Muhammad Azam Vs The State

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Cr. P.L.A No. 04/2011.

Before: Mr. Justice Muhammad Nawaz Abbasi, Chief Judge.

Mr. Justice Syed Jaffar Shah, Judge.
Mr. Justice Muhammad Yaqoob, Judge.

The State ………………… Petitioner


1. Muhammad Azam s/o Mir Nabi R/o Jagir Basin.

2. Jumma Din s/o Janiya R/o Bargo Paine.
3. Khan Baz s/o Sheate R/o Bargo Paine District Gilgit.



Present: Advocate General Gilgit-Baltistan for petitioner.

Malik Haq Nawaz Advocate for respondents.
Mr. Ali Nazar Advocate on record.
Date of hearing: 25-05-2011

Muhammad Nawaz Abbasi, CJ: This petition for leave to appeal
has been filed by the state through Advocate General Gilgit-Baltistan against
the order dated 20-10-2010 passed by the Chief Court in a state Criminal
Appeal filed by the State whereby the Chief Court maintaining the Order of
trial court regarding payment of diyat to the legal heirs of deceased by the
State dismissed the appeal.

2. The short facts giving rise to this petition are that Muhammad Azam
and two other respondents herein were tried in a case registered against them
under Section 427/148/149/302/34 PPC at Police Station City, Gilgit and
having been found not guilty have been acquitted. The Case was registered
on the report lodged by one Khushlim Hussain that he and ten (10) other
passengers were proceeding to village Bargo from Gilgit, in a Suzuki vehicle
and on reaching at some distance from the place of occurrence, they having
come to know about tension in the area, were reluctant to go further but, a
Magistrate on special duty with police Squad giving assurance of safe
crossing the sensitive area, instructed them to follow his vehicle and they
while following the Magistrate with police squad when reached near Basin
RCC Bridge, a group of persons armed with lethal weapons opened firing
and pelted stones at the vehilcle as a result of which a few passenger
sustained injuries and one Tahir Ali ultimately died in the Hospital. The
Magistrate and Police Officials present at the spot remained silent spectators
and did not bother to take any action to prevent the offence or protect the life
of passengers.

3. The learned Trial Judge having examined the prosecution evidence

brought on record held that it was a case of Qatl-i-Khata punishable under
section 319 PPC and since the driver of vehicle proceeded to cross the
sensitive area on the instruction of Magistrate and sad incident happened in
presence of the Magistrate and police officials on duty but they did not
interfere to prevent the commission of offence, or to protect the life of
passengers, therefore, they would be equally responsible for the fateful
incident, and having not taken any preventive measure, were guilty of
Criminal negligence.

4. The learned trial Judge in the light of the principle of State

responsibility of the protection of life and property of the people directed for
payment of Diyat to the legal heirs of the deceased in terms of the
notification of the Federal Government published in the Official Gazette for
the relevant year.

5. The state by way of filing an appeal under Section 25 of Anti-

Terrorism Act, 1997 read with Section 561-A Cr.PC in the Chief Court
questioned the legality of order of payment of Diyat without challenging the
acquittal of the accused.

6. The precise question requiring determination in the present petition

would relate to the responsibility of protection of life and property of the
people which is sacred trust in a Muslim State and the concept of Qisas and
Diyat in Islam in respect of the cases of Qatl and hurts. The security of a
person is one of the fundamental right as provided under Article 3 of Gilgit-
Baltistan (Empowerment and Self Governance) Order, 2009 and Article 9 of
the Constitution of Pakistan, and people of Gilgit-Baltistan being citizens of
Pakistan have the guarantee of fundamental rights provided in the
Constitution of Pakistan.

7. This Court having considered the matter in the command of Holy

Quran and Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH) required Anjuman-e-Imamia
Gilgit, Tanzeem Ahl-e-Sunnat wa Aljamat, Gilgit and Ismaili Regional
Council Gilgit to express their views in the matter for guidance of the Court.
The presidents, Supreme Appellate Court bar Association with cooperation
of the president Chief Court Bar Association was required to constitute a
penal of Advocates well conversant with the Islamic Law for assistance of
Court and Attorney General for Pakistan was directed to depute a Deputy
Attorney General for Pakistan for our assistance and in addition Dr.
Muhammad Aslam Khaki Advocate, Islamabad and consultant in Sharia
Law was also asked to assist the Court, but except Ismaili Regional Council
and Dr. Muhammad Aslam Khaki, no one has responded. The Ismaili
Regional Council without rendering any assistance on the legal question
under reference, simply asked for supply of detail facts, whereas Dr.
Muhammad Aslam khaki has sent an exhaustive research paper on the
subject, and we deem it proper to reproduce the same hereunder for the
benefit of examination of proposition:-


The Security of life of a person had been a sacred trust in custom, law& the
driven law throughout the history. The security of a person is one of the
fundamental rights of citizens of Pakistan as enshrined in Article 9 of the
constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973. The concept of Qisas and
that of Diyat is a divine as well as customary. As far as its fundamental
principles like right of retaliation in murder ( Qatl-I- Amd) or Diyat in Qatl-
I-Khata( culpable homicide by mistake) and equality of mankind in taking
Qisas are concerned, it is a divine law as far its application and modalities in
a specific time & territory (‫ ) مکان و زمان‬is concerned, it is a customary law
e.g. amount of diyat, mode of payment of Diyat etc. The fundamental
principles being divine are unchangeable & uncompromisable while the
customary law will be changed with changing needs & demands of the
society on the support famous legal maxim of Islamic law.

) ‫الینکرتغییر االحکام تبغیر االزمان (مجلتہ‬

“ The change in ruling or law shall not be resisted with change in time” Before
dilating upon the liability of an offender to pay Diyat and the right of the victim or
his heirs to receive Diyat, we deem it appropriate to discuss the concept &
philosophy of Qisas & Diyat in Islam.
The Dictionary Meanings of Qisas.

(a) To root out (‫قص الشعر‬

ُ ) to root out hair.
(b) To follow the foot prints or to repeat the act.
In Quran it is said:-

In Quran it is said :-

‫وقالت الختہ قصیہ‬

“She ( Moses mother) asked his sister to trace him ( Moses Box ) by going
back on the same way.

In Arabic use, it is said:

‫قصص االبل القصیصتہ‬

“The camel followed the Qasisah i.e she camel: which leads and is followed
by other camels”
Quran says about the Moses & his servant.
‫فارتد اعلی آثار ھھا قصصا‬

“They returned on their own way tracing their own foot prints”

Definitions of Qisas:
A. In Fiqh, Qisas means”Qawad” (‫ )قود‬and its means:
‫القتل بالقتل حبالجر والجرح‬

“killing a man for killing and causing injury for the injury”
b. “ Qisas” is punishment by causing similar hurt at same part of the body of
the offender as he has caused to the victim, or by causing his death if he
(Offender) has committed Qatil-I- amd.

In Islamic law it is applied in cases of offences against the body of the person
whether it proves fatal or leaves wound or Jurh (‫)جرح‬.

If the offence proves fatal and the victim is killed, the retaliation by the wali of the
victim against the offender by killing him is called Qisas-fil-nafs( blood.
Vengeance or (‫ ) قصاص فی لنفس‬and if the offence against the body does not prove
fatal but it result in a hurt or jurh in which Qisas is possible is called Qisas-Fi-ma
dun al nafs ) ‫۔) قصاص فیما دون النفس‬

Qisas is ordained in those offence which accepts equality in retaliation. For

example, in the offence of Qatl- I-amd ( Murder) equality is possible in retaliation
is possible by killing the offender. Similarly in Itlaf –J-Udw ( ‫)اتالف عضو‬, equality
is possible in retaliation e.g. the nose for the nose, year for the year, tooth for the
tooth, hand for the hand etc. but on the other hand if equality is possible, Qisas
does not lie against the offender. For the concept of Qisas is enshrined in divine
ordinance as revealed in all the divine religions.

Quran says:-

‫و کتبنا علیھم فیھا ان النفس بالنفس و العین بالعین واالنف باالنف واالزن والسن والجروح قصاص‬
“( In torah ) we decreed for them all life for a life, an eye for an eye a nose for a
nose, an year, a tooth for a tooth and for wounds is Qisas.”

‫…… یاایھاالذین ا آمنو کتب علیکم االقصاص فی لقتلی‬.. (02/178)

“ O believers Retaliation is decreed for you in slain; freeman for a freeman,

a salve for a salve, a female for female. He who is pardoned by his aggrieved
brother for some consideration, should follow his commitment fairly and pay the
consideration with equity.
‫( ولکم فی القصاص حیوتہ یا ولی االلباب لعلکم تتقون‬02/179)

“ In the law of Equality ( Qisas) there is saving of life for you O men of
understanding ) ‫ (اولی االلباب‬i.e. intelligentia.

The victim or his Wali can demand Qisas as a matter of right. He can also forgive
and the offender without compensation or compound on accepting badal-I –Sulah
it is noteworthy that the cases in which basically the Qisas is ordained but due to
some technical or other legal reasons Qisas cannot be executed, Diyat and Arsh
are fixed and are not left to the discretion of the victim or of the government or the
Judge. While in cases of inequitable hurts in which the execution of Qisas is not
possible due to difficulty of equality, the offender would be liable to daman (‫) ضمان‬
which is to be determine by the Court.
In addition of Diyat, Arsh or Daman which are the monetary compensation, the
Court can also award the punishment of imprisonment or stripes to the offender
keeping in view the circumstances of case. However, in which Qisas is executed,
no other punishment can be awarded to the offender.

It is to be noted that in fiqh( ‫)ارش مقدرہ‬ sticto sanso, the monetary compensation
other then Diyat is further divided into Arsh Muqaddrah ( ‫) ارش مقدرہ‬ (specified
compensation) and Arsh- Ghair Muqaddarah (‫( ارش ٖغیر مقدرہ‬ non specified
compensation. Arsh Ghair Muqadarah is further divided into daman and
Hukoomat- I- Adl as compensation shown in the chart below.


Diyat Arsh

)‫(دیت‬ )‫(ارش‬

( For life) (For other hurts)

(a) ( ‫ ) مقدرتہ‬Specified for (b) ( ‫)غیر مقدرتہ‬ Non – Specified for non- Equitable

Equitable injuries ( for non-Equitable injuries& other

Daman Hukamati Adl

)‫(ضمان‬ )‫(حکومتہ عدل‬

For non –equitable injuries for other indirect damages

As a result of injury caused like the said
Effects e.g. expenditure on treatment in capacity for job etc.

In case of default of payment of Diyat.

The English law provides imprisonment for indefinite rather for undefined period.
It does not differentiate between the accused belonging to different economic
Islam being to torch- bearer of justice & fairness seriously and
sympathetically takes into consideration the economic status of the accused for his
financial liabilities in the law.

As per Islamic law, the time for payment of Diyat depends upon two factors
/ variables.

(A) The Type of Qatl/homicide.

(B) The economic position of the accused.
(C) Type of Qatl or Homicide:
If the Diyat has been imposed against Qatl- i- khata &Qatal –Shibh-i-
Amd ( ‫ ) قتل شبہ عمد‬, the Muslim jurists agree that it shall be a deferred
Diayat ( ‫ )دیت معجلتہ‬and to some jurists shall be paid in three years i.e/3 rd
of Diyat shall be paid every year.
( The same view has been incorporated in section 331 and 337-x P.P.C
for payment of Diyat or Arsh on the case may be in lump sum or in
installments of three years.)
And if the Diyat has been ordered against Qatl-i-Amd in which
execution of Qisas is not possible then there difference of opinion among
the jurists. Ahnaf Jurists hold that it shall also be a “deffered diyat” like
one in Qatl-e-Khata and Qatl-e-Shibh-e-Amd. On the other hand the
majority jurists like Shafis & Malikis have the view that such Diyat shall
be a prompt Diyat “(‫ ) دیت معجلتہ‬i.e. to be paid promptly and in lump
sum. According to them, suchinst Qisas and it requires prompt execution.
So its alternate ( Diyat must also be promet. Moreover the murder is not
entitled for concessions, while deferring the payment of Diyat in
installments is a concession.
The authority for “ deferred Diyat payment” in three years by
installments is derived from the conduct of second Muslim Caliph
Hazarat Umar as he made it so in a case before him. However in the
present day, it will change with change in the economic condition of the
accused and those of the society.

The jurist have considered the payment of Diyat as that of debt (‫ ) دین‬which a man
owes to other man. So the Akham of Debt shall mutatis mutandus apply for the
recovery of Diyat‫ ۔‬Some jurists have allowed the imprisonment of the debtor
against the debt due. However they made four conditions for it.
1st Condition:

(i) That the debt should be prompt or has become due.

Second Condition:

(ii) The second condition for awarding imprisonment in default of payment

of Diyat is that the debtor should not be the parents ( how- high so) of the
creditors, as in Islam, the parents ( H.H.S) cannot be imprisoned for the
debt of their children ( H.L.S). The arguments for the said position area
as follows.
(a) )‫وصاجھما فی الدنیا معروفا(قرآن‬

“ In this world be with your parents in good conduct” .(31:15)

(b) )‫وبالوالدین احسانا۔(قرآن‬

“ Behave with your parents nicely” (2:83)

(c ) A son complained to the Holy Prophet ( P.B.U.H) about his father

that he takes the money from his account.

The Holy Prophet ( P.B.U.H) said” ‫ انت و مالک ال بیک‬you & your property
belongs to your father’‫۔‬

So the jurist have consensus that a father cannot be imprisoned for the
debt of his children due from him.

However, the father can be imprisoned for non- payment of maintenance

of his minor children and that too as Tazir and not as against a debt.

Third Condition:

(iii) The third condition for the imprisonment against the debt is that there
must be a request by the creditors to the judge for the imprisonment of
their debtor. In the absence of such request, the Judge Suo-moto cannot
imprison the debtor except in case when the creditor or the beneficiary of
the Diyat are minors. This is because the Judge has the parental position
and is guardian of the minors.
Fourth Condition:
(iv) The Fourth and the most important condition for the imprisonment of the
debtor against the creditor is his sound financial position to pay off the
debt. The issue of granting time to the offender to pay Diyat is a double
edged weapon, it cuts both ways. On one hand it impairs the right of the
creditor and on the other hand it is against the interest of the destitute
debtor if refused. As far as the destitute debtor is concerned, Islam
ordains convenience & concession.
When the debtor is rich ‫ موسر‬enough to pay the debt and his financial
position is known & proved so.
In such case, if the debtor refuses to pay he may be humiliated and
punished. The Holy Propet ( P.B.U.H) said
)‫داود نساؑئی‬
ؑ ‫لی الواجد ظلم یحل عرضہ و عقوبتہ(ابو‬
‫قال ابن المبارک یغلظ لہ و یجس‬
“The default of the rich debtor is ‘zulm’ (injustice of the debtor against
the creditor), his humiliation and punishment is permitted. Abne-
Mubarak said that he will be dealt strictly will be imprisoned.

“ The Jurist Ahmed & Waki ) ‫ (وکیع‬have also interpreted the punishment
as to “ imprisonment” ( Nail- UL- Autar by Al- Shaookani 5/255).

Imam abu Hanifa and his disciple Imam Zufar hold that he ( Rich debtor)
shall be imprisoned for indefinite period till he pays of the debt. However imam
Abu yusuf, imam Muhammad among the Ahnaf and the jurist of other Schools of
thought are of the view that if he does not pay the debt even after specific period of
imprisonment says one, two or three months or higher(at the discretion of Judge
keeping in view the circumstances of the people), he shall be placed under Hajr
(‫ ( ) حجر‬interdict) by declaring him honcompos mentis , and his property shall be
attached & sold and the debt ( Diyat ) shall be discharged.

The debt is not written off even in case of the death of the debtor. In such

case the debt shall be recovered from the assets of the deceased as first priority:

Quran Says:

‫فان کان لہ اخوتہ فالمہ السد س من بعد وصیتہ یو صی بھااودین‬ (4:11)

Translation: The distribution in all cases is after is the payment of legacies and
debts. (4/11)

To secure the transparency & return of the debt, Quran has asked the muslims to
reduce the deal in writing and also to make witnesses to it .
It says:
‫یا ایھاالذین آمنواذا تداینتم بدین الی اجل مسمی فاکتبوہ الکتب بینکم کاتب بالعدل اوالیاب کاتباان یکتب کما‬
‫شیا فان کان الذی علیہ الحق سفیھا‬
ؑ ‫علمہ ہللا فلیکتب و لیملل الذی علیہ الحق ولیتق ہللا ربہ وال ینجس منہ‬
)2/282(‫اوضعیفا اوال یستطیع ان یمل ھو فلیملل و لیہ بالعدل واستشھدواشھیدین من رجالکم۔۔۔۔۔‬
Translation: O ye who believe When deal with each in transactions involving
future obligation in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing let a scribe write
down faithfully as between the parties: let not the refuse to write as God has taught
him, son let him write , let him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear his
lord God, and not diminish aught of what he owes if the party liable is mentally
deficient, or weak, or unable Himself to dictate, let his guardian dictate faithfully.
And get two witnesses, out of your own men. (2/282)

In Islam, payment of debt has been emphasized to facilitate & promote the
issuing of debts by the creditors.

The sunnah of the Holy Prophet reveals that the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H) refused to offer the funeral prayer of the person who died without
discharging his debts. The person who does not repay the debt against him despite
his capacity to repay has been condemned by the Prophet and it is permitted to
insult him & punish him.

The Prophet Said:

(1) )‫لیا لواجد ظلم یحل عرضہ و عقوبتہ((حدیث‬

“the willful default in payment of debt by the rich debtor is injustice or
Zulm, it is permitted to insult him and to punish him.
(ii) ‫حطل الغنی ظلم‬
“The deferring debt by the rich debtor is injustice “ (Muwatta Imam
Malik) when the debtor is known or is proved as too poor to pay the debt.
i.e. d pauper or Muflis (‫) مفلس‬
In such case, he cannot be imprisoned as per all the jurists because the
purpose of imprisonment is to force the debtor to pay the debt while a poor
person is not able to pay the debt, hence his imprisonment is Zulm Islam
does not believe in imprisonment for imprisonment. Even otherwise Islam
lays emphasis on leniency with the poor debtor.
Islam is a religion of convenience and concession and not of inconvenience.
One of the salient features of Shariah is” Principle of convenience” as
compared to inconvenience. This principle of convenience & concession is
based upon the following verses & Ahadith.
Quran Says:
)‫یریدہللا بکم الیسر و ال یرید بکم العسر(القرآن‬

Translation: “ Allah intends convenience with you and not “inconvenience

with you (2:185) even in the recitation of Quran, the muslims have been
asked to read the easy verses or Ahkam and do not get fatigued:
Quran Says:
)02:27(‫فاقرءواما تیسر من القرآن‬
Translation: “ Read from the Quran what is easy or convenient”
Quran has been made easy and not difficult. (73:20)

Quran Says:
)40/07(‫ولقد یسرنا القرآن للذکرفھل من مدکر‬
Translation: indeed we have made Quran an easy book for guidance, is
there any person to who contemplates into it. (54:40)
Similarly the purpose of sending the prophet and also his conduct as a role
model was to remove the difficulties and the undue constraints over the
Quran Says:
)51:75()‫ویضع عنھم اصرھم والعلل النبی کانت علیھم (القرآن‬

Translation: He releases them from their heavy and from the yokes that are
upon them. (7:157)
Quran Says:
):9161()‫ان ہللا یا مربالعدل و االحسان(القرآن‬
Translation: Allah ordains you to hold justice & concession. In Islamic
term, justice means giving the man to which he is entitled rights Ihsam
means giving him more them his right keeping in view his circumstances.

The Prophet Said:


Teach the people and make easy way and do not make it in a difficult

It reported that wherever the prophet was confronted with many

solution of a problem, he opted for the easiest.

It is on this principle of convenience that ordains the Muslims to make

the repayment of their debts due from the or debtors as convenient and give
maximum allowance to the poor & destitute.

It is pertinent to not that in Islam normally the repayment of debt is a

responsibility & a liability which must be honored by the debtors. The purpose of
strict injunctions to the debtors to repay the debts by Islam is in the interest of
debtor and creditors. Islam makes strict directions to repay the debt.

Quran Says:

‫وان کان ذوعسرۃ فنظرۃ الیمیسرۃ‬

“if the debtor is poor, he should be given time ( 2:280)

(2:286))‫الیکلف ہللا نفسا االوسعھا(قرآن‬

“ Allah does not require anything from a person but as per his capacity”

However if the poor person has some property that will sold to satisfy the
debt leaving the property which is required for his working or living. There are
many traditions which require the creditors to deal with the poor debtor in
leniency and forgiveness. Some are as below:

‫وعن ابی ہریرۃ قال قال رسول ہللا کان فیما کان قبلکم تاجریداین فکان الناس فکان ازارای معسرااقال‬
)‫نسائی بحوالہ صحاح اتہ کتاب الدین‬،‫لفتینانہ تجاوزواعنہ لعل ہللا یتجاوزعنافتجاوزہللا عنہ(بخاری مسلم‬

It is reported from Abud Hurairah that the Holy Prophet said that in the past
time, there was a trader who used to lend loans to the people and when he found a
debtor in difficulty he asked his workers to ignore the recovery with the hope that
Allah will also ignore our sins. The Prophet said that in fact Allah ignored his sins.

There is another narration about a person who did never do any good
deed. But he used to lend money to the people and instructed his workers to
recover the loan from the rich and ignore the poor in recovery with the hope that
Allah will ignore our sins. When this person died Allah asked him if he has done
any good deed he replies “ No except that I used to give the loan to the people and
said it my recovery worker to recover from the rich and ignore the poor in recovery
with the hope that Allah will ignore our sins Allah said to the man:

“I have ignored your sins “

‫وعن ابی قتادۃ انہ طلب غریمالہ فتوارای عنہ ثم وجد فقال انی معسرفقال ہللا قال ہللا فانی دمعت رسول ہللا‬
‫یقول من سرہ ان ینجیہ ہللا التعا لی من کرب یوم لقیامۃ فلینففس عن معسر اویضع عنہ۔‬

“ it is reported by Abut Qatadah that he went to his debtor who initially did hide
but later on appeared and on the demand of Abu Qatadah, the debtor deposed on
oath that he was poor. Abu Qataqah said that he had heard from the holy Prophet
that whosoever wishes that Allah Should Protect him against the miseries of
hereafter, he should give time to the poor or write off his loan ( Muslim)

Another tradition of the Holy Prophet(PBUH) as reported by Abu Saeed is

as follows.

“A man in the period of Holy Prophet(P.B.U.H) suffered loss in the business

of a fruit and his debt exceeded the Prophet(P.B.U.H) said to the companions
‘Give him help’, so the people contributed for him as sadqah( ‫ ) صدقہ‬or help but it
did not satisfy the debt completely, the Prophet(P.B.U.H) said to his creditors, you
take what is there for you and you are not entitled for which is not there. (Nail-ul-
Autor, 5/255)

(c) When the debtor’s financial position is not proved either way. In
this case, the debtor will be imprisoned and an inquiry will be
conducted into his financial position. However, such imprisonment for
inquiry shall not exceed three months as per majority jurists.

It is also worth nothing that in case there is no chance of improvement

in that financial position of the debtor of Diyat, it can be waved and be paid
out of public exchequer.

In this respect there is narration by Imran Bin Hussain (‫عمران بن حسین‬

) that a poor by cut the ear of a rich boy. The family of the poor boy came to
the Holy Prophet ( P.B.U.H) and told the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) that they
are destitute payment of any compensation.(Abu Daud, Nissai)

Amount of Diyat is not fixed.

On many surprised to note that the law of Qisas o Diyat was not
exclusively divine, it was pre-islamic and customary as well. The main law
Qisas was also revealed by Allah Almighty to the nations before Muslims.

Quran Says:………………… ‫و کتبا علیھم فیھا انالنفس با النفس‬

And we have made a law for them that the life will be taken against a life.

Quran did not provide the details and working of enforcement of Qisas and Diyat.
It only provided the right of Qisas and of Diyat to the victim or his legal heirs,
equality of various classes of people in retaliation, and right of victim or his legal
heirs, as the case may be, to forgive the offender However , the working &details
were left unspecified to be specified by the people in the so cio-economic
conditions of their own time. The Holy Prophet worked out the details like amount
of Diyat, kinds of Diyat etc in his own time and for his own time as a role model
and as head of the state.

The prophet ( P.B.U.H) also relied upon the customs in this

connection provided the custom was not based upon injustice. However when the
time & socio- economic condition prevelant in the time of the Holy prophet upon
which the holy prophet based his decisions and order were changed the second
caliph Hazrat Umar changed such details given by the Holy Prophet without any
reservation because he know that such decisions & orders were not of religions
nature but were of the political nature made in Public interest keeping in view the
soico-condition of his (Prophet ‘s ) time. So when Umer felt a change in the socie-
economic conditions in his Caliphate, he changed the relevant provisions of law
despite the fact that these were decided by the Holy Prophet. He knew that the
Prophet issued such details in his capacity of head of State and not in the capacity
of the Prophet. So he changed the value of Diyat from 800 Dinars to 1000 Dinar,
changed the Aaqila composition, waiving the liability of Diyat against some
destitute persons etc. On the same analogy and on the same pedestal, such details
can be changed rather totally redesigned and worked out by the government or
judiciary as authorised by the govt. by empowering it under Article 184(3) of the
Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973.

One tradition of Hazrat Umer changing the value of Diyat and its kinds is
reproduced as below.
‫عن ابن عمر و بن الحاص قال کانت قیمتہ الدیدعلی عہد رسول ہللا ثمان مائتہ دینار او ثمانیتہ االف درھم‬
‫دیتہ اصل الکتاب کو مندعلی العصف من دیتہ المسلیمن الی ان استخلف عمر بن الخطاب فقام خطیبا فقال‬
‫ان االبل قد غلت فقر ضھا علی اصل الذھب الف دینار علی احل الورق اثنی اعشرالف درھم و علی البقر و‬
ؑ (‫علی اھل الشاتہ ولی امل الحلل ماتی حلتہ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬
It is reported by Amr Bin AAS that in the period of the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
the value of Diyat was eight hundred Dinars or Eight thousand Dirahm and Diyat
of Ahle kitab at that time was equal to the half of Diyat of Muslim, till the time
Umer became Caliph and stood addressing, he said” Indeed the price of camels has
gone up” Hence he (Umer ) fixed one thousand Dinar for the people dealing in
Dinars and for fixed 1200 Dirham for the people dealing in Silver and for the cow-
holders 200 cows and for the goats and upon the pearl–holders, two hundred
pearls.(Abu Daud)


Through generally some jurists have stipulated a period of three years

for the payment of Diyat by the offender, but it is not obligatory or static.
The jurists have based their juristic opinion of fatwa on a decision of Hazrat
Umar by which he granted to an offender a period of three years for the
payment of Diyat. Hazrat Umar had based his decision on the economic
condition of the offender and that of the society of his time. Now the
economic conditions of the society have changed with change in time. So the
period may be varied keeping in view the conditions & circumstances of the
time. There is a famous Islamic legal maxim which is one of the
fundamental principles of ijtehad:

)‫ تغیر االزمان(المجلتہ‬،‫ال ینکر تغیر االحکام‬

“The Ahkam ( of Shariah) will not be denied a change with change in time”

It is pertinent to note that ijtehad is the pivot of the dynamics of Islam being
the last religion providing guidance for all the times to come Ijtehad is the
key to the new issues of the modern times. Even one can see that Hazrat
Umar also changed some decisions of the Holy Prophet which he made in
subjective circumstances of his time keeping in view the public interest.
Umar felt for changing such decisions as the Chief executive of the state and
not as a Prophet and secondly that the Prophet kept in view the public
interest of the people of his time and that after abupt a decade, the public
interest was changed, hence the decisions were changed. Such decisions of
Hazrat Umar deviating form the letters of Sunnah but following the spirit of
Sunnah of the Prophet, are called Awliyati- umar or preferences of Umar. A
detailed description of such decisions by Umar is given by Dr. Sabhi
Muhammasani in his book Al-Falsafa Tashree Islami, ( urdu translation)
Lahore. While fixing the time as three years, indeed Hazrat Umar translated
the Quranic term Maisrar ( easy time ) as three years keeping in view the
economic conditions of the offender and the society of his time and space.
While determining the period of payment of Diyat the term” Maisarah” is
the focuss and not the three years. Maisara can very one time and from one
environment to other.

The Quranic verse which refers to the concession for convenient time to the
debtor is reproduced below.

‫فان کان زوعسرتہ فنظرتہ الی میسرتہ‬

If the debtor does not have the capacity to repay the debt, extend the
time till he becomes capable of paying it.

Mechanism for recovery of Diyat from Destitute

In the life time of the Prophet a debtor was brought before the holy Prophet
(P.B.U.H) by his creditors. The Prophet sold out all his assists but the debts could
was not fully satisfied, the Prophet asked the people to give him Sadaqah or Alm.
Even after being benefited by sadaqat, the debt was not fully discharged; the holy
Prophet asked the creditors to take away what is available with him.

The majority of the jurisits have held that defaulter of the debt shall be

subjected to the proceedings of Taflees ( ‫ (تفلیس‬i.e his property & belongings

(except of his needed) shall be sold out and he shall in no case be imprisoned.

It is reported by lbne Nafi that all of his property shall be sold out including

his house, horse, slave and extra clothing’s but he will not be imprisoned in view

of the varse of quran.

‫وان کان زوعسرتہ فنظرتہ الی میسرتہ‬

It reported by all Saeed Al-Khudri that a man suffered heavy losses in the
purchase of fruit and he went under debts. The Prophet asked the companions to
gave him Sadaqah for discharged of his debts. The people donated but the debt was
not fully discharged. The Prophet said to his creditor” take what is there and there
is nothing for you except what is there” The prophet did not order for his
imprisonment. This is the opinion of Muaaz bin Jabahal as given by shuraih. He
will not be asked to earn in future to discharge the debt. However Imam Abu
Hanifa holds that even after that, the debtor will be followed with the possibility
that he procures some property.
Imam Malik, Shafai and abu Haneefa hold that the destitute will be
imprisoned so that his pauper position etc confirmed. Imam Malik is of the view
that he will not imprisoned except if he has been blamed for concealing his
property but if such property is not found out, he will be released and similarly if
he is proved pauper, he will not be imprisoned is not found out, he will be released
and similarly if he is proved pauper, he will not be imprisoned.
(Al-jame-li-ahkamul Quran by Al-qurtabi Vol.3 Page 372)

The said Sunnah clearly lays down a model or mechanism for the
repayment of debt against the destitute.
It is in three stages:
i) At the first stage, he will be made pauper(‫ )عمل نفلیس‬by selling out his
assets (excluding assets of basic needs and tools of earning).
ii) If the price of his assets sold is not enough to satisfy the debt against him,
the society well contribute to it and even if the debt is not fully satisfied,
then the creditor will be asked to take the available and forego the
remaining amount.
iii) The society contributory includes his relatives, friends, the general public
through N.G.O’s pjilanthropists or through government as government
exchequer also comes out to the public taxes and also that the govt. is the
guardian of a person who has guardian.
‫السلطان ولی لمن الولی لہ۔۔۔۔۔۔‬
“The ruler (government) is the guardian of the person who has no guardian”.

This principle of general guardianship the government works both ways. The
government is entitled to the assists of a deceased who has no legal heirs i.e. his
property will go to the public exchequer or Bait-ul-Mal. Similarly in the case of a
destitute person. His liability may be discharged from the public exchequer. This
principle is also supported by an Islamic legal maximum which provides under.
‫الغنم بالغرم‬
“That person is entitled to the benefit who is responsible for the loss”‫۔‬
The Concept of Islamic state as a welfare state also entails the said principle.
The system of Aaqilah’ the tribe who pays Diyat on behalf of the poor offender, is
a Pre-Islamic system and is fit in the environment & hierarchy of a tribal Society in
which had a tribe to whom he paid the tax or contribution. In that society, the tribes
used to pay the tax to the government and also revived the same incase of crises or
as matter of help. In these days it is nor workable. However the institution of
Aaqila may be transformed in multiple complex Fund to whom the government,
Philanthropist and the N.G.O’s may be the contributory. The destitute offender
after passing the substantive punishment of imprisonment and even before it may
apply for a grant or soft loan as the case may be. He should be released on easy
surety or security so that he should earn and pay.
Some jurist have the view that the Diyat upon the Muflis will be paid out of
Bait-ul-Mal. They have relied upon the following traditions.
It is reported by Jabir that the Prophet used to refuse offering funeral prayer
who died leaving debt upon him, once a dead body was brought to him, the
Prophet asked if there is any debt against him, they said yes two Dinans, the
Prophet said you may offer his prayed ( I am not), abu qaradah said I stand
guarantee, then the Prophet offered his paryed. However when the Prophet was
bestowed with the victory ( of Macca), he declared I am mearer to musim from he
himself, so whosoever leaves debt, that is upon me and whosoever leaves property
that is for his legal heirs. (Ahmed, abu Daud, & Nissai Ref Nil-ul-autor, by Al-
shookani, vol. 5, page 250).
It is also reported by abu Hurainh that the Prophet said in his address”
whosoever leaves behind Property or a right, it is for his heirs and whosoever
leaves behind liability or debt, it is upon me.” Salman as per tabrani added to it that
after me it is no public exchequer (IBID).
Payment of Diyat-Respondibilty of the Society.
It is important to mention that islam lays great emphasis on solving and dissolving
the problems & debts of the poor people. Quran has time & again asked the
Muslims to release the necks(‫ )فک رقبتہ‬which includes emancipation of the slaves
and paying the debts. Such directions of (‫ )فک رقبتہ‬has appeared six times in quran
in four verses (4/92 (three times), 5/89, 58/3,90/13)
While detailing the eight categories of people for expenditure of Alm, Quran
has included the people under debt as one of the categories on which Zakat or
Khairat can be spent, Quran Says.
(9:60)‫انما الصد قات للفقرآءوالمساکین والعامیلین علیھا۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬
Translation: alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to
administer the (funs) for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to
touth): for those in bondage and in debt: and for the wayfarer (thus is it) ordained
by God, and God is full of knowledge and wisdom.
Quran has declared the expenditure for release of debt as great pious deed,
Birr (‫)بر‬

Quran Says:
‫لیس البر تو لواوجوھکم قبل امشرق و المغرب والکن البر من آمن باہللا والیوم االخر والملئکتہ والکتاب‬
‫والنبینوآلی المال علی حبہ زوی القربی والیتمی والمساکین وابن السبیل والسائلین و فی الرقاب۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬
Translation: It is righteousness that ye turn you faces towards east or west” but is
righteousness. To believe in God and the last day and he angles, and the book, and
‫‪he messengers : to spend of your substances, out of love for him, for your kin, for‬‬
‫‪orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of‬‬
‫)‪(iii‬‬ ‫)‪Destitute is not pay Diyat --------(shah Sitta vol. 5 page 283‬‬
‫)‪(iv‬‬ ‫‪The debt of destitute is upon the state‬‬

‫فن ترک دینا فعلی‬

‫)‪(Nailul autor, vol 5 251,252‬‬
‫‪(v) The destitute is not required to pay Diyat, rather is required to fast for sixty‬‬
‫( ‪ 0/22‬سورۃ النکاح( ‪days‬‬
‫‪Dr. Muhammad Aslam Khaki, Advocate of Supreme Court of Pakistan and a‬‬
‫‪consultant in Sharia law, has rendered very valuable assistance through the‬‬
‫۔‪research paper and we appreciate his efforts‬‬
‫‪8.‬‬ ‫‪The learned Advocate General having placed reliance on observation of Mr.‬‬
‫‪Justice Taqi Usmani a member of Shariat Appellate Bench of Supreme Court of‬‬
‫”‪Pakistan made in the case titled “Federation of Pakistan VS Muhammad Riaz,‬‬
‫‪Shariat Appeal No. 19/K/1980 contended that as a result of aggression or Criminal‬‬
‫‪act of a person in a case of private enmity or otherwise, if loss is caused to the life‬‬
‫‪or property of another person or he suffered bodily injury or death of a person is‬‬
‫‪caused due to an intentional act or otherwise or negligence of another person, the‬‬
‫‪wrong doer is individually responsible to pay Diyat/compensation to the victim in‬‬
‫‪accordance with law. The observation of Hon’ble Judge in the case referred above‬‬
‫‪is reproduced as Under:-‬‬
‫اس سلسلے میں قا نون رائ ج الو قت اور قران و سنت کے احکام کے تقابلی مطالعے سے جو صورت حا‬
‫ل سامنے آتی ہے وہ یہ ہے کہ دونوں قسم کے قوانین کے درمیان اس معا ملے میں جذوی نوعیت کا‬
‫اختالف نہیں ہے‪ ،‬بلکہ بنیادی تصورات کا اختالف ہے‪ ،‬ر ؑائج الوقت قوانین کے تحت قتل خواہ کسی قسم‬
‫کا ہو‪ ،‬ض رب خواہ کسی قسم کا ہو محض اسٹیٹ کے خالف ایک جرم ہے‪ ،‬اس کا ضرر رسیدہ شخص یا‬
‫اس کے ورثاء سے براہ راست کوئی تعلق نہیں‪ ،‬اس کے برخالف قرآن و سنت اور فقہ اسالمی کی رو‬
‫سے قتل اور ضرب خواہ کسی قسم کی ہو‪ ،‬اس کی دو حیثتیں ہیں‪ ،‬ایک حیثت یہ ہے کہ اس کے ذریعہ‬
‫ایک انسان یا اس کے ورثاء کا حق پامال کیا گیا‪ ،‬اور دوسری حیثت یہ ہے کہ اس کے ذریعے قانون اور‬
‫نظم و ضبط کی خالف ؤرزی کی گئ‪ ،‬پہلی حیثت سے یہ جرائم ضرر رسیدہ شخص یا اس کے ورثاء‬
‫کے خالف ہوتے ہیں‪ ،‬اور دوسری حیثت سے اسٹیٹ کے خالف‪،‬قرآن و سنت اور اسالمی فقہ کی رو‬
‫البقرہ‬ ‫سے ان جرائم میں پہلی حیثیت غالب ہے‪ ،‬اور دوسری حیثیت مغلوب ہے‪-‬‬
‫ہے‪-:‬‬ ‫کیا‬ ‫بیان‬ ‫میں‬ ‫‪808‬‬ ‫نمبر‬ ‫آیت‬ ‫کی‬
‫فمن عفی لہمن اخیہ شیئی فاتباع بالمعروف وادآء الیہ باحسان ذلک تخفیف من ربکم و رحمت فمن‬
‫ہاں‪ ،‬جس کو‬ ‫اعتدی بعد ذالک فلہ عزاب الیم۔‬
‫اس کے فریق کی طرف سے کچھ معافی ہو جائے تو معقول طور پر مطالبہ کرنا اور خوبی کے ساتھ‬
‫اس کے پاس پہنچا دینا یہ تمھارے پروردگار کی طرف سے تخفیف ہے‪ ،‬اور ترحم ہے پھر جو شخص‬
‫(سنن ابی داود‪ ،‬حدیث نمبر‬ ‫اس کے زیادتی کا مرتکب ہو تو اس شخص کو بڑا دردناک عزاب ہو گا۔‬
‫‪ 0428‬ص‪ 821‬ج‪ 0‬و مصنف عبدالرزاق حدیث نمبر‪ ) 20272‬عالمہ ابن اثیر جزری‪ ،‬اندھی لڑائی‪،،‬کی‬
‫والمعنی ان یوجد بینھم قتییل‬ ‫لغوی تشریح کرتے ہوئےلکتھے ہیں۔‬
‫مطلب یہ ہے کہ ان کے درمیان‬ ‫یعمی امرہ والیتبین قاتلہ "‬
‫کوئی ایسا مقتول پایا جائے جس کا معاملہ اندھیرے میں ہو‪ ،‬اور اس کا قاتل معلوم نہ ہو۔‬
‫اس کے بر خالف اسالمی احکام کی رو‬
‫سے قتل اور ضرب کے جرائم چونکہ براہ راست ضرر رسیدہ شخص اور اس کے ورثاء کے خالف‬
‫ہیں‪ -‬لہذا ان پر معافی دینے یا ان پر معاوضے کے ساتھ یا بغیر ؐمعاوضے کے صلح کرنے کا اختیار‬
‫بھی انھیں کو ہے‪ ،‬اور عدالت سے ایک مرتبہ مجرم قرار پانے کے بعد قصاص یا دیتکی حد تک اسٹیٹ‬
‫ ہاں مقتول کے ورثاء کو معافی یا صلح کرنے کی ترغیب ضرور دے‬،‫کوئی مداخلت نہیں کر سکتی‬
‫ چنانچہ حضرت انس بن مالک روائیت کرتے ہیں کہ مارایت رسول صل ہللا علیہ والہ وسلم‬،‫سکتی ہے‬
‫رفع الیہ شیئی فیہ قصاص االمر فیہ بالعفو۔ میں نے رسول صل ہللا علیہ والہ وسلم کو کبھی نہیں دیکھا کہ‬
‫آپ صل ہللا علیہ والہ وسلم کے سامنے کوئی ایسا مقدمہ الیا گیا ہو جس میں قصاص آتا ہواورآپ صل‬
0020 ‫ حدیث نمبر‬،‫داود‬ ؑ ‫(سنن ابی‬-‫ہللا علیہ والہ وسلم نے اس میں معاف کرنے کا ترغیبی حکم نہ دیا ہو‬
‫ معافی دینے یا نہ‬،‫ مطبوعہ بیروت) لیکن یہ تر غیب محض ترغیب ہی کے درجے میں ہے‬0‫ ج‬12‫ص‬
‫دینے کا آخری فیصلہ مقتول کے ورثاء ہی کے اختیار میں ہے۔ اس کے برخالف اسالمی احکام کی رو‬
‫سے قتل اور ضرب کے جرائم چونکہ براہ راست ضرر رسیدہ شخص اور اس کے ورثاء کے خالف‬
‫ہیں لہذا ان پر معافی دینے یا ان پر معاوضے کے ساتھ یا بغیر معاوضے کے صلح کرنے کا اختیار بھی‬
‫ اور عدالت سے ایک مرتبہ مجرم قرار پانے کے بعد قصاص یا دیت کی حد تک اسٹیٹ‬،‫انھیں کو ہے‬
‫ ہاں‬،‫کوئی مداخلت نہیں کر سکتی‬
The learned Advocate General however submitted that this is duty of the State
machinery to effect the recovery of the amount of Diyat or compensation as
determined by the Court under the law from wrong doer for payment to the victim
and also conceded that in the light of principle of State responsibility of Muslim
State, if damage is caused to the life and property of citizens as a result of an act of
state or Government or an act of an agent of state directly or indirectly or as a
result of natural disaster, the state is under legal obligation to pay compensation for
the loss caused to the victims.
The doctrine of legal sovereignty as enshrined in Holly Quran and sunnah of Holly
Prophet (PBUH) over the entire universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone and in a
Muslim State concept of State sovereignty is that authority must be exercised by
the people through State government within the limits prescribed by Allah as a
sacred trust. It has been ordained in Holly Quran in sura Al-Imaran ayat No. 27 as
‫قل الھم مالک الملک توتی الملک من تشاء و تنزع الملک ممن تشاء وتعزمن تشاء و تزل من تشاء۔‬
Says, ‘O allah, Lord of sovereignty, Thou givest sovereignty to whomsoever thou
pleases; and thou takest away sovereignty from whomsoever Thou pleases. Thou
exaltest whosoever Thou pleases and Thou abasest whomsoever Thou pleases.
Pakistan is a sovereign Islamic State and Gilgit-Baltistan is an essential part of
sovereign of Pakistan and in the light of doctrine of state sovereignty in Islam, the
Government of Pakistan and Government of Gilgit-Baltistan being trustees for the
discharge of sovereign functions and responsible for all affairs of the trust have
legal obligation to provide protection to the life and property of State subjects on
the basis of principle of State responsibility.
In Islam the human dignity is inviolable and right of life cannot be taken away
except in accordance with the injunction of Islam. This is basic
responsibility/obligation of an Islamic State to provide bread and butter to its
citizen and also protect their life, liberty and property.
The Holly quran, ordains in Surah (4:93) “Anyone who kills a believer deliberately
will receive as his reward ( a sentence ) to live in Hell forever”. “God will be angry
with him and curse him, and prepare dreadful torment for him”. In surah (2:188)
says. “Do not devour one another’s wealth by false and illegal means”
Islam prohibits homicide except in truth and due process of law to carryout justice
in the command of Holly Quran. Islam also with equal clarity conferred the right
of security of property as ordained in Surah 2:188 supra and as was said by Holly
Prophet (PBUH) in address at the occasion of farewell Hajj.
9. The Criminal law of Pakistan without any exception is enforced in Gilgit-
Baltistan and Criminal justice system is also based on same Criminal law. The
Qisas and diyat Ordinance, 1979 relating to the offences affecting Human body in
the spirit of injunction of Islam inserted in Pakistan Penal Code defines different
kind of qatl and Hurts, in Chapter XVI PPC. Qatl-i-Amd has been defined in
section 300 PPC and punishment of Qatal-i-amd has been provided under section
302 PPC, whereas Qatl-i-Shibh-i-Amd and qatl-i-Khata have been defined in
section 315 and 318 PPC and punishment of Qatl-i-Shibh-i-Amd and Qqtl-i-Khata
has been provided under section 316 and 319 PPC respectively, Whereas qatl-bis-
Sabab is punishable under Section 321 PPC, qatil-i-Amd, Qatl shibh-i-Amd and
qatl-i-Khata have been described in Holy Quran whereas Qatl-bis-Sabab has been
described in Sunnah of Holly Prophet (PBUH).
10. The detail examination of the matter in the light of the law of Islam as
ordained Holly Quran and Sunnah of Holly Prophet (PBUH) would show that
concept of Diyat, arsh and Daman in Islam is different to the law of compensation
in Civil, Criminal and general law. Diyat is defined in Section 323 PPC payable by
the offender to the legal heirs of the deceased in cases of Qatl-i-amd, Qatl-i-Khata,
and Qatl-bis-sabab but Diyat is not a simple compensation, in lieu of damages
rather it is a sort of punishment which is only payable in the cases in which the
offence is not liable to the enforcement of Qisas, or Qisas is not enforceable,
whereas, Arsh and Daman is paid in hurt cases.
In Short, Diyat is a compensation/blood money as specified in injuction of Islam,
and is payable in Cases of Qatl-i-Amd if it is not liable to Qisas or Qisas in not
enforceable. Diyat is also payable as punishment in Cases of Qatl-i-Khata or
Shibh-i-Amd and Qatl bis Sabab, because these offences are not liable to Qisas.
Qisas means punishment by causing similar hurt on the same part of body of
offender in the same manner as he has caused hurt to the victim in committing
Qatl-i-Amd and if offence of Qatl-i-Amd is not proved to be liable to Qisas or
punishment of Qisas is not enforceable, the offender may be liable to the
punishment of Diyat with imprisonment as Tazir.
“The Holly Quran in Surah Albaqrah addressing the believers says “O you have
faith; Qisas is prescribed for you in the matter of unlawfully murdered. In the same
Surah of Holly Quran, concept of forgiveness and payment of blood money has
been described. The command of Holly Quran in the above Surahs and in some
other verses of Holly Quran revealed at different occasions is that in addition to the
individual responsibility of offender, the Government in a Muslim State being
responsible to provide full protection to the life and property of its citizens is
directly or indirectly responsible to pay compensation for the damage caused to the
life or property of a citizen, in accordance with the injunction of Islam.
11. The essential question requiring determination relates to the classification of
offences for the purpose of payment of diyat or compensation in case of loss of life
to the legal heirs of victim and in case of bodily injury to the injured. There are
distinct offence and the offences relating to human body also are of different
characteristics, therefore, the payment of compensation or diyat as the case may be,
in such offences in all circumstances may not be an obligation of Government. The
sectarian hatred and difference of opinion in religious matters is not as such an
offence whereas sectarian violence or killing for difference of religious opinion or
sectarian hatred is an offence within the ambit of terrorism. The imposing or
spreading a religious opinion on others by force and violence is also a crime of the
nature of terrorism and sectarian crimes accordingly can be categorized with
reference to the nature of transaction. There is no concept of division of Muslim in
different sects or religious difference in Islam, therefore, killing of each others on
account of difference of opinion is a fasad-fil-ardh which is a seious crime and is
strongly prohibited in Islam. The use of derogatory and insultive language showing
disrespect to the sacred and Holy persons is religious offence under the law and in
general terms is called Blasphemy.
The religious offences have been defined in Section 295 to 298-C PPC and a
person by using derogatory words against the sacred and Holy persons commits an
offence of Balsphemy and may not be entitled to any concession in law or also
may not deserve to any leniency in the matter of punishment as the religious
offences apart from causing injury to the religious, feelings of the people
considered serious crime against the society. The religious offences are not
compoundable and neither the state nor an individual or a group of religious sect
can compound such an offence and grant pardon to an offender of religious
offence. Blasphemy is irreverence towards God, religion, a religious icon “Holy
Person” and something considered sacred. Blasphemy is malicious revilement of
God and religion which was considered a crime is common law of England and in
some of the countries of world it is an offence under Statutory Law.
12 The insult and disgrace of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a most serious offence in
Islam and in the words of Holy Quran if an act of Blasphemy in respect of Holy
Prophet (PBUH) is committed by a Muslim by faith, he is Murtid and a Murtid is
wajib-ul-qatal in Islam. The insult of Holy prophet (PBUH) in any manner is an
offence under Section 295-C which is punishable with death or life imprisonment
as under:-
“295-c. Use of derogatory remarks etc., in respect of Holy prophet.
Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by visible representation, or
by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles
the sacred name of the Holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) shall be punished
with death, or imprisonment for life, and shall also be liable to fine.”
The insult of Holy Prophet (PBUH) by words or otherwise directly or
indirectly is very serious matter in lslam and if a person Muslim by faith is found
guilty of an act of disgracing the Holy Prophet (PBUH), he is treated most hatred
person in Muslim society and may be a Murtid. The disgrace or insult of Holy
prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is extremely a sensitive matter as no Muslim in
Muslim or Non-Muslim state can take any exception to the high respect and
honour of holy prophet. The Holy Quran in Surah Ahzab Ayat No. 06 and 36
ordained as under:-
Surah Ahzab Ayat No. 06
“This prophet is the owner of the Muslims even more than their own selves
and his wives are their mothers. And blood relations are nearer to one
another in the Book of Allah than other Muslims and emigrants but that you
do any favour to your friends. This is inscribed in the Book”
Surah Ahzab Ayat No.36

It is not far a believing man or a believing woman, when Allah and His
messenger have decided a matter, that they should (thereafter) have any
choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger
has certainly strayed into clear error.
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the context said as under:-
“None of you can be a Momin (Complete) until you love me more than your
children, parents and the whole Mankind”.
13. The Almighty Allah further in Surah Al Imran Ayat No.30, Surah Al Nisa
Ayat No.115, Surah Al A’raf Ayat No. 184 and Surah Noor Ayat No. 63 dictates
for the love and high respect of Holy Prohpet(PBUH) as under:-
Surah Al Imran Verse 30

The day when every soul shall find presented whatever it did of good and
whatever it did of evil; it will long, would there be a far distance between it
and me. And Allah warns you of His torment; and Allah is kind enough over
His bondsmen.

Surah al Nisa Ayat No. 115,

And whoso opposes the Messenger after the right way has become clear and
follows a way other than the way of Muslims, we shall leave him on his own
conditions and shall cause him to enter; and what is an evil place of
Surah Al A’raf ayat No. 184

Do they not ponder that there is no relation of insanity to their

companion? He is only a warner manifests.
Surah Noor Ayat No. 63

Make not the summoning of the Messenger among yourselves,

like one calls the other among you, Undoubtedly, Allah knows
those of you who slip away quietly taking shelter of any
excuse’ therefore let those who do against the command of the
messenger fear lest some trial befall them or painful torment
overtake them.
The Holy Quran in Surah Al Hujraat Verse No. 2 commands as under:-
“O believers Raise not your voices above the voice of the
Communicator of unseen ( the Prophet) and speak not aloud in
presence of him as you shout to one another, lest your works
become vain while you are unaware.”
14. The Muslims in the world firmly believe in oneness of God and Holy
prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as the last Prophet. The entire Muslim world give
very high respect and honour to Holy Prophet (PBUH) and true Muslim, having
respect and honour for Holy prophet (PBUH) cannot even think of use of any
insultive or derogatory language showing disrespect to the honour and dignity of
Holy Prophet (PBUH).
15. The killing of a person by his fellow person in ordinary circumstances as has
been defined in Section 300 PPC is an offence of Qatal-i-Amd which is punishable
under Section 302 PPC and question whether a killer of a person who committed
an act of blasphemy of Holy Prophet (PBUH) which is an offence under Section
295-C PPC punishable with death or life imprisonment can also be held guilty of
Qatal-i-amd within the meaning of Section 300 and 302 PPC would essentially
require determination to distinguish the nature of two transaction for the purpose of
punishment, Section 300 and 302 PPC provide as under:-

“300. Qatal-i-amd. Whoever, with the intention of causing death or with the
intention of causing bodily injury to a person, by doing an act which in the
ordinary course of nature is likely to cause death, or with the knowledge that his
act is so imminently dangerous that it must in all probability cause death, causes
the death of such person, is said to commit qatal-e-amd.”

302. punishment of qatl-i-amd: Whoever commits qatle-e-amd shall, subject to

the provisions of this Chapter be:

(a) Punished with death as qisas;

(b) punished with death for imprisonment for life as ta’zir having regard
to the facts and circumstances of the case, if the proof in either of the
forms specified in Section 304 is not available; or

(c) punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which

may extend to twenty- five years, where according to the injunctions
of Islam the punishment of qisas is not applicable.

16. The plain reading of the provision of Section 300 and 302 PPC may suggest
that intentional killing of a person is Qatal-i-amd liable to the punishment of death
as Qisas under Section 302 (a) PPC or death or life imprisonment under Section
302 (b) PPC as Tazeer but the killing of a person who insulted Holy Prophet
(PBUH) in terms of Section 295-C PPC may not be an offence of Qatal-i-Amd
punishable under Section 302 (a) or (b) PPC. The blasphemer of Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is liable to the punishment of death or life imprisonment under Section
295-C PPC and a Blasphemer is also a most hatred person in the society and in
Islam he is Murtid, therefore, it may not be possible to bring the act of killing a
person who committed an act of Blasphemy of Holy Prophet (PBUH) within the
ambit of Qatal-i-Amd for the purpose of death as Qisas or Tazeer and transaction
in such a case may fall within the ambit of Section 302 (C) PPC for the purpose of

The provision of Section 295-C PPC with reference to the Quranic version
referred above is based on concept of high respect, honour and dignity of Holy
Pophet (PBUH) and punishment provided therein is also quite in consonance with
the injunction of Islam. Therefore, this is an obligation of state in a Muslim
community to set the law at motion against the person who commits an act of
Blasphemy of Holy Prophet (PBUH) and in case of failure of state, the killing of
such a person by a fellow person for committing act of causing insult to Holy
Prophet (PBUH) may not be considered Qatal-i-Amd. The killing of a person for
his act of killing of a fellow person as a result of private revenge or enmity is
entirely different to the killing of a person for causing hurt to the religious faith and
feelings of a Muslim by showing disrespect to Holy Prophet (PBUH). The killer of
a Blasphemer of Holy Prophet (PBUH) has no personal motive or private enmity
or revenge to equate the two transaction in same scale within the definition of

17. The act of disgracing the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in any manner being most
sensitive matter in a Muslim society is not at all tolerable by the Muslims and this
is well known in all Muslim and non Muslim societies that a true Muslim cannot
digest insult of Holy Prophet in any manner as the high respect of Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is part of religious faith of Muslims.

18. The reaction of a Muslim on causing the insult to the Holy Prophet Peace be
Upon Him is not for nay worldly consideration rather it has deep concern with
religious faith of a Muslim and causing hurt to the religious faith of a person, is a
grave religious provocation and if in consequence to such provocation, the
Blasphemer of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is killed under the influence of religious faith
it may not be as such an act of Qatal-i-Amd punishable under Section 302 (a) or
(b) PPC.

19. The disrespect to Holy Prophet (PBUH) in any manner is not acceptable in
Muslim society and consequently no person either Muslim by faith or a non
muslim has any right to behave in disrespectful manner in the honour of Holy
Prophet (PBUH) . The act of showing disrespect to Holy Prophet (PBUH) may
gravely injure the sacred feeling of a Muslim with very serious consequence.

In Islam the place of an offender of an offence of Blasphemy of Holy

Prophet (PBUH) after death is hell and he is not an innocent person in life or after
death, therefore, the killing of such a person by a fellow person is neither an act of
Qatal-i-Amd in terms of terrorism or otherwise nor it is a sectarian killing within
the preview of an act of terrorism to be tried by the special court established under
Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997.

20. The net result of above discussion is that the insult of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) in any manner and in any circumstance is not digestible by a true Muslim
and if a Muslim under the influence of his religious feelings kills a Blasphemer of
Holy Prophet (PBUH), he may not be liable to the punishment of Qatal-i-Amd
under Section 302 (a) and (b) PPC rather he being guilty of an act of taking law in
his hand may be liable to the punishment for an offence within the preview of
Section 302-C PPC.

21. The concept of state responsibility in respect of the person and property of a
citizen subject to the state loyalty is foundation of state in Islam. The Quran is the
Supreme Law in a Muslim State and state loyalty is the basic obligation of citizens
in the same manner as the state has fundamental duty of protection of life, liberty
and property of its citizen. This is well recognized rule of law that a citizen who is
not loyal to the state or is involved in anti-state activities has no right to claim any
privilege or concession of law, on the basis of principle of state responsibility and a
person guilty of an offence under Section 295-C PPC in a Muslim state is not
considered loyal to the state.

In the light of foregoing discussion a killer of Blasphemer is neither liable to

pay diyat to the legal heirs of deceased Blasphemer nor the state under the concept
of state responsibility has any liability to pay diyat for the death of deceased
Blasphemer or give any other worldly award to him after death.

23. In Islam the offences relating to human body are not only against the victims
but are also against the society and Muslim State in addition to protect the right of
an individual is also responsible to protect the interest of society. The offenses
relating to the human body under Chapter XVI PPC are compoundable in the
manner provided thereunder, but the State authorities or Courts are not empowered
to grant pardon to an offender or compound an offence in the cases of Qatl or hurt
without the intervention of legal heirs of deceased or a victim, if he is alive. The
legal heirs of a deceased in a case of Qatl and a victim of hurt have the right to
grant pardon to an offender with permission of Court and without of state with or
without payment of compensation, but the Court or state cannot give pardon to an
offender or a convict in such cases without consent of legal heirs of the deceased or
the victim as the case may be. The state may peruse the private parties for
compromise or pardon and forgiveness with or without compensation in the name
of Almighty Allah. The common law is that a person who is responsible for
causing death or bodily injury to a fellow person in addition to the normal
punishment is also responsible for payment of Compensation subject to law and
direction of Court. Whereas in a Muslim Sate, in the light of concept of State
responsibility of protection of life, liberty and property of its citizens in Islam, the
exception to the general law of individual liability is that if due to the failure of
state machinery to maintain peace in the society and administer justice in
accordance with law a person suffers or a victim is not provided aid of law for
protection of his life and property, the payment of compensation for the loss of life
and property of people may be direct liability of State. This is responsibility of
States authorities to enforce law and administer the affairs of State for protection of
citizens in accordance with law and if due to the negligent act of a State authority,
a person has suffered, whether such an act is intentional or accidental or by
mistake, the burden is on the State to make payment of compensation for the loss
caused to the victim. The function of Courts in a Muslim State is dispensation of
justice and to step into the cases which are brought before the Courts for
adjudication and help the parties in settlement of disputes in accordance with law
and injunction of Islam.

24. The careful examination of the matter in the light of command of Holy
Quran and the injunction of Islam, a Muslim State can take no exception to the
responsibility of Sate for effective enforcement of law to maintain peace. The ruler
in a Muslim State being guardian of the citizen is responsible for the protection of
life and property of the citizens and if due to bad law and order situation or as a
result of unforeseen events, or in consequence to an act of a state authority
intentionally or unintentionally, directly or indirectly, willfully or otherwise,
damage is caused to the life or property of a person, the Government in the light of
principle of the state responsibility is under legal and moral obligation to pay
compensation to the victim for the loss caused to him, as a result of such an act.
The State machinery must also provide legal aid and help in the matter of recovery
of compensation in case of loss caused to a person as result of Criminal act of a
fellow person.

25. In the light of dictate of Holly Quran, the protection of life, liberty and
property of a person in a Muslim State is responsibility of the State, and State
machinery is responsible to maintain peace in the society. The failure of the State
authorities to enforce the law effectively may create unrest in the society and also
result in the loss of life and property of people because of bad law and order
situation, and State being responsible to protect the life and property of people, is
under obligation to pay compensation to the aggrieved person for the loss of life or
property. The victims of such circumstance may have legal right to claim
compensation from the Government, particularly in the cases, firstly if loss is
caused to the life or property of a person as a result of an act of State or an act of
Government or an act of an agent of Government, either such an act was due to the
willful negligence of a State authority or otherwise. Secondly the damage and loss
is caused to a person due to the failure of State machinery to control law and order
situation to maintain peace and administer Criminal Justice in the society and
Thirdly, the loss caused in unforeseen circumstances to the life or property of a
person as a result of a natural disaster or act of God.

26. The guarantee of life and liberty subject to law is fundamental right of every
citizen provided under Article 3 of Gilgit-Baltistan (Empowerment & Self
Governance) Order, 2009 read with Article 9 of the Constitution of Pakistan, as

Article 3 of Gilgit-Baltistan (Empowerment & Self Governance) Order 2009:

Security of Person:- No person shall be deprived of liberty save in accordance
with law.

Article 9 of the Constitution of Pakistan: Security of Person:- No person shall

be deprived of life or liberty save in accordance with law.
27. The Government of Gilgit-Baltistan in the light of the above provisions in
the Governance Order, 2009, read with constitution of Pakistan and the law as is
enforced in Gilgit-Baltistan, subject to the injunction of Islam as laid down in the
holy Quran and Sunnah of Holly prophet(PBUH) is under legal obligation to
protect the life and property of the people and take preventive measures against
wrong doers in the society, and if State machinery fails in effective enforcement of
law for protection of life and property of the people, the aggrieved person and
victims of bad law and order situation may claim compensation as of right from
State for the loss caused to them as result of such abnormal circumstances. The
concept of State responsibility in Muslim State is that State Government is
considered guardian of the people and has fundamental responsibility towards its
subjects to protect the citizen from external aggression and internal disturbance and
also provide them basic needs of life with security of life and their property.

28. Gilgit-Baltistan is sovereign part of Pakistan and territory of Gilgit-Baltistan

is governed by Gilgit-Baltistan (Empowerment and Self Governance) order, 2009.
The laws of Pakistan by virtue of Article 95 of the Governance order 2009 are
applicable to the territory of Gilgit-Baltistan and although the Constitution of
Pakistan is not directly applicable to this special territory but the principle of
Constitution may apply without any exception. In the Constitution of Pakistan
Article 2 provides that Islam shall be the state religion and by virtue of Article 2-A
of the Constitution, Objective Resolution, 1949 based on the concept of Islamic
way of life and sovereignty of State has been made substantive part of the
Constitution as under:-

“The principles and provisions set out in the objectives Resolution

reproduced in the Annexure are hereby made substantive part of the Constitution
and shall have effect accordingly.”

Article 227 of constitution of Pakistan and Article 49 of Gilgit-Baltistan

(Empowerment and Self Governance) Order, 2009 provide that no law contrary to
the injunction of Islam shall be enacted. This is to be seen that (Empowerment and
Self Governance) order, 2009 has been issued by the Government of Pakistan in
exercise of power under Article 258 of constitution of Pakistan, and under the
provision of Article 49 Governance Order, 2009, any Law or provision of law
enforced in Gilgit-Baltistan if enacted in conflict to the spirit of Islam shall be
treated repugnant to the injunctions of Islam as ordained in the Holy Quran and
Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH). The objective resolution 1949 has been made
substance part of Constitution of Pakistan by virtue of Article 2-A of the
Constitution and people of Gilgit-Baltistan being citizen of Pakistan in terms of
Citizenship Act 1951 would be governed accordingly and State authorities in
Gilgit-Baltistan must follow the spirit of this resolution and relevant provisions of
constitution of Pakistan. The Anti-Terrorism Act 1997 is a special law which has
been enacted by the parliament of Pakistan for better administration of Criminal
Justice and speedy decision of cases falling thereunder to maintain peace in the
society and this law generally except certain provision is in consonance with the
spirit of Constitution of Pakistan and Injunction of Islam.
29. The careful examination of the proposition in the light of provisions of
constitution of Pakistan and the law on the subject read with Gilgit-Baltistan
(empowerment and self Governance), Order 2009, and the concept of
responsibility of Muslim state in Islam, we would not take any exception to the
direction given by the trial court in the present case and observation made by the
Chief Court on the question of payment of Diyat to the legal heirs of the deceased.
However it is, necessary to laid down criteria for determination of the question
regarding the direct or indirect responsibility of State in respect of payment of
Diyat and Compensation to the aggrieved person for guidance as under:-

a. In criminal cases relating to human body which are compoundable, the

parties may at any stage of the proceeding before or after commencement of trial
or execution of sentence effect compromise and aggrieved party may forgive the
offender with the permission of Court, with or without payment of Diyat or
compensation as the case may be.

b. In case of self defence a person may not be liable to pay Diyat etc but
parties may effect compromise with or without payment of compensation and State
authorities in such cases without consent of the aggrieved person cannot grant
pardon to an accused.

c. The State Government is liable to pay compensation to the legal heirs of

victims of terrorisms or of sectarian killing and in all other Criminal cases which
remained untraced either, because of negligence of State functionaries or otherwise
or as a result of failure of State to maintain law and order situation for protection of
its citizens.

d. The damage if any is caused to the person or to the property of an

individual due to an act of Government or its agent or as a result of an act of State
or due to any natural calamity, or disaster, the state/Government is responsible to
pay compensation to the aggrieved person.

e. In all other cases in which a person is victim of wrong act of fellow

person, the state must provide necessary protection of law to the aggrieved person
and also provide assistant for recovery of the loss caused to the victim. If in
consequence to judicial determination a direction is given by the court for payment
of Diyat or compensation, by a person to another person, the state is responsible
for effecting recovery of the amount of Diyat compensation from the person who
has been directed to make payment through the machinery of law for payment to
the aggrieved person and in case of failure of state machinery to discharge its duty,
the amount of compensation or Diyat etc as the case may be, shall be paid by the
Government from state exchequer and may subsequently effect recovery from

f. The payment of amount of Diyat as per direction of the court or in case of

compensation between the parties must be paid within reasonable time but not
more than three years as provided in Section 331 PPC.

In untraced and national disaster cases the payment of Diyat/Compensation is

exclusive responsibility of State and in normal circumstance must be paid within
six months from the date of incident/occurrence, Diyat shall be paid in accordance
with the rules notified from time to time by the Federal Government of Pakistan
and compensation as per determination of concerned authorities. In all other cases
the payment of diyat etc required to be made by a person, if is not paid within the
prescribed time, and State machinery failed effect recovery of Diyat amount, Diyat
will be paid by the Government from State exchequer and may ultimately recover
from the person liable to pay.

g. Subject to all just exceptions the government under the concept of

state responsibility has no obligation to pay diyat or compensation as the case may
be to the legal heirs of deceased person who was killed by a fellow person for
being not loyal to state or for committing an act of Blasphemy of Holy Prophet
(PBUH) and such person is also not entitled to any worldly award after death.

30. In consequence to the above discussion, we hold that subject to the

exceptional cases referred above, State is under legal obligation to pay
compensation or Diyat as the case may be under the principle of state

The failure of the official agencies of Government in tracing out the Criminal cases
is gross negligence of the state functionaries, and consequently, in the light of
principle of State responsibility in all untraced Cases, this is liability of the
Government to make payment of Diyat as compensation to the legal heirs of
deceased and to the victim in hurt cases, in accordance with law. The Government
in all untraced murder and hurt cases either of sectarian nature or as a result of
terrorism or otherwise, without any distinction, in the light of principle of State
responsibility, must pay diyat/compensation to the aggrieved person/victim within
six months.

31. In the light of concept of State sovereignty and responsibility of state

Government in Islam, the questing regarding payment of Diyat/Compensation by
the state as its liability to the citizens in peculiar circumstances as mentioned
herein above has been answered accordingly. The Criminal Petition filed by the
state against the Judgment of Chief Court under challenge is dismissed.

Chief Judge



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