Design Your Own Thermodynamics Experiment A Problem Based Learning Approach in Engineering Technology

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Jorge Alvarado, Texas A&M University

Dr. Jorge Alvarado is an assistant professor in the Department of Engineering Technology and
Industrial Distribution at Texas A&M University. He teaches courses in the areas of thermal
sciences, fluid mechanics and fluid power. Dr. Alvarado’s research interests are in the areas of
nanotechnology, micro-scale heat transfer, electronic cooling and phase change materials, solid
and liquid desiccant regeneration, energy conservation and use of renewable energy in buildings.

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© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006

Design your own thermodynamics experiment, a problem-based
learning approach in engineering technology


Thermodynamics is a difficult course for many undergraduate students in engineering.

Engineering technology students usually struggle with the abstract concepts used in
thermodynamics because they are often difficult to relate to everyday experiences. So,
one may ask: What is the best way to teach thermodynamics in engineering technology?
What topics should be covered? How should laboratory activities be organized and
aligned to enhance the learning process?

These are some of the critical questions thermodynamics instructors face and should
address to ensure successful course outcomes. Moreover, instructors have to decide how
to present the course material in timely and efficient manner so students can swiftly and
effectively retain and apply the concepts learned. An active learning approach is needed
where students are highly encouraged to participate in the learning process. Several
active learning approaches have been proposed and used in the past, including Problem-
Based Learning (PBL). In this paper, a case study based on the problem-based learning
approach is presented where course and laboratory activities are organized, aligned and
coordinated so the students can logically and actively participate in the learning process.
As part of a thermodynamic course, students acquire the necessary analytical and
organizational skills for a comprehensive self-guided experimental task. Specifically,
engineering technology students learn the fundamentals of experimental data analysis
including curve fitting and error propagation analysis. Subsequently, electronic data
logging and equipment-sensor interfacing, and sensor calibration are introduced through
simple lab activities. Then the students are asked to perform first and second law
analyses for a thermodynamic device and learn to quantify energy flow and the
appropriate efficiency metrics. Once the students have mastered the assigned tasks, they
select a thermodynamic device and design their own thermodynamic experiment. The
experimental design should include first and second law analyses, error propagation
analysis, and appropriate data logging equipment selection. At the end, students submit a
written report and make an oral presentation to defend their proposed experiment.

The goal of the self-guided assignment is to encourage students to apply the concepts
learned in the course. The experimental activities are presented in a sequential manner so
each student can develop the necessary skills and enhance his or her level of self-
confidence when dealing with a demanding task in the area of thermal sciences.

As part of the case study, evaluation of a designed experiment is presented to determine

how effectively the implemented methodology enhances the learning process in
engineering technology.
Page 11.413.2

Teaching thermodynamics has always been a challenge within the context of engineering
technology. Usually, engineering technology students excel in hands-on activities better
than in purely analytical tasks. Therefore, a successful active learning approach that
hinges on practical activities should be incorporated into each engineering technology
course to facilitate the learning process. Laboratory activities represent a unique
opportunity to engage the students in a way that complements the typical course lectures.

As part of a comprehensive approach to improve the way thermodynamics is taught in

engineering technology, a detailed learning methodology is presented. The problem-
based approach presented compels the student to take a bigger role in the learning


Problem-based learning (PBL) has been a subject of interest in recent years1-3. In an

attempt to facilitate learning in a time demanding environment, educators have proposed,
devised, incorporated and structured PBL into technical courses in the medical field4-5 as
well as in engineering courses6-8. Cawley9 detailed the use of PBL in the development
and delivery of a mechanical engineering course. Nasr, et al.10 used PBL in a particular
thermodynamic course which made use of learning modules and real-life applications.

Even more recently, Nasr and Ramadan11 used PBL in an engineering thermodynamics
course and introduced an evaluation tool to determine the effectiveness of PBL in that
particular case. Specifically, Nasr and Ramadan11 PBL method consisted in the
development and implementation of several course modules which students had to
undertake and participate in with minimal supervision. The objective was to help
students be more responsible for their own learning. Tebbe12 also used PBL in a thermal
and fluid systems design and thermodynamics course in which he conducted a survey
among the students to gauge the student perception of PBL activities versus the
traditional approach. Tebbe12 PBL method consists of several class exercises which the
students undertake with minimal supervision. These publications show that PBL
continues to be used as a teaching/learning tool in engineering courses because it
encourages students to assume a more direct role in the learning process. However, their
methods seem to be time consuming and re-direct attention away from the traditional
approach in a way that puts too much pressure and responsibility on the students for their
own learning. In this paper, a balanced PBL activity is used to help students transition
from the traditional to a self-guided PBL approach. The method is described in detail
later in the paper.

Description of Methodology

In an attempt to fully incorporate PBL into an engineering technology thermodynamic

course, an active learning approach has been devised and tested in a real classroom
Page 11.413.3

environment. The approach, as depicted in Figure 1, consists in giving each student the
necessary tools and instructions to be able to tackle experimental tasks which involve the
use of thermodynamics concepts. As part of the active learning approach, students
receive a fair amount of educational material which they have to internalize and
assimilate to be able to successfully accomplish the course objectives. The approach
makes use of the traditional teaching/learning approach but combines it with self-guided
tasks to enhance the student’s comprehension and understanding of a variety of topics.
To measure the student’s level of comprehension, an array of assessment tools is used
including a specific self-guided tool.

Course Course Assessment Tools


Instructor Students
Weekly Lab

Course experimental
Material design
Lab Lectures

Figure 1. Structure of engineering technology thermodynamics course

In detail, the implemented methodology consists of the following components:

- Classroom lectures
o Explanation of fundamental theories and basic principles, and real systems
o Discussion of problem solving strategies

- Laboratory lectures
o Application of theories and basic principles to real systems
o Explanation of data analysis, data collection systems, and report writing
- Course material
o Textbook, lab manual, internet sites
Page 11.413.4
- Course assessment tool
o Examination
o Weekly assignments
o Weekly lab reports
o Self-guided experimental design

Self-guided experimental design

The purpose of the self-guided laboratory experimental design is to encourage students to

actively participate in the learning process by incorporating and utilizing all the tools
presented during the lectures. The different topics are presented in a sequential and
timely manner so the students can have ample time to learn and assimilate the course
material. The objective is to follow a problem-based learning approach for a specific part
of the course while still adhering to the traditional approach when necessary. The
problem-based approach has already been implemented and used for the last two
semesters. Figure 2 illustrates how the self-guided activity is structured around each

Curve Fitting

Self-guided activity
1st Law Analysis assignment

2nd Law Analysis

Error Propagation

Report Writing

Figure 2. Self-guided activity in engineering technology thermodynamics

As part of the self-guided activity, students specifically learn the following subjects as
part of the laboratory lectures:

- Data analysis of lab-generated data by using model fitting techniques including

the least squares method
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- Installation and calibration of laboratory sensors and data logging equipment

- First and Second law analyses of thermodynamic devices by using:

o computational tools
o physical hardware in the laboratory

- Measurement of appropriate efficiency metrics

- Error propagation analysis of lab-generated data and calculated results

Once the students have acquired the necessary skills, the students are asked to design a
thermodynamic experiment for a device of their interests that involves heat flow and/or
work. The experimental design should clearly indicate and include the following:

- Experiment’s objective

- Appropriate background information

- Experimental input and output variables

- List of instruments necessary for measuring each variable including the

instrumentation’s relative error or accuracy with high signal-to-noise ratio, and
specified component cost

- Calculated (output) variable or metric with the associated error propagation

analysis based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics

- Set of instructions describing how the experiment should be run and what
important questions should be answered

The self-guided experimental activity provides students with specific instructions but
gives them enough flexibility to use and adapt them in different applications, the true
spirit of problem-based learning. Evidently, the self-guided activity puts specific
responsibilities on students which help them become more independent.

All the students taking thermodynamics take part in the self-guided activity by forming
groups of 3 to 4 students who proposed their ideas to the instructor. The instructor
approves only those ideas that are challenging and can be implemented in a foreseeable
future. Students are encouraged to select ideas that can be economically implemented.
The instructor may use the students’ experimental design and recommendations if
budgetary constraints and funding levels allow full implementation of the experimental
design. The course is taught every semester and is a core course in the engineering
technology curriculum. The self-guided activity is and will remain an active part of the
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The following case study discusses and explains how a group of students designed their
own thermodynamic experiment based on the implemented PBL approach.

Case Study: Household Refrigerator

As part of the thermodynamic course in the Department of Engineering Technology and

Industrial Distribution at Texas A&M University, students learned the laws of
thermodynamics for closed and open systems. They also learned specific applications of
those laws like in the case of power and refrigeration cycles. As part of the self-guided
experimental activity, a group of 4 students designed and proposed a thermodynamic
experiment to measure the coefficient of performance (COP) of a household refrigerator.
The experimental design proposal contained the following sections: Introduction,
Theoretical Background, Experimental Design, Description of Performance Metrics,
Questions, Description of Experimental Hardware, and Data and Error Propagation
Analysis. The following provides a brief explanation of the students’ proposed
experimental plan:

Introduction: The students clearly stated the objective of the proposed experiment which
was the measurement of the actual coefficient performance (COP) of a household

Theoretical Background: The students carefully explained the refrigeration cycle from a
thermodynamic point of view. They also describe the cycle using the first law of
thermodynamics. They provided T-s diagrams for the real and ideal cycles and identified
opportunities for efficiency improvements based on the Carnot Cycle. The group also
presented the appropriate metric, COPrefrigeration for a household refrigerator as shown

Q% evaporator
W% electric _ motor

Q% evaporator = Evaporator load, kW
W% = Electric motor load, kW
electric _ motor

Experimental Design: The students outlined in detail all the necessary steps to measure
the proposed metric. The outlined steps take into account practical issues including
equipment warm-up time, data logging equipment installation and calibration, software-
hardware connectivity and data stability. They also considered and proposed
modifications of a household refrigerator so the appropriate experimental variables could
be measured.

Description of Performance Metrics: The students outlined step by step how to convert
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input variable data such as compressor motor power, pressure, temperature, and volume
flow rate at the inlet and outlet of the evaporator and compressor, to the desired metric.
Figure 2 shows how input variable data are converted to COP. The steps take into
account the phase change process and type of refrigerant. The students presented a
complete set of equations necessary for measuring COP.

Input Variables Intermediate Variables Calculated Variable

Fluid Pressure
Fluid Enthalpy
Fluid Evaporator
Temperature Load
Fluid Mass flow
Fluid Volume Rate
Flow Rate

Motor Current
Compressor Compressor
Motor Power Motor Load
Motor Voltage

Coefficient of

Figure 3. Case study performance metric derivation process

Questions: The students posed several questions which take into account the actual
refrigeration system. They also presented a set of steps necessary for comparing the real
system with an idealized refrigeration cycle. The questions compelled the participants to
see the connection between the theory and application.

Description of Experimental Hardware: The students selected an ordinary household

refrigerator and the associated data logging equipment for the proposed experiment. The
students surveyed a variety of measurement equipment that could be used to measure all
the experimental variables. The students carefully specified economical and reliable
sensing equipment which is commercially available and provides suitable accuracy. The
equipment included a commercially available refrigerator, a digital flow meter installed
in-line with the compressor, a digital refrigeration service manifold for measuring
pressure and temperatures, and a multi-meter amp and voltage meter. They also provided
instruction on how to connect all the sensing equipment which requires connections to
the existing refrigeration tubing and other components. They also took into account how
to recharge the refrigeration system after all the installation modifications are complete.
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They also specified sensing equipment with the appropriate input variable range to
maximize signal-to-noise ratio based on preliminary analytical calculations. The students
also provided a budget for all the components including the refrigerator which did not
exceed $2,500

Data and Error Propagation Analysis: The group clearly identified the input variables
and their precision level and relative error. By using an error propagation method
introduced during the lab lectures, the students were able to estimate the calculated
variable (COP) relative error associated with the input variables. After conducting a
simple sensitivity analysis which was also introduced during the lab lectures, only those
input variables with the greatest impact on COP were selected for error propagation

Case Study Discussion

The proposed experimental plan noticeably shows that a particular group of students was
able to use the different topics covered in the engineering technology thermodynamic
course and satisfactorily implemented them in the development of an experimental
design. The students had the opportunity to combine abstract concepts and formulate an
appropriate metric for quantifying the thermal performance of a real refrigerator. The
students also made judicious selection of experimental hardware to conduct a data-
sensitive experiment of high reliability. To evaluate how well the students met the
laboratory assignment, a list of outcomes was elaborated based on the course outcomes.

The following list of outcomes was used to assess the students’ ability in meeting the
stated objectives:

- Clarity of stated objectives

- Presentation of basic principles and background information

- Appropriateness of proposed experimental equipment

- Error propagation analysis (EPA)

- Selection of output variables or metrics

- Clarity of experimental steps

- Suitability of proposed questions and how well the experimental design satisfies
the stated objectives

Case Study Experimental Design Assessment

A matrix based on the outcomes outlined previously was devised to assess qualitatively
the effectiveness of the implemented active learning approach, Table 1. For the case
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study discussed above, the assessment is as follows:

Table 1. Experimental Plan Assessment Matrix

Objectives Basic Equipment EPA Output Experimental Questions/Satisfies Overall

Principles Variables Steps objectives Score

NI-Needs improvement

Based on the qualitative assessment of the implemented PBL approach, Table 1, it is

evident that the students were able to satisfactorily meet the stated objectives. The
students showed that they were able to implement and integrate many of the concepts
discussed in the class and laboratory lectures. The proposed experimental design showed
the students’ ability in dealing with a real-life application with little supervision.

The problem-based learning activity described above and its outcomes were also
compared with the traditional approach used in previous semester. Several noticeable
observations were made including the students’ ability to think independently and to rely
less on the material discussed in class. For instance, the students were able to select real-
world applications and apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics with a high
degree of confidence. The students also performed their own literature and background
review and identified practical ways to measure the experimental variables without any
instructor’s assistance. Previous students who learned under the traditional approach
rarely showed the same level of self-confidence, drive and direction. At the moment,
these observations are based on the instructor’s own experience with the students and
their overall performance evaluation (grades). The self-guided experimental design is
also an assessment tool that measures the students’ ability to apply basic concepts in real
world applications. A total of 8 groups participated in the described problem-based
activity the last time the course was offered. Table 2 shows the overall assessment for all
the groups.

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Table 2. Overall Assessment Matrix

Group Topic Overall

Number Score
Group 1 Household Refrigerator Good
Group 2 Steam Turbine Good
Group 3 Water Heater Satisfactory
Group 4 Hair Dryer Good
Group 5 Refrigeration Plant Satisfactory
Group 6 Diesel Engine Good
Group 7 Gas Turbine Good
Group 8 Gasoline Engine Satisfactory

The overall qualitatively assessment indicates that the students benefited from the PBL
activity in a way that previous students never experienced. However, it is hard to know
exactly how many students were positively influenced by the method because they all
work in groups of 3 to 4. Therefore, the current method is still being modified to
accurately determine its overall impact. The implemented PBL method is also being
used to determine which experiments are cost-effective and can be used as teaching tools
in the laboratory in the future.


The goal of the self-guided problem-based activity was to show how engineering
technology students can be challenged in a way not typically encountered at the
undergraduate level. Based on the self-guided activity assessment and observations made
recently, students that participated in the PBL activity enhanced their level of self-
confidence when dealing with a demanding task in the area of thermal sciences. It is also
evident that the implemented problem-based learning approach can be used to
complement the traditional approach in a substantial way. Undoubtedly, PBL will
continue to be an integral part of the students’ learning experience.


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2. D. J. Boud (ed.), Problem-based learning in education for the professions. Higher Education Research
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Page 11.413.11
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5. R. P. Foley, Review of the literature on PBL in the clinical setting. The Journal of the American
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8. D. R. Brodeur, P. W. Young, and K. B. Blair, Problem-based learning in aerospace engineering

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9. P. Cawley, The introduction of a problem-based option into a conventional engineering degree course.
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10. K. Nasr, B. Ramadan, and P. Ahire, “Development of Problem-Based Learning Modules for
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11. K. J. Nasr and B. Ramadan, Implementation of Problem-Based Learning into Engineering

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12. P. Tebbe, Brainstorming Exercises as an Active Learning Component of Thermal Systems Courses.
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