Growth and Development Reviewer
Growth and Development Reviewer
Growth and Development Reviewer
• Children use their cognitive and language skills • Socio economic status
to reason and solve problems. • Climate and season
• Children at first are able hold the big things by • Play and exercise
using both arms, In the next part able to hold
things in a single hand, then only able to pick • Birth order of the child
small objects like peas, cereals etc.
• Intelligence
• Children when able to hold pencil, first starts
• Hormonal influence
draw circles then squares then only letters after
• Development proceeds from general to
• Infancy
specific responses
Factor influencing Growth and Development
•Birth to 1 month
• Growth and development depend upon
multiple factors or determinates. –Infancy
-13 to approximately 18 years • so the child double the birth by 4 to 4.5 years
of age afterwards there is about 5 cm increase in
• Among children, weight of the full terms • It is related to brain growth and development
neonate at birth is approximately 2.5 kg to of intracranial volume. Average head
3.5kg. circumference measured about 35 cm at birth.
• there is about 10% loss of weight first week of • At 3 months it is about 40 cm, at 6 month 43
life, which regains by 10 days of age. cm, at one year 45cm, at 2 years 48 cm, at 7 year
50 cm and at 12 years of age it is about 52 cm,
• Then, weight gain is about 25- 30 gm per day
almost same a adult.
for 1st 3 month and 400gm/ month till one year
of age. • If head circumference increase more than 1 cm
in two weeks during the first 3 month of age
• The infants double weight gain their birth
then hydrocephalus should be suspected.
weight by 6 month of age, trippled by one year,
fourth time by two years, five times by three • Head circumference is measured by ordinal
year, six times by five year, seven times by seven tap, placing it over the occipital protuberance at
year and ten times by ten year. the back, above the ear on the side and just over
the supraorbital ridges in front measuring the
• Then weight increases rapidly during puberty
point of height circumference.
followed by weight increase to adult size.
Fontanelle Closure • There are ‘two sets of teeth, temporary teeth
and a bigger in size for the 2nd sets of teeth.
• At birth, anterior and posterior fontanelle are
Age Type Total number of teeth
usually present. Posterior fontanelle closes early
few weeks(6-8week) of age.
• Other test
– Woodside DST
their age.