Tourism Development: AP P S L ?: Institute For The Study of Diplomacy Case Study

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Institute for the Study of Diplomacy
Case Study

A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka?
Manny Fassihi

Cover photo source:

Case 334

Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka?

Manny Fassihi

ISBN: 978-1-56927-000-4

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Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka?


Manny Fassihi is a design consultant based in Singapore, where he leads human-centered processes to

understand people’s needs, develop insights and strategy, and guide innovative design solutions for products,

systems, and services. He works across a range of industries and is known for his expertise in education,

tourism, civic engagement, and international development. In 2016, he graduated from the Master’s

program in Global Human Development from Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service.

This case study was made possible (in part) by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The
statements made and views expressed are solely the responsibility of the author.
of tourism in any country,” said Basil Rajapaksa, Sri
I. A NEW DAWN FOR SRI Lanka’s Minister of Economic Development. “There
LANKAN TOURISM won’t be tourists if there is no peace.” 6

On August 29, 2014, British tourists Joshua Gladstein Because of tourism’s potential to generate jobs, foreign
and Sophie Nathan were unwitting participants in Sri investment, economic growth, and infrastructural
Lankan history. After landing in Colombo, the development, the Sri Lankan government identified
nation’s capital, they became the 1,000,000th and tourism as central to the country’s national policy and
1,000,001st tourists to arrive in Sri Lanka in 2014, in a socio-economic development. By achieving these ends
country that had never drawn over a million tourists a and supporting sustainable livelihoods across the
year. 1 These numbers paled in comparison to countries island, the government hoped a vibrant tourism
like the United Kingdom, which received in excess of industry would provide an economic boost – and
30 million foreign arrivals per year. 2 But for Sri Lanka, perhaps even reduce the likelihood of war starting
a country emerging from decades of violence and again.
disasters, these numbers were signs of a new period of
In 2011, the government rolled out a strategy for
hard-won peace and prosperity.
attracting 2.5 million arrivals and $3 billion in foreign
Sri Lanka faced two significant challenges in building investment, with the goal of generating 500,000 jobs
up its tourism industry. For decades, the country had by 2016. Minister Rajapaksa, the younger brother of
been troubled by a deep ethnic divide. 3 Between 1983 President Mahinda Rajapaksa, believed the country
and 2009, the Sinhalese, the country’s dominant was well on its way to achieving these goals.
Buddhist ethnic group, waged a civil war with the
Moreover, the benefits of tourism were broadly based,
Tamils, a minority Hindu group, with heavy losses on
and not restricted to the Sinhala-dominated south, as
both sides. The United Nations estimated that the
in the past. “Today the industry has expanded to the
nearly three decades of war between the Sri Lankan
north, south, west, east and even the central hills,” he
Army and the military arm of the Tamil resistance
said, following Gladstein and Nathan’s arrivals. 7 In
movement, the “Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam”
addition, tourism appeared to be playing a role in
(LTTE), cost over 100,000 lives. 4 In 2004, the country
poverty reduction. According to a 2016 World Bank
experienced its worst natural disaster when a tsunami
report, the country’s poverty rate dropped from almost
ravaged the coastal regions, claiming over 35,000 lives
a quarter of the population in 2002 to as low as six
and leaving 500,000 homeless. 5 All of these years of
percent after the war. The report cited the economy’s
strife and destruction meant the Sri Lankan tourism
move away from agriculture and toward more
industry was largely stagnant.
profitable sectors, including the apparel industry and
But with the defeat of the separatist rebels in May tourism, as a major contributing factor to poverty
2009, the industry was now primed for record growth. reduction. 8
“Peace is the biggest investment for the development

“Sri Lanka Welcomes One Millionth Tourist for 2014,” August (July 27, 2016).
29, 2014, http:/-/ 6
“Sri Lanka Eyes Tourism Boom but Challenges Lie
millionth-tourist-for-2014/ (July 9, 2016). Ahead,” BBC News, January 25, 2011,
“International Tourism, Number of Arrivals,” World Bank, (July 27, 2016).
B (January 12, 2017). 7
“Basil Inaugurates ‘Sancharaka Udawa’ as Post-war Sri Lanka
Aravinth Kumar, “The Long Term Solution to Sri Lanka's Celebrates Tourism Revival,” Daily FT, June 28, 2014,
Ethnic Problem,” Colombo Telegraph, May 6, 2015, as-post-war-sri-lanka-celebrates-tourism-revival/ (July 27, 2016).
solution-to-sri-lankas-ethnic-problem/ (July 5, 2016). 8 “Sri Lanka: Poverty and Remaining Challenges,” World Bank,
“Up to 100,000 Killed in Sri Lanka's Civil War: UN,” ABC 2016, http://www-
News, May 20, 2009,
20/up-to-100000-killed-in-sri-lankas-civil-war-un/1689524 IB/2016/03/14/090224b0841faaf9/1_0/Rendered/PDF/Poverty0a
(July 11, 2016). nd0we0remaining0challenges.pdf (January 12, 2017).
T.J. Helgeson, “Tsunami Disaster in Sri Lanka,”
Manny Fassihi 2

Shaped like a jewel, Sri Lanka is an island country at The US government established relations with the
India’s southern tip, with beautiful beaches, wildlife new Sri Lankan government shortly after the country’s
sanctuaries, a world-famous “tea country,” unique independence. On August 3, 1949, Felix Cole
ecosystems, and climate zones—all contained in a presented his credentials as American Ambassador
space the size of West Virginia (see maps in Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Though Sri Lanka
Appendices 1 and 2). In 1265, famed Venetian ultimately opted to take a stance of non-alignment—
explorer Marco Polo deemed Sri Lanka “the finest i.e., it did not formally align itself with either Western
island of its size in all the world.” 9 But modern-day or Eastern blocs during the Cold War—relations with
explorers had much to see as well. UNESCO, for the United States were cordial and based on a shared
instance, had designated eight of the island’s ancient democratic tradition. 12 The start of US government
cities and colonial forts as World Heritage Sites. economic assistance to Sri Lanka in 1950 was modest
due to the country’s relative prosperity in the region.
With this new period of peace and signals of Between 1950 and 1952, the US government allocated
government investment, Lonely Planet, the largest less than $50,000 for specialized training and
travel guide publisher in the world, named Sri Lanka education. 13
its top destination in 2013. 10 Was this yet another
promising sign that Sri Lanka’s tourism industry was However, when commodity prices began falling in the
getting the attention it deserved? There were reasons 1950s, the terms of trade turned against Sri Lanka.
to be optimistic, but also notes of caution. After all, Now dealing with a trade deficit, the newly formed
this was not the first time the Sri Lankan government and elected United National Party (UNP) faced its
had pinned its hopes on tourism. first major test: could it help ease the Sri Lankan
economy into more productive sectors? The
population was growing faster than production in
most sectors. A World Bank study completed in 1952
II. PHASE I: TOURISM’S INITIAL noted that social welfare services were consuming 35
percent of the budget, and recommended that the
BOOM (1966-1982)
government reduce its subsidy on rice. 14 However, the
move proved to be the government’s undoing,
In 1948, Sri Lanka (then known as Ceylon) began its
sparking a civil disobedience movement that
transition to independence from centuries of colonial
ultimately forced Prime Minister Dudley Senanayake
rule in uniquely stable circumstances. The new
to resign.
democracy’s anti-colonial struggle had been
remarkably peaceful, and the country had a
The Sri Lankan people would go on to reject the UNP
functioning bureaucracy, well-developed transport
mandate in 1956 when they elected the Sri Lanka
infrastructure, and a relatively educated population. 11
Freedom Party (SLFP) to power. Prime Minister
Though profitable, Sri Lanka’s trade at the time was
S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike used the UNP’s pro-Western
still largely a legacy of the demands of the colonial
stance as a potent propaganda weapon, claiming Sri
system for primary product exports—tea, rubber, and
Lanka’s independence in 1948 was “fake,” and the
coconuts. The prospects for an economically robust,
country could only achieve true independence by
fully participatory, and manageable democracy looked
severing all links to the West. To boost the country’s
economy, Bandaranaike advocated a number of

Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, Translated by Henry Yule
(John Murray: London, 1920), Book 3, Chapter 14 (Can be pdf (January 12, 2017).
accessed at 12
Russell R. Ross and Andrea Matles Savada, “Sri Lanka: A Country Study,” Library of Congress,
_3/Chapter_14) (January 17, 2017). (July 27, 2016).
“World’s Hottest Destinations for 2013 Contain Aussie 13
U.S. Agency for International Development, “20 Years of
Surprise,” Traveller, USAID Program in Ceylon,” 1970,
destinations-for-2013-contain-aussie-surprise-27tdl (January 18, 2017).
(January 12, 2017). 14
Ross and Savada, op. cit.
Evan Due, “Tourism and Development: Examining the Case of
Sri Lanka” (master’s thesis, McMaster University, 1980),
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 3

populist policies, declaring his intention to nationalize counter to US interests and US faith in free markets—
plantations, banks, and insurance companies. From the US government temporarily suspended the
1956-1965, the government actively expanded the program between 1963 and 1965.
public sector and broadened domestic welfare
programs, including pension plans, medical care, and In March of 1965, the UNP, again led by Dudley
food and fuel subsidies. This social agenda put a strain Senanayake, returned to power, capturing more than
on the country’s supply of foreign capital. 39 percent of the parliamentary seats compared to
Nevertheless, the SLFP remained strong due to the SLFP’s 30.2 percent. Chief among the party’s plans
unwavering support of the Sinhala majority. was developing the country’s then-fledgling private
sector. Senanayake had declared the country
During this time, the US government took heed of Sri “bankrupt” due to its heavy expenditures on social
Lanka’s leftist turn and began expanding its presence welfare. The previous government’s populist economic
within the country. On April 28, 1956, Bandaranaike policies and import substitution strategy, which
and the US Ambassador to Sri Lanka signed a bilateral included maintaining an overvalued exchange rate,
economic assistance agreement, with a pledge of US production subsidies for traditional exports, and
“economic development and technical assistance as restrictions on imports, did not alleviate the country’s
well as specialized training for [Sri Lankan] imbalance of trade. And these moves limited the
technicians in the United States.” The United States supply of foreign exchange. To support the
quickly granted a 30-year loan for “equipment development of the private sector, the government
necessary for economic and technical development.” 15 sought to improve relations with the United States and
seek more US aid following the suspension in 1963. 19
The US assistance program in Sri Lanka was much Aid would be critical if Sri Lanka hoped to meet the
like US aid programs elsewhere in the developing country’s food needs, especially after a worldwide
world at the time, designed to promote peace and shortage of rice in 1965 prompted a nearly 50 percent
stability through foreign aid that was largely “tied” to increase in the cost of rice imports. World prices for
purchases of US goods and services. At the height of Sri Lanka’s exports—tea, rubber, and coconut—had
the Cold War, keeping pro-communist factions at bay also been declining for years.
was a major goal, and one the United States believed
it could achieve by boosting economic development in As part of the US mission in Sri Lanka, G.S. Kovach,
countries around the world. 16 With a socialist India to a tourism advisor, conducted a visit to Sri Lanka in
the north, Sri Lanka became more important to US 1965 to explore the country’s tourism potential. In his
regional stability interests, including balancing the report to the Sri Lankan government, Kovach declared
Soviet presence in the Indian Ocean region, and that the country had all the raw materials for a tourism
evolving a constructive relationship with non-aligned industry—scenery, climate, good transport facilities,
Third World countries. 17 friendly people—but noted that there were fewer than
18,000 recorded visitors per year. At the time, the
The US government would allocate loans and grants country lacked a robust tourism infrastructure, and
for development projects, financing the purchase of needed luxury hotels, a better investment climate, and
food and agricultural commodities, agricultural the publicity and management expertise to launch the
extension and research, irrigation and land industry. Given the increased affluence of the
development, airport development and industrialized world, the substantial growth in leisure
administration, highway and rail planning, and the time, and a curiosity for exotic locales, tourism could
eradication of malaria. By 1963, US assistance to Sri address some of Sri Lanka’s economic woes and
Lanka totaled US$92.3 million. 18 When the SLFP transfer this newfound wealth to local entities.
nationalized a US oil company—a move that was Moreover, a vibrant tourism industry would also signal

“20 Years of USAID Program in Ceylon,” op. cit., p. 6. 17
“Telegram 1387 from the Embassy in Sri Lanka to the
“Foreign Aid: The Cold War Foreign Aid Program, 1947- Department of State,” State Department, April 19, 1976,
1953,” Encyclopedia of the New American Nation, (January 12, 2017).
cold-war-foreign-aid-program-1947-1953.html 18
“20 Years of USAID Program in Ceylon,” op. cit.
(January 12, 2017). 19
Ross and Savada, op. cit.
Manny Fassihi 4

to developed countries that the investment climate in private corporation would, entering into profit sharing
Sri Lanka was as attractive to foreign investors as with its enterprises. 22
industrial and manufacturing sectors elsewhere in the
region, including Singapore and Hong Kong. Kovach The Tourist Board immediately hired a consortium of
pointed out that more market research and feasibility firms, led by Harris, Kerr, Forster, and Company (a
studies were needed to help the country meet the needs Hawaii-based group of accountants), to propose a
of international tourists. 20 tourism development strategy. The plan would be part
of a package of technical assistance given by the United
The UNP government took steps to stimulate the States Agency for International Development
tourist industry, taking note of many of the findings in (USAID) to survey the country’s tourism potential. 23
Kovach’s report. In 1966, Minister of State J.R.
Jayewardene established the legislative and planning After just three months on the island, the team
foundations for the industry, starting with reforms compiled a ten-year tourism plan to serve as a
around the investment climate. Attracting visitors blueprint for tourism development. The 1966 “Ceylon
would first require a highly developed tourist Tourism Plan” hailed tourism as “an export industry of
infrastructure that could only by financed through enormous proportions offering unlimited prospects as
foreign capital inputs. In March 1966, the newly a growth resource.” 24 The rationale for tourism, to the
created Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs team, was simple: it would provide economy-wide
had responsibility for formulating a foreign exchange benefits, with revenue “flowing quickly and directly
budget. As part of this mandate, the Ministry issued a with a wide distribution into the local economy
“White Paper” on foreign investment that offered new providing a rapid cumulative and circulating flow of
tax holidays, depreciation allowances, and a range of income,” and launch an “inexpensive instrument for
other concessions to attract foreign capital. 21 creating good will, development of other industry, and
the circulation of desirable public and political
In May, Minister Jayewardene created two bodies to relations with neighboring nations and the world
function as the official arms of tourism development: community.” 25 The Plan made recommendations for
(1) the Ceylon Tourist Board and (2) the Ceylon more liberal government investment policies,
Hotels Corporation. The Board comprised seven expenditures on hotel, air, and road infrastructure, and
public servants—nominated by the Minister—tasked clustering of geographic areas, dividing the country
with the objectives of ensuring that the country into five resort development zones (see Appendix 3). 26
accrued the maximum possible social and economic Should the government follow through with the
benefit from international tourism, as measured by the recommendations, the Plan projected over 300,000
number of jobs generated and the amount of foreign foreign arrivals in 1976. 27
exchange brought into the country. The Board’s
activities focused on regulations, development (e.g., The Sri Lankan government hastily adopted the plan.
infrastructure, facilities, hotel school, and training), As Dr. Ari Gamage, director of research at the Ceylon
promotion, and financing tourism ventures and Tourist Board in 1982, reflected: “The report had been
research. Its sister agency, the Ceylon Hotels adopted in its entirety by the authorities without
Corporation, owned and operated hotels and discussion of the wider implications of the tourism
restaurants, transport firms, and tourist shops. The development.” 28 The Tourist Board followed the
Corporation functioned in much the same way a recommendations closely, relaxing import restrictions,
introducing policies to make land acquisition for resort
construction legal, and identifying national landmarks

Report on Tourism in Ceylon, by G. S. Kovach (1965), quoted in 23
Due, op. cit.
Evan Due, “Tourism and Development: Examining the Case of 24
Ceylon Tourism Plan 1967 (p. 27), quoted by Malcolm Crick,
Sri Lanka” (master’s thesis, McMaster University, 1980) Resplendent Sites, Discordant Voices: Sri Lankans and International Tourism (New York: Routledge Press, 2012).
pdf (January 12, 2017). 25
Ibid. 26
Government of Sri Lanka, “Ceylon Tourist Board,” (1966), 27
Ibid. 28
A. Gamage, “Tourism in the Economy of Sri Lanka,” (master’s
(January 12, 2017). thesis, Scottish Hotel School, 1978).
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 5

and park areas for protection. To meet the projected year, helping make tourism Sri Lanka’s fastest-
demand, the government sought to increase growing economic sector. Earnings grew from US$1.3
construction of new tourist accommodation facilities. million in 1966 to US$28.2 million in 1976. Between
With low levels of visitors, the country would need to 1970 and 1979, employment tripled from 12,000 to
provide extra inducements to high-end, international 36,000 working in hotels and restaurants, travel
hotels to invest (see Appendix 4). The Board approved agencies, airlines, tourist shops, and recreational
generous investment policies, including a five-year tax agencies. 31
holiday, indefinite loss carryforwards, and guarantees
against expropriation and nationalization. Ultimately, though, many of the promises made by the
Plan went unrealized. While tourism did grow to
However, despite the UNP’s fervor for private sector become the fifth-largest source of foreign exchange by
development, the economy did not show significant 1976 (after tea, personal remittances, textiles, and
signs of improvement during their term. The party petroleum products), the country was earning only half
would go on to lose the election in 1970 to the leftist the foreign exchange predicted, and seeing only a little
SLFP. Tourism fell in importance with the new over a third of the projected number of foreign arrivals.
administration, which cut grants to the Tourist Board Visitors from North America were only 7 percent of
by 60 percent. the totals the Plan had led authorities to expect. 32
Global tourism growth during the 1970s was slow in
Nevertheless, resorts continued to expand during this general, due in large part to the oil crisis in 1974 that
period. Various multinational chains (including increased the cost of travel.
Holiday Inn, Intercontinental, and Oberoi)
constructed hotels, and international tourist firms like Apart from these predictive errors, the Plan was
Kuoni and Neckermann increased operations. The defective in a more fundamental way. “The report had
majority of these deals were largely a legacy of the been adopted in its entirety by the authorities without
previous UNP administration’s contracts and incentive discussion of the wider implications of the tourism
arrangements that the SLFP opted to continue. development,” the Ceylon Tourist Board’s director of
research wrote in his master’s thesis in 1978. 33 In other
In addition to these large, capital-intensive projects, words, not only were a number of economic issues not
the Sri Lankan government began promoting considered, but the broader socio-cultural
“medium-sized” units, locally owned and operated. consequences of tourism development were ignored.
This was to ensure “greater local participation in the
industry and stronger (and more) linkages with other Yet, the government did not feel that these low
local economic sectors, particularly manufacturing and numbers were a cause for concern. When the UNP
food processing.” 29 Many of these hotels were based returned to power in 1977, it began a campaign to
on the southern coast, situated primarily in Sinhalese maximize foreign exchange and re-open the Sri
areas with hotels run by Sinhalese or under US or Lankan economy for business. The administration was
European management. Entrepreneurs in the prepared to take on significant amounts of external
northern and eastern provinces did not usually have debt, accepting foreign aid from the United States,
access to the training facilities or support. Possibly as Western Europe, and Japan. The government would
a result of the Sinhala-majority government’s use the aid money to invest in a massive irrigation
influence, entrepreneurs in Tamil-majority areas were project, the Mahaweli Ganga Program, which was
excluded from the original master plan outlined by expected to “make Sri Lanka self-sufficient in rice and
Harris, Kerr, and Forster. 30 generate enough hydroelectric power to fill the
nation’s requirements.” 34 This signaled a turning point
Over the entire 1966-1982 period, tourism boomed. in Sri Lankan economic policy to stimulate export-
Arrivals grew at an average rate of 21.9 percent per

Due, op. cit. war Development in Sri Lanka,” Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Due, op. cit. Research 18, no. 7, 2013, 685-711.
Ibid. 33
Gamage, op. cit.
Sriyantha Fernando, Jayatilleke S. Bandara & Christine Smith, 34
N.C.M. Navaratne, “Overview of Mahaweli Programme to
“Regaining Missed Opportunities: The Role of Tourism in Post- Enhance the Water Security,”
Manny Fassihi 6

driven industries that would have “multiplier benefits” government disenfranchised the Tamil migrant
for other industries, including tourism. plantation workers from India and made Sinhala the
official language. In addition, they gave preference to
As the economy grew, Sri Lanka succeeded in Sinhalese applicants for university admissions and
attracting a large number of tourists, particularly from government jobs. Many Tamils working for the
Europe. The government began imposing heavy taxes government lost their positions, as they were unable to
on hoteliers to increase its revenues, rolling back on speak the national language. In 1972, the Sinhalese
the previous policies of giving generous tax holidays. changed the country’s name from Ceylon to Sri Lanka
While hotel investors took umbrage to the move, they and made Buddhism the nation’s primary religion—a
hoped that the increase in visitors would boost their move that was not popular with the largely Hindu
occupancy rates. Arrivals would finally break the Tamil population. 38
300,000 mark in 1982, as Harris, Kerr, and Forster
had projected. But it would take decades for the The Sri Lankan Freedom Party drove many of the
country to pass 400,000 tourists per year. 35 Sinhala nationalistic measures, often at the expense of
the rights of the country’s minorities. Tamil politicians
called for Gandhi-style campaigns of civil
disobedience, but their voices were overpowered by
III. TOURISM, INTERRUPTED: calls for “national liberation” by younger Tamils.
THE CIVIL WAR (1983-2002) Young Tamil radicals, calling themselves “Tamil
Tigers,” mobilized to form a number of terrorist
The tourism boom came to an abrupt halt in 1983 organizations, the most violent of which was the
when the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) LTTE. Under the leadership of Velupillai
ambushed an Army convoy, killing 13 soldiers. The Prabhakaran, the group vigorously campaigned for a
ambush would trigger riots, organized by the Sinhalese separate Tamil homeland in northern and eastern Sri
majority, in which 2,500 Tamils died. The July 1983 Lanka, where the country’s Tamil population was
riots marked the beginning of a bloody civil war concentrated. 39
between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE. 36
During the ensuing conflict, the LTTE emerged as a
The sectarian tensions between Sri Lanka’s Sinhalese fearsome terrorist organization, gaining notoriety for
majority (74 percent) and Tamil minority (12.7 suicide bombings, recruitment of child soldiers, and
percent) populations had their origins in the country’s providing an all-around challenge for the Sri Lankan
colonial past. 37 During the British colonial period, government throughout the northern and eastern
according to the Sinhalese view, Tamils received provinces.
preferential treatment in education and civil service as
part of the “divide and conquer” strategy in Sri Lanka. In the early years of the war, a number of attempts to
end the conflict were made both internally and
The Sinhalese deeply resented this favoritism and externally, as detailed in ISD Case Study #151, “The
began to see themselves not as the majority but as a Tamil-Sinhalese Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka: A Case
minority in a large Tamil sea that included 60 million Study in Efforts to Negotiate a Settlement, 1983-
Tamils in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu. In the 1988.” 40 Peace talks between the LTTE and the
years following independence, the Sinhalese-run 38
“The Sri Lankan Conflict,” Council on Foreign Relations, May
%20Eng.%20N.C.M.%20Navaratna.pdf (January 12, 2017). 18, 2009,
Fernando, op. cit. networks/sri-lankan-conflict/p11407 (July 27, 2016).
“Sri Lanka: Conflict Profile,” Peace Direct, October 2013, 39
Ibid. 40
Marshall R. Singer, “The Tamil-Sinhalese Ethnic Conflict in
profile/ (July 27, 2016). Sri Lanka: A Case Study in Efforts to Negotiate a Settlement,
Census of Population and Housing of Sri Lanka, “Population by 1983-1988,” ISD Case Study #151, 1989,
District, Ethnic Group, and Sex, 2012,” Table A3, sinhalese-ethnic-conflict-in-sri-lanka-a-case-study-in-efforts-to-
es/Reports/FinalReport/Population/Table%20A3.pdf negotiate-a-settlement-1983-1988
(January 12, 2017). (January 12, 2017).
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 7

government began in Thimphu, Bhutan, in 1985, but 394,000 arrivals. 44 But many of these visitors were
soon broke down. backpackers, and less likely to be high spenders.

India, with its own Tamil population in the south,

made a pact with the Sri Lankan government to send
peacekeeping troops to the island in 1987. Unable to IV. PHASE II: A NEW PEACE
quell the violence, they began fighting with the
LTTE, and ultimately were forced to leave by Sri Hopes for peace emerged towards the end of 2001,
Lankan President Premadasa in 1990. Not long after, when the LTTE began to declare its willingness to
an LTTE suicide bomber killed Indian Prime explore measures for a peaceful settlement to the
Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991. The Indian press conflict. The expression came shortly after the
subsequently reported that LTTE leader Prabhakaran September 11 attacks, sparking fears of direct US
decided to eliminate Gandhi as he considered the support of the Sri Lankan government as part of the
Indian prime minister to be against the Tamil War on Terror.
liberation struggle. Following the assassination, India
limited its direct involvement in the war. The peace process evolved with the election of the
United National Party, the country’s right-leaning,
Washington, on the other hand, did not play a major pro-Western government that had promised to end
role in the conflict. In 1997, the US State Department the war during its campaign. On December 19, 2001,
placed the LTTE on its terror list. 41 amidst efforts by Norway to bring the government and
the Tamil Tigers to the negotiating table, the LTTE
Throughout the war, both the government and LTTE announced a 30-day ceasefire with the Sri Lankan
were implicated in widespread human rights abuses, government. The newly elected government
including abduction, conscription, and the use of child reciprocated, announcing a month-long ceasefire and
soldiers. More than 1 million people in Sri Lanka agreeing to lift a long-standing economic embargo on
became internally displaced and were living in rebel-held territory. On February 22, 2002, the sides
camps—homeless, and struggling for survival. 42 formalized a memorandum of understanding. Norway
Exhaustion with the war was building as the casualties was named as mediator, committing to facilitate talks
mounted. As a result, a significant peace movement between the parties until a peace was reached.
developed in the late 1990s, with many organizations
holding peace camps, conferences, trainings, and In September 2002, at a naval base in Thailand, the
“peace meditations.” 43 Colombo government and the LTTE held their first
peace talks in seven years. On the third day, the LTTE
While the tourism industry certainly suffered during announced that it would settle for “internal self-
these years of conflict, it did not, remarkably, self- determination” for the Tamil population rather than
destruct. A decline in arrivals during the 1980s was full independence—a major shift in the rebels’
followed by a partial recovery during the 1990s as position. In a second round of talks, both sides agreed
foreign tourists grew more confident that the fighting on a framework for seeking foreign aid to rebuild the
was confined to the north and northeast sections of the country (estimated at US$500 million). A multilateral
island. As a result, tourist visits were mostly donor conference in Oslo in late November brought
concentrated in the south, which was marketed as numerous pledges of external assistance, with the
isolated from the conflict. By 2000, visitor numbers United States promising to “play its part” toward
were approaching their pre-conflict level, with implementation of a peace plan. 45

Ibid. 43
“Sri Lankan Civil War - Eelam War III - Early Peace Efforts,”
“UN Report Highlights Human Rights Violations in Sri Lanka
and Urges Creation of Hybrid Court,” International Justice Resource rly_peace_efforts (July 27, 2016).
Center, September 22, 2015, 44
“International Tourism, Number of Arrivals,” World Bank,
human-rights-violations-in-sri-lanka-and-urges-creation-of- (July 27, 2016).
hybrid-court/ (July 27, 2016). 45
“Sri Lanka: Background and U.S. Relations,” Library of
Congress, 2008,
Manny Fassihi 8

In the run-up to the planned sixth round of talks, three To attract investment, the Sri Lankan government
co-chairs were assigned in addition to Norway: the knew it would have to adopt liberal macroeconomic
European Union, Japan, and the United States. By reforms that matched the policy stance of the major
December 2002, Norwegian mediators announced development partners (i.e., the International
that after six rounds of negotiations, the Sri Lankan Monetary Fund, World Bank, Asian Development
government and the LTTE had come to an Bank, and the Japanese government). This included
agreement: cutting 300,000 recipients from Samurdhi (the
government’s poverty alleviation scheme), curtailing
The parties have agreed to explore a political fertilizer subsidies, revising electricity charges,
solution founded on the principle of internal introducing a pricing system on petrol, and privatizing
self-determination in areas of historical the People’s Bank. 48
habitation of the Tamil-speaking peoples,
based on a federal structure within a united The Sri Lankan government once again pinned its
Sri Lanka. 46 hopes on the tourism industry to be a key driver of the
country’s economic recovery. In 2002, the government
sought the support of USAID to improve the country’s
tourism destination promotion capacities. Just a year
Having delivered on its promise, the UNP-led prior, Sri Lanka was on the verge of becoming a “non-
government received praise from the international presence post” for the United States, with staff and
community. In its 2002 evaluation of the country, the funding being withdrawn. With the situation
World Bank wrote: improving, the US government allocated US$19.5
million targeting three main areas: increasing the
Today, Sri Lanka has a great window of country’s competitiveness in global markets (37
opportunity. The United National Front percent); building constituencies for peace through
Government that came to power in transition initiatives (31 percent); and democracy and
December 2001 with a mandate to secure governance reform (23 percent). 49
peace and accelerate economic growth has
already embarked on a bold program of J.E. Austin Associates, subcontractors for USAID, led
peace/reconciliation and a comprehensive set the “Competitiveness Initiative,” a global USAID
of economic policy/institutional reforms to program targeted at boosting economic growth
promote private sector-led growth. 47 through private sector development. For Sri Lanka,
J.E. Austin focused on boosting firm-level
competitiveness in eight industry “clusters”: jewelry,
ceramics, coir, 50 information technology, rubber,
Comprising many cosmopolitan, Western-educated spices, tea, and tourism. 51 Working with the Tourist
cabinet ministers, the UNP government was deft in Board, the team prompted the government to increase
navigating the international landscape of donors and its tourism promotion budget from less than
investors. Moreover, the party had the support from
Sri Lanka’s business classes, whose success in turn
depended on limiting the impact of uncertainty and
instability that the conflict had created.
&identifier=ADA486249 (July 27, 2016). IB/2008/08/26/000333037_20080826023300/Rendered/PDF/451
“Breakthrough in Sri Lanka Peace Negotiations,”, 260WP0Box331tAssessment01PUBLIC1.pdf (January 19, 2017). 49
Wendy Chamberlin, “Implementation of USAID Development
_peace/id248914/ (January 19, 2017). Programs,” USAID, March 20, 2003, http://2001-
“Report No. 25937-CE,” World Bank, 2003, http://www- (July 27, 2016). 50
Derived from the outer husk of coconuts, coir fiber is used to
IB/2003/05/27/000012009_20030527131045/Rendered/INDEX/ make rope, mats, and brushes.
25937.txt (July 27, 2016). 51
“Competitiveness Interventions: A Review of J.E. Austin and
“Aid, Conflict, and Peacebuilding in Sri Lanka,” World Bank, Associates,” USAID, December 2001,
2006, http://www- (January 19, 2017).
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 9

US$500,000 a year to approximately US$10 million. 52 endorsement of RSL opened the way for the next stage
John Varley, the chief of party for the Competitiveness of Sri Lanka’s integration into the circuit of global
Program, saw endless potential for Sri Lanka’s capacity finance—at the Sri Lanka Donors’ Conference,
as a destination, confident that the Sri Lanka Tourist convened in Tokyo in June 2003. With the active
Board could “more than double” its current target of political backing of the United States and considerable
one million tourists by the end of the decade. 53 financial input from Japan, the conference
participants, representing some 50 countries and more
The UNP was deft at both mobilizing donor financing than 20 international financial institutions, pledged
and leveraging it to ensure that LTTE would cave to $4.5 billion over the next four years towards Sri
their demands. By the time negotiations with the Lanka’s reconstruction. 58
LTTE began in March 2002, the government was
holding parallel negotiations with the International When the RSL details became public in January 2003,
Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank for US$692 the plan quickly inspired controversy. Opposition
million in loans. 54 The agreement to support the peace politicians, civil society members like the Alliance for
process through multi-donor pledging conferences Protection of National Resources and Human Rights
also served to keep the LTTE, eager to improve the (ANRHR), and trade unions decried the reforms as
conditions of the Tamil people, at the negotiating excessive—and overly subservient to the agenda of the
table. Donors articulated a shared belief in achieving a private sector and donors. 59 To many Sri Lankans,
“peace dividend”—referring to “the improved social RSL was fundamentally anti-democratic, and had
and economic outcomes that are expected to failed to include Sri Lankan voices. The program
materialize in the transition to peace” —that would demanded that millions of citizens, primarily small-
underpin the political commitments to the peace scale fishers, leave traditional villages to free up the
process. 55 beaches for tourists and make more land available for
resorts and highways. The fishing activity that
To gain access to these funds, the government would remained would be dominated by large industrial
have to draft a “Poverty Reduction Strategy Plan,” a trawlers operating out of deep ports.
series of World Bank and IMF-sanctioned reforms to
increase labor market flexibility, strengthen property By late 2003, Sri Lanka began approaching a political
rights, and privatize the power and banking sectors. 56 crisis. President Kumaratunga of the minority People’s
Between March and December 2002, the Ministry of Alliance (a joint party led by the SLFP) challenged
Policy Development and Implementation Prime Minister Wickremasinghe (of the ruling UNP)
commissioned the drafting of the government’s for acting too leniently towards the LTTE during the
comprehensive economic master plan, called peace discussions. In November 2003, the president
Regaining Sri Lanka (RSL). The ministry ultimately declared a state of emergency, taking over three key
submitted the document to the IMF and the World ministries (Defense, Law and Order, and Media), and
Bank in December 2002. Many of the details of this suspended parliament, precluding any possibility of
plan and its drafting process were kept private and not peace talks resuming. Kumaratunga then called for a
divulged to the public or parliament. 57 The IMF’s snap election for the 225-seat legislature—more than

Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism Research, April 2003,
(New York: Metropolitan /Henry Holt, 2007).
Ibid. (January 12, 2017).
“IMF Approves US$567 Million in PRGF/EFF Credit 57
Nihal K. Atapattu, “Sri Lanka - Mainstreaming Trade
Arrangements for Sri Lanka,” International Monetary Fund, April Policy,” Foreign Law Guide,
18, 2003, (January (January 12, 2017).
5, 2017); “World Bank Gives $125 Million,” Agence France 58
K. Alan Kronstadt, Sri Lanka: Background and U.S. Relations,
Presse, June 18, 2003. U.S. Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service,
“Sri Lanka - Development Policy Review,” World Bank, RL31707 (2008).
December 8, 2004, 59
“Regaining Sri Lanka and PRSP: Compelling the Poor to Subsidize the Rich,” Movement for National Land and
lanka-development-policy-review (January 12, 2017). Agricultural Reform, 2016,
Debayani Kar, “The IMF-World Bank Plan for Sri Lanka: Will
It Help or Hinder South Asian Success?” Center for Economic Policy Analysis_2004.pdf (January 12, 2017).
Manny Fassihi 10

three years ahead of schedule—amid the political feud Tourism, which was just on the rebound, was one of
with the prime minister. the worst-hit industries. An assessment by the World
Bank in 2005 estimated tourism asset losses at US$250
The LTTE also faced an internal crisis as the million, with projected output losses estimated at
charismatic military leader of the Eastern Tamils, US$130 million. 62 Weeks earlier, the country had hit
Karuna Amman, began to break off with the LTTE a historic high of 565,000 foreign arrivals, with arrivals
after he alleged that they were ignoring the interests of expected to reach 600,000 in 2005. Around 40 percent
the Eastern Tamil people. The move hemorrhaged the of these foreign guest stays were spent along the
LTTE’s strength and marked a key turning point in beaches of the island’s southern and eastern coasts—
the battle, reducing the total number of LTTE troops the areas that had incurred severe damage during the
in half. tsunami. Over three-fourths of the coastal belt was
filled with debris, and nearly half of the hotels had
In April 2004, the RSL agenda was effectively been ruined by the destructive waves.
defeated at the polls when the people voted into power
the left-of-center United People’s Freedom Alliance Responding to the magnitude of the disaster, the
Party (UNFP), which, in addition to promising more international donor community, including the United
stringent measures against the LTTE, vowed to States, pledged approximately US$1.2 billion in
discard the RSL plan along with a reduced immediate relief. These funds were channeled to
commitment to the economic reforms proposed in it. 60 various entities involved in implementing relief and
Much of the Tamil population boycotted the election, reconstruction efforts, including the United Nations,
which helped produce the UNFP victory. International Red Cross, bilateral donors and their
contractors in affected areas, and the governments of
affected countries. 63

V. PHASE III: BOUNCE BACK President Chandrika Kumaratunga formed three task
SRI LANKA forces to oversee coordination of relief efforts: the
Task Force for Rescue and Relief (TAFRER); Task
Force for Logistics, Law and Order (TAFLOL); and
the Task Force for Rebuilding the Nation
Just months after the election, disaster struck. On (TAFREN).
December 26, 2004, an earthquake with a 9.0
magnitude rocked the northwest coast of the TAFREN, tasked with rebuilding infrastructure, was
Indonesian island of Sumatra. The subsequent composed mainly of individuals from the private
tsunami was one of the deadliest in history, devastating sector; there were no representatives from civil society
12 Asian nations. Indonesia and Sri Lanka were the or any grassroots fishing organizations. Along with
worst affected. The widespread impact of the tsunami two government officials, the special task force team
left most of Sri Lanka’s coastal regions in tatters, was led by two bank directors, a textile-industry
causing much suffering. There were 35,322 people entrepreneur, and five top managers of large tourism
dead (including 210 tourists), 4,115 missing companies. The group was housed within the
(including 65 tourists), over 500,000 homeless, and Presidential Secretariat, which meant its decision-
275,000 livelihoods lost (particularly among the small making was highly centralized. The US State
boat fishing communities). 61 Department backed the task force with contracts to
US-based companies.

“Evaluation of Donor-Supported Activities in Conflict Sensitive
Development and Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding in Sri %20response%20to%20the%20Tsunami%20Disaster.pdf
Lanka,” OECD, October 2009, (January 12, 2017). 63
U.S. Government Accountability Office, Foreign assistance:
(January 12, 2017). USAID has begun tsunami reconstruction in Indonesia and Sri Lanka,
Helgeson, op. cit. but key projects may exceed initial cost and schedule estimates, GAO-
“World Bank Response to the Tsunami Disaster,” February 2, 06-488, 2006,
2005, (January 12, 2017).
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 11

Within days of the tsunami, the National Physical Prior to the tsunami, Arugam Bay was part of an
Planning Department (NPPD), under the Ministry of emerging independent travel market, attracting
Urban Development and Water Supply, declared the individuals (or couples) who planned their own
coastal area “unsafe.” As one of its first measures, itineraries without the assistance of a travel agency. In
TAFREN introduced buffer zones, which effectively spite of its proximity to areas of LTTE activity,
barred many individuals from rebuilding their homes incidents of violence in the area were rare. Because of
or businesses on coastal land. A TAFREN notice its pristine beaches, the village attracted a strong
published on March 2, 2005, stated that the clientele of surfers, mainly from Australia and
government would not allow any new building in England, with a short seasonal market for Israeli
“conservation” buffer zones, which extended back 100 tourists. Exact data about visitor volume was
meters from the sea in the south and west coasts (in unknown, as most of the establishments kept no
the provinces of Kilinochchi, Mannar Puttalam, occupancy data, and did not report revenues to avoid
Gampaha, Colombo, Kalutara, Galle, Matara, and paying government taxes. 66
Hamabntota)—and 200 meters in the east and north
coasts (in the provinces of Jaffna, Mullaitivu, The tsunami struck this area with devastating effect,
Trincomalee, Batticaloa, and Ampara). Existing killing more than 200 people, destroying 500 houses,
undamaged structures within the zone would be and severely damaging the local economy, which was
allowed to remain, and buildings with less than 40 centered around fishing and tourism. The government
percent damage would be allowed to rebuild as well. saw supporting small businesses, including safari
The entire affected zone would be a “no new-build operators, surf board rental and repair outlets, and a
area,” however. The zones, officials argued, were put specialty shop that made custom board shorts and
in place to ensure the safety of fishing communities surfboard covers, as central not only to economic
and residents from future tsunamis. 64 recovery but also as a way to preserve the character of
the area.
A month later, the government released plans to
transform 15 coastal towns around the island into However, most of these businesses fell within the
tourist resorts as part of the post-tsunami restricted buffer zones set forth by TAFREN. With
reconstruction process. The Sri Lanka Tourist Board their land under the control of the government, the
announced the plans: small businesses were prevented from rebuilding in
their original locations. NPPD then worked closely
In a cruel twist of fate, nature has presented with the Rebuild Sri Lanka Trust, a Colombo-based
Sri Lanka with a unique opportunity, and out business, to redevelop high-end tourism in the area.
of this great tragedy, will come a world class The Trust, funded by wealthy, Colombo-based
tourism destination. 65 entrepreneurs, contracted a number of international
and local consultants to work on the plan: Arcadis, an
The Arugam Bay Plan engineering consultancy company from the
Netherlands; ECOPLAN-Z Limited from New
The first of these plans was to take place in Arugam Zealand; and Environment & Management Lanka
Bay. Covering a stretch of land measuring 17 (EML) Consultants from Sri Lanka. All had
kilometers by 5 kilometers, Arugam Bay was located previously worked on World Bank or Asian
on Sri Lanka’s remote eastern coast. The population Development Bank infrastructure projects. According
of the village was primarily Muslim, an ethnic to the EML Consultants website, the local company
minority (90 percent). Sinhalese (6 percent) and Tamil normally worked to facilitate investment from the
(4 percent) residents made up the remainder of the United States in water and environmental services,
local population.

Lyn Robinson and Jim K. Jarvie, “Post-disaster Community 65
Alison Rice, “Post-tsunami reconstruction and tourism: a second
Tourism Recovery: The Tsunami and Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka,” disaster?” Tourism Concern, October 2005,
May 13, 2008, Disasters, 32: 631-645: tsunami-report.pdf (January 12, 2017).
7-7717.2008.01058.x (July 27, 2016). 66
Robinson and Jarvie, op. cit.
Manny Fassihi 12

carbon trading, plantation agriculture, and During the planning, there was limited engagement of
floriculture. local residents. Arcadis conducted an assessment of
the Plan, stating that:
After two weeks, the consultants produced their
report, The Arugam Bay Resource Development Plan. …the most important shortcoming is that it
The introduction of the plan stated that “it has been has largely been produced in isolation in
prepared under unusual circumstances to hastily meet Colombo, with little or no stakeholder
an urgent necessity.” 67 The plan envisioned a involvement. It is evident that the team spent
transformation of the area into a tourism hub, with only two days in Pottuvil-Arugam Bay, and
hotels for anyone from a “low budget windsurfer to a apart from the Government Agent officer in
5-star tourist.” What were once traditional agricultural Ampara and the District Secretary in
and fishing communities would now become a Pottuvil, they met only with international
“shoppers’ paradise,” a yachting marina, a float plan non-governmental organization staff. 72
pier, and a helipad. Aspects of “sustainable” tourism,
including the creation of a natural ecotourism zone,
were to play a central role, with both ocean views, and
ocean access guaranteed. On April 25, President The residents of the area first heard of the plan at a
Kumaratunga approved the project, and noted that she meeting organized by the Sri Lanka Tourist Board
was “keen to see the action projects proposed in the (SLTB) and the Sewalanka Foundation, an NGO that
report implemented without delay.” 68 In order to carry worked with rural communities, on May 17. During
out this plan, the Tourist Board obtained government the meeting, the chair of SLTB stated that the plan
approval to acquire land within the buffer zone, was designed to spur the growth necessary for
powers which were extended to the Rebuild Sri Lanka recovery:
The land belongs to the Government. Maybe
To finance the project, the Trust had a budget of your forefathers lived in that area, but the 860
US$80 million, part of the foreign aid money raised acres belong to the Government. It will be
for post-tsunami reconstruction. 69 Of that, US$50 developed as a tourist zone. We will put up
million was earmarked for a bridge over Arugam buildings and develop the area and we will
Lagoon that would, according to the Plan, “stand as ask you to come and work there… 73
an inspirational symbol that shows progress towards
the achievement of prosperity for Arugam the
gateway to a tourist paradise.” 70 CH2M Hill, a US-
based company that had worked on reconstruction The 5,000 or so families who were displaced from the
projects in Iraq, won the contract to build the bridge. area were asked to cooperate. In exchange for their
land—that they had no legal deeds to—they would
The rest of the budget would be allocated to rebuild receive housing at one of five separate inland locations,
the road, water systems, and inland houses. Earlier with their assignment determined via a lottery system.
that month, USAID published a pre-solicitation These locations were all situated over one kilometer
notice for a contract to construct the bridge, road, from the sea, and also a similar distance from a lagoon
water supply, and wastewater systems. 71 In addition, behind the tourist zone. If the displaced families
they hosted a pre-bid conference for potential attempted to build any illegal structures elsewhere, the
contractors in Colombo on May 10, 2005. authorities would immediately remove them.

Ibid. 70
Robinson and Jarvie, op. cit.
“After the Tsunami: Rebuilding for Tourists,” Social Watch, 71
2005, 72
(July 27, 2016). 73
For full breakdown of donor appropriations, see:
wp125.pdf (January 12, 2017).
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 13

Former businesses in the restricted zone, like the small violence, withdrew the invitation. In July 2006, after
souvenir and surf rental shops, could not continue to the LTTE blocked a reservoir that supplied water to
rebuild their establishments. These owners could thousands of farmers, Rajapaksa authorized a new
nevertheless work in the new, higher-end hotel and military offensive against the rebel group. 76 The war
restaurant establishments set up by the Board. had begun again.
Ultimately, the Tourist Board was not receptive to the
community’s grievances, indicating that it did not Hoping to smother the rebels, Rajapaksa tripled the
recognize any of the tourism businesses as they were army’s recruitment efforts, boosting the armed forces
not registered with SLTB. Following the meeting, the from 120,000 soldiers to nearly 300,000. The army
owners of several establishments received demolition worked with LTTE defectors to take over the east, and
notices saying that armed forces would tear down their then moved the offensive north. After capturing
reconstructed businesses within three days. Kilinochchi, the de facto capital of the rebel forces, the
army then proceeded to pursue the LTTE leader,
Many Sri Lankans, including the community of Velupillai Prabhakaran, to the small coastal town of
Arugam Bay, termed reconstruction “the second Mullaittivu. On May 18, 2009, the army announced
tsunami.” “We see this economic agenda as a bigger that the Tamil leader had been killed, along with 250
disaster than the tsunami, which is why we had been others, during an overnight escape attempt across the
fighting so hard to prevent it before and why we Nandikadal Lagoon. Images were released of his body
defeated it in the last elections [in April 2004],” said lying at the feet of army troops, a handkerchief over
Sarath Fernando, a Sri Lankan land-rights activist. 74 his forehead to conceal a gaping wound. 77
Feeling alienated from the decision-making process,
the community organized to stop the plan from being The morning after, President Rajapaksa delivered a
imposed. Later, in May 2005, the community led a victory address to parliament, declaring that the
peaceful protest march with nearly 1,000 local country had been “liberated” from terrorism:
residents. The protest became part of a campaign led
by the community that encompassed both national We have liberated the whole country from
and international media. The combination of local and LTTE terrorism…. We all must now live as
international pressure led the government to abandon equals in this free country…. We must find a
all attempts to move forward with the Arugam Bay homegrown solution to this conflict. That
Resource Development Plan in July 2005. 75 solution should be acceptable to all the
communities. We have to find a solution
VI. THE CIVIL WAR RESUMES based on the philosophy of Buddhism. 78

The fragile peace that had been hard-won just three A US Senate report on strategies to rebuild Sri Lanka
years earlier unraveled in 2005. In August 2005, noted that the Sri Lankan president declared this not
LTTE militants assassinated Sri Lanka’s foreign just a victory for the country, but a victory for the
minister, a moderate Tamil politician named world:
Lakshman Kadirgamar. The assassination, the first
major act of terrorism by the LTTE since the ceasefire, Ending terrorism in Sri Lanka means a victory for
reignited tensions between the government and Tamil democracy in the world. Sri Lanka has now given
minority. President Mahinda Rajapaksa of the SLFP a beginning to the ending of terrorism in the
party, elected in November 2005, initially invited the world. 79
LTTE to a new round of talks but, amid mounting

Klein, op. cit.
Robinson and Jarvie, op. cit. killed-sri-lanka (July 27, 2016).
Jon Lee Anderson, “Death of the Tiger,” The New Yorker, 79
U.S. Congress, Senate, Sri Lanka: Recharting US Strategy After
January 2011, the War, 111th Congress, 1st session, 2009, S. Prt. 111-36,
tiger (January 12, 2017). 111SPRT53866/html/CPRT-111SPRT53866.htm
Ibid. (July 27, 2016).
Matthew Weaver and Gethin Chamberlain, “Sri Lanka Declares
End to War with Tamil Tigers,” The Guardian, May 19, 2009,
Manny Fassihi 14

VII. PHASE IV, SRI LANKA: “THE relationship with Washington to be on a downward
WORLD’S NEWEST FIVE- trajectory, dismissing the US posture as “no carrots
and all sticks.” 83 This growing rift could be seen in
Colombo’s realignment toward non-Western
countries that placed greater value on security over
After enduring decades of trauma, Sri Lanka now
freedoms. The Rajapaksa leadership cultivated ties
stood at a critical juncture in its efforts to secure a
with Myanmar, China, Iran, and Libya. The Chinese
lasting peace. With the fighting between the
had invested billions of dollars in Sri Lanka through
government and LTTE over, President Rajapaksa was
military loans, infrastructure loans, and port
confident that he had ushered in a period of peace. “I
development—with few of the strings attached by
have brought peace to this country. Eliminated
Western countries. 84
terrorism and brought peace,” President Rajapaksa
said in an interview with The Hindu, an Indian
And in late 2014, having changed the Constitution to
national newspaper, in 2010. “Now, my aim is to
allow for a third term in office, President Rajapaksa
develop the country. Now Sri Lanka is one country;
was gearing up to hold a snap election for an
it’s not divided. So what we want is to see that the
unprecedented third term as president. Sri Lanka
whole nation gets all the benefits, not only one area,
looked ready to become the world’s newest “five-star
not only one community. To develop the economy so
destination.” Five years after the civil war, the country
that all people benefit.” 80
was enjoying its longest period without conflict in
nearly 40 years. What’s more, there was a sizzle of
The international community, on the other hand, was
prosperity. The economy was one of the fastest
more reluctant to join President Rajapaksa in
growing in the world, according to the Economist
celebration. While the war was over, many believed
Intelligence Unit. 85 Driving around Colombo, there
that the underlying conflict still simmered. A year after
were numerous new construction sites for five-star
the military victory in 2010, the Obama
hotels and glossy frontages for international fashion
administration was focused on the humanitarian crisis
chains. US hotel chains, including Hyatt and
in the north, pressing the Sri Lankan government to
Sheraton, seemed back on track to continue building
take meaningful steps towards political reconciliation
luxury properties they had announced after the
and press freedom. At the time, the United States was
tsunami. 86
one of the largest donors of humanitarian aid to Sri
Lanka, including food aid and assistance for the
Tourism was also hitting record numbers. Couples like
removal of explosive mines in the north. 81 In 2011, a
Gladstein and Nathan were flocking in to see Sri
panel of UN-commissioned experts found “credible
Lanka’s offerings (see Appendix 5). Visitors were
allegations” of war crimes by both sides, but held the
confident that the danger of the civil conflict was over,
Sri Lankan military “responsible for the majority of the
freeing foreigners to enjoy the island’s attractions.
estimated 40,000 civilian deaths that occurred during
From 2009-2014, tourist arrivals more than doubled. 87
the final months of the war.” 82
The country was aiming to log 2.5 million annual
visitors by 2016.The government also announced a
Most of these criticisms, however, fell on deaf ears. In
number of mega-tourism projects, earmarking 45
Colombo, the government considered the bilateral
tourism zones, including areas in the northeast. After

“N. Ram Interviews Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa,”
The Hindu, November 23, 2010, investments-sri-lanka (January 12, 2017). 85
"Sri Lanka Economy, Politics and GDP Growth Summary,”
lankas-president-mahinda-rajapaksa/article906009.ece Economist Intelligence Unit,
(January 12, 2017). (July 27, 2016).
U.S. Congress, Sri Lanka, op. cit. 86
“International Hotel Chains’ Confidence in Sri Lanka Tourism
“U.N. Panel Says War Crimes Likely Committed in Sri Lanka Continues to Grow,” April 4, 2005,
War,” Reuters, April 18, 2011,
srilanka-un-idUSTRE73H2WI20110418 (July 27, 2016). confidence-in-sri-lanka-tourism-continues-to-grow-2/
U.S. Congress, Sri Lanka, op. cit. (January 12, 2017).
Jeff M. Smith, “China’s Investments in Sri Lanka,” Foreign 87
“International Tourism, Number of Arrivals,” World Bank,
Policy, May 23, 2016,
(July 27, 2016).
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 15

25 years of no service, the rail link between Colombo personnel were now engaged in staffing resorts,
and the northernmost city of Jaffna was finally restored restaurants, and other tourist-focused activities. 91
and reopened. 88
As 2015 rolled around, President Rajapaksa continued
As officials glowed about tourism’s potential for peace to deny any wrongdoing. All of these claims had not
and prosperity, there were signs that many Sri Lankans hurt his popularity with the non-Tamil population.
did not share this outlook. A 2014 report from The Buoyed by the country’s success and ongoing
Society for Threatened Peoples, a Swiss-based human development as a tourist destination, he had called for
rights organization, highlighted systematic human an early presidential election in October 2014. All the
rights abuses taking place as a result of tourism signs looked auspicious for his third term.
development: “fishermen have seen their access to the
sea blocked, land grabbing has taken place, and the But, while voters credited President Rajapaksa with
local population are insufficiently, if at all, informed ending the civil war and boosting the economy, many
about planned tourism projects.” 89 The report looked felt that he was becoming increasingly authoritarian
closely at three regions ravaged by the civil war— and corrupt. Moreover, he had failed to tackle the
Kuchchaveli, Passikudah and Kalpitiya, in the north legacy of Sri Lanka’s civil war, leaving Tamil areas in
and east of the island—that the government was now the north largely impoverished and embittered. And
promoting as post-conflict destinations. In all three so, to everyone’s shock, President Rajapaksa was
regions, tourism provided “only a very limited income defeated in the presidential election by Maithripala
for the local population.” The majority of hotel Sirisena, a former ally and minister under the
employees “originated from other, often far away incumbent. The events were stunning not just because
regions.” Seafood for the hotel restaurants was of the peaceful transition of power, but because much
purchased through intermediaries, for instance, with of the voter intimidation and vote-rigging of the past
local fishermen largely ignored. were absent. Democracy had worked.

Moreover, questions lingered as to whether the Sirisena had risen to power on promises to combat
government was promoting a somewhat false image of corruption and strengthen institutions while keeping
stability and unity in a nation that remained fractured Sri Lanka open to business. However, investors were
from its civil war. Many of Sri Lanka’s Tamils believed rattled early on when he introduced tax increases and
there had yet to be any reconciliation between the two scrapped major tourism projects, including the US$1.4
sides. They viewed the government as taking a Sinhala billion Chinese-backed Colombo Port City
triumphalist attitude, “behaving as if it were not the development. Unlike his predecessor, President
LTTE that was defeated but the entire population.” 90 Sirisena was intent on not letting Sri Lanka’s
The army set up numerous checkpoints in Tamil areas relationship with China crowd out strategic
and instituted extensive surveillance, intent on relationships with the United States, India, Japan, and
eliminating any remaining Tamil resistance. As a key international institutions.
result, the country’s tourism industry remained
concentrated largely in the southern and western Tourism, though, remained a priority for the Sirisena
provinces, which were predominantly Sinhalese. administration. Riding the wave of double-digit
Visitors were slowly beginning to explore the battle- growth of European and American visitors, the
scarred northeast, the area occupied by Tamil government looked to continue developing its luxury
populations. And, with an oversupply of Sinhalese hotel market. Improving infrastructure remained a
soldiers and less need for their services, military priority, as tourist growth began to put a strain on

Simon Usborne, “Sri Lanka by Train,” The Independent, 90
“Sri Lanka After the Tigers,” Human Rights Watch, February
November 16, 2015, 19, 2016,
lanka-by-train-the-formerly-war-torn-north-is-rebuilding- tigers (July 27, 2016).
a6736001.html (January 12, 2017). 91
Shubhajit Roy, “In Sri Lanka, Underworked Army Runs
“Dark Clouds over the Sunshine Paradise: Tourism and Human Resorts, Shops, Salons, and Travel Agencies,” Indian Express,
Rights in Sri Lanka,” Society for Threatened Peoples, 2015, March 16, 2015,
(January 12, 2017). underworked-Army-runs-resorts-shops-salons-and-travel-
agencies/ (January 12, 2017).
Manny Fassihi 16

roads, railways, and airports, which were already

running over capacity.

There was every indication to believe that Sri Lanka,

now more than ever, could finally deliver on G.S.
Kovach’s 50-year-old vision for the country as a
premier tourist destination.

 Could Sri Lanka’s tourism continue to grow

and generate economic development?

 And would this progress be enough to keep

the country’s still fragile peace?

Case Discussion Questions:

1. Is it enough for a country to be “beautiful” to be considered a tourist


2. How do tourism and development goals interlink? How can they diverge?
How can tourism play a role in poverty alleviation?

3. Did tourism help Sri Lanka meet its development goals? What went

4. Look up Sri Lanka’s current tourism statistics. What do the numbers suggest?
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 17

Appendix 1: Map of Sri Lanka (with languages mapped)

Source: Sergey Kondrashov, Creative Commons (based on 1981 census data),
Manny Fassihi 18

Appendix 2: Sri Lanka Attractions (Ministry of Tourism, 2016)

Source: Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 19

Appendix 3: Tourism Clusters from the Ceylon Tourism Plan (1967)

Source: Ceylon Tourism Plan (1966).

Manny Fassihi 20

Appendix 4: Proposed Inducements from the Ceylon Tourism Plan (1967)

Tourism Development: A Path to Peace in Sri Lanka? 21

Source: Ceylon Tourism Plan (1966).

Manny Fassihi 22

Appendix 5: Tourism Arrivals in Sri Lanka (1966-2010)

Source: Sriyantha Fernando, Jayatilleke S. Bandara & Christine Smith (2013) Regaining Missed Opportunities: The
Role of Tourism in Post-war Development in Sri Lanka, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 18:7, 685-711,
DOI: 10.1080/10941665.2012.695284.

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