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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) impacts our lives?

By: Mandeep Patel (WRO0592248)

Experts predict that the widespread use of AI will lead to a second industrial revolution. Artificial intelligence has already made a big
impact on many aspects of our day-to-day tasks. As more advancements are made to AI technology, it will become even more
prevalent in daily life.

Even if it’s not obvious, artificial intelligence is probably a part of your daily life in a number of ways. If you see a targeted ad on
Instagram/Facebook, it had been generated by an AI algorithm. When you ask Siri/Alexa/Google a question, AI allows the technology
to search the web and find the most helpful answer. Your product recommendations when shopping, your music recommendations,
and your social media friend suggestions all is being influenced by artificial intelligence.

Modern day developments in processing capabilities, Robust Algorithms and amount of data collected & continuously generated
every second with ever increasing usage of internet have pushed the paddle hard enough to go ride the period of accelerated AI

I have covered all of the wide angled perceptive about aspects of AI in our lives. These are classified as below:
1) Definition and Areas in which currently used.
2) Advantages of AI and growth areas.
3) Threats to applicability of AI.
4) Humanistic AI – Optimum Leverage of AI.
5) Conclusions


“Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem -solving and decision-making capabilities
of the human mind.” – IBM.

In simpler terms, artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly
associated with intelligent beings which addresses integration of abilities and capabilities.

The most common work areas where AI is bring currently deployed are:

• Virtual Assistant or Chatbots.

• Agriculture and Farming.
• Autonomous Commuting.
• Retail & Shopping.
• Security and Surveillance.
• Sports Analytics.
• Manufacturing and Production.
• Live Stock and Inventory Management.
• Weather forecasting and ecological analysis.

How AI impacts over lives? Mandeep Patel


“As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into
leadership.” - Amit Ray, Author of Compassionate Artificial Intelligence.

AI is a too big concept to be comprehended in terms of benefits it provides to ease the modern day life problems through its varied
customization and applicability to the number of tasks and operations. However, the major reforms will be evidential in the activities
mentioned below along with its relevant objectives:

1) Automation:
AI is primarily driven by rules and algorithms that guide its very existence of processing data and producing the outcomes from it.
Successful implementation of AI in varied clerical jobs have already been witnessed in current times from mega factory assembly
lines to autonomous and self-driving vehicles. Thus, the activities which are rules based and with predictable outcomes are most
favorably to be automated with help of AI for greater efficiency and accuracy.

2) Fast and accurate Diagnostics and Surgeries:

AI will drastically increase the adequacy, accuracy and access to the healthcare services. We can code the AI in such a way that it
establishes data patterns amongst the various biological measures such as heart rate, blood counts, breathe speed, O2 levels, etc.
and generate precautionary warning signs for any diseases which may had easily went unnoticed until purely diagnosed for the
specific subject matter. Also, loading the same data to the database simultaneously will instantly get AI's thorough diagnosis. AI
can also provide various initial ways of treatment for physicians to consider.

AI-based surgical procedures have been available for people to choose. Although this AI still needs to be operated by the health
professionals, it can complete the work with less damage to the body.

3) Socially Therapeutic / Partnering Robots:

In the modern world, loneliness is the most widely spread problem which needs to be tackled for existence of a happy and healthy
mankind society both physically and mentally. AI powered robots have been suggested to accompany those lonely old folks, even
to help do some house chores. Therapeutic robots and the socially assistive robot technology help improve the quality of life for
each and every human who seeks the human interactions but is not able to achieve it due to any reason.

4) Reduce errors related to the Human Fatigue:

This is in similarity of automation but focusing on the more important tasks where mistakes can cost fortunes. Human error at
workforce is inevitable and often costly (e.g. ‘by mistake’ transfer by CitiBank of $504 million sent to Revlon Inc.’s lenders), the
greater the level of fatigue, the higher the risk of errors occurring. Al technology, however, does not suffer from fatigue or
emotional distraction. It saves errors and can accomplish the duty faster and more accurately.

5) National Security and Intel:

The tasks of maintaining integrity and security of such diversified nation is not a walk in the park with such huge number of
threats internally and externally through online as well as offline modes. Concisely programmed and strict rule based AI should
be implemented to passively trace the financial transactions, news articles, confidential meets, international forum discussions,
inter departmental leads and others sources to establish data patterns and individuality database of suspects, anti-national
organizations, and external threats posing institutions.

6) Education:
AI powered guiding tools are being developed that traces the progress of a child in their education journey subject wise and even
topic wise with logs of time spent and concept learned and repeated for practice. Helping the child increasing his learning abilities
with as much as personalized attention and one to one basis guidance.

7) Optimum use of resources:

Cost of wasted resources is as twice as fresh resource as firstly needs to be paid for acquisition and subsequently for disposal.
With development of AI driven data algorithms we can create a whole ecosystem of “Pull Model” of supply chains in the
businesses from a local store to even Multi National Giant Corporations by providing established consumption patterns and thus
mindful production of the products and services that are actually demanded and consumed by the target customer range.

How AI impacts over lives? Mandeep Patel


“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race….It would take off on its own, and
re-design itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and
would be superseded.” - Stephen Hawking, in an interview with BBC.

Life itself is about the combination of good and bad and we exist by constantly striking the balance in-between them for justifying our
every existence on this earth. Similarly, there are numerous benefits of having more robustly developed AI in our daily lives but it
carries its own weight of highly possible threats in regards to the current levels of technological development:

1) Environmental Impact:
Behind every successfully managed application or cloud based services there are number of massive high energy consuming
data centers that keep the things intact and in place for continuous processing of ample amount of huge data generated every
second. Such data centers required high amount of energy which is majorly generated from non-renewable energy sources
along with high consumption of waters to keep such centers cool and ventilated for keeping heat temperatures in place and
avoid any malfunctioning.

2) Unemployment:
A high scale of unemployment will be observed at the lower levels of workforce and few white collar jobs markets which
operate in repetitive tasks in terms of manpower that have fewer skillsets and they conditioning of level of education,
adaptability and ability to learn things will keep them off from acquiring new skills to switch job roles across the positions. A
well thought out plan needs to be drawn down for successful shifting this man force resources to other tasks which may not
be initially affected by AI or else there may be undesirable societal elements on rise.

3) Human closeness will be gradually diminishing:

A huge social change that disrupts the way we live in the human community will occur AI will replace the need for people to
meet face to face for idea exchange. AI will stand in between people as the personal gathering will no longer be needed for

4) Wealth Inequality:
It will be created as the investors of AI will take up the major share of the earnings. The gap between the rich and the poor
will be widened up as the factors of productions will be more concentrated with the rich/the ones who can leverage AI
development. The so-called “M” shape wealth distribution will be more obvious with the passage of time.

5) Ignoring the command given by the human controller:

As the AI being trained and learned how to operate the given task can eventually take off to the stage that human has no
control, thus creating un-anticipated problems and consequences. It refers to AI's capacity after being loaded with all needed
algorithm may automatically function on its own course.

6) Biased Development of AI:

The developer who create AI may invent something that is racial bias or egocentrically oriented to harm certain people or
things. AI being pure executional driver is possible to target certain race or some programmed objects to accomplish the
command of destruction by the programmers, thus creating world disaster.

“AI doesn’t have to be evil to destroy humanity – if AI has a goal and humanity just happens to come in the way, it will
destroy humanity as a matter of course without even thinking about it, no hard feelings.” - Elon Musk.

How AI impacts over lives? Mandeep Patel


In 2016, a roaring worldwide buzz happened when Sophia, a social humanoid robot developed by Hong Kong-based company Hanson
Robotics that could interact, react and interpret like a human but based on a predefined code. It is just an initial step of what and how
big AI will play in future.

‘Humanistic AI’ is the term coined by American Computer Scientist Tom Gruber which encompasses augmenting human
abilities with machine intelligence. AI can be designed to collaborate with the human beings and thus creating an ecosystem of
‘machine gets smart then human gets smarter’.

Siri and Alexa are most relevant initial stages development of Humanistic AI as they know your intent and helps you to accomplish
the same. AI is allowing people to use mobile computing irrespective of their abilities and facilitating ease of technological interface
from 3-year-old kid to 80-year-old people, the user interface has been that much simpler day by day.

Humanistic AI can also help in enhancing cognitive abilities just think of a super human performance that can be leveraged out of a
resource that has memory as good and sharp as computer and interpersonal skills and ability as a human being.


“The coming era of Artificial Intelligence will not be the era of war, but be the era of deep compassion, non-violence, and
love.” - Amit Ray, Author of Compassionate Artificial Intelligence.

AI is here to stay for much longer time frame then one can imagine. Future is in harmony of further robust AI developments and
augmented virtual experiences. But AI is meant to give the possibilities of outcomes and the humans must be entrusted to take the call
of implementation of material decisions.

In current and possibly futuristic digitally mediated lives in mobile and online we need to constantly make the choice in

a. To develop AI as to automate activities and compete with us, OR

b. To augment & collaborate AI with human interpersonal capabilities to overcome human limitations.

[1] “Compassionate Artificial Intelligence” Book by Amit Ray.
[2] “The Intelligent Revolution” Book authored by Bernard Marr.
[3] Blogs and intervies of Amercan Computer Scientist Tom Gruber.
[4] Press Realses and discussinon forums of BBC, IBM, Elon Musk.
[5] Combination of Multiple cross refernce articles of TechInsiders and BusinessInsiders.

How AI impacts over lives? Mandeep Patel

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