Designing FlexRay-based Automotive Architecture - A Holistic OEM Approach

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Designing FlexRay-based Automotive Architectures:

A Holistic OEM Approach

Paul Milbredt† , Michael Glaß? , Martin Lukasiewycz∗ , Andreas Steininger‡ , and Jürgen Teich?
† AUDI AG, Germany, [email protected]
? University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, {glass,teich}
∗ TUM CREATE, Singapore, [email protected]
‡ Vienna University of Technology, Austria, [email protected]

Abstract—FlexRay is likely to become the de-facto standard A. FlexRay Fundamentals

for upcoming in-vehicle communication. Efficient scheduling of The FlexRay bus has a rather complex structure, see [4]: The global
the static and dynamic segment of the communication cycle in time is divided into 64 cycles of equal length. In practice, the typically
combination with the determination of more than 60 parameters chosen cycle length is 5 ms, resulting from the cycle times of existing
that are part of the FlexRay protocol is a challenging task. CAN applications. Also, the typical length of a Protocol Data Unit (PDU)
This paper provides a formal analysis for interdependencies is eight byte to simplify a heterogeneous employment of FlexRay and
between the parameters as well as a scheduling approach for the CAN buses in the same system.
static and dynamic segment. Experimental results give evidence Each FlexRay cycle consists of the static segment, the dynamic segment,
of a significant interdependency between the subtasks such that a the symbol window, and the network idle time.
holistic scheduling approach becomes mandatory to provide high- • The static segment consists of equally sized static slots that contain

quality FlexRay schedules. As a solution, this work introduces the same amount of payload. Each slot is assigned to exactly one
a complete functional FlexRay scheduling approach that takes or no ECU in all cycles.
• The optional dynamic segment consists of minislots. In contrast
parameter selection, allocation of messages to the static and to the static segment, slots may be assigned to different ECUs in
dynamic segment, and concurrent scheduling into account. A different cycles. Additionally, the frames within these slots may
real-world case study from the automotive domain gives evidence contain a varying payload of 0 − 254 bytes in two-byte steps.
of efficiency and applicability of the proposed approach. • The optional symbol window may be used to transmit a media

I. I NTRODUCTION test symbol. This symbol is employed for testing the optional
bus guardian. Currently, the symbol window is not used in any
Design and system integration are the most critical tasks of an auto- implementation of FlexRay clusters.
motive original equipment manufacturer (OEM). In modern automobiles, • The network idle time (NIT) enables the synchronization of the local
more than 80 Electronic Control Units (ECUs) are connected via different clocks of the ECUs. This is mandatory for the correct behavior of
buses. Upcoming applications like advanced driver assistance systems the system.
require a higher bandwidth than provided by well-established field buses 1) Timing hierarchy: The basic time unit in FlexRay is the microtick.
like CAN. As a remedy, an industrial consortium [3] developed the It is derived directly from the quartz of the node. All known FlexRay
FlexRay bus. It offers a bandwidth of up to 10 Mbps and features two bus implementations use a microtick length of 25 ns while the specification
access schemes in the static segment and dynamic segment, respectively. would also allow 12.5 or 50 ns. To allow time-triggered communication, a
In the static segment, messages are scheduled strictly time-triggered into globally synchronized time unit is necessary: the macrotick. In each node,
slots of equal size such that a deterministic transmission is guaranteed. the macrotick is built up of an integer number of microticks by a slightly
In the dynamic segment, the transmission is event-triggered into slots modification of the Bresenham algorithm [1], the parameters used in the
of variable size, resulting in a high utilization. The configuration of the implementations are the number of microticks and macroticks per cycle.
FlexRay bus is a challenging task. More than 60 parameters that have to The macrotick length τ MT is used in the specification, but is only a helper
be chosen carefully and a feasible schedule has to be determined. These variable. The number of microticks that must pass before the macrotick
design decisions have a substantial influence on the utilization of the bus counter is increased is influenced by the clock synchronization, which
and performance of the system. performs offset and rate correction, and the selection of the macrotick
Designing FlexRay-based automotive systems is a complex problem.
length. The macrotick length is required to be in the range between 1 and
This complexity arises from the interdependency of the three required
6 µs and the cycle length must be an integer multiple of the macrotick.
design steps. The (a) scheduling of the static segment, the (b) scheduling
For a 5 ms cycle and a 25 ns microtick, the cycle length is 200,000
of the dynamic segment, and the (c) parameter determination. Previous
microticks. For a macrotick length of 1 µsl, the cycle length is 5, 000
work studied these steps separately. However, an OEM is required to m
resolve this interdependency to obtain an appropriate system implemen- macroticks, and for a length of 6 µs, it is 5,0006
= 834 macroticks.
tation. In this work, a holistic and functional approach for the design This leads to 5, 000 − 834 + 1 = 4, 167 possible macrotick lengths for a
of FlexRay-based automotive systems is proposed. The presented design 5 ms cycle.
approach integrates all design steps that are carried out by an OEM in All other timing related parameters are derived from the macrotick as
a well-orchestrated fashion. A globally optimized FlexRay-based system integer multiples. These parameters are the static slot size, the minislot
is obtained where the determined schedules and parameters optimize the size, the symbol window, the network idle time, and the action point offset.
bus utilization. Additionally, the approach considers the extensibility of
the schedules in order to consider future incremental extensions of the B. Influences of the Parameter Set on Bus Utilization
system. This is achieved by a proposed layer of abstraction for the static In the following, effects that create significant interdependencies be-
segment by assigning slots to virtual ECUs. For the dynamic segment, a tween the scheduling and the parameter determination are selected and
special scheduling is proposed that takes different operation modes of an discussed. The key parameter in FlexRay is the macrotick.
automobile into account and enables a guaranteed transmission of all data. 1) The Static Segment: As a single static slot may only be assigned to
one node, the whole duration of a static slot utilizes the bus even if only
II. T HE F LEX R AY PARAMETRIZATION P ROBLEM one bit must be transmitted. It is the task of the scheduling, to utilize the
This section introduces the fundamentals of the FlexRay bus and slots. But it is the task of the parametrization to minimize the duration
the strong interdependency between the schedule and parameter set. As of one slot. One static slot consists of three parts: (1) idle time at the
FlexRay is a time-triggered system for automotive applications, the main beginning until the action point offset, (2) the transmission of the frame,
scheduling optimization goal is the determination of an efficient schedule and (3) idle time at the end. To avoid collisions, every transmission must be
that consumes as little communication time as possible. At the same time, within the borders of the slot. To compensate clock drifts and the minimal
an easily extensible schedule is desirable due to the long product life cycle physical propagation delay τmin , the action point offset is calculated for
of an automobile. worst case circumstances.

978-3-9810801-8-6/DATE12/ c 2012 EDAA

18 Byte payload

Rounding error per slot [µs]

42 Byte payload

Utilization [MT]
100 Dynamic segment

1 50

1 2 3 4 5 6 20 40 60 80 100
Macrotick [µs] Payload [Bytes]
18 Byte payload
Idle times within a slot [µs]


Bus utilization [µs]

10 42 Byte payload


1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Macrotick [µs]
Macrotick [µs]
Fig. 2. Bus utilization of: (TOP) one ECU depending on its needed payload per
Fig. 1. Effect of rounding error for: (TOP) each action point offset for a given cycle; (BOTTOM) depending on the chosen macrotick in a 5 ms cycle.
topology with a theoretical action point offset of 3.107791238 µs; (BOTTOM)
each static slot for a given topology for two given payload lengths.
2) The Dynamic Segment: For the minislot action point offset, con-
straint 14 of the FlexRay specification holds. It is identical to constraint
FlexRay 2.1 specifies a maximum clock deviation of 1,500 ppm in dc 12 given in Equation (2). The same applies to the length of the minislot,
the network. As a result, the real minimal absolute length of a macrotick which is comparable to Equation (3) without the frame length.
τmin is given as follows: If a node has data to transmit, the corresponding minislot is extended
to a full slot with a length of an integer multiple of one minislot. It can
MT τ MT be calculated with the helper variable aMinislotPerDynamicFrame
τmin = (1)
1 + dc of the FlexRay specification.
Additionally, different payload lengths are allowed. For determining the
The constraint 12 of the FlexRay specification [4] for the action point rounding error, the schedule must be known before. Then, the resulting
offset τ apo must hold with respect to the shortest possible macrotick τmin
MT error for the dynamic segment can be calculated for a given macrotick
and the precision τ prec : length.
An example for one node is given in Figure 2 top. Assume a node
& prop
' which needs to transmit 20 bytes of payload per cycle. In the case of
τ prec − τmin scheduling its data in the static segment, two slots would have to be used,
τ apo ≥ MT
τmin if the static payload was 18 bytes. If the payload was 42 bytes, a single
slot, which is larger than the 18 byte slot, would be used. A dynamic
The action point offset should be chosen as the smallest integer multiple frame could contain exactly 20 bytes of payload, but it depends on the
of the macrotick fulfilling Equation 2. The resulting rounding error for a chosen macrotick and derived parameters how many minislots this frame
given example topology (a known precision and propagation delay) is needs for transmission.
depicted in Figure 1 top. 3) Summarized Parametrization Effect: For the whole effect of the
parametrization, due to the large influence of the dynamic segment, the
Besides the action point offset also the static slot size must be an integer
schedule must be known. Only then, the effective rounding errors of all
multiple of the macrotick. The idle time at the end of the frame must be
slots can be calculated and minimized by selecting a good value for the
large enough to compensate imprecisions (like the action point offset) and
idle ). The macrotick.
additionally let all other nodes determine that the bus is idle (τmax
length of the frame is obviously influenced by its payload length. The The other way around, for a given parameter set, the optimal schedule
overhead is fixed and only the transmission start sequence is configurable might look differently. With our given topology, the selection of the
between 3 and 15 bits. It is dependent on the topology and constrained optimal macrotick is counterintuitive. With the methodology presented
by the specification. Usually, the smallest possible value is taken and then during the remainder of this paper, a set of messages to be scheduled
the frame length for a given payload length is constant. with no additional constraints on the macrotick is depicted in Figure 2
Hence, for the whole static slot duration τ Slot , constraint 21 of the
specification prevents boundary violations under worst case (with the III. R ELATED W ORK
maximum propagation delay τmax , but fault free) circumstances: Several approaches are proposed that focus on solely parts of the
& ' FlexRay scheduling problem: [10], [6], and [2] on the static segment,
Slot apo τ F + τmax + τ prec + τmax
idle [9] on the dynamic segment scheduling. Other approaches, e. g., [12],
τ ≥τ + MT
(3) investigate the combination of application task and bus scheduling. Timing
analysis for the static segment is also presented in [8]. However, the
approaches ignore the parametrization problem.
with a frame length τ F (including idle detection) of a frame consisting The priorization of the frames of the dynamic segment is investigated
of lF (b) bits with a slow quartz, which generates bits of length τmax
Bit : in [11] where the assignemt of PDUs within a frame is done in advance.
Alternatively, each PDU equals one frame which is not optimal in terms
of bus utilization. Since our assumption is that the response time of all
τ F = lF (b) + 10 τmax
frames is always lower than the cycle length, we extend the dynamic
segment until all frames fit inside it. However, if no schedule can be
For our given topology, the first rounding error occurs for the action found or our assumption does not hold, a combination of the approach in
point offset and the second for the whole slot for a given payload length. [11] and our approach becomes feasible.
The resulting total error (idle time) is depicted in Figure 1 bottom for two The optimization of the parameter set has been investigated only in
of the 128 different possible payload lengths. [7] so far. However, this work suffers from two major drawbacks: (1)
the macrotick is fixed at a length of 1 µs. However, the macrotick is
the key optimization parameter. (2) an optimization of the cycle length is static segment prescheduling
performed, which in practical automotive applications is fixed at 5 ms due
to the fixed minimal cycle lengths of automotive messages.
A. Bin Packing-based Static Segment Scheduling
The authors of [6] proposed an optimization approach, which considers macrotick generator
cycle-multiplexing restricted to the static segment. As all static slots
contain the same amount of payload, they transformed the problem to
a special bin packing problem. Every slot is assumed to be a bin in which select payload
the PDUs are placed. The height of such an element corresponds to the ...
period (repetition rate) of the message. In a 5 ms cycle, a PDU which dynamic segment schedule
must be scheduled every 5 ms is of full height, a 10 ms is of half height
and so on. The width of a element is the payload, i.e., a 42 byte bin (slot)
may contain five 8 byte 5 ms elements (PDUs) and their corresponding select best schedule
five update bits, leaving 11 bits unused.
Let the number of occupied slots be uStatic . The goal of static scheduling global
as proposed in [6] is to place the PDUs in such a way into slots that the idle capacity assignment optimization
number of used slots is minimized:
Fig. 3. Proposed overall design flow.
minimize uStatic (5)
In this work, the methodology of [6] is extended to satisfy our been calculated, the PDUs can be reordered by their sending nodes and
considerations upon the parameter set. If only the static segment is taken their priority. Afterwards, every sender will have its elements in a single
into account, we would propose the following scheduling algorithm: (1) dynamic slot. In other words, the rectangle bin is cut, but the resulting
Perform bin-packing according to [6] for all possible payload lengths, (2) slots must not be a rectangle, because a slot may have different payloads
calculate the optimal macrotick for each possible payload. This is inde- each cycle.
pendent from the schedule, cf. Section II, and (3) select the schedule with Compared to the static segment scheduling, the optimization criteria is
lowest channel utilization. Within the context of this work, a modification slightly different. Only for the whole segment, the occupied area must be
of the aforementioned optimization criteria becomes necessarry. Even a of a minimum size and for all cycles the length should not differ much.
pure static segment solution still requires at least the network idle time It is more common, that a highly periodic message will be scheduled in
for clock synchronization. The proposed static optimization criteria is to future versions, so the common length of all cycles ensures that this new
minimize the utilzed time on the bus bin of full height will fit into the schedule.
  The dynamic segment is scheduled for every operation mode, as stated
minimize uStatic τ Slot + τ NIT τ MT (6) before. All operation modes build the set M . If in one mode m1 slots are
transmitted, which have a higher priority than some slots of mode m2 ,
B. Bin Packing-based Dynamic Segment Scheduling their minislots pass, which lengthens m2 by these minislots. If they have
The dynamic segment offers three main advantages over the static lower priority than all slots sin mode m2 , their minislots do not appear,
segment: (1) A node with only small communication demands does not as they may be lost out. The utilized minislots udyn (m, c) depend on the
need to use a full static slot but can use a small dynamic slot instead mode m, and on the other hand on the cycle c ∈ {0, . . . , 63} , because of
(see Figure 2). (2) A node with large communication demands can use a the possibility to use different frame lengths and senders for each cycle.
large slot instead of multiple static slots. This saves overhead and, thus, The dynamic segment must be scheduled such that all modes fit into
bus utilization (see Figure 2). (3) A node which has no communication the segment. Its minimum length τmin given in minislots is
demand when its slot arrives, does not need to transmit and then uses only
an idle minislot. dyn
τmin = max udyn (m, c) (7)
In particular, the last advantage can be used for functional extensions ∀m∈M,c∈{0,...,63}
of the whole schedule. In different operation modes of the automobile,
different layouts of the communication exist. Let one mode be the normal and the average utilization udyn
avg is
operation during driving. Here, e.g., large messages containing data from
environmental sensors are transmitted. Another mode is the reprogram- 63
max udyn (m, c)
ming of ECUs in the workshop. Here, no data from environmental sensors
c=0 ∀m∈M
is transmitted, but only the binary of the new application is transmitted. dyn
uavg = (8)
As a consequence, the scheduler for the dynamic segment is supposed to 64
determine a schedule such that each operation mode fits into the dynamic
segment with guaranteed message transmission. As the communication is The length τ SW of the symbol window is typically 0, as it is not used
known at design time, it is possible to determine the minimum length of in any known implementation of FlexRay clusters. Combining all four
the dynamic segment for all modes. The length of the dynamic segment segments, leads to holistic optimization criteria of minimizing
must be equal or larger than the longest layout of the communication.  
Note that the longest layout communication takes cycle-multiplexing into τ MT uStatic τ Slot + uavg τ Minislot + τ SW + τ NIT
account, i.e., the length of the dynamic segment is not simply given by u= (9)
the length of all possible messages. Then, the transmission of messages in τ Cycle
the dynamic segment is guaranteed, which makes the use of this segment
feasible in the automotive domain. C. Holistic Design Flow
For the usage of this segment, we have to consider two main disadvan- The proposed overall design flow is outlined in Fig. 3. In a first
tages: (1) As it is not guaranteed which nodes, before a specific slot, do step, several static schedules with reasonable slot sizes are generated.
transmit, this leads to jitter of the frame due to shifts of slots. However, the Afterwards, the PDUs are assigned to either the static or dynamic segment.
earliest and latest possible transmission time can be given if the dynamic Given the scheduling for different macroticks is independent of each other,
segment is chosen long enough as we proposed. (2) In FlexRay 2.1, noise the next steps investigates all possible macrotick sizes in parallel. In the
during the dynamic segment leads to a corrupted data for the remaining same step, the payload size and dynamic schedule is determined as well.
cycle. This fault in the specification was fixed in FlexRay 3.0. From the set of investigated schedules regarding slot size and macrotick,
As the dynamic segment may contain frames of different length and the schedule with lowest bus load is selected. At this point, a global
also use cycle multiplexing for the slots, the bin packing transformation optimization may be incorporated that aims at finding an optimal schedule
as proposed for the static segment is employed, adding two adoptions: by varying the partition of PDUs to static and dynamic segment. Since an
(1) The dynamic segment is treated as a single bin with height 64 (i.e. exhaustive search for the optimal schedule is likely to be impracticable,
cycles) and infinite length and (2) all elements (PDUs) can be placed a meta-heuristic search approach such as simulated annealing [5] is
inside at any position. After the solution of the bin packing problem has employed to control the optimization process.
Add. possible slots Utilization
Possible 2.5 ms slots SlotUtilization
We took a real world communication example from the chassis and 100%
powertrain domain. The data should be close to reality with only a short
amount of uncertainty. Our data consists of 17 ECUs, sending out 264 80%
PDUs in total. In addition to these application level PDUs, a number
of network protocol related PDUs are distributed over the network, e.g.,

Free Slots
20 60%
network management and transport protocols for diagnosis of the car.
The distribution of consumed bandwidth per ECU is as follows: One 40%
ECU is below 1%, seven ECUs consume 1%, two ECUs consume 3%,
two ECUs consume 4%, two ECUs consume 5%, and the remaining four 10
ECUs consume 9, 13, 18, and 30% bandwidth. The lowest amount of used
bandwidth per ECU is 1,700 Bit/s, the highest amount is 325,900 Bit/s.
Only 3 ECUs, which come from a driver assistance application, make 0 0%
14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70
more than 61% of the used bandwidth whereas 9 ECUs cosume less than
9% in total. Static payload in Bytes
The more static slots a ECU consumes, the more overhead will be Fig. 4. Scheduling result for the case study.
needed. On the other hand, if an ECU uses only one slot partly, the
remaining space within the slot may only be consumed by this ECU and, a total utilization of 69,49%. (A payload of 34 bytes leads to a utilization
according to our optimization criteria in Equation 9, it will produce non- of 69.59%. Additionally, also the utilized slots would leave more space
optimal result. As a rule of thumb, ECUs with a huge amount of payload for extesions, but only for the nodes which occupy them already)
should be scheduled into the dynamic segment due to the reduction of The execution time of the proposed scheduling approach without
overhead and ECUs with a small amount of payload, too, due to well employing the global optimization loop, see Figure 3, was 8 s on an Intel
utilized small slots. Core 2 Duo desktop PC with 2.4 GHz. As a reference, the best found
Due to the fact that messages in the dynamic segment will jitter, e.g., solution as presented previously with 58 Bytes and 69.46 % utilization
because data has been added at the beginning of the dynamic segment is used to investigate the efficiency of the global optimization loop. As
in later versions of the schedule, but the ECU software is still “old”, or a meta-heuristic optimization approach, simulated annealing was applied.
messages are not sent out and therefore consume only one minislot. So The heuristic required an execution time of 19 minutes to find a solution of
it must be up to the system designer to decide whether PDUs may be equal quality (in fact the same) as the proposed overall design flow without
scheduled in the dynamic segment or not. In our case, the two ECUs the global optimization. After 411 minutes, the optimization achieved an
with the highest amount of sent data and the ECU with the least amount improvement of the utilization of only 0.2 %.
of data to be sent may be completely scheduled dynamically. For all The case study indicates that the proposed overall design flow with
other ECUs, their application messages must be scheduled statically. All its initial partitions based on rules of thumb may achieve very high
network protocols may be scheduled in the dynamic segment, and we quality solutions immediately. Given an execution time of only 8 seconds
already planned enough payload for later extensions of ECUs for them. compared to several hours for an insignificant improvement of only 0.2%
The application PDUs sum up to 1, 074, 100 Bits/s. Additionally, the bus load, the global optimization should only be applied for the final
protocol related messages (including messages used by developers) sum system implementation. On the other hand, the 8 second execution time
up to 2.5 MBit/s, which is not surprising, as these data is used for enables an interactive development and the exploration of several possible
reprogramming the ECUs, testing purposes, maintenance, etc. system architectures and, thus, provides a significant amount of automation
151 of the application PDUs are, due to the ability to route them to a and support for the automotive system engineer.
CAN bus, of eight byte length, only two PDUs are of ten bytes length. All VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK
other PDUs are either even shorter or can be scheduled in the dynamic
segment. The distribution of the period and the resulting bandwidth is We showed that a holistic FlexRay scheduling approach requires a deep
shown in Table I. investigation of the parameter set. FlexRay is highly configurable, but this
It should be up to the system designer, to choose the kind of free is, with respect to the schedule, its flaw. Once chosen, the parameter set
bandwidth. He may choose between free available bandwidth in used slots, must not be changed during the lifetime of a car or even a platform of
if he expects a lot of integration of new functions in existing ECUs. Or it cars. Thus, the first schedule applied should be optimal, leaving enough
may be freely available slots, if he expects new ECUs at the bus or wants space for future extensions of the system. In this work, we combined
to be able to assign the slots for available ECUs freely. Additionally, he the parametrization with the scheduling of the static and the dynamic
must take into account whether more static slots (which avoid jitter) or a segment, due to their strong interdependence. The provided case studies
larger dynamic segment (where the potential of less bus utilization due to gives evidence that the proposed holistic approach delivers better results
shorter overheads) is more valuable. than previous work.
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