Investigating Science
Investigating Science
Investigating Science
To qualitatively and quantitatively describe an object falling due to gravity
Equipment list:
• Metre rule or measuring tape
• Retort Stand, Boss head and clamps
• Sticky tape
• Mobile phone
• Ball
As the ball falls, measure the time taken for it
to fall at least 4 different successive heights,
and record your results as a table and graph
Through Our Eyes - Gilgais and Caring for Water with June Barker
Through our Eyes - Finding water in an arid environment with Badger Bates
O-The movement patterns of the birds and animals at sunrise and/or dusk
I-There may be water around
O-Holes in the rock that may have been left by other people
I-There's a water hole nearby
Removing plant toxins
O- The cycad and the blackbean make people ill causing vomiting.
I- The cycad and the blackbean could be poisonous.
The main idea behindremoving plant toxins
O- Tastes bitter/ Eat it and get sick
I- It may be poisonous
- Insoluble solids
brownish colour
smells like rotten apples with something tangy
Plant martial floating at the bottom (possibly moss or algae)
Slightly more visous to normal water
pH level= 7.2 with pH meter and 7 with universal indicator
- Dissolved solids -
Water quality is important because it is a key aspect that affects what we consume.
This directly affects the health of a living organism. Water is used for basic
human needs and for the survival of all living beings on Earth, from cooking and
drinking to cleaning and hygene.
There are many variables that affect the quality of the water that we use. Water
quality can be affected by the source from which the water is derived from or the
processes it goes through before we access it.
East-asian Australasian flyway which goes across 23 different countries. They breed
in the nothern part of the area. It's a 25,000 km round trip every year. They put
on fat and fly about 9,000 km continuously. The fact that this is done annually
makes this a migrating pattern. The food supply is a key aspect of the migrating
process and any variation can cause a large-scale disruption to a certain species'
migration pattern. Management for the conservation of habitats if a key act in
preserving the migration patterns of birds.
High-energy particles from the sun collide with neutral atoms in the atmosphere.
Neutral atoms are atoms with the same number of electrons as protons.
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Types of models:
- Physical:
Smaller or Larger and simpler representation of the things being studied. Eg: Fish
- Mathmatical:
Sets of equations that consider many factors to present a phenomenon (usually done
on computers). Eg: Graphs
- Conceptual:
Tie together many ideas to explain a phenomenon or event. Eg: Food web
Diagram: Water cycle; The concept being displayed is the the movement of water in
its various states;The model makes it easy to understand the processes which move
water throughout the atmosphere; Distances are not shown; This model is effective
because it conveys the nessecary information effectively and the concept being
displayed is clear.
Depth study:
The basis of this model is the alpha particle, the Helium Nucleus. This model shows
the substructure of the particle and the composition of the protons and neutrons
inside the particle. It contains elementary concepts that have not been physically
observed but rather their existence can only be proven through experimental
processes. The mass of a proton is 1.67262 x 10^-27 kg. The mass of a neutron is
1.67493 x 10^-27 kg which is only slightly greater than that of a proton. The
charge of a proton is +1 and equivalent in strength to 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs. A
neutron has no charge. While it is common knowledge that protons and neutrons make
up the atomic nucleus, it may be surprising to hear that there are elementary
particles that make up protons and neutrons. Protons and neutrons fall into the
Hadron Category which means they are subatomic particles which are made up of two
or more quarks. There are six known quarks and the down quark is one of the
lightest among them, second only to the up quark, which is half the weight of the
down quark. A quark's "weight" is its energy level. The proton contains two up
quarks and one down quark. The neutron contains two down quarks and one up quark,
hence the slightly extra weight. Because quarks are so small, they don’t have whole
charges, they have fractional charges. The up quark has a charge of +2/3 while the
down quark has a charge of -1/3. The total charge of a proton and a neutron is
derived from these sub-charges that make them up. Because a proton has two up
quarks and two down quarks, it’s charge is (⅔)+(⅔)+(-⅓) which equals to +1. The
neutron had two down quarks and one up quark so it’s charge would be (-⅓)+(-⅓)+(⅔)
which negates itself and equals to 0. But what holds these together? There are four
fundamental forces of quantum mechanics. These are the electromagnetic force,
gravity, the weak nuclear force and the strong nuclear force. Gluons are particles
that fall into the Bosons (energy particles) category and they’re responsible for
the strong nuclear force which holds the quarks together. Inside protons and
neutrons, the up and down quarks are surrounded by gluons that hold the quarks
An alpha particle is one of three particles emitted through radiation; the other
two being Gamma rays and beta particles. Alpha particles are helium nuclei and
consist of two protons and two neutrons. They are emmitted by large atoms such as
uranium-238 and Lead-198. They have a positive charge of +2 and an atomic weight of
6.642*10^-4g (4amu). When the atom emits an alpha particle, it decays into a more
stable nuclei. The particle's energy level also decreases. When the particle is
emitted, it ejects the alpha particle outwards and towards another large nucleus
atom which could then possibly lead into a fission reaction.
Laws and theories:
A scientific law predicts based on initial conditions. e.g. an unborn child's
colours based off family history or far a baseball travels when launched at a
certain angle with a certain amount of power.
A theory tries to provide the most logical explaination about why things happen as
they do. E.g. using gravity to shed light on the parabolic tragectory of the ball.
A theory will never grow up into a law but the development of a law can progress a
theory. Kepler came up with a theory to explain how the planets move through cosmic
We don't have an instruction manual, it's about continuous questioning and constant
Laws resist change because they wouldn't have been adapted if it didn't fit the
Unlike laws, there are multiple theories that compete to supply the best
explaination for a certain event.
Upon further research, scientists tend to favour the theory that can explain most
of the data and the observations. This is completely due to the fact that it is the
most supported.
Antoine Lavioseir, in 1782, debunked the phlogiston theory. During this time, the
Phlogiston theory was very popular and stated that all combustible matter was
composed of a "fire fluid" called Phlogiston. When a substance combusted, the
phlogiston inside was freed. For example, if a metal combusted to form a calx, it
was originally composed of Phlogiston and calx. If wood forms ashes when combusted,
it was originally composed of phlogiston and ash. He experimented with the
combustion of mercury, previously done by Joseph Priestly, and discovered that the
metal gained mass after being heated. This effect was the complete opposite of the
phlogiton theory which stated that after combustion, the matter loses phlogiston
and thus, becomes lighter. He then collaborated with mathematician Simon de Lapace
and published a paper that called the phlogiston theory "imaginary". After the
Phlogiston theory was proven to be false, it is used as an example for how theories
can be disproven. The Phlogestin theory was replaced by basic chemical reactions we
know today as oxidation which consists of the corrosion of metals as they slowly
react with oxygen in the air or in the water. Combustion is also a process of a
substance of reacting with oxygen in the air. The difference between combustion and
oxidation is that combustion is often a very fast process which requires heat to
get the reaction started and oxidation is a process which occurs at a very slow
pace. Oxidation is commonly bserved in our daily lives as the rusting of materials
which include iron and copper. Combustion is commonly observed when something
burns, such as candles, wood burning in a fireplace, and a match being struck.
Antoine Lavoisier discovered and named oxygen and hydrogen. he also discovered
nitrogen but did not name it. He described oxygen and hydrogen as the two gasses
which form water through conbustion. We now know that this is true and that
Lavoisier observed the combustion of hydrogen as it reacted with the oxygen in the
air. This process created water. He also founded the Law of Conservation of Mass.
The Law of Conservation of Energy was founded by Julius Robert Mayer. The two laws
were then combined later onwards into the Univesal Law of Conservation of Mass and
Steady state is based off the open universe concept where when the universe reaches
a critical density, it keeps expanding. The steady state theory states that instead
of beginning 13.7 billion years ago like the big bang, it says the universe has
existed forever without a beginning in a steady state. The steady state theory
agrees with the big bang about the universe expanding. It states that the space is
being constantly created between galaxies rather than galaxies moving away from
each other. New galaxies can also be created to fill in the spaces between the
galaxies. Both theories state that the universe has no edge. The steady state
agress with the big bang about the abundance of the elements but it cannot explain
the proportions of the elements. The cosmic microwave background radiation,
discovered in 1965, supports the big bang and not the steady state. This is like a
fossil remmenant of from the earliest moments of the universe.
The potassium permangenate dissolves in the water, the water turns purple.
The marble chips dissolve in the hydrochloric acid, there is fizzing and a gas is
being produced, marble chips gradually get smaller.
The limewater goes from clear to cloudy.
The two bases form a homogenous solution, change of colour.