MAN112 Syllabi MW1 PMSpring 2019

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COURSE: MAN 112-02: Organizational Behavior/Design –Spring 2019

PROFESSOR: Wissal Nouchrif

CONTACT INFO: Email: [email protected], ph: 617-228-2347
MEETING TIME: Monday, Wednesday 1pm-2:15pm
OFFICE HOURS: Mondays from 9:00 am to 10 am & 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm B 122 i
Wednesday from 9:00 am to 10 am B 122 i
Thursdays from 11:15 am to 12:45 pm B 122 i

REQUIRED TEXT: Organizational Behavior by Colquitt, Lepine and Wesson, 6th edition with Connect

Link to required materials:

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to examine interrelationship of organizational

structure, policy, social systems, individual, interpersonal and group performance. Issues that
impact the effectiveness of an organization will be analyzed in an effort to provide students with
exposure to those issue that are essential for organizational success, such as the dynamics of
change, communication barriers, conflict resolution, leadership skills, motivational theory, and
collaboration. This course meets General Education “Individual/Society” Requirement Area 2 for
A.A. and A.S. Business Administration Student.

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to :
 Identify basic tenets of organizational theory and the implications relative to organizational
structure and process;
 Discuss the dynamics of effective teamwork;
 Define the basic principles of motivation for the work environment and discuss related
 Discuss the various approaches available for implementing change;
 Discuss leadership theories and identifying leadership styles within groups;
 Compare and contrast leadership styles and their influence on motivation, morale, and
 Discuss the organizational climate and its impact on communication;
 Discuss the influence of cultural diversity on management styles and organizational
concepts, and management practices;
 Identify potential sources of conflict. different conflict styles and methods and strategies
for dealing with conflict;

Two important skills to master (if you haven’t done so already) are arriving for class on time and
getting projects and assignments in on time. You will be a more highly valued student and most
likely to be rewarded if you are responsible and effective on these fronts. Anticipate obstacles (e.g.
my car broke, my computer crashed etc.) and PLAN AHEAD.

Attendance at all classes is mandatory and attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class.
Attendance and tardiness will be part of each individual’s grade and two points will be deducted
from an individual’s final grade for every absence in excess of two and consistent lateness will also
cause a reduction of points from a student’s final grade.

All assignments must be submitted by the scheduled deadline in Connect. No late assignments will
be accepted.

The content in this class will be taught via PowerPoint lectures, personal assessment from the textbook,
group discussions and activities in class. There will be a quiz and homework for each chapter thru
Connect. There will be a midterm and a final exam as well as a group project presentation at the end of
the semester.

There will be three (3) exams, emphasizing the terminology and concepts identified in the text and
class lectures. If you are unable to take a scheduled exam, due to an emergency, documentation is
required and you are required to contact me within twenty-four (24) hours in order to be eligible to
take a make-up exam.

A student’s grade is based on the results of objective testing, teamwork and participation, case
studies, written papers and oral presentations. The grade received is the grade that a student earns.
Students will not be given an opportunity to retake an exam to improve a test grade. No exceptions
will be made.


Teams of no more than 4 students will conduct research and make a presentation to the class
consistent with the topics of this course. I suggest you consult your textbook, Internet research, or
discussion with me in choosing a topic. To complete the presentation, students must work as a
team. A team is a group of individuals who come together to
complete a particular project or task. While your face to face team meeting may be limited due to

geographics, you must still communicate. To ensure the success of the team arrangement, the
team members must communicate frequently via e-mail, phones, voice mail, g-mail etc. Project
details provided under separate cover.

Your final grade will be based on the total points earned from the following:
Class Participation and attendance 20%
Module Exams (3 @ 10 pts. each) 30%
Homework 15%
Quizzes 15%
Project Team Presentation 20%
TOTAL 100%

Grading System

A 94 – 100%
A- 90 – 93.99%
B+ 87 – 89.99%
B 83 – 86.99%
B- 80 – 82.99%
C+ 77 – 79.00%
C 70 – 76.99%
D 60 – 69.99%
F 0 – 59.99%

CHEATING & PLAGIARISM - Cheating consists of taking credit for work done by another person or
doing work for which another person will receive credit. Cheating on examinations or tests consists
of knowingly giving, receiving or using or attempting to give, receive or use unauthorized assistance.
Other forms of cheating include copying to give, receive or use, unauthorized assistance and
copying or purchasing others' work or arranging for others to do work under a false name. Forms of
plagiarism include the submission of work of another source or person without giving proper
acknowledgement or credit to that source or individual. If it is proven that a student in any course
in which he or she is enrolled has knowingly cheated or plagiarized, this may result in a failing grade
for an exam or assignment, withdrawal from the course or a failing grade in the course.

College Accommodations and Support Services

The Office of Disability Support Services is a student-focused department dedicated to assisting
members of the BHCC community with documented physical and/or learning disabilities. Students
may be eligible for services that include tutoring, testing and other classroom accommodations. To

get more information or request an accommodation, contact the Disability Support Services Office
at 617-228-2327. Students are encouraged to request accommodations as early as possible and
ideally before the start of the semester. For information about programs and services please visit: contact our office with any questions.

Course Schedule*

Week 1: CHAPTER 1.What Is Organizational Behavior? (Jan 22nd-Jan 28th)

Week 2: CHAPTER 2.Job Performance
Week 3: CHAPTER 3.Organizational Commitment
Week 4: CHAPTER 4.Job Satisfaction
Week 5: Exam 1 and Review
Week 6: CHAPTER 5.Stress
Week 7: CHAPTER 6.Motivation
Week 8: CHAPTER 7.Trust, Justice, and Ethics
Week 9: CHAPTER 8.Learning and Decision Making
Week 10: Exam 2 and Review
Week 11: CHAPTER 9.Personality and Cultural Values
Week 12: CHAPTER 13.Leadership: Power and Negotiation
Week 13: CHAPTER 14.Leadership: Styles and Behaviors
Week 14: CHAPTER 15.Organizational Culture
Week 15: Group Presentations (May 7th-May 9th)
Week 16: Exam 3 and Review

Class will be cancelled on Tuesday April 16th, Monday schedule will be followed on that day.

* This syllabus is subject to change based on unforeseen events and at the Professor’s discretion.

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