Thesis On Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Thesis on Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria

Crafting a thesis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Nigeria is no small feat. This complex
and multifaceted topic demands in-depth research, comprehensive analysis, and a nuanced
understanding of the socio-economic landscape of the country. Students undertaking this academic
endeavor often find themselves grappling with a myriad of challenges, making the process an
arduous one.

1. Extensive Research Requirements: A comprehensive thesis on CSR in Nigeria requires a

thorough exploration of diverse sources, including academic journals, government reports,
and corporate publications. Accessing relevant and up-to-date information can be
challenging, given the dynamic nature of CSR practices and the evolving business
2. Complexity of the Subject Matter: CSR in Nigeria is a multifaceted subject that
encompasses economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Crafting a thesis that
adequately addresses these complexities while maintaining coherence and relevance is a
formidable task. Students must navigate through various CSR frameworks, ethical
considerations, and the unique challenges faced by Nigerian businesses.
3. Navigating Cultural and Regional Differences: Nigeria's diverse cultural and regional
landscape adds another layer of complexity to the thesis-writing process. Understanding how
CSR practices vary across different regions and industries is essential for providing a
comprehensive analysis. This requires a nuanced approach to cultural sensitivity and
4. Addressing Evolving Regulatory Frameworks: The regulatory environment for CSR in
Nigeria is continually evolving. Keeping abreast of the latest legislative changes and
government policies is crucial for crafting a thesis that reflects the current state of affairs.
This task can be time-consuming and requires a keen eye for legal nuances.

Given the challenges associated with writing a thesis on CSR in Nigeria, it is understandable that
students may seek assistance to ensure the quality and depth of their work. One reputable platform
that offers specialized support for thesis writing is ⇒ ⇔. Their team of
experienced writers understands the intricacies of CSR in Nigeria and can provide valuable insights
to enhance the quality of your thesis.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, students can benefit from:

Expertise in CSR: Writers at ⇒ ⇔ possess a deep understanding of

Corporate Social Responsibility, particularly in the context of Nigeria. Their knowledge
ensures that your thesis is well-informed and aligned with current trends and practices.
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In conclusion, crafting a thesis on Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria is a challenging task

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The sample of the study comprises of thirty companies quoted in various sectors of the Nigerian
stock exchange. One hundred and fifty eight (158) questionnaires, representing 66% response rate,
were duly completed and retuned for the study. This paper is also an attempt to present a conceptual
analysis of the CSR spending before and after its legitimation in India which will help us to
determine whether it should be treated as an investment opportunity or a forced liability. Data were
analyzed by means of descriptive statistics to provide a summary of the variables.Ordinary Least
Square (OLS) and Generalized Least Square (GLS) regression were used to test the study
hypotheses using STATA software version 12.00.Thus, a panel data regression technique was
employed. Environmental Sustainability Accounting and the Performance of Oil and Gas Co. Chi-
square test was adopted for the study with the use of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) in
analyzing the data. Consequent upon this study, it was recommended among others that the issue of
corporate social responsibility should be part of the corporate mission and strategy statements and
not just be regarded as a philanthropic exercise. Market price of a share have negative relationship
with CS. While it is now being deployed as an instrument of social development in most developed
countries, it is still at an evolutionary stage in most developing economies. Data was collected using
a four-point Likert type scale questionnaire administered on 230 respondents drawn from 10 oil
producing communities selected through simple random sampling techniques. The maximization of
profits and minimization of costs is a primary goal of any business venture. It means satisfying your
shareholders’ and customers’ demands while also managing the expectation of other stakeholders
such as employeessuppliers and the community at large. The paper recommends that management
should see Corporate Social Responsibility as a business opportunity that is beneficial in the long run
thereby, incorporating credible and well-structured social responsibility policies. The operational
activities of the oil companies over the years have led to the degradation of the Niger Delta
environment with consequent loss of livelihood sources, thereby triggering protests and other violent
activities in the region. Since the emergence of the CSR concept in Nigeria, it has been espoused
mainly as an optional and non-obligatory responsibility for oil companies. Statistics demonstrating
positive improvements in the lives of many. The population of this study comprises of marketing
petroleum and food and beverages companies that are listed in the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE).
Nevertheless, many are yet to determine the consequence of this action on their profitability. The
study was conducted using content analysis and logit regression. Download Free PDF View PDF
SELECTED QUOTED COMPANIES IN NIGERIA Chinedu Egbunike This study examines the
relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance of quoted companies
in Nigeria. The study concludes that CSR expenditure is very significant in explaining the variations
in profitability level of banks. In an effort to overcome the possibility of conflicts between firms and
their hosting community, the idea of CSR has to be advocated. With an abundance of oil revenue, a
corrupt leadership forego accountability to constituents and undermine political and economic
institutions while focus on oil wealth stifles diversification of the economy into other essential
sectors (Emesh, 2009; Olowu, 2011). The perceived needs of the host community differ significantly
with that of the oil companies, and this could bring about dissatisfaction of CSR rendered by oil
companies, hence lead to fail or abandoned project, more still, it could also generate restiveness
which is a bane on community development in any locality. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts
and Articles in minutes. This study investigated Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on financial
performance of some selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Using the profit before tax and
interest, tax paid and the annual turnover as proxies for profitability, corporate tax and firm size
respectively. After controlling for firm size, the findings reveal that corporate social responsibility
expenditure has positive and significant effect on profitability. These programs focus on poverty
alleviation, dealing with challenging human rights issues, and the pursuit of sustainable development,
seeking to lower the negative environmental impact of their activities (Shell, 2011; Olowu, 2011).
Their CSR initiatives involve mostly sponsorship in sports, beautification of roads, giving donations
and project implementations.
On the other hand, CSR also became legitimate spending stipulated in the Indian companies act,
2013. The findings indicate that CSR is concerned with treating stakeholders ethically; and business
should protect wide range of stakeholders' interest. With an abundance of oil revenue, a corrupt
leadership forego accountability to constituents and undermine political and economic institutions
while focus on oil wealth stifles diversification of the economy into other essential sectors (Emesh,
2009; Olowu, 2011). The methodology employed was that the researcher examines the Annual
Reports and Accounts of randomly selected companies and compared their turnover with their
investment in social responsibility. It plays a major role in youth development which in turn reduces
menace in the society, social responsibility accounting contributes to infrastructural development
with the provision of health care facilities, water, quality education and social security; it also
enhances the relationship between company and their host communities. Simple regression analysis
was employed as a statistical technique to analyse data collected using STATA 11. The Ordinary
Least Square (OLS) Estimation technique and Granger-causality test were adopted. It's like a
masterclass to be explored at your own pace. The CSR concept -was initially used by national
companies more as a marketing and media coverage instrument, rather than for its ethical values.
Thus, corporate social responsibility, a largely normative concept, seeks to burden the scope of. QR
Codes Generate QR Codes for your digital content. Environmental Sustainability Accounting and
the Performance of Oil and Gas Co. In a current scenario, organizations have failed to take
responsibility for what they are operating, so it is needed to consider the real cost of their functioning
which brings a focus toward the environmental and social concerns. This could be attributed to the
fact that the activities of Oil TNCs have continued to unleash untold devastation on the environment
of the oil producing communities and its consequences on the local economy and by extension the
total obliteration of the livelihood of the inhabitants of the area. In an effort to overcome the
possibility of conflicts between firms and their hosting community, the idea of CSR has to be
advocated. In a country such as Nigeria, where the principles and benefits of democratic governance
are still fragile, there is a need for a dynamic and step-wise approach through which the CSR
concept could be continually mainstreamed into national laws and policies. We conclude therefore
that, oil companies are socially responsible. This represents the major challenge with CSR pursuits,
particularly in cases such as this where expectations are quite high (Frynas, 2005). These benefits as
well as the bolstering investor confidence due to this revitalization are evidence of the contribution
of CSR to Shell Nigeria’s corporate strategy. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact
of corporate social responsibility on the performance of manufacturing companies’ performance.
Counter Globalization movements calls for transparency among the companies. Consequent upon
this study, it was recommended among others that the issue of corporate social responsibility should
be part of the corporate mission and strategy statements and not just be regarded as a philanthropic
exercise. A firm that wishes to attain success in the modern business environment must keenly assess
these fundamental flags and their associated costs, as well as future value or potential which
significantly influence investor decisions. This study also employed Structural Equation Modelling
(SEM) for data analysis. It means satisfying your shareholders’ and customers’ demands while also
managing the expectation of other stakeholders such as employeessuppliers and the community at
large. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Journal of
Accounting and Management, 1(2), 148-154. The challenges of sustainable development are many.
Intermediation between Environment and Sustainable Development. The findings of the study
revealed a positive relationship between corporate social responsibility disclosure and return on assets
in Nigerian quoted companies. The methods of analysis used in this study are the descriptive
statistics, correlation and regression analysis.
As well, in most cases, the development initiatives anticipated should ideally be the prerogative and
duty of respective governments and authorities. The results of the findings suggest that oil
companies operating in the Niger Delta Region continue to fail to match their words with action vis-
a-vis sustainability. A worthwhile brand image and reputation is thus central to strategy (Sachs et al.,
2009; Haigh and Jones, 2006). The sample of the study was arrived at using census sampling
technique in which all the elements of the population were used for the study. Ikporukpo (2001:76-
86) The human Environment, In Government, Society and the Economy an. Secondary data were
collected from the companies’ annual reports. The study, therefore, observed that there was a positive
and significant relationship between internal environmental investments and firm’s financial
performance and also a positive but non-significant relationship between external environmental
investments and firm’s financial performance. Data were collected from the annual report and
accounts of the selected companies for a period of ten years (2006-2015). The research was
conducted using a primary data gotten from well-structured questionnaire. The sample of the study
comprises of thirty companies quoted in various sectors of the Nigerian stock exchange. These may
influence the company’s access to capital and to new markets and cannot be ignored (Sachs et al.,
2009; Dyer and Chu, 2003). Conclusions: Based on the findings, we concluded that corporate social
responsibility (CSR) has a significant influence on fi. There is currently no national law in the area of
CSR. If we will not feel any sense of responsibility to our society, our society will also become
neutral to us. Shell Petroleum Development and Exploration Company report: “Environmental
Performance: Oil Spills. Go Premium and unlock all 11 pages Access to all documents Get
Unlimited Downloads Improve your grades Upload Share your documents to unlock Free Trial Get
30 days of free Premium Already Premium. The study reveals that Social Responsibility Expenditure
does not have significant effect on the Gross Earnings of banks in Nigeria. Download Free PDF
View PDF Corporate Social Responsibility and the Role of Oil Companies in Community
Development Projects in Rivers State Nigeria: An Evaluation. Hence, the study recommends that
Nigerian Stock Exchange and the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria should enhance their
enforcement powers to ensure that companies comply with Section 38(2) of Companies and Allied
Matters Act (CAMA),2004. Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Financial Performance
of Con. Findings: The results revealed that corporate social responsibility (CSR) exerts a positive and
statistically significant effect on firm profitability (PF), return on equity (ROE) and market success
(MS) in Nigeria. Theoretical Analysis of Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Developin.
Corruption, ethnicity and conflicts in the Niger Delta constitute serious barriers to sustainable
development. The centre for the study of African economics working paper series 268. The finding
of the study reveals that CSR has significant positive impact on financial performance. Also, other
findings suggest a paradigm shift from the classical means of investment in local communities
through direct funding from those companies to the local communities in which they operate. The
dependent variable is profitability proxied by return on equity. The operational activities of the oil
companies over the years have led to the degradation of the Niger Delta environment with
consequent loss of livelihood sources, thereby triggering protests and other violent activities in the
region. Gray RH, DL Owen and Adams (1996): Accounting and Accountability: changes and
challenges in. There is a crying need for an in-depth study into the quality, extent of corporate social
responsibility (CSR) disclosure and identification of areas for future improvement so that
transparency can be ensured, especially in developing countries like Nigeria where CSR practices are
As well, in most cases, the development initiatives anticipated should ideally be the prerogative and
duty of respective governments and authorities. As time went by, it became clear that-the business
environment is a key element in finding solutions to community issues. Panel data were gathered
from the selected firms. The study used secondary data sources. Due to their structural and
institutional weaknesses, these countries are often prone to recurring conflict and political instability
which portends violence and risks to investments (Wheeler et al., 2010; Idemudia, 2009). For
instance, Environmental accounting is a subset of social accounting. Findings: The results revealed
that corporate social responsibility (CSR) exerts a positive and statistically significant effect on firm
profitability (PF), return on equity (ROE) and market success (MS) in Nigeria. G 3 Guidelines
(SRG); World Commission on Environment and Development our common Future. It was also
observed that Social Responsibility Expenditure does not have any significant effect on Profit after
Tax of banks in Nigeria. Integrating Environmental Accounting in Agro-Allied and Manufacturing
Indust. The study concludes that financial performance of listed companies in Nigeria can be
enhanced through engaging in socially responsible investments. Such reporting essentially expresses
financial issues. Chi-square test was adopted for the study with the use of statistical package for
social sciences (SPSS) in analyzing the data. The GRI Guidelines are the most common framework
used in the. Also, other findings suggest a paradigm shift from the classical means of investment in
local communities through direct funding from those companies to the local communities in which
they operate. Using the profit before tax and interest, tax paid and the annual turnover as proxies for
profitability, corporate tax and firm size respectively. Exploration and extraction operations of crude
oil and gas in Nigeria form an essential component of Shell Corporations upstream supply chain. In
this regard, it can act dually as an avenue for ethical and social responsibility and as well a
worthwhile and essential business strategy. The study concludes that Nigerian banks recognized the
importance of corporate social responsibility for sustainable development and they are performing
their obligation to the society. Nigeria. The realization that sustainable development can only be
achieved through interdependence. On the other hand, CSR also became legitimate spending
stipulated in the Indian companies act, 2013. They have slightly tilted it as “Social Engineering”.
This study is an empirical investigation of corporate social responsibility and profitability of Nigerian
banks. Furthermore, firms with higher ROA are likely to disclose CSR than firms with higher returns
on capital employed. Keywords Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Governance Corporate
Social Responsibility Activity Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative Corporate Social
Responsibility Practice These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. The centre
for the study of African economics working paper series 268. Understanding and effective
management of stakeholders' as well as their expectations can enhance corporate image and
competitive advantage. There is a crying need for an in-depth study into the quality, extent of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and identification of areas for future improvement so
that transparency can be ensured, especially in developing countries like Nigeria where CSR
practices are limited. This study also employed Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) for data
analysis. The study made use of ex-post facto research design. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS)
Estimation technique and Granger-causality test were adopted.
Findings indicate that ROA and ROCE relate positively with employee management and negatively
with community development. The study was conducted using content analysis and logit regression.
The sample of the study comprises of thirty companies quoted in various sectors of the Nigerian
stock exchange. Moreover, it has significant effect on return on equity (ROE), while corporate social
responsibility to the community has positive effect on PAT, ROA and ROE. This study investigated
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on financial performance of some selected manufacturing
companies in Nigeria. The study, therefore, observed that there was a positive and significant
relationship between internal environmental investments and firm’s financial performance and also a
positive but non-significant relationship between external environmental investments and firm’s
financial performance. It is concluded that, it can improve the goodwill of company by providing
conducive working environment for job satisfaction and job security. There are several stakeholders
in business; but, for the purpose of the study employees, customers, shareholders, and local
communities are identified as the main stakeholders in the context of the business environment in
Nigeria. 240 questionnaires are administered to participants, selected through purposive sampling
technique, in the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. The survey research method was adopted, while questionnaire was used as the
instrument of data collection. Multinational corporations such as Shell come under heightened
expectations to fill in the gap providing the requisite development (Wheeler et al., 2010). The
initiatives undertaken by Shell towards CSR are explored. In order to sustain their business and even
achieve growth and expansion, it is imperative for companies to enhance their relations with society
ensuring that they are strong and mutually beneficial. Also at the end some recommendations have
been made that highlight the importance of CSR for the betterment of the performance of the
organizations. The paper identified and analysed the indices of the components of the CSR (social,
economic and environmental components) packages using results-based management framework to
determine the impacts of the CSR projects and programmes on the people. The company’s operations
spread out within the Niger Delta (Nigeria) and constituting the Group’s international supply chain
comprise 6000km of flow pipeline networks and stations, oil fields and producing wells, gas plants,
and two major export terminals (Royal Dutch Shell, 2012a; OPEC, 2011). This paper tries to bring
out CSR initiatives taken by NLNG in Nigeria that made her stands out as role model with regards
to CSR in Nigeria. The study concludes that corporate social responsibility plays a significant role on
financial performance of listed industrial goods firms in Nigeria. The model was specified and
analysed using the binary logistic regression analysis. This has led to calls for oil companies operating
in the Niger Delta to demonstrate the value of their investments to Nigeria by undertaking increased
community development initiatives that provide direct social benefits such as local employment, new
infrastructure, schools, and improved health care delivery. Alexander Decker Integrating
Environmental Accounting in Agro-Allied and Manufacturing Industr. This Foundation was
incorporated in the year 2004 as a way to reward the people in their environment. Nigeria has long
been a paradox of poverty amidst plenty (Ite, 2007). Also, Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC) should come up with Social Disclosure Index (SDI) and make it mandatory for companies to
comply with, which will encourage them to engage in socially responsible investments. In addition,
this study finds that other dimensions such as community participation and building trust are just as
essential ingredients as the willingness of those oil firms to pursue sustainable development agendas.
Data disaggregating into health issue, transportation and education proxies as Corporate Social
Responsibility and Return on Equity as financial performance. Business is more responsive to its
Ethical environmental and social performance because of the globalization. The paper identified and
analysed the indices of the components of the CSR (social, economic and environmental
components) packages using results-based management framework to determine the impacts of the
CSR projects and programmes on the people. As time went by, it became clear that-the business
environment is a key element in finding solutions to community issues. To browse and
the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser.
IJMER Environmental Sustainability Accounting and the Performance of Oil and Gas Co.
The sample of the study was arrived at using census sampling technique in which all the elements of
the population were used for the study. The Eview statistical tool was used to analyze the data and
test the hypotheses. The sample of the study comprises of thirty companies quoted in various sectors
of the Nigerian stock exchange. The study thereby recommends that conglomerate companies in
Nigeria should increase their corporate social responsibility to the community in which they operate;
this will contribute to their turnover, also more emphasis should be laid on corporate social
responsibility to their employees as a motivating factor to increase productivity. The researcher
recommended that firms should liaise with community authorities to identify areas or opportunity
available to them to better the lives of the people through the provision of social amenities.
Descriptive analysis was used to explain the variables applied and panel regression analysis was used
to find out if there exists a relationship between internal environmental investments (Employee
Benefits, Staff Training Cost), external environmental investments (Donations) and firm’s financial
performance. It begins by assessing the industry background of the oil sector in which Shell operates
bringing forth the issues that impact the company and its stakeholders in their engagement. The
findings indicate that CSR is concerned with treating stakeholders ethically; and business should
protect wide range of stakeholders' interest. Scientific aim: To examine the effect of corporate social
responsibility on firm profitability, to evaluate the effect of corporate social responsibility on return
on equality, and to assess the effect of corporate social responsibility on market success in Nigeria.
The environmental stakeholders will create credible and trusted framework (GRI 2009) largely
because. This represents the major challenge with CSR pursuits, particularly in cases such as this
where expectations are quite high (Frynas, 2005). The study concludes that financial performance of
listed companies in Nigeria can be enhanced through engaging in socially responsible investments. As
time went by, it became clear that-the business environment is a key element in finding solutions to
community issues. The study is based on the analysis of secondary data obtained from the annual
reports of fifteen listed banks for the period 2005 to 2013. One hundred and fifty eight (158)
questionnaires, representing 66% response rate, were duly completed and retuned for the study. This
explains the presence of multinational oil corporations such as Shell in these countries and in regions
such as the Niger Delta of Nigeria which holds significant oil reserves deemed to be among the
largest in Africa (Wheeler et al., 2010). And it makes the company be more visible and while serves
as a medium by which the company will communicate to the public. Going forward, it recommends
that organisations in Nigerian industries should invest more in the area of corporate social investment
as a form of CSR thereby ensuring that the people could achieve much needed development
sustainably. This paper attempts a review and analysis of CSR practices of the two major Oil TNCs
in. This federal law came into existence for two main reasons; stated by Carter (1978), “to help. The
paper identified and analysed the indices of the components of the CSR (social, economic and
environmental components) packages using results-based management framework to determine the
impacts of the CSR projects and programmes on the people. The sample is determined to be 130
companies out of which 99 responses were received. Promote business value and
reputationConsistency in the profit of an organization.Amend any social discrepancies that may
occur.Serves as a medium of saying thank you to the populace. The company manages multinational
subsidiary petrochemical and energy companies operating in over 80 countries (OPEC, 2011). Social
Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. The methodology employed was that the
researcher examines the Annual Reports and Accounts of randomly selected companies and
compared their turnover with their investment in social responsibility. The results revealed a
significant positive effect between profitability, corporate tax and CSP. Bangsil was sent to Fort
Ilocandia Resort and Hotel to start the. Moreover, even the political parties in run to achieve high
success during elections and to register high performance during their regimes in states and centre
are using the wonder word. In line with these findings, the study recommended that, the management
of the listed consumer.

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