PPG Debate

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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, and fellow debaters,

Today, I stand before you as a proponent of the view that freedom of expression is

not only a fundamental right, but also a crucial factor in the development of a nation.

Without the freedom to express our thoughts and opinions, I am convinced that a

nation's progress will be stunted. Permit me to state my arguments. Freedom of

speech promotes a culture of innovation and critical thinking first and foremost.

When people are free to express their ideas, challenge existing norms, and engage

in open debates, creativity is sparked and advancements are made in a variety of

fields. History teaches us that some of humanity's greatest achievements were the

result of the confrontation of opposing viewpoints truly freedom of speech gave birth

to humanity's greatest achievements, where ideas were freely exchanged and

debated. Consider the scientific revolution, during which scientists such as Galileo

and Newton questioned prevailing beliefs and paved the way for ground-breaking

discoveries. By encouraging the free exchange of ideas, we cultivate a culture of

innovation and propel our country forward.

Moreover, freedom of speech is essential to the promotion of effective governance.

This creates a system of checks and balances when citizens are able to express

their concerns, criticize government actions, and hold public officials accountable.

Transparency and accountability are the pillars of a healthy democracy, and the right

to free expression allows citizens to exercise their right to scrutinize those in

authority. Consistently, research has demonstrated that nations with greater freedom

of expression tend to have lower levels of corruption. We ensure that our nation's
resources are used for the greater benefit by permitting open dialogue and

constructive criticism.

In addition, freedom of expression is essential to social progress and human rights.

Transformative social movements have emerged throughout history as a result of

individuals articulating their grievances and advocating for change. We have

witnessed the effectiveness of free speech in promoting women's rights, workers

rights, environmental protection, and LGBTQ+ rights in the Philippines. By defending

the right to free speech, we enable marginalized groups to speak out, resulting in

policy reforms and increased social inclusion. A country that values free speech is a

beacon of progress and justice.

The impact of free expression on the economy cannot be overstated. When a nation

protects the freedom of expression, it attracts foreign investment and promotes

economic growth. Countries that protect the freedom to express ideas and challenge

the status quo are more attractive to investors. Our nation becomes a center for

innovation and entrepreneurship by fostering an atmosphere that encourages open

dialogue. Entrepreneurial ecosystems flourish, new industries emerge, and

employment opportunities are generated. The economic benefits of free speech are

not merely theoretical; they are real and substantial.

Freedom of expression is not a luxury nor a want, but a need a necessity for the

development of a nation. It fosters innovation, promotes sound governance, drives

social advancement, and stimulates economic growth. It is the foundation of a

vibrant democracy that empowers its citizens and guarantees a better future for all.

As we envision the growth and prosperity of our country, let us honor and defend this
fundamental privilege. Let us embrace the strength of free speech and construct a

nation that flourishes on the variety of ideas.

Thank you.

Promoting Good Governance:
Evidence: According to the Corruption Perceptions Index 2021, countries with higher
freedom of expression scores tend to have lower levels of corruption. Freedom of
speech allows citizens to voice their concerns, criticize government actions, and hold
public officials accountable, contributing to good governance and transparency.
Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
Evidence: The Philippines' growing startup ecosystem is a testament to the
importance of freedom of speech. Tech startup hubs like Makati and Cebu have
emerged, where individuals freely exchange ideas, collaborate, and create
innovative solutions, driving economic growth and job creation.
Academic and Intellectual Advancement:
Evidence: The ability to freely express opinions and engage in intellectual debates is
essential for academic growth. Philippine universities have thrived as centers of
learning and critical thinking due to the free exchange of ideas and academic
freedom, leading to advancements in various fields.
Social Progress and Human Rights:
Evidence: Freedom of speech empowers marginalized groups and individuals to
voice their concerns and advocate for social change. In the Philippines, social
movements such as the women's rights movement, environmental activism, and
LGBTQ+ rights advocacy have gained momentum through the power of free speech,
leading to policy reforms and greater social inclusivity.
Economic Development and Foreign Investments:
Evidence: Countries that respect freedom of speech are often more attractive to
foreign investors. The protection of free speech fosters an environment that
encourages open dialogue, attracts foreign investments, and promotes economic
Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Discourse:
Evidence: Freedom of speech plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts peacefully. In
the Philippines, freedom of speech has facilitated open discussions and dialogue to
address sensitive issues, contributing to conflict resolution and social harmony.
Protection of Journalistic Freedom:
Evidence: Freedom of speech is closely linked to press freedom. In the Philippines, a
vibrant and independent media landscape has played a critical role in exposing
corruption, raising awareness about social issues, and providing checks and
balances on those in power.
Cultural and Artistic Expression:
Evidence: Freedom of speech allows for the free expression of cultural identities and
artistic creativity. The Philippines has a rich cultural heritage, including diverse art
forms, literature, music, and film, which thrive due to the freedom to express ideas
and preserve cultural heritage.
Empowering Civil Society and Activism:
Evidence: Freedom of speech is essential for the functioning of civil society
organizations and grassroots activism. In the Philippines, advocacy groups and
NGOs rely on the ability to freely express their views, mobilize public support, and
advocate for social causes, contributing to the betterment of society and the
protection of human rights.
Democratic Values and Citizen Participation:
Evidence: Freedom of speech is intrinsic to a healthy democracy. The ability of
citizens to express their opinions, engage in political discussions, and participate in
public discourse strengthens democratic values. In the Philippines, the protection of
free speech ensures active citizen participation and shapes policies for the
betterment of the nation.
These arguments and evidence highlight the importance of freedom of speech in
promoting good governance, innovation, social progress, economic development,
and democratic values in the Philippines.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR):
Article 19: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right
includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR):
Article 19: "Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include
freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of
frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other
media of his choice."
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR):
Article 10: "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include
freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without
interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers."
American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR):
Article 13: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression. This right
includes freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds,
regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing, in print, in the form of art, or through
any other medium of one's choice."
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR):
Article 9: "Every individual shall have the right to receive information and express
their opinions. This right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart
information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing, or in
print, in the form of art, or through any other media of their choice."
1. How do you believe a nation can truly progress and address its challenges without the
freedom to openly discuss and debate different ideas and perspectives?
2. In the absence of freedom of speech, how can citizens effectively hold their government
accountable for its actions and decisions?
3. Do you think a society can truly claim to be democratic if its citizens are not free to express
their opinions and criticize the government?
4. Can you provide examples of countries that have experienced significant growth and
development without allowing their citizens the freedom of speech?
5. How can a nation ensure that the rights and voices of marginalized groups are protected and
amplified without the freedom of speech?
6. What role do you believe freedom of speech plays in fostering a culture of innovation,
creativity, and intellectual development?
7. Without the freedom to express dissenting opinions, how can a nation avoid the dangers of
groupthink and ensure diverse perspectives are considered?
8. Can you explain how restricting freedom of speech can potentially limit the growth and
progress of the arts, sciences, and other knowledge-based industries?
9. What measures can be put in place to safeguard against the abuse of freedom of speech,
while still preserving its essential role in societal growth?
10. Do you believe that a nation can genuinely claim to value individual rights and freedoms if
freedom of speech is not protected and upheld?
11. How can a nation effectively address social issues, such as discrimination, inequality, and
injustice, without allowing its citizens the freedom to openly discuss and advocate for
12. In what ways can the absence of freedom of speech hinder the education system and limit
intellectual exploration and academic progress?
13. How can a nation attract foreign investments and foster economic growth without ensuring
an environment of transparency, open dialogue, and the freedom to express business ideas
and concerns?
14. Can you provide examples of historical instances where the suppression of freedom of
speech has resulted in negative consequences for a nation's growth and stability?
15. How can a society foster a sense of civic engagement and active citizenship without granting
its citizens the freedom to voice their opinions and participate in public discourse?

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