Hemoglobin & Myoglobin
Hemoglobin & Myoglobin
Hemoglobin & Myoglobin
Heme prosthetic grp (4): binds oxygen – on Pyrrole rings & connecting C: same aromatic
each polypeptide chain. sys: so same plane, porphyrin bonded Fe2+
also same plane
4 polypeptide chains: α: 141, β:146 a.a.
5th (& 6th) bonds: axis perpendicular to
porphyrin ring.
If Fe2+ sits in the plane of the porphyrin, 1. Binding of O2 pulls Fe2+ into porphyrin
proximal His F8 imidazole will interact plane.
unfavorably with porphyrin. 2. Movement of Fe2+ moves bonded
proximal His F8 toward porphyrin.
Unfavorable steric interaction due to 3. Therefore, position of covalently
conformational constraints on His F8 & connected F-helix changes.
porphyrin that forces approach of His F8 4. Interconnected FG corner of subunit
toward porphyrin – less significant changes position: this destabilizes FG
constraints in oxyHb corner’s noncovalent interaction with
With Fe2+ out of plane, conformation is C-helix of adjacent subunit at α1β2 or
unstrained & energetically favored for 5- α2β1 subunit interfaces.
coordinated Fe2+. Conformation becomes 5. Adjacent globin structure changes to a
strained when O2 forms 6th bond. conformation that allows O2 to bind to
its heme with high affinity.
More energetically favorable conformation
for O2-bonded Fe2+: Fe2+ is within plane So, FG to C inter-subunit contacts act as a
switch btwn 2 diff arrangements btwn FG
Binding energy of O2 overcomes repulsive corner of one subunit & C-helix of adjacent.
interaction btwn His F8 & porphyrin, Fe2+
moves into plane: most thermodynamically New conformation allows His F8 residues in
stable position for oxy-heme: 6-bonded Fe2+ deoxyHb chains to approach porphyrins on
having one axial ligand on either side of O2 association with less steric repulsion.
plane of porphyrin: steric repulsion of one Ionic interactions that stabilize deoxy-
axial ligand balanced by 2nd on opp. side. conformation are broken by conf. change
induced: oxy-conf. in other subunits can
form more easily.
DeoxyHb: tense/ T conformational state According to law of mass action, increasing
[H+] on right side forces eq. to left:
Oxy form with higher O2 affinity (X150-300, increases [deoxy-Hb] & [free O2]
depending on the solution conditions):
relaxed/ R conformational state. Increased cellular metabolic activity
increases release of carbonic acid from CO2
Allosteric mechanism describes how initial & lactic acid: so, increases [H+].
binding of O2 to a heme pushes molecular
conf. from T to R state. Increase in acidity forces oxy → deoxy-Hb,
O2 delivered to metabolizing cells.
Decrease in pKa of acid groups with change Stabilized imidazolium tends to retains +ve
from T to R conformation releases protons charge, has a higher than normal pKa (~7.7)
Release of protons (T → R) at blood pH = T → R breaks this ion pair, Asp & His side
alkaline Bohr effect: physiological chains at new positions in R – no longer
importance strongly interact: loss of opp. charge
interaction reverts His-146(β) imidazolium
to more normal pKa (~7.3)