Percakapan Transfer in Out

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Guide: Good morning Miss, are you Miss Angela?
Tourist : yes it’s me
Guide : Alright, miss. Welcome to Jogjakarta City. How are you this morning?
Tourist : i’m fine.
Guide: I’m happy to hear that. Let me introduce myself. My name is Gabriella Seconindya but you
may call me Gabby. I’m from Fourtrust Tours and Travel and i’m your guide during the tour. And
i will accompany you during you are here. It’s very nice to meet yo miss.
Tourist : Nice to meet you too.
Guide : How many baggages do you bring ?
Tourist : Only one baggage.
Guide : Alright miss..By the way, Did you breakfast miss?
Tourist : Yes, i did
Guide : How’s your flight? Did you enjoy your flight?
Tourist : Yes, of course i enjoyed it.
Guide : Well Miss . may i see your tour voucher and your flight ticket? (itinerary/program)
Tourist : What’s for?
Guide : I just want to make sure your tour program with mine. (read the program and see the flight
ticket). And for the flight ticket i just want to check your flight schedule especially your departure
time, so you will not be late arrive at the airport for transfer out.
Tourist : Ok
Guide : Thank you miss. Do you want to go to the rest room before we go to our car? Because the
journey was very long.
Tourist : No, Thank you (yes where is it?)
Guide : Well. Are you ready miss? Lets go to our car but wait a minute I’ll call our driver…May i
help you to bring your baggage? ( you can go there and you can see the sign board toilets and the
toilet is on your right side.)
Tourist : Sure, thank you.
Guide : You’re welcome miss…wait a minute I will call the driver!
( call the driver)
Guide : Selamat pagi sdh bersama tamu..siap ya mas jgn lupa AC dihidupkan supaya
ketika tamu masuk mobil AC sdh dingin..
Driver : Pagi mba…siap mba..
Guide : Makasih mas..
Driver : Sama-sama
Guide : Alright ,miss. Let’s go to our car!
That’s your car. Wait a minute miss I will handle your baggage first. (finish and open the door)
Please get in the car. Mind your step and mind your head because you are higher than the door.
Tourist : Thank you
Guide : Do you feel comfortable with your sit ?
Tourist : yes, sure..
Guide : alright miss, Let’s me introduce my team. The driver is Mr. Andi.. He has joined with this
company since 10 years ago. So i hope he is an exprerience driver. And me, i’m Gabriella
Seconindya you may call me Gabby.i’m your guide during the tour. And i have joined with my
company for 12 years so i hope i can give you information about this city.
Tourist : I hope so..thank you Gaby..
Guide : (Smile )And miss, your hotel is Inna Garuda Hotel that located on Jalan Malioboro..jalan
means Street. The street is the landmark of this area so its very popular. The distance from the
airport is about 42 kilometers and it will take around 1 hour 10 minutes to get there.
And you have landed at Yogyakarta International Airport.
Tourist : okay
Guide : Alright,miss. Because Indonesia has 3 time areas and right now we are in Jogjakarta and
inculded in Western Indonesian Time. Now is .... a.m. so please adjust your watch.
Tourist : Okay Thank you
Guide : Before we start our tour, I’d like to tell you about your program. According to your
program today we will visit Sultan Palace, it will take about 1 hour to go there from here. Sultan
Palace is the place where the Sulltan of Yogyakarta lives. And we will spend an hour there. After
that we go to the local Restaurant in Kota Gede Area. It will take 20 minutes to reach there
because the distance is is about 5 kilometers. And the last destination is Prambanan Temple. This
Temple is the oldest and the most beautiful hindust Temple in Indonesia. Because the distance is is
about 15 kilometers so it will take around 30 minutes to go there. And we will spend 2 hours there.
after that we will continue to go to your Hotel. From Prambanan to your Hotel it will take arround
30-40 minutes because the distance around 17 kilometers. And the last day we are only transfer
out. Do you have any question miss?
Tourist : okay
Guide :Alright miss, firstly i want to tell you about Jogjakarta in general that can help you to
understand more about this city..but before that I want to ask you ..Have you ever visited Jogja
Tourist : No, not yet. This is the first time for me to visit this city.
Guide : Because this is your first time to visit Jogja, i hope you will get new experince in here.
Why do you choose Yogyakarta as your destination?
Tourist : I know information about Yogyakarta from my friend
Guide : Well Miss. The city has many culture and tradition so I hope Jogja is very interesting for
you…Alright Miss let me tell you about this city…(Show a map) This province’s name is Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta.. in English is Yogyakarta special region..and name of this city is
Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta..the name in the past is Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, that is from
Javanese language, Ngayogyakarto from hayu, bagya and karta, hayu means beautiful, bagya
means happy and karta means prosper, so ngayogyakarta means happy, beautiful and prosperous
place. And Hadiningrat from hadi, ning and rat, hadi means human or people, ning means at or in
and rat means world, and Hadiningrat means people who stay in this place or world. So
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat means people who stay here will be happy and prosperous in the
beautiful place..Another information says that the name of Yogyakarta derrives from the word
ayuda-karta. “A” means no, yuda means war and karta means prosper/place so ayuda-karta means
no war or safe place. And miss, about the total area of this province is about 3.000 km² with total
population is about 3.5 million people. And total area of this city is about 32 km² with total
population is about 4 hundred thousands people or less than 1 million. Do you any question miss?
Tourist : No, thank you. Continue your information!
Guide : Alright.. About the location, this province or city is located on the southern part of Java
island, and this province bordered with Central Java on the North, East and West, and on the South
with Hindia Ocean. And miss, Yogyakarta Special Region has 4 Regencies and 1 city as the
capital. The 4 Regencies are Kulon Progo in the West, Sleman in the North, Gunung Kidul in the
South East, Bantul in the South and the city is Jogja in the middle of the province. And if we are
seing to the North, we can see Merapi Mountain (Sleman), on the South there is Parangtritis Beach
part of Hindia Ocean (Bantul) and on the South East we can see Sewu Hills (Gunung Kidul). In
this province, there are 2 seasons, rainy and dry season, normally dry season from April-
September and rainy season from October-March but maybe it can change very year.. So right
now is Rainy Season.
About the language miss, The people ussualy use 2 kinds of languages, Javanese language and
bahasa. We use Javanese usually for our daily life, usually in the village for example when we
meet friend or neighbors with the same age. for Indonesian or bahasa usually we use it when we
are working or in public areas like schools, hospitals, banks and government offices..

In here there are many tourism facilities, there are restaurants, art shops, Hotels, Railway Station,
Airport, Travel agencies, Tourist Attractions, Shopping Centers. For Hotels, you can find five-star
hotels along Sudirman Street, Mangkubumi Street and Malioboro Street, and for the cheap price
Hotels you can find in Prawirotaman and Sosrowijayan Area. For the souvenir shops you can buy
Silver as your souvenir because its unique, easy to bring and we can go to Kota Gede Area.
There are 10 denominations of this province, as Bicycle City, Silver, Batik, Historical, Student,
Cultural, Andong, Becak, Gudeg and Tourism City. It is called Tourism City beacuse here there
are many popular tourist attractions, for example, Sultan Palace, Taman Sari Watercastle,
Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple and some beaches on the southern part of the
province...And according to your tour program we will visit Prambanan temple so now I would
like to tell you about the temple …Name Prambanan is from ...
Alright, miss we have visited the temple..what do you think about the temple? in a few minutes
left we will arrive at your hotel so please prepare yourself , your passport, your personal
belongings like camera, your bag.
(arrive at the hotel)
Guide : alright miss, we arrived at the hotel. Wait for a minute , i will open the door for you. Be
careful with your head and your step. The porter will help you to bring your baggage.

Welcome to Inna Garuda Hotel. Let’s go to lobby…

Di lobby : please have a seat and enjoy welcome drink. Wait a minute, i will help for check-in
Tourist : Thank you
Guide : Selamat pagi mba
Reception : Selamat pagi mba ..selamat datang di hotel Garuda..ada yang bisa kami bantu?
Guide : Iya mba tolg bantu check in tamu saya satu orang atas nama Mss Angela? Sy dari
fourtrust tours.
Reception : Baik tunggu sebentar mba cek dl reservasinya..1 orang atas nama Mss
Angela dari fourtrust sdh ok dan kamarnya ada di nomor 214. Tolg bantu isi form ini mba ya, tulis
nama , alamat dan tanda tangan di sini! Dan nanti jika sdh tolg pinjam passport nya utk kami kopi
dan untuk garansinya Rp. 300.000 boleh dibayar pakai credit card atau cash..
Guide : Baik mba..tunggu sebentar!
Guide : Excuse me miss. you must fill out this form. Please write down your name, your address
and please give your signature here.
Guide : And miss, May i borrow your passport?
Tourist : for what?
Guide : Hotel needs to copy your passport only for data ..and about guarantee you can pay with
cash or by credit card. The guarantee is needed if you enjoy some foods or drinks in your room or
mini bar, so you will pay by credit card or in cash?
Tourist: okay i will pay by credit card .
Guide : Alright miss. Please follow me to reception to give your pin number. (Ajak tamu ke
Tourist :okay
Guide: Ini mba registration form nya dan ini passport serta credit card nya.
Reception : Baik tunggu sebentar sy copy dl passportnya dan sy print kartu kreditnya..bisa
minta tolg pin nya!
Guide: Miss please give your pin number!
Reception : Sudah mba ..ini passport dan kartu kreditnya..ini nomor kamarnya 214, kemudian
ini wifi password dan meal couponya utk sarapan besok pagi di Ramayana restaurant sebelah
sana..makan pg akan disediakan dr jam 06.00 sampai jam 10.00..utk ke kamarnya nanti akan
dibantu oleh bellboy.
Guide: Baik mba makasih..
Guide : Alright miss. this is your card and your Passport. This is your room key, number ... this is
wifi password if you want to enjoy the internet. Dont worry beacuse in your is room has a good
signal and this is your breakfast coupon. The breakfast will be served at 6-10 a.m. at Ramayana
Restaurant and please bring this coupon but if you forget to bring this you can write down your
room number.
Tourist : what about the facilities in this hotel ?
Guide : the hotel has many facilities like restaurant, swimming pool beside the restaurant, taxi
counter in the lobby, fitness center, spa, massage service, money changer in the lobby.
Tourist : thank you for the information.
Guide : Alright, miss. after that you can take a rest in hotel or you can walk along Malioboro
Street (show map). Here it is your hotel on Jalan Malioboro or Malioboro Street. This street is the
icon of Yogyakarta city and its not too far from here you can find Malioboro Mall and this is
Beringharjo Traditional Market, you can buy batik there but if you want better quality we will go
to Tirtodipuran Area it’s about 4 km from your hotel and along Malioboro Street you can go to
Malioboro terrace 1 or 2 and you can find many street vendors that sell some souvenirs like key-
chains, t-shirts, sandals and many other souvenirs. You can bargain the price with the seller. For
example if the price is 100.000 rupiahs so you can bargain starting from 30.000 rupiahs and if the
seller doesn’t want to give it, you can move to other sellers with starting bargain from 35.000
rupiahs untill you get the best price for you. This is Ramayana Ballet performance if you want
optional tour.
Tourist : if i want the optional tour, how much I must pay?
Guide : i will contact my office to arrange the optional tour for you with the best price and i will
tell you later.
Tourist : okay
Guide : And , miss this is my name card, this is my number so you can call me if you want to ask
something or if you have probelm or need something. Dont forget tomorrow morning the program
will start at 8 a.m. So you must get up early and also eat breakfast and if you have a problem to get
up early I will help to tell reception for morning call for you.
Tourist : okay.what time i should wake up?
Guide : Its better if you wake up at 6.30 or 07.00 a.m. so you can prepare yourself and eat
Touris : okay thank you
Guide : wait a minute miss. i will go to reception. (go to reception and back)
Guide : Mba tolg bantu tamu sy kamar 214 minta dibangunkan jam 06.30!
Reception : Baik mba akan kami siapkan..
Guide : Miss I’ve told the reception about your morning call.
Tourist : okay thank you.
Guide : alright miss . The porter will help you to bring your baggage and show your room. See you
tomorrow morning and enjoy your night !

Utk baca program : Tujuannya apa n itu ttg apa..Berapa kilo meter..Berapa menit ke sana dan di
sana berapa lama?
1. Keep Smiling
2. Don’t look confuse and nervous
3. Be Natural
4. Keep thinking that your information is true/correct
5. If you can’t answer the question please say “i’m sorry miss/sir. That’s a good question but i
can’t answer it right now. I will open my book and search about it and i will answer your
question later.”
6. Don’t be panic
7. Don’t make too much gestures

8. Taxi Counter price is 80.000 rupiahs / hour but the hotel rent it minimum 3 hours
9. Spa & Massage Service is 300.000 rupiahs /hour
10. Some Souvenirs for foreign tourist are batik or T-Shirts or key chains. Silver price for
example rings is about 150.000 rupiahs, Earings 250.000 rupiahs, and Bracelets and
necklace around 400.000 – 500.000 for miniature start from 600.000 – 1 million
11. For Batik Price for Shirt is 300.000 -500.000 and for long dress around 1 million
12. Denominations Becak City because we can find many becaks or pedicabs here especially
in Malioboro Street, Andong City because we can find many andongs or horse carriages in
Malioboro Street, Bycyle City because onthel, Silver City, Yogyakarta has Centre of Silver
home industry in Kota Gede, Gudeg City because the specific and Tradtioinal food is
Gudeg, Student City becuse in Yogyakarta there are many schools, academies and
Universities, Culture City, Yogyakarta has many culture, Historical City because
Monument of 1 March 1949, it has ever happen struggle between Dutch and Indonesian
Army, the monument as the prove and Tourism City beacuse there are many amazing
tourist attractions.
13. The hotel Guarantee is about 400-500.000 rupiahs
14. Batik in Tirtodipuran Area
15. Silver in Kota Gede Area
16. For optional tour said that “ i will ask my comapany if you want the optional tour and i will
give you information about the price after that.”
17. The different between city bus and TJ is the price, facilities, the bus stop
18. Batik is a kind of handwriting art on clothes from Java and batik has various motif.

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