Old School Essentials NG Carcass Crawler Magazine Issue #3 Double

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Carcass Crawler

The official Old-School Essentials zine Issue #3

Beast master, dragonborn, mutoid,

mycelian, tiefling
Expanded adventuring gear,
weapons, and armour
Creating monsters RETRO ADVENTURE GAME
Carcass Crawler
The official Old-School Essentials zine Issue #3

Writing: Gavin Norman, Donn Stroud. Editing, layout: Gavin Norman. Art direction:
Vasili Kaliman, Gavin Norman. Cover art: Jacob Fleming. Interior art: Jacob Fleming,
Wind Lothamer, Mark Lyons, Chris Malec, William McAusland, Brooke Penrose, Stefan
Text and design © Necrotic Gnome 2022. Cover illustration Jacob Fleming (© Necrotic Gnome 2021). Illus-
trations on p. 3, 8, 16, 19, 23, 25 (upper), 29 Jacob Fleming (© Necrotic Gnome 2022); on p. 9, 15, 25 (lower)
Wind Lothamer (© Necrotic Gnome 2022); on p. 5, 26 (lower) Mark Lyons (© Necrotic Gnome 2022); on p. 7,
10, 12 © Chris Malec 2021; on p. 20 Chris Malec (© Necrotic Gnome 2021); on p. 27 William McAusland (©
Necrotic Gnome 2022); on p. 2, 6, 17, 18 Brooke Penrose (© Necrotic Gnome 2021); on p. 4, 24, 26 (upper),
31 Stefan Poag (© Necrotic Gnome 2022). Dimitri © Fontalicious – Derivative Versions © Font Bros. – www.
fontbros.com. Economica © TipoType – Derivative Versions © Font Bros. – www.fontbros.com.
Table of Contents
Introduction3 Tiefling14
Welcome3 Dragonborn (Race) 16
In This Issue 3 Mutoid (Race) 17
Compatibility3 Mycelian (Race) 18
New Classes and Races 4 Tiefling (Race) 19
Expanded Equipment 20
Separate Race and Class (Optional) 5 Adventuring Gear 20
Beast Master 6 Weapons & Armour 22
Dragonborn8 Woodland Monsters 24
Mutoid10 Creating Monsters 28
Mycelian12 Open Game License 32

Old-School Essentials is a trademark of Necrotic Gnome. This product is released under the terms of the Open
Game License Version 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Welcome to issue 3 of Carcass Crawler—
the official Old-School Essentials zine.
Each issue of Carcass Crawler is packed
with new material for your games, in-
cluding new character classes and races,
new spells and magic items, new mon-
sters, optional and expanded rules, ref-
eree advice, previews of in-development
products, short adventures, and more.

In This Issue
▶ New classes: Five new character class-
es. The beast master, the dragonborn, the
mutoid, the mycelian, and the tiefling.
▶ New races: Four new character races
for Advanced Fantasy games. The drag-
onborn, the mutoid, the mycelian, and
the tiefling.
▶ Expanded equipment: More adven-
turing gear, weapons, and armour, to in-
crease adventuring options and character
customisation. Content in Carcass Crawler is compatible
▶ Woodland monsters: 8 brand new with all flavours of Old-School Essentials
monsters that lurk in the deep, shadowed (e.g. Classic Fantasy, Advanced Fantasy).
glades and sacred groves of ancient for- By extension, this means that the content
ests beyond the reach of civilisation. is also compatible with the classic Basic/
▶ Creating monsters: Referee guidelines Expert game and with other games that
for creating new monsters for Old-School are based on the Basic/Expert rules.
Essentials. Keep the game fresh (and
players on their toes) by devising your
own new horrors and foes.

New Classes and Races
By Gavin Norman
Introduction Too Many Options?
The new classes and races in this article
This article presents five new, optional are entirely optional. Some groups love
character types for your Old-School Es- a wide selection of character types,
sentials games. Introduce them as NPCs relishing the variety that offers. Other
for players to encounter or add them to groups prefer a more limited array of
the roster of character types players may options. As always: do what makes your
choose from when creating a character. games most enjoyable for your group.
One approach that works well is for the
Beast Master referee to select around 7–10 classes /
A classic fantasy archetype: the warrior races that suit the flavour of the cam-
who can tame and befriend wild animals. paign. For example, in one campaign,
This class is (as the name implies) specif- dragonborn and tieflings may replace
ically inspired by the protagonist of the standard dwarves and elves.
1982 film The Beastmaster. In this way, the number of options avail-
able to players when creating characters
Dragonborn is kept within reasonable bounds, while
the hand-picked set of allowed classes
A demihuman race of reptilian human-
and races reinforces the flavour of the
oids who share many traits with dragons,
specific campaign.
including their powerful breath weapons.
Dragonborn are also presented as a race,
for those using the optional rules for
selecting a character’s class and race sepa-
rately. See Dragonborn (Race), p16.

A demihuman race whose members have
mismatched body parts of many different
creatures (e.g. reptiles, crustaceans, birds,
mammals, etc.). Each individual has a
unique appearance.
Mutoids are also presented as a race, for
those using the optional rules for select-
ing a character’s class and race separately.
See Mutoid (Race), p17.

Mycelian Tiefling
A demihuman race of fungal humanoids Humans with a fiendish ancestor (i.e. a
who dwell deep in the Underworld. devil, demon, etc.) somewhere in their
Mycelians are also presented as a race, for bloodline.
those using the optional rules for select- Tieflings are also presented as a race, for
ing a character’s class and race separately. those using the optional rules for select-
See Mycelian (Race), p18. ing a character’s class and race separately.
See Tiefling (Race), p19.

Separate Race and

2. Apply ability score modifiers: Some
races list ability score modifiers. Once
you have chosen a race, adjust your

Class (Optional) character’s ability scores as indicated.

These modifiers cannot raise an ability
score above 18 or lower it below 3.
The four new types of demihumans in 3. Choose a class: Select a class from the
this issue are also presented as separate list of classes available to the chosen
races, for groups who prefer to select race. Also bear in mind the ability
character race and class separately. score requirements of some classes.
If using this rule, each player may decide (Note that the new demihuman races
individually whether to create their in this issue only list core Old-School
character by selecting a class alone or by Essentials classes. The referee must
selecting race and class separately. decide which races are able to use
classes from other sources, e.g. issues
Character Creation Procedure of Carcass Crawler, if allowed.)
If selecting character race and class sepa- Native Languages
rately, the following procedure should be
used, after rolling ability scores: When choosing race and class separately,
1. Choose a race: Choose a race from the character’s native languages are deter-
those available, bearing in mind their mined by the race. The languages listed in
ability score requirements. the class should be ignored.
Beast Master
Requirements: None
Prime requisite: STR and WIS
Hit Dice: 1d6
Maximum level: 14
Armour: Leather, chainmail, shields
Weapons: Any
Languages: Alignment, Common
Beast masters are adventurers with a spe-
cial connection to animals. They are often
accompanied by one or more loyal beasts.
Prime requisites: A beast master with at
least 13 in one prime requisite gets +5%
to XP. If both STR and WIS are 16 or
higher, the character gets a +10% bonus.

Animal Companions
A beast master may attempt to forge a
bond with an encountered animal. If the
attempt succeeds, the animal becomes the
beast master’s loyal companion.
Establishing a Connection
The beast master must approach a single
animal in a peaceful manner. The referee
makes a reaction roll (see Encounters in Companions’ Behaviour
Old-School Essentials). If the result is 8 Once a connection is successfully estab-
or greater, the animal becomes the beast lished, the animal companion follows
master’s companion. the beast master everywhere. It obeys
Limitations basic commands from the beast master
and will fight to defend the beast master,
Type of animals: Both wild and domestic
never checking morale.
animals may be companions. Giant or
magical animals may be companions at
the referee’s discretion. Clairvoyance
Maximum companions: A beast master After reaching 5th level, a beast master
may have up to one animal companion can see through the eyes of their animal
per experience level. The total Hit Dice of companions, wherever they may be. This
companions may not exceed the charac- requires deep concentration.
ter's experience level.
Death or dismissal: If an animal com- Combat
panion dies or is dismissed, the beast Beast masters can use all types of weap-
master may attempt to forge a connection ons and can use leather armour, chain-
with a new animal. mail, and shields.

Beast Master Level Progression
Saving Throws
1 0 1d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
2 1,800 2d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
3 3,600 3d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
4 7,250 4d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 16
5 15,000 5d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
6 30,000 6d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
7 60,000 7d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
8 120,000 8d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 14
9 240,000 9d6 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
10 360,000 9d6+2* 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
11 480,000 9d6+4* 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
12 600,000 9d6+6* 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 12
13 720,000 9d6+8* 12 [+7] 5 6 6 9 10
14 840,000 9d6+10* 12 [+7] 5 6 6 9 10
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
*: Modifiers from CON no longer apply. S: Spells / rods / staves.

Identify Tracks After Reaching 9th Level

A beast master can identify the tracks A beast master may construct a strong-
and spoor of animals in the wild. hold in the wilderness. Animals within a
5 mile radius of the stronghold will be-
Reaction Modifier come friends with the beast master. They
may warn of intruders, carry messages
A beast master gains a +1 bonus to reac-
and news, and so on. In exchange for this
tion rolls made when interacting with an-
friendship, the beast master must protect
imals, in addition to their CHA modifier.
the animals from harm.
(See Encounters in Old-School Essentials.)

Speak with Animals

Animals understand the basic meaning of
a beast master’s words.
▶ From 2nd level: The beast master can
also understand the speech of animals.
▶ From 4th level: The beast master can
communicate empathically with animals
within sight, without the need for words.
Communication with animals is always
commensurate to their intelligence.
Demihuman Class
Requirements: Minimum CON 9,
minimum INT 9
Prime requisite: STR
Hit Dice: 1d8
Maximum level: 10
Armour: Any
Weapons: Any
Languages: Alignment, Common,
Dragonborn are tall, powerful demihu-
mans with scaled skin and dragon-like
heads. They typically weigh about 250
pounds and stand around 6’ tall. As
reptiles, they reproduce by laying eggs.
Unlike true dragons, dragonborn do not
have wings or tails. Dragonborn live in
clans based on the colour of their scales
(see Draconic Bloodline) and are known
for their fierce loyalty and their love of
hoarding gold. It is believed that dragon- Combat
born were created by the dragon gods.
Dragonborn can use all types of weapons
and armour.
Breath Weapon
Like dragons, dragonborn can exhale a Draconic Bloodline
breath weapon of destructive energy. The
Each dragonborn has an affinity with a
shape of the breath weapon and the type
specific species of dragons. This deter-
of damage it inflicts depend on the spe-
mines their breath weapon and the colour
cies of dragon that the character has an
of their scales. The player should roll on
affinity with (see Draconic Bloodline).
the table below to determine the charac-
Frequency of use: Up to 3 times per day. ter’s draconic affinity.
Area: The size of the breath weapon
depends on the shape: Draconic Bloodline
▶ Cloud: 10’ wide, 15’ long. Breath Weapon
▶ Cone: 15’ wide at the far end, 20’ long. d10 Colour Damage Shape
▶ Line: 5’ wide, 30’ long. 1–2 Black Acid Line
3–4 Blue Lightning Line
Damage: All caught in the area suffer
damage equal to half the dragonborn’s 5–6 Green Poison Cloud
current hit points (rounded up). A save 7–8 Red Fire Cone
versus breath is allowed for half damage. 9–10 White Cold Cone

Dragonborn Level Progression
Saving Throws
1 0 1d8 19 [0] 12 13 14 13 16
2 3,000 2d8 19 [0] 12 13 14 13 16
3 6,000 3d8 19 [0] 12 13 14 13 16
4 12,000 4d8 17 [+2] 10 11 12 11 14
5 24,000 5d8 17 [+2] 10 11 12 11 14
6 45,000 6d8 17 [+2] 10 11 12 11 14
7 95,000 7d8 14 [+5] 8 9 10 8 12
8 175,000 8d8 14 [+5] 8 9 10 8 12
9 350,000 9d8 14 [+5] 8 9 10 8 12
10 500,000 9d8+2* 12 [+7] 6 7 8 6 10
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
*: Modifiers from CON no longer apply. S: Spells / rods / staves.

Draconic Resistance Scales

A dragonborn gains a +2 bonus to saving A dragonborn’s scaly skin grants a natural
throws against the type of damage associ- +1 bonus to Armour Class.
ated with their breath weapon.
After Reaching 9th Level
Dragon-Affecting Magic A dragonborn has the option of creating
Dragonborn are affected by magic that a stronghold that will attract dragonborn
specifically targets dragons (e.g. a sword of the same clan from far and wide. Drag-
+1, +3 vs dragons). onborn from other clans will generally
be friendly and clans may collaborate in
Dragon Affinity times of war or disaster.
Dragonborn gain a +1 bonus to reaction A dragonborn ruler may only hire
rolls when encountering dragons (see dragonborn mercenaries. Specialists and
Encounters in Old-School Essentials). retainers of any race may be hired.

Mutoid Mutations
No two mutoids are alike—each has a
Demihuman Class unique appearance and mutations. Roll
twice on the Mutations table, opposite.
Requirements: None
Prime requisite: DEX Duplicate mutations: May be re-rolled.
Hit Dice: 1d6 Two attack mutations: Both may be used
Maximum level: 8 each round. (e.g. clawed hand + pincer.)
Armour: Leather, shields
Weapons: One-handed melee weapons, Mutoid Skills
all missile weapons Mutoids can use the following skills, with
Languages: Alignment, Common the chance of success shown opposite:
Demihumans with mismatched body ▶ Hide in shadows (HS): Requires the
parts of many different creatures (e.g. mutoid to be motionless—attacking or
reptiles, crustaceans, birds, mammals, moving while hiding is not possible.
etc.). Each individual has a unique ▶ Mimicry (MI): A mutoid can mimic
appearance. Mutoids are often shunned the sound of any monster or animal.
by other species and live in ruins or in Mimicking the voice of a specific individ-
hidden lairs within large settlements. ual incurs a –20% penalty to the roll.
▶ Move silently (MS): A mutoid may
Back-Stab attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.
When attacking an unaware opponent ▶ Pick pockets (PP): If the victim is
from behind, a mutoid receives a +4 bo- above 5th level, the mutoid’s roll is penal-
nus to hit and doubles any damage dealt. ised by 5% for every level above 5th. There
is always at least a 1% chance of failure. A
Combat roll of more than twice the percentage re-
quired for success means that the attempt-
Mutoids can use shields, but their need
ed theft is noticed. The referee should
for stealth prevents the use of armour
determine the reaction of the victim
heavier than leather. They can use any
(possibly using the reaction table under
melee weapon that can be wielded one
Encounters in Old-School Essentials).
handed, and can use all missile weapons.

After Reaching 8th Level

A mutoid can establish a secret lair,
attracting 2d6 apprentices—1st level
mutoids. These apprentices will serve the
character with some reliability; however,
should any be arrested or killed, the PC
will not be able to attract apprentices to re-
place them. A successful mutoid might use
these followers to start a Thieves’ Guild.

Mutoid Level Progression
Saving Throws
1 0 1d6 19 [0] 10 11 12 13 14
2 1,750 2d6 19 [0] 10 11 12 13 14
3 3,500 3d6 19 [0] 10 11 12 13 14
4 7,000 4d6 19 [0] 10 11 12 13 14
5 14,000 5d6 17 [+2] 8 9 10 11 12
6 30,000 6d6 17 [+2] 8 9 10 11 12
7 60,000 7d6 17 [+2] 8 9 10 11 12
8 120,000 8d6 17 [+2] 8 9 10 11 12
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
S: Spells / rods / staves.

d8 Mutation Effect
1 Beast ears 3-in-6 chance to hear noises.
2 Beast eyes Infravision to 60'.
3 Clawed hand Unarmed attack for 1d6 damage.
4 Gills Breathe underwater.
5 Pincer Unarmed attack for 1d3 damage. The pincer locks on to the victim,
causing 1d3 damage per round (save versus paralysis to escape).
6 Scales +2 bonus to Armour Class.
7 Spring legs Jump up to 30’ forwards and gain +1 to attack. If wielding an
impaling weapon (e.g. spear), this counts as a charge and inflicts
double damage on a successful hit.
8 Sticky tongue Grab an object up to 15' away and pull it to the mouth. Can be
used as a melee attack: bite inflicts 1d3 damage.

Rolling Skill Checks Mutoid Skills Chance of Success

All skills are rolled on d%, with a result of Level HS MI MS PP
less than or equal to the listed percentage 1 10 35 20 20
indicating success. 2 15 40 25 25
3 20 50 30 30
Player Knowledge
The referee should roll for hide in shad- 4 25 60 35 35
ows and move silently on the player’s 5 30 70 40 40
behalf, as the mutoid does not immedi- 6 36 80 45 45
ately know if the attempt was successful. 7 45 90 55 55
If a roll fails, the referee knows that the 8 55 95 65 65
mutoid has been noticed and should de-
termine enemies’ actions appropriately.
Mycelian Combat
Mycelians have naturally tough skin
Demihuman Class and do not wear armour. They may use
shields and any kind of weapons.
Requirements: Minimum CON 9
Prime requisite: STR
Hit Dice: 1d8 Fungal Spores
Maximum level: 6 Once per day per level, a mycelian may
Armour: Shields only emit a spray of spores at a single living
Weapons: Any person (i.e. human / demihuman of any
Languages: Alignment, Common, level or humanoid monster of up to 4+1
Deepcommon HD) within 20'.
Mycelians are humanoid mushrooms, Pacifying spores: The target must save
with tall stems, wide, flat caps, and versus poison or become completely pas-
beady eyes amid their gills. They have no sive for 1 round per level of the mycelian,
mouths, but communicate telepathical- unable to act or move.
ly. They dwell in lightless caverns deep Hallucinogenic spores: (From 4th level.)
underground. The target must save versus poison or be
afflicted with terrifying visions for 1 turn.
Roll on the table below to determine the
target's reaction to the hallucinations.

Hallucinogenic Spores
d6 Effect
1–2 Flee in terror
3–4 Cower and babble
5–6 Attempt to kill nearest creature

A 1st level mycelian is 4' tall. A mycelian’s
height increases by 1’ per level gained, up
to a maximum of 9’ tall at 6th level.
Unarmed attacks: A mycelian may make
melee attacks with its club-like fists (1
attack per round), inflicting 1d4 damage
per level, as shown in the level progres-
sion table.
Natural Armour Class: Although unable
to wear armour, a mycelian's tough skin
grants it a natural Armour Class that
increases with experience level, as shown
in the level progression table.

Mycelian Level Progression
Natural Melee Saving Throws
Level XP HD THAC0 AC Damage D W P B S
1 0 1d8 19 [0] 6 [13] 1d4 9 11 9 13 12
2 3,000 2d8 19 [0] 5 [14] 2d4 9 11 9 13 12
3 6,000 3d8 19 [0] 4 [15] 3d4 9 11 9 13 12
4 12,000 4d8 17 [+2] 3 [16] 4d4 7 9 7 11 10
5 24,000 5d8 17 [+2] 3 [16] 5d4 7 9 7 11 10
6 45,000 6d8 17 [+2] 3 [16] 6d4 7 9 7 11 10
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
S: Spells / rods / staves.

Infravision After Reaching 6th Level

Mycelians have infravision to 60’ (see A mycelian may found a subterranean
Darkness under Hazards and Challenges stronghold that will attract mycelians
in Old-School Essentials). from far and wide. The character will rule
over the other mycelians as their liege.
Light Sensitivity Fungal Reanimation
When in bright light (daylight, continual A mycelian liege can implant special
light), mycelians suffer a –2 penalty to spores into the decomposing substrate
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC. of a humanoid corpse, causing it to
reanimate as a fungal zombie under the
Rest and Sustenance mycelian's control.
Mycelians do not eat or sleep in the nor- Time: Creating a fungal zombie takes one
mal sense. Instead, they require a period week. The mycelian must carefully tend
of 8 hours each day spent in contact with the process.
moist earth.
Fungal Zombie
Missing the rejuvenative period: The AC 8 [11], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × weapon
mycelian loses 1 hit point per day until it (1d8 or by weapon), THAC0 18 [+1], MV
is again able to spend 8 hours in contact 60’ (20’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1),
with moist earth. ML 12, AL Neutral, XP 20
▶ Initiative: Always lose (no roll).
Telepathic Communication ▶ Turning: Fungal zombies are not un-
Mycelians are mouthless and unable to dead and cannot be turned by clerics etc.
speak, communicating entirely telepath-
ically. This form of communication is
effective with any sentient creature within
120’ that the mycelian can perceive. The
mycelian is able to converse in any lan-
guage they know.

Tiefling Fiendish Gifts
d10 Innate Magical Trait
Cast darkness once/day.
Demihuman Class 1
2 Cast detect invisible once/day.
Requirements: Minimum INT 9
Prime requisite: CHA and DEX 3 Cast detect magic once/day.
Hit Dice: 1d6 4 Cast magic missile once/day.
Maximum level: 10 5 Cast mirror image once/day.
Armour: Leather, chainmail, shields 6 Cast ventriloquism once/day.
Weapons: Any 7 Cold resistance (half damage).
Languages: Alignment, Common 8 Fire resistance (half damage).
Tieflings are humans with a mysteri- 9 +2 bonus to saves versus paralysis.
ous fiendish ancestor. They tend to be 10 +2 bonus to saves versus poison.
outcasts living on the fringes of society,
shunned by those who fear their heritage. Holy Water Vulnerability
Prime requisites: A tiefling with at least Tieflings’ fiendish heritage makes them
13 in one prime requisite gets +5% to XP. vulnerable to damage by holy water.
If both CHA and DEX are 16 or higher,
the character gets a +10% bonus.
Combat Tieflings have infravision to 60’ (see
Darkness under Hazards and Challenges
Tieflings can use leather armour or in Old-School Essentials).
chainmail, shields, and all weapons.

Fiendish Heritage Tiefling Skills

Tieflings can use the following skills, with
No two tieflings are alike—each indi- the chance of success shown opposite:
vidual’s fiendish ancestry manifests in
▶ Beguile (BE): On a successful check,
different ways. Roll twice on the Fiend-
the tiefling’s words take on a supernatural
ish Appearance table and twice on the
potency. A person of Hit Dice no greater
Fiendish Gifts table (re-roll duplicates).
than the tiefling’s level must save versus
Fiendish Appearance spells or believe the tiefling’s words. The
beguilement lasts for 1 round per level
d10 Cosmetic Trait of the tiefling. Afterwards, the beguiled
1 3 or 6 digits on each hand. person realises they have been tricked.
2 Black or red eyes, no whites/pupils. This skill may only be used on any given
3 Fangs or needle-like teeth. person once per day.
4 Furry or feathered skin. ▶ Hear noise (HN): In a quiet environ-
5 Forked tongue. ment (e.g. not in combat), a tiefling may
attempt to listen at a door or to hear the
6 Goat-like hooves.
sounds of something (e.g. a wandering
7 Long, thin tail. monster) approaching.
8 Scaly or ridged skin. ▶ Hide in shadows (HS): Requires the
9 Skin tinted red, green, or blue. tiefling to be motionless—attacking or
10 Small horns on forehead/temples. moving while hiding is not possible.
Tiefling Level Progression
Saving Throws
1 0 1d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 14
2 2,500 2d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 14
3 5,000 3d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 14
4 10,000 4d6 19 [0] 11 12 12 15 14
5 20,000 5d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 12
6 30,000 6d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 12
7 60,000 7d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 12
8 120,000 8d6 17 [+2] 9 10 10 13 12
9 240,000 9d6 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 10
10 360,000 9d6+2* 14 [+5] 7 8 8 11 10
THAC0: Attack matrix row to use. D: Death / poison; W: Wands;
(Ascending AC attack bonus in [].) P: Paralysis / petrify; B: Breath attacks;
*: Modifiers from CON no longer apply. S: Spells / rods / staves.

▶ Move silently (MS): A tiefling may

attempt to sneak past enemies unnoticed.

After Reaching 9th Level

A tiefling can establish a den, attracting
2d6 apprentices—1st level thieves or
tieflings. These apprentices will serve the
character with some reliability; however,
should any be arrested or killed, the PC
will not be able to attract apprentices to re-
place them. A successful tiefling might use
these followers to start a Thieves’ Guild.
Rolling Skill Checks
All skills except hear noise are rolled on
Tiefling Skills Chance of Success d%, with a result of less than or equal to
Level BE HN HS MS the listed percentage indicating success.
1 30 1–2 10 20 Hear noise is rolled on 1d6. If the roll is
2 35 1–2 15 25 within the listed range of numbers, the
skill succeeds.
3 40 1–3 20 30
4 45 1–3 25 35 Player Knowledge
5 50 1–3 30 40 The referee should roll for HN, HS, and
6 53 1–3 36 45 MS on the player’s behalf, as the tiefling
7 56 1–4 45 55 does not immediately know if the attempt
was successful. If an HS or MS roll fails,
8 60 1–4 55 65
the referee knows that the tiefling has
9 65 1–4 65 75 been noticed and should determine ene-
10 70 1–4 75 85 mies’ actions appropriately.
Dragonborn (Race)
Requirements: Minimum CON 9,
minimum INT 9
Ability modifiers: None
Languages: Alignment, Common,

Dragonborn are tall, powerful demihu-

mans with scaled skin and dragon-like ▶ Cone: 15’ wide at the far end, 20’ long.
heads. They typically weigh about 250 ▶ Line: 5’ wide, 30’ long.
pounds and stand around 6’ tall. As
reptiles, they reproduce by laying eggs. Damage: All caught in the area suffer
Unlike true dragons, dragonborn do not damage equal to half the dragonborn’s
have wings or tails. Dragonborn live in current hit points (rounded up). A save
clans based on the colour of their scales versus breath is allowed for half damage.
(see Draconic Bloodline) and are known
for their fierce loyalty and their love of Draconic Bloodline
hoarding gold. It is believed that dragon- Each dragonborn has an affinity with a
born were created by the dragon gods. specific species of dragons. This deter-
mines their breath weapon and the colour
Available Classes and Max Level of their scales. The player should roll on
▶ Assassin: 7th the table below to determine the charac-
ter’s draconic affinity.
▶ Cleric: 8th
▶ Fighter: 10th Draconic Bloodline
▶ Knight: 10th Breath Weapon
▶ Illusionist: 6th
d10 Colour Damage Shape
▶ Paladin: 8th
1–2 Black Acid Line
▶ Magic-user: 8th
3–4 Blue Lightning Line
▶ Thief: 6th
5–6 Green Poison Cloud
7–8 Red Fire Cone
Breath Weapon 9–10 White Cold Cone
Like dragons, dragonborn can exhale a
breath weapon of destructive energy. The Draconic Resistance
shape of the breath weapon and the type
of damage it inflicts depend on the spe- A dragonborn gains a +2 bonus to saving
cies of dragon that the character has an throws against the type of damage associ-
affinity with (see Draconic Bloodline). ated with their breath weapon.
Frequency of use: Once per day.
Dragon-Affecting Magic
Area: The size of the breath weapon
depends on the shape: Dragonborn are affected by magic that
specifically targets dragons (e.g. a sword
▶ Cloud: 10’ wide, 15’ long. +1, +3 vs dragons).
Mutoid (Race)
Mutoids are demihumans with mis-
matched body parts of many different
creatures (e.g. reptiles, crustaceans,
birds, mammals, etc.). Each individual
Requirements: None has a unique appearance. Mutoids are
Ability modifiers: None often shunned by other species and live
Languages: Alignment, Common in ruins or in hidden lairs within large

Available Classes and Max Level

▶ Assassin: 5th
▶ Cleric: 6th
▶ Fighter: 7th
▶ Illusionist: 6th
▶ Thief: 9th

No two mutoids are alike—each has a
unique appearance and mutations. Roll
twice on the Mutations table, below.
Duplicate mutations: May be re-rolled.
Two attack mutations: Both may be used
each round. (e.g. clawed hand + pincer.)

d8 Mutation Effect
1 Beast ears 3-in-6 chance to hear noises.
2 Beast eyes Infravision to 60'.
3 Clawed hand Unarmed attack for 1d6 damage.
4 Gills Breathe underwater.
5 Pincer Unarmed attack for 1d3 damage. The pincer locks on to the victim,
causing 1d3 damage per round (save versus paralysis to escape).
6 Scales +2 bonus to Armour Class.
7 Spring legs Jump up to 30’ forwards and gain +1 to attack. If wielding an
impaling weapon (e.g. spear), this counts as a charge and inflicts
double damage on a successful hit.
8 Sticky tongue Grab an object up to 15' away and pull it to the mouth. Can be
used as a melee attack: bite inflicts 1d3 damage.

Mycelian (Race)
Requirements: Minimum CON 9
Ability modifiers: –1 DEX, +1 WIS
Languages: Alignment, Common,

Mycelians are humanoid mushrooms, with

tall stems, wide, flat caps, and beady eyes
amid their gills. They have no mouths, but
communicate telepathically. They dwell in
lightless caverns deep underground.

Available Classes and Max Level

▶ Assassin: 4th
▶ Cleric: 5th
▶ Druid: 5th
▶ Fighter: 6th
▶ Illusionist: 4th
Rest and Sustenance
▶ Thief: 4th
Mycelians do not eat or sleep in the nor-
mal sense. Instead, they require a period
Fungal Spores of 8 hours each day spent in contact with
From 3rd level, a mycelian may emit a moist earth.
spray of spores once per day, targeting a Missing the rejuvenative period: The
single living person (i.e. human / demi- mycelian loses 1 hit point per day until it
human of any level or humanoid monster is again able to spend 8 hours in contact
of up to 4+1 HD) within 20’. The target with moist earth.
must save versus poison or become com-
pletely passive for 1 round per level of the Telepathic Communication
mycelian, unable to act or move.
Mycelians are mouthless and unable to
Infravision speak, communicating entirely telepath-
ically. This form of communication is
Mycelians have infravision to 60’ (see effective with any sentient creature within
Darkness under Hazards and Challenges 120’ that the mycelian can perceive. The
in Old-School Essentials). mycelian is able to converse in any lan-
guage they know.
Light Sensitivity
When in bright light (daylight, continual
light), mycelians suffer a –2 penalty to
attack rolls and a –1 penalty to AC.

Tiefling (Race) Fiendish Heritage
No two tieflings are alike—each indi-
vidual’s fiendish ancestry manifests in
Requirements: Minimum INT 9 different ways. Roll twice on the Fiend-
Ability modifiers: +1 DEX, –1 WIS ish Appearance table and twice on the
Languages: Alignment, Common Fiendish Gifts table (re-roll duplicates).
Tieflings are humans with a mysteri- Fiendish Appearance
ous fiendish ancestor. They tend to be
outcasts living on the fringes of society, d10 Cosmetic Trait
shunned by those who fear their heritage. 1 3 or 6 digits on each hand.
2 Black or red eyes, no whites/pupils.
Available Classes and Max Level 3 Fangs or needle-like teeth.
▶ Acrobat: 10th 4 Furry or feathered skin.
▶ Assassin: 10th 5 Forked tongue.
▶ Bard: 6th 6 Goat-like hooves.
▶ Fighter: 8th 7 Long, thin tail.
▶ Illusionist: 10th 8 Scaly or ridged skin.
▶ Magic-user: 10th 9 Skin tinted red, green, or blue.
▶ Ranger: 6th 10 Small horns on forehead/temples.
▶ Thief: 10th
Fiendish Gifts
d10 Innate Magical Trait
1 Cast darkness once/day.
2 Cast detect invisible once/day.
3 Cast detect magic once/day.
4 Cast magic missile once/day.
5 Cast mirror image once/day.
6 Cast ventriloquism once/day.
7 Cold resistance (half damage).
8 Fire resistance (half damage).
9 +2 bonus to saves versus paralysis.
10 +2 bonus to saves versus poison.

Holy Water Vulnerability

Tieflings’ fiendish heritage makes them
vulnerable to damage by holy water.

Tieflings have infravision to 60’ (see
Darkness under Hazards and Challenges
in Old-School Essentials).

Expanded Equipment
By Gavin Norman
Adventuring Gear
The list of adventuring gear presented in
Old-School Essentials covers the basic
items that beginning adventuring parties
will need. This article presents additional
tools and oddments that more experi-
enced parties may seek out.

Adventuring Gear
Item Cost (gp) Item Cost (gp)
Barrel 1 Ink (vial) 1
Bedroll 2 Ladder (wooden, 10’) 5
Bell (miniature) 1 Lantern, bullseye 20
Belt pouch 1 Lock 20
Block and tackle 5 Magnifying glass 3
Box (iron, large) 30 Manacles 15
Box (iron, small) 10 Marbles (bag of 20) 1
Bucket 1 Mining pick 3
Caltrops (bag of 20) 1 Musical instrument (string) 20
Candles (10) 1 Musical instrument (wind) 5
Chain (10’) 30 Paper/parchment (2 sheets) 1
Chalk (10 sticks) 1 Quill 1
Chest (wooden, large) 5 Saw 1
Chest (wooden, small) 1 Scroll case 1
Chisel 2 Sledgehammer 5
Cooking pots 3 Spade or shovel 2
Firewood (bundle) 1 Tent 20
Fishing rod and tackle 4 Twine (100’ ball) 1
Holy symbol (gold) 100 Vial (glass) 1
Holy symbol (wooden) 5 Whistle 1
Holy symbols: Standard holy symbols
(25gp) are assumed to be made of silver.

Holy symbol, wooden: Incurs a –1 pen-
Adventuring Gear Descriptions alty to the 2d6 roll which determines the
Barrel: A wooden barrel that holds 40 success of the turning attempt.
gallons (320 pints) of liquid. Ink: A vial of black ink. Coloured ink
Bedroll: A heavy woollen blanket with a costs double. Sufficient for about 50 pages
small pillow. of writing.
Bell: A 1” brass bell. Ladder: Simple wooden construction.
Belt pouch: A leather pouch that holds Very encumbering.
up to 50 coins. Lantern, bullseye: Casts light in a narrow
beam, 60’ long and 20’ wide at the end.
Block and tackle: Used for hauling or
Can be closed to hide the light. Burns one
lifting heavy objects. Reduces the effec-
oil flask every four hours (24 turns).
tive weight by 75%. Requires 4 times as
much rope. Lock: A basic iron lock with a key.
Box, iron: A solid iron casket. A large Magnifying glass: Used for studying fine
box can hold up to 800 coins; a small box details.
can hold up to 250 coins. Manacles: Iron manacles with a chain.
Used for binding hands or feet.
Bucket: Holds 5 gallons (40 pints).
Marbles: A bag of colourful glass beads.
Caltrops: Small metal spikes sufficient
to cover a 5’ × 5’ area. Creatures moving Mining pick: For breaking rock.
through the area have a 2-in-6 chance of Musical instrument: A stringed instru-
treading on a spike. Victims suffer a 50% ment (e.g. a lute or mandolin) or a wind
reduction of movement rate for 24 hours instrument (e.g. a flute or pipe). The
(or until they receive magical healing). listed price is for an instrument of basic
quality. Higher quality instruments can
Candle: Casts dim light in a 5’ radius and
cost up to 10 times as much.
burns for 1 hour.
Paper or parchment: Approximately
Chain: A 10’ length of heavy, iron chain.
1’-square sheets.
Chalk: Useful for making markings on
Quill: A large feather sharpened into a
writing point.
Chest, wooden: A large chest can hold
Saw: A hand saw for cutting wood.
up to 1,000 coins; a small chest can hold
up to 300 coins. Scroll case: An oiled leather tube with a
cap. Not completely watertight.
Chisel: Used with a hammer for chipping
away stone. Sledgehammer: A big heavy hammer for
breaking rock.
Cooking pots: Pots and pans for camp-
fire cooking. Spade or shovel: For excavating earth.
Firewood: A bundle of dry wood. Burns Tent: Large enough for 2 adult humans.
for 8 hours. Twine: A wound ball of thin cord or
Fishing rod and tackle: A rod, line, string. Can support up to 300 coins of
hook, and bait box. weight.
Holy symbol, gold: Grants a +1 bonus to Vial: A glass vial that can hold up to half
the 2d6 roll for the affected Hit Dice of a pint of liquid.
undead monsters. Whistle: Useful for signalling or faking
bird calls.

Weapons & Armour Encumbrance (Optional Rule)
If the optional rules for encumbrance are
This article presents additional armour used (see Old-School Essentials), armour
and weapon options inspired by the types worn is treated as follows.
available in the 1970s Advanced 1st Edi- Option 1: Basic Encumbrance
tion rules and the 1984 Companion rules. Padded armour, furs, and studded leather
count as light armour, banded mail and
Weapons full plate count as heavy armour.
Weapon Cost (gp) (Coins) Option 2: Detailed Encumbrance
Bastard sword 15 80 The listed weight of armour and weapons
is tracked. The listed weight of missile
Blackjack 1 10 weapons already includes the weight of
Blowgun 3 5 the ammunition and its container.
Bolas 5 40
Garotte 1 5 Armour Descriptions
Net 5 100 Padded armour: Layers of cloth and
Whip 10 50 quilted padding.
Furs: Thickly layered furs and pelts of
Ammunition any kind. Commonly worn by those who
Ammunition Cost (gp) lack the resources to create better armour.
Blowgun dart (pouch of 5) 1 Studded leather: A suit of flexible leather
studded with hundreds of metal rivets.
Armour Banded mail: Horizontal bands of metal
Cost Weight riveted to a padded leather backing, with
Armour AC (gp) (Coins) sections of chain mail at the joints.
Padded armour 8 [11] 5 100 Full plate: Perfectly interlocking plates
Furs 7 [12] 10 250 of metal over a backing of chain mail and
Studded leather 6 [13] 25 300 padding. A suit of full plate armour must
be crafted on request, and is tailored and
Banded mail 4 [15] 50 450 balanced for a specific individual. Wear-
Full plate 2 [17] 1,000 700 ing another person’s full plate armour is
awkward and only grants AC 3 [16].
Thieves and Studded Leather Usage of New Armour Types
(Optional Rule) Characters who can use leather armour:
Thieves and similar classes normally Can use padded armour and furs.
limited to leather armour (e.g. acro- Characters who can use chainmail: Can
bats, assassins) may be allowed to use use studded leather.
studded leather armour. When wearing Characters who can use plate mail: Can
studded leather, climbing, balance, and use banded mail and full plate.
acrobatics skills suffer a –25% penalty
and stealth skills suffer a –10% penalty.

Weapon Combat Stats
Weapon Damage Qualities
Bastard sword 1d6+1 Melee, Versatile (1d8+1)
Blackjack 1d2 Blunt, Knock-out, Melee, Stealth
Blowgun None Missile (5’-10’ / 11’-20’ / 21’-30’)
Bolas 1d2 Blunt, Entangle, Missile (5’–20’ / 21’–40’ / 41’–60’)
Garotte 1d4 Melee, Stealth, Strangle, Two-handed
Net None Blunt, Entangle, Missile (5’-10’ / 11’-20’ / 21’-30’)
Whip 1d2 Entangle, Melee
Damage: Die rolled when using the (see Combat in Old-School Essentials).
optional rule for variable weapon damage

Weapon Descriptions Weapon Qualities

Bastard sword: A long sword that can be Blunt: May be used by clerics.
wielded either one- or two-handed. Knock-out: On a successful hit, the tar-
Blackjack: A small, leather pouch filled get must save vs paralysis or be knocked
with sand or lead shot. Used to quietly out for 1d6 turns.
knock victims out. Melee: Close quarters weapon (5’ or less).
Blowgun: A 3’ tube through which tiny Missile: Thrown or fired weapon (greater
darts are blown. The darts inflict no dam- than 5’ distance). The distances for short
age but may administer a bloodstream (+1 to hit), medium, and long (–1 to hit)
poison (for example, those described in range are shown in parentheses.
Old-School Essentials Advanced Fantasy).
Entangle: On a successful hit, the target
Bolas: A cord and weighted balls, whirled must save versus paralysis or be unable
around and thrown at a target. to move or act. A new save is allowed
Garotte: A 2’ length of thin cord or wire each round to escape.
with a grip at each end. Used to quietly Stealth: May only be used to attack an
strangle victims. unaware person (i.e. human / demihu-
Net: A 6’ square mesh of cord. Thrown to man of any level or humanoid monster of
entangle a human-sized or smaller target. up to 4+1 HD) from behind. (Non-living
Whip: A 10’ long strap of braided leather. creatures are immune.)
On a successful attack, the attacker must Strangle: Following a successful hit,
decide to either inflict damage or entan- inflicts automatic damage each round. The
gle the target. victim cannot move and suffers a –2 pen-
alty to attack rolls. A successful hit on the
attacker allows the victim to break free.
Two-handed: Requires both hands; the
character cannot use a shield.
Versatile: May be used with one or two
hands. When wielded two-handed, the
damage listed in parentheses is used (the
character cannot use a shield).
Woodland Monsters
By Donn Stroud
In deep, shadowed glades and sacred
groves of ancient forests there dwell many Burlbug
strange creatures unknown to the folk Gnarled, nocturnal, simian-like animals
of civilized lands. This article presents a with bodies resembling big, rounded
collection of some of the inhabitants of burls 2–3’ across. Rest on tree trunks
these tangled domains. during the day. Highly territorial; howl
loudly when disturbed or annoyed. Love
Bracketfolk shiny gems and collect them in large
2’-tall, humanoid bracket fungi covered stashes found up in tree hollows.
in lichen and algae. Peaceful, calm, and AC 4 [15], HD 2 (9hp), Att 1 × club
slow moving. Entire family groups often (1d6) or 1 × projectile (1d3, +1 to attack
live on the same ancient tree adorning rolls), THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’) /
the trunk for hundreds of feet. Bracket- 120’ (40’) climbing, SV D12 W13 P14
folk are arboreal relatives of the subterra- B15 S16 (1), ML 6, AL Neutral, XP 20,
nean mycelian (see Old-School Essentials NA 0 (1), TT L
Advanced Fantasy). ▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to camouflage.
AC 5 [14], HD 1 (4hp), Att 1 × fist ▶ Howling: Attracts other creatures.
(1d4+1), THAC0 19 [+0], MV 60’ (20’) / 3-in-6 chance of a wandering monster.
90’ (30’) climbing, SV D12 W13 P14 B15 ▶ Projectiles: Throw rocks, branches,
S16 (1), ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 10, NA 0 or pinecones. +1 to attack rolls due to
(4d6), TT None excellent aim.
▶ Telepathy: Communicate telepathical-
ly with sentient creatures within 100’.
▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to camouflage.
▶ Spore cloud: When threatened, a
group of 5 or more bracketfolk can
release a spore cloud that animates
nearby vegetation. All in a 20’ radius area
selected by the bracketfolk (up to 60’
distant) must save versus paralysis or be
entangled (unable to move) for 1 turn.
Those who succeed may move at half
their normal movement rate.
▶ Elders: Each group is led by 1d6 elders
with 4 HD (18hp) living higher on the
trunk. Each elder bracketfolk can puff a
spore cloud at a target within 15’ once a
day, causing the victim to fall asleep for
1d6 turns (save versus poison to resist).
The decaying corpse of a deer, elk, or
moose infected by a ghoul’s bite, trans-
forming the animal into a meat-eating
monster. A ghoul-stag’s antlers are draped
with their own shredded velvet, as well
flayed skin and strips of rotten meat torn
from their victims.
AC 7 [12], HD 3+1* (18hp), Att 1 × butt
(1d8), 1 × bite (1d3 + paralysis), THAC0
17 [+2], MV 240’ (80’), SV D12 W13 P14
B15 S16 (2), ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 75,
NA 0 (1d4), TT None
▶ Undead: Make no noise, until they
attack. Immune to effects that affect
living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to
mind-affecting or mind-reading spells
(e.g. charm, hold, sleep).
▶ Paralysis: For 2d4 turns (save versus
paralysis). Elves and creatures larger
Corpse Vine than ogres are not affected.
Clusters of carnivorous vines that dangle
from tree branches, craving blood and
flesh. Hooked victims are pulled up to be
slowly digested.
AC 9 [10], HD 2* (9hp), Att 2 × vine
(1d4 + constriction), THAC0 18 [+1],
MV 0’ (0’), SV D12 W13 P14 B14 S16
(1), ML 10, AL Neutral, XP 35, NA 0
(1d6), TT V
▶ Lure: 1d6 corpses of victims hang in
the vines, twitching and moaning as the
tendrils of the vines penetrate the brains
and nervous systems to produce a mock-
ery of life.
▶ Constriction: On a successful hit the
vine wraps around the victim, inflicting
1d6 automatic damage each round.
▶ Severing vines: Requires a hit with
a cutting weapon inflicting 4 or more
▶ Flammable: Especially susceptible to
fire—suffer double damage.

Spell Croaker
Giant tree frogs, nearly 41/2’ long, with
dark black, spiny skin. Spell croakers are
charged with magic, having fed on magic
items and memorized spells in their tad-
pole form. When aggravated, a display of
magical energies streaks across their skin,
like multi-coloured lightning and flashing
false eyes.
AC 7 [12], HD 3* (14hp), Att 1 × bite
(1d6) or spell, THAC0 17 [+2], MV 120’
(40’), SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (2), ML
9, AL Neutral, XP 50, NA 1d3 (1d3), TT
Magical body parts
▶ Spells: 2-in-6 chance per round of
disgorging an arcane spell with a loud
croak. Roll 1d6 to select which spell—the
frog then selects the target: 1. levitate, 2.
magic missile, 3. mirror image, 4. shield, 5.
Nettle Skull Spider sleep, 6. web.
Mobile, carnivorous plant monsters that ▶ Magic resistance: +2 bonus to saving
inhabit humanoid skulls. The sting- throws versus magical effects.
ing, scrabbling fronds sprouting out of ▶ Magical body parts: Spell croaker
the eyes, nose, and mouth of the skull eyeballs can be sold for use in potions
give the monster the appearance of a and spell research (75gp each). Their
green-legged spider. Greatly feared for skins can be crafted by a leather-worker
their ability to inject virulent spores into into cloaks granting a +1 bonus to saves
the skulls of vertebrates. versus spells.
AC 8 [11], HD 2* (9hp), Att 2 × lash
(1d4) THAC0 18 [+1], MV 90’ (30’), SV
D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 9, AL
Neutral, XP 25, NA 0 (1), TT None
▶ Spore implantation: If a victim is hit
by both lash attacks in the same round,
the spider injects spores into the victim’s
skull. Each day, the victim loses 1 point
of INT until they reach 0 INT (death) or
receive a cure disease spell. After death,
the spores spread through the brain, de-
capitating the corpse. In time new fronds
sprout and the new nettle skull spider
creeps through the forests in search of
fresh heads to grow the next generation.

Spell Croaker Tadpole
The immature form of spell croakers,
the innate magic possessed by these 1’
long, scintillating tadpoles gives them
the ability to fly. Bulbous, black, gold
speckled body, with a deeply keeled tail
that fluctuates in colour as it whips back
and forth in the air propelling the floating
tadpole. Voraciously hungry for all types
of magical enchantments, they can suck
the magic out of weapons, armour, po-
tions, and even spell-casters’ minds.
AC 9 [10], HD ½* (2hp), Att 1 × attach
(disenchantment), THAC0 20 [–1], MV
90’ (30’) flying, SV D14 W15 P16 B17
S18 (NH), ML 7, AL Neutral, XP 6, NA
4d10 (2d10), TT None
▶ Detect magic: Up to 60’. Can detect
magic items and spell-casters with mem- Stick Children
orized spells.
Semi-intelligent, 3’ tall insects that cover
▶ Attach to magic: Attack the most themselves with branches sawn from
powerful spell-caster nearby or (if no trees with their serrated mandibles,
spell-casters are present) the most pow- stuck on with an adhesive excretion. This
erful magic item. Attach to the item or camouflaging behaviour makes them
the character’s head on a successful hit. look like human shaped children made
Small or concealed items (e.g. a ring or a of sticks. Stick children live in elaborate-
potion in a backpack) incur a –4 penalty ly crafted colonies amongst the lower
to attack. branches of trees.
▶ Disenchanting spell-casters: For each AC 6 [13], HD 1+1* (5hp), Att 1 × wood-
tadpole attached to a spell-caster, there is en weapon (1d6 or by weapon, +1 to
a 1-in-6 chance per round of draining a attack and damage rolls) or 1 × bite (1d6)
random memorized spell. or spray (adhesive, range 25’ / 50’ / 75’),
▶ Disenchanting items: For each THAC0 19 [+0], MV 120’ (40’), SV D12
tadpole attached to a magic item, there W13 P14 B15 S16 (1), ML 7, AL Neutral,
is a 1-in-6 chance per round of the item XP 19, NA 0 (1d12), TT None
being drained of all magic.
▶ Surprise: On a 1–4, due to camouflage.
▶ Detaching: Attached tadpoles will
▶ Wooden weapons: Stick children
drop off once they have drained magic,
construct wooden weapons by applying
but otherwise can only be removed if
their glue to specially selected woods.
killed or by casting dispel magic.
These weapons grant a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls, but are non-magical.
They sometimes barter their weapons for
services or goods.
▶ Adhesive: Save versus paralysis or
unable to move or act for 1d3 rounds.
Creating Monsters
By Gavin Norman
Inventing new monsters is one of the
most creative and fun aspects of the game 1. Imagine
for referees. In contrast with many more The first and most important step is to
modern games, creating monsters for imagine the monster. A strong mental
Old-School Essentials is an exercise of picture will make it easy to determine a
imagination, rather than one of following monster’s stats and combat abilities in the
rules or formulae for what is allowed or subsequent steps.
balanced. The procedure presented in this
article is therefore a guide to the referee, Factors to Consider
rather than a set of hard and fast rules as Appearance: What basic shape is the
to what is possible. monster (humanoid, worm, avian, insect,
Monsters and PCs are built with differ- etc.)? How large is it? Is it made of flesh
ent rules: It is very important to note that and blood or something else (fungus,
monsters are not built using the same ooze, plants, crystal, metal, fire, ice, dark-
rules as PCs. They do not have classes or ness, etc.)? What covers its surface (slime,
levels. They do not have ability scores. fur, scales, feathers, spines, etc.)? What
This greatly simplifies monster creation. colour is it? How many limbs / heads /
tails does it have?
Origin: Is the monster a biological or-
Tweaking Existing Monsters ganism (naturally occurring or bred)? Is
Before starting to create a wholly new it undead? Is it constructed or summoned
monster, consider whether a few small by magic? Is it a denizen of another plane
modifications to an existing monster or dimension?
could have the desired effect. Intelligence and behaviour: Is the mon-
Re-skinning: The stats and special ster of animal, human-level, or greater in-
abilities of an existing monster can often telligence? What does it consume? Does
be reused, simply altering its descriptive it value treasure (or other special items or
/ behavioural qualities. For example, the substances)? What does it crave?
standard giant leech stat block could be Environment: Does the monster live in
used for a vampiric “blood hound”. dungeons or the wilderness (or both)?
Tweaking: Similarly, variant monsters Does it favour one type of terrain or envi-
can be easily created by making a few ronment? Does it build lairs or wander?
alterations to an existing monster, Society: Is the monster solitary or does it
adding breath weapons, web spinning, live in groups? How does it interact with
wings, extra limbs, multiple heads, etc. others of its kind? What kind of social
Remember to adjust the monster’s XP structure does it have? Does a more pow-
value if it gains special abilities. (See erful leader type exist?
Awarding XP in Old-School Essentials.)

2. Choose Hit Dice (HD) 3. Choose Armour Class (AC)
Most monsters have HD in the range of Most monsters have an AC score in the
1 to 10. range of 9 [10] to 3 [16]. Very few mon-
sters have AC better than 0 [19].
Factors to Consider
Challenge rating: A monster’s Hit Dice Factors to Consider
rating is a fundamental gauge of how Toughness: Unarmoured monsters will
dangerous an adversary it is. Characters have a poor AC, while those with armour,
of equal experience level to a monster’s thick hide, or scales (or those made from
HD will be roughly evenly matched in hard materials like stone or metal) will
combat. The number of combatants have a good AC.
should of course also be taken into Magic: Enchanted or innately magical
account. For example, a group of six 1st monsters may have a better AC than their
level PCs will be roughly evenly matched physical toughness would indicate.
against three 2 HD monsters.
Agility: Characters’ AC is modified based
Size: Broadly speaking, physically smaller on their DEX score. While monsters do
monsters have lower HD and larger mon- not have a DEX score, slow or clumsy
sters have higher HD. monsters may have a worse AC, while
Hit point modifiers: Some monsters those that are fast-moving or dexterous
have a hit point modifier—a fixed bonus may have a better AC.
or penalty applied after rolling an individ- Hit Dice: More powerful monsters (i.e.
ual’s hp. Monsters with a hit point bonus those with higher HD) also tend to have
(i.e. +1 or greater) are treated as being 1 better AC, as a factor of game balance,
HD higher when attacking (see step 7), making them challenging foes for higher
making them more powerful combatants. level characters.

Example Monster HD Ratings Example Monster AC Scores

Example Monsters HD Example Monsters AC
Bandit, orc, pixie, skeleton 1 Giant centipede, normal human 9 [10]
Crocodile, ghoul, gnoll 2 Gelatinous cube, zombie 8 [11]
Bugbear, giant crab, wight 3 Harpy, horse, kobold, skeleton 7 [12]
Black bear, ogre, wraith 4 Bandit, black bear, ghoul, lion 6 [13]
Lion, mummy, owl bear 5 Bugbear, centaur, hydra, ogre 5 [14]
Spectre, troll, white dragon 6 Basilisk, dwarf, panther 4 [15]
Black dragon, griffon, vampire 7 Pixie, stegosaurus, white dragon 3 [16]
Green dragon, hill giant, treant 8 Bone golem, giant crab, gorgon 2 [17]
Blue dragon, chimera, stone giant 9 Giant crocodile, green dragon 1 [18]
Efreeti, frost giant, red dragon 10 Blue dragon, bronze golem 0 [19]
4. Choose Movement Rate 5. Choose Attacks
Most monsters have a movement rate Number of attacks: Most monsters attack
in the range of 60’ (20’) to 180’ (60’). A once per round, either with a weapon
small number of monsters move more or a natural attack (e.g. bite, claw, butt).
slowly (or even not at all) and some very Some monsters attack multiple times per
rare monsters may move much more round with different attack forms (e.g. 2
quickly, up to 360’ (120’). claw attacks and 1 bite attack per round).
Monsters with more than 3 attacks per
Factors to Consider round are rare and very dangerous.
Load: An unarmoured person moves at
Damage per attack: Attacks normally in-
120’ (40’), a person wearing light armour
flict 1d4, 1d6, or 1d8 damage. Very large
moves at 90’ (30’), and a person wearing
monsters may inflict more damage.
heavy armour moves at 60’ (20’).
Locomotion: Monsters with more than 6. Choose Special Abilities
2 legs tend to move more quickly. For
Some of the most memorable monsters
example, an unencumbered riding horse
have extra abilities beyond simply rolling
moves at 240’ (80’).
attacks and damage. Flaming breath,
Agility: Slow or clumsy monsters may incorporeality, immunity to mundane
have a slower movement rate, while those weapons, spell casting, and venomous
with lightning reflexes may have a faster bites are some classic examples, but any-
movement rate. thing the referee can imagine is possible.
Modes of Movement HD asterisks: For each special ability that
If a monster can use multiple different makes the monster a more dangerous
modes of movement (e.g. swimming, fly- adversary (as judged by the referee), an
ing, climbing, etc.), this should be noted. asterisk is marked beside its HD rating.
The monster may have a different move- Each asterisk increases the monster’s XP
ment rate for each mode of movement. value (see step 7).
Examples: Some examples are listed
Example Monster Movement Rates opposite. All of these example abilities
Example Monsters MV typically add an asterisk to the monster’s
Yellow mould 0’ (0’) Hit Dice. The Old-School Essentials mon-
Dragon turtle, ochre jelly 30’ (10’) ster listings have many more examples.
Dwarf, mummy, skeleton 60’ (20’)
Crocodile, cyclops, dragons 90’ (30’)
7. Calculate Derived Stats
THAC0 / attack bonus: Determined by
Bandit, black bear, war horse 120’ (40’)
the monster’s HD. See Combat Tables in
Boar, camel, lion, storm giant 150’ (50’)
Old-School Essentials.
Centaur, sea dragon, pixie 180’ (60’)
Saving throw values: Determined by
Riding horse, unicorn, wraith 240’ (80’)
the monster’s HD (or half its HD rating,
Air elemental, griffon 360’ (120’) for unintelligent monsters). See Combat
Tables in Old-School Essentials.
XP award: Determined by the monster’s
HD and the number of special abilities it
has (see step 6). See Awarding XP in Old-
School Essentials.
8. Final Details Example Special Abilities
Morale: Most monsters have a morale Acid: The monster sticks to the target
rating in the range of 6 to 9. Mindless and inflicts automatic damage (e.g. 1d4)
monsters (e.g. undead) usually have a per round. Armour is destroyed after a
morale of 12, meaning that they never certain number of rounds’ contact.
retreat or surrender. Blood drain / constriction: The mon-
Alignment: Monsters that wish to kill or ster attaches to the target and inflicts
enslave PCs are chaotic, while those likely automatic damage (e.g. 1d4) per round.
to aid PCs are lawful. Others (including Breath weapon: A stream or cone of
animals, acting purely on instinct) are fire, ice, acid, etc. usable 3 times per day.
neutral. All targets caught in its area suffer dam-
Number appearing: Determined by the age (save versus breath for half).
monster’s social structure. In dungeons, Damaging aura: Anyone in melee with
groups of 1d3 to 2d6 are typical. In the the monster suffers damage (e.g. 1d4)
wilderness, larger groups of 1d8 to 2d10 each round due to the aura of flames /
are typical. Small, weak creatures tend frost / necrotic energy surrounding it.
to band together, while large, powerful Energy drain: The victim permanently
monsters tend to live in smaller groups. loses one experience level. See wraith in
Treasure type (lair): Monsters that hoard Old-School Essentials for full details.
treasure in their lair may have a large Paralysis: The victim must save versus
hoard treasure type (A, G, H, M), a medi- paralysis or be unable to move or act
um hoard treasure type (B, C, D, E, F, I), for some time (e.g. 2d4 turns).
or a small hoard treasure type (J, K). (See
Treasure Types in Old-School Essentials Petrification: The victim must save
for average values and more details.) versus petrification or be turned to
Monsters especially likely to possess stone. The monster may have a petrify-
gems, potions, or scrolls may also have ing touch or gaze.
treasure type L, N, or O (respectively). Poison: The victim must save versus
Treasure type (carried): Monsters that poison or be poisoned. Some poisons
carry treasure with them, either individ- cause instant death while others cause
ually or as a group, may have treasure death after some time (e.g. 1d6 turns).
types P–T (individual) or U–V (group). Regeneration: The monster regains a
certain number of hit points (e.g. 1–3)
per round, as long as it is alive.
Spells: The monster can cast spells as a
cleric or magic-user of a certain level. It
may have a spell book (which PCs could
steal) or be an innate spell caster.
Swallow: On a natural 20 attack roll,
the monster swallows the victim whole.
Inside its belly, the victim suffers dam-
age per round (e.g. 1d6) and may attack
with sharp weapons with a –4 penalty
to attack rolls. If the victim dies, their
body is fully digested after 6 turns.
Open Game License
DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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Carcass Crawler
The official Old-School Essentials zine
Carcass Crawler is a zine devoted to Old-School Essentials
from Necrotic Gnome. Each issue is packed with new
material for your games, including new character classes
and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters,
referee advice, optional and expanded rules, previews of
in-development products, short adventures, and more.

In this issue

▶ New classes: 5 new character classes. The beast master,

the dragonborn, the mutoid, the mycelian, and the tiefling.
▶ Races: 4 new character races for Advanced Fantasy
games. The dragonborn, mutoid, mycelian, and tiefling.
▶ Expanded equipment: 40 new adventuring gear items,
7 new weapons, 5 new types of armour.
▶ Monsters: 8 new monsters + monster creation advice.

ISBN 978-3-96657-068-8

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