Intermediate Defensive Driving Training (IDD)

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Intermediate Defensive

Driving Training (IDD)

Course Type: Certification
Course Duration: 8 hours
Target Group: ATM Deposit Driver,
Security Patrol Car Driver,
COURSE OBJECTIVE Ambulance Drivers,
Lorry/Bus Drivers,
Understand the principles and importance of defensive
driving. Security Officers, Delivery Drivers
Familiarize participants with traffic laws and road accident
Educate participants on the responsibilities of
management, supervisors, and drivers. i) What is the significance of defensive driving?
Equip participants with strategies to manage driver stress Defensive driving plays a crucial role in preventing accidents and
and fatigue. promoting road safety. It involves anticipating potential hazards,
Provide guidance on licensing, checks, evaluations, and maintaining proper vehicle control, and being aware of other drivers
on the road. By practicing defensive driving techniques, drivers can
previous employment investigations. reduce the risk of accidents and protect themselves and others.

ii) Why is it important to be familiar with traffic laws and road

COURSE OVERVIEW accident statistics?

Familiarity with traffic laws ensures that drivers understand and
comply with the rules of the road. It promotes safe driving practices,
Introduction to defensive driving. reduces the likelihood of violations, and minimizes the risk of
Traffic law and road accident statistics. accidents. Additionally, knowledge of road accident statistics
Duties and responsibilities – Management/Supervisor/ provides drivers with valuable insights into common causes and
Driver. factors contributing to accidents, helping them make informed
decisions on the road.
Driver stress and fatigue management.
Licensing, check, and evaluation; Investigation on iii) What are the key responsibilities of management, supervisors,
previous employment. and drivers in ensuring safe driving practices?
Management and supervisors are responsible for establishing and
enforcing safety policies and procedures, providing adequate training

COURSE OUTCOME and resources, and conducting regular evaluations to ensure

compliance. Drivers, on the other hand, have a responsibility to adhere
to traffic laws, practice defensive driving, and maintain their vehicles in
Participants will demonstrate a thorough understanding safe working condition. Collaboration between management,
of defensive driving principles and their significance in supervisors, and drivers is essential for fostering a culture of safety.
promoting road safety. iv) How can driver stress and fatigue be effectively managed?
Participants will have a comprehensive knowledge of Managing driver stress and fatigue is crucial as they can impair
traffic laws and be aware of relevant road accident statistics driving abilities and increase the risk of accidents. Strategies to
for informed decision-making. effectively manage these include promoting healthy work-life
Participants will understand the respective roles and balance, providing rest breaks during long drives, encouraging
proper nutrition and hydration, and implementing fatigue
responsibilities of management, supervisors, and drivers
management programs. Additionally, awareness of personal stressors
in ensuring safe driving practices. and practicing stress-reducing techniques can contribute to better
Participants will learn effective techniques to identify and driver well-being.
manage driver stress and fatigue, reducing the risk of
accidents caused by these factors. v) What factors should be considered when selecting and
maintaining vehicles to avoid accidents?
Participants will gain knowledge of licensing requirements,
methods for conducting evaluations, and techniques for Vehicle selection and maintenance play a significant role in preven-
ting accidents. Factors to consider include the vehicle's safety featu-
investigating previous employment records for driver
res, suitability for specific tasks, reliability, and adherence to mainte-
selection. nance schedules. Regular vehicle inspections, utilizing tools like the
Wolftab system for maintenance checks, and promptly addressing
any identified issues ensure that vehicles are in optimal condition,
reducing the likelihood of accidents caused by mechanical failures.

Sociolytics Sdn Bhd

Pinnacle Kelana Jaya, A-8-05, Jalan SS7/26, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
[email protected] 603-7622 1734
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