2023 Global State of Business Analysis Report

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Table of Contents

04 Business Analysis in a World of Change
06 Introduction
07 Key Findings
08 Membership Impact
10 Demographics
12 Education
14 Employment
16 Experience
20 Salary
24 Global Perspectives
28 Leading Insights in Business Analysis


©2024 International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®). All rights reserved. IIBA®, the IIBA® logo, BABOK® and Business Analysis Body of
Knowledge® are registered trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis. CBAP®, CCBA® are registered certification marks
owned by International Institute of Business Analysis. Certified Business Analysis Professional™, Certification of Capability in Business Analysis™,
Entry Certificate in Business Analysis™, ECBA™ are trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis.

2 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Table of Contents
Business Analysis in a World of Change
It’s been another landmark year for the business world—and for business analysis.

Accelerated adoption of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics is changing
how businesses operate and deliver value. As we navigate market disruptions and different
ways of doing business, one thing is clear: business analysis professionals are equipped to
help organizations adapt and innovate.

The IIBA 2023 Global State of Business Analysis Report tells your story—the story of a
professional community that’s ready to meet modern challenges and opportunities. Now in its
seventh year, the Global State of Business Analysis Survey, which informs the report, gathered
data to offer insights into the skills, trends, and demographics that define the business analysis
community. It explores the evolving dynamics of the profession, seeking to uncover the top
industries for business analysis professionals, the key areas of responsibilities within the
domain, and how global demographics impact the work.

The report serves as a reference for gaining insights into the current business analysis landscape.
It’s a valuable tool for professionals seeking to stay informed, adapt to market shifts, and
continually enhance their skills to improve business outcomes. We hope you find the pages that
follow useful and enlightening, whatever your own professional journey looks like.

We’re truly grateful to those who contributed their time by completing the survey. Without your
input, we wouldn’t be able to share the story of our profession and its community. Following
the celebration of IIBA’s 20th anniversary, the report is a timely reminder of how far the
profession has come. And it paints a promising picture of where it’s headed.

Delvin Fletcher
President and CEO

4 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Business Analysis in a World of Change
Key Findings

The majority of survey respondents This year the average salary

are aged 36 to 45, a shift from has increased by 4%
individuals aged 25 to 35 last year. for both women and men.
The Global State of Business Analysis Survey explores the current business analysis
landscape, engaging over 4,400 professionals from 165 countries. Conducted online from
July 21 to August 20, 2023, the survey serves as a barometer for emerging career paths and
the changing face of the profession. It was open to IIBA members and the global business
analysis community.

Informed by the survey, the Global State of Business Analysis Report sheds light on
geographical distribution of salary, high-paying industries, educational backgrounds, work 39% of respondents hold a master's degree, The Americas and the Caribbean region
experience, reporting areas, emerging developments within the practice, and more. Each data highlighting a significant number of leads in experience,
point serves as a thread, contributing to the rich narrative of the profession. business analysis professionals with 25% of professionals boasting
with advanced education. over 17 years of expertise.
This report is the first instalment of a three-part series that explores key areas of the
business analysis profession. Part 1 provides a panoramic view of topical information and
insights that reveal its trajectory.

Watch for parts 2 and 3 in this series, which include a deep dive into certification, career
development, and the role of business analysis in organizations.

Consulting and professional services

top the list of industries offering higher 87% of respondents are likely or very likely
salaries, at an average of $92,273. to recommend IIBA membership
to a colleague or friend.

We appreciate members of IIBA and the global community who

provided important data by responding to the survey.

6 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Introduction

Membership Impact
A Thriving Community of Business Analysis Professionals
Individuals who join a professional association thrive in their careers. By exploring benefits,
networking opportunities, and global chapter participation, this section reveals the pivotal
role membership can play in shaping and steering the course of business analysis pathways.

Are You an IIBA Member? Average Salary of Respondents

with Membership


from 2022

62% 38%

Top 5 Benefits of Membership

1 2 3 4 5

Networking Webinars Knowledge Access to Global

Sharing Resources Recognition

Do You Participate in a Chapter? Would You Recommend IIBA?

71% 29%

of respondents are likely or very likely

87% to recommend IIBA membership to a
colleague or friend.

In this year’s survey, 62% of respondents identified as IIBA members, while 38% were
non-members. The survey showed a 9% growth in member participation compared to the
previous year. This increase signifies a growing engagement and interest among members in
contributing to the survey, and they are now a significant majority of the respondents.

8 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Membership Impact
Demographics Responses by Region

Exploring the Diverse Business Analysis Landscape 165 Countries 4,406 Respondents
As we delve into the demographics of responses from business analysis professionals, it’s
important to note the varied regions shaping the global landscape. This exploration is a key
step in understanding the broader state of business analysis worldwide, shedding light on the
diverse influences contributing to the profession.


Asia and Pacific

Americas and
the Caribbean Africa and 27%
Middle East


Responses by Gender

46% 54%

Age of Respondents
8% 26% 33% 19% 11% 3%
The gender distribution in this year’s survey closely mirrors the results from last year.
<25 25–35 36–45 46–55 56–65 >65
Specifically, 46% of survey participants identify as female, while the remaining 54% identify
as male. The business analysis industry is relatively inclusive, attracting professionals from Over the past year, the predominant age group shifted from individuals aged 25 to 35 to those
both genders. aged 36 to 45, with the latter now comprising the highest number of responses.

10 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Demographics

Highest Level of Education

8% 7% 44% 39% 2%

from 2022
from 2022
from 2022
from 2022
from 2022

Dominant Education Level by Region


46% 48% 46% 42%








Trends Shaping the World of Business Analysis

In this segment of the report, we explore the educational landscape that shapes the workforce. Dominant Education Level by Professional Stage
Education plays a pivotal role in defining career trajectories, influencing professional growth, and
ultimately contributing to overall career success. This segment details the level of education and EARLY MID-LEVEL SENIOR-LEVEL
the correlation between education and career progression for business analysis professionals.

have a
49% have a
50%have a
bachelor's degree bachelor's degree master’s degree
6-10 years 6-10 years 6-10 years

Education Level by Dominant Age Group

Age group with the most Age group with the most Age group with the most Age group with the most
associate degrees bachelor's degrees master's degrees PhD/doctorates

46–55 36–45 25–35 56–65

Business analysis professionals exhibit diverse educational backgrounds. Notably, 39% have
pursued and attained a master’s degree, indicating a substantial portion of business analysis
professionals have invested in advanced education. A smaller percentage (2%) have reached
the highest level of academic achievement with a PhD or doctorate.

12 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Education

Employment Status
Employment Full-Time Employee Consultant Unemployed Self-Employed Student
77% 6%

Part-Time Employee
5% 4% 4% 4%

Unravelling the Threads of Employment Patterns

In this section, we take a closer look at employment within business analysis, focusing on
Full-Time Employment
status and industry trends for professionals worldwide. By examining employment patterns,

such as top industries that employ business analysis professionals and employment status, DOWN

we aim to offer an understanding of the dynamics shaping the careers of business analysis 1%
from 2022

professionals globally.

Top 5 Industries That Employ Business Analysis Professionals

Banking/Finance/Insurance Information Technology Consulting/Professional Services Government Healthcare/Pharmaceutical

22% 20% 9% 8% 7%
Business analysis is thriving across various industries, with professionals finding opportunities
in key sectors. Banking, finance, and insurance lead the way, employing 22% of respondents.
Following closely is the information technology sector at 20%, showcasing the role practitioners
play in helping organizations navigate technological growth. This diverse distribution
emphasizes the universal applicability and importance of business analysis across sectors.

14 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Employment

Experience Sector
89% 9% 2%

Expertise in Changing Business Environments Private Sector Public Sector Non-Profit

How long are professionals working in business analysis? What are the organizations and
sectors they thrive in? This section explores years of experience and expertise. From areas Organization Size
of responsibilities to job levels to reporting areas, we navigate the intricate web of roles that Less than 100 employees 26%
business analysis professionals currently hold.
101–1,000 employees 23%
Average Years of Experience
1,001–5,000 employees 18%
0–2 years 3–5 years 6–10 years 11–16 years 17+ years

Over 5,001 employees 33%

21% 19% 23% 19% 18%

In the last three years, the number of respondents employed by
33% 33% organizations with over 5,000 employees has varied. According
to the 2021 report, 33% of respondents were affiliated with such
29% organizations. In 2022 this figure dropped but bounced back to 33%
Years of Experience by Gender this year.

Female 45% 45% 44% 46% 48%

Where Business Analysis Professionals Report
0–2 years 3–5 years 6–10 years 11–16 years 17+ years

Male 55% 55% 56% 54% 52%

Years of Experience by Region


28% 26% 25% 24% 32%

Information Technology
Information Technology
Line of Business/
Department Manager
Line of Business/
Project Manager or Project
Management Office
Project Manager or Project

Centre of Excellence
or Community of Practice
Centre of Excellence
Department Department Manager Management Office or Community of Practice
have less than 2 have less than 2 have over 17 have 6 to 10 UP UP DOWN DOWN DOWN
years’ experience years’ experience years’ experience years’ experience
from 2022
from 2022
from 2022
from 2022
from 2022

The distribution of business analysis experience varies across continents, with the Americas Business analysis professionals report to various departments within organizations. Among
and the Caribbean having the highest percentage of professionals with extensive expertise. In respondents, 32% report to the information technology department, 27% report to department
this region, 25% of individuals boast over 17 years of experience. This cohort is also significant managers, and 18% report to project managers or project management offices. This distribution
in Europe, where 24% of business analysis professionals have 6 to 10 years of experience. reflects the diverse and integral roles business analysis professionals play across different
organizational functions.

16 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Experience

Business Analysis Areas of Responsibility
Business Analysis Strategy Analysis and Development
11% 4%

Requirements Analysis Design Definition

9% 4%

Elicitation and Collaboration Business Case Development

8% 4%

Planning and Monitoring Roadmap Development

7% 4%

Requirements Life Cycle Management Requests for Proposal

6% 3%

Testing Idea Shaping and Visioning

6% 3%

Project Management Organizational Change

6% 3%

Solution Evaluation Feasibility Studies

5% 3%

Business Change Implementation Business Architecture

5% 3%

Operation and Process Change Benefits Realization and Management

5% 2%

Business analysis professionals engage in a diverse range of responsibilities. The top areas Job Titles
include business analysis, requirements analysis, elicitation and collaboration, and planning 24% Business Analyst
and monitoring, as well as a significant focus on requirements life cycle management. This
19% Senior Business Analyst
highlights the multifaceted nature of the discipline and the importance of comprehensive
analysis, effective requirements gathering, collaborative efforts, meticulous planning, and 5% IT Business Analyst Professionals in business analysis hail from
adept management throughout the life cycle of requirements. 4% Business Analyst/Project Manager a variety of backgrounds, each uniquely
4% Manager Business Analyst contributing to better enterprise outcomes.
Employment Levels 4% Manager/Director/VP/C-Level Surprisingly, 28% of respondents worldwide
categorize their role as “other,” highlighting
4% Consultant the versatile nature of business analysis
40% 20% 17% 11% 7% 5% 3% Product Owner/Product Manager that might not always be fully captured by
3% Business Systems Analyst traditional titles.
Senior Level Mid Level Manager Entry Level/Junior Senior Management/ Executive/CEO/
VP/Director President/Owner 2% Business Consultant
28% Other

18 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Experience

Unlocking Global Compensation Insights
In a business landscape where talent retention and recruitment are paramount, a comprehensive
understanding of compensation has never been more important. This section of the report
examines the salaries of business analysis professionals and provides insights into gender,
location, experience, job level, and industry. A transparent analysis empowers decision-makers
to align compensation strategies with industry benchmarks, ensuring a fair and attractive
proposition for business analysis professionals.

Average Salary by Region

venus $67,507 mars $73,095

Americas and the Caribbean

$93,396 Asia and Pacific

venus $95,909 mars $90,971 $91,415

Africa and Middle East venus $87,713 mars $94,060
venus $44,928 mars $63,838

Global Average Salary Average Salary by Gender

$84,918 venus $85,452 mars $84,998

In 2022, women earned an average of $81,835, whereas men earned $81,506. This year both
numbers increased, with women and men now earning an average of $85,452 and $84,998
*Non-binary responses were not statistically relevant in the survey. respectively. This reflects a percentage increase of approximately 4% for both genders.

20 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Salary

Average Salary for Highest-Paying Industries

Consulting/Professional Services Energy and Utilities Healthcare/Pharmaceutical Government Manufacturing

$92,273 $90,916 $88,978 $88,044 $87,964


from 2022
from 2022
from 2022
from 2022
from 2022

Average Salary by Employment Level

$88,337 $91,419

Entry Level/ Mid Level Senior Level Manager Senior Management/ Executive/CEO/
Junior VP/Director President/Owner

Average Salary by Job Title

Manager/Director/VP/C-Level $104,805 Business Analyst/Project Manager $90,109
Practice Lead $103,493 Senior Business Analyst $89,753
Business Consultant $103,083 Product Owner/Product Manager $88,832
Manager Business Analyst $97,116 Business Systems Analyst $84,784
Consultant $93,887 Systems Analyst $78,403

Average Salary by Years of Experience

0–2 years 3–5 years 6–10 years 11–16 years 17+ years

$67,649 $68,995 $80,620 $91,501 $105,268

22 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Salary

Global Perspectives
Regional Snapshot of Business Analysis
The survey looks at various factors influencing the business analysis profession when analyzed
regionally.* By delving into the regional data of the top five responding countries, professionals
can gain insights into variations in gender, age, industries, and more. These factors help
established or aspiring business analysis professionals assess opportunities in their area.
*The regional snapshot shows data for the top five responding countries in the Global State of Business Analysis Survey.

Top 5 Countries

United States Canada India Australia South Africa

United States
Top 3 Business Analysis Titles
Age 32% Senior Business Analyst
28% of respondents are 22% Business Analyst

in the 56–65 range 10% Business Systems Analyst

Average Salary Top 3 Industries for Business Analysis


venus $109,064 mars $110,047 Information Technology



24 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Global Perspectives
Canada Australia
Top 3 Business Analysis Titles Top 3 Business Analysis Titles
Age 42% Business Analyst Age 56% Senior Business Analyst

37% of respondents are 26% Senior Business Analyst

35% of respondents are 38% Business Analyst
7% Business Analyst/Project Manager 6% Manager Business Analyst
in the 36–45 range in the 36–45 range
Top 3 Industries for Business Analysis Top 3 Industries for Business Analysis
Average Salary Average Salary

$71,417 $92,660

22% 28%
Information Technology Government
venus $71,768 mars $71,343 20% venus $90,136 mars $95,292 22%
Government Information Technology

16% 19%

India South Africa

Top 3 Business Analysis Titles Top 3 Business Analysis Titles
Age 43% Business Analyst Age 47% Business Analyst
51% of respondents are 25% Senior Business Analyst
40% of respondents are 44% Senior Business Analyst

in the 25–35 range 8% Manager Business Analyst

in the 36–45 range 9% Manager Business Analyst

Top 3 Industries for Business Analysis Top 3 Industries for Business Analysis
Average Salary Average Salary

$57,744 $43,672
Information Technology Banking/Finance/Insurance

41% 65%
venus $54,775 mars $60,132 venus $43,403 mars $43,984
Banking/Finance/Insurance Information Technology

32% 19%
Consulting/Professional Services Consulting/Professional Services

10% 9%

26 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Global Perspectives
Leading Insights in Business Analysis
The Global State of Business Analysis Report provides a broad view of topical information,
insights, demographics, and trends that influence business analysis globally. Use these trends
to inform and challenge your thinking on a wide range of business analysis topics.

Watch for parts 2 and 3 in this series, as IIBA delves further into essential aspects of the
profession. We will explore topics such as career development and the pivotal role that
business analysis plays within organizations.

The full report findings of IIBA’s Global Research are available exclusively through IIBA
membership. Members get access to essential tools and resources, including A Guide to the
Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK Guide), Agile Extension to the BABOK Guide,
IIBA’s KnowledgeHub, whitepapers, educational webinars, and more. These resources will
empower you to create better business outcomes.

Survey Reporting Guidelines

Data is included only if a minimum threshold of respondents contribute to a given response,
ensuring statistical significance. IIBA uses a margin of error of +/- 3%, considering respondent
numbers, response quality, and regional distribution. Global salaries are consistently reported
in USD. Average salary calculations exclude results below USD $25,000 or above USD
$325,000 (regions 1 and 2), and below USD $2,500 or above USD $325,000 (region 3).

28 IIBA’s 2023 Global State of Busines Analysis Report: Part 1 — Leading Insights in Business Analysis
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For over 20 years, the International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®) has shaped the practice of business analysis
to achieve better enterprise outcomes. A professional association with over 30,000 members, 120 chapters, 1,500
volunteers, and 500 partners worldwide, IIBA supports the recognition of business analysis within organizations.
It enables networking and community engagement, provides foundational standards and resources, and offers
internationally recognized certification programs for career advancement. For more information, visit iiba.org.

©2024 International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®). All rights reserved. IIBA®, the IIBA® logo, BABOK® and Business Analysis Body of Knowledge®
are registered trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis. CBAP®, CCBA® are registered certification marks owned by International
Institute of Business Analysis. Certified Business Analysis Professional™, Certification of Capability in Business Analysis™, Entry Certificate in Business
Analysis™, ECBA™ are trademarks owned by International Institute of Business Analysis.

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