Tobacco Internet Assignment 2017

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Tobacco Internet Assignment

Define the following tobacco vocabulary words:

1. Nicotine:

2. Carcinogen:

3. Tar:

4. Carbon Monoxide:

5. Smokeless tobacco:

6. Leukoplakia:

Visit the website (no www):

*If you can’t get to it by typing in the address, go to Google and type in “smoking stinks website”
and it should be at the top of the list – choose the category “teens”

1. TURN OF YOUR COMPUTER’S VOLUME. Now go to “Games and More” on the bottom
left. Then click “Chamber of Horrors” with the picture of the wooden door. Click through the
photos, writing down 6 gross effects/consequences of tobacco below:
1.) 4.)
2.) 5.)
3.) 6.)
Now, from the main options in orange, click on “Fast Facts” and fill in the blanks below:

 Every day, approximately __________ teens in the U.S. try their first cigarette. About
________% will become daily smokers.
 Smoking addiction starts at a young age. More than _________% of adult smokers began
smoking before 18 years of age.

Bad for your looks:

 Smoking ages your ______________ faster. It’s second only to ________ exposure for giving
you wrinkles.
 __________, the sticky brown substance in tobacco products, stains smokers’ fingers & teeth.
 Smoking makes you ______________! Your hair, breath and clothes smell bad.

Bad for your health:

 Smoking is linked to slowed _______________ of _____________ function in teens. They

cannot run as fast or far. Smokers suffer from shortness of breath ____________x more than
 Tobacco abuse harms __________________________ in the body. It has been linked to
leukemia, cataracts and pneumonia, and accounts for about __________ of all
___________________ deaths.
 People who smoke cigarettes are ___________x more likely to develop lung cancer than
 Cigarette smoke is toxic and poisonous to the human body. It contains about
_______________ chemical agents, including almost ______ that cause cancer.
 Some of the toxins found in cigarette smoke are found in items such as rat poison, toilet
cleaners and formaldehyde, which is used to preserve dead animals.
 Not feeling good (and your parents smoke)? Every year, ______________________ smoke
causes more than 202,000 asthma episodes and 790,000 doctor visits due to _____ infections.

It’s a killer:

 Every hour, more than ______ Americans die from smoking cigarettes. That’s about 440,000
people a year.
 Smoking kills _______________. Every year in the U.S., about 2,000 deaths from SIDS
(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) are linked to secondhand tobacco smoke.
 More deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use,
motor vehicle injuries, suicides and murders ___________________.
 On average, smokers die _____-_____ years earlier than nonsmokers.

The bad news about addiction:

 Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco. It’s as ____________ as heroin and cocaine.
 Teens can experience tobacco __________________ within a day of first inhaling, including
strong urges to smoke, and anxiety or irritability.
 It’s hard to quit: only ____% of teen smokers who tried to quit were able to do so successfully.
 Some people smoke because they think it helps them relax. A new study suggests otherwise –
smoking actually triggers _______________. The truth is that smokers are addicted to the
nicotine in tobacco; as the nicotine from one cigarette wears off, they start to crave another
and become nervous and tense. Doesn’t sound very relaxing!

Spit tobacco is disgusting and dangerous:

 Smokeless or spit tobacco is not a ___________ alternative to smoking. It contains the same
addicting and cancer-causing ___________________ as cigarettes.
 Using spit tobacco stains your teeth and can make them ______________ and fall out.
 It also greatly increases your chances of getting _________________ of the tongue, gums,
cheeks and lips. These cancers often require __________________to remove the diseased
part. Young people have become disfigured due to these surgeries.

What about other kinds of tobacco?

 Cigar are not a safe alternative to cigarettes. Regular cigar smoking greatly increases your risk
for cancers of the lung, _______________, larynx and esophagus.
 Cigars contain the same addictive, toxic and carcinogenic compounds found in cigarettes. In
fact, a single large cigar can contain as much tobacco as an entire ___________ of cigarettes.
 Cigarettes using “natural” tobacco are not safer than those with processed tobacco.
o Bidis produce ______x the amount of carbon monoxide and nicotine, and more than
______x the amount of tar, produced by cigarettes using processed tobacco.
o Kreteks — sometimes referred to as clove cigarettes — also contain
______________concentrations of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide and put users at
increased risk of acute lung injury.
 Although many hookah smokers think it is less harmful than smoking cigarettes, water pipe
smoking still delivers the _______________drug nicotine and is at least as toxic as cigarettes.
 Electronic cigarettes are not a safe alternative. They too deliver nicotine to the body which
leads to various ___________ issues, including nicotine poisoning and cardiovascular disease.

Tobacco sales and marketing to teens is big business:

 Every year, cigarette companies spend $_________ billion on advertising and promotional
expenses. This is equal to $36 million per _________!
 Tobacco companies intensely market to __________. Why? To find replacement smokers for
those who _________ or quit.

Go To: “” and search in the right top search box: “how much will you save” and
the first result should be the correct one – it’s a cigarette cost calculator called “The Price of Smoking”

1. Pretend you begin using cigarettes this year and continue using for decades. Use the smoking
calculator to find how much you will potentially spend, and then write in what you would rather
do with that amount of money.

Stats: You smoke 20 cigarettes per day (average for an addicted smoker) and spend $6.28 per pack.
Time How Much? What would you rather buy with that amount of money?
1 Day $
1 Week $
1 Month $
1 Year $
10 Years $
20 Years $
Go To: and find the magnifying glass/search box on the top right and
type in “e-cigarettes”. There are a few results, read through the top 2 or 3 articles.
Describe 3 reasons what it’s not a good idea for teens to use e-cigs – be thorough with facts and



Go To: and look in the middle of the page for the blue box “Trends and
Statistics” and scroll down to the bottom of its box and click on the RED “see all”

Click on the 4th topic “Teens and E-Cigarettes” and look through the diagrams, then keep
scrolling down to read the facts as a summary. Fill in the following blanks using the facts.

1. How many teens go on to smoke? ______% of e-cig users started smoking within ______
months while only _____% of non-users started smoking.

2. What’s in an e-cig? _____% say just flavoring, 13.7% ______________, 13.2% say
______________, ________% say marijuana, and 1.3 percent say other. Manufacturers don’t
have to report e-cig ingredients, so users don’t know what’s actually in them.

To practice what you have learned (or you can do more research), on the left side of the body, list 10
physical short term effects tobacco (any/all types has on the body. On the right side, list 10 possible
long term effects.

10 Short Term Effects: 10 Long Term Effects:

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