Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
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1 author:
Suphan Nasir
Istanbul University
All content following this page was uploaded by Suphan Nasir on 07 January 2021.
Süphan Nasır
Istanbul University, Turkey
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
CIP Data
Nasir, Suphan, 1978-
Customer relationship management strategies in the digital era / by Suphan Nasir.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Summary: “This book blends the literature from the fields of marketing and information technology in an effort to exam-
ine the effect that technological advances have on the interaction between companies and their customers”-- Provided by
ISBN 978-1-4666-8231-3 (hardcover : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-1-4666-8232-0 (ebook) 1. Customer relations--Manage-
ment. 2. Information technology--Management. I. Title.
HF5415.5.N247 2015
This book is published in the IGI Global book series Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-
Services (AMCRMES) (ISSN: 2327-5502; eISSN: 2327-5529)
All work contributed to this book is new, previously-unpublished material. The views expressed in this book are those of the
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Chapter 8
Customer Acquisition
Management Strategies
Achieving customer retention and loyalty is vital for the success of the company; however, acquiring new
customers has to be considered equally significant to the customer retention process. Since the company’s
ability to grow its customer base determines the long-term success of the company, companies need to
consider customer acquisition as an ongoing process. Customer acquisition management process involves
identifying, attracting, and retaining potentially profitable customers. This chapter starts with examining
the phases of the lead management process. Understanding customers is seen as important for effective
lead management. After explaining the lead generation and lead nurturing within the context of lead
management, this chapter ends up with underlining the importance of lead management automation for
customer acquisition.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8231-3.ch008
Copyright © 2015, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
marketing campaigns or event triggers, in order Customer insight that is provided by CRM
to help companies generate new potential busi- technologies also enables the company to deliver
nesses. Customer acquisition is the process of outstanding services. Delivering outstanding cus-
identifying, attracting and retaining potentially tomer service and experience allows the company
profitable customers. While managing customer to retain customers as well as acquire new cus-
acquisition, companies require to consider which tomers. Customers, who are satisfied with the
potential customers to target, how to communicate company’s exceptional services, are often willing
with them and what to offer them (Buttle, 2004). to recommend the company’s services to their
Identifying an ideal customer portfolio, exceed- friends. Delivering excellent customer experience
ing customer expectations, becoming a trusted generates customer retention and referrals. Since
partner, establishing consistent communication satisfied loyal customers are excellent referral
with customers to find out unmet needs, opportu- source, leveraging loyal customer relationships
nities, and deliver customized offers, addressing is a cost-effective customer acquisition strategy
customer satisfaction issues, and implementing for reaching out to new prospects. Therefore,
CRM technologies can be considered as essential companies can transform retention into a pow-
tools for acquiring new customers. According to erful acquisition tool by delivering outstanding
the Bank of America Merrill Lynch white paper, customer experience (Merrill Lynch, 2013).
the analysis of the current customer base provides Worrell (2012) indicates seven critical stages
guidance for developing a customer acquisition in securing new customer acquisition:
strategy. It is important to attract right customers
to the company to ensure long-term profitability • Know
and harvest the benefits of relationships with loyal • Like
customers. With the analysis of existing customer • Trust
base, company can predict expected annual profit- • Try
ability and lifetime value of its customers, rank • Buy
customers based on their profitability, identify • Repeat
customers who are critical for the company’s • Refer
success and estimate the customer acquisition
costs and time. The analysis of current customer Customer acquisition management process
base reveals the company’s ideal customer pro- starts with creating awareness about the company’s
file; so that company can spend its efforts to products and services. In order to turn a prospect
acquire customers who are within the scope of into customer, prospect must know about the
this ideal customer profile. While identifying the company. Creating awareness can be achieved
ideal customer profile, company can consider its by variety of ways such as advertising, public
customers’ revenue generation capacity, growth relations, trade shows, direct mail, newsletters,
potential, and potential to bring customer referrals social media, cold-calling, word of mouth, and
(Merrill Lynch, 2013). The process of converting other marketing activities. Since customers seek
potential buyers into customers can be handled relationships that are pleasant and want to do
by using CRM technologies. Implementation of business with companies that they like, companies
CRM technologies allows the company to access should focus on establishing pleasant and enter-
360-degree view of the customer that will help the taining interactions with prospects. For instance,
company identify and target prospective customers companies can develop entertaining interactions
and generate customer insight that can be used to with prospects through social networks or deliver
create effective marketing campaigns. pleasant experience by inviting prospects an event
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
or a party. Trust is another essential factor in new customers. Most importantly, acquiring new
securing new customer acquisition. In convert- customers is not sufficient for the company’s suc-
ing prospects into customers, companies need to cess. Through retention management strategies,
establish trust. Prospects have to be sure that the company has to move customers to the top of the
company will keep its promises and they will get customer loyalty pyramid. Company should also
a fair deal. Thus, companies require to keep their encourage new customers to refer the company
promises, do what they say, respond questions of to their friends and other people. Word of mouth
prospects quickly and professionally, and fairly communication can be promoted through build-
deal with them. Companies can enhance trust by ing online communities and giving incentives for
making presentations at webinars or trade shows, customers to write reviews. In conclusion, it is also
sharing expert opinion through white papers, and essential to convert these newly acquired custom-
answering questions of prospects at face to face ers into devoted customers who refer business
meetings. All of these trust building activities to the company (see Figure 1). To generate high
make the company to be seen as an expert in the quality leads and convert them into customers,
industry and prospects and customer begin to trust company requires to have high quality customer
the company more over a period of time. Try is data and lists, find unique ways to attract prospec-
also significant for attracting new customers. Sales tive customers, focus on generating leads across
promotions and special offers and trial can encour- multiple channels, create awareness through public
age prospects to try the product or service of the relations and buzz, communicate with relevant
company before they become regular customers. If content, and consistently nurture leads.
they are satisfied with the product or service that
they try, this will accelerate the process of convert-
ing prospects into customers. At the next stage of PHASES OF LEAD
customer acquisition management, prospects buy MANAGEMENT PROCESS
the product or service. Company needs to fulfil its
promises, be responsive and professional in the Lead management is one of the relationship mar-
delivery of the product or service, and establish keting practices that is crucial for the company
constant communication with the new customer to convert prospects into customers. Lead man-
in order to maintain customer retention. agement deals with the overall process in which
At the next stages of customer acquisition potential buyers are identified, educated, engaged
management, it is important to convert new cus- with, qualified, and passed to sales. Prospect be-
tomers into repeat purchaser through identifying comes a customer after a complex process of lead
cross, up and deep selling opportunities. To ensure management. In ownership phase of the purchase
long term relationship with the new customer, cycle, customer begins to use the product and
company should deliver more value to the new services that are provided by the company. At
customer. Making customer surveys, listening this stage of the purchase cycle, company tries
the voice of these new customers and taking to keep its customers and make them loyal to the
feedback from them allow the company to iden- brand by applying retention marketing practices.
tify potential problems, improve its products and Customer retention management practices focus
services, deliver excellent customer experience, on moving customers to the top of the customer
and exceed expectations of them. Rewarding new loyalty pyramid and aim to create devoted custom-
customers for their repeat purchase through loyalty ers. Lead management is an important process that
programs is essential for maintaining long term takes place before a prospect becomes a customer
relationships and encouraging repeat purchase of and enters the CRM system (see Figure 2).
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
Lead management is the antecedent of sales buying cycle in order to move customers towards
management and CRM. Its primary focus is to purchase stage. Potential buyers, who are at the
manage relationships with prospects. Lead man- beginning of the buying cycle, are not likely to
agement software deals with the acquisition of make purchase immediately at the first contact
customers, while CRM addresses the ongoing cus- with the company. Therefore, company needs
tomer experience (Saylor, 2004). Having an orga- to keep in touch with them in order to turn them
nized and effective lead management process and into buyers in the future. Lead nurturing is con-
improving the lead generation efforts contribute to sidered as an effective way to stay in touch with
more sales. To create and implement a successful potential buyers, who are not ready to buy but
and efficient lead management process, company consider to buy in the future. With the help of
needs to start with identifying and understanding lead nurturing communication, company tries to
its leads and continue with generating, scoring, penetrate consideration as well as shopping list of
and nurturing its leads. At the last step, marketing the potential buyers. At the later stages, company
department of the company passes the generated can provide lead nurturing campaigns to trigger
qualified leads to sales department (Sahota, 2011). the customer’s buying.
Company should develop different interactions The lead management process includes a
and provide different offerings depending on the number of phases such as lead generation, lead
customer’s position at the buying cycle. Under- qualification, lead nurturing, lead allocation, lead
standing the customer’s position at the buying harvesting and lead tracking. Company needs to
cycle allows the company to develop effective manage these phases effectively and efficiently in
marketing strategies. Buying cycle composes of order to convert more prospects into customers.
three main stages: awareness, consideration, and In lead generation, company proactively focuses
purchase (Skok, 2012). Customers’ position at on creating, nurturing, and discovering interest
the buying cycle can vary and some of them may among prospective customers and engage with
be early at the awareness stage; while others may prospective customers in order to convert them
be at the consideration stage or end of the buying into customers. During the lead generation, com-
cycle. Awareness stage starts with the arising need pany determines the sales readiness of prospects
of the customer and customer becomes aware of and identifies qualified prospects who have intent
the brand or product in order to fulfil the need. and ability to make a purchase decision within a
At the consideration stage, customer begins to reasonable timeframe. If prospects are ready to
evaluate alternatives to fulfil his need and later buy in the buying process, company communicates
makes purchase among alternatives. Depending with them and provides highly relevant informa-
on where customers are at the buying cycle, cus- tion to them in order to build product and brand
tomers’ expectations of how the company should awareness, preference, and penetrate to shopping
treat are different. If the customer is at the early list of prospective customers. Lead allocation
stage in the cycle, he wants to be get educated. If processes ensure that leads are routed to the right
he is at the later stage in the cycle, he may want salesperson. With the lead harvesting, company
highly responsive help to complete the purchase. designs promotions and incentives to encourage
Thus, company requires to approach customers by prospective customers to make purchase. Lead
considering their position at the buying cycle in tracking traces the conversion process of prospects
order to convert more leads into customers. Us- into customers.
ing a wrong sales approach can cause customer Lead management is a very complex process
loss. As indicated in Figure 3, company needs to and crucial for the company to turn its prospects
develop different strategies at each stage of the into customers. Companies that want to increase
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
Figure 3. Sales approach based on the customer’s position at the buying cycle
the conversion rates and lead management suc- define and segment their prospects. Data mining
cess, require to focus on profiling & targeting, and data base management are the tools that help
lead scoring, content, and nurturing early stage companies to identify their target customer seg-
buyers (Forrester, 2009). It is essential to gather ment and reach their potential customers. With
customer insight. Thus, company needs to focus the help of the mosaic-profiling, companies can
on customer profiling, which allows the company make segmentation and divide potential customer
to understand its best customers, what motivates segment into sub segments. They can profile their
them to buy and how they buy from the company. potential customers according to their geographic,
Company requires to select scoring criteria and demographic, behavioral, and/or psychographic
assign values to each score criteria in order to characteristics. As a result of mosaic profiling a
determine the lead quality. Content of the commu- prospect list emerges. After dividing potential
nication is also significant for the lead management customer segment into sub segments, companies
success; because different prospective customers begin to lead prospects by making them different
need different type of information based on their tactical offers according to the characteristics and
position at the decision making. Relevant content needs of these sub segments. Companies need to
accelerates customer engagement. Consistently follow trends and according to the trends they
nurturing earl stage buyers also helps the company should change or make additions to their offerings.
increase the lead management success. After the identification of the target prospect
Figure 4 illustrates the lead management segment, company focuses on penetrating the
process of a company. First of all, lead manage- shopping list of target segment by creating aware-
ment process of a company should start with ness. Mass communication, mass advertising,
identification of the potential customers. Through and event trigger are among the important com-
insight researches and surveys, companies can munication tools for creating awareness. At this
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
stage company injects the brand into the minds of buying decision? what are the factors that affect
customers and tries to explain its brand. When the their buying decision?, how do they shop?), and
company as a brand penetrates the shopping list lead source (e.g., How do the company’s best
of the prospects it begins to communicate with leads typically find the company?) of its ideal
the prospects in order to enter their consideration prospective customers (Sahota, 2011).
list. Salespersons play key role in turning pros- To effectively develop lead management
pects into customers. Persuasion of the prospects strategies, company should start with creating
depends the ability of the salespeople. At this customer database based on the customer activ-
point importance of managing relationships in ity. Company can develop CRM strategies as well
internal markets becomes important. Therefore, as lead management strategies by analysing the
companies need to give importance to the selec- customer database. Analysis of customer database
tion and training of employees. allows the company to select its target customers,
Identifying and understanding leads are cru- identify the tools for targeting the customers, and
cial for the effective lead management process. decide how to build relationships with the targeted
First of all, company needs to determine who the customers (Winer, 2001). Company should also
company’s potential buyers are. Thus, marketing maintain a centralized and seamlessly integrated
department of the company should identify its view of the people whom they sell to, plan care-
buyer types and their personas, which help the fully and target series of communications based
company portray ideal prospective customers for on customers’ preferences thoughtfully, and learn
its products and services. Company should identify continuously and enrich customer profiles. They
demographics (e.g., Where do they live?, What have to avoid listening to the wrong customers
are their needs?), behavior (e.g., how do they give who are not in target market of the company
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
and incorrectly identifying customer priorities. in order to customize its communication messages
Understanding the customers and identifying the as well as its offers. Furthermore, companies need
target market is important in lead management. to consistently check their current performance
Companies that want to successfully grow their in meeting customer needs and wants. To delight
leads and turn prospects into loyal customers need customers, employees need to get the right infor-
to understand their customers. Companies should mation at the right time. Assessing the business
know about what motivates their customers?, performance in delivering the intended customer
what matters to them?, and what do they value?. experience can help the company improve its
It is also essential for the company to identify the products and services (Robinson & Brown, 2012).
effective marketing channels to communicate its Companies have to understand their customers
offerings and select the right channels to reach its as long as they try to become their lovemark. The
leads, prospects and loyal customers and make an concept of lovemark is put forward by Roberts
offer that they cannot refuse. Establishing control (2005) and indicates that lovemark is a brand that
over sales cycle conversion processes is essential creates loyalty beyond reason. Lovemarks estab-
in order to successfully convert more prospects lish an emotional bond with customers through the
into customers. Company requires to control and use of mystery, sensuality and intimacy in order
measure the length of its average sales cycle and to gain the heart share as well as the mindshare
the conversion ratios. Companies also need to of their customers. Roberts (2005) defines the
understand what determines the conversion and concept of products, fad, brand and lovemark
which marketing channels are most effective in based on the respect and love axis. Customers feel
converting leads in to customers? Therefore lead neither love nor respect towards mere products.
management process has to start with understand- Although, fads attract the love of customers for
ing customers. a short period of time, customers do not respect
them and without respect this love is just like
Understanding Customers a flash in the pan. Brands attract the respect of
customers but they lack the emotional sense that
Getting your customers’ attention is much easier attracts customers to love them. On the other
if you can leverage information that you know hand, lovemarks create loyalty beyond reason
about them. This provides a more rich and per- by ensuring high level of both love and respect
sonal interaction. Consumers have been changing. (Roberts, 2005). Companies have to focus on be-
Their lifestyles, buying power, and habits have ing a lovemark of their customers and lovemark
been continuously changing. It is important to can be created through understanding customers.
understand customers and how customers give Companies require to utilize customer insights
their buying decision. Companies can achieve to deliver experiences that their target customers
customer-centricity through understanding their desire in order to create competitive differentia-
customers. Tools that provide a 360-degree view tion. Utilization of the customer insight enables
of customer profile information, preferences and the company to successfully implement CRM
behaviors help the company achieve customer- strategies. According to the Merkle (2013) report,
centricity. Harnessing the power of customer customer insight (33%) is among the top-three
insight enables the company to distinguish itself value generators. Getting the customers’ attention
from the competition. Utilization of technologies is much easier if the company can leverage infor-
allows the company to drive predictive modeling mation about the customers because customer in-
and next-best-action decision making; so that com- sight provides more rich and personal interaction.
pany can anticipate the customer’s needs or actions
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
Companies require to build their strategies initiative is necessary for evaluating marketing
by determining current trends and the needs of campaign effectiveness and improving success
customers. With the help of customer insight and of next marketing campaigns) (Winer, 2001).
analysing trends, company can form its relation- Customer database should be updated consistently
ship marketing strategies and also make tactic over time.
offers to its customers. Success of CRM imple- Augmenting leads with the relevant, insightful
mentations depends on the company’s ability of customer and marketing information that is avail-
using customer information to identify, engage, able in-house and from external sources helps the
sell to, serve and retain customers. Companies company complete prospecting processes quickly
require to manage a comprehensive view of their and efficiently as well as improve lead conversion
prospects and customers. Therefore, companies rates and pursue compelling deal opportunity.
have to focus on understanding, identifying and Along with lead qualification and prioritizing,
managing customers based upon their value. This providing leads with sales, channel, and cus-
allows the company to allocate its resources to tomer context (e.g., details on customer profiles,
optimize long-term customer value, customize and product interests and lead origins) enable the
personalize customer interactions, and respond to company to produce ideal leads, which in return
changes in customer, competitor or marketplace helps the company increase lead conversion and
conditions faster than their competitors (Merkle, sales. Thus, quality of information in terms of its
2013). breadth and detail is important for the success of
Detailed customer information is the most im- conversion rate. Company requires to assess the
portant factor in developing acquisition strategy. value of information that is used to augment the
While developing customer acquisition strategy, lead, and remove information that is not useful. To
company requires to have information about improve the lead conversion rate, company needs
customers’ demographics, behavior or usage and to augment (Desisto & Collins, 2007):
lifetime value. Customer demographic and usage
information can be gathered during the interac- • Contact details (e.g., name, title, address,
tion of the customer with the company. Customer phone number, and e-mail address of the
behavior of usage information includes customer’s lead),
purchase history information. CRM analytics and • Customer information (e.g., customer’s
data mining help companies get customer profiles, segment information, customer’s current
which allow company to target right group of and potential value information),
customers and choose channels and techniques • Relationship history (e.g., a complete view
that are effective in reaching target customers of interaction history of the lead),
(Vindicia, 2012). • Product information (e.g., a list of prod-
Creating a customer database is a necessary ucts in which the prospective customer
for all CRM activities. Customer database should indicates interest or already uses from the
contain information about transactions (purchase company),
history), customer contacts (customer or company • Marketing information (e.g., information
initiated interaction information that is gathered about interests of the prospect that is ex-
from all touch points), descriptive information pressed through various marketing interac-
(descriptive information about customers is es- tions such as past marketing campaigns or
sential for profiling and segmenting customers), potential to churn or propensity scores for
and response to marketing stimuli (information various products and services),
about how the customer responds to a marketing
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
• Content (e.g., providing context informa- • Offer products and services that are cus-
tion based on lead type, customer, custom- tomized to each segment’s needs and
er segment, sales or channel), and preferences,
• Service records (e.g., information about • Provide customized rewards and incentives
customer’s issues such as customer based on the each segment’s value,
complaints). • Select the right advertising, communica-
tion, sales, service channel to reach the tar-
Customer databases analysis allows the com- get segment(s),
pany to profile customer segments. Profiling • Determine the brand image and the key
improves lead scoring and customer targeting. To product benefits to be communicated based
do customer profiling effectively, company needs on the specific characteristics of each
to research customer issues instead of product segment,
features and focus on what customers do instead • Provide differentiated services considering
of what they say (Forrester, 2009). A variety of each segment’s importance,
multivariate statistical methods can be used to • Allocate resources according to the expect-
segment customers. Market segmentation is the ed return from each segment,
process that companies use to divide large hetero- • Prioritize the customer retention marketing
geneous markets into small homogenous markets initiatives considering the each segment’s
whose needs, buying behavior and preferences importance and value, and
show similarity. Segmentation enables the com- • Target most profitable prospects.
pany to reach target customers more efficiently
and effectively with products and services that Development and analysis of the customer
match their unique needs. To be successful in database are essential to identify which custom-
segmenting markets, market segments must be ers to target. Segments can be chosen as target
measurable, accessible, substantial, differentiable, market depending upon factors. For instance,
and actionable (Kotler & Armstrong, 2013). Seg- customer-based profitability or customer lifetime
mentation identifies the different customer profiles value can be used to determine on which cus-
and facilitates the development of differentiated tomers to focus. Company requires to evaluate
marketing strategies to serve customers better. A and understand each customer’s “lifetime value”
successful segmentation differentiates the seg- (LTV) in determining profitable customers and
ments by identifying unique characteristics and considering the each segment’s importance and
needs of each segment. Identification and analysis value. Customer lifetime value is a measure of a
of unique characteristics of customer segments en- customer’s, or customer segment’s profit genera-
able the company to manage and target customers tion capacity for a company and can be estimated
more effectively, offer customized products and at the level of individual customer or customer
targeted campaigns, and design effective market- segment (Buttle, 2009). Lifetime value includes
ing actions for the revealed segments. Segmenta- customer’s present value and potential value.
tion in marketing allow the company to (Tsiptsis While evaluating lifetime value of a customer,
& Chorianopoulos, 2009): company analyses customer database in terms of
current and future profitability of the customer
• Understand customers better in order to or customer segment to the company. Based on
find out new marketing opportunities, the customer or customer segment profitability,
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
company can decide which customers or customer While selecting customer segments in order
segments to target. To calculate lifetime customer to target, company needs to consider (Kotler &
value, company requires to make assumptions Armstrong, 2013):
about future purchasing, product and marketing
costs, as well as how long the customer can be • Segment size and growth,
expected to remain with the company. Lifetime • Segment structural attractiveness (e.g. in-
customer value calculation also includes addi- tense of competition), and
tional profits that a company can gain from the • Company objectives and resources.
customer through increasing cross, up, and deep-
selling opportunities as well as decreasing the Lead Generation
customer acquisition costs (Winer, 2001). Thus,
the company takes into account the customer’s Lead generation is the process of creating sales
expected lifetime and potential value from new opportunities that may come from various sources
purchases in order to estimate the future value of and activities such as advertisements, social me-
the customer. To put it together, companies that dia, marketing campaigns, events, and customer
want to estimate the lifetime value of a customer referrals with the hope of converting them into
or a customer segment for a period of time need a sale for a company. In lead generation, it is
to know (Buttle, 2009): important to figure out contact points where
the company can make initial communication
• The probability that the customer will buy with the potential buyers. The key to generating
products and services from the company, lead is to share content offers through channels
• The gross margins on those purchases, such as internet, email marketing, social media,
• The cost of serving that customer, whitepapers, and so on. An important part of lead
• The cost of acquiring customer, generation is creating forms and landing pages to
• The rate of discount that may be applied to collect lead information. Company can decide on
future net margins, and what information is the most critical to collect
• Word of mouth influence of that custom- and ask the needed information with the help of
ers (satisfied customers influence others the forms (Hanington, 2013). Company can place
to buy; therefore customer referrals de- premium content offers such as whitepapers and
crease the customer acquisition costs of the webinars and company can ask potential buyers
company). to fill a form in order to access these whitepapers
and webinars. By this way company can generate
Profitability analysis of customers allow the leads and gather critical prospective customer
company to choose customers who are profitable information, which can be used during the lead
or expected to be profitable in the future. Customer management process. Company can also share
profitability analysis help the company target cus- content through social media or email marketing
tomers who will provide the most long-term profits by adding a tracking system, which enables the
and avoid customers who are too costly to serve. company to analyse leads’ behavior and interac-
Therefore, understanding customer profitability is tion with the shared content. With the purpose
important in selecting which customers to target. of generating lead, company can use marketing
analytics that allows the company to determine
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
how people are coming to the company’s website more information at online platforms. As custom-
or blog, what they are clicking, what type of con- ers trust advice from online sites, user-generated
tent they are looking for, and what their interests, commentary, and expert strangers more than sup-
needs, and wants are?. Capturing answers of these plier sponsored mass media communication, lead
questions help the company understand its leads generation becomes more challenging. Therefore,
and this information can be used during the lead company requires to use emerging sales 2.0 tools,
nurturing in order to convert more potential buyers which may let them track prospect online activ-
into customers (Sahota, 2011). ity and mine social networks for lead generation
Finding and qualifying the sales lead is the most (Forrester, 2009).
important step in lead management. The quality As illustrated in Figure 5, free trials, campaigns
of a lead is usually determined by the readiness and promotions, affiliate networks, display ad-
and probability of the prospective customer to vertising, email marketing, social media, search
take the next action towards a purchase. Once the advertising, and customer referrals are among
company identifies its ideal customer profile, it the most used customer acquisition channels by
becomes easier to determine effective acquisition online merchants (Vindicia, 2012). Campaigns and
channels to reach its ideal prospective customers. promotions in the form of free trials, discounts,
A company can use a wide variety of customer community events, additional content, and bundles
acquisition channels from broadcast and print can be used as customer acquisition tools. The most
advertisements to search engine marketing, social effective campaigns and promotions are the ones
media, and email marketing. To achieve success- that offer prospective customers the most value
ful conversion rates, company needs to consider in return for their time, effort and money. Since
characteristics of its ideal customer profile while free trial allows the prospective customers to try
it selects acquisition channels. Mass marketing the product with having no financial burden, free
communication tools such as television, radio, trials can be used to attract prospective customers.
outdoor or print advertising can be used for gen- To have access to free trial, prospective customer
erating awareness, reaching potential customers gives its contact information such as email or phone
and communicating with targeted customers. number, which can be used by the company for
However, with advancements in information lead nurturing purposes. Companies can attempt
communication technologies and widespread to reach new customers with activities. Hosting
use of social networks, companies can use more community events not only enhance relation-
targeted and one to one marketing communication ships with current customers, but can attract new
approaches rather than conventional approaches customers. Creating additional content makes the
for communicating with selected customers. Since company a valuable partner in the customers’
targeted, personalized, and one to one marketing decision making process. Offering unique goods
communication enables the company to build or additional benefits enable the company to at-
intimate relationships with customers, in today’s tract new customers. Bundles is another form of
conditions, it is more effective to communicate customer acquisition promotion that offers access
with customers through targeted and one to one to multiple products for a lower and combined fee
approaches rather than talking to customers with (Vindicia, 2012).
conventional mass marketing approaches (Winer, Affiliate networks which are partners that drive
2001). traffic to the company’s website can be also used
Customers have been increasing coming to- to as customer acquisition channel. Company may
gether at online platforms to share their product or use display advertisements that are displayed at
service reviews. They can easily access richer and various complementary websites in order to drive
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
acquisition. Size, placement, overall site traffic on certain keywords and natural search results are
and the creative content of the display advertise- used as customer acquisition channels. Company
ments are the factors that increase acquisition. can increase the effectiveness of natural search
Email marketing can be implemented to attract in acquisition through high quality, constantly
prospective customer. Company sends emails to updated content and working on search engine
in house generated or purchased lists to encour- optimization. On the other hand, the effectiveness
age receivers to sign up. Message content and list of paid search in acquisition can be maintained
quality influence the success of conversion rates. through working to optimize keyword choice and
However, success of email marketing is low in messaging. In the case of a problem in key word
acquiring prospective customers (Vindicia, 2012). optimization, search advertising becomes a costly
Social networks and micro-blogging services channel with low conversion rates. Company
can be also used for attracting prospective cus- can encourage customer referrals by rewarding
tomers. Social media is a critical tool for busi- its customers and it can be used as acquisition
nesses because it allows companies build direct channel that delivers high quality traffic for the
relationship with their customers. The interactive lowest overall cost (Vindicia, 2012).
nature of Facebook and Twitter gives businesses Skok (2012) argues that different lead sources
the opportunity to attract new customers. For produce potential buyers who are at different
instance, social media contests can be used to stage of the buying cycle. For instance, potential
attract prospective customers. These acquisition buyers who are at the later stages of the buying
channels are highly targeted and the conversation cycle are most likely to use Google and review
in these social channels are mostly initiated by the sites to search for brands and products. Leads
prospective customer. Social media acquisition has that come from these sources are highly valued
higher conversion and lower costs. Search advertis- because purchase intention of them is very high
ing in the form of paid search sponsorship based and they are almost ready to buy. They are at the
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
consideration or purchase stages of the buying potential interest in the company’s product and
cycle. On the other hand, potential buyers, who service. Lead scoring information is important
come from social referrals, Twitter, Facebook ads, and useful to the efficiency of passing qualified
banner ads, and so on, are at the beginning of the leads to sales department. When a lead gets higher
buying customer buying cycle and they usually score, the chance of converting this lead to sale is
just become aware of the product (Skok, 2012). more likely. If the lead gets lower score, this means
In lead generation, B to B companies mostly that this lead is unqualified or cold lead, and it
rely on white papers, social media, email, search can send for lead nurturing. The salesforce of the
optimization, webinars, and inside sales channels company can prioritize their contact with potential
to make the content more engaging (see Box 1). buyers based on their lead scores. Companies need
Social media such as Twitter posts and blogs, to work on to figure out factors that are important
and email are considered as among the channels for their business and develop lead scoring process
that they demand management engine (Forrester, based on these factors (Sahota, 2011).
2009). A comprehensive poll is conducted with
the 40,000 B2B marketers on LinkedIn in order Lead Nurturing
to learn marketers’ focus for 2014. Companies
indicate that their biggest marketing spend will Lead nurturing can be used as lead management
be on demand generation in 2014. The findings strategy to convert prospects into customers.
of the poll reveals that tele-prospecting (39%), Without lead qualification and lead nurturing
email (26%), web (12%), social media (12%), programs, it is not easy to convert prospective
and events (12%) are considered as primary lead customers into customers. Lead nurturing is the
generation tools respectively. process of engaging with qualified prospective
Scoring leads is essential for qualifying leads customers, regardless of their purchase timing,
and effective lead management process. Lead with the aim of earning their business when they
scoring determines the prospective customer’s are ready to buy (Forrester, 2009). Most of the
Box 1. Social selling: Success of First Business Financial Services and PayPal
First Business Financial Services began operation in 1990 and listed on the NASDAQ. First Business Financial Services focuses
exclusively on the specific needs of businesses, key executives, and high net worth individuals seeking a higher level of financial
service and expertise. Since living in the age of social media, leveraging professional networks like LinkedIn to generate sales leads
are becoming increasingly important, First Business decides to leverage social selling in order to get new, high-quality lead sources
to increase pipeline and shorten a lengthy sales cycle. The company begins to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator, which is the prospecting
tool that is powered by social selling. Utilizing social selling enables companies to find and connect with potential sales leads, who are
already on those social platforms, engaging with others and content. With access to over 300 million members on the world’s largest
professional network, LinkedIn creates sales lead generation success by enabling sales professionals to easily find the right prospects.
Utilization of this lead generation solution allows First Business Financial Services to access targeted accounts, shorten the sales process
and increase the likelihood of getting in the door. When leveraging teammates’ connections to set up a meeting, the average success rate
is at least 80% higher than without LinkedIn Sales Navigator.
PayPal Australia also achieves 3000% ROI with LinkedIn Sales Navigator. PayPal digital wallet enables consumers to purchase with
security, flexibility and convenience. 5.5 million Australian consumers uses PayPal when shopping online. The company tries to make
PayPal to be a payment option for consumers. The company looks for a solution in order to provide its sales team with more accurate
leads and reduce the sales cycle. Previously, PayPal purchased rich data, which was stale and not accurate, from several sources. PayPal
also spent a lots of time and money to clean the data. However, with the use of LinkedIn Sales Navigator, PayPal makes it easy for the
sales team to find the right contacts. By this way, it reduces sales cycles by 25% and generates more opportunities.
Source: LinkedIn (2013). Sales navigator shortens sales cycle & opens doors to new leads. Retrieved January 8, 2014, from http://
LinkedIn (2014). PayPal Australia achieves 3000% ROI with LinkedIn sales navigator. Retrieved June 12, 2014, from http://business.
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
time, potential buyers are not ready to buy with As it can be seen from the categories of pros-
the first interaction and they need to be nurtured pects, there are some leads that present real op-
over time. If the company fails to follow up leads portunities for converting to sales but they aren’t
in a timely manner, they can become cold very ready to buy and it requires a longer process for
quickly. Most of the time, companies are short term converting them to sales. These opportunities have
revenue oriented and only focus on leads, which to be nurtured until they become ready to buy. The
are most likely to close in the short run. Focusing aim of lead nurturing is to build relationships with
on merely mature leads causes the company miss potential customers even if they are not ready to
leads who can be converted to sales; but in the short buy a product or service.
time, they are not ready to make purchase and the Based on the information that is gathered from
company requires a longer time to convert them the lead identification and profiling, lead genera-
to sales. Therefore it is important to nurture leads tion and lead scoring stages, company can deter-
over time until they become mature in order not to mine the lead’s level of interest to the company’s
lose these opportunities. To successfully manage product and services as well as the lead’s degree
lead nurturing, company engages with potential of readiness in the sales cycle. Some of leads are
buyers early in the sales cycle and automates the more qualified and close to the end of the sales
engagement based on the potential buyers’ inter- funnel; so that they may be easily converted to
est. Potential buyers get the information from the sales through simply offering them free trial or
company until they are ready to make a buying promotions. However, some of leads are not quite
decision. When they become mature leads, they ready to be sent to sales and they are more close to
are forwarded to sales (Gleanster, 2010). Compa- top of the sales funnel. These unqualified or cold
nies require to develop nurture communications leads can be taken into a suitable lead nurturing
and campaigns in order to move potential buyers campaign. Company requires to educate leads,
end to the sales funnel until they become ready who are in the research or awareness phase and
to purchase from the company. Prospects within considering whether the company’s products or
the company’s target market fall into one of the services will meet their needs. Company can
above four categories (Hollander, 2012): move these leads at the end of the sales funnel
by convincing these leads that the company’s
• Ready Buyers: They are at the very products and services will meet their needs, and
top pyramid of prospects and meet all offer them more relevant content and promotional
BANT criteria (Budget, Authority, Need, offers. Therefore, company should design relevant
Timeframe). They are ready to buy in a and specific content based on the potential buyer’s
short timeframe. position at the sales funnel. While delivering the
• Buying Soon: Just below the ready to buy content to potential buyers, company should build
prospects and they also meet all BANT cri- personal and relevant email and social media
teria but are on a little bit longer timeframe communications. Moreover, company requires to
to purchase from the company offer targeted content and continue communicat-
• Buying Sometime: They are prospects ing from first contact until the lead is ready to be
who will be buying someday, just not in the passed to sales (Sahota, 2011).
immediate future. Detailed information about potential buyers al-
• Never Buying: They are at the bottom of lows the company to easily qualify leads and close
the pyramid of prospects who will never the sales. Thus, company should gather and record
buy what the company offers for various detailed and relevant information from potential
different reasons. buyers at each interaction. For instance, company
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
needs to know why the product is important for It fixes the company’s name and message in the
the potential buyer. By knowing this information, potential customer’s mind. Drip marketing can also
company can design its lead nurturing communi- inform prospects about the company’s products.
cation and campaigns. Company can map the customer buying cycle
Lead has to be routed to sales department in a stages and identify potential buyers’ information
timely fashion, passed to right person, and most need for each stage. According to the potential
importantly lead has to be ready to engage with a buyer’s position at the buying cycle, company
salesperson. To achieve better sales effectiveness, can design its communication content in order
the company needs more well-defined directions to provide the needed information and nurture
and definitions of when a lead should be forwarded leads over time to convert them into sales. Drip
to sales. When the lead is ready and qualified, it marketing as a communication series can be used
can be forwarded to the sales. Company should be to establish trust for the company in the eyes of
sure that the lead is qualified and needs no further prospect customers. It should not be used for
nurturing. Lead scoring allows the company to selling purpose. Company can deliver automated
give decision of whether the lead is qualified to and relevant information such as educational
be passed to sales. While marketing department materials or industry specific best practices about
is sending the qualified lead to sales, it has to its brand with the purpose of establishing trust.
provide information about the lead’s activity and When prospect customers begin to actively engage
background that is gathered at the lead generation in drip marketing emails, they become mature
and nurturing stages. To ensure that qualified and best leads are passed to sales or added to
leads are followed up by the sales force, company a trigger marketing campaign in order to move
requires to provide incentives to the salesforce. them towards purchase stage of the buying cycle
Lead management process can be more effective (Gleanster, 2011).
and generate better business results if the company Relevant content accelerates customer engage-
tracks and measure the performance of entire sales ment. To develop effective communication with
cycle (Sahota, 2011). the prospective customers, company must provide
There are two main tactics for nurturing leads: relevant information instead of huge volumes of
drip campaigns and trigger marketing campaigns. information. In order not to waste prospective
The phrase drip marketing comes from the com- customers’ time, content of communication has to
mon phrase used in agriculture and gardening be relevant. Company requires to understand what
called drip irrigation. This is the process of water- information prospective customers want. Using
ing plants or crops using small amounts of water a conversational style and personal direct tone
over long periods of time (Lake, 2014). Successful in content creation enable the company to easily
drip marketing involves a carefully planned and capture prospective customer’s attention. Making
thoughtfully targeted series of communications the content lively, provocative, and interesting
that will get the company’s message across to make the communication more effective (For-
customers and keep the company’s name in their rester, 2009). Moreover, it is important to note that
minds. Drip marketing helps potential customers company should respond quickly when a potential
become the company’s actual customers. Drip buyer contacts with the company for the purpose
marketing is ideal for high-value products with a of requesting information. Responding quickly to
long sell cycle, especially which are purchased at prospects’ inquiries increases probability of the
infrequent intervals. Building awareness is one of sales closing rates.
the most important advantages of drip marketing.
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
Trigger event can be used as lead nurturing provides additional information on one product.
campaign in order to cause a potential buyer to Then it can develop a series of trigger campaigns
feel a clear need of the product or service and for each landing page link. When the prospect
create a sense of urgency in their buying process. clicks and completes the landing page, the trig-
Trigger event has to be designed by considering ger campaign automatically routes new prospects
characteristics of target prospects who are really to the most relevant triggered communications
ready to buy. For creating effective trigger event, (Gleanster, 2011).
company needs to determine triggers that typically Since triggered emails secure higher open
get potential buyers and customers into buying rates and engagement, triggered messaging has
mode (Skok, 2012). Drip marketing campaigns, been rising. Utilization of triggered messaging
which are automated email communication series, was up 73% compared to previous year in 2012.
are delivered based on pre-determined time inter- Triggered emails also yield 70.5% higher open
vals. However trigger marketing campaigns are rates and 101.8% higher click rates compared to
initiated based on prospect behavior; for instance, business as usual (BAU) messages in the fourth
a click-through on an email, a webpage visit, or quarter of 2012 (O’Malley, 2013). According to the
filling a form on a landing page (Gleanster, 2011). MarketingSherpa (2013) survey results, the most
Automated and triggered email campaigns can commonly used triggered emails are respectively
be used to reach out and keep in touch with potential welcome (50%), thank you (48%), transactional
buyers as well as customers throughout the buying (e.g., order confirmations and bills) (40%), activa-
cycle. Trigger marketing helps the company sell tion (26%), post purchase (e.g., thank you coupon,
when the time is right and prospect is ready to pur- product review request, and customer survey)
chase. Triggered emails increase the performance (25%), cross and up-sell promotions (e.g., prod-
and conversion rates of email marketing; because uct recommendation) (25%), date triggered (e.g.,
triggered email is automatically sent in response birthday and renewals) (24%), event countdown
to action taken by a prospect or customer. Cus- (18%), triggered based on website behavior (e.g.,
tomer lifecycle triggers, welcome messages, post website visits) (18%), win back & reengagement
purchase triggers, thank you emails, transactional (15%), and shopping cart abandonment (9%).
behavioral triggers, order confirmations, expira- Company can send welcome messages when
tion triggers, birthday wishes, online behavioral the potential buyer visits the company’s website
triggers, and follow ups to abandoned shopping and fills the form which is on the company’s
carts / reminders are among the examples of trig- website. Website visiting and filling the form
gered emails (Spyglass Intelligence LLC, 2012; indicate the purchase intention of the prospect
Newslever, 2013). Gleanster (2011) indicates that customer as well as his interest in the company’s
using the combination of email campaigns and products and services. Through filling the form,
landing pages is the best way to utilize trigger mark- prospect customer gives his contact informa-
ing campaigns. Companies can also use trigger tion for further communication. To convert this
campaigns for prospect customer segmentation. opportunity into sales, it is essential to stay in
If the company is not sure about what products touch with the potential buyer and nurture him
that it should offer to new prospect customers, it over time in order to penetrate the shopping and
can send an email campaign with a few different consideration list of the prospect buyer. Thus, the
offerings from its product portfolio and link each company can send the potential buyer, who visits
offer in the email to a unique landing page which the company’s website and indicates his interest,
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
welcome message that may include information a product in shopping cart. So that company can
about the company’s social media portals where send a triggered email to them after abandoning
the prospect customer can find rich information the shopping cart and this email can contain the
about the company or special offer. After the po- link of the abandoned shopping cart.
tential buyer is welcomed and express his interest, To increase the effectiveness of triggered
company can start to send follow up emails based emails, it is important to personalize triggered
on the specific interest of the prospect. So that emails. Research which is conducted by Mar-
potential buyer can get the necessary information ketingCharts (2013) indicates that personalized
to make a purchase decision. Company can also triggered emails deliver stronger open and click
send trigger emails to motivate potential buyer to rates than their non-personalized ones. Personal-
move purchase stage of the buying cycle. Wake ized triggered emails have an average open rate
up is one of the other trigger communication pur- of 29.2%, about 25% higher than the rate for non-
poses. After the initial website visit of prospect personalized triggered emails. Personalized trig-
customers, some of them may become inactive. gered emails’ unique click rates also outperform
The company can send them trigger emails in compared to non-personalized triggered emails
order to wake and push them towards company. (6.7% vs. 4.4%). The findings of the study reveal
Trigger email can be also sent after purchase in the fact that personalization provides a significant
order to follow up and evaluate the satisfaction of rise in transaction rates and revenue per email. For
the newly acquired customers. Company needs to personalized triggered mailings transaction rates
continue communication after the sale in order to are 2.5 times higher; while revenue per email is
establish ongoing relationship with new custom- 63% higher than non-personalized triggered emails
ers and make them loyal. Ongoing surveys or (MarketingCharts, 2013).
asking whether they need any help can be used Controlling the email frequency of triggered
as trigger communication with the purpose of based campaigns is important in order to not to
establishing long term customer relationships as annoy customers with too many emails. Company
well as these communications help the company needs to establish rules and set limits on the number
improve its products and services. In the context of the emails that are going to be sent to a customer.
of post purchase trigger emails, company can also While sending trigger email, company should not
send thank you coupon in order to trigger cross violate the can-spam act as well as should not
and up-sell opportunities. It is important to keep send emails to people who have already opted out
in mind that up-sell or cross-sell triggered email of the database. For the success of trigger email,
that is sent as a post purchase trigger has to involve company should provide a value or an attractive
relevant offers based on the receiver’s wants and offer to the customer. Company needs to include
needs. Asking for product review request or refer a premium content, discount, coupon, or some
a friend messages can be used to trigger new ac- other special opportunity to the trigger email in
quired customer to become an advocate customer order to increase the sales conversion rate. Com-
(Spyglass Intelligence LLC, 2012). Abandoned pany can try to deliver different offers and assess
cart campaign can be designed as trigger email the results of the campaigns to see what works
strategy in order to activate customers who place and what does not. Through testing and learning,
a product in the shopping cart at the website but company can develop and improve trigger based
leave the website without purchasing the product. campaigns that can help the company generate
The company knows the contact information of revenue. Lastly, company has to avoid sending the
these prospects because they log in in order to place trigger email that is irrelevant, broadly targeted,
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
and impersonal. Success of trigger campaigns pany tries to approach a target market to acquire
depends on the company’s ability to profile its new customers, customers in the market look at
customer segments and send trigger email based the company’s product with suspicion. They do not
on the wants and needs of each customer segment. know the company, and its products and services;
so they may have questions in their minds. The
company requires to engage with suspects and
LEAD MANAGEMENT AUTOMATION through lead nurturing communications company
tries to provide answers to those questions and
Companies have been increasingly automating focuses on converting suspects into prospects
their lead management process with the purpose (see Figure 6). After being convinced, then sus-
of generating revenue streams from new custom- pects become prospects. At this stage, company
ers, increasing the sales conversion rate, targeting needs to qualify prospects through lead scoring
profitable customers, and identifying cross and before sending them to sales. Finally, a qualified
up-sell opportunities from new customers. Ang prospect becomes a customer when he makes the
and Buttle (2006) conduct a research with the purchase. Lead management automation helps the
732 Australian companies in order to identify company automate the lead management process
and explore attributes that enable companies to and transforms the data into actionable insights;
outperform at customer acquisition. They look at so that company can predict what customers want
the presence of a range of customer acquisition and discover the most effective ways to improve
management practices, objectives and tactics. customer acquisition. For achieving sales effec-
The findings of the research indicate that stat- tiveness, company need to provide its employees
ing revenue streams from new customers (84%), tools that capture information about each and
numbers of new customers to be acquired (65%), every interaction with prospects and customers.
specific named customers to be acquired (57%), Effective lead management automation inte-
and margins to be earned from new customers grates and aligns marketing and sales to improve
(53%) are among the most common customer sales conversion ratios; while increasing the qual-
acquisition objectives (Ang & Buttle, 2006). ity and quantity of qualified prospects who are
CRM technologies can provide tools that assist delivered to sales department. Lead management
companies in customer acquisition. Once a com- solutions help the company improve customer
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
acquisition through segmentation and clustering information, and other related information. Risk
techniques, reduce costs by targeting prospects assessment helps the company acquire profitable
that are most likely to respond the company’s customers while minimizing risk.
marketing efforts, and allocate budget to the Lead management automation allows the
best performing programs. Lead management company to track and measure lead management
software also allows the company to customize efforts of the company. With the help of the lead
its interactions (Buttle, 2009). Companies have management automation, company can see how
been increasingly implementing lead management many prospects are converted to opportunities
automation to effectively and consistently qualify or closed deals. Measuring the lead management
leads, prioritize the best leads to pursue, develop performance gives the company great insight into
systematic measurable approaches to score the what it is doing well, while also helping to identify
leads, make marketing more proficient, automatic points of improvement (Hanington, 2013). Sales
and efficient, create a consistent flow of leads management tools of lead management automa-
pumping through the pipeline, nurture prospective tion software automate reports on new leads, lead
customers, keep prospective customers from fall- sources, conversion rates, and opportunity move-
ing through the cracks of the pipeline, and improve ment. It also monitors sales team and individual
data quality, reporting, marketing efficiency and sales representatives’ activities. Through sales
targeting (Forrester, 2009). and automation tools, lead management process,
Lead management automation reduces cus- which is composed of selecting qualified leads,
tomer acquisition costs by better targeting pro- making the sales pitch, closing the sale, and retain-
spective customers. It segments and identifies ing the new customer for repurchases, becomes
prospective customers, who meet the company’s standardized.
business objective, through using market research
and surveys, psychographic profiles, and analytics
tools. Since segmenting and profiling prospective CONCLUSION
customers allow the company to deliver the best
offer and develop more targeted and relevant com- Since customer acquisition is the first stage
munication, company can improve its acquisition of the customer buying cycle and essential for
ability and reduce its acquisition costs with the maintaining customer retention, companies need
implementation of lead management automation. to effectively manage their customer acquisition
Lead management automation also helps the com- process. While managing customer acquisition
pany automate the lead nurturing process. With process, companies require to consider which
these technologies, company can send direct and potential customers to target, how to engage with
most relevant nurturing messages to prospective them and what to offer them. Lead management is
customers based on their position at the buying one of the relationship marketing practices that is
cycle and segment profile. Targeted and relevant crucial for the company to convert prospects into
nurturing messages increase the probability of customers. During the lead management process,
reading the message (Skok, 2012). Moreover, company identifies its potential buyers, educates
lead management software also provides risk them, and engages with them, and when the leads
modelling tools that help the company evaluate are considered qualified, leads are passed from
prospect profitability as well as evaluate and score marketing to sales. The lead management pro-
the prospect’s creditworthiness and risk through cess of a company includes a number of phases
screening business reports, public records, credit such as lead generation, lead nurturing, and lead
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
qualification. Company needs to manage these referrals with the hope of converting them into a
phases effectively and efficiently in order to sale for a company. Once the company identifies
convert more prospects into customers, and then its ideal customer profile, it becomes easier to
into loyal customers. determine effective acquisition channels to reach
It is essential for companies to find and engage its ideal prospective customers. A company can
with potential buyers at the earlier stages of the use a wide variety of customer acquisition chan-
customer buying cycle and build relationship nels from broadcast and print advertisements to
with them over time in order penetrate into their search engine marketing, social media, and email
shopping and consideration list and move them marketing. To achieve successful conversion rates,
forward in the buying cycle towards purchasing company needs to consider characteristics of its
stage. Lead management process starts with un- ideal customer profile while it selects acquisition
derstanding the buyers’ profile. Existing custom- channels. Finding and qualifying the sales lead is
ers are the starting point in identifying potential the most important step in lead management. The
buyers. Company needs to know and understand quality of a lead is usually determined by the readi-
its existing customer base, and define key attri- ness and probability of the prospective customer
butes of them. Once the company figures out its to make a purchase. Company needs to track the
buyers’ profile, it will be easy to set and weigh source of the lead and focus on understanding
criteria that can be used to score and grade leads what actually causes these leads to be aware of
in order to evaluate the lead’s appropriateness the company and its products. Tracking the source
overall company’s customer profile. Profile of the of lead allows the company to determine what
best customers can be used to define and acquire works and what does not work in lead generation.
new prospects better. Since some potential buyers do not ready
Getting your customers’ attention is much to purchase at the buying cycle, they need to
easier if the company can leverage information be nurtured until they become qualified to pass
that the company knows about them. This helps sales. To effectively manage lead nurturing pro-
the company provide rich and personal interac- cess, companies need to identify what triggers
tion. Company can develop its CRM strategies potential buyers to make a purchase and based on
by analyzing its customer database. Analysis of this insight they can develop their lead nurturing
customer database allows the company to select content. Lead nurturing is intended to raise the
its target customers, identify the tools for targeting company’s profile in the prospects’ eyes, thus
the customers, and decide how to build relation- making it more likely that the prospect will con-
ships with the targeted customers. In the age of sider the company’s product or service when it is
the customer, the ability to leverage customer time to buy. Lead nurturing focuses on educating
insight better helps the company implement CRM qualified sales leads who are not ready to buy
strategies successfully and gain competitive ad- yet. Lead nurturing is the process of providing
vantage. Company requires to consider customer highly relevant educational content that helps
profitability, customer lifetime value, customer’s build brand and product preference long before
possible growth in purchasing, and customer’s prospects are ready to buy. The key to successful
potential or strategic importance in determining lead nurturing is to deliver content that’s valuable
which customers to be selected as target market. enough to keep the company’s audience engaged.
Lead generation is the process of creating sales If the companies do it right, lead nurturing can
opportunities that may come from various sources help them build a strong brand preference in the
and activities such as advertisements, social me- company’s prospects long before they’re actively
dia, marketing campaigns, events, and customer engaged in a buying process.
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
There are two main tactics for nurturing leads: enable the company to identify prospective cus-
drip campaigns and trigger marketing Successful tomers, who are profitable and within the scope
drip marketing involves a carefully planned and of company’s target market and have potential to
thoughtfully targeted series of communications buy. Therefore, company develops more targeted
that will get the company’s message across to and relevant offers. Highly targeted marketing
customers and keep the company’s name in their lists help company achieve better response rates
minds. Drip marketing helps potential customers on offers to new customers. Briefly, lead man-
become the company’s actual customers. Drip agement automation improves the company’s
marketing as a communication series can be used ability to acquire new customers. With the lead
to establish trust for the company in the eyes of management automation, companies gain control
prospect customers. Since relevant content accel- over lead management processes and marketing
erates customer engagement, to develop effective programs, get better customer insight, and increase
communication with the prospective customers, efficiency in marketing activities.
company must provide relevant information
instead of huge volumes of information. Trigger
marketing can also be used as lead nurturing. REFERENCES
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come from various sources and activities such
as advertisements, social media, marketing cam-
Customer Acquisition Management Strategies
paigns, events, and customer referrals with the management automation also helps the company
hope of converting them into a sale for a company. automate the lead nurturing process. With these
.During the lead generation, company determines technologies, company can send direct and most
the sales readiness of prospects and identifies relevant nurturing messages to prospective cus-
qualified prospects who have intent and ability tomers based on their position at the buying cycle
to make a purchase decision within a reasonable and segment profile.
timeframe. Lead Scoring: Lead scoring determines the
Lead Management: Lead management is prospective customer’s potential interest in the
one of the relationship marketing practices that company’s product and service. Lead scoring in-
is crucial for the company to convert prospects formation is important and useful to the efficiency
into customers. Lead management is an important of passing qualified leads to sales department.
process that takes place before a prospect becomes When a lead gets higher score, the chance of
a customer and its primary focus is to manage converting this lead to sale is more likely. If the
relationships with prospects. Lead management lead gets lower score, this means that this lead is
software deals with the acquisition of customers. unqualified or cold lead, and it can send for lead
Lead management deals with the overall process nurturing.
in which potential buyers are identified, educated, Trigger Email: Trigger marketing campaigns
engaged with, qualified, and passed to sales. The are initiated based on prospect behavior; for in-
lead management process includes a number of stance, when prospect customers begin to actively
phases such as lead generation, lead qualification, engage in drip marketing emails, company can
lead nurturing, lead allocation, lead harvesting send trigger emails in order to motivate and move
and lead tracking. them towards purchase stage of the buying cycle.
Lead Nurturing: Lead nurturing can be used Company needs to include a premium content, dis-
as lead management strategy to convert prospects count, coupon, or some other special opportunity
into customers. Lead nurturing is the process of to the trigger email in order to increase the sales
engaging with qualified prospective customers, conversion rate. Automated and triggered email
regardless of their purchase timing, with the aim campaigns can be used to reach out and keep in
of earning their business when they are ready to touch with potential buyers as well as customers
buy. With the help of lead nurturing communica- throughout the buying cycle. Trigger marketing
tion, company tries to penetrate consideration as helps the company sell when the time is right and
well as shopping list of the potential buyers. Lead prospect is ready to purchase.