Thesis Statement About Nazi Germany

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In fear to speak out, they committed to hypocrisy, during the time they were needed the most.
Emerging from this was a completely different power relationship to the people. These were called in
if the ordinary police weren’t getting anywhere or if the Nazis wanted people killed or beaten up. It
was not hard for the Nazis to be successful because the youth was interested in finding out what
happened in the wide world, how well Germany did and just to be part of helping their great nation.
Thirdly, there was the secret police, or “the Gestapo”. The German public were horrified despite
Hitler’s attempts to justify his actions. For example, it is important to contextualise the extent of
support acquired from the middle classes under the 2 nd Reich, contrasting with the support from
the new middle classes after the election. Literally hundreds of individuals, particularly biographers,
have labored intensively to understand this man, his rhetoric, his politics, his philosophy, even his
sex life. These people included self employed businessmen, artisans, retailers, peasant farmers and
industrial workers, who had previously voted for the other parties but had now turned to the Nazi
regime who offered what the then current Weimar system could not. During this period Hitler
ensured the negatives of his regime went unnoticed, (for example the mistreatment of the Jews). The
underlying cause was a severe lack in the people’s independency, ergo they were incapable of
developing their own social techniques and opinions. It gave the population free speech, free
assembly and free press and survived many attempted revolutions from reactionary movements.
Where the elites engaged in war as if it were a game of chess, strategic and with honour, the new
ruling class’s conception of power was placed in virtue. Contradicting with these reactionary polices
was Hitler’s revolutionary intentions towards the Jews. These organisations were set up for with
Nazi beliefs, but were actually disagreeing with the traditional, rural beliefs. In Imagined
Communities (2001) he asserts that nationalism is a mental and cultural phenomenon necessary for
functioning democracies, as well as political integration. Since the middle class had previously been
excluded from politics, as that was the sphere of the elite, the separation of culture from politics was
an important mechanism through which the academics of that age could analyse their society and
categorize it among other nations. This was just another or the best way in using propaganda for the
youth. This was going so far that the children were told to inform the youth leaders if the parents or
teachers criticised the Nazi regime. To make sure it was effective “Joseph Goebbels” was hired and
the “Ministry for Peoples Enlightenment and Propaganda”, was set up. Fourthly Hitler used
Concentration camps to terrify the public. They were trained how to use guns and to hate Jews.
German conceptions of space and place have evolved through the centuries, with the component of
Lebensraum, or “living space” occupying much of German political and social ideology until 1945.
In the 2nd Reich, people were presented to the rule of law despite being very authoritarian. The 2nd
Reich was in theory a constitutional monarchy, however, it was in reality a authoritarian regime, with
only one person in power, the Kaiser. One very important was to follow the Nazi traditional ideology.
In Between Dignity and Despair, Marion Kaplan describes the everyday struggles of the Jewish
people in Germany. He blamed Jews for everything and this lead to the slaughtering of millions of
Jewish people. This paper provides a selective literature review of publications significantly
addressing Lebensraum at length, paying close attention to themes best highlighted through spatial
history. The Final Solution: Racial Cleansing (Nazi Germany) Sources Question.
All of these aspects discouraged students to learn and the university attendance dropped by 50%
from 1933-1939. He wants people to save items they find, such as toothpastes a well as any other
useful materials. He wanted to reinstate the role of women to the way it used to be during the 2nd
Reich, a conservative society in which women did not have freedom of doing what they wanted and
were responsible for their homes and families. Thirdly, there were numerous public displays of
Nazism. In the end this policy had little effect, as other policies such as promoting big business
actually condemned these small traders to bankruptcy. Throughout this event the Germans excelled
claiming 33 gold medals, 26 silvers and 30 bronzes. Many women’s organisations supported the
three Ks because they saw it as a reaction against the decadence of Weimar Germany. To begin with
it would be very serious crimes that carried this penalty but later on something as simple as listening
to foreign radio stations incurred the death penalty. These were called in if the ordinary police
weren’t getting anywhere or if the Nazis wanted people killed or beaten up. In August 1934
Hindenburg died and Hitler became the “Fuhrer” of Germany. It almost seems as if Russia is
empathising with the Fascists, in source F, yet warning them it will not work; a lost cause though in
my opinion it seems they still agree with it. Carl Schmitt provided a politico-judicial justification for
reterritorialization involving the geographical expansion of the Third Reich: Gro?raum (greater
space). They were written close to the discussed events; although there may be a possibility that
source D is biased in favour of the Jews. Secondly, they controlled the films, plays, and literature to
make sure that they conformed to Nazi ideas. Firstly, many Germans thought Hitler was doing a
good job. German conceptions of space and place have evolved through the centuries, with the
component of Lebensraum, or “living space” occupying much of German political and social
ideology until 1945. All other policies driven by ideology failed to meet their aims mainly due to
other contradictory policies introduced. Why not? He would protect their families and help them to
have enough money. In 1933 Hitler withdrew from the League of Nations and walks out of the
World Disarmament Conference. 1934 signs a ten-year non-aggression pact with Poles. 1935 after
the plebiscite Saraland is returned to Germany. This paper will attempt to explain the extremism
behind Germany’s nationalist mentality as well as create a neutral platform for the concept by
observing different points of approach. Underpinned in the policy was the fact that it would restrict
women to the home and reduce employment with women, which is what the Nazis wanted. Hitler’s
policies towards German Workers actually brought back the same aspects from the 2nd Reich where
the Reichstag was controlled by the Junker Class (Land Owning Elites) and there was little class
mobility. All boys had to join the Hitler Youth and girls had to join the League of German Maidens.
Anti-Semitism ideas were spreading throughout Europe at the time, especially in Germany, but Hitler
took these anti-Semitic ideas to a whole new level. This was so that everyone could listen to the Nazi
ideas being broadcast. According to Marx’s definition, a revolution is when a change takes place,
referring to the population’s social status, when the worker’s class is able to take part in the political
decisions of the country. Religion was brought under the control of the state: the National Church
was established and the Concordat with the Catholic Church was signed. Other parties were banned
and the judicial system was ruled by the state. Deterritorialization involved moving non-Germanized
Germans (mainly Jews and Slavs) off conquered Eastern lands to create an “empty space” that was
then “reterritorialized” by the settlement of “legitimate” Germans (although often not German
citizens). All radio stations were brought under nazi control making it so that it allowed them to
broadcast nazi ideas across the nation.
The Nazi policy aimed to help rearm the country destroyed any previous policies aimed at creating a
volksgemeinschaft as the gap between working class and upper class actually grew. Finally right
before WW2 Hitler signs the Pact of Steel with Mussolini and Molotov-Ribentrop pact with Soviet
Russia. However, one fundamental issue that cannot be solved is the difficulty in measuring the
honest thoughts of the German public and whether or not the lack of any pre-existing loyalties
(political or religious) aided the Nazis significantly. Thirdly, there were numerous public displays of
Nazism. The fear of the SA pressured people Germans who did not support the Nazis into silence.
One very important was to follow the Nazi traditional ideology. Firstly, many Germans thought
Hitler was doing a good job. In fact, the only person who listened was a typical isolate.Source D
sums this up as saying that 'the regime's social propaganda made little serious dent' in German
society. I do not believe that it is too late to say so now, as many would say, history repeats itself.
The policies used by the DAF such as strength through joy did seem to lead to working class
acceptance of the Nazi regime, therefore making the policies very successful. The Nazis had the
power to listen to people’s phone calls invade peoples houses without a warrant and read peoples
mail if they wanted to. However although this seemed to be a degrading policy towards woman,
which it was, Hitler did aim to make a point that women were just as important as men, there was
equality, the only difference being the roles which they played, which were equally important. In his
book entitled “The Logic of Evil”, Brustein, from a modern perspective, argues that regardless of the
idea of support gathering as a result of a people’s movement, the support was only “an inch deep”.
The functions of the family were reduced to the single task of reproduction. By stating the three
mistakes clearly, I imagine that we will deal with the future conflicts better prepared. These camps
are also known by various other names like corrective labor camps, relocation centers or reception
centers. He was a great orator and also his book “Mein Kampf” made many citizens to believe in
Hitler. Source A plainly states that the events that happened on 9 th November 1938, were organised
by Hitler and his Nazi party. In Nuremburg Germany in 1935, the Nazis announced laws that took
away many of the rights of Jewish people. Before, the autocrats externally imposed laws that served
as guidelines and were imposed by the ruler as well as the society. A chancellor who was interested
in his nation and wants to create a powerful nation, why would someone not like this way of policy.
This did mean that some women felt more valued and appreciated in. A product of obedience
through autocratic rule is the adaptation to such a hierarchy of command 13. This paper provides a
selective literature review of publications significantly addressing Lebensraum at length, paying close
attention to themes best highlighted through spatial history. However, looking at sources A and B
together, we realise even though everybody could hear the Fuhrer most people didn't listen. Why
Was Propaganda Important To Hitler's Control Over Germany? These youths also found it fun to
ambush the Hitler youths as neither got on with each other. However, the Nazi ideological idea of a
volksgemeinschaft, a people’s community with no class system with everybody working for the good
of the nation, was a major aim in any Nazi policy which aimed to transform German society. Right
from the start the Nazis showed there was no room for opposition during their regime and any
incurred would not be tolerated. The majority of Germans were terrified of being caught opposing
Hitler’s regime so chose not to.
Thirdly many Germans were overwhelmed that Hitler had given over 6 million unemployed people
jobs. Conceived four months before Germany’s Blitzkrieg invasion of Poland that triggered World
War II, Gro?raum provided the (literal) grounds for Nazi reterritorialization. There is evidence, in
sources D and E, that the Nazis had the most success with the youth of Germany and the least with
the 'older industrial workers'. Hitler introduced the Four Year Plan to make Germany an autarchy.
Furthermore, a misleading fact is that these people were not given a choice, but truth is that many of
them were. Large religions, especially the Catholic Church who were in the focus point of the
occurrence of the genocide, did not lend out a hand to help those who needed it. Although many
German academics were involved in designing and implementing these spatial strategies, we single
out two. This was going so far that the children were told to inform the youth leaders if the parents
or teachers criticised the Nazi regime. Also radios were made astronomically cheap so Germans had
more radios per head than even a wealthy American family. This was done continuously through the
Nazi regime to bombard the public with the Nazi message in order to reduce opposition. This being
the idea, many people were eager to participate as officers. The opposition ranged from low-level
opposition such as grumbling to very high-end opposition such as assassination attempts. It was not
that the Jews could not take the hint, they just were not able to accept it. It is hard to establish if one
was more important than the rest, as they were all linked in such a complex web. Child allowance
and child subsidies also helped raise the birth rate, which these policies were obviously aimed to
achieve. Design a game plan to reduce the stress in your life. Before, the autocrats externally
imposed laws that served as guidelines and were imposed by the ruler as well as the society.
Education was changed dramatically it was anti Jew because Hitler wanted all young people to grow
up hating Jews. In order for industrialists to be successful in business, they needed the support of the
Nazi’s, completely sacrificing their “better judgment” and for most people, becoming fully fledged
Nazi’s. The aim was for the people to subordinate their own needs to those of the nation, this is how
nationalism tends to “gain power over the believers themselves through a self-escalating process of
mutual reinforcement”; people will outbid each other in efforts to affirm their commitment to the
cause 8. The other purpose besides propaganda for the Hitler Youth was to train the young men for
the army. Skilled workers or artisans faced turmoil due to the rise in prices of raw materials and the
fact that even with increased demand their prices for their goods could not change as the nazi
regime fixed all costs. In order to gather evidence about why the individuals voted, one survey from
Abel documents over 580 Nazi member autobiographies. It was entirely initiated by Adolf Hitler,
who was first elected as chancellor of Germany, and then later assumed the dictator position. In
contrast to the relatively small party of 1928, this was a dramatic rise in party popularity. This was
just another or the best way in using propaganda for the youth. The use of these organisations and
penalties greatly decreased opposition to the regime due to the terror the nation felt. Hitler blamed
Communists and made Hindenburg to pass a law Enabling Act that could make Hitler operate on
him own. However this was not the case as there was actually a growth in female employment from
1933-39. The nazi mass produced radions and made them so cheap to buy that 7 out of 10 homes had
one by 1939.
Nazi Germany saw this as an opportunity to show a positive image of the. However, there are serious
doubts whether the policies introduced by the Nazis were aimed to fulfill Nazi ideology on the
perfect society or for other economic reasons. These particular individuals were chosen, as a
significant portion of their writings, in the form of diary entries, letters and memoranda have been
published and offer a glimpse of personal sentiments and thoughts unaltered by the censors of the
Nazi regime. It led to American loans, offered under the Dawes and Young plans, being recalled, and
thus to a financial collapse in the fledgling democracy. Great emphasis was placed on physical
activity and military training. Policies offered to poor industrial workers through the German Labour
Front (DAF), such as improved working conditions and subsidised holidays were aiming to gain
workers support for the Nazi regime in order for them to support the idea of a volksgemeinschaft. It
confirms my choosing source A over source B in the above text. This was because they had the right
to arrest citizens on suspicion and send them to concentration camps. The question of the success of
the Volksgemeinschaft is immeasurable because it depended on the experience of the individual. In
biology they were told how special they where because of the Aryan race and everyone else was evil
(“minderwertig”). The policies used like financial incentives-marriage loans and birth grants, meant
that women were placed better when having children. The Final Solution: Racial Cleansing (Nazi
Germany) Sources Question. The discussion is based on close reading of diaries, predominantly those
of Victor Klemperer and Willy Cohn, along with additional primary sources. All boys had to join the
Hitler Youth and girls had to join the League of German Maidens. During the Great Depression
most of the lower class would have been unemployed, so as long as the Nazi’s gave them jobs they
would have better living conditions than previously. Propaganda played a pivotal role for Hitler,
enabling him to exert dominance over various forms. Industrial workers accepted the Nazi regime
because they benefited in it, not always because they believed its ideology. How successful were
Nazi economic policies in the years 1933-45? There were also other police forces like SS and SA.
While in source G, Hitler or the Nazi’s stands over a fallen body. Sources A-F paint an extremely
complex picture of the level of success achieved, but the overall feeling is that at best the Nazis
achieved apathy towards the policy, not a belief in their ideology, although it very much depended
on the individual's experience. Since the middle class had previously been excluded from politics, as
that was the sphere of the elite, the separation of culture from politics was an important mechanism
through which the academics of that age could analyse their society and categorize it among other
nations. Food was always limited and harsh discipline was used, it was also normal that once you
entered you never left, the only escape was death. Thirdly, they both shared some common hatred
and Hitler had promised to abolish some of them, in particular he had torn up the treaty of Versailles
and refused to pay reparation payments. They created single pot Sundays which people were
expected to take part in this is were every Sunday when family’s made Sunday lunch they were to.
Education was changed dramatically it was anti Jew because Hitler wanted all young people to grow
up hating Jews. Unemployment fell and many working class people lived better lives, and the
policies definitely transformed the society in that respect. This consequence meant that Nazi
attempts to transform German society into a volksgemeinschaft would always be undermined as they
gave the working class no chance of integrating with the upper classes. Finally right before WW2
Hitler signs the Pact of Steel with Mussolini and Molotov-Ribentrop pact with Soviet Russia. We
must take into account though that the Nazi message was inescapable, so it is possible that the ideas
penetrated people without them consciously listening.

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