Perceived Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance of Stem Senior High School Students
Perceived Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance of Stem Senior High School Students
Perceived Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance of Stem Senior High School Students
ISSN: 2583-1054
The manner schools taught changed from face-to-face to online delivery due to the Covid-19
pandemic. But learners perceived online lessons burdened mental and psychological health,
ability to learn, and literacy in reading, writing and arithmetic. Conversely, local studies deemed
learners’ ability to succeed in classes improved from moderate pre-pandemic to high during. This
study described the sources of self-efficacy, which are mastery experiences, vicarious experiences,
verbal persuasion, and physiological feedback of STEM students at NU Fairview Incorporated,
Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054
were utilized as respondents. As a result of the study, it is showed that the source of their self-
efficacy were their mastery experiences which are attributed to frequent engagement in activities
and success experiences. It is also found out that there is no significant difference between the
sources of self-efficacy and STEM students’ GWA. On the other hand, perceived self-efficacy vary
between male and female. Also, vicarious experiences appear to vary on perceived self-efficacy
across different specialization within STEM. Findings call for improving teachers’ practices in
giving positive feedback on the learners’ output and performance in class. In addition, the need to
improve on constructing written works, and activities which are time-bound, and meaningful
which intends to encourage and not to exhaust students.
Perceived Self-Efficacy, Academic Performance, STEM Students, Senior High School, NU
1. Introduction
Due to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was a shift in the educational
landscape, with schools and other learning institutions transitioning from traditional face-to-face
classes to online delivery. This change not only impacted the mode of instruction but also
influenced how students absorbed their lessons. As the Covid-19 situation gradually improves,
educational institutions are now adopting a hybrid teaching model. This approach introduces a new
challenge for students as they must once again adapt to a different style of learning, adding to the
pressures they face in their academic journey. Some students are perceived that the two-year online
class placed burdens on their physical, mental and psychological health (Wang et al., 2020).
Similarly, the prolonged closure of schools negatively affected the students’ ability to learn. Also,
it has been blamed for the rise in dropout rates and decreased literacy (De Guzman, 2021). On the
other hand, it is deemed by local studies that the self-efficacy of students improved from moderate
before pandemic to high during pandemic (Flavier, 2018; Tus 2020; Ducay & Alave, 2021;
Bangga, 2021). With the aforementioned scenarios, interventions should be carefully planned and
constructed to restore the positive belief of students in approaching or dealing with goals, tasks,
and challenges. These are inclusive of molding or enhancing their positive mindset by instilling
that students have the ability to succeed in what they engage themselves in or what they are dealing
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ISSN: 2583-1054
Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054
highlighted by Getachew and Birhane (2016), higher self-efficacy is associated with students
investing great effort
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ISSN: 2583-1054
3. Methodology
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ISSN: 2583-1054
This study used correlational research design since this study aims to provide the present
situation of students perceived self-efficacy and correlate it to their academic performance. Also,
this study utilized 362 students which were the whole population of grade 12 STEM students from
a private institution, NU Fairview Incorporated. Statistical techniques employed on the data
gathered were frequency, percentage, ranking, weighted mean using 4-point rating scale, Mann-
Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis H-test for the test of difference, and Pearson Product-Moment
Correlation for the test of relationship.
84 and below 27 13.7 0 0 27 7.5
85 – 89 49 24.9 12 7.2 61 16.8
90 – 94 105 53.3 127 77.0 232 64.1
94 and above 16 8.1 26 15.8 42 11.6
(Source: Author’s Own Illustration)
This table indicates that there are 197 males and 165 females. Hence, there are more male STEM
respondents than female. In addition, majority of the respondents are STEM section whose
specialization are engineering and allied health. Lastly, at least 75% of the population are achievers
with general weighted average of 90 and above.
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ISSN: 2583-1054
Indicators WM VI Rank
a. I have had consistent successes at relatively difficult 3.35 VHE 1
task in our class.
b. I coped up with the weaknesses in our class through 2.96 HE 3
good study habits.
c. I can attribute success solely from my hard work and 2.91 HE 4
persistence in my class.
d. I have experienced failures in my class but I continue 2.73 HE 5
to improve steadily over time.
e. I had many successes in my class even when my 3.03 HE 2
performance has subsequently levelled off.
Total 3.00 HE
(Source: Author’s Own Illustration)
Note: WM – Weighted Mean, VI – Verbal Interpretation, 3.26 – 4.00 = To a Very High Extent
(VHE), 2.51 – 3.25 To a High Extent (HE), 1.76 – 2.50 = To a Low Extent (LE), and 1.00 – 1.75
= No Extent at All (NE)
In this table, mastery experiences contribute to students’ self-efficacy to a high extent. This
suggests that sustained level of success in tasks even with setbacks, challenges, and relative
difficulties promotes perceived self-efficacy. Hence, engagement in activities and success
experiences develop a sense of mastery which boost their self-efficacy beliefs.
Docens Series in Education
ISSN: 2583-1054
Note: WM – Weighted mean, VI – Verbal interpretation, 3.26 – 4.00 = To a Very High Extent
(VHE), 2.51 – 3.25 To a High Extent (HE), 1.76 – 2.50 = To a Low Extent (LE), and 1.00 – 1.75
= No Extent at All (NE)
This table shows vicarious experience is a source of self-efficacy to a high extent. This means that
students were about to feel confident, motivated, and reassured with the task giving inside the
classroom through hearing and witnessing the success of others. Therefore, observing the success
and efforts of others enhances their confidence or motivation.
Table 4.2.3.: Perceived Self-efficacy of Respondents in terms of Physiological Feedback
Indicators WM VI Rank
a. My heart rate does not increase whenever I deal with 3.27 VHE 1
oral recitations.
b. I am able to sit still whenever I encounter a word 2.80 HE 3
problem I cannot solve.
c. I do not experience episodes of headaches during 2.74 HE 4
d. After finishing my homework or seatwork in class, I 2.43 LE 5
do not experience a lack of energy.
e. I am not nervous whenever I am asked to recite or 3.04 HE 2
explain my answer in front of the class.
Total 2.85 HE
(Source: Author’s Own Illustration)
Note: WM – Weighted mean, VI – Verbal interpretation, 3.26 – 4.00 = To a Very High Extent
(VHE), 2.51 – 3.25 To a High Extent (HE), 1.76 – 2.50 = To a Low Extent (LE), and 1.00 – 1.75
= No Extent at All (NE)
In this table, even when faced with difficulties and challenges relating to engagement and tasks
inside the classroom, physiological arousal like being nervous and headaches, does not affect the
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ISSN: 2583-1054
students to a high extent. But it is observable that respondents tend to feel tired or lack of energy
when they finished homework or seatwork.
Note: WM – Weighted mean, VI – Verbal interpretation, 3.26 – 4.00 = To a Very High Extent
(VHE), 2.51 – 3.25 To a High Extent (HE), 1.76 – 2.50 = To a Low Extent (LE), and 1.00 – 1.75
= No Extent at All (NE)
This table reveals that verbal persuasion contributes to self-efficacy belief of the students to a high
extent. This shows that praises and recognition of peers, classmates, and teachers to the hard work,
dedication, and skills of the students enhances one’s self-efficacy belief. On the other hand, it is
notable that teachers extend praises for the students’ achievement to a low extent.
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ISSN: 2583-1054
Note: The U-value is computed using Mann-Whitney U-test, H-value is computed using Kruskal-
Wallis H-test, level of significance is 0.01
Ho1: There is no significant difference in the perceived self-efficacy of the respondents when
grouped according to their sex.
Ho2: There is no significant difference in the perceived self-efficacy of the respondents when
grouped according to their specialization.
Ho3: There is no significant difference in the perceived self-efficacy of the respondents when
grouped according to their GWA.
In this table, it showed that the calculated u-value and p-value of perceived self-efficacy of the
respondents when grouped according to their sex was statistically significant between the two
groups. Therefore, the hypothesis 1 is rejected when grouped according to sex. On the other hand,
when grouped according to their specialization and GWA, the calculated h-value and p-value was
not statistically significant among the said groups. Hence, hypotheses 2 and 3 were retained.
Table 4.4: Test of Relationship between Perceived Self-efficacy and Academic Performance
1 Interpretation
1. General weighted average (GWA) --- ---
2. Mastery experiences 0.4422 Moderate positive correlation
3. Vicarious experiences 0.1490 Weak positive correlation
4. Physiological feedback 0.1932 Weak positive correlation
5. Verbal persuasion -0.1064 Weak negative correlation
(Source: Author’s Own Illustration)
Ho4: There is no significant relationship between the perceived self-efficacy and academic
performance of the respondents.
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ISSN: 2583-1054
In this table, it shows the Pearson correlation test result between perceived self-efficacy
and academic performance of the respondents. With r = 0.4422 (p<0.01), it indicates the existence
of moderate positive correlation between mastery experiences and academic performance which
was statistically significant at 0.01 level. In addition, with the coefficient values r = 0.1490
(p<0.01) and 0.1932 (p<0.01), shows the weak positive correlation between vicarious experiences
and physiological feedback respectively, and academic performance which deemed statistically
significant at 0.01 level. On the other hand, verbal persuasion and academic performance shows a
negative weak correlation with coefficient value r = -0.1064 (p>0.01) which was not statistically
significant at 0.01 level. Hence, the relative increase in the perceived self-efficacy was seen with
increase academic performance in study of Grade 12 STEM students.
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