Lean LP

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Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

A. Discuss the procedures in making open faced sandwiches.

B. Make and sandwiches attractively.

C. Explain the importance of proper food handling and cleanliness.

II. Subject matter: Make a open face sandwiches

a. Procedures in preparing open face sandwiches

https://www.marthastewart.com (September 2, 2020)

b. Materials: Power Point Presentation, TV, Laptop

III. Method: Demonstration

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Pre-demonstration

Good morning class! Good morning teacher.

Before we start, let us pray first, (Student do as told)

Nicole, kindly lead the prayer.

Thank you Nicole.

Before you may take your seats kindly pick up the

pieces of paper on the floor and arrange your
chairs properly.

You may now take your seats.

I guess this is not my first time to teach you, so you

already know my name.

What is my name again? Teacher, Lean.

Alright! What are my rules again? Always attend my class on time.

Listen attentively
If we want to ask a question or answer a question
please we will raise our hands.

Yes, Teacher.
Are my classroom rules clear to you, class?
I’m feeling good, teacher.
Very good, Anyway, how are you today?

Alright! that is good to hear! I know that you are

really excited to learn something new every day.

For your attendance, who is absent today class.

If there is absent, please write it in the ¼ sheet of
paper and pass it to me.

How about your assignment to passed? None teacher.

Before we proceed to our topic for today. Let us
have a short review?

What did we discuss last meeting? Last meeting, we discuss about open faced
Very good! What are the types of appetizers?
The different types of appetizers are cocktail,
canapés and hor d’oeuvres.
Very good! Now what about the classification of
the appetizers according to the ingredients? The different classification of the appetizers are
cocktails food, appetizers salad, hor d’oeuvres,
canapés, and relishes.

That’s correct. Now, let us have an activity.

The title of our activity is called “What appetizers
am I “kindly read the mechanics.


1.Analyze what type of appetizer is being given.

2.Match the correct answer.
3. In your own words, how will you describe

Alright! Who once to volunteer to come in front
and answer what types of appetizer.

Yes, Amie answer the 1st picture 1.cocktail

Lynoel answer the number 2nd 2.relishes
Lynoel answer the number 3rd 3.hor d’oeuvres

Now, your answers are correct. I believe that you

have mastered our lesson from the last meeting.

Now, anyone who can give me the definition of


Yes, Shierly.

Exactly! An appetizer is meant to stimulate your

appetite, making you extra hungry your meal. This
is where the word comes from, literally meaning A appetizers is a small dish of food or a drink taken
“something to whet the appetite” or ‘something to before a meal or the main course of a meal to
appetize”. stimulate one’s appetite.

Is everything clear, class?

2. motivation
Before we start with our lesson. Let us have Yes, Teacher.
an activity. The title for this activity is “4 pics 1

Kindly read the directions.

I will be calling names to answer the given pictures Directions: See the pictures presented on the
so, you all must focus on analyzing the pictures. screen. The participants aim is to work out what
the word is from the set of the letters given below
the pictures.
There are any question?

Ok so, if there is none, let us start.

None, Teacher.




Fantastic! All of your answer are correct.

Now students, what have you noticed with the set

of pictures I have presented?

Yes, Lynoel. It talks about the procedure and sandwiches

Very good.

Statement of the subject matter

Now, since we are talking about sandwiches. This

morning we will be discussing preparing open
faced sandwiches.

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able

I want everyone to listen attentively because at the to:
end of this lesson, you are expected to obtain the
following objectives. Kindly read everyone. a. Enumerate the procedures in preparing open
face sandwiches.
b. Present sandwiches attractively.
c. Explain the importance of proper handling and

Yes, Teacher.
Are the objective clear to you class?

B. Demonstration

Before we proceed the procedures in preparing

open faced sandwiches, let us define what a
sandwiches is.

What comes into your mind when you hear the

word sandwich?
Sandwich, in its basic form, slices of meat, cheese,
Yes, Therese. or other food placed between two slices of bread.

Sandwich is an item of food consisting of two

Very good, everybody read the definition of pieces of bread with meat, cheese, or other filling
sandwich? between them, eaten as a light meal.

Thank you everyone. Here are the ingredients and

procedures in preparing open face sandwiches. But
of course, we need to wear our personal protective
equipment first.

The ingredients needed in preparing open face 1.Slice bread
sandwiches are the following. Everybody, read.
Begin. 2.onio

Thank you class.

Now, after knowing the ingredients in preparing

open face sandwiches. What else do we need to
have in preparing open face sandwiches?

Yes, Therese. We need materials teacher.

That’s right, we need material in preparing open

face sandwiches.

Here are the materials needed. Everybody read Materials:

3.mixing bowl

Thank you class.

Let us proceed to the procedures.

I encourage all of you to give your attention as I do

it step by step.

First is to prepare mise en place. Since all the

materials are already set up and the ingredients
are prepared already, let us proceed to the second

Class, what happens if we don't follow the mise en

place in cooking?

Yes, Jamaica? If we don't follow the mise en place in cooking, it

can lead to several challenges and difficulties in the

Correct, Mise en place helps in avoiding mistakes

and errors during the cooking process.

Second is slice the tomato, onion, and lettuce, if

the vegetable is already finish slicing. Spread some
amount of mayonnaise on the top of the slice

Anyone in the class have an experience in (Students answer may vary)

preparing open face sandwiches? Kindly share to
the class what ingredient you used?

Amazing. You can use any ingredients that you like

in which suitable to the recipe.
Third is after spreading the mayonnaise, add
toppings such as lettuce, onion, egg and tomato.
After adding the topping put it in the plate and
serve it attractively.

So since we are done, do you have any question

class? None, Teacher.

If none, we will have now our activity.

C. Post demonstration

At this moment, I would like everybody to read the

mechanics of the activity. Begin. Mechanics:

1.Divide the class in to 2 groups.

2.Perform the procedure in preparing open face
3.Do this by group. Finish this in 2 minutes.

Are my mechanics clear to you class?

Yes, Teacher.

(The student do the activity)

Values Integration

Remember that making open face sandwiches

necessitates not just mastery of the recipe but also
proper preparation techniques, such as adhering to
relevant food safety handling.

What are the example of these standard?

I think proper food handling is included, teacher.
That is right! Food handling is safe for public
consumption. It is adhering safety precaution when preparing
Exactly! It is essential keeping cleanliness and
safety since being careful with the foods you make
for the people will consume them implies that you
care about them.

Activity 2

Direction: Enumerate the ingredients and

procedures in preparing open face sandwiches
using your own words. Make sure to list it
accordingly. Write it in the short bond paper.
(Submit next meeting)


Directions: Make your own recipe in preparing

sandwiches. You can choose what type of
sandwiches you will make. Do this through video
recording and submit it on google drive. Follow the
given rubrics.


Proper execute of the methods- 10

Neatness and clarify of procedures-10


What can be done to ensure proper food

handling ?

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