organisations that contribute to the firm’s decision to adopt and implement an ADR practice.
Much of the early research examining workplace ADR focused on external and environmental
pressures, with a particular focus on environmental threats that could, arguably, be defended
against by using internal dispute resolution practices (see for example, Colvin 2003a, 2003b; for
a similar discussion see Avgar, 2016).
Central among these external threats has been litigation. Early research highlighted litiga-
tion avoidance as a dominant driving force in the rise of non-union ADR (for a review see
Colvin et al., 2006). Firms, according to this research, turned to ADR as a mechanism to buffer
themselves from the external judicial system (Colvin, 2003a, 2003b). Increased employment
regulation beginning in the 1960s paved the way for a dramatic increase in employment-related
litigation. ADR can, therefore, be seen as an organisational defence against the growing role
that the courts played in the adjudication of employment disputes (Lipsky et al., 2003). Scholars
have debated the extent to which the use of ADR as an alternative to litigation represented a
genuine effort to better address conflict within the boundaries of the firm or whether it served
as a way of providing a symbolic response to a dramatic societal transformation (see for example
Edelman, 1990; Sutton et al., 1994). Either way, litigation, or the efforts on the part of firms to
minimise its reach, has been deemed an important factor for explaining the rise of ADR.
An additional external factor that has received a great deal of attention has been unionisation
and collective bargaining. Unions have been shown to have two potential effects on the rise
of non-union ADR. First, the decline of unions and collective bargaining in the United States
has, among other things, meant the demise of one of the hallmarks of this labour-management
relationship –the grievance system. Since the decline of unions does not mean an absence of
workplace conflict, the disappearance of the grievance system from within the boundaries of
many firms is likely to have left a conflict management vacuum (Avgar, 2016). In the absence
of a union-based grievance system, some firms are likely to seek out ADR practices as a way to
fill this conflict management vacuum. Second, scholars have demonstrated a link between firms’
efforts to avoid unionisation and the use of ADR (see for example Colvin, 2003a). ADR can
serve as a way to buffer the firm from potential unionisation activity by providing employees
with a non-union form of voice as a way to pre-empt the establishment of unionised voice.
For example, in a study of telecommunications firms, Colvin found a relationship between the
threat of unionisation and the adoption of peer review –a rights-based process that includes
employee representatives on review panels established to resolve a given dispute. Interestingly,
Colvin also found that the firm’s threat of litigation was associated with the adoption of arbitra-
tion. In other words, firms are nuanced in their response to external pressures, adopting practices
that are better suited to address the specific threat at hand. Alongside litigation and unionisation
related pressures, scholars have also pointed to a number of other external pressures that have
contributed to the rise of ADR, from increased market and competitive pressures to the effects
of deregulation, globalisation and technological advances (Lipsky et al., 2003).
In addition to external pressures, ADR scholars have also documented a relationship between
internal changes and pressures and the push toward new ways of dealing with conflict and
disputes (Colvin et al., 2006). Most notably is the well-documented transformation of organ-
isational work structures and arrangements beginning in the 1980s (Appelbaum and Batt, 1994;
Kochan, Katz and McKersie, 1986). This transformation has taken on many forms over the past
four decades, but is often associated with the organisational deployment of high-performance
work systems (HPWS), which are characterised by an increase in frontline discretion empower-
ment, the use of teams and problem-solving groups, an emphasis on skills and training, and
the alignment of compensation and employee incentives with this overall employment orien-
tation (Appelbaum et al., 2000). These characteristics have clear and dramatic implications for
both the manifestation of conflict and for the way it should be managed (Avgar, 2008). The
collapsing of bureaucratic rules and hierarchical layers within organisations alongside the shift
towards greater discretion and autonomy on the frontlines is likely to require new methods
for dealing with conflict –methods that move away from relying on adversarial practices and
managerial authority. As such, the rise of ADR can also be explained against the backdrop of
this consequential organisational change and its implications for workplace conflict (Lipsky and
Avgar, 2008).
A more recent approach to the study of ADR adoption drivers has explored the role that
strategic choice plays in non-union firms (Avgar, 2016). Complementing research on the
external and internal pressures discussed above, this research is beginning to examine the role
that different organisational strategic orientations play in explaining the adoption of specific
ADR practices (Avgar et al., 2013; Lipsky, Avgar and Lamare, 2014; Lipsky and Avgar, 2008).
Building on Colvin’s (2003a) study examining the adoption of peer review and arbitration, this
research tests the argument that organisations adopt different ADR practices as a function of
different strategic objectives.
pressure on management in support of a different set of concerns they had in the workplace that
had festered and were less amenable to resolution through formal procedures. Although more
than 50 years old now, Kuhn’s study is a good example of research that brought together the
often disparate perspectives of labour relations and organisational behaviour, providing insights
for both fields.
In the 1970s and 1980s research on conflict resolution became increasingly quantitative in
nature. For example, Lewin and Peterson’s 1988 book, The Modern Grievance Procedure, provided
detailed statistics on usage of grievance procedures in unionised workplaces across a range of
different industries. Some of their findings confirmed conventional wisdom about grievance
procedures, for example showing that most grievances were resolved at earlier stages in the
process, with fewer grievances being appealed at each subsequent step. However their analysis
also provided new insights into some limitations of these grievance procedures. In particular,
they provided evidence indicating poor post-grievance outcomes for both grievance filers and
supervisors who were complained against. These findings helped inspire a line of subsequent
research investigating the issue of retaliation against grievance filers as a major problem in con-
flict resolution systems.
Studies of individual grievant work histories found that performance tended to deteriorate
after grievances, even when compared with workers who had conflicts but did not file grievances
(Boroff and Lewin, 1997). This suggested the existence of retaliation against users of grievance
procedures and the idea that these procedures could be viewed as parts of systems of indus-
trial discipline and punishment, challenging the exit-voice perspective, which suggests that the
availability of voice mechanisms such as grievance procedures will produce positive outcomes
of reduced exit behaviour (Freeman and Medoff, 1984). Subsequent research has added some
further nuances to this story. At the individual level, research found that the negative effect of
grievance filing may depend on the type of grievance filed, with negative impacts being limited
to grievances related to personal actions of the supervisor and policy-related grievances having
more neutral impacts (Olson-Buchanan and Boswell, 2002). In addition, while some of the earlier
research suggested that more loyal employees would simply suffer in silence rather than engage
in either voice through grievance filing or exit by quitting (Boroff and Lewin, 1997; Lewin and
Peterson, 1999), subsequent work suggests that these more loyal employees are more likely to use
informal methods to resolve problems in the workplace (Olson-Buchanan and Boswell, 2002).
In addition, different relationships may exist at the organisational level as opposed to the indi-
vidual level. While high grievance rates have been found to be associated with high quit rates at
the organisational level, availability of grievance procedures may be associated with lower quit
rates –albeit the evidence for this relationship is stronger for union grievance procedures (Rees,
1991) than for non-union procedures (Batt, Colvin and Keefe, 2002).
Another line of research that emerged in the 1980s looked at the relationship between
grievance activity, other indicators of workplace labour relations and organisational perform-
ance. A series of studies found that high grievance rates were associated with negative indicators
of the workplace labour relations climate, such as high absenteeism rates, and that workplaces
with these conflictual patterns tended to have lower productivity and quality outputs (Cutcher-
Gershenfeld, 1991; Ichniowski, 1986; Katz, Kochan and Weber, 1985; Norsworthy and Zabala,
1985). Research at the workplace level also found that grievance rates varied over time, increasing
during periods when collective agreements came up for renegotiation or of heightened pro-
duction pressure when management monitoring of workers increased (Kleiner, Nickelsburg
and Pilarski, 1995).
More recent research on the use and outcomes of conflict resolution procedures has explored
the impact of variation in types of non-union procedures. Research has found that use of
procedures and employee success rates in challenging management decisions are higher where
non-union grievance procedures included non-managerial decision-makers (e.g. peer review
and arbitration) and increase with the extent of due process protections in procedures (Colvin,
2003b, 2013).
Recent research has also extended the earlier insights that conflict resolution activity is
linked to the nature of the workplace labour relations climate and to the organisation of work.
Studies in both unionised and non-union workplaces found evidence that grievance rates were
lower in workplaces that adopted high-involvement work practices.These studies controlled for
the type of conflict resolution procedure present in the workplace, suggesting that the reduc-
tion in grievance rates was a result of reduced levels of workplace conflict rather than a lack of
availability of procedures to effectively express conflict. International evidence on this question
is more mixed. In a study using the Canadian Workplace and Employee Survey (WES), Colvin
(2003b) found high-involvement work practices being negatively associated with grievance
rates in unionised workplaces but having no significant effect in non-union workplaces. By
contrast, in another study using later iterations of the Canadian WES data, Pohler and Luchak
(2014) find no significant relationship in unionised workplaces, but a positive relationship
between high-involvement work practices and grievance rates in non-union workplaces, which
they attribute to the effects of work intensification pressures.
Another line of recent research has looked at the outcomes of conflict resolution in terms
of its impact on individual employee perceptual measures. Eigen and Litwin (2014) examined
employee justice perceptions before and after the introduction of a new non-union grievance
procedure that included mandatory arbitration. They found a paradox in that perceptions of
interactional justice increased, but perceptions of procedural justice declined. They explained
this in part as a result of successful efforts by lower-level managers to deal with conflicts infor-
mally in the workplace rather than letting the conflicts proceed through the formal grievance
procedure, thereby resulting in positive perceptions of the informal justice interactions at the
expense of the formal procedure.
Finally, conflict management research has pointed to a link between conflict management
systems and organisational strategy (Avgar, 2015, 2016; Lipsky et al., 2014; Lipsky and Avgar,
2008; Lipsky et al., 2003). While recent research has begun to provide empirical support for the
argument that firms approach their deployment of conflict management practices and systems
in a strategic manner (see for example Avgar et al., 2013; Lipsky et al., 2014), there is still a great
deal that is unknown about the link between organisational strategy and conflict management
these procedures frequently is a result, in part, of their use of large employer-side law firms who
are also repeat players in arbitration (Horton and Cann Chandrasekher, 2016; Lipsky, Lamare
and Gupta, 2013). Relatedly, in a study of employment arbitration cases, Colvin and Pike (2014)
found that employers were more likely than employees to be represented by attorneys who
specialised in the employment law area and whose law firms had been involved in past arbitra-
tion cases, suggesting greater experience and expertise of representatives on the employer side.
While these studies indicate growing research interest in representation in dispute resolution,
many issues and questions in this area remain in need of further investigation. One critical issue
is the question of how to provide effective representation for employees with relatively small
claims. The contingency fee mechanism works well for financing representation of employees
with large claims, either due to high salary levels or particularly heinous employer conduct that
is likely to be punished by a large jury award. But for an employee with a modest lost wages
claim, the damages will not be large enough for a plaintiff attorney to justify financing the case
through a contingency fee arrangement and the employee will be unlikely to be able to afford
to pay hourly fees. One alternative may be a legal insurance type scheme, perhaps administered
by labour unions for members. The trick with these schemes is to ensure that a high enough
proportion of employees pay into them, given the reality that a dispute is a low probability event
that most employees may assume will never happen to them. Traditional union representation
solved the problem of financing representation through the membership dues mechanism; it is
not clear yet what financing mechanism will be able to provide broad coverage in the individual
rights world.
Another major issue in the area of representation is the question of how to provide represen-
tation in dispute resolution within the organisation. Most organisational dispute resolution
procedures in non-union workplaces do not allow employees to have representatives at internal
hearings or processes. Procedures more commonly allow attorney representation at arbitra-
tion if such a step is included and the case proceeds that far, but by the time a case gets to
arbitration the employment relationship has typically been disrupted and almost all cases in
employment arbitration involve termination situations (Colvin and Pike, 2014). Some internal
procedures include involvement of fellow employees, notably peer review procedures, providing
some degree of employee voice in the process (Colvin, 2003a). But this is only a partial form
of employee representation, lacking a representative who advocates on behalf of the employee.
Employers are reluctant to allow external advocates in non-union workplaces. There are some
examples of organisations allowing a fellow employee to assist a complainant in processes like
internal mediation, with indications that this type of internal representation can be surprisingly
helpful (Colvin, 2004). However we lack systematic evidence of whether this can be effective
on a broader scale and become institutionalised in the workplace. Going forward a major
challenge for the viability of an individual employment rights-based ER system is how it will
provide representation for employees that is broad in coverage and effective in the workplace.
a wide range of outcomes that have, to date, not been empirically linked to the adoption and
implementation of ADR or conflict management systems (for a similar argument see Roche
and Teague, 2012b). While there are a host of outcomes that could be included in the study of
ADR and conflict management systems, three categories of outcomes stand out in particular: a)
organisational performance; b) individual attitudes, behaviours and perceptions; and c) work-
place conflict.
There is still a great deal that we do not know about how ADR and conflict management
systems affect organisations and their employees. At the organisational level, there is extremely
limited evidence regarding the relationship between the adoption of different practices and
measures of performance, such as productivity and profitability. In fact, one of the only studies
to examine the relationship between conflict management systems and broad organisational
outcomes finds limited evidence for a statistically significant relationship (Roche and Teague,
2012b). It is interesting to compare ADR and conflict management systems research to a related
field of study –strategic human resource management (HRM). In the later 1980s and early
1990s HRM and IR scholars explored the relationship between work practices and firm per-
formance (see for example Arthur, 1992, 1994; Huselid, 1995; McDuffie, 1995). This research
demonstrated that the way in which work is organised has clear implications for central perform-
ance measures. Furthermore, this research also supported the notion that bundles of internally
consistent practices have a more pronounced effect than individual practices (McDuffie, 1995).
Building on a similar logic, it is likely that the manner in which conflict is dealt with may
also affect such outcomes. Different conflict management configurations may, therefore, provide
organisations with a strategic advantage. Nevertheless, research questions about the relation-
ship between conflict management practices and organisational outcomes have not been fully
addressed. For example, is the adoption of non-union ADR practices associated with improved
organisational performance? Furthermore, do different practices (interest-based versus rights-
based) have different effects on organisational performance? Finally, given the increased preva-
lence of conflict management systems, do bundles of conflict management practices have a
stronger effect on such outcomes than individual practices? The argument set forth by conflict
management systems scholars is, in many ways, similar to the one advanced in the study of
HRM systems, namely that bundles of integrated practices are likely to have a stronger effect
on organisational performance than individual practices. While there is some empirical evi-
dence supporting this complementarities argument (see most notably, Bendersky, 2007), to date,
this proposition has received very little additional empirical support. Taken together, addressing
these research questions would go a long way to advancing the state of organisational conflict
management research.
In addition to organisational outcomes, conflict management research has been some-
what limited in terms of its examination of individual-level outcomes. Research in union and
non-union settings has documented a link between grievance activity and some behavioural
outcomes, such as turnover. In addition, we also know that grievance filing may have nega-
tive consequences in terms of real and perceived individual performance (Klass and DeNisi,
1989; Olson-Buchanan, 1996), and recent research has pointed to a relationship between
conflict management systems and employee perceptions of justice (Eigen and Litwin, 2014).
Nevertheless, there are at least two areas related to individual-level outcomes that are in need of
additional research. First, evidence on the relationship between grievance activity and employee
outcomes –turnover, performance and perceptions of justice –has, for the most part, not
accounted for the nature of the procedure available to employees. Much of the existing research
measures grievance filing but does not distinguish between different processes used in the
grievance system. For example, do employees with access to mediation respond differently than
employees who have access to arbitration? Second, there are a host of additional individual
outcomes that have not been explored in the context of ADR and conflict management systems
beyond turnover and job performance. Does access to and usage of union and non-union
conflict management practices improve employee perceptions of the organisation? Do these
practices increase expressions of goodwill and reciprocity? We know little about the extent to
which different conflict management practices affect central workplace variables such as trust
and organisational citizenship behaviour.
Finally, another outcome that has been surprisingly absent from the existing research on
ADR and conflict management systems is conflict itself. This is largely a function of a discip-
linary divide between scholars studying organisational conflict management and those studying
the more micro expressions and perceptions of individual and group conflict (for a similar argu-
ment see Avgar and Colvin, 2016). Organisational behaviour scholars have amassed a great deal
of evidence regarding different types of team-level conflict and their consequences for individual
and performance outcomes (de Wit, Greer and Jehn, 2012). In addition, they have examined
the role that individual and team conflict management styles play in affecting perceptions of
conflict and associated outcomes (see for example Friedman et al., 2000). Nevertheless, there
is no research that we are aware of that examines the relationship between organisational-level
conflict management practices and individual-and team-level perceptions of conflict. Thus,
we do not know whether the availability of ADR and conflict management practices affects
employee perceptions of workplace conflict. Building on individual-and group-level con-
flict management research, we also do not know whether organizational-level conflict man-
agement practices moderate the relationship between group-level conflict and performance
and individual-level outcomes. Addressing these questions requires scholars to establish bridges
across different disciplinary boundaries, which, we believe, will add substantial knowledge
regarding the link between organisational conflict management and the more micro manifest-
ation of workplace conflict.
international work in this area has come out of Ireland, including a series of studies of conflict
resolution conducted by Roche and Teague (2011, 2012a, 2012b). In a corrective to the pri-
marily American-based literature on conflict management systems, they found that in Ireland
adoption of conflict management systems was greater among local Irish firms than among
multinational firms, many of which are American. Other recent work has provided insightful
analyses of non-US examples such as the use of judicial mediation in UK employment tribunals
(Urwin and Latreille, 2014) or the use of mediation and arbitration in New Zealand police
bargaining disputes (McAndrew, 2014).
More systematic evidence of cross-national similarities and differences in conflict resolution
are provided by the articles in a 2012 special issue of the International Journal of Human Resource
Management, edited by Roche and Teague (2012a), and a set of international chapters in the
Oxford Handbook of Conflict Management in Organizations (Roche, Teague and Colvin, 2014).
The articles and chapters in these volumes cover conflict resolution in: Australia, China, France,
Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, the UK and the US. A noteworthy feature of this work
is that it is moving beyond the relatively homogenous Anglo-American countries to examine
conflict resolution in continental European and East Asian countries. An example of the insights
this extension of research perspective can bring is Benson’s (2014) examination of community
unions in Japan, which provide legal services to their members, illustrating an alternative poten-
tial structure for representation in dispute resolution. Future research could extend this type of
work to include other regions and different national systems.
In addition to studies that use a range of different national settings, there has also been some
recent work that engages in cross-national comparative analysis. A rare example of a cross-
national survey research design is Colvin’s (2006) study of how organisations in Canada and
the US respond to pressure from their legal environments, which yielded the perhaps counter-
intuitive finding that despite the lower level of substantive legal protections for employees
in the US, American employers were more likely than their Canadian counterparts to have
adopted internal ADR procedures due to concerns about the highly conflictual nature of
American employment litigation. Looking more broadly across the six Anglo-American coun-
tries (Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Canada and the USA), Colvin and Darbishire
(2013) drew attention to the growing emphasis on individual employment rights across this
grouping of countries, suggesting the importance of further research on dispute resolution
in this area. Moving in this same direction, Currie and Teague (2016) examine how statutory
dispute resolution agencies are developing new approaches to address individual employment
rights disputes across the Anglo-American countries. Their work provides a useful contrast
to the US-based research in that whereas in America private attorneys and employers have
tended to be the main actors in recent innovations in employment dispute resolution, they
show that in the other Anglo-American countries government agencies have played a larger
and more innovative role. Going forward, comparative cross-national research designs hold par-
ticular promise for developing new theoretical and policy insights in the employment dispute
resolution area.
Lipsky and colleagues conducted a follow-up survey of US Fortune 1000 firms to assess changes
in organisational adoption patterns. Colvin’s (2003a) study, cited above, was conducted in large
telecommunication firms in the USA.
The absence of sufficient research on organisational conflict management in small and entre-
preneurial firms is noteworthy for a number of reasons. First, despite their size, these firms
employ a large proportion of the workforce. As such, a substantial number of employees work
under the conflict management arrangements put in place in such firms. Second, entrepreneurial
firms have been playing an increasingly important role within the economies of both developed
and developing countries (Carree et al., 2002; Naudé, 2010). To the extent that more effective
ways of dealing with conflict can improve entrepreneurial firms’ performance and survival
rate –an open question empirically –conflict management research can contribute to entrepre-
neurship scholarship and practice. Finally, differences between traditional and entrepreneurial
firms extend well beyond the issue of size. Entrepreneurial firms are characterised by high levels
of uncertainty and ambiguity, substantial resource constraints and a host of workforce-related
challenges, such as recruitment and retention (Cardon and Stevens, 2004; Heneman,Tansky and
Camp, 2000;Taylor, 2006). As such, this serves as a fascinating context in which to advance con-
flict management theory. Do the established frameworks applied in large and traditional firms
hold in the context of entrepreneurial firms? If not, what new frameworks help to explain the
role that conflict and conflict management plays in this setting?
There are a number of research questions that are likely to be especially fruitful. First, from
a descriptive standpoint, we know very little about what the conflict management landscape
looks like within small and entrepreneurial firms. How do entrepreneurial firms address work-
place conflict? Do they make use of informal methods of dealing with conflict? How do these
compare with the methods used by large firms? Second, in light of their unique characteristics,
entrepreneurial firms and their employees may experience different types of conflict and disputes.
In other words, the very nature of conflict may be different in these firms. What does conflict
look like in entrepreneurial firms? Finally, in the absence of empirical evidence regarding the
actual expressions of conflict and the use of conflict management practices in entrepreneurial
firms it is also difficult to assess consequences for key organisational and individual outcomes.
Most notably in this context, what is the relationship between conflict and firm performance?
Do different methods of dealing with conflict affect firm survival rates? Does the use of certain
conflict management practices or methods alleviate some of the well-documented workforce
challenges and constraints that entrepreneurial firms face? Are the traditional methods used to
address conflict in large firms appropriate in entrepreneurial firms? Beginning to address these
research questions would, we believe, go a long way to advancing both the study of organisa-
tional conflict management and of entrepreneurship.
Managing and resolving conflict is a central organisational activity. An impressive body of
research has documented the varied ways in which firms do so in both the union and non-union
settings. In the unionised context, we know a great deal about grievances and the procedures
established through collective bargaining to resolve them. In the non-union setting, we know a
great deal about the transformation that a growing proportion of firms have undergone in their
approach to conflict and its management.
Nevertheless, as with any developing area of study, there are a number of important
questions that have yet to be fully explored about these consequential developments and their
implications for employees and their employers. We have outlined four key components of
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The transformation of labour conflict
This chapter argues that a fundamental transformation of labour conflict is taking place due to
the effects of globalisation on labour and work. These structural changes will require significant
alterations to both theory and research on the topic. The traditional method of equating labour
conflict with strikes has become increasingly inappropriate. Some emblematic cases presented
in this chapter highlight that theory and focus must be broadened to include both the full range
of collective and individual expressions.
Historically, labour resistance was an important engine of social change and economic pro-
gress for working people (Hyman, 1989). Known as industrial conflict it was defined broadly
to include both individual (grievances, absenteeism, health and safety complaints, etc.) and
collective (strikes, slowdowns, overtime bans, etc.) expressions (Feuille and Wheeler, 1981).
However, labour conflict has been almost exclusively researched as collective employee mobil-
isation in the form of strikes (Kelly, 1998). Therefore, our challenge is to provide new insights
that take into account contextual changes to understand and analyse labour conflict in this
new era.
After a short section on the most important theoretical perspectives applied to study labour
conflict, we examine the proposition that labour peace has triumphed over conflict. We docu-
ment the decline in strikes, observe the willingness to strike in the working population and
highlight three examples of new emerging forms of conflict. Next, research challenges flowing
from our analysis will be identified. We conclude with a brief summary of our findings and an
agenda for future research.
bargaining. Pluralists, on the other hand, believe that the institutions of collective bargaining and
unions can restore the imbalance of power between labour and management.
Scholars taking a unitarist view on workplace conflict delineate between functional and
dysfunctional forms of conflict (e.g. Jehn, 1997).They have proposed that although task conflict
can be beneficial to organisational performance by stimulating creativity and innovation, rela-
tional conflict generally interferes with performance.Thus, much focus has been put on the HR
practices to maximise the benefits of the former while minimising the detriments of the latter
(DeChurch and Marks, 2001; Tjosvold, 2008). In this light, this view can be also labelled as the
functionalist view on conflict.
This unitarist perspective is common within the managerialist paradigm and many eco-
nomics and organisational behaviour (OB) scholars. Economists have almost exclusively studied
strikes to the exclusion of other forms of conflict. Most economists consider strikes as irrational
collective bargaining outcomes, avoidable with full information to the parties. However, the
view of strikes as irrational has several limitations. There are very few micro studies that probe
or test the irrationality assumption and models have been developed which argue that conflict
is rational when information is asymmetric (Campolieti, Hebdon and Hyatt, 2005; Card, 1990).
Management research in the field of OB has been primarily targeted to individual conflict
(absenteeism, grievances, sabotage, turnover, etc.) and developing strategies to control it. While
many management strategies have been proposed, more recent studies have highlighted that
labour conflict is characterised by persistence, destructiveness and resistance, and is thus mostly
intractable and difficult to eradicate (Coleman et al., 2007).
Theoretical perspectives such as pluralism and Marxism recognise that labour conflict is an
inherent characteristic of employment relations (ER). Conflict is a persistent social dynamic
involving an array of social groups with their distinct and differing interests (Gall and Hebdon,
2008). Situated in this perspective are mainly sociology and industrial relations (IR) scholars
who assume that there is structured antagonism of interest between labour and capital.This hos-
tility generates conflict in various forms, the most common of which are collective strikes and
individual grievances (Edwards, 1986). For sociologists, conflict is not restricted to the wage-
effort bargain but is seen in a wider societal context. Economic factors are less important than
the ability of labour to act collectively to introduce social change. Thus, sociologists’ research
focus is not primarily on the collective bargaining economic outcome but rather on the impact
of labour conflict on national politics and social dynamics (Brandl and Traxler, 2010; Jansen,
2014). Industrial relations researchers have also had a micro agenda, probing the individual
factors that affect strikes and other forms of labour conflict (e.g. Van der Velden et al., 2007).
A prolific literature thus emerged on strikes and grievances (see, for example, Hyman, 1989 on
strikes and Lewin and Peterson, 1988 on grievances).
Thus, competing perspectives have contributed to a rich debate about the nature of labour
conflict but at the same time fostered a disconnect between disciplines.Very little work has been
done to integrate labour conflict theory (exceptions include: Godard, 1992; Hebdon, 2005; and
Wheeler, 1985) with the result that there is no comprehensive theory.Theories about collective
and individual expressions of labour conflict are still very independent and efforts to link them
together have been limited. Moreover, theories about labour conflict are limited in their com-
prehensiveness because strikes have been the prevailing research focus. Theories about different
forms of labour conflict such as individual and other non-strike expressions are underdeveloped
(Ackroyd, 2012). Labour conflict may appear in many different forms apart from strikes –a par-
ticularly important notion given the decline in strikes. The lack of a comprehensive theoretical
approach is probably the main reason why the decline of strikes is often misinterpreted as evi-
dence of a general decline in labour conflict (Gall and Hebdon, 2008).
A pacified labour?
Some evidence of strike propensity.While in such liberal market economies as the US, UK, Australia
and New Zealand labour conflict has been marginalised (Briggs, 2007), in Canada, another lib-
eral country, labour tension erupted into strikes during the 2000s, especially in the public sector
(Briskin, 2007). In the more coordinated European countries, strikes re-emerged in Belgium
from 2000 (Martens amd Pulignano, 2008), especially in the public sector and among bank and
insurance white-collar workers who demonstrated high militancy (Vandaele, 2007). Also, coun-
tries with a more corporatist tradition, such as Finland, Norway and Denmark, demonstrated
a non-marginal rate of strikes during the 2000s (Kelly, 2015). In Denmark, for example, strike
activity has remained reasonably stable since the seventies and it is thus considered an example
of the withering away of social peace (Birke, 2007).
While workplace strikes have generally declined, interestingly strikes have been on the rise
since the 1980s as political actions in western Europe (Hamann, Johnston and Kelly, 2013).
General strikes against government increased from 21 in the 1980s, to 36 in the 1990s, to 39
between 2000 and 2009, and to 52 between 2010 and 2014 (Kelly, 2015). Unions have been able
to organise the collective discontent against the implementation of neoliberal reforms aimed at
the introduction of more flexible labour market arrangements and cutbacks in welfare provisions.
The highest concentration of political strikes has been experienced in Italy, Spain, France and,
especially, Greece (Hamman et al., 2012). These strikes reached high social visibility and have
been populated by employees together with a wide range of people who shared a collective dis-
content towards neoliberal policies. For example, a political strike against the precarisation of first
employment contracts for young employees was carried out in France in 2006 not only by unions
but also by millions of students; the result was the defeat of the government (Bouquin, 2007).
Labour conflict is also present in many developing countries (see Gall, 2013). Unfortunately,
major data constraints limit the possibility of a thorough longitudinal worldwide comparison
and the debate has relied mainly on case studies. Three different perspectives have emerged as
the most important in studying labour conflict in developing countries. First, while there are
many data constraints, some scholars tried to develop a longitudinal study about strike activities
in developing countries. The decreasing trend seems to also affect the already low strike level
in developing countries (Wallace and O’Sullivan, 2006). Second, emphasis has been put on the
fact that offshoring of manufacturing production to developing countries has created some of
the structural conditions for the emergence of workplace strikes, such as the presence of a blue-
collar army. Therefore, the possibility that strikes are ‘migrating’ from developed to developing
countries has been sustained (Silver, 2003). National case studies seemed to support this per-
spective, such as the emergence of labour conflict in South Korea and Brazil during the 1980s
(cf. Cho, 1985), although both South Korea and Brazil passed through a decline of strikes in
the 1990s, and currently in Brazil strikes are mainly enacted by public white-collar employees
(Boito and Marcelino, 2011). Also, important actions have been recorded in Argentina and
South Africa (Dribbusch and Vandaele, 2007). Third, attention has been driven to the different
nature and aim of labour action in some developing countries in comparison to the Western
tradition. Studies of China and Vietnam demonstrated that wildcat strikes, high turnover and
absenteeism are enacted several times as a challenge to law dispositions, not as a consequence of
failed or slow negotiation but to support the possibility to have the right to bargaining, and to
push from below changes into non-independent trade unions and authoritarian regimes (Anner
and Liu, 2016; Chan, 2011). Regimes have thus been forced to provide some concessions in
terms of employee rights (Elfstrom and Kuruvilla, 2014; Friedman and Lee, 2010).
Willingness to strike. In a general strike decline context, studying employee willingness to strike
becomes a fundamental perspective. Indeed, employees who are willing to strike have not only
A pacified labour?
to consider strikes as legitimate but also as effective actions to remedy discontent and tensions
faced in their employment relations (Akkerman, Born and Torenvlied, 2013; Hyman, 1989;
Martin and Sinclair, 2001).Willingness to strike is a necessary pre-condition for a strike (Su and
Feng, 2013).
The unwillingness to engage in conflict by employees may depend on several factors
(Godard, 2011; Hyman, 1989). First, since strikes are rare one may infer that willingness to strike
has also withered away. Second, forces of globalisation put employee solidarity under stress and
drive them to perceive strikes as irrational actions (Akkerman et al., 2013). Third, inexperience
with strikes is the most common condition today and employees who never went on strike are
more affected by feelings of inappropriateness, doubt and a sense of guilt about the possibility
of engaging in a strike (Campolieti et al., 2005; Martin and Sinclair, 2001).
The scant research about willingness to strike has been exclusively focused around union
members in a specific setting (e.g. industry, company, bargaining unit) or over a single bargaining
issue (e.g. wages or working conditions) (Akkerman et al., 2013; Barling et al., 1992). Due to
unions’ organisational atrophy and the difficulty of organising workplace strikes, it is much
more relevant to study strikes at a wider level to understand the perception of strike. In this
perspective, 28.8 per cent of the Dutch population sample said they would be willing to join
an economic strike if the issue was wage increases (Akkerman et al., 2013); 14.7 per cent gave
a neutral response.1 Frangi, Boodoo and Hebdon (2015) studied the willingness to strike in 13
OECD countries among employees who never went on strike; in this case strikes were gen-
erally defined as including both economic and political dimensions. The results are shown in
Figure 18.1, below.
While variation across countries is large, at least one out of three employees who never went
on strike are willing to strike. In western countries, where the withering away of strikes reduced
Figure 18.1 Willingness to strike in 13 OECD countries (World Values Survey, 2012–2014 wave)
labour conflict to a marginal action, more than one out of two employees who never went
on strike are willing to strike (Japan being a partial exception). Notable is the case of the US.
Considered as the fortress of the neoliberal model with one of the lowest union densities among
Western countries, the US has an unexpectedly high level of 50 per cent being willing to strike.
Multivariate analyses confirm that individual economic deprivation is a determinant of willing-
ness to strike. However, progressive ideology, interest in politics and support of unions (in terms
of membership but also as expression of confidence, see Frangi, Hennebert and Memoli, 2014;
Frangi and Memoli, 2014; Frangi and Hennebert, 2015) are confirmed as stronger determinants.
Moreover, employees living in countries that are wealthier and have higher levels of bargaining
coordination have higher willingness to strike. Employees seem to be more willing to join
strikes when conflict can help in fostering a more equal sharing of the richness produced
through a bargaining system able to affect many employees.
A pacified labour?
Figure 18.2 Employment tribunal claims in the UK, 1988–20142
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Figure 18.3 Trend in the number of cases of civil individual labour disputes in Japan4
The growing volume and changing nature of formalised individual disputes seen in the UK
also appears in other developed countries. For instance, there were about 255,000 cases of con-
sultation on civil individual labour disputes in Japan in 2012; the number has doubled over the
past 10 years, as seen in Figure 18.3. Reflecting the workforce ageing faster than that of any
other country, cases related to retirement accounted for the largest proportion with 18.3 per
cent, followed by ‘bullying/harassment’ with 17.0 per cent, ‘dismissal’ with 16.9 per cent and
‘worsened working conditions’ with 11.2 per cent. The increase in costly tribunal claims has
driven many enterprises to establish formal procedures, especially for cases of employee discip-
line and dismissals. It is illustrative that in 1971 only eight per cent of workplaces (with five or
more employees) in the UK reported using formal procedures, whereas in 2011 89 per cent of
workplaces had this procedure.
While grievances and employment tribunal cases are forms of individual-level conflicts
formalised through legal systems or HRM practices, a large part of management-employee
tensions and labour conflict remains unchannelled into these formal spheres and is thereby
more difficult for management or unions to control (Collinson and Ackroyd, 2005). In par-
ticular, labour process theorists and industrial sociologists have highlighted everyday forms
of resistance that have been rendered, in the unitarist perspective, merely antisocial, dysfunc-
tional and counterproductive (Lawrence and Robinson, 2007). Most notably, in her case study
on workplace conflict in an Irish call centre, Mulholland (2004) demonstrated that informal
workplace resistance practices emerged among call centre workers as their union could not
deal with issues such as work intensification, productivity and pay, and arbitrary management
practices.The repertoire of resistance practices she identified included ‘slammin’’, in which tele-
sales workers pretend to be involved in the selling transaction to falsely meet the requirement
of making a call every three minutes, as well as withdrawal of their emotional labour by simply
following the sales script. Although these misbehaviours on the surface appear individualistic
and fragmentary, the author suggests they could be seen as a covert and tacit form of collective
resistance in that the telesales workers showed solidarity over such practices by supporting
each other through empathy and sympathy. In a similar vein, Bain and Taylor (2000) show that
misbehaviours which make the most of gaps in the system of electronic monitoring laid the
groundwork for organising a union in one call centre in the UK. These studies suggest that it is
important to explore the interaction between power and resistance that takes place within the
informal terrain to fully understand conflict dynamics at work.
In particular, the introduction of advanced information systems has been blurring the
boundary between informal and formal spheres of work, enhancing workers’ autonomy and
agency. Recent studies of new types of misbehaviour such as cyberslacking and cyberloafing
show that workers’ misbehaviour as a mode of resistance is a process under continuous evolu-
tion and innovation, adapting to the increasingly sophisticated managerial surveillance of work
(Ivarsson and Larsson, 2011; Richards, 2007).
Online forms of conflict: clicktivism. Individual employees can voice discontent in their workplace
through individual actions, but advances in information and communication technology have
provided them with new opportunities to freely voice concerns outside the workplace and
within a reconstituted form of collectivity. Through social media employees can connect with
other like-minded individuals and groups and unite around specific issues and concerns, such
as labour discontent, conditions and rights (Shirky, 2008). Social media platforms, while based
on individual participation, allow the formation of new types of collectivity in the form of
online communities. These collectivities differ from bureaucratic unions and party structures, as
is explained next (Gerbaudo, 2012).
To take action all that is required is a simple click of support (clicktivism). In social media groups,
participants do not have to face any entry or exit cost such as in unions, reducing the fear of being
locked-in (Bryson, Gomez and Willman, 2010). Moreover, rather than statutes and bureaucratic
structures as pivotal elements of their togetherness, they have easy-to-personalise action frames
that allow for diverse interpretations (Bennett and Segerberg, 2013). Finally, the fear of possible
retaliation, a major preventive element in the enactment of grievances and strikes, is not a con-
stituent element in voicing discontent in cyberspace as it is in the workplace (Fitzgerald, Hardy
and Lucio, 2012). However, the aim is similar to that of traditional forms of labour conflict: create
solidarity among participants and take action to diminish or eradicate labour discontent.
Through a process of continuous peer production, participants boost their sense of together-
ness and identification through the sharing and diffusion of content (Gerbaudo, 2012). While
some critics have downgraded this action as a light form of engagement that has zero political
or social impact (Morozov, 2011), most offer more positive views. For example, clicktivism may
A pacified labour?
generate a shared sentiment of indignation, anger or pride; it could not only increase conscious-
ness about labour-related causes, but also provide a sense of empowerment to participants that
promotes a feeling of urgency to take action to change the status quo (Gerbaudo, 2012; Howard
and Parks, 2012). Most active participants in social media groups mobilise, organise and pattern
these online voices of discontent to transform them into actual conflict. Some of these actions
have been online, such as email campaigns, petitions and even virtual sit-ins, but social media
group mobilisation may also lead to important large-scale offline actions. Social media actions
can become mobilisation accelerators transforming online discontent and tension into the real
world (Gerbaudo, 2012; Panagiotopoulos and Barnett, 2015).
Social media activism has been fundamental, for example, in creating the powerful iden-
tity of exploited low-wage workers in the Wal-Mart campaign that led to unexpected strikes.
These actions were not the typical strikes contemplated in the Wagner act model (Wood,
2015). In the same way clicktivism has been fundamental to the Fight for $15 campaign. The
movement has been backed by much online action in social media. Considering the many
small and intermittent contributions to the cause of Fight for $15 on Twitter, Zhang, Frangi
and Hebdon (2016) analysed the volume of tweets and re-tweets. As shown in Figure 18.4,
until mid August 2015 levels of clicktivism were low, with the exception of a spike in late July.
A period of much more intense clicktivism activity and increased emotional tension followed
in August, September and especially October. This online conflict climaxed in a gigantic wave
of online support and an actual strike on 10 November 2015 (when 41,274 Fightfor15 tweets
were posted); the biggest strike yet for $15 per hour of many low-wage employees together
with unions and supporters.
The potential of clicktivism resides in the strategic alliances that online communities allow to
develop. For example, actions to improve labour rights can find the support of consumer and civil
society organisations, together with many other individual sympathisers. The online community
can amplify awareness of the labour issue to include people and organisations.Various institutional
Figure 18.4 Volume of tweets relative to Fight for $15 (the highest spike has to be excluded for
graphical reasons)
and mobilisation resources can find a strategic moment of coordination in the online community
and become the main driver to organise several coordinated offline actions towards employers,
public and private institutions, and governments (Evans, 2010). An outstanding example of the
potential that this synergy can create is the case of the post-Rana Plaza mobilisation to push
employers to respect fundamental labour rights (Reinecke and Donaghey, 2015).
Alternative collective forms of conflict: Fight for $15. Within industrialised nations, the US has
experienced one of the most dramatic union density and bargaining coverage declines. Strikes
in the US are limited by law (essentially the Wagner Act) to unionised workplaces (more than
half of the employees must affiliate to unions to become unionised) and can be exclusively
enacted to support collective bargaining. Hence union strikes dramatically declined. However, a
new labour conflict form is taking shape, shifting the locus of conflict from workplace to society
and having not only workers but a wider array of organisations and grass-roots supporters
among the constituents.
Since the beginning of the 2000s, a large coalition comprised of unions, religious
organisations, community groups, politicians and a large number of ordinary citizens has
advocated for the right to have a living wage (Figart, 2004). After the 2008 economic and
financial crisis this campaign lost momentum and seemed to disappear (Luce, 2015). However,
it resurfaced with renewed vigour in November 2012. Working in non-unionised workplaces
and so without the support of a union, fast-food employees conducted a one-day work stoppage
in New York City, demanding a $15 per hour wage. Some non-unionised employees at Wal-
Mart also withheld their labour on ‘Black Friday’ in 2012.5 The movement mushroomed and
quickly spread around the country. By late 2014 more than 190 US cities had been affected
by a Fight for $15 strike. The wide sympathy and solidarity received by the Fight for $15
movement pressured politicians and firms to take action (Luce, 2015). By 2014 four cities
approved a minimum salary of $15, and Chicago raised it to $13. GAP, McDonald’s, Target
and Wal-Mart raised their minimum wage close to $15 (Fraser, 2015). On 21 July 2015, the
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to increase the minimum wage to $15 by
2020, and the day after, the Fast Food Wage Board appointed by the New York state governor
announced plans to increase fast-food workers’ wages. The movement achieved such signifi-
cant power in society that in October 2015 President Obama hosted the first Worker Voice
Summit at the White House. The movement’s successes resulted in continued growth, with
wide social support and solidarity. On 10 November 2015 Fight for $15 held a massive strike.
Thousands of workers from Burger King, Wendy’s, McDonald’s, KFC and other restaurant
chains joined home care, child care, grocery clerks and other low-wage workers and took to
the streets in 270 cities across America. It was the largest strike ever in the battle for a $15-
an-hour wage, producing excitement and a sense of empowerment among US lower-paid
employees never before experienced. This enthusiasm crossed the border into Canada and a
Fight for $15 campaign is also brewing there.
Unlike union workplace strikes, which have been targeted to support firm-specific requests
during collective bargaining, Fight for $15 is taking the form of a social cause: a fair minimum
wage for all low-wage workers (Luce, 2015). Fight for $15 conflict is characterised by fewer bur-
eaucratic organisational structures in comparison with the one exclusively organised by unions,
and participation is open to all people who would like to support the cause. Therefore, Fight
for $15 is drawing on a much wider range of support than just unions and their supporters.
The movement also takes advantage of a right to collective action found in the Wagner Act for
non-union workers.
A pacified labour?
Research challenges
If one studies corporate power in the contemporary world of work and thinks of labour con-
flict purely in terms of Fordist clichés (essentially strikes), then the inevitable conclusion is that
employee resistance is indeed quiescent. Even if overt and collective forms of resistance char-
acteristic of Fordism may have been tempered, this by no means indicates that employers have
finally succeeded in transforming the ‘recalcitrant worker’ into the supine, docile and biddable
worker. Labour conflict has not disappeared. There are no signs that it will disappear soon since
there is still enough discontent to fuel conflict. Employees are resilient and determined to find
new ways of resisting.
It is evident, however, that labour conflict is undergoing a profound transformation in the
way in which it is organised and expressed (Bélanger and Edwards, 2013). Increasing global and
workplace constraints seem to stimulate employees to search for innovative forms to express and
alleviate their labour discontent. Labour conflict has been compared to a balloon: if constraints
reduce pressure on one part then there is expansion in another and the balloon assumes a new
configuration (Sapsford and Turnbull, 1994).
New actors and new loci emerged as fundamental to labour conflict. White collars became
protagonists of strikes in some western countries but the major change was the wider array of
support that labour conflict achieved beyond just employees or unionised employees. This is
evident in the larger coalitions in general strikes in Europe, in minimum wage campaigns in
North America and in labour clicktivism in cyberspace, where social movements and individual
sympathisers join forces to fight for a labour cause.
Labour conflict has also changed locus. For a long time strikes happened at the plant gate –
now labour conflict seems more likely to be expressed in the individual intra-workplace space
of production and in the extra-workplace space of tribunals for individual claims; squares and
streets for larger social protest; and in the catalytic cyberspace where support for labour conflict
is organised. To be able to analyse this transformation of labour conflict, scholars face major
challenges far beyond their singular focus on the traditional union strike. We specifically focus
on four pivotal challenges.
Theoretical challenges.The global decline of the mass production paradigm and economies rooted
in managerialist ideology renders conventional theories inadequate for investigating how con-
temporary social forces have transformed workplaces. Many economic studies about labour
conflict have provided important insights into strikes during their golden age and decline.
While some determinants can still have some influence on the changing shape of labour con-
flict, economic theoretical contributions have more limited potential in tracing the environ-
mental characteristics that allow specific forms of labour conflict to emerge. Due to bargaining
coverage and union decline, the economic models that focus on incomplete information at
the bargaining table are much less relevant. However, economic theories can substantially con-
tribute to considering how different aspects of economic globalisation shape the forms that
labour conflict assumes at national, firm and individual levels.
Thus, given the complexity introduced by the changing contours of labour conflict, eco-
nomic theory alone is not sufficient to explain or understand this new world of conflict. More
integrative approaches have to be considered to structure a more comprehensive theoretical
approach to fully explore the new forms of labour conflict. Socio-psychological approaches
have enriched the debate about strikes, but potential lies in the inclusion of other approaches,
each one providing important insights in decoupling the complexity of innovative forms of
labour conflict (Godard, 1992).
Since the locus of labour conflict is shifting progressively from workplace bargaining
dynamics to socially open events where unions are no longer the only organiser, as in the
case of political strikes or even more in Fight for $15, a promising direction for labour con-
flict research is to include social movement theory (Gahan and Pekarek, 2013; Martin, 2008).
Social movement theory offers a useful conceptual vocabulary for understanding the new
social structures wrought by transitory global production, volatile financial markets, and trans-
national collective action and governance. Among others, “resource mobilisation” and “political
opportunities” frameworks seem promising (McCarthy and Zald, 2001). They can enhance our
understanding about which internal resources are strategically mobilised and which structural
opportunities allow for the emergence and expression of specific types of conflict. For instance,
Rao, Morill and Zald (2000) build on these insights by demonstrating the role of collective
action and social movements in the creation of new organisational forms and fields of practice.
Industrial and employment relations scholars have studied such institutional individual
expressions of labour conflict as grievances, but we know little about more informal and covert
individual forms. Alternatively, critical management studies and sociology of work have shed
more light on deviant behaviours at work, analysing them through the lens of workplace
intrinsic employer-employee antagonism (Mulholland, 2004). They unearthed a multitude of
employee oppositional workplace practices directed at the organisation and line managers, ran-
ging from resistance –such as that ‘effort bargain’ to get their work done with a minimum of
effort –through misbehaviour (referring to self-conscious rule-breaking), to dissent in the form
of linguistic or normative disagreement, the satirical mockery of managers and authority figures,
absenteeism, work limitation, sabotage and theft to destructiveness (Collinson and Ackroyd,
2005). Moreover, this stream of research helps explain how specific forms of individualised
resistance are related to particular types of managerial control (Fleming, 2007).
Finally, we need to recognise that social media play a pivotal role in condensing, organising
and transforming labour discontent into conflict, such as in our analysis of Fight for $15
clicktivism on Twitter (Zhang et al., 2016). New media studies can therefore provide further
insights, especially through the lens of framing emergence, definition, resonance and influence
on enactment of conflict actions (Gahan and Pekarek, 2013; Gerbaudo, 2012). This approach
can help identify the key leaders of labour conflict organisation, since this role is no longer the
sole purview of trade unions.
Analytical challenges. The labour conflict literature has focused on analysing the volume of strikes,
as the result of the three most important analytical dimensions (number of participants, duration,
frequency) or other closely related dimensions (such as incidence per 1,000 employees). Other
analytical dimensions have been identified but rarely empirically described and explained. For
instance, labour conflict has been classified dichotomously as latent or manifest, unorganised or
organised, individual or collective (Edwards, 1986; Hebdon and Noh, 2013).The individual and
collective dichotomy, on the one hand, and unorganised and organised, on the other hand, have
been frequently used as synonyms; unorganised conflict is seen as individual and organised con-
flict collective (Gall and Hebdon, 2008). However, individual actions can be the expression of a
collective decision of reacting to discontent (see Bélanger and Edwards, 2013; Gall and Hebdon,
2008). Therefore, these two dimensions deserve to be treated separately.
The first analytical improvement that can provide more fine-grained insights into the study of
the transformation of labour conflict is to abandon dichotomous classifications to instead consider
a continuum scale between the two polarities previously traced (e.g. organised and unorganised)
(Hebdon and Noh, 2013). The second and more substantial improvement is to consider a much
wider range of analytical dimensions of labour conflict. The examples of new labour conflict
A pacified labour?
forms presented above cannot be reduced to just a few dimensions. For instance, as in Fight for
$15 the role of unions can no longer be taken for granted and their degree of involvement has
to be analysed. Issues of conflict can affect a minimal number of workers, such as in the case of a
plant-level strike, or a much wider population, such in the European political strikes. Moreover,
conflict can be highly disruptive, such as in workplace strikes or much less so, for example in the
case of individual court claims. Participants in the enactment of labour conflict can be just the
concerned employees or a much larger array of people (other employees, non-employees and
social movements), such as in the general political strikes or in the Fight for $15 case. Finally,
labour conflict can be characterised by the different degree of respect of legal requirements.
While other dimensions can be added to the study of labour conflict, those discussed above
appear to be of particular relevance. We therefore propose a spider-net analytical model to cap-
ture both traditional and emerging forms of labour conflict, shown in Figure 18.5. Figure 18.5a
(solid line) represents a typical North American case of a four-day firm strike organised by
unions in support of bargaining negotiations for the 60 employees of the bargaining unit. This
1 2
1. Duraon 10
2. Frequency
3. Latent to manifest
4. Individual to collecve
5. Unorganised to organised
6. Union involvement 9 4
7. Number of people affected
8. Disrupveness
9. Parcipants (from just
people concerned to a
wider array)
10. Legality 5
7 6
(b) 1 (c)
2 1 2
9 4
9 4
7 6
7 6
Figure 18.5 Spider-net analytical model for traditional and emerging forms of labour conflict
a Traditional workplace strike
b Individual claim to court through union
c Clicktivism
strike has been called respecting all legal conditions (legality). We assume that a strike happened
four years before (medium-to-low frequency). Employees (people concerned) demonstrate
outside the firm (manifest).
Figure 18.5b (dashed line) represents a case of an individual employee labour claim to a court
for unpaid salary through a union legal service. This kind of conflict requires action to be taken
once (open the case) and then be presented in court once (or few more times) (low duration
and frequency). While it is a manifest action, it is much less visible to society than a workplace
strike. Since it is an individual action it requires a minimum level of organisation. A union is
involved to prepare the case but it is an involvement that requires much lower energy and efforts
than a strike. This legal action has almost no disruptiveness consequences on production. Finally,
Figure 18.5c (dotted line) represents a case of clicktivism for raising the minimum wage in the
USA. Multiple times per day (frequency), an individual employee dedicates seconds for a click
(duration) to endorse a labour cause in a social media group participated in by many individual
sympathisers and social movements, some unions among them. The click action is in favour of
raising the minimum wage for millions of US low-wage employees (number of people affected).
Methodological challenges. The most important methodological challenge to study labour conflict
is data collection. Studies about strikes almost exclusively relied on national and ILO datasets.
Comparative data suffer from lack of standardisation, specification (for example, strikes and lock-outs
are not distinguished) and reliability issues but they are often the only available evidence (Lyddon,
2007). The data collection challenge becomes much more complex when we want to collect evi-
dence about the different forms that labour conflict is assuming; however, merging different sources
and co-construction strategies can help us to partially overcome this limitation.
In the case of more manifest, organised and collective forms of conflict, Elfstrom and
Kuruvilla (2014) provided an excellent instrument to enhance data collection. First, official
data have been compared and merged with newspapers, social media, blogs, and activist website
articles and reports. Second, and most importantly, they developed a website where visitors are
allowed to submit labour conflict events themselves.6 Once uploaded, labour conflict reports
are publicly accessible. A wide advertisement of a similar platform among scholars, trade unions,
social movements and labour cause supporters would enhance labour conflict data collection.
These collected data can be organised according to the analytical dimensions highlighted in the
previous section. Bias is not excluded in the collection, but the fact that labour conflict reports
have to be reinforced with links to relevant newspaper articles and/or photos, and that issues can
be reported by anyone, partially limit this concern. The data collected will not be exhaustive of
all manifest labour conflicts but there is potential to enhance our analyses.
The data collection challenge is even greater for more latent, individual and unorganised
conflicts. In these cases, achieving a comprehensive picture is just utopia. We have to rely on
a paleontological approach, searching for fragments of the phenomenon. Our fragments are
small-scale surveys, in-depth interviews with privileged observers and employees, and partici-
pant observation. A major constraint to consolidating fragments is the variability of cases and the
difficulty of standardisation.The advantage is that the information would be reported mostly by
scholars. The possibility of establishing a shared databank of less manifest cases of labour con-
flict would be rich if researchers would describe the most important characteristics of the case
and then try as much as possible to characterise the labour conflict fragment according to the
dimensions presented in the previous section. The combining of fragments will improve our
analyses and limited theories about labour conflict.
Geographical and temporal challenges. The few studies in employment relations that analyse labour
conflict are almost exclusively Western-centred. The rare contributions to the international
A pacified labour?
1 The authors wish to thank Prof. Agnes Akkerman for generously providing the results of her 2013
population survey.
2 Each year stretches from 1 April to 31 March.Source from House of Commons Research Paper for 1988–2003 data
(,the EmploymentTribunal
Service annual reports for 2003–2010 data (
http:/ and the Tribunals Service
statistics for 2011–2014 ( overnment/s tatistics?departments%5B%5D=ministry-of-justice&
3 According to a TUC report, women and low-paid workers are being ‘priced out’ by the tribunal
fees of up to £1,200. See ights/tribunal-fees-have-
4 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Status on the Implementation of Individual Labour Dispute Resolution.
5 These strikes were found to be legal by an NLRB decision dated 15 January, 2016. See
6 The website is based on the free Ushahidi programme (
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Chiara Benassi and Milena Tekeste
Risky, uncertain and unstable working conditions have always affected part of the workforce,
from the day labourers in agrarian societies to the guest workers in post-war industrialised
European countries. The term ‘precarious work’, however, specifically refers to the growth of
atypical, short-term, low-paid jobs in post-industrial economies since the seventies (Kalleberg,
2009). While the post-war manufacturing-based economies could provide relatively homo-
genous wages and working conditions to large segments of the workforce, high unemployment
rates, the expansion of private sector jobs and the advancing neoliberal consensus paved the way
to the precarisation of the employment relationship (Kalleberg, 2009; Ross, 2009).
The term ‘precarious employment’ has its origin in the French sociological literature of
the late 1970s and was embraced particularly by scholars and activists in southern Europe
(Barbier, 2002). While the term has limited use in the academic literature in other countries,
the phenomenon of precarious work has been widely studied from different perspectives. Some
scholars focused on precarious employment as work for remuneration characterised by uncer-
tainty, low income and limited social benefits and statutory entitlements, and used this term
as a synonym for ‘atypical’, ‘non-standard’ or ‘bad’ employment (Eichhorst and Marx, 2015;
Houseman and Osawa, 2003; Kalleberg, 2011). Other scholars took broader definitions of pre-
carious work, including also the social context and the welfare state (Laparra, Barbier and
Darmon, 2004; Vosko, 2009). Vosko, for instance, argues that precarious employment is shaped
by the relationship between employment status (i.e. self-or paid employment), form of employ-
ment (e.g. temporary or permanent, part-time or full-time), dimensions of labour market inse-
curity, as well as social context (e.g. occupation, industry and geography) and social location
(e.g. gender, citizenship status). Departing from the concept of precarious work, scholars in the
field of sociology used the term ‘precariousness’ to indicate the condition of insecurity and risk
pervading contemporary societies. Precariousness derives from changes in the labour market
and mode of production and is associated with social and political exclusion (Bourdieu, 1998;
Standing, 2011).
This chapter will limit its focus to precarious work as a low-paid, unstable form of employ-
ment. Forms of precarious employment might include part-time and fixed-term employment,
temporary agency work, contracted-out activities, posted labour, dependent self-employment
and undocumented labour (Gumbrell-McCormick, 2011). The chapter illustrates the extent
to which precarious work has spread in different countries and discusses the factors driving its
growth. It then illustrates the impact of precarious work on employees, companies and society
and the policy responses from governments, unions and international organisations. Finally, it
critically discusses the theoretical frameworks traditionally used to explain the use of precarious
work at the organisational level.
work. The national economic context partly explains this variation, as countries characterised
by relatively high unemployment rates such as southern European and Latin American1 coun-
tries have indeed higher rates of temporary contracts. This is partly due to the limited choice
workers have when labour market conditions are not favourable; on the other hand, it is also the
result of government policies promoting part-time, fixed-term and agency contracts in order
to stimulate employment growth (Heckman and Pagés, 2000; Houseman and Osawa, 2003).
The most important factors explaining cross-national variation in the size and type of pre-
carious contracts are, however, national regulations and institutions of industrial relations (IR).
Research in comparative political economy and in sociology found that employment protection
is a key explanatory variable: countries with low dismissal protection for permanent workers
have experienced slower and more limited growth of temporary contracts (e.g. UK, US) than
countries with strict employment protection for permanent workers (e.g. Germany and Spain),
where employers use precarious contracts in order to gain more flexibility in hiring and firing.
Similarly, lower taxes and employers’ contributions for non-standard contracts constitute an
incentive for employers to use fixed-term, freelance or agency contracts (Houseman and Osawa,
2003). Particularly (but not exclusively) in developing countries, where the enforcement of
labour legislation is lacking, employers hire cheap and flexible workers from the informal sector
or use illegal migrant workers, as in the cases of India, Indonesia and Thailand (Hewison and
Kalleberg, 2013).
Industrial relations research pointed out that institutions do not only provide incentive
structures to employers’ strategies and rather looked at how they affect workers’ outcomes. The
presence of encompassing institutions of collective bargaining, a relatively high minimum wage
and high union density are crucial for workers’ outcomes in terms of pay, benefits and working
time (Gautiè and Schmitt, 2010). Focusing on low-end services, the Russell Sage Foundation
project on low-wage work found that strong unions and strict legal regulation regarding con-
tingent work limited the use of precarious work in services such as the catering and hotel
industry, nursing, cleaning and retail in France, Denmark and the Netherlands, while lack of
regulations, institutional loopholes and patchy representation allowed for low-pay employment
in Germany, the UK and US (Appelbaum, 2010; Gautiè and Schmitt, 2010). The crucial role
of institutions is visible also at national level, when looking at low pay data: according to the
OECD (2015), in 2014 the countries characterised by lowest low-pay rates (between four and
nine per cent) were Belgium, Denmark and Finland, which are traditionally characterised by
inclusive labour market institutions and solidaristic workers’ outcomes. In contrast, Canada,
South Korea, the UK and the USA were characterised by the highest rates of low pay (over
20 per cent), which can be explained through fragmented collective bargaining institutions, low
union density and deregulated labour markets.
However, demand-side factors played the most determinant role. Technological change
caused a decline of middle-range occupations, creating a polarised labour market between
high-skill ‘good’ jobs and low-skill precarious jobs (Kalleberg, 2012). Occupational shifts took
place also across sectors, as the economy in advanced countries shifted from manufacturing to
services, which are more labour-intensive and characterised by lower productivity rates. This
required companies to compress labour costs in the growing service industry (Iversen and Wren,
1998). Recent research pointed at the impact of ‘financialisation’ on employees’ outcomes, as
the increasing dependence of companies on financial markets forced them to focus on the
short-term interests of their shareholders and made them more vulnerable to financial market
volatility. This process had a negative impact on the job security of the incumbent workforce,
leading more companies to downsize their workforce (Goyer, Clark and Bhankaraully, 2016).
In order to compress labour costs and to react more flexibly to short-term downturns, com-
panies have increasingly relied on staff agencies and external providers. This strategy allowed
companies to reduce their headcount while benefitting from a cheap workforce often not
covered by collective agreements and unions. Furthermore, the imperative to maximise profit
pushed companies to shift their production to cheaper locations abroad, putting workers in
advanced economies under increasing pressure to accept precarious working conditions (Batt
and Appelbaum, 2013).
The growth of precarious work was also attributed to political dynamics at national level
and at supranational level, which led to the deregulation of labour market institutions and
IR. As growth rates of Western economies slowed down since the eighties and unemploy-
ment started rising at higher levels than in the past, the flexibilisation and deregulation of
labour markets were promoted as job-creating policy instruments. They aimed at eliminating
the existing labour market rigidities considered responsible for hindering economic growth
(Kalleberg, 2009; Koch, 2013). In 1994 the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) published a famous strategic policy paper that is paradigmatic of the
political consensus at the time. It asked national governments to adopt and implement the
following measures (among others): to encourage flexible working time and part-time work; to
allow fixed-term contracts; and to make wages more flexible by weakening sectoral bargaining
and promoting company-level agreements (OECD, 1994). This shift towards a neoliberal con-
sensus could hardly be counteracted by the labour movement, which had been declining across
most advanced countries in terms of political influence and mobilisation potential (Kalleberg,
2009; Martin and Ross, 1999).
Between the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s several countries implemented reforms in
order to flexibilise their labour market. For instance, in that period the national governments
in Argentina, Peru, Japan, China, South Korea, Italy, Germany and France gradually deregulated
the use of non-standard work (freelancers, agency work, fixed-term work and part-time work),
lowering the employment and income protection for those workforce segments; as a result, pre-
carious work started growing at the margins of the labour market (Heckman and Pagés, 2000;
Palier and Thelen, 2010; Watanabe, 2015a).
contribute to innovation (Saxenian, 1996). At the individual level, workers were argued to enjoy
the freedom and autonomy of flexible working, suggesting that flexible employment is some-
times the result of employees’ free choice. These workers typically are knowledge workers, who
have relatively high bargaining power in the employment relationship thanks to their sought-
after skills and high employability (Marler, Woodard-Barringer and Milkovich, 2002).
In contrast, research on precarious employment –a term that has a negative connotation in
itself –highlighted its negative consequences on the individual’s psychological and physical well-
being and on organisational performance, and the economic, social and political consequences
for the wider society. This section will discuss the main research findings.
or a U-shape relationship indicating that a small amount of temporary work might be beneficial
to a company’s performance while high rates could undermine it (Nielen and Schiersch, 2014).
Indeed, the employment of precarious workers was found to cause several coordination problems
within an organisation, both between management and the workforce and also among workers
themselves. Research suggested that organisations relying on fixed-term work arrangements
find it difficult to maintain the clear mutual obligations and entitlements between the indi-
vidual employee and the organisation that constitute the psychological contract (Rousseau,
1995). By comparing permanent and contingent workers, several scholars found that permanent
employees reported significantly more obligations and inducements than their colleagues on a
temporary contract (relational psychological contract) while contingent workers were more limited
in their expectations and obligations (transactional psychological contracts) (Coyle-Shapiro and
Kessler, 2002; Guest, 2004).
The non-fulfilment or violation of the psychological contract has implications for the organ-
isation because it might lead to attitudinal and emotional responses such as lower employer trust
(Robinson, 1996), job satisfaction (Robinson and Rousseau, 1994), organisational commitment
(Coyle-Shapiro and Kessler, 2000), intentions to remain (Turnley and Feldman, 1999) and in-
role and extra-role performance (Robinson, 1996). For instance, in a study conducted on 2,000
public sector employees on flexible and permanent contracts in the UK, Guest et al. (2000)
found that employees on flexible contracts tended to show lower commitment, particularly
if on agency contracts but also, albeit to a lower extent, on fixed-term contracts. Similarly, in
their study of professional workers in two service firms in Singapore,Van Dyne and Ang (1998)
found that contingent workers had lower levels of commitment to the organisation than their
permanent co-workers because they could easily switch to a different employer.
As commitment levels affect performance and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB),
which refers to employees’ voluntary actions and initiatives in support of the organisation, pre-
carious employment can also be expected to be negatively correlated with the incidence of
volunteering behaviour. Research findings confirm that workers on precarious contracts are
less likely to engage in OCB while permanent employees engage in OCB independently from
their perception of employer inducements and, thus, feel they cannot withdraw OCB contin-
gent upon how the organisation is treating them (Coyle-Shapiro and Kessler, 2002; Van Dyne
and Yang, 1998).
Finally, the presence of contingent workers at a workplace was found to impair cooperation
and teamwork within the workforce, with negative consequences for organisational perform-
ance (Byoung-Hoon and Frenkel, 2004; Geary, 1992). For instance, in his study of three US
electronic plants Geary found that the employment of temporary workers caused conflicts
because these workers would be paid less and enjoyed fewer benefits.They perceived their status
difference as unfair but, nevertheless, they would work overtime, avoid complaining and, overall,
be easier to control. By so doing, they put permanent workers under pressure, causing further
conflicts. Byoung-Hoon and Frenkel found that regular workers in a major South Korean
auto company heavily discriminated against contingent workers for similar reasons and did not
include them in their work ‘community’.
Schmitt, 2010). Furthermore, the segmentation of the workforce exacerbated divisions along
the dimensions of skills, age, gender and race. Young, low-skilled workers were found more
likely to be employed on precarious contracts in Europe (Gebel and Giesecke, 2011), Asia
(Inui, 2005) and North America (Kalleberg, Raell and Cassirer, 1997). Migrants and women
are also disproportionately affected by precarious contracts in all countries (Fudge and Vosko,
2001). Migrants are particularly vulnerable due to their limited citizenship rights and increas-
ingly tough migration restrictions, which pushed many into illegality, making them even more
exploitable by employers (Anderson, 2010).
The growth of precarious work has increased the pressure on the welfare states of advanced
political economies. First, employers’ social security contributions are often lower for non-
standard contracts, and low-paid workers also pay lower or no income taxes (Houseman and
Osawa, 2003), with an overall negative impact on state revenues. Second, the welfare state needs
to provide benefits and subsidies to workers earning below a certain threshold –the so-called
working poor (Hartman, 2005). Third, employment precariousness contributes to declining
fertility rates in advanced economies as economic security and home ownership –from which
precarious workers are often excluded because they cannot apply for mortgages –are often pre-
conditions for starting a family (Adserà, 2004; Lewchuk, Laflèche and Procyk, 2015).
The increase of precarious work was argued to be responsible for declining employee
engagement in their workplace and in society. Evidence for this trend includes the lower union
density rates among precarious workers compared with permanent workers. Figure 19.2 shows
that there are cross-national differences in union density rates of workers in precarious working
arrangements,2 which vary from 1.1 per cent in the Czech Republic to 72.3 per cent in Iceland.
However, it also shows that these workers present lower density rates in all countries covered,
which include EU countries and some post-socialist countries, with gaps between the rates of
permanent and temporary workers up to over 30 per cent as in the case of Norway.
The reasons for low membership rates lie in both the trade unions and the precarious
workers themselves. On the one hand, trade unions developed when the Fordist model was
dominant and their members typically are (male) workers on permanent full-time employment
(Ebbinghaus, Göbel and Koos, 2009). Therefore, their ideologies and bargaining agendas were
argued to be incompatible with the interests of precarious workers (Ebbinghaus, 2002) even
though research showed that unions have started changing their structures and strategic rep-
ertoire, with mixed results (Benassi and Vlandas, 2015). On the other hand, precarious workers
are difficult to organise because they do not develop an attachment to the company or even to
the occupation or sector due to their high turnover rates. Furthermore, they are afraid of losing
their job and therefore are reluctant to join the union and participate in workers’ mobilisation
initiatives and industrial action (Gumbrell-McCormick, 2011).
Finally, Standing (2011) argued that the increase in the precarious workforce has led to
declining involvement in political activities, drastic falls in membership of political parties,
declining turnouts at elections and a decrease in the percentage of young voters. This has dra-
matic consequences for society as apathetic and disengaged citizens are particularly vulnerable
to political extremism.
workers, and specifying the circumstances under which they can be employed (e.g. production
peaks, replacement of workers on sick leave) (Benassi, 2013).
On the other hand, trade unions have initiated campaigns to recruit precarious workers and
to bargain on their behalf for better wages and working conditions. In Japan, for instance, the
national trade union confederation Rengo provided guidelines to industrial confederations and
enterprise unions for organising part-time and agency workers, which were implemented to
different extents and with mixed results (Watanabe, 2015b). Furthermore, precarious workers
have sometimes set up their own unions. For instance, the Brazilian Ibitinga Needle Workers
Union, which represents home-based garment workers, achieved a collective agreement in
2001 forcing employers to provide those workers with a labour card, granting them access to
benefits; similarly, the Indian Self-Employed Women’s Association bargained a minimum wage
on a piece-rate basis for its members and has been fighting for access to social benefits (Tilly
et al., 2013).
Parallel to the action of governments and unions, the International Labor Organization
developed policy responses to address the challenges posed by growing precarious work. In
addition to encouraging collective bargaining and governments’ investments in economic and
social policies aimed at sustainable economic growth, the ILO advocated the implementa-
tion and enforcement of ‘older’ conventions at national levels, such as the Labor Inspection
Conventions approved between 1947 and 1969. More recently, the ILO passed Conventions
addressing the difficult situation of specific groups of vulnerable workers such as the Private
Employment Agency Convention (1997) and the Domestic Workers Convention (2011),
which aim to ensure fundamental work rights to agency and domestic workers respectively
(ILO, 2012).
teachers and housing benefits caseworkers in the UK, Grugulis, Vincent and Hebson (2003)
found that workers under subcontractor or agency contracts were controlled more closely and
had routinised tasks, with very negative consequences for their skill development. Similarly,
Japanese firms in Hong Kong were found to subcontract low-level tasks to external providers
they could easily get rid of in times of economic downturns (Wong, 2001). Furthermore,
workers in cyclical and seasonal industries such as agriculture and tourism were found more
likely to be on precarious contracts because companies need a buffer of workers to lay off when
demand decreases (Kalleberg, Reynolds and Marsden, 2003).
The core-periphery frameworks, supported by the research findings above, suggest that there
is a clear separation between standard workers in internal labour markets and precarious workers
in external labour markets. It was also argued that core workers benefit from the presence of
precarious workers, which protect them from market volatility and allow the company to be
cost-competitive without cutting the salaries of permanent workers (Hassel, 2014). However,
changes at the organisational level, together with the macro-level political and economic factors
previously mentioned, contributed to a progressive blurring of the boundaries between core and
periphery: among others, these include the erosion of Fordist bureaucracies and internal labour
markets, which used to ensure stable and linear career paths (Cappelli, 1999); the increasing use
of information technology to link the workers to the organisation (van der Wielen and Jackson,
1998); and the growth of project-based work (Hodgson, 2004). In their extensive study of new
organisational forms in the UK, Marchington et al. (2005) argued that companies are increas-
ingly characterised by flexible structures and are embedded in a dense network of contractors
and suppliers. These new network structures have led to spanning responsibilities and decision-
making across organisational boundaries while the workforce is increasingly fragmented rather
than subdivided between core and periphery.
The evidence of blurring boundaries between core and periphery is so far based on quali-
tative evidence at the sectoral and workplace level. Precarious contracts, which are traditionally
associated with low-skill jobs, were found to spread also in high-skill professions, including
designers, journalists and teachers (Lee, 2012; McKinlay and Smith, 2009). For instance, in his
study on the British independent industry Lee reported that “self-exploitation is rife, hours
are long, the work is mostly de-unionised, and there is no clear demarcation between work
and leisure time” (p. 481), highlighting the precariousness of (high-skilled) workers in creative
industries. Furthermore, scholars found that precarious and permanent workers in the manu-
facturing industry perform similar tasks and work side-by-side in the same company such as in
the case of Polaroid in the US (Lautsch, 2002) or in the direct production of a BMW plant in
Leipzig (Benassi, 2013). Finally, rather than protecting core workers, researchers argued that a
growing periphery can serve as a control instrument for managers. As core workers feel under
pressure from the presence of a cheap workforce performing the same job tasks, they ultim-
ately agree on work intensification and concessions in terms of salaries and working conditions
(Doellgast, Sarmiento-Mirwaldt and Benassi, 2016; Reich, Gordon and Edwards, 1973).
traditional analytical frameworks of labour market segmentation, as the division between core
and peripheral workers has become increasingly blurred. The final section was dedicated to the
policy responses from national governments, unions and the ILO to precarious work.
Given the shortcomings of existing theoretical frameworks for analysing the diffusion of
precarious work and evidence of its negative impact on organisations, its diffusion, especially in
skilled positions, calls for further investigation. In particular, we expect the following questions
to challenge both practitioners and researchers in the following years: Under what conditions
can companies profitably employ workers on precarious contracts? What adjustments in terms
of work organisation and skill requirements can companies make in order to be able to effi-
ciently employ precarious workers? To what extent do companies (still) need core workers?
1 Data for Latin American countries are not shown in the figure due to the limited availability of
comparable data.
2 Here defined as workers without a contract or with a temporary contract.
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Processes, practices and consequences
Stephen Frenkel*
Globalisation continued to transform societies between 2000 and 2015, the period with which
we are concerned. However, anti-globalisation forces have been growing, encouraged by the
1997–1998 Asian financial crisis, the failure of the Doha round of trade negotiations in 2008, and
the 2008–2009 global financial crisis (GFC). Project Washington Consensus, with its emphasis
on market deregulation, privatisation and fiscal restraint, has been a major casualty, particularly
in the light of China’s sustained growth, which demonstrated the effectiveness of a state-guided
market strategy. Meanwhile, sluggish economic growth and rising unemployment in developed
countries, together with China’s huge trade surplus, have encouraged leading economists to
adopt a more qualified endorsement of globalisation. This attitude has hardened as income
inequality has increased, although most economists attribute only between 10 to 15 per cent of
growing US income inequality since the 1970s to globalisation (Rodrik, 2011, p. 55). In this
chapter I explore the manner in which globalisation influences work, leading to an assessment
of its impact, which remains highly controversial.
Before continuing, a few definitions are in order. Acknowledging that much economic
activity is undertaken informally and is often unpaid, work refers to paid employment in the
formal economy. Following Amoore (2002), globalisation comprises three aspects: project, pro-
cess and practice. Project refers to the key organising principles of globalisation. However, a
feature of the current period is that there is no project. No clear alternatives to the neoliberal
Washington Consensus exist for countries based on private ownership, only questioning, con-
testation and experimentation (especially with new technology). Process refers to mechanisms
pertaining to analytically distinct but interdependent and overlapping domains (e.g. migration
is in the social domain with implications for labour markets in the economic domain). Practice
denotes activity by individuals and collectivities, including corporations, in response to, and
intended to shape policies relating to, globalisation. Practices are the content of processes that
occur in different domains at varying levels of analysis. For example, at the macro (economy)
level there is the process of unemployment created by the practice of reduced government
expenditure, while at the micro (organisational) level there are employment status-generating
processes comprising such practices as hiring of casuals and part-time workers. Global supply
chains (GSCs) comprise cross-national organisation of economic activities to produce goods
or services within a single firm and its subsidiaries or between firms. GSCs may therefore be
fostered by foreign direct investment (FDI), or by contracting agreements between independent
companies in different countries. A final clarification concerns the grouping of countries. The
conventional distinction between developed (DVCs) and developing countries (DCs) is useful
although on occasion finer categories are necessary, for example, advanced DCs are referred to
as emerging countries.
The remainder of the chapter is organised as follows. In the first section I discuss the meaning
of globalisation, arguing for a process-practice perspective.The second section examines empir-
ical evidence pertaining to various processes, which in turn provides a basis for analysing the
practices and consequences of globalisation. The third section reviews the employment effects
of the open world economy, especially the transfer of work from the developed (DVCs) to
developing countries (DCs), focusing first on manufacturing work and then on service and
knowledge work. In the fourth section I explore how supplier participation in GSCs influences
employment growth, workers’ pay and conditions, and income inequality in countries affected
by globalisation. The concluding section argues that the consequences of globalisation reflect
variations in industry, occupation and national contexts. There have been winners and losers.
Governments have largely failed to ensure that costs and benefits are shared equitably, leading to
political opposition to economic globalisation. Assertions of national sovereignty will however
be insufficient to address our most severe contemporary problems: climate change, migration
and crime. These require global solutions. In time, these will be the catalysts that create global
rules which will provide the foundation for global regulation.
Several introductory observations provide the necessary context to the data presented below.
Many DVCs have experienced a relative decline in manufacturing, which is reflected in a
slowdown in capital accumulation as work has been offshored and manufacturing companies
restructured to take advantage of profit-making through financial activity. In addition, in pur-
suit of shareholder value, profits have been distributed to shareholders and managers rather
than re-invested (van der Zwan, 2014), a tendency that has contributed to growing income
inequality as workers strive to maintain their living standards by accumulating private debt
(details below). Meanwhile, as Table 20.1 shows, since 2000 and especially following the GFC,
economic growth in DVCs and many DCs has slowed compared with the 1990s.
Table 20.1 shows that for both periods DVCs experienced lower growth than the DCs and
in the recent period growth slowed further in the DVCs, while in the DCs some countries
slowed slightly (China and Vietnam) while others accelerated (India and Indonesia). As we shall
see (Figure 20.2), in both periods economic globalisation increased but faltered following the
GFC of 2008–2009, suggesting that globalisation and economic growth are interrelated.
Considering economic growth from a global rather than national perspective and taking
households as the unit of analysis, Corak (2016) summarises Milanovic’s (2016) comprehensive
analysis in an ‘elephant curve’, shown in Figure 20.1.
Table 20.1 Average GDP growth rates for selected developed and developing countries, 1990–2000 and
Real Income Growth(%)
Booming global elite
50 Rising incomes in emerging
40 economies, mainly China
Decline of developed-
Very poorest locked world middle class
10 out of growth
5 10 15 22 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 98 100
Poorest Percen le of global income distribu on Richest
According to Figure 20.1, in the period 1988–2008 persons occupying different positions
in the global distribution of income had different experiences: the losers were the poorest five
per cent, whose real income declined, and those in the 80th and 85th deciles residing mainly
in DVCs. By contrast, persons occupying around the 25th to 70th deciles, located mainly in
emerging economies like China and India, and the highest income earners resident mainly in
DVCs, benefited from rising real income. These findings are consistent with the relatively weak
growth of the DVCs compared with the DCs noted in Table 20.1.
Lacklustre economic performance by DVCs, especially in the past decade, has resulted in
legitimacy problems for governments and corporations. This has been compounded by the
huge costs incurred by leading DVCs as a result of their participation in conflicts in Afghanistan,
Iraq, Syria and Libya, with little success. In the economy, the shareholder model of corporate
governance has become suspect as reform has been restricted to legal changes designed to
limit risk-taking and corporate irresponsibility in addition to corporate fines. These changes
are probably insufficient to prevent the repetition of further crises and corporate malfeasance
(Dobbin and Jung, 2010).
Regarding trade and investment, a key indicator of economic globalisation is the propor-
tion of world production (gross domestic product, or GDP) accounted for by world trade.
Figure 20.2 shows that since 1995 this ratio has been growing.
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 20.2 Ratio of trade in goods and commercial services to GDP, 1995–2014
Note: Trade to GDP ratio is estimated as total trade of goods and commercial services under BPM5
(exports + imports, balance of payments basis) divided by GDP, which is measured in nominal terms and
with market exchange rates.
Source: World Trade Organization (WTO)
Figure 20.2 also highlights the impact of two financial crises –the Asian crisis of 1997–
1998 was far less dramatic than the 2008–2009 GFC. Noteworthy too is the declining ratio
since around 2011, indicating an inclination towards trade protection. According to WTO
data, trade-protection measures are increasing more rapidly than at any time since 2009 (The
Economist, 2016a, p. 24). This is further illustrated by current difficulties in obtaining ratifi-
cation of major multilateral trade agreements aimed at promoting trade and investment. The
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) includes 11 nations but excludes the US is likely to be signed
by the respective governments in early 2018 after ten years of secret negotiations, while the
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the US and the EU has yet
to be signed after three years and 14 rounds of negotiation. Meanwhile, China, which is not a
signatory to these agreements, is developing its own trade strategy based on reviving ancient
Silk Road trade routes that includes huge infrastructure investments in countries stretching
from eastern Europe through some of the Middle East and Africa and much of Asia and
currently amounting to $980 million but projected to grow to $4 trillion (The Economist,
2016b, p. 53).
Regarding the distribution of trade between countries, two noteworthy points are first,
trade between DVCs exceeds that between DCs and between DVCs and DCs, although trade
between these two groups of countries has been growing relatively over time. Second, an
important exception is China, whose trade with DVCs has grown significantly and is very large
in relative terms. The expansion of trade more generally has been hampered by lack of pro-
gress on multilateral negotiations and time taken to negotiate regional multilateral agreements.
Meanwhile, bilateral trade agreements have been filling the gap, particularly among Asian coun-
tries. In 1995 0.6 per cent of global exports were covered by these agreements; by 2012 coverage
had increased to 5.5 per cent, with nearly a quarter of the extant 250 bilateral trade agreements
containing labour standards provisions (ILO, 2013).
Thus far we have referred only to legal international trade. Illegal trading ranges from incon-
trovertible criminal activity to commercial activity involving some degree of illegality. The
former includes trading in drugs, persons, animal products, counterfeiting and racketeering.The
latter refers to activities such as transfer pricing, fake transactions and cybercrime. Estimates of
illegal trading vary from 2.0 per cent to 4.3 per cent of world GDP (UNODC, 2011). Organised
Developed economies Developing economies
Transion economies World total
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 20.3 FDI inflows, global and by group of economies, 1995–2014 (US$ billions)
Source: UNCTAD
crime provides legally and morally indecent work to often desperate, destitute persons at huge
human cost and suffering. In addition, it has destabilised institutions, replacing the rule of
law with guns and violence, leading the UN Security Council to examine its implications in
Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central America, Somalia and West Africa
in relation to trafficking of arms, drugs, people and natural resources (UNODC, 2010). Most
illicit money flows to and from DVCs and some emerging countries impose a significant impost
on government expenditures by limiting expenditure on security and health.
Foreign investment. There are two main types: portfolio investment tends to attract short-term
money and is more volatile and on average lower in value than FDI. However, as discussed later,
these financial flows seeking higher returns have significant effects on income inequality within
countries and limit what can be achieved through monetary policy. FDI, on the other hand,
contributes directly to establishing and maintaining corporate subsidiaries in foreign countries
that are usually implicated in GSCs and employ local labour. Figure 20.3 shows the growth of
FDI by different types of economies over the past 20 years.
According to Figure 20.3, DVCs dominate FDI inflows, but the proportion of FDI into
DCs has been rising, contributing more than half (55 per cent) of total FDI inflows in 2014.
Much of this is accounted for by Asian countries, especially China (including Hong Kong), and
to a smaller extent the South American countries of Brazil, Chile and Mexico. China was the
leading recipient of FDI in 2013 and 2014, accounting for an estimated $430 billion, followed
in second place by the US with $323 billion (UNCTAD).
Digital technology facilitates information and communication flows, and is increasingly pene-
trating the world as its cost declines. Between 2000 and 2015 the number of internet users
grew from around five per cent to 43.4 per cent based on estimates of individual usage per 100
inhabitants/households (ITU, 2015). In 2015 there were 3.2 billion internet users, of which
two billion were in DCs. Importantly, growth has been faster in DCs (including less developed
countries (LDCs)) than DVCs: from approximately 0.1 billion in 2000 to 2.2 billion in 2015
(2,100 per cent increase), compared with DVCs where the corresponding increase was 0.3
billion to one billion over the same period (233 per cent increase). Nevertheless, the so-called
digital divide persists: in 2015, 80 per cent of households in DVCs had internet access compared
with 34 per cent in DCs and only seven per cent in LDCs. This disparity is mirrored in mobile
broadband usage: 86.7 active subscriptions per 100 inhabitants in 2015 for DVCs, compared
with 39.1 for DCs and 12.1 for LDCs. There is also a quality difference: DVCs generally enjoy
much higher internet speeds than DCs (ibid.).
The growing connectivity provided by the internet and other digital technology (e.g.
personal computers, mobile phones and associated software) has impacted firms and employees.
Productivity has increased and connectivity between businesses and between firms and con-
sumers, both within and across nations, has been strengthened. Examples include internet-based
tendering, banking and shopping. Online intermediation, illustrated by eBay, Upwork, Uber
and Airbnb, provides a new way of promoting and facilitating economic transactions. These
exemplars of the ‘share economy’ are able to respond rapidly to immediate, customised con-
sumer demand, which has implications for employment contracts, especially if these services are
only lightly regulated.
Digitally enhanced productivity has limited the growth of both blue and white collar work
by requiring less labour per unit of output and by offshoring to lower-cost countries. These
processes are reducing labour’s share of the economy as lower-priced investment goods substi-
tute for labour in most economies (Karabarbounis and Neiman, 2013). Furthermore, future jobs
appear to be threatened by the growth of artificial intelligence and robots. Currently, estimates
of the job-reducing capability of these technologies in the US vary widely between nine per
cent (Arntz, Gregory and Zierahn, 2016) and 45 per cent (Frey and Osborne, 2013) of total jobs
within the next 10–20 years.
Digital technology has had significant political effects. Smartphones have enabled citi-
zens to expose official brutality, share views and exercise political influence, either directly on
the streets or mediated by tech-savvy NGOs (e.g. AVAAZ). Exposure of highly confidential,
digitised state-restricted information by Wikileaks and Edward Snowden, amongst others, has
embarrassed governments while revelations of tax avoidance highlighted in the Panama Papers
have exposed wealthy individuals. All such activity has contributed to the fragile legitimacy of
existing Western political-economic systems. However, the traffic has not been one-way: rising
incidents of political violence and the threat of cyber war have encouraged states to introduce
laws that allow for a high level of digital surveillance over citizens. Corporations too have
been accumulating information, mainly through tracking of consumer internet-based activity
coupled with big data analysis. The combination of state and corporate surveillance presents a
future threat to democracy.
I have already drawn attention to the legitimacy problems faced by DVC governments and
firms as globalisation fails to satisfy many people’s expectations. This is in no small part a result
of politicians’ and mainstream media rhetoric extolling the virtues of lightly regulated, open
economies. Right- wing, anti-immigration parties have been on the ascendant as populist
politicians propagate the view that international trade, frequently referred to as globalisation,
is a cause of persistently high unemployment and growing social inequality in DVCs. In this
regard, European countries are likely to have converged with the US.1 Comparative deprivation
has been accentuated by restricted welfare expenditure in many DVCs; a problem shared with
DCs that will in future be difficult to reverse because of ageing populations and tax competition
between investment-seeking states (Razin and Sadka, 2005; Rudra, 2002).
China’s ascendancy to the position of ‘workshop of the world’ is held as evidence in DVCs
that globalisation is harmful. Detractors tend to ignore the benefits of lower consumer prices and
the advantage for MNCs of a substantially large and growing market. US dominance has receded
and EU unity has diminished against a backdrop of economic weakness of some member states
(e.g. Greece and Portugal) and disunity in the face of immigration problems and UK withdrawal.
More generally, ethnic or religious conflicts have fuelled arms proliferation, particularly in the
Middle East and Central Africa. Rival political factions and criminal groups have asserted them-
selves in the spaces occupied by failing states (e.g. Libya, Guatemala, Somalia and South Sudan).
State restrictions on civil rights in many DCs and the apparent ubiquity of corruption (stealing of
public funds by politicians and tax evasion by wealthy individuals and organisations) have further
undermined the legitimacy of many political systems (see Transparency International, 2015).This
in turn has reduced investor confidence thereby perpetuating high unemployment, particularly
among youth in many DCs. This has resulted in hopelessness and despair, making extreme pol-
itics more attractive (e.g. Islamic State) and international migration more likely. This sentiment,
together with personal insecurity arising from violence and war, now poses a threat to social
order and the customary dynamics of labour markets in Europe, as noted below.
Unions. The inability to regulate labour markets in DVCs also stems from worker weakness. In
DVCs two related indicators of the decline in workers’ power are the diminishing number of
unionised workers as a proportion of the workforce (union density) and the low level of strikes.
Available data (1980 to 2007) show that in most DVCs union density declined, but this varied
substantially between countries. The Nordic social democracies fared best, experiencing only
small decreases, while liberal market economies such as the US, the UK and Australia fared
worst. In the middle were the coordinated market economies of Germany, France, Austria
and the Netherlands (Schmitt and Mitukiewicz, 2011). Politics clearly mediates the impact of
globalisation and technological change, both of which contribute to structural change (from
manufacturing to service work) and flexible labour markets characterised by non-standard work
contracts and the limited attraction unions have for young workers (The Economist, 2015).
Strikes. Strike volumes (number of working days lost through strikes per worker per year) have
declined steadily in absolute terms in almost all European countries, a trend that appears to
have been continuing in recent years in the majority of countries for which data are available.
The only countries in which strike volume increased significantly are Denmark and France
(European Commission, 2015). Bearing in mind the large-scale transfer of manufacturing work
from DVCs to DCs, and the relatively high unemployment rates prevailing in DVCs, declining
union density and strike volumes together signal that workers lack the necessary organisa-
tion and power to obtain concessions from employers and governments. With the exception
of China, this statement also applies to industrialising Asian countries (Deyo, 2012) and most
African and South American countries.
Many societies –the US, Japan and China included –are ageing, making stronger economic
growth necessary in order to support growing social health and pension benefits. There are also
marked signs of division between young and old regarding social values. The former are less
wedded to national symbols, preferring global icons (in music and dress) and enjoy different
leisure pursuits, e.g. internet games. Politically, the young are less conservative in relation to gov-
ernment intervention, minority rights and immigration (Pew Research Center, 2010, pp. 63–
68). Culturally, they rely more on social media than the mass media for information. Sharing
text and images across short and long distances via digital devices has greatly added to personal
and phone-based exchanges. In the many countries where war, social disorder, unemployment
and lack of job opportunities offer little hope, exit appears to be the only option for young
Earlier I noted workers’ increased dependence on private debt as a means of improving
living standards. Further details are as follows. In the UK between 2000 and 2007 house-
hold debt increased by 51 per cent, comprising 150 per cent of disposable income, while
in the US, debt rose by 35 per cent, reaching 125 per cent of disposable income (Dobbs et
al., 2015, pp. 6–7). Household debt in the form of subprime mortgages in the US was a key
contributor to the GFC. Since 2007 those countries most affected by the GFC –the US,
Ireland, Portugal and Spain –have reduced their household debt to income ratios. However,
according to the same report (2015, p. 37), “In most advanced countries, household debt
has continued to grow and in some cases reached much higher levels than the pre-crisis
peaks in the US and the United Kingdom.” In the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway,
household debt now exceeds 200 per cent of income. In DCs, household debt is lower but
growing rapidly. In China it has quadrupled. Seven countries have household debt that may
be unsustainable: the Netherlands, South Korea, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Malaysia and
Thailand (ibid, p. 8).
Migration. Over the past 15 years the average annual growth rate of international migrants
worldwide was around two per cent a year, reaching 244 million in 2015, compared with
173 million in 2000. Over the same period, the share of migrants as a proportion of the world’s
population has remained stable at around three per cent. Most migrants originate from middle-
income countries and live in Europe, Asia and the US (UN, 2016). Remittances, mainly to
family, are an important consequence of migration. In 2015, worldwide remittance flows are
estimated to have exceeded $601 billion. This is an underestimate for it excludes remittances
via informal channels. Of that amount, DCs are estimated to receive about $441 billion, nearly
three times the amount of official development assistance. In 2015, the top recipient countries
of recorded remittances were India, China, the Philippines, Mexico and France. As a share of
GDP, however, smaller countries such as Tajikistan (42 per cent), the Kyrgyz Republic (30 per
cent), Nepal (29 per cent), Tonga (28 per cent) and Moldova (26 per cent) were the largest
recipients. High-income countries –Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, the US and Russia –are
the main sources of remittances (World Bank, 2016a).
Recently, illegal migration and persons claiming refugee status have grown markedly. In
2015, the EU, with a population of some 500 million persons, admitted one million illegal
migrants, many of whom claimed to have been refugees. As of September 2016 around 50,000
migrants remained stranded in Greece and Italy as negotiations regarding the sharing of migrants
between EU countries remained deadlocked. In 2014, the total number of refugees worldwide
was estimated at 19.5 million. Turkey became the largest refugee-hosting country worldwide,
with 1.6 million refugees, followed by Pakistan (1.5 million), Lebanon (1.2 million) and Iran
(1.0 million). More than half (53 per cent) of all refugees worldwide came from just three war-
torn countries: Syria (3.9 million), Afghanistan (2.6 million) and Somalia (1.1 million) (The
Economist, 2016c).
achieving stronger control of GSCs, mainly by MNCs through direct control over overseas sub-
sidiaries or indirectly via favourable contracts with independent suppliers based mainly in DCs.
In summary, the logic of competition is overwhelming the competing logics of industrial peace
and employment-income protection respectively (Frenkel and Kuruvilla, 2002). As noted above,
high unemployment and limited worker power are not conducive to industrial conflict or
mobilising sufficient political influence to satisfy demands for employment-income protection.
The growth of GSCs has been accompanied by employment growth, by 53 per cent between
1995 and 2013 in 40 countries covering two-thirds of the global labour force, and reaching a
total of 453 million persons in 2013 (ILO, 2016, p. 18). Most of this increase occurred prior to
the GFC and is accounted for by emerging economies, particularly China. Since 2000, employ-
ment gains have been made in services, although in emerging countries manufacturing has
continued to be more important. Overall, GSC-related jobs are estimated to represent around
20 per cent of total employment among the 40 countries analysed, compared with 16.4 per cent
in 1995 (ILO, 2016, p. 132).
Although difficult to assess owing to a lack of comparable data, workers in GSCs do not
appear to be better off than other workers. The growth in GSCs has been accompanied by the
relatively faster growth of non-standard work such that among countries with available data
(comprising 84 per cent of workers), around a quarter (26.4 per cent) are employed on a per-
manent contract, 13 per cent on a temporary or fixed-term contract and most of the remainder
(60.7 per cent) work as self-employed or unpaid family workers.The incidence of non-standard
work is much higher in DCs (around a third of workers) than DVCs (less than 10 per cent) (ILO,
2016, pp. 30–31). According to the ILO, (2016, p. 20) “participation in global supply chains does
not seem to significantly impact workers’ wages, although it is associated with higher prod-
uctivity.” Hours of work can be excessive, particularly in DCs where factories are required to
flexibly respond to rapid changes in purchase orders by lead firms. Lacking power, workers
in GSCs are typically unable to bargain for higher wages and improved conditions. However,
some lead firms attempt to maintain standards and engage in various forms of upgrading that
increase productivity and so permit improvements in workers’ pay and conditions (ILO, 2016,
pp. 27–37).
from DVCs to DCs would enable the DVCs to achieve higher productivity and larger markets
in complex goods and services. However, recently developed countries like Taiwan and South
Korea have been successfully competing against major DVCs in higher-end markets, while DCs,
especially China and India, are upgrading and beginning to challenge DVCs where the latter
have been expected to retain a comparative advantage –hence a concern about jobless growth
and the continued expansion of offshoring work. Blinder (2009, pp. 46–47, 61) has analysed the
problem of ‘offshoreable’ jobs in the US, concluding that skill levels are irrelevant: what matters
is whether a job is tradeable, i.e. can be undertaken in a foreign country. Assuming incremental
technological progress and based on the 2004 distribution of occupations, Blinder concluded
that around 26–29 per cent of US jobs were vulnerable over the next 10–20 years.
The threat to future jobs needs to be appreciated in the context of recent job losses. Between
1990 and 2014 US manufacturing declined from 15 per cent of total employment to slightly
below 9 per cent. Almost all jobs created in the period 1990–2008 (for which data have been
analysed) were in non-tradeable sectors, that is, jobs providing for domestic consumption. The
only substantial job growth that occurred in tradeable jobs was at the highest end, including
computer software engineers and applications personnel, systems analysts and administrators,
and database managers, thereby adversely affecting income inequality. According to Spence
(2011), changes in the employment structure are more attributable to economic globalisation
than technological change. Further evidence comes from Autor, Dorn and Hanson (2013),
who found that competition from Chinese imports accounted for 44 per cent of the decline
in US manufacturing over 1990–2007. Furthermore, according to Autor and Hanson (2016),
wages in local labour markets affected by Chinese competition have remained depressed,
with high unemployment rates for at least a decade after Chinese competition commenced.
Workers affected suffered higher rates of turnover and reduced lifetime income. At the national
level, employment in the most import-exposed industries has fallen as expected, but offsetting
employment gains in other industries have not yet materialised.
Much of the semi-skilled labour in advanced economies is now being absorbed in the
non-tradeable services sector, such as in low-paid road transport and personal services (Park,
Nayvar and Low, 2013). Growth in this type of work is often based on non-standard (agency
employment, part-time, fixed period or self-employed) contracts, a characteristic partly attrib-
utable to the preferences of older workers, outsourcing of work, job restructuring arising from
new technology and development of the flexible, ‘share economy’ referred to earlier (Katz and
Krueger, 2016).Wood (2002) and Anderson,Tang and Wood (2006) show that the development
of supply chains may have increased the wage gap between the majority of skilled workers and
unskilled workers in DVCs, but also the wage gap between a small minority at the top of the
income distribution and everyone else. This is because the initial effect of a decline in transport
and co-operation costs is a widened gap in wages (or with rigid wages, in unemployment rates)
between unskilled and all skilled workers in DVCs; by retaining the more skill-intensive activ-
ities, both highly and medium-skilled workers benefit. But as co-operation costs decline and
firms in DCs upgrade their technological capacity, increasingly skill-intensive work is transferred
so that the demand for medium-skilled workers in DVCs declines, so lowering the relative wage
rate compared with the most highly skilled workers. Accordingly, Anderson et al. (2006) argue
that beyond a certain point the wage gap between moderately skilled and unskilled workers
may reduce rather than widen in DVCs. However, there is no evidence yet of this occurring.
Offshoring of service and knowledge work. Concern regarding offshoring has mainly centred on
manufacturing work, but as noted above tradeable service and knowledge work is not immune
from this process. Digital technology has made it possible to transfer many types of service
work internationally, in effect increasing the relative size of the tradeable goods and services
sectors in DVCs. A front runner in this development is India, whose business process engin-
eering industry mainly serves the US market. Dossani and Kenney (2009) argue that offshored
IT-enabled services have evolved from simple to complex processes, only limited by what can
be engineered offshore and what is not legally or institutionally proscribed (p. 99). The authors
note that DVC-based MNCs are relocating their global headquarters for service provision to
India, making India an important competitor against DVCs. At the same time less complex call
centre work has been shifting to the lower-cost Philippines.
Two examples of the transfer of more complex work from DVCs to India are in law and
radiology. According to Kuruvilla and Ernesto (2016) the work of first-and second-year legal
associate work has been increasingly transferred to India, where costs are around 20 per cent
of those in the US. This is reducing the demand for young lawyers and changing the shape of
US large law firm hierarchies from pyramids to diamonds, a development that is likely to be
permanent. In the case of radiology,Yu and Levy (2010) showed that with regard to the transfer
of diagnostic radiology work from the US, UK and Singapore to India, professional control
over work was circumscribed mainly by the profession’s relationship with the state, which
determined both the level of offshoring and the amount of control radiologists had over the
process. The authors caution against the assumption that countries like India can absorb this
work. Local training institutions may not be able to cope with demand, and formal and informal
training capacities complicate the picture regarding the number of individuals who will be
qualified to supply these services. Furthermore, qualified workers may prefer to emigrate rather
than remain in their home country.
Offshoring has disadvantages, including rising relative costs and distance from key markets.
Some firms are therefore reconsidering their operations strategy, including inshoring of work
that had previously been offshored. A recent OECD study found little evidence that as yet this
process has had much effect: “Claims that reshoring will result in a large number of extra jobs
at home are not supported; instead reshoring rather leads to additional capital investment in the
home country but also in neighbouring countries. Because of these extra investments e.g. in
robotics, the expectation is that reshored production will create only a limited number of add-
itional jobs and that these jobs will increasingly be high-skilled.” (De Backer et al., 2016, p. 4)
Table 20.2 Average unemployment rate by gender, selected regions, 1990–1992 and 2011–2014
both genders. In sum, these data suggest that economic globalisation was leading to a tightening
of labour markets in the Asia-Pacific region with a tendency to improve wages, in contrast to
other regions where subdued demand and a larger reservoir of agricultural labour were restricting
wage rises or even depressing wage levels. However, MNCs were able to restrain wage increases
by ‘regime shopping’ –switching production to subsidiaries or contract suppliers in countries
with lower labour costs and less labour protection (Webster, Lambert and Bezuidenhout, 2008).
On the other hand, some regions might have advantages that outweigh additional wage costs as
indicated by pay rises in the southern provinces in China over the past decade.3
Labour standards. International labour standards refers to a limited set of rights and minimum
levels of regulation articulated by the ILO and often referred to as ‘core labour standards’ (ADB-
ILO, 2006). These include freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining; the
elimination of forced and compulsory labour; abolition of child labour; elimination of dis-
crimination in the workplace; and limits to excessive hours of work. These standards have been
internationally endorsed by all DVC governments and many DC states and are supported by
international guidelines, including the United Nations Global Compact and OECD Guidelines
on MNCs. In addition, a growing number of international trade agreements include a social
clause that refers to these standards (Ebert and Posthuma, 2011). Marginson (2016) notes that
“considerable variation exists in the regulatory nature of these clauses, from more binding –
either rewarding compliance with international labour standards (as under the EU GPS
[General Preference System]) or punishing breaches of them (as under the US GPS) –to softer
instruments such as promotion of good practice and mutual learning” (p.10). The EU is excep-
tional in regulating trade between member states through a treaty that includes a social dimen-
sion requiring institutionalised social dialogue within and across sectors, and information and
consultation rights for workers employed in MNCs operating in the EU (ibid.).
Governments can be held accountable mainly by adverse publicity following alleged
breaches of social clauses in trade agreements or failure to honour the terms of international
framework agreements and conditions attached to financial packages provided by the IMF and
EU. MNCs on the other hand are not legally obliged by international law to uphold labour
standards outside of their home country. If strong unions are absent and states are unwilling or
unable to enforce domestic labour laws, formal regulation is either non-existent or becomes
privatised, created and implemented through multi-stakeholder initiatives (e.g. the Ethical
Trading Initiative and International Standards Organization) (O’Rourke, 2006) or more fre-
quently via codes of conduct initiated and implemented by lead firms (mainly MNCs) in GSCs.
Codes of conduct typically require that the MNC or lead firm’s main suppliers are monitored
regularly by the firm’s officials and/or its agent. Sometimes there is provision for third-party
monitoring, usually an NGO specialising in social auditing. There is a trend for codes to con-
verge on content and for firms who supply several lead firms to accept the audit reports of
other lead firms. There is also more formal collaboration by firms through codes agreed via
employer organisations, for example, the Apparel Industry Code in the US and the Business
Social Compliance Initiative code for European firms. These codes have reduced transaction
costs through standardisation of norms and procedures; however, the private governance system
suffers from several shortcomings, noted below, that have contributed to its problematic status
as a form of regulation.
First, there is the difficulty of promoting common interests among the key parties (lead firms,
suppliers, governments and workers) when each has competing internal and external conflicting
interests (Locke, 2016). For example, lead firms aim to reduce unit costs but they are also mindful
of maintaining corporate reputation; suppliers also prefer to keep costs down but they need to
meet their code of conduct obligations to lead firms to maintain contract continuity. Second,
standards enforcement generally applies only to tier-one suppliers. Sub-contractors further down
the chain remain largely unregulated (see Labowitz and Baumann-Pauly, 2014). A third problem
is that because lead firms prioritise cost-containment, they are reluctant to pay for some or all of
the improvements that suppliers need to make in order to consistently maintain labour standards.
Fourth, lead firms are often unwilling to invest in communication, monitoring and enforce-
ment mechanisms that provide a credible threat to suppliers for avoiding or misreporting labour
standards. Fifth, suppliers’ values and attitudes towards workers do not encourage worker partici-
pation in job-related decisions and union representation. Sixth, there is no countervailing power
in the factories: unions are either weak (Thailand, Cambodia and Bangladesh) or government
controlled (China,Vietnam, Egypt) so that there is little opportunity to ensure that factory man-
agement abide by the code’s standards. Finally, governments often lack the resources, capability
or commitment to ensure that standards are maintained (Frenkel, Mamic and Greene, 2016).
These limitations do not mean that private governance of labour standards via codes gives no
protection at all to workers. There are some cases where codes have succeeded (Egels-Zanden,
2014) and it is possible to identify conditions under which these are more likely to succeed –for
example, where longer-term trust relations between the MNC and suppliers prevail and where
MNCs and suppliers are committed to collaborating to improve productivity and workers’
well-being (Frenkel and Scott, 2002; Locke, Qin and Brause, 2007). Potentially more important
are instances of complementarity between public and private governance systems, although
as Locke (2013) has shown regarding computer component suppliers to Hewlett-Packard in
Mexico and the Czech Republic, public and private regulation may be substitutes rather than
complements, depending on the national context and the specific issues being addressed.
Examples of public-private complementarity are highlighted in several studies. Amengual’s
(2010) comparative case study of firms in the Dominican Republic showed the development of
complementary state-private regulation based on the advantages of each type of system. These
reinforced each other, resulting in higher standards than would have been the case otherwise.
Coslovsky and Locke (2013) studied the Coca-Cola sugar supply chain in Brazil, where pri-
vate and public authorities pursued independent but parallel tracks. When combined, these
resulted in improved labour standards. Posthuma (2014) showed that communications between
private auditors and public labour inspectors in apparel value chains in Brazil reinforced one
another, leading to a more effective administration of labour standards. In a study of regulations
governing fixed-term contracts and minimum wage negotiations in the Indonesian garment
industry as part of the ILO’s Better Work programme, Amengual and Chirot (2016) found that
Table 20.3 Secondary household income Gini index of inequality by selected developed and developing
complementarity between transnational and domestic regulations occurs when unions mobilise
to influence state institutions, and when transnational regulators are supported in resolving
ambiguities in formal rules in ways that require firms to engage with the regulating institutions.
overseas. Furthermore, an emphasis on increasing firms’ share market price has encouraged
management to seek short-term profits, limiting options that might improve workers’ pay and
working conditions (ibid.). A comprehensive international analysis by Stockhammer (2013)
shows that in the case of DVCs, financialisation contributed 46 per cent of the fall in labour’s
share of GDP income shares, compared to 19 per cent attributed to trade globalisation and 10
per cent to technology. A further 25 per cent of the decline in labour’s share arose from institu-
tional variables: government consumption and union density. Regarding DCs, technology had
a positive impact on the labour share, which probably reflects tightening in labour markets as
labour surpluses turn to shortages, partly offsetting the negative effects of financialisation, trade-
related globalisation and the shrinking of the welfare state. Similar to DVCs, financialisation
was found to be the most important explanatory factor for labour’s declining share of GDP.
Unemployment has also had a strong negative impact, depressing wages and weakening workers’
bargaining power.
In this chapter I have considered how globalisation has impacted work over the past 15 years.
Inevitably, this has required selectivity, abstraction and simplification; however, a picture emerges
that is both reasonably clear and challenging. I have shown that rather than constituting a pro-
ject, globalisation comprises analytically distinct yet interrelated economic, technological, pol-
itical and social processes and practices, which have led to intensified competition in product
and financial markets. Global supply chains have been the principal institution through which
MNCs have propagated economic globalisation. However, common processes do not neces-
sarily lead to similar practices or convergent outcomes. Much depends on a country’s industrial-
occupational position in the world division of labour and how societies’ unique regulatory
systems have developed over time. In short, globalisation is disruptive, and because its many
processes and practices comprise different ensembles of variable impact in different countries,
its consequences for work and labour relations cannot be conceptualised in terms of simple
concepts such as convergence and divergence. New theorising is required that links work and
labour relations to globalisation’s processes and practices via a changing international framework
and societies characterised by different industrial-occupational architecture and specific types of
labour market regulation.
Globalisation has spawned winners and losers. The winners in DVCs have been owners
of capital, managers of larger enterprises and some highly skilled workers. In the DCs, it is
capitalists, managers and workers in export-successful firms linked to GSCs and workers more
generally who have benefited from economic growth.The losers have been routine manual and
non-manual workers in the DVCs and managers and workers in DCs whose economies failed to
compete successfully or remained largely outside the global economy. Regarding DVCs, trade-
able jobs have been transferred, mainly to China and other Asian DCs, due to a power deficit
manifested in the economy by high levels of unemployment, and politically by union weakness
and traditional party-political ineffectiveness. Consequently, routine workers are accruing more
personal debt and having to shoulder greater risk in order to maintain their current and future
living standards and welfare requirements. This is in national contexts characterised by rising
income inequality and controls over international labour mobility, conditions that also apply to
rapidly growing DCs.
Globalisation’s varying impact on particular sections of the workforce in different countries
depends on regulatory regimes at international and national levels. We noted that global regu-
lation is based on norms or what is often referred to as ‘soft law’, while the hard law of nation
states ostensibly providing labour protection against exploitation is often ignored. Private gov-
ernance of GSCs, the dominant form of global work regulation, was shown to be weak in DCs
so that workers employed in factories generating export earnings in any particular country were
no better off than their counterparts doing similar work; non-standard, precarious employment
tended to prevail. In short, the returns on globalisation were accruing mainly to MNCs based
in DVCs and to a lesser extent, local factory owners in competitive DCs. This consequence,
together with that of increasing relative returns to capital and a minority of skilled workers in
DVCs, reflects a bias in government policy towards the elites, that is, the pursuit of policies priv-
ileging free markets and budget restraint over market regulation and welfare spending. These
are policies that protect the existing distribution of wealth and favour income generation for
the few over income redistribution and employment-facilitating labour market policies for the
majority. This conclusion implies that economic globalisation is not a malign force –indeed the
evidence suggests otherwise –but rather, if the benefits and costs of globalisation are to be shared
more widely, institutional conditions need to be changed. In short, a new globalisation project is
required to temper the logic of competition with the logic of employment-income protection.
This would require reform at the national and international levels, particularly stronger inter-
national regulation through democratic consent by national governments, increased commitment
and enforcement of global rules by states and firms, and domestic policies that promote industrial
specialisation and innovation and a wider sharing of the benefits and costs of globalisation.
At first sight the prospects of this occurring are slim: weak DVC governments and elites
appear pre-occupied with conflicts and wars, domestic security and demands for re-settlement
by refugees and immigrants. Resurgent nationalism and neoliberal opposition to Keynesian
expansionism threaten to perpetuate slow growth and high unemployment. In many DCs,
authoritarian governments and corruption provide little opportunity for change. At a deeper
level however, elites acknowledge that current policies are failing and that change needs to be
significant. This is reflected in the politics of many DVCs, where conventional candidates and
policies have been rejected in favour of populist or radical alternatives. In DCs, social media
discourses and the organisation of popular protests signal a huge appetite for change. Most
importantly, some of the huge problems that we face –climate change, international terrorism,
the migration crisis and crime and corruption –can only be addressed globally, hence the
realisation that globalisation as a practice is a necessity rather than an option. Perhaps the most
significant challenge will be to maintain a dynamic and open global order that accommodates
the growing power of China while protecting the interests of countries perceived to be losing
power or excluded from the world economy.
* Thanks to Maria George for excellent research assistance.
1 According to a 2014 survey based on 48,643 adult respondents in 44 countries, Pew (2014, pp. 5–6)
concluded that: “In developing economies, a median of 66 per cent say trade increases jobs and 55 per
cent say it grows wages. In emerging markets, 52 per cent say global business ties create jobs and 45 per
cent hold the view that it improves wages. Americans, on the other hand, are among the least likely to
say trade creates jobs (17 per cent) or improves wages (17 per cent), exhibiting notably less faith in the
benefits of trade than others in advanced economies.”
2 Data relevant to arguments about trade effects comes from Riker (2015), who estimates that US export-
intensive industries (i.e. those where exports accounted for more than ten per cent of total sales) paid
more on average than other US industries and that the export earnings premium in 2014 was 16.3
per cent on average in manufacturing and 15.5 per cent on average in services. But higher earnings in
manufacturing came at the cost of higher unemployment: US factories in 2016 produced 25 per cent
more output than in 2009 but employed roughly the same number of employees.
3 Since the late 1990s labour shortages appeared and workers began to demand improvements in pay and
conditions of work. New labour legislation was introduced beginning in 1994 and local governments
have frequently raised minimum pay rates. In addition, strikes have increased, accompanied especially
by demands for pay rises (Elfstrom and Kuruvilla, 2014). Consequently, pay rates have increased sub-
stantially in southern coastal regions contributing to continuing regional wage inequalities (Candelaria
et al., 2013). In part, because of restrictions on union representation and collective bargaining unoffi-
cial strikes appeared to be the most effective way to speedily prosecute and settle collective industrial
disputes (China Labour Bulletin, 2015).
4 As a recent World Bank report (2016c, pp. 85–88) suggests, measurements of inequality are sensitive to
start and end dates. In this regard the Report notes that in the period 2008–2013 income inequality
declined in more than twice the number of countries than it increased.
5 Although income inequality within countries has been increasing, global income inequality based on pri-
mary household income data (excluding taxes and transfers) has been decreasing. This is mainly because
of the relatively strong growth of larger DCs such as China, Indonesia and India over the past 25 years
compared with DVCs, whose primary household income inequality tends to be higher than for DCs
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Jimmy Donaghey and Juliane Reinecke
When John Dunlop (1958) put forward his systems approach to IR in the 1950s, the system was
relatively simple, with the relationship being one where the three main participants were unions,
employers and government. This approach essentially envisaged production being carried out
within the confines of the nation state and generally within one employer. However, as Frenkel
outlines in this volume (Chapter 20), this model has come under pressure due to the twin forces
of globalisation and technological development. As will be demonstrated, this has significant
implications for the actors and processes of ER. While the sourcing of goods, components and
raw materials is a long-standing practice going back many centuries, with the intensification of
international trade and the liberalisation of product and capital markets, the volume and com-
plexities of such activities have increased greatly. In particular, activities such as mass production
now take place in countries other than those where the goods are consumed. This chapter will
commence with a review of the three main debates on approaches to analysing ER in Global
Supply Chains (GSCs); first, the global value chain and global production network approaches;
second, one of analysing how ER in multinational corporations (MNCs) are regulated through
private labour governance initiatives, with specific foci on international framework agreements
and codes of conduct; and third, CSR approaches that cover labour issues. Bringing these three
debates together the chapter will highlight that these approaches to different extents primarily
focus on structures. This chapter will then highlight the implications these three approaches
have for actors within GSCs. However, before outlining these, the chapter will provide a brief
overview of supply chains and the organisational consequences of their existence.
or service for consumers. GSCs have become particularly important with the rise in techniques
such as Just-in-Time, lean production and outsourcing to reduce the cost base of production
or reduce inventories of raw materials and produce (Cohen and Mallik, 1997). While GSCs are
often associated with manufacturing jobs, they also exist in service industries such as call centre
type operations and data processing.
Globalisation and changing technologies have had significant effects on the ways in which
many organisations operate in the modern economy. One of the most profound shifts has
occurred in the area of the creation of supply chains to produce consumer goods. In an economic
context, where brands are seeking to reduce both costs and their levels of risk, many consumer
goods are produced through the outsourcing and sub-contracting of work. To reduce costs,
brands have sought the production of mass-produced consumer goods in developing economies
where labour costs are significantly lower than in developed economies.These arrangements are
often in the form of outsourcing, where the end buyer company contracts out its production to
organisations with which it has no relationship other than the actual purchasing contract. The
consequences of the supply chain model can be found in three interrelated areas: economic,
legal and risk.
Economic consequences: a key economic consequence of the emergence of GSCs has been the
shift in production from developed to developing economies. Within this context, much mass,
large-scale production has shifted to developing countries, where labour costs are a fraction of
those in advanced and middle income countries. For these companies, cost competitiveness is
gained from repetitive tasks being carried out by low-wage workers to produce cheap consumer
goods for those in developed countries: in 2016, The Guardian newspaper in the UK reported
that Lidl was launching a line of jeans that cost consumers just £5.99, with less than £0.02
being spent on labour costs per item (Chamberlain, 2016). In addition, changes in technology
have led to corporations being able to coordinate production across multiple locations before
bringing the various components together in a final assembly location. This is particularly the
case in industries that produce relatively high-cost and complex products. For example, in the
automotive sector, auto components are often sourced from multiple low-cost locations with
the final assembly being carried out in developed economies. Where manufacturing has been
retained in developed economies, the threat of relocation to lower-cost economies has played a
central role in depressing wage settlements (Levy, 2005).The model has been central to the price
of consumption being held down, and also has macro-economic consequences in that the shift
in production is often viewed by developing economies as a mechanism through which fast
inward investment can be achieved –yet it has consequences in real wage and (un)employment
terms for developed economies. It is particularly attractive to governments in the developing
world in the short term as demand for products from global brands can bring with it relatively
stable volumes of demand.
Legal consequences: A key feature of the supply chain model in terms of its ER consequences is
that the brands which market and sell the products often have no legal responsibility for the
workers who produce their goods (Ruggie, 2007). Rather, the employer has such responsibility
with the relationship to the brand being one of a commercial supply contract.This is not uncon-
tested, however. For example, following the Ali Fashions fire in Pakistan, which killed at least 250
workers, three families sued the German retailer Kik on the basis that its dominant position in the
factory meant it was a de facto employer. While the case was settled before a decision was made,
in a preliminary decision, the court ruled in favour of the families and contrary to Kik’s defence
that it had no jurisdiction to hear the case. Similarly, though yet to be tested in court, arguments
have been made that brands in supply chains can be thought of as ‘joint employers’, as defined by
the National Labor Relations Board in the US (Galiatsos, 2015, p. 2094). That said, the general
assumption is that the brand is not the employer in the case of supply chains.
Risk consequences: a key feature of the supply chain model is that it enables both suppliers and
buyers to spread risk to varying degrees. For buyers, the model enables them to enter into
short-term contracts with suppliers, often for relatively small amounts. This means that failure
to deliver by one contractor can have an insignificant effect on the final supply of goods. In
addition, where buyers source from multiple locations, the potential disruptive risk of political
instability and the likes can be spread. For suppliers, the inverse case can be made. Suppliers are
often wary of becoming dependent on one buyer as this can lead to becoming a price-taker.
As such, by spreading orders across multiple buyers, the risk of being dominated by one buyer
or facing peaks and troughs in demand can undergo smoothing. This approach does bring with
it higher transaction costs for suppliers as it can mean conforming to different standards set by
multiple buyer companies.
regimes of private labour governance to fill the institutional void in these low-standard econ-
omies (Donaghey et al., 2014; Fransen, 2012). In essence, firms take decisions to source from
low-cost and low-standard economies to avoid regulation. However, to protect themselves
from reputational damage while keeping ownership over norms and standards, they end up
devising their own forms of internal governance systems (Levy, Reinecke and Manning, 2016).
Understanding how, why and when private labour governance emerges has become a major
focus within literatures as diverse as international political economy, organisation studies-based
CSR, ER and the labour process approach to the sociology of work. While not a pristine div-
ision, three literatures are relevant to the chapter, all of which shed some light but also to some
extent fail to engage adequately with each other. The foundations of each of these approaches
will now be examined in turn.
on inter-firm power relations and not enough on the power relations between labour and cap-
ital (Newsome et al., 2015; Rainnie, Herod and McGrath-Champ, 2011). Secondly, the GVC
approach has almost exclusively focused on brands placing downwards pressure on suppliers
and workers. The key point in terms of ER from this approach is that different configurations
have different implications for workers and labour conditions: there is a high level of variability
between different GVCs in terms of their power relations.To date, much of the literature in this
area has taken a structurally deterministic approach and as such issues around local agency often
become lost in wider debates surrounding inter-firm power relations.
While much of this stream of research has focused on interorganisational relationships, there
is a growing body of work that is beginning to explore the ER consequences of GSCs using the
GVC approach as a conceptual lens. Riisgaard and Hammer (2011) highlight that while GVC
structure constrained the ability of labour agency, labour agency also could have an effect on
shaping GVC configurations. They highlight that features such as the ‘driveness’ of lead firms
and other GVC factors play a key role in determining the nature of labour rights in the GVC.
The GVC approach also underscores the arguments made by Lakhani, Kuruvilla and Avgar
(2013), who use the five configurations of GVC as outlined by Gereffi et al. to build what they
label as a “configurational” based framework for understanding ER across global networks.
A key contribution made by Lakhani et al. is the focus they place on the effect of lead firms on
elements of the employment relationship. They hypothesise that the closer the links between
lead firms and suppliers, the greater the influence the lead firm will have on employment
practices such as training.
An alternative but related concept to GVCs are global production networks (GPNs). The
concept of GPNs was developed to take account of the much less linear structure than GVC
theory allowed. In particular, it emphasises the interactions between the macro and micro levels
within supply chains. The GPN approach developed from the work of economic geographers
who argued that the GCC and GVC approaches were silent on issues of organising across space
and the spatial relationships contained within production processes (Dicken, 2003; Henderson
et al., 2002). Thus, the approach is favoured by those who argue that production is carried out
through networks of relationships, with a stress on social relations in the production process.
Levy (2008) sees GPNs as being a site for political contestation where actors can use resources
and align with other actors in the network in various struggles. While initially being relatively
ambivalent towards the role of labour, and particularly organised labour, the GPN framework
has been developed in recent years to reintroduce the issue of labour (Cumbers, Nativel and
Routledge, 2008; Newsome et al., 2015). For example, the labour process theory approach
associated with the likes of Taylor, Newsome and Rainnie (2013) primarily focuses on the ways
in which supply chains are used as mechanisms of worker control to exert negative pressures
on workers, and assumes an alignment of employer and brand interests. Rainnie et al. (2011)
highlight that the socio-political underpinnings of the GPN approach make it more inherently
open to understanding the role of labour activism than the GVC approach. In particular, they
highlight that the GPN approach provides a mechanism to “grasp the dialectics of global-local
relations” (2011, p. 159).
Without doubt, the GPN approach has placed labour agency and associated actors such as
unions and NGOs at the centre of its analysis. Yet the GPN approach is also not unproblem-
atic. In particular, it can lead to a tendency to view power relations between firms as being
directly transferrable to the employment relationship. While there is no doubt that these power
relations can lead to increased downwards pressure on workers and their working conditions,
our argument is that it is over-simplistic to make this leap. Rather, further investigation is neces-
sary to understand the more nuanced nature of this relationship. Similarly, the approach by its
very nature is focused on production processes and the social relations within them, and thus is
viewed as somewhat privileging production relations over consumption relations and possibly
failing to capture the full dynamics of the chain of production.
procurement departments and CSR departments, the economic bottom line triumphs over
social interests.
Within the ER approach, the focus has generally been placed on the extent to which
these instruments have meaningful worker input into their design. In addition, this stream
of research has focused on the factors that enable effective implementation of both these
instruments. A number of studies have recently emerged that look at the issue of labour
leverage (Niforou, 2015; Wright, 2016); Wright highlights how brands have become key
targets in implementing governance initiatives. It is fair to say that this corpus of literature
generally views IFAs as being qualitatively superior to CoCs but less quantitatively spread.
In sum, this approach has brought forward useful insights into the adaptation of the ER
approach to supply chain motions. However, there are weaknesses in terms of the lessons it
draws for wider supply chains.
CSR approach
While the CSR literature focuses on labour rights challenges in global supply chains that are
similar to those in ER literature, both endorse very distinct logics to global labour govern-
ance (Donaghey and Reinecke, 2017). The CSR approach to the regulation of labour within
supply chains is one that views interventions by brands as taking action beyond their legal
duty (Brammer, Jackson and Matten, 2012). As such, the action is discretionary and volun-
tary, underscored by an implicit assumption of multinationals generally acting in an altru-
istic manner. The CSR approach is built upon a vision of generating win-win-win situations
between brands, their suppliers and workers within them with a heavy tone of a unitarist
approach to ER. But corporations, subject to activist campaigns and media exposés, often
make CSR commitments to reduce reputational risk emanating from poor labour conditions
(Khan, Munir and Willmott, 2007;Wells, 2007). Critics of CSR have generally highlighted that
such approaches are often little more than ‘greenwashing’, which seek to promote a positive
image for brands with little proper engagement with suppliers or the workers within them
(Banerjee, 2008, p. 64).
In recent years, a more critical approach to CSR has emerged in the shape of ‘political
CSR’, which stresses the role brands play in developing private governance systems (Scherer
and Palazzo, 2007, 2011). This approach views brands as stepping into institutional voids and
providing regulatory activity where states have failed to do so. Central to this approach is that
commercial contracts have adherence to labour standards during production as core features
rather than them simply being contracts of supply and price. The CSR literature offers one
explanation of why interests might diverge between brands and their suppliers: the role of repu-
tation and brand image as a driver of CSR for consumer-facing organisations (den Hond and
de Bakker, 2007). Reputational risk is an issue that has been prominent in the CSR/business
ethics literature but not so much in ER (see Donaghey et al., 2014 for further discussion). A key
feature of this literature is that corporate brands can become exposed to negative publicity, par-
ticularly from groups like NGOs, student activists and the like, over labour abuses in supplier
firms. Yet what the actual effects of this are for ER and on ER actors is underdeveloped. This
is partially because this approach covers a wide range of topics, including controversial issues
such as labour and environmental standards but also issues such as corporate philanthropy (e.g.
Czinkota, Kaufmann and Basile, 2014). Thus the focus is on the firm as an actor but not neces-
sarily an ER actor (e.g. Amaeshi, Osuji and Nnodim, 2008).
Global supply chains have been a key focus of CSR policies of many MNCs, as they often
present a paradox in that a company moves production to a country to take advantage of lower
regulation but ends up regulating itself. Donaghey and colleagues (2014) outline that GSCs are
often susceptible to consumer-led pressure over labour rights on lead firm brands rather than
the direct use of labour power as brands often source from where workers have very limited
power resources. While there is probably little doubt that protecting reputation is central to
many Western brands in their CSR policies, scholars having examined these private governance
regimes in more depth argue that identifying the presence of private regulation is insufficient.
Rather, the stringency of such approaches is central, i.e. to what extent is there meaningful
stakeholder input and monitoring of these initiatives, or whose interests do they serve (Fransen,
2012; Levy et al., 2016)? These more critical and nuanced approaches to the CSR private
governance debate are important as they highlight that rather than treating all initiatives with
a somewhat broad-brush approach, it is necessary to examine the nature of the participants
in the private governance initiative and, within this, who controls the process. This focus on
relations between NGOs, unions and brands builds significantly on previous work by the likes
of O’Rourke (2003, 2006), Compa (2001, 2008) and others. However, despite this, the approach
is rather muted on the relationship between brands, employers and workers. In particular, it is
silent on the ways in which issues of variance of stringency are mediated by brand-employer
relations. This is consistent with a wider problem of the CSR –narrow and political interpret-
ations, where the CSR literature does not explore in detail the ER implications of CSR.
As indicated above, employers generally form a key, if not the key, constituent of ER analysis
(Kaufman, 2004). By employer what is meant here are the factories at the upstream ends of
GSCs who employ the workers whose conditions are to be regulated. A point that has gen-
erally been overlooked is that in nearly all cases, legal duties and responsibilities are vested in
the employer. A key weakness of all three approaches to supply chains outlined above is that
none of them have as their central role the analysis of often the legal employers of the workers
affected. Rather the focus has been placed on analysing the ways in which buyer firms influ-
ence the employment relationship: employers are viewed as rather passive recipients of the
policies of brands within all three approaches as taken to date. This is problematic as it views
these employers as relatively powerless and passive actors in the employment relationship. One
notable exception is the recent work of Jenkins and Blyton (2017), who outline how supplier
management in Indian garment manufacturers used issues around indebtedness as a mechanism
to prevent social upgrading in garment supply chains.
More research is necessary into the extent to which employers navigate the constraints
placed on them by buyer firms. As outlined early in the chapter, the employers, as supplier
firms, are often servicing multiple buyers, each with their own particular private governance
instruments. Yet, they do have agency in their own right. In addition, more focus needs to
be placed on how they manage relationships with different suppliers. What is particularly
important to take account of is that suppliers often supply multiple buyers, each of whom
will have their own processes and policies. Understanding how employers manage these
differing demands and how it translates into the management practices at the workplace
is an area that to date is underdeveloped in research. Zhu and Morgan (2017) provide an
interesting start to this approach, highlighting that in their research three employer responses
to buyer constraints were evident: wholesale adaptation, where suppliers closely adopted
practices dictated by buyers; ceremonial adaptation, where suppliers adopted policies in a
way that visibly seemed to be in conformance with buyer-led practices but which beyond
this was actually superficial in nature; and minimal adaptation, where the employer adopted
a strategy of adjusting to the most minimal degree to buyer demands. What is particularly
interesting in the context of this chapter is that Zhu and Morgan (ibid.) identify that man-
agers exercised considerable autonomy in terms of responding to the demands of buyers.
This list is not exhaustive and further more nuanced investigation of these approaches cer-
tainly would be welcomed.
Without doubt, the actor on whom most of the focus to date in supply chains has been placed
has been that of brands/buyers. Without repeating in detail what has been said earlier in the
chapter, a key difference between the existing approaches has been the analysis of the roles of
brands. The GVC approach particularly highlights the influence of such actors on the entire
system, often with rather negative implications. On the other hand, the CSR approach has a
much more benevolent interpretation and focuses on the extent to which brands substitute for
weak or failing states (Scherer and Palazzo, 2007, 2011). However, these significantly differing
interpretations are symptomatic of the fact that brands themselves are being pulled in opposing
directions. Despite their prominent position in research in the area, the question of how brands
are to be understood is under conceptualised (Ruggie, 2017). Often they are examined as being
sources of downwards pressures as in the GVC approach, or as potentially benevolent actors
who help to develop probate labour standards for workers.Yet, understanding of this Janus-faced
reality needs to be developed further.
An interesting start has been made by John Ruggie (ibid.), who argues that understanding
brands as global institutions requires examining MNCs in terms of their power, authority and
relative autonomy. In terms of power, Ruggie highlights three dimensions: instrumental power,
which involves political activity by MNCs such as lobbying; structural power in terms of their
ability to shift risk and set agendas; and discursive power, i.e. the ability of MNCs to frame public
debate in their favour. Ruggie argues that authority involves the perceived right of MNCs to
prescribe actions over their own subsidiaries and wider socio-economic actors. Finally, in terms
of relative autonomy, Ruggie argues that MNCs exercise a relative autonomy from their owners
and agents in terms of the exercise of their power and authority.
As outlined above, often those sourcing destinations at the upstream end of global supply chains
feature immature system of ER, with few unions present and low labour power, such as in
India (Jenkins and Blyton, 2017), Indonesia (Bartley and Egels-Zanden, 2015) and Bangladesh
(Donaghey and Reinecke, 2017). In his often cited work, Erik-Olin Wright highlights two key
sources of labour power in the form of structural power and associational power. Wright (2000,
p. 962) defines structural power as “power that results simply from the location of workers
within the economic system”. This can be thought of as the ability of workers to threaten
the consumption of goods. Associational is viewed as “the various forms of power that result
from the formation of collective organisations of workers” (ibid.), i.e. trade unions, and at the
supranational level global union federations. In essence, this focuses on the ability of groups of
workers to act in support of each other through solidarity actions.
While the local unions in GSCs may be structurally weak, with locations being chosen
because of low levels of worker organisation, key actors are GUFs who coordinate actions across
countries. However, due to being organised at the sectoral level, it may mean that co-operation
between global unions becomes necessary. The Bangladesh Accord is a recent example, where
both IndustriAll (manufacturing workers) and UniGlobal (retail workers) are parties representing
workers at opposite ends of the chain (Reinecke and Donaghey, 2015; Donaghey and Reinecke,
2017). However, coordination such as in this case is rare, and the nature of GUFs is such that
coordinating activity can be difficult (Croucher and Cotton, 2009). Two interrelated structural
issues represent challenges for GUFs. First, they are organised on a sectoral basis, thus even in
the unlikely event that workers at both ends of the supply chain are unionised, unions at one
end of the supply chain –for example, manufacturing unions –are likely to be in a different
global union than those at the consumer end. Secondly, GUFs are organised on a broadly sec-
toral model without regard for the political, institutional and economic differences that Anner
et al. (2006) highlight as being potential hurdles for international union cooperation.
In addition, leverage over actors is often most achieved by targeting the buyer firms rather
than the actual employers. Wright (2016) argues that reputational risk amongst consumers is a
lever that unions can utilise to improve labour standards in production networks. However, he
goes on to argue that such leverage is not automatic but contingent on the different types of
organisations and the markets within which they are embedded.Yet, it is not just about unions
at the buyer end gaining leverage against buyers: in our research in Bangladesh, examples were
found of workers specifically gathering evidence of who was sourcing from factories so that
leverage could be applied to these.Thus, these issues need further examination by looking across
entire supply chains to ascertain the ways in which unions may, or may not, leverage advantage
against employers.
The state
By definition, GSCs involve bringing together actors and structures that operate across multiple
countries. This creates potential conflicts of interests between states at different points as goods
move from raw material to the consumer. There is a well-established literature from approaches
such as the Varieties of Capitalism approach (Hall and Soskice, 2001) and the National Business
Systems literature (Whitley, 1999) which shows that different institutional configurations have
profound effects on the ways in which work is organised.Yet, the very nature of GSCs is such
that brands may be sourcing from multiple different national business systems and suppliers may
be selling to brands originating from multiple business systems. Anner (2015) highlights that
in the producer states in the apparel sector, three mechanisms of labour control are exerted –
state control, market despotism and employer repression –all of which entail different roles
for the state. In state control, as in Vietnam or China, authoritarian states actively engage in
repressing worker activism around labour rights issues. In market despotism, as in Bangladesh,
the state plays a less active role in repression but actively works in concert with employers to
maintain low standards through weak enforcement mechanisms and low social support. Finally,
in employer repression as in Latin American countries like Honduras, the state plays a highly
withdrawn role, to the extent that employers can carry out violence against labour activists
with little fear of punishment. In many ways, the one governance route open is potentially the
International Labour Organization; however, as Standing (2008) highlights, the ILO is poorly
equipped to deal with the changes globalisation has brought and its ultimate sanction of naming
and shaming can often have little to no effect.
For transnational issues involving brands based in one country and purchasing from other
countries, the state lacks authoritative control beyond its borders and needs alternative strat-
egies. What has emerged in some cases is a complementary ‘division of labour’ between private
and public roles, whereby the state increasingly relies on non-state actors to deliver regulation,
thereby leveraging businesses’ economic power and transnational reach on the one hand and
the moral authority of NGOs and civil society on the other hand. For instance, in the case of
US conflict minerals legislation under the Dodd-Frank Act, the state did not ban the import of
conflict minerals but instead mandated self-reporting that empowered NGOs and other civil
society actors to act as watchdogs and hold corporations accountable (Reinecke and Ansari,
2016). The conflict minerals case illustrates how public and civil society actors played comple-
mentary roles in the emerging regulation mix involving polycentric governance regimes. In
particular, the state can play a catalytic role by creating enabling conditions for private govern-
ance. Catalytic means that the state does not dictate or enforce behaviour, but can enable, entice
and legitimise private governance. The state is less involved in ‘first-order’ governing to solve
problems directly –instead, it can catalyse private actors to take on regulatory roles. In sum,
private governance is thus not simply about a shift away from ‘government’ to ‘governance’ or
from ‘hard regulation’ to ‘soft regulation’ (e.g. Locke, 2013). Instead, it involves both public and
private actors with a shifting rather than a shrinking role of states.
A central actor to emerge in transnational supply chain governance is the NGO. As outlined
earlier in the chapter, in many countries where manufacturing has been relocated, workers
lack both the structural and associational power to challenge their working conditions, but also
governments often lack the political will to improve regulation. In this space, NGOs become
an important actor for labour rights and may be based at any point in the supply chain (Bartley,
2007; Egels-Zandén, 2007, 2009, 2011). NGO leverage is often based heavily on corporate fear
of consumer action rather than disruption of production, and this scenario provides a strong
example of Hirschman’s ‘exit, voice and loyalty’ approach (Donaghey et al., 2014; Reinecke
and Donaghey, 2015). Hirschman (1970) highlighted that dissatisfied consumers had the option
of remaining loyal to a brand, regardless of their thoughts; exiting to a different, competing
product; or voicing their concerns in order to initiate change from the supplier. As such, NGOs
often claim to speak for concerned consumers (Bartley, 2007) –though the extent to which
they are actually concerned is far from certain. However, those who gain the most attention
have been those who are best placed to challenge the practices of lead firms within a chain or
Yet, the role of such actors is not straightforward when compared to, for example, trade
union representation in democratic societies (Reinecke and Donaghey, 2015). In addition,
while sharing many substantive objectives, unions and NGOs do not always operate in a sym-
biotic relationship (Egels-Zandén, 2009).This is generally due to the differing underlying logics
of membership of which each is composed. A key claim of unions as to their legitimacy is that
their membership is a voluntarily coalition of workers who pursue an agenda to advance their
material interests at work through a logic of industrial democracy (Donaghey and Reinecke,
2017). On the other hand, many NGOs are composed of people who wish to express soli-
darity with workers in poor conditions but who are not necessarily subject to such conditions
A key feature of the emerging picture in terms of ER governance in supply chains has
been the role alliances of multiple actors, but particularly unions and NGOs, can play in gov-
ernance. These alliances quite unsurprisingly include alliances between unions and labour
rights NGOs but also more surprisingly alliances between MNCs, unions and labour rights
NGOs. The relationship between unions and labour rights NGOs has to some extent been a
difficult one: while both seek higher labour standards unions often question the democratic
legitimacy of NGOs. On the other hand, NGOs often view the response of unions as slow
and overly bureaucratic. A recent example of where there has been success is in the creation of
the Bangladesh Accord for Building and Fire Safety (Donaghey and Reinecke, 2017; Reinecke
and Donaghey, 2015). In this case, a legally binding and innovative agreement was reached
between two GUFs and more than 200 consumer brands, with four NGOs as witness signa-
tories, to cover an intense programme of improving worker safety in the Bangladesh garment
sector. What was particularly important in this case in terms of alliances was that the strengths
and weaknesses unions and NGOs had were complementary in nature: by having this comple-
mentarity it meant that turf wars were avoided. Similarly, neither unions nor the NGOs were
particularly powerful and thus there was much to gain and little institutional cost to developing
an alliance.
Global supply chains are a key feature of modern employment relations, particularly in manu-
facturing. To date, much attention has been focused on analysing governance structures and
the implications of these structures for ER. What has emerged has been a number of groups of
scholars who analyse such issues but often with little interaction between schools of thought.
Greater conversations between approaches are to be welcomed as the tools identified can lead
to a fuller understanding. The chapter also highlights that GSCs go beyond the traditional
actors of employers, unions and the state and incorporate an increased range of actors, including
NGOs and global brands, which require greater conceptualisation. The chapter highlights that
these new actor configurations challenge existing frameworks of analysis of ER and are in need
of further research from both conceptual and empirical perspectives.
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Colin C. Williams
Until now, the employment relations (ER) systems of countries have been differentiated by
analysing the character of their formal economies, such as whether they are control, market or
mixed economies (Arnold, 1996; Rohlf, 1998) or liberal or coordinated varieties of capitalism
(Hall and Soskice, 2001). The starting point of this paper is that classifying ER systems by the
character of their formal economies would be appropriate if most employment globally was in
the formal economy. However, this is not the case. Some 60 per cent of the global workforce
have their main employment in the informal sector (Jütting and Laiglesia, 2009), with many
countries especially in the majority (third) world having more people employed in the informal
sector than the formal sector (Dibben and Williams, 2012; ILO, 2013). Based on this recogni-
tion, recent years have witnessed the advocacy of new classificatory schemas of ER systems that
recognise the prominence of the informal sector. The aim of this chapter is to highlight these
developments and following this to discuss the future research issues.
To do this, the first section sets out the cross-national variations in the extent of the informal
sector, along with the contrasting ways in which these cross-national variations have been
explained and the findings of studies that have evaluated these competing explanations. This
is then followed in the second section by an analysis of the cross-national variations in the
nature of the informal sector. Just as studies of the extent of the informal sector have sought
to evaluate the ‘degrees of informalisation’ of countries, this will reveal how the nature of the
informal sector has been similarly evaluated. Increasingly, the tendency has been not simply to
assess whether a job is either formal or informal but rather, to measure the degree to which a
job is infused with informality. Again therefore, the degrees of informalisation approach used to
evaluate the nature of the informal sector will be reviewed along with the contrasting ways in
which the resultant cross-national variations in the nature of informality have been explained
and the findings of studies evaluating these competing explanations. The third and final section
then addresses future directions and issues for this field of enquiry. This will reveal not only
the theoretical implications by highlighting the need to shift from a ‘Varieties of Capitalism’
approach to a ‘diverse economies’ approach when studying employment and work relations, but
also how until now, much of the research on the informal sector so far as ER are concerned has
concentrated on remunerated work in the informal sector. Little attention has been given to the
plurality of work relations on the unpaid side such as non-remunerated internships.
Before commencing, however, the way in which the informal sector is conventionally
defined must be reviewed. Reviewing the extensive literature on this subject, at least 45 different
adjectives have been so far used, including ‘hidden’, ‘shadow’, ‘unregistered’, ‘undeclared’ and
‘unregulated’. Nearly all describe what is absent, insufficient or missing relative to the formal
sector. Despite the array of terms, a strong consensus exists regarding what is missing, insuffi-
cient or absent from the informal sector and it is that the activity is not declared to the state for
tax, social security and labour law purposes when it should be declared, but is legal in all other
respects (European Commission, 2007; OECD, 2012; Sepulveda and Syrett, 2007; Williams
2006). Consequently, if an activity possesses other absences or insufficiencies, such as that the
good and/or service involved is illegal, then these are not considered part of the informal sector
but instead ‘criminal’ activities. Of course, and as with all definitions, blurred edges exist, such
as whether to include unpaid activity in this definition. Until now, the ER literature has largely
included only activities that are remunerated when discussing the informal sector. Whether
this should continue is an issue that will be returned to below, as will the issue of defining the
informal sector more in terms of the social relations within which work is conducted rather
than simply in terms of whether it is declared to the authorities.
Wholly Quasi- Largely Mostly Semi- Semi- Mostly Largely Quasi- Wholly
Formal Formal Formal Formal Formal Informal Informal Informal Informal Informal
0 10 20 30 40 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 22.1 Typology of employment relations systems by the proportion of employment relations
permeated by informality
informal ER systems of the third (majority) world depicted as at the back (Massey, 2005) and
also as ‘backwards’ relative to their more formalised counterparts (Geertz, 1963; Lewis, 1959).
However, the place any economy inhabits on this continuum does not necessarily represent
normative superiority, but rather difference, and neither should a natural and inevitable tem-
poral trajectory in a particular direction be assumed. If any lesson is to be learned from the
past few decades, it is that different countries are moving in different directions along this con-
tinuum. Privileging formalisation as a universal process not only denies the lived practices but
also excludes the possibility of alternative present and future trajectories.
To evaluate where countries sit on this spectrum, two options are available. Estimates of
the cross-national variations in the proportion of employment in the informal sector can be
produced using either direct surveys or indirect measurement methods that use proxy indicators
or seek statistical traces of informality in macro-economic data collected for other purposes
(OECD, 2002, 2012; Ram and Williams, 2008). Indirect methods can be divided into four
broad techniques: those using individual non-monetary proxy indicators such as the number
of very small enterprises (ILO, 2002) or electricity demand (e.g. Friedman et al., 2000); those
employing individual monetary proxy indicators such as the level of cash deposits (Gutmann,
1977) or money transactions (Frey and Weck, 1983); income/expenditure discrepancies (Paglin,
1994); and those using multiple indirect proxy indicators (e.g. Schneider, 2013; Schneider and
Williams, 2013). The problem with all of these methods is not only that they indeed use proxy
indicators but also that data are often not available.
Here, therefore, one of the few direct surveys of cross-national variations in the proportion of
employment in the informal sector is used. This is the International Labour Organization (ILO)
dataset on 41 countries (ILO, 2011, 2012). Examining the findings, Table 22.1 reveals that the
simple unweighted average is that the majority (53.9 per cent) of non-agricultural workers in
these 41 emerging economies are in informal employment as their main job. However, a weighted
average figure is here employed that takes into account the variable size of the workforce across
countries.The resultant finding is that over one-third (34.4 per cent) of non-agricultural workers
are in informal employment as their main job. Informal employment, therefore, is not some
minor leftover of little importance.
However, there are marked regional variations. The weighted proportion of the non-
agricultural workforce with their main job in the informal sector ranges from one in four
Table 22.1 Informal employment as percentage of total non-agricultural employment (unweighted and
weighted): by global region
Serbia 6.1
Macedonia 12.6
Moldova Rep 15.9
Armenia 19.8
Turkey 30.6
China 32.6
South Africa 32.7
Lesotho 34.9
Uruguay 39.8
Brazil 42.2
Thailand 42.3
Costa Rica 43.8
Panama 43.8
Namibia 43.9
Venezuela 47.5
Dominican Rep 48.5
Argentina 49.7
Egypt 51.2
Zimbabwe 51.6
Mexico 53.7
West Bank & Gaza 58.5
Colombia 59.6
Liberia 60
Ecuador 60.9
Sri Lanka 62.1
Nicaragua 65.7
El Salvador 66.4
Vietnam 68.2
Uganda 69.4
Zambia 69.5
Peru 69.9
Philippines 70.1
Paraguay 70.7
Indonesia 72.5
Madagascar 73.6
Honduras 73.9
Bolivia 75.1
Tanzania 76.2
Pakistan 78.4
Mali 81.8
India 83.6
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Percentage of main jobs in informal employment
(26.8 per cent) in Europe and Central Asia to more than four out of five (82.6 per cent) in
South Asia.The permeation of the informal sector, therefore, is not evenly distributed across the
globe. Moreover, there are also marked variations between countries within each global region.
As Figure 22.2 displays, the proportion of the non-agricultural workforce with their main job
in the informal sector ranges from 83.6 per cent in India to 6.1 per cent in Serbia. Indeed, in
the majority of countries surveyed, namely 24 (59 per cent) of the 41 nations, over half of the
non-agricultural workforce is in informal employment.
Modernisation explanation. During the twentieth century, the informal sector was widely
represented as a legacy of a pre-modern mode of production and viewed as fading as the
modern formal sector became ever more hegemonic. Developing world countries in which
informal employment is extensive are thus seen as portraying the characteristics of ‘under-
development’ and even ‘backwardness’, whilst extensive formal sectors are viewed as representing
‘advancement’ and ‘development’ (Geertz, 1963; Gilbert, 1998; Lewis, 1959). The result is that
the informal sector is seen as an expression of under-development (in the normative sense of a
lack of ‘progress’) that will disappear with economic advancement and modernisation. Applying
this to explaining the cross-national variations in the extent of informal employment, it can
be suggested that in less developed economies, there will be a higher prevalence of informal
Neoliberal explanation. Over the past few decades, nevertheless, not least due to the persistence
and even expansion of informal employment globally, a range of competing explanations have
emerged. For neoliberal commentators, informal employment is a rational economic decision
voluntarily chosen by people and businesses as a result of high taxes, a corrupt public sector
and too much state interference in the workings of the free market (e.g. Becker, 2004; De
Soto, 1989, 2001; London and Hart, 2004; Nwabuzor, 2005). From this neoliberal perspective,
therefore, informal employment will be higher in countries with higher taxes, public sector
corruption and state interference in the workings of the free market.
Structuralist explanation. For structuralist scholars, the widespread existence and even expansion
of informal employment is a direct by-product of the emergence of a deregulated open world
economy (Castells and Portes, 1989; Gallin, 2001; Hudson, 2005; Slavnic, 2010). The ongoing
functional integration of a unified global economic system is resulting in subcontracting and
outsourcing becoming key vehicles for integrating informal employment into contemporary
capitalism, resulting in further downward pressure on wages, the erosion of incomes and welfare
provision, and the growth of yet more informal employment. From this structuralist perspective,
in consequence, informal employment is a largely unregulated realm composed of low-paid and
insecure work carried out under ‘sweatshop-like’ conditions as a survival tactic by marginalised
populations excluded from employment in the formal economy (Castells and Portes, 1989;
Davis, 2006; Gallin, 2001). In the new post-Fordist and post-socialist era, those engaged in
informal employment are unwilling pawns cast into this sphere as a survival mechanism. From
this perspective, therefore, informal employment will be more prevalent in those less developed
countries with lower levels of state intervention to protect workers from poverty.
Evaluations of the competing explanations. In recent years, scholars have evaluated these competing
explanations. The finding has been that no one explanation is universally valid. It has been
contended, for example, that the structuralist explanation is valid when explaining informal
employment in relatively deprived populations but the neoliberal perspective is more appro-
priate when explaining informality in relatively affluent populations (Evans, Syrett and Williams,
2006; Pfau-Effinger, 2009; Williams, 2004). Studies have similarly argued that the structuralist
explanation is more valid when explaining women’s necessity-driven informal employment
and the neoliberal explanation for the voluntary exit rationales that characterise men’s engage-
ment (Franck, 2012; Grant, 2013; Williams, 2011). When examining cross-national variations
in the scale of informal employment, meanwhile, it has been revealed using simple bivariate
correlations that there is evidence to support the tenets of both the modernisation and struc-
turalist perspectives but little or no evidence to support most of the tenets of the neoliberal
perspective. This has been shown when examining the cross-national variations in the scale
of the informal sector in the European Union (Williams, 2013, 2014b), post-Soviet countries
(Williams, 2015b; Williams, Round and Rodgers, 2013), developing nations (Williams, 2015c)
and Latin America (Williams and Youssef, 2014).
The outcome has been a call for a synthesis of the tenets of the modernisation and struc-
turalist explanations in the form of a new ‘neo-modernisation’ explanation that explains lower
levels of informal employment as being associated with economic development and state inter-
vention in the form of higher tax rates and social transfers to protect workers from poverty.
Future research will need to analyse whether this continues to be valid when multivariate
regression analyses are conducted and other variables are introduced and held constant.
Nature of informality
Just as studies of the extent of the informal sector have sought to evaluate the ‘degrees of
informalisation’ of countries, a similar process has started to occur with regard to the nature of
the informal sector. Rather than simply depict paid employment as formal or informal, studies
have increasingly sought to understand the degree to which a job is infused with informality.
To achieve this, Figure 22.3 provides an analytical framework that captures how different forms
of paid work are infused with informality to varying degrees. It also reveals how they each
merge into one another by using overlapping circles with hatched lines to reveal a borderless
continuum of, rather than separate, forms of paid employment relationship. The outcome is a
representation of a seamless repertoire of paid employment relationships from purely formal at
one end to purely informal at the other. Here, we briefly describe how this is the case before
turning attention to their varying prevalence across countries.
declared Waged Informal
Formal declared
employment informal self- Paid favours
employment employment
for regular employment employment
for overme
ongoing blurring of the boundaries between these three formal spheres is occurring. Formal
employment, moreover, is not discrete.
Under-declared employment. In recent years, there has been recognition that not all formal employ-
ment is totally formal. Formal employees working for formal employers are sometimes paid
two wages, an official declared wage and an additional unofficial undeclared (‘envelope’) wage
(Meriküll and Staehr, 2010; Sedlenieks, 2003; Williams, 2009; Woolfson, 2007). Under-declared
employment thus arises from fake employment contracts where the conditions in the formal
written contract differ to that verbally agreed. Unless the employee agrees to these verbal
conditions, then generally they do not get the job. Such conditions can include: firstly, the
employee not taking their full statutory entitlement to annual leave; secondly, working longer
hours than in their formal contract; and/or thirdly, undertaking different tasks and responsi-
bilities to those specified in their formal contract (Williams and Horodnic, 2017). This verbal
contract supersedes the formal written employment contract, constituting the unwritten ‘psy-
chological contract’ regarding their conditions of employment (Rousseau, 1995). Such fake
contracts can vary in the degree to which they differ from the formal contract, with enve-
lope wages in some instances merely being paid for extra work or overtime, and in others the
employee has a totally different contract and wage rate than is stated in the formal contract
(Williams, 2009).
Informal waged employment. This refers to waged work not declared for tax, social security and
labour law purposes. Similar diversity exists regarding informal waged employment. Such
work ranges from work violating labour law such as ‘false’ or ‘bogus’ self-employment for one
employer through to wholly informal waged employment without a formal contract and where
there is not only labour law violations but also tax and social security non-compliance.This can
be temporary or permanent employment, full-time or part-time and relatively low-or high-
paid (Thörnquist, 2011).
Informal self-employment. Recent years have also seen growing recognition of the multifarious
forms of informal self-employment, which is market-like own-account work conducted for
financial gain. Besides ‘bogus’ self-employment, there are diverse forms of profit-motivated
informal self-employment, ranging from the formal self-employed conducting various portions
of their trade off the books (thus calling into question the notion that formal and informal
enterprises are discrete and further blurring the formal/informal divide) to the wholly unregis-
tered self-employed working entirely off the books (Webb et al., 2009).
Paid favours. Informal self-employment sometimes merges into the realm of paid favours
(Larsen, 2013; Zelizer, 2011). There exists a continuum of informal own-account work ran-
ging from various forms of profit-motivated self-employment (as discussed above), through
social entrepreneurship in the informal sector (Gordin and Dedova, 2015) where the self-
employed conduct work for less than market rates such as for the elderly, and own-account
work conducted for and by kin living outside the household, friends, neighbours and
acquaintances. Here, work relations significantly differ because this work is often conducted
for redistributive and social rationales. There is also monetised family labour where paid
work takes place for other family members within the household that is not declared to
the state for tax, social security and labour law purposes when it should be declared, and
market-like relations are absent despite money changing hands. As a general rule, the closer
the social relations, the less market-like are the transactions, whilst the more distant the social
relations the more market-like and profit-motivated is the employment relationship (White
and Williams, 2010; Williams, 2004).
Table 22.3 Nature of the informal sector in the EU-27: by type of informal work
east-to-west and south-to-north divide in the EU-27, with economies on the eastern/southern
side being more waged informal economies and those on the western/Nordic side being own-
account informal economies. Moreover, all waged informal economies are ‘under- declared
waged’ informal economies, with the exception of Malta which is an ‘undeclared waged’ informal
economy. All own- account informal economies, meanwhile, are ‘solidarity- oriented own-
account’ informal economies. None are ‘market-oriented own-account’ informal economies.
Applying the above discussed modernisation, neoliberal and structuralist perspectives to
explain these cross-national variations in the nature of informality in the EU, Williams (2014a)
finds that more own-account informal sectors, similar to greater levels of informality, are sig-
nificantly correlated with wealthier and more equal (as measured by the Gini-coefficient) coun-
tries, in which there is greater labour market intervention, higher levels of social protection and
more effective redistribution via social transfers. What is now required is to evaluate whether
similar findings are identified elsewhere.
Formal Formal Formal Informal One-to-one Self-
unpaid unpaid unpaid unpaid provisioning
labour in labour in labour in labour
private/public third sector groups
Figure 22.4 A typology of the diverse repertoire of work relations in contemporary societies
unpaid dualism, but rather a continuum from wholly non-monetised work practices, through
work relations where there is gift exchange or in-kind labour, to wholly monetised practices.
Here, each type of unpaid work is briefly discussed in order to reveal the need for more research.
In the private and public sectors, there appears to be a growing tendency towards using
formal unpaid labour in the form of unpaid internships or, for example, one-week trials, with
people doing this sometimes expecting paid employment at the end. Despite media reports
increasingly calling attention to the labour rights and working conditions attached to unpaid
(and paid) internships, little if any scholarly research has been undertaken. This is a significant
gap that needs to be filled. In some instances, moreover, unpaid formal labour is not even a
choice but a result of formal employers failing to pay their formal employees for protracted
periods. Again, little research has been conducted (for an exception, see Shevchenko, 2009).
Indeed, in Ukraine, Williams, Round and Rodgers (2013) find that 30 per cent of those who
had started a new formal job over the prior 12 months had been asked to work on an unpaid
trial basis, especially younger age groups. A significant minority had not been employed at the
end, and respondents viewed this as a deliberate employer strategy to get ‘free labour’. Further
detailed research is required on this topic.
Formal unpaid labour is most extensively used in third sector organisations, however, where
it is commonly termed ‘formal volunteering’, which is “giving help through groups, clubs or
organisations to benefit other people or the environment” (Low et al., 2008, p. 11). Given the
increasing tendency for formal employers to encourage their formal employees to conduct
formal volunteering for other organisations as part of their job (Burchell and Cooke, 2013),
this employment relationship –which is often overlooked –requires further research. In some
instances moreover, unpaid labour for organisations can be ‘off the radar’, when help is provided
to benefit other people or the environment but the required legal and regulatory formalities
are not all fulfilled, such as when caring for children in a community-based group without the
required licences to act as a child carer, or when running a sports team, community fund-raising
or music event without the necessary licences to do so, perhaps based on the assumption that
only those reimbursed need to conform to the laws and regulations. Until now, no research has
been conducted on the prevalence of this form of labour relation.
Beyond these more organised forms of unpaid labour, the ER literature has seldom if ever
examined more one-to-one forms of unpaid labour, perhaps based on the assumption that such
work is unworthy of attention or beyond the scope of the study of ER. However, there are often
employer/employee relationships, which can take various forms, ranging from individualised
one-way giving (often termed ‘informal volunteering’) to two-way reciprocity. When reci-
procity is involved, moreover, such unpaid endeavours often blur into paid favours since the
reciprocity may take the form of either in-kind labour or gifts in lieu of payment. Indeed,
financial gain can be present and usually more prominent when more distant social relations
are involved, and redistributive and relationship-building purposes more prominent when
conducted for and by closer social relations (Williams, 2004).
A final form of labour seldom if ever addressed by the ER literature is self-provisioning, which
is unpaid work conducted by household members for themselves or for other members of their
household. Again, however, such work can often take the form of an employment relationship,
and there is also often a psychological contract between the parties involved. Indeed, it is perhaps
rare in couple households that housework is today undertaken with no expectations of reciprocity
between the parties involved and without regard for expectations of reciprocity (ibid.).
Besides these empirical gaps on unpaid work in the ER literature, there is also little dis-
cussion of the theoretical implications of identifying a diversity of ER. Until now, ER systems
have been classified by the character of their formal economies, resulting in the identification
of different ‘Varieties of Capitalism’. The outcome is that the future is closed off to anything
other than capitalist hegemony. Over the past decade, however, and beyond the ER literature,
a loose coupling of post-development, post-colonial and post-structuralist scholars have begun
to challenge this dominant belief that all economies can be depicted as contrasting varieties
of capitalism (Escobar, 1995, 2001; Fuller, Jonas and Lee, 2010; Gibson-Graham, 1996, 2008a,
2008b, 2010; Jonas, 2010; Latouche, 1993; Lee, 2013; Leyshon, 2005; Leyshon, Lee and Williams,
2003; White and Williams, 2012, 2014; Williams, 2005). By re-imagining and re-visioning ER
systems as being composed of heterogeneous work relations, the implications are two-fold.
First, it is suggestive that there persist work relations that are not capitalist. Second, by locating
non-capitalist work relations in the present, rather than the past, and not reducing them to a
form or by-product of capitalism, this approach is engaged in the demonstrable construction
and practice of alternatives to capitalism in the here and now. For Gibson-Graham, Cameron
and Healy (2013), this re-reading is not simply about bringing minority practices to light. It is
about de-centring capitalism from its pivotal position and bringing to the fore the existence of
alternative work relations and futures beyond capitalist hegemony.
In sum, if this chapter encourages recognition among scholars of employment relations that
there is work in the informal sector which is not some marginal or peripheral enclave but is the
realm where the majority of jobs are located globally, then it will have achieved one of its main
intentions. If this then leads more scholars to take seriously the study of the diversity of work
relations in the informal sector, and to start to fill the significant theoretical and empirical gaps,
then it will have achieved its broader intention.
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Samanthi J. Gunawardana
This chapter examines corporate-led governance of collective labour rights, such as the right
to freedom of association and assembly (FOAA),1 for women workers in global supply chains
(GSCs).The workers who face the largest challenges in exercising their assembly and association
rights are often migrant workers, women workers in general, supply chain workers, informal
workers and domestic workers (United Nations General Assembly, 2016, p. 4). Many of these
workers labour within or originate from emerging economies. Some may be migrant workers
and located in the informal sector, as production sites in GSCs traverse conditions of formality
and informality and include factories, small shops and households. Such production sites have
proliferated under export-oriented industrialisation (EOI) development models pursued by
emerging economy states in the latter half of the twentieth century.
Collective rights are enshrined in various international conventions. In addition to FOAA,
they include the right to collective bargaining (CB)2 and the right to strike (RTS).3 When
enforced, collective rights are examples of empowering enabling rights as they expand people’s
freedoms, opportunities and choices (Nussbaum, 2011; Sen, 1999) to strengthen agency and
transform structures of constraint. In human rights law, so long as the exercise of these rights
does not impinge upon the rights of others, they are approached as a fundamental precursor to
social justice and equity.4 For much of the twentieth century, many workers around the world
have relied on collective rights to form collective associations such as trade unions.Trade unions
and other associations have represented them in collective bargaining efforts with employers
and the state, to enforce existing laws and transform institutions, structures, practices and pol-
icies that impact working conditions (Jaumotte and Osoria Buitron, 2015). Such collective
action is commonly accepted to fortify economic, social and political agency in addressing
power imbalances in the employment relationship. In other words, collective rights are designed
to provide recourse in the face of power asymmetries.
Although labour rights are considered to be human rights (Gross and Compa, 2009), col-
lective labour rights remain unenforced within many emerging economies (Mosley and Uno,
2007). EOI development models that have stressed the importance of labour market ‘flexi-
bility’ in emerging economies, to attract foreign investment and spur local growth, have partly
undermined collective rights. States pursuing EOI strategies have curtailed, suppressed or just not
enforced collective labour rights as they viewed trade unions and collective bargaining as a source
of inflexibility that would diminish competitive advantage in the global market (Deyo, 1989;
Kuruvilla, 1996). Historically, this has occurred in response to development loan conditionalities
determined by international financial institutions (IFIs) such as the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) and World Bank. Under these programmes, collective rights have been treated as detri-
mental to economic growth prospects within a broader agenda of neoliberal inspired trade liber-
alisation and EOI strategies. Thus, even though the IMF has taken an interest in how collective
trade union action can prevent widening wage inequality (Jaumotte and Osoria Buitron, 2015),
and the World Bank has examined women’s economic empowerment and collective action
(Evans and Nambiar, 2013), neither has considered the importance of collective rights per se.
Collective rights provide a framework of necessary pre-conditions for economic empower-
ment, including women’s economic empowerment. As multinational companies began to out-
source their labour-intensive assembly operations to countries pursuing EOI, labour-intensive
industries such as apparel and electronics recruited large numbers of women into manufacturing
plants. Although the inclusion of women workers into waged labour is potentially empowering
(Hancock et al., 2011; Lim, 1983), women faced disempowering gendered recruitment practices
and exploitative labour conditions. Structural conditions combined with global and local gender
norms and stereotypes curtailed the transformative possibility for women workers (Anner, 2011;
Wright 2006).
As such, there is a strong gender component to the ongoing debate at the nexus of develop-
ment, labour flexibility and collective rights, as women workers’ capability to exercise assembly,
collective bargaining and striking rights has been curtailed. Workers have been fired, blacklisted
preventing further employment opportunity, or faced multiple forms of violence for engaging
in collective action (Gunawardana, 2007; Madhok and Rai, 2012). Moreover, women face fur-
ther challenges as the trade union movement has weakened globally during the rapid spread
of export industries and inclusion of greater numbers of women workers in the late twentieth
century, resulting in less coverage of workers by collective bargaining. Moreover, local male-
dominated trade unions replicated gender inequalities in organisational structures, leadership
and the type of issues they have bargained over.
As worker and activist protest intensified in the late twentieth century, large multinationals
such as Nike and Apple became synonymous with unsustainable sweatshop practice. Many
responded by embedding labour rights into voluntary governance mechanisms, such as
monitoring and auditing supplier factory adherence to corporate codes of conduct and investing
in ‘value chain’ upgrading of their supply chains (Barrientos, Gereffi and Rossi, 2011). Brand
and reputation management is a fundamental element of increased investment in these ventures
(Peck, 2010).
The issue is whether these mechanisms can help address power asymmetries by upholding
collective labour rights. This chapter examines collective rights in corporate-led governance
mechanisms in GSCs. In particular, it focuses on the experience of women workers and prospects
for empowerment through the use of these mechanisms. The chapter is set out as follows. In
the first section, the importance of collective rights for women workers in transforming the
conditions of their employment is discussed. In the second section, the human rights framework
for collective labour rights and their enactment under export-oriented manufacturing regimes
is critically examined. Finally, two prominent mechanisms –monitoring and enforcement of
corporate codes of conduct and value chain upgrading –are outlined and assessed using the lit-
erature. In conclusion, I sum up the key arguments in this chapter and summarise why working
towards economic empowerment entails acknowledging political agency and fortifying col-
lective rights.
The question about what form this collective action should take is important. As noted in
the introduction, trade unions have been the dominant vehicle for exercising collective action
around the world. However, male-dominated trade unions have been critiqued for historically
excluding women and women’s interests, which calls into question their empowerment poten-
tial for women workers. This literature points out that union leaders have typically been men;
union structures reinforced patriarchy; did not reflect the interests of women; and historically
excluded different types of workers, including women and migrants (Ford, 2013, Heery 2006).
Women workers labour in sectors and occupations that are excluded from protective regulation
on collective labour rights, including those engaging in the public sector, informal, domestic,
migrant and agricultural work (Kabeer, Sudarshan and Milward, 2013).
Where unions did exist, collective agreements excluded issues pertinent to women owing to
gendered assumptions about male breadwinner roles. In some countries such as Japan and South
Korea, women responded by forming women-only unions as a challenge to male-dominated
union structures that dismissed issues such as sexual harassment as a ‘women’s issue’, not a workers’
issue (Broadbent, 2007). Finally, trade union membership is not necessarily empowering, does
not reflect women’s interests even when union density is high, nor does it reflect the reality of
women’s collective action and empowerment. For example, in Cambodia unionisation has been
maintained at about 60 per cent in the export apparel sector, with multiple unions often found
in one factory, yet real wages declined between 2001 and 2013 (Arnold, 2017).
Over the past few decades, global unions have asserted that unlike in the past, they are
perfectly positioned to take forward gender equality agendas. This is owing to their “…long-
standing democratic structures and clear mandate to fight oppression and discrimination in
the workplace”, especially through collective bargaining processes (ICFTU, 2002, p. 29, in
Franzway, 2017). Indeed, women activists have challenged the masculinised heteronormative
politics of union movements to gain recognition of their interests and leadership positions and
to influence policy (Franzway, 2017, pp. 61–63). Moreover, as trade union density has declined
around the world in traditional sectors such as manufacturing, women now form the majority
of members in unions, and the most unionised sectors are often the most feminised (see Ackers,
2015 for review).
Undeniably, collective rights enabling the formation of collectives such as trade unions have
been instrumental in empowering women at work. Issues such as equal pay, family-friendly
work, equity clauses, non-discrimination policies, prohibitions on sexual harassment, maternity
leave, safe transport, flexible working arrangements and general work-family balance practice
have been included in collective agreements (Dickens, 2000;Williamson and Baird, 2014).These
clauses can help prevent deepening structural inequalities. Moreover strategies around ‘gender
equality bargaining’, which emerged in the 1980s in formulating collective agreements, focused
specifically on issues pertinent to women (Heery, 2006;Williamson and Baird, 2014, 155). More
recently, unions have examined gender-based violence issues, including bargaining for inclusion
of leave provisions for survivors of violence (Baird, McFerran and Wright, 2014) and raising
awareness about the prevalence of violence against women in workplaces (Mackridge, 2017).
For workers in the global south working in export manufacturing factories, the number of
entities advocating for women workers is vast and encompasses the local grassroots approaches,
national-level fora and global advocacy. Local religious organisations, community- based
organisations and legal centres operate alongside national-level workers centres and NGOs.
Other transnational NGOs have stepped into labour relations as monitors (such as the US-based
Fair Labour Association) and advocates (e.g. international NGOs) (Bronfrenbrenner, 2007; Fine,
2006; Ford, 2013). In conflict-affected contexts, human rights advocacy groups such as Amnesty
International and Human Rights Watch have also taken up labour conditions, women and
labour rights. Global initiatives such as the Ethical Trading Initiative, Fair Trade movement and
Clean Clothes campaign involve a multitude of actors promoting labour standards through
codes of conduct for employers.
Similar to the unions above, these organisations have advocated for issues pertaining to
conditions in the workplace as well as outside. For example, the United Sisterhood Alliance
in Cambodia presents an alternative explicitly self-expressed feminist intervention by focusing
on women’s interests at work as women and workers. The Alliance is made up of four groups,
of which the Women’s Information Centre (WIC) is one.5 Their mission is to advocate and
organise by providing a space for women to “work towards gender equality and equity” by pro-
moting and supporting women’s leadership to improve women worker’s rights, rights to social
services and social protection.
In summary, women’s economic empowerment is reliant on the ability of workers to exer-
cise collective association, assembly, agency and action. Restrictions can come from multiple
sources, including from within collective associations such as trade unions, though these are still
nonetheless useful for women workers pursuing improvements in their working conditions.
However, a fundamental restriction workers face is the limitations on collective rights, including
collective bargaining; these limitations are discussed in the following section.
FOAA and CB are a key part of the ILO principles of social dialogue between employers
and employees. They are enshrined in ILO Conventions 87 and 98, which are in turn
listed as part of the ILO’s eight fundamental conventions.7 The Committee on Freedom
of Association, set up in 1950, receives complaints regarding violations of freedom of asso-
ciation from employers and workers’ organisations against states, regardless of whether the
state has ratified the relevant conventions. Moreover, these rights are enshrined in other key
international instruments as well,8 including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; and the International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.9 FOAA affirms people’s right to work collectively
towards common interests voluntarily, which is considered to be a foundational right within
the international framework of human rights. While the right to FOAA applies to many
contexts, such as peaceful protest or the right not to join a group such as a political party,
when coupled with associated rights such as CB and RTS, these rights are essential enabling
rights. They allow workers to gain leverage by organising themselves into collectives, resource
those collectives (e.g. through membership fees) and appoint collective representatives to fur-
ther their interests by negotiating (or ‘bargaining’) the terms of the employment relationship
with both employers and the state.
As Fordist models of mass production came to dominate economic activities in the first half
of the twentieth century, various national institutions emerged around the world to structure
collective bargaining at industry, firm or national level (Kuruvilla and Venkataratnam, 1996). For
many in the unionised sectors, collective bargaining helped to curb excessive wage competi-
tion, increase wages and decrease income gaps, distribute profit, improve working conditions
including health and safety, uphold the dignity of workers and provide stability via the institu-
tionalisation of industrial conflict (Hayter, 2011).
The impact of collective rights is dependent on states adopting, protecting and respecting
these rights within their national governance systems. Even at the onset of their introduction,
there was never an articulated consensus on state responsibilities as these rights limited employer
action in capitalist production (Kang, 2012, p. 18). Although these collective labour rights were
contested, Kang argues that they were widely adopted owing to the interests of powerful states
in the global north and some workers organisations, post the two world wars, to secure demo-
cratic societies. Ethical concerns about human dignity, the link articulated about peace and
security, the Bolshevik Revolution, concern about unfair trade practices and ‘social dumping’
precipitated the adoption of international labour rights and standards (ibid.).
This system of rights came to gain greater significance in the latter half of the twentieth
century with the acceleration of global restructuring. On the one hand, collective labour rights
came to be associated with inefficiencies that curtailed economic growth and competitiveness.
This was particularly the case for states in the global south, where countries began to imple-
ment EOI strategies via development programmes such as structural adjustment programmes
(SAPs) from the 1970s onwards. Before this, East Asian countries such as South Korea and
Singapore embarked upon market and EOI models of growth in the 1960s. Their strategies
were held up as models by the UN, World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to
other countries in South Asia, Latin America and Africa, which were at the time focused on
import-substitution policies. This latter group of countries were encouraged to pursue EOI
growth models from the late 1970s onwards in waves of neoliberal-inspired reforms. SAPs were
financed by loans from the World Bank and the IMF and influenced by neoliberal economic
principles. Loan conditionalities emphasised the market while advising the retreat of the state.
Emphasis was placed on trade liberalisation, attracting foreign direct investment (FDI), gener-
ating local employment and technology transfer (Safa, 2002).
EOI became the entry point into the world economy via integration into low-cost manu-
facturing activities along global supply chains, as multinational corporations outsourced their
manufacturing activities (and at a later stage, their business processes such as payroll and
accounting as well as their customer service operations). Globalised capital sought multiple
forms of flexibility, including through access to ‘flexible’ labour markets and work arrangements
that could be adjusted according to working time, location, worker and contract type, or through
the restriction of labour rights (Tomei, 2000). Kuruvilla (1996) found that export firms tended
to have dynamic, aggressive and flexible human resource management practices in countries
such as Malaysia and the Philippines.
A common loan condition embedded in SAPs was labour market reform, including
weakening of collective bargaining provisions and trade unions’ role in the employment rela-
tionship. This included divesting workers of the right to organise or placing restrictions on
exercising rights (Gopalakrishnan, 2007, p. 1). In pursuing export strategies, states played a
key role in limiting collective labour rights, which was often reflective of the broader political
regime, with more authoritarian governments pursuing more repressive actions (Cooney et al.,
2002; Kuruvilla and Venkataratnam, 1996). The right to strike was often banned by deeming
industries ‘essential industries’, with ‘essential’ being open to interpretation. The issues were
compounded in countries experiencing conflicts. For example, Mosley and Uno (2007) found
that the existence of civil conflict had a significant negative impact on collective labour rights
in 90 developing nations between 1985 and 2002 –a period when neoliberal economic pol-
icies proliferated globally. In situations of conflict concerns about [military] security was used
to enact emergency regulations and restrict labour mobility, expression and association as in the
case of Sri Lanka (Biyanwila, 2010).
There are several examples of where the state actively intervened to curtail collective labour
rights (Anner, 2011; De Stefano, 2017). Trade unions were banned in the Malaysian elec-
tronics industry until 1988. Before 1987, trade unions in South Korea were unable to bargain
on wages. While some countries such as China, Pakistan and Nigeria imposed restrictions,
others such as Bangladesh modified laws to curtail organising. FOAA was suppressed in the
Dominican Republic so that union members were arrested for distributing information on
their trade union. In Bangladesh, Nigeria and Pakistan, the RTS was curtailed under the law
(Milberg and Amengual, 2008). Other factors such as the unavailability of state resources for
law enforcement, particularly through factory inspections, have also contributed to violations
of international standards (Anner, 2008). The issues on which workers could collectively bar-
gain varied widely, from ‘any issue’ in India, to restrictive practices in Singapore on negotiation
on transfers, promotion, work assignments and organisational restructuring (Kuruvilla and
Venkataratnam, 1996).
The state also set up free trade zones (FTZs) and variants (export processing zones,
maquiladoras, special economic zones) as entry points for manufacturing. FTZ-manufactured
exports contributed significantly to national accounts in many smaller economies, in some cases
as much as 80 per cent of export earnings in 2006 (Milberg and Amengual, 2008, pp. 7–10).
Moreover, states such as China set up and managed economic zones outside of their borders
(see Fei, 2017 for China’s investments in Africa). FTZ employment systems have been consist-
ently characterised as the epitome of flexibility. Workers rarely received a living wage, labour
inspection practices were fragmented and trade unions were often restricted. Moreover, reports
of excessive working hours, lax health and safety standards and greater work intensity were
all reported (Milberg and Amengual, 2008, p. 2). Overall, employers denied unions entry to
workplaces, and dismissed, suspended, transferred or blacklisted workers who tried to organise.
Violence was used against workers who sought to organise, including murder (Gopalakrishnan,
2007).Where workers were able to join trade unions of their choosing, they faced union recog-
nition restrictions, strike prohibition or refusal to bargain (ibid.).
Even where human rights are ratified, this has mixed results on the enforcement of col-
lective rights. Scholars examining the relationship between ratifying international labour rights
and state/employer action have found that ratification is not sufficient to uphold labour rights.
A popular method has been to use Mosley and Uno’s (2007) dataset, which captures col-
lective workers’ rights in GSCs between 1985 and 2002, including in export processing zones.
Peksen and Blanton (2016) found a significant negative relationship between the number of
ratified ILO conventions and the level of respect for general and collective worker rights across
the globe. There is evidence that some states in Latin America used international rights as a
cover for authoritarian tendencies on labour (Burgess, 2010). Caraway (2009) found that after
Indonesia had ratified ILO conventions, employers violated labour laws by introducing more
insecure contracts as they interpreted ratification as being symbolic only.
These findings may demonstrate what Susan Kang (2012, pp. 1–2) refers to as a paradox
when it comes to collective labour rights during global restructuring: “public statements of
support for trade union rights and their widespread violation”. However, as Kang goes on to
argue, collective labour rights can still influence state and employer behaviour by deploying
the normative language of human rights and linking these rights to state interests. She asserts
that in the right political contexts, states would change their labour laws to align with inter-
national standards if a labour dispute could be mutually understood as a human rights violation.
This occurred when trade union rights were linked to state political or economic interests, or
powerful judicial institutions were persuaded. Even then states did not necessarily enforce col-
lective rights.
In summary, the importance of human rights and international labour conventions along-
side local regulation in upholding collective rights has come to the forefront during an era of
global restructuring. As noted, a key issue in the global economy is the violation of these rights
within emerging economies, in the pursuit of liberalised export trade, investment and employ-
ment generation. In the next section, I examine the emergence of self-regulatory mechanisms
promoted by corporations and their potential for upholding collective rights.
Privatised governance has flourished, with corporations playing a central role, whether it
be the large multinational or the auditing and monitoring firm. They do not have the same
powers of enforcement state institutions such as labour inspectorates can impose (Allain et al.,
2013). Indeed, they do not have the same right of entry trade unions may have under labour
legislation. As LeBaron et al. (2017) point out, private governance mechanisms involving profit-
making audit firms are used to evaluate compliance with human rights laws and ‘hard’ national
laws, and have become accepted by states and civil society as legitimate mechanisms to enforce
labour standards. This results in regimes that reinforce neoliberal economic governance rather
than overcome the deficiencies in global governance regimes (Le Baron et al., 2017, p. 4).
Two main findings from the literature are that those audit regimes are inadequate to cap-
ture non-compliance and that labour codes do not significantly improve collective labour
rights (Anner, 2012; Barrientos and Smith, 2007; Bartley and Egels-Zandén 2015; Locke, 2013).
Moreover, even though most CSR initiatives now include collective rights it is in a superficial
manner in many cases (Egels-Zanden and Merk, 2014).
Anner’s (2012) study is particularly instructive, as his conclusions are drawn from an original
dataset based on 805 factory audits conducted by the Fair Labour Association over a seven-year
period. He argues that as collective rights such as FOAA weaken corporate control by providing
workers with a counter-voice and vehicle to alter power dynamics in the employment relation-
ship, collective rights are not as closely monitored. Recognising that collective rights such as
FOAA may be difficult to measure, Anner found that most non-compliance reports were in the
areas of health and safety, wages, benefits and hours of work.Violations of FOAA made up the
smallest number of reports in monitoring exercises. Examining the FLA’s third party complaints
mechanism (where complaints are proactively made), and the 19 complaints made in the same
period, most complaints (32 per cent) were on issues of FOAA. For example, in a prominent
case involving Russell Athletic’s supply factory in Honduras, the FLA’s monitoring reports
regarding violations of FOAA indicated that there was no evidence of rights violation. An inde-
pendent consultant, in contrast, discredited the original monitor’s report, including how they
had collected evidence. The FLA dismissed the revised report. A campaign was then instigated
by student activists, who persuaded approximately 110 universities to cut their contracts with
Russell owing to violation of worker’s collective rights. As Esbenshade (2016) points out, the
student campaign against Russell was successful not because of the FLA code, but because of the
enforcement of licensing contractual obligations between universities and Russell.
The second approach is often inclusive of the above and designed to improve the entire
supply chain. ‘Up-grading’ refers to moving to higher ‘value-added activities in production’
chains (e.g. moving from labour-intensive apparel manufacturing to including product design
or improving logistics processes) and involves learning and acquiring new skills, implementing
new technologies and increasing the benefits from participating in GSCs (Gereffi, 1999). Up-
grading can occur in economic, social and environmental areas.Workers’ conditions are included
in ‘social up-g rading’, which usually refers to job creation, skills development and improving
terms and entitlements for workers as measured by various standards, and via the enforcement
of rights.Workers are conceived of as ‘social actors’, and as such, the impact of social up-g rading
can extend to their families, with a strong correlation expressed between economic and social
up-g rading (Barrientos et al., 2011). As noted by Barrientos et al., the measurable standards are
often the outcome of “complex bargaining processes, framed by the enabling [collective] rights
of workers”.
Social up-g rading is tied directly to the ILO’s Decent Work agenda (Barrientos and Smith,
2007). The agenda is concerned with: employment creation, skill development and enterprise
development; social protection; standards and rights at work; and governance and social dialogue.
Recognition and enforcement of collective rights are incorporated specifically into standards,
rights, governance and social dialogue. Moreover, the Decent Work agenda was integrated into
the Millennium Development Goals. More recently, the Decent Work agenda formed the basis
for Goal Number 8 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Critique of social up-grading is often linked to the critique of these broader agendas that
point out the transformative limitations for workers. Selwyn (2013) and Mayer and Pickles
(2014) argue that the co-option of the Decent Work agenda by IFIs (entities that previously
categorised trade unions as market-unfriendly) has been wrought with contradictions between
policy and benchmarking programmes, as well as relying on the non-existent enforcement
mechanisms characteristic of ILO labour standards. Moreover, the Decent Work agenda fails
to take into account deep-seated structural conditions that lead to poor-quality work. This
includes class relations between labour and local/multinational capital. As Selwyn argues, this
represents an institutionalised “discounting” of the “systemic exploitation of labour by capital”
(Selwyn, 2011, p. 87). Notably, the Decent Work agenda fails to promote political mobilisation,
limiting its transformative capacity (Mayer and Pickles, 2014; Selwyn, 2013). In other words,
although some proponents do acknowledge that independent unions can contribute to social
up-g rading (Barrientos et al., 2011), the agenda underpinning social up-g rading does little to
empower workers as per definitions of empowerment found in the feminist literature.
The main drawback of both codes of conduct and social up-grading is not that they cannot
affect long-term structural transformation, but that they are not designed to promote worker
agency. Kabeer (2015, p. 11) points out that in labour-intensive supply chains such as apparel,
footwear, toys, horticulture and electronics, where women are overwhelmingly employed, claims
and demands are made on behalf of women workers. In particular, northern coalitions of unions,
NGOs, religious organisations, rights activists, students and consumers have campaigned in nor-
thern consumption centres using advertising to ‘reveal’ the labour and labour conditions behind
labels to consumers. This movement has in effect empowered consumers while only engaging
with actual activists/workers on speaking tours. This results in reinforcing the image of the
“passive victim of global capital”. This point was raised in relation to women workers in GSCs
by Siddiqi (2009), who asked whether “Bangladeshi factory workers need saving?” Her concern
was with activist, feminist practice and anti-sweatshop movements that denied worker voices and
agency through generalised and sensationalised representations of ‘third-world women workers’.
Many of the key groups advocating for collective rights do not engage with organising
workers or representing them directly. Thus, while the space for trade unions may have shrunk,
other entities such as “alt-unions”, “alt-labour” and “improvisational unionism” (Oswalt, 2016)
now make representations about the interests and claims of workers even though they are not
membership organisations. They have often de-emphasised unionisation, focusing instead on
claims, lobbying, legal representation, protest, strikes and education (ibid.). Other groups, such
as worker’s centres (Fine, 2006), have taken on some of the traditional roles of unions while
advocating for the enforcement of collective labour rights. Overall, NGOs do not have the same
institutionalised access as trade unions to workplaces or international processes such as ILO
tripartite processes. Moreover, some NGOs (e.g. CARE, Oxfam) often instigate issue-based
campaigns concerning, for example, wages or sexual harassment, before consulting workers. As
Egels-Zandén and Merk (2014) pointed out, workers are often “treated as passive objects of
regulation”, particularly in the design and implementation of codes of conduct.
Kabeer, Egels-Zandén and Merks and Siddiqi all ultimately draw attention to the importance
of transformative agency enabled through collective rights (see also Gunawardana, 2011).This is
vital to changing power asymmetries rather than enforcing the existing order. As research from
Htun and Weldon (2012) demonstrated, autonomous association and organising contributed to
changing power relations at a societal level, putting the needs of women on an equal footing
with those of men.
This chapter has examined (a) the importance of collective labour rights for women working
within export factories in global supply chains, and (b) the non-state voluntary corporate gov-
ernance regimes that have emerged to regulate or improve working conditions, and their pos-
sibilities for upholding collective rights. Although women’s empowerment is one of the reasons
why EOI continues to be implemented in emerging economies (see, for example, Lopez-
Acevedo and Robertson, 2016), it has been observed that although EOI generates employ-
ment for women workers, associated labour regimes may disempower them, including through
weakened collective rights. Thus, the importance of human and labour rights in international
labour conventions, alongside local regulation, has come to the forefront of discussion during an
era of global restructuring. A key area of scholarly concern in the global economy has been the
violation of these rights within emerging economies, in the pursuit of liberalised export trade,
investment and employment generation.
The first section outlined how collective rights and action are a constitutive element
of economic empowerment, as they enable a process of transformation. That is, addressing
power asymmetries in employment does involve collective efforts to transform poor working
conditions, including conditions particular to women; gender equality collective bargaining is
one example discussed in this chapter. The second section outlined how collective rights are
articulated in international conventions and human rights law and how they may be suppressed
by states and corporations in pursuing EOI strategies.
Finally, the chapter outlined how self-regulatory mechanisms tend to uphold the weaknesses
of the existing regimes rather than finding remedies. Importantly, this section concluded by
observing that these mechanisms provided little space for worker inclusion in the design of
auditing methods, or in some cases, of representing their interests accurately. In other words,
they did little to address asymmetrical power, as, within the repertoire of global governance,
codes of conduct and even social up-grading remain firmly rooted in the process of ‘labour
flexibilisation’ –ensuring low-cost and pliable labour for multinational investment. As Phillips
points out (2017, p. 14), multinationals themselves “push for the very ‘gaps’ in public governance
that are necessary for their business model to thrive”.
1 Although FOAA applies to employers and employees in the employment relationship (broadly conceived),
this chapter will focus primarily on freedom of association as an enabling right for employees.
2 Article 2 of the ILO Convention 154 defines collective bargaining as a negotiation between an indi-
vidual employer or a collective employer (including employer associations) and a workers’ collective
organisation on the following conditions: “(a) determining working conditions and terms of employ-
ment; and/or (b) regulating relations between employers and workers; and/or (c) regulating relations
between employers or their organisations and a workers’ organisation or workers’ organisations”.
3 Throughout the rest of the text, this trio will be referred to as ‘collective rights’ except when a right is
referred to individually
4 For example, the Declaration of Philadelphia (1944) asserts that “lasting peace can be established only if
it is based on social justice”.
5 The three other groups are: the Women’s Network for Unity, a union of sex workers; the Messenger
Band, a group of former garment workers; and Social Action for Change-SAC, a group of activists who
support the mobilisation and growth of grassroots democratic action in Cambodia.
6 While various political traditions have historically defined different elements of universal human rights,
the interpretation of the right to association, assembly and collective bargaining came to be defined the
liberal tradition of individual human rights (Ishay, 2007).
7 Fundamental worker’s rights were declared at the 1995 Copenhagen World Summit for Social
Development. Following this, the ILO adopted the Declaration of fundamental principles and rights at
work in 1998.
8 I have not included here regional instruments e.g. European Union Convention on Human Rights.
9 Articles 20 and 23(4) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Articles 2 (2), 2 (3) (a-c), 22 and
26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; Article 8 of the International Covenant
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Other more recent conventions such as Convention 189
Domestic Workers Convention and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All
Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families also provide protection for association and assembly
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Mark Anner and Katiuscia Galhera1
Latin America offers a vibrant example of complex and dynamic employment relations practices
in the global economy. The region shares a common legacy of Iberian colonisation, civil law
legal systems, state corporatism, commodity export dependency and labour market bifurcation
with a very large informal economy. Employment relations practices have also been shaped
by dramatic shifts between economic liberalism and protectionism, and authoritarian rule and
democracy. All these factors encourage us to re-think dominant frameworks for studying ER
in the global economy.
An employment framework for Latin America must also take into consideration contrasts.
The region’s largest economies –Brazil, Mexico and Argentina –have the strongest corpor-
atist traditions, large domestic markets and relatively large labour unions. Central American and
Caribbean countries have experienced more prolonged labour-repressive regimes and market
economies built on highly competitive, low-cost exports such as apparel. The result has been
relatively small and fragmented unions and authoritarian ER practices.
In general, Latin America as a region differs markedly from the pluralist ER regimes common
in liberal market economies. But nor can it be considered a region of coordinated market econ-
omies with strong social actors. It is the state, rather than society, that has played the most dom-
inant role in setting the strategic terms of labour-management interactions (Schmitter, 1974).
As a result, a hierarchical market economy better represents the context for patterns of regional
ER (Schneider, 2009).
This chapter seeks to explore ER practices in Latin America while developing an overarching
framework for analysis. It examines general political, economic and legal trends that shape ER
and examines the causes for diversity. In the sections that follow, we first outline our framework
for studying ER in Latin America. Next, we explore how the economic context and labour
market trends influence ER. In the third section, we examine the labour rights context in law
and practice. The fourth and fifth sections review industrial relations (IR) and human resource
management (HRM) practices in the region. The final section concludes.
worker mobilisation (Drake, 1996). One cause for authoritarian rule was a state desire to con-
trol labour during periods of difficult economic reforms (O’Donnell, 1973). Geopolitics also
played a role, especially after the Cuban revolution in 1959 when the US government supported
authoritarian rulers in the region in order to prevent socialist regimes from taking power. In the
process, the US often pursued efforts to weaken left-oriented unions while building moderate,
pro-US labour groups in the region (Anner, 2011b).
In the 1980s and 1990s, democratisation and international pressure resulted in many pro-
labour reforms, including laws that facilitated union formation (Cook, 2007). At the same time,
market-oriented reforms created new competitive pressures that overpowered many of the pro-
labour aspects of the legal reforms, contributing to union decline and fragmentation (Anner,
2008). The civil law system and the legacy of state corporatism meant that many formal sector
workers continued to rely heavily on the state to determine wage and benefit levels, at the same
time that the level of those benefits declined and labour markets became more flexible. Market-
oriented reforms also increased the size of the informal sector, leaving millions of workers out-
side the purview of the formal labour relations regime and the protections, albeit limited, of
state labour inspectorates (ILO, 2015).
The result is ER systems in Latin America that tend to be more state-centric than those in
liberal market economies, and labour markets that are far more segmented than in developed
market economies, not only between core and non-core workers, but also between formal
and informal sector workers. Finally, the strong role of multinational corporations (MNCs),
social clauses in trade arrangements and the imperatives of the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) reflect influences that go beyond the national level. MNCs brought with them cer-
tain ER practices from their home countries at the same time as they sought to adapt
to local culture (Elvira and Dávila, 2005). Social clauses in trade agreements resulted in
important labour law reforms, especially in Latin America’s smaller countries (Frundt, 1998).
And IMF loan conditionality often resulted in increased labour market flexibility (Anner
and Caraway, 2010).
These elements allow us to develop a framework for analysis that begins with the social
actors: the state, employers and labour. But, unlike the case of coordinated market economies,
in Latin America the state plays a more dominant role, which is why in our framework we
place the state at the top of the social partners’ triangular relationship. Second, to highlight the
significant role of the informal sector, we suggest a bifurcated labour market, where the formal
sector workers are protected by the state labour relations regime while a large segment of the
workforce falls outside state protection. This ER regime exists within larger national political,
economic and cultural contexts, which in turn exist within a broader international context
shaped by foreign direct investment (MNCs), trade regimes and rules set by international finan-
cial institutions (IFIs). [See Figure 24.1.]
In the sections that follow, we will use this framework to examine contemporary ER
practices in Latin America. We begin by exploring the economic and labour market context.
The State
Employers Labor
share of their workers in industry in the region (over 22 per cent), compared with fewer than
17 per cent of workers in the Dominican Republic. And while over 70 per cent of workers in
Argentina and Venezuela are employed in the service sector, less than 50 per cent of workers in
Honduras are employed in that sector. [See Figure 24.2.]
Yet, even these differences hide deeper sources of labour market variation. For example,
while Argentina and Honduras are both relatively strong in industry, Argentina’s industrial
employment includes high-end industrial sectors such as autos while Honduras’ industry is
based on low-end apparel assembly exports. And while the service sector is the dominant sector
in terms of employment throughout the region, it is not the case that the service sector is unam-
biguously displacing jobs in industry across the region. In Central America, the Caribbean and
Mexico, the per cent of the workforce employed in industry actually increased slightly from 1990
to 2005 (ECLAC, 2006).
The growth of employment in industry in these countries is a reflection of economic
policies that have favoured export-oriented growth through light manufacturing. Under this
model, producers assemble products under contract for major buyers such as Gap, Wal-Mart or
Intel. In Mexico, auto parts assembly is also common. This model of export-oriented growth
puts considerable downward pressure on wages and unionisation rates as a result of the seg-
mentation of the workforce and increased competitive pressure on producers (Anner, 2011a).
This model of production varies greatly from the domestic market-oriented model of pro-
duction known as import substitution industrialisation that dominated the region for much of
the twentieth century. The protectionist regime, while it lasted, allowed for real wage growth
and increased unionisation (Schamis, 1999). In the early twenty-first century, job tenure has
tended to be more stable in high-end, domestic market-oriented sectors relative to low-end,
hyper-competitive systems such as those based on apparel exports. The result is an important
variation in ER practices. For example, the auto sector is characterised by high levels of union-
isation and collective bargaining coverage with a large middle-aged male workforce, whereas
the apparel export sector is characterised by low levels of unionisation, almost no collective
bargaining coverage, authoritarian managerial styles and a predominance of young, female
workers (Anner, 2011b).
The service sector in the region also varies in ER practices, ranging from public sector
jobs with full benefits to informal sector domestic workers and street vendors. Indeed, perhaps
the single greatest difference between Latin American ER practices and those in developed
market economies is the high level of informality in Latin America. Informality is defined
by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as, “economic activities that operate out-
side the formal reach of the law or those that, while operating within the formal reach of
the law, are not subject to application or enforcement of the law in practice.”3 Some 47
per cent of workers in Latin America work in the informal sector. Approximately 59 per
cent of workers in microenterprises (10 or fewer workers) are informal. Some 78 per cent
of domestic workers and 82 per cent of ‘own-account’ workers (street vendors, etc.) are
informal. [See Figure 24.3.]
The highest rates of informality can be found in Bolivia, Honduras and Paraguay, where over
70 per cent of workers are not covered by labour legislation. The majority of workers in Latin
America under 25 years of age (55.7 per cent) are informal (ILO, 2015). We also find a higher
participation of women in informal employment relative to men, such as among domestic
workers and street vendors. In formal sector manufacturing jobs, women are more often
employed in low-paid apparel assembly jobs. Thus, in exploring ER practices in Latin America,
Domesc workers
Public Sector
Private Sector
Total Rate
Enterprises over
(1–10 workers)
10 workers
Source: ILO (2015)
Figure 24.3 Informal employment rate by sector in 14 Latin American countries (2015)
Source: ILO (2015)
an examination of labour and employment laws often only informs us about conditions for less
than half of the workforce, excluding in particular young and female workers.
Finally, regional and international migration patterns influence economic and ER dynamics.
Millions of Mexican, Central American and Caribbean migrants live in the United States
and send billions in remittances back home, often helping workers in low-paid jobs in Latin
America to pay their bills.That is, family remittances help to subsidise underpaid jobs. Regional
migration is also high, with Nicaraguan agricultural workers in Costa Rica (Lee, 2010), Bolivian
garment workers in Brazil (Veiga and Galhera, 2014) and Peruvian domestic workers in Chile
(Staab and Hil Maher, 2006). The majority of these workers face poorly remunerated and
exceptionally harsh and vulnerable working conditions.
several countries allowed for public sector unionisation and others reduced the number of
workers needed to form a union at the enterprise level (Anner, 2008).
While some scholars focused on the reforms to laws, a growing body of research began
to pay closer attention to enforcement. Some scholars, while acknowledging certain caveats,
celebrated the ‘Latin model’ of labour inspection, because it “can reconcile regulation with eco-
nomic flexibility and transform inspectors into the shock troops of a campaign for decent work”
(Piore and Schrank, 2008, p. 1). This is because labour inspectors have the authority to weigh
the costs and benefits of regulation at the firm level and can disseminate best practices (ibid.).
Other scholars have noted that, absent pressure from civil society, labour inspectorates are often
subject to political interference and lack resources (Amengual, 2014).
In the aftermath of the labour reforms, unionisation rates continued to decline in Latin
America, especially in the private sector. This is because, whatever favourable legal aspects were
provided by the reforms to labour, the adverse effects of market-oriented reforms on unions
were greater (Anner, 2008). Second, often the reforms were not accompanied by corresponding
reforms to labour inspectorates and other instruments of enforcement. While the number of
labour inspectors did grow in many countries, they still proved insufficient to cover the hundreds
of thousands of workplaces in the region. And, when labour and employment law violations
were detected, the level of fines imposed on violators (sometimes no more than US$24) was not
sufficiently dissuasive enough so as to prevent employers from committing further violations
(Anner, 2008).
A database released in 2015 by the Center for Global Workers’ Rights at Penn State University
allows for a closer examination of these trends.The Labor Rights Indicators database (from here
forward, ‘LR Indicators’) documents labour laws that violate ILO standards. The database codes
violations of the right to form unions, bargaining collectively and strike by coding findings of
the ILO supervisory mechanisms, US State Department Human Rights Reports, national legis-
lation and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) annual surveys of human rights.4
The database divides violations into ‘violations in law’ and ‘violations in practice.’ A violation
in law is a case in which a labour law does not meet ILO standards, such as a prohibition on
unionisation in export processing zones (EPZs). A violation in practice is a case where the law
meets ILO standards, but in practice is systematically violated. This would be a case when there
are no legal barriers to unionisation in EPZs, but the state fails to address a common employer
practice of dismissing and blacklisting workers who try to unionise.
In terms of ‘violations in law’, what the database reveals is a significant number of violations in
law of these core rights, with El Salvador and Honduras at the top of the list. [See Figure 24.4.]
For example, in El Salvador, the law does not require employers to reinstate illegally dismissed
workers, and it does not provide public sector workers with the right to collectively bargain
and strike (LR Indicators). In Honduras, fines imposed on employers for acts of anti-union
discrimination (such as firing a worker for union activity) range from approximately US$12 to
a maximum of US$500 and are considered not to be “sufficiently dissuasive” by the ILO (LR
In Brazil, a 2005 report found that local labour inspection offices often lacked computers,
telephones, tables and chairs, which, according to the ILO, inhibited the ability of the labour
inspectorate to carry out its duties (CEACR, 2005). Resources dedicated to enforcement
increased significantly (by approximately 50 per cent) under the pro-labour government of
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Anner, 2008), but other limitations in the law remain in Brazil. For
example, a collective bargaining agreement in Brazil can be declared null and void if it is found
to conflict with the government’s economic and financial policy, or the wage policy in force
(LR Indicators).
Figure 24.4 Count of trade union laws that violate international labour standards (2012)
Source: Authors’ calculations based on the CGWR Labor Rights Indicators
In Guatemala, the existence of a union at the firm level does not mean that an employer
has an obligation to bargain or even meet with the workers. Instead, the laws establish a much
higher threshold for collective bargaining than for union formation, which results in the pro-
liferation of small unions with no collective bargaining rights. Five countries in Latin America
require between 60 and 75 per cent of the workforce to approve a strike action, which is also
considered by the ILO to be an unreasonably high threshold. In addition, many countries have
burdensome administrative steps that must be fulfilled before a strike can be authorised by the
state (Anner, 2008).
In Mexico, violations of international labour standards are notable (La Botz, 1999). The
ILO has consistently criticised Mexican labour law for its imposition of “trade union unity”.
Notably, the Federal Act on State Employees prohibits the co-existence of two or more unions
in the same state agency (LR Indicators). Historically, this has allowed pro-government, mon-
opoly union representation. Argentina, which has also been criticised for its system of mon-
opoly representation, only recognises the right to strike for registered unions with official status,
excluding, thereby, the right to strike of non-official unions (LR Indicators).
In sum, labour unions face considerable legal obstacles to exercise their rights to organise,
bargain and strike in Latin America. However, in many ways it is not the law itself, but rather
the failure to implement the law, that is the biggest obstacle to the functioning of labour unions
in Latin America. We turn to this topic in the next section.
Rights Indicators reveal that violations in practices are more prevalent than violations in laws,
suggesting deficits in the area of state labour law enforcement mechanisms. [See Figure 24.5 for
counts of labour rights violations in practice.]
While the killing of trade unionists is the most dramatic example of how trade union
rights are violated in practice, more common practices include the manipulation of unions
by employers and the government. The US Department of State’s human rights report on
Mexico observes, “The process for official government recognition of unions was politicized,
and the government occasionally used the process to reward political allies or punish political
opponents.” (US Department of State, 2015, p. 33). The report continues:
The report concludes that these practices contributed to weak collective bargaining agreements
and poor working conditions.
Patterns of violations also vary by sector. In sectors in which labour costs are more sensi-
tive to competitive market pressures, such as the apparel export sectors that dominate manu-
facturing exports in Central America and much of the Caribbean, violations of national laws
and international standards are particularly severe. Firing and then blacklisting workers who
attempted to form unions in apparel export processing zones have been well documented
in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador (Anner, 2011a; Delpech, 2015; US Department of
State, 2009).
Source: ILOSTAT.
*Argenna figure is for 2008
The impact of these ‘in law’ and ‘in practice’ violations, as well as the general economic and
political context outlined above, is significant variations in trade union density and collective
bargaining coverage in the region. Trade union density rates indicate the number of union
members who are employees as a percentage of the total number of employees.6 What the data
show are a group of countries with union density rates of 3–10 per cent (Colombia, Costa Rica,
El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru). At the same time, there are several countries with
relatively significant union density rates of full-time employees of 17–38 per cent (Argentina,
Brazil, Panama, and Uruguay.) [See Figure 24.6.]
What accounts for this variation? At first blush, we see that levels and forms of eco-
nomic development matter. Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay are all well above the Latin
American mean in terms of GDP per capita and have a stronger economic foundation in
heavy industry. In contrast, Guatemala, El Salvador and Paraguay have among the lowest
GDPs per capita in the region and their manufacturing is more strongly based on low-end
export assembly sectors. Mexico represents a mixed case of greater levels of economic devel-
opment yet a high dependency on export assembly manufacturing. At the same time, an
adverse labour relations regime in law and practice has inhibited independent unionisation,
as we have seen above.
A further examination of law and practice trends reveals the importance of industry-level
collective bargaining. The countries with the longest legacy of industry level bargaining –not-
ably Argentina and Uruguay –have not only the highest union density rates, but also have
among the highest collective bargaining coverage levels. Yet, Latin America is dominated by
enterprise-level bargaining. Countries with enterprise bargaining, which fragments unions and
weakens their leverage, tend to have the lowest union density rates as well as the lowest col-
lective bargaining coverage rates. El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay and Peru
all have collective bargaining coverage rates of below four per cent. Brazil’s system of sub-
national territorial unionism and bargaining agreement extension rules contributed to a high
level of collective bargaining coverage there, with coverage of 42 per cent of employees. [See
Table 24.1.]
Source: International Labour Organization (2015). Trends in collective bargaining coverage: stability,
erosion or decline? Available at:
* assessment based on authors’ interviews and research.
1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013
Social relationships are also a key cultural aspect that shapes the organisational context. The
development of personal relationships is promoted in organisations as a reflection of the cul-
tural preference for collectivism. Personal contact is highly valued in Latin America. Managerial
interactions and face-to-face communication strengthens centralisation while giving the sense
of power proximity. Employees prefer cordial and affective relationships in the workplace. The
emotional bond between supervisors and subordinates as well as between co-workers may
create loyalty and trust (Elvira and Dávila, 2005).
Of course, these general traits are contingent and dynamic. During periods of authoritarian
rule and economic crisis, Latin American workers have been remarkably militant in expressing
their disapproval of leaders (Drake, 1996; Keck, 1989; Levenson-Estrada, 1994). Liberation the-
ology and struggles for social justice have left a legacy of many social movements that question
traditional hierarchies. Perhaps more so than any other region, Latin America labour unionists
and worker activists have often aligned with other social movements –including student groups,
women’s organisations and faith-based communities –in their efforts to improve the living and
working conditions of their members.
Latin America offers a mosaic of employment relations practices, from labour-repressive regimes
in the export-processing zones of Central America, to the informal street vendors of Bolivia
and the full-time production workers in German-transplant auto factories in Brazil. Variations
in economic, political and ER legacies contribute to unionisation rates that vary from three per
cent in Guatemala to 38 per cent in Argentina. Strong industrial unions in Uruguay bargain
national agreements that cover 67 per cent of the workforce, while the fragmented enterprise
unions of El Salvador negotiate collective bargaining agreements that cover only three per cent
of formal sector workers.
Yet, within these variations, certain common traits emerge. The region shares a legacy of
Iberian colonisation, state corporatism, authoritarian rule and democratic transition, and dra-
matic fluctuations between protective and free-market economic policies. As a result, common
cultural and ER practices developed. A culture of collectivism, uncertainty avoidance and power
distance reinforced the model of HMEs in which paternalistic ER practices prevail.
Latin America also remains a dynamic region. Decades of authoritarian rule were followed by
democratisation and market-oriented reforms in the 1990s. Pro-labour reforms ensued, but these
often failed to meet the challenges created by market liberalisation and enforcement was often
weak. The early 2000s witnessed the rise of a moderate left in Latin America, with trade union
presidents in Brazil and Bolivia. For a period of time, the decline in unionisation rates in some
countries abated. But at the time of writing, economic boom is turning once again into crisis: the
labour-oriented government in Argentina was voted out of power, voters denied Bolivia’s labour-
activist president a chance to run for a fourth term and the pro-labour government in Brazil lost
power through a questioned impeachment process that not only removed the president, but also
removed the pro-labour governing party.What this suggests is that employment relations practices
in Latin America will continue to be dynamic and worthy of much future research.
1 The authors thank Denny Monteiro and João Gabriel Bounavita for their invaluable research assistance
for this chapter. Katiuscia Galhera, while working on this project, benefited from a scholarship provided
by CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasilia/DF –Brazil.
2 According to the World Development Indicators, ‘industry’ corresponds to ISIC divisions 10–45 and
includes manufacturing (ISIC divisions 15–37). It comprises value added in mining, manufacturing,
construction, electricity, water and gas.
3 ILO, 2015, “27 million Latin American and Caribbean Youth in the Informal Economy.” Available at:
4 More information on the database and its methodology can be found here: http://labour-r ights- 3 January 2018).
5 Trade Union Rights in Law and Practice, http://labour-r (Accessed: 3
January 2018).
6 For the purpose of this indicator in particular, trade union membership excludes union members who
are not in paid employment, such as self-employed, unemployed and retired workers.
7 The Hofstede Centre, (Accessed: 3 January 2018).
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Argentina’, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 67(1), pp. 3–33.
Anner, M. (2008). ‘Meeting the Challenges of Industrial Restructuring: Labor Reform and Enforcement
in Latin America’, Latin American Politics and Society, 50(2), pp. 33–65.
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Chris King-Chi Chan and Yunbing He
It has been nearly four decades since the reform and open-door policy was introduced in
China in 1978. Although China has remained an authoritarian state politically, its economy and
society have experienced dramatic changes over this period. China is now the world’s second
largest economy in terms of GDP, with a workforce of 774.5 million in 2015 (National Bureau
of Statistics of China, 2016). Statistics show remarkable changes in China’s pattern of employ-
ment. In 1978, China’s rural economy was dominant, with 71 per cent of the workforce in the
primary sector, and only 17 per cent and 12 per cent in manufacturing and service industries,
respectively. In 2000, the year before China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), half
of the workforce had shifted to non-agricultural sectors, with 22 per cent in manufacturing and
27 per cent in service industries. In 2015, service industries accounted for more than 42 per
cent of total employment, whilst agriculture and manufacture represented about 28 per cent
and 29 per cent, respectively. The contribution of the service industry to GDP (50.5 per cent)
also surpassed that of manufacturing in 2015.
Alongside this process of industrialisation, it is important to note the phenomenon of
rural-urban migration in past decades and its recent trends. Since the 1990s, millions of
peasants have migrated from their hometowns to coastal cities in search of work, and the
‘tidal wave of migrant workers’ (Min Gong Chao) flooding train stations before and after the
Spring Festival has become a familiar spectacle in China. This huge array of migrant workers
forms a large reserve army in the labour market. In the private sector, the result has been an
abundance of cheap labour and a prevalence of despotic management styles and bad working
conditions. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, there were 277.5 million peasant
migrant workers (Nongmingong) in 2015 (China Labour Bulletin, 2016). In general, migrant
workers work in the city but hold a rural Hukou (household registration certificate). In the
area of economic production, they are workers; however, they are not identified as urban
citizens and do not have stable urban residences. In recent years, however, the Hukou policy
has been relaxed. Migrant workers with better skills or qualifications are encouraged to apply
for Hukou in the cities in which they work, and even without Hukou, migrant workers enjoy
social rights in the workplace similar to those of their urban counterparts. For example, the
Social Insurance Law that came into effect in 2011 granted uniform protection to both urban
and migrant workers in five areas (medical, maternity, industrial injury, unemployment and
pension insurance).
Forms of ownership in China have also shifted recently in favour of domestic private
enterprises. Before 1978, outside of government institutions, all urban workers worked in state-
owned enterprises (SOEs) or collectively owned enterprises (COEs). Foreign-direct investment
(FDI) was introduced to China in the 1980s. Since the early 1990s, foreign-invested enterprises
(FIEs) and joint ventures (JVs) have come to employ millions of migrant workers, especially in
coastal cities. Although SOEs remain major players in the economy, the wave of privatisation
in preparation for China’s entry into the WTO led to millions of SOE workers losing their
jobs. From 1990 to 2003, the number of industrial workers employed in SOEs declined from
43.64 million (68.4 per cent) to 13.34 million (36.3 per cent) (Lee, 2007). Meanwhile, pri-
vate-owned enterprises (POEs), which were discouraged by the state during the early stages
of reform, have expanded in recent years. In 2015, of 404 million employees in urban China,
62 million (15 per cent) were employed by SOEs, 130 million (32 per cent) by POEs (private
enterprises and share-holding corporations) and 28 million (seven per cent) by FIEs (companies
involving foreign capital or capital from Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan).
While traditionally trade unions and collective bargaining are major domains of research
in ER, the scenario in China is more complicated. First, independent trade unions are absent
and official trade unions are more like state apparatus (Taylor and Li, 2007). Second, collective
bargaining does not function well in the workplace (Clarke, Lee and Li, 2004). In fact, due
to the historical divergence with the West, the term ‘employment relations’ is rarely used in
Chinese scholarship. Most of the labour-related curricula in China are attached to the human
resource management (HRM) school. But there are also a handful of labour relations experts
who see labour and management as ‘equal’ parties in their analysis. They analyse the ‘labour
problem’ from the perspective of law and state policy (e.g. Chang, 2004). The prominent work
on Chinese labour outside China is influenced by two major schools. The first is the insti-
tutional analysis tradition in political sciences and IR that puts trade unions at the centre of
enquiry (e.g. Chen, 2003; Clarke, Lee and Li, 2004). The second is the ethnographic approach
in sociology and anthropology that focuses on the process of control and resistance in the work-
place (e.g. Lee, 1998; Pun, 2005).
The rise of migrant workers’ wildcat strikes and government’s effort to rebalance and re-
regulate workplace relations since 2008 (Lee, Brown and Wen, 2016) have created blooming
opportunities for labour and employment studies in China. These recent researches are highly
multidisciplinary and published in fields such as sociology, political sciences, management, devel-
opment and China studies as well as labour and IR. Chinese scholars have generally called this
group of scholarship labour studies (laogong yanjiu) or labour relations (laodong guanxi). When
the term ‘employment relations’ is used, it refers to various issues such as wages, grievances
and patterns of labour disputes in different types of firms (e.g. Cooke, 2008). Following this
approach, in this paper we use the term ‘employment relations’ flexibly to refer to a wide range
of literature concerning Chinese labour and workplace politics.
The next section offers a review of the changing political and economic contexts of ER in
China. It is followed by an introduction to management practices in different kinds of enter-
prise. We then discuss two major issues in Chinese ER in the past two decades: industrial
conflicts and trade unionism. In our conclusion, we summarise our main arguments and suggest
directions for new research. As will be seen, there is no general form of ER in China. A specific
historical context of a ‘socialist’ market economy has given rise to decentralisation (from central
to local) and hybridisation (between different sectors, forms of ownerships and geographies) in
labour relations (Lee, Brown and Wen, 2016; Friedman and Kuruvilla, 2015).
Chan & He
no such workplace conflicts have occurred in SOEs since the early 2000s. In contrast, strikes and
other forms of protest have emerged amongst migrant workers, especially in the PRD.
The open-door policies also led to a rapid increase in FDI in China, which increased from
US$4.7 billion in 1991 to US$11.3 billion in 1992 and US$26.0 billion in 1993 (National
Bureau of Statistics of China, various years). China was well established as a ‘global factory’, with
the PRD as its powerhouse. Major ethnographic research conducted in Hong Kong invested
factories in the PRD (Lee, 1998; Pun, 2005) found that localism and sexism were used by
management to maintain class domination and despotism, whilst women workers also used the
resources of localism and gender to construct their identity as ‘maiden workers’ (Dagongmei).
Most FIEs did not have a trade union. Even when trade unions were established, they were ‘paper
unions’ created merely to satisfy the requirements of the higher-level trade union. Workers had
little knowledge about the existence of enterprise trade unions, and the unions were inactive.
Chan & He
Many factories in South China faced closure or bankruptcy, but the Chinese economy
recovered quickly due to the government’s huge investment in infrastructure and social
spending. In 2010, the GDP growth rate returned to double digits (10.3 per cent) (Global
Times, 2011). Concomitant with the economic revival was the re-emergence of labour
shortages (Chengdu Commercial Daily, 2010). It was reported that a total of two million
workers were needed in the PRD in early 2010. Against this background, a more significant
wave of strikes led by Honda workers attracted global attention in June 2010 (Chan and
Hui, 2012). These strikes gave impetus to the process of trade union reform, and the ACFTU
began to promote a policy of wage bargaining and trade union direct election (Chan and
Hui, 2014).
Changes in management strategies and practices in SOEs are much slower than those in other
types of enterprises, as a result of historical legacy, organisational inertia and continued gov-
ernment interference (Hassard et al., 2006). At the early stage of reform, the government
experimented with a labour contract system and performance-related bonuses and awards to
increase workers’ motivation and productivity.The labour contract system was extended nation-
wide after a pilot experiment in the late 1980s. All new hires are required to sign a contract,
and renewal is based on mutual agreement between employers and employees (Chan, Ngok
and Phillips, 2008;Warner, 1996). A performance-based remuneration system was put into prac-
tice in almost all SOEs and other public sector organisations after restructuring in the 1990s
(Warner, 1996). By then, few SOEs offered the former ‘cradle to grave’ social protection scheme,
which was replaced by nationalised social insurance. Unemployment insurance was introduced
in the late 1980s to protect workers as the ‘iron rice-bowl’ was phased out (Hassard, et al., 2006;
Warner, 1996).
Despite the introduction of contract labour, however, Goodall and Warner (1997) found that
in the late 1990s there was still an institutional and organisational continuity in ‘iron rice-bowl’
practices in both SOEs and JVs, mostly for employees with bianzhi (budgeted posts). This prac-
tice can still be found in SOEs nowadays, as formal workers cannot be easily removed from
their danwei (work unit) unless they make serious mistakes. A CCP branch exists in all SOEs.3
Nonetheless, there has also been a trend toward precarious labour in SOEs, which is to say the
massive use of dispatch workers or agency labour. This prevailing trend mainly results from
efforts to reduce social insurance and other labour costs, avoiding open-ended employment
contracts and severance pay and gaining enhanced flexibility (Friedman and Kuruvilla, 2015).
The use of dispatch workers is especially prevalent in SOEs in the petroleum, chemical, tele-
communication, banking, airway and railway industries. Wang found that in some central state
enterprises dispatch workers can comprise up to two thirds of the workforce (Wang, 2012).
There is a large gap in working conditions and managerial control between dispatch workers
and formal workers with bianzhi. In a study of the automobile industry, Zhang (2015) claimed
this dualism was a ‘lean-and-dual regime’ that combines ‘hegemonic’ and ‘despotic’ elements
in the labour regime. In many SOEs nowadays, the workforce is a mix of permanent workers,
contract workers and dispatch (temporary) workers.
Chan & He
come from several different sources: Western HR practical strategies from the parent country,
good practices from SOEs and also perhaps some bad practices of private companies (ibid.).
Goodall and Warner classified the HRM strategies of JVs into four types based on whether they
are more inclined to traditional ‘iron rice-bowl’ HR practices or imported Western practices
(Goodall and Warner, 1997).
Björkman and Lu (1999) also examine barriers or local constraints on exporting Western
management practices to China, by exploring the impact of Chinese traditional culture on
management in modern Chinese enterprises. To overcome difficulties and better suit the local
environment, some MNCs use Western expatriate managers, who institute a relatively ‘soft’
labour regime with formalised management strategies and try to decentralise authority to
middle management (Chan, 1998).
Other research has shown that Western HRM knowledge and practices greatly affect man-
agement practice in China. Regardless of the dominance of the Taylorist way of production in
Chinese enterprises, the results of a questionnaire survey conducted by Yusuf, Gunasekaran and
Dan (2007) indicate that there has been extensive adoption of total quality management (TQM)
from MNCs. Cunningham’s (2010) research on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in
China also demonstrates a relative convergence with Western HRM practice, although strongly
influenced by unique Chinese characteristics. He anticipates that HRM models that combine
Eastern and Western characteristics are likely to emerge in the future (ibid.).
Protests in SOEs
The most dramatic consequence of the restructuring of SOEs was a rise in the unemployment
rate, which hit its peak in the history of PR China in the late 1990s (Lee, 2002). According to
Chan & He
official statistics, the number of laid-off state workers increased rapidly, from three million in
1993 to 17.24 million in 1998 (Cai, 2002). During the 1990s, state workers (including those
who had been laid off) engaged in thousands of protests.
Scholars have found a number of reasons or grievances that led to these protests. Chen
(2000) has suggested that they were the result of ‘subsistence crises’. The disorganised pro-
duction development in China led to a despotic management style, which involves exploit-
ation and the sacrifice of workers’ material interests (Lee, 2002). The enterprise restructuring
policy created armies of laid-off workers and many cases of ‘illegal dismissal’ and delayed or
decreased pension payment (Hurst and O’Brien, 2002). Managerial corruption is usually an
auxiliary grievance in SOE workers’ strikes (Chen, 2000). In addition, a certain nostalgia for
the days of state socialism, when workers were well cared for, also accounts for engagement in
protests (Hurst and O’Brien, 2002). Chen (2000) describes the SOE protests as ‘moral economy’
protests, ‘defensive’ in nature and informed by the old ideology or morality rather than the rhet-
oric of rights under the new market economic system.
Addressing the challenge of state workers’ protests, compensatory policies were introduced
by the government. ‘Re-employment’ projects and social welfare programmes were initiated by
the central government to help workers (Solinger, 2002). By the beginning of the new millen-
nium, the wave of state workers’ protests had waned, and scholarly attention gradually turned to
the wildcat strikes of migrant workers in South China’s FIEs.
Strikes in FIEs
As Hui (2017) reviews, researchers have distinguished between rights-based and interest-based
protests of migrant workers in China (Chan, 2010; Chen and Tang, 2013). Rights-based strikes
refer to those that demand employers fulfil workers’ legal rights, while interest-based strikes are
those where workers fight for employment conditions beyond the legal minimum. Similarly,
researchers also categorise defensive and offensive strikes (Chan, 2014; Elfstrom and Kuruvilla,
2014). For defensive strikes, workers request employers to uphold the standards guaranteed by
the legal system; for offensive strikes, workers proactively ask for benefits beyond the current
legal protection. Using this analytical framework to examine the development of migrant
workers’ strike, scholars generally agree that labour protests in China have shifted from rights-
based to interest-based (Butollo and ten Brink, 2012; Chan, 2010; Clarke and Pringle, 2009) and
from defensive to offensive in the past two decades (Chan, 2014; Elfstrom and Kuruvilla, 2014).
In early 1990s, the wildcat strikes of migrant workers were claimed to be unorganised, spon-
taneous and cellular (Chen and Tang, 2013; Friedman and Lee, 2010; Lee, 1998, 2007). Since
the Labour Law was introduced in 1994, many labour disputes had been absorbed into the
legal channel. Migrant workers’ resistance was usually against statutory violations committed
by employers and aimed to gain legal rights protection covering for example unpaid wages,
compensation for industrial injuries and overtime payments. The ideology of legalism strongly
influenced migrant worker actions, which was part of the “rightful” popular protests in the
country (Lee, 2007). In short, migrant workers have increasingly used labour laws as weapons to
defend their interests and rights, which has led researchers to contend that a higher level of legal
rights consciousness has developed among workers (Gallagher, 2006; Lee, 2007; Wong, 2011).
However, some other scholars have argued that labour laws have in fact constrained migrant
workers’ ability to demand more than the legal minimum (Chan and Siu, 2012).
Chan’s (2010) study on migrant workers’ strikes in the PRD during 2004 and 2007 found that
the pattern of protests shifted from demanding that employers follow labour laws concerning,
for example, the minimum wage and overtime payment, to asking for conditions beyond legal
standards, such as fair wages above the legal minimum rate and better working environments.
Corresponding to this trend, it is argued a new working class is making itself in China while
the power of the old working class (i.e. state workers) has been dismantled during the eco-
nomic restructuring (Chan, 2010), and that the second generation of migrant workers is more
vocal and motivated to take collective action to advance their interests compared with the older
generation (Pun and Lu, 2010). Pun and Smith introduce the concept of “dormitory labour
regimes” and suggest that worker dormitories have served as a platform for workers’ solidarity
building (Pun and Smith, 2007).
In 2010, a wave of strikes took place in China led by 1,800 workers in a Honda factory
in Guangdong. Strikers at Honda demanded a monthly pay rise of 800 yuan, which was on
top of the minimum wage, and the democratic reform of the workplace trade union. The
strike attracted global attention and was regarded as one of the important examples of the
interests-based strikes (Butollo and ten Brink, 2012; Chan and Hui, 2012; Chen and Tang,
2013). Therefore, scholars further contend that worker resistance is no longer restricted to the
legal sphere; that legal actions are just one of the potential tools used by workers to advance
their interests and rights; and both legal and non-legal means are deployed in parallel by the
migrant workers during their protests (Chan, 2010; Leung and Pun, 2009).
Chan & He
without significant political changes in their relationship with the party-state (Chan and Hui,
2012; Pringle, 2011).
Some scholars have paid attention to local variations in the organisational patterns of trade
unions. Liu (2010), based on intensive research between 2006 and 2008, identified different
regional and industry-based patterns of union organisation and argued that the trade union in
China is no longer a monolithic top-down organisation. Pringle (2011) articulated a similar
idea, finding that some local trade unions better represent and protect workers’ interests than
others. He was also optimistic about the future of trade union reform, arguing that labour insur-
gency would put pressure on the ACFTU to improve its effectiveness in representing workers’
interests. Chan et al. (2016) studied 12 FIEs in the PRD and found that the pressures from the
ACFTU and the party-state were the most important factors that forced employers to accept
the establishment of a trade union in their enterprise. Instead of suppression, employers used
co-optation strategy to pre-empt confrontation with the union. However, Chan et al. also found
that the co-opted unions have played positive welfare and communication roles in the work-
place by organising social events and mediating in labour disputes, and these functions were
welcomed by both employers and workers (ibid).
All these empirical researches support the idea that even though the Chinese economy has
been highly integrated into global capitalism, the ACFTU and its subordinated organisations
still function in the way of typical ‘socialist’ trade unionism. The union’s representation role
varies from case to case, but in general it is still under the influence of the management and the
coordination of the party-state.
Collective bargaining
In 1994, in conjunction with the enactment of the Labour Law, the first Collective Contract
Regulations came into effect, to regulate acts of collective consultation and the signing of col-
lective contracts. By 2008, 69 per cent of trade union members were covered by collective
contracts (Lee and Liu, 2011). The 2007 Labour Contract Law also includes six articles about
collective contracts, setting out the right to ratify collective bargaining and the content and con-
dition of collective bargaining (Kuruvilla and Liu, 2016). In 2011, the state instructed the trade
union to strengthen its capability and its leading role in workplace collective bargaining (Ministry
of Human Resources and Social Security, 2011). Kuruvilla and Zhang (2016) suggested that the
government tried to direct collective bargaining into a legalistic and institutionalised channel to
reduce industrial conflicts and rebalance the economy, although its efforts were not successful.
Rather than Western collective bargaining, the term ‘collective consultation’ is used in China.
Usually the practice of collective consultation is just a formality, without significant bargaining
between the trade union and company (Chan and Hui, 2014). Kuruvilla and Zhang have also
found that the most frequent type of collective bargaining in China is ‘template bargaining’,
in which the local trade union offers the enterprises a template collective contract to follow,
without any interaction or collective bargaining involving the workers (Kuruvilla and Zhang,
2016; Kuruvilla and Liu, 2016). Clarke, Lee and Li (2004), in their examination of the devel-
opment of a collective contract system in China, argue that this system is actually a means to
secure ‘harmonious labour relations’ within the framework of workers’ democratic participation
in management, and also a continued integration of the trade union into management in the
workplace. The collective contract system will become a real barrier to the development of a
collective bargaining and IR system in China. However, Lee and Liu, based on quantitative ana-
lysis of the existing literature, argue that the organisational efforts of the ACFTU brought real
changes to some extent. They contend that the workers’ congresses and collective consultation
are not only a formalistic and bureaucratic exercise but offer a channel for the collective voice
of workers in the workplace (Lee and Liu, 2011).
As more radical collective actions have begun to take place in recent years, collective
bargaining has gradually become an effective way for workers to advocate for their rights
during strikes. Management was forced to bargain with representatives of the strikers, but the
bargaining was usually just a one-off and no regular mechanism was established after the strikes.
After 2010, to reduce the occurrence of strikes and in response to instruction by the party-state
and higher-level trade union, local ACFTU branches actively intervened in some factories after
strikes to facilitate the formation of a regular wage-bargaining mechanism, which has been
conceptualised as ‘party-state-led bargaining’ by Chan and Hui (2014). Chan and Hui believe
that ‘worker-led bargaining’ still has some way to go without rights to strike and organise in
China. Chang and Brown (2013) also argue that the individual rights-based legal framework
has hastened the development of collective labour relations and they call for legal reforms to
strengthen workers’ collective rights.
Despite the above mentioned limitations, researchers have found a positive impact of col-
lective bargaining for workers. While enterprise-level collective bargaining takes place mostly
in FIEs in South China, geographically based sectoral bargaining has also been encouraged by
local governments for small and medium-sized POEs in East China. Lee, Brown and Wen’s
(2016) research on collective bargaining at both enterprise and sectoral levels found that the
emerging collective bargaining practice had substantial impact on workers’ wage and working
conditions. New research on the automobile industry in Guangzhou has also found that
worker-led collective bargaining does occur in some factories and successfully boosts workers’
wages (Deng, 2017), although the bargaining mechanism has been only implemented in a small
number of factories, and there is no sign that it will be extended to other regions or industries.
This chapter has reviewed the development of management, industrial conflicts and trade
unionism in China since the reform, within a changing political and economic context. The
Chinese government’s efforts to integrate the country into the global economy since 1978
and its strategies to minimise the impact of the global recession since 2008 have defined the
development of employment to a large extent. However, apart from structural and institutional
factors, workers’ agency is also an important factor in the analysis of these historical changes.
Industrial conflict has been one of the major themes in Chinese employment studies in the past
decade (Chan, 2010; Friedman, 2014; Zhang, 2015).
In this chapter, we have shown that the Chinese tradition and socialist legacy have continued
to shape ER in China, as reflected in the innate authoritarian nature of Chinese ER. The con-
tinual influence of traditional ‘iron rice-bowl’ HR practices, an emphasis on the authority of
superiors, the hierarchical corporate culture and the existence of Party committees in enterprises
are all features of a hybrid socialist market regime. More importantly, the subordination of the
ACFTU under the CCP and the ‘dualism identity’ of the workplace trade union have remained
unchanged (Lee, Brown and Wen, 2016).
Nevertheless, Chinese employment relationships are not homogenous. There are many
variations of management practices depending on the region, industry and form of owner-
ship. Scholars have suggested that the ACFTU is not a monolithic organisation (Liu, 2010).
Driven both by bottom-up pressure from workers and top-down policy from the party-state,
the trade union has made efforts to reform itself, by introducing ‘direct election’ and col-
lective bargaining, especially in the PRD and after 2010 (Chan and Hui, 2012, 2014; Chang
Chan & He
and Brown, 2013). However, the impact and consequence of the reform remain controversial.
In addition to traditional Chinese culture and the legacy of state socialism, Western HRM
knowledge and practices have also deeply influenced Chinese management practice, especially
in MNCs and JVs. All of these contribute to the decentralisation and hybridisation of ER (Lee,
Brown and Wen, 2016; Friedman and Kuruvilla, 2015).
Industrial conflicts have also intensified in the past two decades.Whilst state workers’ protests
over industrial restructuring became less important in the early 2000s, their role was replaced
by the migrant workers in FIEs. Since the late 2000s, migrant workers’ strikes have shifted from
being rights-based to being interests-based (Chan, 2010; Chang and Brown, 2013; Chen and
Tang, 2013). Encouraged by the Social Insurance Law that came into effect in 2011, migrant
workers have also raised the demand for pension protection since 2012 and created another
form of conflict. The government has increasingly intervened in workplace relations. Although
the new labour laws and regulations have been introduced to protect the interests of workers,
strike leaders and independent labour organising by NGOs have been under more and more
political pressure. This new development has gone beyond the conventional image of Chinese
labour and ER –coercive management and docile woman workers in the production lines
of the FIEs in South China –which were well studied in factory-based ethnography and
documentary research conducted by labour sociologists in the 1990s (Chan, 2001; Lee, 1998;
Pun, 2005).
Although migrant workers remain a major source of labour in urban China, Hukou has lost
its importance in defining labour rights in the workplace. Statistics and observation show that
a pattern of ER based in the service industry and dominated by domestic private businesses
has gradually emerged. However, little empirical research has been conducted on POEs and the
service sector. More empirical research in these areas in the future would be valuable.
1 The authors would like to thank the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (project no. CityU
140313; 11616115) and the City University of Hong Kong for financial support for their research.
2 This section has been partially drawn from several published works, such as Wang and Chan (2015);
Chan (2010); and Hui and Chan (2012).
3 The new development is that other forms of enterprises, including POEs and FIEs, are also requested to
establish a CCP branch (Chan et al., 2016).
4 JVs are collaborative enterprises between Chinese SOEs and foreign companies; MNCs are wholly
foreign-owned companies. Although the direct investment of Western-based MNCs is also part of FIEs,
their management style is somewhat different from supplier factories owned by Hong Kong, Taiwan,
South Korean and other East Asian investors.
5 Research on management practice in POEs is rare. But according to our research experience the labour
practice of POEs, usually SMEs, is similar to that of lower-end FIEs owned by East Asian businesses.
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Pauline Dibben and Geoffrey Wood
There is a very extensive body of literature on the hard times experienced across many African
states in the 1980s and 1990s, and the subsequent commodity-fuelled recovery. However, the
bulk of this literature has been orientated toward examining the role of the state, investors,
business and civil society. In contrast, the coverage of the effects of these changes on employees
and how the employment relationship has been altered is much less extensive, with the predom-
inant focus on individual country case studies. This chapter provides an overview of employ-
ment relations (ER) across the continent, but focuses on the relatively developed economies of
southern Africa.
Due to formative institutional legacies, differences in natural resource endowments and state
traditions, and physical and human infrastructures, there is much diversity, but at the same time
there have been many common trends across the continent. Therefore, this chapter begins by
reviewing: key similarities and differences in economic context, poverty and stability; institu-
tional legacies; and industrial policy and structural adjustment. It then moves on to focus on
various dimensions of union activity, covering: levels of union membership; different organ-
isational types; transnational organisation; engagement with political parties and tripartite
experiments; mobilisation; and representation of vulnerable workers.
In order to provide an indication of country differences, Table 26.1 below shows coun-
tries by region, approximate population figures and levels of human development (African
Economic Outlook; see also, UNDP, 2017).
It can be seen from the table that the continent’s population is very unevenly distributed.
In some African countries, land is a very scarce resource. In others, labour is the scarcer com-
modity. This matters because in some countries it is relatively easy for peasants to opt out of
the modern economy if need be and revert to subsistence-level agriculture (Mkandawire, 2002;
Waters, 1992). In others, this is not a feasible option: the economically marginalised have little
alternative other than precarious livings in urban slums. This makes for variation in the relative
importance assigned to formal jobs, the relative bargaining position of employers and the stakes
around retaining paid work.
There is also much diversity in levels of poverty across the continent. For example, according
to World Bank data, the sub-Saharan region had a total population of around 973 million people
in 2014 (World Bank, 2016a), and according to UNICEF-World Bank figures, there are high
levels of poverty, with 49 per cent of children living in extreme poverty (The Guardian, 2016).
There are high degrees of spatial inequality, with differences between rural and urban areas,
and more generally, a lack of access to public services (Beegle et al., 2016). This is salient to the
study of work and ER since those in absolute poverty are likely to concentrate on immediate
issues of survival. In addition, accompanying absolute poverty is the high incidence of debili-
tating illnesses, which saps productivity in both the formal and informal sectors. Infrastructural
shortfalls make it difficult for many informal sector operatives to move beyond the basic
subsistence level.
Other important differences include whether the country is oil and gas producing and/
or centred on other mineral exports. As the literature on the resource curse alerts us, the oil
and gas industry tends to crowd out investment in other areas (Robinson, Torvik and Verdier,
2006). Moreover, such countries tend to be associated with over-valued and volatile currencies,
making it difficult for other areas of industry to compete. Finally, elites become accustomed to
easy revenues, and neglect broader institutional building or development (ibid.).This means that
the sectoral basis of formal ER can become quite narrow; there is a relative shortage of decent
work in other areas of the national economy.
A further important distinction is the level of political and social instability within coun-
tries. Whilst a relatively small number of countries have managed to evade destructive internal
conflicts (Zambia being a conspicuous example), in others social order remains more fragile.
For example, Mozambique has enjoyed a degree of stability since the end of the civil war in
the early 1990s, but in recent years there is some evidence of political violence, with reported
attacks in 2015 and 2016 on key members of the opposition party, and similarly violent actions
by the latter against government supporters (AllAfrica, 2016b). When confronted with political
instability, employers are likely to adopt a particularly short-term view, and be reluctant to invest
in assets that are not readily portable, be they physical plant or people.
Institutional legacies
Employment relations within Africa are still impacted by institutional legacies from colonial
times. Historical institutionalist approaches suggest that formative historical events, taking place
at relatively unusual times of crisis and rupture, exert long legacies (Sorge, 2005; Streeck and
Thelen, 2005). A growing body of literature has sought to explore the effect of colonial legacies,
and to some extent this has helped to explain the poor performance of many African countries.
For example, in an influential account, Herbst (2014) argues that in much of Africa, labour was
North Africa
Algeria 40 High
Egypt 90 Medium
Libya 6 Low
Morocco 34 Medium
Tunisia 11 High
East Africa
Burundi 11 Low
Comoros 770 (thousand) Low
Djibouti 876 (thousand) Low
Eritrea 5 Low
Ethiopia 100 Low
Kenya 45 Low
Madagascar 24 Low
Mauritius 1 High
Rwanda 11 Low
Seychelles 91 (thousand) High
Somalia 11 Not available
South Sudan 12 Not available
Sudan 40 Low
Tanzania 52 Low
Uganda 38 Low
West Africa
Benin 11 Low
Burkina Faso 18 Low
Cameroon 23 Low
Cabo Verde 514 (thousand) Medium
Cote d’Ivoire 22 Low
Gambia 2 Low
Ghana 27 Medium
Guinea 12 Low
Guinea Bissau 2 Low
Liberia 4 Low
Mali 17 Low
Mauritania 4 Low
Niger 19 Low
Nigeria 178 Low
Senegal 15 Low
Sierra Leone 6 Low
Sao Tome e Principe 186 (thousand) Medium
Togo 7 Low
Central Africa
Angola (also Southern Africa) 24 Low
Burundi (also East Africa) 11 Low
Cameroon (also West Africa) 23 Low
(Source: African Economic Outlook, 2015;, 2016a; World Bank, 2016c)
a scarcer commodity than land; this led to neglect of the building of private property rights,
and a disproportionate amount of energy being devoted to the subjugation of labour, leaving
a long legacy of weak property rights and dysfunctional labour markets. In contrast, La Porta
et al. (2000) argue that variation in property rights stems from whether the colonial powers
used civil or common law. In common law (formerly British) countries, property rights are
much stronger than in (formerly French and Portuguese) civil law ones, leading to superior
economic outcomes. Yet, the latter countries have more challenging physical geography and
epidemiological rates than most of the British colonies, which were primarily concentrated in
east and southern Africa, leading Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001) to argue that a major
determining feature of the fortunes of African states was instead the extent to which there
were significant attempts at European settlement. In west Africa, high incidences of tropical
diseases meant that indirect rule was in place, with the interests of colonial powers being wholly
predatory. This led to a lack of interest in building institutions, other than those of the most
exploitative nature. In contrast, in southern and east Africa, there was more effort at building
mini-Europes, replicating the institutions of the metropole to serve settler interests. The rule of
law was stronger in such states, and the foundations were set for more broadly based and stable
economic growth.
In his classic anti-colonial writings, Fanon (1967) argues that settler societies not only
dispossessed, but also undermined the confidence of, the colonized, weakening capabilities both
for self and community development; local elites were reduced to becoming parodies of the
settler. Indeed, in some settings, settler societies were involved in the expropriation and subju-
gation of the indigenous population, while parallel security states and militarised police forces
evaded the law (Dibben and Wood, 2013). These parallel security states have, in a number of
instances, persisted into the post-colonial era, most spectacularly in Zimbabwe, but vestiges are
visible even in relatively prosperous societies such as Kenya. This allows the authorities to act
in ways that are legal or de facto unaccountable, with insufficient constitutional barriers to bring
them to account, making for both weak property and worker rights.
for sub-Saharan Africa, compared with 1.5 per cent in 1961. However, this masks differences
between countries. For example, while the growth rate in 2015 for Namibia, Mozambique and
Tanzania was over five per cent, in Zambia it was 3.2 per cent and in South Africa 1.3 per cent
(World Bank, 2016d). Moreover, in many contexts, it has been growth largely without jobs,
with the bulk of revenue windfalls being captured by small local elites and offshore companies.
Although physical infrastructure was improved, as a result of the need to service large mining
and agricultural companies, social protection across the continent was generally weak; structural
adjustment led to even the most basic public services in many highly impoverished African
countries being subject to user fees. The response has been to fall back on extended peasant-
based informal networks of support. Although this makes for a basic, low-level degree of redis-
tribution and communitarian social protection, the operation of such networks brings negative
consequences of its own, including placing great pressure on those with jobs (Wood and Haines,
2002). Demands can include financially supporting the wider family, incurring unsustainable
levels of debt or being placed under great pressure to supplement livelihoods, if necessary by
corrupt means (Hyden, 1981).
A key feature of trade union power is the ability to mobilise members to take part in strike
activity. Strike activity has grown in a few countries, most notably South Africa, since 2006.
However, this has been accompanied by increasing levels of violence and intimidation; the
Marikana Massacre in August 2012 resulted in the shooting of some 34 workers by police
(Webster, 2015). One of the features of this occurrence was the preceding development of a
breakaway union, the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU), from
the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM). A further feature was the involvement of other
actors such as NGOs. The protest here, as in other countries, should be seen not just in the
context of worker rights, but also in relation to broader contextual features such as poverty and
inequality (ibid.). Unions have, however, seen some success. For example, in Mozambique, 200
striking workers won concessions from the China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC),
which had been contracted by the state-owned Maputo South Development Company to
build a bridge in Maputo. The strikers had precarious contracts of only two months’ duration,
and won contracts for an indeterminate period. A previous strike at the same place had covered
work contracts, the lack of protective equipment, racism, unjust dismissals, long working hours
and no paid time off for illness or family emergencies. The Chinese company finally agreed
to implement the agreement in full, including an eight-hour working day and paid overtime
(AIM, 2015).
of Chinese firms and amount of Chinese investment in Africa has, more generally, caused much
controversy, with acknowledgement of similarities in some work practices, but also concerns
regarding the exploitation of resources (see, for example, Jackson, 2015; Wood and Horwitz,
2015). It should also be noted there has also been much inward investment from other coun-
tries, such as India (Horwitz and Budhwar, 2015). South African MNCs have, in many African
countries, also attracted their share of controversy. Here, areas of concern include the relative
willingness to make use of local suppliers (e.g. South African retailers), the dominant role of
external managers (telecoms) and/or aggressive and anti-competitive market seeking behaviour
(beverages) (Wood, 2015).
In smaller indigenous firms, ER are often patriarchal and authoritarian in nature. On the one
hand, workers have weak employment rights and little or no union representation. Managerial
authority is arbitrary (and often capricious), with employee voice mechanisms being weak
or wholly absent. On the other hand, notions of paternalist obligation mean that firms often
prioritise families of existing staff, and very low wages may be supplemented by loans or cash
handouts in the event of family crisis, while training tends to be informal and on the job, on the
‘learning with Nellie’ principle (Wood et al., 2010).Within the lusophone countries, there is the
phenomenon of the multinational small business, typically ethnically Portuguese owned, and
formally or informally linked, controlled and capitalised by similar enterprises in the metropole.
Although the HR techniques may be broadly similar to their local counterparts, the ability to
access investment from abroad may make the firm more resilient, and provide the basis for more
stable employment.
Another important feature is public sector work, since in many African countries governments
represent the main source of formal employment. Moreover, public sector jobs can be regarded as
more secure than those in the private sector, albeit that wages can be lower since the public sector
may be characterised by fixed wages on the basis of seniority (Dibben and Wood, 2013). Jobs in
the public sector have reduced over time, due to trends such as build-own-operate arrangements,
public-private partnerships and the outright privatisation of state-owned enterprises. Privatisation
in Africa was carried out relatively late compared with more developed countries, and often as
the result of structural adjustment conditions from international organisations. In many cases,
entities were privatised through dubious processes, with accusations of corruption (Dibben and
Wood, 2013; Nwankwo and Richards, 2001; Pitcher, 2002). There have been mixed reviews
of the outcomes of privatisation (see Josiah et al., 2010). It has resulted in certain efficiencies
and positive changes for some groups of workers in terms of pay, training, promotion and the
working environment (Boahen, 2016). However, in countries such as South Africa, Mozambique
and Ghana, there is evidence to suggest that it has resulted in job losses and deleterious terms and
conditions (Boahen, 2016; Bond, 2004; Dibben and Wood, 2013).
The weakening of the African state has meant that NGOs play an increasingly important role
in many African countries in the provision of public services and local community betterment.
They may also represent an important source of jobs, skills and capabilities, and an important
resource for unions and other civil society actors. However, the track record of NGOs in Africa
is mixed. There is a persistent tendency to favour highly visible capital projects, rather than the
maintenance of any infrastructural investment or the enhancement of indigenous capabilities.
Indeed, in commentating on Mozambique, it has been suggested that international aid has
resulted in the ‘recolonisation’ of that country (Hanlon, 1991).With regard to ER, some NGOs
have defaulted towards expatriate-orientated recruitment policies, with small closed commu-
nities of such workers constituting an insider labour market. Again, NGOs may be closed to
local expertise and unwilling to entertain counter-arguments from communities. Many local
and expatriate NGO workers are highly committed to the work they do, with many staff facing
a wide range of risks for modest pay. Others are characterised by officials living, by local terms,
lavish lifestyles in closed compounds that fit poorly with the modest social gains of their activ-
ities (Hancock, 1989). Another dimension of NGOs is their ability to work toward the improve-
ment of society, and workers’ rights in particular, through an intermediary or activist role, in
cooperation with trade unions (Gallin, 2000). As explained in more detail in the later section on
vulnerable workers, this co-operation has had some success in furthering the interests of those
in insecure work (Dibben and Nadin, 2011).
Employer associations also have an important role to play in ER within Africa. Their main
aim is to represent the interests of their member companies. This can involve lobbying govern-
ment, providing advisory services to members, and bargaining with trade unions on terms and
conditions within a bargaining unit or industry. In addition to operating at national level, they
can also operate at regional level, as in the case of the East African Employers Organisation,
which works on regional integration, and the free movement of labour, labour standards and
skills development (East African Employers Organisation, 2016). As outlined below in more
detail within the discussion of tripartism, employer organisations can also be represented,
together with unions, in corporatist arrangements or some form of tripartism.
struggles for democratisation, forging broad-based coalitions with civil society groupings. In
other countries there was a strategic decision to move away from party politics, such as that
made by the Ghana Trade Union Congress; however, this seems to have brought with it few
gains, and arguably led to a lack of ability to prevent the government’s embracing of neo-
liberal reforms (Akwetey and Dorkenoo, 2010; Beckman and Sachikonye, 2010). In Nigeria,
the union has a tradition of political involvement, and has also effectively mobilised workers
to protest against both worker rights and social concerns, including petrol prices, and more
recently, unions have stood in opposition to the structural reforms imposed by international
institutions (Beckman and Sachikonye, 2010). In other countries, such as Mozambique, the
unions have struggled to re-interpret their relationship with government. They are now oper-
ating in post-socialist countries, and have faced difficulties in adapting to the new environment
(see, for example, Dibben and Wood, 2016). In others, such as South Africa, the union federation
COSATU was instrumental in ending apartheid, but has struggled more recently to prevent the
introduction of neoliberal reforms. Nevertheless, limited success has been achieved in forcing
the government to adapt plans for privatisation in certain contexts (von Holdt, 2005).
In a number of southern African countries, including South Africa, Namibia and
Mozambique, unions have been involved in tripartite experiments, associated with the move to
democratisation. However, they have generally failed to achieve the gains that may have origin-
ally been anticipated. There are a number of reasons for this failure. Whilst a large proportion
of big business was initially favourably inclined to such experiments in the interests of polit-
ical stability and to secure their legitimacy, interest waned when post-democratic governments
proved both stable and relatively business friendly. Moreover, employer organisations were never
fully encompassing, and there was limited interest from small businesses and the informal sector
in pursuing such arrangements (Dibben, Klerck and Wood, 2015). Not only did government
support diminish given external pressures to pursue neoliberal policies, but also, the relative
influence of intellectual proponents of tripartism declined, as ruling parties became increas-
ingly dominated by political entrepreneurs (Daniel, Habib and Southall, 2003). Finally, unions
were divided, with those in different sectors having radically different fortunes: while those in
the public sector were relatively secure, those in manufacturing faced eroding memberships.
More prosperous unions sought to reach their own deals with the major employers in their
relevant sector. A number of prominent South African unions had to contend with radical
breakaways, weakening their sense of purpose and membership base. This meant that they were
less encompassing or unified organisations, making it harder to present a coherent bargaining
position (Dibben, Klerck and Wood, 2015; Jauch, 2010).
More generally, insecure and contingent work has been a characterising feature of African
countries and emerging economies, with many workers forced to rely on labour brokers
(Barrientos, 2013). A particularly vulnerable category of worker has been domestic workers.
Unions have sought to protect these workers, and the ITUC has campaigned internationally
alongside the International Domestic Workers Federation in order that they should be entitled
to a minimum wage, social protection, regulation of working time and the right to one day off a
week, while within Africa, Namibia has adopted labour reforms that extend rights to domestic
workers, including paid maternity leave (ITUC, 2015).
Another major challenge for employment relations in Africa is the prevalence of the
informal sector (see, for example, Dibben and Williams, 2012; Hayter and Stoevska, 2011;
Webster, 2005). While in some countries informal sector employment is viewed as a phenom-
enon that needs to be eradicated, in others those working in the informal sector have received
assistance from government in order to gradually move into the formal sector (Dibben, Wood
and Williams, 2015). Informal sector workers often experience inferior terms and conditions
and a lack of employment security due to the unregulated nature of the work, as well as the
lack of ability to voice their concerns. Indeed, Webster has referred to the ‘representational
gap’, whereby many workers are outside of formal sector work and beyond the scope of trade
union remit (Webster, 2005). Although trade unions have tried to represent these workers,
many attempts have failed, including the relatively recent attempt in South Africa by the Self
Employed Women’s Union (SEWU), which was set up in 1994 to represent women working
in both rural and urban areas (ibid.). In contrast, in Mozambique, the OTM union feder-
ation has worked closely with ASSOTSI, the organisation representing the informal sector,
and managed to persuade national and local government to view the informal sector more
favourably (Dibben and Nadin, 2011). Meanwhile in Nigeria, the National Union of Textile,
Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria (NUTGTW) has sought to organise informal sector
workers in the textile sector, using tailors as organisers. They provide educational programmes
and provide loans at cheaper rates. This strategy has enabled it to increase the representation of
women (Fredricks, 2015).
Employment relations in Africa have been characterised by radical and far-reaching changes,
and the basis of the modern employment relationship has eroded across the continent since
the 1980s. Structural adjustment policies saw the destruction of large numbers of regular jobs.
The return to growth in the 2000s has not been matched with a commensurate increase in
good work, and many Africans remain locked in informal and precarious livings. Although
democratisation in the 1980s and 1990s may have given unions greater political autonomy
and opportunities to organise, job losses mean that in many instances unions were reduced to
a residual or firefighting role. Moreover, weakened state capabilities have led to frequent diffi-
culties in enforcing labour law, whilst weak social protection makes the exit option less feasible.
Given such challenging circumstances, it is difficult to conceive how better and more inclusive
ER can be secured. However, key elements might include a greater investment in enforcement
capabilities and developing viable strategies for the revival of industry, with some reform of pro-
tective tariffs. This may provide local industry with more time to prepare for ever-intensifying
external competition. Finally, unions need to develop more effective strategies for union unity,
and also formulate viable policy alternatives that serve to promote the interests of both core
and more vulnerable workers as a basis for joint action with other civil society groupings and
labour-orientated political parties.
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Michel Goyer and Rocio Valdivielso del Real
The governance of employment relations has been transformed in the last three decades under
the pressures of globalisation (Beck, 2000; Berger, 2006; Goyer, Reinecke and Donaghey, 2014).
The increased importance of trade, the multinationalisation of production chains and the
mobility of capital across borders have not only shifted the balance of power at the workplace,
but also significantly constrained the ability of governments to implement policies designed to
protect workers from the disequilibrating consequences of unmediated market forces (Berger,
2000; Garrett, 1998; Garrett and Lange, 1991; Goyer, 2006; Marginson, 2016; Rodrick, 1997).
The growing internationalisation of economic activities has increased the exit options of
employers by preserving their ability to sell their products and services to local markets while
being based in settings whose regulation is perceived to be more favourable to their interests,
thereby creating fears of ‘regime shopping’ (Bognanno, Keane and Yang, 2005; Traxler, 1996;
Traxler and Woitech, 2000). International competitive pressures threaten the distinctiveness of
labour regimes and the distribution of resources in society.
This chapter analyses the role of international institutions in the governance of ER. In an
anarchical world system, international institutions carry a Polanyian promise, namely to tame the
excesses of competition so that economic globalisation can occur without threatening standards
of living and working conditions (Polanyi, 1944, pp. 27–28; Ruggie, 1982). International
institutions could enable countries, and their citizens, to secure at a supranational level what is
increasingly difficult to achieve at the domestic level.This chapter illustrates how international/
supranational institutions exert influence, or fail to do so, on the governance of ER across
This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section presents an analytical over-
view of the origins and evolution of institutions. The discussion of the origins of institutional
arrangements is characterised by two main approaches. A first approach conceptualises inter-
national institutions as the resulting efforts of countries to achieve joint gains through cooper-
ation in an anarchical world system (Keohane, 1984; Milner, 2007; Stein, 1982). States aim
International institutions in ER
to achieve collaboratively at the international level what they cannot secure on their own.
A second approach highlights how institutional arrangements constitute the outcomes of
conflict settlement across countries (Gourevitch, 1986; Hall, 1986; Roe, 2000). Institutional
arrangements, national and supranational alike, require the support of important societal
groups in order to influence outcomes. These two different approaches provide insights
into the potential influence of international institutions on the governance of ER at the
domestic level. Yet, and irrespective of whether institutions result from joint cooperation or
conflict settlement, the evolution of the influence of institutions cannot be read back faithfully
from the goals of their founders (Mahoney, 2000; Thelen, 2004). The impact of institutional
arrangements on outcomes could change as a result of institutional drift, i.e. changing eco-
nomic and social circumstances that lead to a change of scope of extant institutions, or the
influence of institutions could change as the result of institutional layering, i.e. introduction of
new institutional elements alongside existing ones (Thelen, 2003; see also Marginson, 2016;
Streeck and Thelen, 2005).
The second section analyses the influence of supranational institutions in the European
Union (EU). This section highlights the emergence of international institutional arrangements
of ER in the advent of the financial crisis. It also illustrates why some institutional arrangements,
most notably those associated with the provision of emergency funds (European Solidarity
Mechanism) to debtor countries targeted by private bondholders, have proven more influential
on the governance of ER than the (new) activism of the European Central Bank (Hall, 2012;
Marginson, 2015; Meardi, 2014).
The third section discusses the modest influence of the International Labour Organization
(ILO) on the governance of ER, across both a hard law regime (standard setting) and a soft
law regime (general principles and involvement of representatives from civil society). The
overall limited influence of the ILO not only reflects the presence of divergence among the key
stakeholders (governments, employers and trade unions), but also the institutional settings that
enable these actors to defend their interests against undesired policies (Baccaro and Mele, 2012;
Standing, 2008).
procedures around which actor expectations converge –emerge out of the egoistic self-interest
of national governments seeking to maximise their preferences in the context of a structurally
anarchical world system (Keohane, 1982, 1984). Under this rational actor model whereby states
seek to secure their preferences, scholars have made extensive use of notions of game theory to
explain the formation of international institutions. For instance, Stein (1982) illustrates the rele-
vance of the two most prominent games –namely prisoner’s dilemma and the chicken game –
to account for institutional creation. Under situations of prisoner’s dilemma, states are facing
a dilemma of common interests whereby unconstrained individual decision-making leads to
Pareto-suboptimal outcomes. International institutions emerge as a cooperation mechanism to
secure a Pareto-optimal outcome and, as a result, overcome the defeating self-rational decision
to defect given that the choice of one actor is contingent upon the choice made by others.
Under situations characterised by chicken game features, in contrast, states are facing a dilemma
of common aversions whereby the aim is to avoid one (or several) outcome(s). International
institutions emerge as a coordination mechanism to secure the avoidance of mutually undesired
In the field of comparative politics, scholars working within the liberal intergovernmentalist
frame have highlighted the importance of interstate bargaining in the process of international
institutional creation (Garrett, 1993; Moravcsik, 1991, 1998; Schimmelfennig, 2015). International
institutions emerge out of the convergence of interests among national governments around
lowest common denominator bargaining. That is, international institutions reflect the conver-
gence of interests among (usually) powerful states on specific issue areas where preferences
converge. For instance, Moravcsik (1991) interprets the implementation of the Single European
Act (SEA) in the then European Community as a convergence of interests in economic policy-
making around the preferences of France, Germany and the United Kingdom around eco-
nomic liberalisation on trade issues. Nothing else. In particular, the failure of redistributive
Keynesianism under Mitterrand led to a refocus around economic liberalisation at the European
level (Fioretos, 2011; Hall, 1986), but integration in other areas, such as greater employee rights
at the supranational community level, desired by French policy-makers, was not possible due
to the opposition of the UK government (Lange, 1993). The preferences of the governments
of France, Germany and the UK did converge around the notion of market liberalisation, but
not around the harmonisation of regulation of ER. This approach is particularly influential in
terms of the overall absence of integration in the area of ER in the EU –at least until the great
financial crisis. More specifically, the process of European integration has been characterised by
‘negative’ integration via market liberalisation rather than ‘positive’ integration via the develop-
ment of a social model and the harmonisation of regulation of institutions of ER (Hoepner and
Schaefer, 2012; Streeck, 1995).
Complementing the insights of the liberal intergovernmentalist approach, scholars working
within a comparative historical-institutionalism political economy frame have emphasised how
institutional arrangements at the domestic level constitute the outcomes of conflict settlement
in historically specific settings (Campbell, 2004; Gourevitch, 1986; Hall, 1986). Domestic insti-
tutional arrangements shape the preferences of policy-makers that, in turn, shape the win-set of
possible agreements in interstate bargaining (Putnam, 1988).
In contrast to the above theoretical perspectives, the neo-functionalist approach to economic
integration (in the EU) conceptualises the process of institutional creation at the supranational
level as the result of the character of the integration process itself (Schmitter, 1969, 2005).
International institutions reflect an endogenous process whereby the ability to secure the gains
of integration in one area requires further integration in other fields. For instance, the process
of economic integration in the form of the removal of economic barriers to trade requires the
International institutions in ER
integration of national currencies. Otherwise, currency devaluations could negate the benefits
associated with the elimination of non-tariff barriers. Similarly, the proper functioning of a
monetary union requires labour mobility across borders since traditional means of adjustment
to economic shocks (currency devaluation and increase in money supply) have been removed
(Eichengreen, 1991). The ultimate outcome is that states are increasingly losing formal compe-
tencies in legislative policy-making as the task of economic integration requires the transfer of
powers to supranational institutions.
The above discussion, with the notable exception of the neo-functionalist approach, illustrates
that the investigation of institutional creation at the international level reflects the self-rational
behaviour of national states seeking to secure gains that they could not achieve on their own.
Yet, the current functions performed by current institutions cannot be traced back in a faithful
fashion to the goals of their founders (Thelen, 2003, 2004). The factors that account for the
origins of institutions are different than those that explain institutional change (Mahoney, 2000).
For a variety of reasons, scholars have emphasised the potential divorce between the original
aims for institutional creation and the current functions performed by institutions.
Scholars working within the ‘modified structuralism’ framework highlight that international
institutions constitute more than temporary arrangements that change with every shift in power
or interests (Krasner, 1982). Institutions may outlive changes in the external environment in
which they are embedded. Four factors drawn from game theory have been advanced to explain
the potential separation between the initial aim of institutions and their current functions. First,
international institutions embody elements of reciprocity whereby states may sacrifice short-
term interests with the expectation that others will do so in the future even in the absence of
formal legal constraints (Axelrod, 1984; Jervis, 1982). Second, institutional maintenance can
become a desired objective in itself given the sunk costs of institutional building (Stein, 1982).
Any shifts in interest do not translate faithfully into institutional change because they may
be needed in the future. Third, international institutions are often nested in comprehensive
agreements that cover several issues (Keohane, 1984). Potential short-term losses in one area
are compensated by securing gains on other issues. Fourth, international institutions increase
the provision of information on defectors, reduce transaction costs and enhance the cred-
ibility of commitments (Keohane, 1984; Koremenos, Lipson and Snidal, 2001; Milner, 2007).
International institutions enable states to coordinate their activities and deal with enforcement
issues. In other words, international institutions are valuable because they reduce uncertainties
in a structurally anarchical world.
In the sub-field of historical institutionalism in comparative politics, scholars are increas-
ingly focusing on the process of institutional (re)configuration over time –in contrast to the
previous emphasis on seeking to illustrate how differences in (usually cross-national) institu-
tional arrangements drive divergent outcomes –in order to explain potential gaps between the
original aims of institutions and their current functions (Hall and Thelen, 2009; Thelen, 2003;
Thelen and Mahoney, 2015). The full dismantling of extant institutional arrangements is not
necessary for the current functioning of these institutions to differ from the aims of the ori-
ginal designers (Pierson, 1996; Thelen, 2004). Institutions are often resilient even in the face of
enormous (external and endogenous) pressures. Instead, the transformation of the functions of
extant institutional arrangements could occur through incremental innovation, namely through
institutional drift and layering.The former refers to a situation whereby existing institutions fail
to adapt to shifts in political/economic/social environments, thereby leading to an evolution of
the functions they perform. Institutional drift constitutes an occurrence of disconnection with
the new context in which institutions are embedded since they are ill suited to confront new
sets of issues. The latter, in contrast, refers to the introduction of new institutions alongside, and
not in place of, already exiting arrangements (Thelen, 2003). Institutional layering is politic-
ally easier to pursue in the context of vested interests (Pierson, 2015). As a result of layering,
the influence of extant institutional arrangements is reduced given their interaction with new
Against the grain, Moravcsik (1991, 1998) stresses the ability of national governments to
subject institutional evolution to tight control. In the context of the SEA, for instance, inter-
state bargaining among (powerful) states around the lowest common denominator, economic
liberalisation, resulted in a major advancement of the process of European integration. Yet,
states succeeded in protecting their national sovereignty by severely limiting power transfer.
First, major decisions regarding the implementation of the SEA are decided by the Council of
Ministers –not by the European Commission. Second, the use of qualified majority voting,
whereby states could be outvoted, is strictly limited to issues of market liberalisation covered
by the SEA. Other issues, such as institutional arrangements of labour market regulation, are
still subject to unanimity, thereby enabling states to prevent unwanted transfers of power at
the supranational institutional level. Thus, for the intergovernmentalist perspective, interstate
bargaining among powerful countries not only takes place among the lowest common denom-
inator characterised by the convergence of preferences –it also results in carefully circumscribed
delegations of authority that prevent further erosion of national sovereignty.
In contrast, Pierson (1996), directly addressing the thesis put forward by Moravcsik, highlights
the inability of states to fully predict instances of institutional drift and layering. Two factors
are stressed. First, principal-agent infighting constitutes an inherent feature of the governance
organisations –whether international institutions or domestic independent regulatory author-
ities (Kiewiet and McCubbins, 1991; Moe, 1990). Second, policy-makers, with their inevitable
short-term preoccupations, will often discount the long-term consequences of their actions
(Garrett and Lange, 1995). As a result, states are ill placed to deal with unintended consequences
in the process of institutional evolution, with the outcome that while the formal structures of
institutions might remain (largely) stable, their functions might change over time in a manner
not anticipated by policy-makers.
International institutions in ER
Under the legal provisions of the Treaty of Rome, the most important issues in ER –such
as collective bargaining, right to strike/lockout and employment termination –were under
national jurisdictions. The Maastricht Social Protocol, which the UK did not sign, marginally
increased the influence of supranational institutions as some issues (health and safety of workers,
information/consultation and equal treatment for men and women) became subject to quali-
fied majority in the Council of Ministers; other issues (social security, co-determination and
subsidies for job creation) became subject to unanimous voting in the Council of Ministers,
while collective bargaining and the right to strike/lockout still remained under the legal pre-
rogative of national governments.
As a result, the influence of supranational institutions on the governance of industrial
relations (IR) remained limited in broadly two areas until the advent of the financial crisis
that hit Eurozone countries hard (Marginson, 2005). First, the 1994 European Works Councils
(EWCs) Directive stimulated the formation of information and consultation agreements in
large European multinationals (Marginson and Sisson, 2004). These agreements focused around
the issues of information rights of work councils, health and safety at work, and equal oppor-
tunity for women in the workplace. Second, cross-border bargaining coordination initiatives
between Germany and its northern European trading partners around wage settlements took
place in specific industrial sectors characterised by the presence of strong unions (Hancké, 2014;
Johnston and Hancké, 2009). Coordination was motivated by a desire to link wage and product-
ivity increases in order to avoid the problem of beggar-thy-neighbour, namely companies not
translating productivity improvements into wage increases.
The global financial crisis (GFC), in contrast, witnessed an increase of supranational insti-
tutional innovation in the governance of ER in the EU (Clauwaert and Schoemann, 2012;
Degryse, 2012). We contrast the prominence of supranational institutional innovation at two
levels: countries that formally sought bailout packages (Hall, 2012, 2014; Marginson, 2015); and
countries that were forced to comply with the demands of the European Central Bank (Meardi,
2014). We analyse them in turn.
requirements for the dismissal of employees (Clauwaert and Schoemann, 2012, p. 13). In the
area of collective bargaining, the Greek government was constrained to provide legal pre-
cedence to company-level over sectoral-based agreements and to facilitate the implementa-
tion of company agreements reached with non-unionised representatives (Marginson, 2015,
pp. 102–108). Similarly, the provision of financial assistance to the Irish government was made
conditional upon the imposition of austerity measures and the decentralisation of collective
bargaining under strong pressures from major creditor countries and the Troika (Hickland and
Dundon, 2016). The most prominent measures were the unilateral imposition of pay freezes
on public sector employees and the substantial erosion of the multiple-employer collective
bargaining framework in the wake of the withdrawal of government support (Hall, 2012, p. 363;
Marginson, 2015). Finally, the imposition of strong elements of conditionality stood promin-
ently in the design of the bailout package for Portugal (Tavora and Gonzalez, 2016). Pay freezes
for civil servants were unilaterally introduced by the government, the extension provision of
collective bargaining beyond the level of the firm was legally tightened, and the financial costs
associated with collective redundancies were significantly reduced (Clauwaert and Schoemann,
2012, p. 32; Marginson, 2015).Thus, the provision of financial assistance in these three cases was
made contingent upon important reforms in areas previously falling under the legal prerogative
of national governments: collective bargaining and employment termination (Hall, 2012, 2014).
The responses of European policy-makers to the debt crisis has been impressive in terms of
financial commitments designed to calm the turbulence in financial markets. As of July 2012, i.e.
at the apex of the crisis, the provision of funding in the form of bailout packages to countries
targeted by private bondholders amounted to slightly less than €600 billion (Degryse, 2012,
p. 80).2 Yet, these outcomes were far from being preordained since the EMU was explicitly
established in the context of the absence of an institutionalised ‘transfer union’ characterised by
formalised mechanisms by which member states and/or the ECB would be legally obligated
to assist each other in times of financial difficulties (De Grauwe, 2013; Hall, 2012). The provi-
sion of financial assistance to Eurozone member states gripped by confidence problems from
bondholders was not part of the legal purview enshrined in the Maastricht treaty. The institu-
tional arrangements of the Maastricht Treaty were built around the notion of central bank inde-
pendence as a disciplinary mechanism for inflationary prone countries; they were not designed
to deal with sovereign debt concerns (Garrett, 1993).
Institutional innovation via the imposition of conditions on labour regulations in the case of
the EU bailout packages and creation of the European Solidarity Mechanism (ESM) provides
support for theoretical approaches that emphasise how international institutions reflect how
countries seek to achieve joint gains that they could not achieve on their own. Consistent with a
phenomenon of institutional drift, the institutional arrangements of the Maastricht Treaty were
ill suited to tackle sovereign debt crises (De Grauwe, 2013).Therefore, the provision of financial
assistance to countries targeted by private bondholders required the creation of a new insti-
tution, namely the ESM, a new supranational institution designed to assist Eurozone member
states during periods of financial crisis. Consistent with a process of institutional layering, the
new institutional arrangements were introduced alongside, not in place of, existing institutions
(Marginson, 2016; see also Streeck and Thelen, 2005;Thelen, 2004).Yet the ESM also testifies to
the importance of the distribution of the costs of adjustment (Hall, 2012).
International institutions in ER
of IR were not limited to countries that formally sought a financial bailout package. Through
its intervention into secondary bond markets, the ECB was able to exert strong pressures on
the Italian and Spanish governments (Meardi, 2014). In early 2010 –i.e. the first height of the
European sovereign debt crisis –the secondary bond markets of debtor countries, including
those of Italy and Spain, were characterised by anaemic trading in a context of uncertainty
about the finances of Greece and of the piecemeal responses of EU policy-makers to financial
turbulence (Blyth 2013, pp. 51–93). The ECB sought to lessen the herd behaviour of private
bondholders by acting as lender of last resort on secondary bond markets via its Securities
Market Programme (SMP). The ECB purchased important amounts of sovereign debt on the
secondary markets during the existence of the SMP from May 2010 to December 2012: €13.6
billion in Irish bonds, €21.6 billion in Portuguese bonds, €30.8 billion in Greek bonds, €43.7
billion in Spanish bonds and €99.0 billion in Italian bonds.The aim was to reduce the borrowing
costs for these countries in a context characterised by financial turbulence regarding whether
private bondholders would have to accept losses on their holdings.
The intervention of the ECB came attached with stringent conditions for Italy and Spain. In
the case of Italy, the ECB requested the introduction of budgetary cuts designed to reduce the
size of its debt (Meardi, 2014). More specifically, the ECB identified the extensive, and expen-
sive, system of sub-national institutions (provinces and towns) as ideal targets for budgetary cuts.
In the sphere of IR, the ECB tied its purchase of Italian sovereign bonds to the liberalisation
of employment protection based on the assumption that rigidities to dismiss workers result
in the reluctance of employers to hire, thereby inhibiting growth (Bini Smaghi, 2013). In the
case of Spain, the ECB, in alliance with the Bank of Spain, tied its intervention on the bond
markets with the liberalisation of collective redundancies schemes for employees with open-
ended contracts (Meardi, 2014). The aim was not only to facilitate the dismissal of employees,
but also to reduce the importance of atypical work (fixed-term contracts and part-time work)
in the Spanish economy. In both cases, the governor of the ECB did not hesitate to contact dir-
ectly, albeit with the use of secret letters, the prime ministers of the two countries (Berlusconi
and Zapatero) and, moreover, temporarily stopped its purchase of sovereign bonds as a strategic
move to increase pressures (Bastasin, 2015).
International institutions in ER
primarily on raising revenues via taxes rather than cutting budgets (Bini Smaghi, 2013, pp. 123–
129). As for the case of liberalisation of IR, the Berlusconi government approved, but decided
to postpone, most austerity measures until after the 2013 national elections with the exception
of pay freezes in the public sector (Bastasin, 2015, pp. 255–282). The last budget presented
by Berlusconi, in September 2011, was heavily skewed toward tax revenues (73 per cent) at
the expense of savings from budgetary cuts (27 per cent) in attempting to tackle burgeoning
debt, thereby giving Italy the second highest tax level in the Eurozone area (ibid, p. 301). The
(unelected) government of Mario Monti also found it easier to secure parliamentary support for
raising taxes than for cutting spending. The most important sources of revenues were increases
in highly regressive taxes, namely VAT, gasoline and residential taxes (Culpepper, 2014). Attempts
to eliminate a level of state bureaucracy failed as a bill to cut the number of provinces and cities
was not submitted for parliamentary approval before the general election of 2013. Thus, despite
different sets of intentions, both Berlusconi and Monti found it easier to distribute the costs
of adjustment among diffused voters rather than directly confront entrenched interest groups.
This last statement should not suggest that the Monti government was completely powerless to
control government expenditures: most notably, important changes to the pension system were
introduced, such as steps toward a full defined-contribution system and the raising of the retire-
ment age of women from 62 to 67 by 2018. However, these reforms were expected to generate
savings in the future and, moreover, were not explicitly demanded by the ECB.
The above overview of the contrasting cases of Italy and Spain highlights the limits of the
influence of the ECB despite its massive financial firepower.The inability of the ECB to impose
a comprehensive overhaul of institutional arrangements of IR in Italy reflects the constraints
associated with the environment in which the Frankfurt-based supranational bank operates. In
particular, the decision of the German government and most of the creditor countries of the
Eurozone to limit the size of the ESM at around €600 billion, despite repeated demands by the
ECB for a bigger bailout fund, meant that the financing needs of large countries such as Italy
and Spain could not be met in the form of bailout packages, thereby failing to reduce the risks
of financial contagion (Bastasin, 2015, pp. 170–282). The lack of alternative sources of finance,
in turn, imposed constraints on the credibility of the conditional character of ECB intervention
(Wolf, 2014, pp. 45–88).While the firepower of the ECB is potentially extensive and well-suited
to deal with the presence of uncertainties and herd behaviour of bondholders, the provision
of unlimited, but conditional, support lacks credibility given the lack of financing alternatives.
The ECB faces serious constraints in Italy in serving both as the lender of last resort and as the
policy enforcer in the current context of the institutional architecture of Eurozone governance.
In contrast, the heightened influence of the ECB in the Spanish context suggests the import-
ance of the political orientation of the Rajoy government.
International institutions in ER
to achieve a Pareto-optimal outcome. In the setting of game theory, the ILO is not plagued
by problems of coordination associated with the prisoner’s dilemma nor with the aversion of a
common outcome reminiscent of the chicken game.
Second, the presence of divergence of preferences matters because of the institutional context
of the ILO. Important streams in social sciences research have highlighted that the translation
of the preferences of actors into desired outcomes is mediated by the institutional context in
which they are embedded (Campbell, 2004; Garrett and Lange, 1995; Hall, 1986). Institutional
arrangements shape the power of different stakeholders by offering disproportionate access to,
and thus influence over, the decision-making process and its associated resources at hand. In the
case of the ILO, its corporatist structure has enabled employers’ associations, trade unions and
member countries to block attempts by ILO officials to enact undesired policies (Baccaro and
Mele, 2012; Ryder, 2015).5 Institutional drift and layering have been limited by the relative ease
through which key actors could express their divergence.
The internationalisation of economic activities in the form of cross- border capital flows,
increased trade integration of goods and services, and the multinationalisation of production by
transnational companies has seriously impeded the ability of governments to regulate employ-
ment relations at the national level (Berger, 2000; Garrett, 1998). Institutional innovation, or
reconfiguration, is increasingly seen as necessary in order to achieve at the supranational level
what has become elusive for national governments at the domestic level (Marginson, 2016).
The academic literature on institutions is both rich and insightful. Drawing from economics
and game theory, a first group of scholars have investigated how the creation of institutions at
the supranational level highlights the preferences of national governments to achieve joint gains
via collaboration in an anarchical world (Keohane, 1984; Stein, 1982). Historical-institutionalist
scholars, in contrast, stress how the process of institutional creation reflects the settlements of
conflict across national settings that, in turn, serve as the basis of negotiations at the international
level (Hall, 1986; Putnam, 1988; Roe, 2000).Yet, another stream of institutional analyses, often
drawn from the historical-institutional group, illustrates how the influence of institutions could
change over time in ways that differ from the goals of their founders (Mahoney, 2000; Thelen,
2004). Drawing from the concepts of institutional layering and drift, the impact of institutions
on outcomes could change despite being structurally stable (Thelen, 2003).
Our case studies illustrate the range of outcomes associated with institutional analyses. The
case of institutional innovation in the setting up of the ESM highlights the failure of the insti-
tutional arrangements of the Maastricht Treaty to tackle issues related to the financial crisis (De
Grauwe, 2013; Garrett, 1993). Consistent with the concept of institutional drift, the Eurozone
crisis highlights the inability of central bank independence to prevent countries from accu-
mulating budget deficits and the inadequacies of the no-bailout clause in dealing with private
bondholders and instabilities in financial markets. Consistent with the concept of institutional
layering, the process of adjustment to the financial crisis did not involve the dismantling of
existing institutional arrangements, a politically difficult process, but the introduction of new
institutional arrangements on top of extant ones (Degryse, 2012; Marginson, 2015).
Yet, the emergence of institutional drift does not constitute a natural and automatic pro-
cess. The case of the ILO illustrates how the structure of institutional design of supranational
arrangements enables the original founders to maintain control over their operations (Baccaro
and Mele, 2012; Standing, 2008). The procedural decision-making process of the ILO has
enabled its key constituent parties to resist changes that would challenge their preferences
despite a changing global economy. The case of the relatively modest influence of the ECB
highlights the limits of attempting to develop a new institutional regime if support from key
parties is missing. The absence of collaborationist co-conspirators in Italy limited the ability of
the institutionally powerful ECB to impose its wills (Bastasin, 2015; Culpepper, 2014).
1 We thank Jimmy Donaghey for his insightful comments on this chapter.
2 Moreover, this commitment comes on top of the ECB purchasing massive amounts of government
bonds in the secondary markets between May 2010 and December 2012: €13.6 billion in Irish bonds,
€21.6 billion in Portuguese bonds, €30.8 billion in Greek bonds, €43.7 billion in Spanish bonds and
€99.0 billion in Italian bonds (ECB, 2013).The ECB also provided more than €1,000 billion in the form
of cheap loans to Eurozone banks between December 2011 and February 2012 (Degryse, 2012, p. 5).
3 The distribution of votes at the ILO annual meeting is as follows: unions and employers each hold a
quarter of the votes while government representatives account for the remaining half.
4 For an analytical overview of hard law vs. soft law, see Abbott and Snidal, 2000).
5 See footnote three on the structure of voting system at the ILO.
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Andrew Timming and Samuel Mansell
In the light of the generally unequal relations of power between capital and labour (Offe and
Wiesenthal, 1980), the employment relationship in a market-driven economy is inherently
fraught with a myriad of inescapable ethical landmines. As a result, employment relations (ER),
broadly conceived, cannot be fully understood in a moral vacuum. The question of whether
(at least private sector) organisations have a responsibility beyond their fiduciary obligation to
shareholders (Friedman, 1970; see also Mulligan, 1986) is at the very heart of what is com-
monly referred to today as stakeholder theory (Freeman, 1984; Mansell, 2013a; McWilliams
and Siegel, 2001). Whilst the lion’s share of the literature on corporate social responsibility
(hereafter CSR) tends to conceptualise the main non-shareholding stakeholders as, for example,
consumers (Sen and Bhattacharya, 2001), the environment (Lyon and Maxwell, 2008) or, per-
haps more amorphously, ‘society’ (Pedersen, 2010), the focus of this chapter is on employees as
organisational stakeholders. We explore this focus through two themes: first, we examine the
ethics of child labour; and second, we examine whether employees have a right to participate
in organisational decision-making.
Employees are often overlooked in the wider CSR literature (Young and Thyil, 2009), most of
which overwhelmingly focuses on the impact of organisational decision-making on stakeholders
that are largely external to the workplace. But this outward-looking focus is curious in the light
of the fact that employees (which are, of course, internal to the firm) and consumers (which are,
of course, external to the firm) can be viewed as one and the same, in the sense that employees
are ultimately the key drivers of consumption in the economy (Cova and Dalli, 2009). In fact,
one might argue that the question of how organisations treat employees is not independent of
how they act towards society at large, since employees not only represent a sizeable proportion
of society, but also act as consumers when they are not at work. In short, the purpose of this
chapter is to draw some much-needed attention to the various ethical implications of viewing
employees as stakeholders. It is in this light that the chapter makes an original contribution to
the wider bodies of literature on business ethics, stakeholder theory and ER.
In the next two sections, the notions of power and exploitation are examined within the
context of the employment relationship, with an emphasis on child labour in the developing
world. The generally accepted supposition that management can leverage more power against
employees than vice versa is arguably the source of all ethical questions within the employment
relationship. After that, an overview of stakeholder theory is provided, with an emphasis on
important scholars and debates and how they link back to employee participation in decision-
making. The chapter then turns to the important question of whether ethical business practices
(specifically with respect to employee participation) and firm performance can ever positively
align. An agenda for future theoretical and empirical research in this area is then presented,
followed by a brief conclusion.
weather the withdrawal of labour much better than the latter can weather the withdrawal
of livelihood. Because of this intrinsic imbalance of power in the employment relationship,
workers are more susceptible to mistreatment, coercion and abuse at the hands of management.
This is particularly the case in relation to child labour, a topic to which we now turn.
Our purpose in introducing this debate is not to advocate one position or the other, but
rather to illustrate the complexity of such ethical issues. What is clear in this debate is that the
employment relationship is characterised by an imbalance in the relations of power between
capital and labour, and that this imbalance is even greater in the case of child labourers. The
shades of the debate, however, become greyer when the question of right or wrong enters the
equation. There are moral arguments in favour of, and against, child labour, and these may vary
depending on whether one assumes a consequentialist or non-consequentialist philosophical
approach to the topic.The conclusions one draws in relation to this question thus depend upon
the ethical assumptions one brings to the debate. We now turn away from the ethics of child
labour toward another key moral debate that has received, in our view, insufficient scholarly
attention in the ER literature. To this end, in the next section, we ask whether employees have
a moral right to participate in organisational decision-making.
Employees as stakeholders
Freeman (1984, p. 46) famously defines a stakeholder of an organisation as “any group or indi-
vidual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of an organisation’s objectives”. This
definition potentially encompasses a broad range of stakeholder groups, including those who
can hold adversarial relationships with the firm. It is also important to note that ‘stakeholder’ is
employed here primarily in the context of the firm’s strategy, rather than its ethical obligations
(Freeman, 1984, p. 53). However, few stakeholder theorists today would draw a clear distinction
between ‘ethical’ and ‘strategic’ objectives. Freeman et al. (2010, p. 29) argue that “executives
must understand that business is fully situated in the realm of humanity […] Stakeholders have
names and faces and children […] As such, matters of ethics are routine when one takes a
‘managing for stakeholders’ approach.” For most contemporary stakeholder theorists, managing
stakeholder relationships is seen intrinsically to be an ethical endeavour.
Concerning the status of employees in the ‘managing for stakeholders’ approach, Freeman,
Harrison and Wicks (2007, p. 7) position customers, communities, suppliers and financiers along-
side employees on a ‘two-tier stakeholder map’ consisting of ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ stakeholders,
the latter of which includes government, the media, special interest groups, competitors and
consumer advocacy groups. Employees are among the former group, to whom “managers need
to pay a special kind of attention” (Freeman et al., 2007, p. 6). Employees do not have superior
ethical status within this group. In fact, Freeman (2010, p. 8) contends that managers should
create value for all stakeholders without resorting to trade-offs: “From a managerial perspective,
if managers look for trade-offs among stakeholders, then they will create trade-offs and they may
never find the ‘sweet spot’ that signifies the joint interest of all key stakeholders.”
In philosophical arguments for the stakeholder approach (see Mansell, 2013a, pp. 39–53 for
an overview), employees are given a status equal to that of other stakeholder groups. For example,
a prominent framework for establishing obligations to stakeholders draws on the ‘social con-
tract’ method of John Rawls (1999). Rawls employed a famous thought experiment in which
social institutions would be regulated by principles of justice that rational individuals choose
when placed behind a ‘veil of ignorance’. Behind this ‘veil’, no one would be aware of his or her
personal characteristics or place in society.Therefore, to choose principles for themselves would
be simultaneously to choose for all members of society. In an organisational context, Freeman
and Evan (1990, p. 349) claim that the rules for establishing ‘fair contracts’ between stakeholders
of a corporation should be decided by all stakeholders “behind a ‘veil of ignorance’, interpreted
to mean that no one knows which particular stake he or she actually holds in the corporation”.
This application of Rawls’s contractual argument implies “a basic equality among stakeholders
in terms of their moral rights as these are realised in the firm” (Freeman, 1994, p. 415). Changes
to the internal constitution of a company would, therefore, require the ‘unanimous consent’ of
all stakeholders (Freeman, 1994, p. 416).
Another influential framework for normative stakeholder theory is that of Donaldson and
Preston (1995). They appeal to theories of distributive justice to argue that a fair distribution
of corporate wealth between all stakeholders can be established on the basis of “need, ability,
effort, and mutual agreement” (p. 84). Although they acknowledge the ‘stake’ of long-term
employees who have worked to build and maintain a successful business operation, employees
are attributed no ethical priority in comparison with other stakeholder groups.
Employees have a more central role in work that explores the implications of ‘incomplete
contracts’ between a firm and its stakeholders. Blair (1995) denies that shareholders are the
only group to bear the ‘residual risk’ of investing in a corporation: “employees whose skills are
specialised to the company will inevitably bear some of the risk associated with the enterprise,
and this fact gives them a ‘stake’ in the company that is at risk in exactly the same way as the
stake held by shareholders” (p. 238). It follows that “for many kinds of corporations, employees
(and sometimes other major stakeholders) have as much claim to being owners of the corpor-
ation as do shareholders, and perhaps more so” (p. 239).
Similarly, Kaler (2009) establishes the relative standing of different stakeholder groups by
employing a risk-based measure of their contribution to the economic functioning of a firm.
He argues that in an ‘optimally viable’ version of stakeholder theory, employees would have
“co-equal priority with shareholders” and “co-equal accountability rights with shareholders”
(p. 304). By contrast, other non-shareowning stakeholders would have merely a ‘minimal status’.
Kaler (2009, p. 306) elaborates: “while employees are exposed to both financial and work-
related risks, other non-shareholder stakeholders are (along with shareholders it should be said)
only exposed to financial risk”. Moreover, “not only are employees unique in being exposed to
this extra level of risk but their exposure to financial risk is generally greater than that of other
groupings” (p. 306).
employee interests at the centre of corporate governance with employees at all levels partici-
pating in managerial decision-making –or at least able to hold managers to account and to
re-balance the relations of power to some extent. Probably the most sophisticated argument
in which this has been attempted (McMahon, 1994, 1995, 2007) conceives of the corporation
as a democracy of employees that authorises management to act on its behalf. McMahon (1994)
begins by observing the possibility for conflict between the moral obligations of employees and
their obedience to management: “While the fact that one is being paid is a good moral reason
for complying with a managerial directive … it may conflict with other morally relevant con-
siderations that count against compliance” (p. 6). He therefore asks what justifies managerial
authority and demonstrates that it “is best regarded not as the authority of a principal over an
agent but rather as authority that facilitates mutually beneficial cooperation among employees
with divergent aims” (xiii).
McMahon’s (1994) argument for employee democracy depends on the premise that those
who have a right “to participate in a decision are not those who are affected by it but those
whose actions are guided by it” (p. 12). This is a subtle point, which implies that “if corporate
management is to be democratised, the group to whom corporate decision-makers should
be accountable […] is the employees. They are the people whose actions are guided by man-
agerial directives” (p. 14). Managerial authority is, therefore, legitimate to the extent that it
can be justified to employees “from the standpoint of reasons that apply to them” (p. 192).
McMahon reasons that this justification cannot simply rest on the employees’ promise (or con-
tract) to obey management, because this obligation might be overridden at any time by stronger
moral considerations (e.g. an employee’s duty to disobey a managerial directive to commit
fraud). McMahon adds that this will be “especially likely when, by acting collectively with other
like-minded people, they can promote their conception of the moral good more effectively”
(p. 241). However, “employees will also regard what happens when all of them comply with
managerial directives only intermittently as undesirable, since opportunities for mutually bene-
ficial cooperation will be missed” (p. 241). It follows that managerial authority should be seen
from the standpoint of employees as co-operation facilitating authority.
But why does authority of this kind require employee democracy? McMahon (1994, p. 258)
understands democracy as “the determination of the directive to be issued by a vote of the
subjects”, which he finds to be supported by the values of ‘fairness’ and ‘welfare maximisation’.
He writes: “Fairness supports democracy as a device for insuring that over time, each will get
what he deems best about equally often […] while welfare maximisation supports democracy
as insuring that the directive issued is deemed best by more people than not” (p. 258). In this
conception of authority, employees are not seen as agents of shareholders or senior manage-
ment; instead, managers serve the employees “by enabling them to promote their conceptions
of the moral good more effectively in their work” (p. 291). In his conclusion, McMahon calls
for the “erosion of the power of managers chosen by non-democratic means, and a transfer of
all ultimate managerial authority to democratically elected representatives of the employees”
(p. 292).
A similar conclusion is reached through a less complex argument by Manville and Ober
(2003), who champion the benefits of building a ‘company of citizens’ in which employees
participate fully and democratically in the strategic direction of the company. Developing an
analogy with the politics of classical Athens, they call for a “truly democratic system of manage-
ment –one suited to the knowledge worker’s need for and expectation of self-determination
and self-government” (p. 48). Moreover, it is ultimately up to companies to provide a clear def-
inition of ‘formal citizenship’ in their organisation and the “benefits, rights and responsibilities”
that are part of it (p. 53).
To this end, employing the same analogy between business organisations and Greek city-
states, Sison (2011) draws on Aristotle’s (1996) The Politics to answer the question of who should
count as a citizen of the ‘corporate polis’. Sison (2011) advocates a ‘civic republican’ model of
citizenship in which “every stakeholder-constituent is admonished to actively take part in the
deliberation and execution of the corporate common good” (p. 5). Of the different stakeholders
who might qualify as ‘corporate citizens’, “employees are the ones most closely integrated and
identified with the corporation” (p. 7). However, he recalls Aristotle’s argument that citizens
practice self-governance: they govern their own affairs and do not rule on behalf of anyone else
(p. 8). Sison is, therefore, led to the conclusion that shareholding employees, and in particular
shareholding managers, best fit the Aristotelian conception of the corporate citizen: “That
manager or employee and shareholder, agent and principal, governor and governed coincide in
the same person is precisely the biggest advantage of workers over other stakeholder groups for
civic republican corporate citizenship […] In this sense, co-operatives, or business organisations
that are run and controlled by their owners, would fit the definition of a self-governing cor-
porate polity to perfection” (p. 8).
A commonality in the preceding arguments is that employees should participate not only
in deciding the means by which managerial directives might be implemented, but also in the
setting of organisational ends. Berman and Van Buren III (2015) find a similar argument in Mary
Parker Follett’s writings on employee participation and integration. Follett viewed the role of
management in its relation to workers as “one of shared control and non-coercive interaction
for mutual benefit” (p. 46). She contrasted ‘power-over’ and ‘power-with’ such that: “the former
was coercive control by managers exercised over workers (often with punitive effect), and the
latter a jointly developed power between managers and workers in which power is exercised
for mutual benefit” (p. 46).
While slightly different ethical vocabularies are employed in each attempt to prioritise the
interests of employees in corporate governance, the concepts of participation, involvement,
engagement, voice, democracy and citizenship have become standard frames of reference, espe-
cially amongst ER scholars. Timming (2015, p. 383) observes that the “distinction between
these terms is, unfortunately, never clear, owing to the fact that researchers often use them
interchangeably”. However, he provides an important caveat: drawing on Aristotle’s (1996) The
Politics, it can be shown that corporate ‘citizenship’ (even in a ‘participatory’ sense) does not
logically entail employee democracy. Contrary to Sison (2011, p. 4), who finds Aristotle’s con-
ception of citizenship best suited to a democracy, Timming (2015, p. 389) emphasises the ‘elitist
nature’ of Aristotle’s ‘best regime’. In Aristotle’s concept of the citizen, which is paradigmatic for
much of the ‘corporate citizenship’ literature (e.g. Crane et al., 2008, pp. 7–10), the question of
which employees can participate in organisational decision-making “boils down to whether or
not the managerial aristoi judges a particular employee to possess what Aristotle (1996, pp. 65–
68) refers to as ‘excellence’ […] Only superior employees characterised by ‘excellence’ […] are
invited by the managerial aristoi to participate in decision-making” (Timming, 2015, p. 289).
Timming goes on to argue that, for Aristotle, only employees with the ‘best brains’ could be
considered citizens of the ‘corporate polis’: thus, the remaining workforce (e.g. the janitors and
cashiers, etc.) are like the slaves and women of Aristotle’s day, “denied a voice and made to be
silent […] due to their supposed lack of strategic insight” (p. 289).
Throughout this literature on the ethics of employee participation, a central theme is that the
mere existence of managerial power over employees does not imply legitimate authority: power
is therefore inherently questionable on ethical grounds (see Höpfl, 1999 for an elucidation of
the different etymologies of ‘power’ and ‘authority’). It is argued in this literature that legit-
imate managerial authority requires employee participation in the strategic direction and shared
values of the organisation as a whole. Some have argued that this level of participation implies
that employees have the power to hold managers to account through democratic procedures
(see Collins, 1997; Manville and Ober, 2003; McMahon, 1994). Another widely held premise
is that employees are distinctly vulnerable to firm-specific risk, relative to other stakeholder
groups (Blair, 1995; Kaler, 2009). Employees can thus be said to have an ethical right to partici-
pate in managerial decision-making as a safeguard against the risk of unjust exploitation. In this
sense, the argument in favour of workplace democracy is consequential: it is not seen as an end
to be pursued for its own sake (whatever that might mean), but just to the extent that it offers
protection to the interests of all employees.
question can and should also be asked by employment relations researchers in the context of
organisations conceptualised as political entities (Pfeffer, 1992). Thus, according to Timming
(2016, p. 492):
The dilemma here, it seems, centres primarily around the ambiguity surrounding the word
‘ideal’. What might be an ‘ideal’ distribution of decision-making from the point of view of
organisational performance and profitability may, it could be argued, be incompatible with an
‘ideal’ distribution of decision-making from the point of view of ethics and moral philosophy.
Thus, whether an employee has a ‘right’ to participate in decision-making would ultimately
need to be counter-balanced against the ‘right’ of an organisation (if such a thing exists) to
demand employee compliance in exchange for wages paid.
For the sake of facilitating discussion on this dilemma, let us carry out a thought experi-
ment in which we divide organisations into two types: low-voice and high-voice. Let us fur-
ther recognise that these ideal types (Cahnman, 1965) are conceptual tools that allow us to
make a complex reality more interpretable. Low-voice organisations can be defined as those in
which decision-making authority is concentrated in the hands of management, whilst high-
voice organisations are defined as those in which decision-making authority is more widely
distributed throughout the workforce in the form of shared governance between managers and
In the preceding section it was seen that for many business ethics scholars, low-voice
organisations are morally problematic. It has been argued that employees are important
stakeholders and, as such, they can make a legitimate moral claim to have some ‘say’ over organ-
isational decision-making. But what about the business case against the low-voice model of gov-
ernance? To answer this question, we must turn to the HRM literature. Wilkinson et al. (2004),
among others, have argued persuasively that the delegation of decision-making authority to
employees results in what they have called ‘upward problem solving’. The assumption under-
lying this argument is that employees, by virtue of their position on the front line of produc-
tion, possess valuable insight into the organisation that managers do not possess. Low-voice
organisations fail to capitalise on this employee insight, thereby potentially weakening the
never-ending quest to optimise production in the face of a constantly changing environment
and market conditions.
By the same token, although the direct link between employee voice and financial perform-
ance has been elusive (Freeman and Kleiner, 2000), there is also a strong consensus amongst
HRM scholars that participatory management yields a number of benefits for organisations.
Appelbaum et al. (2000) argue persuasively that ‘high-performance work systems’, characterised
by high levels of employee voice, pay significant dividends to organisations. Guthrie (2001)
question has not often been explored from the perspective of employees. Similarly, can a Millian
utilitarian perspective shine a new light on how ER researchers think about employee voice?
From this perspective, perhaps voice can only be conceptualised as ‘good’ insofar as it leads
to mutual benefits for both employees and employers. It has already been shown previously
that ancient philosophies can add significant value to our contemporary understanding of ER
(Timming, 2015), so more research along these lines is a welcome contribution.
Another potentially promising avenue for future research involves moving beyond thought
experiments into the realm of empiricism. In short, we wish to call for methodological plur-
alism in the philosophical study of the employment relationship. It should not be surprising that
most philosophical studies are non-empirical. However, the moral premises of philosophical
debate about the claims of employees –and the practical context in which debates are thought
significant –could be enriched by empirical research on employee participation in practice.
For example, the ‘ideal’ distribution of decision-making, discussed above, is really an empirical
question. To this end, statistical and experimental methods could be used to measure employee
participation, and then qualitative follow up research could be conducted in order to capture
employees’ moral attitudes in respect of different variations in the distribution of decision-
making. Qualitative research in this area could also entail interviews not only with employees,
but also with managers, with regard to the question of whether workers should have a right to
participate in decision-making. If so, there are additional questions surrounding whether all
employees should have equal rights to participation, or if some have more rights than others. In
short, the possibilities for empirical research along these lines are endless.
Finally, this chapter has provided a useful ethical framework for thinking about other topics
in the wider ambit of ER. Although we focused on the ethics of child labour and employee
participation in decision-making, there is any number of alternative employment-related topics
that could be explored from a moral viewpoint. For example, future research could investigate
the ethics of the living wage or employment discrimination on the basis of both protected
and non-protected characteristics. There is certainly no shortage of ethical dilemmas in the
study of ER.
In conclusion, this chapter has provided a comprehensive overview of the generally under-
investigated intersection of employment relations, stakeholder theory and business ethics.
Unlike most previous studies in CSR, this chapter places employees, thought of as stakeholders,
at centre stage in the debate. We have examined critically the various ethical perspectives on
employees as stakeholders, from child labour through to employee participation. We have also
considered the important question of whether business ethics and firm performance, under-
pinned by employee participation in decision-making, align with one another. In the final ana-
lysis, we argue that this chapter has really only scratched the surface in terms of understanding
the role of business ethics in ER. Future research, both conceptual and empirical, is needed to
explore the arguments made in this chapter.
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Rose Batt
Concern over the ‘future of work’ in advanced economies has exploded in recent years. The
concept is fuzzy enough to accommodate almost any change occurring in the world of work
today. And many things are falling apart. Jobs are disappearing via offshoring or automation –
creating greater competition for the remaining jobs and putting downward pressure on wages.
The standard 40-hour work week has collapsed –replaced by overworked people or the under-
employed holding multiple jobs. The dramatic growth in jobs that are contracted out or subject
to contingent contracts has created unprecedented levels of precariousness and income insecurity.
The Uberisation of the labour market has captured peoples’ imagination –with workers connected
directly to customers via online platforms operated by firms that deny they are employers even
though they set prices and contractual terms. These trends affect not only low-wage workers in
routine jobs but increasingly a broader swath of knowledge, professional and managerial workers.
For some, technology is driving these changes. Digitalisation and the logistics revolution
allowed firms to establish global supply chains that shifted jobs in advanced economies to low-
wage countries. Other new technologies automate and eliminate jobs on an unprecedented
scale. For others, globalisation has ‘forced’ corporations to seek low-cost, flexible forms of labour
to compete effectively. And some blame the millennials, who demand new forms of work, as a
driving force behind this new world of work.
In this chapter, I try to make sense of the fundamental changes that are occurring in the
world of work and employment relations (ER) and what they mean for researchers in the field of
human resource (HR) studies and ER and, more generally, for policy-makers. I argue that under-
lying the different dimensions of the new world of work is a fundamental change in the logic
capital gains, interest payments) to corporate cash flow. She found that this ratio remained stable
in the 1950s and 1960s at less than 10 per cent, rose to approximately 20 per cent by 1980 and
40 per cent by 1989, before falling off and then stabilising in 2000 at about 40 per cent (2011,
p. 36). Another measure –the ratio of net acquisition of financial assets to tangible assets in
non-financial firms –also supports the idea of a relative increase in reliance on financial activ-
ities, especially after 1980. The ratio was relatively stable at 40 per cent or less until 1980, and
thereafter rose to about 100 per cent by 2000 (ibid., p. 39).
The financial model differs from the managerial model in that it is based on different assumptions
about the nature of the corporation, the value of its assets and capital mobility. Under the man-
agerial model, assets are relatively fixed resources used to produce goods and services, with retained
earnings used to replenish those resources, expand the asset base of the firm and grow. The finan-
cial model, by contrast, views the corporation as a bundle of mobile assets to be bought and sold
with the goal of increasing returns –often short or intermediate term –to shareholders. Capital is
mobile and should seek out the best deal in the marketplace. Companies analyse the profitability of
each business unit or line of production and keep only the most profitable ones (the ones it ‘does
best’) –selling off those in product markets that are mature, less profitable or too competitive. In
Albert Hirschman’s terms (1970), they can simply exit. As CEO of General Electric in the early
1980s, Jack Welch pioneered this approach (Lowenstein, 2004, p. 55). Revenue from the sell-off of
less profitable businesses are then returned to shareholders as dividends. This differs from the past,
when investments in plant and equipment tied up capital in fixed investments, putting managers
under pressure to innovate and turn around poor-performing businesses.They couldn’t just exit.
Second, once capital investments are viewed as relatively liquid –to be bought and sold –
rather than as fixed assets, the idea of labour as a quasi-fixed asset (Oi, 1962), or human capital
as valuable and firm specific (Becker, 1964), also becomes less relevant to the firm’s business and
labour strategy. Because a firm’s financial success depends relatively less on productive activities,
its welfare is less intertwined with the welfare of employees. The decoupling of this inter-
dependent relationship, due in part to the higher mobility of capital, unravels the incentives that
the firm had under the managerial model to invest in the skills of labour and negotiate contracts
to ensure labour’s cooperation and peace.
Within each product or business function, firms also analyse the value chain in the pro-
duction process to identify which pieces of the process are the most valuable and should be
kept in house and which should be sold off.Value chain analysis has allowed firms to vertically
dis-integrate their production systems, outsource activities to domestic contractors, or offshore
activities to emerging market suppliers with lower wages and labour standards.
This process has been justified and promoted in the management literature via the ‘core
competency’ argument –that firms should specialise in what they do best (Prahalad and
Hamel, 1990) and spin off the rest to low-cost suppliers at home or abroad. Most of the lit-
erature attributes this strategy to heightened global competition and international labour arbi-
trage, rather than recognising that a primary driver is the financial model of the firm –that
is, shareholder pressure to divest less profitable activities and return cash to them in the form
of dividends. Thus, the research literature has paid considerably more attention to the labour
implications of global supply chains than to the domestic equivalent of outsourcing within
countries (Bernhardt et al., 2016). The European literature is somewhat more advanced than
its US counterpart, but has focused heavily on public sector outsourcing and privatisation
(Drahokloupil, 2015; Marchington et al., 2005).
Firms that follow a financial model are also more likely to engage in other types of asset sales –
particularly selling off property or real estate assets to return cash to shareholders. Historically,
companies in many industries –particularly in retail, restaurants, hotels, health care and other
manufacturing and service businesses –owned their own property to hedge against downturns
in the economy. During recessions, they could weather the storm because they didn’t have to
pay rent. When they did sell off property, they tended to use the cash to reinvest in and expand
the business. Increasingly, however, activist shareholders such as hedge funds, or private equity
firms that own portfolio companies, have demanded that companies sell assets to ‘release the
value’ locked up in corporations. Companies are split into a property company and an operating
company, the property is sold, and the operating company is forced to lease back the land or
buildings it used to own –often at inflated prices. Proceeds from the sale are typically returned
to shareholders as dividends, not reinvested in the company (Appelbaum and Batt, 2014).
In the summer of 2014, for example, hedge fund activists with a six per cent interest in
Darden Restaurants –the largest restaurant chain owner in the world –demanded that the
company sell off all of its properties and return the proceeds to shareholders. The company
managed to hold on to most of its properties by making a deal to sell off one chain (Red
Lobster) to a private equity firm. The firm immediately split the Red Lobster chain into two
companies, sold off all 500 properties, and used that money to completely pay for the leveraged
buyout it had just executed (Appelbaum, 2014a). Of course, ongoing net revenues at the res-
taurant chain were substantially reduced as the company now had to pay inflated rent on the
property it previously owned. Thus, these asset sales make the operating companies much more
vulnerable to financial distress and bankruptcy and, in turn, put pressure on managers to cut
labour costs via layoffs or reductions in staffing, training or wages.
While activist investors primarily target US corporations, continental Europe has experienced
a rise in activism, with 125 corporations targeted by activist funds between 2010 and 2015,
according to Activist Investor (2015), a UK research and consulting firm that tracks shareholder
activism. In addition, activist strategies have evolved to include not only pressure for board seats,
but to change the direction of business strategy and other management decisions, such as out-
sourcing and the sale of property assets.
The financial model’s effective implementation depends on aligning the interests of top
management with those of shareholders through executive pay tied to stock options. This
innovation grew rapidly in the 1980s, was embraced by US corporations after an influential
1990 Harvard Business Review (HBR) article by economists Jenson and Murphy (1990), and
became institutionalised by the end of 1990s. This led to the dramatic rise in CEO-to-worker
pay ratios in the following decades (Davis and Mishel, 2014).The practice also spread to Europe,
where in 2014, the base salary for CEOs of the top 100 corporations was only 20–38 per cent
of total pay in all countries but Italy and the Nordics (Towers Watson, 2015).
In 2016 –26 years after the game-changing pay-for-performance article, HBR published
an about-face –“Stop Paying Executives for Performance” (Cable and Vermeulen, 2016). That
was because the cumulative research showed that pay-for-performance only works for routine
tasks, not those involving creativity. It leads executives to focus excessively on stock price as the
ultimate performance metric and is significantly associated with higher levels of shareholder
lawsuits, lower product safety, and earnings manipulation. Research on earnings manipulation
shows that since the 1990s, corporate stock buybacks have skyrocketed. A study of 91 per cent
of the S&P 500 corporations between 2004 and 2013 found that the companies spent 51 per
cent of their net income on buybacks and another 35 per cent on dividends –for an overall total
of $5.7 trillion (Lazonick, 2014). The use of earnings for share buybacks and dividends crowds
out investment in innovations –worker skills, technology, and research and development –that
are required to compete effectively in ‘knowledge-based’ economies. Hence the excessive use
of share buybacks has long-term negative spillover effects on the productive and innovative cap-
abilities of firms and their ability to pay decent wages.
Tied to the greater use of retained earnings for stock buybacks is the higher use of bank
loans to finance capital investments –with a resulting increase in the use of debt financing rela-
tive to equity financing. This strategy is attractive because the use of debt multiplies the return
on assets; and it is even more attractive in countries such as the US where interest rates have
been close to zero and the tax system allows interest on the debt to be deducted from corporate
taxes. The greater relative use of debt lowers the tax burden of corporations, leading the general
public to shoulder a larger share.
Buyout firms in the 1980s pioneered the use of high debt to goose their returns in leveraged
buyouts of companies –a strategy that private equity firms continue to use. Private equity firms
typically use about 70 per cent debt and 30 per cent equity when they purchase companies and
take them private. By contrast, historically the typical public corporation had a debt/equity ratio of
about 30/70 per cent. That, however, is changing, at least in the US where, according to one ana-
lyst, US public non-financial corporations are carrying debt equal to about 50 per cent of their net
worth –far above historic levels. Those levels were below 20 per cent in the 1950s, 25 per cent in
the mid-1980s, and below 40 per cent in 2007, prior to the Great Financial Crisis (Arends, 2014).
In sum, the shift towards a financial model of the firm has meant that corporate profitability
draws on a much wider range of financial strategies than previously and that the corporation
as an entity is viewed as temporal –a set of assets to be bought and sold –Lego pieces to be
assembled and disassembled. Top management’s commitment to the organisation has become
more temporal, and it often views labour’s contribution to the bottom line as more limited and
equivalent to any other factor of production.
The financial firm and its implications for HR and employment relations
The shift to a financial model of the firm is not only driven by ‘external’ forces, such as share-
holder activism, Wall Street analysts or global competition. Top managers have internalised the
model as well. Whereas managers in the post-war period did recognise the need to maintain
reciprocal relations with labour, by the 1980s they increasingly viewed labour as a commodity
or just another factor of production. The careers and economic fortunes of executives were no
longer tied to the long-term sustainability of the corporation but to the short-term success of
stock prices.Their identities as individual shareholders trumped their identities as organisational
leaders (Lazonick, 1992).
Perhaps equally important was a qualitative shift in management ideology. Peter Cappelli
notes, “A fundamental change occurred in managerial ideology in the 1980s. Employers
learned that they could treat employment just like any other contract, with penalties to pay
for breaking it. And they didn’t see any reason not to do so. They viewed this approach as
perfectly ethical” (Cappelli, 2016). They moved away from a reciprocal model of employ-
ment commitment and pushed risk and uncertainty on to workers via the increased use of
temporary agency contracting and part-time work. In the US, employers began to classify
non-management workers as salaried and ‘exempt’ from overtime rules, or as independent
contractors, even though they carried out the tasks of regular employees and were supervised as
such. The new ideology legitimised the downsizing activities of firms in that period, which hit
experienced managers and professionals as well as workers (Cappelli, 1999; Osterman, 1996).
To reduce legal liabilities, firms began to use professional employment organisations (PEOs)
as the employer of record, with responsibility for compliance with payroll and tax obligations.
They also embraced recruitment processing outsourcing (RPO), in which all responsibil-
ities for recruitment and hiring are shifted to a service provider. Global RPO or HR out-
sourcing providers such as PONTOON Solutions (UK), Hudson RPO (US) and Alexander
Mann Solutions (UK) serve major multinational corporations around the globe. The goal, notes
Cappelli, is to “… make labor supply like a faucet –turn it on only when you need it, then turn
it off ” (Cappelli, 2016). Steve Berkenfeld, a managing director in investment banking at Barclays,
provides a similar assessment: “Now, investors view ‘human resources’ just like any other input…
the goal is to minimise costs and maximise resource utilisation.”1 Based on this logic, it is a short
leap to the idea that a ‘relationship’ with labour is no longer needed or desirable.
There are many reasons why employers don’t want to –or don’t need to –have a ‘relation-
ship’ with employees any more. They can more easily assert managerial prerogative given the
decline in institutional constraints and shift in the balance of power between capital and labour.
They have a much broader range of management strategies and technological tools that they
can mix and match to lower labour and other operational costs, eliminate legal liabilities, reduce
managerial headaches, and shift risks and uncertainty to contractors or workers. For many tasks,
direct labour is eliminated and embedded in powerful new technologies bought off the shelf. At
the same time, new management philosophies and techniques –core competency philosophy
and value chain analysis –have been central to decision-making and provide the justification
and a step-by-step guide for outsourcing functions, and with them, the employment relation-
ship. Core competency theory prescribes the segmentation of the workforce according to those
who ‘add value’ and those who don’t (Lepak and Snell, 1999). Workers with core competencies
are kept in-house while non-core workers are viewed as a variable cost and outsourced. David
Weil (2014) has described this as a ‘fissuring’ of the employment relationship. He also notes that
the ‘core’ is shrinking. What is core versus non-core, however, is ambiguous, and managers often
make decisions about what to keep in house and what to outsource not on the basis of an actual
business analysis but on political pressure to reduce headcount: by reducing the denominator of
the number of people employed, productivity and revenues per employee appear to be higher.
Outsourcing the employment relationship can take many contractual forms –including
shifting work to outside contractors off site; shifting ownership to franchisees, who pay a roy-
alty to the franchisor for use of the brand; or using temporary staffing firms, leasing firms or
staff management companies to manage workers on site at the primary firm’s locations. Each
of these cases constitutes a form of inter-firm contracting that breaks the employment rela-
tionship between the primary firm and a worker, who is now hired, fired and managed by the
contractor. In addition, employers may combine these inter-firm service contracts with alternative
forms of individual employment contracts –such as freelancers, direct hire temps, on-call workers or
on-demand platform workers. These strategies allow firms to drive down costs or improve per-
formance by ‘whipsawing’ –pitting in-house workers against those employed by contractors,
bidding down contract terms among subcontractors or creating competition between in-house
workers, independent contractors and temporary employees. Our research on how employers
use a mix of these forms of contracting and the implications for workforce management and
ER is seriously undeveloped.
Outsourcing certain tasks or functions altogether allows employers to lower their exposure
to market uncertainties.They reduce direct and indirect labour costs and shift rising health care
and pension liabilities and lawsuits to contractors. As noted, by lowering headcount and redu-
cing the denominator, revenues per employee go up. Companies with higher profits and lower
labour costs have higher stock market valuations. Managers don’t have to ‘deal with’ employee
voice, diversity, discrimination, work-f amily balance, dual career problems, illness, absenteeism,
scheduling and other time-consuming issues –in sum, they outsource HR management. The
job of management is easier. Managing people is turned into managing a contractor –a
function often handled by the procurement division of corporations. And with less labour and
a smaller organisational footprint, companies reduce infrastructure and real estate costs as well.
This ideological turn has important ramifications for the field of strategic HR management
as well as ER. The field of strategic HR management grew under the premise that the stra-
tegic management of human capital could add value to the firm (Dyer, 1984). Investments in
firm-specific training could pay off by creating ‘human resources’ with unique knowledge and
skills – providing a key point of leverage for sustainable competitive advantage (Barney, 1991).
This argument drew on the seminal work of Gary Becker in Human Capital (1964), in which he
posited that workers’ knowledge and skills are valuable assets that firms can use to increase prod-
uctivity. In this sense, labor is a ‘quasi-fixed’ factor of production (Oi, 1962), rather than a vari-
able cost to be minimized. The field of strategic HR management grew under the premise that
the strategic management of human assets could add value to the firm (Dyer, 1984). Investments
in firm-specific training could pay off by creating ‘human resources’ with unique knowledge
and skills –providing a key point of leverage for sustainable competitive advantage (Barney,
1991). Industrial relations scholars also embraced this view, with some hopeful that the two
fields might converge around a common set of management principles that would support high
firm performance and high-quality jobs (Kochan and Osterman, 1994).
Faced with a countervailing movement that promoted a financial model of the firm –and
bolstered by powerful new technological tools and a management philosophy that justified
a reduction in commitment to the employment relationship –that project of ‘mutual gains’
largely failed, at least for a large swath of working people.
outsourcing because it can be applied to place-based activities in services ranging from janitorial
and maintenance to logistics or health care.
The second use of technology –to automate and redesign workplace processes and the
labour content of jobs –has received much more media attention. Researchers point not only
to the consistent doubling of computing power that has driven changes in the IT industry
(Ford, 2009), but more disruptive changes due to radical advances in artificial intelligence,
machine learning, deep learning and robotics. Machine learning algorithms are at the heart of
teaching robots how to navigate beyond the rules-based reasoning of computers.These changes
turn ‘machines as tools’ into ‘machines as workers,’ leading to projected high rates of jobless-
ness in advanced economies (Ford, 2015). Investment in robotics is accelerating, with venture
capital investment, for example, doubling between 2014 and 2015, to $587 million (Waters and
Bradshaw, 2016). At the extreme, technology consultants estimate that 45 per cent of the work
tasks that people are currently paid to do could be automated using existing technologies, with
potential to automate an additional 13 per cent of work activities (Chui, Manyika and Miremadi,
2015). Others argue that ‘capable systems’ are expanding the availability of expert knowledge
to the general public in ways that fundamentally undermine the monopoly and control that
professionals have had over knowledge in professional domains (Susskind and Susskind, 2015)
Research in HR management and ER will need to address how these changes affect the
jobs that remain and how the transformation of work should be managed. Notably, although
employers may believe they can simply automate away jobs to reduce labour costs and improve
productivity, these reports emphasise that the process will be much more complicated and
challenging for management. It will require companies to reorganise the labour process as the
remaining tasks are recombined into new jobs. While there will be fewer jobs for a given set of
activities, those that are left will be more complex and require higher-order skills or a reconfig-
uration of skills. In addition, many low-wage jobs that are particularly resistant to automation –
home health aides, janitors, maintenance workers or landscapers –will grow with the ageing of
the population in advanced economies.
Similarly, research will need to address how new technologies change the jobs of man-
agers. Data management and monitoring software reduce indirect labour costs by eliminating
supervisors.This pattern was an important feature of the reorganisation of customer service and
sales operations into mega-call centres in the 1990s, which lowered labour costs through econ-
omies of scale and standardisation of processes and allowed the ratio of workers to supervisors
to triple or quadruple. In the 2000s, these technologies spread to managerial and professional
workers, whose productivity and specific location are now tracked and managed remotely and
whose ‘on-call’ work hours are extended via email and mobile phone access. The performance
management software industry now features a wide range of systems for continuous monitoring
of workers’ every move (Streigtfeld, 2015). These changes suggest an increase in the complexity
and intensity of work for those managers and professionals who remain.
Digitalisation and the upgrading of communications infrastructure has also given companies
a more viable option to use home-based workers or ‘telework’ –and thereby cut their real estate
costs as well as management overheads. While enthusiasm about teleworking exploded in the
1990s and 2000s, only to be unrealised, now the fall in the price of transmissions technologies
and the rise in the surveillance capabilities of IT may be leading to renewed experiments in
technology-mediated home-based work. The question of how management will incorporate
tele-workers into productive operations –and how compliance with labour and employment
laws will be ensured –is a critical one yet to be addressed.
At the same time, corporations continue to use automation and new technologies to shift
labour tasks to consumers –for example, via automated banking (ATM machines), automated
airport check-in kiosks, on-line banking and travel reservations and the like. The new unpaid
work of consumers as workers –aptly referred to as ‘shadow work’ by Lambert (2015) –also has
implications for human resource management, as managers must ‘manage’ the interface between
workers and consumers as workers.
In sum, new technologies arguably are having more profound effects on the organisation
of production and the labour content of jobs than in the past. The range of options available
for employers to reduce direct-hire employees and minimise the obligations that come with a
‘standard’ or traditional employment relationship is impressive. But employers’ enthusiastic embrace
of these options may underestimate the sticky legal and ‘people’ issues that accompany automa-
tion or alternative work arrangements –including labour conflicts, consumer backlash, privacy
issues and liability issues. Amazon’s use of an internal tool allowing any employee to anonymously
report or criticise any other, for example, led to public repudiation for creating a workplace of
fear and intimidation (Kantor and Streigtfeld, 2015). Our understanding of how these changes are
occurring and their implications for HR management and ER is thin –and ripe for systematic
research. Rubery and colleagues similarly note that there are many reasons why the enthusiastic
embrace of ‘flexible’ labour and employment practices in the UK and Europe may backfire via
lower productivity and higher social welfare costs (Rubery, Keizer and Grimshaw, 2016).
argue that Uber sets the prices for fares, raises and lowers them at will, sets standards on cars and
prohibits drivers from accepting tips. Workers have control over when they won’t work, but not
when they will –as they don’t have control over the market and if they turn down too many
customers, Uber can de-activate them from the list of drivers (Greenhouse, 2015).
On-demand contracting has spurred contentious debate in many countries, as well as law
suits, labour mobilisations and a handful of experiments. In Europe, widespread public outcry
led to Uber’s retreat in major cities (Scott, 2016), while in June 2016, the European Commission
issued a non-binding legal guidance to member states concerning business models that use col-
laborative platforms for the exchange of services. The guidance sets forth criteria (such as the
level of control the platform exerts in setting prices, contractual terms and ownership of key
assets) for determining whether an employment relationship exists between the platform and
the worker (Dagnino, 2016). In the US, Uber and Lyft, the two leading on-demand ride services,
have faced class-action lawsuits over misclassification of employees as independent contractors,
as well as legislation in some cities (Seattle) asserting that Uber drivers are employees with the
right to unionisation and collective bargaining.
points of leverage for collective bargaining vary, depending on whether a firm relies heavily on
productive versus financial activities and how it views the importance of its own workforce for
value creation.
Second, how do financial strategies and the capital structure of the firm affect business strat-
egies and HR policies? Again, teaming up with finance and economics scholars would be useful.
Research on private equity-owned companies, for example, has shown that extensive use of
debt financing and asset sales leads to financial distress more often than in less highly leveraged
firms, thereby undermining long-term sustainability, and in turn, the economic security of the
workforce. But debt financing is also needed for corporate growth and expansion. How much
debt is too much? At what point do these financial strategies and the imperative to repay debt
impinge on the decision-making scope of top management vis-à-vis innovative business and
HR strategies? And what are the spillover effects on workers’ jobs and pay?
The resource-based view of the firm, central to strategic HR theory, posits that firms can
create sustainable competitive advantage by building human capital that is valuable, rare, socially
complex and hard to imitate. This requires long time horizons. In this context, how does the
financial model of the firm create sustainable competitive advantage, and if it does, what is the
‘strategic’ role of HR? To answer these questions, scholars will need to use more sophisticated
methodologies with longitudinal data, longer time horizons and larger data sets.
Third, the theoretical explanations linking financial incentives and management decisions
are poorly understood. How does the alignment of executive pay to stock price affect top man-
agement decisions about business and HR strategy and organisational restructuring? Under
what conditions do HR managers play a strategic role or retain an independent scope of action
that allows for longer time horizons, innovation or a consideration of broader stakeholder
In the context of the sharp rise of pay-for-performance for managers, some research points
to a concomitant rise in the callousness of managers’ actions and behaviours. Desai, Brief and
George (2009), for example, found that in firms with higher CEO-worker pay gaps, CEOs have
enhanced perceptions of power and in turn, lower empathy and more likelihood of objectifying
others. They found that the higher the compensation of a company’s CEO, the “meaner” the
ER practices. Again, interdisciplinary projects that bring together finance economists and micro
and macro organisation scholars may shed greater light on the intersection between economic,
sociological and psychological processes and inequality in organisations.
I have argued that the shift to the financial model of the firm also increases the likeli-
hood that firms will make greater use of domestic outsourcing and inter-firm contracting. Our
understanding of how the outsourcing of work affects HR strategies and the quality of workers’
jobs and pay, however, is under-developed. A key empirical question is: How and why do HR
strategies and ER differ in primary (client) versus contractor firms? Some argue that the vertical
disintegration of the firm and the rise of contracting primarily create cost pressures that under-
mine the quality of jobs and wages because they open up new opportunities for whipsawing,
shift jobs to job shops that operate on the margins of the law, shift risks to contractor firms
that have greater demand volatility and fewer resources, and create obstacles for workers to take
collective action or even know who their employer of record is (Doellgast and Greer, 2007;
Weil, 2014). Others suggest that the outcomes are more contingent and depend on the level of
specialisation and collaboration across networked firms and the extent of trust and balance of
power in inter-firm relationships (Grimshaw, Willmott and Rubery, 2005).
The extensive use of outsourcing and contingent employment contracts also calls into
question the assumptions of strategic HR management –that human capital or the manage-
ment of people are critical differentiators for firm competitiveness and that firms need to invest
In this chapter, I have argued that the fundamental shift in the business model of the firm –
from a managerial to a financial one –is central to explaining how and why the management
and employment relations of companies has changed and why the quality of jobs and pay has
deteriorated for many working people. The shift has allowed top managers to realise that their
fortunes depend much less on the co-operation of productive labour, which in turn has led them
to change their approach to HR management and ER and to return a higher proportion of
retained earnings to themselves and their shareholders –often at the expense of working people.
Armed with new disruptive technologies that automate and eliminate work or facilitate its shift
to tiers of contractors, employers appear to have reduced their commitment to labour as a ‘valu-
able human resource’ or have sought to exit the employment relationship all together. And in the
context of a global labour market that doubles the ratio of labour to capital, labour’s bargaining
power has waned.
Our role as social scientists in this historic period is to go to the field and carefully examine
what is occurring in the management of organisations.We need to document the overall trends;
the variation in those trends across occupations, industries and countries; and the winners and
losers in the process. We need to clearly articulate the causal mechanisms linking changes in
the ownership structures of companies and their business models to the management of work
and employment relations and outcomes for differentially situated workers. And we need to use
careful evidence-based research to inform public policy and create innovative institutions that
effectively respond to the rapid changes taking place in the world of work.
1 Personal interview, 12 April, 2016.
Activist Investor. (2015). ‘Activism by the Numbers’, Activist Investor, 4(11), p. 8.
Appelbaum, E. (2014a). ‘Why Private Equity Investors Can’t Save Red Lobster’. Fortune Magazine.
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law: offshoring services 332; regulation of ER 27; South Africa 425; subsidiaries and union
role in ER 5, 52–55; see also labour law engagement 223–224; unionisation and
LDCs see less developed countries non-unionisation 220; see also global
lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) workers 103 supply chains
less developed countries (LDCs): technology
325–326 NAFTA see North American Free Trade
LGB see lesbian, gay and bisexual workers Agreement
Lipset, S.M. 185 New Zealand: alternative dispute resolution 267
litigation: alternative dispute resolution acting non-governmental organisations (NGOs) 381;
as buffer 270–271; representation in conflict Africa 425–426; global supply chains 352–353,
resolution 275–276 375–376; trade unions, relationship with 353;
living wage 190, 293–294 women in emerging economies 375–376
low pay work 309 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA):
LPT see labour process theory labour law 55