Iso 13688 2013

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Second edition

Protective clothing — General

Vêtements de protection — Exigences générales


ISO 13688:2013

Reference number
ISO 13688:2013(E)

© ISO 2013
ISO 13688:2013(E)


ISO 13688:2013


© ISO 2013
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ISO 13688:2013(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Basic health and ergonomic requirements................................................................................................................................ 2
4.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.2 Innocuousness.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
4.3 Design.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4.4 Comfort........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Ageing............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.2 Washing and dry cleaning.............................................................................................................................................................. 4
5.3 Dimensional change due to cleaning.................................................................................................................................... 5
6 General size designation............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
7 Marking........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
7.2 Specific............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Information supplied by the manufacturer.............................................................................................................................. 7
Annex A (informative) Performance level........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Annex B (informative) Flow chart.........................................................................................................................................................................
ISO 13688:2013 10
Annex C (informative) Checking the ergonomic features of protective clothing(Practical
performance tests)...........................................................................................................................................................................................
42f6c9264668/iso-13688-2013 12
Annex D (informative) Examples of size designation........................................................................................................................15
Annex E (normative) Pictograms...........................................................................................................................................................................18
Annex F (informative) Environmental aspects........................................................................................................................................21
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22

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ISO 13688:2013(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 13688 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 94, Personal safety - Protective clothing and
equipment, Subcommittee SC 13, Protective clothing and by Technical Committee CEN/TC 162, Protective
clothing including hand and arm protection and lifejackets in collaboration.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 13688:1998), which has been technically
revised to include the following changes:
— A statement that this International (
Standard (and pictogram) is intended to be used in combination
with another product standard was added to the Scope.
ISO 13688:2013
— Additional definitions on waist to waist over the shoulder length, and torso.
— Notes on level of performance moved to informative Annex A.
— Clause 4 on ergonomics changed to basic health and ergonomic requirements and revised into
separate sub-sections: general (4.1), innocuousness (4.2), design (4.3) and comfort (4.4).
— Informative Annex C added on ergonomic features.
— Subclause 5.2 on colour fastness removed.
— Subclause 5.3 on cleaning renamed as washing and dry-cleaning (5.2) now includes reference to
standardised processes, including industrial washing.
— Strengthened provisions in 5.3 on dimensional change due to cleaning.
— The size designation system in Clause 6 was simplified with regard to intervals and ranges to allow
more freedom to obtain a better individual fit.
— Subclause 7.2 on specific marking amended to include qualification labelling for industrial laundry care.
— Informative Annex B (Flow chart) added on acceptability of materials.
— Informative Annex F added on environmental aspects.

iv  © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

ISO 13688:2013(E)

This International Standard is a reference standard to be called up as appropriate by specific standards.
This International Standard is not intended to be used alone but only in combination with another
standard containing requirements for the specific performance of the product which provides protection.


ISO 13688:2013

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ISO 13688:2013

Protective clothing — General requirements

1 Scope
This International Standard specifies general performance requirements for ergonomics, innocuousness,
size designation, ageing, compatibility and marking of protective clothing and the information to be
supplied by the manufacturer with the protective clothing.
This International Standard is only intended to be used in combination with other standards containing
requirements for specific protective performance and not on a stand-alone basis.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3071, Textiles — Determination of pH of aqueous extract
ISO 3175-1, Textiles — Professional care, drycleaning and wetcleaning of fabrics and garments — Part 1:
Assessment of performance after cleaning and finishing
ISO 3635, Size designation of clothes — Definitions and body measurement procedure
ISO 3758, Textiles — Care labelling code using symbols
ISO 13688:2013
ISO 4045, Leather —
Chemical tests — Determination of pH
ISO 5077, Textiles — Determination of dimensional change in washing and drying
ISO 7000, Graphical symbols for use on equipment — Registered symbols
ISO 17075, Leather — Chemical tests — Determination of chromium(VI) content
ISO 30023, Textiles — Qualification symbols for labelling workwear to be industrially laundered
EN 1811, Reference test method for release of nickel from products intended to come into direct and
prolonged contact with the skin
EN 14362-1, Textiles — Methods for determination of certain aromatic amines derived from azo colorants —
Part 1: Detection of the use of certain azo colorants accessible with and without extracting the fibres

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
change of one or more initial properties of protective clothing materials during the passage of time

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ISO 13688:2013(E)

situation which can be the cause of harm or damage to the health of the human body
Note 1 to entry: There are different general types of hazards, e. g. mechanical hazards, chemical hazards, cold
hazards, heat and/or fire hazards, biological agents hazards, radiation hazards. Certain types of these hazards
can, according to circumstances, derive from more specific hazards. Thus, a heat hazard can derive from contact
heat, radiant heat etc. for each of which there can be separate test methods.

Particular garments have been designed to give protection against the hazards encountered in specific types
of activities. Examples of such garments are aprons that provide protection against hand knives, trousers for
use with chainsaws, clothing for protection against chemicals, high visibility clothing and motorcycle rider’s
protective clothing.

combination of the frequency, or probability, of occurrence and the consequence of a specified
hazardous event
Note 1 to entry: The concept of risk always has two elements: the frequency or probability with which a hazardous
event occurs and the consequences of the hazardous event.

performance level
number that designates a particular category or range of performance by which the results of testing
can be graded iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
Note 1 to entry: For further information see Annex A.

protective clothing ISO 13688:2013
clothing including protectors which cover or replace personal clothing, and which is designed to provide
protection against one or more hazards 42f6c9264668/iso-13688-2013
waist to waist over the shoulder length
maximum length measured from the plane of the waist over the shoulder to the plane of the waist
Note 1 to entry: See also Clause 6.

thorax and abdomen or section of the body to which the limbs, head and neck are attached

4 Basic health and ergonomic requirements

4.1 General
In the following paragraphs some basic health and ergonomic requirements are stated that are relevant
for many types of protective clothing.
NOTE For general ergonomic principles to be used in designing and specifying personal protective equipment
see EN 13921.[7]

Protective clothing shall be designed and manufactured as follows.

2  © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

ISO 13688:2013(E)

4.2 Innocuousness
Protective clothing shall not adversely affect the health or hygiene of the user. The materials shall not, in
the foreseeable conditions of normal use, release substances generally known to be toxic, carcinogenic,
mutagenic, allergenic, toxic to reproduction or otherwise harmful.
NOTE 1 Information on the classification and identification of harmful substances can be found, e.g. in[9] of the

NOTE 2 Guidance on how to consider acceptability of materials in protective clothing is given in the flow chart
in informative Annex B (Figure B.1).

The following list of documents is given for information and as examples of documents to be examined:
— Information supplied by the manufacturer could include evidence-based information confirming
that the product does not contain any substances at levels that are known or suspected to adversely
affect user hygiene or health,
— Materials specifications,
— Safety data sheets relating to the materials,
— Information relating to the suitability of the materials for use with food, in medical devices, or other
relevant applications,
— Information relating to toxicological, allergenic, carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction or mutagenic
investigations on the materials,
— Information relating to ecotoxicological and other environmental investigations on the materials.
Materials should be selected to minimize the environmental impact of the production and disposal of
protective clothing (see also Annex F). ISO 13688:2013
The examination shall determine whether the claim that the materials are suitable for use in the protective
clothing or protective equipment is justified. Particular attention shall be paid to the presence of plasticisers,
unreacted components, heavy metals, impurities and the chemical identity of pigments and dyes.
Each layer of material of the protective clothing shall comply with the following requirements:
a) Chromium VI content in leather clothing shall not exceed 3 mg/kg according to ISO 17075.
b) All metallic materials which could come into prolonged contact with the skin (e.g. studs, fittings)
shall have a release of nickel of less than 0,5 µg/cm2 per week. The method of test shall be
according to EN 1811.
c) Protective clothing material shall have a value greater than pH3,5 and less than pH9,5. The test
method for leather shall be according to ISO 4045 and for textile materials according to ISO 3071.
d) Azo colorants which release carcinogenic amines listed in EN 14362-1 shall not be detectable by the
method in these standards.

4.3 Design
4.3.1 The design of protective clothing shall facilitate its correct positioning on the user and shall
ensure that it remains in place for the foreseeable period of use, taking into account ambient factors,
together with the movements and postures that the wearer could adopt during the course of work or
other activity. For this purpose, appropriate means, such as adequate adjustment systems or adequate
size ranges shall be provided so as to enable protective clothing to be adapted to the morphology of the
user. (See Annex C).
4.3.2 The design of protective clothing shall ensure that no parts of the body get uncovered by expected
movements by the wearer (e.g. a jacket should not rise above the waist when the arms are raised) if

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ISO 13688:2013(E)

this is defined in the specific standard. The specific standard for protective clothing shall contain test
criteria (for example: checking that the garment can be put on and taken off easily; that arm and knee
and bending movements are possible; that unprotected body areas do not appear during movements;
that there is an adequate overlap of jacket and trousers; that the manufacturers information is adequate
to explain the correct usage of the protective clothing). (See Annex C).
4.3.3 Where applicable, protective clothing design shall take into account other items of protective
clothing or equipment from the same manufacturer which must be worn to form an overall protective
ensemble. When two or more items are worn together, they should be compatible and each one shall
comply with its own standard. None of them has to reduce the performance of the other item(s) and
the appropriate level of protection should be provided at interface areas between those products, for
example in sleeve to glove, trousers to footwear, hood and respirator combinations. There may be other
4.3.4 In each specific standard, a minimum mechanical property to assess the strength of a garment
shall be defined.

4.4 Comfort

4.4.1 Protective clothing shall provide users with a level of comfort consistent with the level of
protection required against the hazard which is present, the ambient conditions, the level of the user’s
activity, and the anticipated duration of use of the protective clothing.

Protective clothing shall not

— have rough, sharp or hard surfaces that irritate or injure the user;
— (
be so tight, loose and/or heavy so that it restricts normal movement (see Annex C).
4.4.2 Protective clothing that imposes significant ergonomic burdens such as heat stress, or is
ISO 13688:2013
inherently uncomfortable because of the need to provide adequate protection, shall be accompanied
in the information supplied by the manufacturer by specific advice or warnings. Specific advice on the
appropriate duration for continuous use of the clothing in the intended application(s) shall be given.

5 Ageing

5.1 General
This International Standard is concerned only with the dimensional change caused by cleaning on the
performance of the clothing and legibility of marking (see 5.3).

5.2 Washing and dry cleaning

The cleaning shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, on the basis of standardized
processes. If the number of cleaning cycles is not specified, five cleaning cycles shall be performed. This
shall be reflected in the information supplied by the manufacturer.
Where rapid deterioration in performance is caused by the use of cleaning procedures, the manufacturer,
in the marking and/or in the information, shall indicate the maximum number of cleaning operations
that may be carried out before the protective clothing has to be discarded.
Manufacturers should typically indicate one or several of the various methods and processes of ISO 6330,[5]
ISO 15797,[8] ISO 3175 (Parts 2 to 4) [2-3-4] or equivalent standardized processes for cleaning.
NOTE The use of domestic care labels infers their selection according to Annex A of ISO 3758 and that testing
to the appropriate parts of ISO 6330 and ISO 3175 has been carried out.

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ISO 13688:2013(E)

5.3 Dimensional change due to cleaning

If the manufacturer’s instructions indicate that garments can be washed or dry cleaned, the test
procedure for dimensional change for washing of protective clothing material shall be carried out in
accordance with 5.2. Measurement of dimensional change shall be carried out according to ISO 5077 and
for dry cleaning in accordance with ISO 3175-1.
Changes in dimension due to cleaning of material for protective clothing shall not exceed ± 3 % for
woven materials and ± 5 % for knitted material and nonwovens in either length or width, unless stated
otherwise in a specific standard.
One sample shall be subjected to five cleaning cycles according to 5.2. If both industrial washing and
domestic washing are permitted, only industrial washing shall be carried out. If the manufacturer
includes instructions for washing or washing and dry-cleaning, the garment shall only be wash tested.
If only dry-cleaning is allowed, the garment shall be dry-cleaned.

6 General size designation

Protective clothing shall be marked with its size based on body dimensions measured in centimetres.
The size designation of each garment shall comprise the control dimensions as given in Table 1.
Exceptions shall be specified in detail in the relevant product standards, e.g. Genital protectors for use
in sports. Measurement procedures and the designation of dimensions shall correspond to ISO 3635, if
not otherwise specified in other product standards (see also Annex D).
The size designation system is required especially for labelling.
The interval figures given in Annex D should not be standardized (flexible approach).
Table 1 — Body dimensions for sizing protective clothing
ISO 13688:2013
Protective clothing Control dimensions (ranges expressed as centimetres or kilograms)
1 jacket, coat, vest chest or bust girth and height
2 trousers waist girth and height
3 coverall chest or bust girth and height
4 aprons chest or bust girth, waist girth and height
5 protective equipment (e.g. Select the relevant measurement:
knee pads, back protectors,
—  chest or bust girth, waist girth and height
torso protector)
—  body weight
—  waist to waist over the shoulder length

The manufacturer can also designate additional measurements, e.g. the arm length, the inside leg length
or the hip girth for women’s garments. The value shall correspond to the actual value in centimetres of
the user’s body dimensions.
According to ISO 3635 and Annex D, the figures of size designations on the garment series should be
used to indicate the size. Examples of size designations are shown in Annex D.
Also taking Annex C into account, product standards or the design criteria used by manufacturers for
protective clothing shall take the following into account:
— That if there is a requirement for a zone or zones of protection there shall be a specified numerical
relationship between the dimensions of the specific protective materials or constructions in the
products, and the size of user.
— That it shall be possible to optimize PPE adaptation to user morphology by all appropriate means,
such as adequate adjustment and attachment systems or the provision of an adequate size range.

© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved  5

ISO 13688:2013(E)

— That the proportions and the dimensions of the protective clothing shall reflect the needs of the
users in the environments where it is to be used, with the clothing to be worn with it, and performing
the normal tasks for which it is intended.

7 Marking

7.1 General
Each piece of protective clothing shall be marked.
The marking shall be:
— in the official languages of the state of destination for informative wording (e.g. warning phrases);
— on the product itself or on labels attached to the product;
— affixed so as to be visible and legible;
— durable to the appropriate number of cleaning processes.
The marking and the pictograms should be large enough to convey immediate understanding and to
allow the use of readily legible numbers.
The use of numbers not smaller than 2 mm and pictograms not smaller than 10 mm (including the
frame) is recommended. Numbers and pictograms are recommended to be black on white background.
Warning against mortal hazards should be on the outside of the product.

7.2 Specific
The marking shall include the following information: ISO 13688:2013
a) Name, trademark or other means of identification of the manufacturer or his authorized
b) Designation of the product type, commercial name or code;
c) Size designation according to Clause 6;
d) Identification of the specific product standard;
e) Pictograms and levels of performance, only if required by a product standard. Consequently, the
pictogram of Annex E shall appear in the marking together with the specific product standard
None of the pictograms in Annex E shall be placed on the marking unless required by the specific
product standard.
As a type designation of a hazard or an application the pictogram shall be used as indicated in the
marking requirements of the specific standard (see Tables E.1 and E.2 with pictogram symbols).
Figure 1 shows an example of clothing for protection against heat and flame.

Figure 1 — Example for clothing for protection against heat and flame
(ISO 7000-2417)

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