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DC Machines

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Department of Engineering Electrical Machines 1

Electrical Machines 1

Hour 1

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Electrical Machines
• An electromechanical converter which is used
to continuously translate electrical input to
mechanical output, or vice versa.
• The process of translation is known as
Electromechanical Energy Conversion.

Electrical Mechanical
system Electric system
e, i T, n
slide 2
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• The electromechanical energy conversion is from

mechanical to electrical

Mechanical Electrical
Power Power

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• The electromechanical energy conversion is from

electrical to mechanical

Electrical Mechanical
Power Power

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Electromagnetic Conversion
(P.121 – P.123)

1 When a conductor moves in a magnetic field,

voltage is induced in the conductor


2. When a current-carrying conductor is placed in

a magnetic field, the conductor experiences a
mechanical force.


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Basic Structure of
Electrical Machines (P.123 - P.125)

• This part of the machine does not move and
normally is the outer frame of the machine.

• This part of the machine is free to move and
normally is the inner part of the machine.

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DC Machines

DC machines are versatile and extensively used

in industry. A wide variety of volt-ampere or
torque-speed characteristics can be obtained
from various connections of the field windings.

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DC Machine Construction (sect.4.2.1)

Stator has salient poles that are excited by one or two

field windings:
• shunt field winding
• series field winding

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DC Machine Construction (cont)

• Armature winding is placed on the rotor

• Voltage induced in armature winding is alternating

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DC Machine Construction (cont)

• Commutator-brush combination is used as a

mechanical rectifier to make the armature terminal
voltage unidirectional and also to make the mmf
wave due to armature current fixed in space

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Voltage Rectification by
Commutators (sect. 4.2.2)

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Multi-turn Machine
In an actual machine a large number of turns are
placed in several slots around the periphery of the
rotor to reduce the ripple.

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Close-up of Commutator (1/2)

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Close-up of Commutator (2/2)

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Electrical Machines 1

Hour 2

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Armature Windings (Sect.4.2.3)

• A turn consists of 2 conductors connected to one end
by an end connector.
• A coil is formed by connecting several turns in series
• A winding is formed by connecting several coils in
• See. Figure 4.15

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Turn, Coil and Winding

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Lap Winding (Fig. 4.17)

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Lap Winding (Fig. 4.17)

• The 2 ends of a coil are connected to adjacent

commutator segments.
• The number of brushes is equals to the number of
• The number of parallel paths is equals to the number
of poles.
• Each path takes 1/p times the load current
(p = no. of poles)

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Lap Winding (Fig. 4.17)

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Wave Winding (Fig. 4.18)

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Wave Winding (Fig. 4.18)

• The 2 ends of a coil are connected to commutator

segments which separated by twice the pole-pitch.
• Only 2 brushes are necessary, irrespective of the
number of poles, but 4 or more may be used.
• The number of parallel paths is always 2.
• Each path takes 1/2 of the load current.

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Wave Winding (Fig. 4.18)

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A 6-pole armature is wound with 498 conductors. The

flux and the speed are such that the average emf
generated in each conductor is 2V. The current in each
conductor is 120A. Find the total current and the
generated emf of the armature if the winding is
connected (a) wave, (b) lap. Also find the total power
generated in each case.

240A, 498V; 720A, 166V; 119.5kW

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Armature Induced Voltage

Emf Equation
Let Φ = Total flux per pole in Webers
n = Speed of the armature in rev/sec
p = number of pairs of poles (pole-pair)
Z = Total number of conductors on armature
a = Number of parallel paths through armature
(wave winding, a = 2, lap winding, a = 2p)

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Emf Equation
Total number of poles = 2p
A particular conductor pass 2pn poles/sec
Time taken tp pass one pole = 1/2pn sec
Emf induced per conductor = dΦ/dt
= Φ/1/2pn
= 2pnΦ volts
On the armature, there are Z/a conductors in series
∴ Total induced emf, Ea = 2pnΦZ/a volts

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Armature Voltage (Sect. 4.2.4)

As the armature rotates in the magnetic field produced

by the stator poles, voltage is induced in the armature
Ea= KaΦωm (Eq.4.9 P.138)
(where Ka=Np/πa or Ka=Zp/2πa)
N=No.of turns, and
p= No. of poles Ka

Ea= generated voltage (Generator)

Ea= back emf (Motor)
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Armature Voltage Ex 1
The wave wound armature of a 6-pole DC
generator has 30 slots and in each slot there are 8
conductors. The flux per pole is 0.0174Wb.
Calculate the value of the emf generated when the
speed of the armature is 1200 rev/min.

(Ans: 250.56V)

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Armature Voltage Ex 2
A lap wound DC generator is to have an output voltage
of 500V at 26 rev/s. The armature has 28 slots each
containing 12 conductors. Calculate the required value
of flux per pole.

(Ans: 0.057Wb)

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Magnetization Curve (Sect. 4.2.6)

• Flux-mmf relation (Fig. 4.22)

∝ Field Current
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Magnetization Curve (Fig.4.23)

Also known as:

• Saturation Curve
• Open-Circuit Characteristic
the magnitude of induced
emf is depending on the
rotor speed

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Electrical Machines 1

Hour 3

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Armature Reaction (P.147 to P.150)

• With no current flowing in the armature, the flux in

the machine is established by the mmf produced by
the field current.

• However, if the current flows in the armature circuit it

produces its own mmf (hence flux) acting along the

• Therefore, the original flux distribution in the machine

due to the field current is disturbed.

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Armature Reaction
1. Evenly distributed flux due to Field Current alone

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Armature Reaction
2. Flux Distribution due to Armature Current alone

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Armature Reaction
3. Overall Flux Distribution (M.N.A. Shifted)

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Effects of Armature Reaction

• Distort the air-gap flux pattern of the machine.
• In DC generator, the magnetic neutral axis is being
shifted by some angle θ in the direction of rotation.
• The distorted flux density weakening one pole tip and
strengthening the other.
• Uneven flux density distribution which will result in a
reduction in the total flux (due to magnetic saturation).
• Due to the field is distorted, there is an emf between the
commutator segments at the instant when both touch
the same brush. This emf generates a brief, high current
that causes excessive sparking and arcing as the
commutator rotates
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Summary of AR

Leading Trailing Magnetic

Pole-tip Pole-tip Neutral
Generator Weakened Strengthened Shifted
Motor Strengthened Weakened Shifed

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Commutation (Sect 4.3.5)

• Ideal commutation curve [Fig. 4.46(c)].

• 2 reasons for non-ideal commutation:
• Coil inductance
• Reactance voltage
• Causes sparking [Fig. 4.46(d)].

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Commutation Curve (Fig.4.46c)

Ideal Actual

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Methods of Reducing Sparking

(Remedies for Armature Reaction)

• Use of high-resistance brushes

• Brush Shifting
• Interpoles
• Compensating Winding

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Interpoles (Sect 4.3.5)

• Commutation pole.
• Small poles which are situated between the
main poles.
• Its winding carries the armature current in such
a direction that its flux opposes the q-axis flux
produced by the armature current flowing in
the armature winding [see Fig. 4.46(e)].
• The net flux in the interpole region is almost

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Interpoles (Sect 4.3.5)

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Compensating Winding (P.150 to P.151)

• Winding which is fitted in slots cut on the

main pole faces.
• They are arranged that the mmf produced
by currents flowing in these windings
opposes the armature mmf [see Fig. 4.33(a)].
• Compensating winding is connected in
series with the armature winding so that its
mmf is proportional to the armature mmf [see
Fig. 4.33(b)] .

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Compensating Winding (Fig.4.33)

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