Module Number Module Title Module Description: Ogistics and Reight Ransport

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Module Number TPM7081
Module Title Logistics and Freight Transport
Module Description This module involves the skills and knowledge required to
understand logistics and freight transport including the concepts of
logistics, supply chain management, containerization, multimodal
transport, freight transport management, import-export procedures
and documentation, and freight transport logistics in Ethiopia.
Logistics is a multidimensional value added activity including
production, location, time and control of elements of the supply
chain. Application of the knowledge of logistics, supply chain
management and freight transport management enables a greater
efficiency of movements with an appropriate choice of modes,
terminals, routes and scheduling. This module consists of Eight
units. Each unit is accompanied by activities, and self-assessment
Module Image

Module Level Masters

Module Type Core
Duration in Semesters One
Frequency Offered in every semester
Language English
Mode of Delivery Face-To-Face
Contact Hours 64
Self-Study Hours 146
Total Hours 210

Description Students will be evaluated through continuous assessment method.
1) Test =20%
2) Group Assignment=20%
3) Individual Assignment=20%
4) Final Exam = 40%
Total= 100%
Examination Types Written
Examination Test 90 minute and Final exam 150 minutes
Assignments ▪ Group Assignment will be given in the first week of the
semester and be submitted at the 9th week of the semester.
▪ Individual assignment will be given in the second week of
the semester and be submitted at the 10th week of the
Repetition As per the University’s legislation

Learning Outcomes At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
1) Understand the concepts of logistics, supply chain
management (SCM) and freight transport management
2) Explain containerization, multimodal and intermodal
transportation system;
3) Explore logistics, SCM and freight transport management
4) Analyse inventory and warehouse management
5) Analyse freight transportation operation planning and
management mechanisms;
6) Demonstrate import/export procedures and investigate the
required documents in international logistics;
7) Discuss Freight transport logistics system in Ethiopia;
Prerequisites -
Content 1. Introduction Logistics and Supply Chain Management
1.1. Definitions and basic concepts
1.2. Activities of Logistic and SCM
1.3. Interrelationships Between Transport and Logistics
1.4. Aims of Logistics
1.5. Importance of Logistics
1.6. Historical Perspectives
1.7. Future Prospects of Logistics
1.8. City Logistics
2. Lean vs Agile Supply Chain Management
2.1. Lean Supply Chain Management
2.1.1. Origins of the Lean Manufacturing
2.1.2. Lean Supply Principles
2.1.3. Drivers for Lean Supply Chain
2.2. Agile Supply Chain Management
2.2.1. The Need for Agility
2.2.2. Agile Supply Chain Concept
2.2.3. Agile Supply Chain Framework
3. Inventory management and warehousing
3.1. Inventory management
3.1.1. Reasons for Holding Stock
3.1.2. Economic Order Quantity
3.1.3. Uncertain Demand and Safety Stock
3.1.4. Periodic Review Systems
3.1.5. Effort of Stock Control
3.2. Warehouse and Storage
3.2.1. Principles of warehousing
3.2.2. Storage and handling systems
3.2.3. Order picking and replenishment
3.2.4. Receiving and dispatch
3.2.5. Warehouse design
3.2.6. Warehouse management and information
4. Purchasing and Supplier Selection
4.1. Strategic Role of Purchasing
4.2. Supplier Selection
4.3. Purchasing Portfolio
4.4. Tools for Supplier Selection
5. Supply Chain Relation and Integration
5.1. Supply Relationship
5.2. Close Partnership
5.3. Strategic Alliance
5.4. Supply Chain Integration
5.5. Relationship Dilemma
6. Freight transport
6.1. Maritime transport
6.1.1. Structure of the industry
6.1.2. Common ship types and their cargoes
6.1.3. Ports and cargo handling
6.2. Air transport
6.2.1. Structure of the industry
6.2.2. Types of air freighter
6.2.3. Air cargo handling
6.2.4. Air freight pricing
6.2.5. Air cargo security
6.3. Rail transport
6.4. Road freight transport
6.4.1. Specification for Vehicle Purchase
6.4.2. Vehicle Scheduling
6.4.3. Vehicle Costing
6.4.4. Vehicle Maintenance Management
6.4.5. Transport Operation Planning and Management
6.4.6. Monitoring and Evaluation
7. Containerization and Multimodal Transport
7.1. Containerization
7.2. Multimodal and Intermodal transport
8. Import/Export Procedures and Documentation
8.1. Negotiation and Contract
8.2. Import/Export Terms of Payment
8.3. Import/Export Documents
8.4. Risk and Insurance in Import-Export
9. Freight Transport Logistics System in Ethiopia (Case Study)
Learning & Lecture, discussion, demonstration, teamwork, students oral
Teaching Methods presentation, self-study/reading assignment
Media Power point, White board, Flip chart, Video
Literature Bibliography
▪ Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce, 2009. The management
of commercial Road Transport in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa
Chamber of Commerce and Sectorial Association. Publication
No. 9.
▪ Afro Consult &Trading (2010). Final Report of National
Freight Transport Logistics Program, Addis Ababa
▪ Agrawal D.K. (2003), Textbook of Logistics and Supply Chain
Management, Macmillan, New Delhi joke
▪ Asrat Alemayehu (1996), “Basic Transportation Management
and Profitability Guide Line; Addis Ababa Amharic version
▪ Belew Dagnew(2009) Transportation for sustainable socio
economic development in African Cities in the New
Millennium, African Journal and Development Studies,
Volume 2 No.1 pp 64-88
▪ Bowersox, D.J. and Closs, D.J(1996) Logistical Management,
the Integrated Supply Chain Process, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
▪ Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (2003). Transportation:
Best Practices Manual, Canada
▪ Christopher, M (2011), Logistics and supply chain
management, fourth edition, FT Prentice Hall, London.
▪ Coyle;J.J et al.,(1996), Production and operation management,
▪ Donald Waters, (2009), “Supply Chain Management: an
Introduction to Logistics”, Second Edition, Palgrave.
▪ Gubbins,E.J.(1996), Managing transport operation, 2nd ed.
▪ Iles R., 2005. Transport in Developing Countries: Amsterdam.
▪ Kenneth Lysons and Brian Farrington, (2012), “Purchasing and
Supply Chain Management”, Eighth Edition, Prentice Hall.
▪ Lu, D (2011), Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management,
Ventus Publishing Aps, SBN 978-87-7681-798-5.
▪ Myerson, P, A. (2015). Supply Chain and Logistics
Management Made Easy: Methods and Applications for
Planning, Operations, Integration, Control and Improvement,
and Network Design, Pearson Education, Inc. New Jerse.
▪ Rushton, A, Croucher, P, and Baker, P. (2010). Handbook of
Logistics and Distribution Management, 4th edition.
▪ United Nations, (2010), “Fighting Corruption in the Supply
Chain: a guide for customers and Suppliers”.

Responsible TBA
Teaching Week Session Learning units Instructional
Sessions Methods
1 1&2 • Introducing the module Orientation,
• Introduction Logistics and Lecture
Supply Chain Management
o Definitions and basic concepts
o Activities of Logistic and SCM
o Interrelationships Between
Transport and Lo istics
2 3&4 o Aims of Logistics Lecture and
o Importance of Logistics Discussion
o Historical Perspectives
o Future Prospects of Logistics
o City Logistic
3 5&6 • Lean vs Agile Supply Chain Lecture and
Management Discussion
o Lean Supply Chain
▪ Origins of the Lean
▪ Lean Supply Principles
▪ Drivers for Lean Supply
4 7&8 o Agile Supply Chain Lecture and
Management Discussion
▪ The Need for Agility
▪ Agile Supply Chain Concept
▪ Agile Supply Chain
5 9&10 • Inventory management and Lecture and
warehousing Discussion
o Inventory management
▪ Reasons for Holding Stock
▪ Economic Order Quantity
▪ Uncertain Demand and
Safety Stock
▪ Periodic Review Systems
▪ Effort of Stock Control
6 11&12 Test=20%
7 13 o Warehouse and Storage Lecture and
&14 ▪ Principles of warehousing Discussion
▪ Storage and handling
▪ Order picking and
▪ Receiving and dispatch
▪ Warehouse design
▪ Warehouse management
and information
8 15&16 • Purchasing and Supplier Lecture and
Selection Discussion
o Strategic Role of Purchasing
o Supplier Selection
o Purchasing Portfolio
o Tools for Supplier Selection
9 17&18 • Relationship and Power Point &
Integration Presentation
o Supply Relationship
o Close Partnership
o Strategic Alliance
o Supply Chain Integration
o Relationship Dilemma
10 19&20 • Freight transport Lecture and
o Maritime transport Discussion
▪ Structure of the industry
▪ Common ship types and
their cargoes
▪ Ports and cargo handling
o Air transport
▪ Structure of the industry
▪ Air cargo handling and
▪ Air freight pricing
11 21&22 o Rail transport Lecture and
▪ Structure of the industry Discussion
▪ Transport operation
o Road freight transport
▪ Specification for Vehicle
▪ Vehicle Scheduling
▪ Vehicle Costing
12 23&24 ▪ Vehicle Maintenance Lecture and
Management Discussion
▪ Operation Planning and
• Containerization and
Multimodal Transport
o Containerization
o Multimodal transport
13 25&26 • Import-Export Procedures Lecture and
and Documentation Discussion
o Negotiation and Contract
o Import/Export Terms of
o Import/Export Documents
o Risk and Insurance in Import-
• Freight Transport Logistics Discussion
in Ethiopia (Case Study)
14 27&28 Group Assignment Presentation
15 29&30 Feedback on Assignments and Test,
16 31&32 Final Exam

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