OXE May03 Medium Datasheet English

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Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise for the medium-sized enterprises

If you are a dynamic company, the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise is designed with you in mind. Because we know
you need a full range of best-of-class communications features - welcome functions, call center capabilities, a
great ACD supervisor, and more. You also need a true borderless and secured solution, providing all your sites
with the same functionality and user interface and all your staff, office/home/mobile with the same benefits.

For flexibility, the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise provides native multimedia communications capability that is cost-
effective in any environment: conventional cabling, LAN telephony, multi-site IP. So you can migrate to IP at your
own pace.

You also get a wealth of software-based value-added applications embedded and ready to run. And the
simplified management software minimizes management time and resource. Finally there’s the reliability that
comes from the system’s Linux foundations that integrate seamlessly in any environment, and the multiple security
mechanisms to ensure your communications network stays up and running.

Could you ask for more?

A system architecture for and match components and applications This architecture ensures smooth
your future (call control, unified messaging, PC evolution of your existing voice
TDM/IP evolution telephony) as well as hardware from and data network. And its reliability is
With the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise, best-of-breed suppliers to deploy a true unrivaled: 99.999% reliability, that’s just
the software is independent of the multiple supplier solution simply and five minutes down time per year.
hardware. A novel architectural approach effectively. It can manage up to 500 telephone
that lets you migrate smoothly to IP, since extensions, depending on your
infrastructure (IP or TDM or a hybrid of Server architecture configuration (IP, wireless, traditional).
both) is separate from terminals (IP, TDM, The distributed architecture of the Alcatel
fixed, or mobile, or any combination) and OmniPCX Enterprise accommodates Media gateway
communications applications. server farms and IP client connectivity. The key media gateway functions are:
Communication is simpler and powerful, That means: • deliver the telephony features
helping cut costs and hike productivity. • robust application servers • manage your legacy interfaces and
• a communication server that handles: voice-over-IP gateway features
Open system • legacy telephony equipment • provide for telephony conferencing
The Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise is also • DECT/PWT mobile handsets • satisfy voice-guide and music-on-hold
a standards-compliant open system. • cellular phones requirements
So it gives you unique flexibility to mix • the latest in IP user terminals. • allow for TDM switching.
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Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise for the medium-sized enterprises

The media gateway comes in a modular all users, wherever they are, the full • help supervise company
rackable chassis housing the telephony set of services - multi-operator network telecommunications expenses
interface cards. Each media gateway routing, automatic call distribution, • define thresholds and generate actions
is controlled by a communication server PC telephony, call centers, directory, (e-mail, alarm) when one is exceeded.
and ensures all the necessary interface access, call by name, and more.
cards and telephony functions and it is And the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise The reporter tool generates predefined
secured, so that remote locations can communication server simplifies and customizable reports:
operate even when the main links are down. maintenance - moves, changes, user • sum reports
service parameter definitions and • detailed reports
modifications are all done centrally. • hit lists
Multisites • traffic analysis.
You have various sites. It makes sense to Decentralized call handling
network them together - for several reasons: You can also opt for distributed call Alarms notification (in standard OSI format):
you show a single face to your customers; handling; each of your sites is equipped • the alarm list gives access to the
you link your different business entities with a dedicated Alcatel OmniPCX configuration of the managed object
operationally and culturally; you optimize Enterprise communication server for full • action launched (triggering e-mail or script)
communication costs; and you can offer 24/7 autonomy. The servers are interconnected on alarm reception.
service. The Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise by the enhanced ABC (Alcatel Business
allows you to choose between centralized Communications) protocol, offering all
call handling or a decentralized approach, the benefits of inter-site networking, such WAN Om
depending on your needs. as service transparency, centralized En
management, cost optimization, etc.).
Centralized call handling This Virtual Private Network (VPN)
With this architecture, a single Alcatel configuration transports the ABC signaling Com

OmniPCX Enterprise communication over a TCP/IP network to deliver the

server handles all communication and features and applications across the global
services for all your sites. It operates via a organizations while using the optimum
voice-enabled IP network interconnecting bandwidth resources.
each of your business sites. Your remote PSTN
sites can be equipped with:
• IP phones or softphones Managing your network
• IP phones and complementary media The Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise comes
gateways for public interfaces complete with a management application
• media gateways to connect a mix of that is simple and powerful and helps you

terminals, including DECT base stations contain costs. All the applications are Media Gateway

and also to manage additional voice accessible through a Web-browser to allow

applications. quick response from anywhere at anytime.
Center Agent
This solution keeps your telecommunications The system’s powerful accounting
costs under control, the Automatic application can simulate potential savings DECT
Route Selection (ARS, the Alcatel LCR) using a new carrier and compare the costs Web Softphone Mobility
break-in/break-out mechanism optimizing of several carriers for a given direction. Its Increased Company Productivity
use of local ISDN/ PSTN access. It offers call-monitoring module will: Branch Office

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Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise for the medium-sized enterprises

Alcatel OmniVista 4760 manages Messaging feature that establishes a close association
the configuration of: The powerful Alcatel 4645 handles voice between the two and simplifies their use.
• the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise messaging:
(whatever topology) • feature rich solution: Ubiquity service
• the Reflexes™ sets: • record greetings for callers The Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise
• displayed in a graphical form • review and replay messages Ubiquity server gives each mobile
• intuitive configuration of sets. • “record-on-time” distributes messages employee a single number - meaning:
• cost center id, abbreviated numbers… to conference call participants. • reaching the called party immediately
• the integrated Least Cost Routing • easy to use, leveraging the ergonomics • leaving a message
• trunk-groups, class of services, of the Reflexes™ sets: • accessing the called party’s cellular
greetings trees. • configure messaging or mailbox functions, phone (with the CLIP facility to identify
• Reflexes™ display, soft keys, and important calls).
navigator simplifies message handling.
• easy to deploy: With the Personal Access for Mobiles (PAM),
• software-based mobile employees have free, remote
• lower maintenance cost. access to the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise
services, using wired or cellular phones to:
• send and receive data
PSTN On the move • consult their mail

OmniPCX • receive message notifications.

Mobility has become a fact of life today.
The workplace now extends beyond the
Users connect to the Alcatel OmniPCX

office to anywhere on company premises,

Enterprise as if they were in the office for:
to customers’ premises, on the road, and
Communication • remote call forwarding
Server even to employees’ homes. Wherever they
• least-cost routing
are, the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise
Alcatel • voice mailbox consultation
OmniVista 4760 makes your people reachable and
• call by name, etc.
operational at all times.

Management Mobility services
Contact e-Communication Center
Center Supervisor DECT mobility is built into the Alcatel The e-Communication Center is a suite
OmniPCX Enterprise; the Alcatel Mobile of applications enabling staff to access
Attendant Reflexes™ 100 and 200 terminals give information and to communicate from
ambulant staff the full service: any place with any device.
• caller name identification
• call by name Distance workers
Contact • enterprise and personal directory
Center Agent Home workers, for example, have all
On-site • programmable keys the corporate communications system
Best Employee
• text and voice messaging, etc. facilities at their fingertips via a VPN
of Class Customer
Interaction linking them to the enterprise system.
Twin-set service And with their seamless integration
y Many employees have two sets, one mobile, into Lotus Notes and MS Outlook,

Main Company Site the other a Reflexes™ desktop. The Alcatel home workers are up and running quickly
OmniPCX Enterprise offers a “Twin-set” and easily.

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Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise for the medium-sized enterprises

Web softphone

This Web-based PC telephony application The key attributes of a Contact Center are: The future looks bright
comes in two flavors: • real customer care - routing any
• a genuine thin client, requiring no customer interaction to the person or The Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise is the
software installation for clients and no team who can provide the right answer latest in a long line of pioneering business
plug-in needs; it offers standard • solid supervisor/management communications solutions from Alcatel. It
telephony and phone set management applications - to keep service at peak is also a quantum leap. Apart from offering
and is compatible with multiple quality, adjust to market changes in real the full range of communications features
operating systems (Windows, MAC, time, and control costs and built-in applications to enhance
Linux, Unix) • easy-to-use agent applications - to enable productivity, it has embraced the latest
• a full softphone offering all the features them to do their job well. technology and open standards.
of the Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise
(telephony, voice mail, GroupWare, VoIP The Alcatel OmniPCX Enterprise For dynamic companies that need to react
on multimedia PC...) and the best in provides a world-class Contact Center swiftly to market changes, it is an ideal
ergonomics. based on two key modules: tool, giving them the communication
• CCdistribution - Contact Center capabilities they need today and enabling
distribution, the heart of the Contact them to grow - at their own pace - to meet
Center, is based on an innovative model tomorrow’s challenges.
that makes multimedia skill-based
distribution easy to design and manage;
• CCsupervision - Contact Center
supervision, which combines supervision
and configuration in one easy step.
These are the building blocks to expand
Contact Center supervision at first glance and enhance the service your Contact
Center offers your customers. With a
Caring for customers wealth of other facilities, you can make
Contact Centers have become an your Contact Center the engine room of
integral part of any dynamic organization, your business growth.
whatever their size and business. Their
success is determined by the welcome
they offer customers and the information
they can supply quickly and easily.

4276165 - GB - 05/2003 - © 2003 - Alcatel Business Systems - 32, avenue Kléber 92707 Colombes - France - RCS Paris B 602 033 185 - This document does not constitute a contract - The functions mentioned are country-specific and availability depends on the public network to which systems are connected
Alcatel reserves the right to modify characteristics without prior notice - All trademarks are the property of their companies - Photo: M. Langot, Pixland - Printed in EEC on chlorine-free paper - 5253

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