Rise and Shine 5 TB
Rise and Shine 5 TB
Rise and Shine 5 TB
Teacher’s Book and eBook with Digital Resources
Built-in GSE Learning Objectives allow teachers to track, plan and
measure each learner’s progress. Child-friendly charts show their
personal learning journey, promoting autonomy and responsibility.
With a rigorous approach to formative assessment, every lesson is
designed to help each child achieve their learning goals.
Appealing stories and real-life content create a world that young For pupils
learners can relate to in their own lives. Well-structured activities
• Pupil’s Book and eBook
develop future skills, such as collaboration and teamwork,
communication, critical and creative thinking, and self-management. • Activity Book and eBook
• Busy Book
Rise and Shine’s unique mix of printed and digital components is
• Digital Activities
designed for use in inclusive classrooms. Support for individual
learning needs ensures learners grow in confidence and achieve
their best, preparing them to become global citizens of tomorrow.
• 360° online games powered by
• Assignable digital activities and tests
• Our World videos
• Themes from the Sustainable Development Goals
For teachers
CEFR GSE Benchmark Cambridge English • Teacher’s Book
Level 1 <A1/A1 10-22 - Pre A1 Starters • Flashcards
Level 2 <A1/A1 15-26 Level 1 Pre A1 Starters • Posters
Level 3 A1 22-30 Level 2 A1 Movers
Catherine Zgouras
• Presentation Tool
Level 4 A1/A2 26-35 Level 3 A1 Movers
• Online Assessment Pack
Level 5 A2 31-39 Level 3/4 A2 Flyers
with Test Generator
Level 6 A2+ 35-42 Level 4 A2 Flyers
• Digital Resources
Teacher’s Book
British English Edition
and eBook
with Digital Resources
31-39 A2
We support the Sustainable Development Goals
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Teacher’s Book
Bella Sam Nadia Leo
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Candid68 7, Chepko Danil Vitalevich 17, Christian Lehmann 18,
First published 2022 clarst5 17, dantess 27, Evgeny Karandaev 49, fi lippo giuliani 38,
goodluz 60, ID-VIDEO 66, JCStudio 51, Lopolo 44, Lucky Business
ISBN: 978-1-292-36934-1 61, Lutsina Tatiana 26, Mikbiz 66, Nik Niklz 18, one photo 12,
Pearl PhotoPix 49, Peter Turner Photography 39, Philip Date 40,
Set in Mark OT Pro Book PhotoMagicWorld 47, Rob Wilson 66, Roman Arbuzov 27, Sergey
(Pupil’s Book pages set in Daytona Pro Primary) Novikov 56, Soho A Studio 26, SpeedKingz 93, Svetlana Foote 17,
tankist276 28, ted.ns 71, tetiana_u 66, TinnaPong 44, Travelerpix
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Course overview
Scope and sequence 4
Introduction 6
Using Rise and Shine 8
Component overview 10
Course methodology
Skills development in Rise and Shine 12
Future skills 13
Unit walkthrough 15
Measuring progress in Rise and Shine 18
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Scope and sequence
Vocabulary 1 Grammar 1 Vocabulary 2 Grammar 2
Places: bridge, building, city What do you like Countries: What time do you
Welcome centre, city hall, farm, fields, doing? I like (talking Argentina, China, wake up? I wake
A great place to flat, hills, street, village to people). Italy, Mexico, Poland, up at (five past /
Spain, Turkey, UK, to seven).
live What does he / she
like doing? He / she
likes (helping people).
4 Course overview
F03_RS_TB5_6000_F03.indd 4 5/24/21 9:37 AM
Pronunciation Functional language Global citizenship Project
Talking about ability Working together where we A website A progress puzzle
We can plant more trees and live
apple /æ/, Expressing surprise Learning about animal An animal A wildlife space
day /eɪ/ Wow! Really? That’s habitats fact file
unbelievable! How amazing! climate, habitat, shelter, survive
foot /ʊ/, Giving advice and making Using technology responsibly A blog post A technology
shoe /uː/ suggestions and safely advice poster
You should (talk to somebody). chat online, make video calls,
You shouldn’t (talk to people search the internet, open
you don’t know). emails
climb /kl/, Making and responding to Sharing skills with others Instructions A class skills share
create /kr/ offers air, flat, float, sink
Shall I help you? Oh, thank
you! That’s very kind.
clear /ɪə/, Asking for clarification and Celebrating different A review An international
please /i:/ checking understanding festivals festival display
What does (baklava) mean? moon, sky, stars, sun
How do you spell (baklava)?
waited /ɪd/, Asking for and giving Helping our communities A story A kindness wall
smiled /d/, reasons collect, donate, project,
walked /t/ Why did she need help? volunteer
She needed help because (her
shopping was heavy).
speaking /sp/, Agreeing and disagreeing Learning about ecotourism An email A tourist brochure
stadium /st/ I agree. I disagree. accommodation, culture,
ecotourism, souvenir
Course overview 5
F03_RS_TB5_6000_F03.indd 5 5/24/21 9:37 AM
Rise and Shine is a six-level primary course that develops language alongside global citizenship and future skills. Fun
Wonder Imagine Build Grow
characters, relatable stories and real-life videos support Shine clear, child-friendly learning objectives that motivate pupils on
their English learning journey. Clear, structured lessons build to a final unit project and offer real opportunities to achieve,
track and measure progress, encouraging pupils to think about and take ownership of their own learning.
Rise and Shine provides a unique toolkit Our wildlife
to support spaceteachers in identifying and addressing the needs of every pupil. Clear,
6 outcomes
Think about animalsthat that pupils can see and celebrate
There’s a bee hotel. motivate them to engage with the new experience of language
learning. Targeted support
will visit your wildlife It gives sheltermean
and achievable activities to bees. that every pupil has a chance to thrive and teachers can address
space. What habitats do
as mixed ability and special educational needs.
7 Share your ideas with
your group. Choose
animals and habitats for
Course principles your wildlife space.
and support them in understanding exactly how far they Rise and Shine is also designed for use in inclusive and
have come and where they are heading on their learning mixed-ability classrooms. It helps all pupils achieve their
journey. This learning journey is signposted to pupils by learning goals, while recognising that this will look different
coloured progress path in the Pupil’s Book. for different pupils. Activities and lessons are structured to be
increasingly challenging to allow all pupils to achieve.
activities that spark interest, draw on prior
Rise and Shine recognises that teachers need their time to
knowledge and set out the quest for the unit
Wonder shine, too! Ideas to support and stretch individual pupils are
imaginative stories and activities that encourage offered in each lesson, alongside clear teaching notes divided
cognitive engagement by lesson stage. Each I can shine activity is supported by a
framework of Achieve, Adjust, Exceed to empower teachers to
meaningful language input and practice, providing assess progress at each stage of the unit.
direction and support, with a strong focus on Development of future skills and global citizenship
building communication skills and confidence
English is more than just a school subject in the 21st century
real-world content that opens pupils’ eyes through – it is a medium through which children learn about life,
a global citizenship objective and provides and global and local issues which are relevant to them. Rise
opportunities to relate language back to their and Shine supports and guides pupils on their own learning
own lives journey through dedicated helpers in each stage of the unit.
Just like the characters in their favourite adventure stories,
a final unit project broken down into differentiated pupils face exciting tasks that help them build a greater
steps to allow every pupil to showcase their understanding of themselves and the world around them,
achievements all the while working towards clear learning goals.
6 Course overview
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Welcome to the Great Places team
Each level of Rise and Shine takes place in a different
setting that is relatable to pupils but offers opportunities
to explore. Level 5 takes place in and around the City Hall,
where we meet the following main characters: Bella, Sam,
Nadia, Leo and Alex. Pupils will relate to the importance
of the local community as the characters work together
to complete projects in time for the Great Places Festival,
where they hope to showcase everything the area where
they live has to offer.
Course overview 7
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Using Rise and Shine
Vocabulary and structures Real world links
Vocabulary in Rise and Shine has been carefully selected Rise and Shine is story based and each level revolves around
to be relevant to pupils and their lives and is presented in the community-based adventures of a set of characters.
logical topic sets. Key vocabulary is always presented using The stories and settings have been carefully chosen to be
the course characters or stories to provide pupils with a interesting and perhaps slightly unusual to pupils, while still
familiar context for the new language. Lesson 1 presents being firmly rooted in reality. The result is characters and
ten key vocabulary items while an additional six key items stories that pupils can fully relate to but are exciting enough
are presented in Lesson 3. Vocabulary lessons always to capture and keep their attention. Real world links are
offer opportunities for pupils to reflect and share what further reinforced through dedicated functional language
they already know on the topic, before clear presentation lessons, beautiful photographs, global citizenship themes
and practice stages. The Activity Book provides additional and videos.
vocabulary practice. The Word connections pages at the
end of the Activity Book can be used to consolidate the Projects
vocabulary of each unit. In addition to the key vocabulary, Every unit in Rise and Shine builds up to a final project that
four related vocabulary items are presented in Lesson 6 as gives every pupil their Time to shine. As pupils move through
part of global citizenship. the unit, they collect the language, knowledge and skills they
need to complete a final task that provides the opportunity
In Level 5, grammar structures are taught in simple chunks
for pupils to apply everything they have learnt. Projects
that pupils are able to grasp more easily than complex
are broken down into achievable steps, so that every pupil
grammar rules. New structures are presented in a reading or
can achieve at the appropriate level of challenge. For more
listening context in Lessons 2 and 4. New language is clearly
information on projects, see page 20.
highlighted in boxes on the Pupil’s Book page which provide
a reference point for pupils as they learn and practise. Inclusive classroom
Grammar is further consolidated through a song in lesson 4. Rise and Shine is specially developed to support every
Every lesson includes opportunities for pupils to recycle pupil to achieve. Assessment for Learning methodology and
language from previous lessons and units. New language is personalised activities support all pupils, with opportunities
never presented in isolation but in the context of what pupils for extra support and stretch embedded into the lessons.
have already learnt so that they are more likely to retain it. Teachers are provided with clear guidance and targeted
support in formative assessment activities, as well as tips
Skills and tricks throughout the course. For more information on
Rise and Shine systematically develops the four skills managing inclusive classrooms, see page 21.
through a stepped approach clearly defined in the lesson
flow. Each skill is developed independently in the early part Assessment
of the unit, before being brought together with an integrated Rise and Shine offers comprehensive in-course assessment
skills approach in the Grow stage. Learning objectives to measure pupils’ mastery of the language and skills taught
covered in Rise and Shine have been specifically selected to in the Pupil’s Books in relation to specific learning outcomes.
help pupils at this level develop skills in a structured way. A Diagnostic test helps teachers check previous learning
Special emphasis is put on communication, with a dedicated and identify any areas for particular attention throughout
lesson in the Build stage to develop spoken communication the year. Dedicated activities in the Pupil’s Book provide
skills and confidence. For more detailed information on how opportunities for informal assessment at every stage of the
skills are developed in Rise and Shine, see page 12. unit, while Unit tests provide a more formal assessment
of the unit objectives. Review lessons and cumulative
Global citizenship Progress Review tests every two units enable teachers to
A dedicated global citizenship lesson provides opportunities check progress regularly against the key learning outcomes
for pupils to explore the wider world by bringing real for the level. The final End of Year test offers a more
world content into the classroom. Each unit has a different formal evaluation of the year’s learning. For more detailed
global citizenship focus that encourages pupils to think information on how to assess pupil performance, see pages
about global and local contexts, with emphasis on cultural 18 and 19.
awareness, empathy with local and global issues, and social-
emotional skills development. For more information on global
citizenship, see page 13.
8 Course overview
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Keeping young pupils motivated and on task in the
classroom can be a challenge, especially in large and / or
mixed ability groups. Rise and Shine supports teachers by
• a wide variety of purposeful activities so pupils never feel
that they are doing the same activity types over and over,
• fun contexts that pupils can relate to,
• age-appropriate real world content,
• stories, songs, games and projects that provide plenty
of fun,
• lots of opportunities for pupils to communicate about
themselves and their own lives,
• clear goals and opportunities for reflection with story
character ‘helpers’,
• activities that build confidence and a sense of
achievement for every pupil.
Course overview 9
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Component overview
For pupils
Pupil’s Book and eBook Activity Book and eBook
The Pupil’s Book provides material to present and The Activity Book provides reinforcement and
practise the key language effectively. It is divided into consolidation of the language and skills presented in
six core units, a Welcome unit, a Goodbye lesson, four the Pupil’s Book. It contains practice for every lesson in
Celebrations lessons, six Future skills lessons and six the Pupil’s Book and a Word connections list to support
Grammar lessons. pupils in reviewing and remembering key vocabulary.
The Activity Book is also available as an eBook.
1 A tortoise is slower than a cheetah. (slow / fast)
10 6 7 8 9 10
3 Choose and say. 2 A rabbit . (tall / short)
2 1 A beetle is bigger / smaller than a tortoise.
2 A wolf is taller / shorter than a camel.
3 A crocodile is cuter / scarier than a deer. 3 A deer . (cute / scary)
4 A tortoise is faster / slower than a cheetah.
3 cheetah What can you see? 3 Watch the video. 1 There’s a wolf in the mountains.
4 kangaroo 1 1.01
Listen and explore. 4 Where do the I can shine!
2 There’s a in the desert. I can shine!
5 deer animals live? Say. 3 in the river.
2 1.02
Listen, point and say. 4 sky.
3 Choose your favourite animal. Write a riddle for a partner.
6 eagle The wolf lives in 5 Make riddles about animals.
7 camel the mountains. 5 snow. It’s .
It’s faster than a camel, but it’s
8 wolf slower than a cheetah. It lives in It lives .
The crocodile the forest. What is it? Tell me!
9 polar bear What animals It’s than a .
lives in the river. Which animals are on grass?
10 beetle live near your
I can compare two animals.
home? It’s .
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ans journal
Explore wit
You’re the magazine
My travel pl
writer! Finish the text. Stick in photos,
Accommodation draw and write.
Things to think about:
• How am I going to travel?
If you’re going to stay in a This hotel is cold: between
• Where am I going to stay?
tent, you must tidy up. -3°C and 5°C. A good sleeping
• What places or festivals am I going to visit?
Plastic rubbish stays on bag is very important!
• What wildlife am I going to see?
Earth for 500 years! You should also bring
• What skills am I going to learn or use?
You should
30 31
10 Course overview
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For teachers
Teacher’s Book Rise and Shine on the Pearson English Portal
The Teacher’s Book supports teachers in planning and Presentation tool
making sure pupils get the most out of Rise and Shine. The presentation tool offers teachers online lessons for
It provides step-by-step lesson plans for every lesson, presenting the material using an interactive whiteboard
along with ideas for extra activities and games. It or projector. The lessons contain activities mirroring the
also provides a detailed introduction that outlines the sequence of material in the Pupil’s Book and the Teacher’s
methodology, as well as recommendations for effective Book but in an interactive format best suited to a digital
use of all the course resources. experience with integrated answers, audio, video and
classroom tools. The lessons also contain all the audio
1 Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 10
1 for the course. Teachers can navigate the material using
the interactive lesson flow or traditional page view. The
1 1.01 Listen and explore. Activity Book page 4
Objectives Wonder: sparking curiosity Wonder D
iagn ose
• Lesson aim: to name and describe animals, and talk about •Encourage pupils to think about ● Ask pupils what they think the conversation will be about.
Write three animals that live in the ocean. This activity
s R e v i ew
where they live where wild animals usually live. Ask if wild animals ● Tell pupils to listen carefully and point to the animals or
reviews words pupils may already know which link to the
• Target language: beetle, camel, cheetah, crocodile, deer, eagle, should be taken out of their environment and things they hear. SUPPORT Play the audio with pauses and
vocabulary topic for this unit. This recycles wildlife words
kangaroo, polar bear, tortoise, wolf placed in zoos or even kept as pets. Encourage have pupils say what they just heard. STRETCH As a follow
available offline.
3 Watch the video.
Exploring wildlife
Ask pupils to name different animals that they
● Explain to pupils they will now watch a video showing how Look at Activity 1 and write. Pupils look at the photos in
know. Write them on the board. Ask a pupil to Activity 1 to complete the sentences.
choose an animal from the board and have the animals and people can live together. Before playing the
pupil describe the animal as best they can for the video, ask pupils to guess what animals they might see in
class to guess. the video. ANSWER KEY: 2 camel, 3 There’s a crocodile in the river.
● Play the Our World video and elicit answers (birds, iguanas, 4 There’s an eagle in the sky. 5 There’s a polar bear in the
seals, flamingos, penguins, tortoises, sharks). snow.
Name, describe and compare animals.
Big Picture: What can you see? In
danger? e.g. a beautiful eagle, a small, white polar bear. them in order. They can write in their notebooks and if another
Tell pupils that the underlined words describe helper is (Bella).
pupil has finished and done the activity too, they can compare
2 something. They are called adjectives and they Have pupils think about all the different animals they answers together.
go before the thing we are describing (the noun). know. Elicit different animals and write their ideas on
STRETCH Ask pupils to look at the picture and say the board. Then read Bella’s question to the class and
what else they see in it, e.g. some big trees, some Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
ask pupils to say which of those animals they can find
green grass. near where they live. To extend the activity, have pupils Nadia Hey, Leo! Look at the artwork! It’s cool!
1 tortoise Lesson 1 Leo Wow! Is that a cheetah in the tree?
say which of them they can find in the country, but not
2 crocodile Nadia Yes, it is. There’s a deer hiding in the forest, too.
What can you see? 3 Watch the video. TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: recycling vocabulary necessarily close to where they live.
3 cheetah Leo Yeah! And there’s a crocodile in the river.
4 kangaroo
A good way of recycling vocabulary is to play
1 1.01
Listen and explore. 4 Where do the Nadia Oh, yes! I think the crocodile is scarier than the
5 deer animals live? Say. the True / False game. Tell pupils to look at the
cheetah! What’s in the mountains?
6 eagle
2 1.02
Listen, point and say. picture. Say There is a city hall. (False) There is a FUTURE SKILLS: enquiry and imagination
The wolf lives in Leo There’s a wolf. Look at its grey fur.
7 camel the mountains. tree. (True). Pupils say if the sentences are true Ask pupils what wild animals they have in their country Nadia Yes, it’s strong. And there’s a beautiful eagle flying
8 wolf
or false. Continue with more sentences. and if they are in danger in any way. Ask what they can do in the sky. It’s got big wings.
The crocodile
9 polar bear What animals lives in the river.
to protect them. Leo Oh, yes! And I can see a tortoise in the grass.
10 beetle live near your
home? I wonder Nadia Really? Where? Oh yes, I can see it. Look! There’s
a big white polar bear in the snow.
10 Vocabulary Animals
● Draw pupils’ attention to the I Structures
wonderA question.
(deer) is (shorter) than a (camel). Ending the lesson Leo Wow! That’s my favourite animal. And is that a
Have pupils recall any animals they know that are camel in the desert?
in danger. Ask pupils why they think some animals
● Play Bingo with the class. Ask pupils to write six animals in
M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 10 5/5/21 1:43 PM
their notebooks. Explain that you will say different animals. Nadia Oh, yes! Oh, look what’s on my hand!
are in danger. Explain that they will learn more Leo What’s that?
about the answer to this in the unit. If the animal you say is on their list, they cross it off. When
all the animals have been ticked off, they say Bingo! As Nadia It’s a beetle!
you say each animal, raise its corresponding flashcard to Leo Oh, of course! There are beetles in our town and
reinforce vocabulary learning. other animals, too. Like deer, butterflies, foxes,
t t t t t t t t t t t t t t
40 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture I wonder Presentation:
Activity 1
Activity 2
Flashcards Extra
Our World video:
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
Class audio The Pearson English Portal is an online location where
teachers and pupils can find all the materials and tools
The class audio contains all the recordings for which can be used inside and / or outside the classroom
the Pupil’s Book and Activity Book. All tracks are with Rise and Shine. Teachers can use it for lesson
appropriately numbered on the pages of the Pupil’s preparation, for delivering lessons, to assign and track
Book and the Activity Book. All audio for the series homework, to monitor pupils’ performance and to manage
can be found in the teacher resources on the Pearson their classes. The resources available to teachers include:
English Portal.
• assignable online homework with automatic grading,
• a tool for tracking the performance of both individual
Assessment Pack pupils and the whole class,
The Rise and Shine Assessment Pack contains everything • an assessment pack,
needed for regular, formal assessment including a • all the audio and video for the course in one place,
Diagnostic test, Unit tests, Progress Review tests and an
End of Year test. The Assessment Pack is available on • digital versions of posters and flashcards,
the Pearson English Portal. • extra resources, such as worksheets and games.
Flashcards Posters
There are 106 flashcards at Level 5, illustrating the The posters designed for Rise and Shine are a great visual
vocabulary sets for each unit. The lesson plans offer aid and can be used throughout the course. The posters
ideas and support for using flashcards to present, include an introduction to the Level 5 characters and
practise and consolidate language through games and setting, vocabulary items, the Pupil’s Book Progress Chart,
activities. encouraging mindfulness and a growth mindset.
Course overview 11
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Skills development in Rise and Shine
Support Lowest within range Highest within range Stretch
Speaking Can describe someone’s Can answer simple Can give a short, basic Can answer simple
physical appearance in questions about habits description of a special questions after giving a
a basic way, if guided by and daily routines. (31) event if guided by presentation on a school
questions or prompts. (29) questions or prompts. (39) topic. (42)
The skills syllabus has been developed using the Global Within the four language skills, the sets of learning
Scale of English (GSE) Learning Objectives and the GSE Skill objectives are grouped into strands relating to accuracy and
Development Framework for Young Learners, which provides appropriacy, complexity and organisation, interaction and
structured scaffolding to support teachers and pupils. strategies. Within these strands, the objectives are further
At Level 5, the GSE range covered is 31–39 as core but grouped into specific areas of competency and then further
includes learning objectives as high as 42 as stretch. aligned to key development indicators. See example:
The four skills are systematically developed within each level Speaking
and across the course as a whole. GSE Learning Objective: Can give a short, basic
Reading: Tasks are designed to gradually increase description of a special event if guided by questions or
proficiency in terms of speed, accuracy, comprehension, prompts. (39)
interactive reading skills and use of reading strategies, as Competency: Building Complexity – talking about and
well as to enrich vocabulary. Texts gradually increase in describing a range of topics, situations, feelings, and
length and complexity over the course so that the challenge attitudes with an increasing level of detail and complexity.
is always appropriate to the level of the pupils. By the end
of Level 5 pupils should have developed their early reading, Development Indicator: Learners can use simple
decoding and phonics skills introduced and practiced in language to talk about and describe familiar objects and
Levels 1–4. They should comfortably identify the number situations or express basic opinions or attitudes in short
of syllables in a word, and recognise familiar words in stretches of speech.
unfamiliar contexts in stories and descriptive texts. The development indicators capture each discrete skill that
Writing: Writing skills are developed and coordinated with pupils are aiming to acquire. Breaking the skills down in this
reading skills so that pupils are able to master both reading way supports the development of related skills that build on
and writing in English. In level 5, pupils will be expected to one another and are at the right level, giving pupils the best
work on their text complexity and on their text development chance to learn and achieve.
strategies, with the highest expectation of writing to be The skill coverage charts on the Pearson English Portal show
writing a short text of 3–4 compound sentences, based on the key skills covered across the course and the learning
a model. objectives in each level that relate to these. By monitoring
Speaking: Speaking skills are taught through a meaningful pupil performance on the tasks relating to these objectives,
task-based approach. The course draws on a range of teachers can see how pupils are progressing within and
approaches to teaching speaking, in which pupils have plenty across levels and where they may need more opportunity to
of opportunities to engage in communicative activities. The practise, so they can build this into their planning. Note that
course provides a supportive framework for pupils to make lessons are based on individual learning objectives but pupil
the language their own. By the end of Level 5 pupils should progress is measured in terms of their performance on the
be able to recall skills introduced and practised throughout key indicators selected for the course.
the level, i.e. answer simple questions, politely refuse simple The Pupil’s Progress Chart enables pupils to think about and
requests, tell the time of day, act out parts of a picture document their progress in an age-appropriate way as they
story. Pupils should also be working towards asking basic move along the learning journey. Teachers can also use the
questions about a past event and introducing a new topic chart as a clear visual reference to showcase pupils’ learning
into a conversation or discussion. and progress to parents.
Listening: In level 5, listening sub-skills are systematically
F01_RS_PB5_5584_F01.indd 3
I can ask for and give I can participate in I can make and I can ask and answer
information about my social exchanges. respond to offers, questions about past
community. suggestions and events and future
requests for plans.
I can write sentences I can link simple I can write short texts I can use the correct
to describe pictures. sentences and add on familiar topics. phrases for different
detail to my writing. text types.
10/03/2021 12:59
12 Course methodology
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Future skills
Every unit in the Teacher’s Book starts with a unit overview Future skills are general and transferable skills that contribute
of the key areas covered in the unit. As well as highlighting to how someone functions in the world, both individually and
target language for the unit, it also acts as an at-a-glance with others, and are sometimes known as ‘soft skills’. These
guide to the unit objectives and key progress indicators. are personal and social skills that pupils will need to become
responsible citizens and include well known skills such as
collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, social
A great place to live responsibility, self-management and leadership.
Unit overview
Welcome Target vocabulary Target structures
Places: bridge, building, city centre, city hall, farm, field, flat, What do you like doing? I like (talking to people).
hill, street, village
Functional language
Key learning outcomes
modelled by the course characters throughout. Clearly
Working together where we live
in Welcome, the pupils will: We can plant more trees and flowers.
Competency focus
Recycling and building
Can take part in a very simple conversation on a familiar Participate appropriately in common social and
topic (e.g. their home, family, school) if the other speaker interpersonal exchanges using simple language and
repeats questions as necessary and speaks slowly and expressions.
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics and at the highest level
being able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
30 31
In all levels of Rise and Shine, pupils are provided with
opportunities to be creative and use their imaginations,
through stories, activities and projects. In lower levels,
The Global Scale of English (GSE) is a standardised, creative thinking skills are facilitated through activities that
granular scale which measures English language proficiency. promote new and original ideas and help pupils express
Unlike some other frameworks which describe attainment themselves. Pupils may be asked to evaluate ideas and
in broad bands, the GSE identifies what a learner can do communicate new ideas to others. At higher levels, pupils
at each point on a 10–90 scale across speaking, listening, are encouraged to use mind maps.
reading and writing skills. The scale is designed to motivate
learners by giving more granular insight into learning Critical and reflective thinking
progress. Teachers can use the GSE level to match a pupil Activities in Rise and Shine have been developed to provide
to the right course materials for their exact level and a level of cognitive challenge in line with pupils’ age. As
learning goals. they move through the course, pupils are asked to engage
The badging on the back of the coursebook indicates the with the language using lower and higher order thinking
GSE proficiency range from which the learning objectives skills, as appropriate. There are constant opportunities
for that course level have been selected. A course will for information processing, using skills such as following
not cover all learning objectives from that range – just a instructions, locating and collecting information, classifying
representative selection that is appropriate to the target and sequencing ideas, which contribute to pupils’ ability to
learners. Knowing this range helps you select additional retain and confidently use the key language. Rise and Shine
materials with the right level of support and challenge for also provides pupils with consistent opportunities for self-
your pupils to help them progress. It does not mean that assessment and reflection.
pupils need to have mastered all objectives below the range Collaboration and communication
before starting the course, or that they will all be at the top
of the range by the end. Rise and Shine offers a unit structure that encourages pupils
to work together towards a shared goal. Individual and pair
The Global Scale of English framework contains learning work activities develop throughout the course from short
objectives for all four skills for language learners in four answers and dialogues to group work and team projects. As
different domains: Young Learners, Adult Learners, Academic
al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz
ob e ob e ob e ob e ob
communication and collaboration are integrated with other
Learners and Professional Learners. The objectives in each skills, a holistic approach is encouraged and promoted from
Let’s be
I share
I celebrate all
I play with
I try
set have been rated by experts and teachers in each of the outset to encourage shared participation and responsibility
those domains from around the world for their relevance to find answers with valued individual contributions.
and level of difficulty for learners in that context.
Social responsibility and globalOptB
To see full sets of the objectives and
Let’s be I celebrate all I play with I try
friends families! friends!
I share
GSE to support teaching and take responsibility for their behaviour in the world and to
assessment of your learners, please behave with sensitivity toward social, cultural,
civic and
go to www.english.com/gse. environmental issues. Rise and Shine encourages this through
Let’s be
I share
I celebrate all
I play with
I try
the belief that every pupil can make a difference. Let’s be
I share
I celebrate all
I play with
I try
Course methodology 13
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Rise and Shine puts particular emphasis on cultural Self-management and leadership
awareness, empathy with local and global issues, and
Self-management enables pupils to organise their work
social-emotional skills development. Context and content in
and progress through skills such as organisation, planning,
the Imagine and Shine stages support the development of
persistence and attention to detail. Activities in Rise and Shine
responsible global citizens, while the Grow stage provides the
are carefully staged and more complex activities, such as
opportunity for pupils to consider the wider world. Activities
writing and projects, are presented in clear steps to support
use the global context to encourage pupils to think about
pupils as they learn to plan and organise their time. Pupils
both local and global relevance.
are also actively encouraged to develop their leadership skills
through activities that enable problem-solving, teamwork,
presenting and assessment of pupils’ own progress and
Future skills helpers
The Rise and Shine unit stages link to future skills
Rise and Shine promotes persistence and a growth mindset in
and each stage has a dedicated ‘helper’ who guides and
the classroom, which helps pupils view ability as something
supports pupils in activities that develop these skills.
that is changeable rather than fixed. Activities encourage
pupils to relish challenges, embrace their mistakes as part of
The Wonder helper Bella the learning process, value the importance of effort, respond
sparks pupils’ interest and carefully to feedback and take inspiration from others. This
enquiry with a personalised will help them achieve, not only in the English classroom, but
question. also in their future lives as adults.
• Enquiry The Teacher’s Book offers teachers extra support by explaining
• Critical and reflective how images, stories and activities spark curiosity, foster
imagination and creative thinking, build confidence, nurture
growth and allow pupils to shine.
14 Course methodology
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Unit walkthrough
Unit title: sets out the quest for the unit and Progress path: sets out the learner journey and reaffirms
the project end goal. the stage the pupils are on.
3 Choose and say.
2 1 A beetle is bigger / smaller than a tortoise.
2 A wolf is taller / shorter than a camel.
3 A crocodile is cuter / scarier than a deer.
4 A tortoise is faster / slower than a cheetah.
4 kangaroo 1 1.01
Listen and explore. 4 Where do the I can shine!
5 deer animals live? Say.
6 eagle
2 1.02
Listen, point and say.
5 Make riddles about animals.
The wolf lives in
7 camel the mountains.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
Wonder stage: activities to spark curiosity. • Presentation and practice of grammar. New structures are
presented through a reading and / or listening activity and
• Presentation and practice of vocabulary with then consolidated.
audio support. Previous knowledge of the topic
is activated through an Assessment for Learning • Clear and concise learning objectives help clarify the aim
activity. of the lesson for the teacher and parent.
• Pupils listen to the key unit vocabulary in the I can shine at the end of the lesson practises the language
context of a dialogue between the characters. and structures in a communicative speaking task.
• Target vocabulary is included in the engaging Digital: Grammar presentation and additional grammar
and highly illustrated big picture. practice.
• Our world video, with real life footage, shows Further practice of the target language is provided in the
learning in context.
Activity Book for all lessons. Lesson 9 provides pupils with
• The Pearson English Portal offers pupils of an opportunity to consolidate and personalise their learning
all levels further practice to help reinforce the
though the journal activity.
learning objectives and consolidate their learning.
• The Activity Book Word connections list helps 1
Lesson 8 Unit 1 Review
2 1.19
Look and write. Then listen and check. Camels
The same
VS Desert tortoises
1 young The cheetah is younger than the wolf.
Camels and desert tortoises live in
desert habitats.
2 slow Camels and desert tortoises eat plants.
Camels are more dangerous
3 dangerous
than desert tortoises.
Camels have got bigger feet than
4 colourful tortoises.
10 Extra time? I live in grasslands. I’m bigger than a tortoise. I jump on two legs. What am I? Home-school link Tell your family about your favourite animals. 11
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Lesson 3
Wonder Build Grow Shine
Lesson 3
Read and listen. What does the girl learn from
the animals?
• The story develops reading skills and 4 5 6 ‘We need wood for the fire,’ says the old woman.
‘I’m stronger than you, Grandma,’ says the girl. ‘I can go to the forest.’
‘Be careful’, says her grandmother, ‘There are dangerous animals.’
strategies as well as presenting new target In the forest, the girl starts to cut down a tree. Some colourful parrots
fly out. ‘Go away!’ they call.
1 Grandma says, ‘There are kind / dangerous animals’.
The girl sees a bee. It’s working in the flowers.
I can shine!
The girl is surprised.
The I can shine task enables further 5 Imagine another animal in the story.
‘Listen!’ says the wolf. ‘Trees are important. They’re our homes and our
food. They give us oxygen.You’re an intelligent person! Take some
Lesson 4
Wonder Imagine Grow Shine
Lesson 4 Lesson 5
1 1.06
Read and listen. Why does Joe like cheetahs? 1 1.09
Read and listen. What is 2 1.10
Listen again and repeat
Bella making? the words in blue.
Build stage: meaningful language input Akanni: My favourite animals are deer.
Joe: I think cheetahs are better
than deer.
What are you doing?
I’m making a hotel for bees to
through listening and reading, with further The cheetah is more beautiful than the deer.
insects that make food for us.
How amazing!
That’s why I’m making a bee
vocabulary practice.
Cheetahs are more dangerous than deer.
3 4 Pronunciation
14 15
Digital: additional grammar practice; karaoke
Structures and song The (cheetah) is more (beautiful) than the (deer). Communication Expressing surprise.
Lesson 5
• A clear, character-led, presentation of key functional language in a relevant context.
• A pairwork activity that provides the opportunity for pupils to repeat the speaking model
followed by controlled practice.
• A light pronunciation strand that pulls out sounds from the language in the unit.
• Communication cards that are tied to a GSE speaking skills Learning Objectives.
Digital: Extended pronunciation presentation and practice; Communication cards.
16 Course methodology
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al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz
ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
Lesson 6
al Citiz Wonder Imagine Shine
Let’s be Learning about I play with I try different I appreciate
Lesson 6 friends
I share
animal friends! food! special clothes Lesson 7
toys! habitats.
Lorem ipsum
1 2 1 1.17
Read and listen. Where can you 2 Read again. Find words to
that opens pupils’ eyes through a global Animal habitats Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
Animals live in different habitats around the world. All animals need food and shelter.
But some habitats are dangerous for animals. How do they survive?
Fact fi|e: Frogs
Fact fi|e:
citizenship strand. Which a Frogs are small and
Ladybirds green, with two big eyes,
al Citiz al Ccold
itiz climate al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz
ob Arctic e habitat with
ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e Ladybirds are small beetles. a big mouth and strong
back legs. They’re bigger
They’ve got two beautiful red
ls c n
an you fi
• Real-world reading text.
OptD wings with black spots. than ladybirds. They live
Let’s be
I share
I celebrate all
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes Ladybirds are more colourful in water and near the
than many other beetles. They pond. They eat insects
live in the grass and on flowers and small animals.
near the pond. They eat small
in the lesson and develops listening skills looking for food and shelter. Many animals need our help to survive in the future.
Where does it live?
Eagles live in…
the Arctic?
I can shine!
• Alex, the Grow helper, asks a question that
Listen again. Then answer.
2 How do cheetahs survive
in grasslands? 1 Desert tortoises are smaller / stronger 3
3 Why are some animals than some other tortoises.
moving into cities? 2 They can / can’t run fast. 5 Write your animal
encourages children to draw comparisons 3 Desert tortoises eat desert plants / small Deer eat… and… . fact file.
How can we help wild animals.
animals in our cities? 4 Desert tortoises can survive without water I can write an animal fact file.
16 Global Citizenship Animal habitats around the world Writing An animal fact file
Lesson 7
• The model writing text relates the global citizenship strand to a real-world and functional
context known to pupils.
• An Ideas generator activity that helps pupils personalise the context further and provide further
ideas for their own writing.
• A Give it a go activity that provides step-by-step planning, reflective of the model text, to support
pupils in structuring their writing.
• Pupils produce their own version of the text genre / realia in the I can shine activity,
simultaneously practising the vocabulary and grammar structures learnt in the unit.
Lesson 8
Wonder Imagine Build Grow
polar bear
7 Share your ideas with
your group. Choose
animals and habitats for
achievements and feel a real sense of pride. 2 Some snails can sleep for three years. How amazing!
3 Elephants can hear with their feet.
4 Tigers are striped under their fur.
5 Watch the video. What do you know now? I can talk about a wildlife space.
Lesson 9
Step 2: Pupils think and create.
Time to shine: Pupils share their project with the class, encouraging communication and collaboration.
Shine on: An extension activity that allows pupils to extend their projects further and make additional
connections to the wider world.
Course methodology 17
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Measuring progress in Rise and Shine
In Rise and Shine, pupils engage in a variety of Diagnostic, Progress Review and End of Level tests focus
contextualised activities, each of which focuses on a on objectives relating to the key learning outcomes for the
particular Global Scale of English (GSE) learning objective. level in order to provide teachers with a clear, measurable
These objectives are fully supported by the Rise and Shine way to track pupils’ progress towards these over the course
Assessment Pack. However, fair and accurate assessment of the year. The Progress Review and End of Level tests are
in a language classroom reflects not only what pupils can cumulative in order to provide a clear picture of the progress
recognise and produce in a test, but also what they can pupils are making. The Unit tests are focused on the learning
perform or do as they actually use the language in real or objectives of the specific unit and are not cumulative.
realistic contexts. To evaluate pupils’ progress fairly and fully, Each test has A and B versions available. These versions
both of these aspects must be part of an effective approach assess the same learning objectives and language at the
to assessment. same level and are provided for simultaneous use to provide
Assessment Pack variety in large classes. Each test also has a C version
to enable pupils who require extra support to achieve a
The Rise and Shine Assessment Pack is a useful evaluation
similar minimum standard as the rest of the class. Unit and
tool with a wealth of activity types to support teachers in
Progress Review tests also have a D extension to provide
assessing the pupils’ language skills. In this pack, teachers
additional challenge to pupils who may have mastered the
can find four types of ready-made tests which will help them
content more quickly than the rest of the class.
form an accurate evaluation of their pupils’ understanding
and achievement. The Assessment Pack is available on the The Assessment Pack also includes access to a test
Pearson English Portal. generator, which teachers can use to create and tailor tests
for specific needs and situations.
Diagnostic tests are designed to help evaluate pupils’
current language ability in English against the learning
outcomes of the course. This should be given at the start
of each new level and will help provide a picture of pupils’ English
Young Learners
existing knowledge. It also provides awareness for teachers
of where individual pupils or the whole class may need
support as they work through the course. The tests should
be administered in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. English Benchmark Young Learners is a motivating English
Unit tests correspond to the content material in each of test for young learners aged 6–14, which can be used to
the units and reflect the learning objectives of the unit. understand pupils’ English abilities, identify their learning
These tests provide a useful snapshot of pupil achievement needs to ensure teaching targets the right skills, monitor
at the end of a unit and also provide feedback to teachers and demonstrate progress to parents. English Benchmark
and pupils on the progress made against the unit learning measures pupils’ speaking, listening, reading and writing
objectives. The tests can help identify any areas where skills through fun and interactive tablet-based activities,
further support is needed for individuals or the whole class. with immediate detailed reports for teachers and parents
The test results can also help teachers adjust plans for the that include pupils’ strengths, suggestions for improvement
next unit and any further practice. and recommended activities to improve their skills. As pupils
learn with Rise and Shine, English Benchmark tests can be
Progress Review tests serve as checkpoints throughout the
used to measure their progress. After pupils have taken their
year to provide teachers with a way of checking progress
test, recommendations are available on areas to focus on to
towards key learning outcomes for the level, based on pupils’
support improvement.
performance on activities aligned to the key competency
indicators. As with the Unit tests, information gained from In Rise and Shine, the Level 1 End of Level test includes key
these should be used to identify areas where pupils may skills and activity types covered in English Benchmark in order
need additional practice or support. Progress Review tests to prepare pupils to take the test the following year, at the end
additionally reassess pupil understanding and retention of of Level 2. From Level 2 onwards, it is advised that pupils take
the language and concepts taught in the previous units. English Benchmark Young Learners test once per academic
This repeated practice helps pupils remember and integrate year, at the end of each completed level of the course. For
material learnt over time and support teachers in making more information, visit pearsonenglish.com/benchmark.
decisions regarding which language points and skills need
further review.
The End of Level test provides teachers with a tool to
assess progress against all of the key competency indicators
for the level and to assess class readiness for the next level.
It helps teachers evaluate the level of pupils individually
and as a whole class, and supports decision making and
planning for the next level.
18 Course methodology
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Assessment for Learning Reflect
Each stage in the unit has a dedicated character ‘helper’ to
Rise and Shine includes Assessment for Learning methodology,
guide pupils and give them a confidence boost. The character
which supports pupils along their learning pathway. This
also enables pupils to extend their knowledge further.
methodology is embedded within every lesson across every
unit in each level of the course. Assessment for Learning
methodology provides a clear and easy-to-use framework that GROW HELPER
enables pupils to take responsibility for their learning and Remind pupils that Alex is the Grow helper. Then
teachers to support the learning progression of each pupil in ask pupils to think about what animals they see
near to their home, and where / how these animals live.
their class.
Then read the question and elicit answers.
What is Assessment for Learning?
Assessment for Learning is more than testing. It involves an
ongoing engagement with pupils, so that what they know now Assess As
helps inform what they learn next. A balanced approach to Each stage of the unit has a clear, measurable outcome
assessment includes frequent informal prompts, games and that pupils can demonstrate in the I can shine task. These
other activities that allow pupils to understand where they activities are specifically designed to consolidate learning
are and identify gaps in their understanding. When informal from the stage and to demonstrate to pupils what they have
assessments are integrated into the classroom, pupils take an learnt and how what they are learning contributes to the unit
active role in their own education and seek out the help they project. This activity is also an opportunity for teachers to
need to meet their goals. monitor progress and assess how pupils are doing against
One aspect of assessment that is frequently overlooked by the learning objectives. Using the Achieve, Adjust, Exceed
traditional approaches is positive reinforcement. All pupils guidelines provided in the Teacher’s Book, teachers can
need to be encouraged by acknowledging skills they have support every pupil to shine.
successfully acquired. Focusing attention only on mistakes or
unlearnt material creates disengaged, dispirited pupils. Always
be sure to praise pupils for skills they have successfully I can shine! Assess
acquired before identifying those which need work. Beginning
pupils are especially responsive to positive feedback. ACHIEVE The pupil can describe animals and
compare them.
Assessment for Learning in Rise and Shine
Assessment for Learning in Rise and Shine incorporates
a number of techniques that help build a supportive and ADJUST The pupil can understand and answer simple
motivating learning environment. questions to identify animals after looking at pictures.
Introduce In
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Working with projects in Tips for carrying out project work in class
Rise and Shine • Prepare pupils by having them think about the project in
advance. Allow pupils to come up with their own ideas
At the end of each unit, the Time to shine project offers and feedback on their ideas where appropriate. Allow
pupils the opportunity to apply the skills they have learnt pupils to showcase their idea and project in their own
in the unit through a fun, achievable project. The projects words and their final output for the project.
have been specially designed in multiple steps, starting with
a language review, so that all pupils can achieve. Teachers • Assess the quality of projects by using other work as a
may choose to assign only some of the steps to pupils who reference. Help pupils understand expectations by showing
need extra support and bring the whole class together at the them good examples of other pupils’ work. Develop
end so that every pupil feels a sense of achievement. Having scaffolding to help pupils reach the standards and include
the chance to shine at the end of a unit in the form of the both individual and group grades.
project gives pupils a clear purpose and a strong connection • Promote full participation by encouraging pupils to offer
to their world knowledge and interests. The context of the feedback on their classmates’ projects. Pupils should offer
final project links back to the unit title and allows further positive comments, e.g. I like the drawing, and could offer
exploration of the global citizenship strand and themes from suggestions for improvement where appropriate, e.g. You
the stories. This allows pupils to ‘reimagine’ what they have could use more colours.
learnt in their own context in answer to the unit topic.
• Provide opportunities for pupil reflection both for the
Communication and collaboration are key to successful process and for the final product. Ask pupils to think
projects in Rise and Shine. Pupils are encouraged to about what they might do differently or change about their
verbalise opinions and interact with their classmates, project now that they have finished and heard feedback
enabling a real communicative context to develop in the from their classmates.
classroom. Pupils also develop their collaboration skills
by working towards a group goal for projects. This allows
learning to take place in a group and the final product is Many international curriculums encourage Project-based
co-constructed. Roles and responsibilities in the group are learning in the primary classroom because it nurtures
agreed and can be flexible, giving pupils opportunities to relationships and a culture of creativity and innovation.
take on different roles and develop different skills.
Rise and Shine draws on Project-based learning, which
The project itself is clearly scaffolded into mini-steps, giving is an engaging multidisciplinary approach to teaching
pupils a sense of achievement and the ability to apply and learning that encourages pupils to solve real-world
English to express their ideas. It is important that pupils problems. Project-based learning is collaborative and
make their own decisions about each project, including how hands-on, asking pupils to work with peers, teachers and
they work and what they create. Each pupil has their time experts in their communities and around the world to ask
to shine through their unique work on projects. The final good questions, develop deep subject area knowledge,
step enables all pupils to collaborate regardless of ability, identify and solve challenges, take action and share
e.g. a class vote. their experience.
Project-based learning:
• provides a flexible framework for learning with multiple
entry points,
• gives pupils ownership of their learning,
• focuses on challenges with clear solutions,
• promotes the authentic use of technology,
• develops future skills,
• encourages deep reflection on teaching and learning.
20 Course methodology
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Managing inclusive classrooms
Rise and Shine is designed to support inclusive classrooms Take a multisensory approach Useful with all primary
and helps teachers to create an environment where all pupils learners, pupils with additional needs draw extra benefit
can access the same learning. from encountering language in multiple modes. Multisensory
approaches are recommended for pupils with dyslexic
• Activities in the Pupil’s Book support Assessment for tendencies. Rise and Shine presents language through text,
Learning and allow pupils to personalise their responses.
images, audio, song and video. Ensuring a balance between
• Three-tiered guidance (Achieve, Adjust, Exceed) in the different modes holds the class’ attention and sets up all
lesson notes supports teachers in measuring progress and pupils to achieve.
managing expectations for the I can shine activities to
allow all pupils to perform to their ability. Give more space to activities Allowing pupils the time and
flexibility to do activities in a way that suits their needs will
• A stepped Time to shine project, with help for teachers ensure that all pupils can participate in the same activity,
to adjust their expectations, makes it possible for all increasing confidence and motivation. Pupils who struggle
pupils to participate in some way and feel a sense of with written tasks, for example, may benefit from doing only
achievement. The course offers scaffolding to learning one or two task items in written form and completing the
outcomes and support for achieving, adjusting and rest of the activity orally.
exceeding based on expectations.
Adjust expectations rather than materials Expecting
• Embedded tips within lessons suggest differentiated all pupils to achieve at the same level is often unrealistic
teaching methods, including drawing on the skills and and puts undue pressure on pupils with additional needs
abilities of different pupils. and teachers alike. Written activities in Rise and Shine are
• Additional exposure, scaffolding and practice on the structured to increase in difficulty, so that all pupils can
complete at least some of the activity. Some may complete
digital offering provides extra support for those who are
struggling or need to be challenged. only the first few task items, but being set the same activity
as the rest of the class avoids pupils feeling singled out and
Throughout the Teacher’s Book there are targeted teacher-
increases confidence.
training tips to give teachers their time to shine.
Give all pupils opportunities to speak While some pupils
TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: recycling vocabulary will be confident speaking up in class, others may feel
A good way of recycling vocabulary is to play the True / anxious, especially if they have speech difficulties or are
False game. Tell pupils to look at the picture. Say There particularly shy. Organising some speaking activities as pair
is a city hall. (False) There is a tree. (True). Pupils say or small group tasks allows all pupils to practise speaking
if the sentences are true or false. Continue with more in a safe environment. Check in with pupils regularly on how
sentences. they feel about speaking in class as even the most anxious
pupils may be waiting for their moment!
Additional support for mixed abilities and the inclusive Continuous repetition Rise and Shine is structured
classroom can also be found on the digital presentation tool. to repeat and recycle key language continuously and
consistently throughout the course. However, regularly
Strategies to benefit all pupils in inclusive reviewing key language in class benefits all pupils. Display
classrooms important vocabulary or structures on the wall or on the
Set clear objectives Rise and Shine sets out pupil-friendly board as a reference for pupils.
objectives in the Teacher’s Book for each lesson. Sharing this Involve pupils in the creation of extra materials The
with pupils at the beginning of the lesson and making sure whole class can be involved in the preparation of display
they know what to expect (and what is expected of them) materials for the classroom, such as posters or charts,
decreases anxiety and allows pupils to prepare themselves or individual materials, such as a personal dictionary
for the tasks they find more difficult and look forward to the for key vocabulary. These tasks give pupils control and
tasks they enjoy more. choice, and give the opportunity for those with linguistic
Diagnose before presenting new language By taking difficulties to combine skills they feel more confident in with
the time to ascertain what pupils already know on a topic, English. Meanwhile, pupils needing extra challenge can be
teachers gain instant feedback on what to focus on in the encouraged to research and extend language.
lesson. This is particularly useful in inclusive classrooms
where there may be a very wide range of knowledge among
pupils. Rise and Shine offers a diagnostic activity in the
Teacher’s Book before presenting any new language.
Name: rock-climbing
a lot of books.
a helmet.
We can’t
food or water.
You should
the town
find him.
I want to to
Our dog
help with
at home.
the intern
I want to learn
to tie a bandage I can’t find
a lot of books bag
an e-read
You should
you don’t
is small.
holiday, but
I want to
me. I don’t
My torch
You should ma
how to use .
new phone
got a new t know
My cat is
your grand
ma has
at home?
comes out always
Why don’t
stays at home.
how to use
visit your
My grand
they do not disrupt other pupils and all pupils get the
My friend
photos of ask
A polar bear is
you first.
Your friend
They should
the schoo
a photo
I can’t do
You should
me on the isn’t
camping, but I
My friend
don’t like
this puzzle.
There’s a
of me on
to put up a tent.
An eagle can see Deer can jump more
Cards Unit 3
he can’t
alone and shops.
ad lives
better than a human. than three metres.
at home,
You should
© Pearson Education
help your
y likes
You should
Limited 2022
but nobod .
my music
get to the
listen on
I like listeni
My grand
to music
Cards Unit
1 1.09
Read and listen. What is 2 1.10
Listen again and repeat • Encourage pupils to ask how to say things in English and
Bella making?
the words in blue.
What are you doing?
praise them for doing so.
Bella: I’m making a hotel for bees to
live in.
Sam: Wow! I like bees.
Bella: Me, too. They’re intelligent.
They dance to tell other bees
where food is.
Sam: Really?
Bella: Yes! They visit fifty to one
hundred flowers to make one
teaspoon of honey.
Sam: That’s unbelievable!
Bella: I know! And bees are the only
insects that make food for us.
Sam: How amazing!
Bella: That’s why I’m making a bee
I can shine!
going to be on TV! Wow!
5 Talk with a partner.
Express surprise.
4 1.11
Say and write. Then listen and check.
Apple Day
That’s unbelievable!
the poster, find and point to specific objects. You can also
divide pupils into two teams and change the activity into an
exciting competition. Ask one person from the team to come
My Progress Chart
Welcome Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
to the poster and find a particular object. If he / she does Listening
Unit 6
it correctly, the team scores a point. If he / she makes a I can understand I can recognise I can follow a
mistake, the other team takes a turn. Pupils can replace the
important details familiar phrases I can understand
in short conversation and the conversations about
in conversations. events in a story.
conversations. past events and
Quiz Tell pupils that you are thinking about a certain picture I can understand
key information
I can understand the I can understand I can recognise
sequence of events
from the poster. The pupils’ task is to guess which picture in short texts. in stories.
the gist and overall
themes of texts.
different text types
and their features.
you mean. You can describe the object you have in mind for Speaking
more advanced pupils. I can ask for and give I can participate in I can make and
information about my social exchanges. I can ask and answer
communit y. respond to offers,
Place the sheet on the poster and ask pupils what they can I can write sentences
to describe pictures.
I can link simple
sentences and add
I can write short texts
on familiar topics.
I can use the correct
see. Move the sheet on the poster so that each time pupils detail to my writing. phrases for different
text types.
Word jumble Write vocabulary words from a topic on slips Traffic light Make a traffic light with removable coloured
of paper and put them in a bag or box. Ask pupils to pick circles. When green, pupils can talk in pairs or in groups.
one and find their pair or the rest of their group. Pupils When orange, they must be ready to end the conversation.
should look for others who have similar words or things, When red, it’s time to stop talking. If they’re too loud, you
e.g. animals – all dogs together, all birds together, all cats can quickly go from green to red. When they’re quieter again,
together; others from the same family, e.g. jungle animals, go back to green.
farm animals, sea animals; or others whose word starts with
the same letter, e.g. roses, rainbow, red, rock.
Strategic grouping Depending on the activity, you may want
to group pupils using one of these combinations: stronger
and weaker pupils together, stronger pupils together, weaker
pupils together, talkers and listeners together. Whatever you
choose, do not let pupils know what your strategy is.
Picture card mime Invite a pupil to the front. Show him / Parachute Play a guessing game in teams. Draw a large
her a card or a written word while hiding it from the rest of parachute on the board with some strings leading to a stick
the class. He / She mimes the word silently. The pupil who figure hanging from the parachute. Think of a word pupils
correctly guesses the word comes forward to mime the next have learnt and draw a dash inside the parachute for each
word. Alternatively, split the class into two teams and ask a letter in the word. Pupils from one team try to guess the
member of each team to mime the same word for their team. word. For each incorrect guess, erase one of the parachute’s
strings. Award points to the team when they guess the word
Sort the cards Divide the class into small groups. Mix correctly. If all the parachute’s strings are erased before
picture cards from different units and divide them into piles pupils guess the word, the other team can try.
to match the number of groups. Pupils arrange them back
into categories. The first group to finish wins. Word swat Divide pupils into two teams. Ask each team to
stand in a line facing the board. Give the pupil at the front
Tic-Tac-Toe Divide the class into two teams. One is ‘O’ and of each team a fly swat. Place words randomly on the board.
the other is ‘X’. Draw a large grid on the board with nine Say or describe a word. The pupil with the fly swat must run
spaces. Stick one picture card in each space, facing the and swat the correct word. The pupil who completes the task
board. Pupils select a card, turn it over and say the word on first wins a point.
the picture card. If it is correct, remove the picture card and
write an ‘O’ or an ‘X’ in the space. Board race Divide the class into two teams. On the board,
draw a long racetrack divided into a number of sections
TPR (Total Physical Response) games corresponding to the number of questions prepared. Use
Basketball Ask a pupil a question. If he / she answers pieces of colourful paper or magnets as counters (one for
correctly, allow a shot at the basket (use a bin or any other each team). Ask pupils questions, e.g. show them flashcards,
suitable object). If the pupil gets the ball in the basket (or story cards or objects located in the classroom and ask, e.g.
box), award two points. If he / she only hits the basket, What’s this? How many? The pupil who provides the correct
award one point. The pupil with the most points is the answer scores one point for his / her team and may move
winner. the counter to the next section of the racetrack. The team
that reaches the finishing line first is the winner.
Pass the ball Pupils stand in a large circle. Make a paper
ball (or use a soft ball), then call out a category, e.g. family, Pronunciation and spelling games
and throw the ball to a pupil. He / She must say a word in Speedy sounds Make letter cards to review the key sounds
the category, then throw the ball to another pupil, who says from a unit. Show the cards in random order and have pupils
another word in the same category. If a pupil drops the ball, chorus the letter sounds. Gradually increase the speed. Then
he / she must sit down. Continue until one pupil remains. show a card and elicit a word containing that sound. Repeat
This game can also be used to have pupils ask and answer with the other cards.
questions or practise vocabulary that follows a sequence, e.g.
days of the week, months of the year. Spin the pencil Play a game to practise spelling words with
target sounds/graphemes. Put the pupils in pairs. Have them
Alternative bingo Ask each pupil to draw a picture draw a large circle on a sheet of paper with graphemes
presenting a word from a particular vocabulary group, e.g. around the edge, like a clock face. They take it in turns to
animals. While pupils are drawing, write words belonging to spin a pencil in the circle and spell a word from the letter
this vocabulary group on small pieces of paper and put them sound that the pencil ends up pointing to.
in a box or bag. Ask pupils to stand up. Pick out one piece of
paper at a time and read out the word. The pupils who drew Miscellaneous games
the corresponding animal or object sit down. Continue until Bingo Play bingo with any topic. Ask pupils to draw the
you have read out all the words. bingo grids. Then they write or draw in the boxes the
Team games vocabulary items you wish to review. The winner is the first
pupil to check off all the items on his / her grid.
Category writing Divide the class into groups. Each group
chooses their ‘captain’. Write the name of a vocabulary Drawing game Pupils draw pictures of target vocabulary on
category on the board, e.g. sports, food or animals. Each the board. They must do this slowly, line by line. The class
group helps their captain write as many words as they can tries to guess what each pupil is drawing before he/she
which belong to the category in two minutes. finishes the picture. The first pupil to guess the word draws
the next item.
F03_RS_TB5_6000_F03.indd 29
al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz
ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
Imagine Build Grow Shine Wonder Build Grow Shine Wonder Imagine Grow Shine al Citiz Wonder Imagine Build Shine Wonder Imagine Build Grow
Wonder Imagine ob
Build Grow Shine
Lesson 4 Lesson 5 OptB Mini project
Lesson 3 Let’s be Learning about I play with I try different I appreciate
friends animal friends! food! special clothes Lesson 7
Lesson 2 Lesson 6 I share
A wildlife space
toys! habitats. 6 Plan a comment for Laura’s blog.
Exploring wildlife 1.06
Read and listen. Why does Joe like cheetahs? 1.09
Read and listen. What is 1.10
Listen again and repeat
Review Our lives
1 1 2 Lorem ipsum
9 1 Look. How many different animals are in the story? Bella making? the words in blue. 1.17 What animals do you see where you live?
1.03 Read and listen. Where can you Read again. Find words to
1 Read and answer. Then listen
and check.
Sharing Akanni: My favourite animals are deer.
Sam: What are you doing?
1 Look. What do you think the text
is about?
2 1.13
Read and listen. Which animals
are in the text?
find the animals?
describe the animals. Review
Create Our wildlife space Where do you usually see them?
1.05 Joe: I think cheetahs are better 2.21
2 Read and listen. What does the girl learn from 1 Listen and answer. How often do you see them?
Pupil’s Book 6
1 It’s got a long tail and it can jump.
It’s bigger than a monkey.
What is it?
the animals?
the forest than deer.
Akanni: Really? Why?
I’m making a hotel for bees to
live in.
Wow! I like bees.
Animal habitats Let’s be
I share
I celebrate all
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes
1 Compare the animals. Play the game.
6 Think about animals that
will visit your wildlife
space. What habitats do
There’s a bee hotel.
It gives shelter to bees. 1 What’s Laura doing?
2 Which animals do they
How can you help animals that you see?
3 Match the words in the text to the pictures. Joe: Look. The cheetah is more WILDLIFE TRAIL
Name, describe and compare animals. Bella: Me, too. They’re intelligent. Animals live in different habitats around the world. All animals need food and shelter. Frogs beetle camel wolf deer cute beautiful colourful they need? talk about?
8 2 It’s bigger than a bee, but it’s smaller beautiful than the deer. Fact fi|e:
They dance to tell other bees But some habitats are dangerous for animals. How do they survive? Frogs are small and 3 How often does Laura go Max:
needs. than an eagle. Akanni: I think cheetahs are more We usually see birds in the trees in the park and we sometimes see
Understand a story about animal 1 2 3 where food is. Fact fi|e: Ladybirds green, with two big eyes, crocodile eagle kangaroo friendly fast dangerous Share your ideas with to the wildlife garden?
It lives in the grass. dangerous than deer! 7
Which a
al Citiz
ob Arctic e habitat with
al Ccold
e climate ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e a big mouth and strong foxes in the street. We always give the birds food in the winter.
Sam: Really? Ladybirds are small beetles. your group. Choose
It’s very slow.
Express surprise. They’ve got two beautiful red back legs. They’re bigger polar bear tortoise cheetah
intelligent strong slow animals and habitats for
5 What is it? Bella: Yes! They visit fifty to one OptD 2 Compare with a partner.
wings with black spots. n than ladybirds. They live your wildlife space.
hundred flowers to make one Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes in water and near the
ls c
Write an animal fact file. 3 2 Read and learn. Then write and say. Ladybirds are more colourful an you fi 1 laptops / mobile phones
teaspoon of honey. than many other beetles. They pond. They eat insects A cheetah is faster
7 Write your comment.
2 Read and learn. A crocodile is more 2 eagles / cheetahs
Design a wildlife space. 7 Sam: That’s unbelievable! live in the grass and on flowers and small animals. than a crocodile. 8 Design your wildlife space.
dangerous than a deer. 3 foxes / wolves
Grammar A young girl lives near the forest with her grandmother. Grammar builder Bella: I know! And bees are the only near the pond. They eat small
insects that make food for us. insects.
4 ‘We need wood for the fire,’ says the old woman. good interesting intelligent Time to shine!
A deer is shorter than a camel. 4 5 6 Sam: How amazing! A deer is… dangerous colourful
‘I’m stronger than you, Grandma,’ says the girl. ‘I can go to the forest.’ The cheetah is more beautiful than the deer. Arctic habitats Grassland habitats
Bella: That’s why I’m making a bee Don’t forget to name your
A cheetah is bigger than a cat. 8 Read and complete your puzzle.
der… ‘Be careful’, says her grandmother, ‘There are dangerous animals.’ hotel! 2 Find four things that animals and people need. wildlife space and use
on Cheetahs are more dangerous than deer. The Arctic has a cold and windy climate, with a Grasslands in Africa have a hot climate. Cheetahs Our writing workshop
1 A wolf is scarier than a dog. I think laptops are better
w Why are some In the forest, the girl starts to cut down a tree. Some colourful parrots lot of snow and ice. Polar bears can live there survive because they can run very fast to catch describing words!
animals in A kangaroo is cuter than a beetle. because they have thick fur to keep them warm. animals to eat. They have 3 Say with a partner. Read and express surprise. than mobile phones.
fly out. ‘Go away!’ they call. Rainy days are worse than sunny days.
danger? 3 Match. Then say with a partner. You can’t see polar bears because they’re white, spots on their fur, too, so Did you know some
10 like the snow. This is how they stay safe. There that they’re difficult to 1.18 Give it a go Plan your animal beetles shine? You can
She sees three monkeys in the tree. ‘Those animals are safe here,’ Books are better than films. 1 Guess what? I’m going to be… a seventy-five. 3 Ideas generator Listen and complete. 4 I don’t. I think mobile
3 Choose and say. she thinks. ‘This is their home.’ are no trees or plants in the Arctic, but polar see in their habitat. When fact file. DID YOU KNOW… ? see them at night! phones are better than
2 Read again. Then choose.
2 It’s my birthday. I’ve got… b touch my ear with my foot. bears eat fish. There are a lot of fish in the sea! cheetahs need a shelter to
The fox is bigger
1 A beetle is bigger / smaller than a tortoise. 4 3 My grandad is very old. He’s… c on TV! Beetles have… and laptops. They’re smaller.
Then a friendly deer comes from behind the tree. It’s eating some leaves. sleep, they usually climb 1 1 Some beetles shine. You can see them at night. than the beetle.
2 A wolf is taller / shorter than a camel. 1 Grandma says, ‘There are kind / dangerous animals’. 1 An eagle / intelligent / a beetle. Choose an animal, bird or insect. How amazing!
Go wild with Laura
The girl sees a bee. It’s working in the flowers. 4 Look, I can… d Spain. a tree. they can fly. 2 Some snails can sleep for three years. Home | Animals | Plants | Wildlife Blog | Contact
3 A crocodile is cuter / scarier than a deer. 2 Polar bears / dangerous / deer. Remember! Good better A shelter in a tree
2 A young / old girl goes into the forest. 5 We’re going on holiday to… e a new bike. 3 Elephants can hear with their feet. 3 Think and answer.
4 A tortoise is faster / slower than a cheetah. 3 The tree is a safe / dangerous home for parrots and monkeys. Suddenly, a wolf wakes up under the tree. The wolf is more dangerous Bad worse Animals in danger Describe the animal.
3 Cheetahs / colourful / wolves. 4 Tigers are striped under their fur. 1 How can we share habitats with
4 A friendly / scary deer eats leaves from a tree. than the deer. But some animal habitats are changing. In the Arctic, the ice is getting smaller. This is a problem animals? There’s a wildlife garden in my local park. I usually
4 Make sentences about the animals 4 A kangaroo / interesting / a camel. Guess what? I’m go there in the evening. It’s beautiful! This week
5 The girl runs away from a fast / slow wolf. for animals like polar bears. In other places, people are cutting down trees in the forests and building Time to shine! 2 How can we use technology in
in the picture. ‘Help!’ says the girl. She runs away, but the wolf is faster than her. going to be on TV! Wow! Compare it to another animal. butterflies and bees are visiting the flowers in the
6 The wolf says the girl is intelligent / important. houses where wild animals live. Wolves, deer, tigers and crocodiles are coming into cities. They’re 4 Choose an animal. What do you know about the animal?
1 tortoise Lesson 1 I can shine! 2 good ways? garden. There was a beetle on the plants, too. I
‘Stop!’ calls the wolf. ‘I want to talk to you.’ looking for food and shelter. Many animals need our help to survive in the future. often take photos on my tablet then I upload them
2 crocodile The eagle is stronger than the deer. What do animals need? 1.07 Pronunciation 9 Present your wildlife space 10 What wildlife space could you
The girl is surprised. 3 Read and sing. What is the 4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts. Where does it live? 4 Read. Which animals does Laura to my blog.
What can you see? Watch the video. 5 Talk with a partner. to the class. have at school?
3 cheetah 3 I can shine! song about? Eagles live in… write about?
Express surprise. Why don’t you make a wildlife garden? There’s
‘Listen!’ says the wolf. ‘Trees are important. They’re our homes and our school subjects hobbies pets 1.11 Read again. Then answer. 1.14 and mountains. wildlife everywhere – in towns, cities and the
4 Say and write. Then listen and check. 3 4 Listen. How do desert What does it eat?
4 kangaroo 1.01
1 Listen and explore. 4 Where do the I can shine! food. They give us oxygen.You’re an intelligent person! Take some tortoises survive? This is my wildlife space. 5 Read again. Then answer. countryside. You could search the internet and find
animals live? Say. 5 Imagine another animal in the story. Cheetahs are faster than rivers, 1 What’s the weather like in Shine on! out about different animals and plants, but you
5 deer Answer. wood but don’t cut down our trees.’ Eagles are more intelligent than kings, TV shows sports places Camels can live for three the Arctic? You can see a pond with
1.02 amazing can and that way make 1.15
Listen again. Then answer. 1 Where’s the wildlife garden? should ask your parents or teacher first.
2 Listen, point and say. months with no food or water. 5 rocks and flowers. There’s Find a real wildlife space.
6 eagle The wolf lives in 5 Make riddles about animals. What does the girl see? The girl takes some wood for the fire and goes home. Polar bears are stronger than mountains, 2 How do cheetahs survive I can shine! 2 What are the butterflies and bees
Beetles are more beautiful than earrings. in grasslands? 1 Desert tortoises are smaller / stronger 3 a small house for birds. Can you compare the doing now? 14 Comments
7 camel the mountains. What’s the animal doing? ‘You’re safe!’ says her grandmother. I can read and write about animals and technology.
It’s faster than a camel, but it’s Do you think Maths is more Day 3 Why are some animals than some other tortoises. animals you see? 3 How does Laura take photos?
What does the animal say? Our world can be safe for these animals, Apple
8 wolf slower than a cheetah. It lives in ‘Yes, Grandma,’ says the girl. ‘But the animals aren’t safe. We should interesting than English? That’s unbelievable! moving into cities? 2 They can / can’t run fast. 5 Write your animal 4 Which animals does Juan see in Juan: I can compare things and say how often I do something.
What does the girl think? If we all help to make everything better. Deer eat… and… . fact file.
The crocodile the forest. What is it? plant more trees. The animals need their homes and we can share the 3 Desert tortoises eat desert plants / small his garden? Great blog, Laura! I love animals, too. I always
9 polar bear What animals Nature is more important than money, 5 Watch the video. What do you know now? I can talk about a wildlife space. put food on a bird table in our garden and take
I can express surprise.
lives in the river. How can we help wild animals.
live near your forest with them.’ People and animals can live together. No, I don’t. I think English is photos of the birds with my camera. I can give advice and make suggestions.
10 beetle I can compare two animals. I can express surprise. animals in our cities? 4 Desert tortoises can survive without water I can write an animal fact file.
home? I can understand events in a story. more interesting than Maths.
for one year / fifty years.
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2–3 hours
per week Activity Book Unit 1, p4, Unit 1, p6, Unit 1, p7, Unit 1, p9, Unit 1, p11, Review 1, p21,
Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 1 Activity 4
Lesson 3 Story Lessons 4 and 5 Structures and communication Lesson 9 Time to shine! 4 Read and circle. To: Clara From: Mike
Subject: Wildlife where I live
Exploring wildlife 1 Mike’s favourite animal is the
Lesson 7 Writing
Course planning
1 Read and write G (girl), W (wolf) or GR (grandmother). Then number. 1 Order and write. 1 Think and complete. Then add another animal to each habitat. kangaroo / crocodile. Hi Clara,
Let’s review! kangaroos. Which animal lives in all three habitats? 2 Mike thinks kangaroos are My favourite Australian animal is the
1 I think cheetahs are more beautiful than
1 Read and answer. more friendly / cuter than crocodiles. kangaroo. I think a kangaroo is more friendly
I can go to the forest. 1 We need wood for the fire. GR kangaroos / more / are / than / beautiful
Write three animals that live in the ocean. cheetah eagle tortoise wolf deer kangaroo camel beetle 3 You should / shouldn’t touch wild than a crocodile. But you shouldn’t touch wild
2 I think hockey . 1 What habitat do bald eagles live in?
animals. They can be dangerous.
Let’s build! animals.
dangerous / is / more / snowboarding / than 2 Which is faster: a bald eagle or a cheetah?
grasslands forest desert Here are photos of a kangaroo and a crocodile.
Ask and answer 4 Mike often takes photos with his I often take photos with my camera.
3 I think people .
Take some wood, but don’t using the mobile phone / camera.
Lesson 1 Vocabulary than / animals / intelligent / are / more cheetah You should upload my photos onto your
cut down our trees. information in A Description C Diet 5 Photos look better / worse on a
4 laptop, not your mobile phone. The photos
Activity 1. big screen.
1 Look and write a, e, i, o or u. think / Science / English / I / interesting / than / more / is Bald eagles are very Bald eagles eat a lot look better on a big screen. You can post my
big birds. They are of fish. They also eat 6 Clara can post Mike’s email / photos on your wildlife blog.
5 brown and they’ve got small animals,
1 2 3 4 5 photos on her blog. Speak soon,
I / cats / think / cuter / dogs / are / than a white head and tail. like rabbits. Mike
Stop! I want to talk to you. You’re safe! 6
a / friend / I / more / is / than / important / think / money
B Habitat D Comparison 2 Complete your journal.
No, I don’t. I think Bald eagles live in Bald eagles are Step 1: Choose two animals. Step 3: Find or draw pictures
Do you think cheetahs are more
Let’s imagine! kangaroos are more habitats near rivers faster than cheetahs! Step 2: Write your journal. to decorate it. 5 Think about the questions. Time to shine!
beautiful than kangaroos?
We should plant more trees. beautiful than cheetahs. or the ocean. They Bald eagle Cheetahs can run Write your email.
Tell me about the story!
de er p l r b r ch t h gl t rt s find shelter in tall fast, but bald eagles 6 Read and tick (✓).
The story setting is 1.12 trees in forests. can fly faster.
2 Read and write a–d. Then listen and check. 1 What’s your favourite animal?
6 7 8 9 10 2 Read and write. . Camels 2 How is it different to another animal?
Nico: What are you doing? a How amazing!
VS Desert tortoises I can write facts I can compare
My favourite character is The same 3 Which technology do you use to take different animals.
1 The girl is young. (nuogy) about an animal.
. Emma: I’m making a hotel for insects b Wow! I like insects. 2 Give it a go Plan your fact file for an animal from your country. photos?
Camels and desert tortoises live in
2 The monkeys are in the tree. (fsea) to live in. Wow! Wow!
c Really? I like spiders. desert habitats. 4 What can people do with your photos?
Description: Think of three describing words.
3 The deer is . (lfridyne) Nico: 1 b d That’s unbelievable! Camels and desert tortoises eat plants. Good! Good!
Emma: My favourite insect is a ladybird. Habitat: Where does it live? Different
4 Trees are . (tpimnaort) Getting Getting
They’re fast. Camels are more dangerous better!
Diet: What does it eat? To: From: better!
k ng r b tl c m l cr c d l w lf 5 The wolf isn’t . (gdnruoaes)
Nico: 2 than desert tortoises.
I can shine! Subject: Wildlife where I live
6 The girl is . (iegitltneln) Comparison: How is it different to another animal? Camels have got bigger feet than
2 Look at Activity 1 and write. Emma: I like spiders, too, but they
aren’t insects. They’ve got 3 Look and read. Then talk
1 There’s a wolf in the mountains. eight eyes and eight legs. Hi ,
with a partner. I like camels and desert tortoises, The
2 There’s a in the desert. I can shine! I can shine! I can talk about
Nico: 3 but my favourite animal is the camel! camel what happens
3 in the river. Emma: Look! There’s a butterfly Guess what? Bees have got… . normally and what
3 How can you help wildlife? Write. 3 Now write your fact file. Use your notes from Activity 2. I can write a blog
4 sky. with four colourful wings. about technology. is happening now.
3 Think and write.
I can . How amazing!
5 snow. Nico: 4 Tip! Wow! Wow!
Description: are .
I can . Emma: Yes. That’s why I’m making Unit 1
1 Caterpillars have got twelve small eyes. Keep a dictionary Good! Good!
an insect hotel for them. Habitat: They live . An amazing animal:
Tell me! I can . 2 Butterflies can’t fly when it’s cold. of difficult words.
Diet: They eat . Getting Getting
Which animals are on grass? A difficult word:
3 Bees have got five eyes. better! better!
Comparison: They’re . An interesting fact:
4 Bees have got hair on their eyes. Speak soon,
4 Extra time? Order the animals from big to small. Compare with a partner. 6 Extra time? Why are trees important? Write three reasons. Pronunciation Colour the two sounds red and blue. Crazy camels make carrot cake. 7 Check your work! Check your comparisons. Remember! (fast)er / more (dangerous) than… . 9 Home-school link Tell your family about your favourite animals. 11 Review 1 21
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Lesson 2 Structures Lesson 3 Story Lessons 4 and 5 Structures and communication Lesson 8 Unit 1 Review Lesson 9 Time to shine! 4 Read and circle. To: Clara From: Mike
Subject: Wildlife where I live
Exploring wildlife Review Our lives 1 Mike’s favourite animal is the
Lesson 6 Reading and listening Lesson 7 Writing kangaroo / crocodile.
1.04 1 Read and write G (girl), W (wolf) or GR (grandmother). Then number. 1 Order and write. 1 Read and complete the crossword. Hi Clara,
1 Listen and tick (✓). Then match to make sentences. 1 Think and complete. Then add another animal to each habitat.
Activity Book Let’s review!
a b c d I can go to the forest. 1 We need wood for the fire. GR
1 I think cheetahs are more beautiful than
kangaroos / more / are / than / beautiful
kangaroos. 1 Read and match. Then read and write. 1 Read and answer.
2 This animal is similar to a dog.
Which animal lives in all three habitats? 2 Mike thinks kangaroos are
more friendly / cuter than crocodiles.
My favourite Australian animal is the
kangaroo. I think a kangaroo is more friendly
than a crocodile. But you shouldn’t touch wild
Write three animals that live in the ocean. 1 habitat a To stay alive. 1 What habitat do bald eagles live in? 2 3 cheetah eagle tortoise wolf deer kangaroo camel beetle 3 You should / shouldn’t touch wild
2 I think hockey . It lives in the mountains. o animals. They can be dangerous.
2.22 animals.
dangerous / is / more / snowboarding / than Let’s build! 2 shelter b The place in nature where an animal lives. 2 Which is faster: a bald eagle or a cheetah? 4 1 Listen and write. True or False?
6 This animal is dangerous. It lives in rivers. r Here are photos of a kangaroo and a crocodile.
Ask and answer grasslands forest desert Then correct the false sentences. 4 Mike often takes photos with his I often take photos with my camera.
3 I think people . 3 survive c What the weather is usually like. 5
Take some wood, but don’t using the 7 This animal is a big bird. It can fly high. t mobile phone / camera.
than / animals / intelligent / are / more d A place to sleep and be safe. 1 Mike is reading a blog on his mobile phone. False You should upload my photos onto your
Lesson 1 Vocabulary information in 4 climate 6 cheetah
cut down our trees. A Description C Diet Down o 5 Photos look better / worse on a laptop, not your mobile phone. The photos
4 Activity 1. 2 Clara is making a video call.
Bald eagles are very Bald eagles eat a lot big screen. look better on a big screen. You can post my
1 Look and write a, e, i, o or u. think / Science / English / I / interesting / than / more / is 1 This animal is slow. It lives in i
1 A polar bear is bigger a in the snow. A desert is a type of 1 habitat. big birds. They are of fish. They also eat 3 Mike lives in Australia. 6 Clara can post Mike’s email / photos on your wildlife blog.
grasslands or in the desert. 7
5 brown and they’ve got small animals, s
1 2 3 4 5 Its 2 is hot and dry. Desert tortoises 4 He never sees kangaroos in his garden. photos on her blog. Speak soon,
4–5 hours 2 A polar bear lives
3 A polar bear
b white.
c a polar bear. Stop! I want to talk to you. You’re safe! 6
I / cats / think / cuter / dogs / are / than
by eating desert plants. They
a white head and tail. like rabbits. 3 This animal can run very fast.
It’s yellow with spots.
e 5 He usually sees eagles in his garden.
a / friend / I / more / is / than / important / think / money sometimes find 4 under rocks. 4 This is a small insect. It’s sometimes 6 He sometimes sees crocodiles in his garden.
4 A polar bear is d is bigger than a wolf. B Habitat D Comparison 2 Complete your journal.
black and shiny. Mini-project
5 A wolf is smaller than e than a tortoise. No, I don’t. I think Bald eagles live in Bald eagles are
1 Mike is reading a blog on his laptop.
Do you think cheetahs are more 5 This animal is white. It lives in the Arctic. Step 1: Choose two animals. Step 3: Find or draw pictures
kangaroos are more 1.16 habitats near rivers faster than cheetahs! 5 Think about the questions.
Let’s imagine! beautiful than kangaroos? 2 Do the quiz. Listen and check. Then listen again and do the challenge. Step 2: Write your journal. to decorate it. Time to shine!
2 Look, choose and write. beautiful than cheetahs. or the ocean. They Bald eagle Cheetahs can run 6 This animal is big. It lives in the desert. Write your email.
We should plant more trees. Tell me about the story!
de er p l r b r ch t h gl t rt s find shelter in tall fast, but bald eagles 6 Read and tick (✓).
The story setting is 1.12 trees in forests. can fly faster. 1 What’s your favourite animal?
1 A tortoise is slower than a cheetah. (slow / fast) 2 Read and write a–d. Then listen and check. 2 Complete the table for you. Then ask and answer.
6 7 8 9 10 2 Read and write. . 2 Look and write. Then listen and check. Camels 2 How is it different to another animal?
VS Desert tortoises I can write facts I can compare
My favourite character is Nico: What are you doing? a How amazing! How often do you 3 Which technology do you use to take
1 The girl is young. (nuogy) 1 How many humps have camels got? The same kangaroos eagles crocodiles camels beetles about an animal. different animals.
2 A rabbit . (tall / short)
per week 2 The monkeys are in the tree. (fsea)
. Emma: I’m making a hotel for insects
to live in.
b Wow! I like insects.
c Really? I like spiders.
2 Where do camels live?
3 What do camels eat?
2 Give it a go Plan your fact file for an animal from your country.
3 A deer . (cute / scary) 3 The deer is . (lfridyne) Nico: 1 b Mike often usually sometimes never always Good! Good!
d That’s unbelievable! 2 slow Camels and desert tortoises eat plants.
Emma: My favourite insect is a ladybird. Habitat: Where does it live? Getting
4 Trees are . (tpimnaort) CHALLENGE! Different Getting
4 A polar bear . (big / small) They’re fast. To: From: better! better!
5 The wolf isn’t . (gdnruoaes) 4 Tick (✓) the camel’s feet, mouth and eye. Diet: What does it eat? Camels are more dangerous Me
k ng r b tl c m l cr c d l w lf 3 dangerous
Nico: 2 I can shine! than desert tortoises. Subject: Wildlife where I live
6 The girl is . (iegitltneln) Comparison: How is it different to another animal? Camels have got bigger feet than
5 A kangaroo . (slow / fast) Emma: I like spiders, too, but they a b c d e f
2 Look at Activity 1 and write. aren’t insects. They’ve got 4 colourful tortoises.
3 Look and read. Then talk Hi ,
1 There’s a wolf in the mountains. eight eyes and eight legs. with a partner.
I can shine! I can shine! I like camels and desert tortoises, The How often does Mike see kangaroos? I can talk about
2 There’s a in the desert. I can shine! Nico: 3 3 Read and write. Then change the words in blue and act out. but my favourite animal is the camel! camel what happens
3 in the river. Emma: Look! There’s a butterfly Guess what? Bees have got… . I can write a blog normally and what
3 How can you help wildlife? Write. 3 Now write your fact file. Use your notes from Activity 2. 1 He often sees kangaroos.
3 Choose your favourite animal. Write a riddle for a partner. with four colourful wings. I’ve done my homework, Dad. Really ? (lyeral) Well done! about technology. is happening now.
4 sky. 3 Think and write.
I can . How amazing!
5 snow. Nico: 4 Tip! Wow! Wow!
It’s . Description: are . 2
I can . I can stand on one leg for ten minutes. That’s ! (banluieevbel) Unit 1 3 Write and match. Then talk with a partner.
Emma: Yes. That’s why I’m making 1 Caterpillars have got twelve small eyes. Keep a dictionary Good! Good!
It lives . an insect hotel for them. Habitat: They live .
Tell me! I can . 2 Butterflies can’t fly when it’s cold. 3 An amazing animal: 1 There’s a kangaroo in the garden. a video calls with people you don’t know.
How can you find out more about animal habitats? Diet: They eat . Look over there. It’s a deer. ! (oww) of difficult words. Getting Getting
Which animals are on grass? It’s than a . 3 Bees have got five eyes. A difficult word: 2 You s d be careful b Wow! How a g! better! better!
Comparison: They’re . 4 An interesting fact:
4 Bees have got hair on their eyes. My grandmother is eighty today! 3 You s t make c near dangerous animals. Speak soon,
It’s . How ! (znamiga)
7 8 9 20 Review 1 Review 1 21
4 Extra time? Order the animals from big to small. Compare with a partner. Extra time? Make flashcards of new words. 5 6 Extra time? Why are trees important? Write three reasons. mels make carrot cake.
Pronunciation Colour the two sounds red and blue. Crazy camels Extra time? Think of a grassland habitat. What animals live there? Check your work! Check your comparisons. Remember! (fast)er / more (dangerous) than… . 10 Extra time? I live in grasslands. I’m bigger than a tortoise. I jump on two legs. What am I? Home-school link Tell your family about your favourite animals. 11
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Extra digital Pearson English Portal • Our World videos • Stretch activities • Extra practice activities • Games
5/24/21 9:38 AM
Welcome A great place to liv
Key learning outcom in Welcome, the pupils will:
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Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Places: bridge, building, city centre, city hall, farm, field, flat, What do you like doing? I like (talking to people).
hill, street, village What does he / she like doing? He / She likes (helping people).
Countries: Argentina, China, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Spain, What time do you wake up? I wake up at (five past / to seven).
Turkey, UK, USA
Functional language
Working together where we live.
We can plant more trees and flowers.
Competency focus
Recycling and building
Be motivated to learn and recognise the different
I like going to the city. It’s one o’clock / half past one.
strategies to approach and complete tasks.
Language stretch
What time is lunch?
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can take part in a very simple conversation on a familiar Participate appropriately in common social and
topic (e.g. their home, family, school) if the other speaker interpersonal exchanges using simple language and
repeats questions as necessary and speaks slowly and expressions.
clearly. (32)
Can tell the time of day to within ten minutes. (32) Use a few words to name, talk about or describe familiar
Can talk about a familiar place in a basic way. (35) Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
objects and situations or express basic opinions or
attitudes in short stretches of speech.
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the highest level,
be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
Can understand a simple written dialogue on a familiar topic. Understand overall meaning and main idea(s) of simple
(32) written texts on everyday topics.
M01_RS_TB5_6000_M01.indd 31 10/05/2021 14:44
Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 4
Welcome A great place to
Objectives Wonder
Lesson aim: to talk about living in different places
1 4
Target language: bridge, building, city centre, City Hall, farm, fields, flat, hills, street,
Recycled language: Where do you live? I live in… , places 2
• Productive: Speaking: Can say what’s in a town (e.g. buildings, places) using basic 7
words and phrases. Can talk about a familiar place in a basic way. Alex
• Receptive: Listening: Can follow a simple conversation between two people or Leo
characters, if supported by pictures. Bella
What do you
like about where
you live?
making connections to the world around them. 3 hills What can you see? 3 0.04
Listen again.
Then answer.
4 flat
Tell pupils this is a ‘Wonder’ lesson. Write the learning objective on the board: 5 city centre
1 0.02
Listen and explore. Who lives…
1 on a farm in the
We’re learning to talk about living in different places. Listen, point and say. countryside?
6 City Hall
2 in a village?
7 fields 3 in a flat near the city centre?
4 in the city near the park?
8 village Where do your
Materials 9 bridge
friends and
4 Where do you live?
family live?
10 farm Say.
Audio; Flashcards
4 Vocabulary Places
Refer pupils to the Big Picture and ask them what they can see (a map).
Look and write. Pupils unscramble the letters to
complete the sentences.
I wonder
● Read the I wonder question and then elicit answers from the class. ANSWER KEY: 1 City Hall, 2 flat, city centre,
Encourage pupils to give reasons for their answer (e.g. I like living in 3 building, street, 4 farm, hills, fields
the city because you can do a lot of different things.)
1 D
iagn ose
0.02 Listen and explore. Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
● Play the audio and have pupils point to the children they hear Leo Hey! Are you here for the Great Places
speaking. project?
● Play the audio again and have pupils point to the different places. Bella Yes! I’m Bella.
Leo This map is great. Where do you live?
2 0.03 Listen, point and say.
Bella I live here in the city. You can see my
● Play the audio and have pupils point to the places in the picture. flat. It’s in that tall building. What’s your
● Then play the audio again and have pupils point and repeat each word. name?
Leo I’m Leo. Can you see this village? I live in a
3 0.04 Listen again. Then answer. new house there, next to the bridge.
● Read the questions, then play the audio for the pupils to complete the Nadia I live in the countryside, too. My name’s
activity. Nadia. Can you see those fields? My house
is there. It’s a farm.
ANSWER KEY: 1 Nadia, 2 Leo, 3 Bella, 4 Sam Bella Oh, wow! Are those your sheep and cows
in the fields?
Nadia Yes, they are. I love animals.
4 Where do you live? Say. Sam Me, too! I’m Sam. I’ve got a dog. I live on
● Do this activity as a class. this street in the city. Can you see the
building next to the park?
Nadia I don’t know the city well. What’s that big
WONDER HELPER building here in the city centre?
Introduce pupils to Bella and tell them she’s the Wonder Alex Ha ha! It’s this building. Welcome to the
Helper. Read her question, then elicit answers. City Hall! I’m Alex. I’m going to help you do
your projects for the Great Places Festival.
t t t t t t t t
32 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture Presentation:
Activity 1 and 2
Activity 3 and 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M01_RS_TB5_6000_M01.indd 32 10/05/2021 14:44
Lesson 2 – Structures Pupil’s Book page 5
Lesson 2
1 0.05
Read. Then listen and match.
Leo Sam Bella Nadia Objectives
a I like learning about different
• Lesson aim: to ask and answer about what people like doing
clothes, food and music.
d I like helping animals in the city. Recycled language: Places
10 2 Read and learn.
7 What do you like doing? Productive: Speaking: Can take part in a very simple conversation on a familiar
I like talking to people.
topic if the other speaker speaks slowly and clearly.
What does he / she like doing?
He / She likes helping people.
Receptive: Listening: Can understand simple expressions about likes and dislikes
3 Read and choose.
1 What do / does you like doing? in short, simple stories or dialogues, if spoken slowly and clearly.
2 I like meet / meeting my friends.
3 What do / does she like doing?
4 She like / likes visiting new places.
Wonder: sparking curiosity
4 What do the characters like
doing? Ask and answer.
•Engage pupils with the unit theme by having them look at the Big Picture and say
What does Leo like doing?
where the characters live.
I can shine! •Write the learning objective on the board: We’re learning to talk about what we like
5 Ask and answer. doing.
What do you like
city centre? doing in the city?
e park? Materials
I like talking to people.
Structures What
What does
does he
he // she
she like
like doing?
doing? He
He // She
She likes
likes (talking
(talking to
to people).
ANSWER KEY: a Sam, b Nadia, c Leo, EXCEED The pupil can ask and answer questions about where they
d Bella live and what they like doing without prompting.
t t t t t t t
the lesson
Activity 1 and 2
Activity 3 and 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M01_RS_TB5_6000_M01.indd 33 10/05/2021 14:44
Lesson 3 – Story Pupil’s Book page 6
Lesson 3 Less
Alex: So, are you excited to learn more
Lesson aim: to read and understand a conversation about projects for a festival about the projects for the Great
Places Festival?
Bella: What are the projects about?
Target language: reading year dates (e.g. 2005, 1910, 2020) Alex: Come and see.
Narrator: Alex tells the children about the six
Recycled language: I want… , I love… , I like… projects. When they complete each
project they can have a missing
puzzle piece.
Nadia: I love wildlife and travelling to
places. Those projects sound fun.
Leo: I want to do the project about being
Receptive: Reading: Can understand a simple written dialogue on a familiar topic. Sam: When we finish the projects, we can 2
show them to everyone at the Great
Receptive: Listening: Can identify key information such as dates in a short Alex:
Places Festival.
Yes, that’s a great idea.
you want to do?
6 Vocabulary Dates
ANSWER KEY: 1905, 1910, 2000, 2005, 2016, 2020 EXCEED The pupil can understand information in a
conversation and recount some key ideas.
Introduce pupils to Sam, the Imagine helper.
Read Sam’s question together. Have pupils
discuss their ideas in groups.
t t t t t t t t t
34 Starting
the lesson
Learning Presentation:
path Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3 and 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M01_RS_TB5_6000_M01.indd 34 10/05/2021 14:44
Lesson 4 - Communication Pupil’s Book page 7
Lesson 4
1 0.10
Listen and number.
a b c d Objectives
Lesson aim: to understand and say the time
It’s ten past one. • Target language: What time do you wake up? I wake up at (five past seven).
It’s ten to seven. It’s twenty past ten. It’s six o’clock.
the six
e g
Recycled language: What time is it? half past, o’clock
e each f h
ut being It’s half past nine. It’s twenty to three. It’s quarter past twelve. It’s quarter to five.
we can
e Great
2 Ask and answer. What time is it?
It’s twenty to three.
• Productive: Speaking: Can tell the time of day to within ten minutes. Can ask
3 0.11
Read and learn. Then listen and answer. Picture f!
simple questions about times and events.
Grammar builder
aa story.
story. I can tell the time.
Structures What
What time
time do
do you
you wake
wake up?
up? II wake
wake up
up at
at (fi
ve past
past seven).
● On the board write I like… . Ask different pupils ADJUST The pupil can ask and answer simple questions about the
to complete the sentence. Then ask what time times of their activities using prompts.
of the day they usually do these things.
1 0.10 Listen and number. EXCEED The pupil can ask and answer simple questions about the
● Have pupils look at each clock and its caption. times of their activities and the routines of others.
Say the time and ask them to repeat it.
● Play the audio for pupils to number them 1–8.
ANSWER KEY: 1 f, 2 c, 3 e, 4 b, 5 d, 6 a,
Activity Book page 3
7 h, 8 g
4 0.12 Listen and complete for Linda. Then complete for you and write.
2 Ask and answer. ANSWER KEY: Linda: has lunch 12:30, goes to bed 20:15 2 She has
● Model the activity with a confident pupil. lunch at half past twelve. 3 She goes to bed at quarter past eight.
● In pairs, pupils complete the activity.
3 0.11 Read and learn. Then listen and Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
answer. 1 What time is it, please? 5 What time is it?
● Read the Grammar builder box as a class. It’s twenty to three. It’s ten past one.
2 What time does your brother go 6 What time is it?
BUILD HELPER to sleep? It’s ten to seven.
Have pupils look at Nadia, the Build He goes to sleep at six o’clock. 7 Excuse me, what time is it?
helper. Explain that they will listen to 3 Excuse me, what time is it? It’s quarter to five.
the children and Alex talking about what time It’s half past nine. 8 What time do you have lunch?
they do activities. Play the audio for pupils to 4 What time do you wake up? I have lunch at quarter past
complete the activity. I wake up at twenty past ten. twelve.
Activity 3
Alex Right! Here’s the timetable for today. We start work on our
ANSWER KEY: 1 nine o’clock, 2 half past projects at nine o’clock. We can have a break at half past ten.
ten, 3 quarter to eleven, 4 ten past twelve, Sam Can we go to the café?
5 twenty to one, 6 quarter past two Alex Yes, you can. But don’t come back late! We’re going to watch a
video at quarter to eleven. Lunch is at ten past twelve. I’m going to
4 Ask and answer. order some food and we can eat it here in the City Hall. Let’s finish
lunch at twenty to one. Is that OK? We go home at quarter past
● In pairs, pupils ask and answer about what
two. Are there any questions?
times they do the activities.
Bella Yes, I’ve got a question.
Alex Yes, Bella?
Bella Er… What’s for lunch?
t t t t t t t t t
Starting Learning
the lesson path
Presentation: Practice:
Activity 1 Activity 2
Activity 3
Build Helper I can shine: Activity Book:
Activity 4 Practice
the lesson
M01_RS_TB5_6000_M01.indd 35 10/05/2021 14:44
al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz
ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
Let’s be Working together I play with I try different I appreciate
Lesson 5 friends
I share
where we live. friends! food! special clothes
Lorem ipsum
Objectives Look quickly at the text. What is it? 2 0.13
Read and listen. Which countries do
a a newspaper article you think the photos show?
Lesson aim: to read about how people are solving everyday problems in different b
OptC a guide book
Let’s be I share I celebrate all
China Mexico Poland Spain
Turkey UK USA
I play with I try different I appreciate
a website
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
Global citizenship theme: Working together where we live OptD Let’s make the world a great place to live! 2
All over the world, people are working together to solve problems.
Let’s be
I share
I celebrate all
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes
New language: Argentina, China, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA
a Cars are a problem for many cities. But in the city centre of Pontevedra, Spain,
Recycled language: I can… , We can… there aren’t any cars. Here, people walk or ride bikes everywhere. With no cars,
the streets are safe and quiet.
People want more nature in their cities and towns, too. In China, they have a
Tree Planting Day every year. In Mexico, Argentina and Italy, there are plants on 3
bridges, walls and buildings. The plants make cities beautiful, and they’re also
good for the environment.
shopping in supermarkets. In the USA, adults and children go to parks to learn
and teach each other new skills, like how to play board games. C
Receptive: Reading: Can understand the main ideas in simple informational texts, c
Festivals are a fun way to bring people together. At the Children’s Festival in
Turkey, children from all over the world celebrate their traditions with dancing,
from plants. There’s less plastic rubbish in towns and the countryside. The
streets are cleaner, safer and more beautiful, too!
awareness of diversity in countries around the world. 2 How do children help people in the UK?
4 Talk with a friend. How
can you make your area
3 In the USA, what can people learn in parks?
Write the learning objective on the board: We’re reading about different countries.
a great place to live?
4 Where do children celebrate their traditions? nature festivals technology
● Tell pupils to think about where they live. Ask them to I can shine! Assess
say what things they can and can’t do there.
ACHIEVE The pupil can express ability with a little
1 Look quickly at the text. What is it?
● Tell pupils to look at the text. Ask them what type of
text it is and how they know.
ANSWER KEY: c – a website ADJUST The pupil can express ability, but with errors.
2 0.13 Read and listen. Which countries do you think EXCEED The pupil can express ability fluently and without
the photos show? prompting.
● Ask pupils to look at the photos and say which countries
from the box they think they show.
● Play the audio for pupils to listen and read along. Ending the lesson
ANSWER KEY: a China, b UK, c Mexico ● Play a questions game. Have pupils sit in small groups. Ask one
pupil a question, e.g. What time do you go to school? and elicit
the answer. Then that pupil asks the person on his / her right the
3 Read again. Then answer. same question. Then ask a different pupil another question, e.g.
● Give pupils a few minutes to read the text again. What do you like doing where you live? Elicit the answer. Pupils
● Place pupils in pairs to answer the questions. continue in the same way and can ask their own questions.
ANSWER KEY: 1 They plant trees. 2 They help people Activity Book page 3
with their shopping in supermarkets. 3 new skills, like
how to play boardgames, 4 Turkey 5 Find and circle nine countries. Then do the Countries
Quiz. Pupils do the wordsearch, then answer the questions.
GROW HELPER ANSWER KEY: 2 China, 3 Italy, Argentina and Mexico, 4 UK,
Introduce pupils to Alex, the Grow helper. As a 5 USA, 6 Turkey, 7 Poland
class, elicit ideas about how people help each
other where they live.
t t t t t t t t
36 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1 and 2
Activity 3
I can shine:
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M01_RS_TB5_6000_M01.indd 36 10/05/2021 14:44
al Citiz
ries do
Review Objectives
1 • Lesson aim: to review language from the unit and make a progress puzzle
Look and write.
Revised language: city, farm, city hall, buildings, quarter to, What time is it?
al clothes
There’s a city.
I can see a farm with fields…
al Citiz
It’s the morning.
I like…
al clothes
What time is it on the city hall clock?
no cars,
Productive: Writing: Can write simple sentences to describe pictures.
It’s quarter to eleven.
ave a
plants on 3 Look at the pictures and practise Productive: Speaking: Can describe a picture showing a familiar scene or activity
saying the dates on the buildings.
using simple language, if prompted by questions.
re also
to learn
Shine: Time to shine!
al in
Encourage pupils to develop learner autonomy by having them think about what
4 Create your progress puzzle.
Write a topic on each puzzle piece.
he they know and what they lack confidence in.
Time to shine! • Write the learning objective on the board: We’re reviewing what we’ve learnt in the
6 Present your picture
to the class.
unit and making a progress puzzle.
e? Here’s my progress puzzle.
I want to do the project about
logy sharing skills. I like learning
5 Ask and answer.
new things. Colouring pencils, scissors
ountries. What project do you want to do? I can talk about a progress puzzle.
Unit project
project AA progress
progress puzzle
● Ask pupils to say as many new words that they 6 Present your picture to the class.
have learnt in this unit as possible. Write them ● Tell pupils to write a few sentences about their picture before presenting
on the board. their work to the class.
t t t t t t t
the lesson
Review: Activity
1, 2 and 3
Activity 4 and 5
I can shine:
Activity 6
Activity Book:
the lesson
M01_RS_TB5_6000_M01.indd 37 10/05/2021 14:44
1 Exploring wildlife
Key learning outcom in Unit 1, the pupils will:
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 38 10/05/2021 14:52
Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Animals: beetle, camel, cheetah, crocodile, deer, eagle, A (deer) is shorter than a (camel).
kangaroo, polar bear, tortoise, wolf The (cheetah) is more (beautiful) than the (deer).
Adjectives: dangerous, friendly, important, intelligent,
safe, young
Functional language apple /æ/, day /eɪ/
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can make simple, direct comparisons between two people Compare and contrast simple facts and / or details
or things using common adjectives, given a model. (38) from short texts or sources in simple language.
Can express surprise or shock, using a simple fixed Participate appropriately in common social and
expression. (33) interpersonal exchanges using simple language and
Can describe the appearance of a person or animal using Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
simple language. (33) objects and situations or express basic opinions or
attitudes in short stretches of speech.
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the highest level,
be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
Can write simple factual descriptions of animals Write a short text on common topics and situations
(e.g. habitat, abilities), given prompts or a model. (38) using simple language.
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 39 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 10
Exploring wildlife
● Ask pupils to name different animals that they
know. Write them on the board. Ask a pupil to
choose an animal from the board and have the
pupil describe the animal as best they can for the
class to guess.
Name, describe and compare anima
Big Picture: What can you see? In
l needs.
Understand a story about anima
● Look at the Big Picture and ask What animals
Express surprise.
5 can you see? What colour are they? Are they big?
Write an animal fact file. 3 Are they small?
Design a wildlife space. ● Pupils might know animals from the new
vocabulary set. Accept answers and ask them
to point to the animals in their Pupil’s Book.
der… SUPPORT As pupils describe the animals, write the
on 1
w Why are some phrases on the board and underline the adjectives,
animals in
e.g. a beautiful eagle, a small, white polar bear.
Tell pupils that the underlined words describe
2 something. They are called adjectives and they
go before the thing we are describing (the noun).
STRETCH Ask pupils to look at the picture and say
what else they see in it, e.g. some big trees, some
green grass.
1 tortoise Lesson 1
2 crocodile
3 cheetah What can you see? 3 Watch the video. TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: recycling vocabulary
4 kangaroo
A good way of recycling vocabulary is to play
1 1.01
Listen and explore. 4 Where do the
5 deer animals live? Say. the True / False game. Tell pupils to look at the
6 eagle
2 1.02
Listen, point and say. picture. Say There is a city hall. (False) There is a
The wolf lives in
7 camel the mountains. tree. (True). Pupils say if the sentences are true
8 wolf
or false. Continue with more sentences.
The crocodile
9 polar bear What animals lives in the river.
10 beetle live near your
home? I wonder
10 Vocabulary Animals
● Draw pupils’ attention to the I Structures
wonderA question.
(deer) is (shorter) than a (camel).
Have pupils recall any animals they know that are
M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 10 5/5/21 1:43 PM in danger. Ask pupils why they think some animals
are in danger. Explain that they will learn more
about the answer to this in the unit.
t t t t t t t
40 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture I wonder Presentation:
Activity 1
Activity 2
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 40 10/05/2021 14:52
1 D
1.01 Listen and explore. Activity Book page 4
iagn ose
Write three animals that live in the ocean. This activity
s Revie
● Tell pupils to listen carefully and point to the animals or
reviews words pupils may already know which link to the
things they hear. SUPPORT Play the audio with pauses and
vocabulary topic for this unit. This recycles wildlife words
have pupils say what they just heard. STRETCH As a follow
from Activity Book 4 Unit 5.
up, ask Which animals do Nadia and Sam like? (Nadia likes
cheetahs. Polar bears are Sam’s favourite animal.)
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: dolphin, jellyfish, octopus, sea
2 1.02 Listen, point and say. horse, seal, shark, starfish, whale
● Teach the new vocabulary items with flashcards. Place them
on the board and say each one as you point to it. 1 Look and write a, e, i, o or u. Pupils look at the animals
● Play the audio. Tell pupils to look at you. As the audio says an and complete the words with the correct vowels.
animal, point to its corresponding flashcard.
● Tell pupils you will play the audio again for them to point and ANSWER KEY: 2 polar bear, 3 cheetah, 4 eagle,
repeat each word. Play the audio with pauses for pupils to 5 tortoise, 6 kangaroo, 7 beetle, 8 camel, 9 crocodile,
repeat. 10 wolf
3 Watch the video.
● Explain to pupils they will now watch a video showing how 2 Look at Activity 1 and write. Pupils look at the photos in
animals and people can live together. Before playing the Activity 1 to complete the sentences.
video, ask pupils to guess what animals they might see in
the video. ANSWER KEY: 2 camel, 3 There’s a crocodile in the river.
● Play the Our World video and elicit answers (birds, iguanas, 4 There’s an eagle in the sky. 5 There’s a polar bear in the
seals, flamingos, penguins, tortoises, sharks). snow.
Extra time: Pupils compare the animals by size and place
Ask pupils if they remember who the Wonder
them in order. They can write in their notebooks and if another
helper is (Bella).
pupil has finished and done the activity too, they can compare
Have pupils think about all the different animals they answers together.
know. Elicit different animals and write their ideas on
the board. Then read Bella’s question to the class and
Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
ask pupils to say which of those animals they can find
near where they live. To extend the activity, have pupils Nadia Hey, Leo! Look at the artwork! It’s cool!
say which of them they can find in the country, but not Leo Wow! Is that a cheetah in the tree?
necessarily close to where they live. Nadia Yes, it is. There’s a deer hiding in the forest, too.
Leo Yeah! And there’s a crocodile in the river.
Nadia Oh, yes! I think the crocodile is scarier than the
cheetah! What’s in the mountains?
FUTURE SKILLS: enquiry and imagination Leo There’s a wolf. Look at its grey fur.
Ask pupils what wild animals they have in their country Nadia Yes, it’s strong. And there’s a beautiful eagle flying
and if they are in danger in any way. Ask what they can do in the sky. It’s got big wings.
to protect them. Leo Oh, yes! And I can see a tortoise in the grass.
Nadia Really? Where? Oh yes, I can see it. Look! There’s
a big white polar bear in the snow.
Ending the lesson Leo Wow! That’s my favourite animal. And is that a
● Play Bingo with the class. Ask pupils to write six animals in camel in the desert?
their notebooks. Explain that you will say different animals. Nadia Oh, yes! Oh, look what’s on my hand!
If the animal you say is on their list, they cross it off. When Leo What’s that?
all the animals have been ticked off, they say Bingo! As Nadia It’s a beetle!
you say each animal, raise its corresponding flashcard to Leo Oh, of course! There are beetles in our town and
reinforce vocabulary learning. other animals, too. Like deer, butterflies, foxes,
t t t t t t t
Our World video:
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 41 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 2 – Structures Pupil’s Book page 11
3 Choose and say.
Structures A (deer) is (shorter) than a (camel).
● Pupils complete the activity individually.
M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 11 5/5/21 1:44 PM ● Check answers as a class. SUPPORT Write
different adjectives on the board, e.g. thin, tall,
small, nice, pretty. Ask pupils to help you write them
in their comparative form (thinner, taller, smaller,
nicer, prettier). Then as a class, make sentences
using these adjectives in the comparative form.
t t t t t t
42 Starting the
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 42 10/05/2021 14:52
STRETCH Place pupils in pairs. Tell them you are going to
give them an adjective and they have to say its comparative Extra activity
form and make a sentence with it. Invite pairs to say their Ask pupils to imagine they are an animal. Ask them to
sentences to the class. Repeat for a few adjectives. describe themselves as best as they can without telling
the class what animal they are. The class has to guess
ANSWER KEY: 1 smaller, 2 shorter, 3 scarier, 4 slower what animal they are. Pupils can work in small groups to
complete this activity.
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 43 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 3 – Story Pupil’s Book pages 12 and 13
1 Look. How many different animals are in the story? Sharing Ask pupils to say what other animals live in the
2 1.05
Read and listen. What does the girl learn from
the animals?
the forest forest. Ask what they eat and where they sleep.
3 Match the words in the text to the pictures.
Then ask pupils to say where these animals
would eat and sleep if the forest was cut down.
1 2 3
4 5 6 ‘We need wood for the fire,’ says the old woman.
‘I’m stronger than you, Grandma,’ says the girl. ‘I can go to the forest.’
‘Be careful’, says her grandmother, ‘There are dangerous animals.’ Match the words in the text to the pictures.
In the forest, the girl starts to cut down a tree. Some colourful parrots
fly out. ‘Go away!’ they call.
She sees three monkeys in the tree. ‘Those animals are safe here,’
● Ask pupils to look at the photos and describe what
they see.
she thinks. ‘This is their home.’
4 Read again. Then choose.
Then a friendly deer comes from behind the tree. It’s eating some leaves.
1 Grandma says, ‘There are kind / dangerous animals’.
The girl sees a bee. It’s working in the flowers.
Have pupils complete the activity in pairs.
2 A young / old girl goes into the forest.
3 The tree is a safe / dangerous home for parrots and monkeys. Suddenly, a wolf wakes up under the tree. The wolf is more dangerous ●
4 A friendly / scary deer eats leaves from a tree. than the deer.
Check answers as a class. Then drill the new words
The girl runs away from a fast / slow wolf.
‘Help!’ says the girl. She runs away, but the wolf is faster than her.
6 The wolf says the girl is intelligent / important. ●
‘Stop!’ calls the wolf. ‘I want to talk to you.’
What do animals need?
I can shine!
The girl is surprised.
‘Listen!’ says the wolf. ‘Trees are important
important. They’re our homes and our
using the flashcards. SUPPORT Tell pupils that we
can often work out what a word means by looking
5 food. They give us oxygen.You’re an intelligent person! Take some
Imagine another animal in the story.
Answer. wood but don’t cut down our trees.’
The girl takes some wood for the fire and goes home.
at the words around it. Ask pupils to read the
What does the girl see?
What’s the animal doing? ‘You’re safe!’ says her grandmother.
What does the animal say?
‘Yes, Grandma,’ says the girl. ‘But the animals aren’t safe. We should
sentences the words occur in to help them decide
What does the girl think?
plant more trees. The animals need their homes and we can share the
forest with them.’
12 13
Vocabulary Adjectives Story value Protecting the places where animals live.
own sentences with the bold words to share with
the class.
M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 12 5/5/21 1:44 PM M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 13 5/5/21 1:44 PM
2 1.05 Read and listen. What does the girl learn from the animals?
● Ask pupils what they think the story will be about. 4 Read again. Then choose.
● Tell pupils to listen as they follow along in their books. ● Give pupils some time to complete the activity.
● Ask if their guesses were correct. Then ask pupils to say what the girl ● Check answers as a class.
learns from the animals. Ask pupils where they found the answer.
ANSWER KEY: 1 dangerous, 2 young, 3 safe,
SUGGESTED ANSWERS: She learns that animals also have needs; 4 friendly, 5 fast, 6 intelligent
that trees are important for animals; that animals are not safe;
and that humans should share forests with animals.
t t t t t t t
44 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Reading text:
Activity 2
Activity 3
Flashcards Extra
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 44 10/05/2021 14:52
Activity Book page 6
Ask pupils who the Imagine helper is (Sam). Read Read and write G (girl), W (wolf) or GR (Grandmother).
his question aloud. Give pupils a few minutes to Then number. Pupils read the story again identifying who
think and discuss their ideas in pairs. Remind them to look said each sentence and the order they say them in.
back at the story for help.
2 I can go to the forest. (G)
5 Imagine another animal in the story. Answer. 3 Stop! I want to talk to you. (W)
● Place pupils in groups to read and answer the questions. 4 Take some wood, but don’t cut down our trees. (W)
Have groups share their answers with the class. 5 You’re safe! (GR)
SUPPORT Help pupils to answer the questions by giving 6 We should plant more trees. (G)
them this model on the board:
The girl sees a friendly / dangerous / tortoise / eagle /
. 2 Read and write. Pupils unscramble the adjectives to
It’s eating / sleeping / . complete the sentences.
It says stop / look / .
The girl thinks ‘These animals need the trees for food / oxygen / ANSWER KEY: 2 safe, 3 friendly, 4 important,
.’ 5 dangerous, 6 intelligent
STRETCH Pupils write a short dialogue between the girl and
the animal to present to the class. Imagine helper: Pupils talk about the story setting and their
favourite characters.
I can Shine! Assess
I can shine!
ACHIEVE The pupil can understand the sequence of 3 How can you help wildlife? Write. Pupils complete the
events in a story with no support. sentences with their own ideas.
ADJUST The pupil can understand the sequence of I can plant flowers for butterflies.
events in a story when prompted. I can plant purple flowers for bees.
I can give water to birds.
I can put my rubbish in the bin.
EXCEED The pupil can explain the sequence of events I can give food to birds.
in a story with no support. I can leave leaves for animals.
t t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 45 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 4 – Structures and song Pupil’s Book page 14
Lesson 4
● On the board, write: A butterfly is prettier than a
camel. Ask if pupils agree. Then make a few more
1 1.06
Read and listen. Why does Joe like cheetahs? sentences about other animals and ask if pupils
Akanni: My favourite animals are deer.
agree or disagree.
Joe: I think cheetahs are better ● Next ask pupils to look at the picture in Lesson 3.
than deer.
Akanni: Really? Why? Encourage pupils to make sentences about the
Joe: Look. The cheetah is more animals in the picture using the comparative form.
beautiful than the deer.
Akanni: I think cheetahs are more
dangerous than deer!
1.06 Read and listen. Why does Joe like
2 Read and learn. Then write and say.
● Tell pupils that the plural of deer is deer.
● Then on the board, write: good – better, bad –
Grammar builder worse. Explain that when we use the adjectives
good and bad to compare things, we use better
The cheetah is more beautiful than the deer.
and worse.
Cheetahs are more dangerous than deer. ● Ask pupils what animals they see in the pictures
Rainy days are worse than sunny days. and to guess why Joe likes cheetahs.
Books are better than films.
● Play the audio for pupils to read along and answer
the question.
1 An eagle / intelligent / a beetle.
2 Polar bears / dangerous / deer. Remember! Good better
Bad worse
ANSWER KEY: They are beautiful (more
3 Cheetahs / colourful / wolves.
beautiful than deer).
4 A kangaroo / interesting / a camel.
3 1.07
Read and sing. What is the 4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts.
2 Read and learn. Then write and say.
song about? ● On the board, write the words: beautiful,
school subjects hobbies pets
interesting, colourful, intelligent.
Cheetahs are faster than rivers,
Eagles are more intelligent than kings, TV shows sports places ● Ask pupils to count the syllables in each word and
Polar bears are stronger than mountains, say how many there are. As they do, add slashes to
Beetles are more beautiful than earrings.
Do you think Maths is more the words on the board, separating the syllables,
Our world can be safe for these animals, interesting than English?
If we all help to make everything better. e.g. beau / ti / ful. Tell pupils that when adjectives
Nature is more important than money,
No, I don’t. I think English is
have three or more syllables, we use more… than to
People and animals can live together.
more interesting than Maths. compare things.
● Say a few sentences with these adjectives in the
14 Structures and song The (cheetah) is more (beautiful) than the (deer). comparative form. Communication Expressing surprise.
● Refer pupils to worse and better. Remind them that
these are the comparative forms of good and bad.
M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 14 5/5/21 1:44 PM
t t t t t
46 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 46 10/05/2021 14:52
4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts.
RECEPTIVE SKILLS TIP ● Tell pupils to look at the words in the lozenges. Go through
Have pupils look at the text from Activity 1 again and
each lozenge and have pupils give you as many ideas as
identify the adjectives in the comparative form (better
possible related to the theme, e.g. school subjects: Maths,
than, more beautiful than, more dangerous than).
Science, History. Write a few on the board.
Have pupils use the same comparative forms to describe ● Ask two pupils to read the speech bubbles to the class.
the animals in the story in Lesson 3. ● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity.
Monitor and help as necessary.
Extra activity
In pairs, have pupils make an extra verse to add to the
song. More confident pupils can compare objects and
places, as well as animals. Then have pupils share their
new verses in small groups. If pupils feel comfortable, play
the karaoke version of the song again (audio track 1.08)
for them to sing their new verses.
t t t t t
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
Ending the
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 47 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 5 – Communication Pupil’s Book page 15
Wonder Imagine
Grow Shine Starting the lesson
Lesson 5 ● Write Wow! on the board and tell pupils you are
going to tell them some surprising things about
1 1.09
Read and listen. What is 2 1.10
Listen again and repeat
animals. You will pause after each one and if they
Bella making? the words in blue.
Sam: What are you doing?
didn’t know the fact, they should say Wow! Say
Bella: I’m making a hotel for bees to A cheetah looks like a tiger, but it cannot roar. A
live in.
Wow! I like bees.
camel’s hump has enough food in it for the camel to
Bella: Me, too. They’re intelligent. live for a few weeks or months. Deer can swim and
They dance to tell other bees
where food is.
jump very high.
Sam: Really?
Bella: Yes! They visit fifty to one 1 D
iagn ose
1.09 Read and listen. What is Bella
hundred flowers to make one
teaspoon of honey.
Sam: That’s unbelievable!
Bella: I know! And bees are the only
● Ask pupils to close their books. Explain that they
insects that make food for us. will hear a conversation about something that
Sam: How amazing!
Bella: That’s why I’m making a bee
Bella is making.
hotel! ● Play the audio and elicit what she is making.
3 Match. Then say with a partner. ANSWER KEY: She’s making a ‘bee hotel’ – a
1 Guess what? I’m going to be… a seventy-five. house for bees to live in.
2 It’s my birthday. I’ve got… b touch my ear with my foot.
3 My grandad is very old. He’s… c on TV!
4 Look, I can… d Spain.
5 We’re going on holiday to… e a new bike.
Extra activity
Guess what? I’m Ask pupils the following true or false questions to
I can shine!
going to be on TV! Wow!
check understanding:
1 Bees are intelligent. (True)
5 Talk with a partner. 2 Bees can communicate with other bees. (True)
Express surprise.
4 1.11
Say and write. Then listen and check. 3 Bees visit fifteen flowers to make one teaspoon
Camels can live for three of honey. (False. They visit fifty to one hundred
amazing can and that way make
months with no food or water. flowers.)
Apple Day
That’s unbelievable!
2 1.10 Listen again and repeat the words in blue.
I can express surprise. ● With books open, ask pupils to listen to the audio
and follow along.
Communication Expressing surprise.
15 ● Ask pupils what they found interesting about the
conversation between Bella and Sam.
M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 15 5/5/21 1:44 PM
● Explain that you will play the audio again and this
time pupils have to say what words or phrases
Leo uses to express surprise. (Wow! Really? That’s
unbelievable! How amazing!)
t t t t t t
48 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 48 10/05/2021 14:52
3 Match. Then say with a partner.
FUTURE SKILLS: collaboration and communication
● Complete the matching activity as a class, writing the Have pupils work together to create a collaborative
completed sentences on the board. dialogue using new fun facts about animals. Each pupil
● Place pupils in pairs. One pupil should say a sentence and researches a different animal and finds three fun facts
their partner shows surprise. SUPPORT Explain that in about it. They make a small poster with the information
conversations we can use any of the words and phrases and add a picture, either drawn or cut out. They present
that express surprise, there’s no particular order to use their work to the class, who have to respond with the
them in, e.g. A: Guess what? I’m going to be on TV. B: Really? new language.
or B: That’s unbelievable! STRETCH Pupils make their own
conversation using the new language.
4 1.11 Pronunciation Say and write. Then listen and ACHIEVE The pupil can express surprise with a range
check. of taught expressions.
● Refer pupils to the words in the box. Tell them to copy the
table into their notebooks.
ADJUST The pupil can express surprise using one
● Place pupils in pairs and tell them to say the words to each
simple expression.
other so that they can complete the table. Explain that they
should listen for the sound of the second a /eɪ/ in amazing.
Monitor and help as necessary.
EXCEED The pupil can make a dialogue with facts and
● Play the audio for pupils to check their answers. Ask if they expressions of surprise.
can hear the difference in how the words sound.
● Check answers as a class. SUPPORT Place pupils in pairs.
Explain that one pupil has to say a word from the word box
and then their partner has to say another word with the Ending the lesson
same a sound. STRETCH Pupils write a sentence using one
word from the apple group and another from the day group.
● Ask pupils to say what facts they have found interesting in
this lesson.
ANSWER KEY: Apple: can, and, that; Day: amazing, make,
way Activity Book page 7
2 Read and write a–d. Then listen and check. Pupils
TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: collaborative learning complete the dialogue with the sentences given. Play the
You can make a phonics chart in the classroom for pupils audio for them to check their answers. Place pupils in pairs
to refer to throughout the year. Write the sound being to role play the conversation.
taught in each lesson in the chart. Ask pupils to write a
word with that sound on the chart. Pupils can refer to the ANSWER KEY: 2 c, 3 d, 4 a
chart as they work throughout the year or use the words
there to make sentences, tongue twisters or play games.
I can shine!
5 Talk with a partner. Express surprise.
3 Look and read. Talk with a partner. One pupil talks about
With communication cards: an insect and the other expresses surprise.
● Place pupils in pairs and hand out the communication cards.
Explain that one pupil chooses a card and reads out the fact Pronunciation: First, have pupils read the tongue twister
to their partner. Their partner has to respond using the new aloud quietly to themselves. Then, have them colour the two
language. different a sounds, blue and red, like the examples. Finally, ask
● Show pupils how to use their communication cards by pupils to say the tongue twister six times, as fast as they can.
modelling the activity.
Without communication cards: ANSWER KEY: red: make, cake; blue: can, carrot
● Find out some ‘surprising’ animal facts and write them on
the board. Pupils say a fact to their partner, who responds
using the target language.
● Have pupils repeat the activity by using sentences about
themselves and the new functional language, e.g. A: I can run
very fast. B: Wow! A: I like vegetables more than chocolate.
B: That’s unbelievable!
● As pupils play, monitor for correct use of language.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 49 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 6 – Global citizenship Pupil’s Book page 16
GSE Materials
• Receptive: Reading: Can identify key information in short, • Audio
simple factual texts from the headings and illustrations.
Can get the gist of short, simple texts on familiar topics,
if supported by pictures.
• Receptive: Listening: Can identify key information from
short audio recordings, if spoken slowly and clearly.
al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz al Citiz
ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e ob e
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
al Citiz Starting the lesson D
iagn ose
● Ask pupils to think about the animals they have
Lesson 6
Let’s be
I share
Learning about
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes learnt about. Ask them to say what they eat, where
they think they sleep and where they think they live.
toys! habitats.
Lorem ipsum
Animals live in different habitats around the world. All animals need food and shelter.
But some habitats are dangerous for animals. How do they survive? ● Have pupils look at the headings and photos. Ask
al Citiz
ob Arctic e ob
al Ccold
habitat with itiz climate
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e what they think the text will be about.
You can’t see polar bears because they’re white, spots on their fur, too, so
like the snow. This is how they stay safe. There that they’re difficult to
1.13 Read and listen. Which animals are in the
are no trees or plants in the Arctic, but polar
bears eat fish. There are a lot of fish in the sea!
see in their habitat. When
cheetahs need a shelter to
sleep, they usually climb
a tree.
● Tell pupils to follow along in their books as they
A shelter in a tree
Animals in danger listen to the text.
But some animal habitats are changing. In the Arctic, the ice is getting smaller. This is a problem
● Ask pupils to say what animals they read about.
for animals like polar bears. In other places, people are cutting down trees in the forests and building Then ask why these animal habitats are in danger
houses where wild animals live. Wolves, deer, tigers and crocodiles are coming into cities. They’re
looking for food and shelter. Many animals need our help to survive in the future. (people cut down trees to build houses, the ice is
getting smaller).
3 Read again. Then answer. 4 1.14
Listen. How do desert
1 What’s the weather like in tortoises survive? ANSWER KEY: polar bears, fish, cheetahs,
the Arctic?
2 How do cheetahs survive
5 1.15
Listen again. Then answer. wolves, deer, tigers, crocodiles
in grasslands? 1 Desert tortoises are smaller / stronger
3 Why are some animals than some other tortoises.
moving into cities? 2 They can / can’t run fast.
3 Desert tortoises eat desert plants / small
3 Read again. Then answer.
How can we help wild animals. ● Have pupils read the text again and answer the
4 Desert tortoises can survive without water
animals in our cities?
for one year / fifty years. questions. Ask pupils to make a note of where they
found the answers.
16 Global Citizenship Animal habitats around the world ● Check answers as a class. SUPPORT PupilsWritingworkAn animal fact file
in pairs to find the meaning of any unknown
M02_RS_PB5_5584_M02.indd 16 5/5/21 1:44 PM
words and then ask you to confirm their meaning.
STRETCH Pupils find three words in the text
related to habitats and make sentences with
them, e.g. cold – Polar bears live in a cold and
windy climate.
t t t t t t
50 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 50 10/05/2021 14:52
ANSWER KEY: Ending the lesson
1 It’s cold and windy. ● Have a class discussion on animals in general. Ask pupils
2 They are fast. They have spots on their fur so they are about their favourite animals, what they look like and what
difficult to see. They sleep in trees. they can do to protect them.
3 They are looking for food and shelter.
Background information (Culture and CLIL)
RECEPTIVE SKILLS TIP Pupils may not understand the implications of ice melting
As a follow-up activity to check understanding, place and animals coming into cities. To help them think
pupils in pairs and have them write a summary of about about small actions they could do to help look after the
30–50 words about the text. Explain to pupils that environment and animals, research local initiatives that
someone should be able to read their summary and they may be able to get involved with or information
understand what the main text is about. Have pupils about local animal species that they could help to protect
decide what the most important information in the text where they live. Use this to encourage discussion amongst
is before they start writing their summary, to help guide pupils about what we can do to save animal habitats.
them in what to include.
Activity Book page 8
4 1.14 Listen. How do desert tortoises survive? 1 Read and match. Then read and write. Pupils match the
● On the board, write the word desert. Ask pupils what they words to the definitions. Then they complete the sentences
know about deserts and what animals they think live there. with the words.
Explain that tortoises also live in the desert. Ask pupils how
they think they survive. ANSWER KEY: 2 d, 3 a, 4 c
● Play the audio and elicit the answer. 2 climate, 3 survive, 4 shelter
ANSWER KEY: They have short arms and legs and a shell 2 Do the quiz. Listen and check. Then listen again
to keep them cool. They find shelter underground. Their and do the challenge. Pupils complete the quiz and then
shells are strong. They can survive without water for a listen to check answers. Then they listen again to complete
long time. the challenge in number 4.
5 1.15 Listen again. Then answer. ANSWER KEY: 1 one or two, 2 in the desert, 3 plants,
4 a, c, f
● Tell pupils to read the questions and see if they can
remember the answers.
● Play the audio for pupils to complete the activity. Check Grow helper: Pupils write how they can find out more
answers as a class. SUPPORT Access the Pearson English information.
Portal and give pupils a printed copy of the audioscript to
listen and read as they do the activity. STRETCH Pupils say Extra time: Pupils answer the question.
other facts that the audio mentioned (e.g. Deserts have a
hot and dry climate. Tortoises have short arms and legs. There POSSIBLE ANSWERS: cheetahs, beetles, deer, snakes,
isn’t a lot of food in the desert.). lizards, frogs, elephants, kangaroos, rhinos, lions, tigers,
hyenas, zebras
ANSWER KEY: 1 smaller, 2 can’t, 3 desert plants,
4 one year
Activity 4 Pupil’s Book audioscript
FUTURE SKILLS: critical and reflective thinking Desert habitats
After completing Activity 5, ask pupils if they knew Deserts have a hot and dry climate. Desert tortoises are
tortoises lived in the desert. Tell pupils that wolves live in smaller than some other tortoises. They can live in the
forests, but there are also wolves in the desert. Ask pupils desert because they have short arms and legs and a shell
to research three animals from Lesson 1 and research to keep them cool. They can’t run fast but their shell is
where they live. Ask pupils if animals live in different places very strong. This is how they survive. There isn’t a lot of
from where they originally thought. food in the desert, but desert tortoises eat grass and
desert plants. When it is very hot, desert tortoises find
shelter underground. They can save water in their bodies
for times when there is no rain, and they can survive
GROW HELPER without water for more than a year. Desert tortoises can
Remind pupils that Alex is the Grow helper. Then live for up to fifty years. Isn’t that amazing?
ask pupils to think about what animals they see
near to their home, and where / how these animals live.
Then read the question and elicit answers.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 51 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 7 – Writing Pupil’s Book page 17
t t t t t
52 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 52 10/05/2021 14:52
3 1.18 Ideas generator Listen and complete. Ending the lesson
● Ask pupils to look at the three pictures and say what they ● Collect all the fact files. Explain that you will choose one and
see. Then have them read the sentences and say what words read it without saying what animal it is. Pupils have to guess
they think will go in the gaps. the animal.
● Play the audio for pupils to complete the sentences. Ask if
their guesses were correct. Activity Book page 9
ANSWER KEY: 1 wings, 2 forests, 3 plants, grass 1 Read and answer. Pupils read the text and answer the
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 53 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 8 – Review Pupil’s Book page 18
A wildlife space ● The Review consolidates the target language
of the unit from the I Can Shine checkpoints
and helps prepare pupils for the unit project.
Review Vocabulary and target structures from the
1 Compare the animals. Play the game.
Wonder and Build spreads are reviewed through
speaking in Activity 1. Activity 2 helps review
beetle camel wolf deer cute beautiful colourful
and personalise the story value and language
crocodile eagle kangaroo friendly fast dangerous from the Imagine spread. The speaking element
polar bear tortoise cheetah intelligent strong slow in Activity 3 consolidates the target functional
language in the Build spread. Activity 4 and the
A cheetah is faster A crocodile is more video question in Activity 5 encourage pupils to
than a crocodile. dangerous than a deer. further explore the global citizenship theme.
A deer is… ● Ahead of the pupils completing the activities,
reviewing the song from lesson 4 can help them
2 Find four things that animals and people need.
recall vocabulary and language learnt earlier in
3 Say with a partner. Read and express surprise. the unit.
Did you know some
t t t t t t
54 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 54 10/05/2021 14:52
3 Say with a partner. Read and express surprise. Activity Book page 10
● Ask pupils to tell you what language to express surprise they
learnt in Lesson 5. Write the expressions on the board. 1 Read and complete the crossword. Pupils complete the
● Then ask Did you know a wolf has 42 teeth? Elicit an crossword using the clues provided.
expression of surprise. Repeat with A tortoise smells with the
top of its mouth? Elicit another expression of surprise. ANSWER KEY: Across: 2 wolf, 6 crocodile, 7 eagle
● Place pupils in pairs and have them continue the activity. Down: 3 cheetah, 4 beetle, 5 polar bear, 6 camel
Monitor pupils for correct use of language.
Invite pairs to come to the front to role play the activity. 1.19
2 Look and write. Then listen and check. Pupils
write comparative sentences about the animals. Then they
4 Choose an animal. What do you know about the animal?
listen and check their answers.
● Have pupils choose an animal from the photos and tell their
partner what they know about it.
● Tell the pupils to say in what way these animals are in 2 The beetle is slower than the eagle.
danger and what we can do to help them. 3 The crocodile is more dangerous than the tortoise.
SUPPORT Have pupils look back through the unit if they 4 The wolf is more colourful than the polar bear.
are struggling to remember information about the different
animals. They can then write notes, before sharing with a
partner. You can write prompts on the board to help them 3 Read and write. Then change the words in blue and
with information about the animals, e.g. habitat, diet, act out. Pupils complete the sentences, then act out the
compare to other animals, description. dialogue with a partner.
STRETCH Have more confident pupils ask each other
questions about the animals to elicit the information. ANSWER KEY: 1 Really?, 2 unbelievable, 3 Wow,
4 amazing
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: Polar bears live in the Arctic.
They’ve got thick fur and eat fish.
Deer have got long legs and fur. They live in forests and Extra time: Pupils solve the riddle.
near cities and eat plants and grass.
Cheetahs live in grasslands. They are very fast and have
ANSWER KEY: a kangaroo
got spots.
Crocodiles live in rivers. They are very strong and have got
long tails. Unit 1 review notes
Use this space to take notes on what your pupils might need
Watch the video. What do you know now? to revisit based on their performance in the review lesson.
● Tell pupils they will watch the Our World video again. Before
playing the video, ask pupils to come up with ideas for how
they think animals and people can live together.
● Play the video and have pupils tell you what they learnt
about how animals and people can live together. (Don’t
touch animals, look after the animal habitats, help animals
to survive.)
● As follow-up discussion questions, ask Which animals live
around us? How can we help them?
t t t t t
Activity 4
Our World video:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 55 10/05/2021 14:52
1 Lesson 9 – Project: A wildlife space Pupil’s Book page 19
t t t t t
56 Starting
the lesson
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 56 10/05/2021 14:52
SUPPORT Review target vocabulary from the unit for Ending the lesson
describing animals and their habitats. Write it on the board.
STRETCH Have pupils think of some extra information they ● Ask pupils to look back through the unit and to find
can add to their project, e.g. what the animals eat. something they would like to do again. This could be the
song, an activity or a game. Hold a vote to find out which
7 Share your ideas with your group. Choose animals and activity is the most popular and then have pupils do it again.
habitats for your wildlife space. ● Refer pupils to the progress chart on page 3 in the Pupil’s
● Place pupils in small groups. Encourage them to discuss Book. Have them read the sentences for each skill and notice
what animals and habitats they will refer to. what they have achieved so far.
● Tell pupils to share ideas and help their classmates if they
are unsure what they can contribute. Activity Book page 11
● Monitor as pupils work and help as necessary.
1 Think and complete. Then add another animal to each
8 Design your wildlife space. habitat. Which animal lives in all three habitats?
● Give pupils some time to work on their poster. Pupils add animals to the correct habitats, then identify
● Tell pupils to refer to the picture on page 19 as an example. which one is in all three habitats. Note that some
● Have pupils describe the habitat and what’s in it, e.g. trees, a animals can go in more than one column so accept all
river, a mountain. Have them also describe the animals that possible answers.
visit and what these animals need, e.g. food, water, shelter.
● Refer pupils to the Skill Up box, and remind them Grasslands: beetle, kangaroo, tortoise
to include some of the describing words they’ve learnt in Desert: camel, beetle, tortoise, kangaroo
their description of the wildlife space. Forest: wolf, eagle, deer, beetle
The beetle lives in all three habitats.
Pupils could make a model or use digital resources to
show how their wildlife space would look. 2 Complete your journal. Pupils complete their journal by
following the prompts.
9 As
Present your wildlife space to the class. Home–school Link: Pupils talk to family and friends about
● Invite groups to come to the front with their project and animals and which one is their favourite.
have them present it to the class.
● Encourage the other pupils to think of questions to ask at Time to shine! Assess
the end of each presentation.
Extra activity ACHIEVE The pupil can talk and write about animals
Have a short class discussion about which of the projects using simple sentences, descriptive language and some
presented would be easiest to create in real life. comparative adjectives.
10 What wildlife space could you have at school? ADJUST With support, the pupil can talk and write
● Place pupils in small groups. Ask them to think about their about animals using a limited range of descriptive
school and the area it has around it. vocabulary and some comparative adjectives.
● Then have them discuss the question. Ask them to make
● Invite groups to share their ideas with the class. EXCEED The pupil can talk and write about animals
using more complex sentences and a variety of
descriptive language, including correctly spelt
SHINE ON! Find a real wildlife space. Can you compare the
comparative forms of a range of regular and irregular
animals you see?
● Ask pupils to think of a real wildlife space. Tell them to
t t t t t
Time to shine:
Activity 9
Time to shine:
Activity 10
Activity Book:
the lesson
M02_RS_TB5_6000_M02.indd 57 10/05/2021 14:52
2 All a b o u t te c h n o l o g y
Key learning outcom in Unit 2, the pupils will:
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 58 10/05/2021 14:55
Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Technology: camera, e-reader, games console, headphones, How often do you use a laptop? I (always) use a laptop.
laptop, mobile phone, printer, screen, smart watch, speaker I (often) help. I’m helping now.
Technology actions: post (an advertisement), print (photos),
turn off, turn on, upload (photos), write comments
chat online, make video calls, search the internet, open emails Pronunciation
foot /ʊ/, shoe /uː/
Functional language
You should talk to somebody. Values
You shouldn’t talk to people you don’t know.
Using technology responsibly and safely.
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can say how often they and others do common everyday Connect and signpost ideas using simple linking words
activities, using basic frequency expressions (e.g. ‘every in short stretches of speech.
Monday’, ‘twice a month’). (37)
Can make suggestions about doing common everyday Participate appropriately in common social and
activities, using a basic fixed expression. (38) interpersonal exchanges using simple language and
Can talk about habits or daily routines in a simple way, Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
given prompts or a model. (32) objects and situations or express basic opinions or
attitudes in short stretches of speech.
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the highest level,
be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
Can write two or three related sentences on a familiar Connect and develop related ideas in a simple way in a
topic. (33) short paragraph or text.
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 59 10/05/2021 14:55
2 Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 20
Take out your mobile phone and ask pupils what
it is.
Place the technology item flashcards on the board,
picture side up. Point to each flashcard and say its
name. Ask pupils if they use each gadget.
Understand a mystery story. ● Ask pupils if they recognise any of the items in the
Give advice. Big Picture.
Write a blog about using techno
logy. ● Ask them to say the names of the gadgets and
Create a technology poster.
1 describe them.
2 TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: learning new
r… vocabulary
What technology
A good way of helping pupils learn and
remember vocabulary is to ask them to make
rules do you
a poster for it. Pupils write the words they
remember more easily at the top of the poster in
green ink, and the ones they have more difficulty
with towards the bottom in red ink.
1 headphones Lesson 1
2 e-reader I wonder
3 printer What can you see? 3 Watch the video.
● Read aloud the I wonder question. Ask pupils if they
4 speaker 1 2.01
Listen and explore. 4 Look and say. are allowed to use technology for a very long time
5 games console during the day. Encourage pupils to give reasons
6 camera
2 2.02
Listen, point and say. At school I use
a laptop. why or why not.
7 laptop
8 screen Which technology I use
● Ask pupils what technology rules they have at
9 smart watch
do you have at headphones to school or at home. Tell them they will learn about
home? listen to music.
10 mobile phone
other technology rules and how to be responsible
digital citizens in the unit.
20 Vocabulary Technology Structures I always / sometimes / never (use a mobile phone).
t t t t t t t
60 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture I wonder Presentation:
Activity 1
Activity 2
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 60 10/05/2021 14:55
1 D
2.01 Listen and explore. Activity Book page 12
iagn ose
● Ask pupils what they think the conversation will be about. Number for you. Pupils number the free-time activities
Play the audio and then ask pupils to say who was talking
’s r e v i e
according to preference.
and what they were talking about. (Alex, Sam and Bella.
They are talking about the technology they use and have.) 1 Look and write. Pupils label the photos.
2 2.02 Listen, point and say.
ANSWER KEY: 2 printer, 3 screen, 4 speaker,
● Place the flashcards on the board, picture side up and point 5 headphones, 6 mobile phone, 7 camera,
to one. Ask pupils what the word is. Repeat for all the words. 8 games console, 9 smart watch, 10 e-reader
● Play the audio. Tell pupils to point and repeat each word.
SUPPORT In pairs, have one pupil say a word from the
vocabulary. Their partner has to find the corresponding item 2 Look at Activity 1 and write. Pupils complete the
in the picture. STRETCH Place pupils in pairs and ask them sentences.
to close their books. Tell pupils they have to say as many
words as they can remember from the new vocabulary. The ANSWER KEY: 2 a mobile phone. 3 got a smart watch.
person who says the most words wins. 4 She’s got a camera. 5 He’s got a speaker and headphones.
t t t t t t t
Our World video:
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 61 10/05/2021 14:55
2 Lesson 2 – Structures Pupil’s Book page 21
How often do you use… 1 2.03 Listen and complete the survey for Leo.
1 a laptop? always
2 a mobile phone? … ● Ask what they think the survey is about (how often
3 a camera? … the children use technology).
4 headphones? … ● Have pupils read the survey.
7 5 a games console? …
● Play the audio for pupils to complete the activity,
2 Read and learn.
then check answers as a class. SUPPORT To help
Grammar pupils understand the adverbs of frequency, write
How often do you use a laptop? the following on the board:
I always / usually / often / sometimes / never always – 100%, usually – 80%, often – 60%,
use a laptop. sometimes – 40%, never – 0%
10 How often does he / she use a laptop?
Tell pupils that the words refer to how many times
He / She always / usually / often / sometimes /
never uses a laptop. you do something, and the percentages reflect
that. STRETCH Ask pupils the following questions
3 2.04
Listen again. Then match. to check understanding: Why does Leo use a laptop?
1 always a three or four times a week (To do his homework and watch videos.) Does he
2 usually b once or twice a month
3 sometimes c zero times a week have mobile phone? (No, he doesn’t.) When does he
4 often d every day use a games console? (After school.).
5 never e nearly every day
9 4 Ask and answer How often ANSWER KEY: 2 never, 3 sometimes, 4 usually,
about Leo’s survey. does Leo use
a laptop? 5 often
I can shine!
2 D
iagn ose
Read and learn.
5 Copy and complete the survey from
Activity 1 with a partner. ● Refer pupils to the Grammar box. Explain that we
How often do you use headphones?
use How often to ask how many times a person
does something.
I can say how often I use technology. ● Ask pupils to look at the replies to the questions.
Explain that the words that say how often we do
Structures I always / sometimes / never (use a mobile phone).
21 something go before the main verb.
M03_RS_PB5_5584_M03.indd 21 5/4/21 1:41 PM
3 2.04 Listen again. Then match.
● Tell pupils to read the items. Then refer them to the
percentages and adverbs on the board from the
Support activity above.
t t t t t t
62 Starting the
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 62 10/05/2021 14:55
● Play the audio and have pupils do the activity. SUPPORT Activity Book page 13
Access the audioscript from the Pearson English Portal
and make copies. Tell pupils to find the adverbs always,
usually and often and the three phrases from a–e that Leo 1 Listen and tick. Then write the words in orange.
compares them to, i.e. always – every day, usually – nearly Pupils tick the correct column and complete the follow-up
every day, often – three or four times a week. STRETCH sentences.
Have pupils make sentences about themselves using the
adverbs and expressions of frequency, e.g. I play video games ANSWER KEY: mobile phone: never, laptop: usually,
every day. printer: sometimes, speakers: often
2 never, 3 usually, 4 sometimes, 5 often
ANSWER KEY: 1 d, 2 e, 3 b, 4 a, 5 c
2 Look and write. Pupils look at the photos and complete
the sentences.
4 Ask and answer about Leo’s survey.
● Tell pupils to look at the survey in Activity 1 and model the ANSWER KEY: 2 usually uses headphones. 3 often uses
activity with a confident pupil. a camera. 4 sometimes uses an e-reader / a mobile
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity. phone. 5 always use a laptop. 6 never use a printer.
● Refer pupils to the speech bubble and remind them that
when we ask questions about another person, we say How
often does… ? Refer them to the Grammar box for further I can shine!
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 63 10/05/2021 14:55
2 Lesson 3 – Story Pupil’s Book pages 22 and 23
in the story?
Matt posts an advertisement.
I can shine!
2.06 Read and listen. What technology do they
use in the story?
There’s a builder in the café.
‘Look at the screen! Somebody’s ‘Excuse me’, says Eva. ‘We think there’s a
5 Imagine your neighbour loses
cat in your van’. The builder opens the van.
their cat. Offer to help. writing a comment: “I live next to
the café. I can hear a cat, but I can’t Matt phones Mrs Simms. ‘We’ve got Mini!’
Tell pupils to listen as they follow along in their
What do you need to do?
How can you make an advertisement? see it.”’ ‘Thank you,’ says Mrs Simms. ‘I’ll come to ●
Matt turns off his laptop and they the café and buy you both a drink.’
Let’s take a photo and then print it. run to the café. Outside the café ‘OK, but then I have to write a story for
there’s a van. homework.’ says Eva.
I can understand a mystery story. ‘Wait!’ says Eva. ‘That van is behind ‘You can write about a missing cat!’ says
1 Look. What do you think happens in the story? 3 Match the words in the text to the pictures.
● Refer pupils to the pictures. Ask them to say what they think the story ● Tell pupils to look at the words in bold in the text.
will be about. Ask if there are any unknown words. Explain where
● Give pupils some time to complete the activity.
POSSIBLE ANSWER: The children help to find a lost cat.
Encourage them to complete any matches they
immediately know first so that it will be easier to
work out the rest.
t t t t t t t
64 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Reading text:
Activity 2
Activity 3
Flashcards Extra
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 64 10/05/2021 14:55
● Have pupils complete the activity, then check answers as
a class. SUPPORT Play a vocabulary game with the pupils.
Write the bold verbs from the text on the board and explain
I can shine! Assess
that you will say a sentence and pupils have to say the
correct verb to complete it, e.g. I… a laptop to make it work. ACHIEVE The pupil can understand the sequence of
Elicit turn on. I… a laptop to make it stop. Elicit turn off. I… a events in a story with no support.
photo with a printer. Elicit print. I… a photo to the website.
Elicit upload. I… a comment on the screen. Elicit write. I… an
advertisement on a website. Elicit post. STRETCH Pupils look
ADJUST The pupil can understand the sequence of
at the bold words in the text and make sentences with the
events in a story when prompted.
new vocabulary to share with their partners.
t t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
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2 Lesson 4 – Structures and song Pupil’s Book page 24
t t t t t
66 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
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● Ask them what words refer to time (never, often, always,
Ask pupils to look at the lines in which they found the
● Next, tell them to look at the right column and read the
answers to Activity 3. Ask pupils how often the friends do
sentences. Ask what time words they recognise (now, today)
the activities together. Pupils should be able to find the
● Ask pupils to look at the action words (verbs) in the first adverb of frequency with every activity. Explain to pupils
sentence in each column (help / helping). Ask how they are that by adding this adverb of frequency, we can include
different. more detail in our sentences. Then ask the pupils to say
● Explain that in the left column, the verbs are in the present what activities the friends are doing at the time they are
simple because the sentence expresses a habit or routine, singing the song (talking on the phone, listening to their
whereas in the right column, the verbs are in the present favourite song). Ask the pupils how they know they are
continuous because the action is happening now or today. doing those activities now (present continuous / be + ing
SUPPORT Tell pupils you are going to say a sentence in form of the verb).
the present simple for them to change to the present
continuous. Say I never watch TV but… . Elicit I’m watching
TV now / today. Continue for a few verbs and then place 4 Ask and answer.
pupils in pairs to continue. STRETCH Tell pupils you are ● Tell pupils to read the questions and then ask two pupils to
going to say a time word and they have to make a sentence read the speech bubbles.
with it in the correct tense. Say always. Elicit a sentence in ● Explain that they can use different answers each time
the present simple. Then say now. Elicit a sentence with the they ask and answer, but they must use the correct tense
word in the present continuous. (present simple / continuous).
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity.
BUILD HELPER Monitor for correct use of language.
Refer pupils to Build helper Nadia. Explain that
they will use the activities in the box and items 1–5
to make sentences in the present simple and present
Extra activity
Tell pupils they are going to play a game where they make
continuous. Model the activity for the first two items.
the most outrageous sentences in the tenses they have
Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity.
learned today. Say I usually do karaoke with Rihanna every
day, but today I’m singing with Bruno Mars. You could
encourage them to express surprise or shock using the
TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: grammar game expressions from the previous unit, e.g. Wow! How amazing!
Total Physical Response (TPR) activities are a good way Then have a few pupils say their own outrageous sentences.
to help pupils build on and remember their grammar. Ask Place pupils in pairs and have them play the game.
pupils to stand in front of one another in a line. Explain
that when you say a sentence in the present simple, they
have to jump to the left. When you say a sentence in the Ending the lesson
present continuous, they have to jump to the right. ● Place pupils in small groups. Ask them to write a new verse
for the song in Activity 3 that is about what they do or share
with their friends.
3 2.08 Read and sing. What do the friends do together?
● Tell pupils to read the song quietly and then tell you in their Activity Book page 15
own words what it is about.
Play the audio and have pupils follow along in their books.
Repeat the audio for pupils to sing along. Note that the
1 Read and write. Pupils complete the sentences using the
present simple and present continuous.
chorus lines are repeated in the song but not on the Pupil’s
Book page and so weaker pupils may need support following
along in their book. ANSWER KEY: 1 playing basketball, 2 goes to the park,
’s going to the cinema, 3 reads an e-reader, he’s reading
● Ask pupils to say what they think the song means by we’re
a book, 4 visits her friend, she’s visiting her grandma
a team (we’re friends and support each other). Ask why this
and sharing is important. Have pupils answer the question.
● Once pupils are comfortable with the song, have them sing Build helper: Pupils ask and answer the questions from
the karaoke version (audio track 2.09). Activity 1 about themselves.
Grammar extension
Grammar 2 Lesson on page 89 of the Pupil’s Book offers
They talk on the phone every day.
extended practice of the grammar introduced in Unit 2.
They often share their headphones.
Further teacher’s notes can be found in the teacher
They usually play on a games console.
resources on the Pearson English Portal.
t t t t t
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
Ending the
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2 Lesson 5 – Communication Pupil’s Book page 25
Foot Shoe
You should use headphones.
3 Match. Then say with a partner.
● Match items 1–3 and a–c as a class activity.
I can give advice and make suggestions.
● Ask a confident pupil to read item 1 and then model
the activity by saying He should use headphones.
Communication Giving advice and making suggestions. ● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the
M03_RS_PB5_5584_M03.indd 25 5/4/21 1:42 PM
activity. Monitor for proper use of language.
t t t t t t
68 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
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● Invite pairs to the front of the class to role play their
exchanges. SUPPORT Complete the activity as a class FUTURE SKILLS: collaboration and communication
making sure pupils note the correct answers. Then place Have pupils work together to create a collaborative piece
pupils in pairs and have them swap roles in saying the of work in the form of an Agony Aunt newspaper column.
problems and giving advice. STRETCH Have pupils give two Tell pupils that people sometimes send their problems
or three more pieces of advice for each situation. anonymously to magazines or newspapers. In groups,
hand out sheets of A4 paper and ask pupils to write an
anonymous problem for a newspaper. Collect all the
SUGGESTED ANSWERS: 1 c, He should use headphones.
papers and then hand them back to different groups. The
2 a, You shouldn’t share videos with people you don’t know.
groups have to reply to the problem with some advice.
3 b, She should turn off her laptop.
Collect the papers and read out the problems and advice.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
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2 Lesson 6 – Global citizenship Pupil’s Book page 26
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
al Citiz Starting the lesson
● Ask pupils to say the names of the technology items
Lesson 6
Let’s be
I share
Using technology
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes
they have learnt in this unit. As they say them, place
videos ●
OptDonline or search the internet.
> we never upload photos to the internet.
Let’s be
I share
I celebrate all
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes
and if so, what they are.
> we use the tablet, laptop or games console for one hour a day.
> we never shop online without Mum and Dad. ANSWER KEY: Rules for technology for the family
> we never use technology at the dinner table. chat online
> we never use laptops, tablets or mobile phones in our bedrooms.
> we always do our homework before we watch TV, use our e-reader
or play on our games console.
2 2.14 Read and listen. What technology does
> we never share personal information online.
the family have?
> we turn off screens one hour before bedtime. ● Play the audio for pupils to follow along in their
make video calls
> we never chat online or make video calls with people we don’t know. books. Tell them not to worry if they come across
> we never open emails from people we don’t know. any unknown vocabulary.
> we only use the internet between four o’clock and seven o’clock in
the evening.
● Ask pupils to say what technology they read about.
> we never write bad comments about people. Have pupils tell you where they found the answers.
> we always help each other when we have problems with technology.
open emails
ANSWER KEY: tablet, laptop, games console,
mobile phone, TV, e-reader
3 Read again. Then answer. 4 2.15
Listen. How many hours can
1 How long can the family use the Max use the laptop for?
tablet, laptop or games console for?
What can’t they do at the dinner table? 5 2.16
Listen again. Then answer.
3 Read again. Then answer.
3 What do they do before they watch TV? ● Give pupils a few minutes to read the text again
4 When do they turn off screens?
1 Max has to ask his mum before he…
5 When can they use the internet? 2 Max usually does his homework and answer the questions.
on his… ● Ask pupils to make a note of where they got the
3 Max can use his… in his bedroom.
How can we be 4 He can’t use his… or his laptop in answers. Check answers as a class.
safe when we use his bedroom. SUPPORT Do items 1 and 2 as a class. For each
technology every day? item, show pupils where the answer is in the text.
STRETCH Have pupils answer the questions about
26 Global Citizenship Using technology responsibly and safely. themselves and their family’s rules. Writing A blog post
t t t t t t
70 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
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RECEPTIVE SKILLS TIP Background information (Culture and CLIL)
As a follow-up activity to enhance understanding, ask Ahead of class, research examples of how technology
pupils to read the text and then discuss how they feel has been used positively to help communities. For
about the rules for that family. Ask if they would be able example, technology to help hospitals so that families can
to follow them and if they think there are other rules they communicate with patients, or doctors can communicate
can add. with each other. Ask pupils if they have any ideas, then
hand out your examples as a talking point. Have pupils
4 2.15 Listen. How many hours can Max use the laptop for? discuss how technology can be used responsibly to benefit
everyone and think of ideas for how they could help others
● Ask pupils to think about how long they usually use their by using technology.
computers or other technological devices for each day. Ask if
they think they use them too much or too little.
● Play the audio and elicit the answer. Activity Book page 16
● Play the audio again and ask pupils to say as much as they
can about the dialogue they have just heard. 1 Read and match. Then look and write. Pupils match the
phrases to the definitions and then label the icons.
ANSWER KEY: two hours for homework
ANSWER KEY: 2 a, 3 d, 4 c
b chat online, c search the internet, d make video calls
5 2.16 Listen again. Then answer.
Tell pupils to read the questions and see if they can
remember the answers.
2 2.17 Listen and answer. Then listen again and write.
True or False? Pupils listen to the audio and
● Play the audio for pupils to complete the activity. Check complete the activity.
answers as a class. SUPPORT Access the Pearson English
Portal and give pupils a copy of the audioscript to help them
ANSWER KEY: make video calls
see where the answers are. STRETCH Place pupils in pairs.
2 True, 3 False, 4 False, 5 True
Access the Pearson English Portal and give them a copy of the
audioscript to read. Ask them to change some of the items,
e.g. the technology mentioned, the time Max can use it. Have Grow helper: Pupils write sentences with their own ideas.
pupils role play their new dialogue in front of the class.
Extra time: Pupils answer the question.
ANSWER KEY: 1 chats online, 2 laptop, 3 e-reader,
4 tablet
Activity 4 Pupil’s Book audioscript
Mum Max, it’s your turn. Can you read the family
GROW HELPER technology rules and agree to them?
Start this section by asking pupils to say the Max Yes, Mum. I’ve got some questions. Do I have to
advantages of using the internet. Then slowly ask you before I chat online?
lead into the disadvantage with a focus on the safety Mum Yes, please. You should tell me who you’re
hazards. Write a few on the board. Read Alex’s question chatting with.
aloud and elicit answers. Max OK. What’s this? I can only use my laptop for one
hour a day, Mum? I usually do my homework on
my laptop. I need more than one hour.
Mum Well, you shouldn’t look at a screen all day. It isn’t
FUTURE SKILLS: critical and reflective thinking healthy. But for homework you can use it for two
After completing the Grow Helper feature, ask pupils how hours.
they would feel if people bullied them on the internet. Ask Max Thanks, Mum. Oh, and can I use my e-reader in
where they feel safer – in an open space or in front of a my bedroom?
screen. Then lead a discussion on what other things people Mum Yes, OK, but not your tablet or your laptop.
can do in place of using technology.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
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2 Lesson 7 – Writing Pupil’s Book page 27
How often do you use it? 2 Read again. Find three sentences
where Kayla uses the word ‘and’? Why does she
When do you use it? use it?
2 ● Give pupils a minute or two to identify the
What do you use it for? sentences.
● Check answers as a class, inviting confident pupils
I can shine! to read the sentences aloud. SUPPORT Ask pupils
3 to say a few things that they do in the evening.
5 Write your blog post. Write key phrases on the board. Choose two
phrases from the board and make a sentence using
I can write a blog post about and. Write it on the board, e.g. In the evening, I
my digital day. watch TV and do some exercise. Invite pupils to say
their own sentences using and. STRETCH Place
Writing A blog post
27 pupils in pairs and have them make sentences
about themselves using In the morning… , At
lunchtime… , In the evening… , with and. Ask pupils
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t t t t t
72 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
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ANSWER KEY: In the morning, I usually call my friends on Ending the lesson
my mobile phone and meet them at the bus stop. ● Collect all the blogs. Explain that you will choose one and
After school, I always turn on my mobile phone again and read it without saying whose it is. Pupils have to guess who
call my mum. In the evening, I sometimes watch TV and wrote it. Repeat for a few blogs, then have pupils come to
use my laptop to do homework. the front and read other blogs for the class to guess.
She uses and to connect two things or ideas. ● To extend the activity, have pupils make notes about each
of the digital days as they listen. In small groups, pupils can
then compare notes and find similarities and differences
3 2.19 Ideas generator Listen and match.
between each of the blogs. They can report their findings to
● Tell pupils that in this lesson they are going to start thinking the class.
of ideas for their own blog. Ask pupils to look at the three
photos and say what they see.
Activity Book page 17
● Play the audio and have pupils complete the activity.
1 Read and answer. Pupils read and answer the questions.
ANSWER KEY: 1 Magda, 2 Ana, 3 Rafi
4 Give it a go Plan your digital day blog post. 1 Alex watches TV on Saturday morning and on
● Look at the first planning step and ask pupils to say what Saturday evening.
technology items they can write about. 2 Alex uses an e-reader.
● Have pupils complete the steps in their notebooks.
SUPPORT After going through the above steps, place pupils
in pairs and have them write one sentence they will use in 2 Give it a go. Plan your digital weekend blog post. Pupils
complete the table about themselves.
each paragraph. STRETCH Tell pupils to complete one more
step in their plan that explains how they are responsible with
technology, e.g. I never post photos online and I never share I can shine!
personal information.
3 Now write your blog post. Use your notes from
Activity 2. Pupils complete their blog post.
Planning support
Teach pupils to structure their ideas in a logical way. Refer
pupils to the blog in Activity 1 and ask them to say what Check your work: Pupils look back at their work in Activity 3
part of the day each sentence refers to. Ask why they and check they used and to connect two ideas.
think the blog is broken into parts like this. Explain that
when we write about things with a clear sequence (i.e.
using In the morning, After school, etc), the information is
Activity 3 Pupil’s Book audioscript
much easier for readers to follow. Rafi Hi, I’m Rafi. In the morning, I go to school by bus
and I often listen to music. I use my headphones
so people on the bus don’t hear my music.
5 Write your blog post Ana Hi, I’m Ana. After school, I like to play the video
games on my games console. But I always do my
● Have pupils write their blog post in their notebooks, using
homework first and ask my parents, that’s one of
their notes from the previous stages. As they are writing,
our family technology rules.
monitor and provide support as required. Fast finishers can
Magda Hi, I’m Magda. I walk to school. When I arrive at
draw pictures to illustrate their work.
school, I call my mum on my mobile phone so that
she knows I am OK and then I turn off my phone
I can shine! Assess before I go to class.
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
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2 Lesson 8 – Review Pupil’s Book page 28
t t t t t t
74 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 74 10/05/2021 14:55
2 How can we use technology to help people in our Ending the lesson
● On small pieces of paper, write a letter of the alphabet
● Tell pupils to read the texts in Lessons 3 and 4 again. and scrunch it up. Do not use the letter X. Place all the
● Ask what the texts are about and what information scrunched-up pieces of paper in a box or bag.
they give us about using technology to help people in our ● Write the names of all the children on the board and have
community. the class form a circle.
● Ask pupils to think about other areas of life where ● Explain that you will pass the box or bag around for each
technology might be used to help people in the community. child to choose a scrunched-up ball. They have to open it and
say as many words that begin with that letter as they can.
3 Say with a partner. Give advice.
The pupil gets a point for each word.
● Ask pupils to tell you what language we use to express
advice and suggestions. Write should / shouldn’t on the
Activity Book page 18
Then say I have a headache. Elicit a piece of advice with
What can you do? Read and circle the odd one out. Pupils
the target language. Continue with I am always tired in
circle the odd word out.
the morning.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them do the activity. Monitor
pupils for correct use of language. ANSWER KEY: 2 a games console, 3 a printer,
4 an e-reader, 5 an email
4 Look at the technology. How often do you use it?
● On the board, write: always, often, sometimes, never. Invite 2 Order and write. Then listen and check. Pupils
pupils to make sentences about the technology they use with order the words to make sentences.
these words.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them look at the photos ANSWER KEY:
and continue the activity. Monitor pupils for correct use of 2 I’m reading a book on my e-reader.
language. 3 We sometimes use a printer at school.
4 I often upload photos onto my laptop.
5 Watch the video. What do you know now? 5 Today they are wearing smart watches.
● Tell pupils they will watch the Our World video again. Before 6 Carla never turns off her mobile phone.
watching, ask pupils how people can use technology to make
● Play the video. After watching, have pupils tell you the 3 Complete with You should or You shouldn’t. Then give
different things people make with technology in the video more advice. Pupils complete the sentences to give advice
(robots, toy cars, a car that drives itself, games). and add their own ideas.
● As follow-up discussion questions, ask What do you want to
make with technology? Do you want to learn how to code? ANSWER KEY: 2 You shouldn’t, 3 You shouldn’t,
SUPPORT Before playing the video, write the following 4 You should
questions on the board: How can you use technology to talk
to people? (chat online, video call). What can the robots do?
(play table tennis, bring people food). How can you create Extra time: Pupils solve the riddle.
the technology? (with code). Play the video with pauses for
pupils to answer the questions. STRETCH Place pupils in ANSWER KEY: a speaker
pairs and ask them to write a short summary of the video.
Extra activity
Place pupils in small groups. Have them make a
presentation showing what they have learnt in this unit.
Ask them to present key vocabulary, language and themes.
Groups present their presentation to the class.
t t t t t
Activity 4
Our World video:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
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2 Lesson 9 – Project: A technology advice poster Pupil’s Book page 29
t t t t t
76 Starting
the lesson
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
M03_RS_TB5_6000_M03.indd 76 10/05/2021 14:55
6 Look at the topics. Think of advice you can give people
SHINE ON! How can you share technology advice with
about using technology.
your school?
● Place pupils in pairs. Tell them to look at the topics in the Ask pupils to think about their school and, as a class,
lozenges and discuss what advice they can give people about brainstorm ideas about the different ways or places
using technology. useful advice can be shared there, e.g. notice boards in
● They should then make notes. Tell them to use as much of the classrooms or corridors, school newsletters or websites,
target vocabulary from the unit as possible and expressions assemblies.
for advice and suggestions. SUPPORT Brainstorm ideas as
a class for each topic before asking pupils to work in pairs.
Write key words on the board. STRETCH Ask pupils to say Ending the lesson
full sentences that they can use in their project. ● Ask pupils to look back through the unit and to find
7 Share your ideas with your group and choose advice for something they would like to do again. This could be the
your poster. Choose a title for your poster. song, an activity or a game. Hold a vote to find out which
activity is the most popular and then have pupils do it again.
● Place pupils in small groups. ● Refer pupils to the progress chart on page 3 in the Pupil’s
● Tell pupils to share ideas and help their classmates if they Book. Have them read the sentences for each skill and notice
are unsure what they can contribute. what they have achieved so far.
● Monitor as pupils work and help as necessary.
Activity Book page 19
Place pupils in small groups. Explain that they should
listen to each other and help where they can. Do this by
1 Where do you usually do these activities? Think
and complete. Pupils complete the table with the
having them allocate a role to each person in the group. phrases given.
As a group, they decide on the steps needed to make sure
their project is as successful as possible.
ANSWER KEY: Pupils’ own answers
Time to shine! ACHIEVE The pupil can talk and write about
technology. They can ask and answer about routine
9 Present your technology advice poster to the class. activities using some adverbs of frequency. They can
use should / shouldn’t to give basic advice.
● Invite groups to come to the front with their project and
have them present it to the class.
● Encourage the other pupils to think of questions to ask at
ADJUST The pupil can talk and write about
the end of each presentation.
technology with a limited range of vocabulary. They
10 Choose some advice from the posters that you can use. can use two or three adverbs of frequency to talk
about their routine activities. They can give basic
● Place pupils in small groups. Ask them to look at the advice with should / shouldn’t when provided with
different posters and choose which advice they think is good. a model.
● Invite groups to share which pieces of advice they liked best
and why.
EXCEED The pupil can talk and write about
technology. They can ask and answer about routine
and current activities using adverbs of frequency and
correctly distinguishing the use of present simple and
present continuous. They can use should / shouldn’t to
give advice in a range of situations.
t t t t t
Time to shine:
Activity 9
Time to shine:
Activity 10
Activity Book:
Ending the
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Review 1 – Our lives Pupil’s Book pages 30 and 31
• Lesson aim: to review language from Units 1 and 2 Review Our lives
• 1 Listen and answer.
Receptive: Listening: Can recognise simple phrases related 1 What’s Laura doing?
2 Which animals do they
to familiar topics in slow, clear speech. Can identify specific talk about?
3 How often does Laura go
information in short, simple dialogues, if there is some repetition to the wildlife garden?
• Receptive: Reading: Can extract specific information (e.g. facts and 1 laptops / mobile phones
2 eagles / cheetahs
numbers) from simple informational texts related to everyday life 3 foxes / wolves
dangerous colourful
Productive: Speaking: Can make simple, direct comparisons
I think laptops are better
between two people or things using common adjectives, given than mobile phones.
a model.
I don’t. I think mobile
Productive: Writing: Can write two or three related sentences on phones are better than
laptops. They’re smaller. Go wild with Laura
a familiar topic. 3 Think and answer.
Home | Animals | Plants | Wildlife Blog | Contact
butterflies and bees are visiting the flowers in the
Audio; Flashcards from Units 1 and 2; A4 paper, colouring pencils good ways? garden. There was a beetle on the plants, too. I
often take photos on my tablet then I upload them
4 Read. Which animals does Laura to my blog.
write about? Why don’t you make a wildlife garden? There’s
wildlife everywhere – in towns, cities and the
5 Read again. Then answer. countryside. You could search the internet and find
out about different animals and plants, but you
1 Where’s the wildlife garden? should ask your parents or teacher first.
Units 1 and 2 as they can. Then give them a minute to write six sentences
photos of the birds with my camera.
with words from that list. Groups then say the sentences. 30 Review 1 Units 1 and 2
t t t t t t
78 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5
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FUTURE SKILLS: self-management and leadership
Ask pupils to think about one thing they have learnt that they feel really
confident about and one thing they feel less confident about. Provide
Mini project pupils with further practice in areas they feel less confident using the
6 Plan a comment for Laura’s blog.
photocopiables or extra activities on the Pearson English Portal.
What animals do you see where you live?
Where do you usually see them?
How often do you see them?
How can you help animals that you see? Ending the lesson
We usually see birds in the trees in the park and we sometimes see
● Ask pupils which unit they liked best. Give each pupil a sheet of A4 paper.
foxes in the street. We always give the birds food in the winter. They write as many sentences as they can from their favourite unit and
draw a few pictures if they like. Pupils present their work to the class.
7 Write your comment.
ANSWER KEY: 2 True, 3 True, 4 False (He often sees kangaroos in his
ally garden.) 5 True, 6 False (He never sees crocodiles in his garden.)
Complete the table for you. Then ask and answer. Pupils complete
the chart, and then ask and answer questions about how often they and
Mike see the different animals.
I can read and write about animals and technology.
I can compare things and say how often I do something. Write and match. Then talk with a partner. Pupils complete the words
and match.
I can express surprise.
I can give advice and make suggestions.
Review 1
31 ANSWER KEY: 1 b, amazing, 2 c, should, 3 a, shouldn’t
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4 Read and circle. Pupils read and circle the correct options.
7 As
Write your comment.
● Give pupils a few minutes to write their ANSWER KEY: 2 more friendly, 3 shouldn’t, 4 camera, 5 better, 6 photos
comment. Remind them to use and to make
longer sentences. Monitor and help as
necessary. 5 Think about the questions. Write your email. Pupils think of their
● Have pupils check each other’s work. Remind answers to the questions and then use their ideas to write a short email.
them to say two positive things about the
comment and one thing that might need Time to shine!
6 Read and tick (✓). Pupils evaluate their progress across Units 1 and 2.
Time to shine!
t t t t t
Activity 6 Activity 7 I can shine:
Activity 8
Activity Book:
the lesson
M04_RS_TB5_6000_M04.indd 79 10/05/2021 14:57
3 Sharing our skills
Key learning outcom in Unit 3, the pupils will:
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 80 10/05/2021 14:59
Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Everyday items: bandage, diary, helmet, key, magazine, I have to / don’t have to (bring a helmet).
money, puzzle, rope, snack, torch Do you have to (take jackets)? yes, I do. / No, don’t.
Camping objects: blanket, gloves, jacket, sledge, sleeping
bag, stove
Rafts: air, flat, float, sink
climb /kl/, create /kr/
Functional language
Shall I help you? Oh, thank you! That’s very kind. Values
Sharing skills with others.
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can tell someone what another person needs using simple Participate in common informational, academic,
words and gestures. (31) or transactional exchanges using simple language
and expressions.
Can respond to suggestions to do something using a fixed Participate appropriately in common social and
expression. (35) interpersonal exchanges using simple language
and expressions.
Can talk about everyday activities using simple language. Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
(34) objects and situations or express basic opinions or
attitudes in short stretches of speech.
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the highest level,
be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
Can write basic instructions (e.g. how to draw or colour Write short texts to inform, instruct or influence
something). (39) a general audience.
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 81 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 32
Starting the lesson: warm up
Set up a class skills share. ● Have pupils look at the Big Picture and say what
they can see in it.
I wonder
● Refer pupils to the I wonder question on page 33.
5 Ask them what kind of activities they think the
3 items might be used in and write some ideas on
the board, e.g. rope – climbing, helmet – climbing /
cycling, torch – camping. Tell pupils they will learn
more about these activities in the unit.
1 key 1 D
iagn ose
3.01 Listen and explore.
Lesson 1
2 bandage ● Ask pupils to look at the Big Picture and say what
3 snack What can you see? 3 Watch the video. they think the conversation will be about.
4 rope ● Play the audio. Ask pupils who they heard speaking
1 3.01
Listen and explore. 4 What are the items?
5 puzzle Say and guess. (Alex, Leo and Bella).
6 money 2 3.02
Listen, point and say. ● As a follow up, ask What are the children going
You can open a
7 diary door with this. to learn? (some exciting skills) Why do they need
8 magazine
Which of the items
money? (to buy lunch) Why does Leo have a
Is it a key?
9 torch do you carry in magazine? (in case he gets bored).
10 helmet your bag?
2 3.02 Listen, point and say.
32 Vocabulary Everyday items ● Play the audio. Tell pupils toStructures
look atI you.
have toAs the
/ don’t audio
have to (bring a helmet).
says an item, point to its corresponding flashcard.
Then play the audio again with pauses for pupils to
M04_RS_PB5_5584_M04.indd 32 11/03/2021 09:39
repeat. SUPPORT Ask pupils to look at the words
in the vocabulary list. Raise a flashcard, picture side
up, and say the word. If you say the correct word,
they repeat after you. If you say the incorrect word,
they correct you.
t t t t t t t
82 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture I wonder Presentation:
Activity 1
Activity 2
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 82 10/05/2021 14:59
STRETCH Tell pupils to look at the vocabulary and guess Ending the lesson
what activity they think Leo might use each item for, e.g.
climbing. ● Play a game to review the target vocabulary. Tell pupils
you will say three items from the new vocabulary. Pupils
3 Watch the video. have to draw them as best they can. If they have any of the
● Explain to pupils they will now watch the Our World video items with them, they can show them to the class. Repeat
showing children learning different skills. Ask pupils to watch with three new items and then again with the remaining
carefully and say what items from the new vocabulary they three items.
can see.
● Play the video and elicit the answers (torch, rope, helmet). Activity Book page 22
FUTURE SKILLS: enquiry and imagination et Choose and write three skills you’ve got. This activity
’s r e v i e
After watching the video, ask pupils if they have tried or reviews words pupils may already know which link to the
would like to try any of the activities they saw. Ask pupils vocabulary topic for this unit. Pupils write three things
how they think the pupils felt at different times during they can do.
their trip, especially when they were sleeping outside or
going down the cliff. Write on the board all of the different 1 Look and write. Pupils write the words that match the
feeling and emotions the pupils mention. As an extension
activity, have pupils imagine they are Callum. They can
write a diary entry or give an interview about how they are ANSWER KEY: 2 magazine, 3 torch, 4 bandage, 5 money,
feeling on the island. 6 diary, 7 puzzle, 8 helmet, 9 key, 10 snack
t t t t t t t
Our World video:
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 83 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 2 – Structures Pupil’s Book page 33
these items be
used for? 2 Read and learn. 3.03 Listen. What items do the children have
7 Grammar
to bring?
I / You / We / They have to bring a rope.
● Ask pupils to look at the words in the box and say
10 He / She has to bring a torch. which items they think the children will need to
I / You / We / They don’t have to bring a snack.
He / She doesn’t have to bring a magazine.
bring on an activity day.
● Play the audio and elicit answers. Ask pupils if their
3 Look and answer. True or false? guesses were correct.
Important √ Not important ×
2 D
iagn ose
Read and learn.
Leo has to… He doesn’t have to…
● Refer pupils to the Grammar box. Explain that
1 bring a torch. 3 bring a snack. we use have to when we need to do something
2 bring a diary. 4 bring money. important, and don’t have to when it is not
4 Make sentences about what Leo has to bring on necessary.
the activity day. ● On the board, write: I have to… and I don’t have to… .
Leo has to bring a rope. ● Say I have to bring my notebook to class every day.
I don’t have to bring a snack to school every day.
I can shine! ● Ask volunteer pupils to think about things they do /
5 Imagine there is a camping trip. Think
don’t need to do and say their own sentences with
about what you have to bring. Say. I (don’t) have to.
I have to bring a torch. ● Refer pupils to the Grammar box again. Have them
read it quietly. Then explain that with he / she, we
I can say what people have to and don’t have
to do. use has to in the affirmative and doesn’t have to in
the negative.
Structures I have to / don’t have to (bring a helmet).
3 Look and answer. True or false?
M04_RS_PB5_5584_M04.indd 33 11/03/2021 09:40
● Refer pupils to the table. Ask them to name the
items in the pictures.
● Then say Leo has to bring a helmet. True or false?
and elicit the answer True. Then say He doesn’t
have to bring a rope. Elicit the answer False.
t t t t t t
84 Starting the
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 84 10/05/2021 14:59
● Have pupils complete the activity individually. Check answers
as a class. SUPPORT Have pupils make sentences using has Extra activity
to for all of the items in the ‘important’ column and doesn’t Have pupils plan a school trip for the class and decide
have to for all of the items on the ‘not important’ column, what everyone has to and doesn’t have to bring. They
before answering the questions. STRETCH Have pupils should draw the items in a table similar to Activity 3 on a
correct the false sentences and write the true version. piece of paper, with the name of their school trip at the
top of the page. Display each of the tables around the
ANSWER KEY: 1 True, 2 False, 3 True, 4 False class and have pupils go around each one and write or
say sentences about what they have to and don’t have to
bring on the trip. At the end of the activity, have pupils say
4 Make sentences about what Leo has to bring on the what trip they think they’d like to go on and why.
activity day.
● Refer pupils to the table again. Ask them to add one more
item to the ‘not important’ list. Explain it can be any item Ending the lesson
they like. ● Play a game to review the grammar. Explain that pupils will
● Model the activity for the class for a few items. play a game called That’s nonsense! Tell pupils you will say a
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity. sentence to which they might have to reply That’s nonsense!
SUPPORT Explain to pupils that you will say an item from and correct you.
the table for them to say whether Leo has to or doesn’t have ● Say I have to bring my dress to the camping trip. Elicit That’s
to bring it to the activity day. Go through each item and nonsense! You don’t have to bring a dress. Then say I have to
elicit full sentences, e.g. Leo has to bring a torch. He doesn’t bring a torch. Elicit Yes, that’s correct. Play with the pupils
have to bring a puzzle. STRETCH Ask pupils to look at the for a few rounds and then have them play in small groups.
left-hand column in Activity 3. Ask why they think Leo has to
bring each item. Encourage pupils to use full sentences, e.g.
Leo has to bring money because he has to buy food.
Activity Book page 23
5 Imagine there is a camping trip. Think about what you 1 Listen and answer. Then listen again and tick (✓)
have to bring. Say. or cross (✗) for Nina. Pupils listen and answer the
● Model the activity for the pupils, saying three things you question. They listen again and tick or cross the correct
have to bring. Extend by also saying three things you don’t pictures.
have to bring.
● Ask pupils to make a list of three things they have to bring. ANSWER KEY: his car key
Extend the activity by asking them to list things they don’t ✓: helmet, torch ✗: snack
have to bring.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity. 2 Look at Activity 1 and write. Pupils complete sentences
Monitor and help as necessary. based on the pictures.
● Invite pupils to share their lists with the class.
ANSWER KEY: 2 He has to bring a rope. 3 He has to bring
some money. 4 Nina has to bring a helmet. 5 She has to
I can shine! Assess bring a torch. 6 She doesn’t have to bring a snack.
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 85 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 3 – Story Pupil’s Book pages 34 and 35
Wonder Build Grow Shine
3.05 Read and listen. What different places
Lesson 3
t t t t t t t
86 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Reading text:
Activity 2
Activity 3
Flashcards Extra
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 86 10/05/2021 14:59
4 Read again. Then answer.
● Give pupils some time to complete the activity. Tell them to
Story extension
note where they get the answers from. Information about Helen Thayer is widely available online,
including her own website: helenthayer.com. Have pupils
● Check answers as a class. SUPPORT Before pupils answer
do some research about her and present their findings to
the questions, identify the key words in each question and
the class.
write them on the board, e.g. 1 ski, 2 cook, 3 keep warm,
4 mountains, 5 2012, 6 shelter. Tell pupils that if they look for
these words in the text, this will help them find the answers
more easily. STRETCH Place pupils in pairs and ask them Ending the lesson
to write three false statements about the text for their ● Ask pupils to read the story again and choose one skill in the
partners to correct. biography they would like to learn and why. Encourage them
to think of ways they can learn this skill.
ANSWER KEY: 1 children, 2 on a stove, 3 gloves and
a fur jacket, 4 1994, 5 Helen and Bill go to the desert, Activity Book page 24
6 blankets
1 Read and number. Pupils put the events in order.
Ask pupils which helper they can see (Sam, the ANSWER KEY:
Imagine helper). 5 Helen and Bill live in the mountains, near a family
of wolves.
Read Sam’s question aloud. Give pupils a few minutes 1 Helen is born in New Zealand.
to think and discuss their ideas in pairs. Remind them to 6 Helen and Bill go to the desert on camels.
look back at the text for help. Have pairs then share their 3 Helen travels to the North Pole.
answers with the class. 2 Helen climbs her first mountain in New Zealand.
4 Helen starts her organisation, Adventure Classroom.
5 Imagine you are with Helen on a trip. Answer.
● Place pupils in small groups. Ask them to choose one trip and 2 Read and write. Pupils unscramble the letters to make
then to answer the three questions. Encourage them to use words to complete the sentences.
describing words as much as they can and to explain their
answers. Monitor and help as necessary. ANSWER KEY: 1 stove, 2 gloves, 3 jacket, 4 sledge,
● Have groups share their answers with the class. 5 sleeping bag, 6 blankets
SUPPORT Encourage pupils to think of objects that would
be useful in the different locations from this unit, and other Imagine helper: Pupils complete the sentences and evaluate
items. STRETCH Pupils write a paragraph answering the the story.
questions and read to the class.
I can shine!
I can shine! Assess
3 Think of someone you know. What skills has he / she
got? Pupils write sentences about someone they know.
ACHIEVE The pupil can understand a story about a
person’s life.
Extra time: Pupils write a list and present it to the class.
t t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 87 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 4 – Structures and song Pupil’s Book page 36
Lesson 4
● Tell pupils that there are a few things you have to
do every day or in general. Say I have to get up early
1 3.06
Read and listen. What do they decide to do? every day. I have to make breakfast. In the evening,
Joe: Do we have to sleep in the tent tonight?
I have to help clean up. In cold weather, I have to
Dad: No, we don’t. It’s raining. Come on! Let’s go. wear warm clothes.
Daria: Do I have to take my jacket?
Dad: Yes, you do. We have to take our
● Ask pupils to say a few things they have to do.
backpacks, too. We’re going to a hotel! Write some phrases on the board. Leave them on
Joe: Hooray!
the board for the support in Activity 2.
t t t t t
88 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 88 10/05/2021 14:59
● Explain that the sentences in the green column are short
answers that we can use to respond to questions with have Extra activity
to in the present simple. SUPPORT Help pupils use short Place pupils in groups. Have them come up with five more
answers by drilling. Explain that you will say a question and questions using Do you have to… ? Have pupils use the
raise a red pencil or a green pencil. If you raise a green pencil, questions to do a survey. They ask and answer within
they have to give a short answer in the affirmative, but their groups and then report their findings to the class.
with a red pencil, they have to give a negative short answer. If pupils are struggling to come up with ideas, you can
STRETCH Tell pupils to write four short phrases on a slip of write some topics to help prompt them on the board, e.g.
paper, using any verbs they like and yes or no, e.g. they go to school, routine, hobbies. To support weaker pupils further,
bed early / no, do their homework / yes. Pupils swap papers brainstorm more specific phrases they could use to ask
with their partner. Their partner has to make a question questions about these topics, e.g. school: do homework,
and answer with the prompts, e.g. Do they have to go to bed eat lunch; routine: brush your teeth in the morning, have
early? No, they don’t. a shower in the evening.
Grammar extension
ANSWER KEY: They need wood and rope.
Grammar 3 Lesson on page 90 of the Pupil’s Book offers
extended practice of the grammar introduced in Unit 3.
4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts. Further teacher’s notes can be found in the teacher
● Tell pupils to look at the prompts. resources on the Pearson English Portal.
● Model the activity for the first two prompts with confident
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity.
Monitor for correct use of language. SUPPORT On the
board, write the start of the question for support: Do you
have to… ? STRETCH Refer confident pupils to the second
speech bubble and encourage them to add more information
if they reply No, I don’t. Extend the activity by having pupils
try to find two things they have in common, e.g. Amir and
I don’t have to go to bed at nine o’clock. But sometimes we
have to get up at half past seven in the morning.
t t t t t
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
Ending the
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3 Lesson 5 – Communication Pupil’s Book page 37
Wonder Imagine
Grow Shine Starting the lesson
Lesson 5 ● Hold some books in your arms. Tell pupils you need
some help. Say Can you help me put these books on
1 3.09
Read and listen. How does Nadia 2 3.10
Listen again and repeat
the desk?
help Sam? the words in blue.
● Accept help from a volunteer and say Thank you.
Nadia: Hello, Sam! Why are you sad? Repeat for a few more items.
Sam: I’m doing a puzzle on my mobile
phone, but it’s really difficult.
● Then ask pupils what kind of things they ask for
Nadia: Shall I help you? help with. Ask who usually helps them and how
Sam: Oh, thank you! That’s very kind.
Nadia: Let’s think of ideas and write notes
they respond to help.
to find the answer.
Sam: Shall I write notes on my phone?
Nadia: Yes, please!
1 D
iagn ose
3.09 Read and listen. How does Nadia
help Sam?
● Ask pupils to close their books. Explain that they
will hear a conversation and have to say what the
conversation is about.
● Play the audio and elicit answer.
● Ask the pupils what Sam needs help with (a
3 Match. Then say with a partner.
puzzle). Ask if pupils like doing puzzles on mobile
1 I can’t carry my shopping. a Shall I help you?
2 I can’t turn on the laptop. b Shall I teach you? phones. If so, what puzzles do they do? Are they
3 I want to learn to skateboard. c Shall I turn it on? difficult or easy?
4 My Maths homework is difficult. d Shall I carry it?
I can’t carry my shopping. ANSWER KEY: Nadia helps Sam with the puzzle
Shall I carry it?
on his mobile phone.
I can shine!
5 Talk with a partner. TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: teaching social norms
Make offers.
4 3.11
Listen and write the missing Ask pupils how they feel when someone thanks
letters. Then listen again
and check. I can’t do this puzzle. them for their help. Then ask pupils why it is
…imb …ever
important that we are always polite and friendly.
Shall I help you?
Put a large sheet of paper or card on the wall. As
…ocodile ice …eam Thank you! That’s very kind. a heading write Be polite. Ask pupils to come to
…eate …ean
the poster and write different expressions they
I can ask for and offer help. can use to be polite and friendly, e.g. Shall I help
you? Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
Communication Making and responding to offers.
M04_RS_PB5_5584_M04.indd 37 11/03/2021 09:41 2 3.10 Listen again and repeat the words in blue.
● With books open, ask pupils to listen to the audio
and follow along. Ask what phrases Nadia and Sam
use to offer help.
● Place pupils in pairs to role play the dialogue.
t t t t t t
90 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 90 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Match. Then say with a partner.
● Match items 1–4 and a–d as a class activity. I can shine! Assess
● Ask a confident pupil to read item 1 and then model the
activity by saying Shall I carry it?
ACHIEVE The pupil can ask for help, offer help and
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity. give thanks with a set of taught expressions.
Monitor for proper use of language. SUPPORT Explain that
we use Shall as a polite way of offering help. Tell pupils
to offer help in response to the following. Say My room is
ADJUST The pupil can offer help and give thanks when
untidy. Elicit Shall I help you clean it? or Shall I help you tidy
provided with a model.
it up? Write the exchanges on the board. STRETCH Pupils
come up with more problems they can offer help for. They
role play the situations with a partner.
EXCEED The pupil can ask for help, offer help, give
thanks and respond to suggestions, with little or no
ANSWER KEY: 1 d, 2 c, 3 b, 4 a
t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 91 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 6 – Global citizenship Pupil’s Book page 38
GSE Materials
• Receptive: Reading: Can use key words or captions to find • Audio; picture of a raft
information in a simple text. Can extract specific information
in short texts on familiar topics.
• Receptive: Listening: Can follow multi-step instructions if given
slowly and clearly. Can identify key information (e.g. places,
times) from short audio recordings, if spoken slowly and clearly.
• Productive: Writing: Can write simple captions for pictures.
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
e ob
al Citiz
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
al Citiz Starting the lesson D
iagn ose
● Ask pupils to think about what skills they have. Ask
Lesson 6
Let’s be
I share
Sharing skills
with others.
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes who taught them their skill and how old they were
when they learnt it.
Lorem ipsum
Rafts are usually flat. We can find pictures of rafts from thousands
of years ago.
people use them for.
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys!
To make a raft, people tie logs together. Sometimes they use big
families! friends! food! special clothes
● Ask pupils if they know anything about building
metal oil drums. But how does a raft sail on the water? Why doesn’t rafts. Have they ever helped to build one?
it sink? 2
● Give pupils a few minutes to look at the photos and
scan the text for the answer. Elicit answer.
Some materials, for example, wood,
plastic and paper, float. Other
materials, for example, glass and
SUGGESTED ANSWERS: rope, wood, plastic
metal, sink. A ball of wood sinks.
A straight piece of wood (like a raft)
floats. An object with air in it, like
a beach ball, also floats.
2 3.13 Read and listen. Match the captions with
Today in some countries, people use rafts to carry things or for 4 the photos.
fishing. Some people build their homes on rafts, too. There are also
rafts for tourists. They travel up and down rivers and lakes. ● Draw pupils’ attention to the photos. Ask them to
Raft festivals are fun. People use recycled bottles, things from the think about the people using these rafts.
home and even baths to build rafts! Then they have to sail them. ● Tell pupils to follow along in their books as they
listen to the text. Give pupils a little time to
3 Read again. Then answer. 4 3.14
Listen. What does Emily use for complete the activity and elicit answers.
1 What materials float? Ben’s raft?
2 What do people use rafts for?
3 Why do tourists use rafts? 5 3.15
Listen again. Then answer. ANSWER KEY: 1 d, 2 c, 3 a, 4 b
4 What happens at raft festivals?
1 Why does the wood have to be flat?
a so that it floats b so that it sinks
2 Does Ben have to buy a piece of wood?
a Yes, he does b No, he doesn’t
3 Read again. Then answer.
What skill can you 3 What are the oil drums made of? ● Give pupils a few minutes to read the text again
teach other people? a plastic or metal b plastic or paper and answer the questions.
● Tell pupils to note where they found the answers.
38 Global Citizenship Sharing skills and teaching others.
SUPPORT Go through each paragraph asking Writing Instructions
t t t t t t
92 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 92 10/05/2021 14:59
ANSWER KEY: 1 wood, plastic and paper, 2 to carry Background information (Culture and CLIL)
things, fishing or to build a home on, 3 to travel up and Give pupils the following background information about
down rivers and lakes, 4 People build rafts using recycled rafts to help them understand how important an invention
bottles and things from home. they were and how they helped people travel and trade
1 Early rafts were so simple that they could be made
RECEPTIVE SKILLS TIP without tools, using only materials found in nature such
Place pupils in pairs and give them a list of materials and / as bamboo sticks, logs or reeds.
or objects the text mentions (e.g. a ball of wood, a beach 2 Sometimes many rafts were joined together to make
ball, paper, glass, metal). Have pupils categorise them into permanent floating structures like bridges.
ones that float or sink. 3 A traditional raft has no sides, so water passes over it.
As long as the material it’s made from is waterproof
4 3.14 Listen. What does Emily use for Ben’s raft? and does not become waterlogged, it will float.
● Tell pupils they are going to hear Emily telling Ben how to
make a raft. Have pupils think about what Emily might use. Activity Book page 26
● Play the audio and ask pupils if their guesses were correct.
● Play the audio again for pupils to complete the activity. Elicit 1 Read and match. Then look and write. Pupils match
words to definitions and pictures.
ANSWER KEY: 2 c, 3 d, 4 a
ANSWER KEY: a flat piece of wood, two plastic or metal b sink, c air, d float
oil drums, rope
5 3.15 Listen again. Then answer. 2 What does Eva need to make the boat? Listen and
tick (✓). Pupils listen and tick the correct items.
● Tell pupils to read the questions and see if they can
remember the answers. ANSWER KEY: ✓ straw, balloon
● Play the audio for pupils to complete the activity. Check
answers as a class. SUPPORT Play the audio with pauses 3.17
before completing the activity and ask pupils simple 3 Listen again. Then write. Pupils listen again and
questions about what they have just heard. STRETCH Have complete the sentences.
pupils write three questions about the audio. They then ask
and answer with their partner. ANSWER KEY: 1 floats, 2 sinks, 3 air
t t t t t t
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 93 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 7 – Writing Pupil’s Book page 39
ANSWER KEY: 1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 a
The words we use are: First, Then, Finally
t t t t t
94 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 94 10/05/2021 14:59
3 3.19 Ideas generator Listen and complete. Then match.
I can shine! Assess
● Have pupils look at the sentences and photos and guess
what words might go in the gaps.
● Play the audio and have pupils complete the activity. Ask if ACHIEVE The pupil can write instructions in three
their guesses were correct. steps using simple sentences with sequencers and
● After completing both parts of activity, help pupils generate some descriptive language.
ideas. Ask if they have ever made anything at home or school
and if so, what materials or objects they used.
ADJUST The pupil can write instructions in three steps
ANSWER KEY: 1 b, den, tie, 2 a, treehouse, collect when provided with a model and prompts.
TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: peer feedback EXCEED The pupil can write instructions using more
Giving pupils the opportunity to read and evaluate the complex sentences and add extra information to give
work of their peers can be a very valuable activity. It can tips or extend the number of steps.
help pupils work together and notice ways to improve
their own work as well as the work of others. Encourage
pupils to be fair and kind in their feedback with a balance
of positive points and areas that could be improved. Ending the lesson
Encourage pupils to check and improve their writing, once ● Collect all the pupils’ instructions. Explain that you will
they have received feedback from a classmate, before choose one and read it without saying what the instructions
handing in their work. are for. Pupils have to guess. Repeat for a few turns, then
have pupils come to the front and read instructions for the
rest of the class to guess.
4 Give it a go Plan your instructions. Use the words in the
● Look at the first planning step and ask pupils to say what Activity Book page 27
they are going to give instructions for. Explain that they can
use an item from the unit if they wish. 1 Read and answer. Pupils read and answer the question.
● Have pupils make notes for the rest of the steps in their
notebooks. SUPPORT After going through the above steps, ANSWER KEY: 1 plastic bottle, scissors, balloon, plastic
place pupils in pairs and have them write three sentences straw, string, 2 air
they can use in their instructions using First, Then, Finally.
Assist by putting key vocabulary for materials on the board. 2 Give it a go Plan your instructions for how to make a
STRETCH Pupils share their ideas in small groups of three or boat. Pupils plan their instructions.
four. Have them give each other ideas on what would make
a good extra tip to use in their instructions.
I can shine!
Planning support 3 Now write your instructions and draw. Use your notes
Help pupils note words they can use when writing. First, from Activity 2. Pupils write their instructions. They can
ask them to think of different verbs they can use, e.g. cut, use their imagination and make a different type of boat to
tie, make. Write them on the board under the following the balloon boat in the model text.
heading: Verbs I can use. Then continue with adjectives,
e.g. strong, big, small. Write them under the heading:
Check your work: Pupils go back through and check their
Adjectives I can use. Continue with sequencing words. Tell
pupils to refer to these when writing their instructions.
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 95 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 8 – Review Pupil’s Book page 40
Our class skills sh
● The Review consolidates the target language of the
unit from the I Can Shine checkpoints and helps
prepare pupils for the unit project. Vocabulary
and target structures from the Wonder and
Review Build spreads are reviewed through speaking
1 Match and say. in Activities 1 and 2. The speaking element in
1 You want to remember everything you do. a wear a helmet Activity 3 consolidates the target functional
2 You want to get to the top of a tree. b find a blanket language in the Build spread. Activity 4 and the
3 You’re cold. c write a diary video question in Activity 5 encourage pupils to
further explore the global citizenship theme.
4 You want to go rock climbing. d climb a rope
● Ahead of the pupils completing the activities,
5 You want to open the door. e use a key
reviewing the song from lesson 4 can help them
You want to remember everything. recall vocabulary and language learnt earlier in
I have to write a diary. the unit.
2 Imagine you are going on a school camping trip. Ask and answer.
1 Match and say.
Do we have to bring money?
No, you don’t. ● Read the phrases a–e aloud. Check understanding.
3 Say with a partner. Ask for and offer help.
● Explain that pupils have to read the sentences 1–5
1 You want to learn the meaning of a new English word. and match them to the phrases a–e. Place pupils in
2 You want to phone your mum, but you don’t have a mobile phone. pairs to complete the activity.
3 You’re carrying big shopping bags.
4 You don’t know how to send an email.
● Check answers as a class. Then have pupils work in
pairs using the speech bubbles as an example.
4 Choose a skill you can teach others. How can you teach them?
● Extend by having pupils continue the activity using
other items from the unit, e.g. You want to buy a
snack. – I have to bring money.
ANSWER KEY: 1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 a, 5 e
tie a rope write a diary build a raft do a puzzle
Imagine you are going on a school camping
5 Watch the video. What do you know now?
trip. Ask and answer.
● Have pupils say what kind of things they can take
on a camping trip. Write them on the board.
● Refer pupils to the speech bubbles and model the
40 Unit review Unit objectives review activity for two items with a confident pupil. Then
Unit project A class skills share
t t t t t t
96 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 96 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Say with a partner. Ask for and offer help. Activity Book page 28
● Ask pupils to tell you what language for offering help they
learnt in Lesson 5. Write the expressions on the board. 1 Read the riddles and write. Pupils solve the riddles and
● Then say I feel a bit hot. Elicit Shall I open the window? Reply write vocabulary items from the unit.
Thank you. That’s very kind.
● Next, model the activity with the first item with a confident ANSWER KEY: 2 magazine, 3 torch, 4 sleeping bag,
pupil. 5 sledge
● Place pupils in pairs and have them continue the activity.
Monitor pupils for correct use of language. 3.20
2 Listen and number. Then listen again and write.
● Invite pairs to come to the front to role play the activity. Pupils listen and identify the correct pictures, then
SUPPORT Do the activity as a class, by going through each complete the sentences.
item and emphasising key expressions before placing pupils
in pairs to complete the activity. STRETCH Pupils can write
ANSWER KEY: 2, 3, 1
their own situations and role play.
2 Yes, they do. 3 No, she doesn’t. 4 Yes, she does.
4 Choose a skill you can teach others. How can you teach 5 No, she doesn’t. 6 Yes, they do.
● Ask pupils what they read about in Lesson 6. 3 Order and write. Then change the words in blue and act
● Tell the pupils to say what skills they have and how they can out. Pupils complete the conversation and act out their
teach them. own versions.
● Then have them look at the photos. Ask what skills they
show. ANSWER KEY: Shall I help you?, That’s very kind.
● Choose an item and then with the whole class, discuss how
they can teach that skill to someone else.
● Repeat for all of the items. Extra time: Pupils write a riddle by completing the gaps with
their own words.
5 Watch the video. What do you know now?
● Tell pupils they will watch the Our World video again. Before POSSIBLE ANSWER: It isn’t a hand, but it opens a door.
watching, ask pupils how they can learn new skills and help What is it?
others to learn new skills.
● Play the video and have pupils tell you what new skills the
children learnt (how to build a shelter, make a fire, go down Unit 3 review notes
the cliff). ● Use this space to take notes on what your pupils might need
● As follow-up discussion questions, ask Would you like to do to revisit based on their performance in the review lesson.
what the children did? Why or why not?
Extra activity
Place pupils in small groups. Have them make a word
collage. They write key words and phrases from the unit in
colourful fonts on a poster to present to the class.
t t t t t
Activity 4
Our World video:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 97 10/05/2021 14:59
3 Lesson 9 – Project: Our class skills share Pupil’s Book page 41
Wonder Imagine Build Grow
● This section focuses on personalisation,
communication and collaboration. In Activity 6
pupils review their own skills using language learnt
Create in the unit. Activities 7 and 8 foster collaboration
Class skills share
6 Look at the topics.
I want I can
and communication skills. In Activity 7 pupils work
Think about a skill Skill
you can teach others. to learn… teach… in small groups to share ideas and plan the project.
Sports and games In Activity 8 pupils work together to create a class
how to build skills share chart.
School work a raft
Sam Bella
● Make sure that pupils understand the steps to
success for the project. To enable them to carry out
how to use
Outdoor skills
a bandage
Alex Leo the project to the best of their ability, give them
Technology clear step-by-step instructions:
how to 1 Decide a skill you can teach others and the steps
Nadia Sam
skateboard you need to teach it.
Think about the steps
to teach your skill. 2 Share your skill with your group. Choose a skill
how to do
Bella Nadia in the group you want to learn.
7 Share your ideas a puzzle
with your group. 3 Design the skills share chart.
Choose skills you
want to learn. how to 4 Add colour, pictures and a title.
play beach Leo Alex
8 Make your skills
share chart.
6 Look at the topics. Think about a skill you can
teach others.
● Tell pupils they are going to think about a skill they
Time to shine! have and how they can teach it to others.
● Refer the class to the topics in the coloured
9 Showcase your skills share chart. 10 Find a partner to teach you
lozenges and ask them to think about things they
a new skill.
are able to do, e.g. What sports can they play?
This is my skills share chart.
I want to learn how to What school subjects are they especially good at?
Shine on!
skateboard and I can teach What technology do they regularly use? As a class,
you how to do a puzzle. Can you organise a class
skill share event? brainstorm ideas for each of the topics and write
key vocabulary on the board.
I can talk about a skills share chart.
● Ask pupils to decide on a skill and to think about
the steps involved in teaching it. Tell them to make
41 a note of any words they might need.
Unit project A class skills share
● Refer pupils to the Skill Up box, and
remind them to make a plan of the different steps
M04_RS_PB5_5584_M04.indd 41 11/03/2021 09:41
t t t t t
98 Starting
the lesson
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 98 10/05/2021 14:59
8 Make your skills share chart. 10 Find a partner to teach you a new skill.
● Refer pupils to the skills share chart in the Pupil’s Book. ● Have pupils mingle around the class and say what skill they
Explain that, in their groups, they first have to decide on would like to learn.
which skill each person can offer to teach. They write the ● Explain that the first person who offers to help them will be
skills in the first column and the names of who can teach their partner and will help them learn the skill.
them in the third column. Tell them they can use the ideas ● Extend the activity by having pupils write a set of simple
from the board. instructions for one another. Remind them to write in steps
● Then explain they each have to choose one skill from the and use sequencing words (First, Then, Finally,). Have pupils
list they want to learn and write their name in the second show their work to their partners or other pairs. Ask them
column, next to the person in their group who can help them. to help improve the work of others if necessary by checking
spelling, grammar and vocabulary.
Stop groups as they are working on their chart, just SHINE ON! Can you organise a class skill share event?
before they complete it. Ask a group to bring their chart As a class, discuss how pupils would go about organising
to the front of the class and present it. As a class, discuss a class skill share event. Ask them to think about where
three good things about it and one thing that needs and when they would have the event, any equipment they
improvement. Repeat for all charts. Groups then continue might need and how they would tell people about it.
their project and make improvements, before presenting
the finished work to the class.
Ending the lesson
● Ask pupils to look back through the unit and to write down
Time to shine! three things that they learnt during the unit, two things they
enjoyed doing and one thing they would like to revise.
9 Showcase your skills share chart. ● Refer pupils to the progress chart on page 3 in the Pupil’s
● Tell pupils that each group is going to present their chart to Book. Have them read the sentences for each skill and notice
the class. what they have achieved so far.
● Invite two pupils from each group to come to the front with
their chart and present it. Activity Book page 29
● At the end of each presentation, ask the rest of the class if
there are skills in this chart they want to learn or can teach 1 Where do you usually use the objects? Think and
others. Encourage them to say I want to learn… or I can complete. Pupils look at the objects and complete the
teach you… . table to show where they are used.
t t t t t
Time to shine:
Activity 9
Time to shine:
Activity 10
Activity Book:
the lesson
M05_RS_TB5_6000_M05.indd 99 10/05/2021 14:59
4 Let’s celebrate
Key learning outcom in Unit 4, the pupils will:
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 100 10/05/2021 15:03
Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Festivals: balloons, band, candles, costume, drums, fireworks, There was / wasn’t a (band). There were some / weren’t any
flags, lights, masks, parade (fireworks).
Adjectives: dirty, frightened, hungry, surprised, thirsty, tired Where were you? When was the party? Who was at the
Festivals: moon, sky, stars, sun party? Were you tired?
What does (baklava) mean? How do you spell (baklava)?
Functional language
What does (baklava) mean? How do you spell (baklava)?
hear /ɪə/, tree /i:/
Language stretch
Competency focus
One day…
Participate constructively in community activities and
appreciate different ways of celebrating cultures and arts.
Be aware of and respect different cultures.
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can talk about an event in the past using fixed Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
expressions, given a model. (39) objects and situations or express basic opinions or
attitudes in short stretches of speech.
Can check that a classmate has understood information, Use simple verbal strategies (e.g. requesting translation,
using simple language. (37) repetition) to clarify information for themselves
and others.
Can ask basic questions about things that happened in Participate in common informational, academic,
the past. (40) or transactional exchanges using simple language
and expressions.
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the highest level,
be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
Can write short descriptive texts (4–6 sentences) on Write a short text on common topics and situations using
familiar personal topics (e.g. family, animals, simple language.
possessions), given a model. (35)
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 101 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 42
4 Let’s celebrate
Ask pupils when they last went to a celebration or
festival in their town / city. Ask them what it was
for. Ask pupils how they felt during this celebration
and what they liked about it.
Place the flashcards on the board, picture side up.
3 Point to a flashcard and say its name. Ask pupils to
Talk about events in the past.
repeat after you.
● Repeat the above for all the flashcards.
Understand a legend about a
2 ● Then ask pupils which of these things they see and
Ask for clarification.
5 use when they are at a festival.
Write a review of a festival.
Make an international festival Big Picture: What can you see? In
● Refer pupils to the Big Picture. Ask them to
describe it as best they can. Prompt them by
on 1 asking, e.g. What are they wearing? What time is it?
What can you do
at a festival?
I wonder
● Read the I wonder question aloud. Have pupils
look at the picture and think about festivals and
celebrations they have been to. Elicit answers.
1 costumes
1 D
iagn ose
4.01 Listen and explore.
Lesson 1
2 flags
● Tell pupils that Nadia and Sam are at the festival.
3 fireworks What can you see? 3 Watch the video. Ask them what they think Nadia and Sam will talk
4 parade about.
1 4.01
Listen and explore. 4 What are people doing
5 balloons in the picture? Say. ● Play the audio and ask pupils to explain what they
6 candles
2 4.02
Listen, point and say. heard them talk about. Ask What doesn’t Sam like?
Some people are
7 band wearing costumes. (fireworks).
8 drums
9 lights
playing drums. 2 4.02 Listen, point and say.
Is there a festival in
10 masks your town or city? ● Place the flashcards on the board, picture side
up, and point to one. Ask pupils what the word is.
42 Vocabulary Festivals
Repeat for all the words.
Structures There was / wasn’t a (band). There were some / weren’t any (fireworks).
● Play the audio. Tell pupils to point in their books
M05_RS_PB5_5584_M05.indd 42 5/4/21 1:13 PM
and repeat each word.
t t t t t t t
102 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture I wonder Presentation:
Activity 1
Activity 2
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 102 10/05/2021 15:03
SUPPORT Explain to pupils that you will say the first two Activity Book page 30
or three letter sounds of words from the new vocabulary
for them to guess the word. When they guess correctly, you
What are you wearing today? Write. Pupils revise
show them the corresponding flashcard, say the word and s Revie
pupils repeat after you, e.g. say the sound pa in parade. vocabulary by writing down four things they are wearing.
Elicit parade. Continue with all new vocabulary. STRETCH
Place pupils in pairs and ask them to say three full sentences 1 Look and write. Pupils look at the pictures and complete
the words.
using the new vocabulary, e.g. There are lights and candles in
the trees.
ANSWER KEY: 2 drums, 3 fireworks, 4 parade, 5 masks,
3 Watch the video. 6 costumes, 7 flags, 8 lights, 9 balloons, 10 candles
● Explain to pupils they will now watch the Our World video
showing different festivals around the world. Before 2 Look at Activity 1 and write. Pupils complete sentences
watching, ask them what different vocabulary items they about the photos in Activity 1.
think they will see.
● Play the video and then ask pupils to say the items they saw ANSWER KEY:
(band, flags, fireworks, parade, drums, masks). 2 There are colourful fireworks.
3 There’s a parade in the street.
FUTURE SKILLS: enquiry and imagination 4 There are two people wearing costumes and masks.
After watching the video, have pupils think about why 5 There are white lights and colourful flags.
festivals are an important part of our lives, how they make 6 There are seven candles on the cake.
us feel and how they bring people together.
Wonder helper: Pupils give a personal answer.
4 What are people doing in the picture? Say.
● Model the activity with a confident pupil. Extra time: Pupils put the vocabulary in alphabetical order.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them do the activity.
● As pupils work, monitor for proper use of language. Note ANSWER KEY: balloons, band, candles, costumes, drums,
that band is a collective noun, like family, so it usually takes a fireworks, flags, lights, masks, parade
plural verb in British English, e.g. The band are playing drums.
● Then invite pairs to share their ideas with the class.
SUPPORT Before placing pupils in pairs, brainstorm key Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
phrases pupils can use to describe the picture. Write them Sam Hi, Nadia. What are you doing here?
on the board for pupils to refer to as they complete the Nadia I’m taking photos and making videos of the parade.
activity. STRETCH Have pupils study the picture for about a I want to plan an international festival for our
minute and then ask them to close their books. Ask different Great Places project.
questions about the picture, e.g. What food can you see? Sam Oh, cool! The street looks great. Look at all the
What are the band playing? What are they wearing? flags! And there aren’t any cars.
Nadia There are a lot of balloons, too! They’re so colourful.
Sam Look! There are lights in the trees and candles in
the windows! How beautiful!
Ask the class which helper they can see (Bella – the Nadia Did you know, there are people from all over the
Wonder helper). world in our city this evening?
Read her question together and ask pupils to think about Sam Yes! The costumes are beautiful!
it. Then elicit answers from different pupils. Focus on Nadia I like the costume with feathers and the different
the most popular festival and have pupils say as many masks.
things about it as they can. Encourage pupils to use the Sam The music is great! There are some drums. Listen!
vocabulary learnt in the lesson to say what they can do Look, there’s a band.
and see at the festival. Nadia Wow! There are some fireworks, too!
Sam Oh, no! I don’t like fireworks. They’re beautiful but
they’re scary. My dog doesn’t like them.
Ending the lesson Nadia What’s that in your hand?
● Place pupils in pairs. Ask each pupil in the pair to choose Sam It’s my mask! I’m going to join the parade!
one word from the new vocabulary. Tell pupils to write a
sentence or two containing the two words they have chosen.
Pupils read their work to the class.
t t t t t t t
Our World video:
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 103 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 2 – Structures Pupil’s Book page 43
t t t t t t
104 Starting the
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 104 10/05/2021 15:03
3 Read and answer. True or false? Ending the lesson
● Ask pupils to close their books. Read the items aloud one by ● Tell pupils you are going to say sentences using the present
one and ask pupils if they can guess the answers. or the past. When they hear a sentence in the past, they
● Then have pupils open their books and complete the activity. stand up. If they wrongly stand up for a sentence in the
Check answers as a class. present, they have to say a sentence in the past before
sitting down again. If they correctly stand up for a sentence
ANSWER KEY: 1 True, 2 True, 3 False, 4 False in the past, they can immediately sit down again.
Extra time: Pupils can either write the vocabulary items they
ADJUST The pupil can understand descriptions about remember or full sentences, e.g. There was a… .
the past using There was(n’t) / were(n’t).
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 105 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 3 – Story Pupil’s Book page 44 and 45
Build Grow Shine
4 1 Look. Who are the people in the story?
Lesson 3
44 45
Vocabulary Adjectives Story value Understanding and appreciating the history of festivals.
t t t t t t t
106 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Reading text:
Activity 2
Activity 3
Flashcards Extra
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 106 10/05/2021 15:03
STRETCH Pupils look at the bold words in the text and
make sentences which help explain their meaning, e.g. I’m Story extension
hungry – I want to eat. Play Who was it? Ask pupils to close their books. Say an
adjective or phrase from the story and pupils say who
ANSWER KEY: 1 hungry, 2 thirsty, 3 frightened, it relates to. Say hungry. Elicit Nian. Say surprised. Elicit
4 surprised, 5 tired, 6 dirty the people in the village. Continue with various adjectives
and phrases.
ANSWER KEY: 1 Because there was a dragon in the ANSWER KEY: 2 dragon, 3 brave, 4 fireworks, 5 wasn’t,
village. 2 The dragon, Nian. 3 Because the dragon wasn’t 6 festival
there and the doors were red. 4 The old man.
2 Remember the story. Cross (✗) the word that isn’t
correct. Pupils choose the incorrect answer.
Ask the class which helper they can see (Sam – the
Imagine helper). ANSWER KEY: dragon: surprised, people: hungry,
old man: frightened
Read Sam’s question aloud. Give pupils a few minutes to
think and discuss their ideas in pairs. Remind them to look
back at the story for help. Then ask pairs to share their Imagine helper: Pupils complete the sentences.
answers with the class.
I can shine!
5 Imagine you were in the village. Use the prompts to tell
3 Think about New Year in your country. Write. Pupils
the story. answer the questions about New Year celebrations in
● Ask pupils to imagine that they were in the village when the their country.
story took place. Tell them to think about what happened
and how they felt. Elicit ideas and write key words on the
Extra time: Pupils answer the question without looking back
at the story.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity.
● Monitor and help as necessary. Ask pairs to share their ideas
with the class. ANSWER KEY: noise, fire and lights
t t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
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4 Lesson 4 – Structures and song Pupil’s Book page 46
Lesson 4
● On the board, write: Where were you yesterday?
When was your birthday party? Were you tired last
1 4.06
Read and listen. What do you know night?
about the picture?
● Read the questions and have different pupils
Akanni: I like this picture. Where were you?
Liam: I was at an ice rink for my birthday party. answer. Explain that pupils can answer with one or
Akanni: When was the party? two words, e.g. at school, in June, Yes.
Liam: It was last year.
Akanni: Who was at the party? ● Tell pupils that we can use was and were to ask
Liam: My friends and family were at the party. questions about people or things in the past. In this
Akanni: Were you tired at the end of the day?
Liam: Yes, we were. We were hungry, too! lesson, they will learn how to do this.
2 Read and learn. Then write and say. 1 4.06 Read and listen. What do you know about
the picture?
Grammar builder
● Play the audio for pupils to follow along in their
Where were you? I was at an ice rink. books, then elicit the answer.
When was the party? The party was last year.
ANSWER KEY: The picture is of an ice rink from
Who was at the party? My friends and family were at the party.
Liam’s birthday party last year. His friends and
Were you tired? Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. family were at the party.
1 Remember!
Where… ? I was at a festival.
2 Who… ? My friends were at the festival. Where = places Read and learn. Then write and say.
3 When… ? The festival was in July last year. When = time
4 Were… ? Yes, we were tired. Who = people ● Refer pupils to the Grammar builder box. Have
pupils study it quietly and raise any questions they
may have.
3 4.07
Read and sing. Which 4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts. ● On the board, write: Where, When, Who. Ask what
questions can you hear?
people adjectives times these refer to (Where for place, When for time and
My friend, where were you last night?
Who was at the party? your hungry yesterday
Who for a person).
Were you tired and hungry? mum / dad ● Refer pupils to the last question: Were you tired?
I hope you were happy!
I was at the party in the street last night.
your friends tired last night Have pupils look at the answer. Explain that we
There was a festival with music and lights. often give short answers when we ask Was he /
There were dancers in colourful costumes
and masks,
Was your mum tired yesterday? she / it…? Were you / we / they…? SUPPORT Focus
Parades and bands with drums in the park. on the short answers. Tell pupils you are going to
I was at the party in the street last night. Yes, she was! She was busy all day! ask a question which they have to answer using
their own ideas. Ask Were you at school yesterday?
46 Structures and song Was she (surprised)? Were you (tired)? Where were you? Elicit answer (e.g.Communication
Yes, I was).Asking
WasforRaul in the
clarification and checking understanding.
t t t t t
108 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 108 10/05/2021 15:03
ahead of asking them. STRETCH Have pupils use different
RECEPTIVE SKILLS TIP people, adjectives or times to ask more questions. More
Ask pupils to look at the questions and see where the confident pupils can also ask follow-up questions once their
words was / were are placed in the question – are they partner has answered, to find out more information.
before or after the noun or pronoun? (before). Ask if they
are before or after the question word (after). Then ask
where the time or place expression is (at the end of the Extra activity
question). Write the order of the parts of a question on Place pupils in pairs. Explain they have to say four
the board. Write Where / Who / When +… . Ask pupils to sentences using was / were in the affirmative or negative.
help you complete it. (Where / Who / When + was / were + One of the sentences has to be untrue. Their partners
noun + time / place expression?) have to work out which sentence is untrue. Say I was
at school yesterday. I wasn’t at home in the afternoon. I
was with Beyoncé yesterday. I wasn’t at the supermarket.
Ask pupils which sentence is untrue. (I was with Beyoncé
BUILD HELPER Assess yesterday.)
Refer pupils to the build helper, Nadia. Explain
that they have to use the words in 1–4 to make
questions for the answers on the right. Ending the lesson
Model the activity for the first item. Say the question and ● Place pupils in small groups. Ask them to make their own
have a pupil read the corresponding answer. grammar box for the new grammar using their own ideas for
Place pupils in pairs to complete the activity. Monitor and examples. Have pupils only write the questions.
help as necessary. Tell fast finishers to ask and answer ● Collect the grammar boxes and then redistribute each one
more questions substituting their own ideas. to a different group. Have the groups check the questions to
make sure the grammar is correct and make any corrections.
● Then collect the grammar boxes and redistribute a final
ANSWER KEY: 1 were you, 2 was at the festival, time. Have the groups write answers to each of the
3 was the festival, 4 you tired questions.
t t t t t
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
Ending the
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 109 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 5 – Communication Pupil’s Book page 47
GSE Materials
• Receptive: Listening: Can guess the meaning of simple, • Audio; Communication cards
unknown words in short dialogues on familiar topics.
• Productive: Speaking: Can give simple definitions for familiar
words. Can ask for a translation or paraphrase when they don’t
know the meaning of a word or phrase and repeat back what
has been said to confirm understanding. Can check that a
classmate has understood information, using simple language.
t t t t t t
110 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 110 10/05/2021 15:03
3 Match. Then say with a partner.
● Match questions 1–3 and answers a–c as a class activity. I can shine! Assess
● Ask a pupil to read item 1 and then say the correct reply
(It’s a charango.). Place pupils in pairs and give them a short
ACHIEVE The pupil can use a set of simple questions
time to practise saying the exchanges.
to ask for clarification and check understanding,
● Invite pairs to role play their exchanges in front of the class.
without needing to refer to examples in the lesson.
ANSWER KEY: 1 c, 2 b, 3 a
ADJUST The pupil can ask for clarification and check
4 4.11 Pronunciation Say and write. Then listen and understanding when provided with a model.
● Tell pupils to look at the words in the box. Then say hear
and tree. Explain that they are going to decide which of the EXCEED The pupil can ask for clarification and check
words sound like hear /ɪə/, and which sound like tree /i:/. understanding with no support and using a wider
● Tell pupils to copy the table into their notebooks and range of sentences than those shown in the lesson.
complete the activity.
● Play the audio with pauses for pupils to repeat the words
and check their answers. SUPPORT Place pupils in pairs
and tell them to say the words to each other so that they Extra activity
can complete the table. STRETCH Pupils find and list other Have pupils work together to create a list of things (e.g.
words they know containing ea (if necessary they can use a food, clothing, traditions) to present to a tourist who is
dictionary or look up the words online) and work out which visiting their city / town for the first time. Have them
sound group each word belongs to. explain what each one is as best they can and prepare
questions they could use to check that the tourist has
ANSWER KEY: Hear: clear, year, idea understood their explanations. Then have pupils work in
Tree: please, mean, repeat pairs. One pretends to be a tourist and the other a local
who explains the traditions, food, etc.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 111 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 6 – Global citizenship Pupil’s Book page 48
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
al Citiz Starting the lesson D
iagn ose
● Place the flashcards on the board picture side up
Let’s be
I share
I play with
Lesson 6
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes and revise them by pointing to each one and having
pupils say the correct words.
Lorem ipsum
1 Look. Which country do you Then go through each flashcard and have pupils
A winter lights festival
think it is?
define them as best they can.
OptC the world there are lights festivals. These
All around
2 4.13
Read and listen. Find
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
festivals often celebrate
friends the end of toys!
winter and the
start of spring.
families! friends!
sources of light in
food! special clothes
Look. Which country do you think it is?
the article.
In Iceland the winters are very long, cold and dark. ● Have pupils look at the pictures and first say what
The sun is never high ob
Citizthe sky and
e ob
al Cthe
itiz days are
e ob
e ob
al Citiz
Read again. Then answer.
bal Citize ob
al Citiz
e they show. Encourage pupils to say what they see
short. In December, it’s dark from half past three in the True or ofalse?
People come to the festival from all over the world. What’s your 2 4.13 Read and listen. Find sources of light in
favourite festival?
There are parades in the streets with food and music. the article.
At night, there are fireworks, lights and candles and
you can dance and go ice-skating under the moon. ● Explain to pupils that a source is where something
The city is really beautiful. comes from, e.g. the sun is a source of heat.
There are a lot of hot pools in Iceland. The hot water ● Tell pupils to follow along in their books as they
comes from under the ground. At the Winter Lights
Festival, the swimming pools are open at night. People listen to the text.
go swimming under the stars. There are colourful lights
4 4.14
Listen. What does the
● Ask pupils to say what sources of light are
at the pools, and the sky sometimes looks green, red
and purple, too.
Tanabata Festival mentioned in the article. Ask what they are used
At the festival, you for. SUPPORT Give pupils a few minutes to quietly
can walk through 5 4.15
Listen again. Then read the first paragraph. Have them say one key
the streets and see
interesting light shows
answer. idea it presents. Repeat in this manner for all
1 When’s the festival?
paragraphs. Longer paragraphs might need two
on some of the big 2 What’s in the trees?
buildings in the city. 3 What happens at night? key ideas. STRETCH Place pupils in pairs. Have
The museums are open 4 How did the girl feel?
at night, too. You can
them say as many things as they can remember
watch plays and films about the different ways people celebrate the
a light show on a building
or listen to bands. It’s
Winter Lights Festival.
an exciting festival
for everyone.
t t t t t t
112 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 112 10/05/2021 15:03
3 Read again. Then answer. True or false?
Extra activity
● Give pupils a few minutes to read the text again and answer
Place pupils in pairs. Have them draw two pictures for the
the questions.
article and write a simple caption for each one.
● Tell pupils to note where they got the answers.
ANSWER KEY: 1 False, 2 False, 3 True, 4 True Ending the lesson
● Tell pupils to imagine they will be celebrating spring in their
RECEPTIVE SKILLS TIP town or city this year. Ask them what activities they would
As a follow-up activity to enhance understanding, ask organise and how they would decorate their town or city.
pupils to choose two things they found interesting about
the Winter Lights Festival and have them talk about Background information (Culture and CLIL)
them, expressing why they found them interesting.
Tell pupils that people have been celebrating spring for
thousands of years. This is because the days are getting
4 4.14 Listen. What does the Tanabata Festival celebrate? longer, nature is blooming and the weather is getting
● Play the audio and elicit the answer. warmer. All these things make people feel happier. During
these celebrations people clean their homes from top to
● Play the audio again and ask pupils to say as much as they
bottom, eat special food, exchange gifts, attend street
can about the monologue they have just heard.
parades and parties, and take part in friendly water
● Ask if they have a similar celebration in their country.
or coloured powder fights! They also wear colourful
● Ask pupils which of the two festivals they would prefer to go traditional clothes as a symbol of the flowers blooming.
to (Winter Lights or Tanabata), and why. SUPPORT Play the
audio with pauses and ask pupils the following questions:
Where was the festival? (Japan) What is the sun? (A big star) Activity Book page 34
Where were the wishes? (On colourful papers in the trees).
STRETCH Place pupils in pairs. Ask them to say three things 1 Read and match. Then look and write. Pupils match
the girl says. words to definitions and then label pictures.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 113 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 7 – Writing Pupil’s Book page 49
t t t t t
114 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 114 10/05/2021 15:03
3 4.18 Ideas generator Listen and match. TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: improving work
● Play the audio and have pupils complete the matching Help pupils understand the value of reviewing and
activity. improving their work. Write the following sentences on
● Check answers and ask pupils what each person talked the board: The festival was good. The fireworks were good,
about. SUPPORT Play the audio again with pauses and ask but the food was bad. Ask pupils how they could improve
pupils to listen for sentences containing but. Tell them to say the work (by adding more interesting adjectives). Have
what the positive thing was and what the negative thing them make suggestions for different words they could use
was. STRETCH Have pupils listen to the audio again. For (e.g. amazing, beautiful, colourful, terrible) and improve
each message, have them add a sentence giving one more the sentences as a class. Then have pupils look back at
positive and one more negative thing using but. their work and check for the adjectives they have used.
Encourage them to try and use a range, not repeating any.
ANSWER KEY: 1 Ola, 2 Ashley, 3 Jake
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 115 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 8 – Review Pupil’s Book page 50
rnational festiv
● Ask pupils to look back through the unit, decide
Our inte which was their favourite lesson and say why.
● Tell pupils to imagine they are at a festival. Ask
them to say two sentences about it, using key
Review vocabulary.
1 Read and say.
There was a festival in my town last night. There were colourful . My costume was
a red dress and a on my face. There was a band with . At night, there
● The Review consolidates the target language of the
unit from the I Can Shine checkpoints and helps
were in the trees and beautiful in the sky.
prepare pupils for the unit project. Vocabulary and
2 Choose and tell a partner when you were feeling like this last week.
target structures from the Wonder spread are
reviewed through reading in Activity 1. Activity 2
hungry surprised tired frightened
helps review and personalise vocabulary and target
I was tired on Saturday. grammar from the Imagine and Build Spreads.
Where were you? The speaking element in Activity 3 consolidates
I was at the sports centre.
the target functional language in the Build spread.
3 Look. Ask and answer. Activity 4 and the video question in Activity 5
encourage pupils to further explore the global
What’s this? citizenship theme.
It’s som tam.
● Ahead of the pupils completing the activities,
reviewing the song from lesson 4 can help them
recall vocabulary and language learnt earlier in
som tam hanbok the unit.
(salad from Thailand) (traditional dress from South Korea)
t t t t t t
116 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 116 10/05/2021 15:03
● Model the activity for a few rounds and then have pupils do Ending the lesson
the activity in pairs.
● Monitor and help as necessary. SUPPORT To check ● Draw a grid on the board and ask pupils to tell you the
understanding, first ask pupils to say in what situations they phonics sounds that they’ve learned in the units so far.
would feel surprised, tired and frightened. STRETCH Place ● Write a phonics sound in each square and give pupils a
pupils in pairs. Explain that one pupil has to say a sentence few minutes to write down as many words as they can
using was / were, e.g. I was with my dad. Their partner has containing that sound.
to make a question for that statement, e.g. Who were
you with? Activity Book page 36
3 Look. Ask and answer.
● Ask pupils to tell you what language we use to ask for
1 Read and write. Then order the letters in blue to find the
missing word. Pupils read the clues and write the words.
clarification and check understanding. Write the phrases on They then use the circled letter from each to find the
the board (e.g. What does (baklava) mean? How do you spell missing word.
(baklava)? Can you say that again, please?).
● Tell pupils to look at the pictures and the words below. Model
ANSWER KEY: 2 thirsty, 3 band, 4 dirty, 5 candles,
the activity for the first picture with a confident pupil.
6 surprised, 7 (missing word) parade
● Place pupils in pairs and have them continue the activity.
Monitor for correct use of language. 4.19
● Invite pairs to come to the front to role play the activity. 2 Write the questions. Then listen and answer.
Pupils write questions and then give answers based on
4 What can you do at festivals? the audio.
● Ask pupils to say a few different things they can do at
festivals. Write their ideas on the board. ANSWER KEY:
● Place pupils in pairs and have them continue the activity. 2 When was the party? It was on Sunday.
Monitor pupils for correct use of language. 3 Who was at the party? Danny’s neighbours were at
the party.
SUPPORT Have pupils look through the unit to remind
them of vocabulary learnt. Describe what pupils can see in 4 Were Danny’s friends hungry? No, they weren’t.
the first picture as a class. Pupils may only be able to name 5 Were there balloons? Yes, there were.
what they can see in the pictures. STRETCH Have pupils 6 Was there a band? No, there wasn’t.
describe the pictures using full sentences. Once they have
spoken about the three pictures, have them talk about what 3 Order and write. Then choose a new word and play.
they have done at a festival or celebration they have been Pupils unscramble the questions to complete the short
to in the past. Remind pupils to use the past tense to talk conversation and then role play it substituting their own
about the festivals. words.
5 Watch the video. What do you know now?
ANSWER KEY: 1 What does it mean?
● Tell pupils they will watch the Our World video again. Ask 2 How do you spell it?
pupils what they can recall from the video (they watched it
in Lesson 1 of the unit).
● Play the video and have pupils tell you what festivals the Extra time: Pupils unscramble the letters to find the word.
people were celebrating (May Day in England, The Cherry
Blossom Festival in Japan, Spring Festival/Chinese New Year
ANSWER KEY: fireworks
in China and around the world).
● As follow-up discussion questions, ask How do people
celebrate festivals? (dance, music, parties, have picnics Unit 4 review notes
etc.) SUPPORT After playing the video, ask pupils to say
what words from the unit they heard. Write them on the ● Use this space to take notes on what your pupils might need
board. Then ask pupils to make sentences with the words. to revisit based on their performance in the review lesson.
STRETCH Place pupils in pairs. Have them write three
questions about the video to ask their partners.
t t t t t
Activity 4
Our World video:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 117 10/05/2021 15:03
4 Lesson 9 – Project: Our international festival Pupil’s Book page 51
t t t t t
118 Starting
the lesson
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 118 10/05/2021 15:03
7 Do your research on the topics. Share your information ● Ask pupils to look back through the unit and give their
with your group. opinion on one lesson using a sentence with but. Remind
them that with but they have to give one positive and one
● Tell groups to begin by finding the country’s location on a
negative idea. Invite some pupils to share their sentences.
map, its flag, and some information about its traditions.
Do the rest of the class agree with their opinion?
● Explain that each pupil in the group should choose an area ● Refer pupils to the progress chart on page 3 in the Pupil’s
to research further for their poster, e.g. costumes, music,
Book. Have them read the sentences for each skill and notice
food, decorations. Tell pupils to help their classmates if they
what they have achieved so far.
do not know what to write about.
● Pupils work individually to do some research and then share
the information they found with their group. Activity Book page 37
● Monitor as pupils work and help as necessary.
1 Think about your favourite festival last year. Complete.
PROJECT TIP Pupils complete the table with information about their
Before pupils actually start working on their projects, tell favourite festival.
them to make sure they check sources to avoid presenting
incorrect information. Explain that they should check 2 Complete your journal. Pupils follow the steps to
complete a journal about their favourite festival.
three sources before adding information to their project.
3 Think and write. Pupils complete a brief evaluation of the
8 Create your display. unit with personal responses.
● Give pupils some time to work on their posters.
● Tell pupils to refer to the example on the Pupil’s Book page Home-school link. Pupils talk to family members about their
for guidance. favourite festival.
● Have pupils show their work to other groups. Ask them to
help improve the projects of others if necessary by checking
Time to shine! Assess
spelling and use of language. They can also comment on
images selected if necessary.
ACHIEVE Pupils can use was / were to describe the
● Refer pupils to the Skill Up box, and remind them past and ask and answer some questions about it.
to use festival words, describing adjectives, etc. They can use certain questions to ask for clarification
and check understanding. They can express positive
FUTURE SKILLS: self-management and leadership and negative opinions through descriptive language
Ask pupils to practice presenting their displays before and contrast ideas with but.
they show the class. Encourage them to practice speaking
clearly and confidently. For pupils that are nervous, reassure
them that presenting become easier with practice. ADJUST With support, pupils can use was / were to
describe the past and ask and answer some questions
about it. When provided with a model, they can
use certain questions to ask for clarification. They
Time to shine!
can express their opinion by using some descriptive
language in simple sentences.
9 As
Showcase your displays.
● Invite each group to come to the front and present their
poster to the rest of the class.
● Encourage the other pupils to think of questions to ask at EXCEED Pupils can use was / were to describe
the end of each presentation. the past and ask and answer questions about
it, confidently using key Wh- words or yes / no
10 Choose one display. Ask questions about it. questions. They can use a range of expressions to
ask for clarification and check understanding. They
● Place pupils in small groups. Ask them to look at the
can express positive and negative opinions through a
different posters and think of questions to ask about them.
wider range of descriptive language, contrasting or
● Invite groups to ask and answer.
connecting ideas with but or and.
● As an extension, you could ask pupils to bring in food or
other items linked to the country their display is about, and
have them present them to the class.
t t t t t
Time to shine:
Activity 9
Time to shine:
Activity 10
Activity Book:
Ending the
M06_RS_TB5_6000_M06.indd 119 10/05/2021 15:03
Review 2 – Our world Pupil’s Book pages 52 and 53
• Lesson aim: to review language from Units 3 and 4 Review Our world
1 4.20
Listen and answer.
Receptive: Listening: Can understand the main information in 1 Which festival are
they celebrating?
short, simple dialogues about familiar activities, if spoken slowly 2 How many objects do they have
to collect?
and clearly. 3 What is the last object they need?
• Receptive: Reading: Can extract specific information in short texts 2 Cover the picture.
Ask and answer.
on familiar topics.
• Productive: Speaking: Can ask basic questions about things that
Was / Were there… ?
How many… were there?
What colour was / were… ?
happened in the past. Can say where they and others were in the Where was / were… ?
sentences) on familiar personal topics (e.g. family, animals, What colour were
the flags?
possessions), given a model. 3 Think and answer.
1 What festival do you celebrate?
It’s the outdoor festival next weekend. This
Materials 2 What activities can you do at
the festival? year, it’s going to be better than last year!
Audio; Flashcards from Units 3 and 4: A4 paper, colouring pencils 3 What skills have people at the
festival got?
There wasn’t any music last year, and there
weren’t any costumes. This year, everyone
4 Read. Find two things that were is going to wear a costume. You don’t have
different last year. to make a mask, but you have to wear
something colourful. We’re going to have
5 Read again. Then answer.
a band, too!
Starting the lesson: warm up D
iagn ose
1 When’s the festival?
2 What do the children have What can you do to help? We have to put
to wear? up a big tent for the band and tie flags to
● Place pupils in small groups. Assign each group Unit 3 or 4. Each group has 3 Do they have to make a mask?
4 What do they have to do after
the trees.
to say eight things about their unit. Give groups a few minutes, then have the festival? Can you help us after the festival, too?
We have to tidy up all the rubbish before
them share their ideas with the class. we go home!
● Ask pupils what they see in the picture. Elicit known vocabulary and have M05_RS_PB5_5584_M05.indd 52 5/4/21 1:16 PM M05_RS_PB5_5584
t t t t t t
120 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5
M07_RS_TB5_6000_M07.indd 120 10/05/2021 15:04
Ending the lesson
● Ask pupils which unit they liked best. Give each pupil a sheet of A4 paper.
They write as many words as they can from their favourite unit and draw
Mini project a few pictures if they like. Pupils present their work to the class.
6 Plan your diary entry about a summer festival in your town
last weekend.
Where was the festival? Activity Book pages 38 and 39
Who was there? parade costume fireworks band
flags masks lights drums balloons
What was there?
There was a summer festival in the town last weekend. It was amazing. 1 Listen and circle. Then listen again and check. Pupils listen and
There was a big parade in the afternoon and in the evening there were
fireworks! The street was decorated with flags and balloons. There was a
choose the correct options, then listen again to check.
band and the music was really cool!
7 Write your diary entry. ANSWER KEY: 2 red, hats, 3 sledge, 4 don’t have to, 5 poster, 6 snacks
Time to shine!
8 Read and complete your puzzle.
2 Look and write. Then ask and answer. Pupils use the chart to complete
the sentences, then ask and answer questions.
one Write and match. Then talk with a partner. Pupils complete the
have activity, then talk in pairs.
ANSWER KEY: 1 b mean, 2 c spell, 3 a help
s to
I can read and write about outdoor objects and festivals.
4 Read and write. Pupils read the text and answer the questions.
I can say what people have to do and describe events in the past.
I can offer and accept help.
I can check someone understands.
7 Write your diary entry. 5 Imagine you were at the International Festival. Write your diary
entry. Pupils complete the sentences to write a diary entry. They can
● Give pupils a few minutes to write their entry.
write about the Indian or the Canadian stall using information from the
● Pupils check each other’s work. Remind them text in Activity 4 or if they prefer, they can imagine a stall from another
to say two positive things about it and one country and write about that.
thing that might need improvement.
Time to shine!
Time to shine!
t t t t t
Activity 6 Activity 7 I can shine:
Activity 8
Activity Book:
the lesson
M07_RS_TB5_6000_M07.indd 121 10/05/2021 15:04
5 Being kind
Key learning outcom in Unit 5, the pupils will:
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 122 10/05/2021 15:06
Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Activities: carry shopping, clean the windows, look after a I / You / We / They painted / didn’t paint the fence.
child, offer someone your seat, paint a fence, share food, tidy He / She cleaned / didn’t clean the windows.
up the rubbish, visit someone, walk a dog, water the plants
Did you laugh? What did she need? Where did he walk?
Verbs: arrive, cry, laugh, pick up, smile, try When did they arrive?
Helping communities: collect, donate, project, volunteer Why did she need help? She needed help because her
shopping was heavy.
Functional language
Why did she need help? She needed help because her
shopping was heavy. waited /ɪd/, smiled /d/, walked /t/
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can talk about past events or experiences, using simple Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
language. (41) objects and situations or express basic opinions or
attitudes in short stretches of speech.
Can ask someone simple questions about their life and Participate in common informational, academic or
experiences. (36) transactional exchanges using simple language and
Can give simple reasons to explain preferences, given a Connect simple related ideas in a logical sequence in
model. (35) short stretches of speech.
Working towards: Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the
highest level, be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes
Can use appropriate standard greetings and closings Write short texts using simple language for social and
in simple informal personal messages (e.g. postcards or interpersonal purposes.
emails). (37)
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 123 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 54
Starting the lesson: warm up
Being kind
● Ask pupils to look at the unit heading. Revise the
word kind if necessary.
● Place all the flashcards on the board. Ask pupils if
they know any of the words. Point to a phrase, say
it and have pupils repeat after you.
● Ask pupils to look at each flashcard and say which
Talk about actions in the past. of these things they do, and how often.
Understand a play about kindne
Write a story about a past event. ● Refer pupils to the Big Picture and ask what they
Make a kindness wall. can see. Ask what they think they will learn about
3 kindness in this unit.
5 I wonder
w How can you
● Draw pupils’ attention to the I wonder question.
help people
every day?
Ask pupils what types of things they regularly do to
help others. Ask if they have helped anyone today.
1 D
iagn ose
5.01 Listen and explore.
● Have pupils look at the Big Picture and say what
they think the conversation will be about.
1 paint a fence
Lesson 1 ● Play the audio and ask pupils who they heard
2 walk a dog
speaking (Alex and Leo).
3 share food What can you see? 3 Watch the video. ● As a follow up, ask Why are the children helping
4 look after a child
1 5.01
Listen and 4 Which activities are people today? (It’s World Kindness Day.)
5 tidy up the rubbish explore. the children doing?
● Tell pupils that World Kindness Day is 13th
6 offer someone
your seat 2 5.02
Listen, point
The girl is
November. Ask if they have ever celebrated it and
and say.
7 visit someone walking a dog. if not, whether they would like to. SUPPORT Play
8 carry shopping Who can you help in
the audio with pauses, asking pupils to point to
The boy is
9 water the plants your community? watering the the activities in the Big Picture that the audio
10 clean the windows
plants. mentions. STRETCH On the board, write: Scott,
Joe, Zoe. Tell pupils you will play the audio again for
54 Vocabulary Activities them to say what each ofStructures
these people are /doing
He / She cleaned didn’t clean the windows.
(Scott – carrying shopping, Joe – painting a fence,
M06_RS_PB5_5584_M06.indd 54 10/03/2021 17:12
Zoe – offering someone her seat).
t t t t t t t
124 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture I wonder Presentation:
Activity 1
Activity 2
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 124 10/05/2021 15:06
2 5.02 Listen, point and say. Ending the lesson
● Play the audio. Tell pupils to look at you. As the audio says an ● Play a game to review the target vocabulary. Place pupils in
item, point to its corresponding flashcard. pairs and ask them to look at the Big Picture. They should
● Play the audio again and have pupils to point to the numbers cover the vocabulary list in the bottom left corner. Explain
in the book and repeat each phrase. that one pupil says a number from the Big Picture for their
partner to say the activity it shows, e.g. A: 3, B: share food.
3 Watch the video.
● Tell pupils they are going to watch the Our World video Activity Book page 40
about people being kind. Before watching the video, ask
pupils how they think people will be kind. Write. Pupils complete the phrases with their own ideas.
s Revie
● Play the video and elicit answers about how people are kind
(they water the plants, clean the windows, visit people, make
POSSIBLE ANSWERS: play football, visit a museum,
people smile, give people flowers, give people food, make a
go to a theatre, watch TV
playground for the community).
● Ask pupils how they think they will feel after doing a kind
thing for someone. 1 Look and write. Pupils add the correct verbs to complete
the phrases.
4 Which activities are the children doing? Say.
● Ask pupils to say the different items they have learnt in this ANSWER KEY: 2 share, 3 paint, 4 clean, 5 walk,
unit. Place the corresponding flashcards on the board. 6 tidy up, 7 water, 8 look after, 9 visit, 10 carry
● Then refer pupils to the Big Picture in the Pupil’s Book. Model
the activity for a few items with the class.
2 Look at photos 1–6 in Activity 1 and write. Pupils look at
● Place pupils in pairs and have them do the activity. the photos and write sentences.
t t t t t t t
Our World video:
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 125 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 2 – Structures Pupil’s Book page 55
GSE Materials
• Productive: Speaking: Can talk about common past activities, • Audio
using simple linking words.
• Receptive: Listening: Can identify activities occurring in the
past in short, simple dialogues.
t t t t t t
126 Starting the
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 126 10/05/2021 15:06
STRETCH Draw the following table on the board for pupils
to copy and complete, using the dialogues in Activity 1 for I can shine! Assess
Verb Past Past negative ACHIEVE The pupil can form simple sentences to
describe what people did in the past.
help helped didn’t help
3 Look and match. Then say. EXCEED The pupil can form sentences to describe
● Refer pupils to the table with pictures 1–4. Have them match what people did in the past with little or no support,
the phrases in the box to the pictures. Check answers as a using a wider range of vocabulary and correctly
class. forming the past tense from verbs ending in e or y.
● Then say Bella offered someone her seat. Place pupils in pairs
and have them say corresponding sentences for pictures
Ending the lesson
● Monitor for proper use of grammar and help as necessary.
● Play a game to review the grammar. Explain that you will
say different sentences for the pupils to say yesterday or
ANSWER KEY: 1 Bella offered someone a seat.
today. Say I carried the shopping. Elicit Yesterday. Then say
2 Leo carried shopping. 3 Sam visited someone.
I’m visiting my grandmother. Elicit Today. Continue with all
4 Nadia shared food.
the new vocabulary items and then have pupils play in pairs.
4 The picture is from yesterday. Make sentences about the Activity Book page 41
Model the activity for the class for a few items. 5.04
Listen and number. Then write. Pupils listen,
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity. number the photos and complete sentences based on
● Monitor for proper use of language and grammar. Help as the audio.
● Ask one or two confident pupils to come to the front
ANSWER KEY: a 2, b 5, c 1, d 4, e 3
and do the activity. SUPPORT Help pupils by writing the
2 Then, he carried the shopping.
verbs on the board (e.g. cleaned, watered, painted, walked,
3 After lunch, he walked the dog.
offered, looked after). Tell pupils to work in pairs to make
4 Then, he tidied up the rubbish.
full sentences for the phrases. STRETCH Ask pupils to refer
5 Finally, he watered the plants.
to the Grammar box, and then make sentences with past
tense verbs in the negative to talk about what people in the
picture didn’t do. 2 Look and write about last Saturday. Pupils write
sentences based on the information in the table.
5 Think about how you helped people yesterday. Say.
● Model the activity for the pupils, saying three things you ANSWER KEY: 2 She shared food / a sandwich. 3 She
have recently done to help people. Model the negative form, offered someone her seat. 4 Tariq didn’t paint a fence.
too, by talking about something you didn’t do. 5 He looked after a child / his sister. 6 He didn’t watch TV.
● Place pupils in pairs. Have them tell each other about
things they did to help people recently. They can use their
imagination if necessary. I can shine!
● Monitor and help as necessary.
● Invite pupils to share their lists with the class. 3 Write for you. Pupils write sentences about themselves.
Extra activity Extra time: Pupils add words from the vocabulary learnt to go
Have pupils make notes as they listen to what their with each verb.
partner says. Then have each pupil tell the rest of the
class what their partner did, e.g. Max watered the plants
for his mum.
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 127 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 3 – Story Pupil’s Book page 56
Wonder Build Grow Shine
Lesson 3
5.05 Read and listen. Who does Ravi meet?
1 Look. What type of text is this?
a a poem b a diary c a playscript
● Tell pupils they are going to read a play about a boy
2 5.05
Read and listen. Who does Ravi meet? who wants a drum.
Match the words in the text to the pictures.
2 3
● Tell pupils to listen as they follow along in their
● Check answers. SUPPORT Access the Pearson
Scene 1 Scene 5
4 5 6
Narrator: Ravi lived in a small house with his
mother. Ravi loved music, and he really
wanted a drum. But they didn’t have
Ravi carried the blanket. He talked
to a man on a horse.
You aren’t wearing a coat, and it’s
English Portal and make copies of the text. Have
money to buy new things.
Can I have a drum, Mama? Man:
very cold. Please have this blanket.
Thank you! I haven’t got any pupils underline the character names to the left in
and the
Mother: [quietly] What can I do? I haven’t got money, but you can have my horse.
Scene 2
money for a drum. Ravi:
Scene 6
[surprised] Wow! A horse!
the text. Explain that this will help them with the
Narrator: Later, in the forest, Ravi’s mother picked Narrator: Ravi walked along the road. He
56 57
FUTURE SKILLS: enquiry and imagination
Vocabulary Verbs Story value Being kind to others.
t t t t t t t
128 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Reading text:
Activity 2
Activity 3
Flashcards Extra
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 128 10/05/2021 15:06
4 Read again. Then answer.
Story extension
● Give pupils some time to complete the activity. Tell them to
Place pupils in pairs. Have pupils add one more scene to
note where they get the answers from.
the play that shows kindness. Encourage them to plan
● Check answers as a class. SUPPORT Before pupils answer
and write a script for their scene before they act it out.
the questions, have them tell you what happens in the story
Highlight to them again the structure of a play script,
by asking the following questions: What did Ravi want?
with the character written on the left and any stage
Why didn’t his mother get him this? What does she give him?
directions are included in brackets. Have pupils use the
STRETCH Ask pupils to imagine that they are Ravi. Have
new vocabulary from the class to add detail to their stage
them explain the situations Ravi faces through his eyes, e.g.
I wanted a drum but my mother didn’t have any money.
Pupils then act out their scene. With more confident
classes, pupils could swap scripts and act out the scene
ANSWER KEY: 1 a drum, 2 smiled, 3 cried, 4 a horse from a different pair. This would help pupils to notice how
clear their stage directions were.
Ask the class which helper they can see (Sam – the Ending the lesson
Imagine helper). ● Ask pupils to say three things about plays they enjoyed
Read Sam’s question aloud. Give pupils a few minutes to learning or doing. Ask if they would like to be actors and to
think and discuss their ideas in pairs. Remind them to look explain their reasons why or why not.
back at the story for help. Have pairs share their answers ● Ask pupils to think about the other people, as well as actors,
with the class. that are also needed to perform a play. In small groups, ask
pupils to come up with as many people they can think of
as possible. Some possible answers are: director, people to
5 Act out the play in groups. work on costumes and make-up, writer, people to make the
● Place pupils in groups of nine. If there aren’t enough pupils set, etc.
for the play, tell some pupils to take more than one role.
Have pupils choose and practise their roles. Remind them
Activity Book page 42
to look at the writer’s instructions and at what the narrator
says to help them as they act it out. 1 Read and match. Pupils match the questions and
● Monitor and help as necessary. answers.
● Have groups perform in front of the class.
ANSWER KEY: 2 c, 3 e, 4 a, 5 f, 6 d
Pupils might feel shy about performing as they have to 2 Read and write. Pupils complete the sentences with the
speak aloud. To overcome this, play the audio with pauses past simple form of the correct verbs.
and have pupils repeat aloud. Other pupils might not want
to act in the play. Explain that they can work behind the ANSWER KEY: 2 smiled, 3 cried, 4 arrived, 5 laughed,
scenes by making scenery or supporting the actors in a 6 tried
number of ways, such as helping them learn their lines and
prompting them when they’re on stage.
Imagine helper: Pupils complete the sentences about the story.
I can shine!
I can shine! Assess
3 How are you kind to others? Write. Pupils complete the
ACHIEVE With little support, the pupil can understand sentences about themselves.
and help to act out a play about kindness.
Extra time: Pupils discuss their favourite scene in pairs.
t t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
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5 Lesson 4 – Structures and song Pupil’s Book page 58
Lesson 4
● Tell pupils to refer to Lesson 2 and say as many
verbs as they can in the past simple. Write them on
1 5.06
Read and listen. What did Joe do? the board. Then have pupils form the negative form
Daria: Did you visit Mrs Jones yesterday, Joe? of the verbs on the board.
Joe: Yes, I did. I helped her, too. ● Write on the board: Did… ? Ask pupils if they know
Daria: When did you visit her?
Joe: I visited her in the afternoon after school. how to form questions using did. If yes, elicit and
Daria: What did she need? write a few on the board. If no, write on the board:
Joe: She needed me to carry her shopping.
Mrs Jones has got a baby. He’s very cute. Did you watch TV? Did you play games? Did you visit
I smiled at him. your friends?
Daria: Did he laugh?
Joe: No, he didn’t. He looked at me and he cried! ● Go through the questions, eliciting short answers.
● Leave the questions on the board.
2 Read and learn. Then write and ask a partner.
Grammar builder
1 5.06 Read and listen. What did Joe do?
● Ask pupils to look at the picture and to say what
Did you laugh? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. they see.
What did she need? She needed help. ● Play the audio for pupils to listen along to. Elicit
Where did Ravi walk? He walked to the village.
the answer. SUPPORT On the board, write: Did
you visit Mrs Jones? When did you visit her? What
When did they arrive? They arrived in the afternoon.
did she need? Ask pupils to identify the question
Yesterday… words (When, What). STRETCH Ask pupils to find
1 What / you / watch? Remember! the questions in the text and change them to the
2 you / visit / your friend? What did you need?
3 Where / you / do / your homework? present simple, e.g. Did you visit? (Do you visit?)
4 When / you / go to bed? What did she need? (What does she need?) When
did you visit her? (When do you visit her?)
3 5.07
Read and sing. How did the 4 Ask and answer. Use
the prompts.
people in the song help others? ANSWER KEY: He helped Mrs Jones. He carried
Did… walk a dog
Did you visit a neighbour yesterday? What… visit someone her shopping. He smiled at her baby.
I feel sad, no, I didn’t… no. When… share food
Oh dear, what did they need? Where… carry shopping
They needed help, but I didn’t go. Who… tidy up
2 Read and learn. Then write and ask a partner.
So, who did you help yesterday? Did you visit someone
I helped my grandad, I’m happy to say. yesterday?
● Refer pupils to the Grammar builder box. Explain
That’s kind, did you offer him your seat? that it shows how to form questions about actions
Yes, I did, and we played games all day. Yes, I did. I visited
my grandma.
in the past, and that the sentences in the green
column are answers that we can use to these
58 Structures and song What did she (need)? When did they (arrive)? questions. Remind them that short answers
Communication Asking for and giving reasons.
Yes, I did and No, I didn’t can only be used when
answering questions that begin with Did you… ?
M06_RS_PB5_5584_M06.indd 58 10/03/2021 17:12
t t t t t
130 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 130 10/05/2021 15:06
STRETCH Have pupils write the function of each of the STRETCH Have more confident pupils develop their answers
question words, i.e. what are they asking about? (What to include more detail and their partner to ask follow-up
= thing / action, Where = place, When = time). Ask them questions based on the answers to get more information, e.g.
to add another row to the table starting with a different A: Did you visit someone yesterday? B: Yes, I did. I visited my
question word and say its function (Who = person). grandma. A: Where did you visit your grandma?
t t t t t
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
Ending the
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 131 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 5 – Communication Pupil’s Book page 59
GSE Materials
• Receptive: Listening: Can understand how people are feeling • Audio; Communication cards
if they use simple language and speak slowly and clearly.
Can understand some details in longer dialogues on familiar
everyday topics, if guided by questions or prompts.
• Receptive: Reading: Can recognise the use of because to signal
the relationship between an action or action and a reason or
• Productive: Speaking: Can ask someone simple questions about
their actions and experiences. Can give a brief reason for how
they feel or an action.
Wonder Imagine Grow Shine
Build Starting the lesson D
iagn ose
top floor!
Nadia: Wow! You’re a great neighbour.
5.09 Read and listen. Why did Bella help her
● Play the audio and ask pupils what it is about.
(It’s about Bella helping her neighbour.)
3 Match. Then say with a partner. ● Ask the pupils what she did. (She carried her
1 I cleaned the windows at the weekend. a The lady was tired. neighbour’s shopping to the top floor.)
2 I shared my food at lunch today. b She was on holiday.
3 I walked my friend’s dog last week. c My friend didn’t have his lunch.
● Explain that you will play the audio again and
4 I offered my seat to a lady on the bus yesterday. d They were dirty. this time pupils have to say why Bella helped her
I cleaned the windows
at the weekend.
ANSWER KEY: Her neighbour’s shopping was
Why did you clean
the windows?
I can shine!
Pronunciation TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: teaching selflessness
5 Talk with a partner.
Ask for and give reasons. Pupils may have been keeping a Kindness diary
4 5.11
Say and write. Then listen
and check. since lesson 1 (see Lesson 1, Extra activity on page
Why did you water the plants?
helped looked offered painted
125). If they have, check in with them on their
shared tidied visited watered worked I watered the plants because diaries and have pupils share some of the kind
they need water once a week. things they have done and seen so far. If pupils
Walked Waited Smiled
haven’t started their diaries yet, this is also a
I can ask for and give reasons.
good time to start this activity. Every day pupils
should write down things they have done to be
Communication Asking for and giving reasons. kind or help others and also the things others
M06_RS_PB5_5584_M06.indd 59 10/03/2021 17:13
have done to help them.
t t t t t t
132 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 132 10/05/2021 15:06
2 5.10 Listen again and repeat the words in blue.
I can shine! Assess
● Have pupils listen and follow the dialogue, then repeat the
key language in the pauses.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them role play the conversation. ACHIEVE The pupil can ask about and give simple
reasons for a number of actions or situations using
3 Match. Then say with a partner. Why… ? and because.
● Have pupils complete the matching activity.
● Explain to pupils that they must now join the two sentences
together using because. Model the activity for item 1 by ADJUST The pupil can ask about and give simple
saying I cleaned the windows at the weekend because they reasons for a number of actions or situations when
were dirty. provided with a model.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity.
Monitor for proper use of language. SUPPORT Complete the
matching activity as a class so pupils feel more supported.
Write the word because on the board. Remind pupils we use EXCEED The pupil can ask about and give reasons for
it to give a reason. Then have pupils write their sentences actions or situations using Why… ? and because and
with because before saying them aloud. STRETCH Have a wider range of verbs in both the past and present
pupils come up with alternative reasons for why they did the tense.
different actions.
5 Talk with a partner. Ask for and give reasons. I can shine!
With communication cards:
● Place pupils in pairs and hand out the communication cards. 3 Read and think. Then ask and answer. Pupils ask and
Pupils take turns to read out what they did to help (one of answer with their own reasons.
the cards numbered 1–10) and their partner asks why they
did that. The first pupil responds with one of the answer Extra time: Pupils use different colours to circle the two
cards (a–j) or with their own answer. different sounds and then say the tongue twister as fast as
Without communication cards: they can.
● Ask pupils to turn to the vocabulary list in Lesson 1 and use
the expressions on the page to say how they have helped ANSWER KEY: red: worked; blue: painted
people in the last week. Their partner asks why they helped,
and the first pupil invents the answer.
● As pupils play, monitor for correct use of language.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 133 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 6 – Global citizenship Pupil’s Book page 60
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
al Citiz Starting the lesson D
iagn ose
● Write the word volunteer on the board and explain
Let’s be
I share
Helping our
communities. Lesson 6
I play with
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes
its meaning if necessary. Have a class discussion
I try different
the text. Ask what they think the text will be about.
t t t t t t
134 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 134 10/05/2021 15:06
SUPPORT On the board, write: To make a school garden the
children needed… . They collected money by… . People helped FUTURE SKILLS: critical and reflective thinking
by… . They still need people in the garden to… . Tell pupils to Explain that in Lessons 3 and 6, the children had a
read through each paragraph to complete the sentences. problem. In Lesson 3 the child wanted a drum. In Lesson 6
Explain that they have just made a small summary of the the children wanted a school garden. In both instances,
text. STRETCH On the board, write: collect, donate, volunteer. they came up with a solution. Explain that this is a form
In pairs, ask pupils to think and talk about what kinds of of critical thinking – have a problem, think about it, find a
things people can collect or donate, or volunteer to do, to help solution. Have pupils think of different problems they have
different projects. and in groups, ask them to think and find solutions.
1 The project was to make a school garden.
Ending the lesson
2 They sold cakes, carried people’s shopping and tidied ● Have a class discussion about community projects in
people’s gardens. general. Have pupils discuss the advantages of them but
3 They donated plants, pots and gardening gloves. They also any disadvantages they might have.
helped build the garden, too.
4 You can volunteer and help in the garden. Background information (Culture and CLIL)
Explain to pupils that donations can come in different
RECEPTIVE SKILLS TIP forms – money, equipment, appliances, food, clothes, etc.
As a follow-up activity to check understanding, place Bring in information about any local initiatives or projects
pupils in pairs and have them make five true or false that are happening in the community or that your school
questions about the text. Have pairs swap questions and supports that pupils may be interested in learning more
answer the questions of another pair. They can then swap about.
back and check the answers to their questions.
Activity Book page 44
4 5.14 Listen. Where was the event?
● On the board, write the words Rainbow Day, colourful 1 Read and match. Then read and write. Pupils match
clothes, donate money. Ask pupils how they think these words to definitions and then complete the text.
words will be used in the activity.
● Play the audio and ask pupils if their guesses were correct. ANSWER KEY: 2 b, 3 a, 4 c
● Repeat the audio for pupils to complete the activity. Elicit 2 donate, 3 project, 4 volunteer
the answer.
2 Listen and tick (✓). Then listen again and
ANSWER KEY: Forest Primary School circle. Pupils listen and choose the correct picture. They
listen again and choose the correct option to complete
the sentences.
5 5.15 Listen again. Then complete the sentences.
● Tell pupils to read the questions and see if they can
ANSWER KEY: ✓ Photo b
remember the answers.
old, school, class, trees, park
● Play the audio for pupils to complete the activity. Check
answers as a class. SUPPORT On the board, write: Forest,
community project, Rainbow Day, colourful clothes, teachers Grow helper: Pupils complete the sentence with their
and parents. Tell pupils to listen out for these phrases as own ideas.
they listen to the audio. Then after the audio, have pupils say
what they referred to. STRETCH Have pupils come up with Extra time: Pupils discuss the question in small groups.
ideas for a community project they would raise money for by
using Rainbow Day as an event.
Activity 4 Pupil’s Book audioscript
ANSWER KEY: 1 a, 2 a, 3 b My school, Forest Primary, collected a lot of money for
a community project last week. Our event was ‘Rainbow
Day’. On Friday, we didn’t wear our school clothes to
school. We all looked for colourful clothes to wear. Our
parents and teachers donated money for every colour.
Ask the class which helper they can see (Alex –
My clothes were red, blue and green. In total, there were
the Grow helper).
forty-five different colours! We didn’t have normal classes
Read Alex’s question and ask pupils to think about their either. We volunteered to do different activities in the
community. Discuss as a class. school. It was really fun. I hope we have Rainbow Day next
year, too!
t t t t t
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 135 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 7 – Writing Pupil’s Book page 61
t t t t t
136 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 136 10/05/2021 15:06
3 5.18 Ideas generator Listen and match. TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: correcting work
● Play the audio and have pupils complete the activity. Check Help pupils assess writing by presenting them with weak
answers as a class. examples. This way they can then carry their assessments
● Ask pupils which of the children went to an event, and what through to their own work which will help them improve.
it was for. (Michael went to a forest clean up event.) Read the following to the class: Yesterday, I painted a wall.
● Play the audio again and ask pupils to suggest what It was green. It was the wrong colour. I went home. Ask
happens next in each story, e.g. Ana ran after the woman pupils if what they heard is a good story or not. (No) Ask
and tried to help her. Ask pupils to say how they think the pupils why not. (There is no information on what happens
stories end. in the beginning, middle or end. The story is too brief.) Ask
pupils what they would add to improve it.
ANSWER KEY: 1 Michael, 2 Ana
Planning support
Tell pupils that when we write stories, we often use the
2 Give it a go Plan your story about a past sports event.
Pupils use the table to plan their story.
past simple. Have them say different verbs in the past
tense that they can use in their story. Write them on the
board for pupils to refer to. I can shine!
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 137 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 8 – Review Pupil’s Book page 62
62 Unit review Unit objectives review ANSWER KEY: 1 f, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b, 5 e, 6 c Unit project A kindness wall
t t t t t t
138 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 138 10/05/2021 15:06
ANSWER KEY: 1 wanted, 2 offered, 3 talked, 4 offered, Activity Book page 46
5 little girl, 6 needed, 7 arrived, 8 laughed
1 Order and write. Pupils unscramble the words to write
short sentences.
3 Look. Ask and answer.
● Ask pupils to read the speech bubbles. ANSWER KEY: 2 carry the shopping, 3 look after your
● Ask pupils how they would answer the question in the little brother, 4 laugh at Dad’s jokes, 5 tidy up your
negative (No, he didn’t). rubbish, 6 share food with your sister, 7 paint a fence,
● Model the activity for the next item with a confident pupil. 8 offer your seat to Grandma
● Place pupils in pairs and have them continue the activity.
Monitor pupils for correct use of language. 5.19
● Invite pairs to come to the front to role play the activity. 2 Read and write. Then listen and check. Pupils
SUPPORT Do the activity as a class, going through each complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the past
item before placing pupils in pairs to complete it. simple, then listen to check.
STRETCH Pupils can use the list to make sentences in the
past simple affirmative and negative, e.g. Todd walked Mrs ANSWER KEY: 2 didn’t clean, 3 picked up, 5 Did you cry,
Cooper’s dog. He didn’t paint the fence. Confident pupils 6 Did they help, 7 did, arrive
could be encouraged to use the connectors and and but, e.g.
Todd walked Mrs Cooper’s dog but he didn’t paint the fence.
He tidied the rubbish and cleaned the windows.
3 Look and write. Then change the word in blue and act
out. Pupils change some of the words in the dialogue and
then act out.
Did Todd paint the fence? No, he didn’t.
Did Todd tidy up the rubbish? Yes, he did. ANSWER KEY: 1 I’m tired. 2 Why are you tired?
Did Todd water the plants? No, he didn’t. 3 I’m tired because I walked the dog
Did Todd clean the windows? Yes, he did.
Did Todd look after his cousin? No, he didn’t.
Did Todd visit Mr Andrews? Yes, he did. Extra time: Pupils work together to complete the activity.
Extra activity
Place pupils in small groups. Have them choose six
vocabulary items from the unit and write a song using the
items and the grammar they have learnt. Groups then
present or sing their song to the class.
t t t t t
Activity 4
Our World video:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 139 10/05/2021 15:06
5 Lesson 9 – Project: Our kindness wall Pupil’s Book page 63
t t t t t
140 Starting
the lesson
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 140 10/05/2021 15:06
6 How did you help people last week? Think and write.
SHINE ON! Can you create a school kindness wall?
● Tell pupils they are going to think about what they have done As a class, discuss how pupils would go about organising
recently to help other people. Explain that it can be things a kindness wall for the school. Ask them to think about
they have done at home (e.g. cleaning up the living room, what they would ask other classes to do, how they would
helping their brothers or sisters) or things for the community collect ideas together, the size of the wall and where in
(e.g. visiting someone, helping a person with their shopping). the school it would go.
● Now ask pupils to write a short paragraph about their acts
of kindness.
Ending the lesson
● Refer pupils to the Skill Up box. Brainstorm ideas
of expressions that can signal the beginning, middle and end
● Ask pupils to look back through the unit and to write down
of their story, and write them on the board, e.g. One day, three things that they learnt, two things they enjoyed doing,
First of all, Then, Next, Finally, in the end, but then… , Last and one thing they would like to revise.
weekend. ● Refer pupils to the progress chart on page 3 in the Pupil’s
Book. Have them read the sentences for each skill and notice
7 Share your ideas with your group. Draw pictures to go what they have achieved so far.
with your stories.
● Place pupils in small groups and tell them to share their Activity Book page 47
● Tell pupils to draw pictures to illustrate their stories if they 1 Think and complete. Pupils choose phrases to complete
have time. the diagram for themselves. They don’t need to use all
● Encourage pupils to help each other improve their work by the phrases.
exchanging ideas.
2 Complete your journal. Pupils follow the steps to
8 Make your kindness wall. complete a short journal about the past week.
● Refer pupils to the kindness wall in their Pupil’s Book.
● Ask pupils what pictures they would put on their kindness 3 Think and write. Pupils complete a brief evaluation of the
wall. Tell pupils they can draw or cut out pictures from unit with personal responses.
magazines to decorate them.
Home–school link: Pupils discuss the topic of kindness with
PROJECT TIP family members.
For pupils that may feel shy about putting up their
messages and stories, it might be an idea to use an
anonymous Kindness Box where they can post these – and Time to shine! Assess
then take some time at the end of each day to read out
and pin up new notes to the wall. ACHIEVE The pupil can ask and answer questions
about past events using a range of regular verbs in the
past simple. They can ask for and give reasons using
Time to shine! Why and because. They can write a short account of a
past event.
9 As
Present your kindness wall to the class.
● Tell pupils that each group is going to present their kindness
wall to the class. ADJUST The pupil can ask and answer questions
● Invite two pupils from each group to come to the front with about past events using a limited number of regular
their wall and present it. verbs in the past simple, but with errors. With
● Ask the rest of the class to say what they think about the prompting they can ask for and give simple reasons
kindness wall after each presentation. using Why and because. They can write a short
account of a past event when provided with a model.
10 Choose a kindness wall. Ask questions and give reasons.
● Place all the kindness walls around the class.
● Refer pupils to the speech bubbles to reinforce how they EXCEED The pupil can ask and answer questions
should be asking and answering the questions. about past events confidently using a wider range of
regular verbs in the past simple and correctly forming
● Have two groups stand in front of their wall. The other pupils
spelling variations. They can ask for and give reasons
approach them and ask questions about the kindness walls
using Why and because. They can write an account of
a past event using more complex sentences and some
● Repeat the above as necessary for all groups to share their
direct speech.
t t t t t
Time to shine:
Activity 9
Time to shine:
Activity 10
Activity Book:
Ending the
M08_RS_TB5_6000_M08.indd 141 10/05/2021 15:06
6 Our i m p o r ta nt p l a c e s
Key learning outcom in Unit 6, the pupils will:
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 142 10/05/2021 15:47
Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Holiday activities: buy a ticket, exchange money, go on a He / She’s going to (buy a ticket). We / They aren’t going to
tour, go sightseeing, pack a suitcase, read a guidebook, stay (exchange money).
in a hotel, take a taxi, travel by bus, wait in a queue What are you going to (do)? Where is he going to (stay)?
Transport: airport, cable car, coach, ferry, minibus, When are we going to (go)? How are they going to (travel)?
Ecotourism: accommodation, culture, ecotourism, souvenir
speaking /sp/, stadium /st/
Functional language
I agree. I disagree.
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can talk about plans for the near future in a simple way. Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
(38) objects and situations or express basic opinions or
attitudes in short stretches of speech.
Can contribute to simple discussions when asked a Participate in common informational, academic or
question by the teacher. (39) transactional exchanges using simple language and
Can understand most of the concrete details in informal Follow simple social and interpersonal exchanges.
conversations on familiar everyday topics, if the speakers
talk slowly and clearly. (37)
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the highest level,
be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
Can use appropriate standard greetings and closings Write short texts using simple language for social and
in simple informal personal messages (e.g. postcards or interpersonal purposes.
emails). (37)
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 143 10/05/2021 15:47
6 Lesson 1 – Vocabulary Pupil’s Book page 64
Starting the lesson: warm up
Write an email about a holiday
6 ● Refer pupils to the Big Picture and ask what they
Make a tourist brochure. 1 can see. Ask how all these things are related to
travel, e.g. read a guidebook – helps a tourist find
3 interesting places to visit.
der… 5
on I wonder
Why do people
and say.
7 stay in a hotel Is he buying a ticket?
6.02 Listen, point and say.
8 take a taxi What do you do
No, he isn’t.
● Place all the flashcards on the board. Play the
on holiday?
9 exchange money He’s exchanging audio. As the audio says an item, point to its
10 read a guidebook corresponding flashcard.
● Then play the audio with pauses for pupils
64 Vocabulary Holiday activities to repeat. SUPPORT
Structures He’s Have pupils
going to (buy look
a ticket). Theyat the
aren’t going to (exchange money).
vocabulary list and the corresponding numbers
M07_RS_PB5_5584_M07.indd 64 11/03/2021 09:15
on the artwork to help familiarise themselves
with the new vocabulary before they listen to the
audio. STRETCH Say the first part of a phrase for
pupils to say the second part, e.g. say pack. Elicit
a suitcase.
t t t t t t t
144 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture I wonder Presentation:
Activity 1
Activity 2
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 144 10/05/2021 15:47
3 Watch the video. Activity Book page 48
● Tell pupils they are going to watch the Our World video
about a family that go on an adventure. Before watching, Write three places you can visit in a city. Pupils write
s Revie
ask pupils what they think the family will do. their own ideas.
● Have pupils watch the video and say which items from the
new vocabulary they can see (pack a suitcase, go on a tour, POSSIBLE ANSWERS: a museum; an art gallery,
go sightseeing, stay in a hotel / castle). a stadium
t t t t t t t
Our World video:
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
the lesson
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 145 10/05/2021 15:47
6 Lesson 2 – Structures Pupil’s Book page 65
t t t t t t
146 Starting the
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 146 10/05/2021 15:47
4 Make sentences about the people in the picture. Activity Book page 49
● Model the activity for the class for a few items.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity. 1 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗). Then write. Pupils
Monitor for correct use of language. listen and complete the table, then complete the sentences.
5 Look around you. Say what people are doing and what
they are going to do.
● In front of the class, go towards the door of the room and Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
reach for the handle. Say I’m going to open the door. Then
Cristina ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
open the door, and as you do so, say I’m opening the door.
Then ask a pupil to come to the front of the class, show that Max ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✗
they are going to do an action, and then do it.
2 by bus
● Place pupils in pairs and have them complete the activity.
3 going to travel by bus
You could bring in pictures to help, or pupils can walk around
4 is going to take a taxi
the class or look out of the window and describe what they
5 ’re going to go on a tour (of the castle)
can see.
6 aren’t going to wait in a queue
I can shine! Assess 2 Read, think and write. Use going to. Pupils write logical
sentences using the phrases given.
ADJUST The pupil can form simple sentences about I can shine!
actions in the future with be going to with support,
after referring to examples and the grammar table. 3 Imagine you’re going to go on holiday tomorrow. Write.
Pupils write sentences using going to in the affirmative and
EXCEED The pupil can form sentences about actions
happening now with the present continuous, and Extra time: Pupils draw and label four holiday activities.
about actions in the future with be going to, with
little or no support. The pupil can correctly give both
affirmative and negative forms, and use a wider range Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
of vocabulary. Sam Did you know Leo is going to go on holiday
Nadia No, I didn’t. That’s nice. Bella is going to visit her
grandparents this weekend, too. They live in a
Extra activity different city.
To help pupils become more confident with the grammar Sam Leo is going to travel by bus in the morning with
and provide them with more opportunities to use it, use his mum.
the Our World video from lesson 1. Pupils will be confident Nadia That’s a good idea. Bella isn’t going to travel by
with the storyline, but they could watch the video one bus because there isn’t a bus to her grandparents’
more time to remind themselves. Then, play the video house. She’s going to take a taxi.
again, pausing regularly throughout just before the people Sam In the afternoon, Leo and his mum are going to go
in the video are about to do something. Have pupils talk sightseeing.
to each other and make sentences about what the people Nadia Great! It’s nice to explore a new city. When Bella’s
are going to do. with her grandparents, they’re going to buy tickets
for a show at the theatre. Bella loves watching
shows! She isn’t going to go sightseeing because
Ending the lesson she often visits her grandparents, so she knows the
city well.
● Play a game to review the grammar. Explain that you will Sam That’s cool. In the evening, Leo is going to go on a
say different sentences for the pupils to say now or future. tour of the city by boat.
Say I’m buying a ticket. Elicit now. Then say I’m going to Nadia Wow! That will be fun! Bella is going to go on a
take a taxi. Elicit future. Continue with at least six verbs in tour in the evening, too. There’s a new museum in
each tense. the city and they are doing night tours – I hope it
isn’t too scary!
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 147 10/05/2021 15:47
6 Lesson 3 – Story Pupil’s Book page 66
Wonder Build Grow Shine
Lesson 3 ANSWER KEY: She’s going to play football in the
park and travel on a cable car.
Look. What type of text is this?
a a poem b a diary c a playscript Tuesday 6th April
in Madrid
We’re going to go sightseeing on Tuesday morning to see
2 6.05
Read and listen. What is Lara going to do on all the amazing places in Madrid. We’re going to take the
Tuesday afternoon? underground.
3 Match the words in the text to the pictures. Sunday 4th April In the afternoon, we’re going to play football in the park.
Did you know there is a cable car in Madrid, too? We’re
FUTURE SKILLS: enquiry and imagination
I’m going to pack my suitcase
1 2 3 going to travel on it. It’s going to be my first time on a
this afternoon. I’m so excited!
cable car!
Tomorrow, it’s the football
trip to Madrid in Spain. We’re
vel by minibus to
going to travel
On Wednesday, there is going to be the big match against
the Spanish team. We have to go to bed early on Tuesday
so we’re ready!
Ask pupils to imagine they are in the year 2050.
the airport
airport,, then we’re going
4 5 6
to fly to Madrid. We aren’t
going to travel by ferry and
Ask if they think the same forms of transport will
exist and if so, which ones. Then ask them how
train – it’s too slow! Here’s
our plan for the trip.
5 Imagine you are in the Spanish team. Spain. I really want to try it! I’m going to send my parents a postcard, too. I exchanged
Talk about what you are going to do.
Play football in the park
t t t t t t t
148 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Reading text:
Activity 2
Activity 3
Flashcards Extra
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 148 10/05/2021 15:47
4 Read again. Then match.
Story extension
● Give pupils some time to complete the activity.
Place pupils in pairs. Have pupils add one more thing Lara
● Check answers as a class.
is going to do before her day ends. Pupils read their work
to the class.
ANSWER KEY: 1 c, 2 d, 3 a, 4 b
t t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 149 10/05/2021 15:47
6 Lesson 4 – Structures and song Pupil’s Book page 68
Lesson 4
● Tell pupils to refer to the Big Picture in Lesson 1 and
say what the people are going to do.
1 6.06
Read and listen. What’s Liam going to do? ● Then ask pupils questions based on the picture
Akanni: What are you doing, Liam? in Lesson 1, e.g. point to the woman waiting in a
Liam: I’m packing my suitcase for my trip to London.
Akanni: Oh! When are you going to go to London? queue to buy a ticket. Ask What is she going to
Liam: We’re going to go next weekend. buy? (She’s going to buy a ticket.) Point to the
Akanni: How are you going to travel there?
Liam: We’re going to go by train. people behind her. Ask How are they going to travel?
Akanni: Really? Where are you going to stay? (They’re going to travel by bus.) Continue using a
Liam: We’re going to stay in a hotel.
Akanni: How exciting! What are you going to do in the city? range of question words where possible. Pupils may
Liam: We’re going to have a great time. We’re going to make errors with the language at this stage, as the
go sightseeing.
Akanni: That’s so cool. Have a great time.
question and answer form will be explored more in
this lesson.
2 Read and learn. Then write and ask a partner.
Grammar builder
1 6.06 Read and listen. What’s Liam going to do?
● Ask pupils to look at the picture and to say what
What are you going to do? I’m going to go sightseeing.
they see. Ask them to say what they think the boy
Where is he going to stay? He’s going to stay in a hotel. is going to do, e.g. He’s going to go on holiday.
When are we going to go? We’re going to go on Saturday.
● Play the audio for pupils to read along and answer
the question. Elicit answers. SUPPORT On the
How are they going to travel? They’re going to travel by coach.
board, write: When are you going to go to London?
1 Where / your family / go / next weekend?
Remember! How are you going to travel there? Where are you
Where are you going
2 How / you / travel / to school / tomorrow?
to stay?
going to stay? What are you going to do in the
3 What / we / do / after school?
4 When / your friend / wake up / on Saturday?
I’m going to stay city? Explain that these are the questions that
in a hotel.
Liam is asked. Ask pupils if they can remember
the answers. Play the audio with pauses for pupils
3 6.07
Read and sing. What are 4 Ask and answer about next to answer. STRETCH On the board, write: next
they going to do on holiday? weekend. Use the prompts.
weekend, by train, a hotel, a guidebook. Have pupils
go wear stay eat meet
Hooray! Hooray! It’s time for a holiday!
Where are you going to stay? visit travel pack play
make sentences using going to, showing what these
What are you going to do? words refer to, e.g. He’s going to go to London next
When are you going to go?
Can I come with you? Where are you going weekend. He’s going to travel by train. He’s going to
We’re going to stay in a hotel,
to go next weekend? stay in a hotel. He’s going to go sightseeing.
And visit the beach and have fun.
Yes, come with us, get ready, I’m going to stay at home.
We’re going to go at half past one! ANSWER KEY:
68 He’s going to go sightseeing in London.
Structures and song What are you going to do? Where are they going to (stay)? Communication Agreeing and disagreeing.
t t t t t
150 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 150 10/05/2021 15:48
Invite pairs to come to the front and role play their ideas.
Read and learn. Then write and ask a partner.
SUPPORT Write question words on the board to help
● Explain that we use question words with going to when we prompt pupils further. STRETCH To extend the activity, tell
want to ask specific questions about actions in the future. pupils their partners are going on holiday. Ask them to form
● On the board, write: Where is he going to stay? and answer their own questions using What, Where, When, How and
He is going to stay in a hotel. Point out the different word going to and use their imagination to answer.
order in questions and answers.
● Have pupils read the Grammar builder box.
Extra activity
Explain that the class is going to travel to the Moon in
BUILD HELPER a few weeks. Ask pupils if they know any words related
Ask the class which helper they can see (Nadia – to space, e.g. rocket, stars, rocks. Write key words on the
the Build helper). board. Place pupils in pairs. Ask them to make notes about
how they are going to travel, what they are going to do
Model the first item with the class. Say Where are your
and see there, etc. Then have pairs write a dialogue like
family going to go next weekend? and have one or two
the one in Activity 1. Invite pairs to act out their dialogue
confident pupils give an answer.
to the class.
Place pupils in pairs to complete the activity, using the
prompts to make questions, then answer them using their
own ideas. Ending the lesson
● Tell pupils you are going on an amazing holiday. Have them
ask you questions to find out more about your holiday plans.
ANSWER KEY: ● Have more confident pupils ask follow up questions, while
1 Where are your family going to go next weekend? less confident pupils can use prompts from earlier in the
2 How are you going to travel to school tomorrow? lesson to help and write down any questions before they ask
3 What are we going to do after school? them.
4 When is your friend going to wake up on Saturday? ● To extend the activity further, have pupils ask a classmate
about an imaginary holiday in small groups.
3 6.07 Read and sing. What are they going to do on
holiday? Activity Book page 51
● Tell pupils to read the song quietly and then tell you in their
own words what it is about. 1 Read the answers and write the questions. Use How,
● Play the audio and have pupils follow along in their books. Where, What, Who and When. Pupils write questions for
Elicit the answer. Note that the chorus lines are repeated the answers.
in the song but not on the Pupil’s Book page and so weaker
pupils may need support following along in their book. ANSWER KEY:
● Repeat the audio for pupils to sing along. Ask the pupils if 2 How is she going to travel?
they like this song and why. 3 Where are they going to go?
● Once pupils are confident with the words, play the karaoke 4 When are they going to arrive?
version for them to sing along to (audio track 6.08). 5 What is he going to do / watch?
6 Who is he going to meet?
ANSWER KEY: stay in a hotel, visit a beach, have fun
Build helper: In pairs, pupils ask and answer the questions.
from Activity 1 about themselves.
Play the song again and ask pupils to say how the people Grammar extension
in the song feel. Ask if they think people travelling to Grammar 6 Lesson on page 93 of the Pupil’s Book offers
another country for a holiday will have more fun than extended practice of the grammar introduced in Unit 6.
people who are going to explore their own country. Further teacher’s notes can be found in the teacher
Encourage pupils to explain why / why not. Ask pupils to resources on the Pearson English Portal.
say what forms of transport they can use to travel in their
own country.
t t t t t
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity Book:
Ending the
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 151 10/05/2021 15:48
6 Lesson 5 – Communication Pupil’s Book page 69
Wonder Imagine
Grow Shine Starting the lesson
Lesson 5 ● Give the following situations to the class, and
for each one, ask pupils if they agree or disagree:
1 Read and listen. Which attraction 2 6.10
Listen again and repeat
are the children going to visit? the words in blue. Holidays are good. We should spend more time
Leo: Hello?
inside. Everybody loves playing games.
Bella: Hello, Leo! It’s Bella. ● Ask pupils what expressions they use to agree
Leo: Hi, Bella! How are you?
Bella: Fine, thanks. Shall we do something or disagree with others. On the board, write: I
fun tomorrow? My cousin’s staying agree. I disagree. Ask pupils if they have used these
with us for the holidays! He’s
from Spain. expressions before.
Leo: Let’s go on a stadium tour. Everyone
likes sports.
Bella: I disagree. I don’t like stadium D
iagn ose
6.09 Read and listen. Which attraction
tours. What about the art gallery? are the children going to visit?
Leo: Hmm. I’m not sure. The tickets
are expensive. ● Ask pupils to close their books. Play the audio and
Bella: I agree. There’s a music festival
tomorrow. That sounds fun! elicit the answer.
Leo: Sure! Let’s go to the music festival! ● Play the audio again and this time pupils have to
Bella: OK! I’m going to find out what time
it starts. say what other options the children discuss (going
Leo: OK! Bye! on a stadium tour, going to the art gallery).
3 Complete the sentence with agree / disagree. Then say with a partner.
1 Travelling by train is better than travelling by ferry. (I... . I like travelling by ferry.)
ANSWER KEY: The music festival
2 Old buildings are more interesting than new buildings. (I... . Old buildings are beautiful.)
3 Hot food is more delicious than cold food. (I... . Ice cream is my favourite food!)
2 6.10 Listen again and repeat the words in blue.
Travelling by train is better I disagree! I like
than travelling by car. travelling by ferry. ● With books open, ask pupils to listen to the audio
and follow along in their books. Pause after the
I can shine! words in blue and have pupils repeat them.
Pronunciation ● Place pupils in pairs and have them role play the
5 Talk with a partner.
Agree or disagree. dialogue. SUPPORT Explain to pupils that when we
4 6.11
Listen and write the missing
letters. Then listen again disagree with someone, it is usually good to give
Sugar is very healthy.
and check. a reason explaining why. Go through the dialogue
…eaking …adium
I disagree! Sugar isn’t very and have pupils find the reasons each person gives
healthy. It’s bad for your teeth. when they disagree. STRETCH Place pupils in pairs.
…ain …orts
Tell pupils to read the dialogue again and change
…ay …arts I can agree and disagree. the reasons Leo and Bella give when disagreeing.
Have them read their new dialogue to the class.
Communication Agreeing and disagreeing.
3 Complete the sentences with agree / disagree.
M07_RS_PB5_5584_M07.indd 69 11/03/2021 09:15 Then say with a partner.
● Complete items 1–3 as a class activity.
t t t t t t
152 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 152 10/05/2021 15:48
● Place pupils in pairs and have them practise saying the
sentences. Explain that one person says the first sentence,
I can shine! Assess
and the other the second one beginning I agree / disagree… .
Invite pairs to the front of the class to role play their
exchanges. ACHIEVE The pupil can politely agree and disagree in
a range of situations.
ANSWER KEY: 1 disagree, 2 agree, 3 disagree
I can shine!
FUTURE SKILLS: collaboration and communication
Ask pupils to think of a time when a person disagreed with 3 Read and think. Then talk with a partner. Pupils discuss
them. Ask how they felt. Tell pupils that when we disagree, in pairs, making suggestions and agreeing or disagreeing.
we should always do this politely as we should respect
what other people think and feel. Place pupils in groups Extra time: Pupils colour the sounds red and blue and then say
and have them discuss the following statement: We should the tongue twister several times, as fast as they can.
only eat healthy food. Tell pupils they have to give one
reason why they agree and one reason why they disagree.
They then report back telling the class the reason(s) why ANSWER KEY: red: storm; blue: Spain
people disagreed, and why this is acceptable.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 153 10/05/2021 15:48
6 Lesson 6 – Global citizenship Pupil’s Book page 70
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with I try different I appreciate
friends toys! families! friends! food! special clothes
al Citiz Starting the lesson D
iagn ose
● Write the word ecotourism on the board and ask
Let’s be
I share
Learning about
I play with
Lesson 6
I try different
I appreciate
special clothes pupils if they know what it means.
Lorem ipsum ● Ask pupils why they think ecotourism is a good idea
1 Look. What are the people and how it could help the environment.
Think before you travel
Let’s be I share I celebrate all 2
I play with
Read and listen. What
I try different I appreciate
1 Look. What are the people doing?
friends toys! families! friends!
is ecotourism?
food! special clothes
It’s fun to travel to new places. But tourism can be bad for the ● Pre-teach the words: accommodation, culture and
environment. There are too many tourists in some cities and on 3 Read again. Then answer. souvenir.
some beaches. Tourists usually arrive by car or plane. So places
al Citiz
al Citiz
al Citiz
al Citiz 1 What oare
bal Citwo
tiz ways tourism
al Citiz
● Have pupils look at the photos and say what the
that are usually quiet and beautiful are noisy and dirty. This can
e e e e e e
also be OptD
dangerous for animals that live there.
Let’s be I share I celebrate all I play with
2 What’s one way tourism
I try different I appreciate
people in each one are doing.
is good?food!
Ask pupils if they have ever taken part in ecotourism.
friends toys! families! friends! special clothes
But tourism can be good too because it makes jobs for local 3 Find an example of eco-
people. Tourists stay in hotels and friendly accommodation in
they go to restaurants and shops. the text.
They buy food and souvenirs. 4 What can tourists learn from ANSWER KEY: picking up rubbish, dancing
local people?
Ecotourism means your trip is good 5 How can tourists help the
for the environment and helps people
in the place you’re visiting, too. You ecotourism
environment when they’re
on holiday?
2 6.13 Read and listen. What is ecotourism?
don’t have to stay in a big hotel. ● Ask pupils to scan the text quickly and say what it
Accommodation in a local family’s In which ways is is about. At this moment, tell them not to worry
tourism good for
home is cheaper and more interesting. your country? about any unknown words.
You learn more about the culture ● Play the audio and have pupils follow along in their
of the country – the history, food
and music. You don’t have to fly or accommodation 4 6.14
Listen. In which ways books. Elicit answers.
are Jodie and her
travel by car, you can travel by coach, family going to be
train or bike. It’s a better way to go ecotourists? ANSWER KEY: Ecotourism is when your trip is
5 6.15
Listen again. Then
good for the environment and helps people in the
Conservation projects can help
answer. place you are visiting, too.
endangered animals and their souvenirs
habitats. Some tourists spend their 1 How’s Jodie going to travel?
a plane b ferry
holiday taking part in projects like
this. They look after animals, study
c train 3 Read again. Then answer.
2 Where are they going to stay?
local plants and wildlife or tidy up ● Give pupils a few minutes to read the text again
a with a family b hotel
beaches and forests. So before you c with friends and answer the questions.
travel, think about how you can help dance and food are
at the same time! part of a culture
3 What’s Turkey famous for? ● Tell pupils to note where they found the answers.
a food b dance
c crafts ● Check answers as a class.
● Ask pupils what type of ecotourism they would like
70 to take part in, and why. SUPPORT Place pupils
Global Citizenship Ecotourism Writing An email
in pairs. Ask them to read the first paragraph and
M07_RS_PB5_5584_M07.indd 70 11/03/2021 09:15 tell each other what it says. Then have pairs share
their answers with the class. Repeat for all the
t t t t t t
154 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 154 10/05/2021 15:48
STRETCH On the board, write: Tourism is always bad for the
environment. Have pupils look at the text and work in pairs. Extra activity
Pupils find one reason why they agree and one reason why Tell pupils they have to organise an ecotour (group tours
they disagree and give reasons. with up-close-and-personal views of nature, led by a tour
guide who understands birds, insects, animals and plants
ANSWER KEY: of the region). Place pupils in groups and have them plan
1 It’s noisy and dirty and it’s dangerous for animals. where they will take tourists and what they will see. Pupils
2 It helps local people because tourists spend money. have to explain how this tour will help tourists understand
3 A local family’s home more about the area and the wildlife in it.
4 They can learn about their culture – history, food and
5 They can look after animals, study plants and wildlife Ending the lesson
and tidy up beaches and forests. ● Refer pupils to the photo for souvenirs and ask them if they
sometimes get a souvenir when they go on holiday or a day
4 6.14 Listen. In which ways are Jodie and her family out (explain this doesn’t have to be something they buy, it
going to be ecotourists? could be something interesting they find, like a shell or stone.
Ask them to draw a picture of a souvenir they have and
● Have pupils think about some possible answers. Then play
write two or three simple sentences to describe it, e.g. This is
the audio and ask pupils if their guesses were correct.
a… , It’s from my holiday in… .
● Play the audio again, if necessary, then elicit answers.
Activity Book page 52
ANSWER KEY: They’re going to travel by ferry, coach and
minibus. They’re going to stay with a local family.
1 Read and match. Then write. Pupils match words to
definitions and then label the pictures.
5 6.15 Listen again. Then answer.
● Tell pupils to read the questions and see if they can ANSWER KEY: 2 c; 3 d; 4 a
remember the answers. b culture, c ecotourism, d souvenir
● Play the audio again for pupils to complete the activity.
Check answers as a class. 6.16
2 Listen and tick (✓). Then write. Pupils listen and
tick the correct pictures. They then complete the summary
ANSWER KEY: 1 b, 2 a, 3 c with the correct words.
ANSWER KEY: 2 b, 3 a, 4 b
GROW HELPER 2 hotel, 3 farm, 4 look after, 5 souvenir
Remind pupils that Alex is the Grow helper. Read
his question and ask pupils to think about how Grow helper: Pupils write two reasons ecotourism is a good
tourism is good for their country. Discuss as a class. thing.
Background information (Culture and CLIL) Extra time: Pupils discuss the question in small groups.
t t t t t t
Activity 4
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
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6 Lesson 7 – Writing Pupil’s Book page 71
t t t t t
156 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 156 10/05/2021 15:48
ANSWER KEY: 1 a campsite, 2 bus, 3 an eco-farm, TEACHER TIME TO SHINE: using different tenses in a piece
4 about bees and how they make honey of work
Pupils could get confused about which tenses to use in an
4 Give it a go Plan your holiday email to a friend. email, and how / where to use them. On the board, write:
● Tell pupils they are going to write their own email to a friend present, past, future. Have pupils say phrases or short
about a holiday. They can make it up or use experiences from sentences in these tenses that they can use in their holiday
a past holiday to help them. Explain that they are to make emails. Write them on the board. Tell pupils they can refer
notes in their notebooks. to them as they write.
● Ahead of writing, elicit other expressions that can signal the
beginning of an email, e.g. Dear… , Hello! Hey! or the end, e.g. Ending the lesson
From, Speak soon, Love, Take care.
● Pupils work through the planning steps. SUPPORT Before ● Place pupils in small groups and have them share their
going through the above steps, brainstorm ideas for what emails. Then have the groups choose one email which they
types of things people do on holiday, including ecotourism would like to be read to the class.
holidays, and write them on the board. Also write any useful
vocabulary on the board. STRETCH Tell pupils that when we Activity Book page 53
write emails to friends, we write as if we are talking to them.
Ask pupils to say what expressions they use when talking to 1 Read and answer. Pupils read the email and answer the
friends. Write them on the board. questions.
5 Write your email. 3 Now write your email. Use your notes from Activity 2.
● Remind pupils to include the greeting and sign-off for their Pupils write their email based on their notes.
email. Have pupils write their email in their notebooks, using
their notes from the previous stages. As they are writing, Check your work: Pupils use a dictionary to check any new
monitor and provide support as required. words they have used in their emails.
● Have pupils exchange emails with a partner and read each
other’s emails. Are their holiday ideas similar or different?
● Then invite pupils to share their emails with the class. Activity 3 Pupil’s Book audioscript
Encourage pupils to give each other feedback on their work, Hi Gemma!
focusing on the positives. We’re having a great time! The weather is lovely. It rained
one day, but it’s sunny today! We’re staying at a campsite.
We travelled here by bus. There’s a local restaurant down
I can shine! Assess the road – we go there every day. The food is delicious! We
asked the owner of the restaurant about where to visit.
We’re going to go to an eco-farm tomorrow. We’re going
ACHIEVE The pupil can write a simple email to a to learn about bees and how they make honey. I’m really
friend with a logical structure, using some descriptive excited.
language and examples of different tenses. From, Sonia
t t t t t
Activity 4
I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 157 10/05/2021 15:48
6 Lesson 8 – Review Pupil’s Book page 72
t t t t t t
158 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 158 10/05/2021 15:48
ANSWER KEY: 1 g, 2 e, 3 b, 4 a, 5 f, 6 j, 7 d, 8 h, 9 i, 10 c Activity Book page 54
How many different ways can you travel on holiday? the text.
● Ask pupils to read the diary in Lesson 3 again. ANSWER KEY: 2 underground, 3 airport, 4 take a taxi,
● Give pupils a few minutes to complete the activity. Check 5 hotel, 6 wait in a queue, 7 buy a ticket, 8 cable car,
answers as a class. 9 go sightseeing
● Say I’m going to go the Opera house by ferry. I’m going to
fly to New York. Then have pupils make sentences using the 6.19
modes of transport. 2 Write the questions and answer. Then listen and
check. Pupils look at the pictures, reorder the words to
make questions and complete the answers using going to.
SUGGESTED ANSWERS: car, bus, tram, train, plane, bike, Then they listen to check.
ferry, underground, minibus, coach, taxi
3 Talk about where you live with a partner. Do you agree 1 She’s going to play volleyball.
or disagree? She isn’t going to play hockey.
● Ask pupils to read the speech bubbles. Ask what speaking 2 Where’s Paul going to go at the weekend?
function they are presenting (agreeing and disagreeing). He’s going to go to the park.
● Model the activity for the second item with a confident pupil. He isn’t going to go to the beach.
● Place pupils in pairs and have them continue the activity. 3 Who are they going to visit tonight?
Encourage pupils to give reasons if they can. Monitor pupils They’re going to visit their friends.
for correct use of language. They aren’t going to visit their grandparents.
● Invite pairs to come to the front to role play the activity.
3 Read and write I agree or I disagree. Then talk with a
4 What are good things and bad things about tourism? partner. Pupils complete the sentences and discuss.
● Refer pupils to the photos and do the activity as a class.
As pupils give ideas, write them on the board under the ANSWER KEY: 1 I agree, 2 I disagree, 3 I disagree,
headings good and bad. 4 I agree
5 Watch the video. What do you know now?
● Tell pupils they will watch the Our World video again. Ask Extra time: Pupils work together to solve the riddle.
pupils to try and remember all of the activites the family do.
● Play the video and elicit answers, helping with vocabulary ANSWER KEY: cable car
where necessary (stay in a castle, travel by ferry, do yoga in
water, go to a festival and go on a slide, visit an adventure
park and climb really high, watch a sheep race at a farm). Unit 6 review notes
● As a follow-up discussion question, ask What activities from
the video do you want to do? SUPPORT Watch the video
● Use this space to take notes on what your pupils might need
with pauses and have pupils say what they just saw and to revisit based on their performance in the review lesson.
what they learnt from each segment. STRETCH Have pupils
write three questions about the video to ask and answer
with their partner.
Extra activity
Place pupils in small groups. Have them choose one lesson
from the unit and write a few sentences about it, saying
what it was about and what they learnt in it. Groups
present their work to the class.
t t t t t
Activity 4
Our World video:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
Ending the
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 159 10/05/2021 15:48
6 Lesson 9 – Project: A tourist brochure Pupil’s Book page 73
Wonder Imagine Build Grow
● This section focuses on personalisation,
communication and collaboration. In Activity 6,
pupils think about their own region and make
Create Attractions notes supported by vocabulary learnt in the
6 Think of an attraction in your
and History How to get here unit. Activities 7 and 8 foster collaboration and
region for tourists to visit. communication skills. In Activity 7, they work in
7 Share your ideas with your
small groups to share ideas and plan their tourist
group. Choose an attraction brochure. In Activity 8, pupils work together to
and make notes about
information tourists need. The castle is an int
create their tourist brochure.
eresting Make sure that pupils understand the steps to
I think the castle is a good place to visit. The ●
king and
place for tourists to visit. queen lived there in
1276. success for the project. To enable them to carry out
Ecotourism projects the project to the best of their ability, give them
I agree. Tourists need to know clear step-by-step instructions:
what time the castle is open
and how to get there. 1 Decide a tourist attraction you want to write
about and what information you want to
8 Make your tourist brochure. You can travel to include.
You can help in the cas
the castle by bus
gardens. Ask about or underground. 2 Share your ideas with your group. Have each
Do you agree or disagree? Don’t ecotourism project
s at person in the group research and write a
forget to say why you disagree! the information des different part of the brochure.
3 Bring the parts together to create the brochure.
4 Add colour, pictures and a title.
t t t t t
160 Starting
the lesson
Activity 6
Activity 7
Activity 8
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 160 10/05/2021 15:48
● Refer pupils to the Skill Up box, and remind them Ending the lesson
that they can disagree as long as they do so politely and ● Ask pupils to look back through the unit and to write down
explain their reasons. They should reach an agreement on three things that they learnt, two things they enjoyed doing,
what they are going to write about. and one thing they would like to revise.
● Now ask pupils to work together to write notes about the ● Refer pupils to the progress chart on page 3 in the Pupil’s
attraction they have chosen. Book. Have them read the sentences for each skill and notice
● Monitor as pupils work and help as necessary. what they have achieved so far.
8 Make your tourist brochure. Activity Book page 55
● Refer pupils to the tourist brochure in their Pupil’s Book.
Remind them that a brochure often includes practical 1 Think and complete. Then add an extra phrase to each
information like where an attraction is and how to get there. category. Pupils complete the spider diagram with the
● Ask pupils what pictures they would put in their brochures. phrases supplied and then add their own ideas.
● Groups now use their notes and other ideas or materials to
put together their brochure. ANSWER KEY:
Before you go on holiday: read a guidebook
PROJECT TIP digitalisation Before you go on a tour: wait in a queue, buy a ticket
Pupils can make a video or photo collage of their holiday Travel: go to the airport, take a taxi, travel by underground
ideas using a photo or video app. They could make a new Accommodation: stay in a hotel
digital version, or take photos of their paper brochure,
upload it and then add a soundtrack.
2 Complete your journal. Pupils follow the steps to
complete a short journal about holiday plans.
Time to shine! 3 Think and write. Pupils complete a brief evaluation of the
unit with personal responses.
9 As
Showcase your tourist brochure.
● Tell pupils that each group is going to present their tourist Home–school link: Pupils discuss the topic with family
brochure to the class. members.
● Invite two pupils from each group to come to the front with
their brochure and present it. Assess
● Ask the rest of the class to say what they think about the
Time to shine!
brochure after each presentation.
ACHIEVE The pupil can talk about travel using
10 Choose a place to visit in a tourist brochure. Ask vocabulary learnt in the unit. They can ask and answer
questions. questions about future plans using going to. They can
● Place all the brochures around the classroom and place write a personal email with appropriate use of tenses
pupils in pairs. to express actions or situations in the present, past
● Tell pupils to imagine they are planning a school trip. They or future. They can politely show that they agree /
are going to choose a place to visit from one of the tourist disagree.
brochures, and their partner will ask them questions about
their plans.
● Refer pupils to the speech bubbles to reinforce how they ADJUST The pupil can talk about travel when given
should be asking and answering the questions. vocabulary prompts. They can ask and answer
● Ask a confident pupil to choose a place to visit and model questions about future plans using going to, but with
the activity, focusing on the use of going to and Wh- errors. When provided with a model, they can write a
questions, e.g. Teacher: Where are you going to go? Pupil: short personal email using the present simple and / or
We’re going to visit the castle. continuous and one other tense.
● Pupils complete the activity in pairs. One pupil chooses a
place to visit and the other asks them one or two questions.
They then swap roles. EXCEED The pupil can talk about travel using a
● Monitor and help as necessary. Invite confident pairs to role broader range of vocabulary and more complex
play in front of the class. sentences. They can ask and answer questions about
future plans using going to. They can write a personal
SHINE ON! Can you plan a school trip? email with confident use of a range of tenses to
express actions or situations in the present, past
Tell pupils to imagine they are planning a school trip and
or future. They can politely show that they agree /
take a class vote on which of the places described in
disagree and add information to explain their reasons.
pupils’ tourist brochures they would choose. As a class,
discuss travel arrangements, the itinerary and what
people on the trip need to bring or wear.
t t t t t
Time to shine:
Activity 9
Time to shine:
Activity 10
Activity Book:
the lesson
M09_RS_TB5_6000_M09.indd 161 10/05/2021 15:48
Review 3 – Our future Pupil’s Book pages 74 and 75
• Lesson aim: to review language from Units 5 and 6 Review Our future
Listen and answer.
Receptive: Listening: Can identify activities occurring in the past in 1 How did Tom and Erik travel
short, simple dialogues. Can identify key information about future 2 What are they going to do today?
3 Where are they going to go this
plans in short, simple dialogues. weekend?
• Receptive: Reading: Can follow the sequence of events in a short 2 Cover the picture.
Ask and answer.
text on a familiar, everyday topic. Can identify words and phrases
Where did… visit?
from different places in a simple text to support their answers.
How did… travel?
Productive: Speaking: Can ask basic questions about things that What did… ?
Did… have a suitcase?
happened in the past.
Where did Erik and Tom visit?
Productive: Writing: Can write short, simple texts on familiar topics They visited the town square.
in linked sentences.
3 Think and answer.
1 How can we help people in
Materials our community? THE PALACE GARDEN
2 How can we improve tourism The first garden was there in 1877. It was very
Audio; Flashcards from Unit 5 and 6; A4 paper, colouring pencils where we live? different then. There weren’t any trees, and the
lake was a small pond. Then, in 1901 a famous
4 Read. Why are they starting an explorer wanted the town to have a garden, so
eco-project at the palace garden? she donated money to plant trees and flowers.
Now we’re starting a big eco-project here.
5 Read again. Then answer. On Saturday and Sunday, we want people to
come to the garden and help us. We’re going to
1 What was different about the plant trees, water the plants, paint the fences
Starting the lesson: warm up D
iagn ose
garden in 1877?
2 Who donated money for trees
and tidy up the rubbish.
Please come along!
and flowers? We’re going to have
3 How are people going to help to a big picnic. You can
● Place pupils in groups. Give them a minute to write as many words or make the garden a beautiful place? travel here by bike,
4 How can you get to the garden? bus, train or the
expressions as they can from Units 5 and 6. Groups read their lists to the underground. Bring
food and drink to
class. The group that writes the most wins. share and come and
enjoy the beautiful
2 Cover the picture. Ask and answer. 1 There weren’t any trees, and the lake was
● Model the activity with confident pupils. a small pond.
● Pupils work in pairs to complete the activity. SUPPORT If pupils are stuck 2 A famous explorer.
for ideas, give them prompts, e.g. (nouns) backpack / suitcase / seat, 3 They’re going to plant trees, water the
(verbs) see / carry / offer / share. STRETCH Ask pupils to look at the plants, paint the fences and tidy up the
picture and write sentences about it using as many different tenses as rubbish.
they can. 4 By bike, bus, train or the underground.
t t t t t t
162 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Activity 5
M10_RS_TB5_6000_M10.indd 162 10/05/2021 15:53
Ending the lesson
● Ask pupils which unit from the course they liked best. Give each pupil a
sheet of A4 paper for them to draw and write some notes about their
Mini project favourite parts of the course book. Pupils present their work to the class.
6 Plan a leaflet for an eco-project in your community.
Activity Book pages 56 and 57
Where is the project?
What are you going to do?
How can people arrive?
What do people need to bring? Listen and circle. Then write. Pupils listen and choose the correct
answer to the questions, then complete the sentences.
We’re going to start an eco-project in the school playground.
Students are going to paint the fence and tidy up the rubbish.
You can travel here by bike and you should bring food to share! ANSWER KEY: 2 No, she didn’t. 3 By ferry and taxi. 4 Yes, they did.
7 Make your leaflet. 5 An animal sanctuary. 6 Walk the dogs.
Time to shine! b Tom’s mum didn’t exchange money yesterday.
c They’re going to travel by ferry and taxi.
8 Read and complete your puzzle.
d Tom’s parents stayed in a hotel last year.
e They’re going to visit an animal sanctuary.
f Tom is going to walk the dogs.
as very
and the
Ask and answer. Pupils ask and answer the questions.
den, so
le to
Write and match. Then talk with a partner. Pupils complete the words
going to
and match the sentences.
t t t t t
Activity 6 Activity 7 I can shine:
Activity 8
Activity Book:
the lesson
M10_RS_TB5_6000_M10.indd 163 10/05/2021 15:53
G r e a t P la c e s t e a m
from the
Key learning outcom in Goodbye, the pupils will:
M11_RS_TB5_6000_M11.indd 164 10/05/2021 15:54
Unit overview
Target vocabulary Target structures
Course vocabulary consolidation: city, City Hall, countryside, Course structures consolidation: past simple, comparatives,
project, screen, wait in a queue, village going to future
Competency focus
Recycling and building
Participating in community activities. Recognise and reflect
Shall I help you? on the process and the result of learning and celebrate
Working towards: taking part in a conversation of 4 exchanges, using a range of tenses and descriptive language. At the
highest level, be able to present on a topic of interest and engage with an audience.
Can give a short, basic description of a special event if Use simple language to talk about and describe familiar
guided by questions or prompts. (39) objects and situations or express basic opinions or attitudes
in short stretches of speech.
Can contribute to simple discussions when asked a question Participate in common informational, academic or
by the teacher. (39) transactional exchanges using simple language and
Can understand the main idea of a simple news story, with Understand overall meaning and main idea(s) from short
visual support. (39) spoken texts and conversations on everyday topics.
Working towards: writing 3–4 compound sentences in a structured paragraph on familiar topics. At the highest level,
be able to write for a range of informal and formal purposes.
Can write a short, simple message (e.g. a text message) to Write short texts using simple language for social and
a friend to ask or tell them something. (35) interpersonal purposes.
M11_RS_TB5_6000_M11.indd 165 10/05/2021 15:54
Goodbye from the Great Places team Pupil’s Book pages 76 and 77
ces team
Goodbye from the Great Pla City News Monday 22nd July
Festival Fun!
More than one hundred people visited the City Hall yesterday for the
Great Places Festival. There were posters and presentations. There
was music and food from around the world.
Four amazing children shared their projects and talked about how to
make our city a better place. There were some great ideas about how
we can use technology and how we can help people. A girl showed
me her presentation about our city. Now I know more about the great
place where we live.
The team leader said, ‘The festival was great. Next year, it’s going to
be bigger. We’re going to go global. We’re going to invite children
from all around the world. They’re going to do projects and share
ideas at a summer camp. It’s really exciting!’
Time to shine
! Test your
What can you see? 3 7.03
Read and listen. Who did the progress
reporter talk to? 5 Answer the questions. Then
with English
Dear Alex,
Listen. Who is coming to the write your email to Alex. Young Learners My favourite project was the kindness
Great Places Festival? 4 Read again. Then answer.
What was your favourite project? Why? wall. It’s important to be kind and it’s
1 How many people visited the Great Who’s your favourite character? Why? easy, too. We’ve got a kindness wall in
2 7.02
Listen again. Then answer. Places Festival? What was your favourite unit? our school now. My favourite character
1 What time does the City Hall open? 2 What did the children talk about? What was your favourite story? is Leo because he likes helping people
2 What’s Bella making? 3 How is the project going to be different and he lives in a village. I liked the unit
3 Where does the pizza come from? next year? These projects were great. Our about learning new skills and the story
4 Who’s waiting in the queue outside? 4 How are they going to ‘go global’? city is a better place to live now. about Helen Thayer was interesting.
5 What are the children going to do at Send me an email and tell me all
the summer camp? about your experience! Goodbye! Best wishes,
76 Goodbye Goodbye
t t t t t
166 Starting
the lesson
Big Picture Activity 1 Activity 2
M11_RS_TB5_6000_M11.indd 166 10/05/2021 15:54
ANSWER KEY: 1 more than one hundred, 2 how to make ANSWER KEY: 2 You can use computers or laptops.
their city a better place, 3 It’s going to be bigger. 3 He’s going to paint fences. 4 You can see bears, camels
4 They’re going to invite children from all around the world. and snakes. 5 There were interesting bands and beautiful
5 They’re going to do projects and share ideas. fireworks. 6 You can stay in a hotel.
Extra activity 5 Talk about where you live with a partner. Why is it a
great place? Pupils work in pairs and use the prompts to
Place pupils in groups. Ask pupils to imagine they are talk about where they live.
going to organise a festival in their area. They have to
decide what they will show, eat and do at the festival.
Have them make a poster advertising the festival. Groups I can shine!
share their work with the class.
6 Complete your journal. Pupils follow the steps to
complete the journal with their own ideas.
Time to shine!
Home–school link: Pupils tell their family about the Great
5 Answer the questions. Then write your email to Alex. Places team.
● Ask pupils to say how a friendly email starts and finishes.
● Then have pupils read the example email and questions they Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
should answer in their email. Brainstorm ideas for the email
Alex Are we all ready for the Great Places Festival? It’s
to Alex as a class.
ten to eleven and the City Hall opens at eleven
● Pupils write their emails and compare with their partners.
o’clock. The room looks great. All the projects are
● Collect all the emails and explain that you will read a few to ready and there are flags!
the class. They have to guess whose it is. Leo People are coming from the city and the
countryside. It’s exciting!
Ending the lesson Nadia Wait! I can’t turn on my tablet. The screen is black.
● Place pupils in pairs. Tell them to ‘interview’ each other using Sam Shall I help you? You can show your project on the
questions like the ones in Activity 5. big screen on the wall.
● Invite pupils to report back about their partners using the Nadia Oh, thank you.
third person, e.g. Marta’s favourite project was the class skills Alex What are you going to do, Bella?
share because she wants to learn how to skateboard. Bella I’m going to show everyone how to make a raft. I’m
making a model. I’m using pencils for small logs.
Alex Let me help you. I can find some pencils.
Activity Book pages 58 and 59
Bella OK, thanks, Alex.
Sam Look! I’ve got sushi from Japan and pizza from
1 Think and write. Pupils complete the table of verb phrases
with the nouns given.
Leo They look delicious. I can help you write labels.
Sam Thanks, but don’t eat anything!
ANSWER KEY: 1 look after: a child, Alex There are a lot of people waiting in a queue
2 wear: a mask, a helmet, 3 turn on / off: a laptop, a torch, outside. They’re going to be hungry and thirsty.
4 read: a magazine, a guidebook, Hey! There’s a reporter from the newspaper, too.
5 travel by: ferry, underground Leo Wow! How amazing!
Alex Are you all ready? Let’s open the doors!
2 Listen and number. Then listen again and write.
Pupils listen and number the photos. They listen again and
complete the sentences. The end of Level 5 is a good time for
Benchmark pupils to take the English Benchmark
Young Learners
ANSWER KEY: a 3, b 5, c 1, d 4, e 6, f 2 Young Learners test to supplement
2 often, using, 3 more dangerous, 4 there were, in-course assessment. The formative
5 painted, 6 going to
information it provides can help inform
remediation, summer assignments or
3 Order and write. Then ask and answer. Pupils unscramble planning for the following year. Having
words to form questions, then ask and answer with pupils take a test once per year enables teachers to
a partner.
track their progress throughout primary school. English
Benchmark Young Learners is aligned to internationally
ANSWER KEY: 2 Do you have to take a snack to school?
recognised measures and therefore can also be used to
3 Where were you yesterday? 4 What are you going to do
next weekend? Pupils’ own answers. assess readiness for external high-stakes exams. For
more information on using English Benchmark Young
Learners, administering the test and interpreting
4 Read and answer. Pupils read the text and answer the
scores, please visit pearsonenglish.com/benchmark.
t t t t t
Activity 3 Activity 4 I can shine:
Activity 5
Activity Book:
the lesson
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C Mother Language Day Pupil’s Book page 78
Objectives Materials
• Lesson aim: to learn about Mother Language Day • Audio; Flashcards; world map
• Target language: alphabet, Arabic, characters, Japanese, Spanish, Turkish Well… ,
Let me think… , Wait a minute!
ANSWER KEY: Hello 2 Read and write a–c. Listen and check. Then ask
and answer for you. Pupils complete the dialogue and
2 8.02 Listen again. Then match. then ask and answer the same questions in pairs.
● Ask pupils to look at the languages in the activity. Ask if they
know which countries they are spoken in. Show the countries ANSWER KEY: 1 b, 2 a, 3 c
on the world map.
● Have pupils read through the sentences, then play the audio
for pupils to complete the activity. Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
● Use the flashcards to practice new vocabulary introduced in Danny Look at this sign! I’m going to take some photos
the activity. for Mother Language Day.
Annabel What’s Mother Language Day, Danny?
ANSWER KEY: 1 e, 2 b, 3 a, 4 c, 5 d Danny It’s a special day when we celebrate our first
language. Did you know people speak more than
one hundred different languages in this city?
3 8.03 Listen and repeat. Annabel Wow! That’s amazing. Which languages can you
● Refer pupils to the phrases in the box. speak?
● Play the audio for pupils to repeat. Danny Well, I can speak English. And I can also say a
few words in Japanese, but I can’t read it. The
4 Ask and answer. Japanese language doesn’t have letters, it has
● Place pupils in pairs to do the activity. Remind them to use characters. There are three Japanese alphabets,
the expressions in Activity 2. too!
Annabel Say something in Japanese!
5 8.04 Read and listen. Then answer. True or false? Danny Let me think. I can say ‘Hello’. It’s Konnichiwa!
● Play the audio for the pupils to listen as they read. Annabel I can speak four languages. English, Spanish, a
● In pairs, pupils answer the questions. little bit of Arabic – from my holiday in Morocco
– and Turkish.
● Check answers as a class.
Danny You’re so clever, Annabel!
Annabel It’s easy! My family is from Turkey. I speak
ANSWER KEY: 1 True, 2 False, 3 True, 4 True
Turkish at home every day. It makes me feel
6 Choose a new language to teach the class. Danny Can you read and write in Turkish?
● Read through the steps slowly and answer any questions. Annabel Yes, I can. The writing looks the same as English
● Place pupils in groups to do the activity. but the alphabet has 29 letters – not 26 like in
● Have groups share their mini-lessons with the class.
Danny How do you say ‘Hello’ in Turkish?
Ending the lesson Annabel Merhaba.
Danny That’s great! Now I can say ‘Hello’ in ten
● Ask pupils what they have learnt in this lesson and if they languages! Wait a minute! Hello! Konnichiwa!
find learning languages interesting. Merhaba! Hola!, Salut…
t t t t t t t
168 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
and 2
Activity 3
and 4
Activity 5
and 6
Activity Book:
the lesson
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International Day of Happiness Pupil’s Book page 79
Objectives Materials
• Lesson aim: to talk about the International Day of Happiness • Audio; Flashcards
• Target language: camping, circus, medals, rainbow, relatives, sunset, What about you? And you?
t t t t t t t
the lesson
Activity 1
and 2
Activity 3
and 4
Activity 5
and 6
Activity Book:
the lesson
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C World Children’s Day Pupil’s Book page 80
Objectives Materials
• Lesson aim: to learn about World Children’s Day • Audio; Flashcards
• Target language: chat, dream, enjoy, find out, join a club, learn, That’s a great idea.
That sounds fun. That’s very exciting!
1 8.11 What are important to Dolly and Kieran? ANSWER KEY: 2 dream, 3 chat, 4 join, 5 find out, 6 learn
● Play the audio and have pupils answer the question.
Tell pupils that this day is also about helping children in other 8.15
Read and write a–c. Listen and check. Then
countries. Ask pupils what kind of things they think people
act out. Pupils number the phrases, then complete the
can do to help children in other parts of the world.
dialogue and role play in pairs.
t t t t t t t
170 Starting
the lesson
Activity 1
and 2
Activity 3
and 4
Activity 5
and 6
Activity Book:
the lesson
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International Day of Friendship Pupil’s Book page 81
Objectives Materials
• Lesson aim: to learn about the International Day of Friendship • Audio; Flashcards; colouring
• Target language: be kind, give, invite, meet, post, text, In my opinion… , pencils, card or paper, scissors, glue
That’s right!, I think… , Definitely!
Starting the lesson: warm up ● Read steps 1–3. Tell pupils to draw a simple tree without
leaves. Then tell them to think about a friend and make
● Ask if any pupils have friends in other countries. If so, can ‘leaves’, writing one word to describe this person on each
they say a little about them? leaf. Monitor and help as necessary.
● Have pupils read the title of the lesson. Ask if they have ● Pupils then stick the leaves to the tree and give it to their
heard of or know anything about this day. Tell pupils the friend.
International Day of Friendship is on the 30th July.
Ending the lesson
1 Listen. What are Abigail and Paul going to make
for the teacher? ● Ask pupils what they found interesting about today’s lesson.
● Play the audio and elicit the answer. Then ask what they would do to celebrate the International
Day of Friendship.
ANSWER KEY: a cake Activity Book page 61
2 8.17 Listen again. Then match. 7 Write. Use a, e, i, o, u. Pupils complete the expressions.
● Ask pupils if they can work out the answers.
ANSWER KEY: 2 be kind to friends, 3 give a present,
● Play the audio for pupils to check their answers.
4 invite friends to a party, 5 text your friends,
● Use the flashcards to practice new vocabulary introduced in 6 meet friends after school
the activity.
ANSWER KEY: 1 c, 2 f, 3 a, 4 e, 5 b, 6 d 8 Read and number. Listen and check. Then ask and
answer for you. Pupils order the dialogue in order, listen to
check and then roleplay in pairs using their own ideas.
3 8.18 Listen and repeat.
● Have pupils read the phrases in the box, then play the audio ANSWER KEY: 5, 6, 7, 2, 1, 4, 3
for pupils to repeat the phrases.
● Ask in what situations they can use the expressions in the box
(giving an opinion, agreeing with what someone says, etc.).
Activity 1 Pupil’s Book audioscript
4 Ask and answer. Paul It’s the end of school next week. Hooray! I love the
● Read through the questions and brainstorm ideas as a class. holidays!
● Place pupils in pairs to complete the activity. Have pupils use Abigail And today is the International Day of Friendship.
the phrases they learnt in Activity 3. Boy What’s that?
Abigail It’s a day when we think about our friends.
● Invite pairs to share their ideas with the class.
Paul That’s nice. In my opinion, friends are very
important. Who are your friends?
5 8.19 Read and listen. Then answer the questions. Abigail My best friend is Nicole. She lives far away, but I
● Ask pupils to read through the questions first. Explain that posted a card to her for the International Day of
UN stands for the United Nations. Friendship.
● Play the audio for pupils to listen as they read. Paul That’s great. I think it’s important to remember
● Pupils answer the questions. Check answers as a class. friends everywhere.
Abigail That’s right! We should always be kind to our
ANSWER KEY: 1 1945, 2 193, 3 help countries be friends, friends. Who are your friends?
help people all over the world and make the world a better Paul Tom and Katy. I’m going to text them now to say
place, 4 food, shelter, medicine and a clean and safe Happy International Day of Friendship.
environment Abigail What can we do to celebrate today?
Paul Let’s have a class party!
Abigail Yes! We can invite everyone in the class.
6 Make a friendship tree for your friend. Paul Definitely! And let’s give the teacher a present.
● Ask pupils to think about the nice qualities in other pupils We can make a cake for her!
and pay them compliments. Try to make sure that every Abigail Let’s plan the party after school tomorrow. We
pupil is included. Write ideas on the board, e.g. kind, funny, can meet at my house.
friendly. Paul That’s a great idea! I’m going to ask my parents.
t t t t t t t
the lesson
Activity 1
and 2
Activity 3
and 4
Activity 5
and 6
Activity Book:
the lesson
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AUDIOSCRIPT – ACTIVITY BOOK 5 Lesson 6, page 8, T1.16
Radio presenter It’s time for the Crazy Camel Quiz!
WELCOME Number 1. How many humps have camels got on their
Lesson 3, page 2, T0.09 Did you know they are two types of camel? One type has
Nineteen forty got two humps, but the other type has got one hump.
Two thousand and seven So, the correct answer is … one or two humps!
Twenty twenty-one Number 2. Where do camels live?
Nineteen oh three Camels live in the desert – that’s their habitat! Deserts
Twenty twenty-five have got a very hot climate. So, camels have got very big
Twenty seventeen and strong feet so they can walk on hot sand and rocks.
Number 3. What do camels eat?
Lesson 4, page 3, T0.12 Camels eat plants. That’s right, plants! Camels have got
big strong mouths so they can eat desert plants like a
Boy Hi, Linda. Can I ask you some questions?
cactus. That’s how they survive in the desert. And camels
Girl Yes, of course.
have got extra hair on their eyes. This protects their eyes
Boy On a school day, what time do you wake up?
from the sand in the desert. That’s right, folks. Camels
Girl I wake up at ten to seven.
are cool!
Boy That’s early.
Girl I know. Lesson 8, page 10, T1.19
Boy And what time do you have lunch at school?
Girl I have lunch at half past twelve. 1 The cheetah is younger than the wolf.
Boy What time do you go to bed? 2 The beetle is slower than the eagle.
Girl I go to bed after a shower, at quarter past eight. 3 The crocodile is more dangerous than the tortoise.
Boy OK. Thanks. 4 The wolf is more colourful than the polar bear.
Lesson 2, page 5, T1.04 Lesson 2, page 13, T2.05
Boy Guess my animal. Man Hello, Annie. I’m doing a survey about technology in
Girl OK. I’m listening. schools. Can I ask you some questions?
Boy It’s bigger than a tortoise and… Girl Technology in schools? Yes, you can.
Girl I know. It’s a camel. Man Thanks. So, you’re wearing a smart watch. Do you use
Boy No. My animal is white. your smart watch at school?
Girl I know. It’s a wolf. Girl Yes, I do. I always use my smart watch. I like arriving to
Boy No. It’s bigger than a wolf and it lives in the snow. class on time.
Girl I know. It’s a polar bear. A wolf is smaller than a Man That’s good. Next question. How often do you use a
polar bear. mobile phone at school?
Boy Yes, that’s right. It’s a polar bear. Girl Never.
Man Never? Really?
Lesson 5, page 7, T1.12 Girl I never use my mobile phone at school. It’s against the
rules. Mobile phones stay in our bags.
Nico What are you doing?
Man I see. And how often do you use laptops at school?
Emma I’m making a hotel for insects to live in.
Girl A lot. We usually use laptops when we go to the ICT room.
Nico Wow! I like insects.
Man And what about printers? Do you usually use printers
Emma My favourite insect is a ladybird. They’re fast.
when you go to the ICT room?
Nico Really? I like spiders.
Girl No. We sometimes use printers, but we only print really
Emma I like spiders, too, but they aren’t insects. They’ve got
important stuff. We’re trying to save paper.
eight eyes and eight legs.
Man That’s great! And finally, what about speakers? How often
Nico That’s unbelievable.
do you use them?
Emma Look! There’s a butterfly with four colourful wings.
Girl Hmm. We often use speakers in English lessons. And our
Nico How amazing!
teacher often lets us listen to music when we’re working.
Emma Yes. That’s why I’m making an insect hotel for them.
Boy That’s nice.
Girl Yeah. I really like my school.
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Lesson 6, page 16, T2.17 UNIT 3
Woman Hello, everyone. So, do you use the internet?
All pupils Yes. Lesson 2, page 23, T3.04
Woman It’s important to keep safe when you’re online. What Dad OK, Nina and Tim. Are you ready for our camping trip?
do you use the internet for? Tim Yes, my bag is ready.
Boy I often search the internet when I do my homework. Nina Oh … no! Can you help me, Dad?
Woman Yes, and there are lots of interesting websites Dad Yes. Let’s think. Do you want to ride your bike?
online. But some websites don’t give you correct Nina Yes!
information. And some websites are not appropriate Dad Then, you have to bring your helmet.
for young people. So, what should you do? Nina OK. I’m putting my helmet in my bag.
Girl You should ask your teacher or your parents to help Dad Do you want to read your magazines at night?
you find good websites. Nina Yes.
Woman Exactly. Ask your teachers and parents for help. Dad Then you have to bring your torch.
What else do you use the internet for? Nina OK. And, what about a snack for the journey?
Girl I write emails to my friends and family. Dad You don’t have to bring snack. We can stop at a shop on
Woman Yes, emails are a great way to send letters. But the way.
imagine you get an email from somebody you don’t Nina OK. I’m ready!
know. What should you do? Dad We’ve got everything. Come on!
Boy You shouldn’t open emails from people you don’t Nina and Tim Yes, we’re coming!
know. Dad Oh … Well … Mmm … There’s just one thing I haven’t got.
Woman That’s right. You shouldn’t open emails from people The car keys!
you don’t know. And you should tell a teacher or your Nina and Tim Oh, Dad!
parents about the email. That’s the same when you
chat online to people. You should never chat online to Lesson 5, page 25, T3.12
people you don’t know. It isn’t safe. Pat Hi, Sophie. Why are you sad?
Sophie I’m doing a puzzle in my magazine, but I can’t think of
Lesson 8, page 18, T2.20 the correct word.
1 Sam always plays on his games console. Pat Oh, dear. Shall I help you?
2 I’m reading a book on my e-reader. Sophie Oh, thank you! That’s very kind.
3 We sometimes use a printer at school. Pat Shall we look at an online dictionary and find the answer.
4 I often upload photos onto my laptop. Sophie Yes, that’s a good idea, Pat.
5 Today, they are wearing smart watches.
6 Carla never turns off her mobile phone. Lesson 6, page 26, T3.16
Girl I want to make a small boat that can move, but I don’t
REVIEW 1 know how.
Boy Shall I help you?
page 20, T2.22 Girl Oh, thank you. That’s very kind.
Clara Hello, Mike. It’s Clara. Can you see me? Boy First, you need a plastic bottle.
Mike Hi, Clara. Girl A plastic bottle?
Clara Video calls are amazing. You’re in Australia and I can Boy Yes. A plastic bottle floats, so it’s good for a boat. You
see you here on my mobile phone! What are you doing don’t want a boat that sinks!
today? Girl Yes, that’s true. OK. I’ve got a plastic bottle.
Mike I’m reading your wildlife blog on my laptop. It’s great. Boy Good. Then, you need a small plastic tube.
Clara Thanks. Can you show me your garden? Girl Is a drinking straw OK?
Mike Sure. Let’s go outside. Boy Yes, but you have to use a plastic straw. It goes in the
Clara It’s big. Oh, what’s that animal over there? water.
Mike A kangaroo. Girl OK. I’ve got a plastic straw.
Clara Really? Boy Good. And you need a balloon, and something to tie the
Mike Yes. I often see kangaroos. balloon onto the straw.
Clara Wow! I never see kangaroos. What other animals do you Girl Why do we use a balloon?
see in your garden? Boy The air in the balloon makes the boat move.
Mike I usually see eagles. Girl Wow!
Clara And crocodiles? Boy That’s it. Now you can make a boat that moves.
Mike No. I never see crocodiles in the garden!
Clara Good. Crocodiles are more dangerous than eagles.
Mike True. But I sometimes see crocodiles near the river.
Clara That’s unbelievable! You shouldn’t swim in those rivers.
Can you send me photos of animals from Australia?
I can upload them and post them on my blog.
Mike Sure. I can send an email with my photos.
Clara Amazing! Thanks.
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Lesson 8, page 28, T3.20 Lesson 8, page 36, T4.19
1 Steve Dad, do I have to wear a hat to play in the snow? Girl Hi, Danny. Where were you last weekend?
Dad No, Steve, you and Lucy don’t have to wear hats, but Boy I was at a street party.
you have to wear gloves. Girl What’s a street party?
Lucy And do we have to wear our jackets, too? Boy It’s a party for people who live in the same street.
Dad Yes, Lucy. You both have to wear your jackets. Girl When was the party?
Steve and Lucy OK, Dad! Boy It was on Sunday.
2 Will Oh, are you OK, Anna? Girl That sounds great. So, who was at the party?
Anna I cut my knee. Boy All of my neighbours. It was fun. There was lots of food.
Will Shall I help you? But my friends weren’t hungry!
Anna Oh, thank you, Will. That’s very kind. I have to ask my Girl Oh dear!
mum for a bandage. Boy There were balloons and lights.
3 Aunt Rachel! Bob! Do you want to have a snack with me? Girl Wow! And what about costumes?
Bob Yes, Aunt Sue. Boy There weren’t any costumes. And, there wasn’t a band.
Rachel But we have to finish this puzzle first. But, there was music. At the end of the party, I was tired
Aunt OK. I can wait. because it was a long day. But I was happy.
Lesson 2, page 31, T4.04 page 38, T4.21
Girl Tell me about your weekend. Josh This International Festival is amazing. Were you here
Boy On Saturday, there was a surprise birthday party for my last winter?
Auntie Mary. There was a very big birthday cake and there Olivia Yes, I was. It was great. We have to go to the Canadian
were fifty candles on the cake. stall. It was my favourite last time I was here.
Girl Wow! fifty candles. Josh What was special about it?
Boy Yes, she’s fifty years old. There weren’t any costumes or Olivia There were traditional costumes – red jackets, black
masks. trousers and brown hats. And there was a big sledge at
Girl Why not? the stall.
Boy My auntie doesn’t like costumes or masks. But there was Josh Of course, there’s a lot of snow in Canada in the winter.
a band. Do they have to travel by sledge in the snow?
Girl A band in the house! Really?! Olivia No, they don’t have to, but it’s fun!
Boy No, there wasn’t a band in the house. There was a band in Josh OK. Let’s go and find the Canadian stall now.
the garden. Olivia Sure. You have to look for the poster – it’s got a red
Girl Oh, cool! maple leaf on it.
Boy You know my family – we love dancing! Josh What does maple mean?
Olivia It’s the name of a tree. They use syrup from the tree to
Lesson 4, page 33, T4.12 make sweet snacks.
Leila What are you eating? It looks delicious! Josh It sounds delicious. I’m hungry. Come on, I want to buy
Jack It’s a kransekage. some maple syrup snacks.
Leila Can you say that again, please?
Jack Kransekage. UNIT 5
Leila What does kransekage mean?
Jack It’s a tall cake from Denmark. We eat it at New Year. Lesson 2, page 41, T5.04
Do you understand? Lisa Andy, do you want to play video games with me?
Leila Yes, thanks. How do you spell kransekage? Andy Yes, sure, Lisa, but I’m tired. I helped Grandma and
Jack It’s k-r-a-n-s-e-k-a-g-e. Grandad all day.
Lisa Really?
Lesson 6, page 34, T4.16 Andy Yes. First, I cleaned the windows in their car. Then, I
I’m going to tell you about my trip, last October, to an old city carried the shopping for them. After lunch, I walked
called Birgu in Malta There was a festival called Birgufest, the dog for them. Then, I tidied up the rubbish in their
that’s B-i-r-g-u-f-e-s-t. This festival celebrates music, arts and garden. And finally, I watered the plants.
food. After the sun goes down and the moon is up, people turn Lisa That was very kind, Andy.
off all their lights. They put hundreds of candles in the streets. Andy Mmm. ZZZZ
It was very beautiful. There were stars in the sky and candles Lisa Andy? Oh! You’re sleeping!
at our feet. There were parades and bands, too. And there was Andy ZZZ
delicious food! It was a great evening.
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Lesson 5, page 43, T5.12 Lesson 6, page 52, T6.16
Mum Oh, Rosa! Why are you dirty? David Where are you going to go for your summer holiday,
Rosa I’m dirty because I helped Grandad today. Emma?
Mum That was kind of you. Why did he need help? Emma We’re going to visit Austria! We aren’t going to go by
Rosa He was tired so I walked his dog. Can I have a snack, coach. We’re going to travel by ferry and train.
please? I’m hungry. David Wow! That’s great!
Mum It’s only three o’clock. Why are you hungry? Emma I know. I’m so excited.
Rosa I’m hungry because I shared my lunch with Grandad! David Are you going to stay in a hotel?
Emma No, we aren’t going to stay in a hotel. We’re going to
Lesson 6, page 44, T5.16 stay on a farm, with an Austrian family. We’re going to
Boy My school collected money for a community project. help look after the farm animals!
Families donated old books. We invited people into the David Staying with a family is a great way to find out about
school. My class volunteered to sell children’s books. We the culture. Are you going to learn the language, too?
collected money for trees. We planted them in the park. Emma Yes, I am! I want to learn some words like Hello and
Lesson 8, page 46, T5.19 David And are you going to go shopping?
1 He smiled at a girl who was sad. Emma Yes, David! Don’t worry, I’m going to buy you a souvenir.
2 They didn’t clean the windows in their bedrooms. The farm makes delicious fruit jam.
3 We picked up shells on the beach.
4 Girl Did she visit her cousin in hospital?
Lesson 8, page 54, T6.19
Boy No, she didn’t. 1 Boy What’s Karen going to do tomorrow?
5 Boy Did you cry at the sad film? Girl She’s going to play volleyball.
Girl Yes, I did. She isn’t going to play hockey.
6 Woman Did they help their brother with his homework? 2 Girl Where’s Paul going to go at the weekend?
Boy No, they didn’t. Boy He isn’t going to go to the park.
7 Woman When did she arrive home yesterday? He’s going to go to the beach.
Girl At five o’clock. 3 Boy Who are they going to visit tonight?
Girl They’re going to visit their friends.
They aren’t going to visit their grandparents.
Lesson 2, page 49, T6.04 REVIEW 3
Max Hi, Cristina.
Cristina Hi, Max.
page 56, T6.21
Max So, we’re going to go on holiday tomorrow! Mum So, we’re going to go on holiday tomorrow. Are you ready,
Cristina Yes, I’m very happy, but there’s a lot to do. Tom?
Max Yes, there is. I’m going to pack my suitcase tonight. Tom Yes. I packed my suitcase yesterday.
Cristina Yes, me too. Then, tomorrow, I’m going to travel by Mum Oh, good.
bus with my family. Tom Mum, did you exchange some money yesterday?
Max I’m not going to travel by bus. I’m going to take a taxi Mum No, I didn’t. I tried but there was a queue. It’s OK. I can
with my family. exchange money when we arrive. We’re going to travel by
Cristina But, we’re all going to travel by plane together! ferry and then take a taxi to the hotel. You’re going to love
Max Yes. And we’re all going to stay in a hotel tomorrow it. Your dad and I stayed in the hotel last year. Did you
night. read the guidebook?
Cristina And the next day, we’re going to go on a tour of the Tom Yes, I did and I know what I want to do.
castle. Mum What’s that?
Max Oh, yes. I’m going to buy tickets online tonight. That Tom There’s a cool animal sanctuary I want to visit. You can
way, we aren’t going to wait in a queue for hours. volunteer to help. I want to walk the dogs.
Cristina Good idea. I’m going to buy tickets online, too. Mum OK, let’s do that. And I want to visit the famous art
Lesson 5, page 51, T6.12 Tom Can I help you and buy the tickets online now?
Wendy Let’s do something fun tomorrow. How about the Mum That’s very kind of you. Thank you.
Science Museum?
Ben That’s a good idea. It’s interesting, but it’s going to be
very busy.
Wendy I agree. OK, so not the Science Museum.
Ben How about a bike tour of the city? Bike tours are great.
Wendy I disagree. I don’t like bike tours. The theatre is better.
Ben I disagree. Theatre tickets are very expensive.
Wendy You’re right. They’re expensive. There’s a great boat trip
on the river.
Ben Yes, great idea. Let’s go on a boat trip tomorrow.
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page 58, T7.04 page 60, T8.05
1 Girl It’s Activity Day. Do we have to take some food? Lily What’s Mother Language Day?
Boy Yes, we do. We have to take a snack, some water, and Josh Well, it’s the day we celebrate our first language.
some gloves, too. It’s cold outside! Lily What’s your first language?
Girl OK. I’ve got that. Josh It’s English.
Boy And you have to take money if you want to buy a Lily What other languages can you speak?
souvenir. Josh Let me think. I can speak Spanish and some Japanese.
2 Boy What’s your favourite technology? Lily Wow! Can you say something in Japanese?
Girl That’s easy; my mobile phone. I often speak to my Josh Wait a minute! Sayonara – that’s goodbye in Japanese.
friends on it. I love my laptop, too.
Boy What about now? page 60, T8.10
Girl Well, I’m not using my mobile phone now because I’m Ava What’s the International Day of Happiness?
talking to you! Ben It’s a day when you think about what makes you happy.
Boy And you have to take money if you want to buy a Ava Oh yes. And what makes you happy?
souvenir. Ben Well, I love going camping. What about you?
3 Girl Look, there’s a crocodile. I love crocodiles. Ava No, I don’t like camping, but I love going to the circus.
Boy And there’s a tortoise, too. I love tortoises. And you?
Girl A crocodile is more dangerous than a tortoise. Ben No, I don’t like the circus, but seeing rainbows makes
Boy Yes, I agree. A tortoise is more friendly than a crocodile. me happy.
4 Boy How was last night? Ava Me too. I love rainbows.
Girl It was amazing. There was a parade and there were
beautiful fireworks. page 61, T8.15
Boy Wow! And was there any music? Toby Today is World Children’s Day. How are you celebrating?
Girl Yes, there was. It was great. I laughed and smiled all Vera I want to join a reading club because I enjoy reading.
evening. Toby That sounds fun. I like reading, too.
5 Girl What did you do last year, on World Kindness Day? Vera And I want to find out about children in other countries.
Boy I watered the plants for my grandma. And what did Toby That’s a great idea. Today is about children everywhere.
you do? Vera That’s why I’m chatting to children in Mexico. I’m online
Girl I painted the fence in the community garden. After now.
that, I was very tired! Toby That’s very exciting. Can I say hello?
6 Girl Why are you waiting in a queue?
Boy We’re going to buy tickets for a bus tour. page 61, T8.20
Girl A bus tour sounds interesting.
Rik Do you like the International Day of Friendship?
Boy Yes. It’s going to be great!
Amy Yes, I do. In my opinion, friends are very important.
Rik Definitely! How can people celebrate it?
Amy Well, people can give friends a present or post them
a card.
Rik Do you think it’s important to be kind to friends?
Amy I think it’s really important to be kind to everyone.
Rik That’s right! Then, we can all be friends!
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Catherine Zgouras
Teacher’s Book and eBook with Digital Resources
Built-in GSE Learning Objectives allow teachers to track, plan and
measure each learner’s progress. Child-friendly charts show their
personal learning journey, promoting autonomy and responsibility.
With a rigorous approach to formative assessment, every lesson is
designed to help each child achieve their learning goals.
Appealing stories and real-life content create a world that young For pupils
learners can relate to in their own lives. Well-structured activities
• Pupil’s Book and eBook
develop future skills, such as collaboration and teamwork,
communication, critical and creative thinking, and self-management. • Activity Book and eBook
• Busy Book
Rise and Shine’s unique mix of printed and digital components is
• Digital Activities
designed for use in inclusive classrooms. Support for individual
learning needs ensures learners grow in confidence and achieve
their best, preparing them to become global citizens of tomorrow.
• 360° online games powered by
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• Our World videos
• Themes from the Sustainable Development Goals
For teachers
CEFR GSE Benchmark Cambridge English • Teacher’s Book
Level 1 <A1/A1 10-22 - Pre A1 Starters • Flashcards
Level 2 <A1/A1 15-26 Level 1 Pre A1 Starters • Posters
Level 3 A1 22-30 Level 2 A1 Movers
Catherine Zgouras
• Presentation Tool
Level 4 A1/A2 26-35 Level 3 A1 Movers
• Online Assessment Pack
Level 5 A2 31-39 Level 3/4 A2 Flyers
with Test Generator
Level 6 A2+ 35-42 Level 4 A2 Flyers
• Digital Resources
Teacher’s Book
British English Edition
and eBook
with Digital Resources
31-39 A2
We support the Sustainable Development Goals
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