Hematology KBMD 10.02.24

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Medsynapse by Dr . Nikita
Identify the blood cell
a) Neutrophil
b) Basophil
c) Eosinophil
d) Monocyte

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita

All of the following decrease in iron deficiency
anemia except

a) Transferrin saturation
b) Serum ferritin
d) Serum iron

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita

A blood sample from a patient with polycythemia
vera is sent for complete blood count. Which of the
following blood components is most likely to be
reported within normal limits?
(A) Lymphocytes
(B) Neutrophils
(C) Platelets
(D) Red blood cells
(E) White blood cells

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita

A 43-year-old man presents to his physician with fatigue. The patient
says he is concerned about his fatigue because he has a strong family
history of ‘cancer. He thinks that if his parents did not drink, smoke,
and eat such poor diets they would have lived longer lives. He says
that because of all this, he never drinks alcohol or smokes tobacco.
He has also followed a strict vegan diet for 10 years. He says that all
of his meals are high in leafy green vegetables. Laboratory tests show
a hematocrit of 35% with a normal RBC distribution width. Results of
a peripheral blood smear are shown in the image. Which of the
following laboratory tests will most definitively determine the likely
cause of his abnormal blood smear?
A. Folate level
B. Homocysteine level
C. Methylmalonic acid level
D. Serum gastrin levels
E. Urine vitamin B12 level
Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita
A 13 year old girl has mucosal bleeding and petechial rashes. She has
been feeling tired lately. She looks pale. A blood count shows:
Haemoglobin 74 g/L White cell count 1.9 x 109 /L
Neutrophils 0.1 x 109 /L Platelets 24 x 109 /L
Blood film morphology was unremarkable. Reticulocytes are absent. A
bone marrow aspirate shows a gross reduction in all haematopoietic
tissue that is replaced by fat spaces. What is the SINGLE most likely
underlying diagnosis?

A. Pernicious anaemia
B. Chronic myeloid leukaemia
C. Aplastic anaemia
D. Acute myeloid leukaemia
E. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita
A 23-year-old African American woman presents to
the emergency department with severe abdominal
pain and evidence of dehydration. Her past medical
history is significant for numerous pulmonary
infections and effusions of the knees. This patient’s
erythrocytes would be expected to exhibit

(A) an absence of central pallor

(B) deletion of all four alpha Hb genes
(C) denaturation during deoxygenation
(D) Heinz bodies on RBC staining

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita

A 27-year-old woman, gravida 2, para 1, at 26 weeks' gestation comes to the
emergency department because of vaginal bleeding and epistaxis for the past 2
days. She missed her last prenatal visit 2 weeks ago. Physical examination
shows blood in the posterior pharynx and a uterus consistent in size with 23
weeks' gestation. Her hemoglobin concentration is 7.2 g/dL. Ultrasonography
shows an intrauterine pregnancy with a small retroplacental
hematoma and absent fetal cardiac activity. Further evaluation is most likely to
show which of the following findings?

A Decreased prothrombin time

B Increased factor V concentration
C Decreased partial thromboplastin time
D Decreased fibrinogen concentration
A 22-year-old man presents to the emergency department
With mucosal bleeding and epistaxis. Laboratory tests
Show an increased bleeding time and an increased partial
thromboplastin time. His mother was anemic throughout
her life and required several blood transfusions after a
minor operation.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Bernard-Soulier syndrome
B. Glanzmann disease
C. Hemophilia A
D. Vitamin K deficiency
E. Von Willebrand disease

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita
A 68-year-old man comes to the physician because of a 6-month history of progressive
headache, dizziness, and weakness. Hot showers cause generalized pruritus. He had a normal
routine health examination 5 years ago, at which point routine laboratory studies were also
normal. His pulse is 90/min and blood pressure is 150/88 mm Hg. Physical examination
shows facial plethora. Examination of the heart and lungs shows no abnormalities. The
spleen is palpable 2 cm below the left costal margin. Genetic analysis shows a mutation in
the JAK2 gene. Which of the following sets of findings is the most likely in this patient?

EPO levels Plasma volume RBC mass SaO2

a Normal decreased normal normal

b Increased normal increased decreased
c Decreased increased increased normal
d Decreased normal normal normal
Seen in myelofibrosis

a) Bite cells
b) Burr cells
c) Dacrocytes
d) Target cells

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita
Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita
A patient has a lymphoproliferative disorder
containing mature B cells that mark weakly with
kappa light chain on the plasma membrane, strongly
with CD5, strongly with CD23, and weakly with
CD22. Which of the following is the most likely
(A) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
(B) Hairy cell leukemia
(C) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
(D) Prolymphocytic leukemia
(E) Sézary syndrome

Medsynapse by Dr. Nikita

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