DH v1-2 Character Multiclass Sheets

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Choose one Domain to expand into from the Bard class.

grace codex

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass Feature
At the beginning of a session, place a d6 on
the spot to the right with the lowest value
side (1) facing up. When anyone in your party
rolls with Fear, increase the Rally die’s value
by one.
When you would increase the value above 6, remove the die, describe
how you rally the party, and give every character who listens a 1d6
Rally die. They can spend this die to roll it and add the result to any
action roll, reaction roll, or damage roll.
If your Rally die hasn’t finished this countdown by the end of a session,
distribute the current value shown on the die as Hope amongst your
party, splitting it any way you choose, and remove the die.

c h a ract er sheet The Rally die you distribute increases to 1d8 at Level 8.

© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Druid class.

sage Arcana

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass FEature
You can perform harmless, subtle effects that involve nature at will.
(Ex: causing a flower to rapidly grow, summon a slight gust of wind,
start a campfire, etc)
Mark a Stress to transform into a magical creature (in the Beastform
list) equal to your level or lower. You lose the use of your features,
equipment, and domain cards but gain the features, attack trait, and
armor score of the creature. You can drop out of this form at any

c h a ract er sheet

© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Guardian class.

valor blade

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass FEature
Once per Long Rest, you can become
Unstoppable. Your Unstoppable die begins
as a d4. Place it on the spot to the right,
starting with the die’s highest value facing
up. While Unstoppable, you:
• Gain resistance to physical damage.
• Add an additional d6 to any damage rolls you make.
• Can spend stress to reroll any single die you’ve rolled.
Anytime you roll your damage dice, reduce the Unstoppable
die value by one. When you would reduce the value below 1
or the scene ends, remove it and drop out of Unstoppable. At
Level 8, upgrade your Unstoppable die to a d6.
c h a ract er sheet

© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Ranger class.

Bone sage

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass Feature
Ranger’s Focus
Spend Hope and make an attack with your weapon. On a success,
you temporarily put your Ranger’s Focus on the target along with
doing damage from the attack. While they are your focus:
• You know precisely what direction they are in.
• All damage rolls you make against them add +1d6.
• On a missed attack you make against them, you may end Ranger’s
Focus to reroll your Duality Dice and take the new result.
You may only hold Ranger’s Focus on one creature at a time.

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© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Rogue class.

midnight grace

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass FEature
When you move into a location where no enemies can see you,
you are Hidden (you are unable to be directly targeted by attacks
and any rolls against you at disadvantage). As a Rogue, when
you are Hidden, targets also can’t see you, even if they move into
line of sight. You are no longer Hidden after you move or attack.
When you leave Hidden to make an attack, the roll has advantage.
Sneak Attack
If you have advantage on an attack roll, or an ally is in melee with
your target, always add a d6 to your damage roll. When you use
Sneak Attack, you may also spend any number of Hope before
the attack roll, and if it is successful, also add a number of d6
equal to the Hope spent.

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© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Seraph class.

splendor valor

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass Feature
Prayer Dice
At the beginning of a session, roll a number of d4 dice equal
to half your Spellcast trait (rounded up) and store them below.
You can exhaust them at any time to use their value in reducing
incoming damage, adding to a roll result, or exchanging for that
many Hope you may give to any player. Clear these dice at the
end of a session.

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© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Sorcerer class.

Arcana midnight

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass FEature
Arcane Sense:
You can sense the presence of magical people and objects when
you’re close to them.
Minor Illusion:
Roll with Spellcast (12). On a success, you create a minor illusion
no larger than yourself within close range that is convincing to
anyone in far range or further.
Channel Raw Power:
Once per Long Rest, you can place a Domain card from your
Loadout into your Vault and choose to either:
• Gain Hope equal to half the level of the card (rounded up).
• Add magic damage equal to the level of the card to a spell you’ve
successfully cast.
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© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Warrior class.

blade bone

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass Feature
Battle Strategist
Whenever you are making a roll to physically hinder a creature
that isn’t a weapon attack (shove, trip, grapple, etc) you can
spend a Hope to have advantage. On a success, you can choose
to deal 1d6 physical damage to the target.
Combat Training
Ignore burden when equipping weapons, and you may place
primary weapons in your secondary weapon slot. Always add
additional physical damage equal to the value of half your Level
(rounded up) when you attack.

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© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta


Choose one Domain to expand into from the Wizard class.

Codex splendor

When leveling up, you may take domain cards from from this
domain at half your level or lower (rounded up).

multiclass FEature
You can perform harmless, subtle magical effects at
will. Examples might include changing an object’s color,
creating a smell, lighting a candle, floating something
small, illuminating a room, repairing a small object, etc.
Strange Patterns
Choose a number between 1-12.
Anytime you roll that number on
your Hope die, gain a Hope or clear
a stress. You may change this
number on any long rest.

c h a ract er sheet

© 2024 Daggerheart v1.2 Open Beta

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