GeM Bidding 5164564
GeM Bidding 5164564
GeM Bidding 5164564
Dated/ दनांक : 10-08-2023
Total Quantity/कुल मा ा 7
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Bid Details/ बड ववरण
(a). EMD EXEMPTION: The bidder seeking EMD exemption, must submit the valid supporting document for the
relevant category as per GeM GTC with the bid. Under MSE category, only manufacturers for goods and Service
Providers for Services are eligible for exemption from EMD. Traders are excluded from the purview of this
Policy./जेम क शत के अनुसार ईएमड छूट के इ छुक बडर को संबंिधत केटे गर के िलए बड के साथ वैध समिथत द तावेज़ तुत करने है ।
एमएसई केटे गर के अंतगत केवल व तुओं के िलए विनमाता तथा सेवाओं के िलए सेवा दाता ईएमड से छूट के पा ह। यापा रय को इस नीित के
दायरे से बाहर रखा गया है ।
(b). EMD & Performance security should be in favour of Beneficiary, wherever it is applicable./ईएमड और संपादन
जमानत रािश, जहां यह लागू होती है , लाभाथ के प म होनी चा हए।
Beneficiary/लाभाथ :
(Engineering Office), Metal & Steel Factory, A Unit of Yantra India Ltd., Govt. of India Enterprise, Ministry of
Defence, Ishapore, PO-Nawabganj, North- 24 Paraganas, West Bengal (INDIA), PIN- 743144 Ph. 033-25938400 to
8407, Extn: 2303, 2443, 2348 Direct contact No. 033 25938433
(Metal And Steel Factory, A Unit Of Yantra India Ltd)
Splitting/ वभाजन
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Bid splitting not applied/बोली वभाजन लागू नह ं कया गया.
1. If the bidder is a Micro or Small Enterprise as per latest definitions under MSME rules, the bidder shall be
exempted from the requirement of "Bidder Turnover" criteria and "Experience Criteria" subject to meeting of
quality and technical specifications. If the bidder is OEM of the offered products, it would be exempted from the
"OEM Average Turnover" criteria also subject to meeting of quality and technical specifications. In case any
bidder is seeking exemption from Turnover / Experience Criteria, the supporting documents to prove his eligibility
for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by the buyer.
2. If the bidder is a Startup, the bidder shall be exempted from the requirement of "Bidder Turnover" criteria and
"Experience Criteria" subject to their meeting of quality and technical specifications. If the bidder is OEM of the
offered products, it would be exempted from the "OEM Average Turnover" criteria also subject to meeting of
quality and technical specifications. In case any bidder is seeking exemption from Turnover / Experience Criteria,
the supporting documents to prove his eligibility for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by the buyer.
3. The minimum average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last three years, ending on 31st
March of the previous financial year, should be as indicated above in the bid document. Documentary evidence in
the form of certified Audited Balance Sheets of relevant periods or a certificate from the Chartered Accountant /
Cost Accountant indicating the turnover details for the relevant period shall be uploaded with the bid. In case the
date of constitution / incorporation of the bidder is less than 3-year-old, the average turnover in respect of the
completed financial years after the date of constitution shall be taken into account for this criteria.
4. Preference to Make In India products (For bids < 200 Crore):Preference shall be given to Class 1 local supplier
as defined in public procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 as amended from time to time and its
subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Nodal Ministry for specific Goods/Products. The minimum
local content to qualify as a Class 1 local supplier is denoted in the bid document. If the bidder wants to avail the
Purchase preference, the bidder must upload a certificate from the OEM regarding the percentage of the local
content and the details of locations at which the local value addition is made along with their bid, failing which
no purchase preference shall be granted. In case the bid value is more than Rs 10 Crore, the declaration relating
to percentage of local content shall be certified by the statutory auditor or cost auditor, if the OEM is a company
and by a practicing cost accountant or a chartered accountant for OEMs other than companies as per the Public
Procurement (preference to Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020. Only Class-I and Class-II Local suppliers
as per MII order dated 4.6.2020 will be eligible to bid. Non - Local suppliers as per MII order dated 04.06.2020 are
not eligible to participate. However, eligible micro and small enterprises will be allowed to participate .The
buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023.
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.
5. Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as
defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued
by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned
Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered
product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for
Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered
Service. Relevant documentary evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the
offered product or service. If L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15%
(Selected by Buyer)of margin of purchase preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be
given opportunity to match L-1 price and contract will be awarded for 25%(selected by Buyer) percentage of
total QUANTITY.The buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.
6. Estimated Bid Value indicated above is being declared solely for the purpose of guidance on EMD amount and
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for determining the Eligibility Criteria related to Turn Over, Past Performance and Project / Past Experience etc.
This has no relevance or bearing on the price to be quoted by the bidders and is also not going to have any
impact on bid participation. Also this is not going to be used as a criteria in determining reasonableness of
quoted prices which would be determined by the buyer based on its own assessment of reasonableness and
based on competitive prices received in Bid / RA process.
7. Reverse Auction would be conducted amongst all the technically qualified bidders except the Highest quoting
bidder. The technically qualified Highest Quoting bidder will not be allowed to participate in RA. However, H-1
will also be allowed to participate in RA in following cases:
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
***********NORTH 24
1 *********** 1 180
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BOQ Detail Document View File
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
***********NORTH 24
1 *********** 1 180
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
***********NORTH 24
1 *********** 1 180
5 / 44
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
***********NORTH 24
1 *********** 1 180
Civil Work
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
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S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
***********NORTH 24
1 *********** 1 180
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
***********NORTH 24
1 *********** 1 300
(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)
Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.
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Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन
***********NORTH 24
1 *********** 1 300
Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions/ े ता ारा जोड़ गई बड क वशेष शत
Buyer's Added Bid Specific ATC for “10 MT batch capacity electrically hea s Com2. Buyer
ted single ended Bogie Hearth Heat Treatment Furnace” plianc
8 / 44
*Firm shall mention the appropriate one categories of s
uppliers from the following categories:
(a) Manufacturers, who supply indigenous items.
(b) Agents/ Distributors of such manufacturers, who de
sire to market their production only through their agen
Categorie (c) Foreign manufacturer with / without their accredite
3 s of d agents in India.
Suppliers (d) Stockiest of imported spares or other specified item
(e) Supplier of imported goods having regular arrange
ment with foreign manufacturers.
(f) Consortium of foreign and Indian firms, especially fo
r turn-key contracts
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1.1 *Bids shall be accepted by electronic mode only, throu
MANNER gh GeM Portal i.e. "" The detailed ma
OF SUBMI nuals for vendor enrolment, bid submission etc are ava
TTING TH ilable on the home page of GeM Portal under "RESOU
E BIDS RCES" option
1.4 MANNER *The e-bid will be opened online on GeM portal on the
OF SUBMI specified opening date.
*The Bids should remain valid till Six (6) months fr
2.0 VALIDITY om the last date of submission of the Bids as per T.E.
3.0 *Bids are invited under Two Bid System i.e. Technica
l Bid & Price Bid. Only the TECHNICAL BIDS would be o
BIDDING pened on the TIME and DATE of TENDER OPENING men
PROCEDU tioned in the Tender Enquiry. PRICE BIDS of only those
RE firms will be opened, whose Technical Bids are found c
ompliant/suitable after technical evaluation which is do
ne by the Buyer.
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7.0 PRE-BID *A Pre Bid Conference shall be held as per details provi
CONFERE ded in Pre-bid Tab (If planned). In Pre Bid, bidders will
NCE be briefed about the bid conditions and issued clarifica
(If planne tions.
d by Fact
12.0 NO CLAIM *The Tenderer, whose tender is not accepted, shall not
FOR COM be entitled to claim any cost, charges, expenses of and
PENSATI incidental to or incurred by him through or in connectio
ON FOR S n with his submission of tenders, even though the purc
UBMISSIO haser may elect to withdraw the invitation to this
N OF TEN tender.
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13.1 *Bidders are required to submit Earnest Money
Deposit (EMD) for amount of Rs. 6,11,744/- alon
gwith their bids. Bids received without EMD shall be
summarily rejected without technical evaluation. The E
MD may be submitted in the form of account payee De
mand Draft (DD), Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR), Banker'
EARNES s Cheque or Bank Guarantee (Including e-Bank Guaran
T MONE tee) in specified format from any of the commercial Ba
Y DEPOS nks. Because of limited validity period of demand draft
IT and banker's cheque, such EMDs shall be deposited in
(Amount the Govt. fund and the same amount will be refunded t
& Form o bidders, as applicable.
of EMD) EMD shall be in favour of “METAL AND STEEL FACT
12 / 44
14.2 *Individual signing the tender or other documents con
nected with a contract must specify whether he signs
as :
(i) ‘Sole Proprietor’ of the firm or constituted attorney o
f such Sole Proprietor.
SIGNING (ii) A partner of the firm, if it be a partnership, in which
OF TEND case he must have authority to quote & to refer to arbi
ER tration dispute concerning the business of the partners
hip either by virtue of the partnership agreement or a
power of attorney
(iii) Constituted attorney of the firm if it is a company.
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15.3 * The tenderer is at liberty to offer alternative quotatio
ns for any modifications/ substitutes he considers advis
TECHNIC able giving full reasons in support thereof. However, it
AL BID will not be binding on purchaser to accept it in part or f
16.1 * In the price bid, the tenderer shall include all element
s of cost of Plant and Equipment strictly as per the sco
pe of supply & services specified in technical specificat
ion. The price shall be item wise in accordance with an
PRICE BI d as stated in the specification. As the work is of Turnk
D ey nature, the vendor will be responsible for complete
execution of the plants including construction of buildi
ngs (if any) and necessary Civil/Electrical/Instrumenta
tion/Mechanical Works, if any, as specified in the scop
e of work.
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16.2 * Rates for Spares (Manufacturer’s Recommended List
of Spares) & Optional items (if any) (Not consumables)
should be quoted separately item-wise and not to be in
cluded in the price of the machine. The price quoted f
or spares by the firms will not be taken into account for
deciding the ranking position of the firm.
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16.5 * Price quoted in BOQ template (Except Cost of
Manufacturer’s recommended Spares & optional
items If any Quoted as pdf file in Financial uploa
d option) only to be considered. Any documents
PRICE BI other than above said indicating the price of any
D item will not be acceptable. Revision in Price Bid
or Technical Bid having impact on prices will not
be considered after opening of Technical Bids.
AL CAPAC Accordingly, Detailed statement (as per Annexur
ITY e-H, enclosed in ATC document) along with Contr
act Copies & Performance reports to be enclose
d along with technical bid on portal.
16 / 44
18.2.2 * Copies of Partnership Deeds or Consortium Agreeme
nt, if any.
FINANCIA [Regarding Consortium Agreement, the Consortium Par
L CAPACI tners should indicate their responsibility and Scope of
TY Work specifically in the Consortium Agreement pertaini
ng to the T.E.]
18.2.6 FINANCIA * Affidavit that the firm has never been banned.
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2.0 LAW * The Contract shall be considered and made in accord
ance with the laws of the Republic of India. The contrac
t shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance w
ith the laws of the Republic of India.
3.1 EFFECTIV * The contract shall come into effect on the date
E DATE O of placement of Contract on GeM Portal by buyer
F THE CO and shall remain valid until the completion of the oblig
NTRACT ations of the parties under the Contract. The delivery o
f the goods and performance of the services shall com
mence from the effective date of the Contract.
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4.2 ARBITRAT * In the event of any dispute or difference relating to th
ION e interpretation and application of the provisions of thI
For India S contract, such dispute or difference shall be referred
n Supplie by either party for Arbitration to the Permanent Arbitra
rs - PUBLI tion Machinery set up in the Department of Public Ente
C ENTERP rprises i.e. to the sole Arbitrator in the Department of P
RISES / G ublic Enterprises to be nominated by the Secretary to t
OVT. DE he Govt. of India in-charge of the Department of Public
PARTMEN Enterprises. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
TS shall not be applicable to arbitration under this clause.
The award of the Arbitrator shall be binding upon the p
arties to the disputes to the disputes, provided howeve
r, any party aggrieved by such award may make a furt
her reference for setting aside or revision of the award
to the Law Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, Mini
stry of Law and Justice, Government of India. Upon suc
h reference the dispute shall be decided by the Law Se
cretary or the Special Secretary/ Additional Secretary,
when so authorized by the Law Secretary, whose decisi
on shall bind the Parties finally and conclusively. The P
arties to the dispute will share equally the cost of arbitr
ation as intimated by the Arbitrator.
(Ref- Min. of HI & PE OM No. 1(24)/ 2005-DPE (PMA) dt.
19 / 44
5.0 PENALTY * The seller undertakes that he has not given, offered o
CLAUSE r promised to give directly or indirectly any gift, consid
OF UNDU eration, reward, commission, fees, brokerage or
E INFLUE inducement to any person in servicing of buyer or othe
NCE rwise in procuring the contract or forbearing to do or fo
r having done of forborne to do any act in relation to th
e obtaining or execution of the Contract or any other C
ontract with the Government for showing or forbearing
to show favour or disfavour to any person in relation to
the contract or any other contract with the Governmen
t. Any breach of the aforesaid undertaking by the seller
or any one employed by him or acting on his behalf (w
hether with or without knowledge of the seller) or the c
ommission of any offence by the seller or anyone empl
oyed by him or acting on his behalf, as defined in Chap
ter IX of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 or the prevention
of Corruption Act, 1986 or any other act enacted for th
e prevention of corruption shall entitle the buyer to can
cel the contract and all or any other contracts with the
seller and recover from the seller the amount of any lo
ss arising from such cancellation. A decision of the Buy
er or his nominee to the effect that a breach of the und
ertaking has been committed shall be final and binding
on the seller. Giving or offering of any gift, bribe or ind
ucement or any attempt to such act on behalf of the se
ller towards any officer or employee of the Buyer or to
any other person in a position to influence the decision
of the Buyer, directly or indirectly or any attempt to infl
uence in any officer/employee of the Buyer for showin
g any favour in relation to this or any other contract, s
hall render the seller to such liability/penalty as the buy
er may deem proper, including but not limited to termi
nation of the contract, imposition of penal damages, fo
r future of the Bank Guarantee and refund of the amou
nts paid by the Buyer.
20 / 44
6.0 AGENTS/ * The seller confirms and declares to the buyer that th
AGENCY e seller is the original manufacturer of the stores referr
COMMISS ed to in this contract and has not engaged any individu
ION al or firm, whether Indian or Foreign whatsoever, to int
ercede, facilitate or in any way to recommend to the G
overnment of India or any of its functionaries, whether
officially or unofficially, to the award of the contract to
the seller, nor has any amount been paid, promised or
intended to be paid to any such individual or firm in res
pect of any such intercession, facilitation or recommen
dation. The seller agrees that if it is established at any
time to the satisfaction of the buyer that the present d
eclaration is in any way incorrect or if at a later stage it
is discovered by the buyer that the seller has engaged
any such individual/firm and paid or intended to pay a
ny amount, gift, reward, fees, commission or considera
tion to such person, party, firm or institution, whether
before or after signing of this contract, the seller will b
e liable to refund that amount to the buyer. The seller
will also be debarred from entering into any supply con
tract with Government of India for a minimum period o
f five years. The buyer will also have a right to conside
r cancellation of the contract either wholly or in part, w
ithout any entitlement or compensation to the seller w
ho shall in such event be liable to refund all payments
made by the buyer in terms of the contract along with
interest at the rate of 2% per annum above one-year LI
BOR rate. The buyer will also have the right to recover
any such amount from any contracts concluded earlier
with the Govt. of India.
8.0 NON-DIS * Except with the written consent of the Buyer/ Seller,
CLOSURE other party shall not disclose the contract or any provis
OF CONT ion, specification, plan, design, pattern, sample or infor
RACT DO mation thereof to any third party.
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9.1 LIQUIDAT In the event of seller’s failure to have the plant / machines
ED DAMA or any part/instalment thereof delivered by the date/dates s
GE pecified in the contract, the buyer may at his discretion wit
hhold any payment until the whole of the plant / machines h
ave been supplied and the buyer may also deduct from the
seller as agreed, Liquidated Damages and not by way of pe
nalty, as per provision mentioned in GEM GTC i.e. @ 0.5%
of the contract value of delayed quantity per week o
r part of the week of delayed period as pre-estimate
d damages not exceeding 10% of the contract value
of delayed quantity without any controversy/dispute
of any sort whatsoever.
10.0 TERMINA * The Buyer shall have the right to terminate this Contr
TION OF act in part or in full in any of the following cases :
10.4 TERMINA * The Buyer has noticed that the Seller has given or off
TION OF ered to give, directly or indirectly, to any person any
CONTRCA bribe, gift, gratuity, commission or other thing of value
T as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to
do any action in relation to this Contract, e.g. if the Sell
er has utilised the services of any Indian/Foreign agent
in getting this contract and paid any commission to su
ch agent.
22 / 44
12.0 TRANSFE * The Seller has no right to give, bargain, sell, assign o
R AND r sublet or otherwise dispose of the Contract or any par
SUB-LETT t thereof, as well as to give or to let a third party take
ING benefit or advantage of the present Contract or any pa
rt thereof.
13.0 PATENTS * The prices stated in the present Contract shall be dee
AND OTH med to include all amounts payable for the use of pate
ER INDUS nts, copyrights, registered charges, trademarks and pa
TRIAL PR yments for any other industrial property rights. The Sel
OPERTY R ler shall indemnify the Buyer against all claims from a t
IGHTS hird party at any time on account of the infringement o
f any or all the rights mentioned in the previous Paragr
aphs, whether such claims arise in respect of manufac
ture or use. The Seller shall be responsible for the com
pletion of the supplies including spares, tools, technica
l literature and training aggregates irrespective of the f
act of infringement of the supplies, irrespective of the f
act of infringement of any or all the rights mentioned a
15.1.1 TAXES & * Bidder shall specifically mention the rate of tax
DUTIES es & duties like IGST / CGST / SGST/UGST. In the a
In bsence of any such stipulation, it will be presumed tha
respect o t the prices include all such charges and no claim for th
f Indigen e same will be entertained.
ous bidde
Bidder to also submit GST Registration Certificate agai
nst the claim of GST.
23 / 44
15.1.4 TAXES & * If a Bidder is exempted from payment of any duty/ta
DUTIES x up to any value of supplies from them, he should cle
In arly state that no such duty/tax will be charged by him
respect o up to the limit of exemption which he may have. If any
f Indigen concession is available in regard to rate/quantum of an
ous bidde y Duty/tax, it should be brought out clearly. Stipulation
rs s like, the said duty/tax was presently not applicable b
ut the same will be charged if it becomes leviable later
on, will not be accepted unless in such cases it is clearl
y stated by a Bidder that such duty/tax will not be char
ged by him even if the same becomes applicable later
on. In respect of the Bidders, who fail to comply with th
is requirement, their quoted prices shall be loaded with
the quantum of such duty/tax which is normally applic
able on the item in question for the purpose of compari
ng their prices with other Bidders.
15.2 TAXES & 1. For machine of Import nature, Indian traders are
DUTIES permitted to offer in Indian rupee payment only. This s
Purchase hall be treated as second sale to OFs and in such cases
of P&M of only GST will be applicable
foreign or
igin from
Indian so
2. If foreign plant supplier insists that purchase can be
made through their Indian counterpart / collaborator (n
ot agent), purchase can be made against Indian rupee
payment only, but the tenderer shall arrange the impor
t clearance and the Indian collaborator shall arrange in
spection/training in India and
provide after sales service.
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16.2 Failure to In case where the firm has failed to commission an equ
Commissi ipment and factory is confident of commissioning the e
on the Ma quipment due to their own experience of working with
chines similar equipment, the factory may try to commission t
he equipment at firm’s risk & cost.
25 / 44
PERFORM * Performance security deposit payable to the “
CURITY / OF YANTRA INDIA LTD)" shall be furnished by th
SECURITY e supplier in the form of a performance Bank gu
DEPOSIT arantee (Including e-PBG) issued by a public sect
or bank or a private sector bank authorised to co
2.3 nduct government business, in the enclosed for
mat within 30 days from the date of contract. At
present, ICICI Bank Ltd., Axis Bank Ltd., and HDF
C Bank Ltd. are the three private sector banks a
uthorised to carry out government transaction.
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Payment * 80% value of material plus 100% Taxes, Duties i
Terms for f any, will be paid after acceptance in Pre-Despatch Ins
Indigenou pection of machine/equipment at Firm’s Works and on
s Sellers receipt of machine/equipment in safe condition by con
signee (The General Manager, Metal & Steel Factory, Is
hapore) against PSD/PBG amounting to 5% of Cont
ract Value in the stipulated format, valid till Two
(2) Months after Warranty Period. Freight charges
will be payable on actual against documentary evidenc
e but not exceeding as quoted by the firm and accepte
d by Purchaser.
The following documents to be submitted while c
laiming Payment:
(a) Contractor's Bill (To be provided by MSF)
(b) Ink-signed copy of Commercial / Tax / Retail I
nvoices covering the value of goods delivered.
(c) Claim for statutory and other levies to be sup
ported with requisite documents/proof of payme
3.1 nt such as GST Invoice, proof of payment for EPF
. ESIC contribution with nominal roll of Beneficia
ries etc. as applicable.
(d) Delivery Challan.
(e) Packing list.
(f) Original Freight Receipt.
(g) Pre-despatch Inspection Certificate duly sig
ned by Authorised Representatives of The GM/M
(h) Joint Inspection Report duly signed by Author
ised Representatives of The GM/MSF and the Sup
plier's Representatives.
(i) Manufacturers Test Certificates etc., if any.
(j) Manufacturer's Standard Warranty-Guarantee
Certificate, if any.
(k) Details for Bank Account for electronic paym
27 / 44
RISK PUR * Should the stores or any installment thereof not perfo
CHASE CL rm in accordance with the specifications / parameters
AUSE provided by the SELLER during the check proof tests to
be done in the BUYER’s country, the BUYER shall be at
4.2 liberty, without prejudice to any other remedies for bre
ach of contract, to cancel the Contract wholly or to the
extent of such default.
28 / 44
RISK PUR * Alternative remedies to Risk & Expense Purchase Cla
CHASE CL use:In case of foreign contracts, risk and expens
AUSE e clause is generally not applicable. The other re
medies available to the purchaser in the absence of th
e Risk and Expense Clause are as follows :
(a) Deduct the quantitative cost of discrepancy from a
ny of the outstanding payments of the supplier.
(b) Avoid issue of further RFP's to the firm till resolutio
4.4.3 n of the discrepancy.
(c) Bring up the issue of discrepancy in all meetings wit
h the representative of supplier.
(d) Provide for adequate Bank Guarantee to cover such
(e) In case of foreign contracts, finally approach the Go
vernment of the Supplier's country through the Ministr
y of Defence, if needed.
29 / 44
DELIVERY * Please refer BOQ template//Technical specifica
PERIOD tion/ bid documents and comply accordingly.
Terms for * Should the Buyer intend to airlift all or some of the st
Delivery: ores, the Seller shall pack the stores accordingly on rec
7.2 [Air Lift] eipt of intimation to that effect from the Buyer. Such d
eliveries will be agreed upon well in advance and paid
for as may be mutually agreed.
30 / 44
PACKING * The Contractor must ensure that sturdy packing is us
ed to withstand rough handling during transit by rail/ro
ad. In case the contractor fails to meet the qualitative r
equirements for packing, he must make good all losses
arising out of his failure to meet contractual obligation
s. The contractor will be responsible for internal damag
es if any, when outwardly there is no damage to the pa
31 / 44
LOADING * For Indigenous Supply, the entire loading & unloading
& UNLOA of equipment’s at any stage should be the responsibilit
11.1 DING y of the Supplier.
32 / 44
GUARANT * The supplier shall warrant that the plant/machine (inc
EE AND luding associated works constructed by the supplier) wi
WARRAN ll be free from defects in design, material or workmans
TY OF SU hip. Supplier’s obligations under the warranty shall inv
PPLIES olve repair, rectification and making good at site any d
efect, imperfection or fault attributable to defective de
12.2.1. sign, material or workmanship. If the plant/machine is f
1 ound to have a Defect that can be assumed to be pres
ent also in some other portion of the plant/machine, th
e Supplier shall investigate whether such further Defec
t is present, and shall make good any further Defects f
33 / 44
GUARANT * Defects shall be notified by the Purchaser to the Cont
EE AND ractor/Seller in writing without undue delay after the d
12.2.1. WARRAN efects are noticed, and in any event not later than Thir
3.4 TY OF SU ty (30) days after the expiry of the Warranty Period.
34 / 44
AFTER SA * The Supplier shall provide After Sales Services for at l
LES SERV east Ten (10) years after expiry of Warranty Period i
ICE n respect of servicing, supply of spares, accessor
13.1 ies, sub-assemblies and consumables at reasona
ble price and delivery schedule pertaining to the
equipments supplied by him.
35 / 44
Pre-Desp * Apart from PDI clauses mentioned in technical specifi
atch Insp cation, The following Pre-Despatch Inspection clause wi
15.0 ection ll form part of the contract placed on successful Bidder
Pre-Desp * The Buyer reserves the right not to attend the PDI or
atch Insp to request for postponement of the beginning of the P
ection DI by a maximum of one month from the date fixed for
such PDI in order to allow his representative(s) to atten
d such tests, in which cases he shall inform in writing t
he Seller within 15 days before the date of the beginni
ng of the PDI. Should the Buyer request for such postp
onement, liquidated damages, if any, shall not apply.
In case the Buyer informs the Seller within the period
mentioned hereinabove that he cannot attend the PDI
or in case the Buyer does not come at the postponed d
15.4 ate requested by him for performance of the PDI as m
entioned above, the Seller shall be
entitled to carry out said tests alone as scheduled.
36 / 44
Pre-Desp * All costs associated with the stay of the Buyer’s Repr
atch Insp esentative(s) at the place where the PDI is to be carri
ection ed out, including travel expenses, boarding and lodgin
15.6 g, accommodation, daily expenses, shall be borne by t
he Buyer.
37 / 44
Entry and (a) The Supplier, for entrance inside the factory, will str
Working ictly comply with the security regulations in force i.e.
Condition making of temporary passes for their working personn
el and filling up of PVR forms which will be supplied aft
er numbers and names of the personnel are intimated.
The Contractor should submit the Contractor undertaki
ng & declaration in a non-judicial stamp paper for each
of his workmen and himself at the time of requesting f
or entry permission. The requisitions for all sorts of ent
ry permission are required to be submitted by the firm
well in advance. All the formats for requesting entry p
ermission shall be supplied to the Supplier on request.
Work Per The Contractor shall abide by all the safety rules and re
mit Syste gulations of the purchaser’s factory providing the relev
17.3 m ant safety equipments and collect work permit from th
e purchaser well in advance starting the work at height
or underground.
38 / 44
Safety M i) To ensure better supervision of safety, it is imperativ
easure e that the contractor to deploys dedicated supervisor f
or each site. These supervisors should be physically pr
esent to oversee the entire activity at their assigned sit
e. This will help prevent incidents by enabling direct su
pervision, monitoring adherence to safety protocols, an
d addressing any issues promptly. By having dedicated
supervisors for each site, the contractor can ensure a h
igher level of accountability and enhance overall safet
y measures.
39 / 44
EVALUATI * Order if any, will be on Indigenous Bidders on DAP de
ON CRITE stination (F.O.R.) basis including Taxes & Duties i.e. IG
RIA ST, CGST & SGST, Transportation Charges etc. Howeve
1.5 r, all Statutory Taxes & Duties will be paid at actual at t
he time of delivery or execution.
EVALUATI * The Bidders are required to spell out the rates of Cust
ON CRITE oms duty, IGST, CGST & SGST in unambiguous terms;
1.11.1 RIA otherwise their offers will be loaded with the maximum
rates of duties and taxes for the purpose of deciding C
40 / 44
EVALUATI * If a Bidder chooses to quote a price inclusive of any d
ON CRITE uty and does not confirm inclusive of such duty so incl
RIA uded is firm and final, he should clearly indicate the rat
1.11.3 e of such duty and quantum of excise duty included in
the price. Failure to do so may result in ignoring of suc
h offers summarily.
41 / 44
Purchase * The relevant clauses of Public Procurement
Preferenc (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 as communi
e cated by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Departm
(Preferen ent of Industrial Policy and Promotion vide order no P-4
ce to Mak 5021/2/ 2017-PP(BEII), dated 04-06-2020 and it's amen
e in India dment/revision issued time to time by GOI, will be appli
) cable for procurement of this item. Accordingly only Cl
ass-I Local supplier & Class-II local supplier as defined
under the order, shall be eligible to bid in this tender b
eing an Open Tender enquiry.
Participating firms are requested to submit/attach the
DECLARATION regarding Local Content as per attached
format with this TE. Failing to which offer may liable to
be rejected"
42 / 44
Restrictio * With reference to Rule 144( xi) of GFR, 2017, firms ar
ns under e requested to submit/attach the duly filled up and sig
Rule 144 ned model certificate as per attached format with this
3.2 (xi) of the TE. Failing to which offer may liable to be rejected
GFR- 201
Disclaimer/अ वीकरण
The additional terms and conditions have been incorporated by the Buyer after approval of the Competent
Authority in Buyer Organization, whereby Buyer organization is solely responsible for the impact of these clauses
on the bidding process, its outcome, and consequences thereof including any eccentricity / restriction arising in
the bidding process due to these ATCs and due to modification of technical specifications and / or terms and
conditions governing the bid. Any clause(s) incorporated by the Buyer regarding following shall be treated as
null and void and would not be considered as part of bid:-
1. Definition of Class I and Class II suppliers in the bid not in line with the extant Order / Office Memorandum
issued by DPIIT in this regard.
2. Seeking EMD submission from bidder(s), including via Additional Terms & Conditions, in contravention to
exemption provided to such sellers under GeM GTC.
3. Publishing Custom / BOQ bids for items for which regular GeM categories are available without any
Category item bunched with it.
4. Creating BoQ bid for single item.
5. Mentioning specific Brand or Make or Model or Manufacturer or Dealer name.
6. Mandating submission of documents in physical form as a pre-requisite to qualify bidders.
7. Floating / creation of work contracts as Custom Bids in Services.
8. Seeking sample with bid or approval of samples during bid evaluation process.
9. Mandating foreign / international certifications even in case of existence of Indian Standards without
specifying equivalent Indian Certification / standards.
10. Seeking experience from specific organization / department / institute only or from foreign / export
11. Creating bid for items from irrelevant categories.
12. Incorporating any clause against the MSME policy and Preference to Make in India Policy.
13. Reference of conditions published on any external site or reference to external documents/clauses.
14. Asking for any Tender fee / Bid Participation fee / Auction fee in case of Bids / Forward Auction, as the
case may be.
Further, if any seller has any objection/grievance against these additional clauses or otherwise on any aspect of
this bid, they can raise their representation against the same by using the Representation window provided in
the bid details field in Seller dashboard after logging in as a seller within 4 days of bid publication on GeM. Buyer
is duty bound to reply to all such representations and would not be allowed to open bids if he fails to reply to
such representations.
This Bid is also governed by the General Terms and Conditions/ यह बड सामा य शत के अंतगत भी शािसत है
In terms of GeM GTC clause 26 regarding Restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India, any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. While participating in bid, Bidder has to
undertake compliance of this and any false declaration and non-compliance of this would be a ground for immediate termination of the contract and further legal action
43 / 44
in accordance with the laws./ जेम क सामा य शत के खंड 26 के संदभ म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श के बडर से खर द
पर ितबंध के संबंध म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श का कोई भी बडर इस िन वदा म बड दे ने के िलए तभी पा होगा
जब वह बड दे ने वाला स म ािधकार के पास पंजीकृ त हो। बड म भाग लेते समय बडर को इसका अनुपालन करना होगा और कोई भी
गलत घोषणा कए जाने व इसका अनुपालन न करने पर अनुबंध को त काल समा करने और कानून के अनुसार आगे क कानूनी कारवाई
का आधार होगा।
44 / 44