IA Portfolio Comm D en

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Comments on assessed work

Assessment comments
Subject: Economics

Component: Internal assessment

Portfolio D
Commentary 1

Criterion Marks Marks Comments

awarded available

A 3 3 Relevant, accurate and correctly labelled diagrams are included. All their
explanations are provided in full, particularly that of the second diagram. The
third diagram could perhaps have had a more inelastic demand curve, but the
explanation is good, and so full marks are awarded.

B 2 2 Economic terminology relevant to the chosen article is used appropriately

throughout the whole commentary. Although acronyms are used for marginal
private benefit and marginal social benefit, these terms are obviously understood.

C 3 3 Relevant economic theory is applied throughout the commentary. The analysis

is thorough, and the occasional theoretical comment does not detract from the
effectiveness of the analysis in relation to the article. Full marks are awarded.

D 3 3 The key concept of “intervention” is identified, and the link with the article is fully
explained throughout the commentary. Full marks are awarded.

E 3 3 The judgements are thoroughly supported by the article. The reasoning is

effective and covers several different aspects of related theory with balance and
understanding. Full marks are awarded.

Total 14 14

Commentary 2

Criterion Marks Marks Comments

awarded available

A 3 3 Several relevant diagrams are included in the commentary. They are all accurate
and correctly labelled. All the diagrams are fully explained and thus full marks
are awarded.

B 2 2 The terminology used throughout the commentary is relevant and appropriate for
the chosen article. A few acronyms are used, but they are all explained in context.

C 2 3 Relevant economic theory is applied throughout the commentary. The analysis is

appropriate. However, at times, it is very theoretical and the use of quotes lessens
the effectiveness. Also, certain concepts such as the multiplier and accelerator are
not explained. Two marks are awarded.

D 3 3 The key concept of “change” is identified, and the link between it and the article is
well explained. Full marks are awarded.

Economics assessed student work 1

Comments on assessed work

Criterion Marks Marks Comments

awarded available

E 3 3 The judgements are supported by thorough reasoning. The evaluation is

effective and considers different aspects with a good balance. The whole article is
considered thoughtfully. Full marks are awarded.

Total 13 14

Commentary 3

Criterion Marks Marks Comments

awarded available

A 3 3 One relevant, accurate and correctly labelled diagram is included. The diagram is
explained fully, and no other diagram is necessary for this article.

B 2 2 Relevant economic terminology for the article is used appropriately throughout

the commentary. The terminology is thoroughly explained. Full marks
are awarded.

C 2 3 Relevant economic theory is applied to the article throughout the commentary.

The analysis is appropriate. However, some of it lacks support and is rather
theoretical, such as the effects on the cost of living from whiskey and the possible
growth of infant industries. Thus, the effectiveness of the analysis for the article is
lacking, and two marks are awarded.

D 3 3 The key concept of “interdependence” is identified. The explanation of the link

between this concept and the chosen article is fair (better than a partial attempt).
Full marks are awarded.

E 3 3 Judgements are made throughout the commentary and, despite the analysis
being rather theoretical, the reasoning and evaluation are effective and well
balanced. Three marks are awarded.

Total 13 14

Criterion F (when all three commentaries are marked)

Marks Marks Comments

awarded available

3 3 All of the three rubric requirements are met.

Marks awarded from three commentaries (out of 42) 40

Total marks awarded—including criterion F (out of 45) 43

Economics assessed student work 2

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