Analysis of Methods For Measuring The Liquid Level
Analysis of Methods For Measuring The Liquid Level
Analysis of Methods For Measuring The Liquid Level
VI International Forum for Young Scientists “Space Engineering 2018”
1 Introduction
Currently, oil production is carried out using sucker rod pumping units (SRPU) and
electrical submersible pumping units (ESPU). Most of Russian’s production well is
equipped with SRP, despite the great amount of disadvantages (bulkiness of the above-
ground part, incomplete wellhead sealing, limited capacity, etc.). It is also worth noting that
SRP is the most suitable unit for oil production in difficult conditions (deep bedding, sand
or paraffin admixture, high gas factor) which is highly topical for using in depleted wells
The dynamic liquid level in the annular space of the oil well has a huge influence on the
SRP operation. If the operation mode of the pump does not correspond to the rate of flow of
liquid from the reservoir a decrease of dynamic level may be observed, which will lead to
pressure release at the pump intake. In this case, oil degassing will lead to incomplete
filling of the pump and a decrease of pump slippage. A further dynamic level decrease will
lead to pump starvation. If the emergency shutdown does not actuate the operation of the
pump in dry friction mode will lead to wear and damage of the parts [2, 3].
It is recommended to increase the depth of bore-hole pump to a dynamic level in the case of
high gas con-tent in the oil-water mixture. This will lead to a pressure boost on the pump
intake and a large part of the gas in the oil will be in a dissolved state. This fact will
positively affect the production of the SRP. However, due to an increase in the weight of
the rod string and acting floating force the mechanical and hydrodynamic resistance may
increase. As a result, delivery rate and pump efficiency will be more reduced [4, 5].
The fluctuation of the liquid level in the annular space also has a negative effect on the
pump operation because there are load variations at all nodes of the unit, rapid wear and
damage of the SRP components.
There are the following methods for measuring the dynamic liquid level:
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MATEC Web of Conferences 158, 01029 (2018)
VI International Forum for Young Scientists “Space Engineering 2018”
3 Thermomanometric systems
This method involves placing pressure and temperature sensors along the wellbore at a
distance of 100 m from each other. Serial interrogation of sensors is performed to determine
the dynamic liquid level. After recording the coordinates of the point "depth, pressure" in
an array corresponding to the region of the well filled with gas, the correlation coefficient
of the points of the entire array is calculated by least square method. The operation is
repeated until the value of the coefficient does not change by more than 10% with respect
to its previous value. This point indicates that the current sensor is immersed in the liquid.
From now on, the "coordinates" are written to another array corresponding to the area of
the well filled with liquid. After conducting a survey on the data recorded in the arrays, 2
graphs of the pressure dependence on the depth of the sensors are constructed. The point of
intersection corresponds to the level of the liquid (Fig. 1).
MATEC Web of Conferences 158, 01029 (2018)
VI International Forum for Young Scientists “Space Engineering 2018”
Fig. 2. Determination of the liquid level in the well according to the temperature gradient.
MATEC Web of Conferences 158, 01029 (2018)
VI International Forum for Young Scientists “Space Engineering 2018”
Fig. 3. Practical dynamometer cards of the SRP operation: a) normal operation with a small number
of oscillations, b) gas effect.
Dynamometer cards and wattmeter cards are connected by complex non-linear
dependencies. Determining the dynamic liquid level and other parameters of the pump by
using wattmeter cards is an urgent task. These data allow to control the operation of the
pumping unit according to the indications of a single sensor (almost all SRP are equipped
with power sensors). However, a significant disadvantage of this method is the complex
process of interpretation the wattmeter cards.
5 Conclusion
As a result, he most promising method from the considered is the method of determining
the dynamic liquid level on wattmeter cards because it does not require the installation of
additional equipment and allows to determine the state of the entire pumping unit by one
single parameter.
The work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,
Agreement No. 14.574.21.0157 (unique identifier RFMEFI57417X0157), within the framework of
the FTP project "Research and Development in Priority Directions for the Development of the
Russian Science and Technology Complex for 2014-2020".
MATEC Web of Conferences 158, 01029 (2018)
VI International Forum for Young Scientists “Space Engineering 2018”
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