Diploma Computer QP

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 Q.

5 When several processes access the same data

Roll No. .................. 180831/170831/120831 concurrently and the outcome of the execution
depends on the particular order in which the
Computer Engg. access take place is called________
Subject : Operating Systems a) Dynamic condition
b) Race condition
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100 c) Essential condition
d) Critical condition
SECTION-A Q.6 In Operating Systems, which of the following
Note:Multiple choice questions. All questions are is/are CPU scheduling algorithm?
compulsory (10x1=10) a) Round Robin b) Shortest Job First
Q.1 Which of the following operating system does c) Priority d) All of the above
not implement multitasking truly? Q.7 If a process is executing in its critical section,
a) Windows XP b) Wmdows98 then no other processes can be executing in
c) MS DOS d) Windows NT their critical section. What is this condition
Q.2 What is Operating System called?
a) It acts as an interface between the a) Mutual exclusion b) Critical exclusion
hardware and application programs. c) Synchronous exclusion
b) It is a collection of programs that manage d) Asynchronous exclusion
hardware resources. Q.8 Which of the following condition is required for a
deadlock to be possible?
c) It act as Resource Manager
a) Mutual exclusion
d) All of the above b) A process may hold allocated resources
Q.3 To access the services of operating system, the while awaiting assignment of other
interface is provided by the_________ resources.
a) System calls b) API c) No resource can be forcibly removed from
c) Library a process holding
d) Assembly instructions d) All of the above
Q.4 Which of the following is an example of Q.9 Which one of the following is the deadlock
operating system? avoidance algorithm?
a) MS-Word b) MS-Excel a) Banker's algorithm
c) MS-DOS d) MS-Access b) Round-robm algorithm
c) Elevator algorithm
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d) Kara's algorithm Q.24 What is Long Term scheduler (Job Scheduler)
Q.10 Linux is a? describes with diagram.
a) single user, single tasking Q.25 What is deadlock what are necessary
b) single user, multitasking conditions which can lead to a deadlock
c) multi user, single tasking situation in a system?
d) multi user, multitasking Q.26 Difference between two user interfaces GUI
and CUI
SECTION-B Q.27 What do you mean by file organization? What
Note: Objective type questions. All questions are are the different types of the file organization ?
compulsory. 10x1=10
Q.28 What is the function of operating system?
Q.11 Why operating system is know as Resource
Manager? Q.29 Explain the concept of virtual memory in short.
Q.12 Write the name of any two operating system. Q.30 What are the differences between Network
Operating System and Distributed Operating
Q.13 Define Preemptive CPU Scheduling. System?
Q.14 What is the difference between log cal and Q.31 Explain Process Control Block
physical address space?
Q.32 What are the differences between Single User &
Q.15 Define throughput. Multiuser operating system.
Q.16 Define Process Synchronization. Q.33 What is demand paging?
Q.17 Give the name of two external commands of MS Q.34 Write a short note on system call
Q.35 What is context switching?
Q.18 Differentiate between DOS & Windows
operating system. SECTION-D
Q.19 Main memory is a Secondary Storage (Y/N) Note:Long answer type questions. Attempt any two
questions out of three questions. 2x10=20
Q.20 What is kernel?
Q.36 What is operating System' Explain different
SECTION-C types of tasks done by Operating System.
Note:Short answer type questions. Attempt any Q.37 What is process? Draw State transition diagram
twelve questions out of fifteen questions. & explain its various states in details. Also
12x5=60 discuss how the PCB is associated with
Q.21 Briefly explain Round Robin scheduling. Process.
Q.22 Differentiate between Preemptive & None Q.38 Explain the concep: of Paging in details.
Preemptive CPU scheduling
Q.23 What is process, draw the Process State
Transition Diagram & explain briefly
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