NPA - VAWC Budget Analysis Brief

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LGAs Budget Allocation for Household Economic Strengthening is on the
Rise Over Other NPA-VAWC Thematic Areas (FY 2018/19 and 2019/20)

Brief 6.19

Introduction: The Five-year National Plan of Action to End Violence Against

Women and Children (NPAVAWC 2017/18 – 2021/22), has been developed by
consolidating eight different action plans addressing violence against women and
children to create a single comprehensive, National Plan of Action to Eradicate
Violence Against Women and Children in the country. The NPA-VAWC cut across
11 (eleven) ministries and agencies including key ministries, President’s Office-
Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG) and Ministry of
Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC).
The (PO-RALG) has the overall responsibility of the NPA-VAWC implementation
and coordination at Regional, Council, Ward and Village/Mtaa level, while the
(MoHCDGEC) takes the overall responsibility of coordination and secretariat at the
national level.

Scope of the Analysis: It is understood Council and Mbozi District Council have
that NPA is multi-sectoral and cross also been assessed to explore the reality
jurisdictional, therefore this analysis at the implementation level.
focuses to assess budget allocation for
the two major ministries, the PO-RALG NPA-VAWC Budget Overview for
with its overall responsibility of NPA VAC 2018/19 to 2019/20: The NPA-VAWC
implementation and MoHCDGEC with the designated to spend a total budget of
role of coordination. Since the LGAs are Shillings 90.9 billion Tanzanian Shillings
implementers of Government policies and 68.5 billion for FY 2018/19 and
and directives, two Local Government 2019/20 consecutively as indicated in
figure 1 below.
Authorities (LGAs), Kinondoni Municipal

Figure 1: NPA-VAWC COSTING FOR FY 2018/19 and 2019/20

THEMATIC AREA FY 2018/19 FY 2019/20
HOUSEHOLD ECONOMIC STRENGTHENING 12,983,976,000 12,603,246,000
NORMS AND VALUES 49,058,320,000 28,859,500,000
SAFE ENVIROMENT 555,200,000 627,360,000
RESPONSE AND SUPPORT SERVICES 5,117,356,000 5,920,716,000
SAFE SCHOOLS AND LIFE SKILLS 8,827,480,080 9,047,680,080
TOTAL YEAR BUDGET 90,863,373,080 68,526,038,080
Data Source: (NPAVAWC 2017/18 – 2021/22)

The MOHCDGEC Budget Allocation for NPA-VAWC Related Interventions:

Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children is divided
into two budgetary votes for Health and Community Development. The total budget for
both Health and Community Development for FY 2019/20 is Shillings 959.152 billion,
showing an increase of 10.7% from FY 2018/19 budget of Shillings 866.234 billion.

LGAs Budget Allocation for Household Economic Strengthening is on the Rise Over Other NPA-
VAWC Thematic Areas (FY 2018/19 and 2019/20)
The budget allocation for community
development related activities at the
ministerial level has experienced a
reduction of 1.9% equivalent to shillings
603 million despite of the increase of the
ministry overall budget.

In this regards, the community

development department for FY 2019/20
has planned to spend the total budget of
Shillings 31.537 billion with the decrease
of Social Welfare budget by 19.3%
compared to FY 2018/19. Though the
social welfare appears again to the health
budget subvote amount of Shillings 399.5
million to cover salaries for FY 2019/20 it
has also been reduced by 58% compared
to what was allocated in FY 2018/19
Shillings 952 million. Therefore, the total
amount of money allocated for social
welfare and community development at
MoHCDGEC for FY 2019/20 is Shillings
31,937 billion. There are still challenges Data Source: Budget Books Estimates
on budget execution, according to the volume 1 and II of 2019/20
minister’s speech, by March 2019 the
MoHCDGEC received only 54% of the The PO-RALG Budget Allocation for
total budget allocated for FY 2018/19 NPA-VAWC:
under Community Development while The PO-RALG total budget for 2019/20,
the Health Vote experienced higher is Shillings 6.208 trillion accounting for
execution of 82%. 18.8 % of the total national budget.
The NPA-VAWC related activities are
implemented at LGA level by receiving
transfers from central government
for salaries and other administrative
costs, while programmes budgets come
from LGAs own source as instructed by
budget guidelines for 2019/20-2021/22.
According to the data from PO-RALG, LGAs
have demonstrated high performance on
economic strengthening thematic area
for NPA-VAWC than any other thematic
area. This has been contributed by the
budget instructions on supporting groups
of women, youth and people living with
disability at the ratio of, women (4%,
Data Source: Budget Books Estimates
Youth (4 %) and people with disabilities
volume I and II
(2 %). In FY 2018/19 all 185 LGAs

NPA-VAWC Budget Analysis Brief

budgeted Shillings 47.334 billion and that Kinondoni Municipal Council allocated
executed Shillings 42.067 billion equal Shillings 2.435 billion from own source to
to 89%, far above by 44% over the NPA- support economic strengthening while
VAWC planned budget for FY 2018/19 of Mbozi District allocated only Shillings
Shillings 12.983 billion for women. 255.939 million from own source on same
program. Though the actual allocation
in FY 2018/19 for Mbozi District Council
was Shillings 2.489 billion it was because
of TASAF transfer from the central
government of Shillings 2, 224 billion. For
FY 2019/20 with absence of TASAF the
budget allocation has declined to Shillings
286.527 million.

Data Source: PO-RALG consolidation from

all LGAs 2018

Again the PO-RALG has allocated Shillings

4.450 billion in FY 2019/20 on Health,
Social Welfare and Nutrition Services
subvote recording a decrease of 58%,
compared to FY 2018/19 where the
budget was Shillings 10.594 billion and Data Source: PO-RALG
most of the time that budget is spent on
health issues for it being more sensitive Budget allocation for other related NPA
than Social Welfare and Nutrition VAWC thematic areas, Kinondoni Municipal
Council allocated Shillings 242.417
NPA-VAWC Budget trend at LGA level: million with 78.40 % disbursement in FY
The findings from PO-RALG shows that 2018/19 for social welfare services under
Dodoma City Council is currently leading health department to support parenting,
on revenue collection with Shillings 71.727 family support & relationship, response
billion, while the lowest is Nanyamba and support services. In Mbozi the
Town Council with total revenue collection budget was quite low with only Shillings
of Shillings 257.619 million. The gap 2.4 million on Parenting, Family Support
between the highest collection and and Relationships and Commemoration
lowest collection LGAs is quite large and of international days Shillings 1 million
consequently affect the service delivery only.
in same dimension. That means the LGAs
with high revenue collection children Key Recommendations
services such as protection, health and • 
Fence all NPA-VAWC related budget
nutrition are likely to be provided than in like the household economic
LGAs with low revenue collection. For that strengthening in order to achieve
desired outcomes. The resource
case children living in difficult situations
allocation for other NPA-VAWC
are mostly affected, such as children thematic areas is quite low including
living with disabilities, orphans, children coordination which is very important
on the move, children living on streets for effective implementation of the
and all children from poor families. plan at LGA level.
The findings from FY 2018/19 revealed

LGAs Budget Allocation for Household Economic Strengthening is on the Rise Over Other NPA-
VAWC Thematic Areas (FY 2018/19 and 2019/20)
Figure 7: Mbozi District Council Budget Allocation for FY 2018/19 & 2019/20 plans such as NPA-VAWC which relies
Department Budget FY 2018/19 % Budget FY 2019/20 %
on own source revenues for its full
Administration 53,289,960,000 79.1 36,107,331,215 78.3 implementation.
Health 4,725,825,676 7.01 2,807,801,796 6.09 • 
Increase budget allocation and
Land 46,560,858 0.07 36,000,000 0.08 disbursement of funds for Community
Primary Education 2,423,375,975 3.6 2,108,385,360 4.57 Development Department at the
Secondary Education 1,488,822,000 2.21 1,612,922,000 3.5
ministry level to effectively function
Finance 26,020,286 0.04 39,922,400 0.09
and exercise its mandate in all child
Agriculture 88,018,000 0.13 190,470,445 0.41
related matters in the country.
Community Development 2,489,245,241 3.69 286,527,428 0.62 • 
There is need to enhance inclusive
Water 833,338,000 1.24 0 0 approach to budgetary processes:
Livestock and Fishery 21,550,000 0.03 71,768,036 0.16 Participation in the agenda setting and
Planning 168,986,624 0.25 266,232,804 0.58 budget process is limited to responsible
Construction 27,768,000 0.04 49,768,000 0.11
officials in the government institutions
Sanitation and
Environment 33,520,286 0.05 47,600,000 0.1
and a few individuals in the civil society
Procurement 8,004,571 0.01 23,000,000 0.05 whose work revolves around budgetary
Bee Project 10,000,000 0.01 23,000,000 0.05 issues. The public, children in particular
Other Charges 1,688,424,806 2.51 2,445,249,324 5.3 are outside the cycle and hardly
Total 67,369,420,323 100 46,115,978,808 100 engaged during budget agenda setting
Data Source: Mpango na Bajeti ya
and budget process. Therefore, INGOs,
NGOs and CSOs should enhance their
Halmashauri 2018/2019
engagement with Government at
different levels to influence decisions
• Despite of the budget guidelines for FY on children and women issues.
2019/20 instructing LGAs to set budget
for NPA-VAWC implementation, there
is no big change between FY 2018/19
• Budget Speech for the Minister
and FY 2019/20 for the sampled LGAs.
of President Office-Regional
Therefore, there should be purposive
Administration and Local Government
measures to raise awareness on
budget guidelines to LGA officials once
• Budget Speech for Minister of Finance
are realised by Ministry of Finance and
and Planning 2019/20
• Budget Speech for Minister of Health,
• Bridging inequality gap on service
Community Development Gender
delivery between high and low revenue
Elderly and Children 2019/20
collection LGAs to ensure equal service
• Guidelines for The Preparation of Plans
delivery to children and women in
and Budget 2018/19 and 2019/20 –
Tanzania through central government
transfers. As of now, the LGA with high
• Public Expenditure Estimates
revenue collection are most likely to
Development Votes (Part A) Ministerial
deliver best services for children and
and Regional Development Programmes
women than those with low collection.
1st July, 2019 to 30th June 2020
• Review LGAs own source revenues
• Volume II Estimates of Public
administration, as it is overwhelmed by
Expenditure Consolidated Fund Service
spending directives such as 40 and 60
and Supply Votes (Ministerial) 1st July,
percent to development activities, 20%
2019 to 30th June 2020
of revenue generated from Agriculture
• Volume III Estimates for Public
to be allocated in Agriculture and 15%
Expenditure Supply Votes (Regional)
revenues from livestock to be spent on
1st July, 2019 to 30th June 2020.
livestock. This affects other sectors and

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Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255 22 2780200
Email: [email protected]

NPA-VAWC Budget Analysis Brief


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