IA Portfolio Comm D en
IA Portfolio Comm D en
IA Portfolio Comm D en
Assessment comments
Subject: Economics
Portfolio D
Commentary 1
A 3 3 Relevant, accurate and correctly labelled diagrams are included. All their
explanations are provided in full, particularly that of the second diagram. The
third diagram could perhaps have had a more inelastic demand curve, but the
explanation is good, and so full marks are awarded.
D 3 3 The key concept of “intervention” is identified, and the link with the article is fully
explained throughout the commentary. Full marks are awarded.
Total 14 14
Commentary 2
A 3 3 Several relevant diagrams are included in the commentary. They are all accurate
and correctly labelled. All the diagrams are fully explained and thus full marks
are awarded.
B 2 2 The terminology used throughout the commentary is relevant and appropriate for
the chosen article. A few acronyms are used, but they are all explained in context.
D 3 3 The key concept of “change” is identified, and the link between it and the article is
well explained. Full marks are awarded.
Total 13 14
Commentary 3
A 3 3 One relevant, accurate and correctly labelled diagram is included. The diagram is
explained fully, and no other diagram is necessary for this article.
E 3 3 Judgements are made throughout the commentary and, despite the analysis
being rather theoretical, the reasoning and evaluation are effective and well
balanced. Three marks are awarded.
Total 13 14