Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

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Knowledge Representation

and Reasoning
(Part 1)
 Despite the number of products and services that utilize artificial intelligence in their respective
functions, many people may be wondering about the different components that allow AI to
function in the first place.

 With this being said, while the development of artificial intelligence is a nuanced and complex
process, it does not differ from any other machine or system in that there are basic rules that
govern its operation.

 As such, the five basic components of artificial intelligence include learning, reasoning,
problem-solving, perception, and language understanding.

 Through the implementation of these five basic components, software developers and engineers
have been able to create a multitude of technologies and services that consumers around the
globe have come to covet and revere.
 Just as is the case with human beings, the first step in the development process as it
pertains to artificial intelligence is the learning stage. For example, when teaching a child
how to ride a bicycle for the first time, there will be a trial and error process in which the
child makes mistakes and falls off their bike, gradually learning the rules and
techniques that are needed to effectively handle the task at hand.

 In the context of the development of artificial intelligence, the learning process

involves the memorization of individual items including different solutions to
problems, vocabulary, and foreign languages, among others.

 Through this learning process, programs that utilize artificial intelligence are able to keep
notes of all actions or moves that led to positive results, allowing the program to leverage
this knowledge within its data should similar problems arise in the future.
 The second major component of artificial intelligence is reasoning. While the concept of mental
reasoning is something that has largely been limited to the human mind for much of recorded
history, much of the development of artificial intelligence hinges on software programs that are
able to draw conclusions and inferences from a situation, without the need for human

 Furthermore, these inferences are divided into two main categories, inductive and deductive
reasoning. However, there is another form of inferencing that is abductive.

 To this point, the use of inductive reasoning has allowed computer programmers and software
developers to create products and systems that achieve consistent results when faced with a
particular problem.
 The third major component that makes up the development of artificial intelligence programs and
systems is problem-solving. As the entire premise of artificial intelligence is the creation of
computer programs and systems that solve problems in a manner similar to that of human
beings, problem-solving is perhaps the most pivotal component in terms of the development of

 In the most basic of terms, an AI’s problem-solving ability is based on the application and
manipulation of data, where the solution needs to be x.

 Alternatively, in more advanced applications, problem-solving techniques in the context of AI can

include the development of efficient algorithms, performing root cause analysis with the goal
of discovering a desirable solution, and heuristics.
 A problem-solving algorithm can be seen as a procedure that is guaranteed to solve a
particular problem if its steps are strictly followed. Let's have a simple example to get to
know what it means:

 A person wants to find a book on display among the vast collections of the library. He
does not know where the book is kept. By tracing a sequential examination of every
book displayed in every rack of the library, the person will eventually find the book. But
the approach will consume a considerable amount of time. Thus an algorithmic
approach will succeed but are often slow.

 Types of algorithms include: Regression Algorithms, Instance-Based Algorithms,

Decision Tree Algorithms, Clustering Algorithms, Association Rule Learning
Algorithms, Artificial Neural Network Algorithms, Deep Learning Algorithms, Search
 A problem-solving heuristic can be said as an informal, ideational, impulsive procedure that leads
to the desired solution in some cases only. A heuristic approach employs a practical method that
is not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect, or rational, but is nevertheless sufficient for reaching an
immediate, short-term goal.

 The fact is that the outcome of a heuristic operation is unpredictable. Using a heuristic approach
may be more or less effective than using an algorithm.

 Consider the same example discussed above. If he had an idea of where to look for the book, a
great deal of time could be saved. This can be said as searching heuristically. But if one happens
to be wrong on the first trial, he has to try another heuristic.

 The frequently used problem-solving heuristics are: Working Forward, Working Backward,
Means-Ends Analysis, and Generate-and-Test.
 Like the name itself, it is the process of identifying the root cause of the problem. The root
cause of the problem is analyzed to identify the appropriate solutions.

 A collection of principles, techniques, and methodologies are used to identify the root causes
of a problem. Root course analysis can identify an issue in the first place.

 The first goal of root cause analysis is to identify the root cause of the problem.

 The second goal is to understand how to fix the underlying issues within the root cause.

 The third goal is to prevent future issues or to repeat the success.

 The fourth major component in the development of artificial intelligence programs and systems is
perception. In keeping with comparisons to the function of the human mind, the way in which
individuals perceive the world around them is critical to the manner in which they solve problems
in their respective lives.

 As it relates to artificial intelligence, perception is achieved through the utilization of different

sense-organs, whether they be real or artificial.

 As human perception itself is extremely complicated, enabling artificial intelligence programs to

perceive certain inputs and information can prove to be extremely challenging.

 To provide a real-world application of perception in terms of artificial intelligence, many self-

driving cars function through the perception of different physical objects within a given
environment, ranging from traffic lights, weather conditions, buildings, and highways and roads, just
to name a few.
Natural Language Processing
 The final component that makes up the development of artificial intelligence is language
understanding. Put in the simplest of terms, language understanding in the context of the
development of artificial intelligence can be defined as a set of different systems signs that
justify their various means or methods using convention.

 NLP combines computational linguistics rule-based modeling of human language with

statistical, machine learning, and deep learning models. Together, these technologies enable
computers to process human language in the form of text or voice data and to ‘understand’
its full meaning, complete with the speaker or writer’s intent and sentiment.

 NLP drives computer programs that translate text from one language to another, respond to
spoken commands, and summarize large volumes of text rapidly—even in real time. There’s
a good chance you’ve interacted with NLP in the form of voice-operated GPS systems, digital
assistants, speech-to-text dictation software, customer service chatbots, and other consumer
Knowledge Representation
and Reasoning
(Part 2)

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