Engine 2

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Wrong answer summary

CES version: CES 6.0.9

Test date: 21.10.2022
Test type: STCW
Department: Engine
Level: Management
Vessel type/Propulsion:

Question asked (61):
What is meant by the term 'lapping in' in relation to diesel engine cylinder cover valves?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Grinding the valve against the valve seat, usually manually, to obtain a uniform sealing
surface across the seat.

Question asked (612):

Why did the Second Engineer wish to make a monthly allotment?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

The Second Engineer wished to make an allotment because he was married

Question asked (1406):


What is the normal maximum oil content permitted for machinery space bilge overboard
discharge via OWS equipment?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
15 ppm

Question asked (1817):

After an engine following start up it is discovered that the start air pipe to one of the

cylinders is hotter than normal. What is the likely cause of this problem?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The air start valve for the cylinder is leaking or stuck open.

Question asked (2013):

What is the inherent danger in welding/cutting in piping containing freon?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Development of nitrous gases?

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Question asked (2135):

Why is it important that all the system valves are closed after completing bilge or ballast
pumping operations?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

To avoid accidental intake of water into the engine room in case of valve or pipeline

Question asked (2817):
When the boiler safety valves operate due to the boiler pressure being too high the
excess steam is discharged to _______
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
the atmosphere via the atmospheric line

Question asked (2840):

What is the normal indication that an oil filter is becoming blocked?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The pressure drop across the filter.

Question asked (2841):


How can water hammer be avoided when operating the valves and pumps in a cooling
water system?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Operate valves slowly

Question asked (2855):

What should be the first indication the engine room watchkeepers get that there is oil or
water leakage in the engine room?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
They should see it on the tank top or in the bilge well during regular inspections.

Question asked (2966):

Where can you find what your duties are during a life boat drill?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Muster List

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Question asked (3546):

What is a hydraulic hand pump usually used for?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

A hydraulic hand pump is usually used to tighten G-nuts

Question asked (3549):

What should the Fitter be asked to do?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The Fitter should be asked to check the level of hydraulic oil in the header tank

Question asked (3579):

What action should be taken by the engine room rating if a piece of machinery is not
functioning properly?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
If machinery does not function properly the duty Engineer should be informed
immediately so that plans for further action can be made.

Question asked (3742):


What kind of safety equipment should be used when operating a grinding wheel?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Goggles and shield

Question asked (3744):

What is the correct lifting technique?
Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Legs bent, back straight, using leg muscles to lift

Question asked (3756):

Whilst in the Engine room you hear the CO2 release alarm, what action if any should you
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Leave the engine room as quickly as possible, closing all doors behind you.

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Question asked (3758):

What class of fire is a smouldering fire of wood, textiles, paper and other carbonaceous
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Class A

Question asked (3801):
Simple gauge glasses for indicating the boiler water level, such as the one shown here,
are often fitted to low pressure boilers. What would be a reasonable schedule for blowing
through the gauge glasses to make sure they are reading correctly?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
At least once a day

Question asked (3809):

What is the most likely cause of the boiler exhaust gas being white in colour leaving the
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Too much combustion air.

Question asked (3813):


In the event of the water level disappearing out of the boiler water level gauge glass; what
should be the first action to be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Secure all of the burners

Question asked (10010):

*Welding and flame cutting are among the factors which give the highest risk of fire on

board ships. Precaution has to be taken to avoid this risk. Which of the following safety
rules may be regarded as the most important?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The welder shall have been instructed in the use of the ship's welding plant

Question asked (10115):

The necessary elements to create fire are
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
combustible, oxygen, heat and chain reaction

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Question asked (10121):

The fire point is
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

The minimum temperature at which a combustible gives off vapours that may burn in
contact with oxygen in air, and at which combustion persists once the source of ignition
has been removed

Question asked (10264):
What are the main basic components of a portable extinguisher?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The container, the extinguishing agent, the impulsion system

Question asked (10303):

*What is the minimum volume of air contained in the cylinders of a SOLAS compliant self-
contained compressed-air operated breathing apparatus (SCABA)?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
1200 litres

Question asked (20037):


Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:


Question asked (20186):

Which part of the float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts is made to provide a
connection between the ship and the liferaft?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
the painter

Question asked (20240):

Wearing an immersion suit when abandon ship is effective permits the person:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
to jump from a height of 4.5m into the water without being injured or damaging the suit

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Question asked (20245):

According to SOLAS, every persons assigned to crew the rescue boat or assigned to the
marine evacuation system party shall be provided with:
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

An immersion suit or an anti-exposure suit

Question asked (20307):
You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. In most cases, which of the following actions
should you generally take?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:


Question asked (31365):

Organise a lookout system. Join up with other survival craft if possible. Stream the sea

When a fire breaks out in the engine room, who is in charge of the fire fighting
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

The Chief Engineer

Question asked (31487):


What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Using nets

Question asked (31544):

What kind of foot wear should be used when working on deck and in the engine room?

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Safety shoes or safety boots

Question asked (32011):

"During a bomb search, which of the following is an important principle to follow?"
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Do not touch any suspicious packages

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Question asked (32019):

Which of these actions should crew take if a suspicious object that may be a bomb is
located during a search?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Confirm with their search partner that the object found is suspicious.

Question asked (32163):
Hot work is to be carried out close to a smoke detector in the engine room. What
precautions should be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Notify Deck Officer and Engineer Officer in charge. The loop for the smoke detector
should be isolated while work is done and normal precautions for hot work taken including
permit to work.

Question asked (32426):

When cleaning boiler burner nozzles that have just been in service the watch rating
notices that the nozzle holes are partially blocked. Which one is the preferred method to
use in order to avoid damaging the nozzle holes?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Use cleaning wires starting with a small gauge and gradually work up to the full size of
the nozzle hole.

Question asked (32427):

While on boiler watch in the engine room a rating is requested to assist with taking on

stores. The task will take about half an hour. What should the rating do?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Contact the engine officer on watch for permission to assist and to arrange a relief for the
duration of the store taking.

Question asked (32516):

As part of the routine duties a rating on boiler watch is requested to assist with the daily
chemical treatment for the boiler and feed water systems. Where will the rating find the
information relating to the hazards associated with the chemicals involved in this task?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
The material safety data sheets supplied with the chemicals.

Question asked (32517):

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Wrong answer summary
While on boiler watch on an automatically controlled steam boiler the rating notices that
the burner has failed to light following a drop in steam pressure. What action should be
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Call the duty engineer immediately using the engineers call alarm.

Question asked (32519):
While on watch, an engine room rating notices a leak from the gland of a running

seawater pump. What action should be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Inform the engineer officer of the watch so that the pump can be changed over and the
gland can be repacked.

Question asked (32522):

The engine rating on watch finds the level of the diesel engine jacket water header tank
well below normal. After topping up the tank and checking around the engine, a leak is
found. What action should be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Try and quickly stop the leak and then inform the engineer on watch of what has


Question asked (32574):


An engine room rating is given the task of retightening the flanges of a pipe that has been
replaced in the engine room. Which of the following tightening procedures should be
Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Gradually tighten all of the bolts working diagonally across and around the flange.

Question asked (32607):


Which of the following tools can be safely sharpened using a pedestal grinder?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Steel drill bit

Question asked (32608):

An engine room rating notices that the guard on a running pump is hanging loose due to
a missing bolt on the support bracket and it is catching the shaft coupling. What is the
best action to take as a repair method?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

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Correct answer:
Inform the watchkeeper so that the pump can be stopped and a new bolt can be fitted to
permanently fix the guard in place.

Question asked (32609):

A pump cover is sealed using a paper gasket which is damaged during overhaul. There
are no spare gaskets available. How should the casing be sealed when reassembling the

Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Make a new gasket from old chart paper or other similar material of the same thickness
as the original gasket.

Question asked (32612):

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Following repair and refitting of the seawater pipe for the fresh water generator feed line
the rating notices that one of the flange joints is leaking. What action should be taken?

Check the bolts are correctly tightened before informing the engineer so that the flange
faces can be cleaned and re-jointed if necessary.
Question asked (32614):
An engine room rating is assisting in the maintenance of some of the valves on the low

pressure steam range. Which packing material, from the options given, would be the best
choice for repacking the gland of a low pressure steam valve?
Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Graphite fibre packing.

Question asked (32615):

Following maintenance work on an air compressor the engine room rating is asked to put
the tools away. It is noticed that an allen key is missing from the set. What action should
be taken?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Inform the engineer in case it has been left inside the compressor when it was closed up.

Question asked (32617):

A spare cylinder head for the generator needs to be lifted from its storage cradle to the
generator flat. Because of its location the engine room crane cannot be positioned directly
above it. What method should be used to bring the cylinder head into position?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Rig chain blocks to lift the cylinder head from its cradle and then transfer it gradually over
to the crane hook by working the chain blocks.

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Question asked (32624):

A bilge strainer is blocking up during bilge pumping operations which is causing delays as
the pump frequently loses suction and has to be primed. What action should be taken to
remedy the situation?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

Correct answer:
Clean the strainer more frequently and clean out the bilge well at the first opportunity.

Question asked (32625):
A seawater pipe is holed due to corrosion causing frequent bilge alarms. Which of the
given temporary repair methods would be the preferred option to remedy the problem
until the pipe can be replaced?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Cover all of the affected area with fibre glass tape and resin/fibre glass mixture.

Question asked (33071):

Which of the options given is most likely to result in overheating of a ball bearing fitted to
a pump shaft?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

Completely filling the bearing with grease.


Question asked (33074):

Tab washers are often fitted to bolted assemblies to prevent the nuts and bolts
slackening. For an assembly where the nuts are positioned at the top select the option
which describes the correct method of locating the tab washers.

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Bend the inner tab up against one flat of the nut and the other tab down over the edge of
the component.

Question asked (33733):

What does the word "pirates" mean?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Pirates are persons who attempt to board and take over a ship at sea

Question asked (33754):

What is shown in the picture, a crane or a derrick using what loading gear?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know

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Correct answer:
A deck crane using grabs.

Question asked (33755):

What are the people probably doing in the picture?
Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
The people are hosing down the cargo hold to clean it.

Question asked (33758):
What do you understand by: Let go the port anchor?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
Let go the port anchor means: open the port windlass brake

Question asked (33871):

An unconscious casualty who is breathing, should be placed
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
In the recovery position

Question asked (33884):


For transporting a casualty with a fracture; If a Neil-Robertson stretcher is not available:

Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:

A wide wooden board may be used

Question asked (33886):

Port State Control Officers are authorised to:

Selected answer (score 0):

Don't know
Correct answer:
Inspect and detain ship that are not meeting the requirements until they are able to
demonstrate compliance with the regulations

Question asked (33895):

Where can ozone depleting substances be found on board?
Selected answer (score 0):
Don't know
Correct answer:
In refrigerated systems

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