Asthma Essay Thesis

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Crafting a thesis on asthma can be a daunting task.

Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition affecting

millions worldwide, requires in-depth research, analysis, and a comprehensive understanding of its
causes, symptoms, treatments, and impacts on individuals and society. From exploring the
physiological mechanisms of asthma to examining its psychological and social ramifications, delving
into this complex topic demands meticulous attention to detail and a mastery of scientific, medical,
and academic principles.

Moreover, formulating a compelling thesis statement that succinctly encapsulates the essence of your
research while presenting a unique perspective or argument can be a challenging endeavor. It requires
careful consideration of existing literature, identification of gaps in knowledge, and the development
of a coherent and cohesive argumentative framework.

Navigating through the vast array of scholarly articles, clinical studies, and medical journals to gather
relevant information and data can be overwhelming. Analyzing and synthesizing these sources to
construct a coherent narrative that adds value to the existing body of knowledge on asthma
necessitates patience, critical thinking, and analytical prowess.

Furthermore, adhering to academic conventions, formatting guidelines, and citation standards adds
another layer of complexity to the writing process. Ensuring clarity, coherence, and precision in
language and structure is essential for effectively communicating your ideas and findings to your

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The airway resistance increases leading to harsh breath sounds that can be heart without any hearing
aids. The purpose of inhalational steroids are for prevention and for achieving overall treatment
goals. Bronchiodilators are a class of drug that relaxes airway smooth muscle by increasing c. It is
important for clinicians to know that research shows that MDIs are clinically equivalent to nebulizers
and to know how to administer them correctly. In as much as these people experience symptoms
similar to those people with extrinsic form of asthma, they get not triggered by allergens. Symptoms
are commonly worse at night or in the early morning. If the patient is talking this means they have a
patent (clear) airway therefore they are breathing and have brain perfusion. Children get to acquire
essential coping skills of dealing with asthma in the programs. The programs offer sessions intended
to raise the confidence of children in management of asthma (Laura A. Within minutes an action
plan is put into place and interventions begin. Pathophysiological factors to be included in
consideration of asthma include bronchiolar inflammation with airway constriction and resistance.
The world is full of diseases, and asthma is just one of them. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The development of allergic
asthma is mediated by genetic factors due to which the individual’s susceptibility to precipitating
factors and extracts of airborne antigens is increased. It is imperative to understand the health
implications brought by numerous industrial effluents which are released in the environment without
proper disposal management. An elevated pulse rate can be due to the patient being in pain, anxiety
or a sign of an infection. Investigations to confirm the diagnosis of asthma V. Although reduction in
early response to allergen, which is due to mast cells bound to Ig. However, a pregnant patient with a
history of uncontrolled asthma has a higher risk of developing complications which can pose dangers
for herself and her baby if her asthma exacerbates during gestation. Budesonide is usually taken
twice a day and normally lasts between 12 to 24 hours. According to the most popular hypothesis,
subacute airway hyperirritability is a result of subacute airway inflammation. Clinical staff needs to
ensure proper technique for optimal medication administration. Criteria may have to be changed in
order to further filter the number of articles and their relevance to the research question. This is
because most patients do not adhere to the medication and this leads to deteriorating quality of life
which may result in death of the patient. Talk to the patient if they are alert and talking they are
classified as A. Please ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your
assignment. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly.
The lungs are a set of two spongy organs on either side of the chest. In a resting asthmatic airway the
smooth muscle is relaxed and during an asthma attack the smooth muscle is tightened and there is an
excess amount of air trapped within the alveoli. Inhaled corticosteroids are by far the most successful
controllers and have revolutionized asthma treatment. Reportedly, patients experience worse self-
assessed health, reduced physical functionality, sleep disturbances, low social and daily activities etc.
Patient education is crucial to the management of asthma because patients must be aware of how to
optimize their environmental controls. Inhaled corticosteroid is the most efficient drugs for control
asthma symptoms. asthma is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Chronic Asthma “The
Beta Adrenergic Theory of Asthma” This theory is considered to be a classic and is used in most of
the citations used for describing Chronic Asthma via cell studies. Additionally, the accumulation of
excess mucus in the airways prevents the normal flow of air in and outside the lungs. The symptoms
of these conditions occur in episodes, which can be subdued through proper medication.
Bronchodilator drugs act by relaxing the muscles surrounding the bronchioles. Asthma does not have
a specific cause; the inflammation of respiratory tract can be triggered by numerous sources. The role
function mode deals with the position occupied by the individual in the society and the behaviors
connected with the person role. The patient must be asked to maintain a diary of her symptoms and
treatment strategies she has adopted. In addition, the fast relieving inhales also called
bronchodilators often assist in cases of bronchoconstriction. In this step, the dose of inhalational
steroids is increased to as much as budesonide of 800mcg per day. The mechanisms involved in
occupational asthma can be immunologic as well as non-immunologic. Exercise is very important; it
not only tones one’s body, but also improves cardiovascular and respiratory health of the individual.
There are multiple health disparities that go into and trigger the chronic disease which are mostly
found in low-income African American children families and households. Wheezing plus the
production of high pitched sounds on respiration denotes some signs of the disease. Upon activation,
eosinophils release leukotrienes and granulate proteins, further injuring the tissue of the airway. One
should always ensure that the symptoms become well connected so as to avoid mistaking some
normal coughs for asthma. The direct cause of the release of these mediators is the contraction of the
airways’ smooth muscle, mucus secretion, and vasodilation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, 89, 958-967. Direct exposure to a particle or chemical in particular plastics, metals,
medications, or wood dust can likewise be a cause of adult-onset asthma. There are many other
triggers, such as illnesses or allergies. Lastly, there can be an uncomfortable feeling of squeezing or a
heavy sensation in the chest, which is a sign of chest tightness. When PEF falls to less than 50% of
best predicted and is associated with increased respiratory rate, increased heart rate and inability to
complete full sentences in one breath, it is known as acute severe asthma. Patient must be educated
to initiate inhalation bronchodilator therapy at home before shifting to hospital. Asthma
pathophysiology is immensely complex since it does not entail a single factor, rather it constitute a
number of factors that come into play. According to the Life Sciences,(2014) “They wanted to see
the anti-inflammatory effect of lavender on experimentally induced in a murine model meaning a
model made with mice(Tomoe). Her distress settled in 10 to 15 minutes after which she was
discharged home on round the clock levolin inhaler for 3 days. Other triggers of coughing entail
viruses, environmental irritants, cold air and exercise. B. Obstruction of the airflow. Usually two
methods of inhalations are used i.e. Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) and Dry powder inhaler (NAC,
2006). These respiratory tracts, or bronchial tubes, enable air to come in and out of the lungs.
The bronchi are major air passages that extend from the trachea and branch extensively. This further
creates a viscous, water fluid that collects in the airway wall, which results in the narrowing of the
airways’ lumen. The entire program requires teamwork between the nurses, the physician, the patient
and his or her family members and the community health workers. The latter is especially true to
low-income families who are unfamiliar with asthma and its treatment. The signs and symptoms of
an acute exacerbation can include shortness of breath, tachypnea, increased work of breathing,
tachycardia, accessory muscle use, diminished or absent breath sounds, hypoxia, wheezing,
decreased level of alertness, and anxiety (Ortiz-Alvarez and Mikrogianakis, 2012). The interplay
between the contracting smooth muscles plus inflammation often results to difficulties in breathing.
From a wide set of studies it has been observed that children with asthma are at a greater risk of
developing phobias, depression, anxiety, and stress; which impairs learning and psychosocial
development. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced
accordingly. They cause relaxation of the bronchial smooth muscle by stimulating beta 2 receptors. In
addition, there are cells that line the respiratory tract called the respiratory epithelium which vary
from hair-like structure cilia and mucus-producing cells, and small blood vessels lying beneath the
airway that supplies nutrients to the respiratory epithelium and smooth muscle cells. If the patient is
able to do that, then these sessions are to be performed three to five times per week (Enright, 2003).
Asthma leads to subacute inflammation of the airways. The camps offer a positive environment
where there is an opportunity for support programs from peers hence adopting appropriate mental
attitude for coping with asthma. Adrenaline and steroids level also play a role in protecting against
asthma. Corticosteriods bind to a receptor in the cytosol, which translocates to the nucleus and binds
DNA to activate genes. Neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes initiate the process; while mast cells
activation and epithelial cell injury follows in. Severe dyspnea results from airway inflammation and
obstruction. The interdependence mode deals with interactions and relationships with others. Clinical
staff needs to ensure proper technique for optimal medication administration. There are two types of
medication to treat asthma. However, asthma patients do not have much choice but to avoid work
out, because back in their minds they have a fear of respiratory inflammation. Busse, W.W., Calhoun,
W.F., Sedgwick, J.D. (1993) Mechanism of airway inflammation in asthma. Considering
environment to be the chief source of inciting asthma and numerous allergic conditions it is evident
that prevalence rate of obesity in United States and around the world is increasing, moreover, the
condition of asthma in obese individuals could be directly related (Yeatts et al., 2006). Other factors
may include stress, use of antibiotics or exposure to animals may induce asthma in sensitive
individuals. The stimulus is inhaled until a given level of bronchoconstriction is achieved (i.e. a 20%
fall in FEV). The results of the tests are presented in the form of a dose of the stimulating agent
used which results in 20% reduction of FEV. It is characterized by many symptoms; including
shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, tightness of the chest (Symptoms of asthma, n. This
responsibility may, however, best fit the nurses. Several studies have revealed that the severity of
asthma is subject to change during gestation. There are currently over seven million children in this
country who are diagnosed with asthma (Bengtson, Marvel, White, Figliomeniand, and Buikema,
2018). The author of the paper examines asthma which has been defined to be a disease of the
airways resulting from chronic inflammations of various aetiologies. The core elements for the
asthma case management program include building capacity for routine assessment, establishing
consistency in patients’ care through education of medical personnel and patient’s care givers, and a
regular reporting system for all outcomes and processes for the care providers.
In severe persistent asthma, the symptoms are continual. One of the first steps is to administer
albuterol by MDI or nebulizer. However, this narrowing of the airways can be totally or partially
treated with medication. Hyperresponsiveness of Jason’s airways smooth muscles has led to clinical
manifestations of audible wheezing sound, severe dyspnea, and supraventricular, intercostal, and
subcostal retractions. The impairment in mucus transport is due to an exudative inflammatory process
and the clearing of epithelial cells that are present in the airway lumen. The prevalence of asthma is
reportedly higher in socio-economically disadvantaged background. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Thus, when asthma occurs, all the cells that make up the airways become
involved. From this point in time, great amounts of progress was made to keep asthma-related deaths
to a minimum. Maintain and monitor the airway and report any changes. Prednisolone A powerful
corticosteroid used to reduce inflammation and suppress allergic reactions and immune system
activity. Salbutamol is used in relieving of broncho-spasm in patients with asthma or Chronic
Obstructive pulmonary Disease, and for acute prophylaxis against exercise induced asthma, or in
situations known to induce broncho-spasm (Rossi, 2004). The inflammation of airways causes
symptoms such as cough, breathlessness, persistent wheezing, chest tightness etc. Williams, S.G.,
Schmidt, D.K., Redd, S.C., Storms, W. (2003) Key clinical activities for quality asthma care. After
teenage years, more women have asthma than men. Every countries have almost same amount of
those who are affected by asthma. This usually occurs as a result of repeated exposures to a
sensitiser over a period. Diagnosis of eczema is based on the patient's family history of allergy, hay
fever, or asthma, duration of the skin condition (allergic eczema is a chronic condition), and the
appearance of the skin. Hence, a person displaying these symptoms needs to see a doctor for proper
diagnosis using the lung function test and a physical examination. Incidence of asthma has increased
in the last 15 years by over 50 percent. It can be transferred genetically, or acquired individually.
Because asthma is a chronic disease, there are no positive effects of asthma. This is 100% legal. You
may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. The most preferred initial test is spirometry which helps to assess the
presence and severity of obstruction of the airflow. It is, therefore, imperative to treat symptoms as
soon as one notices them to prevent the progression of a mild attack into a strong attack. Chronic
inflammation of airways is associated with increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness or bronchospasm
and results to the clinical manifestation of wheezing(Morris, 2011, n.p.). Patient education is crucial
to the management of asthma because patients must be aware of how to optimize their
environmental controls. They have been shown to have the greatest potential for quick relief of acute
symptoms. The bronchodilator most often utilized in the pediatric emergency room is albuterol.
Causes and Symptoms There are several causes of asthma including genetics, respiratory infections,
allergies, and the environment.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. (SIGN). (2009) British Guideline on the Management
of Asthma. MEDLINE Complete is a full text data base that contains articles from over 5,000
medical journals for a wide range of subjects and is an essential resource for any medical
professional. It also means that there is reduced cost of paying for the doctor’s consultation fee. In
Community organization to reduce the need for acute care for asthma among African American
children in low-income neighborhoods: the Neighborhood Asthma Coalition, the researchers used
NAC, which included educational programs, promotional activities, and individualized support
provided by trained neighborhood residents, to determine whether a community-based research
conducted in St.Louis could improve asthma awareness. In asthma the patient feel difficulty in
breathing in asthma, the people are affected in the bronchial tube otherwise the airways. Genetic
predisposition, inhaled chemicals, and environmental particles that might aggravate the airways or
cause allergic responses are the main risk factors for developing asthma. It is very highly prevalent
disease in the United Kingdom. Due to asthma, a total of 10.5 million school days and 14.2 million
work days were missed in 2008 alone. The irresponsiveness to steroids is due to abnormalities in
histone deacylation pathways, overexpression of the alternative, non-functioning of glucocorticoid
beta receptor, or transcriptional factor interference. (Clark 2011, p.21-22). Diagnosis of Asthma: The
key symptoms of asthma are: i. Other drugs may be used to treat specific allergies that exacerbated
the given asthma. VI. Conclusions and Summary. Mediators include chemokines, cytokines,
cysteinyl-leukotrienes, nitric oxide, IgE antibodies etc. (Porth, 2010). Asthma pathophysiology can
be understood by the flow chart (Figure 1. The model assumes an individual as a bio-psycho-social
being. Hence, this study suggests that nurse-led care is cost-saving even when the time spent with
the patient is twice of that the physicians. If none of this helps, it might be an ideal opportunity to
converse with a specialist about long haul options, or we can say, sensitivity shots. Cough in asthma
is essentially non-productive, yet it might advance to expelling of gooey, mucoid sputum which is
hard to clear. Asthma may bring shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, wheezing and coughing.
In this step, the dose of inhalational steroids is increased to as much as budesonide of 800mcg per
day. Practical strategies for avoidance include maintaining a clean and well-ventilated home
environment, utilizing air conditioning during high pollen and mold seasons, and annual influenza
vaccinations. Our group of knowledgeable medical thesis authors at
comprehends this well and makes every effort to eliminate you from the tension. These mediators
include histamine, eicosanoids, and reactive oxygen species. The two other sources were more
reliable as to the fact that their authors and editors are licensed professionals, doctors and in the case
of the NHLBI, are government employees. They will sometimes exhibit their mechanisms of action
and symptoms; coursing burdens to people. Most of these pharmacological agents are inhaled to
provide direct access into the target tissue. The entire program requires teamwork between the
nurses, the physician, the patient and his or her family members and the community health workers.
These layers are responsible for the protection of the bronchi. Through the camps persons with
asthma receive training on asthma management skills and ways of improving the quality of their
lives. Other health conditions e.g. “a runny nose, sinus infections, reflux disease, psychological
stress, and sleep apnea” make the management of asthma more challenging and ought to be treated,
as well (What Is Asthma? - NHLBI, NIH). This is mostly due to the introduction of inhaled
corticosteroids as front line medications that limits the inflammation and further remodeling of the
airways. It is important to ensure that there is total coordination between various players in case
management for a successful outcome. One of the first steps is to administer albuterol by MDI or

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