Progressive Resistance Exercises
Progressive Resistance Exercises
Progressive Resistance Exercises
Keywords: Background: and purpose: Exercise has not typically been used as an adjunct in treatment of anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa (AN). This study aimed to examine the effects of progressive resistance exercise (PREx) on perceived quality of
Exercise life (QoL) and body composition in adolescents with AN.
Physical fitness
Materials and methods: Forty-four adolescents diagnosed with AN were randomly allocated to either PREx or
Quality of life
Resistance training
control groups after hospitalization. The PREx group completed twenty-four PREx sessions over two months
including three sets of 8–10 repetitions of eight whole-body exercises at a moderate intensity. QoL and body
composition were evaluated at baseline and after two months using Health Questionnaire Short-Form 36 (SF-36)
and anthropometric measurements.
Results: At completion, forty-one participants (n = 19 PREx, and n = 22 controls) with mean age of 12.78 ± 0.88
years and mean body mass index of 18 ± 2.2 kg/m2 were analyzed. Significant group x time effects were found
on SF-36 role physical (RP) scores. Significant improvements with large effect sizes (d > 0.72) were found in RP,
and arm circumferences in the PREx group. Spearman association analyses between percent change in anthro
pometric variables and change in QoL scores showed positive associations with moderate-to-large effect sizes in
the PREx group among the following variables: mid-thigh-circumference, physical functioning (PF) and general
health (GH); calf-circumference relaxed and body pain; biceps skinfold and GH scores; triceps-skinfold, and role
physical (RP) and vitality (VT); supraspinale-skinfold and RP and VT; mid-thigh-skinfold and calf-skinfold and
Conclusion: PREx after hospitalization enables modest positive changes in QoL associated to anthropometric
changes in adolescents with AN without adverse effects on weight recovery.
Received 29 January 2021; Received in revised form 24 March 2022; Accepted 25 March 2022
Available online 27 March 2022
1744-3881/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Agne et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 48 (2022) 101576
treatment is successful in no more than 50% of patients, with the relapse in AN associated to a dysfunctional behavior [17,25,31,34].
rates around 31%, regardless of age [3]. Relapse has long plagued the Recent therapeutic exercise interventions in individuals with AN
outcomes of individuals with AN. Along with several other factors such have mainly utilized low-to-moderate intensity activities [21,23,36,37]
as comorbid illnesses, self-reported lower quality of life (QoL), and with only a few studies utilizing moderate-to-high intensity progressive
engagement in dysfunctional exercise post-acute treatment have all resistance exercise (PREx) [18,22,38]. Overall, moderate-to-high in
contributed to the rates of relapse and recovery as a whole [3–5]. tensity PREx has shown to improve muscle strength, bone health, and
Quality of life encompasses an individual’s perception of their BMI when compared to controls [19,22,38] without impacting weight
overall wellness and can be reflected in various domains including recovery or psychopathologies [17,32,34,39], or increasing reactivity to
physical and mental health [6]. Typically, individuals with eating dis stress and other triggers of relapse [25]. To the best of our knowledge,
orders (ED) perceive themselves as having lower QoL. EDs impact QoL only one study analyzed the effects of exercise on QoL in patients with
through the impairment of mental wellbeing, social skills, sense of self, AN. The study included a three-month low-intensity progressive exercise
physical health and relationships [4]. Indeed, previous research inves program (i.e. stretching, cardiovascular and isometric exercise) that did
tigating QoL in AN found that they have poorer perception of their not allow improvements in QoL, nor negatively impacted weight or BMI
health-related QoL compared to the general population [5,7–9]. recovery [21]. No other physical fitness-related variables (i.e. strength,
Furthermore, in those with AN, poorer perceptions of QoL were corre cardiovascular fitness, etc.) were assessed. Overall, the results from this
lated with higher EDs symptom scores [5,7,9], greater incidence of co study suggest that exercise “dose” (i.e., intensity) may be key for QoL
morbid illnesses (i.e. depression) and poor emotional awareness and low improvement. Given the relationship of QoL with relapse and illness
sense of self control [7]. As an indicator of recovery, perception of QoL is outcomes, the potential benefit of incorporating moderate-to-vigorous
understood to trigger or maintain ED symptoms, wherein positive resistance exercise calls for additional research. Therefore, the aim of
changes in QoL is related to better ED outcomes [4]. Thus, targeting QoL this study was to investigate the effects of PREx on perceived physical
in ED treatment may be an avenue by which treatment trajectories could and mental health related QoL and body composition in AN after hos
be improved. pitalization. We hypothesized that perceived QoL will improve signifi
Body weight (BW) and body mass index (BMI) are well known re cantly after two months of PREx compared to the control group and
covery, remission, and relapse markers for AN [10]. BMI is an important associated with positive changes in body composition without nega
marker in the treatment process for AN. Higher BMI and lower rates of tively impacting weight gains.
weight loss after acute treatment (~1 month) have been associated with
successful weight maintenance in these patients [11]. Reports have 2. Materials and methods
highlighted that the severity of an ED combined with low BMI are pre
dictors of low QoL [7,12]. However, this association is lost when 2.1. Design, ethical considerations, and participants
examining individuals with AN who are admitted to hospital for emer
gency reasons [5]. Despite research highlighting that body composition, Forty-four young adolescents with AN who previously participated
specifically percent body fat and total body fat in weight recovered in in a study to determine the effects of resistance training on physical
dividuals with AN is not different from controls after weight recovery; fitness [40] were included in this study. Participants were recruited at
abdominal (visceral) fat and intra-muscular fat are disproportionately the hospital’s Eating Disorders Treatment Center by convenience sam
increased [13–15] while muscle mass is significantly decreased [15]. pling. Both parental consent and patients consent forms were obtained
Individuals with AN have consistently expressed concern about weight before enrollment. The intervention was carried out in accordance with
gain associated to this abnormal fat redistribution [14,15]. Unlike the Declaration of Helsinki. Adolescents with AN were included in the
muscle mass, body fat distribution normalizes after a year of weight study following the CONSORT guidelines for randomized controlled
maintenance [15,16]. As a consequence, the evaluation of regional trials. The study protocol was approved by the Clinical Research Ethics
changes (i.e. trunk, upper- and lower-extremities) in body composition Committee (Comité Ético de Investigación Clínica – CEIC) at the Hospital
may be an important influencer of QoL in AN treatment. Universitario Infantil Niño Jesús de Madrid (ID: R-0034/08–1). The
Therapeutic exercise interventions are one way in which QoL may be study was registered at (NCT01906320).
influenced, while facilitating improvements in BMI, BW and anthropo In the present study, we utilized a parallel group randomized
metric markers [7,12,17,18]. In fact, exercise in AN––including controlled trial. A total of 44 participants were blocked in a 1:1 ratio
moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise––has been associated with based on their BMI at the start of the study and then randomized into
improved BMI, anthropometric skinfolds and circumferences percen PREx (n = 22) and control (n = 22) groups following an allocation
tiles, skeletal muscle mass, fat free mass (FFM) [18–20], ED psychopa concealment process (using sealed/opaque envelopes). To be included
thology and comorbid symptoms in AN [21–23]. Incorporating exercise in the study participants met the following inclusion criteria: diagnosed
into the treatment of EDs, particularly in AN, has been approached with with AN based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis
hesitancy and caution [24]. Hesitancy stems in part from the fact that order IV [40]; were less than 16 years old; were part of a structured day
when exercise is engaged in a manner that is physically and psycho care program including cognitive behavioral therapy (3 days/week) and
logically detrimental it becomes a dysfunctional behavior (thus termed diet monitoring; had a BMI >14.0 kg/m2 [27]; were not currently
dysfunctional exercise) [25]. Dysfunctional exercise is the second engaging in dysfunctional exercise and had no contraindications to
highest predictor of relapse in AN [26], and is noted as one of the first performing exercise [27]. To continue in the PREx group throughout the
presenting and last remaining symptoms of an ED [25,27,28]. Due to the course of the study participants had to: not encounter significant losses
impact of dysfunctional exercise in physical and psychological recovery, of weight or BMI attributable to voluntary reduction of dietary intake;
exercise has commonly been avoided in treatment [29], thus clinicians not develop dysfunctional exercise behaviors [41,42]. A total of three
have often utilized other strategies such as bed rest and exercise absti PREx participants were lost over the course of the study due to: change
nence [24,30]. However, evidence now indicates that these practices to treatment center (n = 2) and hospitalization due to voluntary
can present a harmful risk to both physical and psychological health (i.e. reduction of dietary intake (n = 1). Therefore, 19 participants completed
increased feelings of depression, irritability and anxiety, decreased bone the study in the intervention group (see Fig. 1).
density, decreased lean mass, etc.) [31]. The key component of pro The study was organized in two phases: familiarization phase and
ducing beneficial outcomes in exercise interventions in AN has been the intervention phase (see Fig. 2). The familiarization phase included three
implementation of therapeutic exercise programs with nutritional sup preparation sessions and physical fitness assessments (i.e. cardiorespi
port [17,22,32–35]. Therefore, developing healthier exercise practices ratory fitness (CRF), muscular strength). The intervention phase was
seems to be critical to improve psychopathology and reduce relapse risk preceded and followed by body composition assessments (i.e., weight,
A. Agne et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 48 (2022) 101576
height, circumferences and skinfolds) and perceived physical and 2.2. Familiarization phase
mental health questionnaire (i.e., SF-36). Clinical exercise professionals
who specialized in EDs completed and supervised the assessment and Each participant took part in a familiarization period over the course
training sessions with the participants. The same group of researchers of one week to minimize the learning effect that could result in technical
performed all assessments––except CRF––and supervised the training and neuromuscular improvements on the strength tests [38]. Each in
sessions. All tests were scheduled into two sessions with a day of rest in dividual participated in three 50-min sessions. Each session was pre
between, and under similar environmental conditions (20–24 ◦ C, ceded and followed by a warm-up and cool-down identical to those
45–55% relative humidity) and time (10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.). Each performed in the PREx intervention period. Participants completed two
patient consumed the same amount of energy each day. Specifically, to three sets of five to eight repetitions of the exercises that were used to
they consumed a diet of 55% carbohydrate, 30% protein and 15% fat. assess strength, and one familiarization session for the treadmill
Additionally, the intervention group increased their calorie intake by ergometer. The subsequent assessments were performed during the
consuming a high-protein milkshake (~150 kcals) accounting for the familiarization period to ensure the participants met inclusion criteria
energy expenditure required during the strength training session [35,38, and to obtain initial strength values for PREx prescription.
A. Agne et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 48 (2022) 101576
2.2.1. Physical activity levels team to ensure the safety of the PREx program and to monitor adverse
To ensure the participants were not dysfunctional exercisers and that changes to weight or BMI. Anthropometry data were collected following
both intervention and control groups had similar physical activity levels the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry
at the beginning of the study, spontaneous physical activity was (ISAK) standards [50] by the same ISAK Level-3 anthropometrist.
assessed. Participants were required to maintain their usual physical Anthropometry measurements included: 6 girths (arm contracted, arm
activity while wearing a uniaxial accelerometer for ten days (Actigraph relaxed, upper-thigh, mid-thigh, calf relaxed, and calf contracted) and 7
MTI, GT1M model, Manufacturing Technology, Fort Walton Beach, FL). skinfolds (biceps, triceps, subscapular, abdominal, supra-iliac, mid-
A minimum of 10-h registration per day for at least 7 days (Mon thigh and calf).
day–Sunday) was set to count as valid. An average value of three
working days and two weekend days was calculated. Additional details 2.3.3. Intervention
on this methodology are provided elsewhere [44]. The PREx group engaged in psychotherapy and participated in three
50-min PREx sessions per week for eight weeks (24 sessions total). The
2.2.2. Cardiorespiratory fitness exercise session took place between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m. before psy
To assess CRF, participants completed a graded treadmill test chotherapy. To begin the session, the PREx group participated in a dy
(Technogym Run Race 1400HC; Gambettola, Italy). The test was per namic warm-up prior to the PREx session that targeted the major muscle
formed while monitoring heart activity by electrocardiography (BTL- groups. The dynamic warm-up included three sets of 10 repetitions of a
08MT Plus ECG) to ensure that exercise was not contraindicated. The total of eight exercises [arm circles, sumo squat with lateral leg rise,
protocol was designed specifically for those with AN and the protocol lunge walks (with and without knee rise), inch worms, frog walk,
has been previously used successfully [38,45,46]. The test was termi walking hamstring stretch with knee rise, leg cross overs (supine), and
nated when participants experienced volitional fatigue or when a loss of scorpion (prone)] sequenced in the same order and increasing range of
ability to maintain the required workload was shown. motion each set. The participants then performed three sets of eight
exercises (i.e. bench press, leg press, lateral row, leg extension, lateral
2.2.3. Muscular strength pull down, abdominal crunch, low back extension and push-ups) and
To determine exercise intensity an upper and lower body muscular completed 8–10 repetitions. The intensity of leg press, bench press and
strength test was performed. Participants followed a standardized six- lateral row exercises was set at 70% of their 6RM. The intensity for the
repetition maximum (6RM) strength test on the same resistance remaining exercises was selected based on the OMNI-Resistance Exer
weight machines (i.e. seated leg press, bench press and lateral row) used cise Scale (OMNI-RES) [51,52]. An OMNI-RES score of 6 was selected to
during the training sessions. The 6RM “is described as the maximum ensure intensity was similar to that used in seated leg press, bench press
strength capacity to perform six repetitions until momentary muscular and lateral row [53]. Rest periods between exercises lasted 1–2 min. The
exhaustion” [45]. The assessment included a three-set warm-up (50%, load gradually increased from 5 to 10% after the participant was able to
70%, and 90% of the perceived 6RM) with 1-min resting periods be perform the exercise without fatigue for two consecutive sessions [54]
tween sets, and 2 min between the last warm-up set and the 100% 6RM coinciding with an OMNI-RES score of <6. Stretching exercises were
attempt. Further details are provided elsewhere [47]. completed at the end of session. The control group participated in the
same psychotherapy as the PREx group every week for eight weeks.
2.3. Assessments and intervention However, they did not receive the same exercise program and did not
consume the additional protein intake.
On assessment day, participants consumed their usual breakfast
(fruit juice [~200 mL] and a bowl of cereal [~45 g] with milk [~200 2.4. Statistical analyses
mL]) approximately 3 h before the assessment. The following assess
ments were completed by both PREx and control groups before and after All data were checked for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk tests,
the intervention period, referred to as pre-assessment and post- where normality was assumed if p > 0.05. Baseline variables were
assessment, respectively. compared through Student’s t-test for independent sample to detect
differences between control and PREx groups at baseline. A 2 × 2 (group
2.3.1. Health related quality of life questionnaire short-form 36 (SF-36) x time) repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) model was
Perceived health was evaluated pre- and post-intervention in both used to assess PREx effects (control vs. PREx) from pre-to post-inter
groups using the SF-36 questionnaire. The SF-36 evaluates perceived vention on health-related QoL (SF-36 questionnaire), and body
health-related QoL in two main areas physical health and mental health. composition variables. Bonferroni-corrected pairwise comparisons were
There are 36 items that are scored into each domain: physical func performed when appropriate. The eta squared effect sizes (ր2) were
tioning (PF), role limitations due to physical health (RP), bodily pain (BP), classified as 0.01 (small), 0.06 (medium), 0.14 (large) [55]. Likewise,
general health (GH), vitality (VT), social functioning (SF), role limita Cohen’s effect sizes (d) were classified as 0.1 (very small), 0.2 (small),
tions due to emotional problems (RE) and mental health (MH). The scores 0.5 (medium), 0.8 (large), 1.2 (very large), and 2.0 (extremely large)
from each domain all contribute towards two summary scales: physical [56]. One-sample t-test was utilized to compare SF-36 scores with
component scale (PCS) and mental component scale (MCS). The SF-36 normative values [PF, RP, BP, RE and VT = 100, SF = 90, GH = 75, MH
domain scores range from 0 (worst) to 100 (best), with a higher score = 70, and MCS and PCS = 50] [57]. Associations between QoL and
indicating a better state of health. There are three steps involved in the anthropometric variables were examined by Spearman association an
scoring of each SF-36 domain: recoding of recorded items (i.e. a total of alyses. The strength of the relationship was classified as ≤ 0.1 (very
10 items require reverse scoring), algebraic sum of the items raw scores small), 0.1–0.29 (small), 0.3–0.49 (moderate), 0.5–0.69 (high),
in the same domain, and transformation of raw scores to 0–100 scores 0.7–0.89 (very high), and 0.9–1 (perfect). All data were summarized as
[48]. Summary scales are then computed using general population’s mean ± SD. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Statistical
mean and standard deviations, calculating z-scores from previously analyses were performed using the SPSS Statistics for Windows, version
determined domains, and utilizing scoring factor coefficients specific for 20 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY).
each scale [49].
A. Agne et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 48 (2022) 101576
A. Agne et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 48 (2022) 101576
Table 2
Effects of eight weeks of PREx on perceived physical and mental health related QoL compared to controls.
Control group (n = 22) PREx group (n = 19)
PF 84.24 ± 16.35 85.90 ± 21.41 1.67 ± 15.66 83.42 ± 16.83 91.05 ± 10.61y 7.63 ± 13.88
RP 76.70 ± 24.79 74.43 ± 31.33 − 2.27 ± 25.84 62.83 ± 24.72 77.63 ± 21.68*y 14.80 ± 26.53
BP 75.22 ± 19.05 72.27 ± 24.89 − 2.95 ± 25.37 69.31 ± 25.43 75.63 ± 25.17 6.32 ± 23.27
GH 62.70 ± 20.81 67.63 ± 17.91 4.93 ± 15.13 61.90 ± 18.21 67.84 ± 17.24 5.93 ± 22.29
VT 58.52 ± 26.88 63.06 ± 24.69 4.55 ± 22.89 54.93 ± 24.36 62.50 ± 22.34 7.57 ± 16.87
SF 69.31 ± 32.67 71.02 ± 22.94 1.70 ± 21.23 61.18 ± 26.96 71.05 ± 22.45 9.87 ± 23.04
RE 73.48 ± 25.54 69.69 ± 31.02 − 3.79 ± 24.09 68.86 ± 22.87 71.49 ± 25.20 2.63 ± 21.16
MH 58.22 ± 25.60 55.45 ± 27.89 − 2.77 ± 20.56 50.52 ± 21.91 58.42 ± 27.18 7.89 ± 17.02
PCS 50.86 ± 8.89 53.22 ± 7.47 2.36 ± 10.30 50.77 ± 7.47 54.52 ± 5.84** 3.75 ± 7.09
MCS 41.76 ± 14.62 40.19 ± 14.96 − 1.57 ± 10.25 37.04 ± 12.73 40.51 ± 15.12 3.48 ± 8.73
SD− standard deviation; Δ –pre-to-post change; PF –physical functioning; RP –role limitations due to physical health; BP –bodily pain; GH –general health; VT –vitality;
SF –social functioning; RE – role limitations due to emotional problems; MH –mental health; PCS –physical component scale; MCS –mental component scale; PRE
x—progressive resistance exercise; *Analysis of the variance, time x group effects p < 0.05; **Analysis of the variance, time p < 0.05; y pairwise comparisons p < 0.05.
Table 3
Differences between participants’ SF-36 scores at baseline and after intervention compared to normative values broken down by PREx and control groups.
Control group (n = 22) PREx group (n = 19)
PF pre − 4.52 21.00 0.000 − 15.76 pre − 4.29 18.00 0.000 − 16.58
post − 3.09 21.00 0.006 − 14.09 post − 3.67 18.00 0.002 − 8.95
RP pre − 4.41 21.00 0.000 − 23.30 pre − 7.24 18.00 0.000 − 37.17
post − 3.83 21.00 0.001 − 25.57 post − 4.50 18.00 0.000 − 22.37
BP pre − 6.10 21.00 0.000 − 24.77 pre − 5.26 18.00 0.000 − 30.68
post − 5.22 21.00 0.000 − 27.73 post − 4.22 18.00 0.001 − 24.37
GH pre − 2.77 21.00 0.011 − 12.30 pre − 3.13 18.00 0.006 − 13.09
post − 1.93 21.00 0.068 − 7.36 post − 1.81 18.00 0.087 − 7.16
VT pre − 7.24 21.00 0.000 − 41.48 pre − 8.04 18.00 0.000 − 45.07
post − 7.02 21.00 0.000 − 36.93 post − 7.32 18.00 0.000 − 37.50
SF pre − 2.97 21.00 0.007 − 20.68 pre − 4.66 18.00 0.000 − 28.82
post − 3.88 21.00 0.001 − 18.98 post − 3.68 18.00 0.002 − 18.95
RE pre − 4.87 21.00 0.000 − 26.52 pre − 5.93 18.00 0.000 − 31.14
post − 4.58 21.00 0.000 − 30.30 post − 4.93 18.00 0.000 − 28.51
MH pre − 2.16 21.00 0.043 − 11.77 pre − 3.87 18.00 0.001 − 19.47
post − 2.45 21.00 0.023 − 14.55 post − 1.86 18.00 0.080 − 11.58
PCS pre 0.45 21.00 0.654 0.86 pre 0.51 18.00 0.618 0.77
post 2.03 21.00 0.056 3.23 post 3.37 18.00 0.003a 4.52
MCS pre − 2.64 21.00 0.015 − 8.23 pre − 4.44 18.00 0.000 − 12.96
post − 3.07 21.00 0.006 − 9.80 post − 2.73 18.00 0.014 − 9.48
Δ –pre-to-post change; PF –physical functioning; RP –role limitations due to physical health; BP –bodily pain; GH –general health; VT –vitality; SF –social functioning;
RE – role limitations due to emotional problems; MH –mental health; PCS –physical component scale; MCS –mental component scale; PREx—progressive resistance
exercise; Non-significant differences are shown in bold; a Significantly greater scores compared to the healthy cutoff values.
particularly valuable to AN recovery, as comorbid diagnosis of anxiety comparing with normative values for age and sex [64,65], ∼ 10% of the
or depression is common in AN. Around 20–80% of individuals experi patients in the control group decreased arm and calf circumference
ence depression [62] and 60% experience comorbid anxiety disorders percentiles. However, the AN patients in the PREx group who reached
[63]. Thus, therapeutic exercise used as an adjunct treatment in AN may the ≥ 25th percentile increased from ∼ 63% to ∼ 84% for mid-thigh
be an avenue by which to target QoL and subsequently improving co circumference, from ∼ 32% to ∼ 48% for triceps skinfold, and from ∼
morbid symptoms such as anxiety and depression. In addition, Padierna 16% to ∼ 21% for subscapular skinfold (with two participants reaching
and colleagues (2002) evaluated the effects on QoL of a two-year psy 75th percentile). The improvements in body composition noted here are
chotherapy intervention in AN using SF-36. Overall, QoL improved in valuable indicators of health in AN as these patients exhibit not only low
most items – except RE [8]. Conversely, the present study suggests that levels of fat, but also FFM linked to poor bone health [16,66–68].
therapeutic exercise complementary to treatment may have the poten Overall, upper extremity force and muscle mass are poor even after
tial to evoke changes in QoL more rapidly. Thus, not only could PREx be significant increase in BMI, body fat percentage, or weight recovery
a safe avenue by which comorbid illnesses can be targeted in ED treat [69]. Therefore, improvements in physical health could be optimized by
ment, but by doing so it may be improving QoL more effectively than addressing muscular fitness––muscle mass and strength––in addition to
traditional therapy. weight regain and nutritional rehabilitation [69]. Further measurement
The PREx intervention resulted in improved anthropometric cir of circumferences as a proxy of muscle content through the course of the
cumferences without negatively impacting skinfolds, BW or BMI. The disease––together with skinfolds––could help health care professionals
modest anthropometric findings of this study––the increases in arm understand muscular fitness progress and decide when PREx could be
circumferences relaxed and contracted in the PREx group––are worth beneficial for patients with AN. Addressing this issue is of great impor
mentioning as they might represent improvements in appendicular tance, as low muscle mass and decreased physical activity have been
muscle mass. This finding indicates that resistance training could be reported to determine lower bone mineral density [22,70] and impaired
beneficial for muscle mass recovery after hospitalization. When structure in both adults and adolescents with AN [71]. Moreover, more
A. Agne et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 48 (2022) 101576
Table 4
Effects of eight weeks of PREx on body composition and anthropometric variables compared to controls.
Control group (n = 22) PREx group (n = 19)
BW (kg) 46.11 ± 6.05 47.77 ± 5.47† 4.15 ± 8.50 41.57 ± 7.37 43.19 ± 7.38**,***,† 4.10 ± 4.91
BMI (kg/m2) 18.11 ± 2.15 20.00 ± 7.68 9.57 ± 32.14 16.89 ± 2.09 17.52 ± 2.13 3.83 ± 4.71
Circumferences (cm)
Arm relaxed 23.19 ± 2.18 23.19 ± 2.39 0.06 ± 4.91 22.04 ± 2.39 22.55 ± 2.33† 2.40 ± 2.79
Arm contracted 24.04 ± 1.89 24.02 ± 2.29 − 0.02 ± 5.76 23.00 ± 1.98 23.68 ± 2.13† 2.98 ± 3.15
Upper-Thigh 50.67 ± 4.77 50.74 ± 5.14 0.17 ± 4.64 48.35 ± 4.77 49.25 ± 4.87 1.93 ± 3.60
Mid-Thigh 47.47 ± 3.95 47.32 ± 4.12 − 0.17 ± 6.08 44.49 ± 3.96 45.27 ± 4.25*** 1.76 ± 3.35
Calf relaxed 32.84 ± 2.42 32.68 ± 2.25 − 0.37 ± 4.04 31.49 ± 3.15 31.75 ± 2.55*** 1.56 ± 2.76
Calf contracted 33.32 ± 2.45 33.34 ± 2.35 0.12 ± 3.08 31.49 ± 3.15 31.75 ± 2.55*** 1.01 ± 3.15
Skinfolds (mm)
Biceps 6.54 ± 2.33 6.72 ± 2.96 1.75 ± 23.34 5.28 ± 1.41 5.4 ± 1.53 2.73 ± 15.75
Triceps 12.6 ± 3.45 12.88 ± 4.53 1.80 ± 22.84 10.71 ± 2.71 10.76 ± 2.74 0.94 ± 11.24
Subscapulare 8.93 ± 2.76 9.08 ± 3.31 1.05 ± 16.03 7.48 ± 3.00 7.76 ± 3.17 4.66 ± 15.86
Abdominal 14.85 ± 5.86 14.43 ± 5.84 − 0.88 ± 22.05 12.76 ± 5.57 12.03 ± 5.52 − 4.33 ± 19.50
Supraspinale 10.27 ± 4.19 10.8 ± 5.58 4.09 ± 28.59 8.58 ± 4.00 8.49 ± 3.80 − 0.03 ± 15.11
Mid-Thigh 20.89 ± 6.46 21.9 ± 8.07 4.08 ± 20.06 17.07 ± 5.16 17.62 ± 5.51*** 4.25 ± 14.70
Calf 12.75 ± 5.30 12.79 ± 5.30 0.14 ± 16.55 10.38 ± 3.21 10.59 ± 3.32 2.61 ± 10.48
SD− standard deviation; % Δ –pre-to-post percent change; BW – body weight; BMI –body mass index; PREx—progressive resistance exercise; **Analysis of the
variance, time effects p < 0.05; ***Analysis of the variance, group effects p < 0.05; y pairwise comparisons p < 0.05.
than 38% of recovered patients develop osteoporosis and 92% osteo a common limitation in most studies of exercise in AN [77]. In this study,
penia [72]. Therefore, the incorporation of higher intensity PREx shows the sample size allowed for modest improvements in QoL and BW.
promise for not only significant improvements in QoL, but also muscle However, strong associations between QoL scores and anthropometric
and long-term bone health. improvements in the PREx group show promise. Likewise, assessor
It has long been debated if exercise is safe for adolescents with EDs blinding was not possible in this study, however, the researchers
[34,73]. As noted in our results, no adverse outcomes on AN treatment working with patients received anti-bias training consisting of three
progression were found. However, the intervention protocol required for practical sessions on how to implement the standardized assessment
participants to nutritionally support their activity throughout the protocols to minimize potential bias. The use of gold standard methods
intervention. The addition of nutritional support provides fuel for the (i.e. dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, magnetic resonance imaging) to
body to meet demands of PREx and maintain energy availability [43]. assess body composition would have strengthened our results. However,
Maintaining a positive energy availability protects against a host of this technology was not available for our study. In addition, there is lack
negative outcomes resulting from exercise under insufficient energy of equations validated for patients with AN that estimate body compo
availability. Some of the negative effects of exercising under low or nents from anthropometry. For this reason, to increase the validity of
negative energy availability includes further hormonal imbalances, body composition data and minimize the associated limitations we used
increased risk of injury, cardiovascular risk, and additional negative anthropometric variables instead of estimation of body components and
effects on bone health, gastrointestinal health, menstrual function and ensured a professionally trained technician (certified Level 3 anthro
immunological function, all of which would further aggravate the ED pometrist) performed all the assessments. Despite these shortcomings,
[74,75]. Incorporating exercise supported with nutritional adaptation we were able to detect modest changes in QoL and upper body cir
and the expertise of exercise professionals may support, rather than cumferences, and strong associations between QoL scores with body
hinder treatment progression. Although this may require the expansion composition changes. Overall, future studies should implement strate
of the treatment team to include professionals such as athletic trainers or gies that include assessor blinding, a greater sample size when the pri
physical therapists, the evidence suggests that PREx was a safe form of mary outcome of the study is QoL (SF-36) or anthropometric variables
complementary treatment that could improve QoL scores and muscle (include a priori sample size calculations) and aim to investigate whether
mass. nutritionally supported PREx could impact other outcomes such as ED
This study has several strengths with one being that its design was a and comorbid symptomatology, spontaneous physical activity levels,
randomized controlled trial that included a supervised and nutritionally bone health, or overall physical health.
supported exercise intervention. The age of the participants included in
the study ranged from 12 to 16 years, reflecting a prominent age of AN 5. Conclusion
onset [76] as opposed to many studies that included more heteroge
neous samples (12–45 years) [33–35,42]. Another strength of the study In conclusion, the use of nutritionally supported PREx complemen
was the novel use of a higher intensity exercise program in AN treat tary to standard ED treatment resulted in modest improvements in
ment. Contrary to prior research, this PREx program was able to induce perceived QoL within two months without negatively impacting weight
positive changes in perceived QoL and beneficial associations to body or BMI recovery. Both control and PREx groups increased BW similarly,
composition outcomes. We experienced a low attrition rate (7%), and indicating similar trajectories of weight recovery. In addition, im
the participants had a very high level of adherence (88 ± 8.4%) to the provements in QoL were associated with positive changes in anthro
program. This study is not without its limitations. A bias may be asso pometry in the PREx group. Our study indicates that PREx is a safe and
ciated to the convenience sampling method limiting the generalizability beneficial exercise protocol for individuals with AN after hospitaliza
of our results to the greater of AN population. Nevertheless, this study tion. The findings within this study support the need for more research
was conducted at a nationwide recognized treatment unit, that receives examining the integration of resistance training exercise into the treat
cases from all over the country. This, linked to a very low prevalence ment plan of patients with AN after hospitalization.
rate (<1%) [76] of the disorder would have made population-based
recruitment unrealistic and unethical. Low patient numbers have been
A. Agne et al. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 48 (2022) 101576
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Visualization, M.F., E.L., H.O., A.A.; Writing—original draft prepara 10.3945/ajcn.2009.27820. [pii].
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